18高校大学宿舍管理系统研究 中英文双语计算机专业毕业设计外文文献翻译成品.doc
它主要包括:公寓、寝室的配置、住宿人员登记、卫生检查、公寓资产、学生违纪、值班老师记录以及对学生住宿情况查询,可以更快地了解到每个学生的住宿情况,使公寓的管理效率更高,做的更好!关键字:人工记录管理;电脑一体化;无纸化办公Student Apartment Management Information SystemAbstractWith the popularization and use of the computer, present management has been promoted much, more and more jobs have been done by computer. It namely changes the original artificial record management mode into computer's integrating and managing. The university is the position of scientific research, the apartment management should change traditional managing artificially too, for the efficiency. So, develop the management software of student's apartment .Student Apartment Management System is a utility management system based on the managing mode of many universities and colleges.Universal and easy-operating are the greatest features of the system, which is also applicable for enterprises of the same type.Apartment keepers bear a increasingly heavy burden because of the gradually added number of roomers. In order to free apartment keepers from the heave work,and make the work more convienent and efficient.The apartment management system is developed. The system computerized all the processes concerning the apartment management which include apartment,dormitory distribution,roomer registration,santitation examination,and the query for apartment property,students' violation of discipline,teachers' records and rooming situation. It makes the apartment management more efficient and much better.Key words:Manual recording management;Computer integration management ;no-paper work目录摘要 (II)Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... I II 第1章系统分析. (1)1.1开发工具简介及系统运行环境 (2)1.1.1 VB6简介 (2)1.1.2 HELP 制作 (2)1.2 开发的必要性 (2)1.3 系统开发的可行性 (3)1.3.1技术上的可行性 (3)1.3.2 经济上的可行性 (3)1.3.3 组织管理上的可行性 (3)1.4 数据来源 (3)1.5系统数据流程图 (4)第2章数据库设计 (7)第3章功能模块设计 (10)3.1系统功能结构图及运行图如下 (10)3.1.1 系统功能结构图 (10)3.1.2 系统功能结构图运行图 (10)3.2 系统设置 (11)3.2.1 用户管理 (11)3.2.2公寓设置 (11)3.2.3数据备份 (11)3.2.4数据转换 (11)3.3公寓管理 (11)3.3.1学生请假 (12)3.3.2学生违规 (12)3.3.3床位设置 (12)3.4 卫生检查 (12)3.5 公寓资产 (12)3.6 记录查看与记录删除 (12)3.7值班记录 (13)3.8帮助制作 (13)第4章程序设计 (14)4.1 登录界面 (14)4.1.1 登录图片 (14)4.1.2 界面制作与实现 (14)4.2 程序主界面 (15)4.3系统设置 (17)4.3.1用户管理 (17)4.3.2 公寓设置 (19)4.3.3数据备份 (23)4.3.4 数据转换 (24)4.4公寓管理 (25)4.4.1学生请假 (25)4.4.2学生违规 (26)4.5卫生检查 (27)4.5.1 公寓卫生添加效果图 (27)4.6 公寓资产 (29)4.6.1公寓资产添加设置效果图 (29)4.6.2界面制作与实现方法 (29)4.7记录查看 (30)4.7.1 卫生查看 (30)4.7.2其它记录查看 (31)4.8记录删除 (32)4.8.1 卫生删除 (32)4.8.2请假删除 (33)4.8.3 违规删除 (33)4.8.4 资产删除 (35)4.9值班记录 (35)4.9.1 值班记录 (35)4.9.2 增加记录 (37)4.10 Help制作 (39)第5章系统测试 (41)总结 (42)致谢........................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
宿舍管理系统毕业设计(软件工程毕业设计) 摘要在当今信息技术迅猛发展,知识更替日新月异的时代,信息技术为企业的发展提供了机遇,也带来了挑战。
本系统是采用microsoft visual studio XX作为前台开发工具,sql serverXX作为后台数据库平台的管理系统。
1.1 系统开发的背景数据库是从20xx年代初发展起来的计算机技术。
包。Servlet在启用Java的Web服务器上或应用服务器上运行并扩展了该服务器的能力Java servlet对于Web服务器就好象Java applet对于Web浏览器。Servlet装入Web服 务器并在Web服务器内执行,而applet装入Web浏览器并在Web浏览器内执行。Java Servlet API定义了一个servlet和java使能的服务器之间的一个标准接口,这使得Servlets
1.3.2 Oracle的特点..
生产生活方式已经发生很大的变化,特别是管理水平的提高,使得人与人之间的信息 交流突破了地域,即实现了远程管理与控制。因此,在这数字化的时代里,普通的人 工管理技术也受到了极大的挑战。In ternet技术持续迅猛的发展,也给传统的的管理提 出了新的模式。
2.外文原文Introduction of student hostels ManagementSystemWilliam Sydney PorterWith the improvement of social information technology, computers have been widely used in today's society in various fields, promote social development as the primary driving force for technology. In the application of software technology, software development technology, in particular application software product development technology has become top priority. Continuously adapt to the development of user needs, the needs of the market of new software products that compete in the market, reap the maximum profit is the global information business pursuit of the goal. Student housing management system is a very practical application of software products, its scope of application is very broad, as long as the schools to provide students with accommodation, can be used.Today's campus of the University of student apartments, the volume of data, information management complexity, query and management of student information and campus apartment information, and other manual work will be completed very tired, very probably unrealistic, Not only a waste of many human and material resources, but is still prone to error, a software meet the requirements of its intelligent management of student housing is the best, however, a saving of human and material resources, and to grasp and all kinds of information Operation is also more convenient, with all the information on the overall situation of a master.Under the traditional model of using manual management of student hostels, there are more shortcomings, such as: efficiency at the end of the confidentiality of poor, Shijianyizhang will have a large number of documents and data, not easy to find, update and maintenance. The school administrators to students in information management has brought great difficulties, a serious impact on the efficiency of education workers, in these instances, we can use increasingly sophisticated computertechnology to replace the traditional manual mode, to realize the modernization of information students Management, technology management manual is incomparable advantages, such as: search quickly to find convenient, high reliability and large capacity storage, security and good, long life, such as at the end of the cost. These advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of information management students, to make our schools in the development of market economy in the process has a competitive advantage, but also schools to achieve a scientific, standardized and modernized the important conditions. To achieve a scientific, unified management, to avoid the mistakes of the operation, greatly improving the work efficiency.。
黑龙江大学本科生毕业论文(设计)中文题目:大学生公寓管理系统的设计与实现英文题目:The Students Apartment Management System Design and Implementation摘要随着科技水平的发展,计算机应用系统已经在人们的生活、工作中起着越来越重要的作用。
关键字管理系统;Java;My SQL数据库;系统设计;软件工程。
AbstractWith the development of scientific and technological level, Computer application system has been in people's lives, work, play an increasingly important role. Students in school as a result of more and more, Apartment traditional management such as the existence of low efficiency, confidentiality poor, hard to find, update and maintenance, as well as the high error rate can not be good, such as the unification of data deficiencies, design a good management system for apartment houses will have on the management of university students work effectively.Student Apartment Management System is a utility management system based on the managing mode of many universities and colleges.Universal and easy-operating are the greatest features of the system ,which is also applicable for enterprises of the same type.Apartment keepers bear a increasingly heavy burden because of the gradually added number of roomers.In order to free apartment keepers from the heave work,and make the work more convienent and efficient.The system uses a java development tool as a front、MySQL Server as the back-end database platform management system through the realization of the apartment managers the information input and maintenance, Apartment occupancy staff to amend the information and maintenance, registration and allocation of dormitory supplies maintenance, apartment information, visit the registration staff and other functions, Apartment management to enable students to become systematic, Standardization, Automation, Members to achieve the master quarters situation,The purpose of improving management efficiency.KeywordsManagement system; Java ; Mysql datebase ; System design; Software Engineering.目录摘要 (i)Abstract .................................................................................................................................... i i 前言. (1)第一章开发环境及工具简介 (2)1.1 Java 简介 (2)1.2 My SQL datebase数据库简介 (4)第二章需求分析 (5)2.1可行性分析 (5)2.1.1任务概述 (5)2.1.2可行性研究的目的 (5)2.1.3系统所要实现在功能 (6)2.2性能需求 (6)2.3功能实现 (7)第三章概要设计 (8)3.1 系统结构图 (8)3.1.1大学生公寓管理系统的实体E-R图 (8)3.1.2系统功能描述 (9)3.1.3 UML用例图 (10)3.2 数据结构设计 (11)3.2.1 大学生公寓管理系统数据结构表 (11)3.2.2大学生公寓管理系统数据结构模型设计 (11)3.2.2 HMS系统源代码包结构 (20)第四章详细设计 (21)4.1主窗体设计 (21)4.2系统用户管理总体设计 (22)4.2.1 超级管理员与普通管理员登录界面 (22)4.2.2 宿舍管理模块 (23)4.2.3 学生管理模块 (24)4.2.4 工作人员管理模块 (26)4.2.5 来访人员管理模块 (27)4.2.6 系统管理模块 (28)第五章系统测试 (30)5.1 功能测试 (30)5.2 结论 (30)附录 (32)参考文献 (36)致谢 (37)前言随着科技水平的发展,计算机应用系统已经在人们的生活、工作中起着越来越重要的作用。
