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Look, Matt, success takes time. I'm going to make it. That's why I'm going to music school. Music school...What am I going to do while you're in music school? We had a relationship, you know? We still do. What's happening to us? You have two jobs; I have two jobs. You have to take care of your father. There's no time. I'm sorry, Matt...It's hard to find time. A real relationship takes time, you know? I know...It's late. I have to be up early for work tomorrow. All right, I'll take you home. So, about our date on Thursday...? I'll pick you up at seven, OK? Sounds good. This is really crazy, Rebecca Casey. Good night, Matt. U0103 Oh, good. It's here. Welcome to the Boston School of Music, where your musical career begins. The Boston School of Music has given me everything that I wanted in a school. The Boston School of Music has just been my home. And, because of that foundation, I'm able to be what I want to be. What's goin' on, Beck? Sorry. Is it too loud? A little. Turn it down so you don't wake up Dad. The faculty is very high quality, and I think students have some wonderful opportunities. So, are you going to this school? Yeah...if I get accepted. I'm applying to other colleges, but this is my first choice. Hey, they are pretty good. Yeah, this school is one of the best...

Slovenské vzory dělení slov as pro změnu

Slovenské vzory dělení slov as pro změnu

Slovenskévzory dˇe leníslov:ˇc as pro zmˇe nu?Petr SojkaMasarykova univerzita v Brnˇe,Fakulta informatikyBotanická68a,60200BrnoEmail:sojka@fi.muni.czAbstrakt:Dˇe leníslov neboli algoritmickásegmentace velkémnožinyˇr e-tˇe zc˚u nˇe jakého jazyka je problémˇc astˇe jšínežby se na prvnípohled zdálo.Pro volnˇešiˇr itelnéslovenskédˇe leníslov zatím existuje pouzeˇr ešenívy-cházejícíz definice slabiky ve slovenštinˇe,bez rozsáhlého pokrytívýjimek.Z více nežmiliónu shromáždˇe ných a rozdˇe lených slov se podaˇr ilo vyge-nerovat programem P AT G EN novévolnˇešiˇr itelnévzory,kterése s nepra-videlnostmi jazyka vyrovnávajílépe neždosud dostupnéˇr ešení.Výsledekje použitelnýnejen v distribucích T E Xu,ale i v dalších systémech jako na-pˇríklad O PEN O .Použitéa diskutovanétechniky bootstrappingu,stratifikace a generovánívzor˚u jsou použitelnépˇr iˇr ešeníširokého spektradalších…segmentaˇc ních“aplikací.Klíˇc ováslova:dˇe leníslov,segmentace,P AT G EN,pˇr ebíjejícívzory,bootstrapping, stratifikace1MotivaceDˇe leníslov je v jádru všech aplikacípro zpracovánítext˚u.Na kvalitˇe použitého algoritmu dˇe leníslov závisímnožstvíruˇc nípráce pˇr iˇrádkovém zlomu sazby. Stáleˇc astˇe jšíjsou aplikace,kdy kontrola zlomu se neprovádív˚u bec:databázovépublikování,dávkovézpracováníXML dat m˚uže sloužit jako pˇríklad.O to vˇe tšíje poptávka po kvalitním dˇe leníslov.Obvyklépožadavky na algoritmus dˇe leníslov jsou tyto:rychlost:pˇr i optimalizaci zlomu celého odstavce naráz je potˇr eba najít dˇe lenívšech slov v odstavci.pˇr esnost:algoritmus neoznaˇcíchybnˇešvy slov pro rozdˇe lení.úplnost:algoritmus najde všechna možnádˇe leníslov.rozšiˇr itelnost:algoritmus umožníuživatelem specifikovanévýjimky–napˇrí-klad slova cizího jazyka dle pravidel dˇe lenítohoto jazyka.adaptivita:jelikožseživéjazyky vyvíjejí(nedávnáreforma pravopisu v Nˇe-mecku),je potˇr ebnénemít algoritmus…zadrátovaný“a draze optimalizo-vanýtak,že pˇr i zmˇe nˇe jazyka se musízaˇcínatúplnˇe znova.68Petr Sojkaparametrizovatelnost:algoritmus umožníjinéchovánídle charakteru použití(vúzkých sloupcích napˇríklad umožníjen dva znaky na novémˇrádku místo obvykležádaných tˇrí).minimálnípamˇe t’ovénároky:aplikace typu zalomenízpráv na displeji mobil-ního telefonu je tˇr eba navrhovat s minimálními pamˇe t’ovými,a tedy energe-tickými nároky.Základním problémem tedy je vytvoˇr it algoritmus pro zvolenýjazyk,kterýv maximálnímíˇr e splˇn uje výše uvedenépožadavky.Tentoˇc lánek popisuje pˇrístup ˇr ešenítohoto problému pro slovenštinu a krátce diskutuje výsledek ve formˇe nových vzor˚u dˇe leníslov pro slovenštinu.2Stávajícístav slovenského dˇe leníslovUživatelésázecího systému T E X používajípˇr i sazbˇe výsledky dizertaˇc nípráce[16]Knuthova studenta Franka Lianga.Liang navrhl na jazyku nezávislýpopis dˇe leníslov,kterýsplˇn uje vˇe tšinu výše uvedených požadavk˚u.Dále im-plementoval program P AT G EN[17],kterýumožˇn uje tento popis generovat ze slovníku jižrozdˇe lených slov.Brzy po rozšíˇr eníT E Xu doˇCeskoslovenska zaˇc ala být otázka dˇe leníaktuálnía vznikly prvníverze slovenských aˇc eských vzor˚u dˇe lení[14,15].Obˇe byly psány ruˇc nˇe,bez použitíprogramu P AT G EN.Ruˇc nˇe psanápravidla zachycujízákladnícharakteristiky dˇe lení,tedy napˇríklad slabiˇc nýprincip,definujíco je to slabika. U etymologického pˇrístupu k dˇe leníslov,kterýje respektován v britskéangliˇc tinˇe a standardizován nakladatelstvím Oxford Universitzy Press,však je témˇeˇr každéslovo výjimkou a proto jeˇc astˇe jšígenerovánívzor˚u ze slovníku.Vˇe tšina jazyk˚u však oba pˇrístupy kombinuje,ctíse zejména zlom našvech složených slov oproti slabiˇc nému principu.Hranice