外贸函电_Unit 11国际贸易申诉及索赔


外贸函电 unit11 insurance

外贸函电 unit11 insurance

Exercise and Key
• 7. We shall appreciate it very much if you can accept D/P payment terms.
• 假如你方能接受“付款交单”支付方式,我们 将非常感激。 • 8.In view of the fact, we have changed the packing to small wooden cases. • 鉴于这一事实,我们已将包装改为小木箱。
Exercise and Key
• 3.There is no possibility of getting business done unless you reduce your price by 2%. 你方必须降价2%,否则没有成交的可能. • 4. Under separate cover we have already sent you our samples and 3 brochures. 我方已另寄给你方样品和三本商品小册子。
Exercise and Key
• 5. Owing to the shortage of raw materials the manufacturers are compelled to decline new orders. 由于原料缺乏,工厂被迫停止接受新的定单。 • 6. This change would involve a lot of extra expenses. • 这一变动将涉及许多额外花费。
• Insurable Interest Principle • 可保利益原则
Principles of insurance
• Bona Fide Principle • 最大诚信原则


Framework of the letters Letters of adjustments---Agree to grant the claim
Regret for the inconvenience caused to the reader We wish to express our deepest regret cover the
unfortunate incident… We are extremely sorry for the late delivery of… We regret the inconvenience you have experienced…
第一节 索赔与理赔信函
Explain reasons of the problem and express the wish
to grant the claim Another thorough check-up reveals that… The wrong pieces may be returned… We are prepared to make you a reasonable compensation.
It was found that upon examination…
第一节 索赔与理赔信函
State the inconvenience or loss that has resulted
from this error The materials are quite unsuited to… These goods are entirely useless to us… This has caused us much inconvenience…
2. 货物品质不符合要求 3. 货物有瑕疵或损坏



处理投诉时应客观公正,依据事实和合同条 款进行判断。
与客户保持良好的沟通,了解其诉求和期望, 解释处理方案。
对投诉与索赔处理过程进行详细记录,并定 期进行总结和改进。
建立完善的生产管理制度,确保生产过程中的 每个环节都得到有效控制。
与供应商建立良好的合作关系,确保原材料的供应及时、稳 定。
在生产过程中如遇到可能导致延期的因素,及时预警并采取 调整措施。
如果问题是由于我方原因造成的,向客户表 达歉意。
向客户发送正式的书面回复,解释处理结果 和解决方案。



Main points
Specimen 1 a. refer to the goods b. complain and give the details c. suggest the settlement of replacement d. expectation of early reply Specimen 2 a. concern of the complaint b. looking into the complaint and giving the result
We are looking forward to your reply. Sincerely,
1. EDA expected delivery date: 预计到达日期 2. in an effort to / make every effort to do sth: energetic attempt. 3. a good buy: a useful purchase or bargain sth deserves the price 4. inventory: detailed list of goods, furniture or jobs to be done. 详细目录,清单 v. make an inventory of sth, put sth in an inventory. 列出清单, 编入目录
Dear Mr.Zhou, We have received our Order No. NC-332 for bedding sets. Upon examination of the order, we noticed that we received 10 No. C-53 quilts and 10 No. C-58 quilts. However, we order 10 No. C-5 bedding sets and 10 No. C-8 bedding sets. We appreciate your prompt delivery. But we would like to know what we should do with the items that we received. Would you like us to return them? Or, would you like to give us a reasonable discount so we will keep these items for our sale?



外贸函电-索赔第十一章C l a i ms索赔第一节C l a i ms L e t t e r s索赔信一、T he S t e ps o f W r i t i n g C l a i m L e t t e r s索赔信的写作步骤虽然没人愿意,但是有些情况时有发生,如卖方发错了货物,买方不满意货物的质量,卖方迟交货物,货物受损或者卖方价格过高等等。













