小学英语绘本《Where is my mom》课件

A. ladybird B. on the grass C. Are you my mom? D. No,she isn't.
Where is my mom? Where is my mom? Is she on the grass? NO! NO! No, she isn't.
Which animal will he meet ? 猜一猜他又会遇到什么动物呢?
3 4
What have you learned from this story?
When we meet diffculties don't flinch. When we meet failure never give up. 遇到困难不要退缩,失败也不要气馁!
Listen to the story carefully. 认真听一听这个小故事。 Read the story fluently.流利地朗读故事。 Imagine and act out the story vividly.想象并生动形象 地表演故事。
Mom,I love you.
Tips:1.要注意 模仿语音语调哦! 2.要注意动作和 表情哦!
Tips : 2 1.每组选择一个场景进行表演。 2. 要求组内全员参与,分工明确。
毛毛虫,一个同学是小鸟,一个同学是其 他的,比如:树,天空等。
2.Where is his mom? A. on a leaf
B. under a leaf
Mike is different from his mom,why? 为什么毛毛虫Mike和他的妈妈不一样呢?
There you are,my little one. Let’s go home.
Where is my mom? Where is my mom? Is she on the grass? NO! NO! No, she isn't.
Which animal will he meet ? 猜一猜他又会遇到什么动物呢?
3 4
What have you learned from this story?
When we meet diffculties don't flinch. When we meet failure never give up. 遇到困难不要退缩,失败也不要气馁!
Listen to the story carefully. 认真听一听这个小故事。 Read the story fluently.流利地朗读故事。 Imagine and act out the story vividly.想象并生动形象 地表演故事。
Mom,I love you.
Tips:1.要注意 模仿语音语调哦! 2.要注意动作和 表情哦!
Tips : 2 1.每组选择一个场景进行表演。 2. 要求组内全员参与,分工明确。
毛毛虫,一个同学是小鸟,一个同学是其 他的,比如:树,天空等。
2.Where is his mom? A. on a leaf
B. under a leaf
Mike is different from his mom,why? 为什么毛毛虫Mike和他的妈妈不一样呢?
There you are,my little one. Let’s go home.
小学英语绘本故事精品PPT课件 图文

