金融英语03-financial markets
![金融英语03-financial markets](
Unlike physical asset markets, which deal with products such as wheats, cars, real estate, computers and machinery, financial asset markets deal with stocks , bonds,
• Soctatism
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• Islamism
• Imperialism • Buddhism
资金、金融服务、收 入、金融资产等的流动
The existence of intermediaries greatly increases the efficiency of the financial markets.
2.2 market efficiency 市场效率
• 四个假设前提:
• 1、市场信息是被充分披露的,每个市场参与者在同一时间内得到
• 2、信息的获取是没有成本或几乎是没有成本的。
市场低效名词解释1. 引言市场低效是指市场在资源配置和价格形成过程中存在信息不对称或者其他因素导致的效率低下的情况。
2. 名词解释2.1 信息不对称(Information Asymmetry)信息不对称是指在交易过程中,买方和卖方拥有的信息量不同或者信息质量不同,从而导致交易双方在做出决策时面临不完全的信息。
2.2 市场摩擦(Market Friction)市场摩擦是指阻碍市场正常运作、导致资源配置和价格形成过程中出现困难或者成本增加的因素。
2.3 套利机会(Arbitrage Opportunity)套利机会是指在市场上存在的可以通过买入低价资产并卖出高价资产来获取无风险利润的机会。
2.4 有效市场假说(Efficient Market Hypothesis)有效市场假说认为市场能够及时、准确地反映所有可获得信息,并且价格已经包含了所有可获得信息。
2.5 市场失灵(Market Failure)市场失灵是指在某些情况下,自由市场无法有效地分配资源或者实现社会福利最大化的情况。
经济学专业术语(中英文对照)目录1. 经济学原理 (2)2. 像经济学家一样思考 (2)3. 相互依存性与贸易的好处 (3)4. 供给与需求的市场力量 (3)5. 弹性及其应用 (4)6. 供给需求与政策 (4)7. 消费者、生产者与市场效率 (4)8. 赋税的应用 (4)9. 国际贸易 (5)10. 外部性 (5)11. 公共物品和公共资源 (5)12. 税制设计 (5)13. 生产成本 (6)14. 竞争市场上的企业 (7)15. 垄断 (7)16. 垄断竞争 (7)17. 寡头 (7)18. 生产要素市场 (8)19. 收入与歧视 (8)20. 收入不平等与贫困 (8)21. 消费者选择理论 (9)22. 微观经济学前沿 (9)23. 一国收入的衡量 (10)24. 生活费用的衡量 (10)25. 生产与增长 (10)26. 储蓄、投资和金融体系 (11)27. 金融学的基本工具 (11)28. 失业 (12)29. 货币制度 (12)30. 货币增长与通货膨胀 (13)31. 开放经济的宏观经济学 (14)32. 开放经济的宏观经济理论 (14)33. 总需求与总供给 (14)34. 货币政策和财政政策对总需求影响 (15)35. 通胀与失业之间的短期权衡取舍 (15)1.经济学原理经济:(economy)稀缺性:(scarcity)经济学:(economics)效率:(efficiency)平等:(equality)机会成本:(opporyunity cost)理性人:(rational people)边际变动:(marginal change)边际收益:(marginal benefit)边际成本:(marginal cost)激励:(incentive)市场经济:(market economy)产权:(property rights)市场失灵:(market failure)外部性:(externality)市场势力:(market power)生产率:(productivity)通货膨胀:(inflation)经济周期:(business cycle)2.像经济学家一样思考循环流量图:(circular-flow diagram)生产可能性边界:(production possibilities)微观经济学:(microeconomics)宏观经济学:(macroeconomics)实证表述:(positive statements)规范表述:(normative statements)有序数对:(ordered pair)3.相互依存性与贸易的好处绝对优势:(absolute advantage)机会成本:(apportunity cost)比较优势:(comparative advantage)进口品:(imports)出口品:(exports)4.供给与需求的市场力量市场:(market)竞争市场:(competitive market)需求量:(quantity demand)需求定理:(law of demand)需求表:(demand schedule)需求曲线:(demand curve)正常物品:(normal good)低档物品:(inferior good)替代品:(substitutes)互补品:(complements)供给量:(quantity supplied)供给定理:(law of supply)供给表:(supply schedule)供给曲线:(supply curve)均衡:(equilibrium)均衡价格:(equilibrium price)均衡数量:(equilibrium quantity)过剩:(surplus)短缺:(shortage)供求定理:(law of supply and demand)5.弹性及其应用弹性:(elasticity)需求价格弹性:(price elasticity of demand)总收益:(total revenue)需求收入弹性:(income elasticity)需求的交叉价格弹性:(cross-price elasticity)供给价格弹性:(price elasticity of supply)6.供给需求与政策价格上限:(price ceiling)价格下限:(price floor)税收归宿:(tax incidence)7.消费者、生产者与市场效率福利经济学:(welfare economics)支付意愿:(willingness to pay)消费者剩余:(consumer surplus)成本:(cost)生产者剩余:(producer surplus)效率:(efficiency)平等:(equality)8.赋税的应用无谓损失:(deadweight loss)9.国际贸易世界价格:(world price)关税:(tariff)10.外部性外部性:(externality)外部性内在化:(internalizing the externality)矫正税:(corrective taxes)科斯定理:(coase theorem)交易成本:(transaction cost)11.公共物品和公共资源排他性:(excludability)消费中的竞争性:(rivalry in consumption)私人物品:(private goods)公共物品:(public goods)公共资源:(common resources)俱乐部物品:(club goods)搭便车者:(free rider)成本-收益分析:(cost-benefit analysis)公地悲剧:(tragedy of commons)12.税制设计纳税义务:(tax lianility)预算赤字:(budget defict)预算盈余:(budget surplus)平均税率:(average tax rate)边际税率:(marginal tax rate)定额税:(lump-sum tax)受益原则:(benefits principle)支付能力原则:(ability-to-pay principle)纵向平等:(vertical equity)横向平等:(horizontal equity)比例税:(proportional tax)累退税:(regressive tax)累进税:(progressive tax)13.生产成本总收益:(total revenue)总成本:(total cost)利润:(profit)显性成本:(explicit costs)隐性成本:(implicit costs)经济利润:(economic profit)会计利润:(counting profit)生产函数:(production function)边际产量:(marginal product)边际产量递减:(diminishing marginal product)固定成本:(fixed costs)可变成本:(variable costs)平均总成本:(average total cost)平均固定成本:(average fixed costs)平均可变成本:(average variable costs)边际成本:(marginal cost)有效规模:(efficient scale)规模经济:(economies of scale)规模不经济:(diseconomies of scale)规模收益不变:(constant returns to scale) 14.竞争市场上的企业竞争市场:(competitive market)平均收益:(average revenue)边际收益:(marginal revenue)沉没成本:(sunk revenue)15.垄断垄断企业:(monopoly)自然垄断:(natural monopoly)价格歧视:(price discrimination)16.垄断竞争寡头:(oligopoly)垄断竞争:(monopolistic competition) 17.寡头博弈论:(game theory)勾结:(collusion)卡特尔:(cartel)纳什均衡:(Nash equilibrium)囚徒困境:(prisoners’ dilemma)占优策略:(dominant strategy)18.生产要素市场生产要素:(factors of production)生产函数:(production function)劳动的边际产量:(marginal product of labor)边际产量递减:(diminishing marginal product)边际产量值:(value of the marginal product)资本:(capital)19.收入与歧视补偿性工资差别:(compensating differential)人力资本:(human capital)工会:(union)罢工:(strike)效率工资:(efficiency)歧视:(discrimination)20.收入不平等与贫困贫困率:(poverty rate)贫困率:(poverty line)实物转移支付:(in-kind transfers)生命周期:(life cycle)持久收入:(permanent income)功利主义:(utilitariansm)效用:(utilitariansm)自由主义:(liberalism)最大最小准则:(maximin criterion)负所得税:(negative income tax)福利:(welfare)社会保险:(social insurance)自由至上主义:(libertarianism)21.消费者选择理论预算约束线:(budget constraint)无差异曲线:(indiffernnce curve)边际替代率:(marginal rate of subtitution)完全替代品:(perfect substitudes)完全互补品:(perfect complements)正常物品:(normal good)低档物品:(inferior good)收入效应:(income effect)替代效应:(substitution effect)吉芬物品:(Giffen good)22.微观经济学前沿道德风险:(moral hazard)代理人:(agent)委托人:(principal)逆向选择:(adverse selection)发信号:(signaling)筛选:(screening)政治经济学:(political economy)康多塞悖论:(condorcet paradox)阿罗不可能性定理:(Arrow’s impossibility)中值选民定理:(median vater theorem)行为经济学:(behavioral economics)23.一国收入的衡量微观经济学:(microeconomics)宏观经济学:(macroeconomics)国内生产总值:(gross domestic product,GDP)消费:(consumption)投资:(investment)政府购买:(government purchase)净出口:(net export)名义GDP:(nominal GDP)真实GDP:(real GDP)GDP平减指数:(GDP deflator)24.生活费用的衡量消费物价指数:(consumer price index,CPI)通货膨胀率:(inflation rate)生产物价指数:(produer price index,PPI)指数化:(indexation)生活费用津贴:(cost-of-living allowance,COLA)名义利率:(nominal interest rate)25.生产与增长生产率:(productivity)物质资本:(physical capital)人力资本:(human capital)自然资源:(natural resources)技术知识:(technological knoeledge)收益递减:(diminishing returns)追赶效应:(catch-up effect)26.储蓄、投资和金融体系金融体系:(financial system)金融市场:(financial markets)债券:(bond)股票:(stock)金融中介机构:(financial intermediaries)共同基金:(mutual fund)国民储蓄:(national saving)私人储蓄:(private saving)公共储蓄:(public saving)预算盈余:(budget surplus)预算赤字:(budget deficit)可贷资金市场:(market for loanable funds)挤出:(crowding out)27.金融学的基本工具金融学:(finance)现值:(present value)终值:(future value)复利:(compounding)风险厌恶:(risk aversion)多元化:(diversification)企业特有风险:(firm-specific risk)市场风险:(market risk)基本面风险:(fundamental analysis)有效市场假说:(efficient markets by pothesis)信息有效:(informational efficiency)随机游走:(random walk)28.