关于LVD 2006-95-EC 指令





适用的测试标准是EN 55015和EN 61547,其中EN 55015标准考虑的是产品发射(也就是EMI)的要求,而EN 61547考虑的则是抗干扰能力(也就是EMS)的要求。

如果产品为AC供电或能连接到AC电源上,则还需增加EN 61000-3-2(电流谐波)和EN 61000-3-3(电压闪烁)这两项测试。

LED灯具产品欧盟CE认证的LVD指令是2006/95/EEC,主要的测试标准有EN 60598-1,EN 60598-2系列,EN 61347-1,EN 61347-2-13,EN 62031和EN 62471。

其中,EN 60598-1是灯具的通用安全标准,对于特定类别的灯具,一般需要将EN 60598-1和EN 60598-2系列中关于特定类别灯具的特殊要求结合起来考量灯具的安全特性。

EN 61347-1是对灯控制器的通用安全要求,而EN 61347-2-13是针对LED驱动的安全要求。

EN 62031是关于普通照明LED模块的安全规范,对模块的标志、端子、保护接地、防触电保护、潮态后的绝缘电阻、电气强度、故障状态、结构、爬电距离和电气间隙、耐热、防火和耐电痕化、防腐蚀等进行了相关的规定。

EN 62471是评价灯和灯具系统光生物学安全性的标准,其中的光源包括了LED,但是不包括激光,该标准根据光辐射危害的程度将连续辐射灯分为豁免类、1类危害(低危害)、2类危害(中危害)和3类危害(高危害)等四大类。


主要的认证测试标准有UL 8750,UL 1598,UL 153,UL 1993,UL 1574,UL 2108,UL 1310,UL 1012和UL 60950-1等。

其中,UL 8750是对照明产品中使用LED光源的安全要求,包括使用环境、机械结构、电气机构等方面的要求。



FORMULA 塑壳断路器使用具有特殊防伪技术的全息图防伪标签,以确保该断路器是 ABB 产品。
ABB 质量管理体系符合标准如下:
• ISO 9001 标准 • EN ISO 9001(等效)欧盟标准 • UNI EN ISO 9001(等效)意大利标准 • IRIS 国际铁路行业标准
ABB 环境管理体系,社会责任与道德规范标准如下:
4 曲线例子 ............................................................................................ 4/1
温度性能 ............................................................................................ 4/2 脱扣曲线 ............................................................................................ 4/4 允通曲线 ............................................................................................ 4/6 限流曲线 ............................................................................................ 4/9 功率损耗 ............................................................................................ 4/12 后备保护 ............................................................................................ 4/13


校准注意事项 白色和黑筒校准 程序 UV 校准程序(仅限 64UV)
进入测量模式 测量模式图标 选择“测量模式” 选择色彩空间。 选择光源/视角 项目
选择一个项目 创建项目 为项目增添标准 删除项目、标准和样品 锁定项目 编辑项目名称 标准 手动选择标准 创建标准 编辑现有的手动输入标准 删除标准 编辑标准名称 编辑标准容差 容差编辑图标 编辑容差 编辑 555 色光分类值 基本操作 测量样品 为样品重新命名 测量平均 查看储存的测量值 查看合格/不合格数据 图片视图 反射率视图 评语差异视图 色光分类视图
• 校准基准 • UV 校准白板(仅限 64UV)
• 操作手册光盘 • 文档及注册材料 • 安全带
CI6X 分光光度仪
连接安全带 本仪器附有安全带。该安全带可挂在仪器后部并缠绕到手腕上。不可使用安全带来携带仪器。 1. 将安全带尾端的小线圈穿过仪器后部的安全带固定柱。
2. 将腕带尾端插入小线圈。
CI6X 分光光度仪
查看本文件了解“注意”符号 出现的所有情况。 本符号用于提醒您可能需要引起注意的任何潜在危险或行为。
CE 声明
爱色丽有限公司特此宣布本 Ci6X 系列符合指令 EMC 2004/108/EC 以及 LVD 2006/95/EC 的基 本要求及其他相关规定。 配有蓝牙的设备需额外遵照 R & TTE 1999/5/EC。
分光光度仪是一种报告光谱数据的紧凑、结构及可靠的颜色测量仪器。 本手册涉及仪器的安装、操作及维护。有关在仪器上使用软件应用程序的特定说明,请查阅软件文档。 仪器的主要特点是:
• 高分辨率 240 x 320,18 位彩色显示器 • 用于轻松进行屏幕选择的导航按钮、测量按钮和电源开关按钮。

