外贸函电 理赔 claim概要




Claim process and strategy
Submit a claim application
Claim application letter
A formal letter stating the reasons for the claim, the amount involved, and the desired solution.
Claims Procedure and Precautions
Accepting claims applications
Confirm the legitimacy of the claim
Verify that the claim meets the requirements of the contract and applicable laws.
Promotion of trade fairness: Claims help to ensure fairness and equity in foreign trade transactions. By allowing parties to seek redress for nonperformance or breach of contract, claims promote a level playing field and enhance trust between trading partners.
claims experience
• Risk prevention and response measures • Summary, Review and Outlook on Future
Development Trends



第十一章C l a i m s索赔第一节C l a i m s L e t t e r s索赔信一、T h e S t e p s o f W r i t i n g C l a i m L e t t e r s索赔信的写作步骤虽然没人愿意,但是有些情况时有发生,如卖方发错了货物,买方不满意货物的质量,卖方迟交货物,货物受损或者卖方价格过高等等。













在这部分里应给出具体的日期、货物的品名、和数量、合同号及任何其他详尽的信息,以便对方进行查询;(D e t a i l e di n f o r m a t i o n t o e x p l a i n t h e p r o b l e m.T h i s e x p l a n a t i o n s h o u l d g i v e d a t e s,n a m e a n dq u a n t i t y o f g o o d s,c o n t r a c t n u m b e r o r a n y o t h e r s p e c i f i c i n f o r m a t i o n t h a t w i l l m a k e ar e c h e c k e a s i e r f o r t h e r e a d e r)●W e h a v e j u s t r e c e i v e d…e v i d e n c i n g…(我们刚收到……证明……)●W e r e g r e t h a v i n g t o i n f o r m y o u t h a t…a r r i v e d i n…(很遗憾通知你方……到达……)●20%o f t h e p a c k a g e s h a d b e e n b r o k e n…(……20%的包装破损……)●I t w a s f o u n d t h a t u p o n e x a m i n a t i o n……(检查后发现……)2.说明此差错带来的不便或损失,以使你的投诉或索赔更有力;(A s t a t e m e n t o f t h e i n c o n v e n i e n c e o r l o s s t h a t h a s r e s u l t e d f r o m t h i s e r r o r.T h i s s t r e n g t h e n s y o u ra r g u m e n t)●T h e m a t e r i a l s a r e q u i t e u n s u i t e d t o…(货物很不适合……)●T h e s e g o o d s a r e e n t i r e l y u s e l e s s t o u s…(这些货物对我们毫无用处……)●T h i s h a s c a u s e d u s m u c h i n c o n v e n i e n c e…(这给我们带来了很大不便)3.说明希望对方如何解决问题。




书写抱怨、索赔信函时,不妨开门见山出原先双方同意的条件 ,然后列举事实以表示有何不满,以及为什么不满,最后提出 解决的方法。内容应明确、清楚 、有理,语气要简洁、坚决 。避免使用愤怒和使对方过于难堪的措辞(除非你所抱怨的问 题反复发生,且多次投诉而毫无结果) 对于抱怨、索赔信函,最得要的是给予及时、迅速和明确的答 复。若问题出现确属自己的责任,应立即设法纠正或谋求解决 的方法,保持同客户友好的合作关系;若一时没有定论,也应 先回复来信,告知对方正在调查,设法弥补;万一遇到不合理 的要求应心平气和、态度礼貌指明,以求给对方留下良好印象 ,促使问题尽快解决。
Dear Sirs,
The green beans under S/C No. AB046 dispatched on November 4, 2008 arrived at our port yesterday. The Commodity Inspection Bureau has carefully examined the quality of the beans, and we regret to say that they found it is far below the standard stipulated in the S/C. The covering Inspection Certificate is going to be airmailed to you as soon as it comes to hand. We hope you will look into the matter at once and take immediate measures to correct the mistakes and ensure that nothing like this will happen in the future. The inferior quality of these beans has caused considerable difficulty to us and it is hard for us to dispose of it, even at a rather low price. We think we can reserve the right to lodge a claim against you for the loss we have suffered.

外贸英语函电Unit 12 Complaints and claims

外贸英语函电Unit 12 Complaints and claims

Make the demand itself. State it clearly, specifically and completely. Write a totally positive closing, one that tactfully expresses our confidence that the demand will be met.
We claimed on the shipping company for the recovery of the loss
We claim US 2050 for short shipment
Ⅱ. Tips to Write a Good Complaint
Write a relevant opening that is as positive as it can reasonably be under the circumstances, one that avoids an angry or arrogant tone. State our case as we see it, and as we would like our reader to see it. Describe the detailed situation that has necessitated our communication, that is, the reasons why demand is needed.