失业劳动力:(laborforce)失业率:(unemployment rate)劳动力参与率:(labor-force participation rate)自然失业率:(natural rate of unemployment)周期性失业:(cyclical unemployment)失去信心的工人:(discouraged workers)摩擦性失业:(frictional unemployment)结构性失业:(structural unemployment)寻找工作:(job search)失业保险:(unemployment insurance)工会:(union)集体谈判:(collective bargaining)罢工:(strike)效率工资:(essiciency wages)29.货币制度货币:(money)交换媒介:(medium of exchange)计价单位:(unit of account)价值储藏手段:(store of value)流动性:(liquidity)商品货币:(commodity money)法定货币:(fiat money)通货:(currency)活期存款:(demand deposits)联邦储备局:(Federal Reserve)中央银行:(central bank)货币供给:(money supply)货币政策:(monetary policy)准备金:(reserves)部分准备金银行:(fractional-reserve banking)准备金率:(reserve ratio)货币乘数:(money multiplier)银行资本:(bank capital)杠杆:(leverage)杠杆率:(leverage ratio)资本需要量:(capital requirement)公开市场操作:(open-market operations)贴现率:(discount rate)法定准备金:(reserve requirements)补充金融计划:(supplementary financing program)联邦基金利率:(federal funds rate)30.货币增长与通货膨胀铲除通胀:(whip Inflation Now)货币数量论:(quantity theory of money)名义变量:(nominal variables)真实变量:(real variables)古典二分法:(classiacl dichotomy)货币中性:(monetary neutrality)货币流通速度:(velocity of money)数量方程式:(quantity equation)通货膨胀税:(inflation tax)费雪效应:(Fisher effect)皮鞋成本:(shoeleather cost)菜单成本:(menu costs)31.开放经济的宏观经济学封闭经济:(closed economy)开放经济:(open economy)出口:(exports)净出口:(net exports)贸易余额:(trade balance)贸易盈余:(trade surplus)贸易平衡:(balanced trade)贸易赤字:(trade deficit)资本净流出:(net capital outflow)名义汇率:(nominal exchange rate)升值:(appreciation)贬值:(depreciation)真实汇率:(real exchange rate)购买力平价:(purchasing-power parity)32.开放经济的宏观经济理论贸易政策:(trade policy)资本外逃:(capital flight)33.总需求与总供给衰退:(recession)萧条:(depression)总需求与总供给模型:(model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply)总需求曲线:(aggregate-demand curve)总供给曲线:(aggregate-supply curve)自然产出水平:(natural level of output)滞胀:(stagflation)34.货币政策和财政政策对总需求影响流动性偏好理论:(theory of liquidity)财政政策:(fisical policy)乘数效应:(multiplier effect)挤出效应:(crowding-out effect)自动稳定器:(automatic stabilizers)35.通胀与失业之间的短期权衡取舍菲利普斯曲线:(phillips curve)自然率假说:(natural-rate hypothesis)供给冲击:(supply shock)牺牲率:(sacrifice ratio)理性预期:(rational expectations)。
● B
图 .2
此时,你很可能会认为A被低估而B被高估,为此, A的预期收益将会很高,会产生正的异常利润; 而B的预期收益率是不充足的,会产生负的异常 利润。但实际上,在强有效市场情况下,我们利 用所有有效资料绘制的图形应该是如图3所示,亦 即,风险-收益关系是处于完全均匀波动状态, 此时,错误的是你,而不是市场,A、B的期收 益是公正的,不存在异常利润。
检验定价效率是考察是否产生异常利润 (Abnormal Returns),又称超额利润。异常利 润是指从投资策略中得到的实际收益与预期收益 的差额。对于一个资产市场,检验其是否有效, 或检验其处于何种有效,其意义是相当大的。
1、不同有效形式对风险和收益的影响不同 假设市场是强有效的,而你的假定是市场是弱 式有效,那么你对β的估计,建立在对过去一系 列资料信息的基础之上,此时,你运用比较先 进的技术分析,那么你所得的图形很可能如图 3.2所示。AB图 2 图 3
事实上,股票市场上经常存在这样一种现象,即 关于某种股票上升或下降的信息,原定在宣布日 公开,但股价在此之前已经上升或下降,到实际 宣布信息时,市场反而风平浪静,这就是强式有 效市场的反应,它的出现表明,一定有人知道了 内幕消息,传阅扩散后,市场采取了超前行动。 但这种提前反映并不一定说明该市场达到了强势 有效。 由此可见,不同形式的效率市场情况下,价格迅 速,准确地反映新信息的涵义是不同的,我们在 估计股价时应该明白这一点。
3.由于上述标志无法直接观察,所以实际上,有 两个衡量资本市场是否有效的直接标志: (1)价格是否能自由地根据有关信息而变动; (2)资产的有关信息是否能充分地披露和 均匀 地分布,使每个投资者在同一时间内得到等量等 质的信息。 4.信息与价格的关系 1965年,美国芝加哥大学著名教授Fama, 在《商业学刊》发表的题为“股票市场价格的行 为”一文中,提出了两个关键问题:一是关于信 息和资产价格之间的关系,即信息的变化如何引 起价格的变动;另一个是与资产价格相关的信息 种类,即不同种类的信息对资产价格的影响程度 是否不同。
财经英语词汇翻译(M)财经英语词汇翻译(M)财经英语词汇翻译(M)m1 m1 〔货币供应量〕m1, hk$ 港元m1m2 m2 〔货币供应量〕m2, hk$ 港元m2m3 m3 〔货币供应量〕m3, hk$ 港元m3maastricht treaty 《马城条约》macao pataca 澳门元machinery and equipment 机器及设备macro analysis section 宏观经济分析组〔财经事务局〕macro assessment 整体评核macro market trend 大市走势macroeconomic adjustment and control measure 宏观经济调控措施macroeconomic implication 对总体经济的影响macroeconomic level 总体经济的层次macroeconomic management 总体经济管理制度;宏观经济管理制度macroeconomic policy 总体经济政策;宏观经济政策macroeconomic variable 总体经济变量;宏观经济变量macroeconomics 宏观经济学;总体经济学madrid stock exchange 马德里证券交易所mail remittance 邮汇mail transfer 信汇mail transfer advice 信汇通知书mail transfer rate 信汇汇率maintenance fee 赡养费;生活费;保养费maintenance grant 生活补助金maintenance margin 最低保证金;保证金下限maintenance of adequate capital 维持足够资本major client 主要客户;大户major hang seng index constituent stock 恒生指数主要成分股major shareholder 大股东;主要股东major trading partner 主要贸易伙伴major transaction 重大交易majority shareholder controller 大股东控权人makati stock exchange 马卡地证券交易所malayan banking berhad 马来亚银行management accounting section 管理会计组〔香港金融管理局〕management bank 管理银行management bank of the clearing house of hong kong association of banks 香港银行公会结算所管理银行management buy-out 管理收购management contract 管理合约management fee 管理费management information system 管理信息系统management of public finance 公共财政管理management of public utility-type undertakings 公用事业式企业的管理management overhead 间接管理费用management reporting system 管理汇报系统management share 董事股份;管理层的股份manager of property 财产管理人managing director 常务董事;执行董事;董事长managing partner 主理合伙人mandatory bid 强制性收购建议mandatory general offer 强制性公开要约mandatory offer 强制要约;强制性要约mandatory provident fund 强制性公积金mandatory provident fund authority 强制性公积金管理局mandatory provident fund office 强制性公积金办事处mandatory provident fund scheme 强制性公积金计划manila stock exchange 马尼拉证券交易所manual of the hong kong securities industry 《香港证券业参考手册》manufacturing and services-based economy 以制造业及服务业为主的经济manufacturing sector 制造业marche a terme international de france 法国期货市场marche a terme international de france matif s.a. 法国结算公司marche des options negociables de la bourse de paris 巴黎证券交易所期权市场marche des options negociables de paris 巴黎期权市场margin 保证金;“孖展”;毛利;差价margin account 保证金账户;“孖展”户口margin call 追缴保证金通知;追补按金通知margin client 保证金客户;“孖展”客户margin deposit 保证金;按金;“孖展”margin loan 保证金贷款;“孖展”贷款margin of solvency 偿付准备金margin requirement 应付保证金margin trading 以股票按贷财务方式买卖;以“孖展”方式买卖;保证金交易;按金交易marginal cost 边际成本marginal effect 轻微影响marginal relief 边际宽免;所得税减免marginal tax band 边际税阶marginal tax rate 边际税率marine insurance 海上保险marine insurance business 海上保险业务marine risk 水险;海险marker rate of allowance 指标津贴额market 市场;股市market access 开放市场;进入市场market and product development division 市场及产品发展科〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕market anomaly 市场反常现象market body 市场团体market breadth 市场宽度market capitalization 资本市值;市价总值market charge 市场抵押market closure 停市market collateral 市场抵押品market development divisionmarket discipline 市场规律market disruption 市场干扰market economy 市场经济market efficiency 市场效率market fluctuation 市场波动;市情升降market forces 市场力量market information 市场资料;市场信息;行情market infrastructure 市场基础设施market intermediary 市场中介者market leader 市场主要股份;市场领导者market maker 市场作价者;市场“庄家”market malpractice 市场不当行为market manipulation 操纵市场;“造市”market mechanism 市场机制;市场调节机能market median 市场中位数market member 市场会员market on close 按收市盘market order 市价盘;市价订单market participant 市场人士market practitioner 市场从业员market price 市价;市场价格market price development 市场价格变动market rate 市价;市场利率;市场汇率market rate of discount 市场贴现率market rate of interest 市场利率market rent 市值租金;市面租金market rigging 操纵市场market risk 市场风险market risk regime 市场风险制度market sentiment 市场情绪市场发展处〔香港金融管理局〕market services group 市场服务处〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕market share 市场占有率market statistics 市场统计;行情market surveillance policy 市场监察政策market systems division 市场系统处〔香港金融管理局〕market trend 市场趋势market value 市值market value adjustment 市值调整marketability 适销性;流通性;销售能力marketable debt securities 有价债务证券marketable government