
德信诚培训网Document Control Procedure文件管理程序1.0 Purpose目的Define the requirements and responsibilities for Document control.定义出文件控制的要求和权责。
2.0 Scope范围This procedure applies to all QMS documentation, including: quality manual, procedure, WI, external document and form.适用于与质量管理体系有关的所有文件。
3.0 Definitions定义3.1 Quality Manual: According to the requirements of International and national standard (suchas ISO9001), describe quality management system documentation in Co-active.3.1质量手册:根据相关国际或国家标准(如ISO9001)要求,阐述本公司质量管理体系的文件。
3.2 Procedure: Define the function of QMS requirement allocation by department. Such as documentcontrol, management review, internal audit procedure.3.2程序文件:描述为实施质量管理体系要求所涉及的各职能部门的活动的文件。
3.3 Working Instruction: Operation procedures, inspection standards, design drawing and etc.3.3操作指导书:操作规程、检验标准、加工图纸等。
Management Review管理评审程序(中英文)

1.0 Purpose目的1.1 This document provides the standard procedure to define the Management Review for the ***Automotive Technologies Co., Ltd. Management System (including Quality Management System and Environmental Management System). It includes the management responsibilities and activities to implement the quality and environmental management system and ensure continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of QMS and EMS.本程序定义了*****汽车科技有限公司的管理体系(包括质量管理体系和环境管理体系)评审标准程序。
2.0 Scope范围The procedure applies to management review activity of ***Quality / Environmental Management System covering all sites.本程序适用于****汽车科技有限公司的质量/ 环境管理体系评审活动,涵盖了所有场所。
3.0 Definitions定义3.1 ***: **** Automotive Technologies Co., Ltd.***:****汽车科技有限公司3.2 QEMS Rep: Quality / Environmental Management System Representative管理者代表:质量管理体系管理者代表和/或者环境管理体系管理者代表3.3 Management Review: Here refers to Quality Management Review and / or EnvironmentalManagement Review管理评审:这里是指质量管理体系管理评审和/或者环境管理体系管理评审4.0 Procedure and Flow chart4.1 Responsibility and authority职责与权限4.1.1 Top management is responsible for conducting the review and setting the quality /environmental policy and objectives for the forthcoming period. The Top management assessesthe performance of the Management System against the current quality / environmental policyand objectives and initiates any appropriate corrective or preventive action, which is considerednecessary.公司最高领导者负责主持管理评审和建立下阶段的质量/环境方针以及质量/环境目标,针对当前的质量/环境方针以及质量/环境目标对管理体系的业绩进行评估,并提出适当的纠正或预防措施。

ABC用品有限公司质量管理体系程序文件编制: 日期:审核: 日期:批准: 日期:发放范围:公司各部门2013年10月01日生效目录序号章节名页码1 目的Objective (2)2 适用范围Applicable Scope (2)3 职责Responsibility (2)4 工作程序Work Procedures (3)文件更改履历表 (7)1 目的Objective最高管理者按规定的时间间隔对质量体系现状进行评审,对所选定的质量体系的适宜性、有效性和充分性做出综合评价,保证满足标准的要求和实现质量方针及质量目标。
The top management shall review the present status of the quality s ystem at aspecified time interval and make comprehensive assessment of its suitability,effectiveness and sufficienc y, e nsuring to meet the standards, quality policiesand quality objectives.2适用范围Applicable Scope适用于最高管理者对现行的QS-9000:1998/ISO9001:1994质量体系的评审。
This is applicable to the review of QS-9000:1998 / ISO9001:1994 Quality System by the top management.3职责Responsibility3.1 公司总经理负责主持管理评审会议,审批管理评审报告,并对管理评审的全过程进行监督。
The General Manager is responsible to preside over the management review meeting, examine and approve the management review reports, and supervise the whole process of management review.3.2 管理者代表负责向总经理汇报质量体系运行情况,提出改进建议,组织编写管理评审报告。