职场大变样社区():下载毕业设计成品全套资料,全部50元以下毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译班姓学 专 指导教师:2014年6月JSP TechnologyLevel: IntroductoryBrett D. McLaughlin, Sr. (brett@), Author and Editor, O'ReillyAn old Java technology hand and new Enhydra partisan, the author urges developers to consider alternatives to JavaServer Pages (JSP) servlets when choosing an approach to coding Web applications. JSP technology, part of Sun's J2EE platform and programming model, serves as a solution to the common dilemma of how to turn drab content into a visually appealing presentation layer. The fact is, Web developers aren't uniformly happy with JSP technology. Since many variations on the Sun technology are now available, you can choose from a number of presentation technologies. This article takes an in-depth look at JSP coding and explores some attractive alternatives.Presentation technology was designed to transform plain ol' raw Web content into content wrapped in an attractive presentation layer. JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology, Sun's presentation model and part of the J2EE platform, has received significant attention. There are both advantages and disadvantages to using JSP technology, and Web developers should be aware of the good and the bad -- and know that they don't have to be limited to this single technology. In fact, these days a number of presentation technologies are available. This article begins by defining the problems presentation technologies were designed to solve. It then examines the specific strengths and weaknesses of the JSP model. Finally, it introduces some viable alternatives to Sun's presentation technology.The premiseToday, a decade beyond those fledgling Windows applications, we are still dealing with this huge shift in the presentation paradigm. The woeful Visual Basic and C programmers who remain now find themselves working either on back-end systems or Windows-only applications, or they have added a Web-capable language such as the Java language to their toolbox. An application that doesn't support at least three of four ML-isms -- such as HTML, XML, and WML -- is considered shabby, if not an outright failure. And, of course, that means we all care very deeply about the ability to easily develop a Web presentation layer.As it turns out, using the new Internet, and all the languages we have at our disposal -- Java, C, Perl, Pascal, and Ada, among others -- hasn't been as easy as we might have hoped. A number of issues creep up when it comes to taking the programming languages everyone used for back-end systems and leveraging them to generate markup language suitable for a client. With the arrival of more options on the browser (DHTML and JavaScript coding, for example), the increase in graphic artist talent in the Web domain, and tools that could create complex interfaces using standard HTML, the demand for fancy user interfaces has grown faster than our ability to develop these front ends to our applications. And this has given rise to presentation technology.Presentation technology was designed to perform a single task: convert content, namely data without display details, into presentation -- meaning the various user interfaces you see on your phone, PalmPilot, or Web browser. What are the problems that these presentation technologies claimed to solve? Let's take a look.A bit of historyBefore diving into an explanation of presentation technology, it's helpful to fill in some details on the situation that led to the birth of the technology. Just 10 short years ago, the term thin client was a novelty. We still lived in a world of desktop applications, powered by wimpy 286 microprocessors with 14-inch monitors that we squinted at. Boy, have times changed! Now my desktop does nothing but power a Web browser, while servers from Sun, IBM, HP, Compaq, and the rest churn out computations, business logic, and content. And that little monitor? Replaced by flat-screen, plasma, whopping 21- and 25-inch beauties. Why? So we can see the intricate and complex HTML displays that serve as a front-end to these powerful applications. No longer does a clunky interface suffice; now we expect flashy graphics, moving images, color-coordinated presentations that would look good in any room in the house, and speedy rendering to boot.The promise of JSP technologyNow, on to the specifics of JSP coding. The promise of JSP technology is to supply the designer and developer the only presentation technology they will ever need. JSP technologyis part of the J2EE platform, which is the strongest show of support Sun can give one of its Java products. To give you an idea of how prevalent this solution is, try running a search on 'JSP' at ; you'll find more books devoted to JSP technology than about almost any other single Java API. Before I dive into the specific problems that JSP technology presents, you need a clear understanding of what it claims to do.The problemsI've spelled out what a good presentation technology should provide, as well as the specific problems that JSP technology seeks to address. Now, I'm ready to cut to the chase: JSP technology, while built on good ideas, presents quite a few problems. Before you choose to use JSP coding in your applications (which you might still do), you should at least be aware of possible pitfalls.You should also be aware of a facet of the J2EE programming platform that is often ignored: just because an API comes with the platform doesn't mean you have to use it. As silly as this sounds, many developers are struggling with the JSP, or EJB, or JMS APIs, thinking if they don't use these APIs, their applications somehow won't really be "J2EE applications." In fact, the platform boasts more APIs than most applications need. If you have problems with or doubts about JSP technology, you don't have to use it! Take a close look at both the positives and the negatives before choosing to use JSP technology in your applications. Let's take a look at some of the negatives.SummaryI hope that I have opened your eyes a bit about the advantages and disadvantages of JSP technology and that now you can look at JSP coding as one alternative among many presentation technologies. At this point, you might also be a bit skeptical about the entire J2EE programming model. If you're convinced to further investigate the platform options, look for alternatives to JSP coding in Apache Cocoon, Enhydra, and the various templating engines.Finally, keep in mind that, despite all appearances to the contrary, this article isn't about recommending you use JSP or that you avoid it. I do intend to encourage you to peel back the layers of any technology to make sure it's right for you. Programming models are likeexamples; sometimes they make sense, and sometimes they don't. Look around, find out what works best for you, and make the informed decision, rather than the quick fun, and see you on the Web!JSP技术作为一名Java 技术老手和新的Enhydra 拥护者,作者力劝开发人员在选择设计Web 应用程序的途径时,考虑一下JavaServer Pages (JSP) servlet 以外的其他方法。
系统采用 技术作为创建应用程序的方式,以C#作为编程语言,采用SQL Server 数据库作为后台数据库。
【关键词】;C#.NET;SQL Server【】TP311.52 【】A 【】1009-5071(xx)06-0014-021 开发背景随着学校规模的不断扩大,学生人数逐年增加,学校对学生宿舍管理的工作量也越来越大。
2 开发目的学生宿舍信息管理涉及大量的数据处理,如果用手工来完成庞大的数据处理,将费时费力,还容易出错,为了满足学校对学生宿舍管理的需要,急需要一套学生宿舍信息管理系统来完成这项工作。
3 管理信息系统的开发要为用户体现完美的系统性能,就必须以应用为核心,以实用、易用、好用三大主线为出发点,有一个正确的设计指导思想,通过合理选择数据结构、网络结构、操作系统以及开发环境,构成一个完善的网络体系结构,全面兼顾技术、应用与发展的和谐统一,才能充分发挥办公系统的优势。
【精品】50中英文双语毕业设计外文文献翻译成品 :叶轮叶片五轴数控铣削的计算机辅助仿真加工制造程序设计
![【精品】50中英文双语毕业设计外文文献翻译成品 :叶轮叶片五轴数控铣削的计算机辅助仿真加工制造程序设计](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/34eddac9f90f76c661371a77.png)
此文档是毕业设计外文翻译成品(含英文原文+中文翻译),无需调整复杂的格式!下载之后直接可用,方便快捷!本文价格不贵,也就几十块钱!一辈子也就一次的事!外文标题:Computer Aided Simulation Machining Programming In 5-Axis Nc Milling Of Impeller Leaf外文作者:Liu Huran文献出处: Physics Procedia,2018,1457-1462(如觉得年份太老,可改为近2年,毕竟很多毕业生都这样做)英文1089单词, 4890字符(字符就是印刷符),中文1576汉字。
Computer Aided Simulation Machining Programming In 5-Axis Nc Milling Of Impeller LeafAbstractAt present, cad/cam (computer-aided design and manufacture) have fine wider and wider application in mechanical industry. For the complex surfaces, the traditional machine tool can no longer satisfy the requirement of such complex task. Only by the help of cad/cam can fulfill the requirement. The machining of the vane surface of the impeller leaf has been considered as the hardest challenge. Because of their complex shape, the 5-axis cnc machine tool is needed for the machining of such parts. The material is hard to cut, the requirement for the surface finish and clearance is very high, so that the manufacture quality of impeller leaf represent the level of 5-axis machining. This paper opened a new field in machining the complicated surface, based on a relatively more rigid mathematical basis. The theory presented here is relatively more systematical. Since the lack of theoretical guidance, in the former research, people have to try in machining many times. Such case will be changed. The movement of the cutter determined by this method is definite, and the residual is the smallest while the times of travel is the fewest. The criterion is simple and the calculation is easy.Keywords: milling cutter; contact; nc machiningIntroductionAt present, cad/cam (computer-aided design and manufacture) have fine wider and wider application in mechanical industry. For the complex surfaces, the traditional machine tool can no longer satisfy the requirement of such complex task. Only by the help of cad/cam can fulfill the requirement. The machining of the vane surface of the impeller leaf has been considered as the hardest challenge. Because of their complex shape, the 5-axis cnc machine tool is needed for the machining of such parts. The material is hard to cut, the requirement for the surface finish and clearance is very high, so that the manufacture quality of impeller leaf represent the level of 5-axis machining. This paper opened a new field in machining the complicated surface,based on a relatively more rigid mathematical basis. The theory presented here is relatively more systematical. Since the lack of theoretical guidance, in the former research, people have to try in machining many times. Such case will be changed. The movement of the cutter determined by this method is definite, and the residual is the smallest while the times of travel is the fewest. The criterion is simple and the calculation is easy.The method presented in this paper combined the impeller leaf design, NC machining and computersimulation together. The design and calculation is convenient, and the machining is of high efficient.Side milling of the impeller leaf in 4 coordinates simultaneous controls Suppose that the equation of the impeller leaf could be expressed as:Let the impeller leaf rotate an angle of 错误!未找到引用源。