mezi cítˇe ním složeného slova dle jeho etymologie však m˚uže být diskutabilní:máme dˇe lit slabiˇc nˇe ro-zumˇc i…etymologicky“a konzervativnˇe roz-um?Pro detailnívysvˇe tleníprincipu pˇr ebíjejících vzor˚u odkazujeme na[13,pˇrí-loha H]a naˇc lánky[2,22,3].Zjednodušenˇeˇr eˇc eno,vzory specifikujíkontextovápravidla,kterámezi sebou soutˇežío každou mezipísmennou pozici ve slovˇe, a urˇc ují,zda na nídˇe litˇc i ne.Pravidla specifikujína základˇe r˚u znˇeširokého kontextu výjimky,výjimky z výjimek,....Vzájemnˇe se pˇr ebíjejí–m˚uže existovat nˇe kolikúrovnípriorit vynuceníˇc i potlaˇc enídˇe leníslova.Vítˇe zí…nejsilnˇe jší“pra-vidlo(s nejvyššíprioritou)pro každou pozici ve slovˇe:k pozici se m˚uže vyjádˇr it pravidlo v každéúrovni.Stávajícíverze slovenských vzor˚u dˇe leníexistuje ve verzi2.0z24.4.1992 (soubor skhyph.tex):\patterns{%samohl\’asky a1\’a1\"a1e1...%dvojice spoluhl\’asokSlovenskévzory dˇe leníslov:ˇc as pro zmˇe nu?692b1b2b1c2b1\v c2b1d2b1\v d...%6spoluhl\’asok3c4v4r4n3g4n3\v s4k4v4r4k3n3\v s4k4v4\’r4k3n%koncovka-n\’yk4\v c3n\’y.k4\v c3n\’eho.k4\v c3n\’emu.k4\v c3nom.%slovn\’e z\’aklady 5alkoholauto4rkauto4rs5b4lah5b4ledn 5b4lesk...%koncovky4b4s4\v t.8c4h.8d4z.8d4\v z.4c4ht4.4j4s4\v t.4lt.4m4p4r....%cudzie slov\’a akci3a2akv\’ari3u2m gymn\’azi3umle2u3k\’emiat2ri3u2mfkli3e2nt}Z komentáˇr˚u ve vzorech je vidˇe t,jakým zp˚u sobem vzory vznikaly.Po rozge-nerovánívzor˚u popisujících slabiku jako sekvenci pˇríslušného poˇc tu souhlásek a samohlásek se vzory autorka snažila zachytit slabiˇc névýjimky na zaˇcátku a konci slov a pˇr i dˇe lenícizích slov.Lze si ale tˇežko pˇr edstavit,že by se tímto zp˚u sobem podaˇr ilo zachytit nˇe kolik milión˚u slovních tvar˚u,kteréve slovenštinˇe existují. Našvech pˇr edpon a složených slov jsou mnohévýjimky,kteréjdou proti základ-nímu slabiˇc nému principu.Tˇe ch jsou ale tisíce,ˇc i desetitisíce,a jen s enormním úsilím by se daly vypsat všechny.Proˇc eštinu byly sepsány Hallerem[10],pro slovenštinu však patrnˇe takovýsoupis neexistuje.Na archívu CTAN lze nalézt vzory vytváˇr enéjak ruˇc nˇe výše popsaným zp˚u sobem,tak automaticky z jižrozdˇe leného slovníku slov daného jazyka.Tento postup máz hlediska požadavk˚u vytˇc ených vúvoduˇc lánku mnohévýhody oproti ruˇc nˇe vytvoˇr enéverzi.Pˇrístupy se takédajíkombinovat:k ruˇc nˇe zadanémnožinˇe základních vzor˚u se dogenerujívzory pro výjimky.Nebo naopak ex post nalezenévýjimky se dajík jižvygenerovaným vzor˚u m pˇr idat jako slova–vzory s nejvyššíprioritou(úrovní),tedy rozum jako.r8o8z9u8m..3Generovánívzor˚u ze slovníku rozdˇe lených slov Problematice generovánívzor˚u na semináˇr i S L T jižbyl vˇe novánˇc lánek[1],proto zopakujeme jen hlavníprincipy a laskavéhoˇc tenáˇr e odkážeme dále na dalšíˇc lánky vˇe novanététo a pˇríbuznéproblematice[11,25,20,21].Generováníprobíháve fázích,kterése nazývajíúrovnˇe(anglicky levels). V lichýchúrovních se generujípokrývacívzory,tedy vzory,kterédle kontextu znak˚u vynucujídˇe lení,v sudýchúrovních se dˇe lenídle kontextu zakazuje.70Petr SojkaGenerovanévzory se kumulují,a výslednéchováníurˇc uje výslednámnožina vzor˚u vygenerovanáve všechúrovních.U vˇe tšiny generovaných vzor˚u pro dˇe leníslov v užívaných jazycích staˇcíˇc tyˇr iúrovnˇe,ale pro pˇr ehlednost,ale takénedostatekˇc asu vzory optimalizovat,je v ruˇc nˇe chystaných vzorechúrovnímnohem více–souˇc asnéslovenskévzory jich majínapˇríklad osm.Technologie pˇr ebíjejících vzor˚u je natolik obecná,že jejípoužitíje možnépro vˇe tšinu segmentaˇc ních problém˚u.Jako pˇríklad m˚uže sloužit problematika segmentaceˇr etˇe zce thajských znak˚u na slova–v thajském textu nejsou slova oddˇe lena mezerami[23].4Bootstrapping a stratifikaceV rámci bakaláˇr sképráce[18]se podaˇr ilo shromáždit z r˚u zných zdroj˚u1 témˇeˇr milión slovenských slov.Dnešnívýpoˇc etníkapacity umožˇn ujígenerovat vzory dˇe leníi z takto rozsáhlých slovník˚u v dobách desítek minut.ˇCasovˇe nejnároˇc nˇe jšíoperaci–rozdˇe leníslovníku slov pravidly daného jazyka–lze dˇe lat pomocípˇr edchozíverze vzor˚u a místa dˇe leníslov…pouze“zkontrolovat.Jelikožvšak i tato kontrola jeˇc asovˇe nároˇc ná,lze parametry generovánívhodnou heuristikou volit tak,že vygenerovaných vzor˚u nepokrytých slov je právˇe tolik, kolik je reálnéjich v rozumnédobˇe ruˇc nˇe zkontrolovat.To znaˇc nˇe urychluje vývoj nových vzor˚u technikou bootstrappingu.Tabulka1.Výsledky jednéiterace bootstrappingu slovenského dˇe leníze slov-níku822878slovúroveˇn dobˇr ešpatnˇe chybí#vzor˚u velikost1Bohužel výslednou množinu slov nelze volnˇešíˇr it.Volnˇe pˇrístupnýseznam slov by umožnil ještˇe mnohemflexibilnˇe jšívytváˇr enívariant dˇe licích vzor˚u optimalizovaných pro konkrétníprojekty.Slovenskévzory dˇe leníslov:ˇc as pro zmˇe nu?71 ještˇe v tomto stoletíjedno celéˇcísloˇc asopisu TUG BOAT.Patrnˇe z d˚u vodu zpˇe tnékompatibility nejsou tyto vzory nahrazeny kvalitnˇe jšími,byt’kompatibilita je pˇr i pˇr idánívýjimek do vzor˚u ve formátu stejnˇe porušena.Dnešnívýpoˇc etnítech-nika jižumožˇn ujeˇc etnéexperimenty a generováníopakovat s r˚u znými parame-try.Vhodnými heuristikami