




2.(achieve) All this cannot be achieved overnight.3.2. 下午六点钟左右体育馆通常很忙4.。

(tend to) The gym tends to get very busy at around 6 o’clock in theafternoon.5.3. 这个地区现在不安全,还是远离它为好。

6.(stay away from) This area is not safe at the moment, so it’s betterto stay away from it.7. 4. 就销售而言,他们是该地区五大超市之一。

8.(in terms of) They are one of the top five supermarkets in the area interms of sales.9. 5. 这间房既要作卧室又得作客厅。

10.(serve as) This room has to serve as both bedroom and living room.11.6. 生产部负责监督这个项目的进展。

12.(monitor) The production department is responsible for monitoringthe progress of this project.13.7. 上个月经理忙于一项对营销活动的研究工作。

14.(be involved in) The manager was involved in a research onmarketing activities last month. 8. 现在许多大公司都利用网站来推销他们的产品和服务15.。

(promote) Many big companies now use websites to promote theirproducts and services. 9.沙砾想先把报告拿给经理看16.Sally wants to show report to the manager first.17.10 他接受了买台新车的建议18.He accept the advice to buy a new car19.11 他公司的这条规定只对新员工适用20.This rule of the company is only for newcomers 他听见有人叫他的名字21.12 他听见有人叫他的名字22.H e heard someone call his name.23.13 琳达专为她的女儿做了一个生日蛋糕24.Linda made a birthday cake for her daughter25.14 我们相信真理We believe in truth.26.15 别担心,你会很开领到薪水27.Don’Don’t worry;you will get your salary very soon28.太阳每天早上升起29.The sun rises every morning.Unit21.在这所新医院上面已经花费了大笔资金。

新职业英语1-基础篇-Unit 8

新职业英语1-基础篇-Unit 8

职业综合 英语 1
Unit 8
Reading A A-Trans-5
在寻找职业方向时,明确未来的职业趋势会 有所助益。然而,不管该职业领域的前景有多好, 你的职业选择都必须首先建立在对自身技能、能力 、个人素质和兴趣的评估之上。同样有一点很重要 ,那就是在任何领域中获得成功的必要条件都是沟 通技能、积极的精神状态和与人相处的能力。没有 这些素质,世界上所有的教育和培训都不会帮你走 得很远。
职业综合 英语 1
Unit 8
Reading A A-Trans-4
面对生老病死人们的健康意识越来越强烈 ,健身领域预计也将会在下一个十年内得到快速 发展。现有职业领域中的新型服务也方兴未艾, 许多这些服务被直接提供给消费者。健身管理专 家和体育教练的职业仍将保持很高的市场需求。 所有这些职业都要求具备健康领域的学位。
Position and Job Description
Job description is a summary of responsibilities a vacancy should carry. It is listed in details for the job seekers so that they can understand whether they are capable for the position.
职业综合 英语 1
Unit 8
ReaTdextiAranteed growth is in the medical field. The increasing number of healthcare jobs is directly attributable to the ageing of the population and the expansion of treatments available for medical conditions. Medical assistants and nurses, home health advisers, and health information technicians will be in increased demand. As a result, there will also be an expansion in the number of administrative and support roles needing to be filled.

新职业英语1-基础篇-Unit 8

新职业英语1-基础篇-Unit 8
新职业英语 职业综合英语 1
Unit 8
Content s
Reading A
Reading B
4 Listening & Speaking
Language Lab
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B. Job description
C. Contact information
D. Company introduction
E. Position
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Warming-up Warm-recruitment ad
What does a recruitment advertisement mainly consist of? A recruitment advertisement mainly consists of five parts.
Task 1 Read the following job advertisement and match the subtitles A-E with their corresponding parts in the ad.
D A. Qualifications & skills
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Warming-up Warm-recruitment ad
Qualification for Application Qualification for application means the requirements needed for the position, e.g. age, sex, education background, training, work experience, specialties, skills, and personalities.



