中西方饮食文化的差异 英文论文

English Essay: Differences in Chinese and Western Food CulturesThe world is a vast tapestry woven with diverse cultures, each contributing its unique hues to the grand narrative. Among these, the differences in Chinese and Western food cultures stand out prominently, reflecting not only distinct culinary traditions but also profound cultural values and lifestyles.Firstly, the focus of meals holds a significant divergence. In Western cuisine, meals tend to be centered around a main course, often accompanied by side dishes and dessert. This structure emphasizes the importance of the main dish, which is often a hearty meat-based meal. Conversely, Chinese dining culture embraces a more communal approach, where a variety of dishes are served simultaneously, encouraging sharing and a diverse dining experience. Each dish, no matter how small, is considered essential to the overall meal's harmony.Secondly, the use of ingredients and cooking techniques varies greatly. Western cooking heavily relies on dairy products, such as butter, cheese, and cream, which add richness and depth to dishes. Meat, especially beef and pork, is also a staple. Chinese cuisine, on the other hand, boasts a vast array of ingredients, including vegetables, seafood, tofu, and various spices and herbs. Cooking techniques like stir-frying, steaming, and braising are preferred, emphasizing the natural flavors of the ingredients and preserving their nutritional value.Moreover, the role of utensils and dining etiquette differs. In Western settings, knives, forks, and spoons are the norm, reflecting a more individualistic approach to dining. Dining etiquette emphasizes proper table manners and the proper use of utensils. In contrast, Chinese dining often involves chopsticks, which not only facilitate the consumption of a wide range of foods but also symbolize unity and harmony, as diners share from a common platter. Dining etiquette in China focuses on respect for elders, timely serving of food, and maintaining a lively conversation during meals.Lastly, the concept of balance and harmony is paramount in Chinese cuisine, whereas Western cuisine tends to emphasize individual flavors and textures. Chinese cooking adheres to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, where foods are classified according to their properties (hot, cold, neutral) and their effects on the body. Meals are carefully balanced to promote health and well-being. Western cuisine, while also striving for flavor combinations, does not necessarily adhere to such holistic principles.In conclusion, the differences between Chinese and Western food cultures are deeply rooted in their respective histories, traditions, and philosophies. Thesevariations not only enrich our dining experiences but also offer insights into the diverse ways in which cultures around the world approach food, nutrition, and social interaction.中文翻译:中西方饮食文化的差异世界是一幅由多元文化交织而成的壮丽画卷,每种文化都为这幅画卷增添了独特的色彩。

有关中西方餐桌文化差异的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Eating Food: East vs WestHi there! My name is Emma and I'm going to tell you all about the different ways people eat food in the East and the West. It's really interesting to learn about other cultures and how they do things differently than we do. My best friend Mei is from China, and we've had so much fun sharing our experiences with each other. Let me explain some of the big differences we've noticed when it comes to mealtimes!First, let's talk about the utensils we use to eat. In the West, like in America where I live, we mostly use forks, knives and spoons. The fork is for stabbing food and bringing it to your mouth. The knife helps cut up bigger pieces into bite-sized bits. And the spoon is perfect for soupy or scoopable foods. But in many Eastern countries like China, Korea and Japan, chopsticks are the go-to utensil. Chopsticks are two thin sticks that you use to pick up food. It takes a lot of practice to get good at usingthem! Mei taught me how and at first I dropped so many peas on the floor. But now I'm a chopstick pro.Another big difference is how the food is served. In Western meals, each person usually gets their own plate with their meal already plated for them. So if I order chicken nuggets, they'll come already on my plate. But in the East, there are often shared dishes in the middle of the table that everyone takes from. So there might be a plate of dumplings or a bowl of fried rice that we all take a portion from using our chopsticks or spoon. It's a much more communal way of eating where you share from the same plates. I like that because then I get to try a little bit of everything!Speaking of sharing, in the West we tend to eat our food course by course. So we'll have an appetizer, then maybe a soup or salad, followed by the main entree, and lastly dessert if we're celebrating something special. It's very spread out over time. But in Eastern meals, everything comes out at once - all the appetizers, main dishes and sides are placed on the table at the same time. That way you can sample and nibble on different dishes as you go. I have to say, I prefer this Eastern way because I'm always too impatient to wait for each course!The types of foods are quite different too. A lot of Western food contains meat like beef, chicken or pork as the main protein. We also eat a lot of bread, cheese, and potatoes as side dishes. But in the East, the main proteins are more likely to be seafood, tofu or eggs. And instead of bread and potatoes, they'll have rice, noodles or dumplings as staple starches. Don't get me wrong - I love a good hamburger! But I have become a big fan of stir-fries, sushi and all the interesting veggie dishes we get to try in Eastern cuisine.Table manners are a little different too. In Western culture, it's considered rude to burp, slurp your food or make loud chewing noises. We're taught to eat quietly with our mouths closed. But in many Eastern cultures, slurping your noodles or letting out a burp after a meal is no big deal - in fact, it can even be a compliment to the chef that you enjoyed the food so much! At first it seemed weird to me, but now I think it's just a different way of expressing appreciation.One last major difference is that in the West, we tend to eat at a set meal time - like dinner is usually around 6 or 7 pm. But in the East, meals are more flexible and can be eaten over a longer period of time, with people coming and going from the table as they get hungry. Mei's family will often leave the dishes out onthe table for hours, snacking here and there. No one tells them they have to finish their plate or can't start eating until the whole family is seated. It's a much more relaxed way of doing meals!So those are the biggest differences I've noticed between Eastern and Western dining culture. From the utensils to the table manners to how the meals are structured, there are so many fascinating contrasts. I feel lucky to have experienced both ways of eating. Mei and I have had the best time learning about each other's food traditions and customs. It's really opened my eyes to see how people in different parts of the world live their day-to-day lives. Ultimately, food is much more than just feeding your hunger - it's about bringing people together, celebrating your heritage, and making memories around the table. No matter where you're from, isn't that what mealtimes are all about?篇2Eating Across CulturesHave you ever wondered why your family eats differently than your friends' families? Maybe you've noticed some fun and interesting differences between how meals happen at your house compared to other houses you've visited. For me, I'vealways been really curious about the different dining traditions and customs around the world. You see, my family is from China, but many of my closest friends have families from the United States, Mexico, India, and other places. I've paid close attention over the years, and I've spotted some super cool differences in how we eat that I want to share with you!First, let's talk about the basics – like utensils. In my Chinese family, we always use chopsticks to eat. Chopsticks are two skinny sticks, usually made of wood or plastic, that we hold in one hand to pick up food. Using chopsticks is kind of like using tiny tongs to grab your food and bring it to your mouth. It takes a little practice to get good with chopsticks, but once you've got it down, it's really fun! A lot of my American friends, on the other hand, use forks, spoons, and knives. These seem to be the standard utensils in many Western cultures.Another big difference is the way meals are served. In China, we have what's called "family style" dining. That means that all the different dishes get placed in the center of the table, and everyone shares from those main plates by taking portions with their chopsticks onto their own individual plate. So we pass the food around and people can pick what they want from the shared dishes. But many of my friends who aren't from Chinesefamilies eat very differently – their parents often plate and serve each person an individual meal already portioned out just for them. Wild, right?Speaking of shared dishes, something I've observed is that portion sizes tend to be a bit smaller in China compared to the United States. Chinese meals usually have lots of different dishes with smaller servings of each item. That way, you can sample and share many different flavors and dishes. But I've been to friends' houses where the portion sizes are massive – like one single serving could probably feed three people! My parents have explained that in America, portions are often really big. Maybe it has something to do with all the amazing choice and abundance of food available.The rhythm and timing of meals is another fascinating difference. In my home, we spend a very long time at the dinner table just enjoying each other's company, the food, and good conversation. Dinner is a big, awesome event that we never rush through. We take our time eating different courses and dishes, and chatting throughout the experience. But I've noticed some of my friends will come home from school and their families just grab a quick solo meal or snack, and then everyone goes their separate ways. No long, dragged out family dinner times. Just afast bite and they're off to other activities right away. I've got to say, I really cherish those dinner traditions of slowing down, being together, and appreciate the meal.You know what else is distinct about Chinese meals? We tend to drink lots of hot beverages during the meal, like piping hot jasmine tea. But at plenty of my friends' houses, I've seen big glasses of ice water or cold beverages like milk or juice on the table. Having a burning hot drink with a meal seemed so bizarre to me at first! I'm just so accustomed to my parents telling me not to drink cold liquids while eating because they believe it's bad for the digestion process.One other big difference has to do with when and how we use hands versus utensils to eat. In my culture, it's considered polite to use chopsticks or utensils for everything, even foods that are handheld in other cultures like pizza, burgers, or tacos. But I've been to birthday parties and other events where my friends will happily pick up foods like that with their hands. At my household, getting your hands greasy and eating with your fingers would be seen as sloppy manners. Just goes to show how different cultures can view those habits so differently!Finally, I have to mention one other obvious contrast – the types of cuisines and dishes we eat! In China, there are so manyfamous dishes and regional specialties that you could spend years trying to sample them all. Things like dumplings, noodles, rice dishes, stir-fries with vegetables and proteins, hot pots, and so much more. Many of these items and flavors taste very different from the typical American foods and cuisines that my friends eat like hamburgers, pizza, tacos, sandwiches, and the like. But you know what? I absolutely love getting to experience and appreciate all the different incredible culinary traditions this world has to offer. It's been so fun getting to taste my way through my friends' cultures while also being proud to share my own heritage's amazing foods and customs.All in all, I feel really fortunate to have been exposed to so many fascinating dining traditions from a young age. It's given me such an appreciation for the beautiful diversity in how humans eat, bond over meals, and pass down food rituals from one generation to the next. While the specifics look quite different, I've realized that sharing food is ultimately about bringing people together across cultures and focusing on what we all have in common – a love of tasty things to eat and quality time spent bonding with loved ones. Those are some super valuable lessons that I've gotten to learn through experiencing all these different mealtime traditions firsthand. I can't wait tosee what other cool food cultures I get to explore as I travel more of this delicious world!篇3Eating Across CulturesFood is such an important part of life. We all need to eat to survive and grow big and strong. But did you know that different cultures around the world have very different ways of eating and thinking about food? I find the differences between how my family eats at home and how other families eat to be really fascinating!At my house, we eat a lot of Chinese food like rice, noodles, dumplings, and stir-fries. My grandparents emigrated here from China, so they brought all their delicious recipes and traditions with them. Whenever we have a big family meal, there are lots of different dishes served all at once. We each get a small bowl of rice, and then we use our chopsticks to take bites from the shared dishes in the middle of the table. There's almost always a soup, a vegetable dish, and then maybe a meat or seafood dish. I love dipping my dumplings in the soup!My best friend Emily's family is from Italy, and they do things quite differently at their house. Instead of having lots of dishes toshare, each person gets a big plate with just one main entree. Emily's mom always makes a vegetable side dish and sometimes bread too. But the main course is definitely the star - things like chicken parmesan, spaghetti and meatballs, or baked eggplant. They use forks and spoons instead of chopsticks too.I remember when I went over to Emily's house for dinner for the first time, I was so confused. There was only one big plate in front of me instead of the lazy susan full of shared dishes I was used to. Emily's little brother saw me looking puzzled and he laughed at me! "You eat it all yourself, silly," he said. Emily's parents thought it was pretty funny that I didn't know you're supposed to eat the whole plate by yourself in their culture.But you know what? Eating with chopsticks to pick up bites of different dishes is pretty weird for them too! Emily always gets a huge kick out of watching me use my chopsticks at lunchtime. She says it looks like I'm playing pick-up sticks with my food. One time she even tried using my chopsticks and managed to fling a mushroom clear across the cafeteria! We both cracked up laughing so hard.I've noticed there are other big differences in how our families do mealtimes too. In my family, we always say thanks and appreciate the food before eating. My mom reminds us thatsomeone worked hard to grow the ingredients and prepare the meal, so we shouldn't be wasteful. At Emily's house, they say a prayer before eating to thank God for the food instead.Another thing I find really interesting is that my family drinks stuff like tea, hot chocolate, or room temperature water with our meals. But Emily's family always has big glasses of ice water or milk with dinner. I remember gulping down some ice-cold milk at her house once and I got such a headache from the brain freeze! Now I know to take tiny sips.Dessert is different too. My family doesn't eat dessert with every meal - it's more of a sometimes treat. When we do have something sweet, it's usually just a little bite like fresh fruit or a couple bites of ice cream. Emily's family has big desserts like cake, pie, or cookies after almost every dinner though! One time they even had chocolate lava cakes AND ice cream sundaes. I was completely stuffed but somehow managed to eat both - they were too delicious to resist.You know, food is such an interesting window into how cultures around the world are alike and different. Even though certain traditions feel really weird or surprising at first, I've learned that it's just a matter of what you're accustomed to. NowI don't bat an eye when Emily picks up her fork or when I have to use a spoon. We just laugh about the funny differences.In the end, food is about sharing, nourishment, and appreciating other cultures as much as our own. Trying my friends' family's traditional dishes has opened my eyes to all sorts of new flavors I never knew about before. And you better believe they get just as excited to dig into my grandma's dumplings or Peking duck! The world has so many tasty things to offer. I feel really lucky that through food, I get to experience little bits of other cultures. It's like getting to go on around-the-world adventure, but just by eating!。