始终忘不了故乡的虫鸣,轻声细语,润 心绵长 。黑夜 中,天 空有些 微光, 几只蝙 蝠掠飞 而过, 穿过桉 树林, 倏忽又 飞进屋 后的那 一片竹 林。晚 风阵阵 ,树影 婆娑, 我心如 骄阳, 燃烧着 寂静岁 月。我 享受着 那种被 虫鸣包 裹着的 感觉, 我的身 体,我 的发肤 ,都浸 泡在那 种惬意 的意境 之中。
A very hungry caterpillar
By zhang Yuntao (Tom)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
那夜子都想,自打他俩分手以来,他 看着若 总觉得 隔着、 不透亮 ,像在 雾里, 掩着纱 帘…… 是由于 他不适 应新角 色、心 理有问 题,还 是她的 确有事 儿瞒了 他…… 他画着 问号, 一时又 理不出 头绪… … 第二天上午,也就是周五上午,子都 给亦冰 打电话 问若的 情况, 亦冰说 昨晚他 走后若 就没再 醒过来 ,早晨 他离家 的时候 她还在 床上躺 着;说她 应该是 不去上 班了, 是他给 雨馨准 备的早 饭、送 的学校 ……子 都想一 定是若 的酒劲 还没缓 过来。 他不想 打扰她 休息, 想下午 与她联 系。 下午子都给若打电话,那时她正在去 单位的 路上, 子都说 都三点 了,问 她这么 晚还去 单位干 吗,她 说单位 有事儿; 他又约 她吃晚 饭、或 是找个 地方坐 会儿; 她说晚 上约了 人…… 子都心 里很是 不爽, 嘴上又 不便说 什么, 就说她 身体不 好,办 完事儿 早点回 家,到 家后告 诉他一 声;她应 承着 …… 那晚子都在家心不在焉地看着电视, 总觉着 要发生 点什么 事儿… …“她 这叫归 家吗?今 天这事 儿、明 天那事 儿,以 前也没 说这么 忙过; 还说身 体不好 ,好人 又怎样? 谁经得 起天天 这般折 腾…… 唉!碍 着我啥 事儿了 ,跟着 瞎起哄 ,爱咋 咋吧… …”他 说是不 挂念, 心里别 扭着。 九点过 半,仍 无若的 消息, 他心神 不宁… …“又 喝了? 不要命 了?昨晚 的事情 过眼就 忘…… 可怜的 亦冰, 这些年 真够难 为他的 ……” 他待要 给若发 信息, 问她是 不是还 在外面 ,她给 他发来 信息, 说她到 家了, 要他放 心…… 他悬着 的心算 是告一 段落地 放下来 ,也该 洗洗睡 了…… 子都刚躺下,有电话打进来,是杨巍 的,他 吃了一 惊,第 一反应 就是若 ……这 还是杨 巍初次 用手机 给他打 电话, 他的手 机号码 也是上 次找他 办事儿 时存下 的。“ 若是不 是还在 外面没 回家?出 什么事 儿了… …”他 刚待接 听,那 边挂了 ,等了 几分钟 ,对方 没再打 过来… …“诶 ?怎么 回事儿 ?这么 晚了, 误碰… …不对 ……不 管怎样 ,打过 去问问 。”于 是他就 把电话 打过去 ,电话 通着, 没人接 听,他 心犯狐 疑,一 连又打 了七、 八个过 去…… “莫非 他与若 在一起 ……绝 不是误 碰…… ”他随 即给若 打电话 ,没人 接,再 打…… “她俩 一定在 一起… …发生 了什么? 不行, 得去找 她…… ”他毫 无迟疑 ,起身 穿上衣 服…… “今晚 一定要 见着她 ……” 一种不 安袭击 着他。 他想给 亦冰打 电话, 问若在 不在家 ,又一 想先别 大惊小 怪的, 过去看 看若的 车是否 在家再 做道理 。他匆 匆离家 ,走的 时候连 屋里的 灯也没 顾得关 …… 路上车少,子都心似弹飞,往日的路 程此刻 只用了 一半的 时间。 他留心 过往车 辆,生 怕路上 与她错 过。在 距若的 家不足 一分钟 里程时 ,他发 现前面 路边上 停着一 辆白色 的小车 ,尾灯 闪亮着 ……“ 车上一 定有人 ……” 他心里 一惊, 因为杨 巍家就 在这儿 附近。 “莫非 若的车 ……” 车速太 快,他 急点刹 车,错 车的一 刹凝眸 望去, 正是若 的车, 前排影 影绰绰 的两个 人影, 他脑袋 嗡地一 声,竟 至于狠 踩了一 脚油门 ,那车 轰的一 声穿窜 出去多 远…… 待他回 过神来 ,赶忙 把车停 靠在路 边,深 呼吸… …
