


o-captain--my-captain英文赏 析
But O heart ! heart ! heart ! 可是, 啊,我的船长!我的亲人啊!我的心啊!
O the bleeding drops of red, 啊, 血哟, 鲜红的血在滴淌。
Where on the dock my Captain lies, 我的船长倒在甲板上,
Here Captain! Dear father! 啊,船长!亲爱的父亲!
This arm beneath your head; 我的手臂托着您的头!
It is some dream that on the deck 莫非是一场梦:在甲板上
You’ve fallen cold and dead. 您全身冰冷, 已经阵亡。
Fallen cold and dead. 全身冰冷,已经阵亡。
1. Our fearful trip: Civil War. 2. the ship: America. 3. has weather’d every rack: has survived all the dangers. 4. the prize: the freedom of the black slaves/the
2) The continuous use of “for you” not only expresses the love and support from the American people for Lincoln but also suggests the poet’s doubt about Lincoln’s death, bringing the sad feeling to the highest point.
were still alive in the world.

o captain my captain韵律

o captain my captain韵律

O Captain! My Captain!导言《O Captain! My Captain!》是美国19世纪诗人华尔特·惠特曼所作的一首著名诗歌,创作于美国内战结束后的悼念时期。



在《O Captain! My Captain!》中,惠特曼以海洋航行的隐喻将美国内战比作一艘船舶的航海旅程,以林肯为船长,开始于战争之初、结束于和平之际。

















结束语《O Captain! My Captain!》是一首充满敬意和悼念的诗歌,表达了对于林肯总统和他所领导的美国的赞美。

O captain, my captain分析

O captain, my captain分析
• 花束和花环为你备下——人群挤满海岸, • 晃动的民众向你呼唤,向你转过热切的脸;
• 在这里,船长!亲爱的父亲!
• • • 你的头颅枕着我的臂膀! 就在这甲板上,如同梦一场, 你倒下了,身体冰凉。
• My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still, • My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will, • The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done, • From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won; • .
• .
• Here Captain! dear father!
• • • This arm beneath your head! It is some dream that on the deck, You've fallen cold and dead
• 啊,船长!我的船长!起来听这钟声; • 起来——旗帜为你飘扬——号角为你长鸣,
• The forms • There are 3 stanzas of the poem, and there are 8 lines each stanza. • A poem rhymes neat, metrical strictly, which called Whitman "the most traditional" poetry. • There are seven feet and three or four feet alternately, so that the whole poem reads easily to pronounce, smells like the sea surging waves, waves and ripples changing. • The whole poem each stanza strictly rhymes AA BB CD ED. Neat rhyme arrangement enhances the poem power.

o captain my captain修辞手法

o captain my captain修辞手法

o captain my captain修辞手法
"O Captain! My Captain!"是一首由华特·惠特曼(Walt Whitman)写于林肯总统遇刺后的哀悼诗歌,其中使用了以下修辞手法:
1. 拟人化(Personification):将“Captain”(指林肯总统)赋

2. 反问(Rhetorical question):在诗歌中使用反问,如“Is fallen cold and dead?”来强调林肯去世的事实,以及对此的悲伤。

3. 重复(Repetition):通过重复“O Captain! My Captain!”的句子,强调诗人对林肯的称呼,并且表达个人的哀悼之情。

4. 象征(Symbolism):诗中的“船只”和“旅程”等意象被用来

5. 具体描写(Imagery):诗中使用了具体的描写手法,如“Exult O shores, and ring O bells!”和“Here Captain! dear father!”等,使读者能够更加清晰地感受到诗人的悲伤和失落。


文本类型理论角度对Captain!My Captain!三译本比较分析

文本类型理论角度对Captain!My Captain!三译本比较分析

文本类型理论角度对Captain!My Captain!三译本比较分析作者:高莹来源:《求知导刊》2017年第30期一、前言美国独立后,其国内仍存在雇佣劳动制和黑人奴隶制。





在其死后,伟大的民主诗人,现代诗歌先驱沃尔特·惠特曼写下了Captain!My Captain!这首诗,以歌颂、痛悼自己的领袖。















Lincoln’s Death
• He was assassinated on April 14, 1865, only five days after the end of the Civil War.
• It was the first murder of a president in the history of the United States.
• bugle:A bugle is a simple brass musical instrument that looks like a small trumpet. Bugles are often used in the army to announce when activities such as meals are about to begin. • trill:If a bird trills, it sings with short, high-pitched, repeated notes. • bouquet:A bouquet is a bunch of flowers which is attractively arranged.
New wordss
•keel:The keel of a boat is the long, specially shaped piece of wood or steel along the bottom of it. •vessel:A vessel is a ship or large boat. (FORMAL)
•My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still; •My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will; •The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done; •From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won; •Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells! •But I, with mournful tread, •Walk the deck my captain lies, •Fallen cold and dead.