Differences of Table Manners between China and WestChapter 1 IntroductionAs the economy and culture developing rapidly, having dinner is not only for people basic physical need, but also the important skill in social communication. Good manners and courtesy have become increasingly common understanding of the public. With the deepening of reform and opening up policy in China and the strengthening of communication between China and West, people have a great number of opportunities to have dinner with foreigners. A lot of table manners, such as arriving time, seat arrangement, and order of serving dishes, tableware, behaviour and communication, reflect different culture and life-style in nations or countries. There are many differences of table manners between China and western countries.It is extremely important for people to understand these differences to avoid making mistakes and promote the development of humanity culture and achieve interpersonal harmony in both countries.1Differences of Table Manners between China and WestChapter 2 Literature ReviewIt is a common sense that different countries have different cultures. Table manners, as a kind of social customs, are deeply influenced by culture and vary in many different kinds of areas. China has characteristic table manners with a long history, and western countries also have their own table manners. To some degree, having good table manners is a symbol of a nation’s civilization and an expression of a person’s moral cultivation.2Differences of Table Manners between China and WestChapter 3 Cultural Differences of Table Manners3.1 Arriving TimeAs we all know that Chinese people often arrive half an hour later than the predicted time and the host also seems to have prepares for that. When they are waiting for other guests, the host always arranges some games so that the guests who come earlier would not feel boring. While in western countries, people do things strictly and all the activities begin on time. People should arrive at the party on time especially the formal banquets. It is considered as impolite and contempt for the host and other guests if one arrives 10 minutes later.3.2 Seat ArrangementIn Chinese table manners, seating arrangement is the most important part. The seat of honor, reserved for the banquet’s master or the highest status’s guest, is in the center facing east or facing the door. And the other higher position guests sit closer tothe master of the banquet. The lowest position guests sit furthest from the seat of honor. If it is a round table, the one facing the door is the guest of honor. The seats on the left hand are second, and then in turn fourth and sixth and so on. The guests on the right hand are the same.While in western countries, it is different. When the hostess announced dinner is ready, male host will lead guests to the table in turn, and the hostess walks behind them. Some host will also place name card on the table to show the seat.3.3 Order of Serving DishesChinese meals usually begin with appetizers. There are often four or five kinds of appetizers, such as, cold meats, preserved eggs, smoked fish and vegetable relishes. All these food are arranged beautifully on separate dishes or on one large platter. Then the hot food should be served. There is an important rule to serve the whole duck, chicken and fish, which is don’t put the head and tail to the major seat. After the hot dishes, then comes the main course, rice. At last, desserts and fruits are provided to help digestion.In western countries, the first dish is appetizer as well. The second dish is soup. The third dish is fish dish. Meat and poultry dishes is the fourth dish, which also known as the main course. And the most representative is beef and steak. Salad can be a kind of side dish, which can be arranged either after or with the meat dish. The sixth dish is dessert, such as pudding, ice cream, cheese, fruit and so on. The final drink is coffee with cream or tea with sugar.3Differences of Table Manners between China and West3.4 TablewareChinese people mainly use bowl, chopsticks and spoons. Chopsticks are the most important tableware in China. While in serving English meals, they use so much tablewares with different kinds and sizes. There are different kinds of glasses, spoons, plates, bowls and knives. The main tablewares in western are knives, forks, spoons, glass and napkin.3.5 Behaviour and CommunicationWhen on the dinner table, Chinese people talked a lot and enjoy the delicious food at the same time, which means the hospitality and sincere of hostess. Because they believe that the lively atmosphere on the dinner table reflects the cheerful of guests and the warmth of family. While in western, during the dinner, people talked little and cut their own food in the plate quietly.4Differences of Table Manners between China and WestChapter 4 Main Factors Causing the Differences4.1 GeographyThe geographical location and the environment lead to the differences between Chinese and western cultures. People in different places will have differentbehaviours and cultures.4.2 TraditionWith thousands of years of Chinese traditional culture, we believe that we should take care of others and cooperate with others. Chinese people use cheap chopsticks as tableware which can reflect Chinese collective consciousness. In the book Culture on Dinner Table, Mr. Yi Zhongtian said that the core thought of Chinese culture is group consciousness while the western core thought is individual consciousness. The western culture, to be self-centered, the boundary between people is very clear and they usually do not allow mutual interference. That makes western table manners without sharing a plate of food. Knife and fork also can reflect individual consciousness, and noble west of life.4.3 CustomPeople from different countries have different cultures and customs, especially in the aspects such as greeting, thanks, apology, flattery, and making telephone calls. When Chinese invited guests to have dinner, the host always picks food for guests and tries his best to make guests eat and drink more. While in western countries, the host would just let their guests help themselves and they would never carry food to their guest’s bowl.5Differences of Table Manners between China and WestChapter 5 Trend of SyncretismNowadays, an increasing number of western restaurants appear in many cities in China and an increasing number of people like to have meals in it. People have gradually learned western table manners in their daily life. It is obvious that the Chinese diet conception is sensible, and the western diet idea is rational. Now, the difference seems to become blurred with the strengthening of communication between China and West and the development of science. Instead of paying attention to the color, flavor and taste of the food, Chinese people, like the westerners, pay more attention to its health and nutrition. This dissemination and development of western style food has unavoidably made great influence on Chinese food and beverage industry, which made Chinese style food trade change in the aspects of managing concept, management mode, productive means, personnel cultivation and so on.6Differences of Table Manners between China and WestChapter 6 ConclusionSocial background, historical and cultural differences lead to the differences between Chinese and Western table manners. To some extent, table manner is a reflection of the kind of lifestyle, and the formation of habits which can not be obtained in a short period of time. It is actually a kind of historical and cultural sedimentation and extension. Knowing the differences, people can easily understandthe culture of each other. In face of these differences, we should comprehend and respect their habits and culture and remember that every culture is equal to the other. Only recognizing cultural differences between China and West and making a reasonable and effective integration, can we establish a social cultural etiquette system of contemporary China and reach the ideal harmonious society.7Differences of Table Manners between China and WestReferences[1] 易中天. 餐桌上的文化[J]. 当代学生, 2004(10).[2] 杨柳,田丹丹,苑富山. 中美餐桌礼仪刍议[J]. 从餐桌礼仪看中西文化差异[J]. 硅谷, 2008(18).8。

中西方饮食文化英语作文英文回答:Western and Chinese Food Culture.Western and Chinese food cultures are diverse and have evolved over centuries, reflecting the unique histories, traditions, and geographical landscapes of the two regions. Here are some key differences between the two:1. Ingredients and Staples.Western cuisine primarily relies on animal products, such as beef, pork, chicken, and dairy, as well as vegetables, fruits, and grains. Bread, pasta, and potatoes are common staples.Chinese cuisine, on the other hand, emphasizes plant-based ingredients, particularly vegetables, rice, noodles, and soy products. Animal products are often used ascomplements or flavorings rather than the main components of dishes.2. Cooking Methods.Western cooking methods include grilling, roasting, frying, and baking, which emphasize the natural flavors of the ingredients. Seasonings are typically used sparingly.Chinese cooking techniques are more varied and include stir-frying, steaming, braising, and deep-frying. Chinese cuisine places a strong emphasis on balancing flavors and textures, using a wide range of seasonings and sauces.3. Presentation.Western food presentations often prioritize aesthetics and individual portions. Dishes are typically served on plates with separate compartments for different items.In Chinese cuisine, dishes are often served communally on large plates or platters. The communal aspect reflectsthe importance of sharing and family in Chinese culture.4. Dining Customs.Western dining customs are influenced by etiquette and formality. Meals are typically served in courses, with specific utensils assigned for each item. Guests are expected to follow certain table manners and conversation rules.Chinese dining customs are more relaxed and social. Chopsticks are used to eat most meals, and dishes are shared among guests. Conversation and laughter are encouraged during meals.5. Meal Structure.Western meals typically consist of three main courses: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Dinner is often the largest and most formal meal of the day.Chinese meals often involve smaller, more frequentportions throughout the day. Breakfast and lunch are typically lighter, while dinner is a more substantial meal. Snacks and dim sum are also popular in Chinese cuisine.6. Cultural Influences.Western food culture has been influenced by a variety of other cultures, including Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and Asian cuisines. This has resulted in a diverse range of dishes and flavors.Chinese food culture has also been influenced by other Asian cuisines, such as Japanese and Korean, as well as by its own regional variations.中文回答:西方饮食文化和中国饮食文化。

