人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit3ENGLISH WRITINGPPT优秀课件

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Without your help , we will not finish the task. *用动名词简化句子
Mary came late ,which made her teacher angry.
Mary’s coming late made her teacher angry.
①、有效使用复合句。 ②、多种句型交替使用。 ③、准确使用句与句之间的连接成分。
Make your sentences cool
• 让句子靓起来——扩写简单句 He is sleeping. He is sleeping in class. He is sleeping in the English class. He is sleeping soundly in the English class. He is sleeping soundly in the English class when the teacher calls his name.
Not only does the little boy speaks English well ,but also he speaks fluently.
• 写作要点: • 1.活动的策划2.教室的布置; • 3.活动的内容4.你的感想 • 注意: • 1.短文词数不少于100; • 2.开头部分已写好,不计入总词数; • 3.可根据情况增减细节,详略得当; • 4.不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。
• Ms. Li, our English teacher, must have found it strange on Teachers’ Day; she did not receive a single greeting card from us students. She would have never thought a complete surprise was waiting for her. As Teachers’ Day was approaching, our class decided to hold a party to celebrate the important day for a change this year. On the afternoon of September 10,some of us decorated our classroom with paper flowers and balloons, and others went to buy cakes, drinks and fruits. The blackboard was decorated with beautiful words, which read “Happy Teachers’ Day!” Entering the classroom, Ms. Li was surprised to find we were standing in line, clapping hands and saying loudly “Happy Teachers’ Day!” Wang Hua, our monitor, presented her with the prepared flowers. Some of the girls sang songs for Ms. Li, and three boys showed their Gongfu talent. Before we left, we enjoyed a new English song by Ms. Li. Ms. Li spent a wonderful time with us, but we know that we cannot thank her enough for all her hard work and guidance.
让句子瘦下来—— 高级简单句
As he was tired and hungry ,ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduhe boy was unwilling to move on.
Tired and hungry ,the boy was unwilling to move on. *用介词短语简化句子
We will not finish the task if you do not help us.
(去掉there are, 或在第二个 are前加关系代词who。)
1. Playing computer games for a long time makes a bad effect on our study and health.
(动宾不当, 把makes改为has。)
*强调句:It is/was +别强调部分+who/that+其他部 分
It was not until 11 o’clock that her husband came back last night.
*倒装句:“not only …but also…”引导并列成分,not only 位于句首时用倒装
Cool sentences make perfect writings
Experience the exam 体验高考
• (2012) 假定你是李华。下面的图画描述了教师节 那天你们班组织的一次活动,请根据写作要点并 参考图画内容,为校刊“英语角”版面写一篇短 文。
Some skills of English writing 写好书面表达的一些技巧
写句子时努力克服“缺胳膊 少腿”、“画蛇添足”、 “张冠李戴”、“乱点鸳鸯”、
“生搬硬套”和“瞻前不顾后” 等错误。
But there are 60% of the students are against the idea of playing too much computer games.