1. 系统概述宿舍管理系统是一种基于信息技术的管理工具,用于监管和管理学生宿舍。
2.1 数据管理数据管理是宿舍管理系统的核心功能之一。
2.2 违纪处理在宿舍管理工作中,违纪行为的处理是一个必不可少的环节。
2.3 设备管理宿舍楼内的设备设施管理是宿舍管理的一个重要部分。
2.4 信息查询为了方便学生和管理人员查询相关信息,系统提供了信息查询功能。
二、需求分析1. 管理需求高校宿舍管理系统需要管理宿舍的信息,包括宿舍楼信息、房间信息、住宿学生信息等。
2. 学生需求学生需要使用系统进行宿舍的申请、查询、续住等操作。
3. 数据安全需求系统需要保障宿舍信息的安全性,防止信息泄露、篡改的问题。
四、系统功能设计1. 宿舍信息管理管理员可以对宿舍楼和房间信息进行管理,包括添加、修改、删除等操作。
2. 学生信息管理管理员可以管理住宿学生的信息,包括学生基本信息、所在房间、入住时间等。
3. 宿舍分配管理系统支持管理员对宿舍的分配操作,包括新生宿舍分配、学生申请调整等。
4. 学生操作学生可以通过系统进行宿舍选择、申请、查询等操作,提供学生自主管理的便利。
5. 数据安全系统设有数据备份和恢复功能,保障宿舍信息的安全性。
外文文献资料HTTP and Servlet BasicsLet's start off this chapter by defining the term web application. We've all seen regular client-side applications, but what exactly is a web application? Loosely, it can be defined as an application running on a server a user accesses through a thin, general-purpose client. Today, the most common client is a web browser on a PC or workstation, but other kinds of clients are rapidly joining the party, such as wireless PDAs, cell phones, and other specialized devices.The lofty goal here is to access all the information and services you need from any type of device that happens to be in front of you. This means that the same simple client program must be able to talk to many different server applications, and the applications must be able to work with many different types of clients. To satisfy this need, the protocol of how a client and a server talk to each other must be defined in detail. That's exactly what the HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP) is for.The communication model defined by HTTP forms the foundation for all web application design. A basic understanding of HTTP is key to developing applications that fit within the constraints of the protocol, no matter whichserver-side technology you use. In this chapter, we look at the most important details of HTTP you need to be aware of as a web application developer.One other item: this book is about using JSP as the server-side technology. JSP is based on the Java servlet technology. Both technologies share a lot of terminology and concepts, so knowing a bit about servlets will help you even when you develop pure JSP applications. To really understand and use the full power of JSP, you need to know a fair bit about servlets. Hence, we look at servlet fundamentals in the last section of this chapter.2.1 The HTTP Request/Response ModelHTTP and all extended protocols based on HTTP are based on a very simplecommunications model. Here's how it works: a client, typically a web browser, sends a request for a resource to a server, and the server sends back a response corresponding to the resource (or a response with an error message if it can't process the request for some reason). A resource can be a number of things, such as a simple HTML file returned verbatim to the browser or a program that generates the response dynamically.This simple model implies three important facts you need to be aware of:HTTP is a stateless protocol. This means that the server doesn't keep any information about the client after it sends its response, and therefore it can't recognize that multiple requests from the same client may be related.Web applications can't easily provide the kind of immediate feedback typically found in standalone GUI applications such as word processors or traditional client/server applications. Every interaction between the client and the server requires a request/response exchange. Performing a request/response exchange when a user selects an item in a list box or fills out a form element is usually too taxing on the bandwidth available to most Internet users.There's nothing in the protocol that tells the server how a request is made; consequently, the server can't distinguish between various methods of triggering the request on the client. For example, HTTP doesn't allow a web server to differentiate between an explicit request caused by clicking a link or submitting a form and an implicit request caused by resizing the browser window or using the browser's Back button. In addition, HTTP doesn't contain any means for the server to invoke client specific functions, such as going back in the browser history list or sending the response to a certain frame. Also, the server can't detect when the user closes the browser.Over the years, people have developed various tricks to overcome the first problem; HTTP's stateless nature. The other two problems—no immediate feedback and no details about how the request is made—are harder to deal with, but some amount of interactivity can be achieved by generating a response that includes client-side code (code executed by the browser), such as JavaScript or a Java applet.2.1.1 Requests in DetailLet's take a closer look at requests. A user sends a request to the server byclicking a link on a web page, submitting a form, or typing in a web page address in the browser's address field. To send a request, the browser needs to know which server to talk to and which resource to ask for. This information is specified by an HTTP Uniform Resource Locator (URL):/index.htmlThe first part of the URL shown specifies that the request is made using the HTTP protocol. This is followed by the name of the server, in this case. The web server waits for requests to come in on a specific TCP/IP port. Port number 80 is the standard port for HTTP requests. If the web server uses another port, the URL must specify the port number in addition to the server name. For example::8080/index.htmlThis request is sent to a server that uses port 8080 instead of 80. The last part of the URL, /index.html, identifies the resource that the client is requesting.A URL is actually a specialization of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI, defined in the RFC-2396 specification). A URL identifies a resource partly by its location, for instance the server that contains the resource. Another type of URI is a Uniform Resource Name (URN), which is a globally unique identifier that is valid no matter where the resource is located. HTTP deals only with the URL variety. The terms URI and URL are often used interchangeable, and unfortunately, they have slightly different definitions in different specifications. I'm trying to use the terms as defined by the HTTP/1.1 specification (RFC-2616), which is pretty close to how they are also used in the servlet and JSP specifications. Hence, I use the term URL only when the URI must start with http (or https, for HTTP over an encrypted connection) followed by a server name and possibly a port number, as in the previous examples. I use URI as a generic term for any string that identifies a resource, where the location can be deduced from the context and isn't necessarily part of the URI. For example, when the request has been delivered to the server, the location is a given, and only the resource identifier is important.The browser uses the URL information to create the request message it sends to the specified server using the specified protocol. An HTTP request message consists of three things: a request line, request headers, and possibly a request body.The request line starts with the request method name, followed by a resource identifier and the protocol version used by the browser:GET /index.html HTTP/1.1The most commonly used request method is named GET. As the name implies, a GET request is used to retrieve a resource from the server. It's the default request method, so if you type a URL in the browser's address field, or click on a link, the request is sent as a GET request to the server.The request headers provide additional information the server may use to process the request. The message body is included only in some types of requests, like the POST request discussed later.Here's an example of a valid HTTP request message:GET /index.html HTTP/1.1Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; en-US; rv: 1.0.2)Accept: image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*Accept-Language : enAccept-Charset : iso-8859-1,*,utf-8The request line specifies the GET method and asks for the resource named/index.html to be returned using the HTTP/1.1 protocol version. The various headers provide additional information.The Host header tells the server the hostname used in the URL. A server may have multiple names, so this information is used to distinguish between multiple virtual web servers sharing the same web server process.The User-Agent header contains information about the type of browser making the request. The server can use this to send different types of responses to different types of browsers. For instance, if the server knows whether Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator is used, it can send a response that takes advantage of each browser's unique features. It can also tell if a client other than an HTML browser is used, such as a