中西方饮食文化差异英语作文_饮食文化的英语作文作文,希望能帮助到大家!饮食文化的英语作文Food between China and Western countries aretotally different styles. China has 5000 years history. We probably spend half of time on food. Chinese people choice food very carefully. They only use fresh material to make food. For example they only eat fresh fish. Chinese have a lot of ideas and techniques for cooking. We can cook a chicken in over ten ways.That’s why Chinese food is so popular in the world. Western country like English or American, they don’t have fresh food because they buy their food from supermarket which only sells stored materials. Western people would also prefer fast food like burgers and chips. They are unhealthy to human body. Westernpeople do not have many skills for cooking, mostlythey only boil, steam and bake the food. By the way, western people are very good at making desert and chocolate. They can make very good cake and chocolate. They are very sweet but it’s sort of food which make you bee fat quickly.In china if you invite people for meal, the person who invited other people would pay for the meal butit’s not the way in Western country. In westerncountry people will think you only invited me butit’s not your responsibility to pay for me. I can afford it. They won’t be happy if you pay for them. People in China would always put dishes into customer’s plate to show their hospitality, but they will think it’s not healthy because your chopsticks have been used by you. In western country like America not England, people will always give tips to waiter after they finished meal in a restaurant. If youdon’t they will not be happy because tips are one of their major ine. In china this only happen in some top restaurants and hotels in large international cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Western people will also think you are rude if you make sound during the meal. Western people do not hold their bowl up even when they have a bowl of soup.There is also a huge difference between Chinese and Western people. Chinese people use chopsticks and western people use fork and knife. Usually people who use fork and knife will use fork to hold the meat and cut it by knife and use fork to help to get that piece of meat into mouse. Chinese just use chopstick to pick things and pass it into your mouse.Chinese people only have three meals during a day. But western people will have more, they have afternoon tea. Usually they would have fruits, homemade cake, tea (black tea) or biscuit with cheese. If you are a housewife and have a lot of time, you may have morning tea as well.饮食文化的英语作文Famous for its abundance and exquisite,Chinese food culture has occupied an important part in the nation's tradition cultures.China is of long history with a vast territory.Due to the diversity of the climate,products and customs,there are widelydifferent food styles and taste in localregions.Through creation by past dynasties,the long standing cooking art has formed rich and colorfullocal dishes.Among them,"the eight major dishes" enjoys the upper reputation,which consists of Shangdong,Chekiang,Sichuan,Jiangshu,Guangdong,Hunan,Fu jian and Anhwei.Shandong dishes are divided into two factions as Tsinan and Jiaodong dishes.They are good at clear dishes,pure but not greasy.Sichuan dishes have enjoyed the fame that every dish has its own characteristic and none two share the same taste.They are also famous for pocked,peppery and savor taste.Chengdu and Chongqing dishes are two mail branches.Jiangsu dishes lay stress on the original taste with proper sweetness and salty.They consist of Yangzhou,Suzhou and Nanking branches.Chekiang dishes are both delicious and sweet smelling,both soft and slide,clean and not greasy.They consist of Hangzhou,Ningbo and Shaoxing branches.Guangdong dishes have Guangzhou,Chaozhou and Dongjiang three styles of dishes.They are good at choice seafood and pay more attention to the cooking skills.They act carefully atlight food with tender and slide taste,from which they earn the praise of " It has a best taste in only in Guangzhou." Hunan dishes consist of Xiangjian,Dongting Lake and Xiangxi coteau three local dishes.Their tastes lay stress on thick,arid and pepperyfood,mostly using seasoning like hot peppery,shallot and capsicum.Minghou,Fuzhou Ximen and Quanzhou dishes are the representatives of Fujian dishes.They use choice seafood as the main material with elaborately cooks beautiful color and delicious taste of oil.They are good at frying,gliding,decocting and pay attention to the dishes' sweetness,salty,and the appearance.The most distinct features are their "pickledtaste".Anhwui dishes pay more attention to thetaste,color of dishes and the temperature to cook them.They are expert in cooking delicacies from mountains and sea.In addition to the eight major dishes,there are Beijing dishes,shanghai dishes,Hubei dishes,liangning dishes,Henan dishes which also enjoy great reputation.What's more,the steamed dishes and vegetable dishes have their owncharms.Actually,Chinese dishes have earned world's fame.The Chinese eateries could be found everywhere throughout the world.Many foreigners regard having a Chinese meal as a high honor.饮食文化的英语作文"You are what you eat." Nutrition experts often use this saying to promote better eating habits. What we put in our mouths does bee a part of us. But we canlook at this statement another way. What we eat reflects who we are--as people and as a culture. Do you want to understand another culture? Then you ought to find out about its food. Learning about American food can give us a real taste of American culture."你吃什么就成为什么样子"营养专家经常使用这句话来倡导更好的饮食习惯,入嘴的东西确实成为我们的一部分.但我们也可以从另一个角度来看这句话,我们所吃的反映出我们自己--不论就人或文化而言.你想了解另一种文化吗?那么你应该去认识他们的食物.认识美国食物可以让我们得知美国文化的精髓。

中西方饮食文化对比英语作文英文回答:Comparison of Eastern and Western Food Cultures.Eastern and Western food cultures have evolved over centuries, shaped by a multitude of factors such as geography, climate, and cultural values. While bothcultures share some similarities, they also exhibitdistinct differences that reflect their unique culinary traditions.Emphasis on Freshness and Seasonality.In Eastern cuisine, freshness and seasonality are highly valued. Ingredients are often used in their raw or lightly cooked state to preserve their natural flavors. This emphasis on fresh produce is evident in dishes such as sushi, sashimi, and salads. In contrast, Western cuisine tends to use more processed and preserved ingredients,allowing for greater flexibility in preparation and storage.Balance and Harmony.Eastern cuisine is characterized by a focus on balance and harmony. Dishes often combine a variety of flavors and textures, such as sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. This balance is achieved through the careful selection and combination of ingredients, as well as the use of cooking techniques that preserve the natural flavors of each ingredient. Western cuisine, on the other hand, often emphasizes a single dominant flavor, such as saltiness or sweetness, and may use more intense seasonings and sauces.Communal Dining.In Eastern cultures, dining is often a communal experience, with meals shared among family and friends. Dishes are typically served in large portions and placed in the center of the table, allowing everyone to partake. This communal aspect fosters a sense of togetherness and sharing. Western cuisine, while not always communal, often involvessmaller portion sizes and individual plates, reflecting a more individualized approach to dining.Influence of Religion.Religion has played a significant role in shaping both Eastern and Western food cultures. In the East, Buddhismand Taoism have influenced the development of vegetarianand vegan diets. Hinduism has also introduced a wide rangeof spices and herbs to Indian cuisine. In the West, Christianity has influenced fasting practices and dietary restrictions during Lent and other religious holidays.Availability of Ingredients.The availability of ingredients has also shaped the development of Eastern and Western food cultures. Eastern cuisine has long been influenced by the abundance of rice, vegetables, and seafood in Asia. Western cuisine, on the other hand, has historically relied on wheat, meat, anddairy products, which were more readily available in Europe.Impact of Globalization.Globalization has led to increased interaction and exchange between Eastern and Western food cultures. Ingredients, dishes, and culinary techniques from both cultures have become more widely available and incorporated into new and innovative cuisines. This has contributed to a greater appreciation and understanding of both Eastern and Western culinary traditions.中文回答:东西方饮食文化对比。
中西饮食礼仪 英文作文

中西饮食礼仪英文作文英文:When it comes to dining etiquette, there are some differences between Western and Chinese cultures. In Western culture, it is common to use utensils such as knives, forks, and spoons to eat, while in Chinese culture, chopsticks are the primary utensil.In Western culture, it is considered rude to talk with your mouth full or to reach across the table for food. It is also important to wait until everyone is served before starting to eat. In Chinese culture, it is polite to take food from the serving dishes and place it onto your own plate before eating. It is also common to use a lazy Susan to share dishes with others at the table.Another difference is the way in which beverages are consumed. In Western culture, it is common to drink wine or other alcoholic beverages with meals, while in Chineseculture, tea is the beverage of choice. It is also customary to pour tea for others before pouring for yourself.Overall, both Western and Chinese cultures place a strong emphasis on dining etiquette and showing respect to others at the table.中文:在餐桌礼仪方面,西方文化和中国文化之间存在一些差异。

中西方餐饮文化对比英语作文Western and Chinese culinary cultures represent rich tapestries of traditions, flavors, and dining etiquettes that have evolved over centuries, reflecting their respective cultural values and histories.Western cuisine, characterized by its diversity and global influence, is often associated with individual plated servings and a focus on distinct flavors. Meals typically progress through courses, beginning with appetizers or starters, followed by a main course and concluding with dessert. This structured approach to dining is not merely about sustenance but is deeply intertwined with social rituals and etiquette. In formal settings, Western dining often adheres to etiquette norms such as the use of specific utensils for each course and adherence to table manners like keeping elbows off the table and using napkins properly.Contrastingly, Chinese dining culture emphasizes communal eating, where dishes are shared among diners seated around a table. This practice fosters a sense of togetherness and is rooted in the Confucian value of harmony and collectivism. Chinese meals are typically served with rice or noodles as staples, complemented by a variety of dishes featuring vegetables, meat, and seafood. The dining experience involves a dynamic interplay of flavors and textures, aiming to achieve a balance of tastes—sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty—considered essential for a satisfying meal.In Western cuisine, ingredients are often celebrated for their natural flavors, with techniques like roasting, grilling, and sautéing used to enhance taste while preserving the integrity of the main ingredients. Sauces and seasonings play a crucial role, adding complexity and depth to dishes without overpowering the natural flavors.Conversely, Chinese cuisine employs a range of cooking methods such as stir-frying, steaming, and braising, each designed to bring out the best in ingredients while harmonizing flavors. The art of Chinese cooking lies in the precise balance of seasoning, often achieved through soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, and ginger, among other spices, whichare used not just for taste but also for their health benefits according to traditional Chinese medicine principles.Furthermore, dining customs in both cultures reflect broader societal values. In the West, meals are often a time for family bonding or socializing with friends, marked by lively conversation and shared experiences. Special occasions are celebrated with elaborate dinners, where food serves as a centerpiece of festivities.Similarly, in Chinese culture, food is deeply symbolic and is intricately woven into festivals and rituals, embodying auspicious meanings and cultural heritage. The preparation and sharing of food signify respect and affection for guests, with hosts often demonstrating generosity by offering a wide array of dishes to ensure guests' enjoyment and satisfaction.Despite these cultural distinctions, globalization has facilitated the exchange and fusion of culinary traditions. Western influences can be seen in the adoption of fast food and casual dining concepts in urban China, while Chinese cuisine has gained popularity worldwide, adapted to local tastes and preferences.In conclusion, while Western and Chinese culinary cultures differ significantly in their approaches to dining, both are rich in tradition, symbolism, and culinary expertise. Whether enjoying a formal dinner in the West or partaking in a communal feast in China, the appreciation for food as a unifying force remains universal, transcending cultural boundaries and enriching the human experience.。

中西方饮食差异英语作文英文回答:In terms of diet, there are many differences between the East and the West. One of the most obvious differences is the staple food. In Western countries, bread and potatoes are the main staple foods, while in China, rice and noodles are the main staple foods. For example, in the West, people often have sandwiches or burgers for lunch, while in China, people usually have a bowl of rice with some vegetables and meat.Another difference is the cooking methods. In the West, people often use ovens and grills to cook their food, while in China, people use woks and steamers. For example, in Western cuisine, steaks are often grilled or pan-fried, while in Chinese cuisine, stir-frying and steaming are more common cooking methods.Furthermore, the ingredients used in the two types ofcuisine are also different. In Western cuisine, dairy products such as cheese and butter are commonly used, while in Chinese cuisine, soy sauce and vinegar are more commonly used. For example, in Western desserts, you often find cream and chocolate, while in Chinese desserts, you often find red bean paste and glutinous rice.Overall, the differences in diet between the East and the West are quite significant, and they reflect the different cultural and historical backgrounds of the two regions.中文回答:在饮食方面,东西方之间存在许多差异。