从语篇功能角度析《啊 , 船长! 我的船长 ! 》瓦尔特. 惠特曼 (Walt Whitman ,1819-1892) 是美国历史上伟 大的民主诗人和现代主义诗歌的先驱。

《啊,船长!我的船长! 》O,Captain!My Captain! )(以下简称《船长》)是惠特曼在 林肯总统遭到刺杀后创作的一首著名的悼亡诗。

本文将运用系统 功能语言学的语篇功能理论对 《船长》进行语篇分析, 以揭示《船 长》在主位结构上的特点。

1. 语篇功能与语篇主位当代著名语言学家韩礼德 (M.A.K.Halliday) 继承和发展弗 斯 (John Firth) 的功能主义思想,提出了一个完整的理论体系。

再语言学领域他的理论影响较大, 人们一般视他为系统功能语言 学的创始人。

韩礼德的元功能包括概念功能( ideational function ) , 人际功 和语篇功能 (textual function) 。

语篇功能指如何使语言的组成部分互相关联, 即使一个语篇有自 己的内在结构, 使书面或口头的语言有别于词或句等词典或语法 书上的语法单位。

语篇功能能使语言与语境发生联系, 使说话人 只能生成与语境相一致的语篇。

语篇功能可以由主位结构, 信息结构和衔接体现。

从语义结 构上看,小句包含主位(theme)和述位(rheme)两部分。

主位系统功能语法中的一个重要思想是元功能metafunction )。

能 (interpersonal function)是话语交际的出发点,是小句发展的基础;述位是对主位的说明,是信息内容最重要的部分。


主位和述位一起组成一个信息结构( thematic structure )。


韩礼德根据主位本身的复杂程度,把主位分为“单项主位”simple theme ), “复项主位” (multiple theme) 和“句项主位” (clause theme)。



情感投入:朗诵者需要全身心地投入到诗歌的情感中以传达诗歌的情感内涵 语气语调:朗诵者需要根据诗歌的情感基调调整自己的语气语调以更好地传达诗歌的情感 肢体语言:朗诵者可以通过肢体语言如手势、眼神等来辅助表达诗歌的情感 互动交流:朗诵者可以与观众进行互动交流以增强诗歌的情感表达效果
反思朗诵过程中的 不足如语音、语调、 节奏等方面的问题
总结提升的方法如 多听、多模仿、多 练习等
强调反思与提升的 重要性鼓励在每次 朗诵后进行自我评 估和改进
分享一些成功的朗 诵案例启发灵感和 借鉴经验
主题明确:选择具有明确主题的作品便于观众理解 情感丰富:选择情感丰富、具有感染力的作品便于朗诵者表达情感 语言优美:选择语言优美、富有诗意的作品便于朗诵者展现语言魅力 结构清晰:选择结构清晰、易于理解的作品便于朗诵者把握节奏和情感变化
韵律:每句诗的 尾音都押韵形成 优美的旋律
节奏:每句诗的 字数相同节奏感 强烈
朗诵技巧:通过 语调、语速的变 化来表现诗歌的 情感和意境
音乐伴奏:适合 用轻柔的音乐作 为朗诵的背景音 乐
音色:清晰、明亮、富有感染力 语调:抑扬顿挫富有节奏感 语速:适中不宜过快或过慢 情感:真挚、深沉能够传达诗歌的情感内涵
诗歌主题:赞美 林肯总统的领导 力和人格魅力表 达对美国的热爱 和希望
培养情感共鸣 提升文化素养
理解诗歌:理 解诗歌的主题、
情感表达:通 过语气、语调 和节奏来表达

最新o captain my captain文体学分析

最新o captain my captain文体学分析

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still; My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will; The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done; From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won;
But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.
O Captain! My Captain! rise up and hear the bells; Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills; For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding; For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.
The phonetic level
O Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won; The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:

