

INPHO DTMaster中文操作手册

INPHO DTMaster中文操作手册
INPHO DTMaster 中文操作手册
北京超图软件股份有限公司 2012 年 2 月
教程 ..................................................................................................................................................4 案例学习:...............................................................................................................................5 A 浮动的窗口界面 ..........................................................................................................5 B 处理较大数据-稀疏模式 .............................................................5 C 捕获点/线 .....................................................................................................................6 D 用“Create Point List” 捕捉数据.................................................................................7 E 用“Add Point List” 捕捉数据........................................................................................9 F 用侧视图编辑雷达数据...........................................................................................10 G 编辑 MATCH-T数据 ................................................................................................10 H 导入矢量数据——DXF例子 ......................................................................................12 I 导出矢量数据——分开导出DXF................................................................................13 J 过滤器 .........................................................................................................................14 K 检查工程-线交叉 .......................................................................................................18

Cutler-Hammer ATC-400 控制转移开关快速操作指南说明书

Cutler-Hammer ATC-400 控制转移开关快速操作指南说明书

IM01602001EEffective July 2002Cutler-HammerCUTLER-HAMMER ATC-400 CONTROLLED TRANSFER SWITCH QUICK START INSTRUCTIONSTHIS INSTRUCTION IS NOT A COMPLETE SOURCE OF INFORMATION ON THE TRANSFER EQUIP-MENT. INSTALLATION SHOULD NOT BE STARTED UNTIL THE ENTIRE INSTRUCTION BOOK HASBEEN REVIEWED AND UNDERSTOOD. FAILURE TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CAN RESULT IN DEATH,SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE.Step 1: Mount the transfer switch on a flat rigid surface (Figure 1). Shim if necessary. For seismic mountingrequirements, check the instruction book.Figure 1 Mounting DetailsShim If NecessaryView ASee Detail APage 2Effective 7/02Figure 2 300A, 3 Pole, Automatic Transfer Switch InteriorFuse Disconnect BlockEngine Start ContactsOptional Feature 37Fuse Disconnect BlockSource (S2) Power TerminalsPage 3Effective 7/02Tighten Cables Into TerminalsSee Detail BDetail BTypicalEngine Start Contacts(Red Terminals)Page 4Effective 7/02Figure 6 ATC-400 Logic (Utility Supplying Load)qqThe following lights must be ON:q Source 1 Available q Source 1 ConnectedPerform LED lamp test by depressing and holding. All LED’s should turn on.If not, contact factory for replacement.Page 5Effective 7/02Page 6Figure 7 ATC-400 (Rear View)Effective 7/02Page 7Effective 7/02qqqThe following lights must be ON:q Source 1 Availableq Source 1 Connectedq Source 2 AvailableThe following lights must be ON:q Source 1 Availableq Source 2 Availableq Source 2 ConnectedqqqIM01602001EPage 8Cutler-HammerPittsburgh, Pennsylvania U.S.A.Effective 7/02 (ISI)Style IM01602001E H01Printed in U.S.A.Step 10: ATH4/ATV4 Power Failure Test - Initiate a Load Test by simulating an actual power failure.(1) This should be done by opening the upstream breaker or fused disconnect switch.(2) If the ATS is Service Equipment Rated with no upstream disconnect, use the Normal Control Circuit Disconnect to simulate a power failure (Figure 10).This can be found in one of two places. The first would be located directly beside the normal breaker. The second would be located on the transformer panel/customer connection panel. The normal con- trol circuit disconnect is the disconnect markedNormal.The disconnect switch should be in the ON position for normal operation. Turning the switch to the OFF position will simulate a normal power out- age.Figure 10 Control Disconnect(3) The generator should start and the ATS should transfer to Emergency.(4) After transfer, close the upstream breaker, or close the Normal Control Circuit Disconnect. The TDEN timer should begin counting, and, when com- plete, the ATS should transfer to Normal. The En- gine Cooldown Timer should time out and shut the emergency power unit down.NOTICEWhile performing testing, if an undesired or undoc-umented result occurs, first contact the localGenset dealer. If the result is not corrected, contact the Cutler-Hammer Product Integrity Center at 1-800-210-6208.OFF PositionON Position。

Avolites Tiger Touch Pro V7.0 操作说明书

Avolites Tiger Touch Pro V7.0 操作说明书

Tiger Touch Pro V7.0操作说明书目录1. 品牌介绍 (7)1.1 Titan家族成员 (7)1.2 控台面板介绍 (9)2. 配接灯具 (12)2.1 打开配接灯具窗口 (12)2.2 配接常规灯 (12)2.3 配接电脑灯 (12)2.4 查找灯具 (13)2.5 设置命名 (14)2.6 更改灯具的地址码 (14)2.7 灯具交换 (15)2.8查看配接 (15)2.9 DMX通道查看窗口 (16)2.10更新灯库 (16)2.11 复制和移动灯具 (16)2.12 删除灯具 (17)2.13 调换灯具的Pan和Tilt (17)2.14 调换通道属性 (17)2.15 属性限制 (17)3. 控制常规灯和电脑灯 (18)3.1 选择常规灯和电脑灯 (18)3.2 通过转轮改变灯具属性 (18)3.3 触摸屏调节灯具属性 (19)3.4 设置灯具的默认状态(Locate)键 (20)3.5 条件选灯 (20)3.6 选择高亮后的灯具 (21)3.7 关闭未选择的灯具 (21)3.8 灯具跟随 (21)3.9 翻转灯具Pan / Tilt 运动轨迹 (21)3.10 Fan发散模式 (22)3.11 Menu Latch按键 (24)4. 灯组 (25)4.1 创建灯组 (25)4.2 编辑灯组 (25)4.3 删除灯组 (25)4.4 复制,移动灯组 (25)4.5 灯组内的灯具顺序 (25)5. 素材 (26)5.1 储存单一属性素材 (26)5.2 保存多属性素材 (26)5.3 设置素材的命名 (27)5.4 创建内置效果素材 (27)5.5 应用一个素材 (27)5.6 查看和编辑素材的内容 (28)5.7 编辑素材 (28)5.8 更新重放中的素材 (28)5.9 复制和移动素材 (29)5.10 删除素材 (29)5.11 手动指定素材的时间 (30)5.12 手动修改应用素材时的灯具交叠状态 (30)5.13 素材的总体时间 (30)6. 内置效果 (31)6.1 创建内置效果 (31)6.2 改变内置效果的速度和幅度 (31)6.3 改变内置效果的相位时间 (32)6.4 反向内置效果运动方向 (33)6.5 改变内置效果中的灯具顺序 (33)6.6 内置效果中移除或添加灯具 (33)6.7 删除内置效果 (33)6.8 选择一个正在运行的内置效果进行修改 (33)6.9 内置效果幅度和速度渐入时间 (34)7. 像素映射效果 (36)7.1 创建像素映射效果 (36)7.2 修改cue内的内置效果和像素映射 (37)8. Cues (38)8.2 快建模式 (39)8.3 复制或移动一个cue (39)8.4 删除cue (40)8.5 修改Cue (40)8.6 更新cue内的内容和素材 (40)8.7 Include(调入)功能 (41)8.8 查看cue (41)8.9 使用OFF键移除cue内的属性 (42)8.10 设置cue中的渐变时间和灯具交叠 (43)8.11 改变灯具顺序 (43)8.12 设置cue中的灯具属性渐变时间 (44)8.13 在编程器内编辑cue的时间 (44)8.14 暗场模式 (46)8.15 HTP和LTP (47)8.16 重放一个cue (47)8.17 重放区翻页 (47)8.18 查看正在运行的重放 (48)8.19 速度总控 (48)8.20 释放运行中的重放 (48)8.21 释放Mask (49)8.22 锁定重放在推杆上 (49)8.23 重放优先度 (49)8.24 键设置 (50)9. Chase (51)9.1 创建chase (51)9.2 复制,移动chase (51)9.3 删除chase中的一步 (52)9.4 修改chase (52)9.5 使用【Unfold】(展开)键编辑chase (52)9.6 chase默认时间 (53)9.7 chase中独立的cue时间 (53)9.8 重放一个chase (54)9.9 连接一个chase进行控制 (55)9.10 设置chase的速度和渐入渐出 (55)9.11 手动控制chase的步 (55)9.12 改变chase的运动方向 (56)9.13 跳到第X步 (56)9.14 高级选项 (56)9.15循环/停止在最后的cue (56)9.16 播放方式 (56)9.17 重排cue序号 (56)10. Cue List (57)10.1 创建cue list (57)10.2 复制,移动cue list (57)10.3 删除一个cue list (57)10.4 删除cue list中的某步cue (57)10.5 编辑cue list (58)10.6 使用Unfold键编辑一个cue list (58)10.7 修改正在运行的cue list (58)10.8 禁用一个cue (59)10.9 设置cue list的渐变时间和延时时间 (59)10.10 独立通道渐变时间 (59)10.11 cue连接和offset (59)10.12 灯具交叠 (60)10.13 使用时间码 (60)10.14 Auto load(自动读取) (61)10.15 运行一个cue list (62)10.16 关闭一个cue list (63)10.17 高级选项 (63)10.18 推杆模式 (63)10.19 Tracking跟踪模式 (63)10.20 播放第一个cue (64)11. 演出开始 (65)11.1 备份演出文件 (65)11.2 命名 (65)11.3 总控推杆 (65)11.4 分类总控推杆 (65)11.5 速度总控 (65)11.6 分组总控 (66)11.7 回放优先度 (66)11.8 预置推杆 (66)11.9 查看正在激活的重放 (67)11.10 暗场模式 (67)11.11 快捷工作区 (67)11.12 View菜单 (67)11.13 整理控台 (67)11.14 使用移动功能 (67)12. 用户设置和其它选项 (68)12.1 打开工作窗口 (68)12.2 调整窗口的位置和大小 (68)12.3 保存窗口快照 (68)12.4 配置外接显示器 (69)12.5 系统档菜单 (69)12.6 用户设置 (69)12.7 Wipe (70)12.8 触发 (70)12.9 显示设置 (70)12.10 分配总控 (70)12.11 DMX输出管理 (70)12.12 配置DMX输出 (71)13.进阶 (73)1. 品牌介绍欢迎使用Avolites Titan系列控台。