A very hungry caterpillar
By zhang Yuntao (Tom)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
那夜子都想,自打他俩分手以来,他 看着若 总觉得 隔着、 不透亮 ,像在 雾里, 掩着纱 帘…… 是由于 他不适 应新角 色、心 理有问 题,还 是她的 确有事 儿瞒了 他…… 他画着 问号, 一时又 理不出 头绪… … 第二天上午,也就是周五上午,子都 给亦冰 打电话 问若的 情况, 亦冰说 昨晚他 走后若 就没再 醒过来 ,早晨 他离家 的时候 她还在 床上躺 着;说她 应该是 不去上 班了, 是他给 雨馨准 备的早 饭、送 的学校 ……子 都想一 定是若 的酒劲 还没缓 过来。 他不想 打扰她 休息, 想下午 与她联 系。 下午子都给若打电话,那时她正在去 单位的 路上, 子都说 都三点 了,问 她这么 晚还去 单位干 吗,她 说单位 有事儿; 他又约 她吃晚 饭、或 是找个 地方坐 会儿; 她说晚 上约了 人…… 子都心 里很是 不爽, 嘴上又 不便说 什么, 就说她 身体不 好,办 完事儿 早点回 家,到 家后告 诉他一 声;她应 承着 …… 那晚子都在家心不在焉地看着电视, 总觉着 要发生 点什么 事儿… …“她 这叫归 家吗?今 天这事 儿、明 天那事 儿,以 前也没 说这么 忙过; 还说身 体不好 ,好人 又怎样? 谁经得 起天天 这般折 腾…… 唉!碍 着我啥 事儿了 ,跟着 瞎起哄 ,爱咋 咋吧… …”他 说是不 挂念, 心里别 扭着。 九点过 半,仍 无若的 消息, 他心神 不宁… …“又 喝了? 不要命 了?昨晚 的事情 过眼就 忘…… 可怜的 亦冰, 这些年 真够难 为他的 ……” 他待要 给若发 信息, 问她是 不是还 在外面 ,她给 他发来 信息, 说她到 家了, 要他放 心…… 他悬着 的心算 是告一 段落地 放下来 ,也该 洗洗睡 了…… 子都刚躺下,有电话打进来,是杨巍 的,他 吃了一 惊,第 一反应 就是若 ……这 还是杨 巍初次 用手机 给他打 电话, 他的手 机号码 也是上 次找他 办事儿 时存下 的。“ 若是不 是还在 外面没 回家?出 什么事 儿了… …”他 刚待接 听,那 边挂了 ,等了 几分钟 ,对方 没再打 过来… …“诶 ?怎么 回事儿 ?这么 晚了, 误碰… …不对 ……不 管怎样 ,打过 去问问 。”于 是他就 把电话 打过去 ,电话 通着, 没人接 听,他 心犯狐 疑,一 连又打 了七、 八个过 去…… “莫非 他与若 在一起 ……绝 不是误 碰…… ”他随 即给若 打电话 ,没人 接,再 打…… “她俩 一定在 一起… …发生 了什么? 不行, 得去找 她…… ”他毫 无迟疑 ,起身 穿上衣 服…… “今晚 一定要 见着她 ……” 一种不 安袭击 着他。 他想给 亦冰打 电话, 问若在 不在家 ,又一 想先别 大惊小 怪的, 过去看 看若的 车是否 在家再 做道理 。他匆 匆离家 ,走的 时候连 屋里的 灯也没 顾得关 …… 路上车少,子都心似弹飞,往日的路 程此刻 只用了 一半的 时间。 他留心 过往车 辆,生 怕路上 与她错 过。在 距若的 家不足 一分钟 里程时 ,他发 现前面 路边上 停着一 辆白色 的小车 ,尾灯 闪亮着 ……“ 车上一 定有人 ……” 他心里 一惊, 因为杨 巍家就 在这儿 附近。 “莫非 若的车 ……” 车速太 快,他 急点刹 车,错 车的一 刹凝眸 望去, 正是若 的车, 前排影 影绰绰 的两个 人影, 他脑袋 嗡地一 声,竟 至于狠 踩了一 脚油门 ,那车 轰的一 声穿窜 出去多 远…… 待他回 过神来 ,赶忙 把车停 靠在路 边,深 呼吸… …
最新小学英语绘本阅读课绘本Little Zoe looking for mum优秀课件