新职业英语1_Unit1-8_课后翻译题答案新职业英语1Unit71. 这个问题值得认真考虑。

(deserve)This question deserves careful consideration.2. 我认为她的体重在增加。

(gain)I think she’s gaining weight.3. 尽管我很不喜欢但今晚我必须呆在家里学习。

(as much as)As much as I hate to do it, I must stay home and study tonight.4. 他从未按时完成过一个项目。

(complete)He has never completed a project on time.5. 他们敦促我们给予支持。

(urge)They urged us to give our support.6. 如果你发现这部手机有问题可以要求退款。

(defect)You can ask for a refund if you find any defects in this mobile phone.7. 经理授权我在他出差期间代表他行事。

(authorize)The manager authorized me to act for him while he was on business.8. 他自己出钱印他的书。

(at one’s expense)He had his book printed at his own expense.Unit81. 我不能担保你得到一个满意的结果。

(ensure)I can’t ensure that you get a satisfactory result.2. 目前对石油的需求很大。

(demand)Oil is in great demand these days.3. 面对危险她表现得很勇敢。

(in the face of)She behaved bravely in the face of danger.4. 公司的业务范围正在迅速扩大。


3. 上述所说的是一些在职场环境中非常有用的交际技能。(setting)
The above-mentioned are some communication skills that are very useful in an office setting.
4. 我们有一个专业的团队来营销我们的产品。(professional)
8. 我们公司的一些年轻人可能会来寻求你的建议。(seek)
Some young people in our company may come to seek your advice
Unit 3
1. 你得确保你已为未来的工作做好了准备。(ensure)
You need to ensure that you are fully prepared for your future job.
2. 在他们的帮助下,我们最后完成了我们的任务。(accomplish)
With their help, we accomplished our task in the end.
7. 他的新工作报酬不错,但要求也很高。(demanding)
His new job is well paid , but highly demanding.
8. 她每个月给家里寄500元钱。(remit)
She remits 500 yuan to her family every month.



business, or start graduate school and a new job?
Text A-2
Reading A
2 In the end, they decided to go the safe route—Aberman set out for law school at New York University and Clerico took a job as an investment banker—and they promised themselves that they’d soon get back to start their business. But all too quickly, they saw themselves getting sucked into the workaday world and their entrepreneurial ambitions slipping away. 3 “It only gets harder to start a company as time goes on,” says Aberman, 25. “As you get used to a salary, you start getting comfortable with a certain lifestyle, which makes it hard to leave for the uncertainty of being an entrepreneur.”
A-Trans-1 Reading A
1 在波士顿学院就读的里奇·阿伯曼和比尔·克



Unit1‎1. ‎公司所有规‎章制度都应‎严格遵守。

‎(obse‎r ve)‎All ‎t he c‎o mpan‎y rul‎e s an‎d reg‎u lati‎o ns m‎u st b‎e str‎i ctly‎obse‎r ved.‎2. ‎和这些同学‎在一起我们‎应随便一些‎。

(cas‎u al) ‎We s‎h ould‎be c‎a sual‎when‎we s‎t ay w‎i th t‎h ese ‎s tude‎n ts. ‎3. 上‎述所说的是‎一些在职场‎环境中非常‎有用的交际‎技能。

(s‎e ttin‎g)T‎h e ab‎o ve-m‎e ntio‎n ed a‎r e so‎m e co‎m muni‎c atio‎n ski‎l ls t‎h at a‎r e ve‎r y us‎e ful ‎i n an‎offi‎c ese‎t ting‎.4.‎我们有一‎个专业的团‎队来营销我‎们的产品。

‎(prof‎e ssio‎n al) ‎We h‎a ve a‎prof‎e ssio‎n al t‎e am t‎o mar‎k et o‎u r pr‎o duct‎s.5‎.你知道‎今秋流行黑‎衣服吗?(‎t rend‎y)D‎o you‎know‎blac‎k clo‎t hes ‎w ill ‎b e tr‎e ndy ‎t his ‎f all?‎6. ‎与其求人,‎不如求己。

‎(rely‎on) ‎We w‎o uld ‎r athe‎r rel‎y on ‎o urse‎l ves ‎i nste‎a d of‎seek‎i ng h‎e lp f‎r om o‎t hers‎.7. ‎新车必须符‎合国家标准‎。

(com‎p ly w‎i th)‎N ew v‎e hicl‎e s mu‎s t co‎m ply ‎w ith ‎n atio‎n al s‎t anda‎r ds. ‎8. 我‎们公司的一‎些年轻人可‎能会来寻求‎你的建议。



























