6V内置看门狗功能电压检测器 XC6130-XC6131 系列
Spartan-6 系列概述
DS160 (v1.6) 2010 年 11 月 5 日 推进产品规范发展
Spartan®-6 系列不仅拥有业界领先的系统集成能力,同时还能实现适用于大批量应用的最低总成本。该系列由 13 个成员组成,可提供 的密度从 3,840 个逻辑单元到 147,443 个逻辑单元不等。与上一代 Spartan 系列相比,该系列功耗仅为其 50%,且速度更快、连接功 能更丰富全面。Spartan-6 系列采用成熟的 45nm 低功耗铜制程技术制造,实现了性价比与功耗的完美平衡,能够提供全新且更高效的 双寄存器 6 输入查找表 (LUT) 逻辑和一系列丰富的内置系统级模块,其中包括 18Kb (2 x 9Kb) Block RAM、第二代 DSP48A1 Slice、 SDRAM 存储器控制器、增强型混合模式时钟管理模块、SelectIO™ 技术、功率优化的高速串行收发器模块、PCI Express® 兼容端点模 块、高级系统级电源管理模式、自动检测配置选项,以及通过 AES 和 Device DNA 保护功能实现的增强型 IP 安全性。这些优异特性以 前所未有的易用性为定制 ASIC 产品提供了低成本的可编程替代方案。Spartan-6 FPGA 可为大批量逻辑设计、以消费类为导向的 DSP 设计以及成本敏感型嵌入式应用提供最佳解决方案。Spartan-6 FPGA 奠定了坚实的可编程芯片基础,非常适用于可提供集成软硬件组件 的目标设计平台,以使设计人员在开发工作启动之初即可将精力集中到创新工作上。
Spartan-6 FPGA 特性总结
• Spartan-6 系列: • Spartan-6 LX FPGA:逻辑优化 • Spartan-6 LXT FPGA:高速串行连接 • 专用于低成本设计 • 多重高效率集成模块 • 优化 I/O 标准选择 • 交错式焊盘 • 大批量塑料焊线封装 • 极低的静态与动态功耗 • 45nm 工艺,专为低成本与低功耗而精心优化 • 零功耗休眠关闭模式 • 待机模式可以保持状态和配置,具有多引脚唤醒、控制增 强功能 • 功耗更低的 1.0V 内核电压(LX FPGA,仅 -1L) • 高性能 1.2V 内核电压(LX 和 LXT FPGA,-2、-3、-3N 和 -4 速度级别) • 多电压、多标准 SelectIO™ 接口 bank • 每对差分 I/O 的数据传输速率均高达 1,080Mb/s • 可选输出驱动器,每个引脚的电流最高达 24mA • 兼容 3.3V ~ 1.2V I/O 标准和协议 • 低成本 HSTL 与 SSTL 存储器接口 • 符合热插拔规范 • 可调 I/O 转换速率,提高信号完整性 • LTX FPGA 内置高速 GTP 串行收发器 • 最高速度达 3.2Gb/s • 支持高速接口,包括:串行 ATA、Aurora、1G 以太网、PCI Express、OBSAI、CPRI、EPON、GPON、DisplayPort 以 及 XAUI 等 • 支持 PCI Express 设计方案的集成端点模块(LXT 器件) • 支持兼容 33MHz、32 位或 64 位规范的低成本 PCI® 技术 • 高效率 DSP48A1 Slice • 高性能算术与信号处理 • 快速 18 x 18 乘法器和 48 位累加器 • 流水线与级联功能 • 用于协助滤波器应用的预加法器 • 集成存储器控制器模块 • DDR、DDR2、DDR3 和 LPDDR 支持 • 数据速率高达 800Mb/s(12.6Gb/s 的峰值带宽) • 多端口总线结构,带独立 FIFO,减少了设计时序问题 • 丰富的逻辑资源和更大的逻辑容量 • 支持移位寄存器或分布式 RAM • 高效的 6 输入查找表可以提升性能和将功耗降至最低 • 针对以流水线应用而设计的 LUT,具有双触发器 • 具有各种粒度的 Block RAM • 快速 Block RAM,具有字节写入功能 • 18Kb RAM 块,可以选择性地将其编程为 2 个独立的 9Kb Block RAM • 时钟管理模块 (CMT),可以提升性能 • 低噪声,高灵活度的时钟控制 • 数字时钟管理器 (DCM),可消除时钟歪斜和占空比失真 • 锁相环 (PLL),可实现低抖动时钟控制 • 频率综合实现倍频、分频和调相 • 16 个低歪斜全局时钟网络 • 简化配置,实现低成本 • 双引脚自动检测配置 • 广泛支持第三方 SPI(高达 4 位宽度)和 NOR 闪存 • 特性丰富的、带有 JTAG 的赛灵思平台闪存 • 多重启动 (MultiBoot) 支持,可以利用多个比特流和看门 狗保护功能进行远程升级 • 更高安全性,可为设计提供强大保护 • 唯一的设备 DNA 标识符,用于设计验证 • 在较大型器件中可进行 AES 比特流加密 • 采用低成本的增强型 MicroBlazeTM 软处理器实现更快速的嵌 入式处理 • 业界领先的 IP 和参考设计
XC2000/XE166家族AP16146引脚配置、电源供电以及复位应用笔记V1.0 2009-09Edition 2009-09 08Published byInfineon Technologies AG81726 Munich, Germany© 2009 Infineon Technologies AGAll Rights Reserved.LEGAL DISCLAIMERTHE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION NOTE IS GIVEN AS A HINT FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES COMPONENT ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE REGARDED AS ANY DESCRIPTION OR WARRANTY OF A CERTAIN FUNCTIONALITY, CONDITION OR QUALITY OF THE INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES COMPONENT. THE RECIPIENT OF THIS APPLICATION NOTE MUST VERIFY ANY FUNCTION DESCRIBED HEREIN IN THE REAL APPLICATION. INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES AND LIABILITIES OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF ANY THIRD PARTY) WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION NOTE.InformationFor further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office WarningsDue to technical requirements, components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office.Infineon Technologies components may be used in life-support devices or systems only with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered.AP16146版本信息: V1.0, 2009-09 先前的版本: 无目录1简介 (5)2基本配置 (5)2.1测试引脚 (5)2.2电源引脚 (5)2.3复位引脚 (5)2.4启动模式 (6)2.5从F LASH进行内部启动 (6)2.6调试配置 (8)3电源电压 (8)3.1单电源供电 (8)3.2双电源供电 (9)4特殊的复位配置 (10)4.1利用ESR引脚来触发一个上电复位 (10)4.2通过ESR引脚产生复位输出(RSTOUT)延迟 (12)5总结 (13)1 简介英飞凌的XC2000/XE166系列单片机提供了以高性能C166S V2内核为基础的新一代16位单片机,并带有新的特性从而降低了系统的成本。
XC61C系列低压检测器和标准电压检测器 用户手册说明书
XC61C SeriesLow Voltage Detectors (V DF= 0.8V~1.5V) Standard Voltage Detectors (V DF 1.6V~6.0V)■GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe XC61C series are highly precise, low power consumption voltage detectors, manufactured using CMOS and laser trimming technologies.Detect voltage is extremely accurate with minimal temperature drift.Both CMOS and N-channel open drain output configurations are available.■APPLICATIONS●Microprocessor reset circuitry●Memory battery back-up circuits●Power-on reset circuits●Power failure detection●System battery life and charge voltage monitors■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS■FEATURESHighly Accurate :±2%: ± 1%(Standard Voltage VD: 2.6V~5.0V)Low Power Consumption : 0.7μA (TYP.) [V IN=1.5V]Detect Voltage Range: 0.8V ~ 6.0V in 0.1V incrementsOperating Voltage Range: 0.7V ~ 6.0V (Low Voltage)0.7V~10.0V (Standard Voltage)Detect Voltage Temperature Characteristics:±100ppm/℃ (TYP.)Output Configuration: N-channel open drain or CMOSPackages :SSOT-24SOT-23SOT-89TO-92Environmentally Friendly : EU RoHS Compliant, Pb Free■TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITSETR0201_013aPIN NUMBERSSOT-24SOT-23SOT-89TO-92 (T)TO-92 (L)PIN NAMEFUNCTION2 3 2 2 1 V INSupply Voltage t I t4 2 3 3 2 V SS Ground 1 1 1 1 3 V OUT Output3 - - - -NCNo ConnectionDESIGNATORDESCRIPTIONSYMBOLDESCRIPTIONC CMOSoutput① Output ConfigurationN N-ch open drain outpute.g.0.9V → ②0, ③9② ③ Detect Voltage 08 ~ 60e.g.1.5V → ②1, ③5④ Output Delay 0 No delay1 Within ±1% (V DF(T)=2.6V~5.0V)⑤ Detect Accuracy2 Within ±2% NR SSOT-24 (SC-82)NR-G SSOT-24 (SC-82) (Halogen & Antimony free) MR SOT-23 MR-G SOT-23 (Halogen & Antimony free) PR SOT-89 PR-G SOT-89 (Halogen & Antimony free) TH TO-92 (Standard) Taping Type: Paper type TB TO-92 (Standard) Taping Type: BagLHTO-92 (Custom pin configuration) Taping Type: Paper type(Discontinued Product)⑥⑦-⑧Packages Taping Type (*2)LBTO-92 (Custom pin configuration) Taping Type: Bag(Discontinued Product)■PIN CONFIGURATION■PIN ASSIGNMENT■PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION ●Ordering InformationXC61C ①②③④⑤⑥⑦-⑧(*1) (*1) The “-G” suffix indicates that the products are Halogen and Antimony free as well as being fully RoHS compliant.