Retell in groups
Zoe gets away from ... She meets … She is … She wants to find her mum.
Read and find
Байду номын сангаас
Who does Zoe meet?
Are they Zoe’s mum?
a penguin
a zebra
a tortoise
a dog
Zoe meets a penguin. She asks, “Are you my mum? ”
Read and circle
What does her mum look like?
“ Sorry, I’m not your mum. You have four legs, but I don’t.”
learn to
What is Where is
Love is in a cup of warm water . Love is in the milk . Love is in the classroom .
Love is a sweet hug. Love is care . Love is help.
Plots(情节):get away meet
live with
give each other
Favourite Character(最喜爱的人物): What can bear mum give to Zoe?
Love is a hug. Love is the carrot soup . Love is the warm bed.
Zoe is so sad that she starts to cry.
刺猬的新家A house for hedgehog 小学英语绘本课

one animal and find out answers. 3. Share your answers in your group. 4. Finish the map.
Welcome to my house. I live in the river.
So hedgehog went to look for a new house. “I like your house, otter,” said Hedgehog. “But it is much too wet.”
Press: a company that prints this book
“I need a new house,” said Hedgehog. “My house is too cold.”
(1) What’s wrong with the hedgehog? (2) What house would he like?
A House for Hedgehog 刺猬的新家
丽声妙想英文绘本 外语教学与研究出版社
What do you know about hedgehog?
characteristics:sharp spines
favorite food: ant
short legs
habitat (栖息地): forest
Jigsaw reading:
Read the story and fill in the blanks.
animal---------house ----------
too cold
Tips: 1. Four students in a group. 2. Each member of the group choose
Welcome to my house. I live in the river.
So hedgehog went to look for a new house. “I like your house, otter,” said Hedgehog. “But it is much too wet.”
Press: a company that prints this book
“I need a new house,” said Hedgehog. “My house is too cold.”
(1) What’s wrong with the hedgehog? (2) What house would he like?
A House for Hedgehog 刺猬的新家
丽声妙想英文绘本 外语教学与研究出版社
What do you know about hedgehog?
characteristics:sharp spines
favorite food: ant
short legs
habitat (栖息地): forest
Jigsaw reading:
Read the story and fill in the blanks.
animal---------house ----------
too cold
Tips: 1. Four students in a group. 2. Each member of the group choose
小学英语绘本《Tom's trip》课件

Summer holiday is coming. So they are
going to the sea on summer holiday.
They are going to swim in the sea. That will
be great!
Byo the sea by bus. They are going with their family.
Summer holiday is coming. So they are
going to the sea on summer holiday.
They are going to swim in the sea. That will
be great!
By bus!
They are going to the sea by bus. They are going with their family.
They are going to get home. The most
beautiful place is our home!
The rabbits are going to take a trip. They are making a trip plan.
Summer holiday is coming. So they are
be great!
By bus!
They are going to the sea by bus. They are going with their family.
Wow! They are going home by balloon! They are going to fly! That will be fun!

1. How was Zoom’s trip? It was fun.
2. Where did he go? He went to the moon.
3. How did he go there? By spaceship.
4. What did he see?
He saw Chang’e, the rabbit and the tree.
Zoom: Am I now on the moon? I can’t believe it! She must be Chang’e. Oh, there is the rabbit.
Zoom:It’s time to go. Good! Here comes a spaceship.
Zip: Where did you go?
Zoom: I went to the moon.
Zip: How was your holiday? Zip: How did you go there?
Zoom: It was fun.
Zoom: By spaceship.
Zip: What did you see? Zoom: I saw Chang’e, the rabbit
Let’s share.
Study hard and embrace our trip to the moon!
Show your travel
Senery in Rizhao.
Have a try. My travel
Last year I went to _____ with____. It’s in the ____ of China. I went there with my _____. I went there by ______. I_________. It was ____. I had a lovely time there.
小学英语Why are they scared绘本故事课件

Let’s review
laugh A: __W__h_y__a_re__y_o_u__la_u_g_h_i_n_g_? happy B: ___B_e_c_a_u_s_e__I’_m__h_a_p_p_y_.__
cry A: Why are you _c_r_y_i_n_g____? sad B: Because __I_’m__Because he is going to fall down.
Why is the girl happy?
Because she is going to eat a cake.
Why is the boy happy?
Because he is going to win the race.
Look, listen and answer
How many people are there can you find in the book?
Why is the monster scared?
Because the boy is going to shoot him.
Because they are going to be late for school.
Why is the fireman running?
Because he is going to put out the fire.
Why is the man scared?
Because the plane is going to crash.
Describe photos 描述图片要注意
Who is she/he? Who are they? What's that? (人或者事物)
laugh A: __W__h_y__a_re__y_o_u__la_u_g_h_i_n_g_? happy B: ___B_e_c_a_u_s_e__I’_m__h_a_p_p_y_.__
cry A: Why are you _c_r_y_i_n_g____? sad B: Because __I_’m__Because he is going to fall down.
Why is the girl happy?
Because she is going to eat a cake.
Why is the boy happy?
Because he is going to win the race.
Look, listen and answer
How many people are there can you find in the book?
Why is the monster scared?
Because the boy is going to shoot him.
Because they are going to be late for school.
Why is the fireman running?
Because he is going to put out the fire.
Why is the man scared?
Because the plane is going to crash.
Describe photos 描述图片要注意
Who is she/he? Who are they? What's that? (人或者事物)
小学英语四年级上学期绘本故事 I can trick a tiger 课件