Wireless Markup Language (WML) browser on a cell phone or a PDA device, and generate an appropriate response.The Accept headers provide information about the languages and file formats the browser accepts. These headers can be used to adjust the response to the capabilities of the browser and the user's preferences, such as use a supportedimage format and the preferred language. These are just a few of the headers that can be included in a request message.The resource identifier (URI) doesn't necessarily correspond to a static file on the server. It can identify an executable program, a record in a database, or pretty much anything the web server knows about. That's why the generic term resource is used. In fact, there's no way to tell if the /index.html URI corresponds to a file or something else; it's just a name that means something to the server. The web server is configured to map these unique names to the real resources.2.1.2 Responses in DetailWhen the web server receives the request, it looks at the URI and decides, based on configuration information, how to handle it. It may handle it internally by simply reading an HTML file from the filesystem, or it can forward the request to some component that is responsible for the resource corresponding to the URI. This can be a program that uses database information, for instance, to dynamically generate an appropriate response. To the browser it makes no difference how the request is handled; all it cares about is getting a response.The response message looks similar to the request message. It consists of three things: a status line, response headers, and an optional response body. Here's an example:HTTP/1.1 200 OKLast-Modified: Mon, 20 Dec 2002 23:26:42 GMTDate: Tue, 11 Jan 2003 20:52:40 GMTStatus: 200Content-Type: text/htmlServlet-Engine: Tomcat Web Server/5.0Content-Length: 59<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>The status line starts with the name of the protocol, followed by a status code and a short description of the status code. Here the status code is 200, meaning therequest was executed successfully. The response message has headers just like the request message. In this example, the Last-Modified header gives the date and time for when the resource was last modified. The browser can use this information as a timestamp in a local cache; the next time the user asks for this resource, he can ask the server to send it only if it's been updated since the last time it was requested. The Content-Type header tells the browser what type of response data the body contains and the Content-Length header how large it is. The other headers areself-explanatory. A blank line separates the headers from the message body. Here the body is a simple HTML page:<html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>Of course, the body can contain a more complex HTML page or any other type of content. For example, the request may return an HTML page with <img> elements. When the browser reads the first response and finds the <img> elements, it sends a new request for the resource identified by each element, often in parallel. The server returns one response for each image request, with a Content-Type header telling what type of image it is (for instance image/gif) and the body containing the bytes that make up the image. The browser then combines all responses to render the complete page.2.1.3 Request ParametersBesides the URI and headers, a request message can contain additional information in the form of parameters. If the URI identifies a server-side program for displaying weather information, for example, request parameters can provide information about the city the user wants to see a forecast for. In an e-commerce application, the URI may identify a program that processes orders, with the user's customer number and the list of items to be purchased transferred as parameters.Parameters can be sent in one of two ways: tacked on to the URI in the form of a query string or sent as part of the request message body. This is an example of a URL with a query string:/forecast?city=Hermosa+Beach&state=CAThe query string starts with a question mark (?) and consists of name/value pairs separated by ampersands (&). These names and values must be URL-encoded, meaning that special characters, such as whitespace, question marks, ampersands, and all other nonalphanumeric characters are encoded so that they don't get confused with characters used to separate name/value pairs and other parts of the URI. In this example, the space between Hermosa and Beach is encoded as a plus sign. Other special characters are encoded as their corresponding hexadecimal ASCII value; for instance, a question mark is encoded as %3F. When parameters are sent as part of the request body, they follow the same syntax; URL encoded name/value pairs separated by ampersands.2.1.4 Request MethodsAs described earlier, GET is the most commonly used request method, intended to retrieve a resource without causing anything else to happen on the server. The POST method is almost as common as GET; it requests some kind of processing on the server, for instance, updating a database or processing a purchase order.The way parameters are transferred is one of the most obvious differences between the GET and POST request methods. A GET request always uses a query string to send parameter values, while a POST request always sends them as part of the body (additionally, it can send some parameters as a query string, just to make life interesting). If you insert a link in an HTML page using an <a> element, clicking on the link results in a GET request being sent to the server. Since the GET request uses a query string to pass parameters, you can include hardcoded parameter values in the link URI:<a href="/forecast?city=Hermosa+Beach&state=CA">Hermosa Beach weather forecast</a>When you use a form to send user input to the server, you can specify whether to use the GET or POST method with the method attribute, as shown here: <form action="/forecast" method="POST">City: <input name="city" type="text">State: <input name="state" type="text"><p><input type="SUBMIT"></form>If the user enters "Hermosa Beach" and "CA" in the form fields and clicks on the Submit button, the browser sends a request message like this to the server: POST /forecast HTTP/1.1Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; en-US; rv: 1.0.2)Accept: image/gif, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*Accept-language: en-USAccept-charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8city=Hermosa+Beach&state=CADue to the differences in how parameters are sent by GET and POST requests, as well as the differences in their intended purpose, browsers handle the requests in different ways. A GET request, parameters and all, can easily be saved as a bookmark, hardcoded as a link, and the response cached by the browser. Also, the browser knows that no damage is done if it needs to send a GET request again automatically, for instance if the user clicks the Reload button.A POST request, on the other hand, can't be bookmarked as easily; the browser would have to save both the URI and the request message body. Since a POST request is intended to perform some possibly irreversible action on the server, the browser must also ask the user if it's okay to send the request again Besides the GET and POST methods, HTTP specifies the following methods: OPTIONSThe OPTIONS method is used to find out what options (e.g., methods) a server or a resource offers.HEADThe HEAD method is used to get a response with all headers generated by a GET request but without the body. It can make sure a link is valid or to see when a resource was last modified.PUTThe PUT method is used to store the message body content on the server as a resource identified by the URI.DELETEThe DELETE method is used to delete the resource identified by the URI.TRACEThe TRACE method is used for testing the communication between the client and the server. The server sends back the request message, exactly as it received it, as the body of the response.These methods aren't normally used in a web application.2.2 ServletsThe JSP specification is based on the Java servlet specification. In fact, JSP pages are often combined with servlets in the same application. In this section, we take a brief look at what a servlet is, and then discuss the concepts shared by servlets and JSP pages. In Chapter 3, we'll take a closer look at how JSP pages are actually turned into servlets automatically.If you're already familiar with servlets, this is old news. Y ou can safely skip the rest of this chapter.2.2.1 Advantages over Other Server-Side TechnologiesIn simple terms, a servlet is a piece of code that adds new functionality to a server (typically a web server), just like CGI and proprietary server extensions such as NSAPI and ISAPI. But compared to other technologies, servlets have a number of advantages:Platform and vendor independenceAll the major web servers and application servers support servlets, so a servlet-based solution doesn't tie you to one specific vendor. Also, servlets are written in the Java programming language, so they can be used on any operating system with a Java runtime environment.IntegrationServlets are developed in Java and can therefore take advantage of all other Java technologies, such as JDBC for database