所指定的刀具号必须在 24之内 按“ RESET”解除此报警 Z轴锁定,解除 Z轴锁定状态 检查换档感应开关
(二)自动换刀机构常见报警信息及处理对策 报警信息
检查液压 /冷却故障
如欲使某坐标轴快速移动,只要在 按住某轴的“+”或“-”键的同时, 按住中间的“快移”键即可。 “阶段进给” 时需通过 “快进修调” 旋钮选择进给倍率、“手轮进给” 时 则在手轮上选择进给率。 在“手轮进给” 模式下,左右旋 动手轮可实现当前选择轴的正、负方 向的移动。
快捷命令 执行区
功能键说明: MONITOR – 为坐标显示切 换及加工程序呼叫 TOOL/PARAM – 为刀补设 置、刀库管理(刀具登录) 及刀具寿命管理 EDIT/MDI – 为MDI运行模 式和程序编辑修改模式 DIAGN/IN-OUT – 为故障报 警、诊断监测等 FO – 为波形显示和PLC梯 形图显示等
注意:丽驰 LV-800 加工中心的 X 轴参考点设定在 -X 极限方向。
选择“寸动进给”、“阶段进 给”或“手轮进给”操作模式;
按操作面板上的“ +X ”、 “ +Y ”或“ 的正方向移 动, 按机床操作面板上的“- X ” “ -Y ”或“- Z ”键,则刀具相对工 件向 X 、 Y 或 Z 轴的负方向移动;