美国文学 o captain, my caption

美国文学 o captain, my caption

Symbolism in O Captain! My Captian!------Based on “captain”& “ship”英师1212 汤文飞1220302223I. A brief introduction of O Captain! My Captian!Walt Whitman, a well-known poet in 19th century, wrote this poem after the death of President Lincoln. Of all the poems written by Whitman, O Captain! My Captain! is a unique one for its form and style. It consists of 3 stanzas, including 24 lines, which shows the theme of the poem by progressive layers of expression. Metaphors, repetition, apostrophe and symbolism are used in this poem.The analysis of this poem in this essay would focus on the use of symbolism, especially from the point of the two main objects, the “captain” and the “ship”.II. Symbols in O Captain! My Captain1. CaptainThe analysis of symbols would start from the word “captain”because it has mentioned in the title already.1.1 Role characteristics of captain as a professionA captain is a leader, a guide, a keeper and a guardian of the whole ship, trusted by his people. He is the man who manages the whole ship, and might be regarded and expected as a highly responsible man of great wisdom and bravery. He is supposed to keep order and take all the potential risks. Faced with danger, he will make it to the end in hope of saving all his people.1.2 Speaker’s attitudes towards “captain” in this poemIt can be easily found that the speaker in this poem highly respects thecaptain.The poem opens with an apostrophe to the captain, indicating apersonal connection here.The repetition of “heart” in line 5 emphasizes the speaker’s grief at the death of his captain. “Fallen cold and dead” is repeated 3 times to show his pain and sorrow.The speaker also calls the captain “dear father”. One’s father must be the most worshipful man for him in the world. There is only the respect but also love and bond between the speaker and his captain. The bond between them is so deep that the speaker can only regard captain as his father to express his feelings.1.3 Symbolic meaning of “captain”This poem is considered as an elegy for American’s great president, because it was published at a specific time, when everyone knew exactly what had happen toLincoln.The description of captain is solemn. The great captain “lies on the deck”, “cold and dead”, while his people are exulting because of their triumph. He is “bleeding red drops”, with his “arms beneath his head”. He died, on his devoted post, before his people. He brought his people brightness, with himself left in endless darkness.The captain lies on the deck while others are celebrating. The place he died weighs a lot. It’s not like the captain died in his bedroom or jumped into the sea like Rose and Jack. He died at his post, as Lincoln was gunned down while he was still the president. This is tragic.1.4 Background information & Whitman’s emotional expressionAbraham Lincoln, the “captain” to whom Whitman refers, was a man Whitman deeply admired And Lincoln did not disappoint his admirer and gained stature as Lincoln’s presidency progressed and as the North won the Civil War, preserving the union. Lincoln was a respected captain, especially a dedicated leader who guided the “ship” in a right way. It was Lincoln’s death that affected Whitman the most and trapped him in the grief. The poet’s only wish at the time might be that Lincoln could wake up, standing and looking at his people.It would be the most heartbroken thing in the world to see one’s hero die. But, to describe the death of one’s hero might be more painful and bitter. In honor of his great hero, the poet decided to write something to express his grief and tribute. However, recalling and imagining word be a second harm to Whitman. Although I don’t know how he wrote this poem, I’m sure that it was a great suffering to write the death of his hero.2. Ship2.1 Symbolic meaning of “ship”The word “ship” appears first in line 2, “the ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won”. Considering the symbolic meaning of “captain”, we can assume that “ship”, which is controlled or managed by the “captain” , symbolizes the country --United States. The word “ship” appears 3 times, along with other expressions like “keel” and “deck”, which have the hided meaning as ship. And the “steady keel”indicates that the ship, like United States, remains steadfast despite its rough voyage.2.2 Connections between “ship” and United StatesA ship is doomed to face all the potential dangers. It must fight in a lone battle because no one can help in the dangerous sea. The only way for people to make it isto unite as one. The ship stands for the nation as it moved through the difficult times of Civil War, which refers to “our fearful trip” in the first line.A nation is like a ship because it is fragile and changing. Both of them need a man to take responsible. Lincoln had the responsibility of guiding the country safely through those known and unknown dangers or risks.A ship is the home of people on it while United States is the home of its people. Both of them provide people with a shelter, and are ready to protect them from those dangers.The ship came home safely as the nation won its war. Despite the past hardships, both the ship and United States are still afloat.2.3 Other symbolic itemsThere also other symbols that express the theme of this poem. Most of them are the used to emphasize the two main symbols, the “captain” and the “ship”. For instance, the “prize” is the preservation of the union. It is a prize won by the captain “Lincoln”after struggling with the “storm”. It is a prize won in a hard way and it is the best praise and honor for the captain. Descriptions like “flag is flung”, “bugle trills” cast a shadow over the celebration of victory on the deck, which show a tragic contrast in the same place.The poet’s grief is accentuated by the contrasting celebrations of victory and lamentations of captain’s death. There was a small population who were happy to see the victory, with the dead captain left on the deck. Among the crowded, only the speaker was mourning. It indicates that the captain lied alone while others were celebrating. The contrast shows the poet’s deep grief to the captain in a more sorrowful way.“Exult, O shores” is mentioned in line 20. The “shore” here is used as a symbol to represent the crowd that greets the ship. And the crowds are meant to represent all the people in United States.III. Conclusion & Self understandingIn my opinion, poets are those who have the most sensitive mind among common people, and a poem is a magnifying glass of the reflection upon a society. From this poem, I can not only feel the poet’s grief upon his hero, but also admiration, respect, patriotism etc. He represents the miniature of United States after the Civil War in a poem with 24 lines. He wrote a little, but we feel so much. That is the nature of a poem.。