中西方饮食习惯的差异英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Tasty Differences: Eastern and Western Eating StylesFood is such an important part of our lives! We all need to eat to grow big and strong. But did you know that people in different parts of the world have very different eating habits? The foods they eat, the way they prepare them, and even the times they eat can be quite different between Eastern and Western cultures. Let me tell you about some of the biggest differences I've noticed!One of the first things I think of is the main staple foods. In many Western countries like the United States, Britain, and France, people eat a lot of bread, pasta, and potatoes. These starchy foods often accompany the main meat or vegetable dishes. But in many Eastern countries like China, Japan, and India, the main staple is rice or noodles instead. My Chinese friend's mom makes the most delicious white rice to go with theirstir-fries and soups.The ingredients used in cooking can also be quite different.A lot of Western food uses ingredients like beef, pork, butter, cheese, and cream. My grandma's spaghetti has tons of parmesan cheese and ground beef. But many Eastern cuisines avoid or use less of those ingredients. Instead, they use more vegetables, tofu, chicken, fish, and lighter sauces or broths. My Japanese friend's mom makes amazing vegetable tempura and miso soup.Another big difference is the use of spices and flavors. Many Western recipes just use basic salt and pepper for seasoning. But Eastern cuisines incorporate so many aromatic spices and herbs like turmeric, cumin, ginger, garlic, chili peppers and more. The curries and stir-fries always have such exciting flavor combinations that make my mouth water!The ways that food is prepared also vary a lot. In the West, we do things like baking, roasting, grilling, and frying a lot. At home, my mom bakes delicious cakes and roasts a whole chicken. But in the East, they use more steaming, stir-frying, and simmering techniques. My Indian friend's dad makes the most tender chicken curry by simmering it slowly with the spices.When it comes to eating habits and customs, there are some interesting cultural differences too. In many Western countries,people tend to eat 3 big meals a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner. We might have snacks too, but the main meals are the biggest. However, in many Eastern cultures, people eat smaller meals but more frequently, like 5-6 times per day. My Chinese grandparents will have a few small meals plus snacks of fruit, nuts or dim sum.Table manners and utensils are another difference. In the West, we mainly use forks, knives and spoons. We cut up our food and eat it with a fork. But in many Asian countries, chopsticks are a very common utensil. Using them takes skill! At Chinese restaurants, I always struggle a bit to eat my noodles and dumplings gracefully with chopsticks. In some countries like India, it's also common to eat with your clean hands.The ways we present and eat food also differ. Western meals are usually served all together on one plate, maybe with small side dishes. But many Eastern meals have lots of shared dishes in the center that people take from. At a Chinese banquet, there will be so many platters of food in the middle of the table to share family-style. That's really fun because you get to try many different tasty things!Another thing I've noticed is that in the West, we tend to drink a beverage like milk, juice or soda with our meals. But inmany Eastern cultures, people prefer to just drink plain hot tea, or maybe a warm soup or broth. My friend's Japanese grandmother always has a small cup of green tea with her meals.Finally, desserts can be quite different too! In the West, we love sugary treats like cakes, pies, cookies, ice cream, and candy. My birthday parties always have a huge decorated cake as the centerpiece. But in the East, desserts are often more subtly sweet, made with fruit and nuts. Things like fresh fruit, sweet soups, puddings and pancakes seem more common. I tried red bean pancakes at a Chinese festival once - so tasty but not overly sugary.As you can see, there are so many fascinating differences in cuisines and eating customs between the East and West. Both have such delicious and interesting foods to explore! I feel lucky to have friends from around the world who share their yummy cultural foods with me. Trying new dishes from different countries is one of my favorite ways to travel with my taste buds without even leaving home. Isn't food amazing?篇2Eating Habits Around the WorldHi, my name is Amy and I'm going to tell you about the different ways people eat food in the East and the West. I find it really interesting how people from different cultures have such different eating habits and foods they like to eat.In the West, which includes countries like the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and others, people tend to eat a lot of meat, dairy products like milk and cheese, bread, and processed foods. A typical Western meal might be a hamburger with french fries, a milkshake, and maybe a salad on the side.For breakfast, Westerners often eat things like cereal with milk, pancakes or waffles with syrup, eggs, bacon, sausages, toast with butter and jam, oatmeal, or yogurt with fruit and granola. They also drink beverages like orange juice, coffee, or tea with milk and sugar.In contrast, traditional Eastern cuisines from countries like China, Japan, Korea, and others, tend to be lighter and more plant-based. They feature a lot of rice, noodles, vegetables, soy products like tofu and soy sauce, and smaller portions of meat and seafood.For example, a typical Chinese meal might have steamed rice, stir-fried vegetables, a small serving of chicken or fish, and soup. Japanese meals often contain rice, miso soup, grilled fish, pickledvegetables, and small side dishes. Korean meals usually have rice, kimchi (a spicy fermented cabbage dish), grilled meats like beef or pork, and many side dishes of vegetables and other foods.One big difference is that in the West, people tend to eat three big meals a day - breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But in many Eastern cultures, it's common to have a few smaller meals spread out during the day, along with snacks.The way food is eaten is also different. In the West, each person usually has their own plate with everything served together. But in many Asian cultures, dishes are served in shared plates or bowls that everyone takes food from. People also use chopsticks instead of forks and knives.Besides rice and noodles, Eastern cuisines make a lot of use of soy products like tofu, tempeh, miso, soy sauce, and fermented soy foods. These aren't as common in Western cooking. Westerners also tend to use a lot more cheese, butter, and cream in their dishes.Drinks are different too. While Westerners mainly drink milk, juices, sodas, coffees and teas, many Easterners prefer hot tea, especially green tea. They also have interesting drinks like bubble tea with tapioca pearls.Desserts are another area of difference. Western desserts are often very sweet, with lots of sugar, chocolate, cake, pies, cookies, and ice cream. Traditional Eastern desserts tend to be lighter and less sweet, made with ingredients like red bean paste, fruit, rice flour, and nuts.In my family, we eat a mix of Western and Eastern foods. For breakfast, we might have cereal or oatmeal. For lunch, my mom packs sandwiches, fruit, and veggie sticks. And for dinner, we often have stir-fries with rice or noodles because they're fast and healthy. But we also make pasta, tacos, curry dishes, and all sorts of other international meals.I think it's great that the world has so many diverse dietary traditions and cuisines. Eating is such an important part of culture. Whether it's a juicy cheeseburger, a warm bowl of pho noodle soup, or篇3Differences Between Eastern and Western Dietary HabitsFood is an essential part of our lives, and it's fascinating to see how people from different cultures have developed unique dietary habits over time. In this essay, we'll explore the differences between Eastern and Western dietary habits,focusing on the types of food consumed, cooking methods, and cultural significance.One of the most noticeable differences is the staple foods. In many Eastern countries, particularly in Asia, rice is the primary staple food. It's a crucial part of almost every meal, whether it's steamed, fried, or used in dishes like sushi or rice noodles. On the other hand, in Western countries, the staple foods are typically wheat-based products like bread, pasta, and cereals.Another significant difference lies in the cooking methods. Eastern cuisines, such as Chinese, Japanese, and Thai, often emphasize stir-frying, steaming, and braising, which help preserve the natural flavors and nutrients of the ingredients. In contrast, Western cooking techniques like baking, roasting, and grilling are more common, which can sometimes result in a more robust and heartier flavor.When it comes to flavors, Eastern cuisines tend to rely heavily on a variety of spices and herbs to create complex and aromatic dishes. Popular seasonings include ginger, garlic, soy sauce, and various chili peppers. In contrast, Western cuisines often use simpler seasonings like salt, pepper, and herbs like rosemary, thyme, and basil.Interestingly, the way meals are served and consumed also differs between Eastern and Western cultures. In many Eastern countries, it's common to share dishes from a central plate or bowl, using chopsticks or other utensils to pick up small portions. This encourages a sense of community and togetherness during mealtimes. On the other hand, in Western cultures, individual plates are more common, and meals are often consumed with forks, knives, and spoons.Another notable difference is the cultural significance of food. In many Eastern cultures, food is deeply rooted in traditions and rituals. For example, in Chinese culture, certain dishes are served during specific festivals or celebrations, each with its own symbolic meaning. Similarly, in Japanese culture, the art of presentation and the aesthetics of food are highly valued. In contrast, while food plays an essential role in Western cultures as well, the emphasis is often more on convenience and practicality.Despite these differences, there are also some similarities between Eastern and Western dietary habits. For instance, both cultures value the importance of fresh and high-quality ingredients. Additionally, there has been a growing trend towards healthier and more sustainable eating practices in bothregions, with an increased focus on plant-based diets and locally sourced produce.In conclusion, the differences between Eastern and Western dietary habits are fascinating and diverse. From the staple foods to cooking methods, flavors, and cultural significance, these variations reflect the rich tapestry of human cultures and traditions. Exploring and appreciating these differences can not only broaden our culinary horizons but also foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for the diversity of our world.篇4Eating Habits Around the WorldHi there! My name is Emily and I'm a 10-year-old student. Today I want to tell you about the really interesting differences I've noticed between how people eat food in Western countries like the United States compared to Eastern countries like China.One of the biggest differences is what kinds of food are considered a meal. In the West, a typical meal consists of one main entree as the centerpiece like a big piece of meat, chicken or fish. This is accompanied by some side dishes like vegetables, potatoes, pasta or rice. For example, a classic American dinner isa thick steak with a baked potato on the side and steamed broccoli.But in many Eastern cuisines, the meal is made up of lots of smaller dishes that are shared among the whole table. In China, it's really common to have 6-8 different plates with things like stir-fried vegetables, braised meats, soups, rice or noodle dishes. Everyone takes a little bit from all the different plates using chopsticks. My friends who are from India have also told me that their meals have lots of shared dishes like curries, dals, breads, chutneys and rice.The way we eat is pretty different too. In Western-style meals, we tend to eat our food one dish at a time, finishing the entree first before moving on to the sides. But when I've eaten at Chinese restaurants with my friend's family, everyone mixes everything together as they go. You take a bite of the main protein dish, then a bite of rice, then a bite of the vegetable. It's like making a different combination in each bite!Another big difference is how often and what times food is eaten. A typical American day has 3 main meals - breakfast in the morning, lunch around noon, and dinner in the evening. We might have some small snacks like chips or cookies in between too. But many Asian cultures have a much different schedule. MyJapanese friends tell me that their families eat two biggerrice-based meals in the morning and evening, and then have lighter foods like noodle soups or baked goods in the afternoon. From what I've read, it's similar in other East Asian countries too.Speaking of rice, that's another huge difference in diets around the world! In the West, rice is sort of a side dish that accompanies the main protein. We tend to eat wheat-based foods like bread, pasta, crackers way more often. But in many Asian cuisines, rice is like the bread of the West - it's a staple food that shows up at every single meal. My friends who are from Thailand, Vietnam, China, Korea all say they eat rice pretty much from morning till night. No wonder Asia produces about 90% of the world's rice!Besides rice, grains like wheat, corn and oats are way more of a diet staple in Western countries compared to most of Asia. You'll find lots of bread, cereals, pastas, crackers and other wheat products. In the East though, grains like millet, buckwheat and sorghum are more widely eaten. My friend's mom makes these really tasty millet porridges and stir-fries buckwheat noodles that I absolutely love.Dairy is another area where Eastern and Western diets differ a ton. Milk, cheese, yogurt and butter show up constantly inWestern breakfast, lunch, dinner and desserts. Even a lot of our packaged snacks have dairy. But in many parts of Asia, dairy is way less common. Many people are lactose intolerant, so dairy items besides things like yogurt aren't as big of a part of the diet. Instead, they get calcium from lots of leafy greens, beans, soy products and fish.Speaking of soy, that's an absolute staple in so many Asian cuisines that doesn't show up nearly as much in the West. Dishes with tofu, edamame, soy milk, and soy sauces are a huge part of meals all across Asia. In the US though, soy-based foods are seen more as special vegetarian or vegan options instead of everyday diet staples. This is one area where the West could really learn from the East, since soy is such a great plant-based protein!You can even see differences in how we use fats and oils when cooking. A lot of European and American cooking uses things like olive oil, butter and animal fats. But many Asian cooking techniques call for plant-based oils like peanut, sesame and vegetabl e oils when frying or sautéing dishes.Alright, those are some of the biggest differences I've noticed so far when it comes to food in the East versus the West.I feel really lucky that my parents encourage me to try all sorts of different global cuisines. It's so fascinating to learn about howwhat we eat can vary so much depending on what part of the world you're from! I still have so much more to explore when it comes to food from the Middle East, Africa, South Asia and more. But I'll save that for another essay. Let me know if you have any other questions!篇5The Tasty Differences: Eastern and Western Eating HabitsHi there! Today, I want to talk about something that's a part of our daily lives – food! We all need to eat to stay healthy and grow strong, but did you know that people from different parts of the world have very different eating habits? It's true! The way people in the East (like China, Japan, and India) and the West (like the United States, Canada, and England) eat can be quite different. Let me tell you about some of these fascinating differences!First, let's talk about the main ingredients used in Eastern and Western cuisines. In many Eastern countries, rice is a staple food and is served with almost every meal. In fact, some people in Asia eat rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! On the other hand, in Western countries, wheat is more commonly used tomake bread, pasta, and pastries. While rice is also eaten in the West, it's not as much of a daily staple as it is in the East.Another big difference is the use of spices and seasonings. Eastern cuisines, especially those from countries like India, Thailand, and China, often use a wide variety of fragrant spices like cumin, turmeric, ginger, and chili peppers. These spices not only add a lot of flavor to the dishes but also have many health benefits. In contrast, Western cuisines tend to use fewer spices and rely more on herbs like rosemary, thyme, and basil for seasoning.Now, let's talk about the way meals are served and eaten. In many Eastern cultures, meals are often served family-style, with several dishes placed in the center of the table for everyone to share. People use chopsticks or their hands to take small portions from the shared plates. In contrast, in Western cultures, meals are typically served individually, with each person receiving their own plate of food. Utensils like forks, knives, and spoons are commonly used for eating.Another interesting difference is the emphasis on hot or cold foods. In some Eastern cultures, there is a belief that hot and cold foods should be balanced for good health. For example, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, it's believed that eating too many"cooling" foods like fruits and vegetables can disrupt the body's balance, while "warming" foods like ginger and cinnamon can help restore balance. In Western cultures, there is less emphasis on this hot-cold balance, and people generally eat foods at whatever temperature they prefer.No matter where you're from or what kind of food you eat, one thing is for sure – food is an important part of every culture and plays a big role in bringing people together. Whether it's a family gathering, a celebration, or just a casual meal with friends, sharing food is a way to connect with others and learn about different traditions and customs.So, the next time you sit down for a meal, take a moment to think about where the ingredients came from, how they were prepared, and the cultural traditions behind the dish. You might just discover something new and fascinating about the way people eat around the world!篇6The Tasty Differences: Eastern and Western Eating HabitsHi there! I'm an elementary school kid who loves food from all around the world. I've noticed that people from different cultures have some really interesting differences in how they eat.Today, I want to share with you the cool contrasts between Eastern and Western dietary habits.Let's start with the basics – the meals themselves. In many Western countries, like the United States, people usually have three main meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But in some Eastern cultures, like China and Japan, they often have two bigger meals with several smaller snacks or light meals in between.Now, let's talk about the star of the show – the food itself! One of the biggest differences is the choice of grains. In the West, wheat is king. We love our breads, pastas, and cereals made from wheat. But in the East, rice is the grain of choice. Can you imagine having rice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? That's totally normal in many Asian countries!Another tasty contrast is in the world of flavors. Western cuisines tend to use a lot of butter, cream, and cheese, which gives dishes a rich, savory taste. On the other hand, Eastern cooking often relies more on soy sauce, ginger, garlic, and other bold, aromatic flavors.Speaking of flavors, let's not forget about spices! Western spices like salt, pepper, and oregano are pretty mild compared to the fiery blend of spices used in many Eastern dishes. Have youever tried a really spicy curry or a tongue-tingling Sichuan dish? Whew, they can really pack a punch!Now, let's move on to the way we eat our food. In the West, we're big fans of individual plates and utensils. Each person gets their own plate, fork, knife, and spoon. But in many Eastern cultures, sharing dishes from the center of the table is more common. And instead of forks and knives, chopsticks are the utensils of choice.Oh, and let's not forget about beverages! In the West, we love our fizzy sodas, juices, and milk with meals. But in the East, tea is the beverage king. From fragrant jasmine tea to robust oolong, tea is a staple at mealtimes and beyond.Another interesting difference is the way we think about meal portions. In the West, we tend to pile our plates high with generous servings of protein, vegetables, and starches. But in many Eastern cultures, the focus is on balance and moderation. Smaller portions of various dishes are served to create awell-rounded meal.And let's not forget about dessert! Western desserts are often rich, sweet, and indulgent, like gooey chocolate cakes or creamy ice cream sundaes. But in the East, desserts are usually lighter and less sweet, like fresh fruit or delicate sweet soups.Now, I know what you're thinking – "But what about snacks?" Well, let me tell you, the snack game is strong on both sides of the world! In the West, we love our chips, cookies, and candy bars. But in the East, you'll find delicious treats like steamed buns, rice crackers, and all sorts of tasty skewered street foods.Phew, that was a lot of tasty differences! But despite all these contrasts, there's one thing that unites us all – our love for good food. Whether it's a juicy cheeseburger or a steaming bowl of ramen, food has a way of bringing people together and creating happiness.So, the next time you sit down for a meal, take a moment to appreciate the flavors, traditions, and cultures that went into creating that delicious dish. And who knows, maybe you'll be inspired to try something new from the other side of the world!。