Claim with/against sb Claim on sth Claim / for account of Accept/settle/entertain 受理



The clocks complained about are part of the batch of 500 supplied to our order No. 908 of 2nd April. This order was placed on the basis of a sample clock left by your representative. We have ourselves


明已做好解决问题的准备,还应该争取使对 方相信所发生的错误只是一次失误,并非故 意为之。
第一节 索赔与理赔信函
Framework of the letters Letters of claims
第十一章 内容
第一节 保险信函

第二节 范例讲解
第三节 教材范例

Sample letters
Letter 1: Complaint on defective Dear Mr. Smith,
We have recently received a number of complaints from customers about your clocks which were clearly not giving satisfaction and in some cases we have had to refund the purchase price.
第一节 索赔与理赔信函

Wish to cooperate with the reader again We hope this will not affect our friendly relationship. We wish to be able to serve you in future businesses. In view of the friendship between us…

外贸函电八 索赔与理赔

外贸函电八 索赔与理赔

第十讲外贸函电(八)索赔与理赔(Claims and Adjustments)(周维家 上海金融学院)在进出口业务中,签约双方中的一方在履行合同的过程中,可能出于某些原因,而不履行、或不完全履行合同。




索赔一般包括以下几个程序:1. 拟订索赔声明2. 准备证据3. 发出索赔信函上述程序必须在合同中规定的索赔期内完成。



仲裁协议书可以在拟订合同时拟就,作为合同的条款之一,也可以在争端发生后订立,其一般包括如下内容:1. 仲裁地点2. 仲裁机构3. 仲裁程序4. 仲裁效力5. 仲裁费用起草上述商用书信时,应注意国际惯例:用以理服人的具体证据和彬彬有礼的文字与对方沟通。



常用语句:Upon opening the case we found it contained completely different articles, and we presume that amistake was made and the contents of the case were for another order.开箱时,我们发现所装的货物与订单规定的不同,我方估计是贵方出了错误,此箱货物系另一张订单的。

Claim and Settlement 外贸函电

Claim and Settlement  外贸函电

3. State your reasons for being dissatisfied and ask for an explanation 4. Refer to the inconvenience caused. 5. Suggest how the matter should be put right. On how to remedy the situ200元。 The buyers have filed a claim on the shipment for RMB1200. 3. 你方索赔须有足够依据。 Your claim should be supported by sufficient evidence.
Unit 12 Claim and Settlement
Points for attention: When making a claim , plan your letter as follows: 1. Begin by regretting the need to complain 2. Mention the date of the order, the date of delivery and the goods complained about.
6. lodge a claim against you for … 7. we are enclosing … 8. Look forward to … 9. early date…
复验后发现,质量与合同规定不符。 After reinspection we found that the quality of the goods was not in conformity with the contract stipulations.



函电claim课文翻译徐美荣Letter 1:先生:事由:关于我方第123号订单的3000打真丝衬衫感谢你方对上述订单的迅速履行。
















谨呈,Letter 2:先生:事由:你方359销售合同项下的5000打T恤我方愿意告知你方上述货物已于5月10日到达我港。










外贸函电-Unit 14 索赔与理赔

外贸函电-Unit 14 索赔与理赔

索赔时,应根据事实和有关证明分清责任,向责任方、轮 船公司(Shipping Company)或保险公司(Insurance Company) 提出索赔;理赔时,应根据事实和有关证明,该赔则赔, 不该赔则拒绝赔偿。在国际贸易业务中,当因进口方拒开 或迟开信用证、不按时派船或无理毁约而致使出口方遭受 损失时,就会发生出口方向进口方索赔的情况。更为常见 的情况是进口方向出口方提出索赔。例如,当进口方在收 货时发现货物破损或者货物的质量不符合合同规定要求等 问题时,进口方就会向出口方提出索赔。
表示希望 此种解决 方式能让 对方满意
We trust that the arrangement that we have made will satisfy you.(相信我们的安排将会使你 方感到满意。)
回复索赔信函(索赔没有理由情况下)的写作步骤 及常见表达方式:
We feel deeply sorry that…in your letter of… (1) (贵公司……日来函收悉,对于……事件,我方 表示收到 深表遗憾。) 对方……
回复索赔信函(索赔有理由情况下)的写作步骤 及常见表达方式:
对该索赔 事件表示
Thank you for your letter of…, but it was with great regret that we heard …(感谢贵公司…… 日来函,我们对……事件深表遗憾。)
Unit 14 Claim and Settlement 索赔与理赔
14.1 Introduction(简介)