新职业英语第二版答案【篇一:新职业英语第一册课后练习答案】txt>unit11. 这一切不是一朝一夕可以实现的。

(achieve) all this can not be achieved overnight.2. 下午六点钟左右体育馆通常很忙。

(tend to) the gym tends to get very busy at around 6 o’clock in the afternoon.3. 这个地区现在不安全,还是远离它为好。

(stay away from)this area is not safe at the moment, so it’s better to stay away from it.4. 就销售而言,他们是该地区五大超市之一。

(in terms of) theyare one of the top five supermarkets in the area in terms of sales.5. 这间房既要作卧室又得作客厅。

(serve as) this room has to serve as both bedroom and living room.6. 生产部负责监督这个项目的进展。

(monitor) the production department is responsible for monitoring the progress of this project.7. 上个月经理忙于一项对营销活动的研究工作。

(be involved in) the manager was involved in a research on marketing activities last month.8. 现在许多大公司都利用网站来推销他们的产品和服务。

(promote) many big companies now use websites to promote their products and services.unit21. 在这所新医院上面已经花费了大笔资金。



Unit 1 LiaisonReading ATask 2 1-B2-A3-E4-D5-CTask 3①New Technology Developer Inc;②The invention of Legend Chinese character card, the creation of “one-touch-to-the-net”computers, and the development of the collaborative application technology;③To prepare for its expansion into the overseas market;④Lenovo’s main businesses include developing, manufacturing and marketing high-quality PC products andvalue-added services;⑤Lenovo’s values are customer satisfaction, innovative spirit, accuracy and trustworthinessTask 3 1-A2-J3-E4-B5-C6-F7-D8-G9-H10-IReading BTask 1 ①broadband;②multimedia;③design;④packages;⑤helpTask 2 DCDATask 3 1-C2-A3-D4-E5-H6-J7-F8-G9-B10-IWritingTask ①interest;②series;③choosing;④career training;⑤sales manager;⑥agreed;⑦discount;⑧contract;⑨brochures;⑩equipmentVocabulary and StructureTask 1 ①vision;②innovation;③breakthrough;④core;⑤additional;⑥consumer;⑦facilities⑧strive;⑨contribute to;⑩bear in mindTask2①additional;②expanded/expands;③competition;④broadening;⑤accuracy;⑥trustworthy;⑦innovate;⑧consumed;⑨recommend;⑩stylishTask 3①vision;②update;③features;④contributed to;⑤located;⑥clipping;⑦built-in;⑧expectation;⑨enquired;⑩marketingTask 4 1-2;2-1;3-3;4-4;5-6;6-5;1-2;2-1;3-4;4-3;5-6;6-5Unit 2 Design ProposalWarming-upTask ①email②website③ISP④LANReading ATask 3 FTFFFFTask 4 1-B2-I3-E4-A5-H6-F7-D8-C9-G10-JReading BTask 1 DAEBFCTask 2 FTFFFTask 3 ①LAN design;②LAN maintenance;③upgrade;④wireless LAN;⑤firewall;⑥VideoConferenceWritingTask ①LAN Design Assistant②design and implement③Develop and maintain④technical support⑤Associate degree⑥LAN, network security and Office tool⑦shr@ Vocabulary and StructureTask 1 1-E2-P3-H4-G5-I6-O7-M8-B9-N10-ATask 2 ①connecting②means③provide④frequent⑤network⑥sharing⑦applying⑧equipment⑨learning⑩are askedTask 3 ADDDABDATask 4 DBACUnit 3 Product TestReading ATask 2 1-5;2-3;3-4;4-1;5-2Task 3 ①The familiarity with HTML and CSS and the ability to realize the special difficulties faced by users;②It is to reduce possible problems the invalid code causes;③Because not all people use the mouse to browse websites;④Because not all people use the mouse to browse websites;⑤Good web presence is not only morally correct, but also can increase the potential customer base;Task 4①familiarity;②bug;③spellchecker;④via;⑤online;⑥solution;⑦considerReading BTask 1 TTFFFFTask 2亲,2;4;6;7要打对勾勾哦......Task 3 ①provide a bug-free , reliable;quite necessary;a testing for the software system;②be very happy;generate profit for us;③be good at communicating with program developers;assure the successful launch of the product;④the objectives, scope and approach of a software testing WritingTask ①Goal;②Schedule;③Cases;④Code;⑤Interface;⑥Environment;⑦Hardware;⑧Tools;⑨Bug;⑩ReleaseVocabulary and StructureTask 1 AACCBADDBDDBCBCBCBTask 2 ①increased;②valuable;③functions;④designed;⑤solution;⑥checked;⑦access;⑧qualified;⑨Failure;⑩SuccessfulTask 3 1-C2-B3-D4-B5-A6-A7-B8-C9-B10-D11-B12-C13-A14-A15-DUnit 4 Sales of IT ProductsReading ATask 2①1;②2-3;③4-6;④7-8;⑤9Task 3 ①Careful research, proper introduction and good follow-up;②Sending out a short poll is a quick and easy way to research the market;③It is for an assessment of the things you may be able to offe;④The basic elements are: who you are, what you offer, where you are located, and how to contact you;⑤By focusing on one or two particular needs the customers have that you can take care of for them;⑥You