管理评审程序文件范文英文回答:Management Review Procedure.Purpose.The purpose of this procedure is to establish the requirements for conducting management reviews of the quality management system (QMS). Management reviews are a key element of the QMS and are essential for ensuring that the QMS is effective and aligned with the organization's strategic direction.Scope.This procedure applies to all levels of management within the organization.Responsibilities.The following individuals are responsible for implementing and maintaining this procedure:Top management.Management representatives.All managers.Procedure.Management reviews shall be conducted at least annually, or more frequently if deemed necessary by top management. The review shall be conducted by top management and shall include the following elements:Review of the QMS.The review shall include an assessment of the effectiveness of the QMS in meeting the organization's requirements and objectives. The review shall also includean assessment of the QMS's compliance with applicable regulatory and industry standards.Review of the organization's strategic direction.The review shall include an assessment of the organization's strategic direction and how the QMS supports the achievement of the organization's strategic goals.Review of internal and external issues.The review shall include an assessment of the internal and external issues that may affect the QMS. The review shall also include an assessment of the organization's risk management processes.Review of resources.The review shall include an assessment of the resources that are available to support the QMS. The review shall also include an assessment of the organization's training and development programs.Review of performance.The review shall include an assessment of the QMS's performance. The review shall also include an assessment of the organization's customer satisfaction levels.Review of opportunities for improvement.The review shall include an assessment of the opportunities for improving the QMS. The review shall also include an assessment of the organization's plans for implementing improvements.Outputs.The outputs of the management review shall include the following:A report summarizing the findings of the review.A list of recommendations for improvement.A plan for implementing the recommendations.Records.The following records shall be maintained in support of this procedure:Minutes of management review meetings.Reports summarizing the findings of the review.Lists of recommendations for improvement.Plans for implementing the recommendations.Related Documents.QMS Manual.Risk Management Procedure.Training and Development Procedure.中文回答:管理评审程序文件。

管理评审控制程序Management auditing and control the procedure1.目的Purpose1.1 通过对公司环境管理体系之符合性进行评审,确保环境管理体系持续有效地满足ISO14001:2004标准的要求。
Through auditing to the according with our company environmental management,make sure that the environmental management lasts to satisfy the standard of ISO14001:2004.1.2 通过对公司环境管理体系之符合性、适宜性、有效性进行评审,确保环境方针的实现和环境管理体系的持续改进。
Through auditing the according with、suitable 、validity of company environment management,make sure the realization of the environmental police and lasting improvement of the environment management.2.范围Ranges本程序适用于公司总经理对公司环境管理体系之符合性、适宜性和有效性进行评审,以确保有效实施环境方针、目标、指针、相关的法律、法规及其他要求。
This procedure is suitable for the factory general manager auditing the according with、suitable and validity of the company environment management,so as to ensure implements environmental policy、goal 、target 、relevant regulation and the other requestment effectively.3.职责Duty3.1总经理负责主持管理评审活动,批准《管理评审报告》。

Thepurposeofthisprocedureistohaveasystemtocontrolthemanagementreview activitytoensurethecontinualsuitability,adequacyandeffectivenessofma nagementsystem.2.0范围Scope:适用于质量与环境管理评审活动的控制。
ThisprocedureisapplicabletothecontrolofQMSandEMSmanagementreviewinFl extronicsPlasticsTechnology(Shenzhen)Co.,Ltd.3.0定义Definition:无No.4.0职责和权限Responsibilityandauthority:4.1总经理:负责主持管理评审活动。
Managementrepresentative:MRshouldpreparemanagementreviewplan,carryou tandcoordinatethemanagementreviewmeeting;preparemanagementreviewrepo rtandfollowup/verifycorrectiveandpreventiveactions.4.3各有关部门:负责准备并提供与本部门工作有关的评审所需的资料,并对涉及本部门的不符合采取纠正或预防措施。

Page: 1/7Status:PROCEDURE 程序文件Management Review Procedure 管理评审程序目的OBJECTIVE 2 范围SCOPE2 职责RESPONSIBILITY2 正文PROCEDURAL ELEMENTS3 流程FLOW CHART3 任务描述TASKS DESCRIPTION4 参考文件REFERENCE DOCUMETS 7 记录RECORDS7 定义与缩写DEFINITIONS/ ABBREVIATIONS7___________________________________________________________________Page: 2/7Status:PROCEDURE 程序文件Management Review Procedure 管理评审程序Objective 目的To establish a procedure for reviewing the quality management system, at planned intervals, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.建立管理评审程序来定期评审质量管理系统,确保持续的适用性,足够及有效性。
__________________________________________________________Scope 范围This procedure applies to quality management system review in QF. 适用于本公司质量管理评审所有活动。
__________________________________________________________Responsibility 职责Management representative is responsible for the management review meeting organization, convening and verification.管理代表负责管理评审会议的组织,召集,及验证。