debt 有价公债marketable securities 有价证券market-determined price 由市场决定的价格market-disciplined economy 由市场力量支配的经济market-disciplined free-enterprise economy 由市场因素决定的自由企业经济体系market-friendly 有利市场运作marketing organization facility 统营设施market-making system 市场作价制度;市场“庄家”制度market-orientation 以市场为主导market-oriented economy 市场主导的经济体系market-sensitive information 市场敏感资料;影响市场的数据mark-to-market 按市价计值;按市价计算差额marriage settlement 婚姻授产契married person's allowance 已婚人士免税额mashreq asia limited 马捷力亚洲有限公司mass production 大量生产mass transit fund 地下铁路基金mass transit railway corporation note 香港地下铁路公司债券massive downward pressure 强大的向下调整压力match an order 对单;对盘matching 对销;相配;对盘matching grant 半费资助;等额津贴matching system 对销系统;相配系统;对盘系统material risk 重大风险mathematical reserve 数理储备金maturity 到期maturity mismatch profile 期限错配组合maturity mismatching arrangement 期限错配安排maturity mismatching of assets and liabilities 资产与负债期限错配maximum amount 最高款额maximum benefit 最大利益maximum rate of interest 最高利率means test 经济状况调查measure of risk exposure 衡量风险承担的方法median income household 中位数入息家庭median return 中位回报medium range forecast 中期预测medium to long-term funds 中长期资金meeting of creditors 债权人会议member firm 会员商号members affairs committee 会员事务委员会〔香港期货交易所有限公司〕membership and rules committee 会籍及则例委员会〔香港期货交易所有限公司〕membership committee 会籍委员会〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕memorandum account 备查账户;备忘帐项memorandum and articles of association 《组织大纲及章程》〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕memorandum notes on the revenue estimates 税收预算备忘录memorandum of agreement 协议备忘录;合约备忘录memorandum of association 组织大纲;组织章程大纲memorandum of regulatory co-operation 《监管合作备忘录》memorandum of satisfaction 清偿备忘录memorandum of understandingsecurities and futures commission 《谅解备忘录》〔香港金融管理局与证券及期货事务监察委员会签署〕merchant bank 商人银行merger 合并merger agreement 合并协议method of apportionment on a pro rata basis 按比例分摊计算办法michinoku finance (hong kong) limited 北日本财务(香港)有限公司micro analysis section 微观经济分析组〔财经事务局〕microeconomics 微观经济学;个体经济学midcap stock 中型股middle interbank rate 银行同业中间利率middle market cross-rate 中间市场套汇率middle market rate 市场中间价格;市价中位数middle rate 中间汇率mid-market price 中期市场价格mid-year review 年中检讨;中期经济检讨报告milan stock exchange 米兰证券交易所minimum denomination 最低面额minimum price movement 最低波动价位minimum principal value 最低基本价值minimum subscription 最低认购额minority interest 少数权益;少数股东权益minority shareholder 小股东;少数股东minority shareholder controller 小股东控权人miscellaneous expenses 杂项支出miscellaneous fees 杂项费用miscellaneous income 杂项收入miscellaneous services 杂项服务mismatch 错配mitsubishi trust and banking corp. 三菱信托银行mitsubishi trust finance (asia) limited 三菱信托财务(亚洲)有限公司mitsui trust and banking co., ltd. 三井信托银行mitsui trust finance (hong kong) limited 三井信托财务(香港)有限公司mixed option 可延买亦可延卖的期权mixed uptrend 反复向上mode of payment 付款办法;发薪办法model code for securities transactions by directors of listed companies 《上市公司董事进行证券交易的标准守则》moderate growth 轻微增长;稍微增长moderating trend 下降趋势;放缓趋势modification 修订;放宽modified consumer price index 修订消费物价指数modified factor system 修正因素计算法monetary aggregate 货币总体数字;货币流通总额monetary and financial system 货币金融体系monetary arrangement 金融财务安排monetary assets 货币资产monetary authority 金融管理专员monetary base 货币基础monetary discipline 货币秩序monetary instrument 金融票据;金融工具monetary operations division 货币市场运作处〔香港金融管理局〕monetary policy 货币政策;金融政策monetary policy and markets department 货币政策及市场部〔香港金融管理局〕monetary policy division 货币政策处〔香港金融管理局〕monetary regime 货币体制monetary sector 金融界;金融体系monetary situation 货币情况monetary squeeze 货币紧缩;货币压缩monetary stability 金融体制的稳定性monetary unit 货币单位monetary value 币值monetization 货币化;币值化monetized value 货币化价值money 货币;款项;金钱money at call 短期通知款项money at call and at short notice 短期通知放款;短期内可收回的贷款money base 货币基础;银基money broker 货币经纪money changer 货币兑换商money flow 货币流量money for order 汇款单money income 货币收入money income per capita 按人口平均计算的货币收入money laundering 洗钱活动;洗钱;洗黑钱;洗黑钱活动money lender 放债人money lender's licence 放债人牌照money lenders registry 放债人注册处money lenders section 放债人注册组〔公司注册处〕money lending advertisement 放债广告money lending transaction 放债交易money market 货币市场;金融市场;短期资金市场money market instrument 货币市场工具;金融市场票据money market operation 货币市场运作money market rate 货币市场利率money of the day 付款当日价格money of the day equivalent 按付款当日价格计算的等值款额money order 汇票money out on mortgage 有按揭的放款money owed 欠款money payable on demand 按要求随时支付的款项money stock 货币存量money supply 货币供应量money wage 货币工资money wage rate 货币工资率money world asia exhibition, hong kong 香港货币及投资汇展money's worth 金钱等值monitoring procedure 监察程序monopoly 垄断;独营权monthly balance 月结monthly balance sheet 月结表;月份资产负债表monthly market statistics 《市场统计月报》monthly rated 按月计monthly statement 月结单monthly statistical bulletin 《金融数据月报》〔香港金融管理局〕monthly turnover 每月成交量montreal stock exchange 蒙特利尔证券交易所moody's investors services, inc. 穆迪投资者服务公司moody's rating 穆迪评级moral claim 道义申索moratorium 延期偿付权;暂行禁令more sophisticated economy 更先进完备的经济体系morgan guaranty trust company of new york 摩根信托公司morgan stanley capital international china index 摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数morgan stanley capital international hong kong index 摩根士丹利资本国际香港指数mortgage 按揭;抵押mortgage arrangement 按揭贷款安排mortgage debenture stock 抵押债权股证mortgage deed 按揭贷款契据;抵押契据mortgage default guarantee 按揭条件违约保证mortgage facility 按揭借款;抵押借款mortgage finance 按揭贷款;抵押融资mortgage interest 按揭利息mortgage interest relief scheme 按揭利息免税计划mortgage interest subsidy scheme 按揭利息津贴计划mortgage loan 按揭贷款;抵押贷款mortgage money 按揭金mortgage note 抵押票据mortgage rate 按揭利率mortgage securitization 按揭证券化mortgage security 按揭抵押mortgage terms 按揭条件;抵押条件mortgage-backed securities 按揭证券mortgaged property 按揭财产mortgagee 承按人;承押人;受押人mortgagee in possession 管有承按人mortgagor 按揭人;抵押人mother fund 母基金motor insurers' bureau of hong kong 香港汽车保险局motor vehicle first registration tax 汽车首次登记税motor vehicle insurance business 汽车保险业务motor vehicle tax 车辆税movable property 动产move within a narrow range 在窄幅上落movement 流动;变动;趋势movement of market rent 市值租金的变动moving average 移动平均数multi-currency trading 多元货币买卖multilateral agency 多边机构;多边代理机构multilateral agency debt instrument 多边代理机构债务票据multilateral development bank 多边发展银行multilateral exchange rate model 多边汇率模式multilateral financial institution 多边金融机构multilateral investment guarantee agency 多边投资担保机构multiplier effect 倍数作用;乘数效应multi-purpose stored value card 多用途储值卡mutual corporation 互助公司mutual credit 相互信贷mutual dealing 相互交易mutual debt 相互债项mutual fund 互惠基金mutual fund corporation 互惠基金法团;互惠基金公司mutual fund prospectus 互惠基金招股章程mutual fund unit 互惠基金单位mutual insurance corporation 相互保险法团mutual loan syndicate 义会;银会mutual offset 相互补偿;相互抵销mutual right 相互权利财经英语词汇翻译(M) 相关内容:。
中央财经大学 财政学(第一章 财政概念和财政职能)
![中央财经大学 财政学(第一章 财政概念和财政职能)](
“两个邻人可以同意排去他们所共有的一片草地中的 积水,因为他们容易互相了解对方的心思,而且每个人必 然看到,他不执行自己任务的直接后果就是把整个计划抛 弃了。但是要使一千个人同意那样一种行为,乃是很困难 的,而且的确是不可能的;……因为每人都在寻找借口, 要想使自己省却麻烦和开支,而把全部负担加在他人身上。 政治社会就容易补救这些弊端。执政长官……可以拟定促 进那种利益的任何计划。” (参见大卫· 休谟,《人性论》,商务印书馆,1980年 中文第一版,PP578-579) 请你思考:除了“免费乘车”(free-riding),“草 地排水”现象还涉及到哪些重要问题?