access, JNDI for directory access, RMI for remote resource access, etc. Starting with V ersion 2.2, the servlet specification is part of the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE), making servlets an important ingredient of any large-scale enterprise application, with formalized relationships to other server-side technologies such as Enterprise JavaBeans.EfficiencyServlets execute in a process that is running until the servlet-based applicationis shut down. Each servlet request is executed as a separate thread in this permanent process. This is far more efficient that the CGI model, where a new process is created for each request. First of all (and most obvious), a servlet doesn't have the overhead of creating the process and loading the CGI script and possibly its interpreter. But another timesaver is that servlets can also access resources that remain loaded in the process memory between requests, such as database connections and persistent state.ScalabilityBy virtue of being written in Java and the broad support for servlets, a servlet-based application is extremely scalable. Y ou can develop and test the application on a Windows PC using the standalone servlet reference implementation, and deploy it on anything from a more powerful server running Linux and Apache to a cluster of high-end servers with an application server that supports loadbalancing and failover.Robustness and securityJava is a strongly typed programming language. This means that you catch a lot of mistakes in the compilation phase that you would only catch during runtime if you used a script language such as Perl. Java's error handling is also much more robust than C/C++, where an error such as division by zero typically brings down the whole server.In addition, servlets use specialized interfaces to server resources that aren't vulnerable to the traditional security attacks. For instance, a CGI Perl script typically uses shell command strings composed of data received from the client to ask the server to do things such as send email. People with nothing better to do love to find ways to send data that will cause the server to crash, remove all files on the hard disk, or plant a virus or a backdoor when the server executes the command. While a CGI script programmer must be very careful to screen all input to avoid these threats, such problems are almost nonexistent with a servlet because it doesn't communicate with the server in the same insecure way2.2.2 Servlet ContainersA servlet container is the connection between a web server and the servlets. It provides the runtime environment for all the servlets on the server as defined by the servlet specification, and is responsible for loading and invoking those servletswhen the time is right. The container typically loads a servlet class when it receives the first request for the servlet, gives it a chance to initialize itself, and then asks it to process the request. Subsequent requests use the same, initialized servlet until the server is shut down. The container then gives the servlet a chance to release resources and save its state (for instance, information accumulated during its lifetime).There are many different types of servlet containers. Some containers are called add-ons, or plug-ins, and are used to add servlet support to web servers without native servlet support (such as Apache and IIS). They can run in the same operating-system process as the web server or in a separate process. Other containers are standalone servers. A standalone server includes web server functionality to provide full support for HTTP in addition to the servlet runtime environment. Containers can also be embedded in other servers, such as a climate-control system, to offer a web-based interface to the system. A container bundled as part of an application server can distribute the execution of servlets over multiple hosts. The server can balance the load evenly over all containers, and some servers can even provide failover capabilities in case a host crashes.No matter what type it is, the servlet container is responsible for mapping an incoming request to a servlet registered to handle the resource identified by the URI and passing the request message to that servlet. After the request is processed, it's the container's responsibility to convert the response created by the servlet into an HTTP response message and send it back to the client2.2.3 Servlet Contexts and Web ApplicationsA Java web application is typically made up by a combination of several different types of resources: JSP pages, servlets, applets, static HTML pages, custom tag libraries and other Java class files. Containers compliant with the Servlet 2.2 specification (or later), support a standard, portable way to package all these resources, along with a web application deployment descriptor containing information about how all the resources fit together. The deployment descriptor and all the other web application files are arranged in a well-defined hierarchy within an archive file, called a web application archive (WAR). All compliant containers provide tools for installing a WAR file or a special directory where a WAR file is automatically picked up (such as the webapps directory in Tomcat).Most containers also support web applications deployed directly in a filesystem using the same file structure as is defined for the WAR file, which can be convenient during development.Within the container, each web application is represented by a servlet context. The servlet context is associated with a unique URI path prefix called the context path. For instance, your human resources application can be associated with the context path /hr and your sales tracking system with the context path /sales. This allows one servlet container to distinguish between the different applications it serves and dispatch requests like /sales/report?month=Jan to the sales tracking application and /hr/emplist to the human resources application.The remaining URI path is then used within the selected context to decide how to process the request by comparing it to path-mapping rules defined by the application's deployment descriptor. Rules can be defined to send all requests starting with /report to one servlet and requests starting with /forecast to another. Another type of mapping rule can say that one servlet handles all requests with paths ending with a specific file extension, such as .jsp. shows how the different parts of the URI paths are used to direct the request processing to the right resource through the container and context.Each context is self-contained and doesn't know anything about other applications running in the same container. References between the servlets and JSP pages in the application are commonly relative to the context path and, therefore, are referred to as context-relative paths. By using context-relative paths within the application, a web application can be deployed using any context path.Finally, a context can hold objects shared by all components of the application, such as database connections and other shared resources needed by multiple servlets and JSP pages.中文翻译稿应用技术学院 06计算机(0616403028)徐鹏程2010年4月HTTP和Servlet的基础知识让我们从定义Web应用程序这一章开始。
18高校大学宿舍管理系统研究 中英文双语计算机专业毕业设计外文文献翻译成品.doc
![18高校大学宿舍管理系统研究 中英文双语计算机专业毕业设计外文文献翻译成品.doc](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/783254d05ef7ba0d4a733be5.png)
18高校大学宿舍管理系统研究中英文双语计算机专业毕业设计外文文献翻译成品外文标题Research on Dormitory Management System in Colleges and Universities 外文作者LINGFANG HUANG 文献出处International Conference on Arts and Design,Education and Social Sciences, 2017 英文2276单词,12887字符,中文3796汉字。
原文Research on Dormitory Management System in Colleges and Universities LINGFANG HUANG ABSTRACT Through constant communication and survey of university dormitory management personnel, continuous practice and improvement in system function, and continuous data analysis, we finally developed the “student dormitory management system“ which dormitory administrators and students two client are satisfied with. KEYWORDS Student dormitory management system; friendly interface. INTRODUCTION Research Status Many different kinds of student dormitory management systems has developed on the Internet at present, although the function is relatively complete, the interface give a person a kind of very complicated feeling, dormitory management personnel in ourschool do not have great advantages to learn new knowledge relatively at the age, need some time to learn and adapt for new dormitory management mode as well, although students as another kind of end user with the ability to quickly learn new knowledge, who are accustomed to the original paper management, they also need some adaptation time. So, it not only ensures that the function is complete, it more need to make people discern easily in the visual perception of interface, which considers the friendless of interface, the convenience of use is equally important. This paper has attached great importance to this issue and has made a relatively perfect solution. Research Content and Goals Main features of dormitory management system include the following points The system is divided into two identities to log in, one is the dormitory personnel, and the other is student, function of each identity is slightly different after login. The dormitory management personnel can mainly realize the