Skill—Story Mapping
Story Map
I can trick a tiger
Setting dream jungle
Floppy rabbit
Problem tiger crocodile snake (问题) eat Floppy
"Oh no!" said the crocodile, and she let Floppy go.
A snake slid out." Got you!" she said. " I can trick a snake," said Floppy.
" Look out!" said Floppy. " There's a bee on your nose." " Oh no!" said the snake, and she let Floppy go.
“Oh,no!” said the crocodile, and she let Floppy go.
slid out
A snake __s_li_d_o_u_t___. “Got you!” she said. “I can trick a snake,” said Floppy.
“Look out!”said Floppy. “There's a bee on your nose.” “Oh,no!” said the snake, and she let Floppy go.
How did Floppy trick the animals?
小学英语 绘本故事 Frank the Rat 自然拼读法 课件 ppt

1. apple 2. cat 3. bike 4. cute 5. nose
cake sad big cut hole
make have pig tube box
() () () () ()
课程引入 内容讲解 课后总结 诊断反馈
/e/ /ei/
有只/c æ t/(猫), 非常/f æ t/(胖的), 专吃/r æ t/(老鼠).
课程引入 内容讲解 课后总结 诊断反馈
Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here
enter your text.
元辅e,元辅e,哑巴e被枪毙。 辅音字母关禁闭,元音字母喊自己。
放下 /pleɪt/(盘子),
赶到 /geɪt/ (大门),
/leɪt/ 已经
Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click
★3%的字母与其读音的对应关系完全无法预测 Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to enter your text.Click here to
小学英语food for zebras 绘本故事 PPT课件

tips: 1.one word用一个 词表达
2.first impression 描述第一印象
拼图阅读法 小组成员随机在信封中抽一个句子。 读懂自己的句子。 与小组成员讨论互换信息。 把所有句子排序,使文章复原完整。
①Read your sentences.
What animals do you see ?
What do you see on the cover?
T书名 itle
We can get some informations from the picture.
tips: 1.one word用一个词表 达 2.first impression描述 第一印象
If you are the zebras,what should you do ? (如果你是斑马,你会怎么做?)
Read the page of 14,15(读14.15页)
Do they find the food? (Underline the sentences.划出重点句子)
words bank :
river Danger! water swims fast
What do you think of the zebras?
word bank
unluncky(不走运的) brave(勇敢的) lovely(可爱的) clever(聪明的) n放e弃ve的r )give up(永不 sad(伤心的) happy(高兴的)
刺猬的新家A house for hedgehog 小学英语绘本课件

Regardless of your house or any other things, nothing is perfect.
We should treasure our own house and be grateful for what we have.
Thank You !
(1) Where does otter live? (2) Why otter's house is not suitable(合适的)? (3) What would otter probably (可能) say?
Hedgehog went to Rabbit's house. “I like your house, Rabbit,” said Hedgehog. “But there is no room for me.”
one animal and find out answers. 3. Share your answers in your group. 4. Finish the map.
Welcome to my house. I live in the river.
So hedgehog went to look for a new house. “I like your house, otter,” said Hedgehog. “But it is much too wet.”
favorite food: ant
short legs
habitat (栖息地): forest
habit: He needs to sleep in winter.
What can you see from the cover (封面)?
Title: The name of the story Author and illustrator: author: a person who writes this book illustrator: a person who draws these pictures
We should treasure our own house and be grateful for what we have.
Thank You !
(1) Where does otter live? (2) Why otter's house is not suitable(合适的)? (3) What would otter probably (可能) say?
Hedgehog went to Rabbit's house. “I like your house, Rabbit,” said Hedgehog. “But there is no room for me.”
one animal and find out answers. 3. Share your answers in your group. 4. Finish the map.
Welcome to my house. I live in the river.
So hedgehog went to look for a new house. “I like your house, otter,” said Hedgehog. “But it is much too wet.”
favorite food: ant
short legs
habitat (栖息地): forest
habit: He needs to sleep in winter.
What can you see from the cover (封面)?
Title: The name of the story Author and illustrator: author: a person who writes this book illustrator: a person who draws these pictures