can give a call back or a reply message. offer coupons, discounts or a free item.Task 4 1-G2-C3-I4-K5-N6-B7-L8-F9-M10-D11-A12-H13-O14-E15-JReading BTask 1亲,1;2;4;5;10;11;12要打对勾勾哦......Task 2①Create fresh designs and eye-catching marketing campaigns;②“Wow!”is what sells;③Give a call back or a reply message to thank them again for inquiring. Offer coupons, discounts or a free item.Task 3 ①examines;has recently introduced;②becomes the top;increased profits;③economic crisis;around the globe;④starts;how the company is.WritingDear Justin,First, I’d like to thank you for your interest in our 3G phones.As you know, we just launched our 3G product line. Right now we offer two models of 3G phones, T1 and T2, both new to the market. We’re pleased to tell you we’re selling T1 at a special price with 10% immediate discount this month. If you prefer T2, you also get a good deal. Buy T2 in full price, and you will get an extra battery worth 200 yuanfor free.Thank you for considering our products again. If you have any other questions, feel free to email us again. We’ll be glad to answer them for you.Yours sincerelyVocabulary and StructureTask 1 1-A2-D3-B4-C5-A6-C7-B8-C9-C10-A11-B12-A13-C14-C15-DTask 2 BCBDD;DDCTask 3 ①decide;②easily;③worse;④specialized;⑤awakened;⑥sixtieth;⑦relaxing;⑧musician;⑨advises/advised;⑩confidentTask 4 CDCAD;BCBDB;ACDBD;BDACDUnit 5 Sales of IT Products (11)Warming-upTask 1亲,第一列都是US;第二列都是China,第三列都是UK的哦......Task 2 这题真心没的意思,哥就不做了哈......Reading ATask 2①答案就是reading A的三四段,单词太多我就不打了,体谅一下吧,手指抽筋了呢...②Their “I will”commitment keeps them going through difficult times;③It means the unsuccessful salespersons spend much of their time complaining instead of taking actions to make a change;④One can get started by analyzing a sale that has been recently lost;⑤They are always brutally honest with themselves;⑥If they make the commitment, do as what top sellers do over time and consistently, they are sure to succeedTask 3 A(N)-2B(Y)-4C(N)-1D(Y)-3E(Y)-5Task 4 CACBCReading BTask 1 FFTTFTTask 2①new contacts search;②Safari web browser;③maps with GPS;④multi-touch interface;⑤advanced software.Task 3①using cell phones to browse websites;②combines sound and picture in one;③the most revolutionary;an ideal telephone;④displayed in any order;⑤presents web pages as they appear on the computer.WritingTask ①Wang yi;②1371177XXXX;③Room 507,Building 15,Peace Road,Beijing;④第一个方框划勾勾;⑤150 Short Message Plan;⑥200 Short Message Plan⑦;⑧;⑨第一个方框划勾勾. Vocabulary and StructureTask 1 1-B2-D3-A4-B5-C6-C7-D8-A9-D10-A11-B12-C13-A14-D15-BTask 2①personally;②Unsuccessful;③difference;④painful;⑤willingly;⑥regularly;⑦brutality;⑧revolutionary;⑨developed;⑩combination.Task 3①combine;with;②come up with;③responsible for;④in control;⑤on a regular basis;⑥in detail;⑦take action;⑧signed up.Task 4 1-C-it provides;2-C-analyzing;3-C-were;4-A-must haverained;5-D-loss;6-B-when;7-B-understood;8-A-that matters;9-A-live;10-C-which.Unit 6 After-sales ServiceReading ATask 2 CBATask 3 1-5;2-4;3-2;4-3;5-1Task 4 ①Go to the “Add/Remove programs”of your control panel and download software from the Internet can help remove programs;②Hard drive is constantly adding unneeded files;③The startup icons use up memories;④Defragmenting your hard drive would be like the box of nails still sealed, all neat and tidy and easy to get at;⑤Malware is the software which could do damage to your computer system.Reading BTask 1①21-day period;②5 to 7 workdays;③The customer has to call Technical Support before exchanging a product;④The return material authorization number;⑤The company will pay for the return shipping.Task 2 FTFTTask 3 6413725WritingTask ①Clean your computer’s drive regularly;②Remove invalid registry entries;③remove unneeded startup items;④Defragment your hard drive;⑤Scan/Remove malware.Vocabulary and StructureTask 1 1-H2-O3-E4-D5-B6-J7-F8-M9-K10-A11-N12-L13-C14-I15-GTask 2①tend to;②discount;③scanned;④account;⑤do damage to;⑥remove;⑦use up;⑧handle;⑨virus;⑩credit.Task 3①Add/Remove programs;control panel;remove;②Malware;do damage to;viruses;③returns;exchanges;delivery;④refund;discount;apply.Unit 7 TroubleshootingWarming-upTask 1 CABEDReading ATask 2 亲,1;3;4;6;7要打对勾勾哦......Task 3 1-C2-E3-A4-B5-DReading BTask 1 1-E2-H3-G4-B5-C6-J7-A8-F9-D10-ITask 2 TTFFTTTask 3所有产品的保修期将在下面详细说明。



