
Owner's coming in next week.Anybody off the books, he'll be on my ass.If I switch some doubles with Benito, is that okay?Whatever you and him wanna work out.Welcome to Caracas. The time is 3:21--We've been lying for a long time, Francis.Of course we have.Imagine what the voters would think if we started telling the truth. Not to them.To each other.What do you mean?You know what? Never mind.No. How have we been lying to each other?- We're not. - You just said that.We've begun our final descent into Des Moines.Please find a seat and put your seat belts on.Should we talk?No. I shouldn't have said anything.Where is she?Tell me where she is.I don't know, man.- You don't know? - I don't know.God!I'm not asking again.- My computer. - I tried that.- It's locked. - I'll give you the code.- You don't have anything more? - That's all I have.- How current is this? - She's there, I promise.I found you once. I can find you again.If this information is wrong, you die.You try to contact her, you die.Frank Underwood is a dangerous man.Because power in the hands of those who lack honesty,lacks a moral compass.And without a moral compass, power runs amok.Heather Dunbar can question my husband's choices.She can criticize his policies.But to cast aspersions on his character is proof of desperation. If he will lie about the death of a US soldier,what else is he lying about?We know he already lied about not running in 2016.The people of Iowa know better.They see the same man I see:a strong, decisive leader who doesn't always do what's popular, but he always does what's right.The decision you make next Tuesdayis one you'll live with for years.For three decades, I've stood by my husband's side.Because I know he stands up for people like you.You have the power to choose.Choose progress over pettiness.You have the power, not him.Choose a president over a charlatan.Ladies and gentlemen, my husband,President Frank Underwood.Thank you! Thank you very much.I'm gonna give you one good reasonwhy Heather Dunbar doesn't stand a chance on Tuesday. She doesn't have Claire Underwood standing by her side.I want to spend a few minutes talking about the future that we are going to build together.And I say together, because I can't do it alone.I need your help.Meet me out back.- You have it? - Yeah. How about you?Cassie Lockhart.Social Security card, driver's license, birth certificate.It's all legit.Why "Cassie"? It's not even a real first name.I mean, if it were short for something, like Cassandra.- But as your legal name? - It's all there.Hey, Cassie, take a hundred back if you want it.My truck's right there.You keep it.Come on. I gave you a big discount. Show some gratitude. Go home to your wife... and kids.I want you to fuck me, Francis.- I'm working. - Shut up.What is going on?I want you to be rough with me.- Take me. - Claire.- Now, listen. - Do it. Now!Is this what you want?- You want this? - Yes.- Yes. - You want it rough?I want you to look at me.Look at me while you do it.That's what I thought.Yes, I'd like to arrange a room for the First Lady, please. Yes, right away.I think you should go back to Washington in the morning. Sorry I'm late. I did a double at the store last night.- No worries. - I'll work quick.About 200,000 miles.It's not much to look at, but... it runs well.- How much? - Twelve hundred.But I don't got a title, sotechnically, you're just buying it for parts.Have gas in the tank?Yeah, you can drive her right out.- You'll need plates, though. - I got plates.- Cash okay? - It's all we take.Underwood! Underwood! Underwood!Yes, I'm good.Ladies and gentlemen,the President of the United States, Frank Underwood!Thank you! Thank you very much.It's good to be back in Iowa City!Claire couldn't be here today, but she wants you to knowshe's a big Hawkeyes fan.Now here, at one of the country's finest public universities,I wanna talk to you about Heather Dunbar's preference for--- Hey, can you do another double tomorrow? - Yeah, no problem. - All right, have a good night. - You, too.Hi, I'm Cassie Lockhart.Hello. Cassie.Cassie. C-A-double-S-I-E.Lockhart. L-O-C-K-H-A-R-T.April 21st-- Just a second! -I've got rent money for you--No, no, no, no. I have good news.Bianca got her protected status.Oh, my God! That's so great!She says thank you for all your help with her paperwork.- Of course. - We're celebrating.Maria got a bottle from her Thursday house.They gave it to me for the holidays.This is nice.I know, it's really terrible.She has family in Houston.They're gonna help her get into community college.I'm so happy for her.What about you, eh? You're not staying here forever.Once I save up enough, I want to get my own car.And have enough for my own place.Here in Santa?Up north, I think. In the woods somewhere.I miss the trees and the rain.Someplace quiet.Something new.Yeah.Well, you're a smart girl, Lisa.I'm sure you're gonna get everything you want.If Bianca can do it, you can.To Bianca! And her new life.- Salud! - Salud!Sir?Do you think she can join us tomorrow?- The press are starting to ask. - If we win,it'll be strange if she isn't standing next to youfor your victory speech.Even stranger if you have to make a concession speech.If I have to make a concession speech,the absence of the First Lady will be the least of our problems. I'm going for a run. Can you arrange the detail, please?Ma'am, if you run in public, it might...Might what?I'm sorry, ma'am. I'll take care of it right away.No, if it's a problem with me running, tell me.It might highlight the fact that you're not in Iowa.Right there, please.Quiet.Help! No!You want me to put you out again?Open your mouth. Open it.I won't make any noise.You make one sound, or you move an inch...- What? - I won't.I won't scream or anything.Nataly puts the ball on the 44 ya--Jesus is knocking on--Less than 24 hours to go before the Iowa caucuses,the Republicans have a broad field with no clear front-runner. For the Democrats,President Underwood has gained momentum in the polls.A rise that many political experts are attributingto the recent appearance of Claire Underwood in the-- Every major poll has it as a dead heat,with both candidates hovering at 45 percent.That still leaves one in ten likely caucus-goerswho won't be making their decision until tomorrow evening. Mrs. Underwood, the president is on the phone for you.President Underwood spent the last full day of campaigning traversing the state, completing his tour of all 99 Iowa counties. - Hello? - Listen.No matter what happens tomorrow night, I want you by my side. Are you open to that?Claire?I'll fly out in the morning.No, no. You can come in the afternoon.You don't have to do any events or press, just...be there with me when I make my speech.- I said yes. - Thank you.Of course.Last night...Let's not. I'll see you tomorrow.- All right. Good night. - Good night.I'm sorry for what I did to you.I wish I could take it back.I told you to be quiet.I thought I killed you.When I heard on the news you were alive, I felt so relieved.- I doubt that. - I mean it.I would pray for you.Probably sounds strange, but it's true.I would, because I felt so bad. You didn't deserve what I did. None of this is going to change anything.Where are we going?Doesn't matter.Is it gonna be a while? 'Cause I have to pee.You can pee back there.You don't want that. The smell.It's either that or you hold it.- It hurts. - Too bad.All right then, I'm gonna do it.Mrs. Underwood.Please, come sit.Thank you for coming.I'm sorry for how everything has worked out. It's unfortunate. I'm sure it's been difficult for you,with all of the effort you put in.Is this how it works?He nixes the book, you soften the blow?No, Tom, it's not that.Francis doesn't even know I asked you here.Why did you ask me?Because I was wondering if...we could talk honestly to each other.If you'd be open to that.- About what? - New Hampshire.Did you let me pass out that day on purpose?When I was giving blood.I let you keep talking. I didn't know you'd pass out.And you didn't see it coming?You had things you wanted to say.And what did I say... before I blacked out?Was there anything else other than what you wrote?You don't remember?Some. But not all of it.I'm asking for me. Because I need to know.Hatred.For how much you and Frank needed each other.I used that word? Hate?You did.And of all the moments...that you spent with Francis and myself, you...You believe that we're equals?I got fired, Mrs. Underwood. I'm not on the clock anymore. There's a lot more to Francis and me than what you wrote. Maybe so, but I never got a chance to ask.Then ask. Whatever you want.Why aren't you with him? In Iowa?I'm heading there tomorrow.You see?I ask a question, and neither of you answer them.It's tiresome, constantly swinging a sledgehammer at the façade, just to get a glimpse through the cracks.Tell me what you see.Somebody who's lost.But I don't know.Maybe it's all for the best.I'd rather imagine who you might bethan who you actually are.Good luck, Claire.That's enough.- It calms me. - Then sing it in your head.You're gonna be able to live with yourself?What's the point?I can't hurt you.No one's ever gonna find me or know who I am.I'm never gonna say anything.Quiet.If it's about punishing me, you don't have to.This last year, some of the things I've had to do,I wouldn't wish it on anyone.I said quiet.What did the overnight internals say?Still a toss-up. Less than half a point gap.- Her or me? - Doesn't matter.The margin of error is four-point-five.The last few days, the lead's gone back and forth three times. Bottom line is turnout.- Sir? - Yes, I'm almost ready.May I speak to you for a moment privately?- Yes. Thank you. - I'll be right outside.I just got word that Mrs. Underwood has postponed her flight here.- What? Why? - I don't know, sir.Also, Agent Swift, the head of her detail...he said Tom Yates came to the residence last night.- Tell Vaughn I'll be down in a few minutes. - Yes, sir.This is Claire. Please leave a message.This is Claire. Please leave a message.It's me. When you get this message, will you please call me? Listen, if you breathe deeply,you're gonna pass out right away.- Please. - Then nothing's gonna hurt.Doug, please. Please.Help!No one can hear you. Lie down, Rachel.Look, Rachel's gone!That is who I am now.Look, I know you don't want to do this.You-- You could--You could've done it in the parking lot last night,but you didn't, you kept me alive!I know this isn't who you are.Please.Please. Please. Please, just let me go.Please.Doug.Doug, please. Please. Please just let me go.- Please! Doug! Please! - Fuck!The president is on the line for you again.You told him I'm not feeling well?Yes, ma'am. He'd still like to speak with you.Tell him I'm sleeping.I'm sleeping. Please tell him.Yes, ma'am.Here.I don't know why you had to run that night.All I ever tried to do was keep you safe.I was afraid. I wasn't thinking.I'm sorry.I know you have a good heart.You're saying that because you want me to let you go. Look at me.Look at me, Doug.You don't have to kill Rachel.She's already dead.She died in those woods, and it's better that way.She didn't have a very good life.But... But if you do this,you're not killing Rachel, you're killing Cassie. And...all Cassie Lockhart wants to be is someplace far away. Someplace where nobody'll ever find her.She likes to go to the movie theater.It doesn't matter what's showing,just... she likes the smell of the popcorn.She wants a dog.A black lab.And a queen-size bed.Lots of blankets to curl up in. She doesn't want much. She just wants to be invisible.Hey, look at me.My name is Cassie Lockhart.Give me your ankles.Give me your hands.Come on.Let's go.Some water.There's a town 20 miles that way.First off, I'd like to congratulate President Underwood for his victory here tonight.It was a tight race and he came out on top.No. No, no, no, no!Let's not be sore losers here.Because the truth is, we haven't lost.We are just getting started!I want to thank all the staff and volunteerswho worked so hard over the past several months.We should get going.I want to try Claire one more time. See if she'll come out. That's three hours from now, even if she left this minute.But the crowd will wait.We don't want to squander primetime.A speech at one in the morning, we lose major viewership.My children and my dear husband...Fine. Let's go.How do you want to handle the stage if she's not on it?I won't need a stage.Thank you for coming out.Thank you very much. Thank you.Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you.Well, Iowa has spoken.And they have spoken so loud,that I don't even need a microphone.Listen, I wanted to come down hereto our campaign headquarters in Des Moines,not go to some fancy hotel ballroom like you know who,and say to all of you who worked day in and day out,on our behalf for this campaign, in every corner of this state... It's because of you that we brought it home tonight!Now, I know you're all wondering where Claire is.Some of you may know she's been a little under the weather. She's from Texas.She doesn't understand these Iowa winters you have.But she's on the mend and I'm flying to Washington tonight, so that tomorrow she and I can get on a planeand fly to New Hampshire, where we are gonna win there, too!Claire.They told me you were down here.I just wanted to come somewhere to think.Well, I hope you have.And that whatever was clouding your mind is gone. Because I just had to give a victory speech... alone.And one way or another,I need you on that plane with me tomorrow.No. The desk.Left-hand drawer.You still have this.Yes.It felt wrong to throw it out, for some reason.When I said we were lying, what I meant was...For all these years, I thought we were on this path together. But it's not what I thought it would be.What I convinced myself it would be,like what Thomas wrote.- We're two equal parts. - We are.You really believe that?We earned this together.I said that to your facethe first day I walked in here as president.It's your office. Not mine.I have not made a single major decisionwithout asking your opinion first.But see, that's it. You make the decisions.Anything that I want, like the UN...It made me ill, Francis. My stomach turned.Why, because you had to resign?No, because I had to ask for your help in the first place.That I couldn't get the confirmation on my own.And what is wrong with asking for my help when you need it? The fact that I need it.I hate that feeling. It's not me.I don't recognize myself when I look in the mirror.I do things... like I did in the hotel in Iowa.I can't even talk with you about it.Instead you want me to slap you around like some animal.That's what we are when we strip everything away.- That I can understand! - It was deranged,begging me to take you like that.And you couldn't even give that to me.If you wanted a husband who proved his manhood to you that way, you should've stayed back in Dallas with your motherand married the prom king.At least I would've known where I stood.No, you can't have it both ways.You want an equal partner when it suits you?You want a man to take charge when it suits you?And I'm supposed to what, just divine when you want which? Stop being so selfish. You're better than that.- I'm not being selfish. - You are.We're in the middle of an election, and look at us. That's exactly it. Look at us, Francis.We used to make each other stronger.At least I thought so, but that was a lie.We were making you stronger.And now I'm just weak and small,and I can't stand that feeling any longer.All right. What do you want?What is the goddamn alternative?Please, Claire, tell me, because I don't understand. All I am hearing is, it's not enough.That the White House is not enough.That being First Lady is not enough.- Not enough! - No.It's you that's not enough.When we lose... because of you...there will be nothing.No plan. No future.We will only be has-beens.And you want to amount to something?Well, here is the brutal fucking truth.And you can hate me, you can be disgusted,you can feel whatever it is you wanna feel because frankly, I'm beyond caring.But without me, you are nothing.You're right. This office has one chair.And you have always known that from the very beginning.And if you now can't stomach that,well, then I'm a fool for having married you in the first place. But I don't have time to be a fool.I have to run this country and win a nomination.I'm doing my job.Doug is out there doing his job.And it's time now for you to do yours.You want me to take charge? Fine. I will take charge.You will get on that plane tomorrow.You will come to New Hampshire.You will smile and shake hands and kiss babies.And you will stand with me on a stage.And you will be the First Lady!And you do all that.I don't give a damn if you vomit on your own time.You're scheduled to depart in 20 minutes, sir.Thank you. Check in with the First Lady, make sure she's ready. Yes, sir.So?Are you okay?I'm good to go, sir.Yes?Ma'am, the president wanted me to check and see if you're ready. Ma'am?Francis.I'm not going to New Hampshire. Yes, you are. I'll see you in the car. I'm leaving you.Claire.。
老友记S01E11-The One With Mrs Bing

Do you think they have yesterday's Daily News?你想他们有昨天的报纸吗?I just wanna check my horoscope, see if it was right.我只是想看我的星座准不准Oh,my God! Don't Iook now. Behind you there's a guy... 天啊,菲比,别看你背后有个将会令我们...who can break our hearts and plunge us into depression. 伤心欲绝的帅哥Come to mama.到妈妈这来呀He's coming. Be cool. Be cool. Be cool.他来了,酷一点…-Nice hat. -Thanks. -帽子不错-谢谢-We should do something. Whistle. -I' m not whistling. - 我们应该有所行动,吹口哨-我不吹Come on,do it!来吧,吹!Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.吹.吹.吹I can't believe you did that.我不敢相信你居然这么干了The One With Mrs. Bing六人行第1季第11集宾太太(钱德的母亲)-It's all my fault. -No,it's mine. -这都是我的错-不,是我的错Why did I whoo-hoo?我为什么要“喔-呵”的叫呢?Was I hoping he'd turn around and say...难道我期望,他回过头来然后说…... " I Iove that sound. I must have you now"? …“我喜欢那声音,我现在就要你”?I wish there was something we could do.我只希望我们能帮上一点忙Hello,coma guy.你好,昏迷的帅哥Get up,you Girl Scout! Up,up,up!起来,你这少女侦察机! 起来!起来!起来!What are you doing?菲比,你在干什么?Maybe nobody's tried this.或许没人试过这一招I wish we at Ieast knew his name.希望至少能知道他的名字I hate that they're calling him John Doe.我讨厌他们叫他“某约翰”(无名氏)It's so sad. It's Iike he's a deer, a female deer.这真让人伤心.感觉他像一只小鹿一只小雌鹿Oh,I was gonna stop.喔,我就此打住Look at that face.瞧他这张脸Even sleeping he Iooks smart.即使他在昏迷中仍一副聪明样Yeah,but the dents in his knuckles mean he's artistic.你有看见他手关节上的凹凸? 那代表他有艺术气息Okay. He's a Iawyer who teaches sculpting on the side.他是个兼职教雕塑的律师And he can dance.而且他会跳舞And he's the kind of guy who, when you're talking,he's Iistening...他是那种静静听你讲话的人... not saying," I understand "...而不是说“我了解”... but really wondering what you Iook Iike naked.**********I wish all guys could be Iike him.我希望男生都像他这样I know.我知道You don't even know this guy.你们甚至不认识这小伙Are there no conscious men in the city for you two?纽约难道没有适合你们的清醒男生?He doesn't have anyone.他身旁没人照顾We feel kind of responsible.我们觉得应该负起责任I can't believe you said "whoo-hoo. "我不敢相信你会“喔-呵”I don't even say "whoo-hoo. "连我都不说“喔-呵”Oh,she's coming up. oh,她出现了When we return,we 'll talk with the always interesting Nora Tyler Bing. 稍后,我们将和永远引人人胜的诺拉.泰勒.宾进行访谈Put the kids to bed for this one.你得叫你的孩子上床睡觉了Don't watch this. Weekend at Bernie 's is on Showtime and HBO.我们别看这个电影台有许多好电影No way.不行,这怎么可以-She's your mom. -Exactly. Weekend at Bernie 's. -***********************Dead guy getting hit in the groin 20,30 times.死人的腹股沟被打二,三十次I gotta tell you, I Iove your mom's books.***************I can't get on a plane without one. This is so cool.飞机上没她的书陪伴,我会度日如年她的书简直是酷毙了You wouldn't think so if you were 1 1...你无法想象当你11岁的时候...and your friends were passing around page 79 of Mistress *****.你的朋友们争相传阅“情妇**”79页时的感觉I remember page 79.我记得第79页The thing after the opera with the girl with the trick hip?********************I Iove your mom. I think she's a blast.**************That's because she's not your mom.**********Oh,please. She's the拜托Hi,sweetie.亲爱的When did " Rigatoni " get back from Rome?那个“波纹贝壳状通心粉(保罗的头发)” 什么时候从罗马回来的? -Last night. -Really?昨晚-真的?So,his plane didn't explode in a big ball of fire?难道,他的飞机没在空中炸成火球?Just a dream I had.只是我做过的一个梦But,phew!但, 呼!Hey,she's on.她出现了Nora Bing.诺拉宾Back to the book. What is this about you being arrested in London?等会儿再谈你的书吧听说你在伦敦被逮捕?Your mom was arrested?******I'm busy beaming with pride.安静,我正感到无比的骄傲This is kind of embarrassing...说来有点难为情…...but occasionally,after I've been intimate with a man... …在我不经意和一个男人亲热后Why would she say that's embarrassing?她怎会说难为情?...I just get this craving for kung pao chicken. …我非常想吃宫保鸡丁That's too much information.透露太多了!Needless to say,he got a huge tip.不必说,他当然有一个大家伙Oh,God,I Iove her! oh,上帝,我爱她!I think I' m having a stroke.我想我很有节奏感So how is your book tour going?现在你正为新书做宣传,情况如何?Oh,fine. I'm leaving for New York tomorrow,which I hate.还不错,明天我将前往纽约其实我不喜欢纽约But I get to see my son,who I love.我的儿子住那儿,我爱他This is the way that I find out. Most moms use the phone.这就是我了解这个的方式. 而大多数母亲只会透过电话这么说Don 't take this wrong,I just don 't see you as a mom.别会错意,只是我看不出你已为人母-I don 't mean that bad. -Oh,no. I'm a fabulous mom. -我绝对没有恶意-不,我是个很前卫的母亲I bought my son his first condoms.我儿子的第一个保险套,是我买给他的And then he burst into flames.********Let's see. Congress is debating a new deficit-reduction bill.国会正讨论新削减预算赤字法案The mayor wants to raise subway fares. The high today was 45.市长想再度提高地铁票价今天最高气温是45度And teams played sports.还有各球队正在比赛What about GIen?格伦如何?He could be a GIen.可以叫他格伦Not special enough.不,还不够特别How about Agamemnon?阿伽门农(荷马史诗英雄)怎么样?Way too special.太特别了I'm famished. What do I want?我饿死了,我想吃什么呢?PIease,God,don't Iet it be kung pao chicken.拜托,别又是宫保鸡丁You watched the show. What did you think?你看了那节目,感觉如何?I think you need to come out of your shell.我觉得你应该更放开一些…What is this dive?为何选在这种二流餐厅?Only you could've picked this place.只有你才会选这种地方Come on. Shut up. It's fun. Give me a hug.闭嘴,这样满不错的来,抱一个I heard about the divorce. Lesbian,huh?****************Well,you know what they say: Be careful what you wish for. 你知道他们总是说:“要小心你内心希望的.”-I think we' re ready for some tequila. -I know I am. -我想我们可以喝点龙舌酒了-我知道我可以-Who's doing shots? -Hit me. -谁要来一杯-我要There you go. Ross?这是你的,罗斯?I' m not really a shot-drinking kind of guy.我不喝酒Hi. Sorry we' re Iate.抱歉,我们迟到了We kind of just,you know, Iost track of time.我们有点忘了时间But a man can change.男人可以改变Anyone want me to appraise anything?有人要我评价任何事物吗?Well,I' m gonna go to tinker-town.我要去补锅镇Mrs. Bing,I've read everything you've written.宾太太,我拜读过你所有的大作When I read Euphoria at Midnight, I wanted to become a writer. 我读《浪漫夜》后,就一心想成为作家Oh,please. If I can do it,anybody can.别这么说,我能办到大家都能办到Start with half a dozen European cities...你只需先描述半打欧洲城市...throw in 30 euphemisms for male genitalia...***********...and you've got yourself a book.这样就能写成一本书了My mother,Iadies and gentlemen.各位,我母亲Yeah,any messages for room 226? 226房有留言吗?-You okay,slugger? -Oh,yeah. I' m fine.*************What is with you tonight?你今晚怎么了?Nothing. Nothing,nothing.没什么Okay,thank you.谢谢It's the Italian hand-Iicker,isn't it?是因为那个意大利舔手男?No. It's the one he's Iicking.不,是因为被他舔的人She's supposed to be with you.她应该和你在一起You' re good.你真行I have sold 1 00 million copies of my books,and you know why? 罗斯,我卖出上亿本的书知道为什么吗?The girl on the cover with her nipples showing?因为封面上的辣妹露两点?No,because I know how to write men that women fall in Iove with. 不,因为我知道该如何描写让女人陷入爱河的男人I cannot sell a Paolo.相信我,保罗没有卖点People will not turn 325 pages for a Paolo.没人有兴趣翻325页看保罗的Come on. The guy's a secondary character.他不过是个二等货He's just a complication you eventually kill off.不过是最后被你终结的纠葛When?什么时候?He's not a hero.他不是主角You know who our hero is?知道我们的最佳男主角是谁?The guy on the cover with his nipples showing?*******No,it's you.是你啊-PIease. -No,really. -不要这么说-不,我是说真的Come on. You' re smart. You' re ***y.你既聪明又性感-Right. -Yes,you are.真的-是呀The fact that you don't think you are makes you ***ier.事实是,你不认为自己比以前更性感了Come on,kiddo. You' re gonna be fine,believe me.你会走出阴霾的,相信我I'II just pee in the street.我到街上尿就好了Is Chandler here?钱德在吗Wait. Come here.等等.过来Okay,about Iast night... ok,关于昨天晚上...you know...你知道的... Chandler,you didn't tell....钱德,你没有告诉他吧We don't need to tell Chandler. It was just a kiss. No big deal,right? 因为我想不需告诉他只是个吻,没什么大不了的Right. No big deal.对,没什么大不了的In bizarro world.在疯狂世界中才叫没什么You broke the code.你违反规定-What code? -You don't kiss your friend's mom. -什么规定? -不能亲朋友母亲的规定Sisters are okay. Maybe a hot-Iooking aunt.姐妹还可以火辣的姑妈,或许也行But not a mom. Never a mom.母亲不行,绝对不行What are you guys doing out here?你们在外面干什么?Joey and I had discussed getting in an early morning racquetball game. 乔和我说过要早起去打回力球But apparently somebody overslept.*******Well,you don't have your racquet.对,你没带球?No. No,I don't because it's being restrung.不,我的拍子拿去换线了Somebody was supposed to bring me one.有人应该帮我准备一支拍子Well,you didn't call and Ieave your grip size.是吗?你没说握把的尺寸You guys are spending way too much time together.你们俩真会浪费时间I' m scum. I' m scum.************-How could you Iet this happen? -I don't know. -罗斯,你怎能让这种事发生? -我也不知道It's not Iike she's a regular mom.她不像是一般的妈妈She's ***y. She's....她很性感You don't think my mom's ***y?你认为我妈不性感?Well,not in the same way.不一样的性感I'II have you know,GIoria T ribbiani was a handsome woman in her day. 我妈当年也是美得吓吓叫You think it's easy giving birth to seven children?你认为生7个小孩是件容易的事?Okay,I think we're getting into a weird area here.我们愈谈愈离谱了What are you doing here?你们在这儿干什么?Not playing racquetball.不是打回力球-He forgot to Ieave his grip size. -He didn't get the goggles. -他忘了告诉我握把尺寸-他没带护目镜Sounds Iike you two have issues.你们似乎有点争执Goodbye,baby.再见,宝贝Do they wait for me to do this?他们在等我做这件事?-Are you gonna tell him? -Why would I tell him? -你到底要不要告诉他? -为何要告诉他?If you don't,his mother might.**********What are you guys doing here?你们在这儿干什么?He's not even wearing a jock strap.他没穿护裆What did I ask?我刚问什么?What are you doing here?你在这儿干什么?Nothing. I just thought I'd stop by,you know,after...没事,我只是顺路… 我被那个,你知道的,就是那个...that I,you know.那个,我,你知道的So,what are you doing here?你来这儿干什么?I' m not really here.我不是专程来此I just thought I'd drop these off on the way. My way.只是顺路拿这些过来Do you come here a Iot...你常自己来?...without me?一个人来?No,no,no.没有Do you think he's doing any better than he was this morning? 你认为他早上好点没?How would I know? I wasn't here.我怎会知道?我又没来Really? Not even to change his pajamas?真的?也没替他换睡衣?Oh,my God.我的天You're my friend. I had to tell you.你是我朋友,我得告诉你I can't believe it.我简直不敢相信Paolo kissed my mom?保罗亲了我妈?I don't know if you noticed, but he drank a Iot.对,我不知道你是否注意到他喝了很多酒I mean,you know how he gets他酒醉的模样你也见识过I can't do this. I did it.我办不到…是我It was me. I' m sorry. I kissed your mom.*********What?什么?I was upset about Rachel and I had too much tequila,and Nora...瑞秋和保罗的事令我很沮丧我想我是喝太多龙舌酒,诺拉... Mrs. Mom,your Bing,was...诺拉,妈妈太太,宾... being nice. But nothing happened.你的宾对我很体贴但没发生什么事Nothing. Ask Joey.什么都没有,可以问乔伊-Joey came in -You knew about this? -乔依刚好走进来-你知道这件事?You know,knowledge is a tricky thing.知识是很狡猾的Why didn't you tell me?你为何没告诉我?You're Iucky I caught them,or else who knows what would've happened? 他们被我逮到算你幸运不然后果可不堪设想Thanks,man. Big help.谢了,老兄,大忙一个What the hell were you thinking?你到底在想什么?I wasn't. I don't know. I我没有…我不知道No one knows the crap I go through with my mom more than you.我和我妈之间的鸟事朋友中属你最清楚了-I know. -I can't believe you did this. -我知道-我无法相信你会做这种事-Me neither. -I' m mad at you too. -我也无法相信-我也对你很生气-Why are you mad at me? -Let me slam the door. -为什么生我的气? -让我用力关门吧I didn't kiss her. See what happens when you break the code?钱德,我没亲她, 违反规定就是这种下场"A Woman Undone, by Rachel IKaren Greene. " “丢脸的女人”瑞秋凯伦格林I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm on the first chapter.对,我想尝试一下,我仍在写第一章Do you think his "Iove stick" can be "Iiberated from its denim prison"? 你认为他“粗棉布监牢”中的“爱棒”能获得解放吗? Yeah,I'd say so.我想可以吧And there's no "J " in "engorged. "我也这么认为,另外你拼错词了-You going to the hospital tonight? -No. You? -你今晚要去医院吗? -没有,你呢?No. You?没有,你呢?You just asked me.你刚问过了Maybe it was a trick question.好吧,或许这是个圈套Rachel,can we do this now?瑞秋,我们现在能开始了吗?I am so hot.我好兴奋Here's my mom and dad on their wedding day.这是我爸妈在婚礼时照的Now,you tell me she's not a knockout.你告诉我,她不是旷世美人-I can't believe this conversation. -Just try to picture her not pregnant. - 没想到我们会谈论这个-就试着想像她没挺着大肚子Central Perk is proud to present Miss Phoebe Buffay.*******************Thanks.谢谢I'd Iike to start with a song about a man I recently met...这首歌是有关个我刚认识的男生...who's come to be very important to me.他已成为我生命中重要的男人You don 't have to be awake To be my man你无须醒来当我的男人Long as you have brain waves I'll be there to hold your hand只要你一息尚存我就会在一旁守候Though we just met the other day虽然我们相遇不久There 's something I have got to say我想说…Thank you very much. I' m gonna take a short break. 谢谢各位,我得休息一下That was Phoebe Buffay,everybody.我们感谢菲比小姐-What the hell was that? -Phoebe just started -她在搞什么东西? -菲比刚…I was talking to Joey. AII right,there,mother-kisser? **************" Mother-kisser. "亲妈妈的人I'II shut up.我闭嘴I know you' re still mad at me...我知道你仍在生我的气... but there were two people there that night.我只想说那一夜有两个人-There were two sets of Iips. -I expect this from her. - 两双嘴唇-是哦,我希望她亲口告诉我She's always been a Freudian nightmare.她一直都是个佛洛依德梦魇Then why don't you say something?你为何不找她谈谈?Because it's complicated. It's complex.因为太复杂了,这是个情结You kissed my mom.你亲了我妈We' re rehearsing a Greek play.我们正在排练希腊剧That's funny. Are we done now?真幽默,排练完没?You mean you' re not gonna tell her how you feel? 还没,你不找她谈? 不说出你的感受?Just because you played tonsil tennis with my mom... 别因为你亲过她...doesn't mean you know her. You can't talk to her. 就自以为了解她相信我,不能找她谈Okay. "You can't"? Or you can't?到底是能还是不能?Okay,that's my finger.我的手指Okay,that's my knee.我的膝盖Still doing the play.还在排练What did you do with him?你对他怎么了?-You're awake. -Look at you. -你醒了-你瞧你How do you feel?感觉如何?A Iittle woozy,but basically okay.头有点晕,基本上还行Gosh,you Iook good.你的气色好极了I feel good.我感觉好极了Who are you?你们是谁?-Sorry. -I'm Phoebe. -对不起-我叫菲比I' m Monica. I've been caring for you.我叫摩妮卡我一直在照顾你We both have.我们一直在照顾你-The Etch A Sketch is from you? -Actually,me. -蚀刻艺术是你们送的? -其实只有我一个-I got you the foot massager. -I shaved you. -我替你做脚底按摩-知道是谁帮你刮胡子的吗?是我-I read to you. -I sang. -我念书给你听-我唱歌给你听Well,thanks.谢了-Oh,my pleasure. -You' re welcome. -我的荣幸-没关系So I guess I'II see you around.我想那就再见了What? That's it?什么?就这样?"See you around "再见?-What do you want me to say? -I don't know. -不然要我说什么? -我不知道Maybe...或许... "That was nice. "该说你们真好" It meant something to me. "向我表白吧" I'II call you. "我会打电话给你们的-Okay. I'II call you. -I don't think you mean that. -好吧,我会打的-一点诚意都没有This is so typical.男生都这样You know,we give and we give...我们付出,付出...and we give.不断的付出And we just get nothing back.却得不到任何回报And then one day,you wake up, and it's,"See you around. "有一天他醒来却只说再见Let's go,Phoebe.走吧菲比You know what? We thought you were different.知道吗?我们以为你与众不同But I guess it was just the coma.我想这只是昏迷的缘故The car's waiting. I just wanted to drop off my book for your friends.楼下的车已发动我只想拿几本我的书给你朋友Autographed. And give you a goodbye kiss.有我的亲笔签名.来一个吻别Here's the kiss, here's the goodbye....这是一个吻这是告别…-Anything you want from Lisbon? -Just knowing you' re there is enough. - 需要我在里斯本帮你买什么吗? -不需要,知道你要去就够了AII right. Well,be good. I Iove you.好吧,要乖哦,我爱你You kissed my best Ross.你亲了我最好的罗斯Or something to that effect.好像说错了,反正差不多Look,it was stupid.好吧,我做了蠢事-Really stupid. -Really stupid. -愚蠢至极-愚蠢至极I don't even know how it happened.我也不知道是怎么发生的I' m sorry,honey. I promise it will never happen again.抱歉,孩子,我保证不会再发生这种事Really,really stupid.真的愚蠢至极Really,really stupid.真的,真的愚蠢之极-Are we okay now? -Yeah. -你感觉好点吗? -是的No.不The forbidden Iove of a man and his door.男人与门之间禁忌的爱He told her off. And not just about the kiss.他说了,不只是亲吻的事一切都说出来了You're kidding?你在开玩笑?He said,"When are you gonna start being a mom? "他说你何时才能成熟开始当个妈?Then she said:等等,她回答说"The question is,when are you gonna realize I have a bomb? " 你何时才能长大了解我是个性感女郎?Are you sure she didn't say:等等,你确定她不是说"When are you gonna grow up and realize I am your mom? " ***************-That makes more sense. -You think? -这样比较合理-你也这样认为?What's going on now?现在情况怎么样?I don't know. I've been standing here spelling it out for you. 我不知道.我一直在这儿说给你听I don't hear anything. Wait.我什么都听不到,等等…What do you see?你看见什么?It's hard to tell. They're tiny and upside down.很难说,他们好小而且上下颠倒Wait,wait,wait.等等,等等They're walking away. They're walking away.他们走过来,他们走过去No,they' re not. They' re coming right at us. Run!不,不是.他们走过来了,快逃-Are you okay,kiddo? -Yeah,I' m okay.你还好吧,孩子? -还好AII right. You be good.希望都好Drive safe.小心开车-Mrs. Bing. -Mr. Geller.你好,宾太太-你好,盖勒You mean that?你当真?Yeah,why not?对,有何不可?So I told her.我告诉她了-How did it go? -Awful. Awful. -情况怎么样? -简直是可笑到了极点Couldn't have gone worse.没有比这更糟糕的啦-Well,how do you feel? -Pretty good. -感觉怎样-不错I told her.我告诉她了Well,see?瞧,看到没有?So maybe it wasn't such a bad idea, me kissing your mom,huh? *************But we don't have to go down that road.我们不必继续往下说了吧This is just the first chapter...这只是第一章...and I want your absolute honest opinion. Okay?我要大家坦白的意见And on page two,he's not reaching for her " heaving beasts. " 在第二页中他的手没伸向她那灰尖挺的双峰She could have heaving beasts.她本来可以有尖挺的双峰Right,but in this case she doesn't.好吧,在这里她没有What's a " niffle"?什么是“如头”?You can usually find them on the heaving beasts.通常在双峰上可以找到Okay,so I' m not a great typist.好吧…算我不会打字Did you get to the part about his "huge,throbbing pens"?看到这里没有“他那巨大,颤动的笔”You don't wanna be around when he starts writing with those. 他用那支笔时你不会想在场的That's it. Give them back.够了,还我…Wait,I just got to the part about her "public hair. "等等,我才刚刚看到她的“公共头发”。

