关于学生翻译水平的调查问卷(刘立敏 2011.11.15)(一)单项选择。
1. 你对翻译(汉译英或英译汉)感兴趣吗?A. 感兴趣B. 不感兴趣2. 在英语学习中,对翻译理论有没系统学习过?A.没有 B. 学过一些3. 在学习英语时,翻译是否是你的一大学习难点?A. 是B. 不是4. 如果翻译时遇到困难,你认为困难来自哪儿?A.不认识词汇B. 看不懂语法5. 汉译英和英译汉两种翻译,你觉得哪一种更难?A. 汉译英B. 英译汉6. 在英译汉的翻译时,你认为下列哪一种是你优先考虑的?A. 句子的语法结构是否熟悉B. 句子中的词汇含义是否熟悉7. 在汉译英的翻译时,你认为下列哪一种是你优先考虑的?A. 句子的语法结构B. 与汉语对应的英文词汇8. 翻译句子时,常涉及中英两种文化的差异,你觉得两种语言的差异会影响你的翻译吗?A. 影响B. 不影响9. 你对翻译方法了解吗?A. 了解一些B. 不太了解10. 你认为翻译最重要的是什么?A. 对原文的忠实B. 保持译文的通顺流畅11. 你认为在翻译的过程中,“信”“达”“雅”哪一个更重要?A. 都重要B. 不太清楚12. 你认为良好的汉语基础对翻译至关重要吗?A. 重要B. 不重要13. 在翻译过程中,你认为是自身所学的知识更有用还是方法技巧更重要?A. 所学知识B. 方法技巧14. 你认为怎样的译文可算成功的译文?A. 语言平实,通俗易懂B. 辞藻华丽,优美流畅15. 翻译完成后您会经常进行检查核对吗?A. 经常B. 很少16. 你觉得学习翻译会对考试有帮助吗?A. 有B. 没有17. 你觉得学好翻译会不会有助于提高你的口语交际能力?A. 会B. 不会18. 对中国优秀作品的英译本,比如《红楼梦》和《水浒》,你有没有读过?A. 有B. 没有19. 有没有读过英文小说的中文版,比如《双城记》,《简爱》等等?A. 有B. 没有20. 如果学校举办翻译方面的比赛,你会参加吗?A. 会B. 不会(二)多项选择。
感谢您的支持与配合!一、基本信息1. 您的性别:(1)男(2)女2. 您所在的年级:(1)大一(2)大二(3)大三(4)大四3. 您的专业方向:(1)英语语言文学(2)商务英语(3)翻译(4)其他二、学习状况4. 您对英语学习的兴趣程度如何?(1)非常感兴趣(2)感兴趣(3)一般(4)不太感兴趣(5)非常不感兴趣5. 您每周用于英语学习的时间大约是多少?(1)2小时以下(2)2-5小时(3)5-10小时(4)10-15小时(5)15小时以上6. 您认为英语课程设置是否合理?(1)非常合理(2)合理(3)一般(4)不合理(5)非常不合理7. 您认为英语教学方式是否适合您的学习需求?(1)非常适合(2)适合(3)一般(4)不太适合(5)非常不适合8. 您认为英语教师的教学水平如何?(1)非常高(2)高(3)一般(4)低(5)非常低9. 您是否参加过英语竞赛或实践活动?(1)参加过(2)参加过,但不多(3)偶尔参加过(4)没有参加过10. 您认为英语专业实习或实训的重要性如何?(1)非常重要(2)重要(3)一般(4)不重要(5)非常不重要三、生活状况11. 您认为大学校园的英语学习氛围如何?(1)非常好(2)好(3)一般(4)不好(5)非常不好12. 您在大学期间参加过英语角或口语交流活动吗?(1)参加过(2)参加过,但不多(3)偶尔参加过(4)没有参加过13. 您认为英语专业学生在大学期间应具备哪些能力?(1)英语听说读写能力(2)跨文化交流能力(3)专业素养(4)其他14. 您认为英语专业学生在就业市场上竞争力如何?(1)竞争力强(2)竞争力一般(3)竞争力弱(4)竞争力非常弱15. 您对英语专业未来的发展前景有何看法?(1)非常看好(2)看好(3)一般(4)不看好(5)非常不看好感谢您参与本次调查!祝您学习愉快!【问卷结束】。
四、调查结果与分析1. 汉英翻译能力总体情况调查结果显示,英语专业学生的汉英翻译能力整体上呈上升趋势,大部分学生能够较好地完成基础翻译任务。
2. 常见问题及误区(1)词汇量不足:部分学生在翻译过程中遇到生词时,无法准确理解其含义,导致翻译不准确。
3. 原因分析(1)教学方法:部分高校在英语教学中过于注重语法和词汇的讲解,而忽视对学生实际翻译能力的培养。
翻译专业调查报告1. 背景翻译是一项重要的语言服务,随着全球化的进程,对翻译专业人才的需求越来越大。
2. 调查方法为了获得客观的数据,我们使用了问卷调查的方法。
3. 结果分析3.1 就业现状根据调查结果,大约60%的受访者表示已经找到了与翻译专业相关的工作,这表明翻译专业就业形势仍然较好。
3.2 就业前景从调查结果来看,翻译专业的就业前景较为广阔。
4. 影响因素分析4.1 语言能力调查发现,对于翻译专业人士来说,良好的语言能力是至关重要的。
4.2 专业知识和技能另外,调查还发现,除了语言能力外,翻译专业人士还需要具备扎实的专业知识和技能。
4.3 跨文化交流能力在全球化的时代,跨文化交流能力也成为翻译专业人士的重要技能之一。
5. 发展建议5.1 加强语言学习为了提高语言能力,学生和从业人员应该加强语言学习。
5.2 增加专业知识和技能培养扎实的专业知识和技能,翻译专业人士可以参加相关的培训和研讨会,并积极学习新技术和工具,以适应不断变化的翻译行业。
5.3 加强跨文化交流能力为了提高跨文化交流能力,翻译专业人士可以多参与跨文化交流活动,增加对不同文化的了解,并学习相关的跨文化交流技巧。
翻译调查问卷(总14页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Dear ladies and gentlemen:We are the researchers who work at Criminal Law Research Institute of Beijing Normal University. Recently, we are studying that foreigners commit crimes in China. The aim of this study is to learn the basic state of foreigners committing crimes in China, particularly the reason of crime, to find some approaches to avoiding crime through improving the foreigners’ living and working condition. We hope to help foreigners to fuse into Chinese social life.Perhaps your answers only reflect your own situation, but more mad more answers could form a big social problem that every person has to deal with. Therefore, your real encounter and feelings is important not only for the research, improving the foreigners’ livi ng and working condition, even for the development of Chinese society and the progress of the legal system.The information that we obtain from this research is only used to do the legal study. This research conducted secretly so that your identity and answers will not be showed to anyone. Your answer will not exact the negative effect on you, so when you answer these questions you can relax yourself.We are grateful for your participation and cooperation for this research.Criminal Law Research Institute of Beijing Normal UniversityMarch, 2014Instructionsmark the “√”,if your situation is meet the option. You can choose not only one option. Some questions need your further explanation, please fill up with your true feelings.2. No matter what your answer is, it will not have any negative effect on you, your family, your friends and others.3. Please complete this questionnaire independently. Don’t discuss with others.4. If you have other views on this research or need consultation and help in legal problems, please write it down or contact us directly.EmailContact person: Lirong GuoNumber:010-;Mailling address: Criminal Law Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, 19 Xinjiekouwai Street, BeijingPostcode: 100875The questionnaire on foreigners committing crimes in China1.What is your gender?2.3.A.MaleB. Female4.What is your age?5.What is your nationality6.What is your education level?7.8.A.Never go to schoolB.Primary schoolC.Middle schoolD.High school or vocational schoolE.University degree or above9.What is your Chinese level?10.11.A.Excellent, no language barrierB.No problem in daily conversationC.You only can say some simple greetings.D.You hardly speak Chinese12.W hat is your job in your own country before you come to China?13.14.A.StudentB.Work in a company, white collarC.Run some small business, ordinary workerD.JoblessE.Others15.When did you come to China?16.W hy do you come to China?17.18.A.TravelB.WorkC.ReadingD.Do business (hope to make a lot of money)E.Visit relatives and friendsF.Others19.W hat is your basic situation in China before you are sent to prison?20.21.A.Study in schoolB.Work in a company, white collarC.Run some small business, ordinary workerD.JoblessE.Others10. Why