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travel around the world. • If I lived on the moon at present, I might
see the beauty—Chang’e.
If…(_过__去__式__)_sth,…m_i_g_h__t_/s_h__o_u_l_d__d_o_ sth.
Unit 1 Grammar the Subjunctive Mood
if I were a boy
These sentences refer to a wish that can’t be true. (不可能实现的愿 望If)I were a butterfly, I’d thank you Lord for giving me wings. If I were a robin in a tree, I’d thank you Lord that I could sing.
(have) time on Nov 12th,I _w_o__u_ld__g_o_
(go) to Guangzhou to watch the 16th
Asian Games.
the mascots
of the 16th
Asian Games.
条件 从句
If 从句谓语形式 主句的谓语形式
• I could have given you more help, but I was too busy.
• 二、虚拟语气在宾语从句中的运用
1.wish 引导的宾语从句中的虚拟语气
与将来 事实相反
would/could/migh t+动词原形
(Present) (did/were)
would/could/shou ld/might +V. (原)
过去完成式 (had done)
would/could/shoul d/might +have done
would/could/shou ld/might +V. (原)
I wish I could fly to the moon one day.
He wished he _h_a_d_n_’__t_b_e_e_n_i_n_v_o_lv_e_d___in such affairs( not involve) I wish I _w__er_e__a bird. (be)
If I were a bird, I would fly in the blue sky.
If I were a baby, I would never cry.
If I were a bright star, I would shine at night.
If I were a millionaire, I would travel everywhere.
book to the library. But you didn’t.
would rather引导的宾语从句中的虚拟语气
与将来 事实相反
I wish I could fly to the moon one day.
He wished he _h_a_d_n_’__t_b_e_e_n_i_n_v_o_lv_e_d___in such affairs( not involve) I wish I _w__er_e__a bird. (be)
stay at home. • If we had worked harder, we would
have won the game. • Had we worked harder, we would
have won the game.
1.Correct the mistake
If I _a_m_ a fish ,I could swim freely in the sea.
2.would rather宾语从句中虚拟语气的使用
• I would rather you posted the letter at once.
• I would rather you didn’t do it now. • I would rather you had returned the
If…_w_e_r_e_t_o_dsoth,… m__ig_h_t_/s_h_o_u_ld__d_o(__原_形__)sth.
should do
6.If itw_e_r_e__/_s_h__o_u_l_d__/w__e__rபைடு நூலகம்e__to__b__e(be) Christmas Day tomorrow, I _w__o_u__ld__g__e_t__(get) some gifts.
Answer my question
----What would you do if you had one million dollars?
----If I had one million dollars,I would________________.
【Find the rules(自我发现)】
should/were to +V
If I were you, I would study hard.
=Were I you, I would study hard. • If it should rain tomorrow, I would
stay at home. • Should it rain tomorrow, I would
7.If you _g_o_t/_w_e_r_e_t_o__g_e_t _/s_h_o_u__ld__g_e_t(get) a full mark next time, I _w_o_u_l_d_t_r_e_a_t ___ (treat) you to candies.
Mark: 100
8.If I _h_a_d_/_w_e_r_e__to__h_a_v_e_/s_h_o_u__ld__h_a_v_e_
2.Contrary to the past(与过去相反)
If you had attended the meeting yesterday, you would have met her.
If the doctor had come last night, the boy would have been saved.
• If I had time next week, I would help you.
• If I should have time next week, I would help you.
• If I were to have time next week, I would help you.
(从句说的是过去,主句指的是现在) If you had followed the doctor’s advice, you would be well now.
• 5)假设的条件是借助介词短语或上下文 (but ;or;otherwise)表示出来,而不用if
• Without water, there would be no life. • Without your help yesterday, I
had done
If (…过__去_完__成_ )sth, … ____h_a_v_e_d_o_n_e_____ sth.
4.If I _h_a_d_h_a_d_ (have) time last night, I _w__o_u_ld__h_av_e__s_e_en_(see) the Love of the Hawthorn Tree.
couldn’t have finished the work. • But for the bad weather, we would
have arrived earlier.
• They got two free tickets, or /otherwise they could never have been able to afford to go to Canada.
But sadly I’m not, so I must make the best of life as it is.”
(4)从句表示的行为和主句表示的行为所 发生的时间不一致
If you had asked him yesterday, you would know what to do now.
5.If he _h_a_d_d__ri_v_e_n(drive) more carefully, hewould not have had ____________________________________ (not have) an accident yesterday.
【Find the rules(自我发现)】 3.Contrary to the future(与将来事实相反)
• 表示说话人所说的话不是事实,而是一 种假设、愿望或推测。
the Subjunctive Mood in “if” clause
【Find the rules(自我发现)】
1.Contrary to the present(与现在事实相反)
• If I were you , I would study hard. • If I had a lot of money now, I would
If it should rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the park. S__h_ou_l_d_i_t_r_a_in__t_om__or_r_o_w_____,we would have to put off the visit to the park.
4.This machine is of good quality. If
it _________ break down in the first
year, we would repair it at our
A. would
B. should
C. could
D. might
【即学即用】 1.If it were (be) fine now,
I would go(go) shopping.
2.If I had (have) a lot of money, I would help (help) those poor people .
3.If everyone ___li_v_e_d____(live) a low-carbon life now, the earth w__o_u_l_d__b_e_(be) saved.
These sentences refer to a true situatoin. (一个事实)
If I feel depressed I will sing.
If I feel sad I will laugh.
If feel uncertain I will raise my voice.
• subjunctive mood is usually used to talk about the situations that are not true or not likely to become true.
2.If my English teacher hadn’t helped m I _________ the first prize in the English Writing Competition. A.would not win B. would not have won C. would win D. would have won