nastaveníprah˚u akceptace adept˚u vzor˚u v jednotli-výchúrovních generováníse lze dostat na mnohem kvalitativnˇe vyššíparametry vzor˚u,nežkterédocílil pˇr ed témˇeˇrˇc tvrtstoletím Liang.Typicky je možnéza cenu mírného zvýšenívelikosti vzor˚u docílit stoprocentního pokrytíuˇcícímnožiny, nebo naopak pˇr i zadánívelikostních omezenína velikost vzor˚u lze maximalizo-vat pokrytí.A to vše s nulovou chybovostía stejnými konstantními výpoˇc etními nároky pˇr i aplikaci vzor˚u.Jinakˇr eˇc eno,poˇc et instrukcína nalezenídˇe licíchšv˚u slova je ohraniˇc en shora konstantou,nezávisle na tom,z jak velkého slovníku vzory generujeme.Dalšítechnikou,kteráse dápˇr i generovánívzor˚u použít,je stratifikace.Tato technika spoˇcíváv tom,že se snažíme minimalizovat množinu slov k uˇc ení, anižbychom ale pˇr išli o funkˇc nost vzor˚u na výjimkách.Máme-li napˇríklad slovník generovanýmorfologickým analyzátorem,tedy známe od každého slovního tvaru slovnízáklad,staˇcído slovníku slov zahrnout náhodnˇe pouze pár slovních tvar˚u od jednoho lemmatu.Dˇe leníkoncovek se zgeneralizuje,nebot’koncovkovémnožiny se neustále opakujía uˇcícíalgoritmus bude mít dostatek uˇcících pˇríklad˚u,aby se pravidelnosti dˇe leníkonc˚u slov nauˇc il.Naopak se nesmív seznamu uˇcících slov zapomenout na negace a pˇr edpony.Dˇe leníza prvníslabikou slov zaˇcínajících na na-naj-,pre-pred-apod.je nutno nahlížet jako na výjimky.5Shrnutí:ˇc as pro zmˇe nu?Bylo vytvoˇr eno nˇe kolik variant nových vzor˚u dˇe lenípro slovenštinu.Vzory jsou pro testováník dispozici ve FTP archívu CSTUGu v adresáˇr i cstug/sojka/skhyp. Po nezbytnéfázi testovánípˇr edpokládáme jejich zaˇr azenído bˇežných T E Xových distribucía projektu O PEN O a budoušíˇr eny bez omezujících licenˇc-ních podmínek.Jelikožzmˇe na vzor˚u dˇe lenípravdˇe podobnˇe zp˚u sobízmˇe nu zalomeníjižvytvoˇr ených dokument˚u,je tˇr eba být v pˇrípadˇe rozšíˇr eného požadavku na zpˇe tnou kompatibilitu obezˇr etný.Jelikožna zálohováníúplných zdroj˚u vˇc etnˇe zdroj˚u potˇr ebných na generováníformátu se obvykle zapomíná,pˇr i požadavku zpˇe tnékompatibility je tˇr eba zvážit všechna pro i proti a novévzory si tˇr eba zavést jako novýjazyk(\language)spolu se starými.Jsme pˇr esvˇe dˇc ení,žeˇc as pro zmˇe nu po více neždekádˇe používánísouˇc asných vzor˚u nastal a kvalita nových vzor˚u je dostateˇc ným argumentem pro zavedenízmˇe ny.Po téjižostatnˇe nˇe kolik let volajítakéuživateléO PEN O a dalších sázecích systém˚u, kteˇrídosud používajístarévzory dˇe lení.72Petr SojkaReference1.David Antoša Petr Sojka.Generovánívzor˚u dˇe leníslov v UNICODE.V Kasprzak aSojka[12],strany23–32.2.David Antoša Petr Sojka.Pattern Generation Revisited.V Pepping[19],strany7–17.3.David Antoša Petr Sojka.Generovánívzor˚u pomocíknihovny P AT L IB a programuOP AT G EN.Zpravodaj C S TUG,12(1):3–12,2002.4.Barbara Beeton.Hyphenation exception log.TUGboat,5(1):15,kvˇe ten1984.5.Barbara Beeton.Hyphenation exception log.TUGboat,6(3):121,listopad1985.6.Barbara Beeton.Hyphenation exception log.TUGboat,7(3):146–147,ˇríjen1986.7.Barbara Beeton.Hyphenation exception log.TUGboat,10(3):336–341,listopad1989.8.Barbara Beeton.Hyphenation exception log.TUGboat,13(4):452–457,prosinec1992.9.Pat Hall a Durgesh D Rao,editoˇr i.Proceedings of EACL2003Workshop onComputational Linguistics for South Asian Languages–Expanding Synergies with Europe,duben2003.10.JiˇríHaller.Jak se dˇe líslova.StátnípedagogickénakladatelstvíPraha,1956.11.Yannis Haralambous.A Small Tutorial on the Multilingual Features of PATGEN2.dostupnéna CTAN jako info/patgen2.tutorial,leden1994.12.Jan Kasprzak a Petr Sojka,editoˇr i.SLT2001,Brno,Czech Republic,únor2001.Konvoj.13.Donald E.Knuth.The T E Xbook,volume A of Computers and Typesetting.Addison-Wes-ley,Reading,MA,USA,1986.14.Jana Chlebíková.Ako rozdˇe lit’(slovo)ˇCeskoslovensko.Zpravodaj C S TUG,1(4):10–13,1991.dislav Lhotka.ˇCeskédˇe lenípro T E X.Zpravodaj C S TUG,1(4):10–13,1991.16.Franklin M.Liang.Word Hy-phen-a-tion by Com-put-er.PhD thesis,Department ofComputer Science,Stanford University,USA,srpen1983.17.Franklin M.Liang a Peter Breitenlohner.PAT tern GEN eration program for the T E X82hyphenator.dokumentace programu PATGEN verze2.3z distribuce web2c na CTAN, 1999.18.Ján Lieskovský.Systém pro práci se seznamy slov.Bakaláˇr skápráce,Masarykovauniverzita v Brnˇe,Fakulta informatiky,2003.19.Simon Pepping,editor.EuroT E X2001,Kerkrade,The Netherlands,záˇrí2001.NTG.20.Petr Sojka.Notes on Compound Word Hyphenation in T E X.TUGboat,16(3):290–297,1995.21.Petr Sojka.Hyphenation on Demand.TUGboat,20(3):241–247,1999.22.Petr peting Patterns for Language Engineering.V Sojka et al.[24],strany157–162.23.Petr Sojka a David Antoš.Context Sensitive Pattern Based Segmentation:A ThaiChallenge.V Hall a Rao[9].24.Petr Sojka,Ivan Kopeˇc ek,a Karel Pala,editoˇr i.Proceedings of the Third InternationalWorkshop on Text,Speech and Dialogue—TSD2000,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNCS/LNAI1902,Brno,záˇrí2000.Springer-Verlag.25.Petr Sojka a PavelŠeveˇc ek.Hyphenation in T E X–Quo Vadis?TUGboat,16(3):280–289,1995.。