are you sent to prison?A. theftB. robC. lootD. fraudE. extortionF. rapeG. intentional injuryH. smuggleI. intentional homicideJ. vending narcotic drugs K. others11. How long are you sentenced to in prisonYear/s month/s12. When do you commit your crime?A. The first year when you come to ChinaB. The second year when you come to ChinaC. The third year when you come to ChinaD. after five years when you come to ChinaE. others:13. Did you commit your crime aloneA. yes, I committed the crime on my ownB. no, other people participated in crimeTips: If you choose A, please answer 18th question directly; if you choose B, answer the next question.14. How many people participated in crime including you15. Did Chinese participate in crime A. yes B. No16. When you are committing crime who is your leader?A. meB. ChineseC. people who are hardened and professionalD. no leader, we discuss together17. Why do you commit crime with ChineseA. I could not complete the crime on my ownB. Chinese wanted to use my foreign identity provides convenience for committing crime.C. Chinese know more about Chinese situation, I want to use him.D. we happened to commit crime together18. Some options that about the victim (you can choose not only one option)A. no victim or you do not know the situation of the victimB. the victim is a juvenileC. the victim is an adultD. the victim is an old personE. the victim is femaleF. the victim is ChineseG. the victim is not ChineseH. you know the victim (your friends, neighbor, or others)I. the victim is a stranger19. What is your understanding of your crime before you take action?A. you know this action will violate the criminal law in China, but you think that you will not be caughtB. you know this action will violate the criminal law in China, but you think that you are a foreigner; even if you are caught, you will not be punishedC. you do not know this action will violate the criminal law, but you think it is illegalD. you think your action is legal; it will not incur adverse consequences20. Your crime that commit in China:A. it also violate the law in your own countryB. it do not violate the law in your own countryC. you do not know whether it is a crime in your own country21. Why you commit crime in China? (you can choose not only one option)A. you do not have money; your life is difficultB. you need some money to squanderC. seek thrillD. sexual satisfactionE. suffers wrong; want to ventF. aggressive, want to oppress othersG. chivalrous person, like to help friendsH. others22. When are you caught by the police after you commit crime?A. arrested on spotB. within a dayC. within a weekD. within a monthE. within six monthsF. within a yearG. more than a year23. During the trial process, do you hire a lawyer?A. my family or I hire a lawyer for meB. I do not hire any lawyer, the court appoint lawyer for meC. I do not hire any lawyer and the court does not appoint lawyer for me24. During the trail process, did any translator provide service for you?A. Yes, translator provides service for meB. no translator but I can understand ChineseC. I could not understand Chinese and there is no translator providing service for me.25. How many times did you commit crime in China?A. onceB. more than onceC. many times (more than three times)26. Have you ever committed crime in your own country or other countries before you come to China?A. noB. yes, I have. I commit27. What is your age when you first committed crime?years old.28. If when you are going to commit crime (you have already come to the crime scene or you are on the way to the crime scene) but you encounter police on patrol, how do you behave in such situation?A. only if you will not be caught, you will continue to commit crimeB. depends on the situation; if the action is not detected, you will continue to commit crimeC. scared; you abandon your crime act29. If you find that there are some monitor devices in your guilty place, how do you behave?A. abandons your crime actB. try to avoid these monitor devices and continue to commit crimeC. ignores these devices, continue to commit crime30. Compared with your own country or other countries where you have been there, what is your opinion on Chinese public security?A. excellent feels safeB. just so so;C. less goodD. bad, you do not have a sense of safety31. Except your crime which was accused, do you have illegal entry, illegal residence or illegal employment?A. noB. yes, you have been detected by policeC. yes, you have but you are not detected by policeTips: If you choose A, please answer the 34th question directly; if you choose B, please answer the next question; if you choose C, please answer the 33 question.32. If the police detect your illegal entry, illegal residence, or illegal employment, how do they deal with?A. they do not give any punishmentB. fineC. detentionD. instruct me to leave China within the deadline33. Before you are detected by police, how long did you illegal entry, illegal residence or illegal employment last?A. no more than three monthsB. 