为你读诗OCaptain!MyCaptain!《啊,船长!我的船长!》1865年,美国前总统林肯遇刺,著名诗人沃尔特·惠特曼(Walt Whitman)于当年写下这首O Captain!My Captain! 来纪念他,船长即象征林肯,船象征着美国。


O Captain! My Captain! 来自普特英语听力网00:0003:55▲普特美国外教老师Mac朗读O Captain! My Captain!—Walt Whitman啊,船长!我的船长!——沃尔特·惠特曼O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,啊,船长!我的船长!我们完成了可怕的远航,The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won,巨轮历尽风雨,我们赢得追寻的奖赏;The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,港口已近,钟声传来,一片欢呼的声浪;While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring,稳健的大船,追随的目光,多么威武雄壮;But O heart! heart! heart!可是,心啊!心啊!心啊!O the bleeding drops of red,心中的鲜血在滴滴流淌,Where on the deck my Captain lies,甲板上躺着我们的船长,Fallen cold and dead.他已辞世,全身冰凉。

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells,,啊,船长!我的船长!起来听那钟声荡漾;Rise up--for you the flag is flung--for you the bugle trills,起来,旌旗为你招展,号角为你激昂,For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths--for you the shores accrowding,花团锦簇,彩带飘飞,为你,岸边人群熙熙嚷攘;For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning,人们把你呼唤,万头攒动,他们晃动急切的面庞;HereCaptain! dear father!在这里,船长,慈爱的父亲!This arm beneath your head!你的头下枕着我的臂膀!It is some dream that on the deck,那是甲板上的梦境,You've fallen cold and dead.你已辞世,全身冰凉。

Oh,Captain,My captain

Oh,Captain,My captain

Oh,Captain,My captain陈寅恪先生曾在内外交困的环境中这样标举:自由之思想,独立之人格;匈牙利诗人裴多菲曾经高声歌唱:生命诚可贵,爱情价更高。


许多日子以后,我再次听见这样的声音,是托德站在课桌上,面对即将离去的基廷老师,带领全班大声呼喊:Oh,Captain,My captain!我向来欣羡思想自由,人格独立。















o captain ,my captain英文赏析解读

o captain ,my captain英文赏析解读
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring: 无数眼光跟着这艘巨舰, 坚固稳定,严峻骄勇的航船;
But O heart ! heart ! heart ! 可是, 啊,我的船长!我的亲人啊!我的心啊!
O the bleeding drops of red, 啊, 血哟, 鲜红的血在滴淌。 Where on the dock my Captain lies, 我的船长倒在甲板上, Fallen cold and dead. 全身冰冷,已经阵亡。
O Captain! my Captain! Rise up and hear the bells, 啊,船长!我的船长!起来吧,倾听钟声; Rise up―for you the flag is flung ― for you the bugle trills, 起来吧,号角为您长鸣,旌旗为您高悬: For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths ―for you the shores acrowding, 迎接您,多少花束花圈——候着您,千万人峰拥岸边; For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turing; 他们向您高呼,拥来挤去,仰起殷切的脸;
1. Our fearful trip: Civil War. 2. the ship: America. 3. has weather’d every rack: has survived all the dangers. 4. the prize: the freedom of the black slaves/the abolishment of the slavery and the democratic reform. 5. While follow eyes the steady keel: while eyes follow the steady ship. 6. grim and daring: stern and brave. 7. O heart! heart! heart!: O my dear, my sweet, my daring (expression of strong feeling).