在这部分里应给出具体的日期、货物的品名、和数量、合同号及任何其他详尽的信息,以便对方进行查询;(D e t a i l e di n f or ma t i o n t o e x p la i n t he pr o b le m.T h i s e x p l a na t i o n s h o u l d g i v e da t e s,na me a n dq ua n t i t y of g o od s, c o nt r a c t n u mbe r or a n y ot he r s pe c i f i c i n f or ma t i o n t ha t w i l l ma ke ar e c he c k e a s i e r f o r t he r e a de r)●W e ha ve j us t r e c e i v e d…e v i d e nc i n g…(我们刚收到……证明……)●W e r e gr e t ha v i n g t o i nf or m y o u t ha t…a r r i ve di n…(很遗憾通知你方……到达……)●20%of t he pa c ka ge s ha d be e n br o ke n…(……20%的包装破损……)●I t w a s f o u n d t ha t u p o n e xa m i na t i o n……(检查后发现……)2〃说明此差错带来的不便或损失,以使你的投诉或索赔更有力;(A s t a t e me nt of t he i n c on ve n i e nc e o r l os s t ha t ha s r e s u l t e d f r om t h i s e r r o r.T h i s s t r e n gt he ns y o ura r g u me nt)●T he ma t e r ia l s a r e q u i t e u ns u i t e d t o…(货物很不适合……)●T he s e g oo ds a r e e nt i r e l y us e le s s t o us…(这些货物对我们毫无用处……)●T h i s ha s c a us e d u s muc h i n c o n ve n ie nc e…(这给我们带来了很大不便)3〃说明希望对方如何解决问题。

国际贸易实务第十一章 索赔、不可抗力和仲裁

国际贸易实务第十一章 索赔、不可抗力和仲裁
International Trade Practice
主编 吴国新 郭凤艳
Hale Waihona Puke 2Contents
1 章首引导案例
2 [第一节]索 赔 3 [第二节]不可抗力
4 [第三节]仲 裁
5 本章重要概念
§2 不可抗力
②不可抗力事故的后果 ③发生事故后通知对方的期限和方式 ④出具有关证明文件的机构
(一)不可抗 力条款的内 容
§2 不可抗力
二、不可抗力条款 (二)不可抗力条款示例 “如由于战争、地震、水灾、火灾、暴风雨、雪灾或其他不可抗力 的原因,致使卖方不能全部或部分装运或延迟装运合同货物,卖方 对于这种不能装运或延迟装运本合同货物不负有责任。但卖方须用 电报或电传通知买方,并须在××天内以航空挂号信件向买方提交 由中国国际贸易促进委员会出具的证明此类事件的证明书。”
①异议和索赔条款 (Discrepancy and Claim Clause)
(一)索赔条 款 的内容
§1 索 赔


Preventing future issues
Addressing and resolving complaints and claims can help identify and correct problems with products, services, or business processes, thus preventing future issues.
The importance of complaints and claims
Improving customer satisfaction
Handling complaints and claims promptly and effectively can improve customer satisfaction and maintain business relationships.
Basis and evidence for claims
Basis for Claims
The basis for a claim can be contractual or extra-contractual. A contractual claim is based on a breach of contract, while an extra-contractual claim is based on a tort or another legal obligation.
Investigating the complaint or claim
The seller should investigate the complaint or claim to understand the root cause of the problem and determine if there is any validity to the claim.

外贸函电Unit 11 Insurance

外贸函电Unit 11 Insurance

Q2: Why do we need insurance in international trade
In international trade, the goods usually have to be transported for very long distances. During the transportation, the goods may encounter various kinds of perils and the owner may suffer losses.
1. in question 有关的,提到的 2.declared value 申报金额
Letter 5
Applying for Insurance
1.sign a general policy 签一份普通保单 2.together with 连同,与…一起 3.We shall appreciate it if you could… 如
Fresh &/or rain water damage risk 淡水
leakage risk 渗漏险 intermixture and contamination risk 混
general additional risk
clash and breakage risk 碰损、破碎险 breakage of packing risk 包装破损险 sweat and heating risk 受潮、受热险 rust risk 锈损险 taint of odor risk 串味险 hook damage risk 钩损险
Letter 1
Importer Asks Exporter to Cover Insurance