(*2)The device orientation is fixed in its embossed tape pocket. For reverse orientation, please contact your local Torex sales office or representative. (Standard orientation: ⑥R-⑧, Reverse orientation: ⑥L-⑧)(SIDE VIEW)(SIDE VIEW)XC61CSeries*1: Low voltage: V DF(T)=0.8V~1.5V*2: Standard voltage: V DF(T)=1.6V~6.0VPARAMETERSYMBOL RATINGS UNITS *1 9.0 Input Voltage*2 V IN 12.0 VOutput CurrentI OUT 50 mACMOS V SS -0.3 ~ V IN +0.3N-ch Open Drain Output *1V SS -0.3 ~ 9.0Output VoltageN-ch Open Drain Output *2V OUTV SS -0.3 ~ 12.0 VSSOT-24 150SOT-23 150SOT-89 500Power DissipationTO-92 Pd 300 mW Operating Temperature Range Topr -40~+85 OC Storage Temperature Range Tstg -40~+125 OC ■BLOCK DIAGRAMS■ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSTa = 25O C (1) CMOS Output(2) N-ch Open Drain OutputPARAMETER SYMBOLCONDITIONS MIN.TYP . MAX. UNITS CIRCUITSV DF(T)=0.8V~1.5V *1 V DF(T)=1.6V~6.0V *2V DF(T)x 0.98V DF(T)V DF(T) x 1.02 V 1 Detect Voltage V DFV DF(T)=2.6V~5.0V *2 V DF(T)x 0.99V DF(T)V DF(T)x 1.01 V 1 Hysteresis Range V HYS V DF x 0.02V DF x 0.05 V DFx 0.08V 1V IN = 1.5V - 0.7 2.3 V IN = 2.0V - 0.8 2.7V IN = 3.0V - 0.9 3.0V IN = 4.0V - 1.0 3.2 Supply Current I SS V IN = 5.0V - 1.1 3.6μA 2 Operating Voltage *1 V DF(T) = 0.8V to 1.5V 0.7 - 6.0Operating Voltage *2 V IN V DF(T) = 1.6V to 6.0V 0.7 - 10.0V 1V IN = 0.7V 0.100.80 -N-ch V DS = 0.5V V IN = 1.0V 0.85 2.70 -3Output Current *1 CMOS, P-ch V DS = 2.1VV IN = 6.0V - -7.5 -1.5 4 V IN = 1.0V 1.0 2.2 -V IN = 2.0V 3.0 7.7 -V IN = 3.0V 5.0 10.1 -V IN = 4.0V 6.0 11.5 -N-ch V DS = 0.5V V IN = 5.0V 7.0 13.0 - 3 Output Current *2I OUT CMOS, P-ch V DS = 2.1V V IN = 8.0V - -10.0 -2.0 mA 4CMOS - 10 -Leak Current I leakV IN =6.0V, V OUT =6.0V*1 V IN =10.0V, V OUT =10.0V*2N-ch Open Drain - 10 100nA 3 Temperature Characteristics ΔV DFΔTopr ・V DF -40℃ ≦ Topr ≦ 85℃ - ±100- ppm/℃ - Delay Time(V DR →V OUT inversion)tDLY Inverts from V DR to V OUT - 0.03 0.20 ms 5■ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSV DF (T) = 0.8V to 6.0V ± 2% V DF (T) = 2.6V to 5.0V ± 1%NOTE:*1: Low Voltage: V DF(T)=0.8V~1.5V*2: Standard Voltage: V DF(T)=1.6V~6.0V V DF (T): Setting detect voltageRelease Voltage: V DR = V DF + V HYSTa=25℃XC61CSeries ■OPERATIONAL EXPLANATION(Especially prepared for CMOS output products)①When input voltage (V IN) rises above detect voltage (V DF), output voltage (V OUT) will be equal to V IN.(A condition of high impedance exists with N-ch open drain output configurations.)②When input voltage (V IN) falls below detect voltage (V DF), output voltage (V OUT) will be equal to the ground voltage(V SS) level.③When input voltage (V IN) falls to a level below that of the minimum operating voltage (V MIN), output will becomeunstable. In this condition, V IN will equal the pulled-up output (should output be pulled-up.)④When input voltage (V IN) rises above the ground voltage (V SS) level, output will be unstable at levels below theminimum operating voltage (V MIN). Between the V MIN and detect release voltage (V DR) levels, the ground voltage (V SS) level will be maintained.⑤When input voltage (V IN) rises above detect release voltage (V DR), output voltage (V OUT) will be equal to V IN.(A condition of high impedance exists with N-ch open drain output configurations.)⑥The difference between V DR and V DF represents the hysteresis range.●Timing Chart■NOTES ON USE1. Please use this IC within the stated maximum ratings. Operation beyond these limits may cause degrading or permanentdamage to the device.2. When a resistor is connected between the V IN pin and the input with CMOS output configurations, oscillation may occuras a result of voltage drops at R IN if load current (I OUT ) exists. (refer to the Oscillation Description (1) below)3. When a resistor is connected between the V IN pin and the input with CMOS output configurations, irrespective of N-choutput configurations, oscillation may occur as a result of through current at the time of voltage release even if load current (I OUT ) does not exist. (refer to the Oscillation Description (2) below )4. With a resistor connected between the V IN pin and the input, detect and release voltage will rise as a result of the IC'ssupply current flowing through the V IN pin.5. In order to stabilize the IC's operations, please ensure that V IN pin's input frequency's rise and fall times are more thanseveral μ sec / V.6. Please use N-ch open drains configuration, when a resistor R IN is connected between the V IN pin and power source.In such cases, please ensure that R IN is less than 10k Ω and that C is more than 0.1μF.●Oscillation Description(1) Output current oscillation with the CMOS output configurationWhen the voltage applied at IN rises, release operations commence and the detector's output voltage increases. Load current (I OUT ) will flow at R L . Because a voltage drop (R IN x I OUT ) is produced at the R IN resistor, located between the input (IN) and the V IN pin, the load current will flow via the IC's V IN pin. The voltage drop will also lead to a fall in the voltage level at the V IN pin. When the V IN pin voltage level falls below the detect voltage level, detect operations will commence. Following detect operations, load current flow will cease and since voltage drop at R IN will disappear, the voltage level at the V IN pin will rise and release operations will begin over again.Oscillation may occur with this " release - detect - release " repetition.Further, this condition will also appear via means of a similar mechanism during detect operations.(2) Oscillation as a result of through currentSince the XC61C series are CMOS IC S , through current will flow when the IC's internal circuit switching operates (during release and detect operations). Consequently, oscillation is liable to occur as a result of drops in voltage at the through current's resistor (R IN ) during release voltage operations. (refer to Figure 3)Since hysteresis exists during detect operations, oscillation is unlikely to occur.XC61CSeries 100kΩ*■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS ●Low VoltageXC61CSeries■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)●Low Voltage (Continued)(4) N-ch Driver Output Current vs. V DS0. 1.0V DS (V) 1.0V DS (V) 1.0V DS (V) 1.0 1.2 1.4V DS (V)XC61CC0902(0.9V)O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )XC61CC1102(1.1V)XC61CC1502(1.5V)XC61CC1502(1.5V)(5) N-ch Driver Output Current vs. InputVoltage u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )Input Voltage:V IN (V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)(6) P-ch Driver Output Current vs. Input Voltage0123456246810120123456246810120123456XC61CC0902(0.9V)XC61CC1102 (1.1V)Input Voltage:V IN (V)Input Voltage:V IN (V)Input Voltage:V IN (V)O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )XC61CC1502(1.5V) DS (V)O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )XC61CC1102(1.1V)■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)●Standard Voltage00. Voltage: V IN (V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)S u p p l y C u r r e n t : I S S (μA )S u p p l y C u r r e n t : I S S (μA )Input Voltage: V IN (V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)S u p p l y C u r r e n t : I S S (μA )S u p p l y C u r r e n t : I S S (μA )(2) Detect, Release Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature-50-250255075100Ambient Temperature :Ta (℃)-50-250255075100Ambient