

伤感英文名带翻译【三篇】【篇一】Queen{女王}Liquor.烈酒Abracadabra.魔咒ronin.浪人Lonely[孤寂]hobo(流浪者)Ifyou(如果你)Tolove.去爱Struggle(挣扎)Dear°(心裂)sad(痛心)Lonelypatients(孤独患者)Archive(封存)Deepsea(深海)unnecessary(多余)Casually(随便)Yoke(羁绊)Mole(泪痣)Poison.(毒药)Trauma(创伤)Runaway(逃离)TRAP(陷阱)Submarine(海底)End.(结束)Hobo(流浪)ronin.(浪人)【篇二】Oldflame(旧情人)Stranger(陌路)cowardly(怯弱)Fetter.(自作多情)Elaborate°(敷衍)Unworthy(不值得)Deceive(谎言)Cannotletgo(放不下)Sick°[病态]Without(没有你)Akoasm(幻听)Fickle.(薄情)Delusion(妄想)Galaxy(距离)Bubble[泡沫]Couvrir(困兽)moveon(离开)Monster(怪物)deceive(欺骗)Archive(封存)Loveyesterday[昨日情深] Dreamer织梦者Final°Analysis致命爱人Tenderne°猫性Onlycare(仅仅在乎) Theactor[戏子] Edinburgh°南空Blame。

经典幼儿英语故事带翻译-鼹鼠姑娘的故事The little mole is a mole girl, 3 years old this year.Girl and the mole mole mole, dad mom lives in a big forest, a piece of green grass below hidden in their home.Their house is the structure of the three rooms one hall, very spacious, very beautiful.A house is belong to the mole girl alone, the style of whole room is pink, from small bed mole girl to her desk, hanging wardrobe is pink. Although the room under the ground, no sunshine, but give a person warm sense. While facing the door of the girl’s picture on the wall full of mole, though A little older, she is painting genius, in the recent “A forest young artist painting and calligraphy competition” got the first prize on? But the picture is not hanging in the room of the mole girl, but in the mole father study. Dad was a very cultured man, the mole is not something very made him proud, he is not easily collection.The mole father but a great doer, opened a culture communication company, busy as a bee all day.The mother, the mole is a diplomat, rush about all day in the forest of diplomatic conference, for their friendship cause made an indelible contribution. Forest of the Monkey King and C B bears the king never for the sake of a banana tree hang a banana belong and scale.Bu t the mole mother for their work won’t take care of us mole girl. Don’t go home, sometimes for several weeks and sometimes home is in a hurry. If you happen to also can have dinner around the table, three girls have to sleep, if unfortunately mole mole mot her also don’t have the heart to wake her up, quietly and gently kiss on her face. And then left. Mole girl still laugh at this moment, but she can’t wake ah, must bemother meet in his sleep.The mole girl also slowly accustomed to the mother busy work, accustomed to the day of the mother is away. Because she know mom’s love her.Although there is no existence of mom and dad, but she has a lot of good things with it.First of all, she can have a talking barbie dolls, eyes still a twinkle. The mole girl gave her a name called doug.Doug is no ordinary doll, she has her own little bed, bed sheets, quilts, pillows are pink color. Her bed and the girl side by side of the bed next to the mole. Together they sleep together at night, get up in the morning. In the evening, doug will whisper and mole girl:Doug: little mole, what did you do during the day today?The mole girl: well, I go to the river and neighbors small white sneak a circle; At the door on the grass for a while, “golf” HMM... Also, can’t rememb er.Doug: don’t happy today...The mole girl: happy, nothing can not be happy...Doug: sleep, sweet dreams.Just let the girl a bit puzzled the mole is doug asked her the same question every night. Doug and seats in the mole of my father’s car, becaus e the mole girl with doug, every time they go out no matter where to go, no matter what to do.The mole girl have a colored glass ball, this but the mole forest to buy her mother in the distant G come back. It has: red, yellow, blue, green, blue, blue, violet seven kinds of color, but look good.If the mole girl don’t want to play with doug that day, she went to play the stainedglass ball for a while.If she doesn’t play doug, also don’t want to play with color glass ball, she would have gone to the drawing room. Draw the forest that just little shy flower, and that a clover; Or is it only the name is small white rabbit, but there will always be behind only call her attention to the Wolf...He doesn’t want to do all this, is the mole girl want to mom.When this time, the mole which girl in the deepest part of the desk drawer take out a delicate diary, written diary. A diary belongs only to her and her mother.Mother: my daughter is good today. I give dad prepared breakfast in the morning? Progress in l earning also got a “little star” certificates.But now a little miss you.You now in the forest? Also want to me?Looking forward to your home early, but don’t when I fall asleep, it is best to dad and I do rice waiting for you when I come home. Ha ha.Mom, I miss you.这只小鼹鼠是一只鼹鼠姑娘,今年3周岁了。

