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其中:云水、云冰无下落未速;而雨水、雪、霰具有下落 未速。 参看Orville(1980) Lin(林玉郎), Farley, Orville(1983)的经典文章。


①对于无降水的云,仅考虑水汽(qv)和云水(qc) 由于总水量守恒,水汽(qv)和云水(qc)的 连续方程可写为:

Cumulus parameterization schemes may be divided into schemes for large-scale models (x 50km; t O(min)and schemes for ) mesoscale models ( km x 50km; t O(min)) 10 For models having grid spacing less than 10 km, microphysics parameterization schemes are more appropriate and often employed.

1、云微物理参数化。又分为: (a)分档微物理参数化(Spetral or bin) (b)总体微物理参数化(bulk) 2、积云参数化
(spetral or bin) 分档微物理参数化

每种水物质,有基于每一种的质量守恒方程, 而每种水物质又按它们的大小分成不同档。 Orville(1980),包括50至100个方程; 中科院大气所郭学良将冰雹分成21档; 台湾大学陈正平将暖云分档。
qv,qc,qr qv,qc(qi),qr(qs) qv,qc,qr,qi,qs qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg

Lin,Farley,Orville (1983)

Lin,Farley,Orvilபைடு நூலகம்e (1983)
Rutledge and Hobbs 1984
Lin, Farley, Orville(1983) Reisner等(1998) Hong,Dudhia,Chen(2004) Thompson,Rasmussen,Manning(2004)等文章。

显式水汽方案(IMPHYS) 可分辨云物理方案、云微物理方案

Dq v C Dt
Dqc C Dt
其中 C 代表凝结蒸发率,当 C 0 水汽凝结成云水; 当 C 0 云水蒸发成水汽。

②有降水的暖云。需要考虑水汽、云水、 雨水三种水物质。 这时更多的云微物理源汇项加到等式的右 边,包括云水的凝结蒸发、雨水的蒸发、 云水自动转化成雨水(autoconversion)、 云水被雨水收集(accretion)等。 此外,雨水方程中还要加上下落项。
四、Parameterization of Moist Processes 湿过程参数化
四、Parameterization of Moist Processes 湿过程参数化

在微物理和核化过程的参考书: Cotton, Anthes (1989) Houze (1993) Pruppacher and Klett (1997) 积云参数化方面的参考书 Haltiner and Williams (1980) Pielke (2002) Kalnay (2002) 张大林. 各种非绝热物理过程在中尺度模式中的作用[J]. 大气科 学 , 1998,22(04) ,548-561 楼小凤,胡志晋等. 中尺度模式云降水物理方案介绍[J]. 应用气象 学报,2003,(S1).
分档微物理参数化多见于云模式,由于计算量 太大,还没有用于实时数值天气模式。


云水(cloud water) 云冰(cloud ice) 雨水(rain water) 雪(snow) 霰/雹(graupel/hail)
每种水物质有单独的连续方程。 水物质方程的个数反映的不同类型, 如对于暖云,只考虑水汽(qv),云水(qc)和雨水(qr); 对于冷云,还需要云冰(qi)、雪(qs)、霰(qg)。

Due to the complication of the problem, cumulus parameterization still proposes a challenging problem in mesoscale modeling.
To parameterize the interaction between cumulus clouds and their environment, we must determine the relationship between cumulus convection and its larger-scale environment.
(2)KUO方案 Kuo 1965(郭晓岚) Kuo 1974 Anthes 1977
Cumulus Parameterization
Atmospheric heat and moisture/cloud tendencies Surface rainfall

Even though most individual cumulus clouds have horizontal scales smaller than mesoscale model grid mesh, the collective effects of cumulus clouds, such as the convective condensation and transport of heat, moisture, and momentum, on the larger scale environment are essential and need to be represented by grid-scale variables. On the other hand, the large-scale forcing tends to modulate the cumulus convection, which in turn determines the total rainfall rate. The representation of these processes is carried out by the cumulus parameterization schemes. (CPS)
Klemp and Wilhelmson (1978)