Directive 2006_95_EC LVD

Directive 2006_95_EC  LVD

DIRECTIVE2006/95/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof12December2006on the harmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for usewithin certain voltage limits(codified version)(Text with EEA relevance)THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Commu-nity,and in particular Article95thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,Having regard to the Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee(1),Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article251 of the Treaty(2),Whereas:(1)Council Directive73/23/EEC of19February1973on theharmonisation of the laws of Member States relating to electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits(3)has been substantially amended(4).In the interests of clarity and rationality the said Directive should be codified.(2)The provisions in force in the Member States designed toensure safety in the use of electrical equipment used within certain voltage limits may differ,thus impeding trade.(3)In certain Member States in respect of certain electricalequipment,the safety legislation takes the form of preventive and repressive measures by means of binding provisions.(4)In other Member States in order to achieve the sameobjective,the safety legislation provides for reference to technical standards laid down by Standards Bodies.Such a system offers the advantage of rapid adjustment to technical progress without neglecting safety requirements.(5)Certain Member States carry out administrative operationsto approve standards.Such approval neither affects the technical content of the standards in any way nor limits their conditions of use.Such approval cannot therefore alter the effects,from a Community point of view,of harmonised and published standards.(6)Within the Community,the free movement of electricalequipment should follow when this equipment complies with certain safety requirements recognised in all Mem-ber States.Without prejudice to any other form of proof, the proof of compliance with these requirements may be established by reference to harmonised standards which incorporate these conditions.These harmonised standards should be established by common agreement by bodies to be notified by each Member State to the other Member States and to the Commission and should be publicised as widely as possible.Such harmonisation should,for the purposes of trade,eliminate the inconveniences resulting from differences between national standards.(7)Without prejudice to any other form of proof,thecompliance of electrical equipment with the harmonised standards may be presumed from the affixing or issue of marks or certificates by the competent organisations or,in the absence thereof,from a manufacturer's declaration of compliance.In order to facilitate the removal of barriers to trade,the Member States should recognise such marks or certificates or such declaration as elements of proof.With this end in view,the said marks or certificates should be publicised in particular by their publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.(8)As a transitional measure,the free movement of electricalequipment for which harmonised standards do not yet exist may be achieved by applying the safety provisions or standards already laid down by other international bodies or by one of the bodies which establish harmonised standards.(9)It is possible that electrical equipment may be placed in freecirculation even though it does not comply with the safety requirements,and it is therefore desirable to lay down suitable provisions to minimise this danger.(1)OJ C10,14.1.2004,p.6.(2)Opinion of the European Parliament of21October2003(OJ C82E,1.4.2004,p.68)and Decision of the Council of14November2006.(3)OJ L77,26.3.1973,p.29.Directive as amended by Directive93/68/EEC(OJ L220,30.8.1993,p.1).(4)See Annex V,Part A.(10)Council Decision93/465/EEC(1)establishes the modulesfor the various phases of the conformity assessment procedures which are intended to be used in the technical harmonisation Directives.(11)The choice of procedures should not lead to a lowering ofsafety standards of electrical equipment,which have already been established throughout the Community.(12)This Directive should be without prejudice to theobligations of the Member States relating to the time-limits for transposition into national law and application of the Directives set out in Annex V,Part B,HAVE ADOPTED THIS DIRECTIVE:Article1For the purposes of this Directive,‘electrical equipment’means any equipment designed for use with a voltage rating of between 50and1000V for alternating current and between75and 1500V for direct current,other than the equipment and phenomena listed in Annex II.Article21.The Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that electrical equipment may be placed on the market only if,having been constructed in accordance with good engineering practice in safety matters in force in the Community, it does not endanger the safety of persons,domestic animals or property when properly installed and maintained and used in applications for which it was made.2.The principal elements of the safety objectives referred to in paragraph1are listed in Annex I.Article3The Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that if electrical equipment is of such a nature as to comply with the provisions of Article2,subject to the conditions laid down in Articles5,6,7or8,the free movement thereof within the Community shall not be impeded for reasons of safety.Article4In relation to electrical equipment,the Member States shall ensure that stricter safety requirements than those laid down in Article2are not imposed by electricity supply bodies for connection to the grid,or for the supply of electricity to users of electrical equipment.Article5The Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that,in particular,electrical equipment which complies with the safety provisions of harmonised standards shall be regarded by their competent administrative authorities as complying with the provisions of Article2,for the purposes of placing on the market and free movement as referred to in Articles2and3respectively.Standards shall be regarded as harmonised once they are drawn up by common agreement between the bodies notified by the Member States in accordance with Article11,first paragraph, point(a),and published under national procedures.The standards shall be kept up to date in the light of technological progress and the developments in good engineering practice in safety matters.For purposes of information the list of harmonised standards and their references shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.Article61.Where harmonised standards as defined in Article5have not yet been drawn up and published,the Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that,for the purposes of placing on the market or free movement as referred to in Articles2and3respectively,their competent administrative authorities shall also regard as complying with the provisions of Article2electrical equipment which complies with the safety provisions of the International Commission on the Rules for the Approval of Electrical Equipment(CEE)or of the International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC)in respect of which the publication procedure laid down in paragraphs2and3has