Less than 20% are comfortablewith a president and a vice president being related in any way. Less than 10% approve of someone who's never held elected office. But if we can move the needle...Forty points?It's how we frame it.Her favorables are decent. They're better than mine.In a void, but when it comes to her time as the UN ambassador, they fall off a cliff.Performance and experience are big factors.Then we have to amplify her strengths, not her weaknesses.We're looking for a VP who's an asset.This research proves she isn't.Your job is not to dissuade me, but to figure out how we sell it. Sir, there are so many people to choose from.If the goal is to win,- and we're bending over backwards-- -Seth.The president asked us to develop a plan,so that's what we'll do.I'll meet you in my office.- You know he's right. - Well, of course he's right.Maybe we offer something else.She won't listen.What about LeAnn?Yes, I was thinking that, too.Question is how to co-opt her.She likes paychecks.No, it's gotta be more than money. She wants coattails.We swap Claire's for mine.- Campaign manager? - We could use some fresh blood. That I agree with, but LeAnn?I mean, there's no guarantee that we can control her. Yeah, but if she can convince Claire to change her mind, that's all I need.Yes.They're ready for you in the Situation Room, sir.I'll be right there.You could work with her if you had to.I don't have to like her to work with her.- Good, make the call. - You still want Seth on the plan? Yes, until LeAnn's on board. Do I have to worry about him? We dug pretty deep. Nothing in his emails or phone records. He's smart enough to cover his tracks.I'll talk to him.- What do you think of this painting? - I'm not sure. Walker and I sat here one night, stared up at a painting,the blue one that's in the Oval now.They replaced it with this.That's not the American flag.No, it's the rebel flag...sinking into oblivion.Is that a lightning bolt?Oh, I assume...Unless it's just a bad attempt at making the ship a unicorn.Do you see that?Colors are nice.I hate it.I guess I hate it, too.I suppose it's not a good idea to havethe Confederate flag hanging here in the White Houseafter everything that's happened in South Carolina.Even if it is sinking.What do you think we should put up?I don't know. Something you like better.Do you have that marker I sign things with?Put your hand up on the wall.- Sir? - Put it on the wall.Spread your fingers a little bit.Wait. Okay.Yeah... That's enough fun for today. -Doug, I don't know how to do what he's asking me to do.- There is not some magical-- - The leaks.- Was it you? - Are you serious?Very.I handed over all of my correspondence, just like everyone else. Doesn't prove anything.I'm trying to save this campaign.If I wanted to sabotage it, I'd let the president do it himself,instead of fighting back on this VP thing.Or that's just a cover.I've been in the trenches for the past yearwhile you've been gone, and now you doubt me?I don't need this.You got this job by digging up dirt.If you can't trust me by now,I don't know what I'm doing here.Are you saying you wanna resign?That is the last thing that I want,but you're not giving me any incentive to stay.All right. Fuck it.Seth, I'm choosing to believe you right now,but if I come to regret that decision--You won't, because it's not me.I still think it could be Meechum.It wasn't.- You're sure? - I'm positive.And so is the president.May I go?Or did you want to discuss the plan for the First Lady?I have some calls to make. I'll come to your office after. Get me LeAnn Harvey.Milkin will be staying with this man, Anton Khalski. He owned the second-largest bank in Russiauntil Petrov seized it in 2013.Khalski fled across the border to Estonia.We'll have Milkin's plane fly to Tallinn,then he'll travel by boat to Khalski's summer house on Saaremaa. Tomorrow we'll unfreeze Milkin's American assetsand transfer them to Khalski's Swiss accounts.Khalski will reach out to his Russian military friendsand then start buying them off.Are the FSB monitoring Khalski?Closely. They'll know we're behind this.- When Moscow confronts us? - We'll deny, of course.Are we prepared if Petrov overreacts?The Sixth Fleet has a presence near the Bosphorus,we have patrols in the North Sea.- Draft the order. - Sir, if I may?- Yeah, we've discussed this, Cathy. - Yes, sir.I feel obligatedto raise my very strong objections. The diplomatic cost to us--If diplomacy were working,we wouldn't have to consider this course of action, would we? - I've voiced my concerns. - Thank you, everyone.You're not going to surprise meby putting the president on, are you?No, it's just us. He filled me in, though,- on the First Lady's request. - And?We wanna make you campaign manager.Look at your email.- What is this? - Our research.It all boils down to the same thing.You ran a few polls, so what?- Focus groups, too. - Meaningless.Not these numbers.Claire can't be on the ticket. You know she can't.This isn't something you can isolate on its own.If gas prices hit $6 a gallon, you're fucked.- You lose every key demo. - We're well aware.But if the president makes Claire his running mate,it makes the conversation tactical instead of economic.That buys you time on the Russia crisis.You solve that, confidence in the presidenttranslates into confidence in his choice--I didn't call you to be convinced.I called to offer you a job.- Only to get to Mrs. Underwood. -This isn't just about her. We need you. You'll turn this campaign around.I'm surprised, Doug. I didn't think you were very fond of me. I'm fond of talent. So is the president.My loyalty is to the First Lady.All I'm asking is that you talk to her.I'll tell you what. I'll show Claire your researchif you show the president mine.I can agree to that.I shouldn't even be talking to you, Heather.I'm seriously concerned that there's been an abuse of power. Madam Attorney General? Mr. Stamper, um, is ready to see you now. I'll be right there.I gotta go.The agent in charge of the operationgot a promotion directly after.- Listen-- - Martha, if the president,or one of his staff... If anyone strong-armed the bureauinto pursuing Lucas Goodwin,then you know that's an abuse of power.I work for the president.I am about to sit down with his Chief of Staff.- The law is the law. - This is politics, not the law.Not true. You brought me onas solicitor general because of my integrity.I am bringing this to you because of yours.Madam Attorney General.I really need to go.If a sliver of Goodwin's story holds up...How did you even find this?Did your oppo team speak to someone in WITSEC?Because if that's the case, then that sort of breach is not--- I spoke to him myself, personally. - You what?He came to me. He tracked me down.I'm not touching this, Heather.Doug, sorry about that.- No-- - I was just on with the Chief Justice.- Don't be silly, come on in. - Thank you.- This way. - Thanks so much.I don't know. She didn't do that well as ambassador.She wasn't experienced enough.Hold on, she was an ambassador?- At the United Nations. - Chris, don't you watch the news?How many of you feel the same?Any other reasons, besides lack of experience?Well, she was really impulsive when she had that outburst in Moscow. Well, she never should've been there in the first place.I mean, the Senate voted her down,and then her husband just appoints her?That's not right.Okay, see, I like her as a person, but I agree,she should stick to being First Lady.So, he's hoping you'll convince me to let it go.Look, I'd make a killing compared to what you've paid me,but you and I talked about making a real mark.My father really liked Francis.But as my daddy, he said to me, the day before we got married, "You have one life, Claire.Are you sure this is the man you wanna spend it with?"What did you say?I said I didn't want to live my life full of doubts.Well, I think Francis wants me to doubt myself.- What was that? - My mother... killing a lizard.- I'll get the door for you, ma'am. - I can open the door myself. Watch your step. There's blood on the floor.I want you to take this to the president, in person.- Try to get on a plane tonight if you can. - Of course.This one's for you.- It's warm. - At least it's free.I may need to cash in my insurance.What's going on?Tell me what my position would be if she wins the nomination. Is it the attorney general?- The what? - Never mind.For running mate?It's way too early for running mates. He hasn't even won.- Are we talking about the same thing? - You go first.It doesn't work that way.Well, you're the one looking for a job.You can either involve me,or you can start readingheadlines about Dunbar pushing a marriage story.That would blow you up.Doug's already suspicious. I've got nothing to lose.So which is it?Lucas Goodwin.He was an editor... at The Herald, the one who--- We spoke to him. - Isn't he in prison?Not anymore.He's scheduled to depart at 0930 hours.That'll put him in Tallinn shortly before dawn.Our station chief is standing by with the escort to Saaremaa. This is the executive order.- Sir-- - Cathy, I've made my decision.- Hourly updates once he lands. - Yes, sir.Thank you all very much.Tell Doug I'm ready.Please, have a seat, LeAnn.I'm delighted you've agreed to come on board.It's my understanding there is a condition attached.Well, yes.And she understands that condition? You've spoken with her? Oh, my apologies, sir. I wasn't clear.I meant our condition, not yours.On Super Tuesday.It's a long trip to deliver this in person.Well, it's not the sort of thingyou'd want to end up in the wrong hands.Are you staying here in Washington?No, I'm going straight back.Is there anything you'd like me to tell the First Lady?Tell her she'll have her answer by this evening.Thank you, Mr. President.Have a safe trip back, Ms. Harvey.I'll show myself out.For quite some time, the president and I have been growing apart. Have Meechum step in here.We've attempted to save our marriage,but after great effort, I've come to the conclusionthat it can't be saved.It is with great regret that I announce todayI'm filing for divorce.- We have to stop her. - Before she gets to the airport?No, I mean Claire.You asked for me, sir?Come in.Both the cell and the landline--We're on lockdown, ma'am. We had to scramble all the-- Lockdown? What are you talking about?I'm gonna need you to stay in the house.- What-- - I'm sorry, ma'am.You can't force me to stay in here.There is a current, highly credible threat to your life--I need to speak to your supervising--I am the head of your detail here in Dallas, ma'am,and I've been ordered to keep you securely in this house.Go Underwood!- Listen. - Blunderwood! Blunderwood!Do you know what they're chanting? "Blunderwood."And if I were their English professor,why, I would give them all an "A" for cleverness......but a "D" for accuracy.But that's part of being president.You make enemies,and you can hear some of mine just outside, right now.So, I am grateful to each and every one of youfor coming out and showing your support today.It's because of you we will win this nomination,and that's why I came to your college today.Now, of course, I knewthat there would be protesters here today...and I could've chosen not to come,or I could choose to avoid them as I leave,but I'm not going to do that,because those students out there, your fellow classmates,I'm their president, too.And whether they vote for me or not, I have to lead them as well. So, it's important to hear them, to talk to them,to listen to their ideas,because, just as you're learning in college,a diversity of ideas makes us all wiser,and that holds true even for your president.True leadershipis not running away from those who disagree with you,but embracing them,and that is exactly what I intend to do when I'm done today.I'm gonna go out and embrace that entire crowd.Shouldn't we be taking a military plane?That would draw attention.Relax.Everything's been worked out. You're in good hands.Here, get some sleep.It's gonna be a long trip tonight.Blunderwood! Blunderwood!- Any news? - Everything's secure, sir.We love you, Underwood!Thank you all for coming out,even those of you who don't entirely support me.- Way to go, Mr. President! - Thank you.I wanna try to hear what it is that you disagree with me about.I understand not everyone's for me.- No more wars! - Go back to Gaffney!Hello, how are you? Thank you for coming out.Hello, thank you for coming out.- You're doing a great job! - We know what you are!Hello.All right, I'm here to try to listen to you,but probably one at a time is gonna be a little better.Okay, maybe we could have a conversation, more one-on-one. It's difficult to hear you.I understand what you don't believe in, but what are you for? That would be a good question. All right, how about you?You've been yelling at me for a little while.What do you think I should be doing differently?- You should resign. - Well, now,I'm not asking for your vote,but what would you do if you were president?You're ruining our country!I came out here to try to listen to what you wanna say,but if all you're gonna do is scream--Gun!- Let's go! - Get him out of here.- Move! Move! - Go, go, go!There has been an attempted assassination of the president. President Frank Underwood has been shot.It occurred about ten minutes ago during a campaign eventat Hammond University in Washington, D.C.We do not yet know how severely the president has been wounded. He is en route to Jefferson Memorial Hospital.We don't know how serious his condition may be.Footage of the assassination attempt is still making its way to us, and we expect to have that shortly.Witnesses are reportingthat there was a quick succession of gunshots,four or five,a lone gunman whose identity we are still trying to determine.We've been told the gunman was killed,as well as at least one Secret Service agent,but we don't have definitive confirmation of that yet.We don't yet know who the gunman may be or who the agent is. - What's happened? - The president's been shot.I'm hearing now that the presidentreceived at least one gunshot to the abdomen, possibly more, that he clutched his stomach,that he fell instantly to the ground,and there were screams, people panicking,that it has been very chaotic at that scene.We have very little information at this time,other than shots were fired, the president wounded.But as I say, he is alive.We've gotten no officialstatement from the White House as of yet,either the president's precise conditionor the whereabouts of Vice President Blythe.He is believed to be at the White House. We cannot confirm that, nor do we know if he will take over as acting president, assuming the duties of the presidency under the termsof the 25th Amendment to the Constitution.That would seem likely, however,if the president's wounds are as seriousas we believe them to be.This is a difficult moment for the country.It is not the first time that a president has been shotin my lifetime or in many of yours.But even for those of us who have experienced this before,it is no less of a shock, it is no less terrifying.It is the moment when our nation's resilience,when our collective strength,the moment when all of that is tested the most.And we can only imaginehow difficult it must be for the First Lady.- Francis-- - Michael told me.I have to go back to Washington.Well, what are you waiting for?Do you expect me to console you?No, I just...- Goodbye, Mother. - Claire.I hope he dies.Claire, I can't imagine how difficult this must be.Is there anything I can do?I appreciate the call, Mr. Vice President,but I'm sure you've got a lot to take care of right now.Is there anything I can do to help you?I'll be making a brief appearance once we have a better sense of... where things stand.Would you like me to be there?I think it would be good, the country seeing the First Lady.I think it's more important that they see your steady hand.If you're by my side, it would certainly make it steadier.Of course. Anything you ask.I'm gonna be praying for you. For both of you.Thank you, Don.Okay.This way, sir.Thank you, sir.The acting president needsto be briefed on a highly classified matter.Everyone without military clearance, we'll need the room.It was in fact two shots.One that grazed the torso just beneath the right armand the second which entered the abdomen,possibly into his liver.Obviously, it was that shot that did the greatest damage.The president is currently reported to be in critical condition. The Secret Service agentthat was killed protecting the president was Edward Meechum. He is the head of the president's detail,and we can confirm that now.After being shot and before he died,he killed the assailant whose identity is still unknown.We're waiting now on a press conference from the White House from Press Secretary Seth Grayson,and we expect to have that beginning in just a few moments. We confirm nothing unless you run it past me twice first,- I don't want-- - Mr. Grayson...I'm on my way. We don't want any rumors, only facts.There's a student who's claiming it was the Secret Service- who fired the first shot. - What did I just say?- Do not waste my time with that bullshit. - Sir,the press is waiting.All right, I'm... I'm coming. Uh, where's my...At 12:38 this afternoon, Vice President Donald Blythewas authorized as acting president by the cabinet.He is currently meeting with them.Approximately 20 minutes ago, the First Lady landed at Andrews. She is expected to arrive at the hospital shortly.- Mrs. Underwood. - How is he?They're still in the OR. Probably a few hours left to go.Is he going to live?He took a direct hit to his liver, which is partially shattered. Fortunately, part of the left lobe is mostly intact.Now, we think there's a decent chance he will survive surgery, but even if he does, that's when the real fight begins.I'd like to see him.As soon as he's out, I'll make sure you know.Okay, thank you.I'd recommend we call off this operation,we turn the plane around now.I disagree. It's well planned.The president already signed off.The president might die.- Madam Secretary... - We'll have no talk like that, Cathy.My apologies, sir.What I am trying to say is thatit is too risky to antagonize--The point was to scare them, not--To do anything of this naturewhile the commander in chief is incapacitated,- the Russians will take advantage-- - We're at high alert. We're prepared for all eventualities.We don't want the military to be the fail-safe here.Mr. Vice... Mr. President...I believe it is our duty to carry out the ordersthat the president signed.- The circumstances have changed. - The plan is sound. So, what would you like to do, sir,continue the mission or abort?Uh, I... I wanna think on it.He's scheduled to land in two hours.I just want...I've gotta think. Let's take a break.I, uh, I need to process all this.Sir?The president weighed everything--Cathy brought up some good points.She's been against this from the very beginning,but the president clearly--Just give me some time, Doug, please?I've got too many people barking in my ear.The president is out of surgery,and he is in stable but critical condition.Excuse me! Excuse me! We are going to keep this orderly. Dr. Saxon will finish his statement,and then we'll answer your questions. Thank you.The surgery lasted six hours, 28 minutes.Three quarters of his liver was removed.A liver, even one quarter of a liver,has the ability to regenerate within six to eight weeks.We will be conducting blood tests every hour.Enzymes, ammonia levels, PT times,I believe these are all explained in the handout....the medical report, live from the White House,which we will return to shortly.But we have breaking news we're following.The would-be assassin was previously reportedas John Carlyle from Dayton, Ohio,but sources in the Department of Justice now saythis was actually an alias for Lucas Goodwin,a former editor at The Washington Heraldwho was convicted of cyberterrorism nearly two years ago. Now, if we freeze this cell phone footage of the shootingand we compare the shooter's face to this picture of Goodwin... well, the comparison is strikingand would seem to confirmwhat we're hearing from our sources in the DOJ, who say Goodwin was recently releasedand is in a witness protection program.It's so strange to think that I--It was, what? Just two hours before? Less than. How did he react?He was cold, I guess. I couldn't really read him. He looks so weak.Should I come back to Washington?Let's see how the next couple of days go. Well, just say the word, I'm on a plane.All right, thank you, LeAnn. Good night. Good night.Francis, can you hear me?Francis.I just spoke to Eddie's parents, ma'am.You said you wanted to call them?Yes, thank you.Edward was more than a hero, Mrs. Meechum. He was our friend.I'm so sorry for your loss.Please, let me know if there's anythingI can do for you and your family.You can call me anytime.Yes, ma'am, that is my private number.And again, I'm so sorry.- Lucas Goodwin? - We didn't know he was out.How can that happen? He's released and you didn't know--Ma'am... as far as threats go,we've been far more occupied with you lately.I'm hoping that we can work together, because I need your help. - How? - The vice president.We spoke. I told him I would appear with him.Not the statement.He's having trouble making a decision.Can you come back to the White House with me?It's serious, ma'am.I can fill you in on the way.I'll grab my things.I can't let you go any farther, sir.I'm his Chief of Staff.I'm sorry, sir.Only doctors and the First Lady for now.Claire.Hello.How are you?- Exhausted. - I'm sure.You must be, too.There's so much I don't know. It's... overwhelming.Sir, I briefed the First Lady on the Milkin operation.I thought she might have some insight,given her experience working directly with Russia.I know you've had a lot of people weigh in already.I value your input, Claire. I'm glad you're here.- Douglas, will you give us a minute? - Of course.I'll be with the cabinet, sir.You know that thing that people say,"God never gives you more than you can handle"?Yes.My Marjory, God bless her,she said that was pure bullshit.Oh, listen to me complainingwhile your husband is fighting for his life.Oh, it's okay. Actually, I need the distraction.Let's talk Russia.I'm torn. Uh, we have this plane circling over the North Sea...- and I don't know what to do. - Well, what does your gut tell you? I've never been a gut sort of guy.I mean, if I had a gun to my head...- Sorry, that was a poor choice of words. - It's fine. Go on.I understand what the president hoped to achieve,but the thought of provoking Russia...And I'm just beginning to immerse myself in all the complexities. What would Frank do, if he were in my shoes right now?If he were here, he'd tell youthat's the last thing you should think about,because he's not here, you are.What would you do?Proceed with the mission or bring him back?I don't like either.Those are my options.Well, if there's one thing I've learned, 28 years with Francis, and he said it time and time again,"If you don't like the way the table is set..."- "Then turn over the table." - That's right.He's said it to me, more than once.Then that's what you should do, Donald.- But how? - Well, let's figure it out.Weren't we supposed to have landed already?We're in a holding pattern.Why? Is something wrong?All I know is we're in a holding pattern.Doug.This plane's gonna run out of fuel soon.We're gonna have to put it down somewhere.I'll be making a statement shortly. Let's notify the press corps. - About the operation? - No, to reassure the American people. - Shall I meet you in there? - Ten minutes.The cabinet?- Still waiting on your decision, sir. - Good.Let's go.I want you to land the plane in China.China, sir?There's no bailout without Chinese money.We give them Milkin, they have more leverage. Sir, that gives away our leverage.I'm not for regime change, but that just...It's the last thing that Petrov is expecting.They'll demand drilling access in eastern Siberia. And when they do, we become the lesser of two evils. Sir, at no time did the presidentintend on bringing China into the mix...Get the plane on Chinese soil.And turn over Milkin's assets. That's my decision.- I asked for your help. - And that's what I gave. No, China wasn't part of the president's plan.It's part of the acting president's plan.- You ready? - Yes, whenever you are.- Seth? - Yes, sir.Ladies and gentlemen, the acting president. Please, sit.This is a difficult day for all Americans, particularly for Mrs. Underwood,who is gracious enough to be here,to lend me strength while I address an anxious nation. Mr. President!。

House of Cards Season 1 (2013)
剧情简介· · · · · ·
经过数轮激烈角逐,新一届美国总统加勒特·沃克(迈克·吉尔Michael Gill 饰)诞生,自称水管工的众议院多数党党鞭弗兰西斯·安德伍德(凯文·史派西Kevin Spacey 饰)在其背后功不可没。
利用新总统拟推的综合教育改革法,弗兰西斯操纵《华盛顿先驱报》女记者佐伊·巴恩斯(凯特·玛拉Kate Mara 饰)大做文章。
本片根据Michael Dobbs的同名政治小说改编。

Hey. Excuse me.I'm Paul Capra. I'm here to see Christina.Oh, right this way, Mr. Capra. She's expecting you. - Paul. Hi. - Hey, Christina.- It's good to see you. - Yeah, you too.Can I get you anything?Nah. I grabbed some breakfast on the way down.- Okay. Have a seat. - All right. Thank you.I asked you down herebecause I spoke to D triple Cand the D.N.C.We'd like you to run for Peter's seat.As you probably know,the election's been set for the first week of February. You want me to run?With your stature in the community,your grass roots organizing experience... Christina, hold on.I know it's a lot to consider.It's only been a month.Well, we still have to govern, Paul.I thought you asked me down herebecause you wanted to talk or something.I do. About the election.I mean about Peter.How come you didn't go to the funeral?I couldn't.How you been holding up?I'm all right. It's been hard keeping the office on track. Jesus. Screw the office.What about you?You're allowed to grieve, Christina.Paul...there are 600,000 people counting on us.I can't let my feelings get in the way of that.Will you hear me out about running for Peter's seat? Well, you've passed the vetting process with flying colors. - Is there anything we might have missed? - No, sir.Tell me about yourexperience as the chair of the oversight reform committee. It's been very rewarding.What are the biggest challenges you've had to face? Partisanship.Partisanship.Well, I suppose a room filled with 435 big egosisn't the most hospitable place for oversight.Do you want to be Vice President, Tabitha?It would be a great honor, sir.We'll be in touch.That's all?- For the time being. - Thank you, Mr. President.We have to cross her off.I agree. She could put a crack addict to sleep.Then what is she doing on the goddamn list?Tabitha's a very gifted legislator.I don't want people who make sense on paper.I need at least one viable option.The two of you created this list andhave proceeded to cross off every name you've put on it.It's just a first pass, sir.We need time to fully vet all...Jim is gonna win this thing in Pennsylvania,and we're no closer to naming his replacementthan we were a month ago.Let us take another crack at itand give you a few more names to consider.I just want one name.We'll have something for you by tomorrow morning.Thank you, Mr. President.He's ready to say yes to anything.Yeah, for this to work, I don't think you can be there.- Not when I first mention it. - I agree.You bring it up in your morning brief,and when I show up, I'll act surprised.Assuming he's open to the idea...Look, all we have to do tomorrow is plant the notion in his head. I'm sure you'll be persuasive.- Hello? - Mr. Capra?Yeah. Who's this?Janine Skorsky from Slugline.We spoke when I wrote the piece about Congressman Russo's passing. I'm done giving interviews about Peter, okay?He was a troubled guy. End of story.This is not about his death.I'm calling you becausemy sources at the D Triple C are telling methat you might be running for his seat.I'm not talking about that.But you did have a meetingthis morning with Christina Gallagher, correct?I'm driving right now. I really shouldn't be on the phone.If you do run, I would like to knowabout your involvement in the closing ofthe Philadelphia shipyard.That decision was made in Washington.The association wasn't consulted.Forgive me. I find that hard to believe.I read all of the transcripts from the BRAC Commission. Congressman Russo didn't give any testimony.So are you saying thathe didn't consult with you once before you...Somebody was strong-arming him, okay? It was politics.Do you know who would've pressured him?Look, I don't know. He just said people up the food chain.Did he say anything more specific about...You know what? There's traffic. I gotta go.Mr. Capra, I would...Should I be prepared to do press?If he's amenable.What do you think our chances are?Better than 50-50, if I had to say.We won't announce until after Matthews wins, though.I hate to admit it, but I'm nervous.So am I.It's just the last time, we found ourselves...That's my fear too.All right. You call me, either way.In no more than nine hours.Linda's been in there far too long.If the President takes this much convincing,it doesn't bode well. I can feel it...his hesitation on the other side of that door.I know it's pointless to worryuntil I know what cards I'm holding.Perhaps he just got interrupted by some...He wants to tap Raymond Tusk.- What? - He thinks it's a bold idea.It's an idiotic idea. The man's never held public office.That's one of the things the President said he likes about him. The President wants to nominatea multibillionaire in a struggling economy?He'll alienate half the country.Which is exactly what I said,but he made it very clearhe does not want me to fight him on this.- So you didn't mention me at all? - I never had the chance. His mind was made up before I could say a word.Well, we have to unmake it.Well, you can try, but if you do,my guess is he's gonna cut you out of the process altogether. He seemed adamant.We should go in there.- Mr. President. - Morning, Frank.Will you give us a few minutes, Linda?Of course.Linda fill you in?I think Raymond Tuskis an exciting, bold idea.Well, I'm glad you agree. Linda didn't think so.He's a proven businessman. Brilliant, but down-to-earth. Do you know him personally?I met him briefly once at a fund-raiser.Last night when I called himwas the first time we had a meaningful conversation.Did he seem open to the idea?I sensed a good deal of reluctance.He wanted a few days to consider.Well, good. That gives us time to start vetting him.He's clean. I had him vetted last yearwhen I was considering him for Secretary of the Treasury. And did he say why he's reluctant?No. Didn't give a reason. Just wanted to mull it over.I want to send someone to St. Louis to speak to him in person, convince him to accept the nomination.And who are you thinking about?I'd send Linda, but there's so much work for her to do here, and, well, she can be abrasive at times.Yeah, she can be a bit tough.I want someone with gravitas.Birch is a possibility,but he's not always been our strongest ally.I'm not sure I would trust Bob with something like this.I would be happy to go myself, sir.I can use a light touch and give him the respect he deserves. Good. I'll let his people know you're coming.- Thank you, Mr. President. - Thank you, Frank.Tell me, Francis.It's good we were prepared for anything.I have to fly to St. Louis tonight."Somebody was strong-arming him."and when I asked him who, he said, quote,- "People up the food chain." - It's Washington.Congressmen get strong-armed all the time.My gut says it was Frank Underwood.He had nothing to do with Russo before the shipyard closing, and then suddenly he's propping him up?That doesn't mean he was...Let's cut the bullshit once and for all, Zoe.I know he's been feeding you your stories.I don't want to screw you over,but I'm not gonna stop digging on this.I won't say he was a source.But you do know each other.Show me your notes, and I'll talk to him.These are the notes from the Capra call.And these are the transcripts from the BRAC hearing. When they got to the Philadelphia shipyard,Russo doesn't say anything.That's fine.Yeah, I would just put both of them in that file.Claire, I just got a call from the P.R. office at Sancorp saying they wanted to send a film crewto take footage of our filtration project in Botswana. Right. They're just using that for promotional material. Sancorp fought us on the watershed bill.They helped us get the filters out of South Sudan.I thought that was the State Department.No. You remember Remy Danton?You met him in your office right after you started working here. - The lobbyist. - I asked him for his help.We're just returning the favor, that's all.Claire, they're against everything we stand for.It's harmless. They'll send the videoto a few of their investors and make some commercials.This makes me very uncomfortable... the idea...They are sending the film crew, Gillian,so please work with them on that.One of my colleagues is looking into Peter Russo.The assumption is you strong-armed him into closing the shipyard. Where does your colleague get their information?I don't know.Allocating the D.O.D. budget is always a free-for-all.Did you pressure him?There were certain people that were gonna benefitfrom the base closing sooner rather than later.I didn't strong-arm Peter.I advised him to trade in a losing hand for a winning one.How did he stand to win?He made allies out of enemies.That's a very valuable thing in Congress.I wish I could give you something juicier,but the shipyard closing was just politics as usual.I assume your colleague is Ms. Skorsky.Does she know we're talking?No. Of course not.Be in touch.More than you ever wanted to know about Raymond Alan Tusk... the companies he controls, political contributions.A GQ article entitled "Backwoods billionaire"- is about his humble midwestern lifestyle. - Jesus.There's also a copy of the financial disclosure requirementsand details of the blind trust.I think the trust is where you want to focus.Could Linda be behind all this?To what end?To get you out of town for a few dayswhile they continue the search without your interference.The President has no reason to mistrust me.Unless Linda told him you want the Vice Presidency.No. She's in way too deep.We misjudged her on the Secretary of State nomination.That was different. She blindsided me.Now she knows my eyes are wide open.Do you want the Gaffney bag or regular business?Regular business. Tusk can dress down if he wants to,but I'm representing the White House.Oh, and get Walter Doyle onto Tusk.Let's see if we can dig up anything.I'll call him right now.And keep your eye on Janine Skorsky while I'm away.She's been prying into Russo.What does she know?She knows the right questions to ask.I want to make sure she doesn't get the right answers. I'm on it.McCuddin.McCuddin.What was that?McCuddin Air Force Base.BRAC hearing. Was there on April 12th.David Rasmussen stepped down less than a week later. Womack takes his place. So maybe...Wait. Slow down.McCudden is in his district.Is that the shipyard thing?Janine, call me back.I think it was Womack who pressured Russo.Russo was probably just earning a favorhe could cash in later.I'm around.Did you ever have to fight her to kill a story? Janine?Yeah. When she worked for you.Only when I knew she was wrong.She's trying to draw up this whole conspiracy thing with Russo and Frank Underwoodand the whole shipyard closing.But I'm pretty sure she's wrong.- Pretty sure isn't the same as certain. - No. I am certain. - How do you know? - I have sources.- Underwood? - No.No. Never mind. I'll figure it out.- Mrs. Tusk? - Jean, please.You must be Frank. Come in.So nice to meet you.The guest room is this way.It is very kind of you to have invited me to stay here. Why waste the taxpayers' money on a hotelwhen we have a perfectly good bed?Well, both they and I are very grateful.I'm sorry Raymond isn't awake to greet you.- He goes to bed at... - I know he's an early riser.I understand.Would you like a wake-up knock?No. I have an alarm on my phone.- Sleep tight. - Thank you so much.I would say good morning, but it's the middle of the night. - It's a pleasure to meet you. - And you too.Was I making too much noise?No. I smelled bacon.Here.Coffee? Booze?2:00 a.m., you can go either way.Just water for now.It's filtered. Your wife would approve.You ever been to St. Louis before?Just the airport.What do you think so far?Well, I've only seen your neighborhoodand whatever I could see out the window on the interstate. Good enough. It's all pretty much the same.Excuse me.Excuse me.Excuse me.Excuse me.Listen, um, I still haven't showered.My mind is on China here.Uh, what do you say you get a few more zsand we try this again in a few hours with our clothes on? Sounds like a plan.Meet me at my office at 9:30.I'll have a driver pick you up.Can I ask why you do that?- Do what? - Tap your ring like that.I've seen you do it on TV.Two taps every time you get up from a table or leave a lectern. Something my father taught me.It's meant to harden your knucklesso you don't break them if you get into a fight.It also has the added benefit of knocking on wood.My father believed that successis a mixture of preparation and luck.Tapping the table kills both birds with one stone.Your father was a peach farmer?Yes, he was. Not a very successful one.- Lack of preparation or lack of luck? - Lack of both.He was better at giving advice than following it.He was better at giving advice than following it.He was better at giving advice than following it.He was better at giving advice than following it.Miss? Miss, your card.Thank you.Ms. Gallagher, my name's Janine Skorsky.I'm a reporter at Slugline.- I wrote the profile on Congressman... - I remember.- Do you have a minute? - If this is about Peter, I...No. It's about Paul Capra.We know that he might be running for Congressman Russo's old seat.I can't comment on that.We're just trying to do some backgroundon the shipyard closing last April.Listen, I just want to eat my breakfast.We have sources that are sayingthat the Congressman was being pressured by someoneto not fight the closure.- Who? - That's what I'm trying to figure out.This is completely off the record, I promise you.- Hi, Christina. - Doug, hi.- How you holding up? - I'm okay.I'm... I'm good.I saw you sitting over here. You mind if I...No. Please.Ms. Skorsky, right?I believe we spoke a few times when you used to work at the Herald. Whenever I could get past the press office gauntlet to you.We do like to run a tight ship.So what brings you to the Capitol?I was just asking Ms. Gallagherwho's running to fill the vacant seat in Pennsylvania's 1st.Well, the honest answer is we don't know.Thank you for your time, Ms. Gallagher.Anyone starts harassing you with questions you don't want to answer, you let me know.I'll handle them.You got enough on your plate right now.Thanks, Doug. I appreciate that.Hang in there, okay?Yes.Uganda,Peru,Nepal,Indonesia...Nicaragua.Well, you are quite the well traveled man.No. I'm the man who stays at home.Jean brought those back for me.- Mr. Tusk, I am... - First names.After all, we have broken bacon together.We can safely assume that we're familiar. Raymond, I realize that you are a very busy man, so I'm gonna cut right to the chase.The President sincerely would like youto become the next Vice President.That part I already knew.And I'm here to convince you to say yes.Another thing I already knew.Well, I don't know thatI can tell you anything you don't already know. But perhaps you can tell me what your hesitation is. Speak.Yes.Now, I understand you might have some concerns about the financial disclosures leading...Speak.No.I have eight people representing me at eightsimultaneous meetings in six time zones right now.I sit here and answer their questions,provided they come in the form of a single yes or no proposition. Well, then, let me give that a try.Would you like to be the Vice President?Yes or no?Hold on a minute.I am very sorry.Let me have 20 minutes to wrap up these meetings.And then what do you say we get out of the officeand away from this damn phone?Meet me at my car.Betty can tell you where it's parked.Go ahead.He's deflecting.What I can't tell is whether it's becausehe's inclined to say no or wants to be wooed to say yes.Either way, I'll have to ease him into the conversation,not be so blunt.This trip may take longer than I thought.We've looked through all the file cabinets.They're not on his computer?Not with the Congressman's handwritten notes.All right. I'll check his office.There is a comfort to these woods.Like they're my backyard.Well, they are my backyard, in a way. I own them.How much land?Six thousand acres.You think I could get a tour of your Fulton plant while I'm in town? If you'd like. But...I don't know why you'd want to be therewhen you could be out here.I've never seen a nuclear plant.Not much to see.Steel, concrete, a lot of steam.The President hasn't exactly been a big supporter of nuclear power. Is that, uh, part of your hesitation...that fear that the administration...He's just being savvy.Nuclear energy is a tough sell after Japan.But it's the only option we have right nowthat doesn't completely trash the planet.The argument against nuclear power is an emotional one.And you don't make decisions based on emotion.Decisions based on emotion aren't decisions at all.They're instincts,which can be of value.The rational and the irrational complement each other. Individually, they're far less powerful.And which category do your thoughts on thevice presidency fall into?Do you hear that song?It's a hermit thrush.Can't see him."Solitary, the thrush..."The hermit, withdrawn to himself,"avoiding the settlements,"sings by himself a song."- Do you know the poem? - No, I don't.It's Walt Whitman.It's about the death of Abraham Lincoln.He's over there somewhere.Yes, I know the damn poem.We studied it at the Sentinel.I said to my Professor,"Why mourn the death of Presidents, or anyone for that matter? "The dead can't hear us."And he asked me if I believed in heaven.I said no.And then he asked if I had no faith in God.I said, "You have it wrong."It's God who has no faith in us."Deeper into the woods.I think you're being paranoid.He came up right after I sat down. It was creepy.I'm telling you, it was Womack.Is that what Underwood said?He didn't name names. But who else?What's the big deal? Congressmen trade favors.One of these congressmen committed suicide.I think you're stretching here, Janine. To try and connect...I have gone after big fish before.I know what it feels like to be watched.Underwood's education bill went to the floorjust three days after Womack became majority leader.You leaked the education bill.And then there was the Kern article.Those were two completely different stories.Wait. What was the guy?Uh, what was his name?He's the one who told that Kern wrote the article for the school paper. - Roy Kapeniak. - You should go talk to him.- There's no link. - Except you.Underwood's been using you, Zoe.Don't you want to know why?Remy Danton's on line two.He says it's important.- Hello, Remy. - Hey, Claire.I got a call from the P.R. Team at Sancorp.They said Gillian Cole isn't being cooperative.Hasn't gotten back to them, you mean?No. Told them point-blank she doesn't want the film crew there.I'm looking at an e-mail. She wrote thatthey would be disruptive to the project and local community.Is that her, or is that coming from you?No. I made it very clear that I wanted her to work with them. Well, it seems like she's doing the opposite.I will speak to her,and then I'll sort things out with the P.R. Team personally.- Thank you, Claire. - You bet.Is Gillian at lunch?She didn't come in yet today. She's not feeling well.Let me know when she gets here.- What time is your flight? - 6:40.We should get going. There's gonna be traffic.Almost ready.I've been thinking.The, uh, older man you were with.Was it Underwood?So, what this is really about is covering your own ass.That is not true.You don't want anybody to know you were sleeping with him. Not exactly objective reporting, is it?Don't fucking lecture me on journalistic ethics.How many of the stories you brought me at the herald- were because you were... - I'm not gonna have this conversation. Fine. Maybe you should take a cab to the airport.Don't punish me for being honest.You haven't been honest. I had to ask.And you still haven't given me a straight answer.Yes.It was him.I... I don't know if I can do this, Zoe.- Do what? - You fucked a Congressman to get ahead.I'm not the first person to ever do something like that, Lucas. But I'm not sleeping with those other people, am I?What, so you just hate me now?No. I probably love you.That's the fucking problem.Let's go. I'm parked illegally.So I hear you went stomping through the woods today.We did, and then Raymond was kind enoughto arrange a tour of the Fulton plant.And I'm sure you were wondering,"When is this old fool gonna get around to brass tacks?"I'm here to simply answer questions.I figured that you would make up your mind when you're ready. There are two minds here.We know all about the blind trust.Does it concern either of you?The words "Blind" And "Trust"are not among my favorites in the English language.But I have no problem with it in theory.Not managing our assets for a few yearscould unburden us from a great deal of stress.Well, then, what does your reluctance stem from?Why do you think the President wants me?Well, I can't speak on his behalf, but if I were to... Aren't you here to do just that... speak on his behalf?If I were to speculate, I think the President would prob... Speculation is a poor form of investmentand an equally poor form of politics.Tell me what you know.I don't know what you mean.Well, what do you think I should do?You, personally, Frank Underwood?My opinion isn't what matters here.It does to me. Should I do it? Yes or no?Well, there's a great number of things to consider... And I'm sure you've considered them all.Yes or no, Frank?No, I will not answer that question.Because you think I shouldn't.Because it's not relevant.All right, then. Let me ask you another way.Would you take the job?It hasn't been offered to me.What if it were?I have a distaste for hypotheticalsjust the same as you have a distaste for speculation.All right, all right.That's enough business for now. We can discuss it more tomorrow. Get in. Get in there, Bruce.Sorry. Sorry to bother you, ma'am.Um, I'm looking for Roy Kapeniak.I thought his trailer was over here. Am I in the right place?You're in the right place a month ago.He got evicted.He was shootin' off his gun too much in the yard.Do you know where I can find him?Why?I'm a relative. His... his niece.Skipped town is what I heard.Had a girl livin' with him. Maybe she knows.- Name was Echo. - Echo?That's what she went by, at least.Works at the titty bar over on 40.Highway 40?- Across from the Burger King. - Okay. Thank you.- Across from the Burger King. - Okay. Thank you.Girls get in free.- I'm looking for Echo. - Who?Echo.Roy was a fucking wacko.I was stupid to live with him as long as I did.- Do you know where he is now? - I don't know, and I don't care. He ever talk about the article I wrote?All the time. He had it framed.Bet it's still in the trailerif it's not in a junkyard right now.Did he say why he called me?- Did he ever tell you? - I was there.- Where? - When the guy showed up.Who?I won't name names.Fuck Roy Kapeniak.You don't owe him shit.Some guy who said he was a Congressman.Was it...him?No.He was younger, tall,not much hair, pretty good-looking.- Yeah, that was him. - You're absolutely sure?He brought bourbon, blow, stayed the whole night. The whole thing was his idea.What, to say that Kern wrote the editorial?That guy didn't write anything. It was all Roy. Okay, look, I know I said that I wouldn't name names, and I won't if that's what you want.But you could be famous overnight.Talk shows, TV, the whole country...No way.You wouldn't have to dance anymore.You could do whatever you want.Don't use my fucking name, okay?I already said more than I should have.- Stamper, it's midnight. - Two things, boss.First, Janine Skorskyambushed Christina this morning.I intercepted her before she could ask too much.- Should we be worried? - I can keep this contained, sir.I just wanted you to know.All right. What's the other thing?Doyle came back with his research.I just e-mailed it to you.The President told you he and Tusk didn't know each other, right? Yeah. He said they met once, I think,at a fund-raiser.That would appear to be a lie.All right. I have it in front of me now.Doyle catalogued all the instances he could findin which the two of them were in the same city at the same time. Items in red are events that they both attended.And he found something else.Back in Walker's private sector days,he was the C.E.O. of Pioneer Airlines.Guess who owned a third of the stockwhen it was sold to united?Raymond Tusk.My guess is that he and Walker know each other quite well. All right. Let me look this over. I'll call you back.I'm being played.But why?But why?But why?- Did I wake you again? - No.I'd like to talk.Give me a moment.Give me a moment.Give me a moment.Give me a moment.Give me a moment.Carolina Parakeet.You're wrong, but you're close.This is the Sun Conure.They look very similar,but the Carolina Parakeet is extinct.Was killed off because it was considered a pest. Interesting species, though.Voracious appetite.And he was poison. Cats who ate him died.This bird is not the only thingyou've misidentified since you've been in St. Louis.You and Walker are old friends.。

I'm glad you brought up nepotism, Senator.Um, if this were an outright appointment,that would be one thing,but in this case, the president can only nominate.It's the Senate that deems me worthy.I'm here to convince you that I am.Although, I must admit,my husband never remembers to put the toilet seat down,so he could be trying to make it up to me.My larger concern is your experience. You have very little. Well, a decade ago, I founded a small nonprofitand I built it into a major global player.I shepherded a number of bills through Congress on its behalf. And over the last year,I've dedicated myself to sexual assault reform,and have made meaningful strides.Now, while this may not qualify as statecraft,it does illustrate my effectiveness,the same effectiveness I plan on bringing to the United Nations. Thank you, Mrs. Underwood. I yield the remainder of my time. Uh, Mrs. Wallace of North Dakota, you have eight minutes. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.Mrs. Underwood, allow me to get specific.What is your take on UN Resolution 9214,the imposition of sanctions on the Congo for the--The illegal mining and smuggling of mineral resources.Yes. The United States voted against this resolution.The DRC is already wracked with economic hardship, compounded by an unstable government.It ranks 192 out of 194 in GDP per capita.I think we need to encourage foreign investmentand develop new forms of economic growthrather than make one of the world's poorest countries even poorer. From a national security perspective,the United States maintainsa strong interest in the success of the DRC.- We want a stable nation... - They're here....that can help us in combating the spreadof Islamic radicalism throughout the continent.And in order to achieve that, we need to work as its ally,not its disciplinarian.Good morning.Mr. President.Jackie.Terry.Shall we?Now you all have the, uh... overview. But what we have here today - is the comprehensive breakdown-- - Sir, before we begin--Look, Bob, I know you have some serious doubts about this program. But just let me flesh it out first,and then I promise we can address any questions that you might have. - Uh, Mr. President-- - Ten million jobs.Can we all agree that that's a good thing for this country? Universal employment.It's the key for our keeping the White House in 2016.It's the only chance we have of winning back majorities in Congress. Now, the election's only 18 months away.We need to do something bold, something decisive.We need to redefine our party.Actually, that's what we wanted to discuss.You're right, we do need to redefine the party.We need to do it with a fresh face.2016. We don't want you to run.You weren't even elected to the office in the first place.The pardons hurt you. Approvals are low.We're not casting blame, sir.We just believe that this is best for the party.I suspected this was coming, but months from now.I was hoping by then I'd have something to show for my efforts, that I could preempt their doubts with progress.They're nervous. They're being impulsive.It's a bit early to be deciding something like this.Shouldn't we revisit this when we're closer to the primaries?What do you think, Terry?Like you said, sir, we only have 18 months until the general.Less than half of that to Iowa.We would want to settle on a candidate soon.Someone who the whole party can get behindlike the Republicans are getting behind Mendoza.And who would that be?We haven't had a discussion on that yet.We came to you first, out of respect.- Well, there must be a shortlist. - No, not yet.It'll be a process to find the right person.And we were hoping that you would be a part of that process. Obviously, this is a request, Mr. President.It's your decision.But if you do run, sir, you won't have our support.Jackie?I stand by the rest of the leadership.Well, this is certainly a lot to think about.Let's table our discussion on America Works for another time, but thank you all for being so forthright.I'll get back to you on this issue a little later on.Would you like us to stick around for a while?We wouldn't want the press to think we came all the way here - for a five-minute meeting. - That's a very good idea.No raised eyebrows.I'll have some refreshments sent for you into the Map Room. Wonderful.Thank you, Mr. President.As a vocal proponent for the Sexual Assault Bill last session, are you concerned about your relationship with the US military? No, I'm not, Senator.I worked closely with the Joint Chiefs on that bill.What if there were a peacekeeping mission in, say, Burma, to quell civil unrest,and the United Nations asked us to contribute troops,to put our servicemen and women's lives in peril.If you're using Myanmar as a hypothetical,I think we're a long way from that, but as Ambassador--My question concerns the use of US military.The US military is irrelevant. The current situation-- Excuse me, Mrs. Underwood. The US military is irrelevant? Well, I-- That's not what I said.You said verbatim: "The US military is irrelevant."Well, in the, in the context of-- I meant...uh, that there are plenty--I have the utmost respect and appreciation for our troops, sir. Not with statements like that, you don't.Senator, if I may, I can explain.How do we explain to the men and women who serve,who put their lives on the line,that our ambassador thinks they're irrelevant?I think that's an unfair characterization of what I intended-- I am not characterizing anything, Mrs. Underwood,you said the words.And now you're trying to backpedal your way out of it.- You're trying to take my words-- - Don't interrupt me.If you will stop interrupting me, I can explain--No, you see, we ask the questions, you answer them.You're not allowing me to answer the questions, Senator.If you could maybe listen instead of grandstanding.The position you're being considered forrequires calm, cool diplomacy.What concerns me even more than the military commentis your demeanor.Is this what we're to expect from our ambassador?A hothead?Go ahead, Mrs. Underwood, I'm listening.Maybe it's leverage for another play.Scare the wits out of me and then come with the big ask.You sure there is one?America Works. They want to kill it.Or soften me up to consider another VP candidate for the ticket. They're no fans of Blythe.Could be anything, any combination of things.- What? - You saw it?- Saw what? - The First Lady, sir.Jesus.I better call her.She's still in the hearing, sir.I need to see this whole thing. Let's get ahead of it if we can.- The Solicitor General is here. - Cancel it.- You've already postponed twice. - Postpone it again.We can't put it off, sir.It goes to the Supreme Court in less than a month.We have bigger fish to fry.An American citizen was injured by a drone strike.That Walker authorized, not me.But you're the sitting president.If we lose this, it undermines your authority.The media is all over it.We need our rhetoric in line with the Solicitor General's.All right. Christ! Send her in.I'll put this clip on your computer, for when you're done. Terry Womack. Today. Privately.Ms. Dunbar.Before we begin, I'd like to clear the air.Your report. You did good work, necessary work,and I admire you for it.I appreciate you saying that, sir.And you understand the position I was in with the pardons. That's politics, sir. Not my expertise.What's past is past?My focus is the argument I'll present to the court.She sees me as the bank robber who made it to the county line. But she's smart enough to leave her badge at the door.So, the case.As you know, sir, we think the State secret defense is strong. When I consulted with the CIA on the--I'm wondering if State secrets is the best tactic.Both of Mahmoud's legs were amputated.He will be in the gallery, in his wheelchair.That's a powerful image.Even Supreme Court Justices have hearts.We need to stay in their heads.A procedural route is clearly-- -Excuse me.Yes?Uh, tell her I need to watch somethingand I'll call her back from my study in two minutes.- It's my wife. I'm sorry. - Please.- ...you answer them. - You're not allowing meto answer questions, Senator.Maybe you would benefit morefrom listening than grandstanding.I just watched. How can I help?I'm calling Senators.I think it would be heavy-handed if you did too. Well, I don't blame you for getting upset.- You didn't deserve that. - I'm a target now.- That's the price of admission. - We both are.The leadership, they don't want me to run.- What? - Yeah, that's what they saidbefore I could even present the program.- This soon? - Yeah, that's what surprised me.- The entire leadership? - All of them, including Jackie.- That woman has no sense of loyalty. - Well, we'll see.I'm gonna meet with Womack. Turn him around.They only have strength in numbers.Continue, please.As I was saying, we think our procedural defense is strong.State secrets prohibit the introduction of evidence.Assuming they won't dismiss outright,the argument will focus on deference to the executive. Separation between the courts and foreign policy.They simply don't have the security intelligenceto second-guess covert operationswhile we're facing threats on multiple fronts.Sir?- I can't do this now. - Excuse me, sir?My office will be in touch. Apologies. Thank you very much. Maybe you would benefit more from listening than grandstanding. Joining me now from Capitol Hill,CNN's Chief Congressional Correspondent, Dana Bash.Dana, what is the mood at the Capitol?Right, I understand, but...We already have several Senators publicly sayingthat they're gonna vote against Mrs.Underwoodbecause of her comments.A number of others I've spoken tohave gone from supporting her...- Right. - ...nomination, to being on the fence.But, Dana, she's correct, isn't she?Mendoza was grandstanding.Maybe. But even so, if you look at the numbers here, this is doing real damage.The vote was always going to be close...Yes....things aren't looking good for the First Lady.- No, I understand, but-- - Could her military remark be... - It's Mendoza. - ...a slip of the tongue?I appreciate your time, Senator. I hope you'll reconsider. - He's on now? - Yes.Turn that off?Senator, hi. Thank you for returning my call.Sorry it took so long. I had a ton of interview requests.I just wanted to apologizeif I came across as disrespectful in any way.That was wrong of me.I know you didn't mean it, Claire.It's just unfortunate how things are playing out.I realize you can't vote for me yourself,but I was hoping that maybeyou would say something to the effect to--What, to the press?- Or even privately, to your colleagues. - I can't do that. Senator, the vote should center on my merits,not a few moments where you and I took the gloves off.Well, I think that was telling, don't you?How you behaved under pressure?Senator, you know you were taking out of context what I said. Of course I was. I was trying to rile you up.And I succeeded.I wish I hadn't,because it's gonna make things really tough for you.But, if you can convince mycolleagues to change their minds despite that...why, you'd make a great Ambassador.- Thank you for your time, Senator. - Good luck, Claire.He's a son of a bitch.Let's try Peterson next.Approvals go up and down.We can't allow ourselves to be held hostage by public opinion. We're being held hostage by the Republicans.We can't beat them with you as the face of the party. Period. Have you all really thought this through?I'm a sitting president.But not an elected one.But still, to abandon the incumbent,and all the advantages that that entails?Which is the problem. We don't see any advantages.And if you were to come on board with us,if you were to announce that you're not running,it wouldn't seem as if we're abandoning you.The party looks unified.Bob Birch has been trying to do me insince I forced the Education Bill down his throat.I think he's using shaky logic to get you all on board so he can carry out some personal vendetta.It was my idea.Not Bob's.I hope you work with us.We meant it when we said it.We would like for you to be a part of the conversation. - Hello? - Hey, it's me.- I can't hear you. - Hang on a second.- Seth? - Yeah.I was just calling to check in. See how things are going. Good. Things are going really good.Hey, hold on one quick second.Listen, uh, I knowyou're rolling out the AmWorks program soon.I'm sure Remy has a plan in place,but I've been putting together a list.Some key representativesand what they might want in exchange for support. Skeletons in the closet, that kind of thing.Yeah, that's on hold for the moment.- You're not rolling it out? - It's just on hold.- Is something up? - No, everything's fine.We're focused on the summit next month with Russia. But you're good? You getting stronger?- Yeah. - In good spirits?Never been better.I'll email you my ideas. Let me know what he says.- Will do. - Thanks.Senator, when we met in your office last week,we had a long, productive conversation.I can't imagine ten seconds during the hearing would-- Senator, may I call you back in five minutes?Thank you.- Francis? - No luck. It was his idea.What are you going to do?Top 50 bundlers from last cycle.I don't need the leadership if I can get the money.- You? - Too early to tell.Well, I'm here if you need me.I've always said that power is more important than money. But when it comes to elections, money gives power... well, a run for its money.It's Francis Underwood.I thought you said he was handsome.Sorry to interrupt.Well, if she doesn't receive a text with the word "urgent," it's not an official date.How are you? Alan Cooke.- Remy Danton. - Nice to meet you.I'm just gonna go, uh... take a few calls.There's an espresso coming with your name on it, okay? Nice meeting you.So here we are.I wasn't part of the decision. They told me ten minutes before. Who are they talking to? About running?No one yet, as far as I can tell.There has to at least be a list. Even a mental one.Some ideas.We need you to find out.You know, when Walker resigned,Frank's president, you're Chief of Staff.- But me? - You're still in the leadership.- Assistant Whip. - It's a bullshit title.I'm out of the inner circle.What do you want?I want to be on the ticket. His VP.All we want is a little information.What you're asking is... disproportionate.It's repaying a debt.A big one. I whipped the votes for impeachment.I should get to cash in on that.There's no way he'll go for this.Then there's no reason for me to be your eyes and ears.I'll get back to you.During business hours.No, Mark, we ran it in the White House screening room and I swear to God, when those jets crashed into one of our Seawolf subs,the Joint Chiefs screamed.No, they didn't want you to use it and certainly not for free.David, I'm not just asking you for money,I'm asking you to be one of my campaign chairmen.That buys you a lot more than a night in the Lincoln Bedroom.Claire Underwood for Senator Hylbrook.I agree. We can never rely solely upon Security Counsel support.Scott, we're 18 months out.Now, if you wanna be on the ground floor,you got to shit or get off the pot.The key is to provide leadership, to lead by example.I was hoping we could hit Maidstone for a quick eighteen.No, I'm a terrible golfer.Exactly, you'd have the pleasure of beating a president.Now wouldn't that be a good cocktail story?I've spoken to almost every Republican in your committee, sir.Yes, they're taking their cue from you.Is there another number where I can reach him?It's important that we speak this evening.Yes, anytime, no matter how late.A little faith, Tom. That's all I'm asking.Oh, yes! I know, I don't like being called "Ma'am" Either.If I made every decision based on what makes people feel good,I'd be a talk show host, not the president.Well, I know Admiral Jennings is a good friend of yours,- I can call him personally. - Don't let fear drive you.That's not how you run your business, is it?I know you've been in my shoes,and sound bites are not who we are.Penny-wise and pound-foolish.I'm so sorry, Senator, did I wake you?Yes, no, I'll try back again tomorrow.I can't fault you for being shortsighted.I hope you won't fault me for having a long memory.Good night!I'm waking people up now. I'll start again in the morning.- How's it looking? - I had to flip a coin? I don't know.- You? - Not a single backer yet.- Not one? - California's still awake.Maybe I'll have better luck out west.I'm going for a run. I need to do something.- It's late. - Well, I'm too restless.Well, I'll be here, singing for my supper.It's humiliating to have to beg from some kid who was on Facebook before his testicles descended, but that's--Derrick, Francis Underwood. Do you have a few minutes?I'll be running along the Mall tonight.That requires a full detail.How soon can you be ready?We'd far prefer you ran on the track.I'll be running along the Mall.Yes, ma'am. We're going to need the First Lady's detail, ASAP. - This is off the record. - Agreed.You've called my office every dayfor the last six months with one question.I call everyone in the leadership.I get the same non-answer from all of you:"Frank Underwood is our president..."He has our undivided support.Birch slipped up once.He said "unwavering" instead of "undivided."I wanted to drug-test him.There was a meeting this morning in the White House.I was there on Pebble Beach when you came out.It lasted four and a half minutes.- You were in there for an hour. - We were inside for an hour. Doesn't mean the meeting lasted that long.What happened? Why so short?You're the Pulitzer finalist.America Works?Is that why the president went to the Capitol this afternoon? No one from the White House would say.Have a good night.You chose me. What's your play?When you write about presidents, people pay attention.It'll come down to the wire.I'm confident, but I don't want to leave anything to chance. Well, according to Erikson, I have 47 votes as of this morning. Well, I know, Senator, but that's not enough.I need yours.I have every intention of running for president.I need to know you two are with me.If you have any doubts, now's the time to let me know. Nancy, wipe the schedule clean.Yes, everything.We don't leave this office until we have a plan.Ma'am? The Easter Egg Roll we were scheduled for?- Right. - If this is a bad time...No, that's fine. Please, come in.Hello?Yes... Claire Underwood. He's expecting my call.Hi, Sheila. They're beautiful.Would you mind setting them up, please?I have a couple more calls to make.Hello, Senator. Yes, I'm well. How are you?The nomination of Claire Underwood, of Washington DC,to be the Representative ofthe United States of America to the United Nations.Yeas and nays have been ordered and the clerk will call the roll. - Mr. Abner. - Yea.Mr. Braun.Mr. Bray.- This one's a little too pink. - Girls like pink.This is more than pink. It's neon.- Uh, I'm choosing four? - Yes, ma'am.- Willa? - Up by two: 48 to 46.- Ma'am, we can finish up later. - No.- Uh, what's next? - The commemoratives.These are really special.A black egg?- Yes, with patriotic tipping. - It's still a black egg. Engraved with POTUS and FLOTUS signatures.Ma'am? Final tally: 52 to 48.Against.- The press? - In the briefing room.I'll just be a few minutes. Would you mind waiting? Not at all, ma'am.I just heard.I'm so sorry.The press is waiting.Well, they can wait.Do you want me to come with you?No. I just want to get it over with.Claire. You--Good morning.Naturally, I'm disappointedthat the Senate did not confirm my nomination today.But I'm very grateful to have been afforded the opportunity. I'd be remiss if I did not thank my husbandfor all the faith and trust he placed in me.He's always supported me in achieving my goals.I look forward to continued service as First Lady.Thank you.Um, let's go with the... green, the blue, and the cream.And for the rare one? The Golden Ticket, so to speak? Red. That one's beautiful.Thank you. Excuse me, please?You ever try to do this?Balance an egg?We used to do this as kids.You can't change the laws of physics, can you?I was wrong. It's too hard.Sir?Fighting the leadership, raising money.We can't get them to do what they're dead set against doing. We'd need six months just to get them back to square one. We have to reverse our thinking.When the wind's blowing at gale force,there's no point in sailing against it.What do you have in mind?The White House Counsel's office, please.I don't care about their schedules.If not today, tomorrow morning.Should I invite Jackie, too?Well, she qualifies as leadership.- What about her ask? - Stall her for now.Let's see how the meeting goes.I want you to write the speech, every word.- Yes, sir. - And no leaks.You'll have a draft in three hours.And, sir... Doug emailed me a lobbying strategy for AmWorks. - Do you want to look at it? - Of his own accord?- You didn't tell him? - No, I didn't say a word.It must be what he gathered from watching the news.- How is he? - Uh, Doug seems fine.I've been calling him, like you asked.- But he seems all right? - Well, he tells me things are good, although I don't think he'd admit it if they weren't.Why don't you stop by from time to time, since I can't.- See him in person. - Yes, sir.And send me his email.Claire?I'll be in my study if you need me.What're you working on?- Brought you a coffee. - My savior.The leadership meeting yesterday morning.It lasted four and a half minutes.Where'd you hear that?That's not long enough to reject a major domestic agenda.I wasn't in the meeting. I don't know how long it lasted.- Something went down. - If you say so.Uh, I didn't hear anything about it.Could've been the president was called away.- That happens all the time. - Not this time.How do you know?Clearly, I have a source that knows more than you.Most sources do. At least they pretend they do.Thanks for the coffee.Two sugars next time. I'll remember that.You talked to Ayla Sayyad.I can either be an asset or a liability.You think this puts you on the ticket now?Not if you tell him.But the smart move would be to advocate on my behalf. Don't strong-arm me, Jackie.You're the man in the middle. Who else would I strong-arm?I want to be on your team, Remy.We do well when we're on the same team.You have more calls?No. I'm done.- Who spoke to her? - I have no idea, sir.- Well, it's your job to know. - Things are moving fast.I'm just trying to stay ahead of them.Well, we need to move faster. Has the meeting been set? Eight AM tomorrow. I just heard back from Birch's office.Good. Let's have the networks ready to go live by nine.One more thing. Jackie.I think you should decide sooner rather than later.If we're gonna go this route,we need every ally we can get.After the meeting. We'll discuss then.You've emerged.I took a nap. Last night was... I didn't get much sleep.Me, neither.We're gonna find something for you.Some other position, or something as First Lady, I promise.I know.- What are you doing up? - I've got to go over my speech.It's happening tomorrow night.What speech?It's premature, isn't it?Read on.Yes?Yes.Thank you. Please.I put a great deal of thought into what you've all asked of me.I challenged myself to keep an open mind.And my decision is: I will not run for president.Look, they're thinking it's too good to be true, and it is.I lied in the Oval Office before.I didn't want to take the chance this time.It's too big a deal to jinx myself.At nine o'clock tonight,I will announce to the nation my decision.What's the catch?I wanted us to meet here in this room for a reason.For the past five months,my team has sat at this very table, developing America Works. You know how much the program means to me,and I want it to mean as much to you.- So there is a catch. - No, an opportunity.Look, we all know the--All right, let's just say for... argument's sakethat this table hererepresents the next year and a half, all right?So, this is us right now.And down there at the end, that's the election.Now, if I did run, I'd spend the next few months fundraising. And then somewhere around here, I'd formally announce. And then even if I did win the nomination,say, somewhere around here,I'd start to have to face offwith a Republican challenger, probably Mendoza.And then things would get brutal.Daily, daily events.Fending off attacks.Launching my own.And... you're right.In the end......I'd probably lose.I would spend 18 months campaigning,which would leave no time to govern.But you have opened my eyes.I feel liberated.I want to spend these next 18 months dedicated to one thing: America Works. But I need your help to do it.You're putting an awfully big price tag on this, Mr. President. No, you've put an awfully big price tag on this.You're asking me to be a placeholder for 18 monthsand I intend to govern.And if America Works succeeds,then whoever you choose to run in 2016not only has the backing of a united party,but a formidable legacy.But Social Security? Benefits. Entitlements.We don't want to present a fresh faceonly to shoot ourselves in the foot.Then let's not pretend to unite the party,let's unite the party behind this legislation.We'll never get it past the Republicans.We are not here to negotiate!You want forward-thinking, Bob? Then think forward.You want a fresh face for 2016? You wanna work together?。

