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文题如以定冠词 The 开头,多数情况下 将其省略。
Use of exhaled nitric oxide measurements to guide treatment in chronic asthma
(N Engl J Med 2005; 352:2163)
例如: Effect of nonoxynol-9 gel on urogenital gonorrhea and chlamydial infection : A randomized controlled trial (JAMA. 2002;287:1117-1122)
Clinical study of purulent meningitis complicated with subdural effusion
Symptoms and signes of purulent meningitis suggestive of subdural effusion
Ann Intern Med:
例 如 : Long-term results of prophylactic cranial irradiation for limited-stage small-cell lung cancer in complete remission (Chin Med J, 2005, 118: 1258)。
Background Objective Design Setting Patients Intervention Measurements Results Limitations Conclusion Primary funding source
Induction of anaphylatoxin C5a receptors in rat hepatocytes by lipopolysaccharide in vivo: Mediation by interleukin-6 from Kupffer cells
Pulmonary function of healthy infants 1-12 months of age in Guangzhou area
Psychiatric disorders: A rural-urban comparison
Rural-urban differences in the prevalence of psychiatric disorders Prevalence of psychiatric disorders is higher in urban than in rural areas
Transfusion-transmitted virus infection
改为: Transfusion-transmitted virus infection in patients with viral hepatitides A to E and healthy controls
Pulmonary function examination of normal infants between 1~12 months in Guangzhou District
国外期刊对文题书写格式要求与国内期 刊的不同。
每个ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ词首字母都大写
Perioperative Chemotherapy versus Surgery Alone for Resectable Gastroesophageal Cancer
(N Engl J Med, 2006, 355:11-20)
英文医学论文的格式和内容 文题 Title 作者名单 Authors’ name 作者单位 Author affiliation 摘要 Abstract 关键词 Key words 引言 Introduction 材料与方法 Materials and Methods
英文医学论文的格式和内容 结果 Results 讨论 Discussions 致谢 Aknowledgement 利益冲突 Conflicts of interest 参考文献 References 图、表 Figures, tables 图注和表注等 Figure legends, etc. 附件 Appendices
文 题
用短语或句子形式集中反映一篇论文主 要内容的一段文字 供审稿、引起读者阅读兴趣、供编制索 引等 用一定逻辑关系连接起来的名词短语或
简(Brief, 字数<18,<2行) 明(Clear, 清楚,不模糊) 准(Precise, 不夸大、不过于概括、稍 具体)
例如:Genetic deficiency in the chemokine receptor CCR1 protects against acute Clostridium difficile toxin A enteritis in mice (Gastroenterology 2002 122: 725)
例如: Amylin peptide levels are raised in infants of diabetic mothers (Arch Dis Child 2005, 90:1279)
不应过长、不应过于概括、不应抽象 字数不应超过18个主要词(major words)。 文题中应避免使用不重要的、含义不 明确的词,如: “A study on ...”, “An investigation of ...”, “A clinical study on ...”, “A survey of ...” 等词
数字:若以数字开始,用英文拼写的数 词,不可用阿拉伯数字。 标点符号:引号用单引号‘’ 药名:用通用名 种属名称: 微生物、植物(草药)等的正 式 名 用 用 斜 体 字 , 如 Streptococcus pneumoneae, Helicobacter pyloris 缩略语:尽可能避免