been applied.2.The safety provisions referred to in paragraph1shall be notified to the Member States by the Commission as from the entry into force of this Directive,and thereafter as and when they are published.The Commission,after consulting the Member States,shall state the provisions and in particular the variants which it recommends to be published.3.The Member States shall inform the Commission within a period of three months of such objections as they may have to the provisions thus notified,stating the safety grounds on account of which the provisions should not be recognised.For purposes of information those safety provisions against which no objection has been raised shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union.Article7Where harmonised standards within the meaning of Article5or safety provisions published in accordance with Article6are not yet in existence,the Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that,for the purpose of placing on the market or free movement as referred to in Articles2and3 respectively,their competent administrative authorities shall also regard as complying with the provisions of Article2electrical equipment manufactured in accordance with the safety provi-sions of the standards in force in the Member State of manufacture,if it ensures a safety level equivalent to that required in their own territory.(1)Council Decision93/465/EEC of22July1993concerning themodules for the various phases of the conformity assessment procedures and the rules for the affixing and use of the CE conformity marking,which are intended to be used in the technical harmonisation directives(OJ L220,30.8.1993,p.23).Article81.Before being placed on the market,the electrical equipment must have affixed to it the CE marking provided for in Article10 attesting to its conformity to the provisions of this Directive, including the conformity assessment procedure described in Annex IV.2.In the event of a challenge,the manufacturer or importer may submit a report,drawn up by a body,which is notified in accordance with Article11,first paragraph,point(b),on the conformity of the electrical equipment with the provisions of Article2.3.Where electrical equipment is subject to other Directives concerning other aspects which also provide for the affixing of the CE marking,the latter shall indicate that the equipment in question is also presumed to conform to the provisions of those other Directives.However,where one or more of these Directives allow the manufacturer,during a transitional period,to choose which arrangements to apply,the CE marking shall indicate conformity to the provisions only of those Directives applied by the manufacturer.In this case,particulars of the Directives applied, as published in the Official Journal of the European Union,must be given in the documents,notices or instructions required by the Directives and accompanying the electrical equipment.Article91.If,for safety reasons,a Member State prohibits the placing on the market of any electrical equipment or impedes its free movement,it shall immediately inform the other Member States concerned and the Commission,indicating the grounds for its decision and stating in particular:(a)whether its non-conformity with Article2is attributable toa shortcoming in the harmonised standards referred to inArticle5,the provisions referred to in Article6or the standards referred to in Article7;(b)whether its non-conformity with Article2is attributable tofaulty application of such standards or publications or to failure to comply with good engineering practice as referred to in that Article.2.If other Member States raise objections to the decision referred to in paragraph1,the Commission shall immediately consult the Member States concerned.3.If an agreement has not been reached within three months from the date of communication of the information as laid down in paragraph1,the Commission shall obtain the opinion of one of the bodies notified in accordance with Article11,first paragraph,point(b),having its registered office outside the territory of the Member States concerned and which has not been involved in the procedure provided for in Article8.The opinion shall state the extent to which the provisions of Article2 have not been complied with.4.The Commission shall communicate the opinion of the body referred to in paragraph3to all Member States which may, within a period of one month,make their observations known to the Commission.The Commission shall at the same time note any observations by the parties concerned on that opinion.5.Having taken note of these observations the Commission shall,if necessary,formulate the appropriate recommendations or opinions.Article101.The CE conformity marking referred to in Annex III shall be affixed by the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community to the electrical equipment or, failing that,to the packaging,the introduction sheet or the guarantee certificate so as to be visible,easily legible and indelible.2.The affixing on electrical equipment of any markings liable to deceive third parties as to the meaning and form of the CE marking shall be prohibited.However,any other marking may be affixed to the electrical equipment,its packaging,the instruction sheet or the guarantee certificate provided that the visibility and legibility of the CE marking is not thereby reduced.3.Without prejudice to Article9:(a)where a Member State establishes that the CE marking hasbeen affixed unduly,the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community shall be obliged to make the electrical equipment comply as regards the provisions concerning the CE marking and to end the infringement under conditions imposed by the Member State;(b)where non-compliance continues,the Member State shalltake all appropriate measures to restrict or prohibit the placing on the market of the electrical equipment in question or to ensure that it is withdrawn from the market in accordance with Article9.Article11Each Member State shall inform the other Member States and the Commission of the following:(a)the bodies referred to in Article5,second paragraph;(b)the bodies which may make a report in accordance withArticle8(2)or give an opinion in accordance with Article9;(c)the publication reference referred to in the secondparagraph of Article5.Any amendment to the above shall be notified by each Member State to the other Member States and to the Commission.Article12This Directive shall not apply to electrical equipment intended for export to third countries.Article13The Member States shall communicate to the Commission the texts of the main provisions of national laws which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.Article14Directive73/23/EEC is hereby repealed without prejudice to the obligations of the Member States relating to the time-limits for transposition into national law and application of the Directives set out in Annex V,Part B.References made to the repealed Directive shall be construed as being made to this Directive and should be read in accordance with the correlation table in Annex VI.Article15This Directive shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.Article16This Directive is addressed to the Member States.Done at Strasbourg,12December2006.For the European ParliamentThe PresidentJ.BORRELL FONTELLESFor the CouncilThe PresidentM.PEKKARINENANNEX IPrincipal Elements of the Safety Objectives for Electrical Equipment Designed For Use within Certain VoltageLimits1.General conditions(a)The essential characteristics,the recognition and observance of which will ensure that electrical equipment willbe used safely and in applications for which it was made,shall be marked on the equipment,or,if this is not possible,on an accompanying notice.