ASRock PG27FF1A 用户手册说明书

ASRock PG27FF1A 用户手册说明书

Table of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction (1)1.1 Package Contents (1)1.2 Installation Instructions (2)Chapter 2 Specifications (7)2.1 Monitor specifications (7)2.2 Preset Display Modes (8)Chapter 3 Monitor Overview (10)Chapter 4 Adjusting the Viewing Angle (14)Chapter 5 Connecting the Monitor (15)Chapter 6 OSD Setup (16)6.1 OSD Keys (16)6.2 OSD Menus (The descriptions for function control) (17)Chapter 7 Troubleshooting (23)Chapter 8 Safety Instructions (24)Chapter 1 IntroductionThank you for purchasing PG27FF1A, a reliable monitor produced under ASRock’s consistently stringent quality control. It delivers excellent performance with robust design conforming to ASRock’s commitment to quality and endurance.1.1 Package Contents•ASRock PG27FF1A Monitor Head•ASRock PG27FF1A Stand•ASRock PG27FF1A Quick Start Guide•DisplayPort Cable (DisplayPort to DisplayPort)•HDMI Cable•Power Cord⚠ImportantContact your place of purchase or local distributor if any of the items is damaged or missing.Package contents may vary by country.The included power cord is exclusively for this monitor and should not be used with other products.1.2 Installation InstructionsLeave the monitor in its protective foam packaging. Align the latches of the stand to the monitor. Tighten the stand with screws.Connect the stand base to the stand and tighten the screw to secure the stand base.Align the latches to place the stand cover.Adjust the angle of the stand, make sure the stand assembly is properly installed before setting the monitor upright.⚠ImportantRemove the screws on the monitor groove if needed before installing the stand.Place the monitor on a soft, protected surface to avoid scratching the display panel.Do not use any sharp objects on the panel.The groove for installing the stand bracket can also be used for wall mount. Please contact your dealer for proper wall mount kit.Chapter 2 Specifications2.1 Monitor specificationsMonitor ASRock PG27FF1ASize 27 inchCurvature FlatPanel Type IPSResolution 1920 x 1080Digital Signal Frequency HDMI:30KHz~183KHz (H); 48Hz~165Hz (V)DisplayPort:30KHz~183KHz (H); 48Hz~165Hz (V) Aspect Ratio 16:9Brightness (nits) 250(Typ.)Contrast Ratio 1100:1(Typ.)Refresh Rate 165Hz(Max.)Response Time 1ms(MPRT), 6ms(GTG)I/O Ports 1*DisplayPort™ 1.22*HDMI™ 2.01*Earphone Jack (3.5 mm)View Angles 178°(H) , 178°(V)Color Space 94% DCI-P3 / sRGB 123%Surface Treatment Anti-GlareDisplay Colors 16.7MMonitor Power Options 100~240Vac, 50/60Hz, 1.5APower Consumption Power On(Max) ≦ 42W;Power Saving: ≦0.5W;Power Off: ≦0.3WAdjustment (Tilt) -5° ~ 23°Adjustment (Swivel) -20° ~ 20°VESA Mounting • Plate Type: 100 x 100mm • Screw Type: M4 x 10 mmDimension (W x H x D) Dimension with Stand:612.42*434.83*192.61mmDimension without stand:612.42*367.03*47.20mmWeight 4.48 Kg (With Stand) 3.75 Kg (Without Stand)EnvironmentOperating• Temperature: 0℃ to 40℃• Humidity: 10% to 85%, non-condensing • Altitude: 0 ~ 3658mStorage• Temperature: -20℃ to 60℃• Humidity: 5% to 80%, non-condensing • Altitude : 0~12192m2.2 Preset Display ModesStandard ResolutionPG27FF1ARemark HDMI DP HDRIBM MODE DOS 720x400 @70Hz V VVGA 640x480 @60Hz V V 640x480 @67Hz V V 640x480 @72Hz V V 640x480 @75Hz V VSVGA 800x600 @56Hz V V 800x600 @60Hz V V 800x600 @72Hz V V 800x600 @75Hz V VXGA 1024x768 @60Hz V V 1024x768 @70Hz V V 1024x768 @75Hz V VSXGA 1280x1024 @60Hz V V 1280x1024 @75Hz V VWXGA+ 1440x900 @60Hz V V WSXGA+ 1680x1050 @60Hz V V---- 1152x864 @75Hz V V 1280x960 @60Hz V V 1280x720 @60Hz V VFull HD 1920x1080 @60Hz V V VDTD(Default) 1920x1080 @100Hz DTD 1920x1080 @120Hz V V V DTD 1920x1080 @144Hz V V V DTD 1920x1080 @165Hz V V V DTD 1920x1080 @240HzQHD 2560x1440 @60Hz 2560x1440 @120Hz 2560x1440 @144Hz 2560x1440 @165HzWQHD 3440x1440 @60Hz 3440x1440 @120Hz 3440x1440 @144Hz 3440x1440 @165HzUHD 3840x2160 @60Hz 3840x2160 @120Hz 3840x2160 @144HzVideo Timing Resolution 640x480P 59.94/60Hz 4:3 V V720x480P 59.94/60Hz 4:3720x480P 59.94/60Hz16:9V V720x576P 50Hz 4:3720x576P 50Hz 16:9V V1280x720P 50Hz 16:9V V1280x720P 59.94/60Hz16:9V V1920x1080P 59.94/60Hz16:9V V V 1920x1080P119.88/120Hz 16:9/1:1V V V 2160P @25Hz2160P @30Hz2160P @50Hz2160P @60Hz2160p @120HzChapter 3 Monitor Overview Front viewNo. Item LED Indication1 Power Indicator • Blue - Power on mode• Orange - Standby mode• LED Off - Off modeBack sideNo. Description2 Power and OSD Keys3 Serial Label4 Cable Management Slot5 Built-in Speakers (2x2W)Bottom SideNo. Item6 AC input7 HDMI input8 HDMI input9 DisplayPort input10 Audio outputChapter 4 Adjusting the Viewing AngleFor optimal viewing, it is recommended tolook at the full face of the monitor, andthen adjust the monitor’s angle to yourown preference.Hold the stand so you do not topple themonitor when you adjust the monitor’sangle.You are able to adjust the tilted angle from-5° to 23°.⚠ImportantAvoid touching the display panel when adjusting the monitor.You are able to swivel the monitor for the angle.NOTE:Do not touch the LCD screen when you adjust the angle. It may cause damage or break the LCD screen.Careful attention is required not to catch your fingers or hands when you adjust the angle.Chapter 5 Connecting the Monitor1. Turn off your computer.2. Connect the video cable from the monitor to your computer.3. Connect the power cord to the monitor power jack.4. Plug the power cord into the electrical outlet.5. Turn on the monitor.6. Power on the computer and the monitor will auto detect the signal source.7. Plug one end of the DisplayPort/HDMI cable to the monitor’s DisplayPort/HDMI port.*Use either the HDMI or DisplayPort connection for display.8. Connect the other end of the DisplayPort/HDMI cable to your computer'sDisplayPort/HDMI port.Chapter 6 OSD SetupThis chapter provides you with essential information on OSD Setup.⚠ ImportantAll information is subject to change without prior notice.6.1 OSD KeysThe monitor comes with OSD Keys that help navigate the On-Screen Display (OSD) menu.No. Item Description1Navi KeyWhen there is no OSD, Press to display the OSD or confirm the selection.2Volume / +Activates the Volume control when the OSD is OFF, navigate through adjustment icons when OSD is ON, or adjust a function when function is activated.3Preset Modes / -Activates the Presets Modes function when the OSD isOFF, navigate through adjustment icons when OSD is ON, or adjust a function when function is activated. 4 Input Select / EXIT• Press to select input from external sources.• When OSD menu is on, press to exit the OSD menu. 5PowerPress the power button to turn on/off the monitor.1 2 3 4 56.2 OSD Menus (The descriptions for function control)Function: LuminanceMain MenuItem Sub MenuItemSub Menu DescriptionLuminance Contrast 0-100 Contrast from Digital-register.Brightness 0-100 Backlight AdjustmentPreset Modes Standard Standard Mode Text Text Mode Internet Internet Mode Game Game Mode Movie Movie Mode Sports Sports ModeDCR On Dynamic contrast ratio OffMPRT On MPRT function On/OffFunction: Image SetupMain Menu Item Sub MenuItemSub Menu DescriptionImage Setup Image Ratio Wide Select Image AspectRatioAspectOD On Overdrive AdjustmentOffFreeSyncPremiumOn FreeSync Premium Onor OffOffHDR Auto HDR Auto or OffOffFunction: Color Temp.Main Menu ItemSub Menu ItemSub Menu DescriptionColor Temp.Warm─Recall Warm Color Temperature from EEPROM.Normal─Recall Normal Color Temperature from EEPROM. Cool ─Recall Cool Color Temperature from EEPROM.UserRedRed Gain from Digital-register. Green Green Gain from Digital-register. BlueBlue Gain from Digital-register.Low Blue Light 0~10(Level)Phantom GamingMonitor with ASRockLow Blue LightTechnology reducesthe emission of harmfulblue lights on a displayto prevent eye fatigue.Function: OSD SetupMain Menu Item Sub MenuItemSub Menu DescriptionOSD SetupH. Position 0-100 Adjust the horizontalposition of OSDV. Position 0-100 Adjust the verticalposition of OSDTimeout 5-100 Adjust the OSDTimeoutLanguage ─Select the OSD languageFunction: ExtraMain MenuItem Sub MenuItemSub Menu DescriptionExtraInput Select Auto Select input source HDMI1HDMI2DisplayPortDDC/CI On or Off Turn ON/OFF DDC/CI SupportReset Yes or No Reset the menu to default.Information ─Show the information of the main image source.Chapter 7 TroubleshootingProblem andQuestionPossible SolutionPower LED is not on • Check if the Power Switch is in the ON position.• Power Cord should be connected.No signal • Check that the signal-cable is properly connected. If the connector isloose, tighten the connector’s screws.• Check the signal-cable’s connection pins for damage.Picture is fuzzy • Adjust the Contrast and Brightness Controls.Picture bounces ora wave pattern ispresent in thepicture• Move electrical devices that may cause electrical interference.The power LED is ON (Orange) but there’s no video or no picture. • Computer Power Switch should be in the ON position.