



新时代中国绿色发展白皮书双语New Era of China's Green Development White Paper中国始终坚持绿色发展理念,不断推动生态文明建设,在全球绿色发展中发挥了重要作用。


The concept of green development has always been pursued by China, and it has been playing an important role in promoting ecological civilization construction and global green development. Recently, China released the "White Paper on NewEra of China's Green Development". This article will provide a bilingual introduction to the white paper.该白皮书共分为六个部分,包括绿色发展的重要意义、中国绿色发展的基本思路、节能减排和生态环境保护的重点领域、全面推进绿色发展的政策和措施、推动构建人与自然和谐共生的关键路径、推动绿色发展的重要实践。








白皮书新时代的中国与世界英语In the New Era, China and the World: An English White PaperThe rise of China in the new era has profoundimplications for the global landscape. As the world's second-largest economy and a major player on theinternational stage, China's actions and policies have far-reaching consequences for the rest of the world. This white paper aims to provide an overview of China's role and its relationship with the world in the new era.China's Development and ModernizationOver the past four decades, China has undergone a remarkable transformation, transitioning from a largely agrarian economy to a global economic powerhouse. The country's rapid industrialization, urbanization, and technological advancement have lifted hundreds of millionsof people out of poverty, making it a remarkable success story in the annals of economic development.In the new era, China is focused on pursuing high-quality development, emphasizing innovation, sustainability,and social equity. The country's 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) outlines a vision for achieving modernization by 2035, with goals such as promoting green development, fostering a robust domestic market, and enhancing the country's technological capabilities.China's Engagement with the WorldAs China's economic and political influence has grown,its role in global affairs has become increasingly prominent. The country has actively participated in and contributed to various international organizations and frameworks, such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and the G20.China's Belt and Road Initiative, a vast infrastructure development project spanning across Eurasia and Africa, has been a key driver of global connectivity and economic integration. The initiative aims to promote trade, investment, and cultural exchange, thereby fostering mutual understanding and win-win cooperation among participating countries.Furthermore, China has taken a leading role inaddressing global challenges, such as climate change,public health, and sustainable development. The country has made significant strides in renewable energy development, pledging to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, and has played a crucial role in international efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.China's Relationship with the United States and the West The relationship between China and the United States, the world's two largest economies, has been a complex and evolving one. While there are areas of cooperation, such as climate change and global health, tensions have also arisen over issues like trade, technology, and geopolitical influence.The ongoing strategic competition between China and the United States has raised concerns about the potential for conflict and the need for effective management of the relationship. Both sides have emphasized the importance of maintaining open communication, managing differences, and finding areas of common interest to ensure stability and mutual benefit.Similarly, China's relationship with the broader Western world has been marked by both engagement and occasionalfriction. While China has sought to deepen economic and cultural ties with European and other Western nations, there have also been disagreements over issues such as human rights, market access, and global governance.Navigating the New EraAs the world enters a new era, characterized by rapid technological change, shifting geopolitical dynamics, and complex global challenges, the relationship between China and the world will be critical in shaping the future.China's continued development and modernization, its deepening engagement with the international community, and its ability to navigate the complexities of its relationships with the United States and the West will be crucial in determining the course of global affairs in the coming years.Ultimately, the success of this new era will depend on the ability of all parties to foster mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation, while addressing the pressing issues that confront humanity as a whole.中新时代的中国与世界中国在新时代的崛起对全球格局产生了深远影响。



中国能源白皮书(China Energy White Paper)一、引言中国作为全球最大的能源消费国之一,其能源政策和能源结构对全球能源市场具有重要影响力。



















中华人民共和国节约能源法 中英对照 学习

中华人民共和国节约能源法 中英对照 学习

中华人民共和国节约能源法Law of the People's Republic of China on Conserving Energy第一条为了推进全社会节约能源,提高能源利用效率和经济效益,保护环境,保障国民经济和社会的发展,满足人民生活需要,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated in order to promote energy conservation by all sectors of the society, increase the efficiency in the use of energy and its economic results, protect the environment, ensure national economic and social development, and meet the people's needs in everyday life.第二条本法所称能源,是指煤炭、原油、天然气、电力、焦炭、煤气、热力、成品油、液化石油气、生物质能和其他直接或者通过加工、转换而取得有用能的各种资源。

Article 2 The term "energy" as used in this Law refers to coal, crude oil, natural gas, power, coke, coal gas, heat, processed oil, liquefied petroleum gas, biomass energy and other resources from which useful energy can be derived directly or through processing or conversion.第三条本法所称节能,是指加强用能管理,采取技术上可行、经济上合理以及环境和社会可以承受的措施,减少从能源生产到消费各个环节中的损失和浪费,更加有效、合理地利用能源。