中西方美食文化差异英语作文Title: Differences between Chinese and Western Cuisine Cultures.Well, you know, when it comes to food, it's like opening a whole new world of differences between Chinese and Western cultures. I've been around the block for over 20 years in this writing biz, but food? That's something I've been exploring all my life, just like any other foodie out there.Let's start with the ingredients. In the West, you've got a lot of dairy products. I mean, like, cheese everywhere! It's like they sprinkle it on everything. And meat, especially beef, is a big deal. You go to a Western restaurant, and there's a big, juicy steak on the menu. Hmm... But in China, we've got a whole range of ingredients that might seem a bit strange to Westerners. Take offal for example. We've got things like pig's trotters, and tripe. Some Westerners might go "Eww!" but for us, it can be a real delicacy when cooked right.Now, the cooking methods. In the West, baking is a huge thing. You've got your ovens on all the time, making bread, cakes, and roasting meats.It's like a magic box that spits out deliciousness. And frying too, butit's a bit different from Chinese frying. In China, stir - frying is an art form. You've got this hot wok, and the chef just tosses in all the ingredients lightning - fast. It makes this sizzling sound, like "sizzle - sizzle", and the smell that fills the kitchen? Oh, it's amazing. I remember one time I tried to stir - fry at home, and I ended up with a mess. I was like, "What am I doing wrong?" I thought I knew how to do it because I'd watched so many cooking shows. Well, turns out, watching and doing are two different things.Table manners are another big difference. In the West, you've got your forks and knives, and you're supposed to cut your food into small pieces and eat it. It's all very proper. But in China, we use chopsticks. And let me tell you, using chopsticks is not as easy as it looks for some people.I've seen some Western tourists struggle with them, and it's kind of cutein a way. There's a story I heard, not sure if it's true or not, but they say that some Westerners thought chopsticks were just for decoration atfirst when they saw them on the table. Ha!Presentation of food is also different. Western food often looks very neat and tidy on the plate. You've got your food arranged in a certain way, like a little work of art. In China, we also care about presentation, butit's more about the overall harmony of colors and shapes. And sometimes, we like to have a big, shared plate in the middle of the table, and everyone just digs in. Some Westerners might find this a bit unhygienic, but it'sall part of our culture.I don't know if you've ever thought about this, but the eating times are different too. In the West, dinner can be as late as 8 or 9 pm. In China, we usually have dinner earlier, like around 6 or 7 pm. I wonder why that is? Maybe it has something to do with our different lifestyles.There are also some interesting food traditions. In the West, there's Thanksgiving with the big turkey and all the trimmings. And in China, we've got the Spring Festival with all kinds of special foods, like dumplings. Dumplings are like little pockets of joy. You can put all kinds of fillings in them, and it's a family - bonding activity to make them together.Well, I could go on and on about this. I'm probably forgetting some things, and I might even have some things wrong. But that's the beauty of it. Food culture is so vast and diverse. What do you think? Have you hadany interesting experiences with Chinese or Western food? Maybe you've got a story to share too. And who knows, maybe the differences will start to blur as the world gets more connected. But for now, these differences are what make exploring both cultures' cuisines so much fun.。

Differences in Chinese and Western Food Cultures (英语作文) The vast tapestry of global cultures is woven with intricate threads of tradition, and nowhere is this more evident than in the diverse landscapes of culinary arts. Chinese and Western food cultures, each steeped in rich histories and distinct customs, offer a fascinating contrast that illuminates the profound differences between East and West.Firstly, the emphasis on mealtime rituals and social gatherings sets these two cultures apart. In China, dining is often a communal affair, where family and friends gather around a table laden with an array of delicacies, each dish meticulously prepared to showcase the chef's culinary prowess. Conversations flow freely, and the act of sharing food symbolizes unity and harmony. In contrast, Western dining culture tends to be more individualistic, with plated meals served to each diner. Mealtimes, while still social occasions, often revolve around smaller gatherings and more focused conversations.Secondly, the use of ingredients and cooking techniques varies greatly. Chinese cuisine is renowned for its use of a wide variety of fresh ingredients, including meats, seafood, vegetables, herbs, and spices. Techniques such as stir-frying, steaming, braising, and deep-frying are employed to bring out the natural flavors and textures of these ingredients. Western cuisine, on the other hand, while also diverse, tends to rely more heavily on dairy products, grains, and meats, with a focus on baking, roasting, grilling, and sautéing as primary cooking methods.Furthermore, the concept of balance and harmony plays a pivotal role in Chinese cuisine. The Five Flavors (sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, and salty) and the Four Seasons (with their corresponding ingredients) are carefully considered to create dishes that are not only delicious but also believed to promote health and well-being. Western cuisine, while also striving for flavor balance, does not adhere to such a strict philosophical framework.Lastly, the role of dining in daily life differs. In China, meals are often seen as opportunities for relaxation and bonding, with breakfast, lunch, and dinner each carrying their own significance and rituals. Western cultures, however, tend to prioritize efficiency and convenience, with fast food and take-out options becoming increasingly popular. This has led to a shift in dining habits, where meals are sometimes consumed on-the-go or in front of screens.中文翻译:全球文化的广阔画卷由传统这一错综复杂的丝线编织而成,而在烹饪艺术的多样景观中,这一点尤为明显。

英语论文中西方饮食文化差异AbstractWith the continuous development of globalization, cultural exchanges between the East and the West have become increasingly frequent. Food, as an important part of culture, reflects the differences between Eastern and Western cultures to a large extent. This paper aims to explore the differences in food culture between Eastern and Western countries, including the historical background, dietary habits, ingredients, cooking methods, and table manners. By examining the cultural factors behind these differences, we can gain a deeper understanding of the rich diversity and uniqueness of Eastern and Western food cultures.IntroductionFood is not only a source of nutrition but also a carrier of culture. It reflects the values, beliefs, and customs of a society. The cultural differences between Eastern and Western countries are evident in their respective food cultures. In this paper, we will examine the differences in food culture from various aspects, ranging from historical factors to table manners.A. Historical BackgroundThe development of food culture in Eastern and Western countries is closely related to their historical background. Eastern countries, such as China and Japan, have a long history of agriculture, which shapes their food culture characterized by rice as a staple food and the use of chopsticks for eating. In contrast, Western countries, such as France and Italy, have a long history of animal husbandry and the cultivation of wheat. This influencestheir food culture characterized by bread and pasta as staple foods and the use of forks and knives.B. Dietary HabitsThe dietary habits of Eastern and Western countries also differ significantly. Eastern countries emphasize balance and harmony in their meals. They believe in the concept of yin and yang, and their meals typically consist of a combination of grains, meat or fish, vegetables, and soy products. In contrast, Western countries tend to have more varied and individualistic eating patterns. They often have three main meals a day, with a focus on meat, dairy products, and a wide range of fruits and vegetables.C. IngredientsThe choice of ingredients in Eastern and Western cuisines is another area where differences can be observed. Eastern cuisines heavily rely on soy sauce, soybean oil, and various fermented products, such as miso and soybean paste. These ingredients contribute to the umami taste that is prominent in Eastern dishes. In contrast, Western cuisines commonly use butter, cream, and various cheeses to enhance flavors. Moreover, the use of herbs and spices, such as basil, thyme, and oregano, is prevalent in Western cuisines, adding depth and complexity to dishes.D. Cooking MethodsThe cooking methods employed in Eastern and Western cuisines also differ significantly. Eastern cuisines often involve stir-frying, steaming, and boiling, which are quick and efficient methods that retain the natural flavors and textures of ingredients. In contrast, Western cuisines often involvebaking, grilling, and roasting, which allow flavors to develop through caramelization and browning. Slow cooking methods, such as stewing and braising, are also commonly used in Western cuisines to tenderize meats and enhance flavors.E. Table MannersTable manners and etiquette also vary between Eastern and Western cultures. Eastern cultures, such as China and Japan, emphasize the importance of communal dining and the sharing of dishes. Meals are often served family-style, and it is considered polite to take small portions and try a bit of everything. In Western cultures, individual plates are more common, and each person's meal is often separate and portioned individually. Additionally, the use of utensils differs, where chopsticks are used in Eastern cultures and forks, knives, and spoons are used in Western cultures.ConclusionIn conclusion, the differences in food culture between Eastern and Western countries can be attributed to their historical background, dietary habits, choice of ingredients, cooking methods, and table manners. These differences reflect the values, beliefs, and customs of each culture. By understanding and appreciating these differences, we can promote cultural exchange and enhance mutual understanding between Eastern and Western societies.。