(b)The brand name or the trade mark should be clearly printed on the electrical equipment or,where that is notpossible,on the packaging.(c)The electrical equipment,together with its component parts,should be made in such a way as to ensure that itcan be safely and properly assembled and connected.(d)The electrical equipment should be so designed and manufactured as to ensure that protection against thehazards set out in points2and3of this Annex is assured,providing that the equipment is used in applications for which it was made and is adequately maintained.2.Protection against hazards arising from the electrical equipmentMeasures of a technical nature should be prescribed in accordance with point1,in order to ensure:(a)that persons and domestic animals are adequately protected against the danger of physical injury or other harmwhich might be caused by direct or indirect contact;(b)that temperatures,arcs or radiation which would cause a danger,are not produced;(c)that persons,domestic animals and property are adequately protected against non-electrical dangers caused bythe electrical equipment which are revealed by experience;(d)that the insulation must be suitable for foreseeable conditions.3.Protection against hazards which may be caused by external influences on the electrical equipmentTechnical measures are to be laid down in accordance with point1,in order to ensure:(a)that the electrical equipment meets the expected mechanical requirements in such a way that persons,domesticanimals and property are not endangered;(b)that the electrical equipment shall be resistant to non-mechanical influences in expected environmentalconditions,in such a way that persons,domestic animals and property are not endangered;(c)that the electrical equipment shall not endanger persons,domestic animals and property in foreseeableconditions of overload.ANNEX IIEquipment and Phenomena outside the Scope of this DirectiveElectrical equipment for use in an explosive atmosphereElectrical equipment for radiology and medical purposesElectrical parts for goods and passenger liftsElectricity metersPlugs and socket outlets for domestic useElectric fence controllersRadio-electrical interferenceSpecialised electrical equipment,for use on ships,aircraft or railways,which complies with the safety provisions drawn up by international bodies in which the Member States participate.ANNEX IIICe Conformity Marking And EC Declaration of ConformityA.CE conformity markingThe CE conformity marking shall consist of the initials‘CE’taking the following form:—If the CE marking is reduced or enlarged the proportions given in the above graduated drawing must be respected.—The various components of the CE marking must have substantially the same vertical dimension,which may not be less than5mm.B.EC declaration of conformityThe EC declaration of conformity must contain the following elements:—name and address of the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community,—a description of the electrical equipment,—reference to the harmonised standards,—where appropriate,references to the specifications with which conformity is declared,—identification of the signatory who has been empowered to enter into commitments on behalf of the manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community,—the last two digits of the year in which the CE marking was affixed.ANNEX IVInternal Production Control1.Internal production control is the procedure whereby the manufacturer or his authorised representative establishedwithin the Community,who carries out the obligations laid down in point2,ensures and declares that the electrical equipment satisfies the requirements of this Directive that apply to it.The manufacturer or his authorised representative established within the Community must affix the CE marking to each product and draw up a written declaration of conformity.2.The manufacturer must establish the technical documentation described in point3and he or his authorisedrepresentative established within the Community must keep it on Community territory at the disposal of the relevant national authorities for inspection purposes for a period ending at least10years after the last product has been manufactured.Where neither the manufacturer nor his authorised representative is established within the Community,this obligation is the responsibility of the person who places the electrical equipment on the Community market.3.Technical documentation must enable the conformity of the electrical equipment to the requirements of this Directiveto be assessed.It must,as far as relevant for such assessment,cover the design,manufacture and operation of the electrical equipment.It must include:—a general description of the electrical equipment,—conceptual design and manufacturing drawings and schemes of components,sub-assemblies,circuits,etc.,—descriptions and explanations necessary for the understanding of said drawings and schemes and the operation of the electrical equipment,—a list of the standards applied in full or in part,and descriptions of the solutions adopted to satisfy the safety aspects of this Directive where standards have not been applied,—results of design calculations made,examinations carried out,etc.,—test reports.4.The manufacturer or his authorised representative must keep a copy of the declaration of conformity with thetechnical documentation.5.The manufacturer must take all measures necessary in order that the manufacturing process shall ensure complianceof the manufactured products with the technical documentation referred to in point2and with the requirements of this Directive that apply to them.ANNEX VPart ARepealed Directive with its amendmentCouncil Directive73/23/EEC Council Directive93/68/EEC Article1 point12and Article13only(OJ L77,26.3.1973,p.29)(OJ L220,30.8.1993,p.1) Part BList of time-limits for transposition into national law and application(referred to in Article14)Directive Time-limit for transposition Date of application73/23/EEC 93/68/EEC 21August1974(1)1July1994—1January1995(2)(1)In the case of Denmark the time-limit was extended to five years,i.e.21February1978.See Article13(1)of Directive73/23/EEC.(2)Until1January1997Member States had to allow the placing on the market and the bringing into service of products which compliedwith the marking arrangements in force before1January1995.See Article14(2)of Directive93/68/EEC.ANNEX VICorrelation TableDirective73/23/EEC This DirectiveArticles1—7Article8(1)Article8(2)Article8(3)(a)Article8(3)(b)Article9(1),first indent Article9(1),second indent Article9(2)to(5) Article10Article11,first indent Article11,second indent Article11,third indent Article12Article13(1)Article13(2)——Article14Annexes I to IV——Articles1—7Article8(1)Article8(2)Article8(3),first subparagraph Article8(3),second subparagraph Article9(1)(a)Article9(1)(b)Article9(2)to(5)Article10Article11(a)Article11(b)Article11(c)Article12—Article13Article14Article15Article16Annexes I to IVAnnex VAnnex VI。