• Computer Video Card should be snugly seated in its slot. •Make sure Monitor’s video cable is properly connected to the computer.•Inspect Monitor’s video cable and make sure none of the pins are bent.Missing one of the primary colors (RED, GREEN, or BLUE) •Inspect the Monitor’s video cable and make sure that none of the pins are bent.Picture has colordefects (white doesnot look white)• Adjust RGB color or select color temperature.Poor brightness or contrast • When the brightness of the screen lowers after being used for a certain period and the function of the display is affected, send it to our authorized service center for repair.Unable to open OSD menu. • Turn off your monitor, unplug the power cord and plug it back in, then power on the monitor.• Check if the OSD menu is locked? If so, please press and hold the Navi Key for 5~6 seconds to unlock the OSD menu.Chapter 8 Safety Instructions• Read the safety instructions carefully and thoroughly.• All cautions and warnings on the device or User Guide should be noted.• Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.Power• Make sure that the power voltage is within its safety range and has been adjusted properly to the value of 100~240V before connecting the device to the power outlet.• If the po wer cord comes with a 3-pin plug, do not disable the protective earth pin from the plug. The device must be connected to an earthed mains socket-outlet.• Please confirm the power distribution system in the installation site shall provide the circuit breaker rated 120/240V, 20A (maximum).• Always disconnect the power cord or switch the wall socket off if the device would be left unused for a certain time to achieve zero energy consumption.• Place the power cord in a way that people are unlikely to step on it. Do not place anything on the power cord.• If this device comes with an adapter, use only the ASRock provided AC adapter approved for use with this device.European Union:Batteries, battery packs, and accumulators should not be disposed of as unsorted household waste. Please use the public collection system to return, recycle, or treat them in compliance with the local regulations.California, USA:The button cell battery may contain perchlorate material and requires specialhandling when recycled or disposed of in California. For further information please visit: https:///perchlorate/Environment• To reduce the possibility of heat-related injuries or of overheating the device, do not place the device on a soft, unsteady surface or obstruct its air ventilators.• Use this device only on a hard, flat and steady surface.• To prevent the device from tipping over, secure the device to a desk, wall or fixed object with an anti-tip fastener that helps to properly support the device and keep it safe in place.• To prevent fire or shock hazard, keep this device away from humidity and high temperature.• Do not leave the device in an unconditioned environment with a storage temperatureabove 60℃ or below -20℃, which may damage the device.• The maximum operating temperature is around 40℃.• When cleaning the device, be sure to remove the power plug. Use a piece of soft cloth rather than industrial chemical to clean the device. Never pour any liquid into the opening; that could damage the device or cause electric shock.• Always keep strong magnetic or electrical objects away from the device.• If any of the following situations arises, get the device checked by service personnel:• The power cord or plug is damaged.• Liquid has penetrated into the device.• The device has been exposed to moisture.• The device does not work well or you can not get it working according to the User Guide.• The device has dropped and damaged.• The device has obvious sign of breakage.Warning!Overuse of screens is likely to affect eyesight.Recommendations:Take a 10-minute break for every 30 minutes of screen time.Children under 2 years of age should have no screen time. For children aged 2 years and over, screen time should be limited to less than one hour per day.CE ConformityThis device complies with the requirements set out in the Council Directive on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member States relating toElectromagnetic Compatibility (2014/30/EU), Low-voltage Directive(2014/35/EU), ErP Directive (2009/125/EC) and RoHS directive(2011/65/EU). This product has been tested and found to comply with the harmonized standards for Information Technology Equipment published under Directives of Official Journal of the European Union.ASRock Contact InformationASRock EUROPE B.V.Address : Bijsterhuizen 11-11, 6546 AR Nijmegen,The NetherlandsPhone: +31-24-345-44-33Technical SupportPhone: +31-24-345-44-33Online Support https:///tsd.aspProduct information for EU energy labelhttps://eprel.ec.europa.eu/qr/1115756FCC-B Radio Frequency Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limitsare designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, ifnot installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determinedby turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the measures listed below:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.Notice 1The changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s auth ority to operate the equipment.Notice 2Shielded interface cables and AC power cord, if any, must be used in order to comply with the emission limits.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:This device may not cause harmful interference, andThis device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.ASRock Contact InformationASRock America, Inc.Address : 13848 Magnolia Ave, Chino, CA91710, U.S.A.Phone: +1-909-590-8308Technical SupportPhone: +1-909-590-8308Online Support https:///tsd.aspWEEE StatementUnder the European Union (“EU”) Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Directive 2012/19/EU, products of “electrical and electronic equipment”cannot be discarded as municipal waste anymore and manufacturers of coveredelectronic equipment will be obligated to take back such products at the end oftheir useful life.Chemical Substances InformationIn compliance with chemical substances regulations, such as the EU REACH Regulation (Regulation EC No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and the Council), ASRock provides the information of chemical substances in products at:RoHS StatementJapan JIS C 0950 Material DeclarationA Japanese regulatory requirement, defined by specification JIS C 0950, mandates that manufacturers provide material declarations for certain categories of electronic products offered for sale after July 1, 2006.India RoHSThis product complies with the “India E-waste (Management and Handling) Rule 2016” and prohibits use of lead, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls or polybrominated diphenyl ethers in concentrations exceeding 0.1 weight % and 0.01 weight % for cadmium, except for the exemptions set in Schedule 2 of the Rule.The terms HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface,HDMI trade dress and the HDMI Logos are trademarks orregistered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.Copyright and Trademarks NoticeCopyright © ASRock Inc. All rights reserved. The ASRock logo used is a registered trademark of ASRock Inc. All other marks and names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners. No warranty as to accuracy or completeness is expressed or implied. ASRock reserves the right to make changes to this document without prior notice.Technical SupportIf a problem arises with your product and no solution can be obtained from the user’s manual, please contact your place of purchase or local distributor. Alternatively, please visithttps:// for further guidance.Published November 2022Copyright©2022 ASRock INC. All rights reserved.Copyright NoticeNo part of this documentation may be reproduced, transcribed, transmitted, or translated in any language, in any form or by any means, except duplication of documentation by the purchaser for backup purpose, without written consent of ASRock Inc.Products and corporate names appearing in this documentation may or may not be registered trademarks or copyrights of their respective companies, and are used only for identification or explanation and to the owners’ benefit, without intent to infringe.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.DisclaimerBecause the monitor specifications and the firmware might be updated, the content of this documentation will be subject to change without notice. In case any modifications of this documentation occur, the updated version will be available on ASRock’s website without further notice. If you require technical support related to this motherboard, please visit our website for specific information about the model you are using. You may find the latest monitor support list on ASRock’s website as well.ASRock Website: 。