关于中西饮⾷⽂化差异的英语作⽂ 从这⼏篇中,可以适当了解到中西饮⾷的巨⼤差异。
下⾯是店铺⼩编给⼤家带来中西饮⾷⽂化差异英语作⽂,供⼤家参阅! 中西饮⾷⽂化差异英语作⽂篇1 The Food Culture Difference Between China and West Studying food cultural differences, we can find out a joint enhancing the communication between China and the west through a comprehensive study of the subject. It may be a great help to the communication of the Chinese and western cultures. Diet is actually the contents of our daily lives. It has special status in the Chinese culture, and it also has a great distinction between China and the west. As one of the world ancient nations, China’s diet has a history almost as long as that of Chinese civilization. But in western countries, ancient thinkers devoted less attention to the food problem than the Chinese philosophers did.The differences in concepts, targets, patterns, attribution and nature had reflected the different dietary culture in the different state characteristic. Differences in Concepts Chinese diet is a sense of beauty diet and pays attention to the "color, flavor, taste " regardless of the nutrition . Chinese people hanker on a diet is just the “mood” that is difficult for one to say anything. Even using the "color, flavor, shape and implement "which people often said to make the" realm "reification, is still difficult to crown all. 中西饮⾷⽂化差异英语作⽂篇2 The major differences of eating culture between the West and China a.The use of tableware As we all know, chopsticks is our traditional tableware. We use chopsticks and spoon mostly and cups,plates,bowls and saucers are essential.The western use knife and fork.to eat..Their knifes can be divided into consumption knife, meat knife, friet knife, butter knife, fish knife and so on. The also have many kinds of forks like consumption fork, fish fork, and lobster fork. b.The way to cook China has very rich kind of cooking methods, such as braising, quick boiling, scaling, stewing, gradual simmering, slow red cooking, steaming, decoction and so on, up to more than thirty kinds. Besides, the dishes cooked with these methods are numerous. That is why Chinese feel it is very interesting to cook, while the Westerners emphasize too much on scientific diet and the collocation of nutrition. They cook according to scientific disciplines all the time, which is mechanized and monotonous, therefore without any joy. c.The order of saving dishes In a Chinese banquet cold dishes are the first served, next the hot dishes and the main course come with the following of soup, then follows the main food or desserts. Fruits often come the last. In a western banquet the serving order is different. The first course of Western dinner is appetizer. Appetizers have specific flavors, mainly salty or sour. They are few in amount but high in qualities. Different from Chinese dinners, the second course of Western dinner is soup. Western soup can be divided into four kinds, clear soup, cream soup, vegetable soup and cool soup which can be divided into more kinds. The third course of a Western dinner is non-stable dish. Usually, aquatic products, eggs, bread is called non-stable dish. The fourth course of Western dinner is the main course, which contains meat and bird species. The fifth course of Western dinner is dishes made of vegetables. Westerners often eat raw vegetables, so vegetables are often made into salad. The six course of Western dinner is dessert, such as pudding, pancakes, ice cream, cheese and fruits. The last course contains beverage, coffee or tea. 中西饮⾷⽂化差异英语作⽂篇3 The Western diet culture difference Western diet due to geographical characteristics, influence of climate factors such as environment, customs, appears in the ingredients, flavors, cooking methods, different degrees of differences in eating habits. It is because of these differences, diet has a strong regional character. Differences between Chinese and Western culture makes a difference of Chinese and Western food culture, and this difference from the West in ways of thinking and policy. Chinese focus on "Heaven", Westerners focus on "people-oriented". Nutrition and delicious(营养与美味) Due to West philosophy thought of different, Westerners Yu diet heavy science, heavy science is emphasizes nutrition, so Western diet to nutrition for highest guidelines, eating like for a bio of machine added fuel, special emphasizes food of nutrition components, protein, and fat, and carbohydrates, and vitamin and the various inorganic elements of content is match expedient, calories of supply is right, and these nutrition components is can for eating who full absorption, has no other side effects. Knowledge of these problems are cooking, and how color, fragrance and taste of the dishes, it is first requested. Sanhedrin Premier diet in Western countries--France, its food culture in many ways and we approximate, but access to nutritional problems, will open the distance between the two sides. Five flavors mixed with the operation aimed at the pursuit of delicious cooking in China, during the processing of the hot frying and slow fire attack for a long time may cause destruction of the nutritional components of food. France is also the pursuit of delicious cooking, but at the same time not forgetting "nutrition" that premise, consistently delicious is that they do not care nutrition for the taking. Especially modern cooking trends occurred in the 1960 of the 20th century, with special emphasis on health, diet, to the pursuit of light oil, emphasized the use of fresh raw materials, stressed during the cooking process to maintain original nutrition and taste, so vegetables are eaten raw. So that the Western diet nutrition is universal。

中西饮食文化差异英语作文The Difference between Chinese and Western Food Culture。
Food culture is an important part of a country's culture. It reflects the history, geography, customs and habits of a nation. Chinese and Western food culture aretwo of the most representative food cultures in the world. Although they have their own unique features, they alsohave some differences.Firstly, the cooking methods are different. Chinese cuisine emphasizes the use of heat, such as stir-frying, steaming, and boiling. The goal is to preserve the original flavor and nutrients of the ingredients. On the other hand, Western cuisine often uses baking, grilling, and roastingto bring out the natural flavors of the food and add a smoky or charred taste.Secondly, the ingredients used in Chinese and Western cuisine are also different. Chinese cuisine often uses avariety of vegetables, such as bok choy, Chinese cabbage, and bamboo shoots, as well as seafood and poultry. Western cuisine, on the other hand, often uses a lot of meat, such as beef, pork, and lamb, as well as dairy products like cheese and butter.Furthermore, the dining etiquette is different. In China, it is common for people to share dishes and use chopsticks to eat. It is also considered polite to leave some food on the plate to show that the host has provided more than enough. In Western culture, each person has their own plate and utensils, and it is considered rude to leave food on the plate.In addition, the way of dining is also different. In China, people often eat together with their family or friends, and the dishes are placed in the center of the table for everyone to share. In Western countries, people often eat in a more formal setting, with each person having their own plate of food.Moreover, the cultural significance of food isdifferent. In China, food is often used to celebrate festivals, weddings, and other important occasions. Many Chinese dishes have symbolic meanings, such as fish symbolizing abundance and prosperity. In Western culture, food is often used to celebrate holidays and special occasions, and certain foods are associated with specific events, such as turkey for Thanksgiving and chocolate eggs for Easter.In conclusion, Chinese and Western food culture have their own unique features and differences. Understanding and appreciating these differences can help people from different cultures to better understand and respect each other. Food is not only a source of nourishment, but also a reflection of a country's history, traditions, and values.。

When discussing the differences between Chinese and Western diets,several key aspects come to mind.Here is an exploration of these differences,highlighting the cultural,culinary,and nutritional distinctions between the two.1.Cultural Significance:Food in Chinese culture is deeply rooted in tradition and is often associated with health and harmony.Meals are seen as a time for family and friends to come together,emphasizing the social aspect of eating.In contrast,Western meals can be more individualistic,with a focus on personal preferences and convenience.2.Meal Structure:Chinese meals typically consist of multiple dishes shared among the diners,with a balance of meat,vegetables,and rice or noodles.This communal style of eating encourages a variety of tastes and textures.Western meals,on the other hand, often feature a main course accompanied by one or two sides,with a clear distinction between the main dish and accompaniments.3.Cooking Techniques:Chinese cuisine is known for its diverse cooking methods, including stirfrying,steaming,and deepfrying.These techniques are used to preserve the natural flavors and textures of the ingredients.Western cooking often involves baking, grilling,and roasting,which can result in a more robust flavor profile.e of Spices and Seasonings:Chinese cooking frequently employs a wide range of spices and seasonings,such as ginger,garlic,soy sauce,and sesame oil,to create complex flavors.Western cuisine also uses spices,but the combinations are often simpler and less varied,with a focus on herbs like parsley,basil,and thyme.5.Portion Sizes:In Chinese dining,portion sizes are generally smaller,with an emphasis on variety and balance.This contrasts with some Western meals,where portion sizes can be quite large,sometimes leading to overconsumption.6.Nutritional Focus:Chinese diets traditionally emphasize whole grains,vegetables,and lean proteins,which can contribute to a balanced intake of nutrients.Western diets have been criticized for their high intake of processed foods,sugars,and unhealthy fats, although there is a growing trend towards healthier eating in the West.7.Desserts:Chinese desserts often feature sweet soups,fruit,and delicate pastries,which are typically lighter and less sweet than Western desserts.Western desserts can be quite rich,with a focus on cakes,pies,and ice cream.8.Beverage Choices:Tea is a staple in Chinese meals,often served at the beginning or end of a meal.In Western dining,beverages can vary widely,including water,soft drinks,and alcohol,which are often served with the meal.9.Eating Etiquette:Chinese table manners include not starting to eat until everyone is served and the eldest person begins,as well as using chopsticks for most dishes.Western etiquette involves using a knife and fork,and it is common to start eating once ones own food is served.10.Influence of Health Trends:Both Chinese and Western diets are influenced by health trends,but the approaches can differ.In China,traditional medicine and the concept of food as medicine play a significant role in dietary choices.In the West,there is a growing interest in organic foods,plantbased diets,and nutritional science.Understanding these differences can lead to a greater appreciation of the culinary arts and the importance of food in shaping cultural identities.As the world becomes more interconnected,the blending of culinary traditions is creating new and exciting flavors that reflect a globalized palate.。