新世纪走遍美国 cd8 pdf

新世纪走遍美国 cd8 pdf

U22 Guitar LessonsMrs. Wang, here's what I'd like to do-give guitar lessons to Vincent...free of charge. 王太太,我想这么做- 给文森特上吉他课... 免费的。

Guitar lessons? 吉他课?Can I, Mom? 行吗,妈妈?Uh, this is a very kind of you...but why?嗯,你很友好... 但为什么?I feel responsible for what happened to Vincent at the picnic. 我觉得我对野餐时发生在文森特身上的事负有责任。

You did not make Vincent cry. Eh, you-uh-Vincent-Ban le yi jiao. 你没让文森特哭。

哦- 你- 嗯- 文森特-Ban le yi jiao。

Trip. 绊倒。

You did not trip him. You did not call him names. Bad boys did that. 你没有绊倒他。



I know, but I didn't protect Vincent, either. The guitar lessons are my wayof apologizing to your family. 我知道,但是我也没有保护好文森特。


Uh, this-is-a-very kind. But first, I must speak to Vincent father. 哦- 这是- 个-友好。


He'll say it's OK. 他会说好的。

I'd like to give lessons to Vincent's friend Alex, too. 我也愿意给文森特的好友阿里克斯上课。

新世纪走遍美国 cd9 pdf

新世纪走遍美国 cd9 pdf

U25 Rebecca RemembersRebecca Casey is flying from San Francisco, home to Boston. She is very worried and upset. She has just learned that her father is in a hospital.丽贝卡凯西正从旧金山飞回波士顿家中。



What is it? 什么事?It's your father. He's in the hospital. 是关于你父亲。


I have to call home. My father's in the hospital. May I use your phone? 我得给家里打电话。


我能用你的电话吗?Of course. There's a phone in the kitchen. It'll be quieter there. 当然。


When she telephoned the hospital, she knew she had to return at once. The situation was serious. 当她打电话到医院,她知道她不得不马上回去。


Oh, my God! Is he OK? Well, what didthe doctor say? I will...I'll...I'll take the next flight out.我的天哪!他还好吗?那么,医生怎么说?...我会的...我,我,我乘下班飞机。

She was sorry to interrupt the Mendozas' retirement party. It was a wonderful celebration for a wonderful family Mr. Mand Mrs. Mendoza, the guests of honor; Ramón and his son, Alex; and, of course, Alberto. 她感到抱歉,打扰了曼朵扎的退休晚会。



