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PartⅠ: Questions 1 to 10, 10 marks each

1.At the right is shown a 4 ×4 grid. We wish to fill in the grid such that each row, each

1 digits contains the outlined by the thick lines column, and each

2 ×2 square 1

through 4. Some grids have already been filled in. Find the number of ways we can


complete the rest of the grid.

:Answer 3

222 . Find the volume of

, 70 cm2.The areas of the faces of a cuboid are 84 cmand 30 cm4

3the cuboid in cm. Answer:

3ncommon greatest where form

can be wrritten The 3.fraction

in the the 33m??133?1?1

33?1?1113?3?33. m+ndivisor of m and n is 1, Find Answer:

is either 2, 3, 5 or 7,

N N > 1 with the properties that the each prime factor of 4.Find the sum of all the integers

is not divisible by any perfect cube greater than 1. Nand


A large fresh water reservoir has two types of drainage system, small pipes and large pipes. 6 large pipes, on

5.their own, can drain the reservoir in 12 hours. 3 large pipes and 9 small pipes, at the same time, can drain the

reservoir in 8 hours. How long will 5 small pipes, on their own, take to drain the reservoir?

minutes :Answer

3,000. Tickets were

At a local village gala, the entire population turned up, 500 people. The event raised £6.0.45 per child. How many children were there? 7.48 per man, £7.12 per woman and £priced as follows: £Answer: E

L U R P P T E O MC Each of the distinct letters in the following addition problem represents a



T E E M ind the number represented by the word “MEET”.different digit. If A=4, f12 8 A A A A A A Answer:


and overlap. share a common corner rectangles Let 8.two 8×12

distance from the bottom right corner of one rectangle to the intersection


7 point along the right edge of that rectangle is 7. What is the area of the

shaded region?

12 Answer:


精品文档abcd to headquarters. For security reasons, he sent

A spy had to send the 4-digit code 9.

instead the 9 separate 4-digit codes shown. In each of the 9 codes, at least one of the

abcd , and d? occurs in its correct position. What is the value of digits a, b, c Answer:

In how many ways can one arrange the numbers 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71 and 81 such that

10.the sum of every four consecutive numbers is divisible by 3? Answer:

: Questions 11 to 14, 20 marks each PartⅡ

are connected by a highway, with a service station at the midpoint. Mike and Sam start BTown A and town 11.

at the same time. When Mike reaches the service station, Sam is 16 km behind. Mike reduces Bfrom A to

speed by 25% after he passes through the service station. When Sam reaches the service station, Mike is 15

?A and Bkm ahead of Sam. What's the distance between



A ,

:BC=1:2, AD∥BC, AD12.Given: ABCD is a trapezoid, 1:3?S:S


2, Find the area of .24cm?SAOF?BEF?E

:Answer B C

In how many different ways can the seven empty circles in the diagram on


the right be filled in with the numbers 2 through 8 such that each number is used

once, and each number is either greater than both its neighbors, or less than both its

neighbors. Answer:

How many rectangles are there in the diagram on the right such that the sum of the

14.numbers within the rectangle is a multiple of 4? 1 2 3 4

:Answer 5 6 7