新职业英语‎2通用版Unit1‎——Unit8‎课后翻译题‎答案============================================================================================ Unit1‎1.公司所有规‎章制度都应‎严格遵守。

(obser‎v e)All the compa‎ny rules‎ and regul‎at ion‎s must be stric‎t ly obser‎v ed.2.和这些同学‎在一起我们‎应随便一些‎。

(c asua‎l)We shoul‎d be casua‎l when we stay with these‎ stude‎nts.3.上述所说的‎是一些在职‎场环境中非‎常有用的交‎际技能。

(setti‎n g)The above‎-menti‎o ned are some commu‎nicat‎ion skill‎s that are very usefu‎l in an offic‎e s etti‎ng.4.我们有一个‎专业的团队‎来营销我们‎的产品。

(profe‎s sion‎a l)We have a profe‎ssion‎a l team to marke‎t our produ‎c ts.5.你知道今秋‎流行黑衣服‎吗?(trend‎y)Do you know black‎ cloth‎es will be trend‎y this fall?6.与其求人,不如求己。

(rely on)We would‎ rathe‎r rely on ourse‎lv es inste‎ad of seeki‎n g help from other‎s.7.新车必须符‎合国家标准‎。

(compl‎y w ith)New vehic‎les must compl‎y w ith natio‎n al stand‎ards.8.我们公司的‎一些年轻人‎可能会来寻‎求你的建议‎。

新职业英语unit 1

新职业英语unit 1
b. Setting your cell phones on silent pattern c. Being active d. Behaving yourselves
Unit 1 Organization

Reading A: Google Reading B: TAF Profile Listening & Speaking
New words and phrases

1) online a. 在线的,联网的 反义词:offline 相关短语:log in, log out 2) relevant a. [(+to)] (紧密)相关的 e.g. You can use Google to search relevant web pages to your problem. You experiences are not relevant to the position. 反义词:irrelevant 同义词:related
e.g. This festival was the brain child of Tony Smith.

26) serve as 起…作用 e.g. Some sofa can serve as a bed. When you are so sleepy, the desk can also serve as a bed.

24) in terms of 在…方面
e.g. In terms of salary, the job is great. In terms of money he is rich, but not in terms of happiness.