LED灯及灯具CE认证低电压指令(Low V oltage Directive,LVD)为所有进入欧盟的低电压产品确立了整体的安全要求,半导体照明产品属于其所定义的低电压产品,因此也必须遵循低电压指令的规范。

1. LVD指令简介LVD指令适应于供电电压在交流50~1000 V或直流75~1500 V之间的电气设备。




LVD指令确立了低电压设备应该达到的安全目标,这些目标包括:(1) 一般目标确保电气设备能够按照设计目的正确地使用,基本性能应该在设备上或在随附的报告上进行标识;制造商的名称和商标应清楚地印在电气设备上或在包装上;电气设备及其零部件的设计应确保设备能够安全并且正确地安装和连接;电气设备的设计和生产应确保防止下述(2)和(3)中指出的危害,如果设备按照其设计目的使用并且正确维护。

(2) 防止电气设备引起的危害应采取措施保证:对人身和家畜有足够的保护,免受因电气直接或间接接触造成物理伤害或其他危害(触电);不会产生导致危险的温度、电弧或辐射;人身、家畜和财产有足够的保护,免受按照经验电气设备导致的非电气危险;在可预见的条件下有适当的绝缘保护。

(3) 防止外在因素影响电气设备引起的危害应采取措施保证:电气设备满足预期的机械要求,从而不会危及人身、家畜和财产;电气设备在预期的环境条件下能够抵御非机械的影响,从而不会危及人身、家畜和财产;在可预见的过载(过电流)的情况下,电气设备不会危及人身、家畜和财产。




欧盟关于电子电气产品电磁场辐射(EMF)的法规主要有R&TTE 指令(1999/5/EC)和低电压指令(LVD,2006/95/EC),这两项指令包含了电子电气产品对于人体的健康要求,即EMF要求。

其中EMF 限值在欧盟理事会建议1999/519/EC中规定,该建议规定了暴露在0 Hz~300 GHz频率范围的电磁场(EMF)的最大限值。


准EN 50366:2003及其增补件A1:2006将被新标准EN 62233:2008所替代,EN 62233:2008修改采用了IEC 62233:2005。

也就是说,2012年12月1日后,EN 50366:2003+A1:2006将不再具有LVD指令EMF健康要求的推断符合性。

对于照明设备,2010年2月颁布的该类设备EMF测量方法标准EN 62493:2010,将于2013年2月1日开始实施,该标准修改采用了IEC 62493:2009。

对于低功率电子电气设备(电磁场在10MHz-300GHz范围),2013年9月1日后,原EMF标准EN 50371:2002将被新标准EN 62479:2010所取代,新标准EN 62479:2010修改采用了IEC 62479:2010。


“低功率排除电平”(low-power exclusion level)Pmax指设备输出功率的特定条件,取决于频率以及人和辐射源的距离等其他变量,以致于辐射源产生的暴露水平不会超过一个特定的基本限制。