商务英语函电Chap 12 Claim

商务英语函电Chap 12 Claim
பைடு நூலகம்
• 解释问题出现的原因并表示同意索赔;( Explaining the reasons of the problem and expressing the wish to grant the claim)
– It happened that...(事情是......)
– Another thorough check-up reveals that...( 再次彻底检查发现......)
The complaints received relate only to clocks from the batch referred to. Clocks supplied before these have always been satisfactory. We are therefore writing to ask you to accept return of the unsold balance, amounting to 503 clocks in all, and to replace them by clocks of the quality our earlier dealings with you have led us to expect.(具体索赔要求)
– In view of the ...(鉴于我们之间的友好关系 ......)
Pattern of Refusing Claims
• 对给对方带来不便表示歉意;(Regret for the inconvenience caused to the reader)
– We wish to express our deepest regret over the unfortunate incident...(对这个不幸事件我们希 望表达我们深深的遗憾......)

商务英语 外贸函电 申诉和索赔

商务英语  外贸函电  申诉和索赔

After looking into the matter, we find damage was caused by
careless handling at the dock. e.g.我们会对你方所抱怨一事进行调查。 We will look into your complaint.
9. fault n. defect 缺陷,故障,缺点
句式:replace A with (by) B e.g. 请立即寄来我们所需要的商品来代替在运输途中受损的商品。 replace A Please send the goods we need to replace those damaged during A be replaced with B transit. B replace A
Don„t complain all the time about the unfairness from the other.
We have a buyer who complained about the inconformity of quality of
Any complaint about the quality v. complain 抱怨,起诉,申诉 of the products should be lodged within 15 days after their arrival. 别老是抱怨别人对你不公平。
complain about/of sth.
3. have no choice but to
have to 别无他法, 只好
e.g. 如你方不能答应,恐怕我们只好退货了。
e.g. 我们不得不取消订货。 If you can‟t grant us the request, I‟m afraid we have no choice but to return We have noback tobut to cancel the order. the goods choice you.

Unit 14 索赔与理赔 商务信函的写作 PPT 外贸函电

Unit 14 索赔与理赔 商务信函的写作 PPT 外贸函电

We have sent our representative to your
(3)表示正在 end to investigate the matter in detail.(我
You may be assured that the matter will be
憾或提出拒绝 此损失负责。)
At any rate, we deeply regret about
the unfortunate incident.(无论如何,
如果未能对索赔进行及时、有效的处理,则应立即告知对方 信已收到,并说明正在调查此事,以后会给出充分的答复。
We would like you to inform us of what you decide to do regarding our losses.(对于我方的 损失,请贵公司告知你方的处理办法。)
(1)对该索赔 事件表示遗憾
We are sorry to learn from your letter of… (对于你方……日来函,我方深表遗憾。)
After going into the matter carefully we este due to…(经过认真调查,我们估
经过调 计……事件可能是由于……原因所致。)
We duly received the documents and took delivery of the goods on arrival of s/s Prince at Hamburg.



商务英语外贸英语信函之索赔理由及依据商务英语外贸英语信函之索赔理由及依据1.We accept the claim, but can you tell me how much you want us to compensate you for the loss?我们接受索赔,但你能告诉我赔偿你多少损失2.We will give your request for claims immediate attention.我们将密切关注你方索赔的要求3.We will get this matter resolved as soon as possible and hope to compensate you for your loss to your satisfaction.我们将尽早地解决此事,希望赔偿你方损失直到满意为止4.We’d like to express our sincere apologies for the poor quality of the products.我们就产品质量问题致以深深歉意5.We regret to hear that the goods you received are not of the quality expected.我们遗憾地获悉你收的货物未达你所期望的质量6.We are very sorry for the trouble cause by this delay.因延误造成的.麻烦深表歉意7.We agree to accept all your claim.我们接受你方所有索赔8.I’ll go to your company tomorrow in person to talk about the claim.我明天去贵司私下讨论索赔事宜9.We regret the loss you have suffered and agree to compensate you $800.我们为你方遭受的损失表示歉意并同意赔偿800美金10.We agree to compensate you for the detective watches by 5% of the total value.我们同意就缺陷手表赔偿总金额的5%。




