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C) Becausteheelevatogr otstuck,
网 D) Becausteherearetoomanypeoplein theelevator, 博 6. A) Shedoesn'tlookasyoungasshedidtenyeamago.
考B) Shehasnotchangedatall.
xed in its relation to the
ao direGt stimuIus WhiG11crc破 rk do nθ tseem to change g钅 o ⒗ 。ung much tlle mmc in aⅢ
es⒒ ,On tlle ot11cr hand,t1】
e prope【 ties ofsur幺
m/ 1. A) Theyshouldput anadin tlrenewspaper.
o B) Theycouldn'tfind anymeansto putanadin thenewspaper.
.c C) lt wouldbemeaninglestos putanadin thenewspaper
ces that give"se tO Golor
atly umd∝
a widc va"c桫
of∶ ⅡuIη ina⒒ on colors,usually Φ
峨 not always)
flc⑾ light灬
h daul吵
t,:oth O1尘
。§ $C⑾ ‘奶 u1ed殴
ww.f 黯
w the eye to colo、
vay one 1s:lllpressed by t、
vo apparently
an u分 reltRted f∞ ts, CoIor as seen is a1η
Qb"e ohangeable thing dcpendIng to a large eXtcnt on the
y relationship of thc coIor to othcr coIo1s seen sillnultancous1y It is not⒒
choicesmarkedA), B), C), and D), and decidervhich is the best answer.Then mark the
corespondinlgetteron theAnswerSlrccwt ilh a singlelinethroughtliecenler,
Question1s7to20 arebasedonthepassagyeouhavejusht eard.
17. A) Becauspeeoplemightlraveto nrigratetheresorneday.
B) Becauseit is verymuchliketheearth.
C) Becausiet is easietro explorethanother.planets. D) Becauseitsatmospheries differentfromthatof theea$h.
10, A) Heisexcited.
B) He is sick.
C) He is fightingwith hisparents.
D) Heisptaying.
02 Directionslin this section,you will hear3 shortpassagesA.t the endof eachpassagey,ou will 85 hearsomequestionsB' oththepassagaendtlrequestionws ill bespokenonly once.After you hear 31 a questiony, ou mustchoosethe bestanswerfron the four.crroicesmarkedA), B), c), andD), 2 ThenmarkthecorespondingletterontheAnsnerSheevt ritha singlelinethloughthecenter. 0 PassagOe ne :6 QuestionsI I to 13 arebasedon thepassagyeouhavejust heald. QQ I I. A) Beingmistreatebdy a doctor.
D) ScientistasreoptimisticaboulovercomintgΒιβλιοθήκη Baiduediflicultisssoon'
m/ P蚀 r您 Ι妥Read孟
钮g ComprchensioⅡ
co Passage1 .
. As o;le Works with color in a practica1or expcrimentaI、
o B) Thewomanis afraidof highplacesb, uttliemanisnot.
.f C) Theyarebothafraidofhigh places.
w D) Bothof themliketo standon highplaces.
ww 4. A) Co fora picnic.
// B) Enjoyherselfin a pafty.
: C) Stayat horneandstudy.
tp D) HaveanEnglishexarn.
ht 5. A) Becausneineis anoddnr-rmbcr.
B) Becausseornethinigs rvr"onwgiththeelevator.
o5膊 士入学考试
考试科 国:英 语 (含昕力)
笞题要求 :答 案-律 写在答题纸上。
8502 Part I ListeningComprehension 31 SectionA 02 DirectionsI;n thissectiony, ouwill hear10 shorlconversationAst.theendof eachconversatioan, 6 questionwill beaskedaboutwhatwassaid.Boththeconvelsatioaundthcqr.rcstiownill bespoken QQ: only once.After eaclrquestiontherewill be a pauseD. Lrringthepausey. ou rnustreadthefour
研i6. A) Theirlackof concentratiorncsultingfrommentasl tress.
B) Thelackof consideratisfnorthenrin equiprnendfesign,
雨 时
C) Theprobabilityof rheirgettingexcitedeasily. D) Theirslownesisn responding. PassagTe hree
D) Theyarernoreskillfulin handingequiprnent.
网 15. A) It haditslirnitations.
B) Itsresultswereregardedasfinal.
博 C) It wassuppotedby thegovelnlnent. 考D) lt wasnot soundtheoretically.
B) It protectslivingbeingsfromharmfurl ays.
C) It keepsa planetfromoverheating' D) It isthemaincomponenotf theairpeoplebreathe' 20. A) Manwill probablybeableto livetherein 200yearc' B) Scientistasreratherpessimistiacboutit' C)Manwill probablbyeableto iivetherein i00.000yeat's'time'
研 C) Shewearsglassesandhasslrorthair.
D) Shewearslonghairandno longerhasglasses.
雨 时
7. A) At 8:00 B) At 7:20, C)At7:30. D)At 7:13.
8. A) Becaushec wouldgracluatferoma school.
B) Hedidn'tlikethejob becausiet kepthimbLrsy.
C) Hedidn'tlikethejob becausiet wasn'tinteresting.
D) He likedthejob besausheedidn'thavea home.
第 l页 共 l页
B) Becausehewantedto entera university.
C) Becausheewassurehewouldgettlrehighesst core.
D) Becausheewaslookingfor.ajob.
9. A) He likedthejob becausiet wasintercsting,
第 2页 共 2页
A) lts chemicael lementms ustbestudied.
B) Its tempetaturemustbelowered.
C) Big spaceshiPmsustbebuilt'
D) tts atnosPherme ustbechanged. 19. A) It influencetshesurfaceternperatuot'ef Mars.
an D) Themandidn'tunderstanwdhatthewomansaid.
y 2. A) Student*Professor.
B) CustomeeWaitress.
ao C) Client--la.,vyer.
D) Paticnt--Doctor.
rk 3. A) Bothof themhaveovercometheirfearof heights.
扌 堪擢
型 ~and盯
ounf thC area∽
四 Ccl eal· l衄
髁 an immg,d∶ a括 rea咄 uStment of thc sens⒒
B) Keepingbadhabirs.
/ C)Neglectingsymptomosf illness. m D) Ignoiingcommonheahhrules. co 12. d) Guidancefor everyoneto becomorich. n. B) kwuctionsro remainashealtrrayspossiblbeycroirrsguitabrexercises. a C) Diterrion.to horvto do someexercisews eh oy D) Direction-tohowto enjoyoneself. ka 13'A) Knowingwhatyov bodyneedsiscruciarl oyourgoodhealth. r B) Everyonecanbecorr^r1.g. fo C) If you changeyour badrr.:.itsanditnproveconditionsaround you. you can redtrugthe . chanceofgeflingsick_. ww D) Youcansecuregoodhealthifyou k€brnnoushexercisc. w PassagTewo // Question1s4to l6 arebasedonthepassagyeouhavejusltrc.ng. : 14. A) TheyareLrsr_racllleyverel tp B) Theygetrir.edeasily. ht C) Theyaremorelikelyto makemincrrncntael rrors.