An Analysi s to the Differences between Chinese and Western Food CulturebyLi GengheClass 1,Grade 09Tutor:Foreign Languages College ofCapital Normal UniversitySep 21,2009摘要本文旨在通过分析中西方饮食文化的差异以及在全球化的影响下两种饮食文化的相互互补和兼容来了解饮食文化的方方面面以及通过它来指导我们的餐饮实践活动,在提高认识的基础上扬长避短,改善饮食结构,提高饮食质量。
关键词:饮食文化;中西;差异AbstractThis paper aims to understand the complicated aspects of food culture and to guide the catering things in restaurants and so on. In order to achieve this goal, this paper makes an analysis in detail to the differences of food culture between the Chinese and Western as well as the mutual supplementation and compatibleness of the two food cultures under the globalization. In the basis of improving our ability of realization, we should enhance the strong points and avoids weaknesses, improving diet structure, advancing the diet quality and ensuring everyone to have healthy diet in their daily life. The study conducted of the differences of food culture in the macroscopic field of cross-cultural communication also can promote the mutual understanding between the people of the East and West. It could promote the exchange and make people enjoy the different feelings through the different diet. In order to make out a more scientific study conclusion which has a strong persuasive power, this paper makes a thorough analysis with the contrasting method to the differences of the two different food cultures. And this is carried out in the following five aspects: cooking criteria, cultural characteristics, food objects, eating habits and table manners. From this, I summarize their respective characteristics, the good and bad points and the different historical origins as well as finally initiate a dining approach to unify them together. This article is divided into five parts.Key Words: Food cultures; The Chinese and Western; DifferencesTable of Contents摘要 (I)Abstract (II)Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ I II Outline............................................................................................................................................. I V I. Introduction of Food Culture . (1)A. Characteristics of Chinese Food Culture (2)B. Characteristics of the Western Food Culture (3)II. Analysis of Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western Food (4)A. Different Cooking Criteria: ‘Norms’ and ‘Casual’ (4)1. Norm and Exactness in Western Cooking (4)2. Flavor and Liberty in Chinese Cooking (5)B Different Cultural Characteristics: ‘Individuality’ and ‘Harmony’ (6)1. Westerners’ individuality (7)2. Chinese Harmony (8)C. Different Food Objects (9)D. Different Eating Habits (10)E. Different Table Manners (12)III. Underlying Causes (13)IV. Significances to the Hotel Catering Departments Based on the Study (14)V. Conclusion (16)References (18)OutlineThesis Statement: The differences between Chinese and Western food culture are derived from the differences in their ways of thinking and philosophy of life, and ever since the ancient times, Chinese and Western food culture’s collision and exchange have largely promoted the progress and development of human society to some degree, making the food culture become an important part of world culture.I.Food Culture IntroductionA.Characteristics of Chinese Food CultureB.Characteristics of the Western Food CultureII.Analysis to the Cultural Differences between Chinese and Western FoodA.Different Cooking Criteria: ‘Norms’ and ‘C asual’1、Norm and Exactness in Western Cooking2、Flavor and Liberty in Chinese CookingB.Different Cultural Characteristics: ‘Individuality’ and ‘H armony’1、Westerners’ Individuality2、Chinese HarmonyC.Different Food ObjectsD.Different Eating HabitsE.Different Table MannersIII.Underlying CausesIV.Significances to the Hotel Catering Departments Based on the StudyV.ConclusionAn Analysis to the Differences betweenChinese and Western Food Culture The differences between Chinese and Western food culture are derived from the differences in their different ways of thinking and Philosophies of life: Chinese people pay attention to the harmony and unite between Heaven and Man; while Westerners focus on people-orientation;Chinese sitology uses food to express feeling and message and the meaning is too deep and hard to describe. However, the Western interpretation of food is that it has to be kickshaw, and has its own style.Ever since the ancient times, Chinese and Western food culture’s collision and exchange have largely promoted the progress and development of human society to some degree, making the food culture become an important part of world culture.I.Introduction of Food CultureFood culture refers to the technical, scientific and artistic aspects in the process of the food production and food consumption, the development and utilization of food ingredients in specific social groups , as well as the diet-based customs, traditions, ideology and philosophy, in a word, the sum of all the food things of a combination of the way, process, function of food production and consumption(张亚红, 2009).The study on food culture is extremely rich in content. Generally, it can be chosen from two aspects: the first is, the whole analysis and research aiming at specific groups of food culture phenomenon and the second is the specific analysis and research on acertain area of the food culture phenomenon.A.Characteristics of Chinese Food CultureThe diet is actually the content of our daily life, but why do we say that it contains specific culture? This is because the diet has a special status in the Chinese culture. And it is also different between China and the West. Chinese people's diet starts as early as in the Qin Dynasty. At that time, the typical diet primarily consists of the miscellaneous grains, in addition to some supplementary food such as vegetables and meat. Certainly this kind of diet relates to our Chinese first religion Buddhism a lot which advocates vegetarian diet. And the rice is the staple food, but the vegetable is to get food down. The rice is not delicious, so people must eat the vegetable which is more delicious than rice to get the rice down. And this urges Chinese cooking to make the unsavory food to become the delicious food, which gradually becomes the most important goal of cooking. Moreover the technology of diet processing in Chinese cooking is first-class, thus manifesting the characteristics of Chinese culture. The Chinese cooking's diet process technology is first-class in the world, thus it has manifested the Chinese culture characteristic.All these enable the Chinese diet culture to have the following characteristics. First, the Chinese cooking technology has developed a lot and many things which do not look like eatable food in the W esterners’ eyes can become the food rich in the appearance, the fragrance and the taste under the Chinese chef's careful cooking. Second, Chinese recipes are widespread, and everything that can be eaten will be fullused. and everything that can be eaten will be fully used. The West botanist, the Chinese eat more than six times types of vegetables than the Westerners. Third, For the Chinese people, the pursuit of eating is just to pursue best happiness of life, food becoming the first requirement.B.Characteristics of the Western Food CultureIn the Western diet, meat always has a high proportion because the diet was initially base mainly on animal husbandry. In the modern times, although the proportion of crop cultivation has been increasing, the proportion of meat in the diet is still much higher than that of China. As the natural delicious taste of meat, for the Westerners there is no need of too much decoration for food, limiting the development of cooking. Europeans mostly use tools to show their affluence, for instance, the number of kinds and luxury become the content to care about. Moreover, they will not make the pursuit of eating which is easy to satisfy to be the pursuit of the best happiness.We take Europe and America as a representative for the West, for its culture similarly has a well-established and long history. To the middle ages, the European culture had grown up, and during that time the old West’s diet culture had already formed. Its main feature was: the bread flour was the staple food, raw material was also very rich, their manufacturing method was simpler than that of China, but they also paid great attention to the taste.II.Analysis of Cultural Differences between Chinese and WesternFoodThere are distinctive food cultures in different nations and countries, with strong national character and diversity of features. Food Product, due to the geographical features, the climate of the environment and the customs and so on, will appear great difference in the raw materials, taste, cooking methods and eating habits. The comparison of the differences between Chinese and Western food culture will be from the following five areas: different cooking criteria, different cultural characteristics, different food objects, different eating habits and different table manners.A. Different Cooking C riteria: ‘Norms’ and ‘C asual’1.Norm and Exactness in Western CookingWesterners emphasize science and nutrition, so the whole process of cooking is in strict accordance with the scientific norm. The use of recipes is an excellent proof to this. In the Western recipes the measurement is calculated by grams and in the surface the recipe seems to be scientific. Westerners are always holding recipes to go to buy food and make dishes, but compared to Chinese cooking, it isa very mechanical thing, so in front of complex circumstances it is oftenpowerless. And this consistency has led to a drawback of Western food-the lack of features.When people are in different places, when you want to taste the local cuisine, definitely no one would choose foods like Kentucky Fried Chicken,because Fried Chicken requires not only the ingredients according to recipes, but also the temperature of the oil, fried chicken, and the time. The process must be strict in accordance with specifications, so the world's KFC taste is the same. In addition, the standardized cooking requires preparing ingredients, adding the spices accurate to grams, cooking time accurate to seconds.As the production of standardized Western dishes, it makes cooking into a mechanical work. There is no creativity. Steak, fried chicken and salad are always taking the same kinds of forms,so cook’s work has become an extremely monotonous mechanical work, like an automated assembly-line worker, or even by a robot to act in his place.Moreover, a dish in different regions, different seasons and for different people has the same taste. There is no change. Even in high-leveled banquet, the diet has no more elegant table tools and more luxurious decoration, but the dish is still the same kind.2.Flavor and Liberty in Chinese CookingWhat the Westerners can not understand is that the Chinese cooking does not pursue the accurate standardization, but respect randomness. Looking carefully at China's recipes, you will find that the amount of raw materials to prepare and the amount of spices to add are just vague concepts, such as "a spoon", "bowl", "little bit" and so on, but how much is actually “a spoon, ‘a bowl”and “a little”,there is no specific criteria. Chinese cooking, not only pays attention to the major cuisines having their own flavor and characteristics, but also the same dish of the same cuisine willhave some changes for the different spices used in the match with a variety of different side dishes according to individual hobbies and characteristics. Sometimes, to make the same dish, the same chef will do some adjustments according to different seasons different occasions and the different identities, tastes and requirements of different people. It may even change because of our own emotional Change. It uses different spices to cook a "Mapo tofu" for the guests in Sichuan and Su Zhou. Another example is “Braised F ish”, in winter the dish should be dark in color and the taste should be strong, while in summer it should be light in both color and taste. For people in Jiang Su and Zhe Jiang provinces, braised fish can be seasoned with sugar, but for the Chuanxiang customers, it should be made spicier. From this,we can see that without the randomness changeable Chinese cuisine, we will lose its unique charm. The randomness of the food processing infinitely expands Chinese recipes. A variety of raw materials, cutting techniques, spices and cooking methods make a cross-combination which can make one material into a dozen or dozens of dishes. Xingjian’s "All sheep seats," Guangdong's "all-fish seats and Beijing's "a whole duck" are the best proofs of this. The most commonly used raw material--- chicken, in a Cantones e chef’s hands, will be made into dozens or even hundreds of courses of dishes. This arbitrariness creates a dazzling array of dishes in Chinese cuisine.B Different Cultural Characteristics: ‘Individuality’ and ‘H armony’The master of Taiwan Guoxue Mr. Qian Mu,(金炳镐,1999), in the preface of "Modern Chinese Academic Lun Heng" writes, “Cultures differences, it is not thesame as the academic. China attaches importance to harmony, while the Western emphasize the difference."Eastern and Western culture differences also affect their own food culture. Chinese and Western food culture clearly reflects this cultural identity of "harmony" and " individuality respectively "(金炳镐,1999).1.Westerners’ individualityContrast to oriented "flavor" of Chinese food, Western food is a rational concept. The color, smell, taste, shape, and nutrition must be assured that a day’s intake of calories, vitamins and protein and so on should be given attention to. In a word, nutrition comes first. The concept of eating with the West as a whole philosophy is to adapt the system. At a banquet, you might pay attention to food containers, the use of materials, and the colors of the dishes, but no matter how high-end luxurious, the steak from Los Angeles to New York has only one flavor, no art at all. In a main course, there is no mixture of different materials, chicken is chicken, steak is steak, Even if it has been a mixed dish, it is also carried out in the plate For example, in a "French lamb chops," there are mashed potatoes on one side next to Hill lamb chops and green beans being cooked in the other side of the distribution plus a few film Tomato into it. There is a sharp contrast in color, but the tastes of raw materials are separate, with its own flavor. Even if it is a matched dish, it is just like “1+1=2”, very simple and perspicuity. What have been discussed above has manifested this kind of social culture of Westerners' individuality.2.Chinese HarmonyChinese have always been regarding "and" and "harmony" as the most beautiful realm, and this idea of 'harmony' embodied in the cooking is reflected in the "five flavor harmony". That is, cooking food needs to make “five flavor harmony” on the basis of retaining the natural tastes of raw materials, using the basic law of five element theory to guide the reconciliation, which not only accords with the timing, but also with the season in order to cook out delicious dishes.. So, in Chinese food almost every dish needs two or more of the raw materials and a variety of spices to reconcile in the cooking. Even home-style cooking is generally reconciled with meat and vegetables, such as the Jiu Huang Chao Rousi, pineapple Sweet and sour pork, tomatoes, scrambled eggs and ribs winter melon soup. Chinese people regard “to cook dish”as "cooking" which means combine cooking and blending into one for a beautiful taste. Here we put stress on the measurement and the overall co-ordination. It contains a wealth of dialectic thinking of Chinese philosophy. Everything is measured according to the wonderful taste and the coordination. The frequent changes within the degree lead to the richness of Chinese cuisine and its varieties. The key reason why Chinese food has its own unique charm is that it has its wonderful taste. However, the generation of the delicious taste lies in the wonderful reconciliation of the initial taste of food, the cooked flavor after heating, the ingredients and excipies, as well as the sauce flavor of harmonic integration. Therefore, the Chinese cooking is not just as simple as a "1 +1 = 2" thing, but "1 +1" is equal to "3" or more.C.Different Food ObjectsThe Westerners have the traditions of nomadic and seafaring nations, leading their living mainly on fishing and hunting and supplementary on the cultivation they have more meat food and all they need in their daily life are taken from animals and even the refining materials of medicine are also taken from animals. They pay more attention to the intake of animal protein and fat, and their diet structure mostly consists of animal dishes, mainly beef, chicken, pork, mutton and fish. Therefore, meat has a high proportion in the diet. In modern times, the crop farming has been increasing a lot, but the proportion of meat in the diet is still higher than that of Chinese people.According to a survey of Western Botanist, there are more than 600 kinds of vegetables for Chinese people, six times more than in the West. In fact, in Chinese cuisine, the vegetarian is a common food. Meat dish becomes a common diet only in the holidays or in affluent families, so ever since ancient times there is a saying of "vegetarian food" which leads a dominant position in everyday diet. The Chinese make the plant-based dishes to be the main dishes, which has many ramifications with the Buddhists advocacy. They regard animals as "beings," while plants as "no soul", therefore, they advocate vegetarianism. In introducing the characteristics of the Western diet, the Westerners put more emphasis on nutrition than the Chinese. They have relatively well-developed food industries, such as canned food, fast food and so on. Although the taste is monotonous, it can save time, and it is rich in nutrition, so generally the people in their countries can grow stronger than the Chinese people:They have tall height, long legs, wide shoulders and muscular body, while the Chinese have diminutive body, narrow shoulders, short legs and weak constitutions. According to the fact that the Western diet is significantly different in the characteristics of the food objects from the Chinese diet, someone called the Chinese plant character, and the Westerners the animal character.The differences of the diet content between the Chinese and the Western are also reflected in that The Westerners like to eat cold dishes, from the cold dish platter, salad to cold drinks, the table strewn with cold dish. However, the Chinese people like hot food, in addition that a few samples in the front of the main dishes are cold, the main course is hot. In the Chinese view, the hot food getting cold will lose much flavor. In order to get the delicious taste of food we should eat hot food. As the saying goes, “Food when hot has three delicacies.”D.Different Eating HabitsIn the way of having dinner, in China, no matter what the banquet is, people tend to sit around to enjoy the food placed in the middle of the table which are not only the subjects for people at the table to enjoy, but also a medium to share their feelings. At the table, the Chinese people would like to urge somebody to drink and zugreifen with each other, happily. It seems harmonious and joyful. But it is largely different for the Westerners. When they get together to dinner or host a party, they are less enthusiastic than Chinese people, and between the guests and the host the atmosphere is more casual. Westerners pay more attention to the independence of the individual, so theyeat separately. There’s no joy chatting with each other at the table. Chinese food served on the table pays attention to a rich variety of dishes, generally 8 or 10 dishes, 12 plates, with diversity in species, from the cold plate to the main course, to the soup, to dessert, to the fruit, and it also pays attention to the order. The Western banquets are based on cattle, sheep, pork chops and other staple food. The variety is less and people do not pay attention to the serving order. And the differences on the dining tools are much more apparent.As we all know, the Chinese people, including the yellow race of people in some other Asian countries, use chopsticks or spoon to eat with the bowl filled with rice, while the Westerners use plate to serve food, a knife and fork to cut to eat, and special soup spoon to have soup. Detailed analyzing, Chinese chopsticks are the main tableware, supplemented by spoon and various shaped cups, plates, bowls, and plates. Chinese cooking pays attention to the shape, size, and color of utensils coordinated with the dishes, what is so called "Beautiful utensils", and treats the diet as the arts from which to get a kind of beautiful art enjoyment. Mostly Westerners use metal knife and fork, mainly including stainless steel or silver-plated, silver and other tableware, as well as a variety of cups, plates, and cup, dish that carry out different uses and cannot be mixed. But the Western Food does not emphasize the art beauty on the dishes or tableware like what Chinese do. Its type of tableware and shape of dishes are relatively monotonous. In short, the Westerners focus on the content of food, while the Chinese stress the appearance or styles and the feelings or experience from it.In summary, chopsticks and knife and fork, as two kinds of most representative Dining tools of East and West, have a far-reaching effect on the lifestyle of both East and West, representing two different kinds of intelligence.E.Differences Table MannersThe table manners are greatly different between East and West. In ancient China, during the meal there was a set of complicated etiquettes.A quote said in the book of Rites • Qu Kee, (596 AD),“when all people have a dinner together, you cannot eat only caring about yourself and ignoring others. Before you have a dinner with others, you must check your hands clean. Do not put the extra rice back into the pot, do not possess the food you specifically like, and do not winnow the hot meals. After dinner, guests should get up to pack the tableware to the owner, and at the same time the owner gets up, ask the guests not to work, and then the guests sit down again”.Some of these rituals are also necessary in modern times. In the West banquet, the host helps the guest to food for only once, and then asks them to help themselves. If the guests do not want to eat any more, don’t persuade them to eat any more, which is like the Chinese people's habit of urging somebody to drink and zugreifen frequently. It is not allowed to make a noise while eating the food, but the guests should pay attention to appreciate the meals that the owners prepared (张亚红,2009). If you want to talk with people, you can only talk with the ones beside you but not the distant ones.III.U nderlying CausesThe differences in social development, traditional culture and thought, and life customs create differences between Chinese and Western food culture. There are two major characteristics of Chinese culture. The first one is the pursuit of applicable things without all non-useful things. Historically, all of the practical technologies were very advanced, such as agricultural science and technology and medicine, while the non-practical things can not be well-developed. The second one is that Chinese culture shows unique characteristics of love. The core of Confucian thought “Hell’s Angel" has far-reaching impact on China's traditional culture.However, in the Western culture, In the progress of conquering the nature and fostering a scientific awareness, the West pay special attention to the development of rational thought. Rationality has become typical of Western culture. Rationality means that in the process of the exploration of nature we make sober reflection, analysis and rigorous logic reasoning, and seek to act in line with the objective laws of nature. At the same time in the process of understanding the nature, people continue to understand themselves. Another major feature of Western culture is that they focus on personal dignity., taking the individual as a center. The interests of everyone are clear enough. Everyone has his own living space, without mutual interference.Cultural differences affect the differences in diet. The idea is that whenpeople eat the food production and consume in the process of forming ideas, they are impacted greatly by natural sciences, humanities, especially philosophy.Different philosophical thought and the resulting formation of cultural spirit and ways of thinking will produce a different concept of diet. China's food concept reconciles five flavors; the Western diet idea is prominent personality, which is mainly because of Chinese and Western countries‘philosophical thought and hence arises from the formation cultural spirit and ways of thinking.IV.Significances to the Hotel Catering Departments Based on theStudyThe study of Chinese and Western food culture differences can not only make us better understand the eating characteristics of the Western nations, but also sum up our own diet characteristics in order to get others to make up our own weaknesses and learn from all the scientific and advanced concepts, put aside our culture in the dross, improve and enhance the quality of our diet. At the same time by means of such wrap-up and research, we can carry forward the Chinese nation's fine cultural traditions of food, which has been continuously updated and developed. These are the significances from the macroscopic sense. While in the microscopic sense, the study of the differences between Chinese and the Western food culture is conducive to China's tourist hotels catering to guide the design and development of food products. Based on Chinese and Western food culture differences, tourism and hotel catering departments should note the following points:(1)The design and development of food product should be nutrition-based,paying attention to a reasonable nutrition match. The initial motivation of eating is to sustain human survival and development. Protein, fat and vitamins are the basic materials of life to maintain normal metabolism of people. So, in the design of food products, we should adopt a scientific attitude, reasonably equipping human body with all the necessary nutrients. Whether Western or Chinese food, we must achieve this point, especially in making Western food.(2)We should achieve a perfect combination of the dining environment with thediversification of food products. China’s to urist hotels in the development of food products should pay attention to combine the Chinese and Western food cultures. As far as the restaurant is concerned, there should be Chinese and Western restaurants, style halls, banquet halls, as well as self-service restaurants, which offer a variety of dining establishments. Dishes listed in the menu should also be diverse to meet the different needs of Chinese and foreign guests. Chinese guests rarely have Western food as their main dinner, while Western guests can not always eat Chinese food in China, so star-rated hotels should not only supply Chinese food, but also supply formal Western food.(3)We can develop Chinese food specialty products to attract tourists. Chinesefood culture has a long history and is renowned in the world, with many foreign tourists coming here especially. We not only consolidate and maintain the old products, but also develop new special products, and constantly open。

