

绘本课件资料 brown bear资料

绘本课件资料 brown bear资料
绘本课件资料 brown ber资 料.ppt
01 单 击 添 加 目 录 项 标 题
02 绘 本 课 件 内 容 概 述
03 绘 本 课 件 的 创 作 背 景
04 绘 本 课 件 的 特 色 和 亮 点
绘本课件的应用价值和 影响
绘本课件的局限性和不 足之处
绘本课件的文字表述不够精炼 容易产生阅读疲劳
绘本课件内容过于简单缺乏深度和广度 绘本课件的局限性可能导致学生对某些内容的误解或忽略 绘本课件缺乏互动性和参与性难以激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性 绘本课件的单一形式可能影响学生的阅读和理解能力
07对 望绘本课件的评价和展
培养想象力:绘 本课件丰富的画 面和故事情节可 以激发儿童的想 象力促进创造性
提高阅读能力: 绘本课件的文字 简练、易懂通过 阅读绘本儿童可 以提高语言和阅
增进情感认知: 绘本课件中的情 感表达和情节可 以让儿童更好地 理解和表达自己 的情感增强情感
培养良好习惯:绘 本课件中的故事情 节和人物形象可以 引导儿童养成良好 的生活习惯和行为 习惯促进身心健康
数字化趋势:随着科技的发展绘本课件将更多地采用数字化技术如增强现实、 虚拟现实等提供更加丰富和互动的学习体验。
个性化定制:未来的绘本课件将更加注重个性化学习根据不同年龄段、兴趣 和需求提供定制化的内容满足学生的个性化需求。
多元化内容:绘本课件将不再局限于传统的故事和知识而是拓展到更多领域如 科学、艺术、历史等提供更加多元化的学习资源。

Brown Bear (三年级绘本英语精品课件)

Brown Bear    (三年级绘本英语精品课件)
… 例如:food:hamburger、icecream、egg…
school things: pen、pencil、ruler… vehicle交通工具:car、bike、bus… profession职业:doctor、postman、policeman… …
Bye-bye! Thanks!
a bird
Yellow Duck, Yellow Duck, what do you see? I see a blue horse looking at me.
a yellow duck
Blue Horse, Blue Horse, what do you see? I see a green frog looking at me.
a purple cat
White Dog, White Dog, what do you see? I see a black sheep looking at me.
a white dog
Black Sheep, Black Sheep, what do you see? I see a goldfish looking at me.
a blue horse
Green Frog, Green Frog, what do you see? I see a purple cat looking at me.
a green frog
Purple Cat, Purple Cat, what do you see? I see a white dog looking at me.
绘本课 三年级
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see? I see a red bird looking at me.

绘本内容Brown bear

绘本内容Brown bear

Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? 棕色的熊,棕色的熊,你在看什么?I see a red bird looking at me.我看见一只红色的鸟在看我。

Red bird, red bird, what do you see?红色的鸟,红色的鸟,你在看什么?I see a yellow duck looking at me.我看见一只黄色的鸭子在看我。

Yellow duck, yellow duck, what do you see?黄色的鸭子,黄色的鸭子,你在看什么?I see a blue horse looking at me.我看见一匹蓝色的马在看我。

Blue horse, blue horse, what do you see?蓝色的马,蓝色的马,你在看什么?I see a green frog looking at me。

我看见一只绿色的青蛙在看我.Green frog, green frog, what do you see?绿色的青蛙,绿色的青蛙,你在看什么?I see a purple cat looking at me.我看见一只紫色的猫在看我。

Purple cat, purple cat, what do you see?紫色的猫,紫色的猫,你在看什么?I see a white dog looking at me.我看见一只白色的狗在看我。

White dog, white dog, what do you see?白色的狗,白色的狗,你在看什么?I see a black sheep looking at me。


Black sheep, black sheep, what do you see?黑色的羊,黑色的羊,你在看什么?I see a goldfish looking at me.我看见一条金色的鱼在看我。