Transcend StoreJet 25F 说明书

Transcend StoreJet 25F 说明书

StoreJet® 25F 使用手冊(Version 1.1)目錄產品介紹︱ (1)包裝內容︱ (1)產品特色︱ (3)系統需求︱ (3)安全注意事項︱ (4)一般使用 (4)資料備份 (4)攜帶注意事項 (4)電源 (4)提醒您 (5)產品概觀︱ (6)將 StoreJet 25F 連接到電腦︱ (7)安全移除 StoreJet 25F︱ (9)Windows® (9)Mac® OS 9.0或更新版本 (9)Linux® Kernel 2.4 或更新版本 (10)格式化硬碟︱ (11)Windows®2000/XP (11)Windows®7/Vista (12)Mac® OS (15)Linux® (17)疑難排解︱ (18)產品規格︱ (19)訂購資訊︱ (19)保固條款︱ (20)產品介紹︱感謝您購買創見StoreJet® 25F。

輕巧易攜的StoreJet 25F優雅大方,符合USB 2.0高速傳輸規格,是絕佳的資料管理裝置,可用來上傳、下載、儲存、傳輸並備份寶貴的檔案與資料。

創見StoreJet 25更具備超大儲存容量,傳輸速率每秒達480Mbps,可輕鬆在桌上型或筆記型電腦間傳輸檔案文件、相片、音樂及影片等數位資料。

此外,StoreJet 25並隨機附贈實用的軟體套件*,可協助您提昇工作效率。

本使用手冊及軟體使用手冊所提供的資訊,將協助您更了解本產品,提醒您在使用StoreJet 25之前,請詳細閱讀本使用手冊與軟體使用手冊的內容。

*備註:Transcend Elite軟體僅適用於Windows作業系統。


包裝內容︱您的StoreJet 25包裝內含以下物品:StoreJet 25F精美麂皮布套Mini USB轉USB A型連接線 (USB Y型連接線)快速使用手冊產品特色︱時尚菱格紋圖案搭配金屬光澤面板輕巧的流線造型搭配圓角設計,舒適及便利性兼具防滑橡膠底座,提供良好的固定性附贈軟質麂皮布套符合高速USB 2.0傳輸規格,向下相容於USB 1.1傳輸規格安裝簡易,隨插即用超大容量硬碟,可輕鬆儲存、備份及攜帶檔案資料由USB埠直接供電,無需其他電源或電池超高資料傳輸速度,最高可達每秒480Mbits附贈Transcend Elite套裝軟體,協助管理資料LED電源指示燈顯示電源及資料傳輸狀態系統需求︱具備正常功能之USB連接埠且已安裝於下列任一作業系統的桌上型或筆記型電腦:•Windows®2000•Windows®XP•Windows®Vista•Windows®7•Mac® OS 9.0 或更新版本•Linux® Kernel 2.4或更新版本安全注意事項︱下列使用步驟及安全說明非常重要,請務必詳讀並遵照指示進行。

YUASA CNC 旋转表产品系列说明书

YUASA CNC 旋转表产品系列说明书

YUASADMTRT SERIESPROGRAMMABLE OR TRUE 4th/5th TILT/ROTARY TABLEDMTRT-320DMTRT-140Inch/(mm)UDNC-M2The DMTRT models clearly use the latest technology. With this type of product, rigidity of the tilting axis is one of the most important factors. In addition, these dual disc pneumatic brakes are positioned as close to the axis of rotation as possible, to provide the maximum holding torque. Brushless digital AC servo motors are used, for maximum torque and very efficient servo performance. A multiple gear arrangement is used on the tilting axis to prevent uneven wear. Seals are critical to prevent coolant damage to the servo and gear box; the DMTRT uses the latest in seal technology, featuring spring loaded double lip oil seals around all main spindle housings. Heavy duty steel conduit shielded motor cables, virtually eliminate noise interference to the controller and servos.YUASACNC ROT AR Y PRODUCTSDIMENSIONAL SPECIFICATIONS:Inch/(mm)We developed the UDNC-M2 multi-axis controller for the DMTRT product line. This offers a host of features, such as "open architecture"programming system (M&G Code or Conversational) with a built-in PLC fully synchronous multi-axis movements Dual encoderfeedback outputs, for high accuracy. Pitch error compensation to program out worm gear error All standard functions: Jog, Remote start and finish, Home set, Home return, Work home set, Work home return, E stop, and a host of others. Digital amplifier provides for ultra-smooth servo performance throughout the entire RPM range DMTRT can be totally operated from the CNC machine via an RS232cable connection between the VMC and UDNC-M2. CNC user Macro is used to command position between the VMC and UDNC-M2.(Please see pg.11 for MACRO programming).OPTIONAL HYDRAULIC SPINDLE BRAKE ON TILT AXISCall for dimensional data on DMTRT-140.DE 1E 2EF h H 2H 3H 4H 071-T R T M D 96.6)071(20.11)082(01.6)551(29.4)521(83.31)043(72.8)012(24.11)092(83.1)53(51.3)08(96.6)071(022-T R T M D 66.8)022(20.11)022(01.6)551(29.4)521(87.31)053(72.8)012(18.11)003(94.1)83(45.3)09(76.7)591(082-T R T M D 20.11)082(99.21)033(80.7)081(09.5)051(35.61)024(36.01)072(65.41)073(96.1)34(49.3)001(66.8)022(023-T R T M D 06.21)023(99.21)033(80.7)081(09.5)051(37.61)524(36.01)072(69.41)083(98.1)84(33.4)011(46.9)542(5H I K L 1L 2L N 1N 2N 3N 071-T R T M D 47.3)59(89.0)52(17.0)81(17.71)054(24.11)092(03.6)061(79.1)05(72.8)012(72.8)012(63.2)06(022-T R T M D 51.3)08(89.0)52(17.0)81(92.91)094(04.21)513(98.6)571(79.1)05(72.8)012(40.01)552(61.2)55(082-T R T M D 27.4)021(81.1)03(17.0)81(50.22)065(79.31)553(70.8)502(79.1)05(68.8)522(04.21)513(63.2)06(23-T R T M D 31.4)501(81.1)03(17.0)81(26.32)006(67.41)573(68.8)522(79.1)05(68.8)522(79.31)553(63.2)06(A1A B 1B 2B C 1C 2C 071-T R T M D 71.41)063(83.31)043(68.02)035(65.41)073(09.5)051(86.91)005(09.5)051(87.31)053(022-T R T M D 65.41)073(83.31)043(44.22)075(55.51)593(96.6)071(80.02)015(03.6)061(87.31)053(082-T R T M D 05.81)074(53.31)093(95.52)056(25.71)544(78.7)002(28.32)506(78.7)002(49.51)504(023-T R T M D 05.81)074(53.31)093(61.72)096(13.81)564(66.8)022(20.42)016(70.8)502(49.51)504(YUASAL E D O M 2-041T R T M D 2-071T R TM D .D .O E L B A T B U S )041(15.5)071(96.609@T H G I E H R E T N E C O)012(72.8)012(72.8MP R X A M Y R A T O R 5.555.55G N I T L I T 1.111.11)m -g k (s b l -t f E U Q R O T E L D N I P S Y R A T O R )14(03)15(73G N I T L I T )62(881)62(881OI T A R R A E G Y R A T O R 1:271:27G N I T L I T 1:0631:063)g k (s b l Y T I C A P A C D A O L K R O W X A M 0o )l a t n o z i r o h ()05(011)06(23109@o)52(55)03(66EE R G E D N O I T U L O S E R 526000.0526000.0)m -g k (s b l E U Q R O T E K A R B E L D N I P S Y R A T O R )9(56)51(801GN I T L I T )58(516)021(868c e s /h c n i /s b l A I T R E N I K R O W X A M 2c e s /m c /g k (2))34.1(42.1)41.2(68.1)l a t n o z i r o h ()g k (s b l D A O L T S U R T X A M )005(0011)006(0231)g k (.s b l E U Q R O T G N I T T U C X A M G N I T L I T )11(08)51(801N O E K A R B )03(712)04(982YC A R U C C A G N I X ED N I Y R A T O R s d n o c e s 5.22-/+GN I T L I T s d n o c e s 03-/+Y T I L I B A T A E P E R sd n o ce s 6.A I D E L O H U R H T E L D N I P S )23(62.1)54(77.1)g k (s b l T H G I E W T E N )002(144)042(925DMTRT SERIES2-SPINDLE TILTING ROTARY TABLEFEATURES:Two spindle models available in 140mm and 170mm table diameter sizes Very compact designCan be supplied as programmable style (using UDNC-M2) or as full fourth or fifth axis, using FanucMitsubishi, Yaskawa, or other motorsHigh torque dual disc brake design with loading ring for maximum rigidity, permitting heavy cutting Class "A" dual tapered roller spindle bearings providing for smooth rotation even under the heaviest thrust loadsUDMC-M2DMTRT-140-2YUASACNC ROT AR Y PRODUCTSDIMENSIONAL SPECIFICATIONSL E D O M D E 1E 2E F h H 2H 3H 4H 2-041T R T M D 15.5)041(20.11)082(01.6)551(29.4)521(13.3)48(72.8)012(22.11)582(43.1)43(03.6)061(49.3)001(2-071T R T M D 96.6)071(20.11)082(01.6)551(29.4)521(21.5)031(72.8)012(4.11)092(83.1)53(96.6)071(47.3)59(L E D O M I K t L 1L N 1N 2N 3N 2-041T R T M D 89.0)52(807.0)81(74.0)21(95.52)056(44.22)075(79.1)05(72.8)012(93.31)043(77.1)54(2-071T R T M D 89.0)52(807.0)81(74.0)21(47.82)037(95.52)056(79.1)05(72.8)012(45.61)024(77.1)54(L E D O M A 1A 2A B 1B 2B3B C 1C 2C 3C 2-041T R T M D 71.41)063(93.31)043(88.91)505(93.52)546(89.31)553(3.6)061(21.5)031(96.91)005(3.6)061(84.7)091(19.5)051(2-071T R T M D 73.41)563(93.31)043(88.91)505(45.82)527(75.41)073(78.7)002(01.6)551(88.91)505(3.6)061(84.7)091(01.6)551(EACH UNIT SUPPLIED WITH:UDNC-M2 controller for DMTRTDMTRT unit complete with rotary drive unit, end support and mounting platePower cable (105~240 single phase VAC, 20 Amp)Remote cable for M-code interface to CNCOperator's manual, test report, warranty card and locating keysInch (mm)。