纸牌屋--第1季第4集-字幕-对白-纯英文-看美剧学英语-打印-word版It's there for leverage so that we can lock down performance standards. You don't toss around their right to collective bargaining like a poker chip. If we don't, they won't budge.Has Marty Spinella seen this?Not the version I showed him.So you lied to his face.No. I revised the parameters of my promise.Which is lying.Which is politics...the sort you're well versed in, Bob.Here's some politics for you.I allow this to go to the floor,I get murdered next election.This is coming from the President.Last time I checked,I was still a Democrat, Frank,and you were too.Are you telling me the President isn't?Because he's acting a hell of a lot like a Republican.I thought Bob was on our team.Just sit him down with the President ten minutes.We won't touch collective bargaining.Are you interested in my advice on this,or do you just want me to deliver the message?I'm always interested in your advice, Frank.Birch is right. You're going to burn a lot of bridges.The President should at least sit down with himand let him make his case.You tell BobI'm happy to schedule a meeting with the Presidentonce he's set a date to put this bill on the floor.The President can fuck himself.This is the platform. It's what he ran on.I don't give a shit what he ran on.He can't steamroll the house.And don't forget,you work for me, Frank, not him.If he wants something on the floor,he's gonna have to talk to me directly.I know you take a lot of pride in your manhood, Bob,and it's impressive,but as big as it is,Linda can still shut the door on it.Tell Vasquez the bill is dead.That's not the first time he's pulled that stunt on me.Probably should have held my tongue,but I just couldn't resist the chance to see him shrivel.Good morning.Frank.Mr. President.Linda.Let's strike the anti-collective bargaining provision from the bill.Linda and I have talked it over, and I think she's right on this.Tell Bob he can come by tomorrow afternoon.Sir, respectfully,I do not think you should give him the satisfaction.Well, give me a reason.Makes us appear weak.There's an opportunity for you to establish your supremacy.We should seize it.But without Birch's cooperation,we're fighting an uphill battle before we even get the bill to the floor. Frank, we discussed this.Sir, if you give in now,Birch will walk all over youfor the next four years.I can get this bill on the house floor as is.I promise you.All right, Frank. Show me what you can do.Thank you, Mr. President.That was her trying to take credit for my idea.Advice she wouldn't take from me... unacceptable.I will not allow her to sell my goodswhen she cuts me out of the profits.I specifically told her no interviews.She disobeyed me...not just once.At least eight times in the past month.She stays, Tom.She has no respect for my authority, Margaret.I said she stays.There are rules.There's a way of doing things.If I have a reporter who won't listen to...two freshmen girls are moving into their dorm room together. One of them's from Georgia,one of them's from Connecticut.The girl from Connecticut's helping her mother put up curtains. The girl from Georgia turns to them and says, "Hi. Where y'all from?"The girl from Connecticut says,"We're from a place where we knownot to end a sentence with a preposition."The girl from Georgia says, "Oh, beg my pardon.Where y'all from...cunt?"You heard that one before?A version of it. With softer language.Tom, we don't need people who follow the rules.We need people with personality.We want Zoe's face, her energy.We want to get her on TV as much as possible.It helps us cut through the noise.See what I'm saying?I hear you, Margaret.Thank you, Tom.Thank you.Come in.Oh. I, uh, thought...I wanted to say hi to Evelyn.Evelyn?This was her office.I don't think she works here anymore. Gillian Cole.I came on board a couple of weeks ago. Gillian. World well.Yeah.I've heard great things.Remy Danton.You work with Claire?In a way.Hello, Remy.Claire.- I see you've met Gillian. - Yes, just now. She's doing fantastic work for us,as you can see.Red is completed wells,green, uh, potential sites,yellow approved sites,and blue are the filtration centers.Nice. So you liking it here?Yeah. My staff and I are loving it.Claire's opened a lot of doors for us.Sounds like Claire.Shall we head to my office?Gillian, nice to meet you.Nice to meet you.What happened?Things got complicated.San Corp was in a difficult situation.I would have thought you'd step upwhen things were difficult,not hold the donation hostage.Well, things are less complicated now.The donation is back on the table.I had to fire half my staff.Now you can hire them back.San Corp is prepared to double its initial commitment...1.5 million, lump sum, this quarter.- Why? - Public relations. Same as before.And what do they want from Francis?Things are square with Frank.We're only talking about the C.W.I.But why double it?Because I said they should.The more they give, the more you can do.The more you can do, the better they look.And that's why they hired Glendon Hill...to make them look good.And they also hired you to get traction in congress. Not in this case.We want a long-term partnership, Claire.This is an investment in the future.We're not attaching strings.I'll think about it.They'd really love to move quickly on this.I said I'll think about it.Madeleine, you have to email me this shit.I need it in writing.And with more than an hour's notice.Yeah, I know that,but you have to understand we... we have a plan. We have a way that we do this,and when you...Okay.Fine.Yeah. Yeah. Bye.Madeleine has decided to havea spur-of-the-moment trip to Orlando with her latest eHarmony catch.No heads-up, no warning.The kids?They get out of school at 2:30.I can do the shipbuilders meeting.You sure?Yeah, it's just a public affairs team.I'll brief you, and then you can call them tomorrow. Go get your kids.Remy came by this morning. T o the office.What does he want?The donation's back on the table.They've doubled it to 1.5 million.- You said no, right? - I didn't.He doesn't want anything from you, Francis.Come on, Claire. You know better than that.I specifically asked.Maybe not right now,but look, I invented this guy, all right?It's a slippery slope. You...Think of what I can do with this money.I can hire back the people I let go.I can help accelerate the funding for the projects that Gillian has brought in.Let's find another way to raise the money.But it's right there at my feet.Claire, I have too much on my plate right now.I can't have San corp breathing down my neck again.I can't have Remy...Look, it is Remy.He knows me too well. It's dangerous.Look at the bigger picture here.I'm asking.No. You're not.Claire.I'll tell you what I told him.Which was?I'll think about it.I know there's been some tension,and I'm probably more to blame than you are.But I'd like to put that behind us.Zoe,you're going to be our new White House correspondent. What about Janine?I promoted her to Midwest Bureau chief.She's okay with that?She wants to give up the White House?It's the decision I've made.It's just that Janine has so much experience.I thought you'd be more excited about this.I'm sorry. I... I just thought you brought me in here to...I don't know.To fire you.Maybe.Water under the bridge.We're starting over.So are you ready to take this on?Can I think about it?People usually don't have to think about itwhen they're offered the White House, Zoe.Just a day or two.Janine is booked for a flight to Chicago on Friday. I'll let you know before then.I just need to...Thank you. Thank you, Tom.David Rasmussen is the majority leader,which means he's one step above meand one below Birch,which is akin to being between a very hungry wolf and a very quarrelsome sheep.Let's see if he stays with the herd or joins the pack. David. You mind if I join you?Please. A salad, huh?Yes. I'm trying to take better care of myself. Good man. Diet?Diet, exercise, everything.You ought to take better care of yourself too. Well, they should stop serving such good pizza. Oh, I'm not talking about the food.I'm talking about Birch.You are never going to be speakerunless you do something about it.I'm very satisfied where I am.- Oh, come on. - For the time being, yeah.Time being never.The only way you become Speakeris if Birch loses his district or retires,neither of which is going to happenbefore you and I have dentures.I'm not happy where this conversation is going, Frank.If you want it, and I know you do,there's a way.Okay. Right. I can't...all you need is a simple majority... 218 votes.We're going to get at least 205 out of the G.O.P.,and after that, all you need is 13 Democrats.You and I make two.Are you out of your mind?Just consider it for a moment.You want to collude with the Republicans?I don't want to,but I would if you become Speaker in the process.Never been done before.There's a first time for everything.This is ridiculous.The Republicans would love a chance to knock Bob down a peg or two. And you want to help them.I want to help us.Bob will not play ball with the White House.Now, you're a reasonable man, David, and he's not.You know what I am?I'm a discreet man.You're lucky for that.I'm not going to mention this to Bob,but if you ever bring it up again,I won't have a choice.Looks like he opted for the herd.Claire.I'd like to put an order for the water filtersand the well-digging equipment for the South Sudan project.Can we talk about the budget?- How much? - 200,000.For one project?I know it's a lot,but it'll be our flagship project in Africa,and we would be the first organization thereto work on this scale.I'd like to go over the specifics first.I have the budget right here.Let me just grab my messages, and then I'll come in to you. Okay. I'll be in my office.Any calls while I was out?They're on the desk, and this came by messenger.They're on the desk, and this came by messenger. Adam. It's Claire.Yes. I know. It has.No reason. I was just thinking about you.You're right. It is a lie.I do have a reason.I need to use you.The White House is where news goes to die. Everything's canned.These perfectly prepared statements...it's a prestigious job, Zoe.Used to be, when I was in ninth grade.Now it's a graveyard.The only halfway interesting thing they dois throw a big dinner party once a yearwhere they pat themselves on the backand rub shoulders with movie stars.Who needs that?Every day since you started here,you've begged me to move you up, and now...My goal in life is notto climb up the Herald's ladder one rung at a time until I've got my own stationery.Some of us value a career at a paper like this.I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to come off...Well, it did, and you skipped a few rungs, by the way.Do what you want to do, Zoe,but if you want me to be your cheerleader and say, "Yeah, turn it down," I won't.I would have killed for that job when I first started here.I would have killed for that job when I first started here.Put Fichtner in the "Leaning yes" Column.Don't you think he's a neutral?He hates Birch.Yeah, but he owes Birch for the ways and means appointment. Put him in "Neutral." Who else?Put him in "Neutral." Who else?Ramirez is a neutral?Oh, this list is so shaky.Any one of them leaks it to Bob...No, what we need is one name,one person who can deliver 12.The black caucus.Womack.What can we offer him?What does he need?Let me pull up his file.Let me pull up his file.Here we go.McCudden air force base employs 3,000 people in his district. It's on the D.O.D.'s chopping block this year.Who do we know on the BRAC commission?That's dangerous.The trail leads back to us trying to influence the D.O.D. or the BRAC.No, no, no.What we do is we close another base.We leave enough money in the D.O.D.'s budget to keep Womack's base off the list.What we need...Is someone we own.Is someone we own.Dad, I'm hungry.Coming, buddy.Here we go.With cheese.Without cheese.Um, dad?Yeah.That looks pretty disgusting.Yeah, it looks disgusting.It's not how it looks, it's how it tastes.And a fork would be nice.Shit. Okay. Hold on.Hello.Good evening, Mr. Russo.There's a Mr. Underwood here to see you. Uh... Okay. Sendhim up.Hi, there.This is Kevin, this is Sara.Hi. I'm Frank. Nice to meet you both.- Do you work with dad? - I do.Congressman Underwood is daddy's boss.I thought you didn't have a boss.Everybody has a boss, sweetheart,even congressmen.Why don't you take your dinner and go into the bedroom? - But I wanted to watch TV. - Go now.Cute kids.Yeah, I like them.Can I get you a drink?No, I won't be here long.Yeah. Have a seat.Oh, thanks.Is that a ps vita?Which games does he have?All of them.I have a console at home.I play sometimes to relax.I ought to get one of these for the car.So, Peter,we need to close the shipyard in your district.The BRAC hearing is tomorrow.You won't put up your usual fight.You have zero testimony to add.I can't do that.Yes, you can, Peter.I spent months on that testimony.I lobbied the commission. My entire office...I'm sure you've done splendid work,but unfortunately it can't come to fruition.- Why? - Politics.There's forces bigger than either of us at play here.It's 12,000 jobs.I know. It's a shame.Keeping that shipyard open is what got me elected. Those people are my friends.I'm not here to debate this, Peter.The base will close.The only question is,will you make it a swift death or a painful one?No way. I won't sit on my hands.I sympathize that this is gonna be difficult for you.And I don't know how yet,but I will make it up to you, Peter.I'm a powerful friend to have right now,perhaps your only friend,so don't defy me.Love of family.Most politicians are permanently chained to that slogan...family values.But when you cozy up to hookers and I find out, I will make that hypocrisy hurt.Did you get the present I sent you?You wouldn't really call it a present.Well, more of a gentle reminder, maybe.Mm, more heavy-handed than gentle,which surprised me.It's not really your style, Francis.But, yes. I got it.I like that one.I do too.But the first one's better.You think?Something special tomorrow?Adam Galloway's coming down from New York. What for?Because I need some of his photographsfor the silent auction at the gala next month. You speak to Remy yet?I haven't.If you want to look inviting, wear the black one. Hello.Oh. Okay. Great. Thanks.Adam?How is it the world keeps spinningand you manage to stay ahead of it?David's on board with this?It was his idea.Then why isn't he here?Well, we have to be careful until it's a done deal.I don't know, Frank.Think about it, Terry.You could become the first African-American majority leader in the United States congress.Let's make some history.You don't care about history.You just wanted me because I can round up the votes.I need the votes, and I do care about history,but most importantly, Terry,you know how to lead.You're the head of the black caucus for a reason.So David becomes speaker, I become majority leader... and I stay on as whip.Why don't you want majority leader for yourself?I'm satisfied where I am.Maybe one day, when you become speaker,you'll bump me up.This is the sort of thing that there's no turning back.I can throw a cherry on top.McCudden stays open.How?。

John! We're paying you to clean cars,not read the paper.Yeah, okay. Sorry.When I think of the goodness of Jesusand all that He's done for me,my soul shouts out, "Hallelujah."- Hallelujah! - Amen.That was absolutely beautiful.You sang it as heavenly and as loudlyas we do in Dallas. Amen!Amen.My mother and I are proud tointroduce a man who fought for you in Congress.He's fighting for you now in the White House.We wanna help him to stay there.- Amen. - Amen.President Frank Underwood!All right!Thank you.You're all wonderful.Thank you. Please be seated.You know, it's on a morning like this, in a church like yours, that I'm very proud to be a South Carolinian."How many of you drove to church?Let me start by asking,how many of you drove to church here this morning?"How many of you drove to get to church here this morning? And how many of you drove together?Well, I can appreciate that.Gas prices right noware putting a strain on everybody's pocketbooks.Isn't that true?I think maybe more here in Gaffney,at least I feel it here in Gaffney more than anywhere else. "Especially here in Gaffney.Now, as president, I feel responsible for that.Or maybe, I feel even more so here.You know, we've never been a rich town.You know, a lot of times in my childhood, I thought to myself, 'Why, we just, we were almost like an invisible town to people... We didn't matter.'"That we didn't matter.And, of course, I was a white boy.And as poor as my family was,we still were a lot better off than a lot of your families...who not only had to struggle through povertybut had to fight racism as well.Now, how many of you remember 1973?"Now, how many of you remember 1973?When gas prices were as bad as they are today,and we had to wait hours just to fill our tank.Why, OPEC was trying to hold us hostage thenjust as Russia's trying to hold us hostage now.But somehow...our little community, why, we came together, didn't we? We came together, didn't we?" Yes.We looked out for each other. We were there for each other. Now, maybe we didn't matter to the rest of the country,but we sure as heck mattered to each other.We're still struggling with poverty,and racism is still something we have to fight against.But I know that this town does matter.That all of you matter.And I don't just say that because African Americans represent half the vote in this state.I say that because, despite our troubles...we are one community.One family.And that gives us strength.That strength is a powerful thing.It's not invisible.It radiates.I place my faith in God to give me purpose.I put my hope in you to give me strength.Yes, sir.And come tomorrow, when you vote...I hope that you will place your trust in me......to help continue to lead this countryas we have led this community, together.Thank you all very much.Good morning.I'm LeAnn Harvey, traveling to Washington.The First Lady isn't here yet, Ms. Harvey,but you're welcome to board the plane, if you'd like.Uh, no, I'll wait until she gets here. Thank you.Aidan.Hey, I just sent the research.- What's the gist? - The anger, it's biblical.- Uh, gas prices? - Yeah, gas is school.Gas is work.Gas is the family trip to Disneyland.Every cent it goes up is another six points on the anger index. We predict that $7 a gallon will get you riots.What about the First Lady?Oh, she's faring better than he is.Sympathy for the sick mother.Thanks for the rush job on this.Well, you're a friend. And this is far more interesting than... testing names of anti-depressants for five-year-olds, or... what color cross trainers soccer moms will drool over.- I thought you hated politics. - I do.But anger? And seduction?Those are interesting.- Mother, my earrings. - Yes?You took them.I did no such thing.I said I don't...You're taking my money. I took something of yours. Claire...When you leave today, I don't want you coming back. Oh, I'll come and go as I please, Mother.This is unreal.You sure we can count on this guy?He loathes Francis. That we can count on.But use your best judgment.Who compiled this?An analytics firm I contract with,one of the best in the country.They can be trusted?Yes. I work directly with the owner.Francis really needs this win in South Carolina.He sure does.Let's release more of the strategic reserve.That might slow down the price inflation, but it won't halt it. How are you two ladies enjoying those ribs?Mmm, I'm gonna need a nap after this.Well, you'll have time.I have two hours of fundraising calls to make.It was very nice of youto let us stay at your house, Mr. President.Well, that's how we do things here in Gaffney.Sir?Listen, I am not gonna negotiate a bailoutif he won't budge on privatization.If he wants to let his own people starve, so be it.He may look for relief from Beijing, and that would-- The only thing he hates more than us is China.He won't kowtow.But if Petrov does cave to them,that puts the global energy--Look, Cathy, I have to call you back.- When? - About 30 minutes ago.- So this will be your box, number 433. - Thank you. Would you like to open up a savings account with us? - Debit card? - No, the box is fine.Okay.Would you mind if I...Oh, sure. I'll give you some privacy.Thank you.Good to see you.You, too, Francis.I'm surprised.I don't hear from you, then you just show up.Mmm, to be honest, I wasn't sure until I landed.You've gotten some sun.Tractor-pulling event yesterday. I should've worn a hat.- Are Doris and Celia here? - They were.I set up cots for them in the guest room,but when I heard you were coming, I sent them off to a hotel.I figured you'd want that room for yourself.That's very thoughtful.You have an event now.Limestone College.Well, I'll join you.They'll be there, if you'd rather not see--It'll be fine.Unless you'd rather I not go.No, I'd love you to come.If he knows I'm involved...So make sure he doesn't.Can I see it?Oh, boy.Now, this could get interesting.We need it done by tomorrow morning.Well, my cousin has a friend, owns an industrial print shop, but a job that size...This should cover it.And then some.Oh, I didn't know Heather Dunbar had it in her.It's nice to meet you, Mr. Chase.Well, are you sure you wouldn't like some iced tea?Thank you, no. I should get going.How about some fries with that shake?Get done what I want done. Don't make me come back here. - What did Manny say? - I got your shift, bro.- What about the car? - The Fusion.I can reset the odometer,park it in front of your place after work.But, hey... you gotta get it back by tomorrow night.- Otherwise, when they do the inventory-- - I promise you. All right.So the cost.As soon as I get my paycheck, I'll--No. I don't want money.Most of the other guys work here, they ain't much to look at. You?Keep lookin' over.Hey, man, listen...- You want the car or not? - I'll find some other way.I know about you.I seen your parole officer come check in on you.What would he say about you taking one of these cars? Come on.Get in.I just learned today that Limestone College,founded in 1845,was the first women's college in South Carolina,and one of the first in the nation.And that's something to be proud of.And since then, this school and its students have flourished.A young, eager communityof men and women of all races and backgrounds,a true reflection of America's future.How did he convince you to come back?I convinced myself.Forty-six years I was married to my husband before he passed.But if he'd pulled on me what Frank pulled on you,he would've been long gone.I think it's worked out for the best.Your daughter is going to make a fabulous congresswoman. Well, thank you.Two minutes.Now, Frank Underwood understands the need for equality,in education and throughout our lives.Most of all, he believes in giving every Americanthe opportunity to earn a living.He put this belief into action before and he will again,and Frank Underwoodwill not allow this journey to end with Limestone.You will go out into this worldand astonish us all with your intellect,your... your worthiness, and your strength.Now, I would like to introduce two of the strongest women I know. Well, don't you look thick as thieves....and the First Lady of the United States, Claire Underwood. It's as though she never left.And that's what I'm afraid of.All right, let's hurry on up, now.Bugayev is telling me that they are willingto reduce their oil output byanother 20% by the first of next month.What are the projections on gas prices?North of 150 a barrel for oil.Six, maybe $7 a gallon for fuel.My phone has been ringing off the hook, sir,from the U.K. to Poland.The IMF wants to help uswith the debt relief solution.Sir?We need to respond to strength with strength.Well, I don't know how we could be any stronger,other than to invade Russia.And what if we do?- Excuse me, sir? - Not with troops.With fear.He's never trusted us.He already thinks we're behind Milkin's failed coup.What if we put Milkin in a position to succeed.Now, I don't care if Milkin actually succeeds.Unfreeze all his assets. Fly him to a border country.Put him in a room with other dissidents.Petrov needs to know that we'll stop at nothing.Sir, the diplomatic repercussions of such an action--All I want is the appearance.Let's look at best and worst case scenarios as soon as possible. Thank you very much.Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were--That bed was too stiff.- I'll sleep in there then. - Sleep in here.We had the mattress on the floor.What?That first year, the mattress and those lumpy pillows.Which you used to steal from me in the middle of the night. Well, because you would hog all the covers.God, we were living like heathens.Well, because we were spending everything we had on the race.I remember I used to think this place was a palace, though.- It was. - Not compared to the ranch.Well, it was a palace because it was ours.Good night, Francis.The press has surrounded the house.I can't leave the damn placeuntil I know exactly what I'm gonna say.We need to cancel your events.Of course we need to cancel my events.- The expression on my face is a-- - What's going on?...taken in a nondescript location,does not seem to be a direct endorsement for the KKK.- My God. - My father.Sir? Congresswoman Jones is heading back to Texas.Get her on the phone for me, right now.Meechum, I need you to do me a favor.There are no clues at the momentas to who may be responsible,but Gaffney PD is taking the canvas picture downwithin the hour for further examination.On primary day.I can't verify anything yet in terms of who it is,or even whether it's real, or--The day before New Hampshire, there's a marriage story,and now in South Carolina we have this?Uh, how are we getting blindsided?- I should get that-- - Let it ring.Look...I didn't even know about the fight until you told me.And how was I supposed to know about this photo?Because it is your job to get out ahead of this shit.The oppo team should've tracked this down. That's the campaign. So, if Vaughn didn't know, or the president didn't tell him...It has to be somebody close to him. Someone with a lot of access. The president's on the line.Sir, it's Doug. I'm in here with Seth.I'm gonna tell the truth. I'm gonna say it is my father.That's probably the best response,if you have a good way to frame it.I know what to say. The question is where.One-on-one. Something exclusive.Not in front of the media.I need to connect directly to the voters,the African American voters.Mr. President, I've got the Secretary of State.I'll call her back.Hang on, boys. Meechum?It's here, sir.What can you tell me?Yesterday, a woman named Leslie McIntyreopened a new box.I'm having the name run now,but it looks like she used a fake social.What about security footage?They reset the cameras every morning.I asked what she looked likeand all the manager said is that it was a Caucasian brunette. Nothing strange about her.All right. Bring the box back here.Don't let it out of your sight.As far as I know, there's only one photograph.Meechum says it's still at the bank.Sir, it's just me.Are you thinking what I'm thinking?Yes, sir.Well, you keep an eye on him.I want emails and phone records of everyone in the White House. Including yours.Mine? You honestly think--Is there a problem?No.Good.It's unfortunate.Ms. Dunbar! Ms. Dunbar? Ms. Dunbar?The imagery...That anyone would try to inflame racial discordby doing something so base.Whether it's Calvin Underwood isn't the point.If it is, and we have no confirmation on that,I mean... Who put this up? And why?Who knows.And the sins of the father aren't necessarily the sins of the son. But... it's troubling. Very troubling.Stunts like these have the potential to open old wounds.We can't let that happen. We need to rise above it.Make clear, no matter who you support,that this sort of behavior will not be tolerated.Get me Reverend Clark and Gene Clancy on the phone.Hey, they want you out by the bus.By the bus?- Um, who are you? - Sorry.Mark from the Butler County office.They want all the Cincinnati volunteersto gather by the bus for a photo with Dunbar.Jenn told me I wasn't supposed to leave--That's why she sent me.She didn't want you to miss the photo. Go.Out by the bus?She told me to cover for you.Okay, um...well, there were a couple of no-shows,but, you know, otherwise, everyone's here.- Okay. Thanks. - Very convenient. Thanks.Enjoy.I'm David Grimes with the Cleveland Plain Dealer.Where's your credential?I was an idiot and left it in the car.They recognized me at the check-in desk, though.I can direct you to the bullpen,but this area is off-limits to the press.I'm actually supposed to do an interview with Cynthia Driscoll. The Advance guys said I should come this way.Wait here.I'm sorry, Mr. President, we just can't do it.Forty-five percent of the vote here is African American.You and your mother standing by my sidewould go a long way to put this--I am running for Congress in a black and Latino district.My mother was beaten and hosed down in marches.You want us to vouch for a man whose father was in the KKK? - No, he was not in the Klan. - That was him in that picture. Yes, but I've explained that.This is the state where the Civil War started,where you can still see rebel flags on bumper stickers.There is a history of racist brutality here, Mr. President. Those sort of symbols matter.Could you put your mother on, please?Mom?He wants to speak to you.Mr. President.Listen, we need to stand together. Now, I've endorsed Celia. Claire can do a great deal for her in Texas.She's better off without the Underwoods at this point.But what about your clinic?Imagine how that would look, holding our clinic for ransom.I'm appealing to your goodwill, Congresswoman.When we stop getting beaten and shot...you'll have my goodwill, Mr. President.Goodbye.Get me Gene Clancy again.What if it's Oren Chase, Francis?He could've gotten his hands on a copy.There may be more than one.Meechum first, then Clancy.Lucas?We need to talk.- I thought you were-- - I was. I'm... I'm out now.This is important.Mr. President, was your father a racist?Was your father a racist?Mrs. Underwood, is your mother okay?Mr. President!- Mr. Chase? - Who are you?United States Secret Service.We're not after you, Mr. Chase.We're after whoever put you up to it.Put me up to what?You can answer me here,or we can go to the Columbia field office for questioning.I have no idea what you're talking about.All right, I need you to come with me, sir.- Now, hold on. - Step outside, sir.I wanna talk to a lawyer.I need backup at 4126.- Come on, that's not necessary. - Not if you cooperate, sir. If I talk to you, I won't get in trouble?I swear to God, Ms. Dunbar. It's all true.Then where's the proof?I don't have the means, but you do.You've investigated him before. You know he's dangerous. Mr. Goodwin--Why would he go after me if I wasn't onto something? This was a high-level sting operation.Major resources were dedicated to it.I'm... I was a journalist, no criminal record.How am I suddenly such a threat, unless I'm--Even if I did believe you,I am no longer part of the DOJ. I am a private citizen now. Who's running for president--Aren't you breaking WITSEC protocol by being here?I am no longer comfortable with this.You're... you're my last chance. Please!- I suggest that you go back home. - I'm... The things I've-- - Don't make us get security involved. - Please. Just-- Just give us five minutes until she's out of the building. Please. Please listen to me.I'm... I'm begging you.Just help me...Help.Please, please...Oh, God...How could you put me in a room with him?I didn't know what he was gonna say.But I assumed that if he went to such great lengths--The DUI, that's all he has proof of. That's nothing.Even I have helped people get off for that.- There's the affair... - With no evidence.Then he leaps to murder... Two murders?The man is troubled.We saw the look in his eye.I thought he might have something real.He used to be a good editor.And now he is a convicted felon.You said no stone unturned.I'm sorry, I should have thought better of it.Yes, you should have.Let's let it go. How are we doing in South Carolina?Early exit polls are good.- We have a shot at winning. - Actually winning?That billboard's done real damage.I appreciate you doing this, Gene.You're really saving my life here.Just remember it when I run for county executive.I'll be down here whenever you need me.Oh, it's not the when, it's the what. And how much. Afternoon, Oren.- Mr. President. - Have a seat.Didn't you learn your lesson with all that Peachoid nonsense?Well, you promised to help me with the 4th.I let my bitterness get the better of me.Who specifically approached you? A woman?- Brunette? - Yeah.Uh, about so tall, good-looking.Wouldn't give me her name.We should get photosof everyone in Dunbar's staff that fits that description.Already compiling it, ma'am.And as for you...you're gonna plant yourself in front of as many TV camerasthat can gather around that bony ass of yours.You're gonna be wracked with guilt and overcome with conscience. And you do that and I'll make sure that you aren't charged.You want me to say it was Dunbar?Come on, be smarter than that, Oren. She'll sue you for slander. Just say you were boughtand people will connect the dots on their own.Get him out of here.I hope you don't Welsh onyour promise to me the way you did with Oren.You're family, Gene. I would never betray one of the family.Shall we?Ready?Many of you voted for me for mayorbecause you've known me your whole lives.Well, I've known Frank Underwood my whole life.He's my friend and I trust him,and I don't care what's on that billboard.I'm proud he's my president,and I'm proud to have... be standing with him here today.Thank you, Gene.Yesterday, I stood in this church...and I talked about community.I talked about our collective strength,black and white, coming together during times of crisis.And today there's probably a lot of you who think I'm a hypocrite. How can a man whose father was in the KKK stand up hereand mean the things he said?Yes, that is my father in that photograph,I'm not going to deny it.But the truth is he wasn't in the Klan.The year that photo was taken,my father needed $5,000 to pay off our debts,or the bank was gonna foreclose on our farm.Now, my father went to every other bankwithin a hundred miles of here,and no one would give him a loan.He asked friends, he asked family,but nobody had that kind of money.And we were about to lose everything.Now, at the time, the owner of the Gaffney First Bankwas a member of the Klan.Some of you know that.And he would do whatever the Klan told him to do,and my father knew that.So my father did what he had to do.He went to a meeting and begged the leader of that chapterto talk to the owner of the bank.And at that meeting, that's when that photograph was taken.The only reason he was there was to try to save our farm.Now, Calvin Underwood hated himself for going to that meeting. He hated himself for taking that photograph.But he would've hated himself even more if he'd lost our farm...if he hadn't been able to provide and support his family.Now, look, I'm not trying to ask you to forgive himbeing in that photograph.He probably thought no one would ever see it.But I am asking you to empathize with his predicament.And ask yourselves...what would you do to save your family?Now, whoever stole that photograph and vandalized that billboard, they're not trying to unearth some big scandal about my past,'cause it just isn't true.What they're trying to do is divide us.What they really wanna succeed in doingis making sure you don't vote for me today.They've gone to a whole lot of troubleto make me look pretty bad.But that's politics.My hope in coming here today...and speaking openly and honestly about this...is that we can stay united.So my plan is to stay here as long as it takes,to speak to each one of you individually,and answer every question that you might have.Thank you very much.Thank you very much, ma'am.President Underwood,speaking live in his home town of Gaffney, South Carolina, addressing claims thathis father was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.A billboard there was vandalized late last nightwith a photo of his father standingnext to a man in Klan robeswith the caption, "Underwood 2016."As we've just seen, the president did not deny allegationsthat his father had some connection to the organization,instead explaining that Calvin Underwood attended one meetingas a last resort to save his family's peach farm from foreclosure.The president was subject to widespread criticismafter news of his family's alleged Klan connection broke this morning. Today's primary result will show--I don't know her name. I asked, but she wouldn't tell me.And I deeply regretthat I allowed my political leanings to compromise my better judgment.I want to apologize to anyone I might have offendedby hoisting up such painful imagery.We're getting calls asking if it was us.- Do you think someone from our team-- - Absolutely not.I think Underwood put this guy up to it.He's trying to turn this back around on us.We need to deny, forcefully.I'm already putting a press avail together at your next event.Maybe we need to reconsider Goodwin.- What do you have in mind? - I'm not sure.Look at this.It came from the goddamn White House!We're questioning the photographer now, sir.I've got a statement prepared thatthis was a run-of-the-mill event,that you took photos with lots of re-enactors.It doesn't matter how you spin it.I just stood in front ofa group of African Americans in a churchasking them to believe in me.It's bad enough they see my father next to a Klansman.Now they see me next to a symbol of slavery.I wanna find out who's leaking this shit,and I want their head on a goddamn stake!Sir, I have a theory.I think...Well, I think it might be Edward Meechum.Meechum?He knew about the argument between you and the First Lady. He was there on that trip to Virginia.He would never do something like this.Dunbar has a lot of money.Put out a statement to the networksthat I won't be giving a concession speech.Sir... don't you think that might look like you're running from-- I just lost my home state.I'm not gonna rake myself over the coals.Meechum?I'm not ruling anyone out.Sir?I brought the safety deposit box for you.You can put it down.- Meechum. - Yes, sir?Have I given you any reason to hurt me?Hurt you, sir?Have I done you wrong in any way?I'm sorry, sir, I don't understand.Look me in the eyes, Meechum.- Sir... - Meechum, shh.Are you all right, sir?I've been better.I'm still on duty.Is there...anything I can do?You could go out and stuff some ballot boxes for me. - You'll bounce back from this. - I sure hope I can. Uh, when I got fired...from the Capitol Police...I mean, I know it doesn't compare, but...I felt pretty bad.I thought my career was over.Then you turned everything around.You don't get second chances in elections.I know.But there's a lot of primaries ahead.All I'm saying is it's not over. You'll get through this. - I'm sorry, that must sound so stupid. - No, it doesn't.I appreciate it.I'll be out by the motorcade, sir, if you need anything. Thank you, Meechum.I knew it, but I didn't wanna believe it.It's only a wound.It's not fatal.My home state, Claire.Have a seat.I end your race so you end mine?- Let me explain, Francis. - Spite, revenge!Please, sit down. We need to talk.Nothing is going to come from anger right now.Last night when we were talking, you called this house a palace. This is where we began.And do you remember when my mother almost left Daddy because he funded your campaign?That's how much she hated you.But I didn't care,because I saw something. I saw a future.Our future.We had a future until you started destroying it.Well, you wouldn't have listened otherwise.I always listen to you.Only when it's what you want to hear.Well, all right, Claire. I'm listening now.What is it you so desperately needed to say?We've never lost a race in 30 years.We started here and we've always won.You and I, together.But you are losing, Francis.People are getting killed at the gas pumps.America Works is falling flat.Your campaign manager is ten years behind ten years ago.You don't have a viable running mate.We both know it can't be Donald Blythe.。