在涛中, 诗 人运 用 大 量 名 词 与形 容 词 为我 们 营 造 式 , 后 四行则运用 a b c b 的韵律 ; 另外 , 每节中有两行 出
了感人至深的气氛 , 使人们体会到具有鲜 明对 比的强 烈情感。作者描述了在革命胜利之后人们兴奋喜悦 的 心情 , 大家 欢呼 呐喊 (p e o p l e a u e x u l t i n g ) ,(t h e v e s s e l g r i m a n d d a r i n g )我们 的船威 严 而 勇敢 , 诗人 将 美 国比作胜利 返航 的巨轮 , 承 载 着 人 们 的希 望 与 理
幕了 , “ 他已倒下, 已死去 , 已冷却 , 鲜血还在流淌 , 船长 另外 , 作 者还 采 取 了呼语 的手 法 。 呼语 指 作 者 与 双 唇 惨 白而 寂 静 。 ”看 着躺 在 甲板上 的与 世 长辞 的父 作 品 中的人 或 事 物 的 直接 对话 , 这 也是 诗 歌 常 用 的一 亲般 的 “ 船长” , 一 次 次地 呼唤 他 , 我 们 泪 如雨 下 、 心 如 种 表达 感情 的修 辞 手法 。在 诗 中 , 作 者运 用 了呼语 , 他 刀绞 , 多么希望这是一场噩梦 , 多么希望“ 船长”醒来 , 听听这胜利的钟声 , 看看挥舞着花束 的人群 。两个 鲜 明的意象给我们营造了一种感人肺腑的强烈情感 。这 首诗 的象 征 意象是 建立 在 这种 意象 所能 承 载 的丰富 文 化 涵 义 的基础 上 的 。这 种 直接 的象 征意 象能 使读 者 明
二、 意象 想。当时 , 在林肯总统的领导下 , 美国人民取得了平定 南方 分裂 主 义 与 废 奴运 动 的胜 利 , 人 们无 比兴 奋 。 比 如, (t h e b u l g e t r i l l s) 号 角长 鸣 , (b o u q u e t s a n d 首先, “ 意象” 是指诗人为了体现强烈 的思想感情 r i b b o n ’ d w r e a t h s ) 无数花束 、 彩带 与花环在熙攘 的人 而对事物进行的描述或展示。 “ 意” 是所要表现的思想 群 中跳动 , 这样激动人心的场 面体现 了革命成功带给 感情 , “ 象” 是事物。在诗中, 诗人运用“ 船” 与“ 船长” 这 人们 无 比振 奋 的力 量 。 两个意象进行吟咏: 我们险恶的航程已经结束 , 我们的 然而 , 读过这首诗后 , 我们还能领略到另一种强烈 船 已渡过惊涛骇浪。这艘巨轮象征着赢得 民主主义与 的情感 , 那就是表现力 为美 国伟大的民主主义和 自由 自由胜利的美国, 经过四年的艰苦斗争 , 美国人 民披荆 作 出巨大贡献的林肯总统 的深切缅怀和悼念。作者把 斩棘 , 夺取 了全 面胜利 , 大快人 心 , 使人不禁欢 呼呐

o captain my captain修辞手法

o captain my captain修辞手法

o captain my captain修辞手法"O Captain! My Captain!" is a famous poem written by Walt Whitman as an elegy for President Abraham Lincoln.The poem employs multiple rhetorical devices, including:1. Apostrophe: The poet addresses the late President Lincoln using the title "O Captain! My Captain!" This figure of speech conveys deep admiration and emotional attachment.2. Repetition: The phrase "O Captain! My Captain!" is repeated throughout the poem, emphasizing the poet's grief and urgency in mourning the loss of his beloved leader.3. Anaphora: The repetition of the word "fallen" in the lines "But O heart! heart! heart!/O the bleeding drops of red..." creates a sense of rhythm and amplifies the impact of Lincoln's death.4. Symbolism: The term "Captain" represents President Lincoln and symbolizes his leadership, guidance, and courage during a time of national crisis.5. Synecdoche: The image of Lincoln lying "cold and dead" represents the larger loss of the President as a whole, emphasizing the magnitude of the nation's grief.6. Hyperbole: The poet describes the ship's "fearful trip" and the dangers faced, exaggerating the risks taken on the journey as a parallel to the challenges faced by Lincoln during his presidency.7. Metaphor: The line "The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done," uses the ship as a metaphor for the United States, symbolizing the end of the Civil War and the nation's path to recovery.Overall, the poem employs various rhetorical devices to expressthe poet's sorrow, tribute, and admiration for President Lincoln, emphasizing the impact of his leadership and the nation's loss.。

