汽车专业英语教程多媒体教学课件Unit 4 section 1

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have several advantages over internal combustion engines (ICEs):
它是完全由可充 电电池(如铅酸 电池、镍镉电池、 镍氢电池或锂离 子电池)提供动 力源的汽车。电 动汽车无内燃机 汽车工作时产生 的废气,不产生 排气污染,对环 境保护和空气的 洁净是十分有益 的,有“零污染” 的美称。电动机 较内燃机有以下 几大优点。
considered all other energy auto-
mobile besides gasoline energy and diesel energy , contain fuel cell car,Hybrid-Electric Vehicle,
hydrogen energy source auto and solar car,etc.Its tailpipe emission is lower.According to incomplete statistics,
cal machinery control technology development,must be replaced by direct current the electric motor (BCEM),the switch magnetic resistance electric
全世界现有超 过400万辆液
化石油气汽车, 100多万辆天
然气汽车。目 前中国市场上 在售的新能源 汽车多是混合 动力汽车和纯
Section 1 Electric Automobile 电动汽车
It is well known that internal combu-
stion engine automobile pollutant including CO,HC,NOX,particle and ozone forms the acid rain,acid fog,
Environmentally friendly.EVs emit no tailpipe pollutants , al-
though the power plant producing the electricity may emit them.Electricity from nuclea- , hydro- , solar- , or wind-powered plants causes no air pollutants.
新能源汽车是 指除汽油、柴 油发动机之外 所有其它能源 汽车,包括燃 料电池汽车、 混合动力汽车、 氢能源动力汽 车和太阳能汽 车等。其废气 排放量比较低。 据不完全统计,
Unit 4 Summarize of
New energy automobile
there are liquefied petroleum gas auto over four million,and gasfueled vehicles over one million in around the world now.At present, most marketed new energy automobiles are Hybrid-Electric Vehicle and Blade Electric Vehicles in Chinese market.
internal combustion engine automobile
of the electric automobile works only produces the waste gas,have not the exhaust pollution . It is extremely
beneficial to protect the environmental and the air , so it has Laudatory of “ Zero-pollution ” . Electric motors
性能优势。电动机 噪声小、操作平稳 且加速有力。与内 燃机比较,维护要 求也较少。
The electric automobile
consists of electric drive and control system , transmis-
sion system of mechanical system,actuator and so on, as Fig. 4-1 shown.
Energy efficient . Electric motors convert 75% of the chemical
energy from the batteries to power
the wheels-internal combustion engines (ICEs) only convert 20% of the energy stored in gasoline.
Reduce energy dependence
Electricity is a domestic energy source.
电动机能将电池中 75%的化学能量作 为动力供给轮子, 而内燃机只能转换 汽油中20%的能量。
尽管发电厂发电可 能导致污物散发, 然而电动汽车无排 气管污染物排 放。
众所周知,内燃 机汽车废气中的 CO、HC及NOx、 微粒、臭气等污 染物会形成酸雨、 酸雾及光化学烟 雾等。电动汽车 由电动机驱使。 纯电动汽车 (Battery
Electric Vehicle , 简称Βιβλιοθήκη BaiduEV),
is automobile providing power producer
by rechargeable battery packs completely,such as lead-acid cell,nickelcadmium cell , nickel-metal hydride battery,or lithium ion battery.Non-
Fig. 4-1
The electric drive and the control system are the electric automobile core,also is most greatly different spot from the internal combustion engine automobile . The electric drive and the control system are composed by the drive motor,the power source and the velocity modulation of the electric motor control device and so on.Other basic equipments of the electric automobile is same with the internal combustion engine automobile.
the photochemical smog and so on.Electric vehicles (EVs) are propel-
led by an electric motor powered by rechargeable battery packs.The Battery Electric Vehicle,for short BEV,
系统是电动汽车的 核心,也是区别于 内燃机汽车的最大 不同点。电力驱动 及控制系统由驱动 电动机、电源和电 动机的调速控制装 置等组成。而电动 汽车的其他装置基 本与内燃机汽车相 同。
⑴ Power sources . The power
source provides the electrical energy for the electric automobile drive motor,the
electric motor transforms the power
source electrical energy to the mechanical energy,through transmission de-
vice or direct drive wheel and work installment.At present,the most wides-
Course of Professional English of Automobile
Part I Brief History and Culture of Auto 汽车史略与汽车文化
Part II Structure of Automobile 汽车结构
Part III Automobile Service and Maintenance 汽车维修与保养
⑴ 电源。电源
为电动汽车的驱动 电动机提供电能, 电动机将电源的电 能转化为机械能, 通过传动装置或直 接驱动车轮和工作 装置。目前,电动 汽车上应用最广泛 的电源是铅酸蓄电 池,但随着电动汽 车技术的发展,铅 酸蓄电池逐渐被其 他蓄电池所取代, 如钠硫电池、镍铬 电池、锂电池、燃 料电池等。
⑵ Drive motor.The drive motor’s function is transforms the power sour-
pread power source is the lead-acid battery in the electric automobile,but
along with electric automobile technology development,lead-acid battery is
gradually substituted by other accumulator cells,such as sodium sulfur battery,the nichrome battery,the lithium battery,the fuel cell and so on.
ce electrical energy to the mechanical energy , through transmission device or direct drive wheel and work installment.At present,in the electric automobile widely uses the direct cur-rent series motor,along with the electrical machinery technology and the electri-
通过核能、水力、 太阳能或风能发电 都不会导致空气污 染物。
Performance benefits.Electric motors provide quiet , smooth
operation and stronger accele-
ration and require less maintenance than ICEs.
汽车工业掠影 Unit 4 Summarize of New energy automobile
新能源汽车概述 Unit 5 Car Culture 汽车文化
Unit 4 Summarize of
New energy automobile
The New Energy Automobile is
Part IV Automobile Business 汽车商务
Part I Brief History and Culture of Auto
Unit 1 The Birth of Automobiles 汽车的诞生 Unit 2 The First Modern Car 早期的现代汽车 Unit 3 Introduction of Automobile Industry