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V o l .24,N o.5

M ay,2004


李 珊,蔡宇良,钱增强,赵桂仿3

(西北大学生命科学学院,秦岭生物多样性研究中心,西安 710069)


作者简介:李 珊(1976~),女,陕西西安人,博士生,主要从事植物分子进化和分子生态学研究。3通讯作者A utho r fo r co rrespondence 。

Foundation ite m :N ati onal N atural Science Foundati on of Ch ina (N o .30270154)Rece ived date :2003211209;Accepted date :2004203229

Biography :L I Shan ,Ph .D .candidate ,m ainly engaged in mo lecular evo luti on and mo lecular eco logy .E 2m ail :lishanbi o @yahoo .com .cn .

摘要:对我国特有珍稀濒危保护植物云南金钱槭的形态变异水平、遗传变异模式以及两者之间的相关性进行了研究。形态学性状分析结果表明:各居群形态性状变异系数的平均值从大到小排列为:文山居群(W Sh )、屏边居群(PB )、黑龙潭居群(HL T )、蒙自居群(M Z );文山居群与屏边、黑龙潭、蒙自居群间已产生显著或极显著水平的形态差异,而后三者间的差异未达显著水平。

RA PD 分析检测到103个位点,其中多态位点84个,云南金钱槭物种水平的多态位点比率为81155%,与其它珍稀濒危植物相

比该种的遗传多样性水平不低。AM OVA 和N ei 基因多样性指数分析显示,尽管大部分遗传变异仍存在于居群内(分别为


异与海拔、土壤有机质等生态因子有着显著或极显著水平的相关性,但与遗传变异的相关性未达显著水平,说明云南金钱槭的形态变异虽然具有一定的遗传基础,但可塑性及环境压力对形态变异的产生作用更大一些。基于形态性状和RA PD 数据的聚类分析则进一步说明,云南金钱槭的形态变异受到环境因子的强烈影响而与遗传背景的关系不显著。关键词:云南金钱槭;形态变异;遗传多样性;相关性分析

Researches on the rela tion sh ip between the m orpholog ica l and genetic var i a tion s of D ip teron ia dyer iana Henry (Aceraceae )

L I Shan ,CA I Yu 2L iang ,Q I AN Zeng 2Q iang ,ZHAO Gu i 2Fang 3

 (S chool of

L if e S cience ,B iod iversity R esearch Center of

M ts .Q inling ,N orthw est U niversity ,X i ’an 710069,Ch ina ).A cta Ecolog ica S in ica ,2004,24(5):925

~931.Abstract :D ip teron ia dy eriana H en ry is a rare and endangered species of Ch ina .Fou r popu lati on s ,co llected from W en shan (W Sh ),M engzi (M Z ),P ingb ian (PB )and H eilongtan (HL T )respectively ,w ere u sed fo r the research on its mo rpho logical variati on ,its pattern of genetic variati on ,and the co rrelati on betw een them .27m acro 2scop ic and m icro 2scop ic mo rpho logical characters ,including tho se of b ranches ,leaves ,fru it and seeds ,w ere m easu red .T he resu lts show ed that ,acco rding to the m ean variati on coefficien ts of the mo rpho logical characters ,the o rder of the variati on level of the 4popu lati on s w as in tu rn W Sh >PB >HL T >M Z .T here ex isted sign ifican t o r rem arkab ly sign ifican t mo rpho logical differen tiati on s betw een W Sh and o ther th ree popu lati on s

.How ever ,tho se differen tiati on s among the latter th ree popu lati on s failed to reach a sign ifican t level .Based on RA PD m arkers ,103loci w ere amp lified w ith 18p ri m ers ,of them 84w ere po lymo rph ic

.T he p ropo rti on of

po lymo rph ic loci w as 81155%at the species level ,and thu s the genetic diversity of D ip teron ia dy eriana H en ry w asn’t low er than o ther rare and endangered p lan ts

.AM OVA and N ei ’s genetic diversity index analysis show ed that ,though relatively h igh genetic variati on s (57186%and 57133%respectively )ex isted w ith in popu lati on s ,there w ere rather h igh differen tiati on among popu lati on s (42114%and 42167%respectively ).R esu lts of co rrelati on analysis show ed that there ex isted co rrelati on s betw een D ip teron ia dy eriana H en ry’s mo rpho logical variati on s and eco logical facto rs such as altitude ,so il o rgan ic m atters ,etc .D ifferen t eco logical facto rs exerted differen t influences on mo rpho logical variati on s and comp rehen sive effects by vari ou s eco logical facto rs w ere suppo sed to be respon sib le fo r the mo rpho logical differen tiati on s .R esu lts of co rrelati on analysis