Step Servo Quick Tuner 用户手册 中文 pdf

Step Servo Quick Tuner 用户手册 中文 pdf
Step-Servo Quick Tuner 软件手册
©版权所有 上海安浦鸣志自动化设备有限公司
Step-Servo Quick Tuner 软件手册
1 版本历史
Байду номын сангаас
Frank, Jimmy
2013-7-19 首次发布
2014-12-31 增加 Step-Servo Quick Tuner 3.0 的新特性
2 目录
Step-Servo Quick Tuner 软件手册
1 版本历史 ........................................................................................................................ 2 2 目录................................................................................................................................ 3 3 Step-Servo Quick Tuner 软件介绍 ............................................................................... 6



1 概述
1.1 介绍
1.2 应用领域
1.3 需要识别的符号
1.4 法律依据
1.5 综述功能元件
2 设计与操作方法
2.1 实用原理
2.2 功能及控制元件
2.2.1 GENIUS+ —外罩
有任何疑问, 请指明设备型号和序列号! 安装前请阅读安全须知!
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电子控制 - 电源
- 输入/输出 - 接口
显示屏 - 标准 - 触摸屏
U/f- 转换器
金属探测器工作原理是“平衡线圈”原理: 探测线圈中的发射线圈产生一个高频率电磁场, 可被在其对称位置的接收线圈接收。两组线圈的磁场相 互抵消, 从而使系统在无干扰时处于平衡状态。
探测区内如有导电性物体则会干扰磁场平衡并发出一个跳变信号。 “产品学习”可抑制产品本身的导电性。高精度的检测器能抑制产品本身的干扰而检测到金属杂质。
在终端"Mains(电源)"标以 (1)
"Metal(金属)"和 "Fault(故
如果在维修和保养时必须除去盖子,注意 4.5 里的说明.



70-5121-2503/05LionelO-27 Gauge 27”Path Remote-Control Switch Owner’s ManualC ongratulations on your purchase of the Lionel O-27 Gauge 27” Path Remote-ControlSwitch! This non-derailing switch is operated by a remote control or a lever on the switch motor.Table of ContentsUsing your 27” Path Switch on your layout3 Installing the switches3 Connecting the switch controller4 Throwing the switch4 Operating the switch in the TrainMaster Command Control environment5 Modifying the O-27 gauge switch for use with a fixed voltage power supply5 Connecting the switch to an Accessory Switch Controller (ASC)6 Connecting the switch to an SC-2 Switch Accessory Controller7 Passing through a switch in the wrong direction7 Limited Warranty/Lionel Service8The following Lionel marks may be used throughout this instruction manual and are protected under law. All rights reserved.Lionel®, TrainMaster®, Odyssey®, RailSounds®, CrewTalk™, TowerCom™, DynaChuff™, StationSounds™, Pullmor®, ElectroCoupler™, Magne-Traction®, CAB-1®Remote Controller, PowerMaster®, Lionel ZW®, ZW®, PowerHouse®, TMCC®, Lionelville™, Lockon®, Wireless Tether™, LionMaster®, FatBoy™, American Flyer®, TrainSounds™Installing the switchesJoin the track sections together by inserting the track pins into the openings at the end of the switch rails. For good electrical contact, pins must be completely inserted so that the track joints are tightly fitted together.If you find that the switch insulator pins interfere with the pins in the regular track sections,carefully remove the metal track pins with a pair of pliers. Leave the switch insulator pins in place.Do not remove the insulating pins.The switch mechanism draws its power from the track, so no additional power connections are ing your 27”Path Switch on your layoutW ith the addition of track switches, you can vary the route taken by your trains. Forexample, you can maneuver your train into a different loop or send it to a siding. See Figure 1.Keep in mind that most layouts use right- and left-hand switches together so that the trains can get back to the mainline without backing up. Refer to the first two layouts shown in Figure 1.Example 1Example 2Example 3Note!Connecting the switch controllerT he switch controller is connected to the switch by three wires. Connect the ribbed trace wire to the thumbscrew terminal closest to the switch box. The middle wire should be connected to the middle terminal, and the remaining wire is attached to the remaining terminal. Refer to Figure 2.Reverse the two wires farthest from the switch motor to reverse the operation of the switch and the signal indicator.Throwing the switchM anually slide the switch lever at the base of the switch or use the controller lever to throwthe switch. The swivel rails, or “points”, will snap over and the direction indicator will change.Because the switch is powered through the track, be sure that track power is set to 8 to 14 volts (AC) before you throw the switch with the separate controller.Figure 2. Controller connections Do not remove theinsulating pins from thecontrol rails. (The insulatorpins may be packedseparately.)Controllercable Ribbed traceror lug wire Controller cableSwitch controllerControl rails Control railsNote!Modifying O-27 gauge switches for use with a fixed voltage power supplyO -27 gauge switches receive their power from variable track voltage. In order to operate this type of switch with a fixed voltage power source, you need to make the following modifications.First, take the top cover off of the switch by removing the screw from the top of the motor housing. This will expose the double coils. Next, find the two wires that are located at the center of the two coils. These wires are contained inside one piece of insulation. Gently pull on the insulation to expose the wires. Now, clip the two wires about 1/2˝ from the coils. Using electrical tape, wrap the wire ends that come up from the bottom of the switch. Use the heat from your soldering iron to remove 1/4˝ of the varnish insulation from the remaining wires, then twist the wires together. Using your soldering iron, put a small amount of solder on the ends of these wires and solder a jumper wire to them. Wrap this connection with electrical tape to keep it from coming in contact with the coil housing. The switch will operate best at 10-14 volts (AC).Before you replace the switch cover, you may need to cut a notch (using a hobby knife) for the wire to come through. You may also route the wire through the holes used to vent any heat generated by the coils on top of the cover. Replace the cover on the switch, then attach the jumper wire to a fixed voltage power source.You will need to attach a ground wire from this separate power source to the outside rail of your track, or you can attach this ground wire to the “U” post on the track power supply.Connect the switch as discussed in the previous section.The separate power supply must be in phase with the track power supply for proper operation.Operating the switch in the TrainMaster Command Control environment Y ou may choose to operate your switch in the TrainMaster Command Control environment using an Accessory Switch Controller (available separately, 6-14182) or an SC-2 Switch and Accessory Controller (available separately, 6-22980).Connecting the switch to an Accessory Switch Controller (ASC)A fter modifying your switch (refer to the previous section), you may connect the switch toyour Accessory Switch Controller (available separately, 6-14182). Connect the terminal closest to the switch box to the COM terminal on the ASC. Connect the middle switch terminal to a numbered O terminal on the ASC. Connect the remaining terminal to the correspondingT terminal on the ASC. Refer to Figure 4.Passing through a switch in the wrong directionY our switch is equipped with a “non-derailing” feature. When a train enters the “closed”branch of the switch, the wheels and axles complete an electrical circuit that causes the control arm to swing open. This feature allows your trains to pass though without a problem. Be sure to keep the insulating pins in the switch rails for this feature to functionproperly.The “non-derailing” feature is activated as long as any part of the train is on theswitch. Allowing your train to remain on the switch for an extended period of time will overheat and damage the switch.Note!Connecting the switch to an SC-2 Switch Accessory Controller A fter modifying your switch (refer to the previous section), you may connect the switch to your SC-2 Switch Accessory Controller (available separately, 6-22980). Connect theterminal closest to the switch box to the COM terminal on the SC-2. Connect the middle switch terminal to a numbered OUT terminal on the SC-2. Connect the remaining terminal to the corresponding THROUGH terminal on the SC-2. Refer to Figure 5.Figure 5. SC-2 connectionsCaution!Limited Warranty/Lionel Service。