Temperature :Ta (℃)-50-250255075100Ambient Temperature :Ta (℃) Temperature :Ta (℃)XC61CC1802(1.8V)XC61CC2702(2.7V)XC61CC4502(4.5V)XC61CC3602(3.6V)D e t e c t ,R e l e a s e V o l t a g e :V D F ,V D R (V )D e t e c t ,R e l e a s e V o l t a g e :V D F ,V D R (V )D e t e c t ,R e l e a s e V o l t a g e :V D F ,V D R (V )D e t e c t ,R e l e a s e V o l t a g e :V D F ,V D R (V )(1) Supply Current vs. Input Voltage■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)●Standard Voltage (Continued)(3) Output Voltage vs. Input VoltageNote : The N-channel open drain pull up resistance value is 100k Ω.012301231234012341234501234512012XC61CN1802(1.8V)XC61CN2702(2.7V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)O u t p u t V o l t a g e : V O U T (V )O u t p u t V o l t a g e : V O U T (V )O u t p u t V o l t a g e : V O U T (V )O u t p u t V o l t a g e : V O U T (V )XC61CN4502(4.5V)XC61CN3602(3.6V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)(4) N-ch Driver Output Current vs. V DS24681000.5 1.0 1.5 2.0V DS (V) DS (V)0102030400. DS (V)XC61CC1802(1.8V)XC61CC2702(2.7V)XC61CC3602(3.6V)O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )Note : The N-channel open drain pull up resistance value is 100k Ω.■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)●Standard Voltage (Continued)(4) N-ch Driver Output Current vs. V DS200400600800100000. 1.0V DS (V)200400600800100000. 1.0V DS(V)200400600800100000. 1.0V DS(V)200400600800100000. 1.0V DS(V)O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (μA )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (μA )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (μA )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (μA )XC61CC1802(1.8V)XC61CC2702(2.7V)XC61CC3602(3.6V)XC61CC4502(4.5V)(5) N-ch Driver Output Current vs. Input VoltageXC61CC1802(1.8V)XC61CC2702(2.7V)O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t :I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t :I O U T (m A )Input Voltage: V IN (V)XC61CC3602(3.6V)XC61CC4502(4.5V)■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)●Standard Voltage (Continued)(6) P-ch Driver Output Current vs. Input Voltage051015051015246810051015246810051015246810XC61CC1802(1.8V)XC61CC2702(2.7V)XC61CC4502(4.5V)Input Voltage:V IN (V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)Input Voltage: V IN (V)O u t p u t C u r r e n t :I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t :I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )O u t p u t C u r r e n t : I O U T (m A )■PACKAGING INFORMATION●SSOT-24 (SC-82) ●SOT-23 ●SOT-89●TO-92MARK CONFIGURATION VOLTAGE (V)A CMOS 0.XB CMOS 1.XC CMOS 2.XD CMOS 3.XE CMOS 4.XF CMOS 5.X H CMOS 6.XMARK CONFIGURATION VOLTAGE (V)K N-ch 0.X L N-ch 1.X M N-ch 2.X N N-ch 3.X P N-ch 4.X R N-ch 5.X S N-ch 6.XMARK VOLTAGE (V)MARK VOLTAGE (V)0 X.0 5 X.5 1 X.1 6 X.6 2 X.2 7 X.7 3 X.3 8 X.8 4 X.4 9 X.9MARKDELAY TIMEPRODUCT SERIES3 No Delay TimeXC61Cxxx0xxx① represents integer of detect voltage and CMOS Output (XC61CC series)■MARKING RULE● SSOT-24, SOT-23, SOT-89①②④1234①②③④123④③②①123N-Channel Open Drain Output (XC61CN series)② represents decimal number of detect voltage③ represents delay time (Except for SSOT-24)④ represents production lot numberBased on the internal standard. (G, I, J, O, Q, W excluded)MARK② ③VOLTAGE (V)3 3 3.3 5 0 5.0MARKOUTPUT CONFIGURATIONC CMOS N N-chMARK DELAY TIME0 No delayMARK DETECT VOLTAGE ACCURACY 1 Within ± 1% (Semi-custom)2Within ± 2%MARKPRODUCTION YEAR5 20056 2006■MARKING RULE (Continued)⑥ represents a least significant digit of production year●TO-92⑦ represents production lot number0 to 9, A to Z repeated. (G, I, J, O, Q, W excluded) * No character inversion used.① represents output configuration②, ③ represents detect voltage (ex.)④ represents delay time⑤ represents detect voltage accuracy。
通过 2 个安装孔固定( φ 6.5 mm )
AMP 接插件, 3 个 23 芯接插件, 1 个 8 芯接插件
PWM的输出频率10Hz ~3000Hz PWM的占空比0~100% 20 个 PWM/DO/DI PWM单个输出电流最大 3A 开关量输出, 高端输出 ,最大电流 3A 开关量输入,高电平有效 PWM的输出频率10Hz ~3000Hz PWM的占空比0~100% 4 个 PWM/DO/DI/CF(高端) PWM单个输出电流最大 3A 开关量输出, 高端输出 ,最大电流 3A CF :高端输出电流检测,范围 0~ 1.136A( AD分辨率 10 位) I/O 4 个 CF(电流反馈 ,低端 ) 8 个 AI/DI 0~1.021A( AD分辨率 10 位) 0~5V电压输入( AD分辨率 10 位) 0~22.73mA电流输入( AD分辨率 10 位) 开关量输入 ,高电平有效 8 个 PI/DI 4 个编码器输入接口 4 个 DI 4 个 DI/DO 1 个 5V 高速脉冲输入 10Hz ~40KHz 开关量输入 ,高电平有效 支持类型: 增量编码器与 带零相输入型 增量编码器 开关量输入 ,高电平有效 开关量输入 ,高电平有效 ; 开关量输出, 低端输出 , 需接负载有效 5V 电源输出,最大 300mA ,电源内阻3 欧
5.4 编码器输入接口
X3-16,X3-17,X3-18,X3-19,X3-20,X3-21,X3-22,X3-23是编码器输入接口。其中编码器1,2为无零相输入型, 编码器3,4即可支持无零向输入型也可支持有零向输入型。 编码器1: X3-17:A相输入端 X3-16:B相输入端 编码器2: X3-21:A相输入端 X3-18:B相输入端 编码器3: X3-22:A相输入端 X3-19:B相输入端 X3-21:N相输入端
mpu6050中文数据手册 STM32F103CDE_DS_中文数据手册_V5
mpu6050中文数据手册STM32F103CDE_DS_中文数据手册_V5导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“STM32F103CDE_DS_中文数据手册_V5”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92to 的支持!STM32F103xC, STM32F103xD, STM32F103xE数据手册55.1电气特性测试条件除非特别说明,所有电压的都以VSS为基准。
5.1.1 最小和最大数值除非特别说明,在生产线上通过对100%的产品在环境温度TA=25°C和TA=TAmax下执行的测试(TAmax与选定的温度范围匹配),所有最小和最大值将在最坏的环境温度、供电电压和时钟频率条件下得到保证。
5.1.2 典型数值除非特别说明,典型数据是基于TA=25°C和VDD=3.3V(2V ≤ VDD ≤ 3.3V电压范围)。
5.1.3 典型曲线除非特别说明,典型曲线仅用于设计指导而未经测试。
5.1.4 负载电容测量引脚参数时的负载条件示于图10中。
图10引脚的负载条件5.1.5 引脚输入电压引脚上输入电压的测量方式示于图11中。
图11引脚输入电压参照2009年3月STM32F103xCDE数据手册英文第5版(本译文仅供参考,如有翻译错误,请以英文原稿为准)29/87STM32F103xC, STM32F103xD, STM32F103xE数据手册5.1.6 供电方案图12供电方案注:上图中的4.7μF电容必须连接到VDD3。
AMS+Infineon 动力电池解决方案
品佳集团携旗下代理的Infineon(英飞凌)和AMS(奥地利微电子),以英飞凌高性能16位MCU XC164为平台,辅以奥地利微电子的高精度、零温漂的动力电池电流检测芯AS8510的动力电池管理系统(BMS)解决方案。
一、动力电池BMS(电池管理系统)二、电池管理系统主要有三个功能:1. 实时监测电池状态。
通过检测电池的外特性参数(如电压、电流、温度等),采用适当的算法,实现电池内部状态(如容量和SOC等)的估算和监控,这是电池管理系统有效运行的基础和关键;2. 在正确获取电池的状态后进行热管理、电池均衡管理、充放电管理、故障报警等;3. 建立通信总线,向显示系统、整车控制器和充电机等实现数据交换。
三、实物图片--Infineon MCU XC164主控模块四、XC164功能简介1. 高性能16-bit CPU管道与5-Stage- 25 ns在40 MHz CPU指令时钟(单周期执行)周期时间- 1-Cycle乘法(16×16位),背景部(32 / 16位)21周期- 1-Cycle Multiply-and-Accumulate(MAC)的说明- 16兆字节总数为代码和数据的线性地址空间- 1024字节片内的特殊功能寄存器区(C166 系列兼容)2. 16-Priority-Level中断系统与多达63源,采样率下调至50 ns3. 8-Channel中断驱动的单周期数据传输设施通过4. 外设事件控制器(PEC), 24-Bit覆盖总地址空间的指针5. 时钟发生器通过片PLL,或通过预分频器6. 片上内存模块- 2 KB片双口RAM(双口RAM)- 2千字节的片上数据SRAM(DSRAM,XC164GM-8F只)- 2 KB片上程序/数据SRAM(PSRAM)- 64字节(XC164GM-8F)或32字节(XC164GM-4F)片计划7. 内存(闪存)8. 片上外设模块– 14-Channel的A / D转换器与可编程分解 (10-bit或8-bit)和转换时间(下至2.55?sor 2.15?s)– 16-Channel通用捕捉/比较单元(CAPCOM2)–多功能通用定时器单元与5定时器–两个同步/异步(USART接口)串行通道–两个High-Speed-Synchronous串行通道–片TwinCAN接口(修订版2.0B活动)消息对象与32(完整的CAN /基本可以)对两个CAN节点和网关功能–片实时时钟,由主振荡器驱动9. 空闲,睡眠和掉电模式和灵活的电源管理10. 振荡器的可编程看门狗定时器和看门狗五、AS8510功能特点:1. 内部2路独立的16位ADC转换,以及可编程的取样速率,取样速率达100K/s.2. 零漂移(zero offset)3. 130db动态范围,4段增益调节,分别 5, 25, 40 and 100倍4个改变增益设置,提高精准度4. 完全附合AEC Q 100 汽车集成电路应力测试认证标准,每一颗IC都有唯一的ID.5. 分开的电流和电压同频检测通道;6. 内部高精度参考电压源,20mV,高精度参考电压源+/-20ppm;7. 集成一片RC振荡器,2%精度;8. 电压检测通道可复用为温度检测通道;9. 30uA Standby mode current.待机电流;10. SSOP20 Packager.11. AMS电池高边(正极)降压IC AS8525功能- 高精度电压衰减;- 精确差分增益放大,有效减少共模干扰;- 电源重启功能,可调节过温重启;- 集成正常情况看门狗和休眠(Standby mode)状态看门狗;- Load dump protection (42V) for all battery supplied pins, LIN bus pin, and Enable pin - 内置针对所有电池串反极性保护功能,通过LIN Pin检测,最高-27V;- 过温报警Shutdown functions.12. 主动均衡管理IC AS8505功能特点:- AS8505 Cell Balancer / Monitor电池主动均衡,20mV的精度在全温度范围 ;- 同步的,精确的电池电压比较;- 主动的配平衡,最多14电池单元;- 市面这类产品多为被动测量,需要电池单元参与进来,不能快速精确的跟踪每颗电池单元的电量。