B r o w n b e a r棕色的熊英语儿歌修订版IBMT standardization office【IBMT5AB-IBMT08-IBMT2C-ZZT18】Brown bear, Brown bear,What do you see? Brown bear, Brown bear,What do you see?I see a red bird looking at me.Red bird,red bird, what do you see?I see a yellow duck looking at me.Yellow duck, yellow duck, what do you see?I see a blue horse looking at me.Blue horse, blue horse, what do you see?I see a green frog looking at me.Green frog, green frog, what do you see ?I see a purple cat looking at me.Purple cat , purple cat, what do you see?I see a white dog looking at me.White dog , white dog ,what do you see?I see a black sheep looking at me.Black sheep, black sheep, what do you see?I see a goldfish looking at me.Gold fish, gold fish, what do you see?I see a monkey looking at me.Monkey ,monkey ,what do you see?I see children looking at me.Children ,children, what do you see?We see a brown bear, a red bird, a yellow duck, a green frog, a black sheep, a goldfish, a purple cat, a white dog and a monkey looking at us. That’s what we see.。


Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
by Bill Martin, Jr.
Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?
I see a red bird looking at me.
Red bird, red bird, what do you see?
I see a yellow duck looking at me.
Yellow duck, yellow duck, what do you see?
I see a blue horse looking at me.
Blue horse, blue horse, what do you see?
(自己英文名字) , (自己英文名字), what do you see?
畫個自己喜歡的東西, 別忘了幫他加上自己喜歡的顏色喔!!
I see a ___(顏色) (東西)___ looking at me.
a brown bear
a red bird
a yellow duck
a blue horse
a green frog
a black sheep
a goldfish
a purple cat
a white dog
looking at us.
That’s what we see.
and a monkey
I see a green frog looking at me.
Green frog, green frog, what do you see?
I see a purple cat looking at me.



丛林布朗熊儿歌英文版英文版:Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? By Bill Martin Jr. and Eric CarleBrown bear, brown bear, what do you see?I see a red bird looking at me.Red bird, red bird, what do you see?I see a yellow duck looking at me.Yellow duck, yellow duck, what do you see?I see a blue horse looking at me.Blue horse, blue horse, what do you see?I see a green frog looking at me.Green frog, green frog, what do you see?I see a purple cat looking at me.Purple cat, purple cat, what do you see?I see a white dog looking at me.White dog,white dog,what do you see?I see a black sheep looking at me.中文版:丛林,丛林,布朗熊,你在看什么?我在看一只红色的鸟。







绘本课件-brown bear

绘本课件-brown bear

Group work
• Match the pair (Colour and animal) • Match the pair (FOOD words and pictures)
(自己名字) , (自己名字),
what do you see?
I see a ___(顏色) (東西) ___ looking at me.
他最有名的作品是《好饿好饿的毛毛 虫》The very hungry caterpillar,该绘 本已经被翻译成超过50种语言。
艾瑞的画风鲜明独特,他采用拼贴画(Collage)创作,层叠出明亮欢乐的图 样,许多书中带有特殊的立体、摺页设计,赋予书本阅读和游戏游戏双重特性。 他的创作流露出童稚般的天真,表达出对自然的了解与关爱,指导小朋友从周 遭事物中学习。
Say and write
(自己名字) , (拼音写), what
do you eat?
• 画自己喜歡的食物, • 別忘了加上自己喜歡的顏色喔!!
Байду номын сангаас
I eat a/some (食物名称)___ on the seat(座位).
some noodles
(自己名字) , (自己名字), what
do you see?
畫個自己喜歡的東西, 別忘了幫他加上自己喜歡的顏色喔!!
I see a ___(顏色) (東西)___ looking at me.
• Retell the story to your friends and families after class • Finish the picture and write the sentences
Cartoon time