1991-2008中国政府白皮书中英文版网址:/mod3/show_article.asp?id=510760中文版:英文版:•China's National Defense in 2008•China's Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change•Protection and Development of TibetanCulture•Status Quo of Drug Supervision in China•China's Efforts and Achievements inPromoting the Rule of Law•China's Energy Conditions and Policies•China's Political Party System•The Quality and Safety of Food in China•China's National Defense in 2006•The Development of China’s Undertakings for the Aged•China's Space Activities in 2006•Environmental Protection in China(1996-2005)•China's Peaceful Development Road•Building of Political Democracy in China•China's Endeavors for Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-Proliferation•Gender Equality and Women's Development in China•New Progress in China's Protection of Intellectual Property Rights•China's Progress in Human Rights in 2004•Regional Autonomy for Ethnic Minorities in China•China's National Defense in 2004•China's Social Security and Its Policy •Regional Ethnic Autonomy in Tibet •China's Employment Situation and Policies•Progress in China's Human Rights Cause in 2003•China's Policy on Mineral Resources•China's Policy on 'Three Direct Links' Across the Taiwan Straits•China's Non-Proliferation Policy and Measures•China's EU Policy Paper•History and Development of Xinjiang•Ecological Improvement and Environmental Protection in Tibet•China’s National Defense in 2002•Human Rights Record of the United States in 2001•Tibet's March Toward Modernization•The Development-oriented Poverty Reduction Program for Rural China•Progress in China's Human Rights Cause in 2000•China's Population and Development in the 21st Century•China's Space Activities•China's National Defense in 2000 •Narcotics Control in China•The Development of Tibetan Culture•Fifty Years of Progress in China's Human Rights•National Minorities Policy and Its Practice in China•China's National Defense•The Development of China's MarinePrograms•New Progress in Human Rights in the Tibet Autonomous Region•On Sino-US Trade Balance•Progress in China's Human Rights Cause in 1996•Environmental Protection in China•Freedom of Religious Belief in China •The Situation of Children in China •The Progress of Human Rights in China •China: Arms Control and Disarmament •Family Planning in China•The Situation of Chinese Women •Intellectual Property Protection in China•The Taiwan Question and Reunification of China•Tibet--Its Ownership And Human Rights Situation•Criminal Reform in China•Human Rights in China。


-- China's per-capita average of energy resources is very low. China has a large population, resulting in a low per-capita average of energy resources in the world. The per-capita average of both coal and hydropower resources is 50 percent of the world's average, while the per-capita average of both oil and natural gas resources is only about one-fifteenth of the world's average. The per-capita average of arable land is less than 30 percent of the world's average, which has hindered the development of biomass energy.
China's Energy Conditions and Policies
Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China
December 2007
I. Current Situation of Energy Development
VI. Coordinating Energy and Environment Development



/20040722160711//energy/whitepaper/wp_summ_chinese.pdf--更清潔、更智慧化的能源:迎接低碳未來的能源1 我國需要新的能源政策。





2 這些挑戰也帶來了新的機遇:從根本上把英國變成一個低碳經濟體;發展、應用及探索前沿科技、營造新的商機和就業機會;在發展有助於全球各地經濟增長的環保型可持續發展、可靠、有競爭力的能源市場方面,成為歐洲乃至國際上的領路人。

3 能源幾乎是我們一切工作必不可少的支柱。



4 在這種背景下,我們于2003年2月24日發表了題為《我們能源的未來--創建一個低碳經濟體》(Our energy future-creating a low carbon economy)的白皮書。


我們所面臨的挑戰…5 第一個挑戰是環境挑戰氣候變化是真切而嚴重的。











China has always adopted a responsible attitude to actively promoting IPR protection. While adhering to the international rules on IPR protection, China has decided on a level of IPR protection appropriate for its own national situation, and made great efforts to balance the interests among intellectual property creators, users and the general public, so as to create a benign circle for the creation and use of intellectual property.多年来,在全社会的共同努力下,中国保护知识产权取得重大进展。

Major progress has been made on IPR protection in China over the past years thanks to concerted efforts made by people from all walks of life.——建立健全符合国际通行规则、门类比较齐全的法律法规体系。



















Chinais now the world's second-largest energy producer and consumer. The sustained growth of energy supply has provided an important support for the country's economic growth and social progress, while the rapid expansion of energy consumption has created a vast scope for the global energy market. As an irreplaceable component of the world energy market,Chinaplays an increasingly important role in maintaining global energy security.
Chinais the largest developing country in the world, and developing its economy and eliminating poverty will, for a long time to come, remain the main tasks for the Chinese government and the Chinese people. Since the late 1970s,China, as the fastest growing developing country, has scored brilliant achievements in its economy and society that have attracted worldwide attention, successfully blazed the trail of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and made significant contributions to world development and prosperity.




