中央财经大学 财政学院 Shigang
公地的悲剧(The tragedy of the commons)
世界著名生态经济学家、加利福尼亚大学圣 巴巴拉分校的人类生态学荣誉退休教授加勒特· 哈 丁(Garrett Hardin)于1968年发表在美国《科学 》杂志上的《公地的悲剧》,讲述了一则现代寓 言:
第 一 章 财政概念和财政职能
The concept and functions of public finance 引 言
第一节 政府和市场 The government and the market
第二节 财政概念 Concept of public finance 第三节 财政职能 Functions of public finance 小结 · 复习思考题 · 课外读物
● 政府干预(经济)的程度 政府干预程度(或政府规模)的衡量: 财政收入(或支出)占GDP的比重 思考题:
财经专业英语词汇(M)财经专业英语词汇(M)财经专业英语词汇(M)m1 [money supply] m1〔货币供应量〕m1, hk$ 港元m1m2 [money supply] m2〔货币供应量〕m2, hk$ 港元m2m3 [money supply] m3〔货币供应量〕m3, hk$ 港元m3maastricht treaty 《马城条约》macao pataca [mop] 澳门元machinery and equipment 机器及设备macro analysis section [financial services bureau] 宏观经济分析组〔财经事务局〕macro assessment 整体评核macro market trend 大市走势macroeconomic adjustment and control measure  宏观经济调控措施macroeconomic implication 对总体经济的影响macroeconomic level 总体经济的层次macroeconomic management 总体经济管理制度;宏观经济管理制度macroeconomic policy 总体经济政策;宏观经济政策macroeconomic variable 总体经济变量;宏观经济变量macroeconomics 宏观经济学;总体经济学madrid stock exchange 马德里证券交易所mail remittance 邮汇mail transfer [m/t] 信汇mail transfer advice 信汇通知书mail transfer rate 信汇汇率maintenance fee 赡养费;生活费;保养费maintenance grant 生活补助金maintenance margin 最低保证金;保证金下限maintenance of adequate capital 维持足够资本major client 主要客户;大户major hang seng index constituent stock 恒生指数主要成分股major shareholder 大股东;主要股东major trading partner 主要贸易伙伴major transaction 重大交易majority shareholder controller 大股东控权人makati stock exchange 马卡地证券交易所malayan banking berhad 马来亚银行management accounting section [hong kong monetary authority] 管理会计组〔香港金融管理局〕management bank 管理银行management bank of the clearing house of hong kong association of banks 香港银行公会结算所管理银行management buy-out 管理收购management contract 管理合约management fee 管理费management information system 管理信息系统management of public finance 公共财政管理management of public utility-type undertakings 公用事业式企业的管理management overhead 间接管理费用management reporting system 管理汇报系统management share 董事股份;管理层的股份manager of property 财产管理人managing director 常务董事;执行董事;董事长managing partner 主理合伙人mandatory bid 强制性收购建议mandatory general offer 强制性公开要约mandatory offer 强制要约;强制性要约mandatory provident fund 强制性公积金mandatory provident fund authority 强制性公积金管理局mandatory provident fund office 强制性公积金办事处mandatory provident fund scheme 强制性公积金计划manila stock exchange 马尼拉证券交易所manual of the hong kong securities industry 《香港证券业参考手册》manufacturing and services-based economy 以制造业及服务业为主的经济manufacturing sector 制造业marche a terme international de france 法国期货市场marche a terme international de france matif s.a. 法国结算公司marche des options negociables de la bourse de paris 巴黎证券交易所期权市场marche des options negociables de paris 巴黎期权市场margin 保证金;“孖展”;毛利;差价margin account 保证金账户;“孖展”户口margin call 追缴保证金通知;追补按金通知margin client 保证金客户;“孖展”客户margin deposit 保证金;按金;“孖展”margin loan 保证金贷款;“孖展”贷款margin of solvency 偿付准备金margin requirement 应付保证金margin trading 以股票按贷财务方式买卖;以“孖展”方式买卖;保证金交易;按金交易marginal cost 边际成本marginal effect 轻微影响marginal relief 边际宽免;所得税减免marginal tax band 边际税阶marginal tax rate 边际税率marine insurance 海上保险marine insurance business 海上保险业务marine risk 水险;海险marker rate of allowance 指标津贴额market 市场;股市market access 开放市场;进入市场market and product development division [stock exchange of hong kong limited] 市场及产品发展科〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕market anomaly 市场反常现象market body 市场团体market breadth 市场宽度market capitalization 资本市值;市价总值market charge 市场抵押market closure 停市market collateral 市场抵押品market contract 市场合约market development division [hong kong monetary authority] 市场发展处〔香港金融管理局〕market discipline 市场规律market disruption 市场干扰market economy 市场经济market efficiency 市场效率market fluctuation 市场波动;市情升降market forces 市场力量market information 市场资料;市场信息;行情market infrastructure 市场基础设施market intermediary 市场中介者market leader 市场主要股份;市场领导者market maker 市场作价者;市场“庄家”market malpractice 市场不当行为market manipulation 操纵市场;“造市”market mechanism 市场机制;市场调节机能market median 市场中位数market member 市场会员market on close [moc] 按收市盘market order 市价盘;市价订单market participant 市场人士market practitioner 市场从业员market premium 市场溢价market price 市价;市场价格market price development 市场价格变动market rate 市价;市场利率;市场汇率market rate of discount 市场贴现率market rate of interest 市场利率market rent 市值租金;市面租金market rigging 操纵市场market risk 市场风险market risk regime 市场风险制度market sentiment 市场情绪market services group [stock exchange of hong kong limited] 市场服务处〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕market share 市场占有率market statistics 市场统计;行情market surveillance policy 市场监察政策market systems division [hong kong monetary authority] 市场系统处〔香港金融管理局〕market trend 市场趋势market value 市值market value adjustment 市值调整marketability 适销性;流通性;销售能力marketable debt securities 有价债务证券marketable government debt 有价公债marketable securities 有价证券market-determined price 由市场决定的价格market-disciplined economy 由市场力量支配的经济market-disciplined free-enterprise economy 由市场因素决定的自由企业经济体系market-friendly 有利市场运作marketing organization facility 统营设施market-making system 市场作价制度;市场“庄家”制度market-orientation 以市场为主导market-oriented economy 市场主导的经济体系market-sensitive information 市场敏感资料;影响市场的数据mark-to-market 按市价计值;按市价计算差额marriage settlement 婚姻授产契married person's allowance 已婚人士免税额mashreq asia limited 马捷力亚洲有限公司mass production 大量生产mass transit fund 地下铁路基金mass transit railway corporation note 香港地下铁路公司债券massive downward pressure 强大的向下调整压力match an order 对单;对盘matching 对销;相配;对盘matching grant 半费资助;等额津贴matching system 对销系统;相配系统;对盘系统material risk 重大风险mathematical reserve 数理储备金maturity 到期maturity mismatch profile 期限错配组合maturity mismatching arrangement 期限错配安排maturity mismatching of assets and liabilities 资产与负债期限错配maximum amount 最高款额maximum benefit 最大利益maximum rate of interest 最高利率means test 经济状况调查measure of risk exposure 衡量风险承担的方法median income household 中位数入息家庭median return 中位回报medium range forecast [mrf] 中期预测medium to long-term funds 中长期资金meeting of creditors 债权人会议member firm 会员商号members affairs committee [hong kong futures exchange limited] 会员事务委员会〔香港期货交易所有限公司〕membership and rules committee [hong kong futures exchange limited] 会籍及则例委员会〔香港期货交易所有限公司〕membership