Connect with English Answers, Episodes #1-#48 Episodes 1-4 (Rebecca's Dream, Differences, A Visit to the Doctor, Celebrations)Q1. Based on Rebecca‟s treatment of her boyfriend, how do you think she views relationships?A1. After viewing the video,obviously,we could come to the conclusion that the heroine named Rebecca had her own dream which was being accepted by the Boston School of Music so that she was able to purse her music career, and she worked quite hard to achieve it. So perhaps she didn‟t have too much time to maintain her relationships with her boyfriend Matt right now. But I firmlyl believe that she still loved him and was eager to give him much more love. After having her dream came true, she would devote her more time to accompany her boyfriend in daily life. It is just a matter of time and personal dream.Q2. What‟s wrong with Jack?A2. Sandy and Jack went to attend Sal‟s fourth annual Memorial Day cookout. From the video,we know that Jack drank too many beers and he lost his job yesterday. Jack was always in a bad mood and he often lost his temper. Jack‟s behavior in the party made his girlfriend Sandy feel very angry, besides he used playing volleyball as an excuse to leave the party. It made Sandy feel that Jack was not such reliable and it was hard for her to imagine Jack as a dad. We all knew that it is a great shame to cheat the girl. However, Jack did that so he was not a gentleman.Q3. What happens at the picnic with Jack? Why does Sandy put up with it?A3. Because of losing his job and drinking too many beers, Jack was in a bad mood during the picnic time and he wanted to leave the party to calm down. The reason why Sandy put up with it are as follows. For one thing, Sandy had not said hello to her friend Sal. She thought it to be impolite to do so and wanted to have a chance to talk with others. From here, we could easily find out that Jack was rather selfish. For another reason, Jack gave them an unreal reason for his leaving that he would go to play volleyball with his friends. Sandy was cheated and she couldn‟t hack to be cheated. What a shame to deceive the girl I think! So Sandy began to put up with Jack and the thing he did.Q4. “I can‟t believe it,”Rebecca said when she got her letter. Why did she say that?A4. Because to her surprise, she was rejected by three colleges which all located in Boston continuously, and among these colleges had the Boston School of Music which she greatly aspired to. Maybe this kind of blow was almost like the end of the world, and She could not bear off the blow. She talked with her brother and he gave her some comfort. However, still there was a school which wass a great consolation to her . The school was the music college in San Francisco, and we knew that finally she was accepted by this school. According to the fact, we can see that if the god closes the door for you, he must open the window somewhere else.Episodes 5-8 (Breaking the news, Saying goodbye, Leaving home, The stranger)Q5. “Oh, I can‟t believe this!” Sandy said. Why?A5. Since Rebecca had been accepted by the music college in San Francisco, she felt extremely excited. When she talked with Sandy during the break time, she told her that she was going to to tell the boss about her quitting the job that day. Maybe Sandy considered the decision which was made by Rebecca was too unexpected, and she thought Rebecca‟mind was full of her dreams right now. In my opinion, I could understand why Rebecca would make this decision. Going to the music college to learn the courses was her a great dream, and now it eventually became true so that she thought it was worth to do whatever the matter was.Q6. Since“dreams don‟t pay bills,”what does Rebecca‟s father do and why?A6. This words was said by Frank who was one of the friends of Rebecca‟s father. As for Rebecca‟s father, deep love had always been paid since the day when Rebecca was born. Though at first he strongly opposed Rebecca to learn the music far away from home, he thought that playing music would earn less money and she could not hava a bright future. However, finally he persuaded himself to accept her idea to learn the music. So he would buy a car for her as the gift. It was the love that let him to do this for her daughter and he wanted her to purse her own dream. From It can be seen from this matter that how greatest the father love it was!Q7. What is the significance of the necklace and what do you think it has to do with Rebecca going to study music?A7. The necklace was the belonging of Rebecca‟s mother and she left it to the family when she passed away. So her mother couldn‟t talked with her before Rebecca was leaving for San Francisco. Rebecca‟s father supposed to give the necklace to her as if her mother was always around her wherever she was. We know form the previous episode that Rececca‟s mother was also fond of music and that was why Rebecca said she had talent in music. The necklace implied some kinds of encouragement or other significant meanings. Of course it would have the positive effect on her learning of music in San Francisco.Q8. How does Rebecca respond to conflict and stress, based on this episode?A8. A single person‟s trip was full of l loneliness. It might easily get into the trouble and no one else would help you to solve the problem. As Rebecca drove across the desert, she listened to the local style music and enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the road to release her stress and loneliness. When she met the stranger named Alberto as her car broke down in the desert, at first strongly she tried to protect herself. She did not know whether she should accept his help or not. After a strong ideological struggle, she eventually received Alberto‟s help, and through talking with him, she gradually became relaxed. She had tried her very best to respond to the stress and conflict.Episodes 9-12 (The motel, Negotiations, Photos and farewells, A new home)Q9. “I can do whatever I want, whenever I want.”Is this an accurate statement?A9. I think this statement is not totally accurate, and it is just a one-sided point. Truly, America is a country which advocates the freedom of human rights, and American citizens can enjoy their rights around the whole country land. People can use the public facilities in the city, drive and park the cars complied with the related laws and regulations and so on. However there is one important point that we should pay attention. Only when we don‟t violate other‟s interest, can we have our own rights enjoyed. I firmly believe, this precondition is applicable to other westernized nations including the the United Kingdom, of course it is the same in China.Q10. How has Rebecca changed from the beginning of the story?A10. At the beginning of the story, Rebecca was not so familiar with the stronger named Alberto. Nevertheless, through experiencing some matters together, such as taking photos, talking about the dream catcher and so on, Rebecca found that Alberto was a good guy and he is always ready to help her. She could not express to him how greatful she was. So Rebecca left him the telephone number and the address before she got on the bus. Maybe