3~6 monthsC. more than 6 months less than 1 yearD. more than 1year34. What is the relationship between you and your neighbors?A. you do not know each otherB. you know few of them and chat with themC. you know most of them and you are friends35. Have you ever taken part in any community events (New Year celebrations)A. yes, I have.B. no, I have not.36. Do you know about Chinese law?A. not at allB. a littleC. a lot37. How do you learn about Chinese law?A. reading books or consulting the codeB. you watch some TV program, like Today’s Law or othersC. the lawyer or the legal counsel who are work in my company tell meD. the laws education activity in our communityE. others38. Compared with other countries where you have lived in, do you think that it is very difficult to integrate into Chinese society?A. more difficult than other countries where I have lived inB. easier than other countriesC. no big difference39. What is the most difficult problem to you to live in ChinaA. languageB. foodC. working environmentD. interpersonal communicationE. uncivilized act of strangersF. the hidden rules that prevail in societyG. others40. According to your experience of living in China, do you think it is easier or more difficult to deal with some events as a foreigner, compared with Chinese?A. more difficultB. easierC. no big differenceIf you have any suggestions on Chinese law (criminal law, criminal procedure law, exit and entry law), please write it down:。
感谢您的参与与支持!一、基本信息1. 您的性别是?A. 男B. 女2. 您的年龄范围是?A. 18-25岁B. 26-35岁C. 36-45岁D. 46-55岁E. 56岁以上3. 您的最高学历是?A. 高中及以下B. 大专C. 本科D. 硕士E. 博士及以上4. 您从事翻译工作的年限是?A. 1年以下B. 1-3年C. 3-5年D. 5-10年E. 10年以上二、工作状况5. 您目前的主要工作形式是?A. 自由职业B. 在职翻译C. 翻译公司员工D. 其他6. 您主要从事哪种类型的翻译工作?A. 文学翻译B. 商务翻译C. 技术翻译D. 法律翻译E. 其他7. 您每月平均翻译字数是多少?A. 10000字以下B. 10001-20000字C. 20001-30000字D. 30001-50000字E. 50000字以上8. 您每月的平均收入是多少?A. 5000元以下B. 5001-10000元C. 10001-20000元D. 20001-50000元E. 50000元以上9. 您认为自己的翻译水平如何?A. 优秀B. 良好C. 一般D. 较差E. 非常差10. 您是否接受过专业翻译培训?A. 是B. 否三、职业发展11. 您认为自己的职业发展前景如何?A. 非常好B. 较好C. 一般D. 较差E. 非常差12. 您是否愿意继续从事翻译工作?A. 是B. 否13. 您认为影响您职业发展的主要因素有哪些?(可多选)A. 翻译技能B. 行业经验C. 个人能力D. 社会认可度E. 经济收入F. 其他(请注明)四、生活状况14. 您目前的生活状态如何?A. 满意B. 一般C. 不满意15. 您是否面临较大的生活压力?A. 是B. 否16. 您认为自己的生活质量如何?A. 高B. 一般C. 低17. 您认为自己的健康状况如何?A. 良好B. 一般C. 较差五、其他18. 您对我国翻译行业的现状有何评价?(可多选)A. 发展迅速B. 竞争激烈C. 潜力巨大D. 缺乏规范E. 其他(请注明)19. 您对我国翻译行业的发展有何。
“798”问卷调查1.您的职业是(),您的年龄()Please indicate your occupation and age:2.您是如何知道“798”的?A.通过朋友B.通过媒体C.通过网络D.其它How did you get to know “798”?A.from friend B. by media C. through internet D. others3.您是否从事与艺术有关的职业或学业?A.是B.否Do you engage in something which is related to arts ?A.yes B. no4.您在北京已经呆了多久?还要再呆多久?A.几天A.几天B.几星期B.几星期C.几个月C.几个月D.几年D.几年E.本地人How long have you been in Beijing ?A.a few days B. several weeks C. several months D. several years E. a nativeHw long do you plan to stay here?A.a few days B. several weeks C. several months D. several years 5.您来“798”的主要目的?A.好奇B.参观游览C.学习D.购物淘宝E.其它For what purpose do you come to “798”?A.curiosity B. pay a visit C. learning D. shopping E. others6.您所了解的“798”的经营种类有哪些?A.画廊B.酒吧C.书店D.礼品/纪念品店E.音像店F.服饰店G.服装广场H.手工作坊I.美容美发J.餐厅As far as you know, which of the following belong to the business scope of “798”?A.gallery B. bar C. bookstore D. gift/ gift store E. audio-visual storeF. costume shopG.. costume plazaH. handicraft workshopI. cosmetic andhairdressing J. restaurant7.您比较感兴趣的具有中国传统特色工艺品有哪些?A.刺绣B.陶瓷C.丝绸D.蜡染、扎染E.玉器F.景泰蓝G.风筝Which of the following Chinese traditional handicrafts are you interested in ?A.embroider B. ceramic C. silk D. wax painting E. jade objects F. cloisonne G. kate8.您是否希望在这里能购买到类似的工艺品作为纪念品?A.是B.否Do you expect to purchase some similar handicrafts as souvenir ?A. yesB. no9.您购买纪念品给谁?A.自己B.家人C.朋友D.同事E.其它For whom do you buy souvenir ?A.yourself B. family members C. friends D. colleagues E. others 10.您所了解的购买纪念品的渠道?A.旅游手册B.网络C.朋友介绍D.见到就买了E.其它Which of the following are the ways by which you can buy souvenir?A. travel manualB. internetC. from friendsD. perchase if seeingE. others。
A. 扎实的中文基础
A. 扎实的中文基础
Questionnaire Survey Report Template and Sample (English) IntroductionThe purpose of this questionnaire survey report template is to provide a structured format for analyzing and presenting the findings of a questionnaire survey. This template includes different sections that should be included in a comprehensive report. It aims to help researchers, students, and professionals in creating effective and informative survey reports. In this document, we will also provide a sample survey report to demonstrate how the template can be utilized.Executive SummaryIn this section, provide a summary of the key findings from the survey. Highlight the major trends and patterns that emerged from the data analysis. It should give the reader a clear understanding of the survey results without going into too much detail.MethodologyDescribe the methodology used to conduct the survey. Include details such as the sample size, sampling technique, data collection methods, and any limitations or biases associated with the survey design. This section should provide enough information for the reader to evaluate the reliability and validity of the survey results.DemographicsPresent the demographic characteristics of the survey respondents. Include information such as age, gender, education level, and occupation. This section helps the reader understand the profile of the survey sample and provides context for the analysis of the survey findings.Survey ResultsThis section should present the main findings of the survey. Depending on the nature of the survey questions, the results can be presented in various formats such as