2.IP等级要根据使用环境一致 10KW以下 IP23 3.温升 10kw以下机器 a. 1小时normal operation b. 30min Overload
4. 对于由发电机供电的内部Electrical equipment, 要满足EN 60204-1 5. 用于操作发电机组的Electrical equipment, 要满足EN 12601 annex B(即EN 60204-1)
Access systems(如操作台, 通道), 主要针对超大机器 Access to service points 电气间隙和爬电距离 标贴, 颜色, 形状 说明书, 德文
二. 噪音
发电机的噪音是NB强制要求 2000/14/EC(2005/88/EC) Article 12中有限值要求
4. 发电机的防触电
触电两种形式 1. Direct contact (EN 60204-1, Cl 6.2) a. enclosure b. insulation c. 断开输出后残余电压防护(60 C以上的储能元件) d. barrier f. 触及的安全距离
2. Indirect contact (EN 60204-1, Cl 6.3) indirect contact : contact of persons or livestock with exposed conductive parts which have become live under fault conditions
6. 其他
Electrical equipment 的控件要满足EN60204-1 手柄及提拉装置 1.提拉装置要满足1,5倍整机重量 位置要考虑: a.重心 b. 20mm 引擎零件到提拉接头 移动式10kw以下机器, 稳定性要求 2. <140kg, 人运输, 要有手柄或框架, 2.5倍整机重量



1 目的为了严格执行CE标准,产品在设计过程中能达到CE标准中的安全规范,使产品能符合欧盟标准,成为世界一流产品。


2 适用范围本标准规定了电气产品中电源、导线和电缆、断电装置、控制电路、控制功能、操作界面、电动机和附属设备、技术文档和测试的相关规定。





EN 60204-1-2006+A1-2009《机械安全机械的电气设备第1部分:一般要求》等效GB 5226.1-2008《机械电气安全机械电气设备第1部分:通用技术条件》BS EN ISO 13849-2008《机械安全性控制系统中的安全性相关部件》等效GB/T 16855-2008《机械安全控制系统有关安全部件》4一般要求4.1 遵循低电压指令(LVD指令)——2006/95/EC。

使用电压范围在交流(AC) 50~1000V,直流(DC) 75~1500V 的机电产品。

4.2工业配线及元器件安装法则参考EN 60204-1-2006+A1-2009《机械安全机械的电气设备第1部分:一般要求》。




5.1.3电源入线应清楚标示: (1)单相:L1/L2; (2)三相:L1/L2/L3。


声艺 UI12 UI16 数字调音台中文说明书

声艺 UI12 UI16 数字调音台中文说明书

2.0: 入门
2.1: 系统概述 2.2: 硬件I/O和控制 2.3: 输入通道路径 2.4: 快速连接
6.0: 混合功能
6.1: VIEW & MUTE组 6.2: MORE ME
3.0: 软件控制
3.0.1: 更新与要求 3.0.2: 重置调音台 3.1.1: 控制/手势汇总 3.2.1: 键盘控件
1.1: 安全
Ui12, Ui16 用户手册
简介 > 安全
• 请阅读这些说明。 • 请阅读这些说明。 • 注意所有警告。 • 按照说明操作。 • 只能用干布清洁设备。 • 不要安装在热源附近,如散热器、电热器、火炉或产生热量的其他设备(包括箱头)。 • 不要阻塞任何通风口。 根据制造商的说明安装。 • 不要在潮湿的地方使用该设备。
注意: 本设备已经过测试,符合FCC规则15对A类数字设备的限制。 这些限制旨在为商业环境中运 作的设备提供ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ理的保护,防止有害干扰。 该设备产生、使用和辐射无线电频率能量,如果没有 并按照说明安装使用,可能会对无线电通信产生有害干扰。 本设备在居民区运行可能会导致有害 干扰,此时用户将被要求自费纠正干扰。 This Class A digital apparatus meets the requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations. et appareil numérique de la Classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel C brouilleur du Canada.
Harman International Industries Limited Cranborne House, Cranborne Road, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, EN6 3JN, 英国 电话: +44 (0)1707 665000 传真: +44 (0)1707 660742

国际认证ITA Handbook 2014

国际认证ITA Handbook 2014
Eco designand energy labelling
(EC) 1221/2009
Eco managementand audit scheme (EMAS)
Electromagneti compatability (EMC)
Construction products (CPR)


