发音基本规则 连读 爆破音

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1、相邻词辅元连音take a look at it . I’ll be back in half an hour

Will it take a lot of time to go to town on foot?

2、元元连音Don’t worry about it. I am sorry about the accident.

We all agree with the plan.

3、加音连读+ j 两词相连,前词以长i或短i:结尾,后词亦以长i或短i:开始,前词后

加j Please copy it. You can see it. say it again.

+ r 两词连读当前词以e 结尾,后以e开始,则前音后加r

idea of it. The vase is made of china and glass.

The room has an area of 12 square meters.

4、当前音尾为U/u:时,产生轻加音w 与后词的元音词首连读。

Don’t do it. Go easy. It’s too easy. The bird flew in the sky.



1、爆破音加爆破音b/p t/d k/g

She took good care of the children.

Big boy. sharp pencil what time September Ask Bob to sit behind me.

goodbye. blackboard. suitcase football

2、t/d +鼻音m/n

Good morning. Good news start now. I don’t know. Mid-night. admit

3、t/d + 舌连音/l/

at last .good luck I’d like to . straight line. friendly a bit louder .

4、爆破音+ 破擦音ch zh

Great changes Good jobs. picture that child Grandchildren . object.

爆破音+摩擦音s z sh zh th

keep silent . a good zoo make sure get through we heard David sing last night.

night show a good view. old friends. He mustn’t do it. You don’t know him. You

needn’t pay for it. I woudn’t let him go.


s 后边的轻辅音要浊化stand express school scan street strange stress

美音t 在单词中间时浊化letter writer


实词重读,如形容词,动词,名词,副词,数词虚词弱读介词,代词,冠词连词元音节弱化成e ,比如for, to .some ,does. of


George is a young man, he does not have a wife but he has a very big dog. and he has a very small car ,too, He likes playing tennis. Last Monday, he played tennis for half an hour at his club, and then, he ran out and jumped into a car.

Reading aloud is very important for beginners.

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