committee [stock exchange of hong kong limited] 会籍委员会〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕memorandum account 备查账户;备忘帐项memorandum and articles of association [stock exchange of hong kong limited] 《组织大纲及章程》〔香港联合交易所有限公司〕memorandum notes on the revenue estimates 税收预算备忘录memorandum of agreement 协议备忘录;合约备忘录memorandum of association 组织大纲;组织章程大纲memorandum of regulatory co-operation [morc]  《监管合作备忘录》memorandum of satisfaction 清偿备忘录memorandum of understanding [mou] [signed by hong kong monetary authority and securities and futures commission] 《谅解备忘录》〔香港金融管理局与证券及期货事务监察委员会签署〕merchant bank 商人银行merger 合并merger agreement 合并协议method of apportionment on a pro rata basis 按比例分摊计算办法michinoku finance (hong kong) limited 北日本财务(香港)有限公司micro analysis section [financial services bureau] 微观经济分析组〔财经事务局〕microeconomics 微观经济学;个体经济学midcap stock 中型股middle interbank rate 银行同业中间利率middle market cross-rate 中间市场套汇率middle market rate 市场中间价格;市价中位数middle rate 中间汇率mid-market price 中期市场价格mid-year review 年中检讨;中期经济检讨报告milan stock exchange 米兰证券交易所minimum denomination 最低面额minimum price movement 最低波动价位minimum principal value 最低基本价值minimum subscription 最低认购额minority interest 少数权益;少数股东权益minority shareholder 小股东;少数股东minority shareholder controller 小股东控权人miscellaneous expenses 杂项支出miscellaneous fees 杂项费用miscellaneous income 杂项收入miscellaneous services 杂项服务mismatch 错配mitsubishi trust and banking corp. 三菱信托银行mitsubishi trust finance (asia) limited 三菱信托财务(亚洲)有限公司mitsui trust and banking co., ltd. 三井信托银行mitsui trust finance (hong kong) limited 三井信托财务(香港)有限公司mixed option 可延买亦可延卖的期权mixed uptrend 反复向上mode of payment 付款办法;发薪办法model code for securities transactions by directors of listed companies 《上市公司董事进行证券交易的标准守则》moderate growth 轻微增长;稍微增长moderating trend 下降趋势;放缓趋势modification 修订;放宽modified consumer price index [mcpi] 修订消费物价指数modified factor system 修正因素计算法monetary aggregate 货币总体数字;货币流通总额monetary and financial system 货币金融体系monetary arrangement 金融财务安排monetary assets 货币资产monetary authority 金融管理专员monetary base 货币基础monetary discipline 货币秩序monetary instrument 金融票据;金融工具monetary operations division [hong kong monetary authority] 货币市场运作处〔香港金融管理局〕monetary policy 货币政策;金融政策monetary policy and markets department [hong kong monetary authority] 货币政策及市场部〔香港金融管理局〕monetary policy division [hong kong monetary authority] 货币政策处〔香港金融管理局〕monetary regime 货币体制monetary sector 金融界;金融体系monetary situation 货币情况monetary squeeze 货币紧缩;货币压缩monetary stability 金融体制的稳定性monetary unit 货币单位monetary value 币值monetization 货币化;币值化monetized value 货币化价值money 货币;款项;金钱money at call 短期通知款项money at call and at short notice 短期通知放款;短期内可收回的贷款money base 货币基础;银基money broker 货币经纪money changer 货币兑换商money flow 货币流量money for order 汇款单money income 货币收入money income per capita 按人口平均计算的货币收入money laundering 洗钱活动;洗钱;洗黑钱;洗黑钱活动money lender 放债人money lender's licence 放债人牌照money lenders registry 放债人注册处money lenders section [companies registry] 放债人注册组〔公司注册处〕money lending advertisement 放债广告money lending transaction 放债交易money market 货币市场;金融市场;短期资金市场money market instrument 货币市场工具;金融市场票据money market operation 货币市场运作money market rate 货币市场利率money of the day [mod] 付款当日价格money of the day equivalent 按付款当日价格计算的等值款额money order 汇票money out on mortgage 有按揭的放款money owed 欠款money payable on demand 按要求随时支付的款项money stock 货币存量money supply 货币供应量money wage 货币工资money wage rate 货币工资率money world asia exhibition, hong kong 香港货币及投资汇展money's worth 金钱等值monitoring procedure 监察程序monopoly 垄断;独营权monthly balance 月结monthly balance sheet 月结表;月份资产负债表monthly market statistics 《市场统计月报》monthly rated 按月计monthly statement 月结单monthly statistical bulletin [hong kong monetary authority] 《金融数据月报》〔香港金融管理局〕monthly turnover 每月成交量montreal stock exchange 蒙特利尔证券交易所moody's investors services, inc. 穆迪投资者服务公司moody's rating 穆迪评级moral claim 道义申索moratorium 延期偿付权;暂行禁令more sophisticated economy 更先进完备的经济体系morgan guaranty trust company of new york 摩根信托公司morgan stanley capital international china index [msci china index] 摩根士丹利资本国际中国指数morgan stanley capital international hong kong index [msci hong kong index] 摩根士丹利资本国际香港指数mortgage 按揭;抵押mortgage arrangement 按揭贷款安排mortgage debenture stock 抵押债权股证mortgage deed 按揭贷款契据;抵押契据mortgage default guarantee 按揭条件违约保证mortgage facility 按揭借款;抵押借款mortgage finance 按揭贷款;抵押融资mortgage interest 按揭利息mortgage interest relief scheme 按揭利息免税计划mortgage interest subsidy scheme 按揭利息津贴计划mortgage loan 按揭贷款;抵押贷款mortgage money 按揭金mortgage note 抵押票据mortgage rate 按揭利率mortgage securitization 按揭证券化mortgage security 按揭抵押mortgage terms 按揭条件;抵押条件mortgage-backed securities 按揭证券mortgaged property 按揭财产mortgagee 承按人;承押人;受押人mortgagee in possession 管有承按人mortgagor 按揭人;抵押人mother fund 母基金motor insurers' bureau of hong kong 香港汽车保险局motor vehicle first registration tax 汽车首次登记税motor vehicle insurance business 汽车保险业务motor vehicle tax 车辆税movable property 动产move within a narrow range 在窄幅上落movement 流动;变动;趋势movement of market rent 市值租金的变动moving average 移动平均数multi-currency trading 多元货币买卖multilateral agency 多边机构;多边代理机构multilateral agency debt instrument 多边代理机构债务票据multilateral development bank 多边发展银行multilateral exchange rate model 多边汇率模式multilateral financial institution 多边金融机构multilateral investment guarantee agency [miga] 多边投资担保机构multiplier effect 倍数作用;乘数效应multi-purpose stored value card 多用途储值卡mutual corporation 互助公司mutual credit 相互信贷mutual dealing 相互交易mutual debt 相互债项mutual fund 互惠基金mutual fund corporation 互惠基金法团;互惠基金公司mutual fund prospectus 互惠基金招股章程mutual fund unit 互惠基金单位mutual insurance corporation 相互保险法团mutual loan syndicate 义会;银会mutual offset 相互补偿;相互抵销mutual right 相互权利财经专业英语词汇(M) 相关内容:。
4经济学原理 第四章
![4经济学原理 第四章](
机器人 价格
技术溢出 效应的价值
Hale Waihona Puke 供给(私人成本 供给 私人成本) 私人成本 社会成本
均衡 最优
社会成本=私人成本 +外在成本(外在成 本<0) 社会最适量>市场均衡量
需求(私人价值 需求 私人价值) 私人价值 0
市场量 最适量
社会成本<私人成本 需求曲线和社会成本曲线相交决定最优 生产水平。 市场量少于社会希望的需求量。
实际上,庇古税规定了污染权的价格。正如 市场把物品分配给那些对物品评价最高的买 者一样,庇古税把污染分配给那些减少污染 成本最高的工厂。无论环境保护署选择的污 染水平是多少,它都可以用税收以最低的总 成本达到这个目标。
科斯定理说明,私人经济行为者可以解 决他们之间的外部性问题。无论权利的 初始分配如何,有关各方总是能够达成 一种协议,使每个人都可以变好, 而且 结果是有效率的。
科斯定理为何重要? 科斯定理为何重要?