1Purpose1.1This procedure has been developed by MAS Solutions to define the requirements for theperiodic review of this Business Management System (BMS), to ensure that it continues to meetthe requirements of its intended use with regards to BMS policy, objectives, effectiveness,resources, planning and improvement.2General2.1It is the responsibility of Management Representative to ensure that:2.1.1The business management system is reviewed at least once annually to ensure itscontinued suitability and effectiveness.2.1.2The minutes of the meeting are recorded.2.1.3Any actions are identified and taken as decided.2.1.4Opportunities for improvement are identified and implemented.3Review Frequency3.1 A Management Review must be held at least annually (once per year) to address all parts ofMAS’ Business Management System:3.1.1To determine whether it is operating effectively to the benefit of the Company.3.1.2To identify opportunities for improvement.3.1.3To determine whether MAS is continuing to meet legal, regulatory and contractualrequirements.3.1.4To prevent nonconformity.3.1.5To identify risks and opportunities.4Review Attendance4.1The meeting must be attended by Top Management, with other staff as appropriate. Thismeeting shall be scheduled and chaired by the Management Representative.5Review Agenda5.1As a minimum, the Management Review meeting must address the following topics:5.1.1The status of actions from previous management reviews;5.1.2Changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the BMS;5.1.3Feedback on BMS performance, including trends in:•Client satisfaction and feedback from relevant interested parties;•The extent to which BMS objectives have been met•Process performance and conformance of products and services;•Nonconformities and corrective actions;•Monitoring and measurement results;•Audit results; and•The performance of external providers;5.1.4Adequacy of resources;5.1.5The effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities; Opportunities forimprovement.5.2Outputs of the management review shall include decisions and actions related to opportunitiesfor improvement, any need for changes to this BMS, and resource needs.5.3The person responsible for any actions identified at the meeting must be recorded togetherwith target dates for completion where appropriate. The Company must allocate the necessarypersonnel and resources for these corrective actions.6Review Records6.1The minutes of the meeting must be recorded and copies must be provided to all personnelwho attended the meeting together with those who have actions placed upon them.6.2Records of Management Reviews shall be maintained in accordance with BMS.0750,Documented Information.7Revision HistoryRevision Date Description of Change Approval0 11/01/15 Initial Release SR。

Purpose: In order to ensure the effective and continuous implementation of the quality management, fully meet the requirements of ISO9001:2000 standard, specially make the procedure so as to implement audit action and verify the effectiveness of the quality management system and to take corrective or preventive action if needed.2.0 范围:本厂所开展的内部质量审核的全部活动均适用本程序。
Scope: applies to all the actions relating to internal quality audit.3.0 职责Responsibility3.1 管理者代表:负责年度内审计划的拟定并计划组织实施。
Management Representative: responsible for the annual internal audit plan and its implementation.3.2 内审组长:负责制定审核日程并具体组织、指导内审作业。
Internal audit leader: responsible for making audi agenda and instructing audit. 3.3 内审员:负责按审核计划要求对相关单位实施审核。

XXX有限公司质量管理体系程序文件组织环境分析及相关方控制程序(中英文版)Organization environment analysis and related party control procedure组织环境分析及相关方控制程序Organization environment analysis and related party control procedure1、目的purpose为保证公司质量管理体系的策划能实现预期的结果,识别、监视并评审与公司的宗旨、战略方向相关的内外部环境;识别、监视并评审与公司质量管理体系有关的相关方期望或要求;根据内外部因素与相关方期望或要求,结合本公司已有的优势和劣势,识别出风险和机会;针对识别的风险和机会,策划应对措施。
To ensure that the company's quality management system planning can achieve the desired results, identify, monitor and review the company's purpose, strategic direction related to the internal and external environment; Identify, monitor and review the expectations or requirements of relevant parties related to the quality management system of the company; Identify risks and opportunities according to internal and external factors and expectations or requirements of relevant parties, combined with the company's existing strengths and weaknesses; Plan countermeasures against identified risks and opportunities.2、范围scope适用质量管理体系所有相关的部门与过程。