阿尔逊(A1son,1757—1839)在《论趣味的原理和本 质》中指出:对象引起主体的简单情绪,促使想象 中产生一个又一个意象;一系列的想象与联想,产 生一整套关系密切的意象系统;意象系列将简单情 绪综合为一套情绪系列,谓之复杂情绪,它集中表 现为审美的愉快。和许多经验主义者一样,阿尔逊 过于夸大了联想和想象的作用。照他看,是联想产 生意象,意象产生情感。然而,心理的事实也许正 好相反:没有情感作为动力,就没有联想与想象的 活跃,就没有意象生生不息的变化和运动。
and a teacher looking at us
第六章 审美心理
教学目的:了解审美的基本心理要素与过程, 拓展自身的审美心理能力。
教学重点:主要的心理学流派;审美心理的 结构要素
第一节 审美的心理机制
一、人对心理的认识过程 由心至脑,从玄思到科学。
1、联想学派: (1)托马斯·霍布斯“联想说” 霍布斯认为,一切所谓的心理现象都可以做如下解
I see a goldfish looking at me.
Goldfish, Goldfish, What do you see?
I see a teacher looking at me.
Teacher, Teacher, What do you see?
I see children looking at me.
2、构造学派 冯特,见教材。
3、机能学派 (1)威廉·詹姆斯“意识流” 美国机能心理学的先驱是詹姆斯。1890年,詹姆
斯在《心理学原理》一书中指出:“心理学是研究 心理生活的科学,研究心理生活的现象及其条件。” 他还主张意识的功用是指引用机体适应环境,强调 意识是流动的东西,称为意识流。意识流这个词含 有意识是不可分析的整体之意。他的这些主张成为 后来美国机能心理学的基本信条。但是詹姆斯本人 没有建立一个学派。





英文版的棕熊儿歌歌词如下:Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?I see a red bird looking at me.Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?I see a red bird looking at me.Red bird, red bird, what do you see?I see a yellow duck swimming in the sea.Red bird, red bird, what do you see?I see a yellow duck swimming in the sea.Yellow duck, yellow duck, what do you see?I see a blue horse running in the zoo.Yellow duck, yellow duck, what do you see?Blue horse, blue horse, what do you see?I see a green frog hopping on the tree. Blue horse, blue horse, what do you see?I see a green frog hopping on the tree. Green frog, green frog, what do you see?I see a purple cat sleeping in the sun. Green frog, green frog, what do you see?I see a purple cat sleeping in the sun. Purple cat, purple cat, what do you see?I see a white dog barking at the moon. Purple cat, purple cat, what do you see?I see a white dog barking at the moon. White dog, white dog, what do you see?I see a black sheep eating on the hill. White dog, white dog, what do you see?I see a black sheep eating on the hill. Black sheep, black sheep, what do you see?I see a goldfish swimming in the pond. Black sheep, black sheep, what do you see?I see a goldfish swimming in the pond. Goldfish, goldfish, what do you see?Goldfish, goldfish, what do you see?I see a teacher teaching in the school.Teacher, teacher, what do you see?I see children learning English with fun.Teacher, teacher, what do you see?I see children learning English with fun.通过学习棕熊儿歌的英文版,孩子们不仅可以学习到简单的英语单词和句子,还可以在愉悦的氛围中培养对英语的兴趣。

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Purple cat, purple cat, what do you see?
I see a white dog looking at me.
White dog, white dog, what do you see?
I see a black sheep looking at me.
Black sheep, black sheep, what do you see?
I see a goldfish looking at me.
Goldfish, goldfish, what do you see?
I see a monkey looking at me.
Monkey, monkey, what do you see?
I see children looking at me.
I see a blue horse looking at me.
Blue horse, blue horse, what do you see?
I see a green frog looking at me.
Green frog, green frog, what do you see?
I see a purple cat looking at me.
Children, children, what do you see?
你記得剛剛看過的動物嗎? 有哪些?
We see
a brown bear a red bird a yellow duck
a blue horse
a green frog
a purple cat
a white dog
looking at us.
(自己英文名字) , (自己英文名字), what
do you see?
畫個自己喜歡的東西, 別忘了幫他加上自己喜歡的顏色喔!!
I see a ___(顏色) (東西)___ lookhat’s what we see.
a black sheep a goldfish and a monkey
• 再看一次?? • Yes • No
• 首先我們先來看看這個網站 • /oakland/brownbear/ • 世界各地的小朋友在看完這本書之後,運用他 們的創意,創造出屬於他們自己的故事書…他 們的作品都存放在這個網頁裡…其中還有台 灣小朋友的作品喔!! • 現在讓我們一起來看看他們的作品,相信你一 定可以做出比這些更好的作品,放在網路上…
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
by Bill Martin, Jr.
Ref. /brownbear.html /books/brownbear/index.htm /oakland/brownbear/ /readbrownbear.html
Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?
I see a red bird looking at me.
Red bird, red bird, what do you see?
I see a yellow duck looking at me.
Yellow duck, yellow duck, what do you see?