商贸英语口语之投诉与索赔一、惯用单句1 我要投诉。

I have a complaint.= I'd like to complain about something.2 打开箱子的时候,我们发现货物被雨水浸了个半透。

When we unwrapped the cases, we found the goods partly soaked by rain.3 我们发现一半的货物都碎了。

We found half the goods broken.4 我们发现半数货物已不能用了。

We found half the goods unusable.5 很明显,这些水果已经不能吃了。

It's obvious that the fruits are no longer suitable for consumption.6 很明显这些货物现在已经没有用了。

It's clear that the goods are useless now.7 我们调查的结果是,货物是在运输途中的某个时候受损的。

The result of our investigation said the damage was caused sometime in transit.8 据我们的调查报告显示,损坏是由于包装不当引起的。

According to our survey report, the damage was caused by poor packing.9 我们的调查员申明是生产厂家的粗心导致了短缺。

Our surveyors stated that carelessness on the part of the manufacturer caused the shortage.10 我们没办法只能提出索赔。

We have no alternative but to file a claim.11 我们要求赔偿一万美元。


在进出口业务中,较多的是买方就质量、数量、包装或交货问 题向卖方投诉或索赔。但如果买方出现迟开信用证或延迟付款等问 题,卖方也会做出投诉或索赔。这称为贸易索赔。
背景介绍 样信欣赏 写作指南 词汇拓展 句型归纳 大胆尝试 挑战自我 外贸小贴士
Situation 16 Complaints and Claims
背景介绍 样信欣赏 写作指南 词汇拓展 句型归纳 大胆尝试 挑战自我
Situation 16 Complaints and Claims
Language Points of Letter 1
Note 2
• declined several orders 拒绝订单 decline有婉拒的意思,和refuse比较,语气比较委婉。
Situation 16 Complaints and Claims
Language Points of Letter 1
Note 5
• withdraw your cancellation of Order No.123 撤回对123号订 单的取消
• breach the contract 违反合同
如果你们能满足我们的需求,我们将向你们下大宗订单。 We regret to inform you that we are not in a position to meet your request at this moment. 很抱歉目前我们无法满足你们的需求。 We hope they will arrive in time and meet your satisfaction. 希望它们能及时到达并使你们满意。
September 24, 2013 David Smith Aspire Garment Co., Ltd York House, Lawton Street Liverpool, ML32LL, England

【精品】国际贸易 商务函电 英语版unit 11(可编辑

【精品】国际贸易 商务函电 英语版unit 11(可编辑
There are also eleven types of General Additional Risk. Neither of them can be insured against alone. The insured is allowed to insure against one or several of them on the basis that he has already chosen FPA or WPA. The insured choosing AR does not need to consider them as AR has naturally covered all of them. The eleven types of General Additional Risk are (1)Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery (TPND), (2)Fresh Water &/or Rain Damage (FWRD), (3)Risk of Shortage (4)Risk of Intermixture and Contamination, (5)Risk of Leakage (6)Risk of Clash & Breakage, (7)Risk of Odour, (8)Heating & Sweating Risk (9)Hook Damage Risk, (10)Risk of Rust, (11)Breakage of Packing Risk.
For letters from the exporter in reply to the importer’s request of insuring goods
1. Confirming We have received your letter requesting us to handle

