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【摘要】:美国小说是以“哥特式”开始的,美国小说的萌芽期正值欧洲哥特小说的鼎盛期。1 798-1799年间,美国第一位小说家查尔斯·布鲁克登·布朗承袭了英、德小说中的哥特传统,在两年内写出了四部美国哥特式小说,由此奠定了美国小说中的“哥特传统”。200多年来,哥




2.3 The characteristics of the gothic novel

Gothic fiction originally arose in England in the late 18th and early 19th century. It soon spread to other parts of the world, especially the United States, where it influenced the writing of many authors such as Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe. It falls in the realm of Romantic literature, although it often explores darker and more tragic themes than other Romantic works of the period. It is distinguished by a number of very specific qualities.

2.3.1 Setting背景

Gothic literature often is set in old, rundown structures: especially castles or great country manors. The building usually features hidden passages, trap doors, dungeons or secret rooms, and has suffered a decline from its former greatness.The environment around the setting reflects a bleak or foreboding atmosphere: dark forests, imposing mountains, stormy weather or areas far away from civilisation.

2.3.3 Atmosphere and emotions气氛环境

Gothic literature stresses an atmosphere of mystery, horror and dread. The plot involves hidden secrets which threaten the protagonist.Emotions run high in Gothic literature. Characters are often passionate and strong-willed, defying others or even their own common sense in pursuit of their goals. Women are often curious and have

a tendency to swoon, while men storm and rage in reflection of unseen inner torments.

2.3.4 Protagonists主角

The protagonists of Gothic literature are isolated or alone. That isolation could be physical (trapped in a house far from civilisation) or emotional (cut off from the people around her), and may either be self-imposed or a result of circumstances

beyond her control.

The "damsel in distress" motif appears quite often in Gothic literature, with women threatened by tyrannical men or just the circumstances in which they find themselves. They often appear frightened and may suffer from some kind of ailment.

2.3.8 The Supernatural超自然

The supernatural often appears in Gothic literature, particularly ghosts and unexplained manifestations. In some Gothic novels, these elements ultimately have a rational explanation, but the implication always suggest something not of this world. Ominous implications precede dark events in Gothic literature. Unlucky omens appear, ancient curses linger in the air, and dark forces beyond the hero's ken thwart his ambitions.

2.3.10 Drama情节

The events in Gothic literature emphasise high emotion and often reflect a heightened sense of drama. Examples include murders, kidnappings, people going mad and tragic illnesses.

The overall impression of a Gothic world is one of decay: a formerly great family, community, country or individual who has peaked and now begins a slow process of decline. This appears both in the landscape (crumbling buildings) and in the characters themselves.

2.3 哥特小说的特点


1) 小说的背景

故事一般发生在荒僻地带,背景建筑往往是带有地下室、底下通道、阁楼、迷宫般的长廊和旋转的楼梯的城堡或庄园; 故事的转折常伴随极端天气、月光或摇曳的烛光2)故事情节

哥特小说着力描写的就是各种恐怖与怪诞的场景与情节。故事情节会充满悬念,恐怖刺激,有时涉及衰败和死亡,有时甚至会有暴力或性, 充斥着凶杀、暴力、复仇、强奸、乱伦等。这些场景与情节给读者留下深刻的印象。怪诞与恐怖是哥特小说的一种特质。在哥特小说中, 恐怖是其主色调, 贯穿于小说始终。通过对暴力、凶杀、非常环境的描写, 以及夜晚非常时间的选择, 哥特小说对恐怖的制造是由始至终的。

3) 主题

哥特小说具有因果报应、爱情及复仇三大主题。在因果报应这一主题上, 其创作与宗教有着密切的联系,对因果报应的描写目的在于对惩恶扬善这一思想精神的体现。爱情主题的哥特小说通常为美丽善良的女主角在追求者之间举棋不定。而复仇主题故事内容常涉及家族秘密。


在哥特小说中, 存在着四种人物形象: 英雄、教徒、不幸女子、鬼怪等超自然现象。人物形象既有正、邪人物, 又有亦正亦邪的形象,人物形象较为丰富,。
