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International Business Negotiation:

Paving the Way for a Successful Long-term Cooperation



Abstract: Nowadays withmore frequent interactiveeconomic activitiesbetween different countries,internationalbusine ss plays a more andmoreimportant role.Internationalbusine ss negotiationcritically influences the success of internationalbusiness, so businessnegotiators aresupposed to have expertise incertain knowledge, techniquesand strategies.This paper looks into the different stages andsteps in inter national businessnegotiation, discusses some important problems in detail andcomes out withsuggestive solutions, and points out the close relationship between businessnegotiation and long-termcooperation.It is hoped that this paper wouldbe helpfulto the international business negotiators as wella ssomepeople who are interestedin international business.

Keywords: international business negotiation, long-termcooperation, preparation, strategies


Negotiation refers to a discussionaimed atreaching an agreement and the process of negotiating.International business meansthe commercial, industrial, or professionaldealings which relates to or involves twoor morenations. In this way,internati onal businessnegotiationrefers to the discussioncarried outby two or more parties from different countries to reach an ag reement on business affairs.

First, the main part ofan internationalbusinessnegotiation is to seta correct goal, including thegoalsof twopart

iesor more parties in the negotiation. Second, an international business negotiationshould be conducted on theprecondition of thegeneralinterestand the chief objective of a company, instead of being based on personalbenefits. Therefore, a general goal has to be set before negotiation, and it will be followedby thecorresponding negotiatingstrategies.Third,aninternational business negotiationis differentfrom a domestic business negotiation. Some peoplesay that internationalbusiness negotiationshould becalledcross-cultural business negotiation, for itisclosely associatedwith variedstyles of culturesof differentcountries.As a result,the cultural elements s hould bepaid great attentionto ininternational business negotiation.

A successful international business negotiation does notonlymean to achieve adeal once, butto establish a long-term cooperativerelationshipwith the other party or parties inbusiness.Especially in international businesses, with the i ncreasinglyfierce competition amongrivals from different co untries, a long-term cooperation means more to a companywhich isdoingbusiness with other foreign parties. How tocarry o ut a negotiationso that it will lead to more businesseswith foreign customersinthe futureis thekey point ofa successf ulinternationalbusinessnegotiation.

This paper triesto findthe waysofconducting a successful international business negotiation,includingthe effective planni ngand preparation beforenegotiation,thetechniques and strategies innegotiation, aswell as the affairs afternegotiationto pave the wayforalong-term cooperation.

2.Review of literature

There are manybooks andarticles on international businessnegotiation, andplentyofnegotiating skillsand strategiesare given.

Take somebooks forexample.Breakthrough Business Negotiation: AToolbox for Managers,written by Michael Watkins(2002), a leading expert in negotiationat HarvardBusiness School, serves as a guide to negotiating in somebusiness situations.This book presents principles that applyto negotiation situations and toolstoachieve expected results. It demonstrates howto understand a situation, buildconnection,manage internal decisionmaking,persuade others,organize a deal cycle,and createstrategicalliances.