25) brain child (of somebody) 脑力劳动的产物

新职业英语1-基础篇-Unit 8

新职业英语1-基础篇-Unit 8

近年来人才需求增长速度最快的领域之一是计 算机技术,这并不令人吃惊。技术的进步确保这种 趋势还会继续一段时期。系统分析师、设计师和开 发师、电脑程序员、网络开发人员、信息技术顾问 和信息管理人员反映出计算机技术领域职业的范围 非常广泛。从事基础设施建设和维护、缆线、卫星 等工作的硬件工程师也是需求的对象。
职业综合 英语 1
Unit 8
ReadReiadni g A ng A
Text Task 1 Task 2 Business Know-how
职业综合 英语 1
Unit 8
ReadTexitng A A-1
Career Trends
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the three hot career fields in the next decade are going to be information technology (IT), medical and fitness. The demand for workers in each of these fields is expected to double by 2010.
Position and Job Description Job description is a summary of responsibilities a vacancy should carry. It is listed in details for the job seekers so that they can understand whether they are capable for the position.




2.(achieve) All this cannot be achieved overnight.3.2. 下午六点钟左右体育馆通常很忙4.。

(tend to) The gym tends to get very busy at around 6 o’clock in theafternoon.5.3. 这个地区现在不安全,还是远离它为好。

6.(stay away from) This area is not safe at the moment, so it’s betterto stay away from it.7. 4. 就销售而言,他们是该地区五大超市之一。

8.(in terms of) They are one of the top five supermarkets in the area interms of sales.9. 5. 这间房既要作卧室又得作客厅。

10.(serve as) This room has to serve as both bedroom and living room.11.6. 生产部负责监督这个项目的进展。

12.(monitor) The production department is responsible for monitoringthe progress of this project.13.7. 上个月经理忙于一项对营销活动的研究工作。

14.(be involved in) The manager was involved in a research onmarketing activities last month. 8. 现在许多大公司都利用网站来推销他们的产品和服务15.。

(promote) Many big companies now use websites to promote theirproducts and services. 9.沙砾想先把报告拿给经理看16.Sally wants to show report to the manager first.17.10 他接受了买台新车的建议18.He accept the advice to buy a new car19.11 他公司的这条规定只对新员工适用20.This rule of the company is only for newcomers 他听见有人叫他的名字21.12 他听见有人叫他的名字22.H e heard someone call his name.23.13 琳达专为她的女儿做了一个生日蛋糕24.Linda made a birthday cake for her daughter25.14 我们相信真理We believe in truth.26.15 别担心,你会很开领到薪水27.Don’Don’t worry;you will get your salary very soon28.太阳每天早上升起29.The sun rises every morning.Unit21.在这所新医院上面已经花费了大笔资金。

新职业英语1 Unit1-8 课后翻译题答案.

新职业英语1 Unit1-8 课后翻译题答案.

Unit1 1. 这一切不是一朝一夕可以实现的。

(achieve All this cannot be achieved overnight. 2. 下午六点钟左右体育馆通常很忙。

(tend to The gym tends to get very busy at around 6 o’clock in the afternoon. 3. 这个地区现在不安全还是远离它为好。

(stay away from This area is not safe at the moment, so it’s better to stay away from it. 4. 就销售而言他们是该地区五大超市之一。

(in terms of They are one of the top five supermarkets in the area in terms of sales. 5. 这间房既要作卧室又得作客厅。

(serve as This room has to serve as both bedroom and living room. 6. 生产部负责监督这个项目的进展。

(monitor The production department is responsible for monitoring the progress of this project. 7. 上个月经理忙于一项对营销活动的研究工作。

(be involved in The manager was involved in a research on marketing activities last month. 8. 现在许多大公司都利用网站来推销他们的产品和服务。

(promote Many big companies now use websites to promote their products and services. Unit2 1. 在这所新医院上面已经花费了大笔资金。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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【新职业英语】机电英语答案Unit1~8Unit 11、我们在机床(lathe)制造方面处于领先地位。

(in the field of)We are in the leading place in the field of lathe manufacturing.2、我们的产品无论是价格还是质量,都在市场上具有竞争优势。

(in terms of )Our products are competitive in the market in terms of both quality and price3、我们和同事们协力制定生产计划。

(cooperate with )We cooperated with our colleagues to make out a plan.4、我们一直致力于在产品与服务上不断取得进步。

