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如: Do you take an active part in sports? 你积极参加体育活动吗?
How do you feel about the picture?
It makes me energetic. It makes me comfortable.
How do you feel about the picture?
It makes me stressed. It makes me sick.
A: How do you feel about picture 1? B: It makes me ________.
A: How do you feel about picture 4? B: It makes me ________.
The loud music makes makes Amy relaxed
Amy tens
The soft music makes
Tina sleepy
Me too! Loud music makes me tense.
I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating.
How do you feel about this picture?
The picture makes me energetic.
How do you feel about this picture?
relaxed The picture and the music make me relaxed.
He tries his best to make his lessons interesting. 2.make +sb/sth+ do eg:He made me wait for a long hours. He made me do this exercise again. 在被动语态中变为:sb be made to do
如: The next year he joined the union. 第二年他加入了工会。
(2) Join in加入某人, 并一起进行某项活 动。
如: She joined her husband in his study. 她与她的丈夫一块从事他的研 究。
(3) take part in “参加……”, take an active part in 积极 参加
I agree! Loud music makes me uncomfortable.
Make sentences with “make...”.
The soft music makes me relaxed / sleepy.
Look at the two colors. Which one do you like ? Why ?
The light color makes me relaxed.
1.make +sb/sth+adj eg: The news made him sad.
Ask and answer
Listen. What do Amy and Tina think of the
two restaurants?
The Rockin’ Restaurant
The Blue Lagoon
The awful pictures
makes Amy sad
The soft music
scientific 科学的 science
做菜 make food 赚钱 make money
pink 粉红色的
科学研究 scientific study 令人饥饿的 make people hungry
hard 坚硬的;坚固的 令顾客吃更快
serve 服务;招待 make customers eat faster
The picture makes me sleepy.
How do you feel about this picture?
The picture makes me feel scared.
How do you feel about this picture?
The picture makes me comfortable.
The awful pictures make me sad.
Listen to the music. Which one do you like and which one you don’t? Why ?
The loud music makes me tense / exciting / want to dance.
A: How do you feel about …? B: It makes me …?
loud noise
A: How do you feel about …? B: It makes me …?
heavy traffic
endangered animals
Look at the two pictures. Which one do you don’t like ? Why ?
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
Section A
How do you feel about the music? Happy? Excited? Relaxed? …
The music makes me relaxed.
How do you feel about this picture?
customer 顾客
浅蓝色 light blue
therefore 因此;所以 花时间做某事
spend time doing sth.
lighting 光线;照明
柔和的灯光 soft lighting 想要离开 want to leave 呆很久 stay very long
Explainቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
(1) join加入军队, 政党, 组织等, 成为其中 一员。