外贸索赔函电中英文范例January 2004 Kee & Co.,LtdRegent StreetLondon,UKDear Sirs:Thank you for your letter of 20 January 2004.We are disappointed to hear that our price for Flame cigarette lighters is too high for you to work on.You mention thatJapanese goods are being offered to you at a price approximately 10% lower than that quoted by us.We accept what you say,but we are of the opinion that the quality of the other makes does not measure up to that of our products.Although we are keen to do business with you,we regret that we cannot accept your counter offer or even meet you half way.The best we can do is to reduce our previous quotation by 2%.We trust that this will meet with your approval.We look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,T ony Smith Chief Seller先生:二零零四年元月二十日来函收到,不胜感激。

Unit 14 索赔与理赔 商务信函的写作 PPT 外贸函电

Unit 14 索赔与理赔 商务信函的写作 PPT 外贸函电

We have arranged…at once.(我们立即采取……
(3)表示 解决办法。)
赔事件采 In view of our long-standing business relations,
取解决措 we will make payment for…into your account.(鉴
表示该 事人负责。)
损失应 由其他 当事人 承担
This being the case, we would like to advise you to
claim on the shipping company who should be held responsible.(对此情况,我们告知你方应向船运公司
(2)说明正在 此事件的调查,我们发现……。)
对索赔事件进行 After a check-up by our staff, it was found
that…, thus resulting in…, for which we
tender our apologies.(经过我方人员的核查
With reference to your claim for…, we wish to express our much regret over the unfortunate incident.(对于你方就……问题的索赔,我们 对此不幸事件表示十分遗憾。)
On going into the matter we find that …(经对
caused to you.(对于给贵公司带来的不便,请接 受我们的歉意。)
(5)表示希望 We trust that the arrangement that we



英语函电索赔范文如下:[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, Zip Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Recipient Name][Recipient Title][Company Name][Company Address][City, State, Zip Code]Dear [Recipient Name],Subject: Claim for Damaged Goods and Request for CompensationI am writing to formally lodge a claim against your company for the damaged goods that were delivered to me on [date of delivery]. As per our order number [order number], we had purchased [name of goods] for [purpose or intended use].Upon receipt of the goods on [date of receipt], it was immediately apparent that the items were not in the condition we had expected. Specifically, we found the following issues with the goods:1. [Describe the first issue, e.g., "the packaging was severely damaged"]2. [Describe the second issue, e.g., "several items were missing from the shipment"]3. [Describe any additional issues]These issues have resulted in significant inconvenience and financial loss for our company, as we have had to halt our operations in [specific area/project], leading to [details of loss, e.g., "a delay in our project timeline"] and [further details of loss, e.g., "additional costs for emergency replacements"].In accordance with our agreement (as per clause [reference clause number]), I am seeking compensation for the following:- Cost of the damaged goods: [amount]- Additional costs incurred for emergency replacements: [amount]- Estimated losses due to project delays: [amount]- Any other applicable charges: [amount]Total Amount Claimed: [total amount]Enclosed, please find the photographic evidence of the damaged goods, as well as copies of the original purchase order and the delivery note.We have attempted to resolve this matter directly with your team, but unfortunately, our communications have not resulted in a satisfactory resolution thus far. Therefore, we are compelled to seek redress through this formal claim.I trust that you will acknowledge receipt of this claim promptly and that we can expecta swift resolution to this unfortunate situation. We value our relationship with [Company Name] and hope that this matter can be resolved efficiently and to our mutual satisfaction.Please respond with a detailed explanation of how you intend to address this claim by [deadline for response]. If we do not hear from you within the specified timeframe, we will be forced to consider alternative measures, which may include legal action.Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. I look forward to your favorable reply.Sincerely,[Your Signature if sending a hard copy][Your Printed Name]。



商务信件LetterofClaim(索赔函英文版)Letter of ClaimDate: _____________ No:_____________ From:To: LG Electronics (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.As regards inferior quality of your goods, we regret to inform you that we should claim a compensation of $_______.In this March, your company provided the ________ with so many defectives, which unfortunately resulted in the fact that we were unable to complete the scheduled work. Therefore we require your company to compensate us for the loss as quickly as possible.Faithfully,Company: Company:Signature: Signature:Date: _____________ No:_____________ From:To: LG Electronics (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.As regards inferior quality of your goods, we regret to inform you that we should claim a compensation of $_______.In this March, your company provided the 3D Glasses with so many defectives, which unfortunately resulted in the fact that we were unable to complete the scheduled work. Therefore we require your company to compensate us for the loss as quickly as possible.Faithfully,Company: Company:Signature: Signature:Date: _____________ No:_____________ From:To: LG Electronics (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.As regards inferior quality of your goods, we regret to informyou that we should claim a compensation of $_______.In this March, your company provided the video cassette with so many defectives, which unfortunately resulted in the fact that we were unable to complete the scheduled work. Therefore we require your company to compensate us for the loss as quickly as possible.Faithfully,Company: Company:Signature: Signature:。