inquiry about the students and dormitory information as well as the addition, deletion and modification of their information after login. Users can check express information Users can submit and inquire about repair information; Students can add or delete their own information on leaving and returning to school. User can change user s own password. This dormitorymanagement system emphasizes the completeness of functions and the friendliness of the interface, which has made a lot of efforts in convenience of use, in order to make the content seem simple and easy to understand without losing the functional integrity, I have designed many different kinds of window layout, finally choose one of the most satisfactory layout to achieve the object of simple interface. DEMAND ANALYSIS Feasibility Analysis of System Development Technical feasibility with the development of computer technology, the life and work of people have involved in computer field more or less, now it is hard for people to break away from a convenient science and technology, on the whole, the popularization of the computer makes people s life efficiency have a leap. Dormitory management system store is management software which stores a lot of information on students and dormitory, including students and dormitory information inquiry, addition, deletion, change and other operations, records of students staying late, the repair registration of dormitory items, and inquiry and input of the students letters and so on. The development of such a management system makes it easier for understanding student way. This system uses the Eclipse and database technology, Eclipse is safe and easy to use, which has mentioned above, andthe database is much more convenient and simple to use, so developing a management system is completely no problem in the technology aspects. Economic feasibility Developing this system only requires software to be installed onto a computer, and it can be implemented anywhere and anytime, so developing such software is not very big economic pressure. Feasibility of organization and management a lot of conservative state have got rid of in the concept of modern people, if the developed management software function is strong enough, it can bring to life, so it can get school logistics support, because no one will give up a chance which can do things easier, and conservative do inefficient things. It can be seen from the above feasibility that developing such a management system can make the management of the dormitory more convenient and fast, and can make the whole management mode improve one step. Therefore, it is necessary to develop dormitory management system. Users Needs Analysis The system s end users are dormitory managers and students. According to my daily experience in the dormitory, investigate the dormitory management teachers in my school and the students in the same dormitory; I come to the practical needs of the following user terminal Students live in dormitory, daily life of many dormitory management personnel indormitory building. Student s basic information After the students entering the school, the school will automatically generate for each student a primary key, which is the only student ID as well, and it is assigned to the specified dormitory buildings and dormitory. Each dormitory has a unique dormitory house number; student registration time is the time when students enter school. In addition, students generally with the same college live in the same building ,in order to facilitate the management; there are corresponding department names in the information. Basic information of dormitory Each dormitory has a primary key dormitory number; each dormitory has a phone, it is corresponding to the dormitory phone number. Basic information of dormitory property project The school s public property includes light bulbs, beds, tables and chairs, etc. in order to make better distinction for different items, and item numbers are assigned for each item. The main purpose is to be more conducive to repair and manage dormitory public items. Basic information of express There is express management in each dormitory. When students have a letter on the building, the arrival time of the letter will show correspondingly, and accept the letter with student s name and the house number of his dormitory. A student can have several express at one time, it isnecessary have column that show the number of express. When the express arrives, there will be an arrival time. After the student has successfully received express mail, it shows successful receipt. Basic information of public repair The public property of dormitory often need to be repaired due to damage, at this time, the students should number the item, item name, and the cause of the damage, and report to the dormitory management system, management will see it this time, notify the relevant personnel to repair dormitory property. The report will generate an report time, and have a successful repair time after the repair is completed. Basic information of night return Students sometimes are over the closing time of dormitory because of some things, at this time, dormitory management personnel should make corresponding record on the system, for example time of night return, personnel s name of night return, student number, the reason for return late and so on, in order to verify later. Basic information for leaving school Every year when the school in winter vacation, summer vacation, and all kinds of small holidays, in order to facilitate the students safety management and know where the students are going, they should do their best to record where the students are, when they leave and when they return to school. User s requirements forthe system 1. Dormitory management personnel A. Information requirements The dormitory management personnel can check all the above information, including any information in the student s dormitory, the receipt information of the express, the information of the property, etc., so as to manage the whole dormitory. B. processing requirements Dormitory management personnel not only can inquire the relevant information, and have the right to change a lot of information, such as the change of students information changes, which is mainly modified by dormitory management personnel, when students express arrive, the management personnel record it, after the express is successfully received, and the dormitory management personnel confirm and receive. When the student reports the damaged property for repair, dormitory management personnel can inquire the fixed time, that is to say, the dormitory management personnel cannot only inquire the students information, but also have authority to add and remove information. A. Safety and integrity requirements 1 Safety requirements The system has two different users ID to login, and different user id login has different system window, and should ensure that the users name and password are legal. The system has the same access to the same data set, and users can inquire and handle the types andcontents of all information of the access rights. The system sets different authorities for administrators and students. Users with different authorities have different access rights and change authorities for different data, which are divided into dormitory personnel authorities and students rights. 2 Integrity requirements All kinds of information records must have data; the completeness of information must be ensured Meticulously linked all kinds of data; The same data record should be consistent, no matter which page is the same. 1. Students in this dormitory A. Information requirements The students live in this dormitory can inquire dormitory they live in, students express, their dormitory property repair conditions and so on, and can change their information for leaving and returning for school. B. processing requirements The students can inquire, and report dormitory property need to be repaired in the system according to the requirements. After the repair, the personnel can see it and send relevant personnel to repair it. During the festival and holiday, students need to record their whereabouts on the system when they are away from school or return to school. Second part The design and division of system function According to the above analysis, the user s requirements can be obtained, and the functions of the system are divided into the following parts, thestudent management part and administrator management part, respectively The functions completed by all parts are as follows 1 User management part Handle user registration Handle user login Students can query the student information. Students can query the express information. Students can submit and search repair information. Students can increase and modify students own return or leaving for school information. Students can change their passwords. 