参照2008年4月 STM32F103xCDE数据手册 英文第1.0版 (本译文仅供参考,如有翻译错误,请以英文原稿为准)
STM32F103xC, STM32F103xD, STM32F103xE数据手册
● 代码可以在除PC卡外的片外存储器运行; ● 目标频率为SYSCLK/2,即当系统时钟为72MHz时,外部访问的速度可达36MHz;
STM32F103xC STM32F103xD
增强型,32位基于ARM核心的带512K字节闪存的微控制器 USB、CAN、11个定时器、3个ADC 、13个RM 32位的Cortex™-M3 CPU − 最高72MHz工作频率, 1.25DMips/MHz(Dhrystone 2.1), 在存储器的0等待周期访问时 − 单周期乘法和硬件除法
STM32F103xC, STM32F103xD, STM32F103xE数据手册
1 介绍
有关闪存存储器的编程、擦除和保护等信息,请参考《STM32F10xxx闪存编程参考手册》。 有关Cortex-M3的信息,请参考《Cortex-M3技术参考手册》
嵌套的向量式中断控制器(NVIC) STM32F103xC、STM32F103xD和STM32F103xE增强型内置嵌套的向量式中断控制器,能够处
理多达60个可屏蔽中断通道(不包括16个Cortex™-M3的中断线)和16个优先级。 ● 紧耦合的NVIC能够达到低延迟的中断响应处理 ● 中断向量入口地址直接进入内核 ● 紧耦合的NVIC接口 ● 允许中断的早期处理 ● 处理晚到的较高优先级中断 ● 支持中断尾部链接功能 ● 自动保存处理器状态 ● 中断返回时自动恢复,无需额外指令开销 该模块以最小的中断延迟提供灵活的中断管理功能。
XC-3518IoTG 以太网(Ethernet)物联网网关,是将433MHz的无线传感器网络数据通信转为以太网(Ethernet)通信的设备。
一、 产品特性◆采用以太网网络(Ethernet)+ 433MHz无线传感器网络进行远程传输,实现433MHz与以太网(Ethernet)两种协议网络互连互通,采用完备的防掉线机制,保证数据终端永远在线◆采用高性能的工业级32 位通信处理器和工业级无线模块,WDT 看门狗设计,保证系统稳定◆自带ChipBeeNet 无线自组网协议,支持星型/树型/MESH网络拓扑,组网灵活,性能可靠稳定,支持Modbus RTU通信协议。
二、 技术参数以太网(Ethernet)特性◆支持TCP、UDP、IPv4、ICMP、ARP、IGMP和PPPoE协议◆以太网接口:RJ45,可用网线直连电脑、路由器、交换机等网口设备◆传输速率:10/100 Mbps,支持自动协商(10/100-Based 全双工/半双工)◆最大传输距离:100m,可以使用交换机或集线器延伸距离433MHz无线特性◆自主研发的ChipBeeNet无线自组网协议,支持星型/树型/MESH网络拓扑◆无线频率: 433/470频段(出厂前确定中心频率)◆调制方式:2GFSK◆无线信道:20个◆射频数据速率:10Kbps◆最大发射功率:≤100mW(20dBm)◆峰值电流:80mA◆信道检测:CSMA/CA◆接收灵敏度:-117dBm◆网络拓扑:星型/树型/MESH网◆无线通信距离:≤1000米(室外可视,3 dBi天线)◆网络节点容量:最大240个节点(路由节点+终端节点)◆无线距离扩展: 最多5 跳◆节点功能:协调器◆天线连接:外置SMA 天线电源输入◆外接电源输入:DC9~36 宽电压输入,具有防反接、防浪涌保护功能◆设备功耗:150~200mA @ 12 VDC (外接电源)外形结构◆模块结构:亚当模块◆安装方式:DIN导轨安装◆外形尺寸: 107.5mm x 72mm x 26mm(不含端子和导轨座)116.5mm x 72mm x 41.5mm(含端子、天线座和导轨座) ◆模块重量:约200g环境◆工作温度:-25~+70°C (外接电源)0~+50°C (电池供电)◆工作湿度:20~95%RH(不结露)◆存储环境温度:-20~+85°C◆存储环境湿度:0~95%RH(不结露)三、 外形尺寸和安装示意图图一、模块尺寸图图二、安装示意图四、 安装注意事项1.天线与接收装置的天线尽量保证在同一平面内。
LCE8103-2C 8路模拟量采集存储器用户手册感谢您使用广州乐诚电子科技有限公司提供的LCE8103-2C 8路模拟量采集存储器。
一、综述LCE8103-2C 8路模拟量采集存储器采用工业级集成电路芯片,内置看门狗,防止死机,性能稳定,集成2路通道,可同时记录和检测8个通道模拟信号,专为一些需要采集电压,电流数据功能或记录电压、电流变化过程等提供数据记录和分析手段,长时间自动测量各通道电压、电流数据,无须人工干预自动存储。
NXP mcu
TinyM0核心板电路为LPC111x芯片的最小系统,硬件支持2.54mm间距的 标准排针。用户可以将TinyM0核心板配套自行设计的底板进行产品开发。 ● 支持多款芯片
● 32位ARM RISC处理器,16位Thumb指令集; ● 功耗与面积高度优化,设计专用于低成本、低功耗场合; ● 24位SysTick定时器; ● 32位硬件乘法器; ● 中断现场自动保存,有处理决定性、固定延迟的中断能力; ● 系统接口支持小端或字节不变的大端数据访问; ● SWD串行线调试。
器件型号 LPC1343 LPC1342 LPC1313 LPC1311
Flash (KB) 32 16 32 8
SRAM(KB) 8 4 8 2
USB 2.0 Device Device
I2C(Fast+) 1 1 1 1
ADC 8ch/10bit 8ch/10bit 8ch/10bit 8ch/10bit
◎ 四个通用计数器/计数器 ◎ 可编程的看门狗定时器(WDT),带锁死功能 ◎ 系统计时器 ◎ 各外设自带时钟分频器,有利于降低功耗
Cortex-M0处理器性能 ● Cortex-M0微控制器可以轻松超越高端8位和16位器件的
性能水平; ● 内核额定性能为0.9DMIPS/MHz,相当于与其最接近的8位
1路 64引脚 32.768KHz等待模式2.2uA —40。C至85。C
16位单片机R5F3640D(M16C/64群) M16C/62,64系列,具有1MB的地址空间。最
大工作频率为25MHz。备有闪存版,内部闪存可以 在单电源下编程,支持双电源系统。
2通道 10位x 8通道 可编程I/O 看门狗定时器 封装 l路 52引脚O 65nⅦLQFP
低功耗特点 工作温度
Design of Intelligent Multi—rate Watt-hour Meter Based NEC MCU UPD78F0455
describes the
the requimment of the latest standard for static payment mel盯for active ca“gy this paFr
8位定时器lch 8位定时器leh 8位定时器lch 16位定时器lch
2通道 2通道2.85V。3.6V
模拟比较器 可编程I/O 看门狗定时器
1路 32引脚
低功耗特点 工作温度
HT7050 表3-7
20℃ <Ta<110℃
20℃ <Ta<110℃
HT7039A 表3-5
调压器、DC-DC电路和电源监视器引脚及主要特性7800系列三端稳压器(正输出)输出电压固定的三端系列稳压器;输出电压有5V、6V、7V、8V、9V、10V、12V、15V、18V、20V、24V输出电流1A;5~18V 输出的最大电压为35V、20V、24V输出的电大输入电压为40V;7800工作温度为-55~+150℃,7800C的为0~+125℃;内含过流限制和安全工作保护电路。
78HGA 5A可调稳压器(正输出)输出电压可调的四端正输出稳压器;输出电压范围5~24V;输出电流5A;功耗50W;内含输出短路电流限制、热过载和安全工作区保护电路。
78L00AC、78L00C 系列三端稳压器(正输出)输出电压固定;输出电压误差有±4%(78L00AC)、±4%(78L00C);输出电流1~100mA;5V输出的最大输入电压为30V;12V、15V输出的最大输入电压为35V;24V输出的最输入电压为40V;内含过流限制、过热切断功能。
78P12 稳压器输出电压固定的三端正输出稳压器;输出电压12V;输出电流10A;功耗70W;内设输出短路电流限制、热过载和安全工作区保护装置。
78PGA 可调稳压器(正输出)输出电压可调的四端正输出稳压器;输出电压范围5~24;输出电流10A;功耗70W;内设输出短路电流限制、热过载和安全工作区保护装置。
79N00 系列三端稳压器(负输出)输出电压因定的三端系列稳压器;最大输出电流300mA;79N04~79N18的最大输入电压为-35V;79N04、79N24的最大输入电压为-40V;功耗8W;工作温度-29~+80℃;内含过电流限制、过热和安全工作区限制电路。
看门狗器件资料 SP705 706 707 708 813L 813M
注解 2
注解 2
Vcc-1.5 0.8
看门狗溢出周期,tWD 1.00
图 13 SP707/708/813L/813M RESET 输出电压 vs 电压源 & SP813L/813M RESET 响应时间电路图
SP705-708/813L/813M 系列提供 4 种功能: 1 在上电,下电及掉电情况下复位输出。 2 如果看门狗输入引脚在 1.6S 内没有接收到一个信号,看门狗输出将为低。 3 一个 1.25V 的阀值检测器,可以监测供电失败警告,及低电池状态。或监控一个非+5V 的电源。 4 支持低电平手动复位,允许外部按键开关产生 RESET 信号。
看门狗输出—当内部看门狗定时器完成 1.6s的计时,其 8
将被拉低;其不会升高,直到看门狗被清为 0。 WDO在
低电平状态下将为LOW。当Vcc低于复位阈值, WDO将为
带 CAN 控制器的单片8 位微控制器-P8xC591 单片机学习
带CAN控制器的单片8位微控制器-P8xC591 1. 特性 1.1 P8xC591的80C51相关特性 Ÿ 全静态80C51中央处理单元,可提供OTP,ROM和无ROM型Ÿ 16K字节内部程序存储器,可外部扩展到64K字节Ÿ 512字节片内数据RAM,可外部扩展到64K字节Ÿ 3个16位定时/计数器T0,T1(标准80C51)和附加的T2(捕获&比较)Ÿ 带6路模拟输入的10位ADC,可选择快速8位ADCŸ 2个8位分辨率的脉宽调制输出(PWM)Ÿ 作为标准80C51引脚时有32个I/O口Ÿ 带字节方式主和从功能的I2C总线串行I/O口Ÿ 片内看门狗定时器T3Ÿ 扩展的温度范围:-40~+85℃Ÿ 加速指令周期500ns@12MHzŸ 操作电压范围:5V5%Ÿ 保密位:-ROM(2位)-OTP(3位)Ÿ 32字节加密阵列Ÿ 4个中断优先级,15个中断源Ÿ 全双工增强型UART,带有可编程波特率发生器Ÿ 电源控制模式―时钟可停止和恢复―空闲模式―掉电模式Ÿ 空闲模式中ADC有效Ÿ 双DPTRŸ 可禁止ALE实现低EMIŸ 可编程I/O口(准双向、推挽、高阻和开漏)Ÿ 掉电模式可通过外部中断唤醒Ÿ 软件复位(AUXR1.5)Ÿ 复位脚低有效Ÿ 上电检测复位Ÿ Once模式1.2 P8xC591与CAN相关的特性 Ÿ CAN2.0B控制器,支持11位标准和29位扩展标识符Ÿ 8MHz时钟可实现1Mbit/sCAN总线速率Ÿ 64字节接收FIFOŸ 13字节发送缓冲区Ÿ 增强型PeliCAN内核(取自SJA1000独立CAN2.0B控制器)1.2.1 PeliCAN特性 Ÿ 4个独立可配置的筛选器(验收滤波器)Ÿ 每个筛选器有32位区分符-32位Match-32位MaskŸ 每筛选器的32位Mask允许唯一的组寻址Ÿ 更高层的协议支持标准CAN格式:-最多4个11位ID筛选器可筛选两个数据字节-即数据流可通过CAN ID和数据字节内容进行筛选Ÿ 最多8个11位ID筛选器其中半数可筛选第一个数据字节Ÿ 所有筛选器都可“change on the fly”Ÿ 只听模式,自检测模式Ÿ 错误代码捕获,仲裁丢失捕获,可读的错误计数器2 概述 PP8xC591是一个单片8位高性能微控制器,具有片内CAN控制器,从80C51微控制器家族派生而来。
品牌:TOREX产地:日本XC6104和XC6114完全可替换MAX824MAX824为Maxim Semiconductor 芯片,采用TOREX的XC6107/XC6117可与MAX824 做媲美,直接替代MAX824。
系列名称:【XC6104~XC6114】特点:看门狗输入电压(V):最小--1.6V;最大--5V输出电压(V):最小--1V;最大--6V消耗电流(μA):5A封装:SOT-25,USP-6C【TOREX-XC6104~XC6114系列】描述:电压检侧器XC6104~XC6114系列是采用CMOS工艺生产的, 带有手动复位控制端和看门狗(Watch Dog)功能, 具有高精度, 低功耗特点的电压检测器,内部电路包括参考电压源电路, 延迟电路, 比较器电路和输出驱动电路。
XC6104~XC6114 系列检测电压的设置可通过激光微调技术以0.1V为间隔自由选择。