ISO9001管理评审程序Management Review Control Procedure文件更改历史记录Amendment HistoryISO9001管理评审程序Management Review Control Procedure1.0目的Purpose:建立一个文件化的系统规范公司管理评审活动的进行,确保管理体系的适宜性、充分性和有效性。
The purpose of this procedure is to have a system to control the management review activity to ensure the continual suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of management system.2.0 范围Scope:适用于质量与环境管理评审活动的控制。
This procedure is applicable to the control of QMS and EMS management review in Flextronics Plastics Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.3.0 定义Definition:无 No.4.0 职责和权限Responsibility and authority:4.1总经理: 负责主持管理评审活动。
General Manager: GM should be the chairman of the management review meeting.4.2管理者代表: 负责管理评审计划的制定, 落实及组织协调工作;负责评审报告的整理发放及改善行动的跟踪验证工作。
Management representative: MR should prepare management review plan, carryout and coordinate the management review meeting; prepare management reviewreport and follow up/verify corrective and preventive actions.4.3各有关部门: 负责准备并提供与本部门工作有关的评审所需的资料,并对涉及本部门的不符合采取纠正或预防措施。
管理评审之管制程序 -中英文对照

Revision History1.0 PURPOSE 目的1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidance, instruction and assign responsibilitiesfor scheduling, conducting and recording management reviews of the quality managementsystem.此程序之目的是为质量管理体系的排程,指导及记录管理评审提供指导,说明及指定负责人。
2.0 SCOPE范围2.1 The management review procedure applies to all activities comprising the quality system,particularly those mentioned in 5.4 Review Input.此管理评审程序应用于组成质量体系的所有活动,在项目5.4评审输入中有特别提及。
3.0 DEFINITIONS & ABBREVIATIONS术语与定义3.1 Quality Policy– intensions and direction of an organization to achieve quality thatis formally expressed by top management.质量政策–组织实现质量的强度和方向,由上层管理正式传达。
3.2 Quality Objectives – is something the company desires to achieve. Generally based on thequality policy and must be consistent with it. They are usually formulated at all levels withinthe organization and for all relevant functions.质量目标–公司希望实现的事务,通常建立在质量政策的基础上并与其保持一致。