应 用 能源技 术
20 08年第 2期 ( 总第 12期 ) 2
国家 发展 改 革 委有 关 负责 人 就
中 国的 能 源 状况 与政 策 白皮 书 答 记 者 问
近 日 , 国政 府对外 发 布 了《 国 的能 源状 况 非 常 规能源 资 源勘探 程度低 , 济性较 差 。 中 中 经 与 政策 》 白皮 书 , 是 近 十 年 来 , 国政 府 在 能 源 这 中 问 : 年来 , 近 中国经 济 快 速 发 展 , 撑 经 济 发 支
人均 资源 量仅 相 当世界 平均 水平 的 11 右 。耕 国能源 消费 以年 均 56 /5左 .%的 增 长支 撑 了 国 民经 济 地资 源 不足世 界 人 均 水平 的 3 % , 物 质 能 源 开 年 均 9 8 0 生 .%的增 长 。按 20 05年不 变 价 格 , 万元 国
50万 占世 界 一 半 以上 ; 电装 机 核 时 , 济可开发年发 电量约 17 经 .6万亿 千瓦时, 相 面 积 90 平 方 米 , 当于世 界水力 资 源量 的 1% , 2 列世界 首位 。 近 65万 千 瓦 ; 8 年产 沼 气约 10亿 立方 米 , 用 沼 0 户
二是 人均拥 有 量较 低 。煤炭 和水 力 资源 人 均 气 池 2 0 2 0多万 口。 拥 有 量相 当 于世界 平均 水平 的 5% , 油 、 0 石 天然 气 二 是 能 源 节 约 效 果 显 著 。 18 90—20 16年 , 9 中
16年 , 次 能 源 生 9 一 答 : 中 国能源资 源 的 总体情 况 看 , 特点 可 全 面发 展 的 能 源供 应 格 局 。20 从 其 21 列 以概 括 为 : 量较 丰 , 均 较低 , 布 不 均 , 总 人 分 开发 较 产 总 量 2 . 亿 吨标 准 煤 , 世 界 第 二 位 。 其 中 , 难 。具 体来讲 :



中国可再生能源产业发展报告中英文版IntroductionRenewable energy has become an increasingly important part of China's energy mix over the past decade. This is driven by a range of factors, including a desire to reduce dependence on foreign oil and gas, cut air pollution and carbon emissions, and foster technological innovation. China is now one of the world's largest producers of renewable energy, with a strong focus on wind, solar, and hydropower.China Renewable Energy Development ReportThe China Renewable Energy Development Report is a comprehensive study of China's renewable energy sector. This report provides an overview of China's renewable energy resources and their potential for development, as well as an analysis of the industry's current state and major trends. The report is also designed to provide guidance for policymakers and investors. The report is available in both Chinese and English, and is produced by the China National Renewable Energy Centre.Overview of China's Renewable Energy ResourcesChina has a vast and diverse range of renewable energy resources, including: solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, tidal, and biomass. China is particularly rich in solar and wind resources, with large swathes of the country experiencing high levels of sunlight and strong winds. China is also home to many large rivers and has significant hydroelectric potential, with over 3000 large and medium-sized dams in operation.Current State of China's Renewable Energy IndustryChina's renewable energy industry has experienced rapid growth over the past decade. According to the report, China invested $134 billion in renewable energy projects in 2020, more than any other country in the world. China also ranks first in the world in terms of installed capacity for both wind and solar power. In 2020, China had a total installed capacity of 282 GW for wind power and 254 GW for solar power.Challenges Facing the Renewable Energy Industry in ChinaDespite the success of China's renewable energy industry, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed. One of the main challenges is the lack of adequate infrastructure to support the growth of the industry. This includes issues such as grid integration, energy storage, and transmission. The Chinese government has invested heavily in the construction of new transmission lines and grid upgrades in recent years, but more needs to be done to ensure that renewable energy can be integrated into the national grid more effectively.Another challenge facing the industry is the relatively high cost of renewable energy compared to traditional energy sources. While the cost of renewable energy has decreased significantly in recent years, it still remains more expensive than traditional sources such as coal and natural gas. The government has introduced a range of subsidies and incentives to encourage investment in the sector, but more needs to be done to make renewable energy more competitive in the market.ConclusionChina's renewable energy sector has made significant progress in recent years and has become a major player in the global renewable energy market. The China Renewable Energy Development Report provides an in-depth analysis of the sector, highlighting both its successes and the challenges that need to be addressed. While there are still obstacles to overcome, there is no doubt that China's renewable energy sector will continue to grow and play an increasingly important role in the country's energy mix.。


--China's per-capita average of energy resources is very low.Chinahas a large population, resulting in a low per-capita average of energy resources in the world. The per-capita average of both coal and hydropower resources is 50 percent of the world's average, while the per-capita average of both oil and natural gas resources is only about one-fifteenth of the world's average. The per-capita average of arable land is less than 30 percent of the world's average, which has hindered the development of biomass energy.