【TOREX-XC6104~XC6114系列】特点:检测电压范围:1.6V~5.0V ±2% (0.1V 间隔)检测电压带后范围:VDF×5%(TYP.)(XC6101~XC6105);VDF×0.1%(TYP.)(XC6111~XC6115)工作电压范围:1.0V~6.0V検出電圧温度特性:±100ppm/℃(TYP.)输出形式:N沟道开漏输出, CMOS输出复位输出选择:测低时复位信号输出低电平,检测低时复位信号输出高电平看门狗功能:看门狗端口输入手动复位功能:手动复位输入引脚解除延迟时间设置:1.6s, 400ms, 200ms, 100ms, 50ms, 25ms, 3.13ms (TYP.)看门狗超时时间:1.6s, 400ms, 200ms, 100ms, 50ms, 6.25ms (TYP.)封装:SOT-25,USP-6CTOREX型号可完全替代下列产品:XC62KNxx02PR 替代TC59xx02EMBTR XC6101xxxxMR 替代DS1819ARXC62KNxx02MR 替代TC59xx02ECB XC6106xxxxER 替代MAX6335XC62EPxxxxMR 替代TC57xx02ECT XC6106xxxxER 替代MAX6402XC6206Pxx2TB 替代TC55RPxx02EZB XC6107 替代MAX825XC6206Pxx2PR 替代TC55RPxx02EMB XC6116xxxxER 替代MAX6402XC6206Pxx2MR 替代TC55RPxx01ECB XC612 替代MAX6779XC6203Pxx2FR 替代TC1264-xxVDB XC61CNxx02NR 替代MAX6377XRxx XC6207 替代TC1014-xxVCT713 XC61CNxx02NR 替代MAX6380XRxx XC6217 替代TC1014-xxVCT XC61CNxx02MR 替代MAX6808URxx XC6206Pxx2PR 替代MCP1700T-xx02E/TT XC61FC 替代MAX809XC6209Bxx2MR 替代TC1014-xxVCT713 XC61FC2912MR 替代MAX809SEUR XC6209Bxx2MR 替代TC1015xxVCT XC61CCxx02NR 替代MAX6375XRxx XC6209Bxx2MR 替代TC1185xxVCT XC61CCxx02NR 替代MAX6378XRxx XC6203Pxx2FR 替代TC1262-xxVDB XC61CCxx02MR 替代MAX6806URxx XC6204Bxx2MR 替代LX8211-xxISE XC6111xxxxMR 替代DS1819ARXC6215Pxx2NR 替代MC78LC00 XC6101 替代MAX823XC6210Bxx2 替代MC78M00 XC6111 替代MAX823XC6401CHxxMR 替代LP3988IMX-xx XC6104 替代MAX824XC6403DHxxMR 替代LP3988IMF-xx XC6114 替代MAX824XC6210B122DR 替代LP3990TL-xx XC6106 替代MAX825XC6210B122DR 替代LP3990MF-xx XC6116 替代MAX825XC6221A182MR 替代LP3990MF-xx XC6107xxxxMR 替代MAX6337USxxD3 XC6202Pxx2TH 替代LM2931AZxx XC6117xxxxMR 替代MAX6337USxxD3 XC6214 替代LM1117MPX-xx XC6107xxxxMR 替代MAX6841/2XC6419 替代LP5996 XC6117xxxxMR 替代MAX6841/2XC6411 替代LP5996 XC61FNxxx2MR 替代MAX803XC6412 替代LP5996 XC61CNxx02MR 替代MAX6380URXC6415 替代LP5996 XC61CCxx02MR 替代MAX6375URXB1086Pxx1JR 替代LM1086CS XC6117 替代MAX825XB1117K12BFR 替代LM1117S XC6106 替代MIC2775XB1117PxxxFR 替代LM1117MPX-xx XC6116 替代MIC2775XC6203Pxx2FR 替代LM1117MPX-xx XC612 替代MIC2777XC6202Pxx2TH 替代LM2936Z-xx XCM410 替代MIC2774XB1117Pxx1FR 替代LM340S XC61CCxx02PR 替代TC54VCxx02EMB XC6202Pxx2TH 替代LM340LAZ-xx XC61CCxx02TB 替代TC54VCxx02EZB XC6202Pxx2MR 替代LM3480IM3-xx XC61H 替代TCM809XC6203P332FR 替代LM3940IMP-3.3 XCM410 替代TC52XC6202Pxx2TH 替代LM78LxxACZ XC6120 替代TC54XC6404DHxxMR 替代LMS5258MF-xx XC612 替代TC52XC6202Pxx2MR 替代LP2950 XC61CNxx02MR 替代TC53Nxx02ECTTR XC6204Bxx2MR 替代LP2978 XC61CNxx02NR 替代TC53Nxx02EVCTR XC6204Bxx2MR 替代LP2980AIM5-xx XC61CN 替代TC54VNXC6204Bxx2MR 替代LP2980IM5-xx XC6202Pxx2TH 替代L4931ABZxxXC6204Axx2MR 替代LP2980IM5X-xx XC6202Pxx2TH 替代L4931CZxxXC6204Bxx2MR 替代LP2981AIM5-xx XC6202Pxx2PR 替代L78LxxABUTRXC6204Bxx2MR 替代LP2981IM5-xx XC6202Pxx2TH 替代L78LxxABZXC6204Bxx2MR 替代LP2982AIM5-xx XC6202Pxx2PR 替代L78LxxACUXC6204Bxx2MR 替代LP2982IM5-xx XC6202Pxx2TH 替代L78LxxACZXC6204Bxx2MR 替代LP2985AIM5-xx XC6202Pxx2TH 替代L78LxxCZXC6204Bxx2MR 替代LP2985IM5-xx XC6203Pxx2FR 替代LD1117SXC6204Bxx2MR 替代LP3984IBP-xx XC6204Bxx2MR 替代LD2979MxxXC6403 替代LP3982 XC6202Pxx2TH 替代LD2979ZxxXC6204Bxx2DR 替代LP3985IBL-xx XC6204Bxx2MR 替代LD2980ABMxxXC6204Bxx2MR 替代LP3985IM5-x.x XC6201Pxx2PR 替代LD2980ABUxxTR XC62H 替代NCP584HSNxxT1G XC6204Bxx2MR 替代LD2980ACMxxXC62E 替代NCP584HSNxxT1G XC6201Pxx2PR 替代LD2980ACUxxXC6404 替代NCP400FCT2G XC6204Bxx2MR 替代LD2981ABMxxXB1086 替代LM317MBDTRK XC6201Pxx2PR 替代LD2981ABUxxXC6202 series 替代LM2931CD XC6204Bxx2MR 替代LD2981ACMxxXC6202Pxx2TH 替代LM2931Z-xx XC6201Pxx2PR 替代LD2981ACUxxXC6202Pxx2MR 替代LP2950 XC6202Pxx2TH 替代LExxABZ/CZXC6202Pxx2TH 替代LP2950CZ-xx XC6401 替代NCP583XVxxT2G XB1086 替代MC33269DTRK XC6214 替代MC78LCxxHT1XC6203Pxx2FR 替代MC33275ST-xxT3 XC6219 替代NCP584HSNxxT1G XC6204Bxx2MR 替代MC33761 XC6219Bxx2MR 替代BAxxxLBSGXC6206Pxx2PR 替代MC78FCxxHT1 XC6219 替代BA0xxLBSGXC6203xxx2PR 替代MC78LCxxHT1 XC6206Pxx2TB 替代RE5RExxACXC6202Pxx2TH 替代MC78LxxACP/BCP XC6206Pxx2PR 替代RH5RLxxAAXC6204Bxx2MR 替代MC78PCxxNTR XC6206Pxx2TH 替代RE5RLxxAAXC6206Pxx2PR 替代MC78RCxxHT1 XC6206Pxx2TB 替代RE5RLxxACXC6217Axx2MR 替代NCP584HSNxxT1G XC62EPxx02MR 替代RN5RGxxAATR XC6203Pxx2FR 替代SC5201-1GSTR3 XC62H 替代RN5RGxxAATR XC6402 替代NCP400FCT2G XC6419 替代R5325XC6403/04 替代NCP400FCT2G XB1086 替代RN5RGxxAATR XC6405 替代NCP400FCT2G XC6411 替代R5325XC6204Bxx2MR 替代R1111Nxx1A/B XC6412 替代R5325XC6204Bxx2MR 替代R1112Nxx1A/B XC6415 替代R5325XC6204Bxx2MR 替代R1112Nxx1B-TR XC8101 替代R5520HXC6206Pxx2PR 替代RH5RExxAA XC6204Bxx2MR 替代R1110Nxx1A/BXC6206Pxx2TH 替代RE5RExxAA。
N32G452xB xC xE 数据手册说明书
N32G452xB/xC/xE数据手册N32G452系列采用32 bit ARM Cortex-M4F内核,最高工作主频144MHz,支持浮点运算和DSP指令,集成多达512KB Flash,144KB SRAM,2x12bit 5Msps ADC,2x1Msps 12bit DAC,集成多路U(S)ART、I2C、SPI、QSPI、USB、CAN、1x SDIO通信接口,内置密码算法硬件加速引擎关键特性●内核CPU―32位ARM Cortex-M4 内核+ FPU,单周期硬件乘除法指令,支持DSP指令和MPU―内置8KB 指令Cache缓存,支持Flash加速单元执行程序0 等待―最高主频144MHz,180DMIPS●加密存储器―高达512KByte片内Flash,支持加密存储、多用户分区管理及数据保护,支持硬件ECC校验,10万次擦写次数,10年数据保持―144KByte片内SRAM(包含16KByte Retention RAM),Retention RAM支持硬件奇偶校验●时钟―HSE:4MHz~32MHz外部高速晶体―LSE:32.768KHz外部低速晶体―HSI:内部高速RC OSC 8MHz―LSI:内部低速RC OSC 40KHz―内置高速PLL―支持1路时钟输出,可配置为可配置系统时钟、HSE、HSI或PLL后分频输出●复位―支持上电/掉电/外部引脚复位―支持可编程的低电压检测及复位―支持看门狗复位●通信接口―7个U(S)ART接口, 最高速率达4.5 Mbps,其中3个USART接口(支持1xISO7816,1xIrDA,LIN),4个UART接口―3个SPI接口,速度高达36 MHz,其中2个支持I2S―1个QSPI接口,速率高达144 Mbps―4个I2C接口,速率高达1 MHz,主从模式可配,从机模式下支持双地址响应―1个USB2.0 Full speed Device接口―2个CAN 2.0A/B总线接口―1个SDIO接口,支持SD/MMC格式●高性能模拟接口―2个12bit 5Msps高速ADC,多种精度可配置,6bit 模式下采样率高达9Msps,多达18路外部单端输入通道,支持差分模式―2个12bit DAC,采样率1Msps―支持外部输入独立参考电压源―所有模拟接口支持1.8~3.6V全电压工作●最大支持97个支持复用功能的GPIOs,大多数GPIO支持5V耐压.●2个高速DMA控制器,每个控制器支持8通道,通道源地址及目的地址任意可配●RTC实时时钟,支持闰年万年历,闹钟事件,周期性唤醒,支持内外部时钟校准●定时计数器― 2 个16bit高级定时计数器,支持输入捕获、输出比较、PWM输出以及正交编码输入等功能,最高控制精度6.9nS。
1/26XC6101_07_XC6111_17 ETR0207_009Preliminary◆CMOS Voltage Detector◆Manual Reset Input ◆Watchdog Functions ◆Built-in Delay Circuit ◆Detect Voltage Range: 1.6~5.0V, ± 2% ◆Reset Function is Selectable V DFL (Low When Detected) V DFH (High When Detected)■GENERAL DESCRIPTION The XC6101~XC6107, XC6111~XC6117 series aregroups of high-precision, low current consumption voltage detectors with manual reset input function and watchdog functions incorporating CMOS process technology. The series consist of a reference voltage source, delay circuit, comparator, and output driver.With the built-in delay circuit, the XC6101 ~ XC6107, XC6111 ~ XC6117 series’ ICs do not require any external components to output signals with release delay time. Moreover, with the manual reset function, reset can be asserted at any time. The ICs produce two types of output; V DFL (low when detected) and V DFH (high when detected).With the XC6101 ~ XC6105, XC6111 ~ XC6115 series’ ICs, the WD pin can be left open if the watchdog function is not used. Whenever the watchdog pin is opened, the internal counter clears before the watchdog timeout occurs. Since the manual reset pin is internally pulled up to the V IN pin voltage level, the ICs can be used with the manual reset pin left unconnected if the pin is unused.The detect voltages are internally fixed 1.6V ~ 5.0V in increments of 100mV, using laser trimming technology. Six watchdog timeout period settings are available in a range from 6.25msec to 1.6sec. Seven release delay time 1 are available in a range from 3.13msec to 1.6sec.■APPLICATIONS●Microprocessor reset circuits●Memory battery backup circuits ●System power-on reset circuits ●Power failure detection■TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT* Not necessary with CMOS output products.