国际贸易中 申诉、索赔、理赔的概念

国际贸易中 申诉、索赔、理赔的概念

1. 申诉(Complaint):申诉是指当买方或卖方在国际贸易中发现对方违反合同、交付延迟、商品瑕疵或其他不符合合同约定的情况时,向对方提出书面投诉的行为。


2. 索赔(Claim):索赔是在申诉无法解决争端的情况下,通过法律程序向对方要求经济补偿的行为。


3. 理赔(Compensation):理赔是在索赔成功后,买方或卖方获得经济赔偿的过程。




外贸函电实务Unit 11

外贸函电实务Unit 11
The Practice of Business Correspondences
Contents of letters in reply
(1) Acknowledging the receipt of the incoming letter and expressing your regrets for what being complained about;
Unit 11
Complaint, Claim and Settlement
The Practice of Business Correspondences
§Task 4 Settlement of a Claim
尔收到广州花城农产品贸易有限公司的索赔信后,立 即回信解释了造成货物短重的原因,并表示接受对方 索赔。请以克莱尔的名义给李华写一封理赔函。
进行分析; (2)告知对方接受对方索赔; (3)表示保证将采取措施防止类似事件再 次发生。
怨言; (2)另函奉寄库存样品。请对方选择两项合意 的,并将原本的两件货物寄回。; (3)希望这样做能将这件事解决的令贵方完全 满意,并能一如既往持续双方友好的关系。
The Practice of Business Correspondences
Useful Expressions
与……相符 be equal to 原来的品质 original quality 对……不满意 be dissatisfied with

国际商务函电实务 11 索赔与解决争端

国际商务函电实务   11 索赔与解决争端
Please draft two faxes for both the buyer to lodge a claim and the seller to settle the claim. When drafting the faxes, you need decide a proper date and design all the necessary details for the business by yourself to fulfill the task.
claims, writing a persuasive and efficient reply;
➢ To express yourselves and to translate the
messages in the project jobs skillfully and correctly.
➢ To train to know discovery or exploratory
Part Two Business Correspondence Writing Practice
第二部 商务函电写作实务
Page 2
Project 11
Lodging Claims and Settling Disputes
Page 3
Aims and Demands(学习目标)
·To know the causes and categories of complaints and claims, and the parties to blame;
·To master the strategies for lodging a complaint or a claim in a specific situation;



l 3.We have been doing business with you on
the basis of CIF, but as Simpson Insurance
Company here has promised to quote us a
favorable rate and give us a handsome
Insure v. 保险,投保
1. Please insure the goods against all risks and war risk.
2.Please insured against breakage. 3.Insured amount : 保额,保险金额 4.Insured cargo/goods: 投保的货物 5.The insured: 被保险人
我们确认根据我方第158号订单在CIF基础上已成 交了一笔4000码印花衬衫布的交易,但希望知道 按照你方通常的CIF条款,”I”所投保的是什么险 别.
l 2.For transactions concluded on CIF basis, we usually cover the insurance against All Risks for 110% of the full invoice with the People’s Insurance Company of China as per CIC of the 1st January,1981.
Insurance is to be covered by the buyers. This insurance policy covers us against
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• Section 1: Introduction • Section 2 : Writing Principles of Complaints and Claims Letter • Section 3: Specimen Letters
Unit Eleven
Section 1:Introduction
Unit Eleven
Section 3: Specimen Letters
• to make immediate arrangement to send us the replacements, which are on the enclosed list. We will be happy if you can check the list with our order and your copy of the invoice. • Meanwhile, we are holding the mentioned case at your disposal. Please fax us to let us know what to do with it. • Yours faithfully, • (signature)
Unit Eleven
Section 2: Writing Principles of Complaints and Claims Letter
• Useful words and phrases on complaints and claims(申诉及理赔的常用短语)
• • • • • • • to compensate partly 部分赔偿 to raise an objection 提出抗议 to resort to arbitration 诉诸仲裁 to resort to litigation 打官司 to settle the case amicably 友好解决 to stretch a point 通融让步 to tackle the problem properly 适宜地处理问题
Unit Eleven
Section 2: Writing Principles of Complaints and Claims Letter
• Useful sentence patterns on complaints and claims(申诉及理赔的常用句式)
• After reinspection we found that the quality of the goods was not in conformity with the contract stipulations. • 复验后发现,质量与合同规定不符。 • The buyers have filed a claim on the shipment for RMB ¥1,200. • 买方对货物提出索赔人民币1200元。
Unit Eleven
Section 3: Specimen Letters
• Upon examination, we found the goods are correct and in good conditions except for case No. 45.