在制革领域,"milling" 是一种处理皮革的方法和过程。
1. 摩尔(mulling):这是一种用机械或化学方法对皮革进行摩擦的过程。
2. 磨面(grain milling):这是一种处理皮革表面,使其变得更光滑、均匀和有光泽的过程。
3. 厚度均匀化(uniform thickness milling):这是为了使皮革在厚度上更加均匀一致的过程。
这些是"milling" 在制革当中的常见含义,具体使用哪种方法取决于皮革的种类、用途和所需的效果。

罗曼史解释罗曼史,英语是roma stance,来源于拉丁语romance,原意是“激动人心的爱情”,也有人认为romance来源于意大利语或拉丁语的romance。
罗曼史( romance)这个词的意思是“甜蜜的,愉快的”,比较接近的英文名字是romance。

经典幼儿英语故事带翻译-鼹鼠姑娘的故事The little mole is a mole girl, 3 years old this year.Girl and the mole mole mole, dad mom lives in a big forest, a piece of green grass below hidden in their home.Their house is the structure of the three rooms one hall, very spacious, very beautiful. A house is belong to the mole girl alone, the style of whole room is pink, from small bed mole girl to her desk, hanging wardrobe is pink. Although the room under the ground, no sunshine, but give a person warm sense. While facing the door of the girl's picture on the wall full of mole, though A little older, she is painting genius, in the recent "A forest young artist painting and calligraphy competition" got the first prize on? But the picture is not hanging in the room of the mole girl, but in the mole father study. Dad was a very cultured man, the mole is not something very made him proud, he is not easily collection.The mole father but a great doer, opened a culture communication company, busy as a bee all day.The mother, the mole is a diplomat, rush about all day in the forest of diplomatic conference, for their friendship cause made an indelible contribution. Forest of the Monkey King and C B bears the king never for the sake of a banana tree hang a banana belong and scale.But the mole mother for their work won't take care of us mole girl. Don't go home, sometimes for several weeks and sometimes home is in a hurry. If you happen to also can havedinner around the table, three girls have to sleep, if unfortunately mole mole mother also don't have the heart to wake her up, quietly and gently kiss on her face. And then left. Mole girl still laugh at this moment, but she can't wake ah, must be mother meet in his sleep.The mole girl also slowly accustomed to the mother busy work, accustomed to the day of the mother is away. Because she know mom's love her.Although there is no existence of mom and dad, but she has a lot of good things with it.First of all, she can have a talking barbie dolls, eyes still a twinkle. The mole girl gave her a name called doug.Doug is no ordinary doll, she has her own little bed, bed sheets, quilts, pillows are pink color. Her bed and the girl side by side of the bed next to the mole. Together they sleep together at night, get up in the morning. In the evening, doug will whisper and mole girl:Doug: little mole, what did you do during the day today?The mole girl: well, I go to the river and neighbors small white sneak a circle; At the door on the grass for a while, "golf" HMM... Also, can't remember.Doug: don't happy today...The mole girl: happy, nothing can not be happy...Doug: sleep, sweet dreams.Just let the girl a bit puzzled the mole is doug asked her the same question every night.Doug and seats in the mole of my father's car, because the mole girl with doug, every time they go out no matter where to go, no matter what to do.The mole girl have a colored glass ball, this but the mole forest to buy her mother in the distant G come back. It has: red, yellow, blue, green, blue, blue, violet seven kinds of color, but look good.If the mole girl don't want to play with doug that day, she went to play the stained glass ball for a while.If she doesn't play doug, also don't want to play with color glass ball, she would have gone to the drawing room. Draw the forest that just little shy flower, and that a clover; Or is it only the name is small white rabbit, but there will always be behind only call her attention to the Wolf...He doesn't want to do all this, is the mole girl want to mom.When this time, the mole which girl in the deepest part of the desk drawer take out a delicate diary, written diary.A diary belongs only to her and her mother.Mother: my daughter is good today. I give dad prepared breakfast in the morning? Progress in learning also got a "little star" certificates.But now a little miss you.You now in the forest? Also want to me?。