科斯定理告诉人们,私人解决外部性问题 比想象的更为有效:因为理性的个人总是 有谈判的动因。 科斯定理指导我们寻找出私人不能解决外 部性问题的正确原因(right reason),即什 么原因造成科斯谈判失败。 这些正确的原因包括: 初始产权界定不清楚(而与如何界定无关) 产权转让受到人为限制,交易成本过高
二、外部性的私人解决方法 Private Solutions to Externalities
并不总是需要政府行为来解决外部性问题。 1.私人解决方法的类型 私人解决方法的类型: 私人解决方法的类型 a.道德规范和社会约束 b.慈善组织 c.把不同经营类型的商业组织合并 d.利益各方签定合约
《财政学》(第五版) 陈共 主编
产品 供给
公共物品 征税
生产要素 货币
生产要素 货币
图1-1 政府与家庭、企业之间的收支循环流程图
《财政学》(第五版) 陈共 主编
(二)政府承担政治和社会职能 (三)政府承担涉及国计民生和带有战略性的重大
工程建设任务 (四)财政收入取之于民,用之于民
《财政学》(第五版) 陈共 主编
(一)学习对象: 1.财政的基本知识 2.财政的基本理论 3.财政的基本管理技能 (二)学习目的:通过学习,能够运用所学知识和
methods of learning 3. Guidelines for construction
of Chinese Public Finance
《财政学》(第五版) 陈共 主编
一、现实生活中的财政学 由于市场的失灵,有些物品、服务须由政府提
(一)政府同家庭和人民的“生老病死,从摇篮到 坟墓”息息相关
《财政学》(第五版) 陈共 主编
第一节 政府和市场
市场失灵的主要表现 :
1 基于古典经济学的市场效率理论效率是古典经济学研究的核心内容。
经济学专业术语(中英文对照)目录1. 经济学原理 (2)2. 像经济学家一样思考 (2)3. 相互依存性与贸易的好处 (3)4. 供给与需求的市场力量 (3)5. 弹性及其应用 (4)6. 供给需求与政策 (4)7. 消费者、生产者与市场效率 (4)8. 赋税的应用 (4)9. 国际贸易 (5)10. 外部性 (5)11. 公共物品和公共资源 (5)12. 税制设计 (5)13. 生产成本 (6)14. 竞争市场上的企业 (7)15. 垄断 (7)16. 垄断竞争 (7)17. 寡头 (7)18. 生产要素市场 (8)19. 收入与歧视 (8)20. 收入不平等与贫困 (8)21. 消费者选择理论 (9)22. 微观经济学前沿 (9)23. 一国收入的衡量 (10)24. 生活费用的衡量 (10)25. 生产与增长 (10)26. 储蓄、投资和金融体系 (11)27. 金融学的基本工具 (11)28. 失业 (12)29. 货币制度 (12)30. 货币增长与通货膨胀 (13)31. 开放经济的宏观经济学 (14)32. 开放经济的宏观经济理论 (14)33. 总需求与总供给 (14)34. 货币政策和财政政策对总需求影响 (15)35. 通胀与失业之间的短期权衡取舍 (15)1.经济学原理经济:(economy)稀缺性:(scarcity)经济学:(economics)效率:(efficiency)平等:(equality)机会成本:(opporyunity cost)理性人:(rational people)边际变动:(marginal change)边际收益:(marginal benefit)边际成本:(marginal cost)激励:(incentive)市场经济:(market economy)产权:(property rights)市场失灵:(market failure)外部性:(externality)市场势力:(market power)生产率:(productivity)通货膨胀:(inflation)经济周期:(business cycle)2.像经济学家一样思考循环流量图:(circular-flow diagram)生产可能性边界:(production possibilities)微观经济学:(microeconomics)宏观经济学:(macroeconomics)实证表述:(positive statements)规范表述:(normative statements)有序数对:(ordered pair)3.相互依存性与贸易的好处绝对优势:(absolute advantage)机会成本:(apportunity cost)比较优势:(comparative advantage)进口品:(imports)出口品:(exports)4.供给与需求的市场力量市场:(market)竞争市场:(competitive market)需求量:(quantity demand)需求定理:(law of demand)需求表:(demand schedule)需求曲线:(demand curve)正常物品:(normal good)低档物品:(inferior good)替代品:(substitutes)互补品:(complements)供给量:(quantity supplied)供给定理:(law of supply)供给表:(supply schedule)供给曲线:(supply curve)均衡:(equilibrium)均衡价格:(equilibrium price)均衡数量:(equilibrium quantity)过剩:(surplus)短缺:(shortage)供求定理:(law of supply and demand)5.弹性及其应用弹性:(elasticity)需求价格弹性:(price elasticity of demand)总收益:(total revenue)需求收入弹性:(income elasticity)需求的交叉价格弹性:(cross-price elasticity)供给价格弹性:(price elasticity of supply)6.供给需求与政策价格上限:(price ceiling)价格下限:(price floor)税收归宿:(tax incidence)7.消费者、生产者与市场效率福利经济学:(welfare economics)支付意愿:(willingness to pay)消费者剩余:(consumer surplus)成本:(cost)生产者剩余:(producer surplus)效率:(efficiency)平等:(equality)8.赋税的应用无谓损失:(deadweight loss)9.国际贸易世界价格:(world price)关税:(tariff)10.外部性外部性:(externality)外部性内在化:(internalizing the externality)矫正税:(corrective taxes)科斯定理:(coase theorem)交易成本:(transaction cost)11.公共物品和公共资源排他性:(excludability)消费中的竞争性:(rivalry in consumption)私人物品:(private goods)公共物品:(public goods)公共资源:(common resources)俱乐部物品:(club goods)搭便车者:(free rider)成本-收益分析:(cost-benefit analysis)公地悲剧:(tragedy of commons)12.税制设计纳税义务:(tax lianility)预算赤字:(budget defict)预算盈余:(budget surplus)平均税率:(average tax rate)边际税率:(marginal tax rate)定额税:(lump-sum tax)受益原则:(benefits principle)支付能力原则:(ability-to-pay principle)纵向平等:(vertical equity)横向平等:(horizontal equity)比例税:(proportional tax)累退税:(regressive tax)累进税:(progressive tax)13.生产成本总收益:(total revenue)总成本:(total cost)利润:(profit)显性成本:(explicit costs)隐性成本:(implicit costs)经济利润:(economic profit)会计利润:(counting profit)生产函数:(production function)边际产量:(marginal product)边际产量递减:(diminishing marginal product)固定成本:(fixed costs)可变成本:(variable costs)平均总成本:(average total cost)平均固定成本:(average fixed costs)平均可变成本:(average variable costs)边际成本:(marginal cost)有效规模:(efficient scale)规模经济:(economies of scale)规模不经济:(diseconomies of scale)规模收益不变:(constant returns to scale) 14.竞争市场上的企业竞争市场:(competitive market)平均收益:(average revenue)边际收益:(marginal revenue)沉没成本:(sunk revenue)15.垄断垄断企业:(monopoly)自然垄断:(natural monopoly)价格歧视:(price discrimination)16.垄断竞争寡头:(oligopoly)垄断竞争:(monopolistic competition) 17.寡头博弈论:(game theory)勾结:(collusion)卡特尔:(cartel)纳什均衡:(Nash equilibrium)囚徒困境:(prisoners’ dilemma)占优策略:(dominant strategy)18.生产要素市场生产要素:(factors of production)生产函数:(production function)劳动的边际产量:(marginal product of labor)边际产量递减:(diminishing marginal product)边际产量值:(value of the marginal product)资本:(capital)19.收入与歧视补偿性工资差别:(compensating differential)人力资本:(human capital)工会:(union)罢工:(strike)效率工资:(efficiency)歧视:(discrimination)20.收入不平等与贫困贫困率:(poverty rate)贫困率:(poverty line)实物转移支付:(in-kind transfers)生命周期:(life cycle)持久收入:(permanent income)功利主义:(utilitariansm)效用:(utilitariansm)自由主义:(liberalism)最大最小准则:(maximin criterion)负所得税:(negative income tax)福利:(welfare)社会保险:(social insurance)自由至上主义:(libertarianism)21.消费者选择理论预算约束线:(budget constraint)无差异曲线:(indiffernnce curve)边际替代率:(marginal rate of subtitution)完全替代品:(perfect substitudes)完全互补品:(perfect complements)正常物品:(normal good)低档物品:(inferior good)收入效应:(income effect)替代效应:(substitution effect)吉芬物品:(Giffen good)22.微观经济学前沿道德风险:(moral hazard)代理人:(agent)委托人:(principal)逆向选择:(adverse selection)发信号:(signaling)筛选:(screening)政治经济学:(political economy)康多塞悖论:(condorcet paradox)阿罗不可能性定理:(Arrow’s impossibility)中值选民定理:(median vater theorem)行为经济学:(behavioral economics)23.一国收入的衡量微观经济学:(microeconomics)宏观经济学:(macroeconomics)国内生产总值:(gross domestic product,GDP)消费:(consumption)投资:(investment)政府购买:(government purchase)净出口:(net export)名义GDP:(nominal GDP)真实GDP:(real GDP)GDP平减指数:(GDP deflator)24.