A制造商自我声明 B第三方检测机构,通过检测,出具符合性证明
1)填写CE检测申请书; 2)提交样品以及技术资料 3)测试(零部件的符合性) 4)获得报告以及相关证书 5)测试周期:20个工作日 6)相关费用:检测费+证书费(500) 7)证书查询:/
BSI 风筝标志认证
BSI 风筝标志认证
BSI 风筝标志认证
风筝标志是由BSI拥有和运营的注册认证标志 自愿性认证 技术标准:BS标准或EN标准 认证型式:型式试验+工厂检查+获证后监督 证书无固定有效期,通过每年工厂检查和管理年费维持证书 认证产品范围:汽车,建筑,能源,防洪,个人防护设备, 电气,防火,医疗设备,搬运服务,儿童安全在线
产品类别 固定式灯具、嵌入式灯具、道路和街道照明灯具、 泛光灯、白炽灯
家用及类似设备的过流保护的断路器 家庭及类似用途不带过流保护的电断路器(RCCB)
家用插头插座 电线电缆 干电池 开关 电风扇
标准 SNI04-6973.1-2005系列标准
CE 符合性评定
CE 符合性评定
欧洲联盟(EU)27国 面积:410万平方公里 人口:近4.8亿 欧洲联盟+欧洲自由贸易协会 (除瑞士和列支敦士登)
表示该产品符合一个或多个欧盟指令 主要针对海关和市场监督部门 依据的标准:EN标准





0681 2200监管信息触摸屏显示器固定工作台校准仪板目标基座包装您的仪器包装内应包含下列所有物品。



要设置多模式测量(一个测量中的多个光谱) M0、M2 和 M3 测量条件,可将开关滑动至背面位置测量条件,可滑动开关至正面位置 (1) 直至停止。


光源测量出的反射率,以前被称为:日光或 D65-A 光源测量出的反射率,以前被称为:去:使用不含紫外线组件的横向偏振 A 光源测量出的反射率,以前被称为:极化滤镜启动时,仪器要完成诊断测试并显示闪屏后才会出现主菜单屏幕。



闪屏第 1 个安装向导屏幕请将电池组交付给指定的处理站进行回收。

周期寿命特点周期1.0 C 放电 C/2 放电1.25 A CC/CV 充电,4.2 V ,3 小时电量 (A h )仪器连接1.翻转固定工作台并通过工作台中间的线扣 (1) 将小插头引入电源。




(2) (1)(1)(1)技术并可与计算机无线通信。




如果没有,我们已为您提 Windows XP 和 Windows 7 上安装蓝牙设备的说明。









1.低压指令(Low Voltage Directive,LVD):2014/35/EU

2.机械设备指令(Machinery Directive):2006/42/EC

3.电磁兼容性指令(Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive,EMC):2014/30/EU

4.医疗器械指令(Medical Devices Directive):93/42/EEC

5.个体防护装备指令(Personal Protective Equipment Directive,PPE):

6.玩具指令(Toy Safety Directive):2009/48/EC



























ABB RVT操作说明功率因数控制器

ABB RVT操作说明功率因数控制器
RV.................................................................................................................................. 4 1 控制器入门介绍.............................................................................................................. 5 1.1 一款功能强大的可共补/分补的功率因数控制器 ...................................................... 5 1.2 RVT 主要特点 ......................................................................................................... 5 1.3 前视图与后视图 ...................................................................................................... 6 1.4 彩色触摸屏界面 ...................................................................................................... 7 2 安装 ................................................................................................................................ 8 2.1 嵌装 ........................................................................................................................ 8 2.2 导线连接 ................................................................................................................. 9 2.3 接线图 .................................................................................................................. 10 3 轻松启动 ...................................................................................................................... 12 3.1 导航菜单 ............................................................................................................... 12 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 触摸屏图标的注释 ...................................................................................... 12 标题栏 ........................................................................................................ 14 设定区 ........................................................................................................ 15 状态栏 ........................................................................................................ 15 键盘输入界面 ............................................................................................. 15


Presented by: Wei Yanquan
所有出口欧盟的电子消费产品都需要通过必须 符合相关指令的要求,加贴CE标志 如果产品属于相关指令的产品范畴时,必须同 时满足符合的所有指令要求才能加贴CE标志 适用于CE Mark的指令有多个,如: LVD指令(2006/95/EC), EMC指令(2004/108/EC), R&TTE指令(1999/5/EC)等
Morlab Group
无线通信设备FCC测试标准 测试内容为RF,EMC,SAR,HAC测试
相关法规 47 CFR Part 2 47 CFR Part 15, subpart B & C 47 CFR Part 22, subpart H 47 CFR Part 24 ,subpart E OET Bulletin 65 supplement C 47 CFR Part§20.19,ANSI 63.19-2007
Morlab Group
Morlab Group
Verification自我验证 认证方式: 经由制造商自行测试或在第三方实验室进 行测试以验证产品符合FCC要求,验证合 格的产品需在标签及说明书中加注警示语 ,无需递交FCC。
Morlab Group
CE 标记 art.12/ANNEX VII
1. 满足基本要求的设备需要根据ANNEX VII的要求标准CE标记。 制造 商,或其在欧盟内的授权代表,或负责人需要对其投放市场的设备负 责。对于按照 Annex III, IV or V中规定的流程来完成一致性评估的产 品, CE标记后需要标注Notified Body的代码,对于无线设备还需要加 注设备的Class(class2设备须加标惊叹号) 。 2. 一旦发现标注CE标记的设备不符合上述要求,成员国有权对其采取适 当的处罚行为。 3. 对于投放市场的设备还需要标注设备的类型,批次号或序列号,以及 设备商或本地授权代表的名称。