因此,molecule 的意思就是“像小痣一样的”。
此外,词根词缀还可以帮助记忆其他与分子、原子相关的词汇,例如:1. atom:原子,其中a表示“不”,to表示“去”,意思是不去则不动,引申为“原子”。
2. neutron:中子,其中neutr表示“中性的”,on是名词后缀,所以中子就是中性的粒子。
3. proton:质子,其中pro表示“向前”,on是名词后缀,所以质子就是向前运动的带正电的粒子。
4. nucleus:原子核,其中nuc表示“核”,le是名词后缀,所以原子核就是原子中间的核。
5. ion:离子,其中ion是名词后缀,表示“出”,所以离子就是从原子中出来的带电粒子。
三、molecule词根的单词1. molecule:分子。
2. atom:原子。
3. neutron:中子。
4. proton:质子。
5. nucleus:原子核。
6. ion:离子。
7. mendicant:乞丐。
8. mermaid:美人鱼。
9. immolate:焚祭,作祭品(给神吃饭)。
10. demolish:破坏,摧毁(de去掉+mol+ish,把堆起来的东西毁掉)。

mo开头的单词1. 模具 - 模具是用于制造产品的工具或模板。
2. 模拟 - 模拟是使用计算机、数学等技术,对真实系统进行仿真来进行研究和分析。
3. 摩擦 - 摩擦是指两个物体之间发生的摩擦力,阻碍物体移动。
4. 磨合 - 磨合是指新机器或新零件使用一段时间与其他部件适应、互相磨合的过程。
5. 墨水 - 墨水是写字、印刷等用的液体,通常为水溶性颜料。
6. 末日 - 末日指的是世界末日,被一些宗教信仰认为是人类历史终结的时刻。
7. 茉莉 - 茉莉是一种香气花卉,香味清香而持久。
8. 墨西哥 - 墨西哥是拉丁美洲的一个国家,以古文明、美食和音乐文化闻名。
9. 摩托 - 摩托是一种有机动力的两轮或三轮车,用于交通运输及娱乐活动。
10. 摩登 - 摩登指的是时髦、现代化的意思。
11. 魔术 - 魔术是一种表演艺术,利用技巧、道具等让观众看到令人不可思议的事情。
12. 模特 - 模特是指在时装表演、广告拍摄等活动中担任服装、化妆品等展示的人。
13. 模板 - 模板通常指制作和复制衣服、鞋帽、箱包等物品时的样板。
14. 磨砂 - 磨砂是指通过磨砂纸、砂轮等材料让物体表面看起来粗糙、喀什不平的处理方法。
15. 模仿 - 模仿是指模拟、复制一个人或事物的言行、姿态、语气等表现。
16. 末节 - 末节通常指指手指、足趾等的末端部分。
17. 莫名 - 莫名指的是事情无从解释、令人困惑的情况。
18. 茉莉花 - 茉莉花是一种常见的白色香气花卉。
19. 墨尔本 - 墨尔本是澳大利亚的一座著名城市,以文化多样性、美食和艺术文化为特点。
20. 模棱两可 - 模棱两可指的是某些情况具有两种或以上的解释,让人无法确定其中之一。
21. 摩尔定律 - 摩尔定律是电子工业中的一个法则,规定每隔18个月,芯片的性能会翻一倍,价格减半。
22. 模组 - 模组是一种可以组成任意形状的拼图玩具。
23. 模型 - 模型是指一个物体或系统的缩小版或原型。

cob 雄天鹅
cygnet 小天鹅
gander, wild goose 雁
dove 鸽
pigeon 野鸽
turtle dove 斑鸠
pheasant 雉, 野鸡
grouse 松鸡
partridge 石鸡, 鹧鸪
ptarmigan 雷鸟
quail 鹌鹑
ostrich 鸵鸟
kitten, kitty, pussy 小猫
lion 狮
lynx 猞猁
panther, puma 美洲豹
leopard 豹
tiger 虎
wildcat 野猫
bison 美洲野牛
yak 牦牛
dog 狗
badger 獾
weasel 鼬,黄鼠狼
otter 水獭
fox 狐
hyena, hyaena 鬣狗
robin 知更鸟
plover 千鸟
lark 百鸟,云雀
swift 褐雨燕
whitethroat 白喉雀
hummingbird 蜂雀
penguin 企鹅
owl 枭,猫头鹰
scops owl 角枭,耳鸟
snake 蛇
adder, viper 蝰蛇
boa 王蛇
cobra 眼镜蛇
salamander, triton, newt 蝾螈
giant salamander 娃娃鱼, 鲵
crocodile 鳄鱼, 非洲鳄
alligator 短吻鳄, 美洲鳄
caiman, cayman 凯门鳄
gavial 印度鳄
turtle 龟