Eaton Foreseer 6.0 设备配置应用用户指南说明书

Eaton Foreseer 6.0 设备配置应用用户指南说明书

Device Config Application
User's Guide
Device Config Application: User's Guide
Publication date 5/2012
Copyright © 2012 by Eaton Corporation. All rights reserved.
Foreseer Device Configuration Utility Guide: Foreseer 6.0
Publication date 7/2011
In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations and descriptions contained herein.

Sharp ER-3250 点卡机操作指南说明书

Sharp ER-3250 点卡机操作指南说明书
etting (1) Individual clerk reading and resetting (2) Full clerk reading and resetting
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18 19
19 19 20 20 21 21 21 24 25 25 27 28 29 31 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 40 41 42 42 43 45 45 46
(3) +/- sign, food stamp status, and tax status (f%"l, [©I) (#231) (4) % item or % subtotal selection {%]) (#235) (5) Percent rate limitation ([%]) (#239) (6) Vendor or store coupon selection (fQl) (#236)
(1) The tax table (#240) (2) The tax rate (#241) 5. Programming for departments (1) Functional programming 1 (#210) (2) Functional programming 2 (#211) (3) A limit amount (HALO) of entry (#212) (4) Alphanumeric characters (#214) (5) Unit Price (#110) (6) Group number (#216) (7) Gross margin rate (#217) (8) Link number assignments for departments (#219) 6. Price lookup (PLU) programming (1) PLU/subdepartment mode and department assignment (#121, 245) (2) Unit prices (#120) (3) Sign (+/-), food stamp status, and tax status (#221, 247) (4) Alphanumeric characters (#224) (5) Promo PLU (#226) (6) Linked PLU numbers (#225) (7) Entering stock quantities (#124, 122, 123) (8) PLU level range (#227) (9) Link number assignments for PLUs (#229) (10) Tare table number and scale status (#220, 246) 7. Programming for miscellaneous keys (1) Programming the rate (["%], [cow]) and the discount (fol) (#130) (2) A limit amount (HALO) of entry ([0], [rox], [RA], [PO]) (#232)











Cutler-Hammer Pow-R-Command 100系列产品说明说明书

Cutler-Hammer Pow-R-Command 100系列产品说明说明书

TD01412019EFor more information visit: New InformationDescriptionPageGeneral DescriptionPow-R-Command 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Universal System Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 USC 0 – 10V DC Dimming Electronic Ballast Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Control Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 – 10V DC Dimming Electronic Ballast Control Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Light Sensor Control Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Networked USCs with 0 – 10V DC Dimming ElectronicBallasts and Light Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Technical DataPage 2Effective: July 2002Pow-R-Command 100 Dimming Electronic Ballast ControlPow-R-Command 100 General DescriptionThe PRC100 is a complete lighting con-trol panelboard capable of being cre-ated as a stand-alone or as a system. At the heart of the PRC100 is the Uni-versal System Controller (USC). Forflexibility, the USC may be located in either a UL listed panelboard or in a separate control cabinet. See Technical Data TD01412014E for specifications on networking USC cards. Universal System ControllerThe USC has two functions, to com-municate across the network with multiple devices and to coordinate control of lighting and other loads.To aid in the second function, the USC is equipped with a number of inputs and outputs including:s8 Universal (Digital or Analog) inputs. s4 Digital inputs.s3 Analog outputs.s15V DC Supply for External Devices. USC 0 – 10V DC Dimming Electronic Ballast ControlBecause the analog inputs and outputs are integral to the USC, 0 – 10V DC dimming electronic ballast control is simple and contained in one compact structure without the need for addi-tional control devices.Each USC is capable of accepting inputs from up to 8 light sensors and control up to three groups of 40 0 – 10V DC dimming electronic ballasts. Control FeaturesBecause the USC is capable of operating as a stand-alone or networked device, several control features are available. Stand-Alone Application Features Daylight Harvesting — Daylight har-vesting is the process of maintaining a set light level based on the amount of natural light in an area. As the levelof natural light present increases and decreases, the amount of electric light is adjusted through dimming to sus-tain a set level of total light. This pro-cess is inversely proportional so the more natural light, the less electric light and vice versa. The light level is measured by an analog light sensor and the level of voltage supplied to the ballasts are adjusted by the analog outputs on the USC.Figure 1. Universal System ControllerDimming — Dimming is a process ofmanually controlling the electricallyproduced light levels to producedesired effects. Such effects includesetting proper scenes for presenta-tions or work environments. The USCcan set dimming levels through inter-nal programs made by the user.Daylight Switching — Daylight switch-ing is similar to daylight harvesting.However, in daylight switching, theelectric light level is adjusted byswitching lights on and off and not bydimming each light. The natural lightlevel is measured by an analog lightsensor. As the level of natural lightincreases and decreases the USCsends signals to switch lights on andoff in order to maintain the desiredlevel. Commonly the light level isadjusted by having one-third or two-thirds of the electric lights on.Networked Systems Applications FeaturesNetworked systems have all of the fea-tures of stand-alone applications. Inaddition, networked systems containfeatures that greatly expand controlcapabilities.Universal and Shared Light Sensors —Because each USC can communicatethe status of sensors attached to it,each light sensor can control anygroup of ballasts connected to anyUSC no matter where the USC is con-nected on the network. This allows forglobal changes of electric light levelsbased on a light sensor attached toone of many USCs.Custom Graphic User Interface Screens— When multiple USCs are networkedtogether and attached to a computer,custom graphic interface screens canbe created. Each graphic interfacescreen can show the status of any con-nected group of ballasts, and level oflight measured by any light sensorattached to the system. In addition, thegraphic interface screens give the userthe ability to remotely adjust electriclight levels, schedules, and other sys-tem settings.Manual Light Level Adjustment —Each USC has the capability to acceptinputs from isolated (“dry”) contactslocated in devices such as wallswitches. This gives users the ability tomanually select the electric light levelsof an area they are using.CommonAnalog Output 1Analog Output 2Analog Output 315V DC SourceDigital Input 4Digital Input 3CommonDigital Input 2Digital Input 1Universal Input 8Universal Input 7CommonUniversal Input 6Universal Input 5Universal Input 4Universal Input 3CommonUniversal Input 2Universal Input 1TB1TB2TB1TB2For more information visit: TD01412009ETD01412009E For more information visit: Technical DataEffective: July 2002Page 3Pow-R-Command 100Dimming Electronic Ballast Control0–10V DC Dimming Electronic Ballast Control FeaturessMaximum of 3 groups of 0 – 10V DC dimming electronic ballasts per USC. s USC will control full range of 0 – 10V DC dimming electronic ballast.Figure 2. Ballast WiringLight Sensor Control FeaturessUp to 8 Analog light sensor inputs. s Light sensor output maximum 5V DC. s 15V DC supplied to light sensor by USC.s Maximum distance of sensor from USC is 200 feet (61 m) using 18 AWG shielded twisted pair wire.Eaton’s Cutler-Hammer specifies the use of, or equivalent to, PLC Multipoint CES style light sensors. Each light sensor is described below.Indoor:sFresnel lens.s 60º cone response.s Sensory range of 0 – 750 FC.Outdoor:sHooded aperture.s Sensor range of 0 – 750 FC.Atrium or SkylightsTranslucent dome. s 180º field of view.s Atrium sensor range 2 – 2,500 FC. s Skylight sensor range 10 – 7,500 FC.sMaximum of 40 0 – 10V DC dimming electronic ballasts per group.s All dimming electronic ballasts must be 0 – 10V DC dimmable.sMaximum distance of 0 – 10V DC dimming electronic ballasts from controller is 1,000 feet (3,048 m) using 18 AWG stranded wire.Figure 3. Light Sensor WiringTechnical DataPage 4Effective: July 2002Pow-R-Command 100Dimming ElectronicBallast Control© 2002 Eaton CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. TD01412019EJuly 2002Networked USCs with 0 – 10V DC Dimming Electronic Ballasts and Light Sensors.Figure 4, below, gives a general exam-ple of how the USC, Dimming Cable Pigtail, 0 – 10V DC Dimming Electronic Ballasts and Light Sensors work as a system, and how additional USCs are networked together.Pow-R-Command TechnicalResource LibraryFor additional information on Pow-R-Command networks and components,please refer to the appropriate techni-cal document.Table 1. Technical Documents forthe Pow-R-Command 100Title PublicationPRC100 0 – 10V DC DimmingElectronic Ballast ControlTD01412009EPRC100 System Overview TD01412010EPRC100 Switch OverrideControllerTD01412011EPRC100 Telephone OverrideControllerTD01412012EPRC100 Panelboard RelayPanels and Column PanelsTD01412013EPRC100 Networking TD01412014EPRC100 Software TD01412015EPRC100 HumanMachine InterfacesTD01412016EPRC100 Johnson ControlsN2USC ControllerTD01412017EPRC100 Protocol Exchanges TD01412018EEaton CorporationCutler-Hammer business unit1000 Cherrington ParkwayMoon Township, PA 15108-4312USAtel: 1-800-525-2000。
















