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MODULE 1第- 1 模块

Unit 1-第1单元

Go straight on.

Activity 1-活动 1

Listen,point and say.

Where are you,Tom?

I'm behind the tree.

Where are you now?

I'm on your left.

I'm on your right now.

Activity 2-活动 2

Listen,point and find "turn left,go straight on,turn right". Look,Sam.

Here's a dog.

It's lost.

My name is Doudou.

I live at Park Street.

Excuse me.

Where's Park Street,please?

Turn left.

Go straight on.

Turn right.

It's next to a supermarket.

And it's beside the cinema.

Thank you. Bye-bye.


Thank you so much!

You're welcome.

Activity 3-活动 3

Listen and say.

Turn left.

Go straight on.

Turn right.

Unit 2-第2单元

It's at the station.

Activity 1-活动 1

Listen,point and say.

Where's Sam?

He's behind the door.

Activity 2-活动 2

Listen and say.

Where's the train?

It's up the hill.

Where's the train?

It's down the hill.

Where's the train?

It's near the house.

Where's the train?

It's at the station.

Activity 4 -活动 4

Listen and chant.

Left foot,right foot,

left foot,right.

Marching all day,

and Marching all night.

Go straight on,

now turn right.

Left foot,right foot,

left foot,right.

Come on,kids!

You're doing all right!

Left foot,right foot,

left foot,right.

Marching all day,

and Marching all night.

Go straight on,

now turn right.

Left foot,right foot,

left foot,right.

Come on,kids!

You're doing all right!

Words and Expressions in Module 1 straight-直地;直线地

Go straight on-直着走




No.(number 的缩写 )- 第⋯⋯号street-大街,街道

excuse me- 对不起,打扰一下

turn left- turn right- next to-





beside- 在⋯⋯旁边,在⋯⋯附近cinema- 电影院

so much- 十分,非常

You're welcome!-不客气!station-车站



near- 接近,临近

house- 房屋

Module 2- 第 2 模块

Unit 1-第1单元

She's reading a book. Activity 1-活动 1 Listen,point and say.

I like playing football.

She likes playing basketball. He likes swimming.

We like running.

Activity 2-活动 2 Listen, point and find"-ing". Look at these pictures.

This is my friend Maomao. She's reading a book.

This is my friend Xiaowei. He's taking pictures.

This is my sister Amy.

She's watching TV.

This is my little brother Tom. He's playing with a toy train. Activity 3-活动 3 Listen and say.

He's taking pictures.

She's reading a book.

Unit 2-第2单元

What are you doing? Activity 1-活动 1 Listen and chant.

I'm reading a book.

He's flying a kite.

She's taking pictures.

They're riding a bike. Activity 2-活动 2 Listen and say.

What are you doing, children? I'm listening to music!

I'm talking to my friend!