■FEATURESDetect Voltage Range: 1.6V ~ 5.0V, +2% (100mV increments)Hysteresis Range : V DF x 5%, TYP .(XC6101~XC6107)V DF x 0.1%, TYP .(XC6111~XC6117)Operating Voltage Range : 1.0V ~ 6.0V Detect Voltage Temperature Characteristics : +100ppm/O C (TYP .) Output Configuration : N-channel open drain,CMOSWatchdog Pin : Watchdog inputIf watchdog input maintains ‘H’ or ‘L’ within the watchdog timeout period, a reset signal is output to the RESET output pinManual Reset Pin : When driven ‘H’ to ‘L’levelsignal, the MRB pin voltage asserts forced reset on theoutput pin.Release Delay Time : 1.6sec, 400msec, 200msec,100msec, 50msec, 25msec, 3.13msec (TYP .) can be selectable.Watchdog Timeout Period : 1.6sec, 400msec, 200msec,100msec, 50msec,6.25msec (TYP .) can be selectable.■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS ●Supply Current vs. Input Voltage* ‘x’ represents both ‘0’ and ‘1’. (ex. XC61x1⇒XC6101 and XC6111)2/26XC6101~XC6107, XC6111~XC6117 SeriesPIN NUMBERXC6101, XC6102 XC6103 XC6104, XC6105XC6106, XC6107XC6111, XC6112 XC6113 XC6114, XC6115XC6116, XC6117SOT-25 USP-6C SOT-25 USP-6C SOT-25 USP-6C SOT-25USP-6CPIN NAMEFUNCTION1 4 - - 1 4 1 4 R ESETB Reset Output(V DFL : Low Level When Detected)2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 V SSGround3 2 3 2 - -4 1 M RB ManualReset 4 1 4 1 4 1 - - WDWatchdog5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 V IN Power Input - - 1 4 3 2 3 2 RESETReset Output (V DFH: High Level When Detected)■PIN CONFIGURATION SOT-25 (TOP VIEW)MRBV IN WD RESETBV SSMRBWD RESETV SSV IN RESETWD RESETBV SS V IN SOT-25 (TOP VIEW)RESETMRB RESETBV SS V IN SOT-25 (TOP VIEW) ■PIN ASSIGNMENT●SOT-25XC6101, XC6102 SeriesXC6111, XC6112 SeriesSOT-25 (TOP VIEW)XC6103 & XC6113 SeriesXC6104, XC6105 Series XC6114, XC6115 SeriesXC6106, XC6107 Series XC6116, XC6117 Series●USP-6CXC6101, XC6102 Series XC6111, XC6112 SeriesXC6103 & XC6113 SeriesXC6104, XC6105 Series XC6114, XC6115 SeriesXC6106, XC6107 Series XC6116, XC6117 SeriesUSP-6C (BOTTOM VIEW)USP-6C (BOTTOM VIEW)USP-6C (BOTTOM VIEW)USP-6C (BOTTOM VIEW)* The dissipation pad for the USP-6C package should be solder-plated in recommended mount pattern and metal masking so as to enhance mounting strength and heat release. If the pad needs to be connected to other pins, it should be connected to the V SS pin.3/26XC6101 ~ XC6107, XC6111~ XC6117SeriesRESET OUTPUTSERIES WATCHDOGMANUAL RESET V DFL (RESETB)V DFH (RESET)XC6101 XC6111 Available Available CMOS - XC6102XC6112AvailableAvailableN-channel open drain-XC6103 XC6113 Available Available - CMOS XC6104 XC6114 Available Not AvailableCMOS CMOS XC6105 XC6115 Available Not Available N-channel open drain CMOS XC6106 XC6116 Not Available AvailableCMOSCMOS XC6107XC6117Not AvailableAvailableN-channel open drainCMOSDESIGNATORDESCRIPTIONSYMBOLDESCRIPTION0 : V DF x 5% (TYP .) with hysteresis ① Hysteresis Range1 : V DF x 0.1% (TYP .) without hysteresis② Functions and Type of Reset Output1 ~ 7: Watchdog and manual functions, and reset output type as per Selection Guide in the above chartA : 3.13msec (TYP .)B : 25msec (TYP .) C: 50msec (TYP .) D : 100msec (TYP .) E : 200msec (TYP .) F : 400msec (TYP .) ③ Release Delay Time * H : 1.6sec (TYP .)0 : No WD timeout period forXC6106, XC6107, XC6116, XC6117 Series 1: 6.25msec (TYP .) 2 : 50msec (TYP .) 3 : 100msec (TYP .) 4 : 200msec (TYP .) 5 : 400msec (TYP .) ④ Watchdog Timeout Period6: 1.6sec (TYP .) ⑤⑥ Detect Voltage 16 ~ 50: Detect voltageex.) 4.5V: ⑤⇒4, ⑥⇒5M : SOT-25 ⑦ Package E : USP-6C R : Embossed tape, standard feed ⑧ Device OrientationL: Embossed tape, reverse feed* Please set the release delay time shorter than or equal to the watchdog timeout period. ex.) XC6101D427MR or XC6101D327MR■PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION ●Selection Guide ●Ordering Information XC61①②③④⑤⑥⑦⑧4/26XC6101~XC6107, XC6111~XC6117 Series■PACKAGING INFORMATION●SOT-25●USP-6C5/26XC6101 ~ XC6107, XC6111~ XC6117Series④ Represents production lot number0 to 9 and A to Z and inverted 0 to 9 and A to Z repeated. (G, I, J, O, Q, W expected.) * ‘X’ represents both ‘0’ and ‘1’. (ex. XC61X1⇒XC6101 and XC6111)■MARKING RULE●SOT-25①②③④SOT-25 (TOP VIEW)6/26XC6101~XC6107, XC6111~XC6117 Series① Represents product series② Represents release delay time MARK RELEASE DELAY TIME PRODUCT SERIES A 3.13msec XC61XxAxxxxx B 25msec XC61XxBxxxxx C 50msec XC61XxCxxxxx D 100msec XC61XxDxxxxx E 200msec XC61XxExxxxx F 400msec XC61XxFxxxxx H 1.6sec XC61XxHxxxxx③ Represents watchdog timeout period MARK WATCHDOG TIMEOUT PERIOD PRODUCT SERIES 0 XC61X6, XC61X7 series XC61Xxx0xxxx 1 6.25msec XC61Xxx1xxxx 2 50msec XC61Xxx2xxxx 3 100msec XC61Xxx3xxxx 4 200msec XC61Xxx4xxxx 5 400msec XC61Xxx5xxxx 6 1.6sec XC61Xxx6xxxx④⑤ Represents detect voltage MARK④ ⑤DETECT VOLTAGE (V)PRODUCT SERIES3 3 3.3 XC61Xxxx33xx 5 0 5.0XC61Xxxx50xx⑥ Represents production lot number0 to 9 and A to Z repeated. (G, I, J, O, Q, W excepted.)* No character inversion used. ** ‘X’ represents both ‘0’ and ‘1’. (ex. XC61X1⇒XC6101 and XC6111)MARK PRODUCT SERIES MARK PRODUCT SERIES 3 XC6101xxxxxx 8 XC6111xxxxxx 4 XC6102xxxxxx 9 XC6112xxxxxx 5 XC6103xxxxxx A XC6113xxxxxx 6 XC6104xxxxxx B XC6114xxxxxx 7 XC6105xxxxxx C XC6115xxxxxx 3 XC6106xxxxxx 8 XC6116xxxxxx 4 XC6107xxxxxx 9 XC6117xxxxxx■MARKING RULE (Continued)●USP-6CUSP-6C (TOP VIEW)7/26XC6101 ~ XC6107, XC6111~ XC6117Series■BLOCK DIAGRAMS●XC6101, XC6111 Series●XC6102, XC6112 Series●XC6103, XC6113 Series8/26XC6101~XC6107, XC6111~XC6117 Series■BLOCK DIAGRAMS (Continued)●XC6107, XC6117 Series●XC6106, XC6116 Series●XC6105, XC6115 Series●XC6104, XC6114 Series9/26XC6101 ~ XC6107, XC6111~ XC6117SeriesPARAMETERSYMBOL RATINGSUNITSV INV SS -0.3 ~ 7.0 VM RBV SS -0.3 ~ V IN +0.3 VInput Voltage WD V SS -0.3 ~ 7.0V Output Current I OUT 20 mACMOS Output RESETB/RESET V SS -0.3 ~ V IN +0.3Output Voltage N-ch Open Drain Output RESETB V SS -0.3 ~ 7.0VSOT-25 250Power Dissipation USP-6C Pd 100mWOperational Temperature Range Topr -40 ~ +85 OCStorage Temperature Range Tstg -40 ~ +125 OC■ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSTa = 25O C10/26XC6101~XC6107, XC6111~XC6117 SeriesNOTE:*1: XC6101~XC6107 (with hysteresis) *2: XC6111~XC6117 (without hysteresis)*3: ‘X’ represents both ‘0’ and ‘1’. (ex. XC61X1⇒XC6101 and XC6111) *4: V DF(T): Setting detect voltage*5: If only “V DF ” is indicated, it represents both V DFL (low when detected) and V DFH (high when detected).PARAMETERSYMBOLCONDITIONSMIN.TYP .MAX. UNITS CIRCUITDetect Voltage V DFL V DFHV DF(T)× 0.98V DF(T) V DF(T)× 1.02 V 1 Hysteresis Range XC6101~XC6107 (*1) V HYS V DF × 0.02V DF × 0.05 V DF× 0.08 V 1Hysteresis Range XC6111~XC6117 (*2) V HYS 0 V DF × 0.001 V DFx 0.01V 1V IN =V DF(T)×0.9V - 5 11 V IN =V DF(T)×1.1V- 10 