Towa EX-300和Geller EX-300现金记账机操作及编程手册说明书

Towa EX-300和Geller EX-300现金记账机操作及编程手册说明书

3.6 Programming the PLU Function...............................................................................19
Programming PLU Codes......................................................................................19
rh 'f'
j I EX·S CONTENTS 97.10.91:17 PM ",",- '/3
3.9 Setting the Exchange Rate .......................................................~ .................................29
Selecting a Taxation System ..................................................................................20
Setting the Tax Rate ................................................................................................21
2.3 Installing and Removing a Paper Roll......................................................................ll

狮牌671 S-2 型蒸汽涡轮机车主使用手册说明书

狮牌671 S-2 型蒸汽涡轮机车主使用手册说明书

Lionel 671 S-2Steam Turbine LocomotiveOwner’s Manual71-8057-2509/98featuringand2You own one of the most sophisticated model trains ever built—the Lionel TrainMaster ®Command equipped Century Club S-2 steam turbine. From the crisp die-cast detail and the gold Century Club indicia outside to the advanced technology and brute power within the boiler, your S-2 is ready for duty on your model railroad. Experience the superiority of today’s Lionel.• Powerful Pullmor ®motor • Liontech Command TMLCRU2 reverse unit for use with the LionelTrainMaster ®Command TM model railroad control system• Railsounds TM steam sound system—digital samples from a real steam loco-motive• Smoke generator that produces clean, safe,and realistic smoke• Die-cast Electrocoupler ™(rear of tender)• Brilliant headlight • CrewTalk ™and TowerCom ™(in command mode)Table of contentsTransformer operationsRunning your Lionel S-2 with a Lionel transformer 3Locking your S-2 into a single operational state 4Using your S-2’s tender mounted ElectroCoupler ™4Your S-2’s RailSounds system—the basics5Experiencing the range of your S-2’s Railsounds system 6Notes on Railsounds6Installing the Lionel sound activation button7TrainMaster Command operationsYour S-2 in the TrainMaster Command environment 8Cab-1 commands for your S-29Railsounds in the Command environment10CAB-1 numeric keypad commands for your S-210Tuning your S-2’s performance11Your S-2’s digital communication antenna 11Assigning your S-2 a new ID#12Maintaining and servicing your S-2Lubricating your S-213Adding fluid to your S-2 ’s smoke generator 14Replacing your S-2 ’s headlight 15Lionel Service16• Your S-2 is designed to operate on 8-18 volts alternating current.Virtually all Lionel and Lionel-compatible alternating-current transformers are suitable; we recommend the TrainMaster Command model railroad control system.• D O NOT POWER YOUR S-2WITH DIRECT CURRENT (DC). Damage to sensitive electronic components may occur.• When you first power up your track, the S-2will wait between 3and 8 seconds as it “listens”for digital language from the TrainMaster Command Base (available separately). When it’s determined that it’s on a conventional (nonCommand)railroad,the S-2’s headlight will illuminate and Railsounds will fire up. At this point, the S-2 is in neutral. (This occurs when placing the S-2on your railroad for the first time. Thereafter, it starts in forward after every three-second power interrupt.)Note!Move ‘em out!• Get your S-2moving. Press the DIR button on your CAB-1 remote or Lionel transformer. This sequences the Liontech Command reverse unit (LCRU2)to the next operating state.• Adjust track voltage until your S-2 moves at your desired speed.3Place your S-2 on Lionel or Lionel-compatible O gauge track.magnetic remote-control separately). coupler coil and The magnetic field pulls the disc down-ward, and the coupler opens.Magnetic coupler on the rolling stock cou-pled to the rear of your S-2 tenderNote!Remote-control track sectionDiscontinue locomotive power for 10 seconds before changing the Railsounds ON /OFF switch position.Note!If Railsounds “drops out”during track power inter-rupts (direction change),replace the battery .Note!5operation of Railsounds. The battery islocated within the tender and to access ityou will need to remove the tender bodyfrom the frame. Begin by turning the ten-der over and remove one screw fromeach corner of the frame. Turn the tenderover and remove the tender body fromthe frame assembly . Snap the battery clipon to the battery and place it into the rearof the tender where the built in retainerwill hold it in place. Place the tenderbody back over the frame assembly mak-“woosh” begins, increasing with the locomotive’s speed. To silence the tur-bine “woosh” (whistle/bell are unaf-fected), slide the Railsounds switch,located on the bottom of the tender, to the OFF position before powering up the locomotive . The whistle is activated by using the lever or button on your trans-former or CAB-1. The volume control knob to raise or lower the level of sound is located on the bottom of the tender.6With Railsounds, you experience the sounds of real railroading like never before. Simply put, it’s the most sophisticated, authentic model railroad sound system in the world.And remember—inside your Lionel S-2are the sounds of real-life steam engines. No other electric train can offer you authentic S-2 sounds. That’s the power of Lionel.• T urbine “Woosh”. Your S-2 ’s track speed determines the speed of the “Woosh”.• MultiWhistle TM . Different whistles every time—a Railsounds exclusive.• Authentic bell. Press BELL on your CAB-1 or transformer to begin theeffect, again to discontinue. Even the final “hit”is muted like the real thing.• Reverse unit reset sound. Power down your track, wait for 3.5 seconds,and listen for the air-release sound—that’s the S-2 telling you its Liontech Command reverse unit has just reset to forward operation.• Shutdown sequence. No other model railroad sound system shuts down like Railsounds. Turn off track power, and after the air-release reset sound, you have two seconds to restart your S-2 . If you’re done with operations, Railsounds will com-mence with an authentic S-2 shut-down sequence about two seconds after the air-release reset occurs.Experiencing the range of your S-2’s Railsounds systemNotes on Railsounds• Use the volume control dial, located on the bottom of the tender, to adjust sound output (see page 5).• Listen for incidental engine sounds dur-ing Railsounds operation. They’re auto-matic and, of course, authentic.• The 9-volt alkaline battery you installed ensures continuous sounds, even during short track-power interrupts.• Longer track-power interruptions (including locomotive derailments)cause Railsounds to shut down after about 7 seconds.• For even more authentic Railsounds effects, operate your S-2 in the TrainMaster Command environment.See page 8 for details.A steam turbine locomotive, unlike a conventional steam engine,makes a continuous “whoosh” sound when it’s operating, rather than a rythmic chuffing.Note!Installing the Lionel sound activation buttonThe no. 610-5906-001 button works with any Lionel AC transformer except no. 6-4690 Type MW. Transformers made by other manufacturers may not be compatible with Railsounds.Note!78Your S-2 in the TrainMaster Command environmentLionel TrainMaster Command is the fun and sophisticated model railroad control system from Lionel. Your S-2features the Liontech Command reverse unit, which acts as both a con-ventional reverse unit as well as the key to unlocking many extra features when you operate in Command mode.TrainMaster Command gives you the power to operate multiple Command-equipped locomotives on the same track,at the same time. It’s the most fun you can have with electric trains, and it’s incredibly easy too! Just follow the directions below and you’ll be on your way .T O OPERATE IN C OMMAND , YOUNEED A C OMMAND B ASE AND A CAB-1 REMOTE .Find them both at your authorized Lionel retailer.Place your S-2 on Lionel or Lionel-compatible O gauge track.• Make sure track power is OFF before placing it on track.• Make sure your Lionel Command Base is ON and its communi-cations wire is connected to the COMMON post on your Lionel transformer or the U on any of your installed PowerMasters.• Once positioned on the track, increase track voltage to FULL (on PowerMaster, slide the CMD/CONV switch to CMD).2Address your S-2 with CAB-1.• Press ENG and 1 on the numeric keypad of your CAB-1 remote.This command is sent by CAB-1 to the Command Base, which then translates your command into digital code. That code is sent around your railroad’s outside rails in the form of a digital “halo.”All Command-equipped Lionels listen to this digital communica-tion, but they do not respond until they hear their own ID number.• The digital language of TrainMaster Command—and not track power—controls the actions of Command-equipped Lionels. Track power is simply like gasoline in the tank of your car—it gives you the power to go places, but it doesn’t tell you where to go or how fast to get there.• All Command-equipped Lionels come factory-programmed with an ID# of “1.”To change your S-2’s ID#, see page 12.3Move ‘em out!• Throttle up or press any command button on CAB-1. Your S-2 will respond to your every command. Read on. The fun is just beginning!19Press AUX2 to turn your S-2's headlight on and off.to shut on Stops left to decelerate.-DEPENDENT T URBINE ”AILSOUNDS EFFECTSIN BOLD ITALICcoupler releases.OUPLER RELEASE SOUNDS .activate the S-2’s whistle,release to discontinue.M ULTI -W HISTLE STEAM WHISTLE SOUND .DIR—the locomotive to a complete turn the throttle up,the locomotive moves the opposite direction.HERE IS NO NEUTRAL . S TEAM -RELEASE SOUND .once to activate T RADITIONAL BELL SOUND .and hold BOOSTfor . Release BOOST and hold BRAKE to QUEALING BRAKE SOUNDS .Running your S-2 in the TrainMaster Command environment10CAB-1 numeric keypad commands for your S-2STEAMNote!TrainMaster Command operationsRailsounds in the Command environmentYour S-2’s Railsounds system gives you even more in the TrainMaster Command environment.• Bonus sounds like squealing brakes with the CAB-1 BRAKE command.• Incidental sounds you control with CAB-1 numeric keypad commands, like steam letoff and steam release effects.Always generator. Using Smoke Boost with depleted fluid can damage the generator’s element.Y our S-2 locomotive’s handrail is more than scale detailing, it’s the LCRU2’s antenna for receiving Command Base digital communications.If your S-2 is experiencing difficulty receiving base communications, check for foreign metal objects between the handrail and cab.11STEP 1:Move switch on locomotive from run to program.STEP 2:T urn on Command Base.STEP 3:Place locomotive on track, then turn on power to track.STEP 4:Press “ENG” then input locomo-tive’s ID#. Press “SET”STEP 5:Press “ENG”, then the ID#,“AUX1”, then press a number closest to your locomotive type. (see list for engine types)STEP 6: T urn off power to track, wait ten seconds.STEP 7:Remove locomotive from track,move switch from program to run.STEP 8:Place locomotive back on track,turn power on to track.STEP 9:Press “ENG” and ID#, then operate as normal.PROGRAM CODE FOR OTHER ENGINES 0 = STEAM WITH SIGNAL SOUNDS 1 = DIESEL WITH SIGNAL SOUNDS2 = DIESEL WITH CAB LIGHT AND SIGNAL SOUNDS 4 = STEAM WITH SMOKE 5 = DIESEL WITH STROBE LIGHT 6 = DIESEL WITH CAB LIGHT 36 = ALCO PA ’S - NEW IN 199770 = J1E HUDSON & S.F . WARHORSE (BOTH LOCO&TENDER MUST BE ON TRACK)75 = SOO LINE SD-60TrainMaster Command operationsAssigning your locomotive a new ID#12Due to the inevitable derailments, sta-tic, and the nature of electricity , it is possible that your LCRU could someday lose its setup program.The symptoms of this condition would be unresponsiveness in command mode. This can be easily remedied by “reprogramming” your LCRU using the following stepsS2 TurbineMaintaining and servicing your S-213Help your Lionel S-2 lead a long and productive life on your railroad by maintaining it properly .We recommend you purchase a Lionel Lubrication and Maintenance Kit (no. 6-62927), available from your Lionel dealer. Two basic rules to keep in mind:never over-lubricate (a small amount will do), and avoid getting grease or oil on the S-2’s wheels, contact rollers, or your track.You’ll know your S-2 requires lubrica-tion when visual inspection reveals dryness on the parts indicated in the illustration. Remove accumulated dirt and dust before lubricating, and always lubricate any locomotive emerging from prolonged storage. Also, lightly lubricate the S-2’s side rods after each 10 hours of operation.Lubricating your S-2Your S-2 is equipped with a smoke generator that produces safe, clean white smoke during operation.The smoke generator requires the periodic addi-tion of Lionel smoke fluid in order to function. Pierce the tube end with a pin, then addfour to eight drops of fluid directly into the S-2’s stack. Smoke production will commence momentarily , faster if you run your S-2 at speed. When smoke produc-tion wanes, add more fluid (four to eightdrops).An idle S-2 will not smoke; press AUX1 and 9 (press for a maxi-mum of 10 seconds) to engage the smoke generator at idle/in neutral. Always keep a small amount of smoke fluid in the S-2's smoke generator; the generator’s element can become damaged if operated without fluid. Smoke production is greater at higher voltages and when the S-2 is pulling a heavy load or long consist.14Adding fluid to your S-2's smoke generatorMaintaining and servicing your S-2Replacing your S-2’s front lampNote!Press Aux2 to make sure headlamp was not accidently turnedoff, before replacing bulb15Limited Warranty/Lionel Service© 1998 L IONEL LLC, C HESTERFIELD MI 48051-2493U NITED S TATES OF AMERICAThis Lionel product including all mechanical and electrical components, moving parts,motors and structural components, except for light bulbs, is warranted to the original consumer-pur-chaser, for 5 years against original defects in mate-rials or workmanship when purchased through an authorized Lionel merchant.This warranty does NOT cover normal wear and tear, light bulbs, defects appearing in the course of commercial use, or damage resulting from abuse or misuse of the product by the pur-chaser. T ransfer of this product by the original consumer-purchaser to another person voids this warranty . Modification of this product voids this warranty .Any warranted product which is defective in original materials or workmanship and is deliv-ered by the original consumer-purchaser to Lionel L.L.C. or an authorized Lionel L.L.C. service cen-ter, togetherwith proof of original purchase, will at the option of Lionel L.L.C. be repaired or replaced, without charge for parts or labor. In the event the defective product cannot be repaired, and a replacement is not available, a refund of the original purchase price will be granted. Any products on which warranty service is sought must be sent freight or postage prepaid, as transportation and shipping charges are not covered by the warranty .IN NO EVENT SHALL LIONEL L.L.C. BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENT AL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.Some states do not allow the exclusion or limita-tion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.INSTRUCTIONS FOR OBT AINING SERVICE If service for this Lionel L.L.C. product is required,bring the item, along with your dated sales receipt and completed warranty information to the near-est Authorized Lionel Service Center. Y our near-est Lionel Service Center can be found by calling 1-800-4-Lionel, or by contacting our W ebsite @www If you prefer to send it back to Lionel L.L.C. for factory repair, you must first call 810-949-4100 or FAX 810-949-5429 or write to Customer Service,P .O. Box 748 New Baltimore, MI 48047-0748 stat-ing what the item is, when it was purchased and what seems to be the problem. Y ou will be sent a return authorization letter and label to assure your merchandise will be properly handled upon receipt.Once you have received your return authorization and label, make sure that the item is packed to prevent damage during shipping and handling.W e suggest that you use the products original packaging. This shipment must be prepaid and we recommend that it be insured.Please make sure you have followed all of the above instructions carefully before returning any merchandise for service.Y ou may choose to have your product repaired by one of our Authorized Lionel Service Centers after its warranty has expired. A reasonable service fee will be charged.W ARRANTY INFORMATIONPlease complete the information below and keep it, along with your dated sales receipt. Y ou must present this and your dated sales receipt when requesting warranty service.NAME___________________________________ADDRESS________________________________PLACE OF PURCHASE____________________DATE OF PURCHASE _____________________PRODUCT NUMBER _____________________PRODUCT DESCRIPTION_________________________________________。

Cutler-Hammer 8253A-6501 运动逻辑模块用户指南说明书

Cutler-Hammer 8253A-6501 运动逻辑模块用户指南说明书

signal output
Position the slide switches as shown here for the desired Normally Open/Normally Closed (NO/NC) mode. The NO/NC mode switch determines if the output device will be normally (meaning when not activated by the logic module) open (deenergized) or normally closed (energized). The shaded areas on the diagrams designate slide switch positions.
Increase R1
R1 Timing Ranges
12 3456 78
R2 Timing Ranges
Motion Logic Dark-to-Light/
b. Select the desired Normally Open/Normally Closed and Lightto-Dark/Dark-to-Light detection modes.
12 3456 78
2.4 to 23 cpm (typical)
Light-to-Dark Detection
12 3456 78
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挡风玻璃的材料 蓝宝石玻璃(防反射涂层)
外壳材料 不锈钢
外壳尺寸 53×48.2毫米
表壳厚度 10.6毫米
带材料 不锈钢
表带表扣类型 折叠式三推
任何颜色 蓝色
产品名称 东方表宣德高档石英运动钢带男表
项目编号 WV0021TZ
商标名称 东方宣德
运动 石英