继本刊2006年第10期与第12期分别介绍了尼日利亚Soncap 认证和肯尼亚PVoC认证之后,本期继续向读者介绍南非出口认证的相关情况。

1 认证背景1.1南非国家标准局(South African Bureau of Standards,简称SABS),是根据1945年南非《国家标准法》设立的隶属于南非贸工部的负责起草发布《标准法》的机构,但不管理企业或协会自主制定的标准;SABS还代表国家管理强制性规范标准,对符合规范的产品授予标志使用权;负责颁发ISO9001和ISO9002体系证书;在全国范围内提供质量管理体系和环境管理体系审核员的培训服务;代表国家和一些主要购买商承担装船前的检验和测试;同时作为第三方认证机构,负责南非的体系和产品认证。

此外,取得SABS标识是非强制的,自愿的,SABS标识应用于以下领域:化学制品、生物制品、纤维制品和服装、机械制品、安全设备、电工产品、土木和建筑以及汽车产品,SABS 标识如图所示。

取得SABS标识的前提条件是:①产品符合一个SABS/SANS 国家标准;②产品通过相应标准测试;③质量体系满足ISO 9000要求或其他指定要求;④只有产品和质量体系均满足要求方可申请使用SABS 标识;⑤常规产品测试要在指导下进行,要能给出测试结果;⑥质量体系评估每年至少2 次,并要求全内容评估。

1.2 对于进口电器,南非海关要求在通关时须出示由SABS出具的通关信(Letter of Authority,简称LOA)。



南非海关会通过SARS 的数据库实时核查LOA证书的信息。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

新合併的低電壓指令(LVD,Low Voltage Directive) ,其號碼為2006/95/EC,於2006年12月27日在歐洲官方的刊物(Official Journal) 上已經發行,並於2007年1月16日開始正式實施了。

這個新合併的低電壓指令(2006/95/EC),只是合併了兩個舊的低電壓指令73/23/EEC 以及93/68/EEC。

此改變,除了低電壓指令號碼改變之外,對於低電壓指令本身內容以及CE 標誌之要求,並沒有任何實質上的改變。

LVD适用于所有本身功能使用电压范围在交流50~1000V,直流75~1500V的电机产品,这个定义系指指令的适用范围,而不是指令适用的限制 (例如,在使用交流230V的计算机中,直流12V的电路所造成的危险也受LVD的规范)。

LVD适用于提供给消费者和工业使用的产品,如果是工业用设备,指令也涵盖了制造商本身使用的产品(例如: 测试设备)。


简单的自我宣告并不足以确定产品是安全的 (〝安全〞被定义成不会造成人员或家畜的死伤及财务的损害),基于这个原因,LVD的声明需要有技术文件档案的支持来证明。

1. 机设备的一般性描述
2. 概念上的设计及制造图样
3. 了解这些图样所必须的描述和说明
4. 列出全部或部份适用的标准,及描述为满足指令安全观点所采行的对策
5. 设计的推算结果,执行过程的检查
6. 测试报告


调和标准会定期地发表在EC的官方公报(Official Journal)。





首先,是对每个样品在运送之前所做的下线测试(包括接地连续性、抗电绝缘强度、绝缘电阻),其次,是要能够从测试的结果中搜集到与产品安全相关之关键组件与材料(critical components and materials) (如保险丝、隔离变压器、可燃的塑料),依据EN标准做测试可以找出关键组件。





对许多人而言,他们对产品的测试经验仅来自于EMC相关指令,LVD指令的测试有点不同,简单地说,EMC 测试是一格针对已定义好的方法,限制值的量测,而LVD测试有些则是资料的收集,用以支持一个通常较为主观的判断,LVD测试标准非常复杂,要求的说明和下结论所需的测试结果,也通常是很厚的文件。



1. 经适当的隔离系统和绝缘障碍,以保护防止电击的危险
2. 尽量减少起火的危险,采用低可燃组件及防火材料,以保护防止火灾的危险
3. 适当的监管,以保护防止机械危险
4. 藉监管和围封,以保护防止设备外泄出放射性和相同危险(如X光,微波)
5. 藉围封、化学或气体密封,以保护防止化学危险
6. 藉屏障和保护性组件,以保护防止接触能量危险(高电流)









关于热保护的进一步举例如下:在有马达运转的设备中,小心地选择热效断流器,以防止在正常使用的尖峰状态下,不必要的跳脱,而还能在错误状态下(如: 死锁的齿轮/驱动或过负载)提供安全保护。