tables, charts, or graphs. Discuss the results in a clear and concise manner, focusing on the most important findings. Use descriptive statistics and provide sufficient detail to support your conclusions.Analysis and DiscussionIn this section, analyze and interpret the survey results. Identify the key themes and patterns that emerged from the data analysis. Discuss the implications of thefindings and how they align with existing literature or theories. It is important to provide a balanced and objective analysis, addressing any limitations or potential biases that may have influenced the results.ConclusionSummarize the key findings from the survey and their implications. Reflect on the research objectives and discuss any implications for future research or actions. This section should provide closure to the report and leave the reader with a clear understanding of the main takeaways from the survey.RecommendationsBased on the survey findings, provide recommendations for stakeholders or decision-makers. These recommendations should be practical, actionable, and supported by the survey results. Discuss how the recommendations can address the issues or needs identified in the survey and contribute to the improvement of the situation or problem under investigation.ReferencesList any sources or references used in the survey report. This may include academic articles, books, or other relevant resources that were consulted during the survey analysis. Provide proper citations using a recognized referencing style (e.g., APA, MLA, Harvard).AppendixInclude any additional materials that support the survey report but are not essential for understanding the main findings. This may include the full survey questionnaire, raw data, or detailed statistical analysis. These materials should be clearly labeled and organized for easy reference.Survey Report Sample: Satisfaction with Online Shopping ExperienceExecutive SummaryThe survey aimed to assess customer satisfaction with the online shopping experience. A total of 500 respondents participated in the survey, representing a diverse range of age groups, genders, and educational backgrounds.MethodologyThe survey adopted a convenience sampling technique, targeting online shoppers aged 18 and above. The survey questionnaire was distributed via emailand social media platforms, and respondents were asked to complete it online. Dueto the sampling method, the survey results may not be representative of the entire population.DemographicsThe majority of the respondents were between the ages of 25 and 34 (42%), followed by those aged 35 to 44 (28%), 18 to 24 (17%), and over 45 (13%). The sample consisted of 56% females and 44% males. Most respondents had a college degree or higher (68%), while 28% had completed high school, and the remaining 4% had some form of vocational training.Survey ResultsThe survey results revealed that 78% of the respondents reported being satisfied or very satisfied with their online shopping experience. 16% expressed neutral feelings, while only 6% reported dissatisfaction. Among the factors contributing to overall satisfaction were ease of website navigation (85%), product variety (80%), and delivery speed (76%).Analysis and DiscussionThe high satisfaction levels with online shopping can be attributed to the convenience, wide selection, and competitive pricing offered by e-commerce platforms. Additionally, the increasing prevalence of secure payment gateways and reliable delivery services has contributed to a positive user experience. However, further research is needed to investigate potential areas for improvement, such as customer support and return policies.ConclusionThe survey findings indicate a high level of satisfaction with the online shopping experience among the respondents. The convenience and product variety offered by online retailers have contributed to this positive perception. However, continuous efforts should be made to ensure that customer support and return policies are responsive and customer-friendly.RecommendationsBased on the survey results, the following recommendations are proposed to further enhance the online shopping experience: - Improve customer support services to address any issues or concerns promptly. - Simplify the return process and provide clear instructions to facilitate hassle-free returns. - Enhance websitepersonalization to enhance user experience and increase customer loyalty. - Regularly update product offerings to ensure a diverse and up-to-date selection.References•Smith, J. (2018). The Impact of Online Shopping on Retail Stores.Journal of Consumer Behavior, 35(2), 114-129.•Johnson, A. (2019). Customer Satisfaction with Online Shopping: A Comparative Study. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 41(3), 76-90.This survey report template and sample provide a framework for conducting and reporting questionnaire survey findings. Researchers and professionals can use this template to present their survey results in a clear and organized manner, allowing for easy understanding and interpretation. The sample report on satisfaction with online shopping experience demonstrates how the template can be effectively applied to different research topics.。