"We are citizens of the United States.We have been taken hostage.We will not communicate with the criminal Frank Underwood. We will only communicate with his successor, William Conway. Either you give us what we want or we kill them.Aren't you angry that he stole your presidency?Walker went on record.You and I go on the record, he's done.Transcribe this, right away.He's putting in the article that we threatened to expose them. How did this happen?You're gonna be the next First Lady of the United States.We make it work for us.Fear.Fear.I'm done trying to win over people's hearts.Underwood may be a crook, but he's not a killer.It presumes he's going to die.He is going to die.We don't submit to terror.We make the terror.I've been meaning to talk with you.It's terrifying, isn't it?The president and I have a simple request.Tell us what you see.If anything in your environmentstrikes you as a bit odd, a bit off,pick up the phone.Whether it's a package or a person that seems out of place, we'd love you to let us know.Because there's a lot of noise out there these days.A noisy press that's choosing to dwell on the pastinstead of what's happening right now.My husband and I want to protect you.In two weeks' time, you will be heading to the ballot boxto decide what kind of country you want to live in.It's a profound choice.But no matter who wins this election,we're going to need to work together,watch out for each other,and, yes, watch each other,to keep us all safe and sound.Tell us what you see.My name is Claire Underwood, and I approve this message. Should we do one more?Did the Democrats show?They didn't disappoint. Almost every member, sir.- Almost. - I have a list of those who did.My fellow congressmen, I do not need the Washington Herald to tell me that a scoundrel lives in the White House.I can see the Democrats are here.They're eager to debate.I say to the gentlemen on the other side of the aisle...thank you.Should we investigate the presidentfor crimes committed while he was vice president?I say, yes. Let's debate.Let's debate this miscreant all day and all night.Madam Speaker. Parliamentary inquiry.The gentleman from Georgiamay state the nature of his parliamentary inquiry.Do the rules of the House not requirethe president be formally invited in order to attend?Madam Speaker, if I may...The Speaker recognizes the gentleman from South Carolina.The president is wearing his congressional pin todayand is thereby welcome to any and all proceedings.Madam Speaker! Madam Speaker!Rules of the House statethat former members are not allowed on the floorwhen they have interest in the matter under debate.Madam Speaker,the president has no interestor opinion on the matter being debated today.The House suspend. The House will suspend.Madam Speaker, I still do have the floor,and I find it hard to believethe president wouldn't have an opinion on the matter being discussed.If the good gentleman from Floridawould yield a portion of his time,I assure him it will satisfy his query.I yield three minutes to the leader.And I yield my time to the former congressman from South Carolina and the President of the United States.Point of order! Parliamentary inquiry!Parliamentary inquiry!Parliamentary inquiry!Mr. President. This is beyond the norm.I don't care.I don't care.And I also do not careabout your investigative committees.No, that is not what I care about today.The House will cease.That is not what I care about today.I am on my wayto the funeral of an American patriot.A good man, a husband...a father...who was beheaded on American soil.And this chamberchooses to debate me?- The House will suspend. - I asked to speakto a full session of this chamber and my requests were denied.- Madam Speaker! - Mr. President, you must yield the floor.I will not yield, Madam Speaker.Because I cannot wait.One of the murderers...One of the murderers who killed Mr. Jim Miller...is still out there.At large.How much more proof do you people need?I demand that every member of this House take a stand.Like FDR before, and Wilson before him.I demand that this Congressdeclare a formal declaration of war against ICO,both here and abroad.Motion to adjourn.- Second! - The House will adjourn.- The president will cease. - I will not cease!I will never cease.I demand that this Congress declare a state of warhas existed and does existbetween ICO and the United States of America.And I demand that every member of this House stay in this chamber for as long as it takes,until you bring my request to a vote.Or you will all go down in historyas cowards!Cowards!The sergeant at arms will remove the president.Madam Speaker, I repeat. I demand a vote.I will not yield.I will not yield.I will not yield.Alleged terrorist Zachary Hawthorne was killed by the FBI,but Joshua Masterson is still at large.While the Miller family mourns,the hunt for the missing terrorist continuesand tensions are running high.The president may be asking for war,but it seems war's already been declared on him.My fans.FBI is looking into a multiple shooting in Chattanooga.- Reports have it gang related. - No.A private plane went down in West Virginia. Mechanical failure.A series of homes were set on fire in Georgia,most likely arson.Convenience store in North Carolinaexploded at about 4:00 in the morning.- Where's the store? - Uh, suburb outside of Raleigh.The cause is still under investigation.- I'll make an appearance. - Yes, ma'am.Just put it on the schedule so the media has time to mobilize. Yes, ma'am.I take it the president has declared war on Joshua Masterson.He never should've kicked me off that call.But this morning isn't about politics.That's right.We need to show some compassion for the living.And respect for the dead.The family's agreed to a moment.No press, no speeches, but we should be able to pull something. - Mr. President. - Governor.Do they not realize what we've done for them already?I pointed that out, sir, but...the daughter's medicated and very fragile at the moment.All right.Mrs. Miller.- I'm so very sorry. - Thank you.And I promise you,I will not stopuntil everyone responsible for this terrible tragedyis brought to justice.And I swear to you, as God is my witness...no one will ever harm you or your family ever again.The nation mourns with you and your daughter, Mrs. Miller.- Thank you. If you don't mind... - Of course.Mr. President.I'll be right along.It's a busy day for you today, sir.It's a sad, sad day.It's a shame things didn't turn out differently.Yes. Well, some things are bigger than the two of us, Will.I don't want him here!Calm down, Melissa. Please.It's his fault. He's dead.- Daddy's dead. He killed him. - Please.Give me a minute.- Did you take your medicine? - Yes. Okay?Yes. Yes!You do. You think about what you would say on a day like today. If a day like today were to happen.But you let it pass...because you know you have so much more left ahead of you.So much to do together.You think... You think 40 minutes...If we were late 40 minutes...Or two, or one...Or if we went somewhere else to eat...But to dwell in the past, to live in what-ifs...That wasn't my husband.That wasn't us...- Honey... - Please.Okay. Come on.I need to...I wanted to say about my father...He was so strong... so brave.My father was taking us to...My father...- Come on, baby. It's okay. - My father...You killed my father. You're the reason he died.Melissa...It's all right, Melissa. We understand.I hope you die and she becomes president.What did the girl say to you?She said she hopes I die and that you become the president.Mr. Macallan, this is Deputy Director Michaels from the NSA.I'm literally in your office. I believe we had a meeting.There's been raids as far up as New York and down to the panhandle. As of now,Green's focusing in on theborder between Virginia and North Carolina.Seth has a statement ready for this afternoon.No. The best statement is no statement.Besides, I want Claire to be the voice on thisuntil we're ready.Yes, sir.- Quite a crowd out there. - Well, we better bring Birch in first. Yes, sir.Congressman Birch.Bob.Well, that was a little bit of history this morning, wasn't it?- It certainly was. - I couldn't see it any other way.No disagreement from here.Well, you know how the Republicans are.Anything but a decision.They mistake complaint for leadership.Well, instead of a committee to investigate you,you got one to discuss your declaration.All the way to election day.Even if there's only a handfulof Republicans with the grit and spit to put up a fight,we can control the conversation.Get them talking about anything but that goddamn article.All right. Now, who from our side- do we need to massage? - Womack.The declaration caught him off guard. Had to keep him out of it. It's his constituents that actually fight the damn thing.Well, let's call in the honorable gentleman from Missouri.- Oh, he's a bourbon man, isn't he? - Yes, he is.A stunt. Yes, I'm calling it a stunt.Charlie, if I may...Tom, please, what are you implying?This request for a declaration of war is yet another distraction. And I've never been prouder of the president than I am today.I'm not denying what happened to the Millers. It was a tragedy. No, but you are. Because denying it is the tragedy.This is a pattern.Your husband's administration, Mrs. Underwood,- continues to operate in the shadows. - Tom...I understand you believe in the importance of your article.And I agreed to come here today and talk with you about it.But we're fighting to keep this country safe.Mrs. Underwood,the White House has yet to release one piece of information about the attempted capture of those domestic terrorists.ICO terrorists, yes.Reports from a few hours agoare saying North Carolina or Virginia.But that's all we have.Well, we are circling in, we're getting closer.I will tell you,our intelligence community, they are the real heroes.Charlie, if we could get back to my point, my sources confirmed-- Tom.Heather Dunbar, no friend of mine or my husband's,looked into these charges, and cleared the president.Cleared? Please.The White House has not had a single press briefingsince the Herald ran my article.You keep saying the White House isn't speaking about this.I am sitting right here talking to you.Not Remy Danton or Jackie Sharp.Or Lucas Goodwin, either.- What? - Excuse me. Lucas Goodwin, meaning?I'm saying, me. I'm here.And I don't know how many more times we have to go over this. You know, a Tom Hammerschmidt article used to bethe first thing I would look forwhen I opened the Washington Herald.The Underwoods are no longer campaigning.They can call it what they want.Well, if you think about the last few days, what's in the air...It might not be such a bad idea for us totake it one handshake at a time.Or call it for what it is."Home and abroad."The president is essentially asking for permissionto fight a war on our soil.We can't push back too hard.We can't afford to look soft on terror.We can't look the other way, either.You of all people know where this kind of talk leads....ICO and the United States of America.Make sure the committee dealing with the declaration of war never gets to a vote.We're not against war, we're against his.And I want you to reach out to the Speakerand find out who she's putting on that committee.We need to get back to the president's crimes.That's the story. It's the only story.Anything else?I have my script.I will not yield!I will not...Harry...I want to know what he says and when he says it.Our general isn't used to taking orders.Will, one more thing.- What? - Your wife.Okay, I know we opened up this campaign on Pollyhop, but it might be time to close it down...or at least be more careful.Well, what did they find out?The home of the mother of the terrorist,you know, the one they're looking for,was vandalized last night.Garage set on fire. Broken windows.And, uh, Hannah...well... she posted.She was defending the mother online.- When? - This afternoon.The timing is not good on this.- I can show you. - Not now.Thank you.Governor Conway and I are honored to be herewith the Miller family and their closest friends.I know the VFWwas a big part of Jim's life here in Knoxville.With the help of Homeland and our hotline,we think that Mastersonhas crossed into the southwest corner of Virginia.Scott or Washington.- And? - And...Assistant Director Green?We're relying on aerial support,sightings and local law enforcement.But we're fairly confidentwe can have him pinned down in the next 24 hours.The president wants us to be absolutely sure.We can't have him getting away again. Careers are at stake. Everyone around this tableis fully aware of the gravity of the situation.Good. The president will be happy to hear that.Okay. What kind of kiss do you want?- Eskimo. - In...and out.I'll be right back.- You're angry. - I am.I was asked a question and I answered.That's the least of it.Okay, well, I don't want to talk about it right now.Are you trying to lose this election? Are you?Will, stop it.This woman that you're defending...Her son just cut someone's head off.And he's still out there somewhere.- Do you understand what this looks like? - Stop it.Do you want to know why our son can't sleep?He's eight years old, and he can't sleep.Because he's having nightmares.Because he thinksthere's a big black dog running around the hotel.- Dog? - Yes.He closes his eyes, and he can hear it growling.He's scared, Will.I said what I said because that woman is a victim.We all are.And it has to stop.I want you to win.Get yourself a drink. I'll be right back.That's the mother. And this is Hannah's response.She's not a criminaland should not be punished for the sins of her son.We all, I know, rejectthe rhetoric and actions of these damaged, troubled young men. What I mean is, this is a time for reflection,not aggression...So she's not condoning it, but it is sympathetic.Plays into the idea that Joshua and Zacharywere just a pair of troubled kids looking for a cause,no different than some school shooter.The post has been shared over 100,000 times.I want to talk with her.- Hannah? - The mother.We've been very careful about where you appear.- LeAnn, will you excuse us for a moment? - Of course.We need to dial up the terror.And the mother can help us with that.But that also means we have to locate Masterson.Soon.Tom is waiting for me.Well, you go on.Francis...I shouldn't have cried at the funeral.- No, it played beautifully. - Not for me.Come with me.Come on. Just tell him you'll be late.- Mr. President. - It's all right, Officer.Ma'am.May I have your scope?Scope on your gun. I promise I'll give it back.Thank you. Come here.Now, if you just hold the scope a little a ways from your face... and look down, straight down, across the lawn...right to the gate.You see them?Those people want a voice. Some for, some against.And they're looking back across the lawn,toward this house and these windows...and they're thinking,"I wonder what the presidentand the First Lady are doing tonight.And will they be able to protect us?"I should have been there.Where?When you got shot. I wish I was there.Maybe I could've...protected you.You see, all those people want...is someone to keep them from what they're afraid to know.And what are the president and First Lady doing tonight, Francis? Well, I believe Thomas is waiting for you.Thank you, sir.I'll see you in the morning.Do you have a smoke?Thank you.*I know what my people are thinking tonight**I know what my people are thinking tonight**As home through the shadows they wander**Everyone smiling in secret delight**As they stare at the castle and ponder**And whenever the wind blows this way**You can almost hear everyone say**I wonder what the king is doing tonight*I've been looking for you.I got hungry.So I went down to the main kitchen.That's a lovely group of people you have down there.If there's anything you need, it can be brought up.I didn't know what I needed until I was eating it.I heard the president's declaration.Very compelling.What did you really think?It was almost like the real thing.The NSA has good people. Very good.- Too good. - Not as good as you.Good enough to find my algorithms.That doesn't mean they knew what we were using them for. No, no.One second, they send me home, and then the next,they tell me, "Come back!"They'll been watching me. This is a trap.Or the only way out.God damn it.- You want out? - Don't you?LeAnn...we have done some illegal things here.There are other campaigns.- If you can get into the NSA... - That's not possible. ...into their system, you can fix this.- You're not listening to me. - I am.I know the Underwoods.The only way that we are gonna survive this...is if they win.You can help them win.I know you can.I got on the paper right around the time you left.Did you start in Style?Metro desk.But then I did this piece, a street fashion,kids on the street thing.I'm surprised you asked for me.Some people are being moved around and off the team. The Masterson story. "War, what is it good for?"Were you ever interested in investigative journalism?If you ask me, if it's not investigating, it's not journalism. Word around here is you can get anybody to talk to you. After 8:00, with a drink in their hands...yeah.She's the one they say you called a...you know.I'm sorry. I'm a little nervous.You're sort of a legend and...articles on the president?It'd be an honor to work with you in any capacity.To be part of this.Did you find him? Did you?It'll only be another moment.Because I've done all I can.Everything you told me to. You know that.They know that, don't they?Mrs. Underwood.I was hoping to speak to Ms. Masterson.Just the two of us.Is there a problem?It is a bit extreme.Expanding the no-fly list to this extent.The restrictions on visas alone is unprecedented.How do we justify?The White House counsel's been all through that.It's there in black and white.We're virtually closing down our borders- without any hard evidence to back it up. - It's coming.A lot of innocent people are trying to get into this country. They could be hurt by this.A change in policy this big, I want it done right.I want you to let the world knowthat if they want to continue coming to this countryfor our hospitals, our colleges,our golf courses and God knows what else...they're going to have to delivermore than my head on the end of a burning stick. Now look, Cathy,I know you have well-earned relationships out there. Long-standing.I'm not holding back, Francis. I have reached out. Then I need you to reach further.I want actionable intelligence.I want to know where ICO is, or at the very least, that everyone's out there looking.Are we clear?We're clear.Thank you, Cathy. I know you won't let me down. He's dead.Is that why you're here?We're still looking for him--Because if he's dead, I want to see him. To touch him. - I'm trying to help... - Ms. Masterson,- ...but he hasn't contacted me. - please.I wish he would.I understand. Calm down.He's not a monster like they all say.I lost him somewhere. But he's not...But still, monsters do exist, don't they?I want my lawyer.What for?I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that.I don't know why I say anything anymore.I wanted to see you...to ask you a simple question.Didn't you know what was going on in your home?- Excuse me? - You knew...even before he went to Pakistan.- I mean, you raised him. - No.No. He had some problems. He got lost.But no, nothing like this.But you saw what he did, didn't you?- No. - Would you like to see it?We can show it to you, if you like.No. Please don't.What he did to that family, to that man...What sort of person would do such a thing?He's my son.Oh, God.I know. It's awful, isn't it?Thank you.When you leave today,there will be some reporters, some cameramen out there. But you don't need to say very much.You just need to ask Josh to turn himself in.There are so many hardworking mothers and fathers out there. This could've happened to any of them.We are close to capturing your son, Ms. Masterson,and I will do my best to have you see him.I want to go.No one's keeping you.But who did she put in?Who did the Speaker put on the committee?Mostly lifers, with secure seats.We're two weeks out. It's hard to say no to war.You and I have some things in common.- We both dislike the president. - No. I'm still a Democrat. Who leans to the right.Alex, you do actually lean a little to the right.Look, he's the commander in chief.He's got all the authority he needs to fight them where they are. Well, there's one here. Out there, right now, as we speak. Well, I'm a big fan of American law enforcement.They'll find him soon enough.We can't just let Francis Underwood turn us into a nationthat's always looking over their shoulder.If you can get yourself onto that committee,I got a feeling the Chair will give you all the time you need. My driver will take you back to your car. But, Congressman... this is your chance.And I think you know it.Thank you so much for coming out here.Thank you so much for coming out.Great to see you. Thanks for coming out.Just go away!You have no idea what is happening in your own homes.Have you any idea where he is, Mrs. Masterson?Josh, please...please, please turn yourself in.This has all got to stop. No, no....this after ten years with Treasury, he was waiting for it. Yeah...Mrs. Underwood!Mrs. Underwood!Mrs. Underwood!Does the administration believe that the explosion was connected - with Joshua Masterson somehow? - We're not sure yet.Uh, there is strong evidence to suggest.The owner of the establishment was foreign-born.Any connection to ICO overseas?I think our Deputy DirectorClark here is better equipped to answer that.We're looking into it. In the meantime, we've set up a hotline.If anyone in the community- has any-- - And if the Republican candidateand the rest of his party refuse to acknowledgethe seriousness of the threat made here at home...know that we will.The FBI is currently gathering a list of words and images. If they appear on your children'sor your coworkers' devices, please--War whore!- Move! - Car!It was just paint. She's all right.And what else? Spit it out, Doug. It won't taste so bad. Sir, I know you disagree with me on this.But Director Green and his teamhave a location for the takedown and they're ready to act. And they're positive it's the right location?- Adamant. - When?Hours.We can coordinate out of the Situation Room.Oh, no. I'm gonna meet him in person.Sir, I strongly advise against that.Duly noted, but I'll be on-site.Yes, sir.It's amazing how ready people are to be afraid.History would prove them right.You're lucky this is coming off with water.Could've been worse.Some found its way behind your ear.- Should I be afraid? - Don't be smart.I should, shouldn't I?I stole something from you.What?What it is, doesn't matter.I just wanted something that was yours.Well, put it back.Waterfalls.The NSA marked their zero-day exploits as waterfalls. What can they get us into?We can backdoor into some very popular social media.I can insert anything your imagination can think ofinto those sites.Underwoods or otherwise....reports coming in from a variety of sourcesstating that local police enforcement and FBI agentsare currently on the ground.We're receiving reports thatthere's a great deal of police activity on the Virginia border. We cannot confirm at this time,but we believe this is connected to the manhuntfor domestic terrorist Joshua Masterson.The capture of Joshua Masterson may be close at hand. The FBI is still not commenting,but if you look at this aerial view,you can see heavily-armed menmaking their way through this wooded area.Sir, he's not here.All we have are some loose domestic connections.A perverse idolization of ICO overseas.He refuses to confirm any wide-ranging homegrown network. Our interrogators are confident the asset is no longer valuable. And risk to reward no longer tenable.Sir, we have reached a breaking point.Did you think I didn't already have him?That I would have left him out there somewhere?And I thought you knew me.Josh.Joshua.Do you want to live?Tell us what we want.Tell us what we want to hear.You're no martyr, are you?Look at you.No, you're not a martyr.No one will remember what you've done,either here on Earth or in your heaven.So why did you pick the Millers?Why?What did you see?Was it the girl?Did you see her first?What did you see?Or did she see you first?Yeah, that's it, isn't it? She saw you.She looked right through you, didn't she?I don't need to see this person anymore.- Get rid of the asset. - Sir.He's an animal, but he's still an American citizen.We are at war. And he is an enemy combatant.And he lost whatever rights he might have had as an American when he cut that poor man's head off.So don't give me your pride or your position.Because none of this would have happenedif you'd done what you were told in the first place.I'll take care of it.Yes, you will, and you will do so willingly.And I want you to get some good, usable footage...of his killing.And then destroy everything else.We will be releasing footage of Joshua Masterson's killing. The administration and the intelligence communitywere hoping to take him alive.But I would like to commendAssistant Director of Counterterrorism, Nathan Green.And of course all of the workthat Secretary Durant has done behind the scenes on all of this. The information the investigation has gathered so farpoints to Joshua Masterson and Zachary Hawthornehaving strong connections to ICO abroad。

Kentucky, you have 53 votes.How do you cast them?Madam Secretary,as a senator for the great Commonwealth of Kentucky,I'm proud to speak on behalf of the delegation's chair.The Commonwealth of Kentucky,home of the Derby, the Wildcats,and the birthplace of bourbon,for Vice President of the United States,casts 13 votes for Secretary of State Catherine Durant...11 for Senator Joseph Baker of Nevada,9 for Governor Randall Smith of West Virginia,7 apiece for Governor Jill Haley of Floridaand Congresswoman Sharon Pierce of California,5 for one of our own, the Mayor of Louisville, Jill Carson... and 1 vote for the First Lady of these United States, Mrs. Claire Underwood.Louisiana, you have 61 votes.How do you cast them?Isn't this exciting? You can feel the electricity.Been a very long time since an open convention.I'm surprised you didn't get a few votes yourself, Senator. I'm not running for vice president.Neither is Claire Underwood and she got one.That was my vote.Trying to throw some levity into the proceedings, sir?Hell, no! I think she'd make a terrific vice president.Mrs. Underwood! Mrs. Underwood!A couple of questions, Mrs. Underwood, if you have a moment? Yes, I only have time for a few.Welcome to Atlanta, Mrs. Underwood.Thank you.Can you comment on Senator Sheer's vote?Well, I am flattered. But it's all in good fun, I'm sure.Mrs. Underwood, he says he'll vote for you again.Well, I am encouraging everyone, including Senator Sheer,to vote for Cathy Durant.Both the president and Ithink she is the best choice in the field.You changed everything we wrote.There was no imagination to it. No rhythm.We've been writing their speeches since they took office.We know what we're doing.Well, do you want it to be good, or do you want it to be yours? The vote I'm most excited aboutis the victory ourBackground Check Legislation got in the House yesterday.So I'm hoping that the Senate will follow their lead soon,and that the president can sign it into law.I have to go. Thank you so much.Thank you... for inviting us.No.It's me who has to thank you and your son.He saved my life.No matter how tragic the circumstances.I want you to meet some of the other recipients.This is James...who received one of your son's kidneys.And this is Luisa...who received your son's heart.Luisa was at the top of the list.She was hours away from dying.Uh, if we could, let's all get together for a photo.James? Right here.- You come right here. - Okay.All right.This way. Great.The president isn't shying away from, uh, his transplant. Well, I think it's a smart move.You can't deny it, so why try to hide it?Plus, I think it underscores the importanceof the vice presidential situation.Wait, rolling out the donor's mom? That feels a bit exploitative.I... Look, hold on.A little bit of compassion, the kid just shot himself.And with a handgun, no less.Legally purchased. Let's not put this on the gun.Look, I am sorry, all of this, the whole thing,the convention... It's theatrics.Hey, look, I... bring on the circus.It's a lot more fun than some four-day infomercial.Let's talk about the contenders themselves.There's almost a dozen of 'em.- Can you, uh, lower that, please? - ...really have a chance. Durant, first among 'em.It's 11:00 in the morning, day one,and they're beating Ellen.Less traffic on the website, too.People aren't watching the videos as much.This sold over a million copies.Five times that many read it online.Yeah, well, that was last month. This is this month.We announce a stellar running mate.He eviscerates Underwood on ICO.We have not one, but twoVanity Fair covers that Pollyhop's pushing,and all you give me is excuses.The point was for us to drown out their convention,not the other way around. We need to steal the thunder back. So go where the thunder is.I've been one heartbeat away for almost two years.My heart's not in it anymore.I'm going to head back to Vermont after November. Maybe start teaching again.Who are you supporting, then?On the record, Cathy Durant.And off the record?I'm not the biggest fan.Why?She wasn't much help during the Russia crisis.She closed the deal with Petrov.She took credit for it, sure.But she fought the deal every step of the way.Nothing would've happened if it weren't for Claire.The First Lady?The former ambassador.We're closer in Kansas, but still not close enough.Did you speak to Jefferieswhen you were there for the House vote?He's leaning on Fred Simms.If Simms could deliver two or three delegates--That could push Kansas over the edge.I can call Womack.He's got some friends over the border.- What about Pawley? - Pawley?Sheriff Pawley in Fort Worth, old family friend of my dad's. He's close with some superdelegates from Dallas.Yes, he's on board.Gotta love those sheriffs.That's how we do in Louisiana.What about Enright?I'm meeting him for coffee at the Hyatt.In fact, I better get going. I don't wanna be late.Now, if we could lock up Virginia--It would send a very big message.And then Kentucky next.He's got a big old crush on you.We better get you on a move.Enright is a stickler for punctuality.You know, I'm having fun. I forgot how much I miss being whip. You whip 'em. I'll sweet talk 'em.Nothing like leather and sugar.Sir?Senator Sheer.Senator, you did a fine job.Yeah, I better get prime time,not one of these midmorning speeches.Eight o'clock, Wednesday night. I called Patti myself.Do you know the main thing that separatesa politician from the rest of the species?A politician is the one who would drown a litter of kittensfor ten minutes of prime time.Secretary Durant. Editor in chief, Politico.It's all right.Adam, are you covering this yourself?First open one since '68.It's humid as hell, though.I just got here and I'm already soaked.On the plus side,I hear they have the best strip clubs in the country.Can I ask you a couple questions?- Well, I'm in a hurry. - Just a couple.Nothing on the record.Tell me about the rumorsregarding the deal you struck with Petrov in Brandenburg. What rumors?That it was the First Lady who brokered the deal, not you. It was a team effort. Who is your source?I can't. You know that.Well, I'm afraid that's all the time I've got.Have a good trip, Adam.The president was on site this morning for a press briefing at the Truxton Marquis with Karen Williams,the mother of Daniel Williams,the organ donor who provided his liver.Alongside him were all of the donor organs' recipients. Ms. Williams took time to speak with each recipient whose life was saved in the wake of her son's passing. The president used this solemn eventto express his gratitude for those who share their livesfor the health and welfare of others,whether through organ donation or through their work.The president's condition has improved dramaticallysince his organ donation.The entire country was on edgethroughout his time in the hospital.Sixteen-year-old Daniel,who saved President Underwood from his health crisis,left this world bygiving back to so many others he never expected to touch. Lasting tributes like this will not be forgotten.Currently, there are more than 122,000 men,women and childrenseeking an organ transplant each year,most common needs being the kidney, liver, and heart.And while the number of donors has increased over the years, recipients are still in for a long, potentially fatal waiting period before a healthy, matching organ becomes available. Waiting lists for these types of transplantscan last from days to months on end.Although President Underwood's critical conditionpushed him to the top of the donor list,he was fortunate to have received a donation in time.Many status one, or most in-need patientsdo not receive a transplant in time to save their lives. Tennessee! You have 77 votes.How do you cast them?From the Volunteer State...From the Volunteer State...the president will be with you in a moment....we cast 73 votes for vice presidentto Secretary Catherine Durant,and four votes to Senator Joseph Baker.- Cathy! - The meeting with Enright went well.I put a call into him afterwards. He said you charmed him.- That puts us where? - Nine-forty-nine.We won't make this ballot, but we're getting close.Next one. I'm sure of it.Let's talk once we get the final numbers.Will do. Bye.Texas, you have 237 votes.Do you have my call list for tonight?How do you cast them?Madam Secretary, my name is Ruiz Trejo.I see. Uh, I ran into Giovanni in the elevator.You can cross him off.And cross off Milford.She said she's gonna back Baker till the bitter end.We cast all of our votes to our native daughter,the First Lady,and the future Vice President of the United States of America, Claire Underwood.Thank you, Texas. And thank...All 237? Nice.My mother brought the hammer down on the holdouts.I just emailed you my donor lists for Austin and Houston. Should be at least two million in the bank.- Ms. Jones. - Oh, that's great.Oh, I gotta go. The cameras are here.Ms. Jones, the entire state for the First Lady.Will you comment?I think our unanimous vote is all the commentary you need. Now, the president endorsed your race, uh,your mother's vacant seat, uh, during the State of the Union. He sure did, and I'm proud to be the front-runner.Did that endorsement have anything to dowith your support of the First Lady?Look, I won't deny that the Underwoods have been good to me. But no. They asked me to vote for Catherine Durant. And while I think Secretary Durantwould be a wonderful woman for the job,I think Claire is the best woman for the job.Well, I really appreciate it, Diane,and I know Cathy will as well.All right, we'll speak soon.New draft.LeAnn wanted me to work in some phrases...and keyword amplifiers.All I'm asking is that you make the call.He'll listen if it comes from you.It seems very clunky.I agree.Is there a way to...put in what she wants and make it...- more elegant? - He's still pissed aboutthat limp-dick defense bill I killed when I was whip... Maybe... but I have my limitations.Well, you don't have much faith in her analytics, I don't think. It's paint by numbers.Yes, well, she also saysthat you've been alienating some of the other speechwriters. Eh, well, their mediocrity is what's alienating them.I'm allergic to it.- I work better alone. - Let me speak to Bryceand then see what I can do.That's right. WestCAM should do it.Well, tonight if you can.The morning is fine if you can't...I have to go. Let's discuss the speech later.Yeah, all I need is just three more from your stateand we've got it.Yes, just a... just a few more.Like, three.Yes, and so do I. I'll talk to you tomorrow.Good night.Tom.I feel like we haven't even had a chance to say hellosince you came on board.You're a busy man.I don't know the opposite.It has its upsides. Like sleep.And friends.How's the, uh...You know, if it weren't for the pills,I could go through entire days without even thinking about it.I wonder what that kid would think...if he knew that part of him was inside of the president's body. Tragic, huh?But, then again,one man's tragedy is another man's treasure,- isn't that right? - Trash.What?"One man's trash." That's how the saying goes.Oh, right.How's the speech coming?Well, this is for the introduction to your acceptance speech, but... shouldn't it be for her own acceptance?You want Claire to win, not Durant.A First Lady as the...That's ludicrous.I don't think so.And I don't think you do either.Maybe I'm wrong.But if I'm right...she's gonna need the speech to end all speeches.And it would be good for me to know that.I have some more work to do.Governor! How are you?Yeah, well, I wish I was in Oregon, too,but I'm here in Atlantawhere it's muggier than a street hooker's twat.I am honored to be mentionedwith Secretary Durant and Senator Baker.They're seasoned politicians.But I already have a job,First Lady of the United States.Well, Texas is over 5% of the vote.And my home state, so let's not make more of it than it is. Claire!Congratulations. I think you're in fifth place now. Yeah, with you in first, where you should be. Secretary Durant, do you think the First Lady has a shot?I think Texas just gave her one.Kidding aside, do you thinkshe has the foreign policy experience?It's beside the point. And like I said this morning,I encourage everyone, including Texas,to vote for Secretary Durant.Mrs. Underwood--You know what, if you'll excuse me,I want to get back to the phones,make sure Cathy gets this nomination.- Thank you. - May I have a moment?Oh, of course.Did anyone ask you about Brandenburgor any of your people and your involvement there? Brandenburg?No, we put that to bed.That's what I thought,which is why I was surprised when Adam Gould told me that he had sources saying you deserved all the credit. We all agreed to what our version of the story is,so somebody isn't toeing the line.Well, I'm sure it's not White House staff.I bet he's just fishing, trying to start some rivalry. Well, I'd be grateful, if he asks you, or anyone else--Of course. And I've been sticking to our story...which it was you that got the Russians to back down, and I was just there to support you.That wouldn't look good to the delegates,the fact that you met with Petrov without me.It would look like I wasn't in command of--No one needs to know what we discussed.You have nothing to worry about, Cathy. Honestly.Well, yeah. I can get you on the phonewith the Secretary of Agriculture,but if you want drought relief,I'm gonna need more than just Stevens and Lopez. Has anything been set up with Baker yet? Tomorrow morning, in his room.Well, that's cutting it close.He's at a big dinner withthe Florida congressional delegation tonight. Well, all right, and call me back.The rumors have gotten to Cathy.Well, we did want them to spread. That was the idea.I think one of us needs to speak with her.Yeah, but the plan was to wait till it was inevitable. If we don't involve her sooner than later, Francis, she could turn on us.All right, you take your meeting with Baker.- I'll talk to Cathy. You set that up. - Yes, sir.How much are you going to say?Just enough to prepare her.A lot of calls about Mrs. Underwood in Russia. Denying?Ignoring, which is the same as confirming.- Good. - Claire in there?She's speaking privately with the president.Oh, I'm sure she won't mind.Where are we with LeAnn?- She's clean. - No.I refuse to believe that.Doug, if our campaign manager bites the dust,that hurts us.I gave you a task.And I'll keep at it.Nice coverage on the liver thing this morning.I emailed you some links.Boys are older now, both married.Got a third grandkid on the way.We don't get out to the lake much these days. Washington takes its toll.It sure does.I've made a lot of sacrifices over the years, Mrs. Underwood. Time with my boys, that's a big one.Who knows if I'll win, but I'm in the mix.And I can't sacrifice this opportunityto pave the way for Cathy Durant.You won't win, Senator. We both know that.But I can't help her.Now, I realize you two don't get along.She despises me.And I have to say, the feeling is mutual.- Well, listen-- - The moment she became Secretary of State, she got the Republicans toremove me from the Foreign Relations Committee.And Francis was very upset about that.But that was the past.Let's talk about the future.This support for Claire, it's caught us both off guard.But you are my choice for vice president.Nothing has changed on that front.Well, my only concern are the rumors.They could damage my chances.Yes. And we'll do what we can to combat those.That's what Claire said, too, and it's much appreciated.But, if, and-- Oh, God, it's a big if.But what if...support for Claire picks up steam...Well, you don't actually think that will happen?Oh, no. I mean, a First Lady as VP?No.The party wants someone with experience, and so does the country. Absolutely.But... it is an open convention,and so we have to operatewith the belief that anything could happen.I mean, the press is certainly enjoying imagining it.Well, sure. It makes for a good story.Yeah, and it's the kind of coverage that we can't really control. You know, I mean,these things have a way of taking on a life of their own.Like the Zoe Barnes storydid about my nomination for Secretary of State.Except that one we planted.- And this one you didn't. - No, absolutely not!I mean, Claire was mortified by those votes.What you're saying is if the coverage influences enough people... Well, we have to be prepared for that.I mean...of course, politically, it would be a disaster.Maybe, maybe not.You don't think so?Well, personally, I think Claire would do an excellent job. Well, I am very surprised to hear you say that.You don't believe she would?Well, I've just never really considered it.The First Lady? As vice president?Well, 251 delegates think it's a good idea.Well, most of those were from Texas, which was a lark.Was it?I have as many delegates as you do, Senator.- But if you start pushing yours my way... - You double.And take the lead.- And then Cathy puts you over the top. - That's the idea.So she's in on this?She will be.Well, let's say Claire does take the lead,however unlikely that may be...- Very unlikely, I would say. - Well, let's say she does. What do you propose?I honestly don't know.Well, you'd have to support her, wouldn't you?You can't abandon your own wife.Uh, true, but I can't abandon you either.Well, if she took the lead,I suppose I'd have to support her, too.No, I would never ask you to do that.But you don't have to ask. We're on the same team here. Well, to be perfectly blunt...what's in it for me?What would it take?You're doing the selling. Make me an offer.Let's say Claire gets it.I assume I stay on, if you get the general.Oh, absolutely.I cannot imagine the nextfour years without you being my Secretary of......State.You'd give me Cathy's job?We're prepared to.- Doug. - Madam Secretary.We have an issue, sir.When I first warned the president that ICO would grow,and grow quickly, he did nothing.Yesterday, the leaders of ICO sent out this tweet."As Suwar is ours.Soon heads will roll into the Euphrates."That wasn't just in Arabic, that was in English,and sent out in 16 other languages.They're media savvy, they're recruiting around the globe. They have the money and the manpower now.Once they get to the Euphrates,they'll have a choke hold on northern Syria.We must act, Mr. President, and we must act now. Normally, there's a tradition of sportsmanshipwhen it comes to conventions.One candidate lays lowso the other gets his or her moment in the spotlight.But not only is the presidentignoring a great threat to the world's security,he's insulted the one man who stood up and spoke out for us all. When this profile came outabout everything the general just mentioned,the White House said that he was politicizing terrorism.And when I announced that General Brockhartwas going to be my running mate,the president's campaign said, and I quote,"It's a shame the general traded in patriotism for careerism."Now, I don't call that very sportsmanlike.I call it disgraceful.How many wars has the president fought for his country?I think we all know, none.And he questions the patriotism of a man who has fought in many? You hear me, Mr. President.I demand that you do something about ICO.And I demand that you make an apology to the general.And we're not leaving Atlanta until you've done both.Live on every network right now.I gotta hand it to him.I wonder if this was his idea,'cause it's almost something like I would do.We ignore him. It's 95 degrees. Let him sweat it out.I think the longer we ignore him, the more attention they'll get.I agree with LeAnn.So apologize.It's only pride.I can do it if you want, sir.I wrote the statement.No, it only works if it comes from Francis.Claire's right.And we can do more than just apologize.I can meet with the bastard.The issues the governor and the general raise are important ones. They transcend party affiliations and, quite frankly, politics.And so in that spirit, I'm inviting the governorto come here and join me,so that we can have a conversation privately because... whoever becomes the president is going to have to deal with ICO and all of the other terrorist threats that we face around the globe. So I'm looking forward to hearingwhatever ideas and solutions that they may have...because a smart president will steal good ideas from anyone.Let's kill them with kindness, shall we?- Governor. - Mr. President.Would you please put the General on the line?Sir?General...your service to this country is greatly valuedand your patriotism is without doubt.And in the heat of the campaign, well, we went too far.We issued statements that we shouldn't have,and for that I want to apologize,and I do hope that you will accept it.Far more important to me than an apologyis eliminating ICO, Mr. President.I couldn't agree with your more, General.If you'd be so kind as to put the Governor back on the phone.I received your invitation, Mr. President.And will you join us, Governor?Only if it leads to real action, not just talk.I can promise you, Governor,and the rest of America that it will not just be talk.Then, yes. If it truly leads to securing our freedom.Thank you very much. I look forward to seeing you.Thank you all very much.Right this way, Governor.Do you think this a good idea?What choice do I have? He called my bluff.Welcome, Governor.Thank you, Mr. President.I have a room set up for us.Here.Have some lunch.We've got ham, and I think some turkey.I'm good, but thanks.Really?After the stunt you just pulled, I would've thought you love ham. You put this here on purpose.Well, a little reading material, you know.Something to pass the time.I just got a text from Ben Grantsaying searches for this issue isgoing through the roof since we showed up here.Ben Grant owns Pollyhop...That's right.And you own Ben Grant.Isn't that what power is? The people you collect?You really screwed me with that webcast.I had everything all planned out.The Federal Election Commission, the Department of Justice.I was looking forward to watching you go down in flames... maybe even behind bars.Well, I'm sorry I ruined your fun.It's a bit embarrassing, though, isn't it?I mean, sharing all your most intimate moments?Videos of your children?I'm proud of my family. Why would I be embarrassed? Well, just that you have to stoop so low to win everyone's love. It feels a bit desperate, doesn't it?You're 15 points behind in every poll.So, if anyone's desperate, it should be you.Well, the key to being Presidentis not only winning your battles,it's winning them with dignity.Should we talk about ICO?Oh, God. Why would we want to do that?It's why we're meeting.Oh, right."Real talk, real action."That's what you're all about, isn't it?Well, I suppose we could if you want to, but...then again we could just take a break from it alland relax a bit.God.This turkey tastes like rubber.Well, it's better than eating a real one.Oh, I always wear protectionwhen I'm getting my dick sucked by the Democrats.You okay?I'm fine. I'm fine.Don't make me laugh when I'm eating. I nearly choked to death. Well, that is one way for me to become president.- Here you go. - Thank you.- You okay? - Oh, yeah.Do you mind if I take these off?They're brand new and I'm still breaking 'em in.You like to play video games, right?Now, how did you hear about that?Tom Yates.Oh, yes.Tom Yates.That's one person you weren't able to collect, were you?What did you do to get him back?Oh, look, I'm sure he was tempted.He is a fiction writer, after all.You're a New York Republican.That's an attractive fiction, isn't it?And you're a Democrat from South Carolina,that's even bigger fiction.Well, there you go.And I'm a New York Republican, which is basically a Democrat. If you were a Democrat, you'd be unstoppable.You'd be the new JFK.And if you were a Republican, who'd you be? Nixon?Nixon was a far more effective president.The only reason people glorify Kennedy is because he got shot. Well, you've got that going for you, too, now, don't you?And you've got your search engineand all your little home videos.See, if people want a piece of you...you give it to them, right?Oh, is that what people want?A piece of you?Do you play video games?No. My kids do.There's this one game that my son Charlie, he loves to play.It's called Agar.Io.I have to admit, I might have played it a couple of times myself. You start out as a little dot.And then you go aroundeating these other dots and you get bigger.And the bigger you get,you gotta avoid getting eaten by the bigger players. Meanwhile, you're trying to eat the smaller players.。