英语含有oe的单词50个1. Toe(脚趾)- Translation:脚趾- Example:Be careful not to stub your toe on the table.(小心别在桌子上绊到你的脚趾。
)2. Foe(敌人)- Translation:敌人- Example:In times of war, a foe can become a friend.(在战争时期,敌人有时会变成朋友。
)3. Hoe(锄头)- Translation:锄头- Example:The farmer used a hoe to cultivate the soil.(农民用锄头耕作土地。
)4. Joe(乔)- Translation:乔(人名)- Example:Joe is planning to go on a hiking trip this weekend.(乔计划在周末去徒步旅行。
)5. Roe(鱼卵)- Translation:鱼卵- Example:The river was teeming with roe during the spawning season.(在产卵季节,河流充满了鱼卵。
)6. Woe(苦恼)- Translation:苦恼- Example:She shared her woes with her best friend.(她与她最好的朋友分享了她的苦恼。
)7. Doe(母鹿)- Translation:母鹿- Example:A doe and her fawn grazed in the meadow.(一只母鹿和她的小鹿在草地上吃草。
)8. Floe(浮冰块)- Translation:浮冰块- Example:The ship had to navigate through the floes in the Arctic Ocean.(船只必须在北冰洋中穿越浮冰块。

黑洞(Black Hole):黑洞是宇宙中最浪漫而神秘的存在之一。
量子力学(Quantum Mechanics):量子力学是描述微观领域中粒子行为的理论。
引力波(Gravitational Waves):引力波是爱因斯坦广义相对论的预言成果之一,并于2015年被首次探测到。
量子纠缠(Quantum Entanglement):量子纠缠是一种奇特的量子现象,当两个或多个粒子发生纠缠后,它们之间的状态会紧密关联,无论它们之间有多远的距离,改变其中一个粒子的状态都会立即影响到其他的粒子。

男孩鼹鼠狐狸马的英语观后感English:The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse is a heartwarming and insightful story that explores themes of friendship, kindness, andself-acceptance. The characters, each with their own unique personalities and struggles, come together to form an unlikely bond that teaches readers valuable lessons about love and compassion. The boy represents innocence and curiosity, the mole symbolizes wisdom and companionship, the fox embodies resilience and bravery, and the horse epitomizes strength and understanding. Through their interactions and conversations, the author beautifully conveys important messages about embracing our vulnerabilities, accepting ourselves for who we are, and finding joy in the simple things in life. The illustrations, created by the author himself, further enhance the emotional impact of the narrative, making this book a truly unforgettable read that will resonate with readers of all ages.中文翻译:《男孩鼹鼠狐狸马》是一个温暖而富有洞见的故事,探讨了友谊、善良和自我接受的主题。

去痣会有的英语作文English:Removing moles, also known as nevus removal, is a common cosmetic procedure that involves having a dermatologist or plastic surgeon remove a mole from the skin. There are several reasons why someone may choose to have a mole removed, such as if it is changing in size, shape, or color, if it is causing irritation or discomfort, or if it is located in a prominent or unwanted area. The procedure typically involves numbing the area around the mole, cutting it out, and then stitching the skin back together. While the procedure is generally safe, there are potential risks and complications to be aware of, such as infection, scarring, or the mole growing back. It is important to consult with a medical professional before undergoing mole removal to discuss the risks, benefits, and potential outcomes.中文翻译:去痣,也称为祛痣手术,是一种常见的整形手术,涉及由皮肤科医生或整形外科医生移除皮肤上的痣。

三、“amore”在意大利语中的用法1. 表达个人感情作为一个非常重要的情感词汇,意大利人经常使用“amore”来表达深情和爱意。
例如,“Ti amo”意为“我爱你”;“amore mio”意为“我的爱人”等。
2. 形容对某事物的热爱除了表达对他人的爱意外,意大利人还经常使用“amore”来形容对事物的热爱和渴望。
例如,一个艺术家可以说“Amo l'arte”来表达对艺术的热爱,或者一个美食家可以说“Amo il cibo”来表达对美食的热爱。
3. 在日常用语中的应用除了情感表达之外,“amore”还可以在日常用语中使用。
例如,当问一个人对某个事物的喜好时,可以用“ti piace?”(你喜欢吗)或“ti piace l'amore?”(你喜欢爱情吗)表达。
例如,当意大利人跟亲人或朋友打电话时,他们会说“ciao amore”(嗨,亲爱的)。
1. 艺术与文学在世界著名的意大利文学作品中,“amore”是一个重要的主题。