衷心感谢您百忙之中拨冗对本项研究工作的大力支持!贵单位名称 : (方便的话请盖章)1、请问贵单位性质是:A.□外企 B.□联营 C.□国企 D.□私营2、贵单位面向英语专业毕业生的岗位或部门有:A.□部门经理B. □中英文秘书C.□报关员D.□市场营销E.□翻译 F.□外贸业务员 G. 其他操作 (请注明)若多选,请按照优先顺序排列所选字母:3、贵单位所引进的英语专业人才的规格定位是:A. □管理型B. □技能研究型C. □技能应用型D.□接待员E.其他( )(请注明)4、您认为目前人才市场上,英语人才状况如何:A. □供过于求B. □供不应求C.□符合要求的不多D. □不清楚E. 其他 (请注明)5、您认为英语专业人才就业前景如何:A.□十分乐观B.□乐观C.□一般D.□严峻E.□十分严峻6、您认为目前需要英语人才的行业是:A. □酒店B. □旅游C. □餐饮D.□外贸行业E.□制造业F.□各类培训机构G. 其他 (请注明)若多选,请按照优先顺序排列所选字母:7、贵单位最需要哪种外语技能:A. □听说读写综合能力B.口语能力,能够有效沟通C. □翻译能力,包括口头和笔头D.□读写能力,能够收发邮件若多选,请按照优先顺序排列所选字母:8、贵单位最近三年内拟引进英语专业人才岗位和人数:2015年岗位人数 2016年岗位人数 2017年9、贵单位在选拔职员时优先考虑什么证书:A.□翻译证书B.□教师资格证书C.□国际商务师资格证书D.□报关员资格证书E.□涉外秘书证书F.□英语专业四级和八级证书若多选,请按照优先顺序排列所选字母:10、贵单位在应聘英语专业人才的过程中会优先考虑的是:A. □学习成绩B. □学校名气C. □相关证书D. □发展潜力E.□综合素质F. □工作经验若多选,请按照优先顺序排列所选字母:11、您认为英语专业人才除了英语知识和基本技能外,还应提高哪方面能力:A. □中英文文秘事务处理能力B.□计算机和办公自动化实践能力C. □中英文商务谈判实践能力D.□外贸企业报关实务操作能力E. □商务英语翻译与写作能力F. □英语教育与教学能力若多选,请按照优先顺序排列所选字母:12、贵单位目前所用英语人才的知识水平,业务能力是否和贵单位相适应:A.□完全适应B.□基本适应C.□很不适应13. 贵单位认为目前英语专业人才还存在哪些问题:A. □英语听说能力不过关,不能用英语有效沟通交流B. □英语读写能力不过关,缺乏用中英文操作具体业务的能力C. □英语翻译能力不过关,不能贴切、准确地进行中英文互译D. □英语基本功不扎实,英语总体水平差E. □英语思维能力不过关,缺乏分析问题、解决问题的能力F. □缺乏其他的专业基础知识,如:若多选,请按照优先顺序排列所选字母:13、您企业最需要哪种外语技能:⑴口语表达能力⑵□书面翻译能力(3)□写作能力14.您企业在工作中会在哪些方面运用上英语?A.□读懂基本的英文材料B.□翻译日常工作中的合同与技术文件C.□与外商进行沟通交流D.□大量的专业技术倾向英语15.据您所知,目前社会上哪一类岗位对英语专业毕业生需求量最大:A.□翻译B.□教师C.□外企职员D.□导游E.□一般外贸专业人才(跟单员、外贸业务员、单证员等)F.其它16.您认为目前就业市场上最缺乏的英语专业人才是:A.□出口营销管理人才B.□国际商务谈判人才C.□外贸业务员D.□报关员E.□报检员F.□跟单员、单证员G.□商务英语翻译 H.□其它,如____________17.18.您认为现在的英语专业毕业生最欠缺的能力是:A.□语言应用能力B.□商务实践能力C.□计算机使用能力D.□交际能力E.□专业技术能力(例如医学,机械操作等)18.您对到贵单位实习或就业的我校英语毕业生的评价是:A.□非常满意,理由是B.□满意,理由是C.□基本满意,理由是D.□不满意,理由是19.除了英语语言类课程以外,您认为对英语专业学生最需要开设的课程是:A.□理论类课程(如管理学、市场营销学、国际金融、国际经济法等)B.□应用类课程(如国际商法、电子商务、交际礼仪、商务策划、商务谈判、外贸函电写作等)C.□商务英语技能类课程(商务英语阅读、商务英语听说、商务英语写作、商务英语翻译等)D □其它,如20.贵单位对本专业人才培养工作的意见和建议:再次衷心感谢您的大力支持和无私帮助!。
Helpful hints for completing this questionnaire•The questionnaire should be completed by any resident aged 18 or over living at this address.•Please read each question carefully and tick a box to indicate your answer.•In most cases you will only have to tick one box but please read the questions carefully as sometimes you will need to tick more than one box.•Answer the next question unless asked otherwise.•Once you have finished please take a minute to check you have answered all the questions that you should have answered.•The survey consists of 7 pages and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.•If you have any queries about the questionnaire please do not hesitate to contact Miller Associates on 023 8081 2329•Once you have completed the questionnaire please return in the pre-addressed envelope supplied by 24 September 2008. You do not need to add a stamp•If you cannot find or did not receive the pre-addressed envelope please send to Miller Associates, Freepost (S) 4120), TOTTON, Southampton, SO40 7EW (you do not need to add a stamp) or call 023 8081 23291. Thinking generally, which of the things below would you say are most important in makingsomewhere a good place to live? Pick tick up to FIVE boxes only in the left column below2. And thinking about your local neighbourhood (within 15-20 minutes walking distance of where youlive), which of the things below, if any, do you think most need improving? Please tick up to FIVE boxes in the right column below3. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with this neighbourhood as a place to live? Please tickone box only4. How strongly do you feel you belong to your local neighbourhood? Please tick one box only5. Would you say your local neighbourhood is a place you enjoy living in? Please tick one box only6a. To what extent do you agree or disagree that your local neighbourhood is a safe place to live? Please tick one box onlyb. To what extent do you agree or disagree that Basingstoke town centre is a safe place? Please tick one box onlyc.To what extent do you agree or disagree that other parts of the borough are safe places generally? Please7. Thinking about your local neighbourhood , how much of a problem do you think are……. Please tickone box per row8. Generally how safe do you feel in the following situations? Please tick one box per row9. If you do not feel safe in any of these situations, why do you say this? Please write in below10. Most of us worry at some time or other about being a victim of crime. How worried are you abouteach of the following……….? Please tick one box per row11a. Of the following, who do you think contributes significantly to improving the safety of living in this area? Please tick as many as applyb. And who do you think makes the prime contribution to improving the safety of living in this area?12a. In order for patrols in this area to be most effective in tackling crime (e.g. burglary, assault), which of the following do you feel it is most important for them to have? Tick as many as apply12b. In order for patrols in this area to be most effective tin tackling anti social behaviour (e.g. groups on the streets, vandalism, noise), which of the following do you think it is most important for them to have? Tick as many as apply12c. And which two do you think it is most important to have? Please tick two only13. To what extent do you agree or disagree that your local neighbourhood is a place where peoplefrom different backgrounds get on well together? Please tick one box only14. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the following groups in your local neighbourhood areable to get the services and support they need? Please tick one box per row15. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following? Please tick one box per row16. Thinking about your local community facilities (e.g. village hall, community centre), how satisfied areyou with each of the following? Please tick one box per row17. In the last twelve months have you given unpaid help to any groups, clubs or organisations in any ofthe following ways? Please tick as many as apply18. To what extent do you agree or disagree that you can influence decisions affecting your localneighbourhood (within 15 to 20 minutes walking distance)? Please tick one box only19. If you want to change something in your local neighbourhood or have an idea about making the areaa better place to live in, what are you most likely to do about it? Please tick one box only20. In the last twelve months have you………? Please tick as many as apply21. And in the last twelve months have you taken part in a consultation about local services or problemsin your area in any of the following ways? Please tick as many as apply22. How well informed do you feel about each of the following? Please tick one box per row23. Are you male or female? Please tick one box only24. What was your age on your last birthday? Please write in below25.How long have your household been living in their current accommodation? Please tick one box only26. How long have you/your household been living in this area?27. In which of these ways does your household occupy your current accommodation?28. Which of the following do you regard as your local neighbourhood? Please tick one box only29. How many adults aged 18 or over are living here? Please tick one box only30. Which of these activities best describes what you are doing at present? Please tick one box only31. Do you have any long-standing illness, disability or infirmity? (Long standing illness means anythingthat has troubled you over a period of time or that is likely to affect you over a period of time) Please tick one box only32. Does this illness or disability limit your activities in any way? Please tick one box only33. To which of these groups do you consider you belong? Please tick one only34. Which of the following areas of the borough do you live in? Please tick one only35. Please write in your postcode below?36. Do you have any other comments to make about the content of this questionnaire or your localneighbourhood? Please write in below37. Would you be interested in signing up to become involved in future consultations about local decisions and services? This would involve completing questionnaires sent to you by post about three or four times a year as part of a resid ents’ panel. If so, please provide the following information.(PLEASE NOTE: For prize draw entry there is no need to provide your name and address as the unique identifier on this questionnaire allows us to link it to the address of the person completing the questionnaire –this is the only way in which we link the questionnaire to your address. You only need to give us your contact details if you wish to sign up for the residents’ panel.)Title: Mr/Mrs/Ms/OtherFirst name _______________________Surname _______________________Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Postcode ____________E-mail ___________________________Daytime telephone number ___________In complying with the Data Protection Act 1998 Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council confirms that it will process personal data gathered from this form only for the purposes relating to the ongoing Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council and partner consultations.。
翻译专业调查报告1. 背景介绍翻译是一项关键且复杂的语言交流方式,随着全球化的发展,翻译行业越来越重要。
2. 调查方法我们采用了在线问卷的方式对翻译专业进行调查。
3. 调查结果3.1 教育背景调查结果显示,大多数翻译从业者拥有相关的大学本科学位,其中有35%的人拥有翻译或语言学专业的学士学位。
3.2 工作经验调查结果显示,绝大多数翻译从业者具有丰富的工作经验。
3.3 行业发展趋势关于行业发展趋势的问题,我们得到了以下几个主要观点:•45%的受访者认为,随着全球化的进一步发展,翻译行业将会继续增长。
4. 结论通过这次调查,我们对翻译专业的现状和未来发展有了更深入的了解。
5. 参考文献[1] Smith, J. (2019). The Future of Translation: Challenges and Opportunities. Translation Journal, 23(4), 45-56.[2] Wang, L. (2020). The Impact of Machine Translation on the Translation Industry. International Conference on Translation Studies, 78-89.。
关于大学英语四级考试翻译(汉译英) 调查问卷
非常感谢你的参与!!1.你所在的年级是 [单选题] *○A.2022级○B.2021级○C.2020级○D.2019级2.你的性别是 [单选题] *○A.男○B.女3.你所学的专业是: [填空题]_________________________________4.你所在的学院是 [单选题] *○A.计算机学院○B.工学院○C.商学院○D.航空学院○E.文理学院○F.行知学院○G.艺术与科技学院5.你认真了解过四级翻译的评分标准。
[单选题] *○A.完全不符○B.不太符合○C.基本符合○D.比较符合○E.完全符合合6.你认为四级翻译的难度如何? [单选题] *○A.非常困难○B.比较困难○C.一般○D.比较简单○E.非常简单7.你能在规定时限内(30分钟)完成一篇四级翻译题。
[单选题] *○A.完全不符○B.不太符合○C.基本符合○D.比较符合○E.完全符合合8.截止到目前,你一共完成了多少篇四级翻译题(包括真题和模拟题)? [单选题] *○A.5篇以下○B.5-10篇○C.11-15篇○D.16-20篇○E.21篇以上9.你认为自己的译文通常来说能得多少分?(满分15分) [单选题] *○A.0分○B.1-3分○C.4-6分○D.7-9分○E.10-12分○F.13-15分10.你希望自己的译文能得多少分?(满分15分) [单选题] *○A.0分○B.1-3分○C.4-6分○D.7-9分○E.10-12分○F.13-15分11.你在翻译过程中,按先后顺序经历的步骤有哪些? [多选题] *□A.审题,通读中文段落□B.分析出每个中文句子的主干成分(即主谓宾)□C.根据每个中文句子的实际情况,找出英文中恰当的词汇、短语搭配以及句型等□D.逐个将中文句子的意思用英文表达出来,尽可能把意思表达完整□E.检查译文,减少漏译、错译□F.其他 _________________*12.你认为自己在翻译过程中的难点更多地集中在哪个层面? [单选题] *○A.词汇层面○B.句子层面○C.段落层面○D.其他________________ _ *13.在翻译过程中,你经常在哪些方面遇到困难? [多选题] *□A.理解整个中文段落的意思□B.理清各个中文句子中的语法成分□C.辨别出某种特殊的中文句型、句式□D.翻译专业术语或专有名词(如平原、灌溉、坡度、血压、维生素、改革开放等)□E.翻译成语或其他文化负载词(如旱涝保收、四世同堂、丝绸之路、农历、团圆饭等)□F.寻找贴切的英文词汇或短语□G.寻找合适的英文句型□H.造出语法正确的英文句子□I.排出合理的英文句子语序□J.完整表意(常有信息缺失,存在漏译)□K.准确表意(常有理解偏差,存在错译)□L.识别中英文语言的思维差异(如中文无主句、主被动语态等)□M.其他 _________________*14.你能正确地拼写出大多数四级词汇。