THE GOOD WIFEbyRobert King & Michelle King January 29, 2009TEASERA VIDEO IMAGE of......a packed press conference. A lower-third chyron trumpets “Chicago D.A. Resigns” as the grim D.A. approaches a podium,his wife beside him. He clears his throat, reads:DAVID FOLLICKGood morning. An hour ago, Iresigned as States Attorney of CookCounty. I did this with a heavyheart and a deep commitment to fightthese scurrilous charges. At thesame time, I need time to atone formy private failings with my wife,Alicia, and our two children.Oh, one of those press conferences. Scandal. In the key of Elliott Spitzer. DAVID FOLLICK (40) is a back-slapping Bill Clinton: smart, funny, calculatedly seductive, and now at the end of his career. But he’s not our hero. Our hero is......his wife, ALICIA (late-30s) standing beside him. Pretty. Proper. She’s always been the good girl-- the good girl who became the good wife, then the good mom: devoted, strugglingnot to outshine her husband. We move in on her as we hear...DAVID FOLLICK (CONT’D)I want to be clear. I have neverabused my office. I have nevertraded lighter sentences for eitherfinancial or sexual favors.Ugh. We suddenly enter the video, and we’re there with...Alicia as she looks out at the excited reporters, the phalanxof cameras all clicking, boring in on her.DAVID FOLLICK (CONT’D)But I do admit to a failure ofjudgment in my private dealings withthese women.Dying inside, Alicia tries to keep a neutral expression on her face as we see what she sees: the edge of the podium... the crisp paper David reads from... his black coat... his sleeve.DAVID FOLLICK (CONT’D)The money used in these transactionswas mine, and mine alone. No publicfunds were ever utilized.There’s a piece of lint on his sleeve. A half inch long.Alicia just stares at it. The whole world tied up in that lint.DAVID FOLLICK (CONT’D)Alicia and I ask that the pressplease respect our privacy. Give ustime to heal. With the love of Godand the forgiveness of...Etc. Alicia only half-listening now. Sound dull, distant. Her hand reaches slowly, unconsciously, toward the lint when----David clasps her fingers. Oh, he’s done. He guides her offstage away from the reporters’ shouted questions, into... EXT. GREEN ROOM - COOK COUNTY COURTHOUSE MEDIA ROOM - DAY...a backstage green room where two political ops sweep up:POLITICAL OPSWe need to do the Tribune first--Channel Four wants a sit down. We--But Alicia still eyes the lint on David’s sleeve. David looks toward her, sees how strangely removed she is.DAVID FOLLICKAre you alright?Alicia looks up at him, and......SLAP! She slaps him so hard David falls to one knee,looks up at her stunned. But Alicia, very controlled, very proper, straightens her blouse, reaches for her purse, calmly and coolly exits into... BLACK. And a title appears...“Six months later.”INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - 27TH FLOOR - LAW FIRM - DAYAlicia waits, alone, in the 27th floor conference room of a mid-level Chicago law firm. Opening a new chapter in herlife. She wears a new suit, new shoes, new looser hairstyle: more career woman than political wife. She looks down at... ...a new leather binder where she’s written a one word heading:GoalsOkay, goals. What goals? She stares at it. Glances up at a clock: 9:45. Where is everyone? She goes to the door:ALICIAHi, sorry, this is my first day.Isn’t the staff meeting at 9:30?An overbusy SECRETARY nods, clicking away at a computer.SECRETARYYou’re in the wrong conferenceroom. It’s up one floor.Alicia stares at her, and-- shit!--INT. EMERGENCY STAIRWELL - TRIBUNE BUILDING - DAY--BAM-- she slams into the stairwell, races up the stairs two at a time, accidentally drops the leather binder-- it rattles down a half-dozen flights. Screw it. Alicia bursts into-- INT. RECEPTION - 28TH FLOOR - TRIBUNE BUILDING - DAY--the firm’s reception. “Stern, Lockhart & Garvin.”ALICIAWhich way to the conference room?TWO RECEPTIONISTS point through double doors. Alicia bangs through them as the receptionists trade a look:RECEPTIONIST #1Is that her?(the other nods)Her hair’s different.INT. WORKSTATION ROW - 28TH FLOOR - DAYAlicia races past workstations, offices. Everything designed in Greene & Greene colors in an attempt to warm up a cold skyscraper build-out. Alicia slows as she sees......the glass-walled conference room. Packed with 45 seated and standing associates, partners, paralegals! Shit, shit, shit. She’s late! She slips in...INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - 28TH FLOOR - LAW FIRM - DAY...the back, unnoticed behind a screen of standing junior associates, all tall, young. Late 20s seems to be the age du jour here. One notices her, smiles to himself. CARY (27). Her competition. A bright and shiny Harvard grad. Looks like a male model. At the front, a firm Partner wraps up:WILL--Anyway, Schering-Plough fired theirlast firm for this very reason. So,until further notice, your personallives have been canceled.Chuckles from the room. WILL GARVIN (38). Handsome. Aguy’s guy. One of the “Top 50 Chicago Bachelors.” Makes it all look easy-- life, law, sex. Another partner takes over:DAWNAThis is a complicated, multi-jurisdictional class action. Sowe’ll need some of you to help outwith the lower-profile client-workto free up our top litigators.DAWNA LOCKHART (56). A tough, smart feminist. Dresses likea million bucks. The top litigator at the firm, and in town.WILLAnd by “lower profile,” Dawna ofcourse means “crucially important.”(the room laughs)Ed, you’ll take witness prep onHighway redistribution. Don, you’reon the Brighton criminal. AndAlicia, you’ll take the pro bono.Alicia looks up. What? What pro bono? It’s on a squeegee board at the front-- “pro bono”-- but she missed the discussion.WILL (CONT’D)Everyone else, your task is to showSchering-Plough our A-game. Okay?Let’s do this.And that’s it-- the associates all start out, gabbing, asAlicia sees Will slip out the other door. Chasing...INT. WORKSTATION ROW - 28TH FLOOR - DAYALICIAWill.Will turns, smiles. A warmer smile than usual. Some kind of history between them or is he always this nice?WILLAlicia. Sorry, I didn’t introduceyou in there, but everything’smoving fast with this class action.The two walk and talk-- everything on the run at this firm:ALICIAI just wanted to say thanks for theopportunity, Will. It’s a reallife saver.WILLHey, no, thanks for coming onboard. Hope you’re alright withthis pro bono. How’d it sound?Alicia stares at him. Ummmm.ALICIAInteresting.WILLGood. Don’t be nervous. Youworried about the “bad facts?”ALICIAThe... ?“The Bitch is Back” plays. Oh, damn, Alicia’s cellphone. She digs it out of her purse, snaps it off, as Will laughs:WILLWho gets “The Bitch is Back”?ALICIAMy mother-in-law.(Will laughs)My daughter programmed it.WILLWhat’s your ringtone?ALICIAMy--? I don’t think I want to know.My kids aren’t too happy with megetting my mother-in-law to help outat home. So these bad facts...?WILLRight, I have to go into a meeting,but--(sees Dawna down the hall)Hey, Dawna, a re you briefing Alicia?(Dawna nods)Good, you’re in good hands. Sowe’ll have dinner, catch up.And Will’s gone. A whiplashed Alicia jogs to catch up with Dawna now. Moving fast:DAWNASo Will speaks highly of you. Hesays you graduated top of your classat Georgetown. When was this?ALICIAFifteen years ago.DAWNAUh-huh. And you spent two years at...?ALICIACrozier, Abrams & Abbott.DAWNARight. Good firm. Why’d you leave?ALICIAI... Well, I had kids. Myhusband’s career.Dawna nods. Alicia eyes her, not sure if there’s a tone. There doesn’t seem to be. Passing her assistant:DAWNABrian, can you get Mrs. Follick thefiles?INT. DAWNA’S CORNER OFFICE - 28TH FLOOR - LAW FIRM - DAYAnd they enter Dawna’s large corner office. A Jack Russell Terrier trots up. Dawna pets it as she slips on a headset.DAWNAI want you to think of me as amentor, Alicia. It’s the closest wehave to an old boy’s network in thistown: women helping women. Okay?ALICIAOkay.DAWNAWhen I was starting out, I got onegreat piece of advice: “Men can belazy. Women can’t.” And I thinkthat goes double for you. Not onlyare you coming back to the workplacefairly late, but you have some veryprominent baggage with this scandal.She nods to a photo of herself with Hillary Clinton...DAWNA (CONT’D)But, hey, if she can do it, so can you.Dawna smiles. Alicia smiles back as-- thump-- Brian drops a FILE BOX beside her.DAWNA (CONT’D)Thanks, Brian. Like many law firmswe donate 5% of billable hours topro bono work so the indigent haveoptions other than the publicdefenders office.(MORE)DAWNA (CONT’D)Sadly I’m long past my acceptablebillable hours on this one; so Ineed to hand off the retrial.Alicia takes notes, finds a mugshot taped to the top of the box. Not what she expected. A sweet woman in her late 20s.DAWNA (CONT’D)Jennifer Combs. 29 years old. Aworking mom. Taught second grade.Accused of killing her ex-husbandin a faked carjacking. Prosecutionthought it was a slam-dunk 30 tolife, but the jury came back lastweek deadlocked.Alicia keeps trying to take notes, but the terrier sniffs and nuzzles at her lap.DAWNA (CONT’D)Six jurors voted to convict; six not.I’m not even sure why the D.A. isretrying, except he wants-- Justice!Alicia looks up. What?! Oh, the dog’s name.DAWNA (CONT’D)--he wants to prove himself. Sonothing fancy. Stick to mystrategy from the first trial. Itworked for reasonable doubt and adeadlocked jury. Okay?Alicia nods, but Dawna sees Brian outside talking with CORMAC (58), the third partner, bullet-headed, says very little, but when he does, he’s the voice of God.DAWNA (CONT’D)Okay, we’ll have to cut this short.Our investigator can get you up tospeed for the bail hearing at 3.(yelling out)Cormac, I’m ready.ALICIAThe bail hearing-- it’s today?DAWNAYes, we could delay, but that wouldleave Jennifer incarcerated foranother month. Don’t worry, you’llbe fine. The D.A.’s not going toargue against a recognizance release.INT. WORKSTATION ROW - 28TH FLOOR - DAYAnd-- bang-- Alicia’s out the office door, standing there with the file box. The assistant Brian offers a lint roller. Oh. Her skirt covered with dog hair.ALICIAThanks.Alicia starts to brush it off when she notices Brian’s computer: a “You Tube” video paused there. The infamous David Follick press conference. Brian quickly clicks it off. Embarrassed.BRIANSorry. I like your hair this way.INT. EMERGENCY STAIRWELL - TRIBUNE BUILDING - DAYAlicia pushes into the stairwell. Needs a moment to herself. Drop her office face. Looks down toward her fumbled leather binder. “Goals” still written there. She starts down toward it. When...CARYHey, need some help?Cary. Peering down the stairwell.INT. WORKSTATION ROW - 27TH FLOOR - DAYCary carries the file box toward their neighboring offices:CARYI know we’re the two new associates,and we should be at each other’sthroats, but I just want to say...I’m in awe of what you’re doing.Alicia studies him. Is this guy for real? Calculated?CARY (CONT'D)Raising a family, then jumpingright back into this. My mom’sthinking of doing the same thing.ALICIA(stares at him)...Great.SONIAI’m almost done, Cary. Latte onyour desk. Hi, Mrs. Follick.ALICIAHi.SONIA (24), their shared assistant, rushing past, rolling a FILING CABINET into Cary’s office. An overbusy MichelleWilliams-like college grad.CARYIt looks like we share anassistant. So tell me when I’mhogging her, okay? And let thebest associate win.(starts into his office)ALICIAExcuse me?Cary turns back, sees her confusion.CARYLet the-- Oh. Nothing. I--Nothing.And he enters his office. Alicia frowns: what the fuck wasthat? She pushes her door open and finds...INT. ALICIA’S OFFICE - DAY...a woman sitting in her chair, flipping through a file. Sexy. Casual clothes. Alicia pauses, checks the name on her door.KALINDADon’t worry, it’s yours.(standing)Kalinda Sharma. The in-house.ALICIAOh, right, the investigator. Dawnasaid you’d take me through the probono. Alicia Follick.Alicia offers a hand. KALINDA SHARMA (25) barely shakes it. An East Indian stunner. Bollywood Erin Brokovich. No-nonsense, independent, a cool temperament, nonchalantly bisexual.KALINDAYou’re David Follick’s wife?ALICIAThat’s right.KALINDAI worked with him at the D.A.’soffice. He fired me.Oh. Alicia stares at her. This is getting old.ALICIALook, I’ll give you his address ifyou want to complain; but I have abail hearing at three, so can we dothis?Tougher than she intended. Kalinda stares at Alicia, gets up, goes to her, and... takes the file box. And......CUT TO LATER: She slaps a crime photo on the desk. A car beside Lake Michigan splattered with blood.KALINDAIt started a year ago. A carjacking.That’s what the cops thought atfirst. Part of that series ofcarjackings in Wilmette last year.Thieves would target upscale cars...Kalinda lays out three separate crime scenes: BMWs, Lexusus.KALINDA (CONT’D)...fix a clip to the fuel line,follow the driver a half mile untilhe ran out of gas, murder theoccupants, then take his car.Kalinda hands Alicia grisly photos of victims shot in the face, gauging her response. Not what she expected. Alicia more fascinated than appalled.KALINDA (CONT’D)At first it looked like this newestcarjacking was just another in theseries. The only problem: the carwasn’t upscale. An old 2001 Honda.Also, there was no clip attached tothe fuel line. And, last, thepassenger was only shot in the arm.(an injured Jennifer)Jennifer Combs. She said her ex-husband struggled with thecarjacker-- that’s why she was onlyshot in the arm, and her ex-husbandwas killed.Alicia notices something in her file:ALICIAShe taught at Francis Parker.(Kalinda looks over at her)It’s a good school.Kalinda just stares at her. Okay. Continues:KALINDAThe cops began to think it wasactually a murder disguised as abotched carjacking: Jennifer killedher ex-husband, then shot herselfin the arm.Alicia studies Jennifer’s mugshot. She looks like Alicia at the press conference: overwhelmed, vaguely etherized.EXT. COOK COUNTY COURTHOUSE - DAYALICIAThe weapon?Alicia and Kalinda cross toward the criminal courthouse:KALINDANever recovered. The copstheorized she threw it into LakeMichigan. They dragged the lake,never found it. Gunpowder residuewas inconclusive.INT. ELEVATOR - COOK COUNTY COURTHOUSE - DAYALICIAAnd her motive?The two whispering at the back of a courthouse elevator:KALINDAShe was in a custody battle withher ex-husband. He remarried andwanted custody of their 3-year-old.MIA’s “You’re Good” starts to play. Oh, damn. Another ringtone. Alicia reaches into her purse.ALICIASorry, my daughter.INT. HALLWAY - PUBLIC SCHOOL - CHICAGO - DAYHer daughter, GRACE (13), between classes, moving in a stream of kids almost all talking on their cells. Mildly plump, caught at that age between gawky and pretty.GRACEHey, mom. I want to ask you aquestion, but I don’t want you tofreak out, okay?INTERCUT with...INT. THIRD FLOOR HALL - COOK COUNTY COURTHOUSE - DAYALICIAUh-oh.Alicia now in a courthouse metal detector line with Kalinda.GRACEForget it, I’ll ask Zach.ALICIANo, no, what?GRACESome girl said dad slept with ahooker my age, and I just--ALICIAWhat?!GRACEThey were playing that tape incomputer lab: dad with what’s hername, Tina...?Alicia closes her eyes: fuck. As a guard gestures:COURT GUARDMa’am, you’ll have to turn that off.GRACEAnd some girl said her dad was acop, and he said one of the hookerswas my age.ALICIA(steps out of line to talk)First of all... they were all overtwenty. And, second: isn’t there ateacher--? Why are they playingthat in computer lab?!GRACEIt was the bleeped version. Don’tworry, Mom. It’s not like I don’tknow this stuff. Look, I’ve gotHistory. I’ll see you tonight.And-- click-- that’s it. Alicia shakes her head-- hates when Grace plays it blase. She sees Kalinda impatient to continue. She rejoins her, moving through the metal detector:Dawna’s defense was simple. Thecops never looked for a carjacker.They immediately suspected Jennifer,and ignored everything else. Itworked. The jury deadlocked.Alicia nods as Kalinda pushes into Courtroom #402, looks backat Alicia pausing at the door, intimidated. Staring in. No judge yet. Bailiff and lawyers chatting. Play before curtain.KALINDA (CONT’D)What?ALICIALast time I was in court wasthirteen years ago.KALINDA(dry)Wow. I was twelve.ALICIA(looks at her)Is that supposed to boost myconfidence?And Alicia enters, starts up...INT. COURTROOM 402 - COOK CRIMINAL COURTHOUSE - DAY...the aisle. It feels weird, opening the gallery gate, crossing to the defense table, setting her documents on it.A prosecutor looks over, looks again. MATAN BRODY (29),African-American, cocky, likes the power if not the paycheck of an A.D.A. He shoots a whisper to the other A.D.A.:MATANThat’s David Follick’s wife.What?! SANDRA PAI (27), a tough Asian lawyer, looks over. Matan stands, crosses to Alicia, air thick with schadenfreude:MATAN (CONT’D)Alicia! My god! How are youdoing? Matan, remember? From theD.A. Christmas party?ALICIAOh, yes, right. Hi.MATANYou’re at “Stern, Lockhart & Garvin”?Yeah. First day.MATANWow, wow. Wow! Oh, this is SandraPai. She’s new-- I mean, sinceDavid. How’s he doing, by the way?ALICIADavid? Fine.MATANSay hello for me, will you? Hegave me my first job, you know?Look at all this.(her documents; chuckling)You’re gonna bury us. I don’t knowhow you do it, Alicia. I’d behuddled up in a ball somewhere.Alicia nods, used to these passive-aggressive compliments, as-- KLANG-- a security vestibule opens, the accused led out.MATAN (CONT’D)Well, back to work. Good luck.And Matan and Sandra slip back to their table. Sit. Stare straight ahead, and allow themselves... grins.SANDRA PAIShooting fish in a barrel?MATANTurtles.Meanwhile, JENNIFER COMBS, is led to the defense table.Alicia stands, startled. She’s lost a third of her weight. Almost nothing left of the 2nd grade school teacher.JENNIFER COMBSWhere’s Dawna?ALICIAI-- Dawna asked if I would stepin, Jennifer. I’m Alicia Follick,one of the other lawyers at thefirm.JENNIFER COMBSStep in?! For how long?ALICIAFor the retrial.JENNIFER COMBS(gasps)Oh my god.Alicia tries to reassure her, but everything’s moving too fast:BAILIFFAll rise. The Criminal Court of CookCounty is now in session. Thehonorable Judge Colin Bogira presiding.JUDGE BOGIRA (62) enters. Not the happiest man in the world. Ex-Marine. Losing his hair. His bench covered with paperclips nervously twisted into various shapes.JUDGE BOGIRABe seated. Okay, let’s hear it.The prosecutors look over at Alicia. Oh. She stands. Um...ALICIAI... Your honor...She sorts through her documents. Matan, seeing an opportunity, jumps to his feet (Chicago trials a contact sport):MATANYour honor, just to refresh yourmemory, the accused, Ms. Combs, wasdeemed a flight risk due to anearlier custody hearing--ALICIAYour honor, I just--MATAN--where she threatened to run offwith her daughter.JUDGE BOGIRAYes, and yet just last week, a jurydeadlocked on these charges 6 to 6,Mr. Brody. I know our new D.A. wantsto look tough, but why are youfighting this?MATANThe People are prepared to retrythis case right now, your honor. IfMrs. Follick is so intent on gettingher client out, why doesn’t sheagree to a speedy trial?The judge looks up at the name. Grins. As if a dirty word:JUDGE BOGIRAMrs. Follick?ALICIA(sighs: here we go)Yes, your honor.JUDGE BOGIRAThe wife of our “esteemed” ex-D.A.Your husband and I never quite saweye to eye, ma’am. In fact, I thinkhe got exactly what he deserved.Alicia winces. So does Jennifer sitting beside her.ALICIAYour honor, as you can see, I--JUDGE BOGIRAMrs. Follick. Don’t talk.(Alicia doesn’t)--but if the prosecution thinksthis will in some way prejudice meagainst your client, he is sorelymistaken. Nice try, Matan.(Matan shrugs: worth a try)Ms. Combs is granted pre-trialrelease with electronic monitoring.She’s restricted to her home,attorney’s offices, and transit inbetween. Given that this is arerun, I’ll set a trial date fornext week. Are we all happy? Good.Bang-- he quickly hits his gavel, and that’s it. Alicia just stands there, not sure what hit her. A stunned Jennifer stands, shakes her hand:JENNIFER COMBSThank you.ALICIA(doesn’t know what to say)I... sure.END OF TEASERACT ONEINT. CONFERENCE ROOM - LAW FIRM - (NEXT DAY) - DAYAn electronic monitor. It blinks away on Jennifer’s ankle as Kalinda and Alicia take notes, listening:JENNIFER COMBSWe had a nice time. Michael talkedabout missing his daughter, and aboutthe life we had together. He wantedto drive along the lake, but we got aflat. He was getting out to fix itwhen I saw... a red pick-up truck.(pained)Do we need to do this again?KALINDAMrs. Combs, we’re looking forinconsistencies in your testimony.So yes.Jennifer swallows. Alicia eyes her, sees how hard this is.JENNIFER COMBS (O.S.)The driver came up to Michael’swindow. He was wearing a ski mask,and I... I didn’t see the gun untilMichael grabbed it. There was thisshot, and I saw... Michael’s face...(pauses, unbearable)ALICIADo you want to pause for a minute?Kalinda shoots an irritated look toward Alicia.JENNIFER COMBSNo. Just if there were some water.INT. WORKSTATION ROW - 27TH FLOOR - DAYAlicia leans out the conference room door:ALICIASonia, can you get us some water?Sonia, at her workstation, covers her headset, whispers:SONIAI’m taking notes on Cary’s call.ALICIAHow long?SONIA5 minutes. But then I’ve got his depo.Alicia frowns, shoots a look toward Cary in his office.ALICIAOkay, tell me when you’re done. AndI need some filing cabinets in myoffice.INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - 27TH FLOOR - LAW FIRM - DAYAlicia returns to the conference room with bottled water, finds Kalinda mid-questioning: more confrontational.KALINDABut that’s the problem. You say thered pick-up truck came from here--(a crime scene map)But there’s a Walmart surveillancecamera here. And the prosecutionplayed it to make you look like a liar.JENNIFER COMBSI’m not lying.KALINDAThen you’re mistaken, or something,because the tape doesn’t show atruck. And that’s why we’re facinga retrial now, and not an acquittal.ALICIA(clears her throat, warmer)What Kalinda is saying is-- couldn’tyou have been mistaken? Couldn’tthe car have come from... here?Another part of the map. Jennifer stares at it, and a tear rolls down her cheek. Kalinda rolls her eyes, backs away: too much estrogen for her, as Alicia approaches, sees Jennifer has a small worn photo. LILLY (3).ALICIA (CONT’D)Is that your daughter?(Jennifer nods, shows her)She’s beautiful.JENNIFER COMBSThey won’t let me see her. My in-laws-- they have custody, and I--(chokes up)In one day. Everything.(MORE)JENNIFER COMBS (CONT'D)My job, my life, my daughter.Everything gone. What am I goingto do?Jennifer cries. Alicia eyes her sympathetically.ALICIAYou’re going to take it one day ata time, Jennifer. We got youhousing. Go there, take a shower,take a nap, don’t turn on the TV.Do you like reading?(Jennifer nods)I’ll get you some books. Fiction isbest. You won’t feel like puttingon nice clothes or make-up, butforce yourself to. Not for court,for you. The superficial thingsmatter more than anything right now.Jennifer wipes her eyes, nods, as Kalinda studies Alicia: for the first time authoritative. Something she lived.ALICIA (CONT’D)Meanwhile, I’ll petition the courtfor visitation rights. Okay?JENNIFER COMBSIf they could even send somepictures. The worst thing in prisonwas not having photos of her.Alicia nods. Takes a second to consider this.JENNIFER COMBS (CONT’D)Do you think I have a chance?ALICIAI think the jury deadlocked 6 to 6.I think Dawna’s strategy-- arguingthat the police were so quick tofocus on you, they never pursued thereal carjackers-- is a good one.And I think we have the advantage ofinterviewing the first jurors to seehow to improve our case. So, yes, Ithink we have a very good chance.JENNIFER COMBSThank you. It’s hard.ALICIAI know.JENNIFER COMBSDoes it ever get easier?ALICIA(considers it)No.Jennifer smiles. Likes her brutal honesty.ALICIA (CONT’D)But you do get better at it.INT. WORKSTATION ROW - 27TH FLOOR - DAYAlicia sees Kalinda staring at her as they exit the room.ALICIAWhat?KALINDANothing. You go interview thejurors; I’ll try to figure out howa surveillance camera can lie--LAUREN YOSTAlicia?Alicia turns, sees a woman approaching. LAUREN YOST (35), a fit, pretty, and elegant Highland Park mom.ALICIALauren?LAUREN YOSTLook at you. I love your hair.Phil and I are here doing someestate planning. What about you?ALICIAI work here.LAUREN YOSTYou’re kidding! That’s great.You know, Jeanie asks all the timeabout your Gracie: “When are wegonna’ get together again?” And Ikeep saying “We’ve got to call.”ALICIAThat would be great.LAUREN YOSTSo let’s do it. Okay? It’s beentoo long.And Lauren starts off. Alicia turns, sees Kalinda smiling.KALINDALet me guess. “Too long” meansright after your husband’s pressconference?Alicia nods. Kalinda chuckles knowingly:KALINDA (CONT’D)My job would be a hell of a lot harderif people weren’t so predictable.INT/EXT - DEPAUL UNIVERSITY - DAYA lecture hall, class over, students rushing out. Alicia questions DR. DOWNING (55), a dignified grey-bearded prof.DR. DOWNINGThat’s right. I was the jury foreman.ALICIAAnd you don’t mind answering a fewquestions, Professor? It helps usrefine our case for the retrial.DR. DOWNINGNo, certainly. But I don’t thinkyou’ll need much refining. Yourcase was very strong, very logical.Good. Alicia, taking notes, follows him into the hall...DR. DOWNING (CONT’D)In fact, I’m not even sure why theother side went to trial. I votedfor conviction right from the start.ALICIAGood, I just--(looks up)You mean, acquittal.DR. DOWNINGNo. Conviction.ALICIA(pauses, hesitates)But, I’m with the defense.Dr. Downing suddenly stops. Stares at her.DR. DOWNINGOh.。

This is Russo. Please leave a message. 我是罗素请留言He's not answering my calls. 他不接我电话It's over, and he must know it. 都结束了他肯定明白You don't think there's any way he can recover? 你认为他不可能卷土重来了The Republicans will play that interview 共和党会在每个电台和电视台on every radio and television station 反复播放那段采访from now until November 5th. 从现在直到11月5日from now until November 5th. 美国大选为11月第一个星期二 2012年大选是11月6号I sympathize with the kid, 我同情那个孩子but this was my concern from the beginning. 但我从一开始就担心这个And I should've listened to you, sir. 我该听你的先生I thought he could handle the pressure. 我以为他能顶住压力Okay. So he withdraws. 好吧他退出了We need to replace him. 我们要找人代替他You have any ideas? 你有人选吗With less than two months to go? 只剩不到两个月If the President hadn't shut me out of the early discussions, 如果总统让我参与之前的讨论I could've come up with some good options, 我没准能提出些好人选but I don't know anyone 但我想不出有谁who's got the name recognition and donor base 同时拥有知名度和金主捐款to start a campaign from scratch just seven weeks out. 能够在七周内从零开始发起竞选Let me think. 让我想想Everything hinges on the next few minutes... 接下来的几分钟将决定一切all my months of planning, every move I've made. 我数月来的谋划我走的每一步- There is one person. - Who? -有一个人选 -谁You, Mr. Vice President. 你副总统先生If you ran to reclaim your seat, 如果你重新竞选州长I think you'd win by a landslide. 一定能获得压倒性胜利Resign the vice presidency. 辞去副总统职务Only if you win. 赢了的话Walker needs me for 2016. 沃克2016年的大选需要我Are you entirely certain he's gonna keep you on the ticket? 你敢打包票他还会留着你吗I mean, it's no secret the two of you don't exactly get along. 你们二人的不和已不是秘密What has he said? 他说什么了Oh, you're putting me in a very awkward position, Mr. Vice President. 你这不是让我难办吗副总统先生Has he been bad-mouthing me? 他有说我坏话吗Well, the exact phrase he used was 他的原话是"Pain in the ass." "讨厌鬼"That fucker. 那个混蛋He's got no idea how to lead, 他缺乏领导力no sense of respect. 不懂尊重- Oh, is this his idea? - No. -是他的主意吗 -不- His way of getting rid of me? - No. It struck me yesterday, -他想借机摆脱我 -不是我昨天想到的and I just thought it was worth suggesting. 我觉得值得商榷But, no, I haven't discussed this with anyone. 但我还没和其他人讨论过And you shouldn't. 那就好People don't leave the White House to become a governor. 没有人会傻到离开白宫去当州长May I ask you a personal question, sir? 我能问你个私人问题吗先生Do you want to be the Vice President? 你真的想做副总统吗Peter said that when you were out on that campaign trail, 彼得说你在帮他竞选拉票时you had so much enthusiasm and energy 充满激情与活力that he thought you maybe missed being the Governor. 他以为你也许怀念做州长的日子I do miss it. 的确Then why not go back? 那为什么不回去呢You could be the hero of this election 你会成为这次竞选的英雄and secure Pennsylvania for the Democrats in 2016.在2016年大选中保住民主党在宾州的胜利Garrett would never go along with something like this, 加勒特不可能同意的even if he hates my guts. 就算他恨我入骨It would make him look weak, 这会让他显得无力like he's lost control of the administration. 好像他控制不住自己的政府Not if it was a mutual decision. 如果这是双方的决定呢Look, let me talk to Garrett. 让我去找加勒特I won't mention that we've spoken. 我不会提及我们今天的谈话I suppose there's no harm in finding out what he thinks. 知道他怎么想也算有益无害Thank you, Mr. Vice President. 谢谢副总统先生- Slogans for 400. - "1976. He's making us proud again." -四百分口号 -1976年他再次让我们骄傲- D.J. - Who is Carter. -D.J. -卡特- No. John. - Who is Ford. -错约翰 -福特Peter? 彼得Slogans for 600. 六百分口号Peter, are you here? 彼得在吗"1888. Grandfather's hat fits Ben." 1888年爷爷的帽子很适合本- Claudia. - Who is Benjamin Harrison. -克劳迪娅 -本杰明·哈里森- Yes. - Presidential slogans for 800. -正确 -八百分总统竞选口号"1900. The full dinner pail " 1990年晚餐吃得饱On the train ride down, 在火车上I almost called the police to have them break in 我差点就要叫警察闯进来and make sure you hadn't hurt yourself. 看看你有没有伤害自己I'm not gonna even ask you what happened. 我不想问你发生了什么It doesn't matter right now. 现在无关紧要了It doesn't matter right now. 1964年 "你心里知道他是对的"What matters right now... 现在要紧的是...- What matters... - Who is Goldwater. -要紧的... -戈德华特- Claudia - Who is Goldwater. -克劳迪娅 -戈德华特Barry Goldwater. Yes. 巴里·戈德华特正确Oh, come on. Hey, I'm watching that. 拜托我正在看呢What matters is the 50 reporters in front of your building 要紧的是公寓外面的50个记者and the 150 campaign staffers 还有150名竞选工作人员who don't know if they still have a job. 还不知道自己是否已经失业It's over. 都结束了I know. 我知道So, tell them to go away. 让他们都走吧What, are you just gonna hole yourself up in here 怎么你打算就这么窝在这儿and hope it all goes away? 希望一切都消失吗Yeah, that's pretty much the plan. 差不多就是这样了Well, I won't let you. 我不能让你这样Hey, put that down. Hey. 放下- Hey, put that down! - Peter... -给我放下 -彼得We need to put out a statement. 我们得发表个声明Call me when you're prepared to do that. 准备好了打电话给我I'll be at the headquarters in Philly. 我会在费城的总部I was scared that I was starting to feel too much for you. 我怕我对你的感情变得太深I think that's why I ended it. 所以我才做了了断And you have no room for fear? 你不允许自己害怕吗No. Being afraid doesn't accomplish anything. 不害怕成不了事That's not true. When I'm overseas, 不对我在海外时rational fear... disease or violence... 合理的恐惧像对疾病暴力that sort of fear keeps you alive. 这种恐惧让你生存下去Back here, God, 回到这儿老天I find myself afraid of things 我感觉自己害怕些that I can't name or point to. 虚无缥缈的东西It's like, uh, how little am I seeing? 就比如我有多渺小Or have I wasted this day or this moment? 或者我是不是浪费了此时此日Yeah, I think that sometimes... 是啊我有时也会想whether my life will add up. 我的人生到底有没有意义Francis would roll his eyes 弗兰西斯听到我说这些if he heard me talking like this. 一定会翻白眼Does he know where you are? 他知道你在哪吗No, he doesn't. 不知道If he's looking for you, that's where you are. 如果他在找你你就在那儿Over there. 那里Before you met Frank. 你遇见弗兰克之前Alone. 独自一人Curious. 充满好奇Absorbing everything. 接纳一切事物You have no idea what I was like when I was a girl. 你才不知道我年轻时是什么样的Did he ever know that side of you? 他知道你的那一面吗He wasn't interested in that girl. 他对那女孩不感兴趣And neither was I. 我也是What were you interested in? 那你对什么感兴趣Being more than an observer. 不仅是观察别人You wanted to be seen. 你想受人瞩目Not just seen. 不只是受到瞩目I wanted to be significant. 我要举足轻重There's no historical precedent. 历史上没有先例Aaron Burr ran for Governor, 阿伦·伯尔就曾竞选过州长Calhoun for the Senate. 卡尔霍恩也曾竞选过参议员200 years ago. 那都是两百年前的事了One shot a man in a duel, the other believed in slavery. 一个曾在决斗中杀人另一个支持奴隶制卡尔霍恩主张奴隶制度是完美的制度阿伦·伯尔在决斗中杀死了亚历山大·哈密尔顿Is that really the sort of company we wanna share, Frank? 我们真要跟这种人相比吗弗兰克Mr. President, we stand losing 总统先生我们可能要control of an important swing state, 失去一个重要的摇摆州our majority in the house, 和议会多数党席位and quite possibly your second term in office. 甚至是您的连任Preventing all of that may require unconventional measures. 要扭转局势就得采取非常手段It would look like I'm pushing him out. 别人会以为是我容不下他Or worse... that he's abandoning the administration. 或者更糟以为他是抛弃了我们You make a joint statement. 你们可以发布一份联合声明You say he won't resign unless he wins. 就说除非竞选获胜否则他不会辞职If he loses, he stays on as Vice President. 而如果他输掉选举就继续任副总统No one could accuse either of you of disloyalty to the other.这样就没人会指责你们背叛彼此了Did Jim come to you with this? 这是吉姆的主意吗No. It's entirely my idea. 不这完全是我的想法I wouldn't dream of speaking to 在得到您的首肯之前the Vice President without passing it by you first. 我绝不会向副总统提及此事I think he'd take it as an affront, 我想他会很受冒犯like I'm trying to get rid of him. 好像我想摆脱他似的Honestly, sir, I think 老实说先生我倒觉得he might be more interested than you imagine. 他对这事会比您想的感兴趣得多- Why is that? - Well, I hesitate to bring this up, -为什么 -我本来不想提的but when he was campaigning for Russo, 但在帮罗素宣传期间he spoke quite freely about you, sir. 他曾对您颇有微词先生Tell me. 说说看Of course, I'm getting this secondhand from Peter, 当然我是听彼得转述的but the gist of it is that... 但大概是说that you lack entirely in leadership, 说您完全没有领导力and that you have no sense of respect. 还不懂得尊重人And he wants more responsibility. 他还想承担更多责任呢And how do I give him that when he shows 这么口无遮拦毫无自律absolutely no discretion, no discipline? 我怎么能给他重任呢Well, that is entirely my point. Now, look, 这正是我想说的I take full responsibility for backing Russo, 我为支持罗素竞选的事负全责but there could be a silver lining in all this. 但塞翁失马焉知非福You could accomplish two goals: 也许您能一箭双雕Secure Pennsylvania for the Democrats 为民主党保住宾州and find an honorable way to replace Matthews. 又能名正言顺地换掉马修斯What do you think? 你怎么看I think it is a very big decision, 我觉得事关重大and we do not want to make it impulsively. 最好三思而后行I agree. I'd like to put some more thought into it. 我同意我要再考虑考虑Well, that is very prudent, sir. Just bear in mind, 这很谨慎先生不过别忘了seven weeks out, that every day counts. 还有七周时间我们得分秒必争- Hi, sir. - How much is it? -你好先生 -多少钱Oh, I got your receipt right here. 发票在我这儿No, no, no. It was... it was just $40. 不不不只要40美金Yeah. Don't tell anyone, all right? 拿着吧别告诉别人行吗No. I... I never say anything about our tenants. 我不会泄露住户的隐私- The press still outside? - Yeah. -记者还守在外面吗 -是的I told them you weren't here, like you said. 我照你的吩咐告诉他们你不在Most of them left. There's still, you know, a few, though. 多数都走了但有几个还在外面If I wanted to leave, 有没有能让我is there a place I could do it without being seen? 不声不响离开这儿的路Yeah. The freight elevator down to the garage. 有可以坐货梯直达车库I could call you a cab or... 我可以叫辆出租车或是All right. Thanks. I'll let you know. 好吧谢谢再说吧Mr. Russo, uh... 罗素先生sir, it's none of my business,but, uh, 算我多管闲事吧不过my uncle... he fell off the wagon a few times. 我叔叔也曾经酒瘾复发过When he did, the best thing for him was just not to be alone.那时候最好的解决办法就是找个人陪着I'll give you this money back, I'll take that bag off your hands, 我把钱还你把酒拿走come in here, keep you company... 进去陪陪你I appreciate it. I'll let you know if I change my mind. 谢谢你如果我改变主意会叫你的I appreciate it. I'll let you know if I change my mind. 弗兰西斯·安德伍德能过来一趟吗我们得谈谈Sit down. 坐吧Where's Claire? 克莱尔在哪Not here. 不在这儿So what is this, tying up loose ends? 这是什么意思除后患吗I wouldn't presume. 我可不敢People like you can't be neatly tied up. 你这样的人怎么可能除干净呢But I thought perhaps we could start... 我想或许我们可以...It's very tasteful. 真有品味This is the dress she wore to the gala. 这是她庆典上穿的那件礼服I believe so. 我想是的It is. 就是的I recognize it. 我记得这件Go back into the bedroom. 回卧室去I'm amazed how well you got her in focus. 这焦距对得真不错What should we call her? 叫她什么好呢Why does she need a name? 她为什么一定要有名字I never photograph anyone without knowing their name. 我拍照一定要知道对方的名字You didn't take the photograph. I did. 不是你拍的我拍的I think we should call her Claire. 我觉得该叫她克莱尔She doesn't even look like me. 她长得一点都不像我Not even a younger version. Why do you keep saying that? 跟我年轻时也不像你怎么老这么说啊Not her features, her expression. 不是指她的五官而是表情Hey, we should mount it. You can hang her in your house. 我们应该裱起来你可以挂在家里Would Francis object? 弗兰西斯会反对吗Can we please not discuss Francis? 我们能不能别提弗兰西斯You brought him up in the park. 是你在公园里先提起他的I know I did, and I shouldn't have. 我知道我的错So we have to pretend he doesn't exist? 那我们得假装他不存在吗I thought we could talk about anything. 我以为我们可以无话不谈He is a presence here. You must admit that. 他其实就在这儿你得承认这点When you walked through the door yesterday, 昨天你一进门he walked right in with you. 他就和你一起来了It's just me, nobody else. 只是我一个人没有别人You keep telling yourself that, it might come true. 你就自欺欺人吧说不定会成真How do you think she'd feel if she knew I was wearing this? 你觉得她要是知道我穿她的礼服会怎么想I don't know. 我说不准You don't think she'd be upset? 你不认为她会不高兴吗She'd probably say you look very beautiful in it. 她也许会说你穿起来很好看It's like steel. 像钢一样You should put it back. 你应该放回去I think I'll keep it. 我要了I'll buy you one of your own, if you'd like. 如果你愿意的话我可以为你买件一样No. I want this one. 不用我就要这件She came into my bedroom. 她去过我卧室She should know I came into hers. 她该知道我也来过她卧室Is your bed always so perfectly made? 你们的床总是铺得这么整齐吗It's a habit I formed at military school. 这是我在军校养成的习惯What side of the bed does she sleep on? 她睡哪边That side. 那边She can keep it. 让她留着吧Fits her better anyway. 反正也更适合她Listen, Zoe... 听着佐伊Whatever just happened upstairs, 不论是刚才楼上的事whatever these past six months have been, 还是这过去的六个月的事can we agree that it is time to simplify? 现在是不是该简化这段关系了呢What does simple look like? 怎么个简化法We maintain our professional arrangement, as you suggested, 像你之前说的那样维持公事往来which I will honor. 我会尊重你的决定You still trust me? 你还信任我吗What choice do I have? 我还能怎么办You didn't hurt me or discard me like you said you would.你没像你说的那样伤害我或者遗弃我I'm glad I didn't have to. 我很庆幸没这必要Yes, we'll agree to simplify. 那好我们可以简化Good. 很好Sorry I'm a few minutes late, Frank. 抱歉我迟了几分钟弗兰克Please, have a seat. 请坐I have a pretty good idea why you asked for this meeting. 我想我很清楚你要见我的原因- Have you and the President had a chance to speak? - We have. -你和总统谈过了吗 -谈过了- Is he leaning one way or another? - He's torn. -他什么意见 -他很纠结- And what about you? - I'm a little less torn. -你呢 -我没那么纠结My instincts tell me it's a mistake. 直觉告诉我这是个错误You wanna convince me otherwise? 你想要说服我吗Well, look, if your instincts tell you 听着如果直觉告诉你this is not the way to go, I'm not about to... 不应该这么做我不打算...Frank, I'm gonna ask you two very direct questions, 弗兰克我要问你两个很直白的问题and I would appreciate direct answers. 希望你能直白地回答When you got my son into college, 你把我儿子弄进大学时were you anticipating a moment like this? 是不是就指着有这么一天I don't follow. 什么意思Honestly, Frank? 真的吗弗兰克Was I antici... 我指...I would be happy to answer you directly 我要是知道你想问什么if I knew what you were asking. 我一定直白地回答你All right. I will ask you my second question. 好吧我问第二个问题Do you want the Vice Presidency for yourself? 你是不是自己想当副总统I would serve at the pleasure of the President. That was his... 如果总统愿意委任于我那是他... You proposed this idea so that you can take Matthews' place.你提出这个建议就是为取代马修斯- I did not say that. - But it is what you want. -我可没说过 -但这是你想要的- What I want is in the... - The President makes you V.P., -我想要... -总统任命你为副总统he keeps you on the ticket in 2016, 2016年你继续连任and you use that as a springboard to run in 2020. 再把这当成2020年竞选总统的跳板Tell me that trajectory has never entered your mind. 告诉我你从未想过这些Well, Linda, I make a habit of 琳达我习惯considering all trajectories in any given situation. 考虑任何情况下可能发生的事But that's a practical exercise, not a personal one. 但这是为大局不是为了我自己So you refuse to admit it. 那你是不承认吗Admit it's what I want? That's irrelevant. 承认我是否想要这结果这毫不相干You're the one who asked for this meeting, not me. 是你安排了这次会面不是我This meeting's about trying to solve a problem, 这次会面是想要解决问题not fulfill some personal ambition. 不是满足个人野心But if both could be achieved, you wouldn't object. 但如果两者可兼得你不会反对I think this is a sound course of action 不管总统想要谁regardless of who the President taps to replace Matthews. 接替马修斯这么做都合情合理I must gamble everything I have right now. 现在我得赌上一切了If I'm honest, she may use it against me. 如果我说实话可能会落人口实If I'm not, she won't lift a finger. 如果不说她又不会帮我I've used the same tactic myself. 我自己也用过这策略Once someone is exposed, 一个人的目的一旦暴露they're at your mercy. 他们就得听你发落She wants to hear me say the words. 她想要我亲口说出来Yes. 没错I want to be the Vice President. 我想当副总统And, yes, I helped your son get into college 没错我把你儿子弄进大学in the hopes that you would return the favor. 是希望你能还我一个人情But I can't force you to do so, Linda. 但我不能逼你这么做琳达But I also think that we would make a formidable team. 我还觉得我们应该强强联手Look what we've been able to accomplish 即使存在分歧even when we've been at odds with each other. 我们都能做成这么多大事Now put your mind to what we could accomplish if we weren't. 如果我们达成一致那又会是怎样的局面Thank you for taking the time, Linda. 感谢你的宝贵时间琳达I'll call you back. How'd it go? 我再打给你怎么样了She's holding her cards very close to the chest. 她深藏不露啊- Any word from Peter? - Nothing. -有彼得的消息吗 -没有Christina said he wouldn't leave the apartment. 克里斯蒂娜说他不肯离开公寓But I called the doorman, and he said that Peter was gone. 但我打给门卫他说彼得走了- Where? - He doesn't know. -去哪了 -他不知道He needs to officially withdraw to put pressure on Walker. 他得正式退选给沃克施加压力I'm trying to track him down. 我正在找他Why'd you let him out of your sight in the first place? 你为什么一开始不看好他I thought he was showering. 我以为他在洗澡He disappeared when I was on the phone with you. 我和你打电话时他跑掉了There was a plan here, Doug. 计划是这样的道格He explodes, he withdraws, 他搞砸了然后退选we put him back together, and he quietly goes away. 我们帮他振作起来再让他悄悄离开Russo has made no public appearances 罗素自昨天早上since allegations that he was inebriated 被人认为醉酒后接受匹兹堡during a radio interview on WZPZ Pittsburgh yesterday morning.WZPZ电台采访至今仍未公开露面Sources among the Democratic leadership have suggested 据民主党领导人透露that the party is currently considering options to replace Russo. 党派正在考虑由谁来取代罗素Meanwhile, Republican candidate Jack Swofford's lead 同时据昨晚CNN登记选民民调显示has jumped to a 24-point margin, 共和党候选人杰克·斯沃夫according to an overnight CNN poll of registered voters. 支持率猛增已领先24个百分点The Swofford campaign 斯沃夫竞选团队的is also reporting a sharp spike in contributions... 资助金额也急剧攀升nearly half a million dollars in the last 20... 过去20小时内筹集了近五十万美金nearly half a million dollars in the last 20... 罗素尚未露面竞选堪忧I saw that this morning. 我今早看见了Francis got Peter to run. 是弗兰西斯让彼得竞选的Do you know him well? 你认识他吗We weren't close. 不太熟Do you need to make calls? 你需要打电话吗- 'Cause I can head into the other room. - I don't think so. -我可以去别的房间 -不用Thanks. 谢了Where are you going? 你去哪里To the lab. I should've gone in today. 去暗室我今天应该去的Adam. 亚当- Adam... - Just go. Go. Leave. -亚当 -你走快走How long do you think this can possibly go on for? 你觉得我们还能维持多久We have never spent more than 48 hours together. 我们在一起的时间从没超过两天Maybe there's a reason for that. 或许是有原因的A part of me still loves you. 我心里仍有一部分爱着你Which part? 哪一部分I can't be just a pit stop, Claire, 我不能做一个休息站克莱尔- or some sort of escape... - Oh, come on. -或是避风港 -拜托- You're more than that. - ... or a top-up on -你不止如此 -或是填补- whatever Francis can't provide. - Oh, fuck off! -弗兰西斯不能给你的一切 -少来He's my husband, Adam. 他是我丈夫亚当We've gone through more than you could ever imagine. 我们经历的事远超出你的想象I envy your free spirit, and I'm attracted to it, 我嫉妒并被你的自由自所吸引but not all of us have that luxury. 并不是所有人都有这福分Which is what I find so frustrating about you, Claire. 这也是你让我失望的地方克莱尔You... you had a choice. 你可以选择的You chose not to be free. 但你选择放弃自由No. What I chose was a man I could love for more than a week. 不我选了个能爱他超过一周的男人I shouldn't have said that. I... 我不该那么说At least you're being honest. 至少你说了实话I can't live moment to moment like you, Adam. 我无法像你这样活在当下亚当I have a history with Francis, I have a future with him, 我和弗兰西斯有过去有未来and it's bigger than a moment. 那比一时要大Then you should kill it... 那你应该扼杀whatever part of you still loves me. 你仍爱着我的那部分If you can't, 如果你办不到I will. 我会的- Adam... - No. -亚当 -不- Hello? - Hey. Hey, sweetie. -喂 -亲爱的How's it going? I'm... are you with your mom? 你怎么样我你妈在旁边吗She's downstairs. You want me to go get her? 她在楼下要我叫她来接吗No. No. I just wanted to call and say, 不我只想打过来you know, hey to your... uh, your brother and you. 跟你和你弟弟打个招呼Is he... is he there? 他在吗He's in his room, I think. 他大概在自己房里Okay. You wanna go get him? 好吧你能去叫他吗Hold on. 等等He says he doesn't want to talk to you. 他说不想和你说话What? 什么Why not? 为什么We've seen the news, dad. 我们看新闻了爸爸There were all sorts of TV cameras at our school yesterday. 昨天好多媒体都跑来我们学校Mom's making us stay home this week. 妈妈让我们这周待在家里I want you to do something. I want you to go to, uh, 我想让你做件事我想让你your bedroom window and look out. 到卧室窗边往外看You see that black car? 看见那辆黑车了吗- Yeah. - That's me. -嗯 -我在里面You shouldn't be here, dad. Mom would be really angry. 你不该在这儿的爸爸妈妈会发火的Well, we don't need to tell her. Right? 我们不跟她说好吗It'll just be... it'll just be, uh... 就当作...it'll just be our little secret. 我们之间的小秘密Your voice sounds weird, 你的声音很奇怪like it did on the radio. 就像在广播里那样You... you heard that? 你听了那个I have a computer. 我有电脑I'm sorry. 对不起I...sometimes your dad makes mistakes. 我...有时候爸爸也会犯错- I better go. - No. -我要挂了 -别I don't like to hear your voice when it's like this. 我不想听到你这样的声音It makes me sad. Bye, dad. 让我难过再见爸爸Sarah, please... 萨拉别...Sarah, please... 克里斯蒂娜Peter? 彼得Christina. 克里斯蒂娜Where are you? 你在哪里I'm, uh... 我...I'm not... I'm not... I'm not doing so well. 我现在...感觉不怎么好Where are you, Peter? 你在哪里彼得- I'm in my car. - Are you driving? -在车里 -你在开车吗No. 没有Tell me where you are. 告诉我你在哪里I'm outside my kids' house. 在我孩子家门外- You mean Madeleine's? - Yeah. -你是说玛德琳的家 -对I need you to stay right there. 我要你待在那儿别动Okay, Peter? 好吗彼得You'll stay there? 你能待在那儿吗Peter. 彼得Peter, are you still there? 彼得还在听吗Hello? 喂Hello? 喂Hello? 警察局I'd like to turn myself in. 我要自首For what? 什么事A few months ago, 几个月前I was pulled over for drunk driving. 我因醉驾被警察拦下They let me go. I should've been convicted. 他们放我走了我应该被定罪的Well, if you were let go, sir, 如果你当时被释放了先生we can't arrest you for it now. 我们现在不能逮捕你Well, I drunk drove here. Arrest me for that. 我醉驾开过来的为这个逮捕我吧We can put you in a detox tank... 我们可以送你去戒酒间...I wanna be formally arrested. 我想被正式拘捕My name is Congressman Peter Russo. 我是彼得·罗素议员I was arrested in January on Michigan Avenue. 一月曾在密歇根大道被捕Please have a seat, Congressman. 请稍坐一下议员先生I gotta make a few phone calls. 我去打几个电话Have you found him? 你找到他了吗I'm in front of his ex-wife's house. 我在他前妻家外面Christina said he called from there. 克里斯蒂娜说他在这儿打了电话- He's not there? - No. -他不在那儿 -是的But his phone is. I found it by the curb. 但手机在扔在了路边So we have no way to contact him? 那么我们就联系不上他了Not unless he reaches out to us. 除非他主动联系我们This isn't good. 这不太妙Want me to alert the authorities? 要我去报案吗Let's give him a little longer. 我们再给他点时间- How long did it last? - About six months. -你们交往了多久 -大概半年- He was older. - A lot? -他比我大 -大很多吗Yeah. 对Was he a journalist, or did he work on The Hill? 是个记者还是在国会工作I'd rather not say. 这我还是不说了All right. 好吧He was someone I looked up to... for a while. 我之前有段时间很尊敬他Why did it end? 为什么结束He has a wife. 他有妻子We both knew it was gonna end eventually. 我们都知道最终会结束的I mean, it was really... 我是说真是...it was fucked up. 糟糕透顶The first night we spent together, 我们在一起的第一晚he told me he was gonna hurt me and then discard me. 他说他会伤害我然后遗弃我And when it ended, I told him that he'd done neither. 结束的时候我对他说他都没做到But... 但...it does hurt. 我确实很受伤I won't hurt you. 我不会伤害你Yeah, you can't promise me that. 这你不能保证Yes, I can. 我能- Has anyone else seen him? - No. -有人见过他吗 -没有He's in an interrogation room by himself. 他独自一人待在审讯室里I never should've got mixed up with this fucking mess. 我就不该搅这趟浑水We're way behind regret time, Barney. 现在后悔太迟了巴尼Just have your guys keep him out of sight. 别让人看见他I'll need a back exit. 给我找个后门- I got him. Thanks. - Yeah. -我来吧谢谢 -好Come on. 走吧Hey, Peter. 彼得Where's your car? 你的车在哪里It's down the street. 街那头I'll drive you home. 我送你回家吧You go back to mine, have Meechum let you in. 你去我家让密查姆给你开门- This way? - Yeah. -这边吗 -嗯What were you thinking, Peter? 你在想什么啊彼得I need to take responsibility for my actions. 我得为我的行为负责By getting yourself thrown in jail? 让自己蹲监狱吗Real responsibility. 真正地负责Like... like they talk about in the meetings, 就像互戒会聚会时说的那样not the lies we told for the campaign. 而不是为竞选而撒的谎What you just did was extremely reckless. 你刚才的行为太鲁莽了I don't care. 我不在乎I'm making a statement tomorrow, Frank. 我明天要做一份声明弗兰克About pulling out of the race? 关于退出竞选吗That's not enough. I... 那不够我...I need to stop hiding. 我不能再逃避了Well, let's work together on the language. 那我们一起研究措辞I have to do it on my own. It's gotta be my own words. 我得独立完成必须是我自己的话Look, Peter, this isn't just about you anymore, all right? 听着彼得这不单是你的事了好吗- Let me help you. - I don't want your help. -让我帮你 -我不要你帮忙。