生活费用的衡量消费物价指数:(consumer price index,CPI)通货膨胀率:(inflation rate)生产物价指数:(produer price index,PPI)指数化:(indexation)生活费用津贴:(cost-of-living allowance,COLA)名义利率:(nominal interest rate)25.生产与增长生产率:(productivity)物质资本:(physical capital)人力资本:(human capital)自然资源:(natural resources)技术知识:(technological knoeledge)收益递减:(diminishing returns)追赶效应:(catch-up effect)26.储蓄、投资和金融体系金融体系:(financial system)金融市场:(financial markets)债券:(bond)股票:(stock)金融中介机构:(financial intermediaries)共同基金:(mutual fund)国民储蓄:(national saving)私人储蓄:(private saving)公共储蓄:(public saving)预算盈余:(budget surplus)预算赤字:(budget deficit)可贷资金市场:(market for loanable funds)挤出:(crowding out)27.金融学的基本工具金融学:(finance)现值:(present value)终值:(future value)复利:(compounding)风险厌恶:(risk aversion)多元化:(diversification)企业特有风险:(firm-specific risk)市场风险:(market risk)基本面风险:(fundamental analysis)有效市场假说:(efficient markets by pothesis)信息有效:(informational efficiency)随机游走:(random walk)28.失业劳动力:(laborforce)失业率:(unemployment rate)劳动力参与率:(labor-force participation rate)自然失业率:(natural rate of unemployment)周期性失业:(cyclical unemployment)失去信心的工人:(discouraged workers)摩擦性失业:(frictional unemployment)结构性失业:(structural unemployment)寻找工作:(job search)失业保险:(unemployment insurance)工会:(union)集体谈判:(collective bargaining)罢工:(strike)效率工资:(essiciency wages)29.货币制度货币:(money)交换媒介:(medium of exchange)计价单位:(unit of account)价值储藏手段:(store of value)流动性:(liquidity)商品货币:(commodity money)法定货币:(fiat money)通货:(currency)活期存款:(demand deposits)联邦储备局:(Federal Reserve)中央银行:(central bank)货币供给:(money supply)货币政策:(monetary policy)准备金:(reserves)部分准备金银行:(fractional-reserve banking)准备金率:(reserve ratio)货币乘数:(money multiplier)银行资本:(bank capital)杠杆:(leverage)杠杆率:(leverage ratio)资本需要量:(capital requirement)公开市场操作:(open-market operations)贴现率:(discount rate)法定准备金:(reserve requirements)补充金融计划:(supplementary financing program)联邦基金利率:(federal funds rate)30.货币增长与通货膨胀铲除通胀:(whip Inflation Now)货币数量论:(quantity theory of money)名义变量:(nominal variables)真实变量:(real variables)古典二分法:(classiacl dichotomy)货币中性:(monetary neutrality)货币流通速度:(velocity of money)数量方程式:(quantity equation)通货膨胀税:(inflation tax)费雪效应:(Fisher effect)皮鞋成本:(shoeleather cost)菜单成本:(menu costs)31.开放经济的宏观经济学封闭经济:(closed economy)开放经济:(open economy)出口:(exports)净出口:(net exports)贸易余额:(trade balance)贸易盈余:(trade surplus)贸易平衡:(balanced trade)贸易赤字:(trade deficit)资本净流出:(net capital outflow)名义汇率:(nominal exchange rate)升值:(appreciation)贬值:(depreciation)真实汇率:(real exchange rate)购买力平价:(purchasing-power parity)32.开放经济的宏观经济理论贸易政策:(trade policy)资本外逃:(capital flight)33.总需求与总供给衰退:(recession)萧条:(depression)总需求与总供给模型:(model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply)总需求曲线:(aggregate-demand curve)总供给曲线:(aggregate-supply curve)自然产出水平:(natural level of output)滞胀:(stagflation)34.货币政策和财政政策对总需求影响流动性偏好理论:(theory of liquidity)财政政策:(fisical policy)乘数效应:(multiplier effect)挤出效应:(crowding-out effect)自动稳定器:(automatic stabilizers)35.通胀与失业之间的短期权衡取舍菲利普斯曲线:(phillips curve)自然率假说:(natural-rate hypothesis)供给冲击:(supply shock)牺牲率:(sacrifice ratio)理性预期:(rational expectations)。
消费者剩余 =
买者的评 _
and 生产者剩余 = 卖者得到的量
_ 卖者的
Economic Well-Being and Total Surplus
Externalities 是指当市场结果不仅影响 参与市场的买者与卖者,还影响了那 些根本不参与市场的人。
外部性使市场福利不仅仅取决于买者的评价 和卖者的成本。
由于买者与卖者在决定消费量与生产量时并 没有考虑外在性的影响,所以,从整个社会 的角度来看,市场均衡可能是无效率的。
Quantity of
Houses Painted
原来生产者 增加的生产 者剩余
P2 D
P1 B
新生产者的 生产者剩余
消费者剩余与生产者剩余是分析市场中 买者与卖者福利的基本工具,它们可以
买者与卖者从参与市场中得益。 市场上的供求均衡可以使买者和卖者得到的总 利益最大化。
Welfare Economics
市场均衡导致收益最大化,它使产 品的生产者与消费者的总福利最大 化。
Welfare Economics
消费者剩余从买者的角度测度了经济 福利。 生产者剩余从生产者的角度测度了经 济福利。
(英文)Chapter 5市场效率
![(英文)Chapter 5市场效率](
1、股价的随机漫步(random walk) 意味市场理性 2、有效市场假定(EMH)指股价已 经反映当时与证券价值有关的所有已 知信息。 3、完全有效市场下股票价格反映内 在价值,定价公平。 4、EMH有三种形式。
5、技术分析在弱式有效下无效,基 本分析在半强式有效下无效。 6、高度有效市场下,最佳投资策略 是消极投资策略。 7、有效市场中,组合管理对多元化 和分散风险依然重要。 8、有效市场可通过事件研究、查看 职业投资者的业绩等检验。
三、Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) Samuelson\Fama在Working基础上为理论 化做出了贡献。 股价已经反映所有已知信息的观点被称为 有效市场假定 有效市场前提条件:(1)(2)(3) 完全有效证券市场特点:股票价格反映内 在价值。“公平定价”
假定道氏理论(或波浪)预测了一 股基本上升(主升浪)趋势。 基本趋势套中、小趋势 如果该理论广为人知,股价会如何 走? 股价突然、立即上涨取代逐渐、平 稳上升。
一旦一项有效的技术规则被发现, 只要大量的交易者试图利用它,它 就会变得无效。
1Leabharlann 2345
1年 涨 涨 涨 涨 跌 2年 涨 涨 跌 跌 涨 3年 涨 跌 涨 跌 涨
跌 跌 跌 涨 跌 跌 跌 涨 跌
三、市场效率检测结果 美国:高度有效 大量异常的经验证据存在代表 市场无效还是难以理解的风险 溢价?争论将持续。 “别费劲了,如果它是真的, 早就有人把它捡走了”
第六讲 外部性
![第六讲 外部性](
正外部性的例子 Examples of Positive Externalities
免疫注射 Immunizations 修复历史性建筑物 Restored historic buildings 研究新技术 Research into new technologies
The Market for Aluminum...
实现社会最优产出 Achieving the Socially Optimal Output
外部性的内在化(内部化)涉及改变激 励机制,使得人们在生产时考虑其对外 部的影响。 Internalizing an externality involves altering incentives so that people take into account the external effects of their actions.
外部性的内在化:补贴 Internalizing Externalities: Subsidies
市场失灵:外部性 Market Failures: Externalities
当对旁人的影响是不利的,外部性被 称作是负外部性。 When the impact on the bystander is adverse, the externality is called a negative externality. 当对旁人的影响是有益的,外部性被 称作是正外部性。 When the impact on the bystander is beneficial, the externality is called a positive externality.
Price of Aluminum
Consumer Surplus 消费者剩余
• Willingness to pay is the maximum price that a buyer is willing and able to pay for a good.
– 支付意愿指一个消费者为了购买某个商品愿意且能够 支付的最高价格。
– 就像消费者剩余和需求曲线密切相关一样,生产者剩余 也和供给曲线密切相关。
• At any quantity, the price given by the supply curve shows the cost of the marginal seller, the seller who would leave the market first if the price were any lower.
– 市场价格以下供给曲线以上的区域就是市场中 的生产者剩余。
Measuring Producer Surplus with the Supply Curve...
Price of House Painting
$900 800
Price = $600
Seller Mary Frida Cost $900 800 600 500
Mary’s cost
Frida’s cost
Georgia’s cost Grandma’s cost
Quantity of Houses Painted
Producer Surplus and the Supply Curve...
• The area below the price and above the supply curve measures the producer surplus in a market.