16 XC61X1/XC61X2/XC61X3XC61X4/XC61X5 (*3)(The MRB & the WD Pin: No connection) V IN =6.0V - 1218 V IN =V DF(T)×0.9V - 4 10 V IN =V DF(T)×1.1V - 8 14 Supply Current I SS XC61X6/XC61X7 (*3)(The MRB Pin: No connection)V IN = 6.0V - 1016 µA 2Operating Voltage V IN 1.0 - 6.0 V 1VIN = 1.0V 0.15 0.5 -V IN =2.0V (V DFL(T)> 2.0V) 2.0 2.5 - V IN =3.0V (V DFL(T) >3.0V) 3.0 3.5 -N-ch.V DS = 0.5V V IN =4.0V (V DFL(T) >4.0V) 3.5 4.0 - 3 V DFL Output Current (RESETB) I RBOUTCMOS,P-chV DS = 0.5V V IN = 6.0V - - 1.1 -0.8 mA 4 N-chV DS = 0.5VV IN =6.0V 4.4 4.9 - 3V IN =1.0V - - 0.08 - 0.02 V IN =2.0V (V DFH(T)> 2.0V)- - 0.50 - 0.30 V IN =3.0V (V DFH(T)>3.0V)- - 0.75 - 0.55V DFHOutput Current (RESET) I ROUT P-ch. V DS = 0.5V V IN =4.0V (V DFH(T)>4.0V)- - 0.95 - 0.75 mA 4Temperature Characteristics △V DF / △Topr ・V DF -40OC < Topr < 85 O C - +100 - ppm / O C12 3.13 5 13 25 3825 50 75 60 100 140 120 200 280 240 400 560Release Delay Time(V DF <1.8V)T DR Time until V IN is increased from1.0V to2.0Vand attains to the release time level,and the Reset output pin inverts.960 1600 2240 ms 5 2 3.13 5 13 25 38 25 50 7560 100 140 120 200 280 240 400 560 Release Delay Time(V DF >1.9V)T DRTime until V IN is increased from1.0V to (V DF x1.1V) and attains to the releasetime level,and the Reset output pin inverts. 960 1600 2240ms 5 Detect Delay Time T DFTime until V IN is decreased from 6.0V to 1.0V and attains to the detect voltage level, and the Reset output pin detectswhile the WD pin left opened.- 3 30 µs 5V DFL /V DFH CMOS Output Leak CurrentI LEAK V IN =6.0V, RESETB=6.0V (V DFL ) V IN =6.0V, RESET=0V (V DFH )- 0.01 - µA 3V DFL N-ch Open DrainOutput Leak CurrentI LEAKV IN =6.0V, RESETB=6.0V-0.010.10µA 3■ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS●XC6101~XC6107, XC6111~XC6117 SeriesTa = 25O CSeriesPARAMETERSYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN.TYP . MAX. UNITS CIRCUIT3.13 6.25 9.38 25 50 7560 100 140 120 200 280240 400 560 Watchdog Timeout Period (V DF <1.8V)T WDTime until V IN increases form1.0V to2.0V andthe Reset output pin is released to go into the detection state. (WD=V SS )960 1600 2240 ms 6 3.13 6.25 9.38 25 50 75 60 100 140 120 200 280240 400 560 Watchdog Timeout Period (V DF >1.9V)T WDTime until V IN increases form1.0V to (V DF x1.1V)and the Reset output pin is released to go into the detection state. (WD=V SS )960 1600 2240 ms 6 WatchdogMinimum Pulse Width T WDIN V IN =6.0V,Apply pulse from 6.0V to 0Vto the WD pin. 300 - - ns 7 Watchdog High Level VoltageV WDH V IN =V DF x 1.1V ~ 6.0V V IN x 0.7- 6 V 7 Watchdog Low Level Voltage V WDL V IN =V DF x 1.1V ~ 6.0V0 - V IN x 0.3 V 7 V IN =6.0V, V WD =6.0V (Avg. when peak )- 12 19Watchdog Input Current I WD V IN =6.0V, V WD =0V (Avg. when peak) - 19 -12 -µA 8 Watchdog Input ResistanceR WDV IN =6.0V, V WD =0V, R WD =V IN / |I WD |315500880k Ω8PARAMETERSYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN.TYP . MAX.UNITS CIRCUITMRBHigh Level VoltageV MRH V IN =V DF x1.1V ~ 6.0V 1.4 - V IN 9MRBLow Level VoltageV MRL V IN =V DF x1.1V ~ 6.0V-0.35 V9MRBPull-up Resistance R MR V IN =6.0V, MRB=0V, R MR =V IN / |I MRB | 1.6 2.4 3.0 M Ω 10 MRB Minimum Pulse Width (*3) XC6101~XC6105 XC6111~XC6115 T MRINV IN =6.0V,Apply pulse from 6.0V to 0V tothe MRB pin 2.8 - -MRB Minimum Pulse Width (*4) XC6106, XC6107 XC6116, XC6117T MRIN V IN =6.0V,Apply pulse from 6.0V to 0V tothe MRB pin1.2 - -µs11●XC6101 ~ XC6103, XC6106 ~ XC6107, XC6111 ~ XC6113, XC6116 ~ XC6117 Series NOTE:*1: V DF(T): Setting detect voltage *2: If only “V DF ” is indicated, it represents both V DFL (low when detected) and V DFH (high when detected). *3: Watchdog function is available. *4: Watchdog function is not available.Ta = 25O CTa = 25O C ■ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)●XC6101~XC6105, XC6111~XC6115 Series■OPERATIONAL EXPLANATIONThe XC6101~XC6107, XC6111~XC6117 series compare, using the error amplifier, the voltage of the internal voltage reference source with the voltage divided by R1, R2 and R3 connected to the V IN pin. The resulting output signal from the error amplifier activates the watchdog logic, manual reset logic, delay circuit and the output driver. When the V IN pin voltage gradually falls and finally reaches the detect voltage, the RESETB pin output goes from high to low in the case of the V DFL type ICs, and the RESET pin output goes from low to high in the case of the V DFH type ICs.<RESETB / RESET Pin Output Signal>* V DFL (RESETB) type - output signal: Low when detected.The RESETB pin output goes from high to low whenever the V IN pin voltage falls below the detect voltage, or whenever the MRB pin is driven from high to low. The RESETB pin remains low for the release delay time (T DR) after the V IN pin voltage reaches the release voltage. If neither rising nor falling signals are applied to the WD pin within the watchdog timeout period, the RESETB pin output remains low for the release delay time (T DR), and thereafter the RESET pin outputs high level signal. * V DFH (RESET) type – output signal: High when detected.The RESET pin output goes from low to high whenever the V IN pin voltage falls below the detect voltage, or whenever the MRB pin is driven from high to low. The RESET pin remains high for the release delay time (T DR) after the V IN pin voltage reaches the release voltage. If neither rising nor falling signals are applied to the WD pin within the watchdog timeout period, the V OUT pin output remains high for the release delay time (T DR), and thereafter the RESET pin outputs low level signal.<Hysteresis>When the internal comparator output is high, the NMOS transistor connected in parallel to R3 is turned ON, activating the hysteresis circuit. The difference between the release and detect voltages represents the hysteresis range, as shown by the following calculations:V DF (detect voltage) = (R1+R2+R3) x Vref(R2+R3)V DR (release voltage) = (R1+R2) x Vref(R2)V HYS (hysteresis range)=V DR-V DF (V)V DR > V DF* Detect voltage (V DF) includes conditions of both V DFL (low when detected) and V DFH (high when detected).* Please refer to the block diagrams for R1, R2, R3 and Vref.Hysteresis range is selectable from V DF x 0.05V (XC6101~XC6107) or V DF x 0.001V (XC6111~XC6117).<Watchdog (WD) Pin>The XC6101~XC6107, XC6111~XC6117 series use a watchdog timer to detect malfunction or “runaway” of the microprocessor. If neither rising nor falling signals are applied from the microprocessor within the watchdog timeout period, the RESETB/RESET pin output maintains the detection state for the release delay time (T DR), and thereafter the RESET/RESETB pin output returns to the release state (Please refer to the FUNCTION CHART). The timer in the watchdog is then restarted. Six watchdog timeout period settings are available in 1.6sec, 400msec, 200msec, 100msec, 50msec, 6.25msec.