I, Claire Hale Underwood,do solemnly swear.Governor, we just got wordthat Vice President Claire Underwoodwas sworn in as acting president.Were you aware?Uh, no further questions, everybody.The governor's here to talk to members of Congress. Thank you so much. Thank you.The McMurdo Research Facility in Antarctica.Petrov thinks the US government has their eye off the ball. Well, it doesn't.You have no idea, do you?No one hears you walking the halls of this building...not anymore.What are our chances?The revote in Tennessee and Ohio is his best shot.Every misstep is highlighted and heightened.They wanna know what happened with their election. Lisa Williams.- She and Rachel Posner - Stop.No more conspiracy theories about dead girls.I have something.Or rather, someone you need.Your Aidan Macallan.He's here. In the Kremlin.If we give him what he wants...If we give Usher what he says, his justice, that is it.It's over. He owns us.- Don't exaggerate. - I wish I were.You've made a thousand deals.Yeah, well, this one is different.- Why? - Because I can feel it right here.- Do you hear yourself? - Yeah, loud and clear.I'm a little confused that you don't seem to hear me at all.Once we're solidly back in power,- we will regain our position... - That is naive.Naive is new for you.Realistic. Not naive.Everything we've worked for, we can kiss it goodbye.We agreed to Usher's pick. It's non-negotiable.That's exactly right. It's his pick. It's his justice.He's trying to control our house. The White House.I gave him my word, Francis.Your word?Your word? This conversation is pointless.Grow up!Who do you think you are?I think I am a temporary presidenttrying to get you back in office.And if you don't think that we're at a critical juncture in the road, you are pathetically mistaken.Wake up, Claire! Wake up!Recorded this morning EETin the Yarmouk neighborhood of Damascus.Seems he developed a taste for chocolate while at Cambridge. Smiling for the camera is Ahmed Al Ahmadi,Yusuf's brother.Are you sure?I had a long conversation with Yusuf Al Ahmadi.They look nothing alike.It's him.Is Ahmed still in our sights?- He is. - This is a rare opportunity.We should seize the moment and make a targeted strike.- Director, please. - Madam President...Is there some issue, General?Ahmed Al Ahmadi didn't travel all the wayfrom his compound to Damascus to buy a candy bar.He's meeting with someone. Let's find out who.Unless we're detected, and he disappears for good.But if we wait,there's a huge potential to learn more about ICO.Its members, contacts, habits, tactics.You know, you're sounding uncharacteristically dovishthis morning, General.I agree with General Braegher.While a successful air strike against Ahmadi- would play well... - This isn't about the election, Cathy.No, of course not. I mean, if we do this correctly,we can begin the process of dismantling ICO's network.Take him out.If the president agrees,I think it's the best thing for the country.Well, I think it would send a very clear message to ICO.In the short term, yes, but...No other term is relevant.I think we have been operatingunder the shadow of terror for too long.For the sake of the American people, we need to act now.What's the timetable, General?For an actionable location, most likely a number of hours. Thank you.You're wasting our time.We're being selective about where and how he appears.Soon he won't be at any events at all.Hannal, we're just trying to land him and you in the White House. And it's not Brockhart-Conway, Mark. It's the opposite.He won't put up with this much longer.I know, I'm sure it's hard on him.I have to take this. I'm sorry.What happens after he gets there?- To Will? What happens? - We'll be there for him.- You and General Brockhart? - Yes.What will Will's role be?I will continue to support your husband.Give me a real answer. You owe me that.His role will be President of the United States.The mic was still hot and Brockhart just kept talking.- That's what she said. - Insubordination?- That's the word she used? - It's what it sounded like to her.He was talking about soldiers and he said, quote,"I'll be the first to tell them not to listen."- Can she get her hands on the actual clip? - For a price.- I thought she was a friend. - Yeah, a smart friend.It's a nice 30-second spot, post-debate.If there is a debate.Hits them at their strength.Takes the military credibility away.This is the kind of thing that can turn an election.Whatever this costs... it's worth it.Let's secure it and then verify it.Recess appointment of Judge Benson or no,people need to stay focused on the revote in Tennessee and Ohio and how the hell we got here.All right.I'll have my assistant Angela reach outto confirm what time you need me at the studio.All right. Yep. Yeah.I collected everything I could findabout the day Doug Stamper was carjacked.Good.All right, so...where was that?Where that happened?In Maryland.Right around, um...Yeah, I grew up about a half an hour from there...It's here.And Rachel Posner's...last known address.I'd say they were about 15 minutes apart.I'm not sure why I need to explain myself to you.Why would you go to the NSA?I was inquiring into the well-being of an American citizen. He's just a disgruntled hacker.Then why are you so interested in him?How did he look?I'm asking for me.I've known Aidan since I was 13 years old.He and my mom dated for several years.Was a long time ago, obviously.But as far as the NSA job, he didn't want it.I made him take it.I don't understand how they got him or why he's there.I need to know that he is safe.He looked fine.What does he know, LeAnn?Probably about the same as you and me,which is why we need to keep him out of any serious trouble.I don't want to get involved in your personal life, LeAnn.- I'm here to see the president. - Of course.But when you think about it, Cathy,we're all sort of involved here.If he is in any kind of danger, he is not built for it.Hi, Cathy.Jane.LeAnn Harvey, Jane Davis. Jane is under secretary-- Deputy under secretary of commerce for international trade. It's a mouthful.Yeah, it's good to put a face to the voice.Uh, do you have any ibuprofen?- Oh, I might have some aspirin. - No.- I'm allergic. Gives me hives. - We may have some.You're the Harveys of the tire company, yes?My father and uncle sold the business 20 years ago.And the treads haven't been the same since.But it's great. You finally landed in D.C.I'll let the president know you're both here.Uh, thank you for this.Let's just reverse those two sentences and it's there.It's to the point.- Pithy. - Yes, pithy.Your meeting is here.Thank you.And Justice Benson is en routeto the White House for the announcement.I'll have her wait in the Yellow Oval.Uh, great. Can you send the others in, please?Of course.Is the former president meeting us in the Rose Garden? Francis will not be there.He's not needed.Miss Davis.Secretary Durant.- It's been a long time. - Yes, where was that?A think tank in Aspen, early 2000.Oh, there was a lot of thinking happening back then.I'm glad we put a stop to that.Please, have a seat.So, I've gone over the numbersof the proposed agreement of steel with Beijingand I have a couple of questions for you.Madam President, we need to evacuate you now. What's going on?Please, Madam President. It's urgent.Ma'am.Where are you taking me?- We're moving you to the PEOC. - Why?They'll brief you down below, ma'am.Where's Francis?Where's Doug Stamper? And Mr. Yates?We're following protocol, ma'am.National Security Advisor Cafferty is on her way.- Ma'am? - No, we'll wait for Francis.He'll meet you inside.We will wait for Francis. That's an order.- Madam President. - Miss Cafferty, what's going on? Nothing's confirmed yet,but a truck carrying radioactive material has gone missing. - Is this real? - We have to talk to Green.Let's head inside.Yes.I see. Thank you.Homeland received word from Cybercomthat a truck carrying three cesium-137 irradiators missed two checkpoints.It was supposed to be traveling from Atlantaback to the manufacturer in Baltimore.Where do we think the truck is now?Truck's GPS is offline.How the hell does a thing like that happen?- We'll have to reevaluate. - You're damn right we will. But we need to make some decisions.We should notify Metro PD and Virginia State Police.Are we gonna evacuate the public?No. Before we do anything,I wanna speak to the head of counterterrorism.Get Assistant Director Green on the line.- Ma'am, Homeland is over... - The president is right.Ma'am?This is President Underwood.At this time, we have no idea who's responsible.Director Green, perhaps it's betterI patch you into the whole room. One second.The driver's been unreachable since his shift began.There's enough radiation on that truckto impact a 30-mile radius.Even if it's not weaponized, it would be in the air,in the water, children, people...General, I can hear the wheels grinding from here.I'd rather not speculate, sir.Oh, please do.Over the past several days, there has been increased ICO chatter, but that is the new normal.We've sent over stats and maps of potentially affected areas.I don't know what's worse.A dirty bomb about to go off or what'll happen to the citywhen they know we're looking for one.- Who do we have left upstairs? - Seth and LeAnn.You stay in touch with Green.If this is a dirty bomb,then we've just entered a different world.Yes, sir.All right, we need to stay focusedon our contingency plan for an evacuationwithout the appearance of doing so.We need to be ready to implement one way...We need to get the cleanup team from the Energy... ...whose jurisdiction it is to get the security cams...Yes. Whenever it happens,this appointment would break the court's deadlock.And we would get this election going again.But let's step back a minute.Tennessee is out of the equation.Whoever wins that state, it's not enough.It's come down to one state. Ohio.One state is about to choosethe next President of these United States.How did we let this happen?And it keeps happening.This is an administration that operates behind closed doors, out of the public eye.Today's sudden postponement is typical.With no announcement in the Rose Garden,and literally zero news coming from the White House,one has to wonder what is going on behind the scenes to cause this unexpected delay.The silence is deafening.After such a protracted,confusing and, frankly, chaotic election,we deserve clarity.Instead, here we are again...left out of the loop and on the edge of our seats.I just hope America isn't getting used to this.- Hello? - Hey, it's me.Doug?Why wasn't I read in?- To what? - Whatever's going on.If this is gonna play for us, the president in the bunker, I need to know how to play it.There's a truck carryingradioactive material that's gone missing.Okay. Should Seth and I prepare a statement?- Where are we saying the truck is? - We don't know. - When are we gonna find it? - We don't know. Wait, is something really happening?Probably not.- Hello? - Probably not?What am I supposed to do?- Is that Doug? - Yeah.Can I talk to him?- Hey, what can you tell us? - Act normal.Stay on point.Comment only on the ongoing campaign.I've already postponed their scheduled events.Look, are we in danger here or what?I can't answer.Because I don't know.Await further instructions from Homeland.All right.Doug, should we be here?He hung up.What are we doing?Nora thinks we need to notify Speaker McCarthy.I think it's too soon for a continuity of government.If we're planning an evacuation, Congress needs to be notified-- I said, I believe it is a bit too early.Madam President, Director Morrison thinks that--Wait a minute. Where is Director Morrison? Why--She opted to stay at ODNI.She's monitoring from there.Well, at least let's get her on the phone.We should have wiped out ICO when we had the chance.We didn't ask for your personal opinion, General.What we need is an update on the Ahmed Al Ahmadi situation. Yes, ma'am. I'll check with Director Morrison now.I have contacts, you know.Private contractors in the region that might be of help.Are you suggesting that your contactsknow more than the Bureau, the NSA--I'm not suggesting anything.I'm telling you.I know third parties that have negotiated with ICO in the past. Hostages and whatnot... who may know something.But I need a line.Just a... a secure one.I can barely breathe in here.I'm gonna go get us a cup of coffee.How does Miss Davis have this level of clearance?That's a good question.- Did we bring this on ourselves? - What?- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. - Listen to me.Everything we've done, everything,is exactly what we had to do.We don't even know if this is real.I get these in Hong Kong.The best instant coffee comes out of the Pacific Rim.- Would you like one? - If you can spare it.Oh, I always have three or four in my bag.I wonder how long we'll be down here.The situation's still unclear.I shouldn't be drinking coffee. I still feel a little shaky.You don't look it.Feel my pulse.You seem very much in control to me.So do you.What does that say about the two of us?Yes, thank you.The SEAL team is on the trail of Ahmed Al Ahmadi,but National Intelligence believeshe's discovered we're following himand the truck is a countermeasure.ICO wants to see Ahmadi walking out of Damascus in one piece. If we strike, they will hit back.Capital-wide evacuation procedures need to be initiated--- Just hold on! - No, the public is our priority--Hold on! I want to know how close we are to a strikeand where this goddamn truck isbefore we make any final decisions."We make any decisions"?Yes, I am still in a position to make--Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are not in a position--Nora. The enemy isn't in here.Cafferty is right. We should evacuate.But it's the general who's on my mind.Miss Cafferty.I was entirely out of line. Please accept my apology.I spoke with Davis.- And? - Nothing. She was just flexing.Cathy.Who called a meeting with Claire today?You or Miss Davis?Jane did.Thank you very much, Cathy.- Was that all? - Yes, thank you.Oh, sorry, one more thing.When did Braegher get his fourth star? Which administration?A couple back.So he and Brockhart together?And a few others who were elevated around the same time, yes. Thank you, Cathy.That Brockhart spot we talked about. You have it?Is it verified?Hold on.Ready.I swear to God,if Underwood puts soldiers on those borders,I'll be the first to tell them not to listen.If the President of the United States gives orders like that,you put him out of his misery.That's it. That's all I have.No, that's good.If we survive the day.Is Seth still in the office with you?I'm in the Oval, sitting behind the Resolute desk.That's not you.You know, you keep deciding who I amand you keep reading me wrong.Are there rumors about what's going on down here?Yes, but we're deflecting.- Has the Conway campaign reached out? - Not yet.The general's on a stump in Ohio and the governor's off the grid. - Okay. Stay on him. - I will.Unless it's the end of the world and it doesn't matter. Goodbye, Doug Stamper.Are you sure you should be in there, Goldilocks?Are you all right?Honestly, I was thinking about how far down we areand how it's not my favorite thing.I... I'm sorry. Do... do you need to be in here?No. No, no. It's fine.I used to have a fear of flying, but I got over it.Doesn't bother me at all anymore.But the pendulum seems to have swung the other way.If I think too hard, I start to feel buried.Forgive me. It's the recirculated air, makes things worse.Miss Davis, why are you here?- This is where the Secret Service led me. - No.Access list or not, you have to choose to be here.I always choose the safest place.Why are you here?It felt like an opportunity.A chance for a meeting, not quite on the books.I just got off the phone, Madam President.I have information from abroad, from private contractors... Ahmadi is in Damascus.And a number of parties were racing to capture him, including, of course, the United States.But no one...will be capturing him today.Or before the election.I've made a career...out of dealing with problematic parts of the world.It's kind of my vocation to imagine the unimaginable. Excuse me.- Pardon me. - I'm sorry.- It's all right. - Excuse me, Mr. President.I had the distinct feeling she was offering Ahmadi to us. Meaning?She said there are a number of groups looking to capture him, but that no one will. Not today or before the election.We brought this on ourselves.- We pushed too hard. - We've survived.- We isolated ourselves, Francis. - So what?We both know somethingthe rest of the world refuses to acknowledge.There is no justice, only conquest.And let me tell you, we let them evacuate D.C.,we are done, Claire. We've lost.Yes?I just spoke to LeAnn. You need to hear this.I swear to God,if Underwood puts soldiers on those borders,I'll be the first to tell them not to listen.If the President of the United States gives orders like that, you put him out of his misery.Let me out.- I'm sorry, sir. I'm not allowed-- - Open the door.- My orders are to-- - I am no longer the president.I have no responsibilities or obligations. Isn't that correct? We can't send you above until the threat is contained--- Open this door. - Let him out.- Ma'am? - Let the president out.Open the door.Open it.Ma'am.We need to initiate evacuation now.No, General. We'll do it when I say so.I'm really sorry.I know I agreed to do this, but I have to go pick up my kids. Okay. Well, what if I just rode in the car with you?You know, parents are texting one another.One of them works at the NSAand he thinks there's a terror threat, so...I mean, this has happened before, but you just... You never know. My mom died of kidney failure last month.Oh, I'm so sorry.Uh, was she on the donor list?Yeah, but not close enough to the top.Do you mind? You could talk while we walk out of here. Sure. Yeah.Uh, how long was Anthony sick for?About two years.And he fought it hard. So hard. The entire way.This unit, if they pay cash, I don't ask questions.- But you remember these young women? - Yeah, of course. They were very close, if you know what I mean.But they were sweet.And did you ever see... this man?Look, I don't know what was going on here.But you recognize him?Yeah. Okay?Someone looking like him paid the rent. Three months, up-front. But like I said, I don't judge.I'm not sure what you're asking, Mr. President.Oh, please.Someone or someones...tried to make my wife and I lose the electionby keeping us underground today.And I would like to know what you know about that.We've all been responding in real timeto a potential terrorist attack.But you chose to stay here.Why weren't you in the bunker with us?I chose to remain in my officeto oversee the capture or killing of one Ahmed Al Ahmadi. And yet there was great tension this morningbetween you and General Braegher.Difference in approach.We are not going to evacuate the District of Columbia.I want you to understand that. Come what may.And I promise you this... Vanessa.When I find out exactly what has happened,I'm going to remember this conversation,when you chose to withhold information.General Braegher is a strong supporter of General Brockhart. Did they conspire?Did they use... terror...and this evacuationto cost me this election?I'm not a fan of the general...but... that's a strong charge,and there's no proof to support it.You know, what you people protect best is each other.We lost Ahmadi a short time agoand believe he is no longer in Damascus.Of course.Of course.Now you listen to me...This was nothing more or lessthan an attempted coup, plain and simple.And I do not know to what degree you have been directly involved. But you will resolve it.Now.Do I make myself clear?Yes, sir.The truck's been found.Now we can't know for sure,but it looks as though ICO wasn't involved.The irradiators and cesium were accounted for.The truck was accidentally parkedat a medical device factory in Durham.The plant foreman never reported it.So we can relax for now, at least.I just wanna thank you all for your efforts. Thank you.Madam President. You'll have my resignation in the morning. Nora...these were extraordinary circumstances today.What would our administration beif we didn't allow for some human failings?Get the presser going. We're coming up now.Concerning Ahmadi...We didn't find him.You will. You can.- What are you offering? - Help.If you'd like it, Madam President.Can you elaborate on the drill earlier today?Well, drills happen all the time.It's part of the administration's ongoing effortsto keep the country safe.- Yes, but there's usually a warning. - What's the point of that?- Who's next? - Seth.Did you look at the file?I didn't have to.I'll expect your signatureon the resignation letter within the hour.Unless you choose to implicate whoever else was involved.You don't deserve to be in the White House.Neither you nor your husband.I'd wish you the best, but I don't think you'll need it.I'm fairly certain you'll do very well in the private sector.I've scheduled a meeting with Jane Davis for the end of the week. Good.Also, I was going to mention this earlier,but Cathy's been very curious about Aidan Macallan.I've thrown her off the scent, but...Cathy's not the problem. The problem is Macallan,and the person who allowed Macallan to become the problem. The foundation's raised over 80K.Anthony became status one on the donor list on March 15th, 2016. Moretti talked about it as, uh, the last day of her lifebefore she corrected herself.What else, spent every spare second with the kids.They were building a go-kart.They were pretty close to done.- Okay. - I got more.- No, I got it. - What were you looking for?It's nothing.- Okay. - What?You wanna tell me what happened in the White House today? No, I don't.All right, I've been waiting to say something,but I've waited and I don't want to wait anymore.Consider me for a job at the White House, in comms."Go get this. Find me that. I need this."I'm tired of it.If you don't ask, you get asked.That's what I'm starting to realize.I'll put a word in.Yeah? Well, what does that mean?It means that when the moment is right, I'll mention you.Yes, whenever it happens...this appointment would break the court's deadlockand we would get this election going again.But let's step back a minute...- Tennessee... - Where's your salt?- Whoever wins that state... - Right side of the sink.It's come down to one state:Ohio.One state is about to choosethe next President of these United States.Was it really a drill?This is an administration that operates behind closed doors. You know, with everything that was happening today,this reporter from the Herald came by.What?Wants to do a story on Tony and the foundation.What was his name?Davis implied she could help us track down Ahmadi.I think we should hear what she has to say.She's got a quality about her, doesn't she?Attractive and terrifying.Like the urge to pet a red tail fox.The general offered his letter?Uh, he did. And refused to implicate anyone.You were right, Claire. We need to sit down with Usher.Just so happens, he's going to Northern California this weekend to meet with a group of mento discuss the crisis and the future of our country.- Well, you need to be invited to that. - Yes, let's get him in.I know it's obvious, but it always strikes me.No women.Well, it was a different time.Terrible.The war or the restrictions of the era?Both.Well, you know my position.I'm all for women in combat.False alarm...I was worried about you.I worry about you all the time, Claire.But I know that's not the kind of thing you like to hear. Mark. Come in.- We have much to discuss. - Madam President.Mr. President.As I believe you know,yesterday we had something of a drill here in the White House.I know people are wondering what that was about.Yes. Everyone except you.The announcement of the recess appointment of Judge Benson has been rescheduled for tomorrow morning.Good. So...we have an election.Which you will not be able to winWhich you will not be able to winwith another so-called October surprise.- Well, we are way past October. - We certainly are.I understand Ahmed Al Ahmadi is still a threat?Yes, but he's so elusive, as you know.It's a shame you weren't able to capture him. Well...I believe that the opportunitywill present itself to the next president,whomever he may be.If Will Conway wins the office,I can assure you that'll be a top priority.This terror has got to stop.I've taken enough of your time.Mark, I just want to play something for you.It'll only take a moment.I swear to God,if Underwood puts soldiers on those borders,I'll be the first to tell them not to listen.If the President of the United States gives orders like that, you put him out of his--Okay. I don't need to hear anymore.Oh, but, Mark...it gets so much better.。

What was that?The faucet.It wouldn't shut up.- Did you sleep last night? - No.I'll call Nancy and tell her to call a plumber.Absolute discretion. Can I count on that?- Always. - Raymond Tusk.The President wants to tap him as the new V.P.- You and I cannot let that happen. - Why not?Because a third of his fortune is tied up in nuclear energy.Sancorp does not want a pro-nuclear businessman in the White House. The market is shifting toward natural gas anyway.But Tusk wants to stall that shift or reverse it.Vice President doesn't have that kind of influence.This one would. He and Walker are very close.And it's in neither of our best intereststo seep Sancorp's position in the marketplace diminished.What's the ask?Tusk won't accept the nominationif he thinks his holdings are at risk.Sancorp needs to initiate a hostile takeover.He's worth three times what Sancorp is.I'm talking about the subsidiaries.We go after the companies that refine and ship the uranium,- the support system that... - Come on, Frank.There's stockholders to take into account,a huge financial exposure.We just need to distract him.Send a few token salvos and intimate there's more to come. All I'm asking is that you speak to your clientand see if this is something they might be willing to consider. The President announces Tusk on Friday,so we don't have a lot of time.- I'll make some calls. - Thank you, Remy.If he doesn't deliver, I'm an invader without an army.If he does, I've got a fighting chance.I just didn't feel thatwe could work together constructively any longer.I think that's a perfectly legitimate reason...Of course it is.But what you can't do is fire someone for being pregnant.Is that what she's saying?Ms. Cole claims that you said,quote, "I need employees, not mothers,"and, quote, "Go focus on your baby."Can I see that?That's completely false. I...- I never said that. - She claims you did.It's her word against mine, right?Well, juries are very sympathetic with expecting mothers. This is extortion.We don't want this going to trial, Claire.You and your husband are public figures.This will result in some very bad press.I suggest we go back to them with a settlement offer.- We need the arrest record. - There isn't any.- They let him go. - Then we need to know who got him off. If Underwood was involved,we are talking abuse of powers and corruption.I checked.There's no files, no mug shot, nothing.Then we need to find the cop who pulled him over,or somebody who saw him come into the station.But D.C. Cops... they look after each other.We need to be careful.Do you have any sources on the force?Not that I would trust with something like this.You know, Lucas started out on the crime beat.I can see if he knows anyone.- Would he help us? - I don't know.- Maybe. - Help out a competitor?We... stayed in touch.You've gotta be kidding me.This town is way too incestuous.I know it's a lot to ask.I'm still trying to wrap my head around the affair, Zoe.If you could just give me a contact and maybe vouch for me... Did you wait to bring this up until nowbecause you thought it'd be harder for me to say no?- What do you mean? - In bed, right after we...You don't actually think I would do something like...- It sure seems that way. - This is huge, Lucas.I'm trying to avoid fucking up what we have...Whatever that is... and you're making it really hard for me.I don't know that I'll ever be the kind of person that makes it easy. I'm not looking for easy.But I don't need to be reminded of him.- I can't erase what I did. - I know you can't.But this is really fucking manipulative.Did you mean what you said the other night?That you probably...I don't know what to do when I hear something like that.That's why I was so quiet when you drove me to the airport.I was angry. I just blurted it out.I wish I hadn't. At least not like that.I'm not trying to take advantage of you because you did.- He hasn't said a word. - And you haven't brought it up?I just asked him if he was still considering Tusk.He said yes, but that he wanted to speak to you first. That's it.I wish we knew if they'd spoken at all.Well, he has a private line. I can't track those calls.- Frank. - Mr. President.Tell me about St. Louis.He's a hard man to read. I did my best to probe him,but I don't think I left any wiser to which way he's leaning.I must say, though,I think he is by far and away the best candidate.Why do you say that?Doesn't it make sense for you to nominate someone you know so well?I don't know him. That's why I sent you to St. Louis.Forgive me, Mr. President. I didn't mean it that way.I meant that the world knows so well.You, me, everyone knows Raymond Tusk.We don't need to convince anyone of his worthiness.But you said he still seems ambivalent?Which is why I think you should make a personal overture.Invite him to the White House.Well, I don't want to appear desperate.I agree with Frank.Inviting him is a very good idea.If you're serious about Tusk, you should wine and dine him.Make him feel very special.I'm sure we can find time in the schedule.Let's give him a few more days.We have less than a week, sir.I wouldn't wait any later than Friday.We can make Friday work, sir.All right. Well, let's see if he's available.What are you doing?- Give me your phone. - Why?Just give it to me.Have you noticed anything weird in here?Stuff moved around? Anything missing?- No. - Anyone following you?What did you find out?This is serious, Zoe.It goes way up, as high as the commissioner.I had to beg my contact at Metro to give me this.No record of Russo getting pulled over,but he remembers there was a call girl brought in with Russo. That's a file on one of her previous arrests.I've investigated police cover-ups before.I got death threats for a year.Are you willing to take that risk?Yeah.How long?The next board of directors meeting is three weeks from now. That is too late. Remy, look,the President is gonna nominate Tusk in a week or less.I've urged Scott Cunningham to call a special meeting,but that doesn't happen overnight.There's a lot of machinery in a corporate attack like this.I want to meet Scott Cunningham myself.I'm not sitting you down with Scott. You know the rules. These are extraordinary circumstances.Frank, Sancorp's officersdo not meet with politicians, period.You talk to me, I talk to Scott Cunningham,and vice versa. That's how it works.All right, Remy. Whatever you think best.I'll call you when I know more.Nancy!Of all the things I hold in high regard,rules are not one of them.I will not place my fate solely in the hands of the middlemanif I can go directly to the supplier.Book a flight to Atlanta. Tomorrow morning. Let Meechum know. Yes, sir.She grew up in Lynchburg, Virginia,went to Lorimer High Schooluntil she dropped out sophomore year,and then after that, there's no public record.But all it says here is that she was fined $300for loitering on April 2012.One of us has to go to Lynchburg.Parents, classmates,- teachers... - I'll do it.Okay. Well, then, you and I have to call escort services.I'm willing to lend a hand,but not by making cold calls 12 hours a dayjust to get hung up on by hookers.Where was she arrested?- Connecticut ave. - 2460.That's the address of the district grand hotel.That's the address of the district grand hotel.I'm not a fan of surprise visits, Frank.Remy wouldn't arrange a meeting.Remy Danton exists so we don't have to meet.I needed to speak with you.There's a congressional travel reportthat puts you on a trip to Atlantathe same day I was pulled out of an investors' briefing.Those are the sort of coincidences we want to avoid.Were you briefing your investors on Raymond Tusk? Meechum can be trusted.Why would I be speaking to them about Tusk?- I thought Remy filled you in. - No.He didn't say anything about the vice presidential nomination? He didn't. And I have a feeling I'd rather not be told.Trust me, you want to know.I've appeared in front of grand juries before, Frank.It's much easier when you can tell the truth.Please, don't put me in a position where I have to lie.If Tusk has the President's ear,you will see this administrationshift its support toward nuclear energy and away from natural gas. His subsidiaries and his suppliers, go after them.Frank, we should end this conversation right now.He will not accept the nominationif his assets are in a blind trustand he can't fight off the threat.- Okay, we're done. - Scott...I don't wanna hear another word.Go back to the airport.Figure out a good reason you needed to be in Atlanta today. You can pull over at the next corner.I'll have my car pick me up.- One last one? - Another.- Can I get you something? - White wine.Put that on my tab.- Thank you. - My pleasure.They're about to call last call.That's all right. I don't have much of a tolerance.One more?No. I'm good.You should head upstairs.I was waiting for you.- Is that the new faucet? - Yeah.How'd it go?Not good. Remy's up to something.He's not returning my phone calls.What can I do?Tell me what you were dreaming.Oh, it was so awful, Francis.He's not letting me sleep either.Yeah. It's not him. It's the kids.I was playing with them in the backyard,and the girl was climbing on the vines,and I kept telling her to stop and get down, and...The vines just took hold of her, and they wouldn't let go.And she was screaming so loud,and I just kept pulling harder and harder,and she just ripped in half.Come here. Come here. Okay.Jesus!You wait until after 2:00 in the morning to return my call?You trying to get my voice-mail?The conversations we're having we can't be having on cell phones. Where are you?Claire is sleeping upstairs.You shouldn't have gone to see Cunningham.He says you didn't bring up Tusk.You really think he'd admit to that?If we go through with this, it's insider trading.He didn't strike me as a man hearing the news for the second time. You want to believe I'm playing games?I can walk away from the whole thing.But I'm all you've got right now.I'm the one doing you and Sancorp a favor,not the other way around.I can tell when I'm being used, Frank.I just want to know what for.I don't use people unless I can throw them away afterwards.I'm trying to strengthen our partnership.Smells an awful lot like bullshit.Don't condescend.Eight years I worked on your staffand never once made it further than your front doorstep. Well, now I'm in your living room, Frank.It's not because of what you taught me,it's because I finally woke up to what my value isand how undervalued I was slaving away for you.This is business. Keep your sob story to yourself.I want to maintainthe influence that I have worked to achieve in the White House, which translates into the influencethat you have in the White House,through me.I'll get in touch with Scott again tomorrow.See if we can push this forward faster.Thank you, Remy.But you gotta let me do this my way.The message was very clear.She doesn't want a settlement, no matter what the figure.Even if we give her World Well back?She wants to go to court.They said we can expect a formal summons next week.- This is ludicrous. - Her lawyers agree.They'd much prefer a settlement too, but she's not playing ball. I'll keep pushing them. But in the meantime,you should start gatheringall the correspondence you ever had with her...E-mails, notes, every scrap of paper.Okay. Thanks, Oliver.All I'm trying to do is find her.I've got an arrest record from April 2012,and I know she was pulled over with a client in January.That girl. She had so much potential.Why did she drop out?Like I said, it's an ethical breach for meto discuss anything that has to do...I spoke to her parents.Her father was very combative.Was there trouble at home?The father... did he...I won't speak about Rachel.Can you talk to me about your job in general,the sorts of cases you deal with in an abstract way?When I'm concerned about a student,especially if there's possible criminal activity involved,it's my duty to contact the D.A.'s office.Now, if the D.A. pursues charges,the student has to testify against their own parent.That's a difficult decision for a young person to make. Extremely difficult.It could be easier to run away.It's set for tomorrow.Tusk lands at 7:30 and then heads straight to the White House for dinner with the President.- Is it on the official schedule? - No.- We need it to be. - Well, I can't do that.The President specifically asked that I leave it off. Actually, that's good. We can make that work.Can you set up a meeting between Birch and the President? About what?So he can give him his two cents about who he will nominate.I don't think we want Birch getting involved.- He'll never get the chance. - What are you planning?Can you set up a meeting for later today? Yes or no?I'm sure I can squeeze it in.Good. I'll talk to Birch. Get him on the phone.This has to stay off the books, just like the dinner with Tusk. - Okay. - And finally,do you have a scheduler that you can fire?do you have a scheduler that you can fire?Janine, I've got something for you.What is this?The President's O.T.R. schedule between now and Friday.- How'd you get this? - It doesn't matter.Look who he's meeting with this afternoon.- Bob Birch. - And look at Friday night.Raymond Tusk.These aren't the craziest meetings for him to be having. Then why aren't they on the official schedule?He's considering them for Vice President.I'd say that's reason enough to keep them secret.Get this out, right away.Mr. Speaker, I'm hearing thatyou're gonna be considered for the Vice Presidency. Slugline is reporting thatyou're heading to the White House right now.- I'm, uh... no. - You're not headed to the White House? Yes. The President just wants my input.But there's the possibilitythat you might be under consideration yourself.Not that I'm aware of. Excuse me.How did the schedule get out?It got leaked, sir, by someone in the scheduling office. - On purpose? - Accidentally.A wrong attachment to an e-mail that went wide. Well, whoever it was, I want them out.I already let them go.- Is, uh, Birch here yet? - He's waiting outside.Well, cancel the meeting. Tell him something came up.- I don't want to feed the frenzy. - Yes, sir.Give me the private line, please.There are three satellite trucks on my street.I'm trapped in my own home.Somebody in the scheduling office fucked up.Are you seriously considering Birch?Absolutely not.We are losing control of the process, Garrett.Every time I've spoken to you, you've never spoken back. Although given our mutual disdain,I can't blame you for the silent treatment.Perhaps I'm speaking to the wrong audience.Can you hear me?Are you even capable of language,or do you only understand depravity?Peter, is that you?Stop hiding in my thoughts and come out.Have the courage in death that you never had in life. Come out, look me in the eye and say what you need to say. There is no solace above or below.Only us... Small, solitary,striving, battling one another.I pray to myself, for myself.Hello?Who is it?My lawyer said I shouldn't be talking to you.Mine said the same thing.I'm not gonna change my mind, Claire.I made a mistake. I got upset, and I acted impulsively.I was the one who made the mistakeby partnering with you in the first place.Well, then, can we please both admitthat it wasn't meant to be, and we can find an amicable way...- No, we can't. - What do you want?To send a message.Organizations like yours get 90% of the grant money,then cozy up to corporate sponsors who destroy the environment.The things you're claiming are lies.I never mentioned your pregnancy.I got in touch with Evelyn Baxter.Remember her? We had a long conversation.It seems that you have a history of axing people who disagree with you. She'll be testifying on my behalf.So will eight of the people that you made her fire.If you want an apology, I'm here to offer you one,and to give you whatever you think is fair.This case is gonna get national attentionbecause of who you're married to.I'll have a platform to say what I want to say.That's worth more than anything you could offer.Listen, I know we have different philosophies,but what we're trying to achieve is exactly the same thing.We shouldn't be fighting each other.Do you feel that? The kicking?I won't let people like youfuck up the world my child has to live in.If I have to tell a few lies to do that...At least I learned one valuable thing from you. - What can I get for you? - Glenlivet, neat. The lawsuit?And other things.What other things?You know, I cannot guarantee youthat all of this is gonna succeed.Oh, it's not that.You can tell me, or I can keep guessing.You'll roll your eyes.Not at you.I was thinking about when one of us dies whether it's you first or me...Well, if it is me, and I'm sure it will be,you won't be alone for long.No. I mean, what will we leave behind?We've accomplished a great deal.And I intend for us to accomplish a lot more. But for whom?For each other.But if we're not...Ah, I'm being silly.Have you ever been published?Many times.I guess that's a stupid question.You don't seem like a starving artist.Don't judge a book by its cover.You have a nice laugh.- Really? - It's very attractive.Are you staying at the hotel?You want to come up to my room?That depends.Well, how much would that cost me?That seems about right.Close your eyes.Put out your hands.Now open them up.I'm trying to find this woman.If you make me pull out my badge,I have to take you in.But I don't want to do that.Let's not make a scene.I used to see her around.She left the business, though. We haven't really kept in touch. Any idea where she might be?A friend of mine saw her waiting tablesat a restaurant in Georgetown.I guess the question I'm trying to ask is, um...Is it even worth that step?The bottom line is thatfor a woman your age, it's extremely hard.Have you ever had a miscarriage?No. I, um...I've been late before, butI don't... You know, I don't know. I don't know exactly.Have you had any abortions?Three.That can make it more difficult.I'm not trying to dissuade you,but please make sure you think long and hard before you decide. But it's possible?Assuming you and your husband fit all the criteria?Yes, it's possible.Okay.What? Well, that's hardly my problem.No, you get on it. It's...I have to call you back. What is it?Sancorp's stock.It's up 35% in the last four hours.It's all over the financial news.Tusk is making a play.Get Remy on the phone.Congressman Underwood on line three.I was just about to call you.I need to meet with Tusk before he sees the President tonight. - He's already here. - At the White House?He decided to come in a few hours early.His plane landed half an hour ago.- Do you know where he is? - I don't know.He had his own car pick him up. I just found out.Remy's not in his office.I left word there and on his cell.Look, you need to call me the moment you know where he is. Okay.It's just the lunch menu right now. I hope that's okay. Yeah. That's fine.Your server will be with you shortly.Is Rachel working?Uh, no. I don't think she's scheduled till Sunday. Stephanie will be with you this afternoon.Thanks.Should we come back Sunday?I'll be right back.Excuse me. Can I help you with something?Yeah. I was just looking for the bathroom.Unless you want to use the restroom in the office.- Who are you calling? - Rachel.Rachel Posner?My name is Zoe Barnes.I'm a reporter at .I know about Peter Russo.Rachel?Rachel?Come on, Rachel.You shouldn't have mentioned Russo.- She'll write back. - I wouldn't if I was her.- She'll write back. - I wouldn't if I was her.How much do you know?That you were with him when he was pulled over. - Who else knows? - Just me.I can keep it that way, but I need more.- There is no more. - You're lying.Yeah, I was with him when he got pulled over. They took him away and let me go.I don't know what happened to him.He was never charged.You know more than me, then.No one ever came to talk to you?- About what? - To keep you quiet.You don't kiss and tell in that business.Not even when it's a congressman?Especially when it's a congressman.Frank Underwood never approached you?Who's that?You're too smart to play dumb, Rachel.You know who that is.Name rings a bell.I try not to follow the news.Too many familiar faces.How about Douglas Stamper?Never heard of him.I've told you everything I know.I know about what your father did.If you don't help me, I'll write about Russo.I'll write that you were a prostitute,and I'll write about why you left home.Go to town, bitch.So?She mentioned both you and your boss.- What exactly? - She didn't say.All she seemed to know was thatI was in the car with him when he got pulled over. And you didn't admit to more than that?No. I said everything exactly like you told me to. - You really think I'd spill my guts? - Calm down. Why didn't you tell me he was gonna hurt himself?I never would've done it.How could I have known?- I just want all this to go away. - It will.All of it.I promise.Do you want me to order you dinner?- Where's Doug at? - I don't know. He left early.- Call him for me, will you? - Yes, sir.Thirteen minutes from now,Tusk will meet with the President,if he isn't there already.You've never been an ally, have you?Pressing on with your slow, incessant march.Time would've killed Russo if I hadn't,just as it will kill me someday.Kill us all.Sir, I just got Doug's voicemail.I wonder where he's at.Well, maybe this is him.Freddy?Sorry, Frank. I had to trade up.Sancorp's a big fish, but Raymond Tusk is a whale.Can I get you something, Frank?Nothing right now. Thank you, Freddy.I'll leave y'all to it.I hope you don't mind thatRemy told me about this little secret of yours.I wanted a place where you'd feel comfortable.Shouldn't you be at the White House?How could I pass up the chance to eat the best ribs in Washington? Remy told you about Sancorp.As of closing bell today, I own 3%.By the end of next week, I'll own over ten.Enough to make sure they can't cause me any trouble.A valiant effort, though. I respect that.So why are we here?I told you I'd give you until today to think things over.- I'm a man who keeps my word. - And I'm still not interested. You wanted me to be more specific back in St. Louis.That would be a good start.Why did Britain go to war with China 150 years ago?I'm in no mood for riddles.Humor me a moment.- Opium. - It was bigger than opium, Frank.That was simply the excuse.Peking wanted to call the shots instead of the west.It's the same problem we're facing now.But nobody wants a trade war, much less a military one.And what's your opium?Samarium-149. I need it for my reactors.China controls 95% of the world's supply.And you're worried aboutthe imbalance in our currency, our foreign debt...- All of it. - You already have the President's ear.Trade tariffs are controlled by congress.You have a lot more influence there than Garrett does.It's the reason I wanted you to stay there in the first place.And what exactly would you want me to do?Well, that part I don't know yet.We'll have to wait and see how things play out with the Chinese. I've already told you I will not do a blank check.I must say I'm surprised, Frank.You have a reputation for pragmatism.And I also have avoided a reputation for indentured servitude.I never make an offer more than twice, Frank.Tell me now if I can count on your cooperation.You're not offering cooperation. You're demanding tutelage.So let me make you a proposal.I am absolutely willing to work together as equals.I will take your opinions seriously, just as the President does. But I will not bind myself to them in advance.If that doesn't interest you, fair enough.Good luck finding a vice President in the next four dayswho will prove as pragmatic as I.You can't purchase loyalty, Raymond.Not the sort I have in mind.If you want to earn my loyalty,then you have to offer yours in return.And if we can agree to that...Well,you're a man with imagination.Wait.If Stamper was there himself,this goes much deeper than a lost arrest file.Well, let's think about this.What did Russo gain him?A mansion in Harrisburg.Uh-uh. Underwood thinks bigger than that.- Then what? - I don't know.He controls Pennsylvania.He has influence in the White House.- Walker needs the state for reelection... - No.No, it can't just be Walker.The President backstabbed him for the secretary of state nomination. It has to be something else.The President would owe him.But what?They already meet once a week.The education bill? I mean, what?What specifically?He could be after the V.P. Nomination.That doesn't make sense, though.The V.P. slot is on the table because Russo tanked.Underwood wanted him to win.Unless he didn't.Maybe he wanted Russo to self-destruct.To force Matthews to run.Exactly. And then next week, when Matthews wins...The President taps Underwood.。