对于冷云(cold cloud),有六种物质:水汽(qv)、云水 (qc)、雨水(qr)、云冰(qi)、雪(qs)、霰(qg)。 其中云水、云冰无下落未速;而雨水、雪、霰具有下落未 速。 详细的冷云微物理参数化可参看
All CPS have two basic elements (Molinari and Dudek, 1992).

namely, a cloud model that determines how convection affects the environment and a closure problem that governs how the environment controls the convection. The former requires the creation of sub-grid implicit clouds, which vertically transport heat, water vapor, and other quantities, generally in the absence of grid-scale saturation
显式水汽方案(IMPHYS) 可分辨云物理方案、云微物理方案

5.混合相(Mixed-Phase)(Raisner)把过冷水加入到上述方案中,同时允许雪的缓慢融化。对于 云冰和云雪的计算需要增加内存。没有霰和凇附过程。详细 内容参见Reisner等(1993,1996) 6.Goddard微物理过程 – 包含用于预报霰的附加方程。适用于云分辨模式。详细内容 参见Lin等(JCAM,1983),Tao等(1989,1993)。 7.Reisner霰 – 基于混合相方案,但是加入了霰和冰的数量浓度预报方程。 也适用于云分辨模式。 8.Schultz的微物理过程 – 一个高效的简单方案(基于Schultz 1995,并对其作了一些改 变)。该方案运行较快且宜于在实时预报系统中调试。它包 含了冰和霰/雹过程。
1.干(DRY) 不含水汽预报。水汽为0 2.稳定性降水 (Stable Precip) 非对流性降水。移除大尺度的饱和立即形成降雨。不考 虑降水蒸发或是显式云的预报。以前称大尺度凝结法 3.暖雨(Warm Rain) – 运用微物理过程显式预报云和雨水场。没有冰相过程。 4.简单冰(Simple Ice)在不增加内存存储的情况下,把冰相过程加入到上述暖 云方案中。不存在过冷水,在冰冻层以下雪迅速融化。

a)硬调整 Manabe 1965 b)软调整 Mlyakoda etal 1969 Kurihara 1973 c)BM方案 Betts and Miller 1986
(3)Fritsch-chappell 1980 Fritsch & Kain 1993 Kain 2003 (4)Grell 1994 Seaman 1999 Arakawa-Schubert 1974 (5)Seaman 1996 浅对流参数化
Reisner J, Rasmussen RM, Bruintjes RT (1998)
Reisner J, Rasmussen RM, Bruintjes RT (1998)

Kong FY, Huang MY, Xu HY (1991) Three-dimension numerical simulation of ice phase microphysics in cumulus cloud. Sci China Ser B 9: 1000–1008 Orville HD (1996) A review of cloud modeling in weather modification. Bull Amer Meteor Soc 77: 1535–1555 Reisner J, Rasmussen RM, Bruintjes RT (1998) Explicit forecasting of supercooled liquid water in winter storms using the MM5 mesoscale model. Quart J Roy Meteor Soc 124: 1071–1107 TaoWK, Simpson J, Baker D, Braun S, Chou MD, Ferrier B, Johnson D, Khain A, Lans S, Lynn B, Shie CL, Starr D, Sui CH, Wang Y, Wetzel P (2003) Microphysics, radiation and surface processes in the Goddard Cumulus Ensemble (GCE) Model. Meteorol Atmos Phys 82: 97–137 Tao WK, Simpson J, McCumber M (1989) An ice–water saturation adjustment. Mon Wea Rev 117: 231–235 Thompson G, Rasmussem RM, Manning K (2004) Explicit forecasts of winter precipitation using an improved bulk microphysics scheme: Part I: Description and sensitivity analysis. Mon Wea Rev 112: 519– 542