she hoped that Alberto would contact her when she was in San Francisco She now treated him as her friends rather than a stranger.Q11. What did Alberto buy at the end and why?A11. After sending Rebecca got on the bus, Alberto went to the shop to buy the dream catcher at the end of the story. I think there are two reasons why he bought it. Firstly, he just bought it for himself and wanted to hold the sweet dream and dropped the bad one. Certainly, the possibility of this happening is less than the possibility of an ant stomps an elephant to death. Another reason was that he thought Rebecca and him would reunion in San Francisco, and he might send this dream catcher to her. According to the follow-up episodes, he finally sent it to Rebecca as a gift. Of course, there is a much more deeper meaning about the dream catcher. It not only stands for Rebecca‟s dream of being a music maker or singer but also symbolized the love of Alberto‟s.Q12. What kinds of …culture shock‟ has Rebecca received so far on her trip? Relate at least three.A12. The term, culture shock, was introduced for the first time in 1958 to describe the anxiety produced when a person moves to a completely new environment. This term expresses the lack of direction, the feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new environment, and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate. To begin with, when she drove the car across the United States,the music on the radio surely was different from the Boston, and She began to like this Tex-Mex music. Secondly, the number of the twenty-four-hour store is less than the Boston. The stores often closes at sundown. Thirdly, when Rebecca and Alberto visited the canyons, Alberto taught her the correct pronunciation of the place name …Agua Caliente‟. So, we can come to the conclusion that different countries may pronounce the words invarious ways. Finally, Rebecca had to share the old house with the people she don‟t know and live alone in the city far away from her home.Episodes 13-16 (Job hunting, A bad day, A night out, First day of class)Q13. List some ways that Rebecca could have prepared better for the professional life. A13. One way that Rebecca prepared for her life is that she will join the work-study programs to earn some money so that she can pay for all her expenses including tuition, living expenses and rent. After seeing the latter episodes, we know that Rebecca became a baseball coaches in the music school and all the children liked playing with her so much. She also tanght Vincent an Alex to play guitar freely. Another way was that when she had finished the first class, she felt it hard for her to study the course, so maybe she would read more books before she started the assignment and spent more time studying the course so that she could catch up with the schedule.Q14. As Rebecca searches for a job, how does her attitude reflect her inner conflicts? A14. Rebecca is a character who has a strong wish to live on herself. During the job interview, she tried her effort to reveal her personal ability and the desire of getting the job. However, her such positive attitude did n‟t work. On the contrary, it reflected her inner feelings such as anxiety and impatience. During one day, she had tried two kinds of job interviews. With regard to the first interview, since she did not have enough word-processing skills so that she did‟t get the job. Regarding her second job, it would be a nonsense that the boss of the factory said he wanted an attractive woman to work for him. To put it bluntly, that was sexual harassment. As such, Rebecca‟s job hunting ended in failure.Q15. What is the significance of the song Rebecca sang?A15. As we all know, the song sung by Rebecca was written by her mother and she used to sing it to her brother when he was a little boy. She now lived far away from home, and she missed her parents and brother very much, especially her mother maybe. To sing this song can stongly show up her inner feelings. Also, the lyrics is so beautiful, saying that our life is a dream and we barely know we are dreaming until I see the light that is shining in your eyes, until I see the light that's shining in your eyes. The lyrics clearly reveals the inner world of Rebecca.Q16. In what ways is Ramon devoted to his son?A16. When Ramon talked with Rebecca during the dinner, he told Rebecca that he wanted his son to take the music lessons. To cultivate an interest of music can help children to improve their personal attainment and ability. Ramon wished he could spend more time with his son, but the restaurant took up so much of his time. From this point, we can infer that Ramon loves his son very much. The matter mentioned below strongly support the view that he would rather pick up his son than take care of the restaurant. Although it may be too tired sometimes, cause life is like this.Episodes 17-20 (Casey at the bat, The art gallery, The picnic, Prejudice)Q17. Does Rebecca feel more at ease with Ramon or Alberto? Support your opinion.A17. In my opinion, I think that Rebecca now feel more at ease with Alberto. Alberto took Rebecca to the gallery opening, and Rebecca surprisedly find herself in the photograph of the Alberto‟s. It made her feel surprised and proud. As Alberto sent her home, he gave her the …dream catcher‟ and Rebecca was greatly touched by this. She said that she would not have any more bad dreams now. Finally, they hugged and kissed each other in real passion. Obviously, Both of them fell in love with each other. However, it is still a mystery that Rebacca will choose whom to be her boyfriend.Q18. What should Alberto‟s family do about the investment?A18. Since Alberto and Ramon holds the different suggestion about the investment, it is a little difficult for the parents to make up their minds. Abberto held the point that they should seize the opportunity to sell the restaurant so that the family could get a large sun of money. Their parents could use the money to spend their remaining years in comfort. Ramon strongly againsted the idea, saying that the restaurant had been in the family for thirty years. It's not only their business, it's also their home. Therefore, I think that more family meetings should be set up to discuss this matter as soon as possible. After all, money and spirit can not always be balanced.Q19. Was it right for Alex to fight?A19. As a matter of fact, it was not right for Alex to fight. The children who laughed at Vincent had poor education. Therefore presents this procedure to be able generally to consider that lacks the family education. Alex should do as his father said in the end the he ought to fight back with words, not with violence. Whereas we can view this behavior in another way. Since Alex and Vincent were good friends, Alex felt it unfair to his best friend Vincent and he finally acted this behavior impulsively. The lesson for each of us is this: look before you leap when you do everything.Q20. What kind of prejudice do you have in your country?A20. In our country, we also advocate that all men are equal as with other countries. Perhaps the most common prejudice in our country may exist between