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This will be the best novel of its kind ever ________(write). written
that has ever been written.
a broken heart 一颗破碎的心 a heart which is broken
a lost dog
定语 表语 放在名词和代词的前面或后面 表示动作已经完成或被动的 放在be 动词或系动词的后面
• 定语, 现在分词表示 • “主动、正在进行”, 而过去分词则一般 • 表示“被动、已经发生” • 不及物动词的过去 • 分词形式表示完成但 不含被动意义。 • • 有时单一过去分词 作定语后置, 相当于 被动式定语从句的 省略形式。 boiling water 正在煮沸的水(正在进行) boiled water 已煮沸的水(已经完成) a retired worker 一退休 工人 fallen leaves 落叶 The problems discussed (which were discussed) were very important. 被讨论的问题很重要。
• Is this the book written by Lu Xun? • 这是鲁迅写的书吗? • What do you think of the meeting being held here? • 你对正在这里举行的会议怎么看? • He prepared some poems to be recited at the English Evening. • 他准备了几首将在英语晚会上朗诵的诗。
过去分词短语作定语放在被修饰的词之后, 往往可用定语从句代替
The boy (who had been) bitten by a snake was sent to the hospital. (被动完成)
• (2)个别情况下,也有单个过去分词作后置定语 的。如: • There was nobody injured. 没有人受伤。 • We’ve got a little left.我们只剩一点儿了。 • Do you know the number of books ordered? 你 知道订购了多少书吗?
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Disappointing news 1.令人失望的消息 Disappointed people2.感到失望的人们 Exciting story 3.激动人心的故事 Excited people 4.(感到)激动的人们 Tired people/ I’m 5.累了的人/我感到累了 tired 6. (使人觉得)无聊的 6. Tiring film 电影
2. Past Participle used as predicative
The shop is _________(close). closed
Cleaning women in big cities usually get ______ paid (pay) by the hour.
broken There are two glasses which are _______ (break).
vi的过去分词做定语时----只表完成,不 表被动
Fallen leaves
Falling leaves
vi. 过分做定语只表示完成,不表被动
the fallen leaves 落叶 the falling leaves 正在飘零的叶子 the risen sun 升起了的太阳 the rising sun 冉冉升起的太阳 boiled water 开水 boiling water 正沸腾的水 developed countries 发展了的国家/发达国家 developing countries 发展中国家
• (3)作定语时, 过去分词(done)----表被动完成的动作 being done----表示正在进行的被动动作 to be done----表示将来的被动动作
the school built 造好的桥(表示完成的被动动作) the school being built 正在建的桥(表示正在进 行的被动动作) the school to be built 将要建造的学校(表示将 来的被动动作)
There are two broken glasses.
excited (excite) The person who feels __________ is Ronaldo. The excited person is Ronaldo.
• (1)过去分词作表语(其中有些已变成形容词) 往往表示主语的状态或特点,常用在系动词后面, 这些系动词有be, remain, feel, grow, become等。 • I was delighted to be invited to her party. 我很高 兴被邀请参加她的晚会。 • She remained unmarried all her life. 她一生未婚。
7. The boy ____ D himself in the corner with his
back ____ to his father.
A. seat, turning B. seating, turned
C. seated, turn
D. seated, turned
8. ---What’s the main purpose of tonight’s ---We are going to talk about the problem ____ A at the last meeting. A. mentioned B. having been mentioned C. being discussed D. having discussed
1.语态上 现在分词:表示主动的动作 过去分词:表示被动的动作 I heard someone opening the door. I heard the door opened.
the falling leaves the fallen leaves boiling water the rising sun the risen sun
be determined to do be buried in 这类过分词组,在做非谓语 be devoted to 结构时,一般都用过去分词 be lost in 来做状语,定语,以及补语 be covered with be based on be absorbed in be dressed in be caught in
The shop is closed now. The shop is usually closed at 8. The glass is broken. The glass was broken by Tom. I’m surprised to see him here. I’m surprised by the event.
Absorbed in his book, he didn’t notice me coming into the house. Dressed in his new clothes, the child looked happy. Covered with snow, the trees looked beautiful. Determined to give up smoking, he threw away his cigarettes.
a dog which is lost an organized trip 有组织的旅行 a trip which is organized
• (1)一般情况下,单个的过去分词作定语,放在 被修饰的词之前;过去分词短语作定语放在被修 饰的词之后,往往可用定语从句代替。 • She had a worried look on her face. 她脸上有一 种忧虑的表情。 • I like eating the frozen food. 我喜欢吃冷冻食品。 • The boy who injured ininjured the accident was taken was in the accident ) to hospital. 在事故中受伤的男孩被送到医院了。 • There is a car parked outside the house. 房子外 面停着一辆车。 which is parked in the house
The girl dressed in red is my sister. He found her dressed in a black evening dress the book.
get done get hurt /injured/seprated/married
Sum Байду номын сангаасp
*过去分词做表语与现在分词作表语的区别 interested/interesting,excited/exciting,surprised/ surprising,frightened/frightening等。
*2)be+过去分词(化作adj.) 与 被动语态 的区别
be+过去分词(化作adj.) (表状态)
boiled water
专项巩固练习 1. Most of the people ___ A to the party were famous scientists. A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. inviting 2. The speaker spoke so loudly in order to have his voice _____. D A. to be heard B. hear C. hearing D. heard 3. It’s not ____ A that you are ____. After all, you didn’t go to bed until 12 last night. A. surprising, tired B. surprising, tiring C. surprised, tiring D. surprised, tired
Unit1 过去分词作 表语,定语
1. Past Participle used as attribute
fallen The ground is covered by _________ (fall) leaves.
wanted (want) people These __________ are from Hong Kong.
4. The question _____ B at yesterday’s meeting hasn’t been made ______ yet. A. discussing, known B. discussed, known C. being discussed, know D. to be discussed, know 5. I saw her ____ D at the windows, _____. A. seating, thought B. sitting, thought C. sat, thinking D. seated, thinking A I didn’t know 6. The door remained ____. where he had gone. A. closed B. closing C. close D. to be closed