<MRB Pin>Using the MRB pin input, the RESET/RESETB pin signal can be forced to the detection state. When the MRB pin is driven from high to low, the RESETB pin output goes from high to low in the case of the V DFL type ICs, and the RESET pin output goes from low to high in the case of the V DFH type. Even after the MRB pin is driven back high, the RESET/RESETB pin output maintains the detection state for the release delay time (T DR). Since the MRB pin is internally pulled up to the V IN pin voltage level, leave the MRB pin open if unused (Please refer to the FUNCTION CHART). A diode, which is an input protection element, is connected between the MRB pin and V IN pin. Therefore, if the MRB pin is applied voltage that exceeds V IN, the current will flow to V IN through the diode. Please use this IC within the stated maximum ratings (V SS -0.3 ~ V IN+0.3) on the MRB pin.<Release Delay Time>Release delay time (T DR) is the time that elapses from when the V IN pin reaches the release voltage, or when the watchdog timeout period expires with no rising signal applied to the WD pin, until the RESET/RESETB pin output is released from the detection state. Seven release delay time (T DR) watchdog timeout period settings are available in 1.6sec, 400msec, 200msec, 100msec, 50msec, 25msec, 3.13msec.<Detect Delay Time>Detect Delay Time (T DF) is the time that elapses from when the V IN pin voltage falls to the detect voltage until the RESET/ RESETB pin output goes into the detection state.Series■TIMING CHARTS●CMOS Output●T DF (CMOS Output)VINVDFL LevelGNDVIN Level VDFL Level GNDVIN x 0.1V■NOTES ON USE1. Please use this IC within the stated maximum ratings. Operation beyond these limits may cause degrading or permanent damage to the device.2. When a resistor is connected between the V IN pin and the input, the V IN voltage drops while the IC is operating and a malfunction may occur as a result of the IC’s through current. For the CMOS output products, the V IN voltage drops while the IC is operating and malfunction may occur as a result of the IC’s output current. Please be careful with using the XC6111~XC6117 series (without hysteresis).3. In order to stabilize the IC’s operations, please ensure that the V IN pin’s input frequency’s rise and fall times are more than 1 µ sec/V.4. Noise at the power supply may cause a malfunction of the watchdog operation or the circuit. In such case, please strength the line between V IN and the GND pin and connect about 0.22µF of a capacitor between the V IN pin and the GND pin.5. Protecting against a malfunction while the watchdog time out period, an ignoring time (no reaction time) occurs to the rise and fall times. Referring to the figure below, the ignoring time (no reaction time) lasts for 900µsec at maximum.GNDGNDGNDVIN Pin Wave FormWD Pin Wave FormRESETB Pin Wave Form (VDFL)SeriesPIN NAMELOGIC CONDITIONSH V IN >V DF +V HYS V IN L V IN <V DF H MRB>1.40V MRBL MRB<0.35V H When keeping W D >V WDH more than T WD L When keeping W D <V WDL more than T WD L → H V WDL → V WDH , T WDIN >300nsec WDH → L V WDH →V WDH , T WDIN >300nsecV IN MRB WD RESETB (*2) H HH LRepeat detect and release (H →L →H)H OpenH L → HH H or Open H → L H HLL *1 LV IN MRB WD RESETB (*3) H HH LRepeat detect and release (L →H →L)H OpenH L → HH H or Open H → L L HLL *1 HV IN WD RESETB (*2) RESET (*3) H HH L Repeat detect and release (H →L →H)Repeat detect and release (L →H →L)H OpenH L → HH H → L H L HL*1 L HV IN MRB RESETB (*2)RESET (*3)H H or Open H LH LL L H■PIN LOGIC CONDITIONSNOTE:*1: If only “V DF ” is indicated, it represents both V DFL (low when detected) and V DFH (high when detected).*2: For the details of each parameter, please see the electrical characteristics. V DF : Detect VoltageV HYS : Hysteresis RangeV WDH : WD High Level Voltage V WDL: WD Low Level Voltage T WDIN : WD Pulse Width T WD : WD Timeout Period■FUNCTION CHART●XC6103/XC61113 Series●XC6104/XC61114, XC6105/XC6115 Series●XC6106/XC61116, XC6107/XC6117 Series●XC6101/XC61111, XC6102/6112 Series*1: Including all logic of WD (WD=H, L, L →H, H →L, OPEN). *2: When the RESETB is High, the circuit is in the release state. When the RESETB is Low, the circuit is in the detection state. *3: When the RESET is High, the circuit is in the release state. When the RESET is Low, the circuit is in the detection state.■TEST CIRCUITSCircuit 1Circuit 2Circuit 3Circuit 4Series ■TEST CIRCUITS (Continued)Circuit 5Circuit 6Circuit 7■TEST CIRCUITS (Continued)Circuit 8Circuit 9Circuit 10Circuit 11Series■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS(1.1) Supply Current vs. Input Voltage(1.2) Supply Current vs. Input Voltage■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)(2) Detect, Release Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature(1.2) Supply Current vs. Input Voltage (Continued)Series■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) (3-1) Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage (V DFL ) (3.1) Detect, Release Voltage vs. Input Voltage (V DFL )(3.2) Detect, Release Voltage vs. Input Voltage (V DFH )■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)(4) N-ch Driver Output Current vs. V DSSeries(6) P-ch Driver Output Current vs. Input Voltage 1■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)(8) Release Delay Time vs. Ambient Temperature(7) P-ch Driver Output Current vs. Input Voltage 2■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) (10) Release Delay Time vs. Input Voltage(11) Watchdog Timeout Period vs. Input VoltageSeries■TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued)(14) MRB Low Level Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature(15) MRB High Level Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature* ‘X’ represents both ‘0’ and ‘1’. (ex. XC61X1⇒XC6101 and XC6111)。
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6V 内置看门狗功能电压检测器XC6130/XC6131 系列
特瑞仕半导体(TOREX SEMICONDUCTOR LTD. 日本东京) 推出6V 工作内置看门狗功能电压检测器、XC6130/XC6131 系列产品。
XC6130/XC6131 系列产品是能工作于6V、内置看门狗定时器的电压检测器。
只用1 个外接电容即可任意设定超时时间、解除延迟时间、构成监控系统。
对应-40゚C~+125゚ C 的工作范围温度,主要用于产业机械、汽车用附件等微处理器监控系统(既往产品为-40゚C~+85゚C)。
XC6130 系列产品附带了手动复位功能,不论在任意时机,只要手动复位端
子达到了低电平,即可从RESETB 端子输出低电平信号。
XC6131 系列产品附带了看门狗ON/OFF 功能,能在使用电压检测器功能的
因为在内部把MRB 端子、EN 端子上推到VIN,当不使用时,可以处于开路
检测电压范围在1.6V~5.0V (±1.0%)之间,检测电压温度特性为±50ppm/゚C、消耗电流为8.1μA(检测时)、及2.5μA(看门狗功能停止工作时)。
采用了SOT-26 封装组件。
是对应EU RoHS 指令、无Pb 铅、注重环保的产品。
【XC6130/XC6131 系列特点】
●只用1 个外接电容即可任意地设定看门狗超时时间、解除延迟时间
●检测电压温度特性: ±50ppm/゚C
●能配合用途选择手动复位功能(XC6130 系列产品)、看门狗ON/OFF 功能(XC6131 系列产品)。