When case No. 45 was opened, it was found that its contents were not what we had ordered. We can only assume that a mistake has been made in making up the order, and the contents were for another order. • As we are in urgent need of these items to complete our range of goods, we have to ask you
• 申诉及索赔信函所涉及的主要内容及 写作要点
• 申诉及索赔信函的常用表达
Unit Eleven
Section 2: Writing Principles of Complaints and Claims Letter
• 撰写国际贸易申诉及索赔相关的信函,应 注意:
– 列举事实,叙述客观,要有理有据,必要时 ,可对货物损毁所造成的后果及其影响加以 分析,提出希望早日解决问题的要求。
Unit Eleven
Section 2 :Writing Principles of Complaints and Claims Letter
• We request to extend the time limit for claim on the above shipment to the middle of March. • 我们要求对上述货物的索赔时间期限延长到 三月中旬。 • We have received many complaints from the customers concerning the tooth brushes under our Order No.1176. • 我们收到了许多客户对你们供应1176号订单 牙刷的投诉。
• Dear Sirs, • Our Order No. 764 • We are referring to our Order No.764 for Hand Tools. When we gave you our order on June 1st we stated explicitly that we wanted delivery not later than 15 July and have confirmed our order accordingly.
• 通常收到索赔要求后,被索赔方一般按 下列程序来处理: • ①研究索赔函或索赔通知; • ②审核索赔内容; • ③分析,弄清索赔的原因; • ④调查引起索赔的有关情况; • ⑤研究索赔转嫁的可能性; • ⑥与对方磋商谋求合理解决的办法。
Unit Eleven
Section 2: Writing Principles of Complaints and Claims Letter
Unit Eleven
Section 1:Introduction
• 就被索赔的对象而言,有如下几方面当 事人: ①卖方。有关商品质量或数量问题,应 该由卖方承担责。 ②承运人。买方所持的提单虽为清洁提 单,但货物却有残损短缺,经证明确系 承运人的过失所致,或者买方发现提单 日期与实际装船日期不符,这种情况则 应由承运人承担责。
• Shall we return the damaged goods to you or hold them at your disposal? • 我们是将受损的货物退给你方,还是保留 货物听候处理?
Unit Eleven
Section 3: Specimen Letters
• Letter 2: An importer complains for late Delivery

Unit Eleven
Section 1:Introduction
③保险人。在承保范围内,由于自然灾害 或意外事故致使货物受损,则应由保险人 承担责任,这是向保险人的保险索赔。 ④其他。凡与买卖有关的关系人如银行、 政府机构、公证人或代理人等,均有可能 成为索赔对象。
Unit Eleven
Section 1:Introduction
Unit Eleven
Section 2: Writing Principles of Complaints and Claims Letter
• 回复该类信件时,即使抱怨和投诉的理由 不充分,也要礼貌作答。在回信中应该: (1) 对索赔方表示歉意, (2) 表达解决问题的诚意, (3) 即使不同意对方的索赔要求,也应 对对方的惠顾表示谢意,以及今后继续合 作的热诚。
• 引起申诉及索赔的原因; • 申诉及索赔的对象; • • 申诉及索赔的处理程序;
Unit Eleven
Section 1:Introduction
• 在国际贸易中,导致申诉和索赔的原因很 多,归结起来主要有三个方面: (1) 质量问题(Quality):货物的品质与 合同规定不符,或品质低劣。 (2) 数量问题(Quantity): 货物的数量短 缺或货物受到损毁。 (3) 其他(Other cases),如不按期交货、 规格与合同规定不符、或以次充好、由于 包装不良至使货物受损。
Unit Eleven
Section 3: Specimen Letters
• Letter 1:A buyer Complains for wrong goods delivered
• Dear Sirs, • Re: Our Order No. F145 for Candles • We have taken delivery of the goods which arrived on S.S. “Peace” on October 20th. We are much obliged to you for the prompt execution of the order. •
Unit Eleven
replacement n.替代物;调换的物品 ,补充的货物
• Examples:
• The damaged goods need replacement. • 这些损坏的货物需要调换。
Unit Eleven
at one’s disposal 由某人处理
• Examples:
Unit Eleven complain v.i. 诉苦,申诉,抱怨 complain to sb. of sth. complaint n. 申诉;抱怨 常用表达为:make (或lodge, lay) a complaint against ...