中国考试 - 常用俚语和习惯用语(4)

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常用俚语和习惯用语(4) the works 在进行中
A plan to file these notes is in the works, but it's going to take a long
time before I get to it. the red 赤字
That company was $100,000,000 in the red. the nick of time 最后一分钟
We had a flat tire on our way to Henry's party, But we still got there in
the nick of time. the doghouse 倒霉
I've been in the doghouse with my mom and dad ever since they saw my
grades from last semester. the dark 使保密
They kept the bad news in the dark. the clouds 心不在焉
The teacher asked me a question and I didn't even hear him, I was
daydreaming and had my head in the clouds. short order 立刻
He did it in short order after I told him he wouldn't get his allowance
this week until he did it. one's shoes 处于某人的位置
If you were in my shoes, you would know how I feel. one's blood 天生的
In fact you could say tennis is in my blood, my father and grandfather
were tennis champions. next to no time 很快
I'll be home in next to no time. hot water 遇到麻烦
Joe is really in hot water now, his girlfriend just found out he has
another girl. fine feather 精神饱满
We heard you were pretty sick, but you sure look in fine feather now. a jam 处于困境
I'm in a jam. My car has broken down and I wonder if you could give me a
ride to work.
395.humble pie 道歉
Be careful of what you say or you'll have to eat humble pie. shot 高手
That guy thinks he's such a hot-shot when he's on the golf course. seat 困境
The president is really in the hot seat over the financial problem. potato 难题
The issue of abortion has been a hot potato in America for a long time. air 空话
The candidate's promises were only hot air.
400.hold up 耐用
The luggage didn't hold up well.
401.hold off 避开
I will hold off the bill collectors until pay day.
402.hitch-hike 搭车
I had a friend who hitch-hiked across America.
403.hit the spot 正合口味
The ice cold cola does hit the spot on this dazzling July afternoon.
404.hit the mark 达到目的
If love be blind, love cannot hit the mark.
405.hit the fan 出麻烦
Things are gonna hit the fan if we don't finish this job before the boss
gets back.

406.hit the ceiling 大发雷霆
The only real damage was a bent fender, but I knew Dad would hit the
ceiling when he saw it.
407.hit the bottle 酩酊大醉
He likes to hit the bottle once in a while.
408.hit man 职业

The Mafia hired a hit man to go after the key-witness in the trial.
409.hit between the eyes 突然想出
All of a sudden the right answer hit me right between the eyes.
410.high and dry 走头无路
nobody help me, it seems that I have been left high and dry and have to do
all the work by myself.
411.hen-pecked 怕老婆的
Jack is the most hen-pecked man I know.
412.hell on wheels 差劲的司机
Don't get a ride from him, he is hell on wheels.
413.heart-throb 情人
John is Mary's heart-throb.
414.head-hunter 猎头公司
He's got three head-hunters trying to find him a job.
415.head trip 精神享受
Man, this book is a head trip.
416.head and shoulders above 胜过
Just because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you think
you are head and shoulders above others?
417.have one's hands full with 忙于
Any other time will be great, but today I have my hands full with the
418.have butterflies in one's stomach 紧张
At my sister's wedding dinner, I had butterflies in my stomach because I
knew I'd have to stand up and make a speech.
419.have a short memory 健忘
He has a short memory for names.
420.have a screw loose 古怪
I knew a guy at college who had a screw loose somewhere.
421.have a heart 发发善心
Hey, Dad, have a heart and let me use the new car, I have this big date
with Jennie tonight.
422.have a hand in 插手
Jack always likes to have a hand in other people's business.
423.hat in hand 恭敬地
With business so hard, I hate to do it, but I have to go to my boss hat
and beg for more money.
424.has a way with words 擅长言辞
Our English teacher did have a way with words.
425.happy-go-lucky 无忧无虑的
That girl is the most happy-go-lucky person I know.
426.hang-up 烦恼
Many young people today have lots of hang-ups.
427.hang out 溜达
Tom likes to hang out in bars on the weekend.
428.hang on to your hat 震惊的消息
Hang on to your hat, you won't believe this, but last night Bill asked me
to marry him!
429.half-baked 不完整的
This sales plan looks half-baked to me.
430.grin and beat it 苦笑着忍耐
He never speaks of his pain. Long ago he decided to simply grin and bear
431.grab a bite 简单吃点东西
It's urgent. Let's just stop off and grab a bite to eat at that hamburger
joint near the theater.
432.goose bump 鸡皮疙瘩
Just seeing her in a magazine gives me goose bumps - she's such a
beautiful woman.
433.go to the dogs 沦落
Since Peter got hooked on heroin he lost his job and soon his wife - I
never saw a man go to the dogs so fast.