With just one week to go before the Iowa caucuses,the latest Gallup poll hasDunbar ahead by six points, 45 to 39,with 16 percent still undecided.That's a lot of undecideds so close to election day.Dunbar has incredibly high favorability numbers here,much higher than President Underwood's,but I have spoken with many Iowanswho have doubts about her lack of experienceand whether she'll be able to stand up to a Republican candidate with a substantial record.Even so, the fact that she's still the frontrunner,- having never run for office. - It's extraordinary.Jackie Sharp's endorsement was a big coup.It really helped her numbers with women.We want you to have a much more active role during the events. You'll go first, introduce the president,stay with him the entire time,and then participate in the Q and A.I really shouldn't be answering questions.Francis is the candidate.Well, the truth is, your favorables are double what mine are,so let's give the people what they want.Well, if you think it will help.I know it will.Do you have a speech prepared? Do you have issue papers?Everything is in the conference room.Let's get started, then.Have you had a chance to go over the list...of replacements for Remy?Oh, I can't focus on that right now.I need to get through Iowa first.Well, I have a suggestion, sir, that's not on the list. Who?Me.Seth, you're invaluable as a comm director.Well, that's just it, sir.You need a media expert at the helm.We're in an election cycle.- Everything's about perception. - Seth--I want to integrate the policy and the press teams.I want to work with cabinet members and agency heads on gearing every public statement towards our platform. Mobilize our AmWorks allies in Congress.A commitment list for future's legislations,not just simple endorsements.Look, this outlines in detailwhat I would like to do as your Chief of Staff.All I ask is that you consider it.Well, of course I will. Thank you, Seth.I appreciate you putting so much time into this.Thank you, sir.Thank you.Robert.Sorry I'm running late.We hit some weather on the way back from Iowa.I appreciate your coming here in person.Especially during the... final rush.Anything for you, Robert.Have a seat.Oh, thank you.And, you know, it's good. I get a few hours with the kids. So how does it feel to be back here?I have to admit, I miss it a little.Your dissent on Godfrey v. Kent was brilliant, by the way. My clerks. They wrote it.Every word.So it's time.Ruth says it is, but I knew before she said anything.- When are you going to announce? - Soon.But I'd like you... to say yes first.- To what? - Replacing me.This isn't the disease speaking.I haven't forgotten you're running for President.But Underwood...I'm sure he'd nominate you in a heartbeat.I am the frontrunner, Robert. Why would I drop out? Because this position's for life.Underwood is going to lose.You think he'll go down easily?And even if you get the nomination, the Republicans...They'll... rip you apart.I'm the swing vote. My seat is important.You can make a lasting difference here.That is exactly what he said.His motivations were atrocious, yes,but his logic was sound.Your mind seems sharp as ever, Robert.Except...Except for the fact that I can't remember your name right now. Heather.Heather.Will you continue to do the work I've done, Heather?I can't.If I'm honest with myself, it's that I want this too much.I didn't realize it before I started running.It is not that I've changed, Robert,that ambition has clouded anything.It is that I was blind to this until now, what I am meant to be. And I am meant to be President of the United States. Wouldn't you all like to hear from Claire first?Thank you!Francis and I so appreciate you all coming out hereon such a cold day and welcoming us with such warmth!It's so good to be back in Iowa!And I can feel it, with your support and enthusiasm,there is no doubt that we are gonna take this state!- Hello. - Good evening.So pleased to have you staying with us again, Mr. President. We always love coming here.It's our favorite house in all of Iowa.- If you need anything... - Thank you very much.- Good night. - Have a good evening.You were wonderful today.They just adore you.Good night.Good night.Yes, connect me with Tom Yates, please.No, I'll hold.Mr. President?Where's the rest of it?- Have you read it? - No, not yet.Just this first chapter arrived.Will you please read it first, sir? And then let's talk.Are you sick? You sound hoarse.Well, no, I'm not sick.I haven't slept much.All right, I'll call you tomorrow.Sir?Excuse me. Sir?I forgot why I came in here.The orange juice.That'll be two twenty-five.Yeah."The Fourth of July means nothing anymore.Overcooked hot dogsand fireworks that always leave you disappointed.Bite-size American flags made in China,halfheartedly waved by five-year-oldswho'd rather be playing Minecraft.But the third of September, that's a date which matters.It's the day, three decades past,that a redneck from Gaffney married a debutante from Dallas. And the Earth's axis tilted that day,though neither they, nor we, knew it at the time.Here's a woman who describes her vowsas a suicide flirting with a bridge's edge.And a man who wears his wedding ring as a badge of shame, for the debutante deserved more.But truly, what more could she desire?Together, they rule an empire without heirs.Legacy is their only child."Come in.He sent you a copy, too?I thought this was supposed to be about you, not us.The whole thing was a mistake.We revealed too much, Francis.I should've never put you in that position.I'll put an end to it.Do you think he was right?About what?"A cold fusion of two universal elements,identical in weight, equal in force.United they stand. A union like none other.The unsplittable atom of American politics."Well, he was right about some things.I should go speak to him face to face, soften the blow.She did an event in Oelwein yesterdayand our people say youcould barely hear her with all the cheering.How badly can she hurt us?They only need a point or two and he's in the margin of error. So we need to attack her.The UN stuff slid right off. We need something new.Let's talk to Jackie.Thank you for coming. How was your trip?Good for me. A little rough for my mom, though.She's not used to seeing me more than two days in a row. She actually ran out of questions.I'm jealous. Have a seat. It's been nonstop here for me.Full-time job here.Doing surrogate appearances for Heather in California.We could really use you, Remy.A recruiting session?You can't be surprised.I was hoping you just wanted to see my face.We can't offer you as much as you made at Glendon Hill,but we can offer you a lot more than you made at the White House. I'm not interested.That was fast. Even for you.- Where'd you land? - Nowhere.I'm out, Jackie. No more politics.You know you don't mean that. It's who you are.That's what I thought, too, for a long time.I don't even know if I'll stay in DC.What are you gonna do?That's the best part. I have no idea.I'll save you the trouble of trying to convince me.Claire Underwood.We need to hit her hard.You want dirt. I don't have any.You must.If I did, I don't know if I'd shovel it your way.But I don't. They never let me in the inner circle.She pressed him, but nothing.I find it hard to believethat we don't have a single thing we can use.Our OPPO team has looked at every article,every piece of footage going back 25 years.Researched acquaintances, family, the works.If it's out there, we would've found it.Wait. There is one thing.What?Hello?Doug. It's been a while.- What do you want? - The journal.What would it take?You said you would never do that to another woman.- How much? - You're offering money?If that's what you want.Betrayal doesn't come cheap.Name a figure.What do you like to read?Do you read?Yes, I read.Oh, thank you, Meechum.- You hate it. - I didn't say that.You wouldn't fly back from Iowa just to say, "Good job." Well, look, you've only turned in 21 pages,and the book was supposed to be finished by now.It took me this long to figure out what the book is really about. And what it's about, is the two of you.We have to start over.Start over?The book was supposed to be about America Works. Now, you said you wanted to try a different approach.I was skeptical, but then I went along with it and now, you've handed over to me the beginning of a book... about my marriage?Well, do you want it fast, or do you want it right?I told you I've never written anything in less than a year. Yeah, and in a month's time,you're gonna say you've come up with some new idea. No, this is it. You and Claire.The marriage.That's the key that unlocks everything else.If I had wanted an exposé about my personal life,I would've hired a staff writer from Us Weekly. Well... hold on a minute. This is not tabloid bullshit. You said, in this room, you wanted an original voice.I am giving it to you.You're not narrow-minded, Mr. President.I know you can appreciate what I'm trying to do. Right, but see, that's the problem right there.This is about what you're trying to do.What your needs and... what did you call it?- Your addiction. - That's not true.No, it is true. I hired you to do a job,which was to get me votes.Yesterday, not six months from now.Now, look, it's no big deal. It didn't work out.But I promise you, you will be paid in full.Thank you, Tom.This deserves to be finished, and it deserves to be read. Well, I just happen to disagree with you.Are you afraid of what I wrote?Afraid? No.It's just no one's business.Well, you can't bury it.I won't allow that.You're in an intimate relationship with Kate Baldwin,isn't that correct?I've never said anything because I presume that you can separate your personal life from our professional arrangement. But before you start getting any reckless ideas,why don't you just remember one thing: I own this material. And if you attempt to share it with anybody,and I mean one single word,litigation will be the least of your worries.I mean, after all, I don't think either of uswants any controversy about the authorship of your first book. Do we?Meechum, will you please escort Mr. Yates out?And good luck to you, Tom.Too bad about the book.You don't really mean that.No, I don't.Mr. Grayson is on the line, sir.What was that?Mr. Grayson is on the line, sir. He says it's urgent.He's on line one, sir.Seth?All right. I better stay in Washington.Let Vaughn know.Get me Claire.You think the timing is strategic?Well, he and Dunbar are close.Do you have any idea who you're going to nominate?We'll go through our master list in the morning,but this'll take me off the campaign trail.I won't be in Iowa for a day or two. You're okay to cover me? Yes, of course. I'll keep waving my pom-poms.Well, you're a saint to do it without me,but it's probably best.They like you even better.Did you speak with Tom?I did. He didn't take it well, but I made it very clear.I read it again. The chapter.Let it go. We're done with him.Claire?Sorry. Uh, the last event went quite long.I'm fading.Well, you get some sleep. We'll talk tomorrow.Okay. Good night, Francis.Good night.This is a nice surprise.Now a bad time?Not at all. How did you get in the building?Nobody called me.The receptionist. Scorpio is her favorite book.Of course, it is.What are you working on?Covert operation in the Jordan Valley.Your boy Underwood has refused to confirm or deny,but take a look at that.That's a letter to the family of Justin Nix.Navy SEAL who died the same day as the covert operation. Signed by the president.Says it was a training exercise.I just got off the phone with a source in the DODand they said there were no SEAL training exercises that day. His death is the onlymilitary KIA reported on October eighteenth.Am I shattering your illusions about the guy?He fired me.What? Why?I didn't want to e-mail it to you.This is it?The first chapter.Justice Jacobs served our nation with duty and distinction. And when the Court was strongly divided,as it was many times during his 23 years on the bench,it was his swing votethat created legal precedents that will last for centuries. Now, it will not be an easy seat to fill, but fill it I must. Sir.Dunbar's people just reached out to me.She's back in Washington and she wants to meet with you. What for?She wants to talk about the nomination.She wants to propose someone.Yes. Herself.Find a time. And find somewhere discreet.I don't want anyone on staff seeing her.Good morning. I'm Claire Underwood.Uh, I just changed her diaper.I haven't had a chance to wash my hands.What is her name? She's beautiful.- Kayla. - Kayla. And what's your name?- Suzie. - Hi, Suzie.Well, I just wanted to thank you so much for your support. It means so much to my husband and me.I don't support him.I saw the signs out front.Those are my husband's. I support Heather Dunbar.When we vetted the house, the husband was here.Um, would you ever consider changing your mind?I'm sorry, Mrs. Underwood,I don't really want to be on TV or in the papers.My apologies about that.Would you mind if I just came inside?No cameras, just me?I guess so.We need to do a sweep of the house first, ma'am.No. And they stay out here.Hello, Heather.How's Robert?He's sad.But at least he's making his exit with grace.Those were some very nice thingsyou said about him during your press conference.Well, what was it you said to me...about, uh, making things palatable?- The obscene. - Ah, yes. The obscene.Well, it is obscene, a mind like his losing its sharpness.I didn't expect the Oval, but this is interesting.This is where Petrov and I smoked cigars during the summit. That's where he put his out on the wall.So, Seth tells me you want the nomination.No. I just said that to get in the door.Robert thought you'd say yes in a heartbeatif it meant me dropping out of the race.But the decision you have to makeis whether you'll drop out or not.And why would I do that?I know Claire lied about the abortion,and I have the journal to prove it.I'm giving you an opportunity to bow out gracefully,just like Robert.But you have to do it before the caucus.I'll give you three days.I have no idea what you're talking about.The one you asked Doug to destroy.I wouldn't be so certain that he did it.So...you're finally one of us.One of who?The men. In their smoky back rooms.And even if there was a journal...you don't have it in you.Make whatever assumption you want.Well, Robert was right. I would offer you the nomination. You should take the advice of a smart man.Three days, Mr. President.Think about Claire.Show me out, please.She can go after me all she wants,but she goes after Claire,I'll slit her fucking throat in broad daylight.Like when he pardoned Walker, and that other guy, the rich one. - Raymond Tusk. - Yeah, him.I mean, those were bad people, and he let them off the hook. And then he says he's not running and he does.Well, it's a little more complicatedthan the way you're putting it.There's a lot of variablesthat go into making decisions like that, and...I can tell you I was right beside him and he was agonizing.I'm sorry. She's hungry.I still breastfeed my girl.- Go outside, please. - Ma'am?Just go outside.I can go out too, if you like.No, it's okay.As long as you don't mind seeing some boob.Does she have any brothers or sisters?No, this is the only one.James and I have been trying for a while.Had some trouble getting pregnant.- James is your husband? - Yeah. He goes by Jim.But I like James better.Well, he must trust my husband. He's supporting him.James doesn't know what that word means.- Trust? - Yeah. The whole town knows it.He runs after anything in a skirt.Which I don't mind so much, to be honest.I mean, I've had a fling or two myself.What I don't like is how he lies about it.And then, when he asks me if I've been with someoneand I say yes, he flips out.Like there's some kind of double standard.I mean, he wants to dog Christy Mulliganin the back of her brand new Escalade?Fine. Why shouldn't I be able to give Kyle Beckenbauer some head for building Kayla's crib?I'm sorry.This is what happens when you don't sleep for three months.You two fight? You and your husband?Every married couple fights.I mean, really fight. Like, the cops get called.Or they would, if he wasn't the president.'Cause I mean,the sheriff is practically a family member at this point.Now we're fighting about the damn election.Like those stupid yard signs.Sometimes, I wish I could just pull up stakes and leave him.But I can't. Why not?Because of this little one.Last in vitro we did, I said to myself,if this one doesn't work, I'm outta here.We had to double mortgage the house to pay for it.But it worked. And... here I am.If I was like you... didn't have a kid...Can I tell you a secret?No mother will admit this, but sometimes I fantasize, like, like this pillow here...I mean, and when Kayla was in her crib.Two minutes. That's all it would take, and I could go. And I wouldn't be stuck to a man I want to leave, rubbing lotion on my nipples, they're so raw.I could start over.Of course, I don't mean it. I mean, I'd never to do that. But... you have thoughts.You know what, Suzie,I think I've taken up too much of your time.You know I'm not serious, right?Of course.I'm sorry. I'm just...I'm so tired.You're a really good listener.I wish you were running for president.Hey, you can tell them I'm for your husband if you want.I probably won't even caucus.Good luck to you, Suzie.Mrs. Underwood, did she change her mind?No, she stuck to her guns.But you can't blame a woman for having conviction.The president just called for you.I'll call him back from the car.Listen to me. What I'm about to say, I don't want you to panic. What is it?The journal. Dunbar claims she has it.- But how? - I don't know.It looks like it might have been Doug.- He was supposed to-- - I know. It's hard for me to believe. No, Francis. This can't happen.Meechum is tracking him down now.Sweetheart, listen to me.No, the whole thing, it-- The whole thing--All she did was make the threat.That doesn't mean she actually has it.Whatever you have to do. Just fix it, Francis.I will, I promise you that.But in the meantime, you have to come back here.I need you to get to the plane. You have to come back.I don't want you there, out on the road, if we get blindsided. Claire? Claire.I'll come home.You go straight to the plane. We'll say you weren't feeling well. Okay.God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can,and the wisdom to know the difference.Keep coming back. It works if you work it.So?You honestly believed he'd go for this?Yeah.The writing is good. And it's honest.But what candidate in their right mindwould want something like this out there?I need you to write about it. That he's trying to suppress this.- What you need is sleep. - Do this for me, Kate.- I can't. It's a conflict of interest. - Come on.The moment we slept together, we crossed the line.Fuck the line!I'm not risking my reputation because your book is dead. Oh, no. Not dead.I'm gonna finish it.I'll change the names if I have to, call it fiction.He's the President of the United States.- So what? - He crushes people.Let this go. Just start something new."Start something new."Jesus... Christ, you don't get it.I do it all the time.My editor passes on a story, I move on to the next one.I'm so fucking disappointed in you right now.Me?I'm the one trying to save you from your own delusions.That's exactly what he said.Maybe he's right.I almost felt something for you.Come in.Let me take your coat.Can I get you anything? Something to drink?No. No, I'm good. Thanks.I appreciate the home visit, but I'm not gonna change my mind. No, no. I didn't think you would.Something wrong?I don't know what to do.I figured...when I asked you to join the campaign,I just assumed you would say yes.That the two of us, we would be working together. And...I... I...I can't stop thinking about you.You're married, Jackie.For the wrong reasons.I thought you loved each other.Not like this.I'm not the person I want to be.You're who you need to be. Look at what you've achieved. But you did it. You gave it all up.In a heartbeat.We're different people.You should go.Put this behind you.I guess it was naive to think that we could remain close. So this is it?Yeah. It is.Jackie?Jackie...She says she has it.She doesn't.How do I know there aren't other copies?Where do you keep your cigarettes?In the bowl up there.Why didn't you destroy it when I first asked you to?I don't know.Something stopped me. Maybe I would need it one day. For you. To prove my loyalty.You told her. I'd hardly call that loyalty.I had to show her I was serious.The journal was a way to do that.I never came close to putting it in her possession. Anything else I should know?I'm sober. It's been 87 days.I meant in regards to Dunbar.It is related. This is a tight race.Make me your Chief of Staff.You promised.You promised there'd be a place for me here when I was ready. That was before you fell off the wagonand walked in here with that journal.I've made mistakes.I've fallen down more than once,and you've always been there to pick me up.But you've been falling down for the past year, too,and you need someone to pick you up this time.It's not Remy. It's not Seth.It's me, Frank.And how can I know I can ever trust you again?Because I just lit two million dollars on fire.We expect higher than usual turnout, anywhere from 180 to 220. The higher the turnout, the better.We're stronger with women and students.- We've got a GOTV-- - Excuse me, I have to take this. Doug?I have an update regarding the journal.What is it?A message from the president.I have only one thing to say.Go fuck yourself.Christ, that felt good.Start putting together a shortlistof potential nominees for the court.You already...?I'm on it, sir.Claire.Want me to have them make you somethingfrom the downstairs kitchen?No, I ate on the plane. Just feeling a little warm.It'll pass.What did Doug say?It's destroyed.I watched him burn the page myself.- What about copies? - He says there aren't any.And you trust him?He had ample opportunity to do us real damage and he didn't. - But he held onto it for so long-- - I believe him, Claire.I believe him.And I'm gonna make him my Chief of Staff.Are you out of your mind?We need him, Claire. We need him now more than ever.He betrayed us, Francis!He told Dunbar about me.To gain her trust, not betray ours.Look, Doug is the only person we've ever been able to trust, and he played this very smart.He never put us in any real danger.The journal is gone. She can't do anything.Why didn't you ask me before you brought him back?- Bec-- We're discussing it now. - After you hired him! Look. I know this must have been harrowing for you,- but listen, it is ov-- - No. I don't--I'm starting to question all of it, Francis.What any of it is worth. What... what are we doing this for? For this house.For the presidency.Now, look, if you need to take a few days off, that's fine. You do not have to come with me to Iowa tomorrow. No. Of course, I'll be there.Welcome back, Doug. Congratulations.Thank you.I just wanted to get a heads up onwhen you'd like to make the formal announcement.Let's do it after the caucus.I don't want to draw any attention away from the campaign. You probably shouldn't attend the press briefing today. No. I'll take off before then.Here, you should see this.This just came out ten minutes ago.Have you shown the president?I drafted up some talking points.I figured you'd want to brief him.I'll be in my office.Seth.The president told me you asked for the job.Yeah, I didn't realize that you were in contention.I don't want you to resent me.Hey, I'm a professional.Let me know if you want any changes made to the talking points. I'm sure they're good.You can share 'em with the president.You don't want to look 'em over first?No. I trust your judgment.I can tell you that the shortlist is coming along,and it is my intention to nominate someonewithin the next two or three weeks.It's very important that we do this quickly,so that the Senate has time for their hearings.And we shouldn't leave that seat empty too long anyway,while the Court is still in session.- Mr. President? - Sara.Mr. President, would you comment on Ms. Baldwin's article about the Jordan Valley operation?I think Ms. Baldwin's articleis really nothing more than speculation.- But the evidence... - I'm sorry?But the evidence she presents is convincing.Evidence? A letter?。

China provides 40% of the bailout,the IMF provides another 40%and a consortium of American and Chinese energy companies tackles the remaining 20%,in exchange for which they get drilling rights.The US would only have to contribute 150 of the $800 billion. Russian companies would oversee productionand get a slice of the revenues.These are the proposed development zones.We split the drilling rights?Yes, sir. China puts in more money,but we contribute our drilling technology.Should we really be sharing that?They're already trying to hack it from us.Has Petrov agreed to this?I'm planning to proposeit to him in Brandenburg at the G7 Summit.We've invited Russia and China to attend,but we didn't wanna move forwarduntil we had congressional approval.- Bob? - We should discuss privately.You're going to Brandenburg yourself?If his health continues to worsen--We'll assess as we get closer,but, no, I'll stay here if it looks dire.We should probably draft an appropriationin case we need to pay for a state funeral.- Doug. - Madam Secretary.I could've come to the White House.The organ network, it answers to you.Yes and no. Uh, in a regulatory capacity--You have the power to modify the recipient list.That's up to the network.They have an expert committee that--The president's life isn't going to be decided by a committee. Let me show you something.He was number three yesterday. Number one got a transplant. Makes the president number two. His chances are very good. But this man, Anthony Moretti, he's just hours away from dying. Then let him die.I'm not doing this.It's not just the law. It's the ethics--Then change your ethics.Or you can resign, and your deputy can make this call.And if he won't, then he can resign, too.I will strip away this entire department until I find who I need. Now make the call.- Okay, I'm on. - You ever use it?No, I use Google.Uh, it's a small market share,but still, it's billions of searches a month.Now, what if a certain candidate got more hits,was ranked higher,more positive coverage favored over negative coverage?What if that candidate was William Conway?Manipulating searches? The public would turn on them.It gets them millions of votes.Can you get me solid proof?Well, I am not getting involved in something like this.What I will give you is advice as a friend.Don't waste a year of your life on the Underwoods.They've already lost the electionand they don't even realize it.I know you're only trying to help,and I'm sure you must feel frightenedabout Frank's condition--You don't have to be delicate, Cathy.I'd like you to let me do my job.China cannot be at the center of this negotiation,or Raymond Tusk.Involving the oil companiesis the only shot we have at winning Republican support.Do you remember when we played beer pong and you let me win? The two of us were sitting right over there,in those two chairs,and you asked me for my advice.It was good advice.And you listened to it. I don't know why you won't now.You were proposing a way forward. This time you're not. Well, unlike you, my nomination was confirmed by the Senate, because they believed I knew what I was doing.Forgive me, Claire, but it seems to methat you are taking advantage of the situation to assert authority - you don't have a right to assert. - Cathy,you don't have Francis right now.I'm the best thing you've got,so please work with me on this.Congress will never approve this.You're just wasting everybody's time.The Republicans will get in line.Not the Republicans, the Democrats.I spoke to Jackie Sharp.When she heard you developed this plan...She's a formidable woman, Claire, and very persuasive.- Remy Danton. - Remy, we need to talk about Jackie.Such a nice night.Let's go somewhere outside.And where do you wanna go?Take me to the bay.We'll go skinny-dipping.I thought you only had a couple hours.I'll make up some excuse.I'm sick of hotel rooms.We both got a big day tomorrow.Why are you being no fun?Because you're trying to kill my bill.You didn't wanna see me. You wanted to lobby me.- Jackie, listen. - Who told you I was against it?Birch's Chief of Staff.Well, I'm sure you stand to make a lot of money on this, but--It's not about the money.Isn't that how Claire convinced you?I just wanted to leave it tonight.I didn't wanna be mad at you.I just wanted...I don't understand why you're helping her.You've gotta get Birch on board.The Underwoods have lied to me,they've used me, they've tried to intimidate me.I don't know what Claire's up to,but I'm not gonna let it happen without a fight,not with the State Department against it.Claire knows.About you and me.She got photographsof us leaving the same hotel at the same time, multiple occasions. Take me back to my car.- Jackie, listen... - Turn around now, please.It's the reason I haven't been in touch.I wanted to protect you...- but she's making-- - I don't wanna talk about it.Just stop the car and let me out or drive me back.I'll take you back.A day or two.We might not have much warning, Mr. President.When the liver is this close to failure,things can happen suddenly.You should be prepared.- What's happening with his hands? - It's called asterixis.It happens when the body can't clear ammonia.Thank you, Dr. Saxon.I'm not going to Brandenburg.No, you have to.- Cathy will negotiate on my behalf. - I don't trust her on this. That's a risk we'll have to take.The risk I won't take is being overseas if the president dies. We don't even know if Congresswill approve the appropriation for the bailout.They will approve it. I'll make sure they do.You shouldn't be worrying about this now, Claire.You should be focused on Frank.We need to put him on the ventilatorto protect his airways.You should go, ma'am. Go get some rest.- Now's not a good time, LeAnn. - This can't wait.- What is it? - Pollyhop.- The search engine? - Conway is working with them.They can manipulate what people search for.It gives them a huge advantage--Wait, slow down. What does this mean?It means that we lose.Conway's name, his image,they can control what people see. They can force-feed it. Even if they're not doing that,even if they're just tracking users, it's enough to beat us.You know what people are searching for, you know everything, their hopes, their fears,what they're thinking about when they're staring at the ceiling in the middle of the night.- Who told you this? - Someone I trust.I can't deal with this right now.We have to do something, Claire, or the election--LeAnn, my husband just had a seizure.There may not even be an election.I'm sorry. I--If Francis survives, we will deal with this then.Right now, I need to focus on what's right in front of me. There was no criminal wrongdoing.That we can fathom. But why take the chance?Because pleading the Fifth makes it look like I broke the law.I agree.So I'll tell the truth. I'll own it.Yes, that you didn't meet with him.Are you suggesting that--It's the Attorney General's word against Heather's.As your lawyer, I can't be part of this conversation.We can still win this campaign.I'll be in the lobby.I'll back you up.The security detail only saw me and Goodwin together,not the two of you.This is under oath.Underwood's people are trying to smear us.The whole point of this campaignwas to be the opposite of Underwood.I thought you wanted this.Not if it means breaking the law.Do you think he'd even be having this conversation?You actually care about the law, Heather...which is why you need to be president.- Mrs. Underwood. - Bob, I didn't realize--The Leader and I were just discussing the bailout package. President Blythe just wanted me to stresshow important it is that the Democrats stick together right now with Francis being--There's no need.I just called the Speaker to schedule an emergency vote.I'm sure the President will be pleased.- How's Frank? - He's hanging in there.I'm sure you wanna get back to the hospital.But thank you for making the personal visit.Thoughts and prayers, Claire.Thank you, Bob.I'll walk you out.Excuse me, Leader.You came here to threaten me.We don't need to be at odds, Jackie.Do you plan on hanging this over my headevery time I try to oppose you?You can't fault me for your sloppiness.That's a "Yes."As long as we're working together,you have nothing to worry about.Mr. President, I wouldn't get your hopes up.The members of the G7are already ruffled because Russia was invited,and Petrov may be using this opportunityto embarrass us in front of the international community.Yes?- The First Lady is here, sir. - Send her in.Sir, I would like to finish our briefing--I'm not gonna keep the First Lady waiting if she wants to see me. - I'm sure you've heard. - Yes, Birch called a few minutes ago.I'd like to join you in Brandenburg, Cathy.Well, I appreciate you wanting to pitch in,but I really don't think that's necessary.Well, I know this plan better than anyone.- Mr. President... - There is only one shot at this.- Everyone at the same table. - What about Frank?In Brandenburg, I can be useful. I can't here.The First Lady cannotnegotiate on behalf of the United States government.The delegation is at your discretion, Mr. President.It might be good for you to have some support.Her presence undermines my authority as Secretary of State. Cathy, Petrov is incredibly stubborn. Trust me, I know. Why wouldn't you wanna have every asset available to you? Allow me to do this, Mr. President.- Sir-- - If it increases our chances.It will, I promise.Then join us. We're going over the briefing now.You tried, Frank...which is more than most people ever do.Right now, it's just us.Rest your eyes.We have all the time in the world.Danny, what was that?- Danny? - Nothing, Mom.Open the door.Open the door.Mrs. Underwood? Dr. Saxon is on the line.Excuse me.Hello?Good evening, or good morning.President Underwood is currently being prepped for surgery to receive a liver transplant.Barring any complications,the surgery is expected to take 12 to 13 hours.Uh, we'll update you about the progress if need be,but probably nothing more until the operation's completed. We can turn the plane around right now, ma'am.You'll be back before he's out of surgery.We should do that, Claire.I'll be late to the summit, but everyone will--No. We're almost there.- We keep going. - Honestly, Claire--- Inform the captain to stay on course. - Yes, ma'am. Connect me with Seth Grayson, please.He's already gone in.The First Lady is currently en route to Brandenburgand will not be in Washington for the surgery.She will continue onto the G7 Summitto assist Secretary Durant, as planned.She asked me to read the following statement."It was a difficult decision for me not to return..."But I know my husband. If he were conscious..."...he'd tell me to press on..."...that the best way to be at his side is to serve my country. "And I can serve it better in Germany than in a waiting room. If there's an emergency, I'll return immediately..."...but I have the utmost faith..."...in the medical team at Jefferson Memorial."I'm praying for a successful procedure,and I ask all of you to join me in praying for my husband, your president.Right over there, Ms. Dunbar.Will your attorneys be joining us?I've asked my attorneys not to attend.We have to advise you that it's in your best interest--I'm well aware, Mr. Morgan.It's not my first time at this table.Thank you, President Zhou. President Petrov?Russia shares China's desire for inclusion.We are looking forward to productive talks.And we also want to extend our sincere best wishesfor President Underwood's surgery.He is dearly missed at this meeting.Thank you, Mr. President.So, shall we begin?The most pressing order of businessis the joint IMF, American-Chinese debt relief packageto the Russian Federation.We're recording?Ms. Dunbar, any statement you makewill be part of the public record as part of the DOJ report. Although this video is simply for purposes of...You can make the video available to the media.I have nothing to hide.So you're waiving your right to keep the video from public view?I am.The attorney general says you pressured herto look into Lucas Goodwin's claims--I've read the attorney general's statement.We also have a deposition from a young woman,a staffer, who says Goodwinposed as a volunteer at an event in Cincinnati on March 8th.Did you meet with Mr. Goodwin?I shake hundreds of people's hands at every event.If he was in Cincinnati, there's a chance I may have shaken his. But the claim that he and I met one-on-one...So you're saying you didn't meet with him?We have phone records, Ms. Dunbar.You did speak to the attorney general.Martha is my former boss and an old friend.We speak frequently. Why she would claim that I...We need a simple answer, Ms. Dunbar.Did you or did you notmeet with Lucas Goodwin privately in Cincinnati?Yes.I met with a man I didn't knowwho turned out to be unhinged.I contacted the attorney generalbecause she's the top law enforcement official in the country and WITSEC is under her jurisdiction.I did nothing wrong.Tell us the nature of this meeting.I'd like to say, for the record,that I think this interview is an act of political sabotage.Its goal is to make me look guilty by association,but there are the way things look and the way things actually are. When I investigated Frank Underwood,he looked innocent, but he wasn't.I couldn't prove it, but I knew it to be true.Ms. Dunbar...You have proof that I met with Mr. Goodwin.I've admitted it.All that proves is that I'm honest,unlike a president who would use the Department of Justiceto target his political opponent for his own personal gain.Let me remind you, ma'am,the president was unconscious when this investigation began... It doesn't matter whether he was unconscious or not,whether he lives or dies.The president is the people who work for him.I don't think this is going to work.Petrov's talking the talk in session,but he won't meet with me privately.Chinese are ready to sign, if that's the hold-up.It's not the Chinese.He refuses to meet with anyone other than a head of state. Then see if he'll meet with the president's wife.It doesn't change the fact that he is morally corrupt,and he has corrupted the institutions that report to him. That is why I am running for president,because someone needs to fight this.So not only did she meet with Goodwin,she's using the investigation to attacka president who's on the operating table as we speak. Yeah, the way she keeps defending herselfonly gives conspiracy theorists more...She's done.Now, I'm not saying that she was involved...Without a doubt....but many are taking to social media...- Seth. - Hello, Cynthia.Think you might have anything for me?...and certainly not a president whose approval rating... On your campaign?Yeah, it's ironic...I'm gonna hang up now. Good luck....but I think she may have just tanked it.Mr. President... the transplant's complete.Now they're closing him up.We'll see how he accepts the new organ.Maybe we should try and get Claire on the phone.Yeah.Soon. We're waiting for him now.Okay. Okay, thank you, Donald.- So it's going well? - Well, unless his body rejects the liver. - Mr. President. - Mrs. Underwood.Mr. President.I thought we were meeting alone.As the administration's representative,I need to participate in any conversations--Madam Secretary, I believe my people were very clear, hmm? Would you give us a moment, please, Cathy?Just a little while.I'll be outside.So... how is surgery going?So far, so good.Ah, you must be exhausted. Now, sit. Sit.I imagine you'd rather be at the hospital.Well, this is too important,and you weren't going to negotiate with Secretary Durant. What makes you think I'll negotiate with you?Oh, well, isn't that why we're sitting here?Maybe I just wanted to... see your face again.Maybe I'm fond of it.You are a beautiful woman, Mrs. Underwood, hmm? Those lips...Would you say something for me?Would you say, um..."Shame on you... Mr. President."Really, Viktor? Are we gonna dredge that up?An apology would do...if you want to negotiate...Well, you would lose respect for me if I apologized. Yes.Yes, this is true.I'm not here for a sightseeing trip, Viktor.So, Francis needs a liver and I need a bailout.- What do you need? - I need for you to agree to the terms. Oh, yes, the terms. The terms, yes.But why are you here... and not with Francis?When your mother is sick, you go to her.Not your husband, hmm?Were the stories true?Are there problems, Claire?What are your concerns with the Chinese?There are too many drilling sites in sensitive areas.It's a security issue to us.And what sites, in particular, are you worried about?Oh, you... you are familiar with the individual zones?It's my plan. I know it backwards and forwards.I see, so that's why it's so important to you.Because it's yours.Is it one of these?On the Pacific coast?You asked for me, sir?I wanna get out of this place as soon as possible.I'll make sure of it, sir.Where's Claire?She's in Germany.Germany?A lot to catch you up on, Mr. President.- Raymond. - The Chinese are getting skittish.They wanna know why it's taking so long.Now, if Petrov doesn't agree soon, they may back out.- Thank you, Raymond. - I'm on standby.We need to shake hands on this.No. No, I told you, nothing on Sakhalin Island.It's two zones on the southern end. Then you have your bailout. It opens a door I don't want to open.They're being more than reasonable, Mr. President. Reasonable? In whose eyes?You and China are raping Siberia.We didn't run your economy into the ground.You did.Is this how you tried to convince Michael Corriganbefore he hung himself?Because that's what you are asking me to do,to tie the noose around my own neck.What's next? The Black Sea? The Arctic?I cannot allow the Chinese shipsto come this close to my sovereign--Mrs. Underwood, President Underwood is on the line.- He's awake? - Yes, ma'am.Go, go. We're done here.- I can't speak with him right now. - Mrs. Underwood--I will let you know when I'm available.Yes, ma'am.You should talk to your husband.I'm not leaving here until we have an agreement.But you're an amateur, Claire.You fly in, you puff up your chestand you pretend to play president.But what would you be without your husband?Nothing. A pretty face.So, yes, play the president if you like.Go. Tell the Chinese they get nothing on the Pacific.You think you can do that, Mrs. Underwood?Your people are hurting.Six months at most, they're gonna be marching on Red Square. I'm done letting you have your dignity.The truth is you're a beggar on your knees,and you will take whatever we shove down your throat. Viktor.Take the deal. Get your dignity back.Madam Secretary.Joint control of zones 61 and 67.We've got an agreement, pending the president's approval. Well, he's sleeping now.They're moving him back to the White House soon.- And how did he seem? - I only talked to him briefly,but the doctors say the organ is... taking well so far.They're expecting a quick recovery.You've done an outstanding job, Mr. President.- So have you, Claire. - I'm going to try and get some rest.Of course. Have a safe flight.Experts were pessimistic thatanything meaningful could come out of the summit.Draft of the appropriations bill from the Speaker's office. Just put it on the desk, please....Catherine Durant had this to say from Brandenburg. President Petrov and I worked through the nightin concert with the Chinese governmentin order to come up with an agreement.Along with partners in the private sector,the United States, China, and Russia will collaborate on a plan to extract oil from untapped sites in eastern Siberia.This will then enable a return to a more stable oil market,as well as a stable global economy.Now, in order to make this plan viableand mitigate any tax burden......to the American and Chinese taxpayers,the corporations will provide the bulk of the investment,the, uh, infrastructure to extract the oil and the technology.and then any of the profitswill then be distributed commensurately amongthese corporations, as well,and including the land value invested by the Russian government. So at this time, I'd like to open the floor to any questions.I'm getting a lot of questions about the First Lady's involvement. We stick to our message that she was just there to assist. Secretary Durant led the effort.There's multiple reports that she and Petrov had a long meeting. They greeted each other. That's it.So we deny?The President hasn't approved the plan yet.We wanna focus on his recovery, not the-- Yes? - Secretary of Health for you, sir.I'll find you in your office.Madam Secretary.- I just sent you an email. - Hold on.What is this?The father you see there?That's who we bumped for the President.He died an hour ago.Father of two, loving husband.Delete it right now from your outbox.I already did, but I wanted you to see his face...the family he left behind.Well, uh, it will probably take a few days, but, uh, I'm-- My wife is up.Thank you, gentlemen.- Mrs. Underwood. - Mrs. Underwood.Claire.Are you in a lot of pain?Nothing I can't handle.Meechum?I spoke to his mother.- Francis, don't... - Help me up.Are you sure?Yes. It's good for the recovery.Doctor's orders.They want me on my feet at least once a day.Let's take a walk.Now, let me see if I can do it.I need a minute.I'm going to approve your plan.It's a good plan.It was hard.Harder than I thought it would be.Stay with me.It's us against them. Always.Otherwise, what's the goddamn point?I can't do it, Francis.I can't come back and be First Lady.Not that.Not that.I said you were nothing, in the Oval, without me.It's the other way around.It would have to be different.I know.That's what I'm saying.Come on. Let's see if you can make it to the end of the hall.。

Do you think they have yesterday's Daily News?Why?I just wanna check my horoscope, see if it was right. Oh,my God! Don't look now. Behind you there's a guy... ...who can break our hearts and plunge us into depression. Where?Come to mama.He's coming. Be cool. Be cool. Be cool.- Nice hat. - Thanks.We should do something. Whistle.I'm not whistling.- Come on, do it! - No.Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it.I can't believe you did that.Why did I whoo- hoo?Was I hoping he'd turn around and say......"I love that sound. I must have you now"?I wish there was something we could do.Hello.Hello, coma guy.Get up, you Girl Scout! Up,up,up!Phoebe, what are you doing?Maybe nobody's tried this.I wish we at least knew his name.Look at that face.I mean, even sleeping, he looks smart.I doubt he is a lawyer.Yeah, but did you see the dents in his knuckless?That means he's artistic.Okay. He's a Lawyer who teaches sculpting on the side.And he can dance.And he's the kind of guy who, when you're talking, he's listening... ... not saying, "I understand"...... but really wondering what you look like naked.I wish all guys could be like him.I know.Are there no conscious men in the city for you two?He doesn't have anyone.Yeah, we-we feel kinda of responsible.I can't believe you said"whoo-hoo."I don't even say"whoo-hoo."Oh, she's coming up. She's coming up!Folks, when we come backwe'll be talking about her new book, 'Euphoria Unbound':the always interesting Nora Tyler Bing.You might wanna put the kids to bed for this oneY'know, we don't have to watch this.Weekend At Bernie's is onShowtime, HBO, and Cinemax.No way, forget it.C'mon, she's your mom!Exactly. Weekend at Bernie 'sDead guy getting hit in the groin 20, 30 times. Chandler, I gotta tell you,I love your mom's books! I love her books!I can't get on a plane without one.I mean, this is so cool.Yeah, well, you wouldn't think it was coolif you're eleven years oldand all your friends arepassing around page 79 of "Mistress Bitch".C'mon, Chandler, I love your mom.I think she's a blast.You can say that because she's not your mom. Oh, please. She's the- Hi, sweetie. - Bona seraWhen did "Rigatoni" get back from Rome?- Last night. - Really?So, his plane didn't explode in a big ball of fire? Just a dream I had.But, phew!Hey hey hey! She's on.Nora Bing.Back to the book.What is this about you being arrested in London? What is that all about?Your mom was arrested?I'm busy beaming with pride.This is kind of embarrassing......but occasionally,after I've been intimate with a man... Why would she say that's embarrassing?...I just get this craving for kung pao chicken.That's too much information.Alright, so now you're doing this whole book tour thing, how is that going?Oh, fine. I'm leaving forNew York tomorrow, which I hate.But I get to see my son, who I love.This is the way that I find out.Most moms use the phone.Y'know, don't take this wrong,I just don't see you as a mom somehow..I don't mean that, I don't mean that bad.Oh, no. I'm a fabulous mom.I bought my son his first condoms.And then he burst into flames.Let's see. Congress is debating a new deficit- reduction bill. The mayor wants to raise subway fares again.The high today was 45.And- oh, teams played sports.What about GIen?He could be a GIen.Nah... not-not special enough.How about Agamemnon?Way too special.I'm famished. What do I want?PIease, God, don't let it be kung pao chicken.You watched the show. What did you think?I think you need to come out of your shell.What is this dive?Only you could've picked this place.Come on. Shut up. It's fun.Give me a hug.Well, I think we're ready for some tequila.I know I am.Who's doing shots?- Hit me. - I'm in.There you go. Ross?I'm not really a shot-drinking kind of guy.Hi! Sorry- sorry we're late,we, uh, kind of just, you know, lost track of time. But a man can change.Anyone want me to appraise anything?Mrs. Bing, I have to tell you,I've read everything you've ever written.No, I mean it!I mean, when I read Euphoria at Midnight,all I wanted to do was become a writer.Oh, please, honey, listen, if I can do it, anybody can. You just start with half a dozen European cities......throw in thirty euphemisms for male genitalia, ...and bam! You have got yourself a book.My mother, ladies and gentlemen.Yeah, any messages for room 226?- You okay,slugger? - Oh,yeah. I'm fine.What is with you tonight?Nothing. Nothing, nothing.Okay,thank you.It's the Italian hand-licker, isn't it?No. It's the one he's licking.She's supposed to be with you.You're good.Oh, Ross, listen to me.I have sold 100 million copies of my books, and you know why?The girl on the cover with her nipples showing? No, because I know how to write menthat women fall in love with.Believe me, I cannot sell a Paolo.People will not turn 325 pages for a Paolo. Come on. The guy's a secondary character.y'know, complication you eventually kill off. When?He's not a hero.You know who our hero is?The guy on the cover with his nipples showing?No, it's you.- Please. - No ,really.Come on. You' re smart. You' re sexy.- Right. - Yes, you are.You are gonna be fine, believe me.I'll just pee in the street.Is Chandler here?- Yeah. - Come here.Okay, uh, about last night,um, Chandler.. you didn't tell...Okay, 'cause I'm thinking- we don't need to tell Chandler, I mean, it was just a kiss, right?One kiss? No big deal? Right?- Right. No big deal. - Okay.In bizarro world.You broke the code.- What code? - You don't kiss your friend's mom. Sisters are okay. Maybe a hot- looking aunt.But not a mom. Never a mom.What are you guys doing out here?uh.. Well, Joey and I had discussedgetting in an early morning racquetball game.But, um, apparently, somebody overslept.Yeah, well, you don't have your racket.No. No, I don't, because it's being restrung. Somebody was supposed to bring me one.Yeah, well you didn't call and leave your grip size. Okay, you guys spend waaaay too much time together. Okay, I'm scum, I'm scum.Ross, how could you let this happen?I don't know, God, I...well, it's not like she's a regular mom, y'know?She's, she's sexy.She's....You don't think my mom's sexy?Well, not in the same way.I'll have you know that Gloria Tribbianiwas a handsome woman in her day, alright?You think it's easy giving birth to seven children? Okay, I think we're getting into a weird area here. What're you guys doing out here?Well, not playing raquetball.He forgot to leave his grip size.He didn't get the goggles.Well, sounds like you two have issues.- Goodbye, baby. - Ciao, bela.Do they wait for me to do this?- So are you gonna tell him? - Why would I tell him? How about 'cause if you don't, his mother might. What are you guys doing here?Uhhhh.... he's not even wearing a jockstrap.What did I ask?What are you doing here?Nothing. I just thought I'd stop by, you know, after......that I, you know.So, what are you doing here?I'm not really here.Just thought I'd drop these off on the way. My way.Do you come here a lot......without me?No, no, no.So, um, do you think he's doing any better than he was this morning? How would I know? I wasn't here.Really? Not even to change his pajamas?Oh,my God.You're my friend. I had to tell you.I can't believe it.Paolo kissed my mom?Yeah, um, I don't know if you noticed,but he had a lot to drink,and you know how he gets when he's drun...uhI can't do this. I did it.It was me. I'm sorry. I kissed your mom.What?I was really upset about Rachel and Paolo,and I think I had too much tequila, and Nora- um,Mrs. Mom- your Bing- was just being nice, y'know,and- But nothing happened,Nothing. Ask Joey.- Joey came in - You knew about this?You know, knowledge is a tricky thing.I spent the entire day with you, why didn't you tell me?!Hey, hey, hey, you're lucky I caught them when I did,or else who knows what woulda happened.Thanks, man. Big help.I can't believe this! What the hell were you thinking?I wasn't- I mean, I-Y'know, of all my friends,no-one knows the crap I go through with my mom more than you. - I know. - I can't believe you did this.Me neither, y'know what-I'm still mad at you for not telling me.What are you mad at me for?You gotta let me slam the door.Chandler- I didn't kiss her, he did.- See what happens when you break the code? - Joey-"A Woman Undone, by Rachel Karen Greene."Yeah. Thought I'd give it a shot.I'm still on the first chapter.Now, do you think his 'love stickcan be liberated from its denim prison'?Yeah, I'd say so.And there's no"J" in"engorged."Hey, Rach.- Hello. - Hello.- Going to the hospital tonight? - No. You?No. You?You just asked me.Okay, maybe it was a trick question.Rachel,can we do this now?Okay. I am so hot.Now, here's a picture of my mother and father on their wedding day. Now you tell me she's not a knockout.I can't believe we're having this conversation.C'mon! Just try to picture her not pregnant, that's all.Central Perk is proud to present Miss Phoebe Buffay.Thanks, um, 'kayI'd like to start with a song that's about a man I recently met... ...who's come to be very important to me. 'Kay.*You don't have to be awake to be my man**As long as you have brainwaves I'll be there to hold your hand**Though we just met the other day**There's something I have got to say*Okay, thank you very much, I'm gonna take a short break.Okay, that was Phoebe Buffay, everybody. Woo!- What the hell was that? - Phoebe just startedYeah, I believe I was talking to Joey,alright there, Mother-Kisser?"Mother-kisser."I'll shut up.Chandler, can I just say something?I-I know you're still mad at me,I just wanna say that there were two people there that night. Okay? Two sets of lips.Yes, well, I expect this from her. Okay?She's always been a Freudian nightmare.Okay, well, if she always behaves like this,why don't you say something?Because it's complicated, it's complex-Hey, you kissed my mom.We' re rehearsing a Greek play.That's very funny. Are we done now?No! Okay, you mean, you're not gonna talk to her,you're not gonna tell her how you feel?That would be no.Look, just because you played tonsil tennis with my mom... doesn't mean you know her. Alright?Trust me, you can't talk to her.Okay. "You can't"? Or you can't?Okay, that's my finger.That's, that's my knee.Still doing the play.Alright, whadyou do with him?- You're awake. - Look at you.How, how do you feel?Uh, a little woozy, but basically okay.Gosh, you look good.I feel good.Who are you?- Sorry. - I'm Phoebe Buffay.I'm Monica Geller. I've been taking care of you. We both have.So, the Etch-a-Sketch is from you guys?Well, actually it's just from me.I got you the foot massager.You know who shaved you? That was me- I read to you. - I sang.Well,thanks.- Oh,my pleasure. - You' re welcome.So I guess I'II see you around.What? That's it?"See you around"?- Well, what do you want me to say? - I don't know. Maybe......"That was nice."" It meant something to me."" I'll call you."- Alright. I'll call you. - I don't think you mean that. This is so typical.You know, we give and we give......and we give.And then- we just get nothing back!And then one day, y'know,it's just, you wake up, and "See you around!"Let's go, Phoebe.You know what? We thought you were different.But I guess it was just the coma.Car's waiting downstairs,I just wanted to drop offthese copies of my book for your friends.Anything you want from Lisbon?No, just knowing you're gonna be there is enough. Alright, well, be good, I love you.You kissed my best Ross.Or something to that effect.O-kay.Look, it, it was stupid.- Really stupid. - Really stupid.And I don't even know how it happened.I'm sorry, honey. I promise it will never happen again.- Are we okay now? - Yeah.No. No...Ah, the forbidden love of a man and his door..He did it. He told her off,and not just about the kiss, about everything.You're kidding?No, no. He said, "When are you gonna start being a mom?" Then she came back with:"The question is,when are you gonna realizeI have a bomb?"'Kay, wait a minute, are you sure she didn't say"When are you gonna grow up and realize I am your mom?"- That makes more sense. - You think?So, what's going on now?I don't know. I've been standing here spelling it out for you.I don't hear anything. Wait, wait, wait.What do you see?Hard to tell, they're so tiny and upside-down.Wait,wait,wait.They're walking away. They're walking away.No, no, they' re not.They' re coming right at us. Run!- Are you okay, kiddo? - Yeah.All right. You be good.Drive safe.- Mrs. Bing. - Mr. Geller.You mean that?Yeah, why not?So I told her.- How did it go? - Awful. Awful.Couldn't have gone worse.- Well, how do you feel? - Pretty good.I told her.Well, see?So maybe it wasn't such a bad idea, y'know, me kissing your mom, uh?But.. we don't have to go down that road.Okay. Now this is just the first chapter......and I want your absolute honest opinion. Okay? Oh, oh, and on page two,he's not 'reaching for her heaving beasts'.What's a "niffle"?You can usually find them on the heaving beasts. Alright, alright, so I'm not a great typist.Wait, did you get to the part aboutWait, did you get to the part abouthis 'huge throbbing pens'?Oh, yeah, you don't wanna be aroundwhen he starts writing with those.That's it. Give them back.第一季第十一集So no one told you life was gonna be this wayyour jobs a joke, you're broke,your love life's D.O.A.It's like you're always stuck in second gear,And it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year, butI'll be there for you,when the rain starts to pour.I'll be there for you,like I've been there before.I'll be there for you,'cause you're there for me too.。