2 Administrators’management part Handle administrator login Administrators can query students information. Administrators can issue and update express information. Administrators can add, modify, query and delete student warranty information. Administrators can add and query students for their information for night return. The administrator can query information whether the student is in school or not. Administrators can modify the administrators password. Flow Diagram of System Data STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF SYSTEM CONCEPT The instruction book is analyzed in accordance with the demand, according to the structural design idea; the local E-R graph is designed through data abstract design. The set of relational schemata is the relational data model, and the relationship among entity and attribute and other entities constitutes E-R diagram. So transforming E-R diagramsinto relational data models is to transform the relationships among entities, attributes, and entities into relational schemas. The database logic design can be divided into three phases user demand, establish E-R model and database pattern design. I have designed the E-R diagram of system before, meantime I have made some users demand survey before the development, place myself in users position, truly feel how to do products better, and more convenient in use, interface is friendlier. Based on this, the direction and emphasis of this system are clear, and the design of the database model is emphasized. It can be divided into two steps to realize the design stage of the logical design in the database mode, the first step is to convert the E-R graph to the relational model, and the second step is to optimize the design, adjust and improve the mode. I would like to emphasize that in the third step of logical design, namely, the E-R image relation model is transformed into a relational model. The relationship patterns of the entity transformation are as follows Relational schema Dormitory student student number, name, gender, major, dormitory number, check-in time Dormitory dormitory number, dormitory telephone Dormitory property item number, item name Mail express name, dormitory number, arrival time, receipt time, number of mail Report itemnumber, dormitory number, submission date, settlement date, reason for repair Night return student number, dormitory number, late return time, the reason late return Departure student number, dormitory number, departure time, return time The underlined attribute is the primary code The above relationship mode is BCNF. In order to facilitate program query, the following user views are established Student information view student number, name, gender, department, dormitory number, dormitory telephone View of property report for repair dormitory number, property name, time for repair, processing time, reasons for repair Student night view student number, name, gender, department, dormitory number, time, the reason for night return View for student leaving school student number, name, gender, department, dormitory number, departure time, return time View for student in school student number, name, gender, department, dormitory number, and dormitory telephone SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION AND MAIN CODES The module codes of “student information management“ are as follo ws TESTING PROCESS AND IMPROVEMENT The students experience different user terminal after completion of the system, all kinds of situations are set to realize each function of system, after the use of different user terminal for a period of time, this systemhas many affirmations and valuable opinions from experienced people. The highlight of this system is the friendliness of the interface, meanwhile maintaining relatively complete functions. REFERENCES 1. US Weiss. Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis in JA VA Language Description, Beijing, China Machine Press .2013.6. 2. Zhang Guangshun. You Should Learn JA V A Like This, Beijing, China Railway Publishing House, 2015.4. 3. Guo Lin. The First Line of Code, Beijing, Posts 学生可以在离开和返回学校时添加或删除自己的信息。
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18高校大学宿舍管理系统研究中英文双语计算机专业毕业设计外文文献翻译成品外文标题Research on Dormitory Management System in Colleges and Universities 外文作者LINGFANG HUANG 文献出处International Conference on Arts and Design,Education and Social Sciences, 2017 英文2276单词,12887字符,中文3796汉字。
原文Research on Dormitory Management System in Colleges and Universities LINGFANG HUANG ABSTRACT Through constant communication and survey of university dormitory management personnel, continuous practice and improvement in system function, and continuous data analysis, we finally developed the “student dormitory management system“ which dormitory administrators and students two client are satisfied with. KEYWORDS Student dormitory management system; friendly interface. INTRODUCTION Research Status Many different kinds of student dormitory management systems has developed on the Internet at present, although the function is relatively complete, the interface give a person a kind of very complicated feeling, dormitory management personnel in ourschool do not have great advantages to learn new knowledge relatively at the age, need some time to learn and adapt for new dormitory management mode as well, although students as another kind of end user with the ability to quickly learn new knowledge, who are accustomed to the original paper management, they also need some adaptation time. So, it not only ensures that the function is complete, it more need to make people discern easily in the visual perception of interface, which considers the friendless of interface, the convenience of use is equally important. This paper has attached great importance to this issue and has made a relatively perfect solution. Research Content and Goals Main features of dormitory management system include the following points The system is divided into two identities to log in, one is the dormitory personnel, and the other is student, function of each identity is slightly different after login. The dormitory management personnel can mainly realize the inquiry about the students and dormitory information as well as the addition, deletion and modification of their information after login. Users can check express information Users can submit and inquire about repair information; Students can add or delete their own information on leaving and returning to school. User can change user s own password. This dormitorymanagement system emphasizes the completeness of functions and the friendliness of the interface, which has made a lot of efforts in convenience of use, in order to make the content seem simple and easy to understand without losing the functional integrity, I have designed many different kinds of window layout, finally choose one of the most satisfactory layout to achieve the object of simple interface. DEMAND ANALYSIS Feasibility Analysis of System Development Technical feasibility with the development of computer technology, the life and work of people have involved in computer field more or less, now it is hard for people to break away from a convenient science and technology, on the whole, the popularization of the computer makes people s life efficiency have a leap. Dormitory management system store is management software which stores a lot of information on students and dormitory, including students and dormitory information inquiry, addition, deletion, change and other operations, records of students staying late, the repair registration of dormitory items, and inquiry and input of the students letters and so on. The development of such a management system makes it easier for understanding student way. This system uses the Eclipse and database technology, Eclipse is safe and easy to use, which has mentioned above, andthe database is much more convenient and simple to use, so developing a management system is completely no problem in the technology aspects. Economic feasibility Developing this system only requires software to be installed onto a computer, and it can be implemented anywhere and anytime, so developing such software is not very big economic pressure. Feasibility of organization and management a lot of conservative state have got rid of in the concept of modern people, if the developed management software function is strong enough, it can bring to life, so it can get school logistics support, because no one will give up a chance which can do things easier, and conservative do inefficient things. It can be seen from the above feasibility that developing such a management system can make the management of the dormitory more convenient and fast, and can make the whole management mode improve one step. Therefore, it is necessary to develop dormitory management system. Users Needs Analysis The system s end users are dormitory managers and students. According to my daily experience in the dormitory, investigate the dormitory management teachers in my school and the students in the same dormitory; I come to the practical needs of the following user terminal Students live in dormitory, daily life of many dormitory management personnel indormitory building. Student s basic information After the students entering the school, the school will automatically generate for each student a primary key, which is the only student ID as well, and it is assigned to the specified dormitory buildings and dormitory. Each dormitory has a unique dormitory house number; student registration time is the time when students enter school. In addition, students generally with the same college live in the same building ,in order to facilitate the management; there are corresponding department names in the information. Basic information of dormitory Each dormitory has a primary key