the rich and the poor. The government now takes measures to narrow the gap between these two kinds of citizens, and truly it has a significant effect. I think that governments should tax the millionaire in favour of the pauper, however great the millionaire‟s capacity for happiness relative to the pauper. At the meanwhile, as a civil engineer, when I finish my postgraduate education I am not only to serve the rich, but more importantly to help the poor.Episodes 21-24 (A difficult decision, Guitar lessons, The retirement party, The phone call)Q21. What is Rebecca's solution to restoring the friendship between Alex and Vincent? What is her reason?A21. The solution is that Rebecca will ask the Wangs(Vincent‟s father) if she can giveguitar lessons to Vincent and Alex at Vincent's house so that the two children can still play and meet with each other. Actually Vincent hoped that he coul go back to school to play with his friends, however his father didn‟t allow him to do so. The reason for her doing so was that Rebecca thought she didn't protect Vincent that day and her carelessness led to the adverse effect. The guitar lessons for two children were her way of apologizing to Vicent‟s family and it was free for them. We could see that Rebecca was a friendly, generous, and warm-hearted woman.Q22. To whom do you believe the California court will decide to give Alex? Why?A22. According to the story, what Alex wants is that his father and mother love with each other again and they can be a family. I believe the California court will ask Alex for his opinion and finally give Alex to his father. Because he has got used to living with his father, his best friend Vincent, his teacher Rebecca and other people around him. Besides this living environment is conducive to Alex‟s growth. In the story, the writer did not give us the answer that the court would eventually give Alex to his father or mother. Of course, it is entirely possible that Ramon will make his peace with his wife just for Alex.Q23. Is Alberto a 'ladies man'? Why or why not?A23. As far as I am considered, Alberto is a ladies man. In the previous episode, Alberto went down well with the ladies in the armmmjt gallery. The ladies were talking about t rip to Acapulco, and Alberto wanted to hear the rest of the trip. So he left Rebecca alone and engaged in their conversation. Alberto‟s such behavior made Rebecca feel very embarrassed and did not know what to do at the moment. One more thing was that in his parents‟retirement party, he also showed great popularity among the ladies. He danced with a lady and talked with several ladies. The reason why Alberto had so much luck with women may derive from his confidence, good looks and so on.Q24. Do you agree with Mr. Mendoza's decision about his restaurant? Why or why not?A24. Yes, I do agree with Mr. Mendoza's decision about his restaurant. At their retirement party, he declared that there had been a rumor that they were selling the restaurant and he assured everybody that the Mendoza tradition would continue. In spite of the old couple had retired, but they would never forget the good times they had made in the restaurant with their friends over the past thirty years. Not only the restaurant stands for their business but also represent their family. They would like to last the Mendoza‟s tradition forward and witness the next thirty years of the Casa Mendoza restaurant. It is now clear that not even the money will take the place of the beautiful memory.Episodes 25-28 (Review, The emergency, Bad news, Brothers)Q25. Which episode touched your heart the most?A25. The episode #25 touched my heart the most. As soon as Rebecca arrived inBoston, she went to the hospital immediately and saw her father laid in bed, looking so weak. She talked with her father in tears, and felt very sorry for her leaving. The one thing she could do was be here for him. When I saw this episode, it made me feel quite sad. Everyone has to face the reality that our loved ones will leave us and go to another world, especially when our parents pass away. In my opinion, what we can do at the moment is to spend more time at home with our parents. Although nowadays, young men look so busy and independent in modern society that they will never feel free to live with their parents. I strongly recommend that we should make a frequent call and have a regular visit to our parents, and spend some time on their lives and health.Q26. How does Rebecca react to tragedy?A26. At the first when Rebecca got the news that her father was in a serious condition and now was in hospital, she was shocked by it. Rapidly she bowed farewell to her friends and caught the next flight to Boston. As a daughter, Rebecca thought she failed to fulfill her duty to take care of her father before he passed away. A sense of guilt came up from her inner heart. She could no longer hold her emotions in leash and cry on her uncle‟s shoulder. She felt pretty upset for her father‟s death. We can not imagine how sad it is when lost our loved ones. I believe that we youngsters should face the fact in right manner and try our best to be strong.Q27. What kind of man is Uncle Brendan, besides being a brother to Patrick?A27. Actually, Uncle Brendan is a such kind and generous man except sometimes he is a little stubborn which may be the nature of the Irish. For all that maybe Patrick and he had some misunderstanding which others didn‟t know. But he actively forgave and forgot the argument with Patrick before and thought that was not the way brothers were supposed to be. According to the latter episode, because of a girl, the two brothers never talked with each other. Of course, I can not imagine what I will be if my brother moves in on my girl friend. It is really something to honor that Bredan finally forgave Patrick.Q28. Why is it so difficult for Brendan and Patrick to reconcile?A28. Probably there are some misunderstanding between them, not simply because of their personal character. In episode #37, the truth about the matter had come to light. When Brendan sent Rebecca to the airport, Rebecca asked him about the reason. Bredan told Rebecca frankly about everything between he and Patrick. Patrick fell in love with Brendan‟s new girlfriend after Bredan went to the battlefield. However Brendan asked Patrick to keep an eye on his new girlfriend before he left. After a while, then Bredan received a letter from each of them, saying they had fallen in love with each other and finally they got married.Episodes 29-32 (Grief, Life goes on, A box of memories, The missing car)Q29. At the funeral, many people spoke about Patrick. What did you find the most touching?A29. The most touching words about Patrick, I think, was that Rebecca recalled her father‟s dream. He wanted to go fishing, on one of those deep-sea fishing boats, but somehow he never did. He dreamed of having a house, not a big house,just a little one with a garden. That never happened either. The most regretful thing in our lives is that we haven‟t fulfill our dreams before we died. In Kevin‟s memory, he remember that when his father had a hard life after he got hurt in the fire. He always cared