You know what I like about people?They stack so well.Let me get this for you.- Want the paper? - No.This is too much.It's not half enough.Thanks for opening up for me.Any time, day or night. You know that.In a town where everyone's so carefully reinventing themselves, what I like about Freddyis that he doesn't even pretend to change.Ooh. I'm late.Every Tuesday I sit down with the speaker and the majority leader to discuss the week's agenda.Well, discuss is probably the wrong word.They talk while I sit quietlyand imaging their lightly salted faces frying in a skillet. Vasquez must be shitting herself.Shitting herself, when Walker is shitting himselfand shoveling his shit on her shit.Bob, I'm planning on eating.Do we have a backup on the docket?You're on that, right, Frank?Yeah, I'm working with my staff--Republicans are gonna ram this up our ass.I would if I was them.Why, even if we squeak it through the house, watch them mangle it in the senate.使法案不能进入投票从而阻止一个法案通过Or filibuster.Why, sure, if it looks anything like this...I don't know why Walker'strying to tackle a charging elephant.It's madness.Congressmen, sorry to interrupt,but I saw you sitting over here--Remy. Gentlemen, this is Remy Danton. Remy, this is Speaker Birch and Congress--I'm well aware. Mr. Speaker, Congressman. Remy just made partner at Glendon Hill. Glendon Hill? Great team over there.- Congratulations. - Thank you.When was the last time they added a partner?It's been a while.Well, they know a winner when they see one. Remy was the best press secretary I ever had. Why did you let him go?I didn't. They stole him away.What accounts do you have?San Corp Industries is my main one.I run that account now.Anyhow, I'll let you get back to it.Sorry again to interrupt.No problem.Very nice to meet you both.- Nice. - Lobbyists keep getting younger and younger.He's probably making more than all of us combined.Gentlemen, this one's on me.I'm gonna track down that check.Glendon Hill fronts San Corp Industries.San Corp is deep into natural gas.I don't give a hoot about natural gas,but I have 67 deputy whips,and they all need cash to win races.San Corp helps me purchase loyalty,and in return they expect mine.It's degrading, I know,but when the tit's that big,everybody gets in line.Tell them I'm on top of it.I need more than that.You are well aware that I do not drop the ball on things like this, Remy. Promises, Frank.Secretary of State, Argentine and off shore drilling contracts--Talk to me when I've solved the problem.Don't waste my time when I'm working on solving the problem. When there's billions on the line,You can't not call me back.I can't not show up.Fine. Thank you for your diligence.Eight figures to you and the D triple C.6 million to build that library of yours in your name.I know.Don't make them throw money at your challenger next cycle. You've made your point.Have I? I hope so.Such a waste of talent.He chose money over power--In this town, a mistake nearly everyone makes.In this town, a mistake nearly everyone makes.Money is the McMansion in Sarasotathat starts falling apart after ten years.Power is the old stone buildingthat stands for centuries.I cannot respect someone who doesn't see the difference. What am I looking at?The Williams register.- Williams? - College.September '78.And why am I looking at it?The editorial.Not that interesting.Michael Kern went to Williams.Check out the masthead.And then there's this.It's thin.The guy's a unicorn. He pisses rainbows.- You think we can get traction with this? - I think you could. Linda Vasquez is on the phone.Ah, I'm surprised it took her this long.It's only 6 past 9:00.Which means she read the Herald 3 hours agoand spent the past 2 1/2 getting reamed by the president. Tell her I'm on my way.You were supposed to keep Donald in line.You assured me that you--25 years he's been pushing this particular agenda.We got between the mother bear and her cub.It's a setback. That's all.On our first day in office.Linda, I've worked with four presidents.Setbacks are a dime a dozen with a bill of this size. Frank, if you can't control this--I don't take well to being micromanaged, Linda.You want to do my job for me and run the White House? Good luck. I won't stand in your way.Okay, Frank. Fine. This is yours now.If this thing can't make it to the floor in the first 100 days, then I'll let you explain to the presidentwhy he lied to the American people.I'm gonna get back to work.Please do.Well, we really should be doing this on a Fridayinstead of a Wednesday.If we do it on a Friday,- people have the weekend-- - Fine. We'll do it on Friday.Is all the paperwork ready?Some of the more senior people are trickier.There's severance.But we shouldn't run into any legal issues.No, no. We use at-will employment contracts across the board. Well, get started first thing Friday.I want all of the exit interviews done by lunch.Claire, I just can't help but think that this is a mistake.We've discussed this already, Evelyn.I know, I know, but I just have to say itfor the sake of my conscience.I think that you are dismantlingwhat we have built over the past ten years,and I--and I think the way you're handling this is...is cruel.It's not easy, Evelyn.But it's necessary.You have always asked me to be honest with you.It's how we work together.I disagree with something, I say it.Well, I disagree 100%.Please, Claire, don't do this.I respect your opinion, Evelyn,and I appreciate you sharing it with me,but I'm not going to change my mind.Friday, then.If that's what you want.This is major reform, a complete overhaul.That would usually take months.Well, we only have days, not months.But think about the process. We can't just change-- When I ask my colleagues, your bosses,who are the smartest minds in education,out of hundreds, we arrived at you--the six of you in this room.Now, I realize it is a difficult task,but we have the opportunity to make history here.And I want all of us to make it together.So good luck. We're counting on you.Page 1.These bullet points reflectthe key planks at the center of our bill.Get comfy.This is your home until we have a presentable first draft. Donald, what a morning.I have no idea how they got this.I specifically told my staff to destroy everything.- I can't imagine- - It doesn't matter how it happened.We can't make it unhappen, so we have to adapt.Don't they realize that this is a first draft?All we have here really is a perception problem.We don't get a second chance at a first impression, Donald. You know that. Now, look, I'm on your side,but Linda is furious.What's she saying?They want to point fingers.At me?I told her we cannot do that.I mean, you are vital to this process.I'm up to here with them, Donald--for lying, for turning their back on you.You know, I'm of a mind to say screw it.I'll fall on this grenade myself,just to piss them off.Give me John King at CNN.Wait, Frank. This is not your fault.No, we have to protect your reputation.But you're the man that needs to get the bill through the house.I will-- hang on. I will assign it to one of my deputies, quietly manage it, and I'll help guide you through the process.I am not comfortable with this.Well, then what do you suggest we do?What a martyr craves more than anythingis a sword to fall on,so you sharpen the blade,hold it at just the right angle,and then 3, 2, 1--It should be me.It was my bill.No. Impossible. Donald,education has been your life's work.The truth is my heart is not in this fight.You know me. I'm not a wheeler dealer.I can put my mind to policy,but I'm no good at this brand of politics.Well, if not you, then who?It should be you, Frank.You're formidable. People respect you.They will follow your lead. Let me--let me be on the sidelines for this.Well, I could only consider that as an optionif I knew that I could still come to you for counsel. Of course. Whatever you need.Part of me is glad this got leaked.Well, it would have been better if it hadn't,but at least people know where I stand.Thank you, Donald.Happy to do it, Frank.He has no idea we've got six kids in the next roomalready working on a new draft.Stamper! But why dampen his mood by telling him?We just gave him a great gift--a chance to fulfill his destiny.Write up a statement for Blythe--Write up a statement for Blythe--stepping aside, fresh ideas,et cetera, et cetera, and make it dignified.He's a good man.Oh. And bring me that Williams editorial.Oh. And bring me that Williams editorial.After careful thought and discussion with my staff,I am relinquishing my management of the education reform act.I hope to remain a part of the process,but I won't be working--Why did you leak the draft?I'm not exactly sure how it got leaked,but, uh, it does represent--It came from your office, though, correct?Uh, we wrote it, but I don't--Who'll be managing the bill now?Frank Underwood.Was that your choice,or did the administration--or did the administration--I feel very confidentplacing the bill in Frank's capable hands.Ms. Barnes.Ms. Barnes.How very deep throat of you.Well, I can't help you dispatch a president.How about a senator?How about a senator?The editorial on the Camp David Accords."It is the opinion of this newspaperthat President Carter demand Israelwithdraw all its citizensfrom the Gaza Strip and West Bank.""Which it has illegally occupied since 1967." Illegally occupied.That's quite an incendiary quote, don't you think? For an administration that saysthat the Middle East is its top foreign policy priority. Michael Kern?Did he personally write the editorial?He was the editor.But did he write it himself?Then there's no story.I'm saying it's a question worth asking.And if he denies involvement?He will. Let him.This is a man trying to be confirmed as Secretary of State. Everything is a story.There's no direct link.I can't get this past Hammerchmidt.Remember this moment when you resisted me,when you said the words "Then there is no story."Get a good night's sleep, Ms. Barnes.You have a big day tomorrow.Francis?What is this?What does it look like?But the basement is mine.I know. It's not for me.So who's it for?For you.There's a gym in the Capitol.Which you never use.Because I'm a tad busy running the country.But not at home, so now you have no excuse.I want it out.Give it a try first.Is this your subtle way of saying that I'm out of shape? No, it's my way of suggestingyou could be in better shape.That sounds both passive-aggressiveand condescending.Just plain aggressive and true.Don't wait up for me.Are you going running now?Yes, because I couldn't this morning.I had an early meeting.Use the monstrosity. It's freezing out.You break it in.It looks positively medieval, doesn't it?And to turn my only sanctuary into a fitness dungeon.I won't have it.I won't have it.It's a stretch.We're not misleading anyone.- He was the editor. - Did you call for a comment?I tried three times.The press secretary said he'd get back to me.- He didn't. - What about research?You couldn't find anything to echo the editorial?No quotes, no op-ed pieces?Don't you think if something like that existed,someone would have printed it by now?Nobody else has this, Lucas.I don't think there's a story here.I'm not saying there's a story.All I'm saying is that there's a question that needs to be answered.This is a nominee for Secretary of State.We have an editorial on Palestine and Israel.Which he didn't write.Which we don't know he didn't write.Exactly.We don't have to print it.I could just scan the thing, stick it on a site,and tweet the link.But if I did that, some other paper might--Whoa, whoa. Don't be a bitch.I'll talk to Tom.That's all I was asking.We simply can't afford to allow the--We simply can't afford to allow the--We got a guy who's almost perfect.He's a libertarian drug fiend marinating in a mobile home.I didn't agree with President Reagan on many things,but there was some merit to the notion of trickle-down economics, and I feel there is much merit to the idea of trickle-down diplomacy. If we can solve...Those are my lines.Vasquez must have given them to him....stalemate between Israel and Palestine,that success will trickle downthat success will trickle downto a hundred other diplomatic dilemmas between Muslims,Jews, Christians--I'm glad you brought up Israel and Palestinebecause just before we came on the air,I received an advance copy of an articlethat's going to be in tomorrow's washington Herald's front page and was written by Zoe Barnes,and in it she quotesan editorial that ran in the Williams College registerwhen you were editor back in September 1978,which called the Israeli presencein the Gaza Strip and West Bank, quote,an illegal occupation.- Can I see that? - Sure.Did you write those words, "Illegal occupation"?No. I have no memory of this.But you were the editor of the paper.Yes, but--So it couldn't have gone out without your approval.No, of course not, but my staff--somebody else usually wrote the, uh,the, uh-- and then we'd vote, and if--Did you vote for it?Honestly, George, I can't remember.It was 35 years ago.So you're not surewhether or not you supported these words--I can tell you without a shadow of a doubtI did not write these words.But were they in line with your thinking at the time? This is ludicrous.I know it was a long time ago, I understand that.That's all we need-- him laughing.Nancy, get me Dennis Mendel of the ADL.The Middle East is a vital American interest.What you think about the Middle East is relevant.You can look at my voting record.Every single vote has been in defense of Israel--So when did your views change?What I'm saying to you is my--What's important now, George,is how I have votedwhile I have represented the great state of Colorado--I understand that's your position,but a lot of other people are going to look at it and think what you thought then is relevant as well.Well, let me ask you this.Have you ever changed your views since college? Certainly, but I'm not the nominee for Secretary of State. Uh, even if I did have--It's golden.This has not been my views--It's a bull's eye.What were you saying when you came in?So, ahem, I found a guywho was on the college editorial staff when Kern was there. This burnout,still pumping mimeographed manifestosout of a trailer park in the Berkshires.- You're not planning on talking to him. - No. No.Peter Russo.Good.Sounds like a perfect match.Dennis.Any chance you're watching Stephanopoulos?You look sexy when you're improving the livesof hardworking Pennsylvanians.Is it the improving lives,or is it these fetching sweat pants?Why don't you move that computer out of the way?Let me see what that looks like.Yeah, it's better with the laptop.Fuck off.You're not paying enough attention to me.I pay attention to you all day at the office.Hey, you know, I don't thinkI've ever seen you brush your teeth before.- Sure you have. - No, I don't think so.I mean I know that you do brush,but I don't think I've ever actually witnessed it before. Well, here it is in all its glory.Is that my toothbrush?I don't know. Is it?Yes, it is.- You left it here. - Peter, gross.Oh, come on.We've exchanged plenty of fluids by now.Hey, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.No. Toothpaste.It's not toothpaste. I'm ravished.No.Go get it.I have to take this.This is Russo.Yeah. Right now it's 12:53.Okay. Okay, okay, okay.I have to go.Is everything okay?It's work stuff.What kind of work stuff?Congressman Wallinski.He wants to go over the tax incentive stuff we sent him. Peter, it's 1:00 in the morning.Hey, Peter.I have meetings tomorrow.I have a committee hearing.Congress will survive without you.Address, directions.There's an e-ticket in your name.Your flight leaves at 6:30.You should head to the airport.This is coming from Frank?No. This is coming from no one.You have the flu, and you're calling in sick.- What's that? - What's what?Is that a hickey?Are you whoring around again?No. I have a girlfriend.You mean your little office romance.What do you know about that?When it comes to your life, Peter, and what I know about it, you should assume that there's no such thing as a secret. Stay in touch.You call me on my cell, never at the office.Good luck.Knock 'em dead, tiger.How are we?Overtired, under-caffeinated,but we're making progress.Less than a week to go.Yeah. We'll do our best.- You'll what? - We'll get it done.Somebody open a window. It's rancid in here.That is what happens when six people don't shower for half a week. Anything you need other than deodorant?Yeah, this performance standards thing.- The teachers unions are gonna-- - Leave it in.- But we could delete it. - I'll handle the unions.What else? Anything?Conjugal visits?I'll get back to work.- Nancy. - Coming.What do I have next?Constituent calls from 2:10 to 2:35,fundraising until 3:50, deputy caucus at 4:00.- The call list? - It's on your desk.- My briefing for the caucus? -Next to the call list.Have you been in the conference room?Have it steam cleaned over the weekend.In the meantime, get those poor kids some Febreze or something. It's like a petting zoo.You gotta see this.But were they in line with your thinking at the time?But were they in line with your thinking at the time?We do not consider the issueof Israel and Palestine a laughing matter.And he calls Israel illegal.Well, he's an anti-semite, and he is wrong.We would have grave, grave concernsabout appointing such a man our next Secretary of State. It's too easy.It's too easy.It's too easy.Roy, hi.My name is Peter Russo. Congressman Russo.I'd like to just speak to you for just a...Sir?Either you're lying, and you can fuck off;or you're telling the truth, and you can absolutely fuck off.I saw your web site.I'm a fan.And I brought you something.Hey, babe, put some clothes on.- What? - We got a guest.So? Hey.Put some clothes on.Ice or no ice?- Uh, no ice. - Good.We don't have any.Fuck. Echo, I told you to put the--It's okay. It's okay.I'll keep your secret if you keep mine.A congressman, you say?Right now, I'm just a drinking companion.Well, all right, companion.Have yourself a drink.Come on in.$10,000.What will that get me?I mean, I'm kinky,but I don't know if I'm the girl you're looking for. You're definitely the girl that I'm looking for. Excuse me.All I want for that money is your silence.My what?The guy you were with the other night,the one who was arrested, do you know who he was? You mean the congressman?There was no congressman. There was no arrest. None of that exists.All that existsis the money sitting right there in front of you.Do you understand?Yeah.Good.Open your mouth.Last little bit's for me.You're scolding me.Am I?You are, silently.- Is it the rowing machine? - You tell me.It's the rowing machine.- You haven't used it. - How do you know I haven't? Francis.You know I don't like to be managed.I'm not trying to manage you.I just don't want to outlive you by 25 years.I must walk three miles a day around that Capitol.I'm constantly on my feet.And do you know how many calories the brain burns?I'm not worried about your brain.It's your heart we're talking about.Use the machine.She's right.I should take better care of myself.But it's the principle.I won't be a slave toanybody or anything you can order with a toll-free number. We share the wealth in this republic.I thought the whole editorial team pitched in. Sometimes. Not that time, though.But he must have written some of it?No. That was all me.What if people thought he wrote it?Oh, fuck that. He's a fraud.Nah, he's worse than a fraud. He's a fucking farce.I'll tell you something.He used to be even more of a maniac than I am.- Chemicals? - No. Politics.Oh, we had some nights, man. Long conversations,dangerous fucking notions.- Like what? - You name it-- OPEC,Pinochet, the fucking Food Stamp Act.食品券法案: 1964年的一项法案针对失业者和贫民发放粮票Then the motherland sang her mating call.O say can you--Next thing, he's cramming for the bar at Bryn MawrNext thing, he's cramming for the bar at Bryn Mawrand snapping on a flag pin.Does Bryn Mawr have a law school?My point is, he started goose-stepping in the marionette parade. Left, right; red, blue; Democrat, Republican.We're all dangling from the same strings.We're all dangling from the same strings.Take a sledgehammer to the whole fucking Punch and Judy show. That's what's required.Thought you were a patriot.Fuck, yeah. One of the few.- So what's wrong with public service? - Public service?Come on. You gotta get a grip on who your masters are.The I.M.F., the World Bank,the Rockefeller Trilateral Commission.You bankroll their fucking death squads.It's called FEMA; it's called alcohol, tobacco, and firearms; NATO; Border Control.You think Katrina was incompetence?That was highly orchestrated negligence.That was highly orchestrated negligence.Look at Waco, Amnesty International,the ACLU.Smokescreens-- all of them. Blood on their hands.Well, exactly.You want me to lie to the people.I want you to spare the people another hypocrite.What's in it for you?Poetic justice.Oh, come on. You're one of them.Can a corporate sellout roll a joint like this?If I wanted to do this thing,how might I go about that, precisely?How did it go?There were a few tears here and thereand some anger,but nothing unexpected.I'm going to need you to leave us today, too, Evelyn.I'm sorry.I just can't have any doubt about the direction I'm taking.You just had me fire 18 people.I know.I sat across from them in this room,and I had to tell each and every one of--I know.I am 59 years old.Nobody hires anybody my age.I will write you any kind of recommenda-- To do what, bag groceries?What am I supposed to tell my daughter? I'm sorry, Evelyn. I truly am.No, you're not. You don't give a fuck. Eighteen people, Claire.Nineteen, if you count me.I have to...I have to call my daughter.I know today has been tough.A lot of your colleagues have left,and I owe you an explanation.Many of those who left us todayhelped build the CWI from the ground up, and I'm grateful to them.But it is time for us to evolve,and to accomplish this,we had to make hard choicesand bring in new people.That's what today was about.You have any questions,my door is always open.I'm all good for national and metro.We've got space for political if we need it.Janine, anything new on Michael Kern?The White House is dodging.You can't get anyone on record?Not just me.They're shutting all of us down in the briefings.No one is giving an inch, even on background.In the meantime, I'm working on a featureabout the administration's foreign policy agenda. How it shifted from the start of the campaign,- increased D.O.D. spending, and-- - We see you, Zoe.I can link Kern directly to the Williams editorial.- What? - I've got a guy named Roy Kapeniakwho was on the editorial staff when Kern was there. Hey, Twitter twat, W.T.F.?- Wait, wait, wait. Roy what? - Kapeniak.A classmate of Kern's.I have him on record sayingKern wrote every word of the editorial.Let's move this into my office.Zoe, Lucas.Janine.Let me-- let me, once and for all,say this definitively:I didn't author that editorial.Not a single sentence, word, comma, or period.If memory serves me, it was Mr. Kapeniak who wrote it. If memory serves me, it was Mr. Kapeniak who wrote it. Why on earth he's trying to claim that I did is beyond me. Let me further say that I'ma strong supporter of the State of Israel.As the most stable country in the regionand our strongest allyIt's Frank Underwood for Cathy....in any peace process,because without the stability of Israel,there can be no Palestine.CNN right now."Without Israel there can be no Palestine"?- I've got it on. - I would remind Senator Kernthat there was a Palestine long before there was an Israel. His comments are not only ignorant, they are racist.Get ready, Cathy. Things are about to move very quickly. - ...his understanding of the Middle East-- - Okay.- ...is so out of sync with reality... - I'm ready.- Peter? No. Stop. - Uh, not now.Hey. Hey, where have you been?Oh, God, you're fucking high.- No. I-- - Yes, you are. Look at your eyes.Oh, please, just lay off.You promised me it wouldn't be like this.Cancel whatever I have for the rest of the day.Cancel whatever I have for the rest of the day.Kern is out.They're tossing him?Technically, he'd withdraw himself, but yes.Can I say "A source close to the White House"?No. You let this story play out on its own time.They'll announce in the morning.I'm sorry. If not that, what story are we talking about? Catherine Durant.As soon as Kern withdraws, you say she'll be the replacement. - Is that true? - It will be after you write it.Roy Kapeniak was you.You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment. You found him. You had him call me.Kapeniak and Kern were appetizers, Miss Barnes. Catherine Durant is the meal.Say that name: Catherine Durant.Say it over and over.Tomorrow afternoon, write it down,and then watch that namecome out of the mouth of the President of the United States. This is where we get to create.。
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This is Russo. Please leave a message.He's not answering my calls.It's over, and he must know it.You don't think there's any way he can recover?The Republicans will play that interviewon every radio and television stationfrom now until November 5th.from now until November 5th.I sympathize with the kid,but this was my concern from the beginning.And I should've listened to you, sir.I thought he could handle the pressure.Okay. So he withdraws.We need to replace him.You have any ideas?With less than two months to go?If the President hadn't shut me out of the early discussions, I could've come up with some good options,but I don't know anyonewho's got the name recognition and donor baseto start a campaign from scratch just seven weeks out.Let me think.Everything hinges on the next few minutes...all my months of planning, every move I've made.- There is one person. - Who?You, Mr. Vice President.If you ran to reclaim your seat,I think you'd win by a landslide.Resign the vice presidency.Only if you win.Walker needs me for 2016.Are you entirely certain he's gonna keep you on the ticket?I mean, it's no secret the two of you don't exactly get along.What has he said?Oh, you're putting me in a very awkward position, Mr. Vice President. Has he been bad-mouthing me?Well, the exact phrase he used was"Pain in the ass."That fucker.He's got no idea how to lead,no sense of respect.- Oh, is this his idea? - No.- His way of getting rid of me? - No. It struck me yesterday,and I just thought it was worth suggesting.But, no, I haven't discussed this with anyone.And you shouldn't.People don't leave the White House to become a governor.May I ask you a personal question, sir?Do you want to be the Vice President?Peter said that when you were out on that campaign trail,you had so much enthusiasm and energythat he thought you maybe missed being the Governor.I do miss it.Then why not go back?You could be the hero of this electionand secure Pennsylvania for the Democrats in 2016. Garrett would never go along with something like this, even if he hates my guts.It would make him look weak,like he's lost control of the administration.Not if it was a mutual decision.Look, let me talk to Garrett.I won't mention that we've spoken.I suppose there's no harm in finding out what he thinks. Thank you, Mr. Vice President.- Slogans for 400. - "1976. He's making us proud again." - D.J. - Who is Carter.- No. John. - Who is Ford.Peter?Slogans for 600.Peter, are you here?"1888. Grandfather's hat fits Ben."- Claudia. - Who is Benjamin Harrison.- Yes. - Presidential slogans for 800."1900. The full dinner pail "On the train ride down,I almost called the police to have them break inand make sure you hadn't hurt yourself.I'm not gonna even ask you what happened.It doesn't matter right now.It doesn't matter right now.What matters right now...- What matters... - Who is Goldwater.- Claudia - Who is Goldwater.Barry Goldwater. Yes.Oh, come on. Hey, I'm watching that.What matters is the 50 reporters in front of your building and the 150 campaign stafferswho don't know if they still have a job.It's over.I know.So, tell them to go away.What, are you just gonna hole yourself up in hereand hope it all goes away?Yeah, that's pretty much the plan.Well, I won't let you.Hey, put that down. Hey.- Hey, put that down! - Peter...We need to put out a statement.Call me when you're prepared to do that.I'll be at the headquarters in Philly.I was scared that I was starting to feel too much for you.I think that's why I ended it.And you have no room for fear?No. Being afraid doesn't accomplish anything. That's not true. When I'm overseas,rational fear... disease or violence...that sort of fear keeps you alive.Back here, God,I find myself afraid of thingsthat I can't name or point to.It's like, uh, how little am I seeing?Or have I wasted this day or this moment? Yeah, I think that sometimes...whether my life will add up.Francis would roll his eyesif he heard me talking like this.Does he know where you are?No, he doesn't.If he's looking for you, that's where you are.Over there.Before you met Frank.Alone.Curious.Absorbing everything.You have no idea what I was like when I was a girl. Did he ever know that side of you?He wasn't interested in that girl.And neither was I.What were you interested in?Being more than an observer.You wanted to be seen.Not just seen.I wanted to be significant.There's no historical precedent.Aaron Burr ran for Governor,Calhoun for the Senate.200 years ago.One shot a man in a duel, the other believed in slavery.卡尔霍恩主张奴隶制度是完美的制度Is that really the sort of company we wanna share, Frank? Mr. President, we stand losingcontrol of an important swing state,our majority in the house,and quite possibly your second term in office. Preventing all of that may require unconventional measures. It would look like I'm pushing him out.Or worse... that he's abandoning the administration.You make a joint statement.You say he won't resign unless he wins.If he loses, he stays on as Vice President.No one could accuse either of you of disloyalty to the other. Did Jim come to you with this?No. It's entirely my idea.I wouldn't dream of speaking tothe Vice President without passing it by you first.I think he'd take it as an affront,like I'm trying to get rid of him.Honestly, sir, I thinkhe might be more interested than you imagine.- Why is that? - Well, I hesitate to bring this up, but when he was campaigning for Russo,he spoke quite freely about you, sir.Tell me.Of course, I'm getting this secondhand from Peter, but the gist of it is that...that you lack entirely in leadership,and that you have no sense of respect.And he wants more responsibility.And how do I give him that when he shows absolutely no discretion, no discipline?Well, that is entirely my point. Now, look,I take full responsibility for backing Russo,but there could be a silver lining in all this.You could accomplish two goals:Secure Pennsylvania for the Democratsand find an honorable way to replace Matthews. What do you think?I think it is a very big decision,and we do not want to make it impulsively.I agree. I'd like to put some more thought into it. Well, that is very prudent, sir. Just bear in mind,seven weeks out, that every day counts.- Hi, sir. - How much is it?Oh, I got your receipt right here.No, no, no. It was... it was just $40.Yeah. Don't tell anyone, all right?No. I... I never say anything about our tenants.- The press still outside? - Yeah.I told them you weren't here, like you said.Most of them left. There's still, you know, a few, though.If I wanted to leave,is there a place I could do it without being seen?Yeah. The freight elevator down to the garage.I could call you a cab or...All right. Thanks. I'll let you know.Mr. Russo, uh...sir, it's none of my business,but, uh,my uncle... he fell off the wagon a few times.When he did, the best thing for him was just not to be alone. I'll give you this money back, I'll take that bag off your hands, come in here, keep you company...I appreciate it. I'll let you know if I change my mind.I appreciate it. I'll let you know if I change my mind.Sit down.Where's Claire?Not here.So what is this, tying up loose ends?I wouldn't presume.People like you can't be neatly tied up.But I thought perhaps we could start...It's very tasteful.This is the dress she wore to the gala.I believe so.It is.I recognize it.Go back into the bedroom.I'm amazed how well you got her in focus.What should we call her?Why does she need a name?I never photograph anyone without knowing their name. You didn't take the photograph. I did.I think we should call her Claire.She doesn't even look like me.Not even a younger version. Why do you keep saying that? Not her features, her expression.Hey, we should mount it. You can hang her in your house. Would Francis object?Can we please not discuss Francis?You brought him up in the park.I know I did, and I shouldn't have.So we have to pretend he doesn't exist?I thought we could talk about anything.He is a presence here. You must admit that.When you walked through the door yesterday,he walked right in with you.It's just me, nobody else.You keep telling yourself that, it might come true.How do you think she'd feel if she knew I was wearing this?I don't know.You don't think she'd be upset?She'd probably say you look very beautiful in it.It's like steel.You should put it back.I think I'll keep it.I'll buy you one of your own, if you'd like.No. I want this one.She came into my bedroom.She should know I came into hers.Is your bed always so perfectly made?It's a habit I formed at military school.What side of the bed does she sleep on?That side.She can keep it.Fits her better anyway.Listen, Zoe...Whatever just happened upstairs,whatever these past six months have been,can we agree that it is time to simplify?What does simple look like?We maintain our professional arrangement, as you suggested, which I will honor.You still trust me?What choice do I have?You didn't hurt me or discard me like you said you would.I'm glad I didn't have to.Yes, we'll agree to simplify.Good.Sorry I'm a few minutes late, Frank.Please, have a seat.I have a pretty good idea why you asked for this meeting.- Have you and the President had a chance to speak? - We have. - Is he leaning one way or another? - He's torn.- And what about you? - I'm a little less torn.My instincts tell me it's a mistake.You wanna convince me otherwise?Well, look, if your instincts tell youthis is not the way to go, I'm not about to...Frank, I'm gonna ask you two very direct questions,and I would appreciate direct answers.When you got my son into college,were you anticipating a moment like this?I don't follow.Honestly, Frank?Was I antici...I would be happy to answer you directlyif I knew what you were asking.All right. I will ask you my second question.Do you want the Vice Presidency for yourself?I would serve at the pleasure of the President. That was his... You proposed this idea so that you can take Matthews' place. - I did not say that. - But it is what you want.- What I want is in the... - The President makes you V.P.,he keeps you on the ticket in 2016,and you use that as a springboard to run in 2020.Tell me that trajectory has never entered your mind.Well, Linda, I make a habit ofconsidering all trajectories in any given situation.But that's a practical exercise, not a personal one.So you refuse to admit it.Admit it's what I want? That's irrelevant.You're the one who asked for this meeting, not me.This meeting's about trying to solve a problem,not fulfill some personal ambition.But if both could be achieved, you wouldn't object.I think this is a sound course of actionregardless of who the President taps to replace Matthews.I must gamble everything I have right now.If I'm honest, she may use it against me.If I'm not, she won't lift a finger.I've used the same tactic myself.Once someone is exposed,they're at your mercy.She wants to hear me say the words.Yes.I want to be the Vice President.And, yes, I helped your son get into collegein the hopes that you would return the favor.But I can't force you to do so, Linda.But I also think that we would make a formidable team.Look what we've been able to accomplisheven when we've been at odds with each other.Now put your mind to what we could accomplish if we weren't. Thank you for taking the time, Linda.I'll call you back. How'd it go?She's holding her cards very close to the chest.- Any word from Peter? - Nothing.Christina said he wouldn't leave the apartment.But I called the doorman, and he said that Peter was gone.- Where? - He doesn't know.He needs to officially withdraw to put pressure on Walker.I'm trying to track him down.Why'd you let him out of your sight in the first place?I thought he was showering.He disappeared when I was on the phone with you.There was a plan here, Doug.He explodes, he withdraws,we put him back together, and he quietly goes away.Russo has made no public appearancessince allegations that he was inebriatedduring a radio interview on WZPZ Pittsburgh yesterday morning. Sources among the Democratic leadership have suggestedthat the party is currently considering options to replace Russo. Meanwhile, Republican candidate Jack Swofford's leadhas jumped to a 24-point margin,according to an overnight CNN poll of registered voters.The Swofford campaignis also reporting a sharp spike in contributions...nearly half a million dollars in the last 20...nearly half a million dollars in the last 20...I saw that this morning.Francis got Peter to run.Do you know him well?We weren't close.Do you need to make calls?- 'Cause I can head into the other room. - I don't think so. Thanks.Where are you going?To the lab. I should've gone in today.Adam.- Adam... - Just go. Go. Leave.How long do you think this can possibly go on for?We have never spent more than 48 hours together.Maybe there's a reason for that.A part of me still loves you.Which part?I can't be just a pit stop, Claire,- or some sort of escape... - Oh, come on.- You're more than that. - ... or a top-up on- whatever Francis can't provide. - Oh, fuck off!He's my husband, Adam.We've gone through more than you could ever imagine.I envy your free spirit, and I'm attracted to it,but not all of us have that luxury.Which is what I find so frustrating about you, Claire. You... you had a choice.You chose not to be free.No. What I chose was a man I could love for more than a week.I shouldn't have said that. I...At least you're being honest.I can't live moment to moment like you, Adam.I have a history with Francis, I have a future with him,and it's bigger than a moment.Then you should kill it...whatever part of you still loves me.If you can't,I will.- Adam... - No.- Hello? - Hey. Hey, sweetie.How's it going? I'm... are you with your mom?She's downstairs. You want me to go get her?No. No. I just wanted to call and say,you know, hey to your... uh, your brother and you.Is he... is he there?He's in his room, I think.Okay. You wanna go get him?Hold on.He says he doesn't want to talk to you.What?Why not?We've seen the news, dad.There were all sorts of TV cameras at our school yesterday. Mom's making us stay home this week.I want you to do something. I want you to go to, uh,your bedroom window and look out.You see that black car?- Yeah. - That's me.You shouldn't be here, dad. Mom would be really angry. Well, we don't need to tell her. Right?It'll just be... it'll just be, uh...it'll just be our little secret.Your voice sounds weird,like it did on the radio.You... you heard that?I have a computer.I'm sorry.I...sometimes your dad makes mistakes.- I better go. - No.I don't like to hear your voice when it's like this. It makes me sad. Bye, dad.Sarah, please...Sarah, please...Peter?Christina.Where are you?I'm, uh...I'm not... I'm not... I'm not doing so well. Where are you, Peter?- I'm in my car. - Are you driving?No.Tell me where you are.I'm outside my kids' house.- You mean Madeleine's? - Yeah.I need you to stay right there.Okay, Peter?You'll stay there?Peter.Peter, are you still there?Hello?Hello?Hello?I'd like to turn myself in.For what?A few months ago,I was pulled over for drunk driving.They let me go. I should've been convicted. Well, if you were let go, sir,we can't arrest you for it now.Well, I drunk drove here. Arrest me for that. We can put you in a detox tank...I wanna be formally arrested.My name is Congressman Peter Russo.I was arrested in January on Michigan Avenue. Please have a seat, Congressman.I gotta make a few phone calls.Have you found him?I'm in front of his ex-wife's house.Christina said he called from there.- He's not there? - No.But his phone is. I found it by the curb.So we have no way to contact him?Not unless he reaches out to us.This isn't good.Want me to alert the authorities?Let's give him a little longer.- How long did it last? - About six months.- He was older. - A lot?Yeah.Was he a journalist, or did he work on The Hill?I'd rather not say.All right.He was someone I looked up to... for a while.Why did it end?He has a wife.We both knew it was gonna end eventually.I mean, it was really...it was fucked up.The first night we spent together,he told me he was gonna hurt me and then discard me. And when it ended, I told him that he'd done neither. But...it does hurt.I won't hurt you.Yeah, you can't promise me that.Yes, I can.- Has anyone else seen him? - No.He's in an interrogation room by himself.I never should've got mixed up with this fucking mess. We're way behind regret time, Barney.Just have your guys keep him out of sight.I'll need a back exit.- I got him. Thanks. - Yeah.Come on.Hey, Peter.Where's your car?It's down the street.I'll drive you home.You go back to mine, have Meechum let you in.- This way? - Yeah.What were you thinking, Peter?I need to take responsibility for my actions.By getting yourself thrown in jail?Real responsibility.Like... like they talk about in the meetings,not the lies we told for the campaign.What you just did was extremely reckless.I don't care.I'm making a statement tomorrow, Frank.About pulling out of the race?That's not enough. I...I need to stop hiding.Well, let's work together on the language.I have to do it on my own. It's gotta be my own words. Look, Peter, this isn't just about you anymore, all right? - Let me help you. - I don't want your help.I didn't never ask your help when you... I got arrested. When did your help ever help me?You can live your life the way you want to.I'm done being told how to live mine.Well, there has to be a way to take responsibility withoutshattering everything.Are you at least willing to have that discussion?- Do you want me to come upstairs? - No.I know you're in a lot of pain, Peter.But I don't want you to feel any pain tonight. Here. You can start fresh tomorrow.Go ahead. I won't judge you. Hell, I'll even join you. Just relax.You're home now.Whatever it is you have to face tomorrow,you don't have to face it now.Right now it's just you and me.The rest of the world doesn't matter.Your children, Christina...they will forgive you,because you're loved, Peter.Failed.I failed myself.I failed my family.I failed the campaign.No, you haven't, Peter.May I?You know, when Claire and I were first married, we talked about having children.I told her flat out I didn't want any.It was selfish but honest.I didn't have a particularly happy childhood.I suspect you didn't either.No.You see, no person avoids pain.And I just didn't think it was right to bring a child in knowing that. But now when I think back, I...I realize that was cowardly.I see you,and I think, well, there's a brave man,far braver than me.I'm so tired.When I... when I think about... when I...I'm so tired.You should close your eyes.Let it all go.We have all the time in the world.Peter?Peter.I walked back.Whatever happens in the next few hours,whatever you hear,we will never speak of it.Sir...I heard from Linda about a half an hour ago.The President wants to meet with you.8:30.About what?I don't know.Frank.Now, when you brought up this idea, I wasn't sold.It struck me as both desperate and careless.But then Linda laid out all the pros,and they clearly outweigh the cons.I explained our reasoning to Jimand hoped he wouldn't think I was off my rocker.I did at first,but the President made some very good arguments.It's a bold move, Frank.I'm very impressed.Well, thank you, sir, for being open to the idea.And thank you, Mr. President, for taking the risk.We'll need to work this out step by step.The execution has to be perfect.Where are things with Russo? Any word from him yet? We're still trying to locate him.- Well, is there any cause for worry? - It's been two days.I am a bit worried, I have to admit.I mean, this must be an extremely difficult moment for him. We're hoping he'll reach out shortly.Let's get our people on it. I wanna know where he is. Now, once he withdraws, we have to move quickly.We'll make a joint statement, as you proposed.It's a clear message, I think.Pennsylvanians matter to us,and we're not gonna let them down.That's right.I'll say that Jim's an invaluable asset to the White House,but that I have great admiration for the sacrificehe's willing to make for the people of his home state.And you should not accept his resignation until he's elected. That will show your continuing commitment to him.I think that's a good idea.As long as I can devote myself wholly to the campaign, I agree. Now, should Jim win,we'll need to nominate a Vice President immediately.Linda, you're putting together a list of names?Yes. And you can begin the vetting processas soon as you narrow down the choices.I already have a short list of top contenders.I want your input on that, Jim.More than happy.Congressman?Congressman?We can use the existing infrastructure.Are you okay with Nash Aarons?I like Nash, but I'll want to bring in some of my own people. Well, that won't be a problem. Nash is a team player.And we can reallocate some of your- existing 2016 reelection funds... - Excuse me. Linda.Peter Russo is dead.Suicide.He was found in his garage with the car still running.I'm so sorry, Frank.- May I have a moment, sir? - Of course.I will get more information and start drafting a statement.Let's reschedule. Whenever is best for Frank.Let's reschedule. Whenever is best for Frank. Congressman Peter Russo was found deadearly this morning in the parking garage...why didn't we break this?of his apartment building in Washington D.C.U.S. Secret Service Agents discovered his body after reports that Russo had been missing since Saturday.Fuck!His body was transferred to the D.C. Coroner's officewhere an autopsy is expected to confirm his death as a suicide.A junior congressman from Philadelphia...Russo was 36 years oldZoe.Look at this.And is survived by two children.I gotta get to the office.Russo was in the midst of a heated battlefor the governorship of Pennsylvania.He was last heard publicly during a morning political radio showon Pittsburgh station WZPZ.Now, during the interview,he slurred his words,he sounded disoriented leading many to believeChristina.that he had relapsed...Can you get me a train back to D.C.?Right here on this TV station for allthe late-breaking details about this major news story:the suicide of congressman Peter Russo.the suicide of congressman Peter Russo.I find it very difficult toexpress everything that I'm feeling right now,and I know Claire feels exactly the same.Peter was very special to us.A sort of magnetic presencethat electrified everyone he touched.My husband and I became very close to him in the past several month. Peter was more than a college, more than a friend.He was family.Our hearts go out to his children and his mother.To all of those who knew himand worked with him and loved him.We would ask that all of you respect their privacy,and honor their lost.Today is indeed a sad day for the United States' Congress, for the state of Pennsylvania,and for all of us.Thank you very much.。