eg:We must make rational and efficient use of foreign capital.我们要合理有效地利用外资。
She had the chic, efficient look that spells Milan.她具有米兰人所特有的那种时髦典雅而又精明能干的外表。
2. efficiency 带一个y,容易给人一种形容词的感觉。
其实efficiency 是名词。
短语搭配:increase efficiency,提高效率;market efficiency,市场效率;市场的效率;市场效益;learning efficiency,学习效率;学习的效率;maximum efficiency,最大效率;最高效率;最大效能;fuel efficiency,燃油效率;燃料效率。
例如:It is a problem difficult to work out.这是一个很难解决的问题。
市场异象与市场效率G. William Schwert威廉沃特Simon School of Business, University of Rochester西蒙商学院罗彻斯特大学This paper can be downloaded from theSocial Science Research Network Electronic Paper Collection:/abstract=目录1 引言 (2)2 挑选出的试验规律 (2)2.1可预见的资产的差别回报 (2)2.2各时期收益的预测性的不同 (7)3 不同类型的投资者的收益 (11)3.1个人投资者 (11)3.2机构投资者 (12)3.3套利限制 (14)4 长期回报 (15)5资产定价影响 (17)6公司金融的启示 (18)7结论 (19)Anomalies and Market Efficiency市场异象与市场效率G. William SchwertUniversity of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627and National Bureau of Economic Research(国家经济研究局)October 2002摘要实践证明,市场异象似乎与现有的资产价格行为理论并不相符。
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MARKET EFFICIENCYAND THEBEHAVIOUR OF SECURITIES PRICESReadings1. BKM Chapter 122. Article: "Event Studies.pdf"Please download this from the Blackboard ‘Article Folder’Further referencesFama - "Efficient Capital Markets:..." Journal of Finance May 1970 Fama - "Efficient Capital Markets: II" J. of F. December 1991The topics examined in this module are organised as follows:1. The concept of efficient capital markets2. The Efficient Market Hypothesis3. Implications for investors when markets are efficient:4. Tests of market efficiency5. Market anomalies or evidence of market inefficienciesEfficiency of financial marketsThere are two dimensions to the meaning of efficiency in markets, which can be described as(1) Operational efficiency, and(2) Functional Efficiency or informational and valuation efficiency (1) Operational efficiencyThe key elements that make a market operationally efficient are market liquidity, orderliness and low costs of trading.Liquidity means investors can dispose of their holdings quickly and without sacrificing large price discounts from prevailing market prices. Factors that contribute to market liquidity are depth, breadth and resilience.Liquidity of the market is indicated byBreadth of market (trading volumes at prevailing prices)Depth of market (volumes of buy orders below and volumes of sell orders above the prevailing price)Market breadth and depth helps to ensure resilience.Market depth means the ability of the market to absorb temporary imbalances between securities supply and demand without leading to large price changes through the trading activities of market makers. Market makers must stand ready to buy up securities when the supply of securities exceed demand, or run down their inventories of securities when demand exceeds supply. Market breadth means trading volume and the existence of adequate competition among market makers to ensure that the spread between ask and bid price is small. Resilience means the ability of the market price to recover from unusually large sell or buy orders.Market orderliness is another important aspect of an operationally efficient market which is closely related to liquidity. In an orderlymarket price changes are smooth and not erratic. It is again competitive market making activity that ensures orderliness. Absence of price manipulation is important to market orderliness. Price manipulation occurs when some participants have significant market power or when malpractices such as front running occurs.Low transaction costs provides a third contribution to operational efficiency. This means low taxes, brokerage commissions and bid-ask spreads.(2) Functional EfficiencyRelates to Informational and valuation efficiencyA market is informationally efficient if information that have a bearing on the value of securities are readily available to market participants.Informational efficiency leads to valuation efficiency. In a valuationally efficient market the prices of assets will be close to their intrinsic or fundamental values.Fama's formal definition of market efficiency - (JF 1970)A market is efficient relative to an information set ω if the priceexpectations formed on the basis of the information set ω is an unbiased predictor of the actual price subsequently realised.Let P t= price at time t ωt = the information set available to investors at time t.E P t t t ( )+1ω = expectation of future price based on today's information set.εt = the deviation of the actual price from the expected price (the prediction error)this meansεt+1= Pt+1 - E Pt t t( )+1ωIf the prediction error is unbiased then the market is efficient.E t(εt+1) = 0STANDARDS OF MARKET EFFICIENCY(The Efficient Market Hypothesis - Fama (1970) )In order to estimate and also test the degree of efficiency of a particular market, we need to define standards of efficiency as a yardstick of measurement.Eugene Fama has defined three levels of market efficiency on the basis of the amount of information that is built into (or impounded in) market prices.1. Weak Form EfficiencyOnly historical information such as the history of past price patterns are reflected or built into the current market price.The implication is that investors cannot use any knowledge of past price trends or patterns to predict future price changes and thereby develop trading strategies to earn abnormal returns.2. Semi strong Form EfficiencyA higher level of efficiency than the WFE. Assumes that all currently publicly available information is already fully reflected in market prices.The implication is that investors cannot use any publicly available information already known to the market to develop strategies to earn abnormal returns.3. Strong Form EfficiencyThe highest possible level of efficiency. Assumes that all information, whether publicly or privately held, including those with corporate insiders or market specialists, are fully reflected in market prices.The implication is that even investors with insider information cannot use their information to earn abnormal returns.Some properties associated with an efficient market(i) Price changes will result only from new information that have an effect on present and future security returns rather than on existing information.(ii) Market prices will react to new information quickly and accurately (unbiasedly)(iii) Market prices will follow (or be close to) a random walk process.P t = P t-1 +d + εtεt is an independent and identically distributed (iid) series of random errors, d is the drift in price(iv) Market prices of securities will generally reflect their true intrinsic values.Some factors driving markets to efficiency and why we can expect financial markets to be efficient(i) Laws that compel firms to disseminate important information quickly to the market(ii) An efficient and technologically advanced information network (iii) The strong competition among analysts and investors drives prices towards efficiency.Large numbers of investors all looking for abnormal profit opportunities, will by their own actions, compete away such opportunities.(iv) Investors and analysts are educated, knowledgeable and 'smart'. (v) The independence of the actions of investors.The law of large numbers will ensure that the net effect of uncorrelated trading actions of investors will result in the average prices being accurate.(vi) Do insider trading laws hinder market efficiency ?I NSIDER TRADING AND THE L AWAmendments to the Corporations Law introduced in August 1991 Who is an insider ?An insider is one who possesses 'price sensitive information which is not generally available'.An insider need not be connected to the firm under reference.What is insider trading ?Trading based on insider information or communicating insider information to another who might trade on that information is illegal. Implications for investors and the likely effectiveness of investment strategies if markets are truly efficient:(i) Predicting price changes based on historical information or past price patterns will be impossible.Therefore 'Technical' analysis based on analysing historical price patterns would be useless. Also 'market timing' strategies may be of little benefit(ii) Since market prices will adjust to new information very quickly and will accurately reflect fundamental values in generalAn active stock selection strategy based on fundamental stock analysis for identifying under and over priced stocks would not be easy.(a) Securities will plot on the security market line given that asset valuation theories such as the CAPM is correct.(b) Investors can only hope to earn a normal return from their investments. A normal return is the return commensurate to the level of risk in the investment according to the CAPM.(iii) Passive investment strategies such as investing in an index fund or other buy and hold strategies would be the most appropriate.Some alternative to the Efficient Market Hypothesis for describing the behaviour of the stock market1. The Market Overreaction Hypothesis (or the winner-loser hypothesis) Debondt and Thaler (JF 1985)A theory based on irrational investor behaviour.2. The Rational Speculative Bubbles hypothesis Blanchard and Watson (1982)A theory based on rational investor behaviour which at the same time can lead to the deviation of market prices from their fundamental values.TESTING FOR MARKET EFFICIENCY(1) Tests of weak form market efficiencyCan past returns be used to predict future returns ?(a) Testing for serial correlationEx: first order autocorrelation ρσ11112111=---=--∑T r r r r t t T t )(b) Testing filter rules for stock trading(2) Tests of semi-strong form market efficiency (Event Studies):Testing how quickly and accurately security prices respond to newly released public information ?t-1t t+1Time (days )Stock price delay ed reactionover reactionefficient respons eEvent study methodologyA test of semi strong efficiency is whether the stock price reaction to an event, taking place on day t (such as a better than anticipated earnings announcement) brings forth an immediate price reaction or whether the response lags on to day t+1 and t+2 etc.Test procedure(1) Select a sample of firms making for example, better than anticipated earnings announcements.(2) Test their price responses on day t , t+1, ......(where t = announcement date)(3) But prices will change anyway due to overall market changes (with or without the announcement).(4) Need to isolate and examine price change solely due to the announcement effect.Observed return (OR) = Return due to announcement (AR) + Normalreturn (NR)Normal return (or expected return) is the return based on the relation of the firm's return to that of the market and could be measured by applying the market model (characteristic line ).The normal return on day t for firm i based on the characteristic line is given byR it= a i+ βi R mt + e itE(R it) = a i+ βi E(R mt)AR = OR - NR= R it - E(R it)= R it- [a i+ βi E(R mt) ] = e it The abnormal returns are the regression residuals(5) Calculate the average abnormal returns (AAR)Average of the residuals for the particular day across all the sample firms(6) Calculate the cumulative average abnormal returns (CAAR) over a time interval.The sum of the average abnormal returns over several days t+1, t+2 ... etc.(7) Are the CAARs significantly different from zero ?Example: The CAAR pattern in an efficient markett-1t t+1Time (day s)Cum. abnormal return0xx xExample: In the study by Foster, Olsen and Shevlin :Stocks with large positive earnings surprises earned abnormal returns from up to 60 days prior to the earnings announcement and up to 60 days after the earnings announcement.What does this imply about market efficiency ?(3) Tests of strong form market efficiency(i) Testing whether abnormal profits are made by corporate insiders. Or test whether abnormal returns are made by outsiders following insiders' trading patterns. ie. the Jaffe study, Seyhun study(ii) Testing whether abnormal returns are made by NYSE specialists EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OF MARKET INEFFICIENCIES OR M ARKETA NOMALIES(1) Tests of market predictability(i) Predictability of short term returnsOverall, tests of serial correlation, runs tests and filter rules find that weak form efficiency is largely validated. (Fama 1965, Fama and Blume, Lo and MacKinlay etc.)(ii) Predictability of long horizon returnsFama and French 1988 and Poterba and Summers 1988 find negative correlation in long horizon returns.These results suggest mean reversion in stock prices. But does it necessarily invalidate market efficiency ?(iii) Predictors of aggregate stock market returnsFama and French 1989 and Campbell and Shiller 1988 find that variables such as dividend yield, default yield spread can predict variation in stock market returns.(2) Cross sectional anomaliesAre the cross sectional anomalies the result of market inefficiency or the result of asset pricing anomalies ?(i) The Small firm effect (high returns of small firms especially in January)Banz 1981, Reinganum 1983 Keim 1983(ii) The low P/E strategy (high returns of low P/E stocks)Basu 1977(iii) The market to book value ratioFama and French 1992(iv) The neglected firm effectArbel and Strebel 1983, Amihud and Mendelson 1986(v) The Value Line stock ranking systemValue Line claims that the performance of stocks over the next 12 month period can be predicted if stocks are ranked in accordance with the following criteria.The rank is based on a composite of (1) relative earnings momentum (2) Earnings surprise (3) Nonparametric value position(3) Seasonal Anomalies(i) The January effect (high returns in January) (ii) The weekend effect (never sell on Mondays) French (1980)。