中西方饮食文化对比英语作文英文回答:In terms of diet culture, there are some notable differences between the East and the West. For example, in Western countries, people often have a big breakfast with eggs, bacon, and toast, while in China, a typical breakfast might consist of congee or steamed buns. Another difference is the use of utensils in the West, people use knives and forks to eat, while in China, chopsticks are the primary eating utensils. Additionally, the concept of dessert varies greatly between the two cultures. In the West, dessert is often a sweet dish like cake or ice cream, whereas in China, it may be something less sweet, like fruit.中文回答:就饮食文化而言,东西方之间存在一些显著的差异。
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like to use cooking animal fat with high cholesterol, in addition to a daily intake is also a lot of butter.
both urban and rural residents in China like soy milk, tofu, bean sprouts and other soy products, while Westerners are
apart of this,Chinese people only have three meals during a day. But western people will have more, they have afternoon
tea. Usually they would have fruits, homemade cake, tea and cheese.
mostly they only boil, steam and bake the food.
For another thing,chinese and westerners are different habbits in the diet.Terms of diet, consumption of vegetables
Cultural differences in the Western diet is obvious, but have their own strengths .With economic globalization and the
accelerated flow of information changes, Chinese and Western food culture will be continued integration in the
andknife.Chinese just use chopstickto pick things and pass it into their mouse . But western people who use fork and
knife will use fork to hold the meat and cut it by knife and use fork to help to get that piece of meat into mouse.
every day in China much more than Westerners .Chinese like coarse grains, while Westerners prefer refined grains.In
fact, whole grains contain more nutrients than refined grains;Chinese people love to eat vegetable oil, while Westerners
collision, complement each other in the fusion.
Chinese food has now begun to focus on food, nutrition, health, science and cooking;Western also began to Chinese food
What's more ,chinese and westerners are different ways and etiquette in the diet.As well as I'm concerned,there is also
a huge difference between Chinese and Western people,I think. Chinese people use chopsticks and western people use fork
often "stay away";No wonder Americans are particularly high rate of cardiovascular disease.
Western people would also prefer fast food like burgers and chips. They are unhealthy to human body. . By the way,
which only sells stored materials Chinese have a lot of ideas and techniques for cooking.For example, We can cook a
chicken in over ten ways and people can taste all them with relish.Western people do not have many skills for cooking,
on chinese food culture
As been well known,China is a huge country with a very long history .Of course ,Chinese food is famous and unique
around the world .What are the differences between Chinese and Western food culture? I deem that this is a valuable
topic.So I will focus on a few talk about this issue.
China has 5000 years history. Chinese saying goes,Hunger breeds discontent.So Chinese people attach great importance to
For one thing, Chinese and Westerners are different concepts in the diet.chinese people are focus on the taste.they
pursue all the Color, flavor and taste.but Western concept of rational diet.they pursue mutrition and they absorb
Calorie and protein .Chinese people choice food very carefully. They only use fresh material in order to make delicious
food.Western country like English or American, they don’t have fresh food because they buy their food from supermarket
western people are very good at making desert and chocolate. They can make very good cake and chocolate. They are very
sweet but it’s sort of food which make people become fat quickly.
color, smell, taste, meaning and form the realm of development.
Chinese and Western food culture in exchange for common development.