Dear ladies and gentlemen:We are the researchers who work at Criminal Law Research Institute of Beijing Normal University. Recently, we are studying that foreigners commit crimes in China. The aim of this study is to learn the basic state of foreigners committing crimes in China, particularly the reason of crime, to find some approaches to avoiding crime through improving the foreigners’ living and working condition. We hope to help foreigners to fuse into Chinese social life.Perhaps your answers only reflect your own situation, but more mad more answers could form a big social problem that every person has to deal with. Therefore, your real encounter and feelings is important not only for the research, improving the foreigners’ living and working condi tion, even for the development of Chinese society and the progress of the legal system.The information that we obtain from this research is only used to do the legal study. This research conducted secretly so that your identity and answers will not be showed to anyone. Your answer will not exact the negative effect on you, so when you answer these questions you can relax yourself.We are grateful for your participation and cooperation forthis research.Criminal Law Research Institute of Beijing Normal UniversityMarch, 2014Instructionsmark the “√”,if your situation is meet the option. You can choose not only one option. Some questions need your further explanation, please fill up with your true feelings.2. No matter what your answer is, it will not have any negative effect on you, your family, your friends and others.3. Please complete this questionnaire independently. Don’t discuss with others.4. If you have other views on this research or need consultation and help in legal problems, please write it down or contact us directly.EmailContact person: Lirong GuoNumber:010-;Mailling address: Criminal Law Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, 19 Xinjiekouwai Street, BeijingPostcode: 100875The questionnaire on foreigners committing crimes inChina1.What is your genderA.MaleB. Female2.What is your age3.What is your nationality4.What is your education levelA.Never go to schoolB.Primary schoolC.Middle schoolD.High school or vocational schoolE.University degree or above5.What is your Chinese levelA.Excellent, no language barrierB.No problem in daily conversationC.You only can say some simple greetings.D.You hardly speak Chinese6.What is your job in your own country before you come to ChinaA.StudentB.Work in a company, white collarC.Run some small business, ordinary workerD.JoblessE.Others7.When did you come to China8.Why do you come to ChinaA.TravelB.WorkC.ReadingD.Do business (hope to make a lot of money)E.Visit relatives and friendsF.Others9.What is your basic situation in China before you are sentto prisonA.Study in schoolB.Work in a company, white collarC.Run some small business, ordinary workerD.JoblessE.Others10. Why are you sent to prisonA. theftB. robC. lootD. fraudE. extortionF. rapeG. intentional injuryH. smuggleI.intentional homicide J. vending narcotic drugs K.others11. How long are you sentenced to in prison Year/smonth/s12. When do you commit your crimeA. The first year when you come to ChinaB. The second year when you come to ChinaC. The third year when you come to ChinaD. after five years when you come to ChinaE. others:13. Did you commit your crime aloneA. yes, I committed the crime on my ownB. no, other people participated in crimeTips: If you choose A, please answer 18th question directly;if you choose B, answer the next question.14. How many people participated in crime including you15. Did Chinese participate in crime A. yes B. No16. When you are committing crime who is your leaderA. meB. ChineseC. people who are hardened and professionalD. no leader, we discuss together17. Why do you commit crime with ChineseA. I could not complete the crime on my ownB. Chinese wanted to use my foreign identity provides convenience for committing crime.C. Chinese know more about Chinese situation, I want to use him.D. we happened to commit crime together18. Some options that about the victim (you can choose not only one option)A. no victim or you do not know the situation of the victimB. the victim is a juvenileC. the victim is an adultD. the victim is an old personE. the victim is femaleF. the victim is ChineseG. the victim is not ChineseH. you know the victim (your friends, neighbor, or others)I. the victim is a stranger19. What is your understanding of your crime before you take actionA. you know this action will violate the criminal law in China, but you think that you will not be caughtB. you know this action will violate the criminal law in China, but you think that you are a foreigner; even if you are caught, you will not be punishedC. you do not know this action will violate the criminal law,but you think it is illegalD. you think your action is legal; it will not incur adverse consequences20. Your crime that commit in China:A. it also violate the law in your own countryB. it do not violate the law in your own countryC. you do not know whether it is a crime in your own country21. Why you commit