函电 claim

函电 claim

2. Clarifying the reasons
The goods supplied do not match the samples you sent to us. 贵方所供的货与你们之前寄来的样品并不吻合。
The products are not of the quality we ordered. 这些产品的质量并没达到我们所订产品的质量标准。
Part One
2. The Different Types of Claims (1) Generally there are three types of claims, namely, the trade claim, the transportation claim and the insurance claim. The trade claim is based on a sales contract between the two parties and is lodged by one party who suffers losses due to another party’s violation of the contract. The buyer is likely to file a claim against the seller for the latter’s delivery of goods of inferior quality. And the seller might also claim the compensation from the buyer for the latter’s failure of opening an L/C before a contracted date or for not booking the vessel timely in FOB term. The transportation claim is raised by the shipper/consignor or owner of the shipped goods against the carrier. When, for instance, the cargo shipped is found with damage or imperfection after its arrival at the port of destination while the original Bill of Lading issued by the carrier indicates the word of “Clean”, such a claim will then be lodged. Another typical reason for this kind of claim is the shortage of goods compared with the volume in the B/L.
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Subject: 30% items will be delivered by air
Please reply ASAP. We have to check with forwarder urgently for arranging the delivery. Best Rgdபைடு நூலகம், Kerry
Subject: Shipment delay
In some respects, we’re also partially to blame. As a matter of fact, we could inform you some more days ago before shipment, and our colleagues for order follow-up should also pay more attention to your orders. In the near future, I’m sure that we’ll keep the channels of our communication open and avoid any potential danger for our business. Thanks and Best Rgds, Kerry
Dear Clair, Sorry for our mistake to delay your orders 23 shipments as your request, due to the peak season and labor shortage before the CNY holiday. Pls accept our sincere apology! I know your urgent demand for promotion and advertisement. Per my checking with our boss, we plan to deliver 30% of goods by air and the rest 70% by sea. Therefore, you could receive 30% earlier than your schedule, 2018/10/30 9 and 70% roughly 1-2 weeks later.
Dear Clair, Well received your claim for late delivery time. However, there are several reasons for this result. Firstly, we received the L/C draft approximately 20 days after PO received. And we could do nothing but waiting for your L/C opening. Secondly, revising artwork according to your request takes more than 3 days for confirmation. And we couldn’t do the mass 2018/10/30 5 production before getting your final approval.
2018/10/30 7
Apology & Solutions 道歉并提供解决方案 一旦己方做错了某些事,不仅需 要在第一时间向客户道歉 ,还需 要仔细研究并给出解决方案。而 不是一句简单的sorry就完事了。 要站在客户的角度换位思考,如 果这个问题发生了,客户能够怎 么办?应该怎么做,才能尽快帮 他解决困难?有什么应对办法?
Delivery Time Complaints 对于交期的投诉 交期的投诉,是经常会碰到的。 订单生产中有很多不稳定因素, 而且客户也经常在订单操作中提 出这样或那样的修改意见,这在 时间上难以控制。还有货代和船 公司,也有可能推迟船期,甚至 有爆仓、甩柜的情况出现。这就 需要业务员在收到投诉时,给客 户及时的反馈。
2018/10/30 6
Practical Expressions
我们愿意承担部分责任。 We’re willing to accept part of the blame. 关于(订单交货的)延误,是有一些原因 的。 There are several reasons for this delay. 我很抱歉这么仓促通知您,船期需要延迟 I’m sorry to inform you about the shipment delay on such short notice.
Unit Nine Complaint, Claim and Settlement
Quality Complaints 对于品质的投诉 外贸操作中,收到投诉是经常的 事,包括品质问题、服务问题、 交货期问题等,需要供应商在第 一时间处理并给出答复。尤其是 品质问题,往往是最重要也是最 伤感情的,一旦处理不好,就会 影响到未来的合作,必须慎之又 慎。
2018/10/30 2
Subject: Quality claimIMPORTANT!!!
Dear Kerry, We received the goods which you shipped last month. Unfortunately, ¼ of the goods were seriously damaged. I’m not sure if these items were already broken before delivery. I would like to receive the rest goods TOP URGENTLY! Please deliver them by air as quickly as possible. And you should pay for the freight charge! 2018/10/30