中国能源问题英文作文英文:China's energy problem is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted solution. As the world's largest energy consumer, China faces challenges in balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability.One of the main issues is China's heavy reliance on coal as a primary energy source. While coal is abundant and cheap, it is also a major contributor to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. To address this, China has set a goal to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in its energy mix to 20% by 2030.Another challenge is the uneven distribution of energy resources across the country. The majority of China's coal and oil reserves are located in the north and west, while the majority of its energy demand comes from the east and south. This has led to a reliance on long-distancetransportation, which is costly and inefficient.To address these issues, China is investing heavily in renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydro power. It is also exploring new technologies such as nuclear fusion and shale gas. Additionally, the government is implementing policies to encourage energy efficiency and reduce waste.However, these solutions are not without their challenges. For example, renewable energy sources can be intermittent and require large amounts of land and resources. Nuclear power has safety concerns, and shale gas extraction can have negative environmental impacts.Ultimately, China's energy problem requires a comprehensive approach that balances economic growth, environmental sustainability, and energy security. It will require continued investment in renewable energy and new technologies, as well as policies that promote energy efficiency and reduce waste.中文:中国的能源问题是一个复杂的问题,需要综合解决。

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中国的能源状况与政策China's Energy Conditions and Policies 前言Preface能源是人类社会赖以生存和发展的重要物质基础。



Energy is an essential material basis for human survival and development. Over the entire history of mankind, each and every significant step in the progress of human civilization has been accompanied by energy innovations and substitutions. The development and utilization of energy has enormously boosted the development of the world economy and human society.过去100多年里,发达国家先后完成了工业化,消耗了地球上大量的自然资源,特别是能源资源。


Over more than 100 years in the past, developed countries have completed their industrialization, consuming an enormous quantity of natural resources, especially energy resources, in the process. Today, some developing countries are ushering in their own era of industrialization, and an increase of energy consumption is inevitable for their economic and social development.中国是当今世界上最大的发展中国家,发展经济,摆脱贫困,是中国政府和中国人民在相当长一段时期内的主要任务。


China is the largest developing country in the world, and developing its economy and eliminating poverty will, for a long time to come, remain the main tasks for the Chinese government and the Chinese people. Since the late 1970s, China, as the fastest growing developing country, has scored brilliant achievements in its economy and society that have attracted worldwide attention, successfully blazed the trail of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and made significant contributions to world development and prosperity.中国是目前世界上第二位能源生产国和消费国。




China is now the world's second-largest energy producer and consumer. The sustained growth of energy supply has provided an important support for the country's economic growth and social progress, while the rapid expansion of energy consumption has created a vast scope for the global energy market. As an irreplaceable component of the world energy market, China plays an increasingly important role in maintaining global energy security.中国政府正在以科学发展观为指导,加快发展现代能源产业,坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,把建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会放在工业化、现代化发展战略的突出位置,努力增强可持续发展能力,建设创新型国家,继续为世界经济发展和繁荣作出更大贡献。

Guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development, the Chinese government is accelerating its development of a modern energy industry, taking resource conservation and environmental protection as two basic state policies, giving prominence to building a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society in the course of its industrialization and modernization, striving to enhance its capability for sustainable development and making China an innovative country, so as to make greater contributions to the world's economy and prosperity.一、能源发展现状I. Current Situation of Energy Development能源资源是能源发展的基础。

新中国成立以来,不断加大能源资源勘查力度,组织开展了多次资源Energy resources are the basis of energy development. Since New China was founded in 1949, it has made constant endeavors in energy resources prospecting, and conducted several resources assessments. China's energy resources have评价。

中国能源资源有以下特点:the following characteristics:——能源资源总量比较丰富。







-- Energy resources abound. China boasts fairly rich fossil energy resources, dominated by coal. By 2006, the reserves of coal stood at 1,034.5 billion tons, and the remaining verified reserves exploitable accounted for 13 percent of the world total, ranking China third in the world. The verified reserves of oil and natural gas are relatively small, while oil shale, coal-bed gas and other unconventional fossil energy resources have huge potential for exploitation. China also boasts fairly abundant renewable energy resources. In 2006, the theoretical reserves of hydropower resources were equal to 6,190 billion kwh, and the economically exploitable annual power output was 1,760 billion kwh, equivalent to 12 percent of global hydropower resources, ranking the country first in the world.——人均能源资源拥有量较低。




-- China's per-capita average of energy resources is very low. China has a large population, resulting in a low per-capita average of energy resources in the world. The per-capita average of both coal and hydropower resources is 50 percent of the world's average, while the per-capita average of both oil and natural gas resources is only about one-fifteenth of the world's average. The per-capita average of arable land is less than 30 percent of the world's average, which has hindered the development of biomass energy.——能源资源赋存分布不均衡。