crime in China (you can choose not only one option)A. you do not have money; your life is difficultB. you need some money to squanderC. seek thrillD. sexual satisfactionE. suffers wrong; want to ventF. aggressive, want to oppress othersG. chivalrous person, like to help friendsH. others22. When are you caught by the police after you commit crimeA. arrested on spotB. within a dayC. within a weekD. within a monthE. within six monthsF. within a yearG. more than a year23. During the trial process, do you hire a lawyerA. my family or I hire a lawyer for meB. I do not hire any lawyer, the court appoint lawyer for meC. I do not hire any lawyer and the court does not appoint lawyer for me24. During the trail process, did any translator provide service for youA. Yes, translator provides service for meB. no translator but I can understand ChineseC. I could not understand Chinese and there is no translator providing service for me.25. How many times did you commit crime in ChinaA. onceB. more than onceC. many times (more than three times)26. Have you ever committed crime in your own country or other countries before you come to ChinaA. noB. yes, I have. I commit27. What is your age when you first committed crime years old.28. If when you are going to commit crime (you have already come to the crime scene or you are on the way to the crime scene) but you encounter police on patrol, how do you behave in such situationA. only if you will not be caught, you will continue to commit crimeB. depends on the situation; if the action is not detected, you will continue to commit crimeC. scared; you abandon your crime act29. If you find that there are some monitor devices in your guilty place, how do you behaveA. abandons your crime actB. try to avoid these monitor devices and continue to commit crimeC. ignores these devices, continue to commit crime30. Compared with your own country or other countries where you have been there, what is your opinion on Chinese public securityA. excellent feels safeB. just so so;C. less goodD. bad, you do not have a sense of safety31. Except your crime which was accused, do you have illegal entry, illegal residence or illegal employmentA. noB. yes, you have been detected by policeC. yes, you have but you are not detected by policeTips: If you choose A, please answer the 34th question directly; if you choose B, please answer the next question; if you choose C, please answer the 33 question.32. If the police detect your illegal entry, illegal residence, or illegal employment, how do they deal withA. they do not give any punishmentB. fineC. detentionD. instruct me to leave China within the deadline33. Before you are detected by police, how long did you illegal entry, illegal residence or illegal employment lastA. no more than three monthsB. 3~6 monthsC. more than 6 months less than 1 yearD. more than 1year34. What is the relationship between you and your neighborsA. you do not know each otherB. you know few of them and chat with themC. you know most of them and you are friends35. Have you ever taken part in any community events (New Year celebrations)A. yes, I have.B. no, I have not.36. Do you know about Chinese lawA. not at allB. a littleC. a lot37. How do you learn about Chinese lawA. reading books or consulting the codeB. you watch some TV program, like Today’s Law or othersC. the lawyer or the legal counsel who are work in my company tell meD. the laws education activity in our communityE. others38. Compared with other countries where you have lived in, do you think that it is very difficult to integrate into Chinese societyA. more difficult than other countries where I have lived inB. easier than other countriesC. no big difference39. What is the most difficult problem to you to live in ChinaA. languageB. foodC. working environmentD. interpersonal communicationE. uncivilized act of strangersF. the hidden rules that prevail in societyG. others40. According to your experience of living in China, do you think it is easier or more difficult to deal with some events as a foreigner, compared with ChineseA. more difficultB. easierC. no big differenceIf you have any suggestions on Chinese law (criminal law, criminal procedure law, exit and entry law), please write it down:。
我们感谢您!1. 通过一个学期的翻译课程学习,你对翻译的兴趣A. 越发感兴趣B. 越发没兴趣C. 没有变化D. 从未感兴趣过2. 通过一个学期的翻译课程学习,你对自己翻译水平的评估A. 有明显提高B. 有一定提高C. 没有提高D. 没有参照,不知道3. 你对一个学期的翻译课程满意程度A. 非常满意B. 基本满意C. 不满意D. 非常不满意4.您是否满意翻译课的课程设置A. 十分满意B. 较满意C. 一般D. 不满意5. 您觉得翻译课适宜开在第____学年A.1 B.2 C. 3 D. 46. 您觉得英语教育专业翻译课应该更注重哪方面的能力的培养A.翻译专业理论知识B.翻译实际运用及操作C.理论知识与实践想结合7. 您觉得是否有必要开设一门汉语课程提高学生中文水平A.有必要B. 作用不大C.无所谓D.没必要,浪费时间8. 本学期翻译作业量A.过大B. 稍大C. 非常合适D. 稍小E. 没有9、本学期翻译作业难度A. 过大B. 稍大C. 非常合适D. 稍小10.应该加大哪类文体的练习力度?A. 文学B. 政论C. 介绍说明D. 科技、法律11.本学期翻译课上作业讲解A.非常有收获B. 有一定收获C. 一般D. 没有价值12.本学期课上作业讲解时间A. 比较合适B. 应该压缩C. 应该延长D. 应该取消13.作业环节应该加大力度A. 书面批改B. 课上讲解C. 小组讨论D. 撰写心得14.期末考试应该A.提供全部复习范围B.提供部分复习范围C.不划定范围,考查实际能力D.“裸考”,但允许使用纸质词典15.如系在下学期初举办“全国翻译资格(水平)考试”培训班,你是否参加?A.参加B.不参加C.取决于学费高低D.随大流16、你最希望加强哪个方面的学习?A. 基础语言技能B. 语言文化知识C.翻译技能D.翻译理论知识E. 相关专业知识和技能17. 您觉得最有效提高英语翻译水平的方法(多选)A.多背单词,词汇量才是王道B. 多做翻译练习,铁棒也能磨成针C.阅读外语原版文章,观看双文字幕电影D. 自己动手翻译文章E.看他人对自己译作的点评和指正F.对照阅读已经翻译好的文章G.其他____________19. 最后,感谢您做完这份问卷。
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9. 您认为当今市场的需求和就业状况对哪些证书的认可度比价高? ____________
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