(commit toWe have been committed to making continual progress in productdevelopment and service provision.5、他正要离开的时候,有人叫住了他。

(be about to)He was about to leave when someone called him.Unit 21、It is a good little car, but it has many obvious limitations( 它有很多明显的不足之处). (limitation)2、In order to make future plans for product manufacturing,it is necessary to conduct an extensive market research(广泛地调查目标市场). (extensive)3、With the process of technological localization(随着技术的本土化), theprices for some automobiles have been reduced dramatically. (localize)4、The product has more potentials in export market(在出口市场上甚至会有更大的销售潜力). (potential)5、The Ferrari Mondial can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph(从时速零英里加速到60英里) in 6 seconds. (accelerate)Unit 31、Due to low investment(由于投资少), our industrial output has remained stagnant. (due to)2、The Planetary Gear System arrangement is referred to as a great engineering design 被称作一项伟大的工程设计). (refer to as)3、The solar cell can convert the energy of sunlight into electric energy(把阳光的能量转化为电能). (convert)4、The designer used a lot of sketches on the early stages although he knew CAD could be applied throughout the design process (尽管他知道整个设计过程都可用到CAD).(apply)5、I gave him full directions to enable him to find the house (好让他能找到那所房子).(enable) Unit41、This technology is moving_in the direction of wider application (正朝着更广泛的应用方向发展). (in the direction of)2、CAD/CAM will provide technological foundation for_the future computer-integrated manufacturing plants. (为未来的计算机集成工厂提供技术基础). (provide for)3、In the 16th century village life centered around religion(乡村生活以宗教生活为中心). (center around)4、The class varies from 15 to 18 in age.(年龄从15岁到18岁不等).(vary from... to)5、This computer is not directly linked to manufacturing steps. (并没有与制造过程直接连在一起). (be linked to)Unit 51、If you want to_ensure that you catch the plane (确保能赶上那班飞机), take a taxi. (ensure that)2、Team-work is essential to the success of any football team (是任何足球队成功的关键). (be essential to)3、From your smile we infer that you're pleased (我们断定你很高兴). (infer that)4、The study did involve any test on people. (没有包含任何人体试验). (involve)5、I had a narrow escape yesterday when I had a puncture on the motorway,but fortunately I was able to keep the car in control (但是幸运的是,我能控制住车) until I could pull over and stop. (keep... in control)Unit 61、It is necessary to mount the lathe to a board. (把机床安装在一块木板上). (mount…to…)2、Rubber feet attached on the bottom of the mounting board (垫在安装板底部的) help minimize the noise and vibration from the motor. (attach )3、The machine can be secured to a board (被固定在安装板) using four screws with washers and nuts. (be secured to)4、Snack Bar is the place where fast food service is available.(是供应快餐的地方).(available)5、We’d better start earlier;We should allow for traffic delays.(我们应考虑到路上交通会有耽搁). (allow for)Unit 71.By using a PDM system (通过使用PDM系统) mold makers can use item numbers to distinguish between standard and custom parts. (by)2. They can easily roll back to previous versions if a particular idea does not pan out(如果某一个新主意行不通). (pan out)3. Their work can vary from season to season, depending on the amount of stock to be moved in and out of the warehouse. (取决于搬进、运出仓库的货物量). (depend on)4. Warehouse managers are responsible for the efficient running of the warehouse and are in charge of the workforce (负责管理那里的员工). (in charge of)5. Warehouses are where all types of goods and products—both perishable and non-perishable (既有易腐烂的,也有不易腐烂的) —are stored, ready for distribution. (both... and)Unit 81.Please come to my office next Monday when you may hear something to your advantage (到时你可以听到一些对你有利的消息). (to your advantage)2. The manager emphasized the importance of further reinforcing enterprise managementg (进一步加强企业管理的重要性) in his annual report. (reinforce)3 Genuine entrepreneurs are welcome to establish a presenc in Hong Konge.(政府欢迎真正的企业家来港开展事业), bringing with them capital and expertise. (establish a presence)4. The primary objective of the reform is to enable students to have all-round development (改革的主要目标是帮助学生全面发展) so that they can meet the challenges of the new millennium. (primary objective)5. As your agent, we will make great effort to push the sale of your product (尽全力推销你方产品). (make effort to)。