D、When the general manger thinks it is necessary, such as before authentication.
5.2 Plan confirmation
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Management Assessment Procedure
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MP/C 37-L
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5.2.2 Content ofManagement Assessment Planshould include:
5.1.1Generally, management assessment should be held at least one time a year. At the beginning or the end of the year, to assess the operation condition of this year’squality management system、environment management system.
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Management Assessment Procedure
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管理评审程序中英文Managementreview管理评审程序中英文M a n a g e m e n t r e v i e w Hessen was revised in January 2021受控状态Control State发放编号DistributionNoXXXX有限公司企业标准管理评审程序Management Review Procedure 发布日期Published Date:生效日期:Effective Date:REVISION HISTORY管理评审程序Management Review Procedure1.0目的/Objective按计划的时间间隔评审质量管理体系,以确保其持续改进的适宜性、充分性和有效性。
Review quality management system according to intervals of plan, to ensure the improvement is suitable、full、effective.2.0范围/Scope适用于本公司对质量体系的管理评审活动。
All management review activities about quality system.3.0定义/Definition管理评审——由最高管理者就质量方针与质量目标,对质量体系现状的适合性和有效性进行的正式评价。
Management Review—is top administrator judge fitness and of quality system status according to quality policy and quality target.4.0职责/Responsibility厂长主持管理评审会议,批准管理评审计划和管理评审报告。
PM is responsible for chairing the management review meeting; approve management review plan and management review report.管理者代表负责管理评审会议的策划,收集并审阅管理评审会议所需的资料,编制管理评审报告。
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适用于质量和Green Partner管理体系所有部分.
Apply to the entire sections of quality andGreen Partnermanagement system.
3.1管理評審management review:由最高管理者就方針和目標,對質量和环境體系的現狀和适應性進行正式的評價。.Formal evaluation by top management of the status and adequacy of the quality and environment system in relation to quality and environment policy and objectives.
MIS Mgr:_____________________________
Tooling Repair & Maintenance Mgr:
Signature /Date
5.5.6上次管理評審跟进情况;The follow-up result of the last management review.
5.5.7在质量管理体系和GP管理体系运作过程中,糾正和預防措施的状况及有效性评价;The status and effectiveness assessment of corrective and preventive actions during implementing quality management system,andGP management system.
5.5评审输入內容Review input (content):
评审输入內应包括以下方面的信息,但不限于以下各項: Reviewing the quality system, Following information are considered as review input but not limited to:
5.2出席人员Attendance:厂长﹑质量或环境管理者代表﹑有关部門经理/主管﹑有關事項特約人員。Plant manager, Quality or Environment Management Representative, the relevant department manager/supervisor, and relevant appointment persons.
5.4.2要求参会的人员就发布的“管理评审计划”的议程进行资料收集、统计,以便会中呈报和提供改进建议。It is required for the attendance to collect the necessary data against the agenda specified in the released “Management Review Plan” in order to make report or provide the improvement suggestions in the meeting.
FacilityMgr: ______________________
Facility Engineering Mgr:
____________________________________RLeabharlann view[x][x]
Signature /Date
1stprocess Mgr:______________________
Signature /Date
QS Officer:________________________
5.5.5过程运作的业绩和产品的符合性,如:生产周期、生产效率、经营效益、质量成本、制程能力、开机率、产品外观、尺寸、特性的符合性及CPK指数等(仅实用于质量体系);Process operational performance and product conformity such as production cycle, production efficiency, business profit, quality cost, process capability, machine using rate, the conformity of product’ cosmetic, dimension and characteristics andCPKcontrol etc.( only applicable for quality system)
5.5.1质量方針和GP环境方针是否適用;If the quality policyandGP Environment Policyareappropriate.
5.5.2質量目標、指标达成情况及更新的建议(仅实用于质量体系);Whether the qualityobjective andtarget been reached andprovide the suggestions on updating quality target. (only applicable for quality system)
4.2相关部门经理/主管应出席管理审查会议,并汇报各负责项目的工作情况及对其他事宜提出意见及建议。The relevant department manager/supervisorshould attend the Management Review, report to the managementand give some suggestions and advises.
5.1由厂长或授權代表主持管理評審會議。方針、目標只能由厂长主持評審。PlantManager or his authorized representative chair Management Review Meeting. Only Plant Manager can hold the review to policy and objects.
QE Sup: ____________________________
QA Mgr&MR:__________________________
Program Director:____________________________________
Senior ME Mgr:______________________
建立一份程序以将管理评审的过程及主要议程文件化,评估可改善的空间,确保持续的、稳定的、充分的和有效的伟创力质量和环境管理系统。To establish a procedure to document the process and primary agenda of issues in the Management Review, to evaluate and assess the opportunities for improvement, to ensure continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of Flextronics QMSand EMS.
5.4.1由QS部门就各管理人員对品質和Green Partner管理系统有關提議和此文件要求的审查输入編寫“管理評審計劃”,安排評審具體時間;“管理評審計劃”經厂长或其授權代表批准,QS部门需確保管理評審的有關信息及時傳遞給參會人員。According to the related suggestions on qualitymanagement system,Green Partner management system,and the review input requirementsasspecifiedbythis procedure,QS Officeinitiates a“Management Review Plan”and the schedule for the review, itshall be approved by Plant Manager or his authorized representative.QS Office mustinform the meeting attendeesof allreviewinformation in time.
3.2QMS:品质管理系统Quality Management System。
3.3GP: Green Partner管理体系Green Partner Management System
3.4QS:品质系统办公室Quality System Office.
4.1最高管理者召开质量管理审查会议,并对会议中各项目做出决定。The top management should call in the Quality Management Review, and do some decision..
5.5.3本年度審核结果(包括内审、第二、第三方审核等),發現的問題是否都得到糾正;What is the conclusion of this year’s quality audit (including internal audit, 2ndparty’s & 3rdparty’s audit, and if the discovered problems have been solved.