o captain my captain读后感

o captain my captain读后感

o captain my captain读后感在我阅读《O Captain! My Captain!》这首诗的过程中,我深深地被其丰富的情感和深邃的主题所打动。

















总的来说,《O Captain! My Captain!》这首诗给我留下了深刻的印象。






文本类型理论角度对Captain!My Captain!三译本比较分析

文本类型理论角度对Captain!My Captain!三译本比较分析

日 U舀
美 国独 立后 ,其 国 内仍 存 在 雇 佣
劳动制和黑人奴隶制 。 1 8 6 0 年 1 1 月, 反 对奴 隶制的林肯 当选美 国总统 。继 而南
二 、赖斯文 本类 型理论 与 诗歌翻译
1 . 赖斯文本类型理论简 介 ( 1 )信息 功能 文本 :文本重 心在
择 的标准是看译文能否传递原文 的主要 功 能。本文所选诗歌 的主要功 能是表达
2 . 文本类型理论与诗歌翻译
三 、译文对 比分析
本 文将 简 要分 析 以下 三 种较 为 流
行 的译 文。译 文一为江枫译 ,译文 二为 吕志鲁译 ,译文 三为赵萝蕤译 。
译文一 : 哦 。船 长 ,我 的 船 长 !我 们 险 恶 的
绩 的称颂 ,及对伟人 离世的悲恸 ,表达 与原文 的等效作用 。 诗 作 构 思 精 巧工 整 ,各 诗节 结 构
特曼 为悼念反 对奴隶制 的美 国总统林肯 而写下的, 诗 歌基调 悲壮, 语 言恳切 , 蕴含 深刻的思想感情;形式上构 思精 巧, 结构整 齐, 其翻译有 一定难度 。该诗作广 为流传 ,本 文选取 比较流行的江枫 、吕志鲁 、赵 萝蕤 三人译文 ,结合赖斯的文本类型翻译理论 , 以能否充分传达作 者 的思想感情为标准 ,集 中讨论 三译 本 的形 式承 袭及语言美感 , 由此 总结诗歌 翻译 的一 些要 素,以求从文
在其死后 ,伟 大的民主诗人 ,现代诗歌
先驱沃 尔特 ・ 惠特曼写下 了 C a p t a i n ! My
和语 言的美感 ,诗歌就是典型的表达功
能文本 ,其他 还有如小说 、散文 、戏剧
C a p t a i n ! 这首 诗 ,以歌颂 、痛悼 自己 的 领袖 。诗人把美 国 比作一艘航船 ,把林 肯总统 比作船长 ,把废奴 斗争和维护 国

O, Captain!My Captain!诗朗诵

O, Captain!My Captain!诗朗诵

Here, Captain! Dear father! 啊,船长!亲爱的父亲!
This arm beneath your head; 我的手臂托着您的头!
It is some dream that on the deck 莫非是一场梦:在甲板上
You 've fallen cold and dead. 您倒下去,冰冷,永别。
Walt Whitman composed the poem "O Captain! My Captain!" after Abraham Lincoln's assassination in 1865. The poem is classified as an elegy or mourning poem, and was written to honor Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. 沃尔特·惠特曼在亚伯拉罕·林肯1865年被暗杀后 创作了这首诗《哦,船长!我的船长!》。这首诗 被归类为挽歌或哀悼诗,该诗为了纪念美国第 16任总统亚伯拉罕·林肯。
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done; 船舶抛锚停下,平安抵达;船程终了;
From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won; 历经难险返航,夺得胜利目标。
Dead Poets Society
Dead Poets Society《死亡诗社》
Dead Poets Society
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But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.
O Captain! My Captain! rise up and hear the bells; Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills; For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths—for you the shores acrowding; For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.
The phonetic level
O Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won; The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.
1 repetition
“captain” is used twice to stress author’s respect as well as longing for his hero.
Here captain! dear father! This arm beneath your head; It is some dream that on the deck, You've fallen cold and dead.
My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still; My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will; The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done; From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won;
O Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won; The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells! But I, with mournful tread, Walk the deck my captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.
Walt Whitman composed the poem "O Captain! My Captain!" after Abraham Lincoln's assassination in 1865. The poem is classified as an elegy or mourning poem, and was written to honor Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. Walt Whitman was born in 1819 and died in 1892, and the American Civil War was the central event of his life.
O Captain! My Captain!
O Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won; The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
The repetition of the words with the simple syllable “heart!heart!heart!” achieves the great change from excitation to sorrow, stressing a heart-breaking atmosphere of art. When the writer repeats the word, we can almost hear gunshots.