dormitory number; each dormitory has a phone, it is corresponding to the dormitory phone number. Basic information of dormitory property project The school s public property includes light bulbs, beds, tables and chairs, etc. in order to make better distinction for different items, and item numbers are assigned for each item. The main purpose is to be more conducive to repair and manage dormitory public items. Basic information of express There is express management in each dormitory. When students have a letter on the building, the arrival time of the letter will show correspondingly, and accept the letter with student s name and the house number of his dormitory. A student can have several express at one time, it isnecessary have column that show the number of express. When the express arrives, there will be an arrival time. After the student has successfully received express mail, it shows successful receipt. Basic information of public repair The public property of dormitory often need to be repaired due to damage, at this time, the students should number the item, item name, and the cause of the damage, and report to the dormitory management system, management will see it this time, notify the relevant personnel to repair dormitory property. The report will generate an report time, and have a successful repair time after the repair is completed. Basic information of night return Students sometimes are over the closing time of dormitory because of some things, at this time, dormitory management personnel should make corresponding record on the system, for example time of night return, personnel s name of night return, student number, the reason for return late and so on, in order to verify later. Basic information for leaving school Every year when the school in winter vacation, summer vacation, and all kinds of small holidays, in order to facilitate the students safety management and know where the students are going, they should do their best to record where the students are, when they leave and when they return to school. User s requirements forthe system 1. Dormitory management personnel A. Information requirements The dormitory management personnel can check all the above information, including any information in the student s dormitory, the receipt information of the express, the information of the property, etc., so as to manage the whole dormitory. B. processing requirements Dormitory management personnel not only can inquire the relevant information, and have the right to change a lot of information, such as the change of students information changes, which is mainly modified by dormitory management personnel, when students express arrive, the management personnel record it, after the express is successfully received, and the dormitory management personnel confirm and receive. When the student reports the damaged property for repair, dormitory management personnel can inquire the fixed time, that is to say, the dormitory management personnel cannot only inquire the students information, but also have authority to add and remove information. A. Safety and integrity requirements 1 Safety requirements The system has two different users ID to login, and different user id login has different system window, and should ensure that the users name and password are legal. The system has the same access to the same data set, and users can inquire and handle the types andcontents of all information of the access rights. The system sets different authorities for administrators and students. Users with different authorities have different access rights and change authorities for different data, which are divided into dormitory personnel authorities and students rights. 2 Integrity requirements All kinds of information records must have data; the completeness of information must be ensured Meticulously linked all kinds of data; The same data record should be consistent, no matter which page is the same. 1. Students in this dormitory A. Information requirements The students live in this dormitory can inquire dormitory they live in, students express, their dormitory property repair conditions and so on, and can change their information for leaving and returning for school. B. processing requirements The students can inquire, and report dormitory property need to be repaired in the system according to the requirements. After the repair, the personnel can see it and send relevant personnel to repair it. During the festival and holiday, students need to record their whereabouts on the system when they are away from school or return to school. Second part The design and division of system function According to the above analysis, the user s requirements can be obtained, and the functions of the system are divided into the following parts, thestudent management part and administrator management part, respectively The functions completed by all parts are as follows 1 User management part Handle user registration Handle user login Students can query the student information. Students can query the express information. Students can submit and search repair information. Students can increase and modify students own return or leaving for school information. Students can change their passwords. 2 Administrators’management part Handle administrator login Administrators can query students information. Administrators can issue and update express information. Administrators can add, modify, query and delete student warranty information. Administrators can add and query students for their information for night return. The administrator can query information whether the student is in school or not. Administrators can modify the administrators password. Flow Diagram of System Data STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF SYSTEM CONCEPT The instruction book is analyzed in accordance with the demand, according to the structural design idea; the local E-R graph is designed through data abstract design. The set of relational schemata is the relational data model, and the relationship among entity and attribute and other entities constitutes E-R diagram. So transforming E-R diagramsinto relational data models is to transform the relationships among entities, attributes, and entities into relational schemas. The database logic design can be divided into three phases user demand, establish E-R model and database pattern design. I have designed the E-R diagram of system before, meantime I have made some users demand survey before the development, place myself in users position, truly feel how to do products better, and more convenient in use, interface is friendlier. Based on this, the direction and emphasis of this system are clear, and the design of the database model is emphasized. It can be divided into two steps to realize the design stage of the logical design in the database mode, the first step is to convert the E-R graph to the relational model, and the second step is to optimize the design, adjust and improve the mode. I would like to emphasize that in the third step of logical design, namely, the E-R image relation model is transformed into a relational model. The relationship patterns of the entity transformation are as follows Relational schema Dormitory student student number, name, gender, major, dormitory number, check-in time Dormitory dormitory number, dormitory telephone Dormitory property item number, item name Mail express name, dormitory number, arrival time, receipt time, number of mail Report itemnumber, dormitory number, submission date, settlement date, reason for repair Night return student number, dormitory number, late return time, the reason late return Departure student number, dormitory number, departure time, return time The underlined attribute is the primary code The above relationship mode is BCNF. In order to facilitate program query, the following user views are established Student information view student number, name, gender, department, dormitory number, dormitory telephone View of property report for repair dormitory number, property name, time for repair, processing time, reasons for repair Student night view student number, name, gender, department, dormitory number, time, the reason for night return View for student leaving school student number, name, gender, department, dormitory number, departure time, return time View for student in school student number, name, gender, department, dormitory number, and dormitory telephone SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION AND MAIN CODES The module codes of “student information management“ are as follo ws TESTING PROCESS AND IMPROVEMENT The students experience different user terminal after completion of the system, all kinds of situations are set to realize each function of system, after the use of different user terminal for a period of time, this systemhas many affirmations and valuable opinions from experienced people. The highlight of this system is the friendliness of the interface, meanwhile maintaining relatively complete functions. REFERENCES 1. US Weiss. Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis in JA VA Language Description, Beijing, China Machine Press .2013.6. 2. Zhang Guangshun. You Should Learn JA V A Like This, Beijing, China Railway Publishing House, 2015.4. 3. Guo Lin. The First Line of Code, Beijing, Posts 学生可以在离开和返回学校时添加或删除自己的信息。