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MEMORANDUM TO: All employees of Personnel Department FROM: Li Ming, secretary of Personnel Department SUBJECT: Farewell Party for Liu Gang DATE: Dec. 27, 2009 Our colleague, Liu Gang, is going to retire next month. Our department has decided to hold a farewell party for him. Our general manager and manager will be present, too. If anyone is willing to give performances, please let me know as soon as possible. All the colleagues of Personnel Department are invited to attend the party which is scheduled on January 14, next Friday and will begin at 7 o’clock in the evening at the meeting room of our department. Besides, all suggestions on the party are welcome.

假设你是杭州东方丝绸进出口有限公司办公室职员,你的总经理让你为 他撰写一份备忘录发给信息中心的陈主任,让他为公司一部分电脑操作 知识欠缺的员工准备一次电脑操作知识培训。 相关信息如下: 总经理:王一名 信息中心主任:陈宇 备忘录背景: 王总经理和信息中心陈主任本周之前已就公司内部部分员工电脑操 作知识欠缺问题交流过。王经理同意陈主任提出的对这部分员工进行电 脑知识培训的建议,希望他将根据员工的水平分组轮流上课。请陈主任 先写一份培训内容计划书,暂定十周的课程。(其余备忘录内容自拟)
MEMO TO: All departments of Zhejiang Chengyu Foreign Trade I/E Corp. FROM: Office of Zhejiang Chengyu Foreign Trade I/E Corp. DATE: Sept. 28, 2009 SUBJECT: New timetable A new timetable listed below is to come into effect from Oct.1. Please follow it. Time Item 7:50—8:20 breakfast 8:20—8:30 office cleaning 8:30—9:00 regular meeting 9:00—12:00 handling routine matters in office 12:00—13:00 lunch 13:00—6:00 R&D of the market 16:00—16:30 report 16:30 off duty


1. come into effect 开始生效,开始实行 2. assembly room会议室 3. Director主任 Director of Information Center就是信息中心主任。 1)one of a group of senior managers who run a company 董事,理事,经理 例如:the managing director 总经理 an executive/non-executive director 执行/非执行董事 2)a person who is in charge of a particular activity or department in a company, a college, etc.(某一活动的)负责人;(公司部门的)主任,经 理;(学院的)院长 例如:a musical/art director 音乐总监;艺术指导 a regional/technical/finance director 区域经理;技术指导;财务主管
备忘录 致:人事部所有员工 自:李明,人事部秘书 事由:为刘刚举行欢送会 日期:2009年12月27日 我们的同事刘刚下个月将要退休。我部门决定为他举办一个欢送会。 我们的总经理和经理到时也将出席。 如果有人愿意出节目,请尽快告诉我。 欢迎所有人事部的同事参加。欢送会将在我们部门的会议室举行。时 间定在1月14日下周五晚7点钟。另外,如果大家还有什么关于欢送会的 建议,欢迎提出。

三、备忘录的特点 1)格式标准化 2)用语书面化 3)语法正规化

备忘录 致:浙江承宇外贸进出口公司所有部门 自:浙江承宇外贸进出口公司办公室 日期:2009年9月28日 事由:新作息时间 从10月1日起开始执行以下新的作息时间表。请遵照执行。 时间 事项 7:50-8:20 早餐 8:20-8:30 办公室清扫 8:30-9:00 公司例会 9:00-12:00 办公 12:00-13:00 午餐 13:00-16:00 市场调研 16:00-16:30 听取汇报 16:30 结束工作

二、 备忘录的格式
MEMORANDUM(标题:备忘录) From: (发件人) Date: (发文日期) C.C.: (抄送) (正文) (signature)(签名) To: (收件人) Subject: (事由)

1)MEMORANDUM或MEMO这个词有些时候可以被省略, 因为大多数memo都印在专门的公司用纸上。如果没有memo这 个词,则必须写出来。Memo是Memorandum的缩写,此外还 有Internal Memorandum(内部备忘录)和Interoffice Memorandum(部门间备忘录),其用途都是一样的。 2)From:之后应写发信人的姓名与职位。职位可根据需要决 定写或不写,但姓名前不要用尊称。 3)To:之后应写收信人的姓名与职位,姓名前可以用尊称或 不用,如To:Mr. John Chen, Sales Manager

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
准确分析信息 理出信息要点 注意格式 斟词酌句 整理修改
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Date: December 20, 2009 To:ManagerChen Yu, Director of Information Center From: Wang Yiming, General Subject: Computer Training of the Staff As we discussed earlier this week, I agree with you that our firm is faced with the problem of the high rate of computer illiteracy of staff. We need to make up an urgent plan for training our employees in the new field. I would like you to design our own in-house computer-training program. We had better classify the employees and put them through the program in turn. Write up a brief proposal, describing what you think the program should cover. Assume the class runs twice a week for ten weeks. Also, assume people have no prior computer knowledge or any formal course work in computer science.
4)Subject:这一标题后写事由,即用一个或几个词汇简单概 括备忘录的内容,以便查阅。事由必须简洁明了,不要用完整 的句子,如: New Promotion Plan Vocation Schedule Participation in Training Programmers 5)正文不必用过于复杂的单词,行文应该简洁,语言要有礼貌 。若正文中提及若干个要点,也可用阿拉伯数字分别标出,使 意思表述更加清晰明了。同时,Memo不需要结束语和签名( 但结尾可以写If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact me for more information.)。

3)a person in charge of a film/movie or play who tells the actors and staff what to do (电影、戏剧等的)导演 4. illiteracy不识字,文盲;未受教育;无知 例如:illiteracy rate文盲率 anti-illiteracy扫盲 5. in-house机构内的,组织内的 an in-house computer system内部电脑系统 in-house counsel内部评议会 an in-house newsletter内部简报 6. proposal建议advisory opinion,例如to put forward a proposal提出建议
第十四章 公司备忘百度文库的汉英翻译
一、 备忘录的概念

A memo is a way of written communication frequently used in a company for the purpose of reminding employees of something important. It’s normally short and informal. 备忘录是一种公司内部常用的书面交流方式,在本质 上也是书信,一般是写给同事的简短书信。备忘录常 常涉及工作,用于提醒会议日程、任务目标等。与信 件相比,备忘录较为简短,开头与结尾雷同,大都用 于非正式的书面交流。