The mole in the morning to open the door, he saw the door with a gift, what is it? The mole want to open a look, but this gift is not for yourself, who send gifts to the wrong? How sad that didn't receive gifts! Little mole thought..."Xiong Dashu, this is your gift?"Xiong Dashu bowed their heads and saw the little mole hands holding a big gift, thought is for yourself! Smile of say: "not, not."Asked the little mole is the tree to pick a banana see the little monkey said: "hi! How are you, this gift is you?"Little monkey shook his head continued to pick bananas, it probably doesn't have time and the mole on chat a few words. Little mole be well-advised away, what are the distance two squirrel scramble, the mole will think about this gift is the squirrel brothers? Said the little mole come forward to say hello: "hello! Excuse me this gift is you?"The squirrel brothers said: "no... this is not our."Sun slowly down the hill, the mole is going to go home, looking for tomorrow, go back to the home of the little mole saw a big cake and his good friend, little rabbit, little lamb, little hedgehog, because today is her birthday, is the gift you give yourself.小鼹鼠一大早开门,看见门口摆放着一个礼物,会是什么呢?小鼹鼠想打开看一看,可是这个礼物不是送给自己的,是谁把礼物送错了呢?那没有收到礼物的人该多伤心啊!小鼹鼠这样想着……“熊大叔,请问这是你的礼物么?”熊大叔低头看见小鼹鼠手捧着大大的礼物,还以为是送给自己的呢!笑笑的说:“不是、不是。

1、头部及颈部的人体部位英语单词和英文名称head头brain脑skull颅骨,头盖骨hair头发forehead额temple太阳穴eyebrow眉毛eyelash眼睫毛ophryon印堂eye眼睛ear耳朵nose鼻子cheek面颊dimple酒涡mole痣philtrum人中lip嘴唇mouth口cavity口腔tooth牙齿uvual小舌tonsil扁桃腺tongue舌vocal cords声带decayed tooth龋齿gum牙龈palate上牙膛incisors切齿,门齿canine tooth大齿premolars前齿molars后牙denlture假齿chin下巴mustache小胡子beard山羊胡whiskers络腮胡sidebums鬓角Adams apple喉throat喉咙,咽喉neck脖子cervical vertebra颈椎2、手和手掌个不稳英文单词和英语名称elbow joint肘关节hand手arm手臂palm手掌finger手指nail指甲thumb大拇指forefinger食指middle finger中指third finger无名指little finger小指ball拇指腕掌half moon甲晕fist拳头knuckle指关节back手背wrist手腕elbow肘3、人体胸部和下半身各部位英语单词和英文名称collarbone锁骨shoulder肩shoulder blade肩胛骨shoulder joint肩关节pit胸口breastbone胸骨joint关节rib肋骨chest胸部nipple乳头armpit腋下armpit hair腋毛abdomen腹部navel肚脐waist腰lumbar vertebrae腰椎back背backbone脊骨,脊柱blood vessel血管vein静脉artery动脉capillary毛细血管nerve神经windpipe气管heart心脏diaphragm隔膜lung肺kidney肾脏stomach胃gullet食管liver肝脏gall bladder胆囊pancreas胰腺spleen脾duodenum 12指肠small intestine小肠large intestine大肠blind gut盲肠vermiform. appendix阑尾rectum直肠anus肛门hip臀部buttock屁股pelvis骨盆private parts阴部bladder膀胱penis阴茎testicles睾丸scroticles阴囊urine尿道ovary卵巢womb子宫vagina阴道bone骨skeleton骨骼thigh大腿kneecap膝盖骨sinew腱muscle肌肉knee膝盖leg腿shank小腿calf小腿肚foot脚instep脚背toes脚趾ankle脚踝Achilless tendon heel脚后跟跟腱sole脚底arch脚掌心spinal marrow脊髓internal organs内脏。
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例如,“I miss you”(我想你)可以翻译为“Mole missed
your aroma”(鼹鼠想念你的香气),其中,“miss”被翻译为“想念”,“you”被翻译为“你的香气”。