434.go to pot 毁灭
Their marriage has gone to pot.
435.go through hell or high water 赴汤蹈火
I love my friend John like a brother, I know he'd go through hell or high
water for me.
436.go overboard 鲁莽从事
I wouldn't go overboard and buy a lot of stock in that company right now.
437.go out of one's way 不辞辛劳
Father went out of his way to help patients.
438.go for broke 全力以赴
The biggest auto race of the year is ready to start. All the drivers are
ready to go for broke and drive their cars until they fall apart.
439.go Dutch 各自付帐
Why don't we go Dutch in the future?
440.go bananas 发疯
I'm going bananas over the noise in the apartment next door.
441.go around 流传
Rumors are going around.
442.go around 分配
We have enough food to go around.
443.give someone the shirt off his back 患难之交
He is a friend indeed. If I ever needed help, he would give me the shirt
off his back.
444.give up the ghost 无可救药
I need money to buy a new car. My old one is twelve years old and I'm
afraid it's ready to give up the ghost.
445.give someone a piece of one's mind 训某人一顿
Today I'll give my business manager a piece of my mind. of gab 有口才
The key-note speaker certainly has the gift of gab.
447.ghost writer 代笔的人
Some people believe Francis Bacon was the ghost writer who really wrote
all the plays which have Shakespeare's name on them.
448.ghost town 废弃的城镇
These old ghost towns can give you a scary feeling.
449.get over 克服
Finally, Linda got over the divorce.
450.get out of 逃脱
Don't think you can get out it, we know every thing.
451.get one's back up 使某人生气
One thing that really gets my back up - the way my husband leaves his
clothes on the bed or on the floor.
452.get on someone's back 唠唠叨叨
I wish she wouldn't get on my back so much.
453.get on one's nerves 使某人生气
Smoking always gets on my nerves.
454.get off the ground 开始
The plan will get off the ground in May.
455.get off one's back 停止纠缠
If the government would get off our backs with all these useless rules and
regulations, the economy would get better.
456.get nowhere 无出路
If you won't work hard now, you'll get nowhere in the future.
457.get it in the neck 受到惩罚
I'll get it in the neck, I'm sure, when my mom finds out that I broke it.
458.get a hold of 得到
I tried to get a hold of you, but the line was busy.
459.get going 开始
Let's get going.
460.get cracking 开始行动
Stop daydreaming, let's get cracking!
461.get back 稍

Can I get back to you on that?
462.get away with 逃脱
He thought he could get away with cheating but was later caught.
463.get at 意思是
I don't know what you're getting at.
464.get a kick out of 感到愉快
Say, Barby, let me tell you something. I really get a kick out of being
with you.
465.gate crasher 无票入场者
Although the concert was sold out, hundreds of gate-crashers broke into
the stadium to see the Rolling Stones.
466.funny farm 精神病院
Joe went to the funny farm after claiming that he was President Theodore

467.full of beans 胡说八道
After Jim presented his bold proposal, the manager jumped up and said:
"You are full of beans!"
468.front money 定金
They want me to pay a large sum of front money for the computers which I
can't afford. 不受约束的人
Mr. Blank was called a free-wheeler because he doesn't do what others tell
him to do. lance 自由职业者
Bill works free lance selling his articles to some magazines or
newspapers. and easy 随和的
"Jeff is such a free and easy man, almost everybody in our office likes
472.foul play 谋杀
The dead man looked like a victim of foul play.
473.for nothing 免费
You can take it for nothing. for thought 发人深思的东西
This article provides us good food for thought. off the handle 发火
Honey, please don't fly off the handle - I had a little accident with the
car, but it certainly wasn't my fault.
476.flip out 失控
The young girl flipped out when she saw Michael Jackson in person.
477.flat broke 破产
I'm flat broke this week. as a fiddle 非常健康
Morning exercises help to keep me fit as a fiddle. story 夸张的故事
The old man loved to tell fish stories to children.
480.fill in on 告诉
I wasn't there, would you fill me in on what happened?
481.fill in for someone 顶替
I can fill in for you when you are away.
482.figure out 解决
Can you figure out this puzzle?
483.fifty-fifty 平分
Let's split the prize money fifty-fifty.
484.fifth wheel 多余物
I felt like a fifth wheel when I got there because I could do nothing but
stand there.
485.field trip 实地考察
Mr. White asked us to take a field trip and get the first-hand
486.few and far between 稀少
In winter, visitors to this town are few and far between.
487.feel free to 随便干。。。
Feel free to use my car.
488.feel down in the dumps 情绪低落
After losing the election, Mike really felt down in the dumps.

489.feast one's eyes on 一饱眼福
I spent a whole afternoon in the National Gallery of art, feasting my eyes
on all the modern paintings.
490.fat farm 减肥中心
My sister Sally is back from the fat farm again.
491.fat chance 机会渺茫
I have a fat chance to ever get a good grade in physics or chemistry.

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