about Rebecca and him and he had a big heart. If he had added his burden, he felt greatly sorry for that.Q30. What is the significance to the story of Frank Wells?A30. In the video, the writer mainly wants to use the story of Frank to recall Patrick. Frank Wells is a special friend of Patrick. During their work, Patrick had saved his lives for several times which Rebecca and Kevin didn‟t know. The story of Frank Wells have several effects. It told us that Patrick did a lot of good things when he was alive and all the people liked to be friends with him. What‟s more, his statement made people miss Patrick even more. Finally, from his words, we could easily understand that Patrick is a man who loved his job and always be brave in every fire disaster.Q31. Talk about two objects that were significant to 1)Rebecca and 2)Kevin, and explain why they were important.A31. To Rebecca, I think the most important object is that whether she will go back to collage or not. As a elder sisiter, perhaps this is a tough decision. Since if she went back to collage, Kevin and she will be separated, but she thinks Kevin is her only relative now and she supposes to look after him. To Kevin, he is still under age and maybe he should go to the collage to receive higher education instead of having a job with low salary. In any countries, people are encouraged to receive education whenever they want. Probably, this is the best method to improve personal quality and broaden one‟s horizon.Q32. In what ways do 1)Rebecca and 2)Kevin try to deal with their pain?A32. Rebecca tried to deal with the pain in a more proper way. She talked with her friends Sandy, her uncle and other people. In her mind, solutions must be taken to help her relieve the pain. Something should be done rather than be sad all day. She is much more mature than her younger brother. Since Kevin is just a child, his way of thinking have some difference with his sister. It is a way which is full of immature and purity. Since the death of his father, he was in a bad mood all the time. It seems that he always tried to escape from the truth, and he didn‟t have the encourage to face the reality. He went to find his girlfriend at night by using the car without his uncle‟s permission. When he came back, he quarreled with Rebecca again. All what he did was impulsive, he needed to be calm down so that the problem could be solved. Episodes 33-36 (A breakdown, A call for help, Changes, The farm)Q33. Where did Rebecca and Kevin talk and why is that an important place?A33. When it was all over, Kevin went out of the house angrily and he felt that no onecould understand him. Probably, the fact that his had passed away had stunned him. Rebecca caught up with him immediately. They talked in the park near their house. Probably this park made them think of the time when their father was alive. Also maybe the park brought back the memory of their childhood. Usually, when we talk about one place, we often remember the pleasant days when we stay there. Meanwhile, the palce also remains us of the people we spend together.Q34. Do you think Jack and Sandy ever had love?A34. There was no doubt that they had ever loved with each other before. Jack lost his job recently and he felt pretty upset. Drinking alcohol all day had made him quite mad, so he hit Sandy whenever he wanted. At first, truly I can understand his feel, because it is during the most difficult times in his life. However what he should not do was that he always hit Sandy. Finally Sandy could not stand it and ready to move out. When Sandy wanted to do that, he tried to persuade her to stay. If they never loved with each other, how could they become together right now. Of course, this is just the personal idea. The writer‟s main purpose to tell this story is that it can stand in sharp contrast to the love between Rebecca and her lover.Q35. How did Rebecca, Kevin, and Sandy each change differently during the episode?A35. Rebecca decided to stay with her brother Kevin wherever he wanted. I thought her decision was right, and Kevin really needed her love in the coming future. Kevin finally made up his mind to go out to the farm for a while. All the people were excited about his choice. Having considered that the shelter would not let her saty forever, Sandy was in a position where she had to force a decision. She could not want to endure these pains any more. So she accepted Rebecca‟s offer to stay at her apartment and eventually she said goodbye to Jack. Jack was brought in first and was detained for a night.Q36. Why does Kevin feel compelled to help Brendan? What is his big plan, besides helping his uncle?A36. Firstly, for Uncle Brendan said this was a bad year for the farm. They were losing money and he was ready to lay off one of the farmhands. Kevin wanted to give a hand to his uncle. In addition, Uncle Bredan was his father‟s brother, Kevin loved him and might regarded him as his real father. What he wanted to see at present was that all his relatives lived happily and healthily.Kevin would like to stay on the farm for a while. He figured that he could help Uncle Brendan out on the farm, and he really wanted Rebecca to go back to the collage. If he stayed on the farm, he could also get to know his long-lost family as well as saving money for college.Episodes 37-40 (Thanksgiving, Starting over, The pressure's on, Sharing feelings) Q37. Who does Brendon talk to in his prayer and why?A37. He talked to Rebecca and Kevin in his prayer and he would like to give them a warm welcome. Since it was a special Thanksgiving, as their uncle, he wanted toshow more care and love to them so that they would feel like staying at their own home. He would like to propose a toast to their new czousins from Boston to welcome them. He thought that he would turn it over to his darling daughter Kate, who was never at a loss for words. Kate would like to lead them in the Thanksgiving prayer. She said that “Good bread, good meat, good lord.Let's eat”!Q38. What caused Nancy‟s broken relationship with Patrick and why?A38. During the past, before Patrick got married with Rebecca‟s mother. Nancy always told Rebecca‟s mother that Brendan was the man for her, and Patrick was not suitable for her. When Patrick found that out he got very angry at Nancy. So he broke relationship with Nancy since that time. However, finally after all Patrick got married with her. So we can conclude that if two people really fall in love with each other, no on or other obstacles can prevent them from loving each other. Maybe the charm of love lies in the mysteriousness and spontaneousness, requiring no reasons, regardless of losses and gains, and anything else.Q39. Why is Alberto so insensitive to Rebecca‟s need to study?A39. Alberto got two seats to the opera as the Christmas bonus. The tickets was in Grand Tier, Row A and it was just what he needed for a special friend. Obviously, a spcial friend referred to Rebecca. Rebecca was supposed to go out to see the opera with Alberto that night, but her schoolwork got in the way. Alberto thought that she was all tied up with her music and it seemed that there was little to do with his life. Rebecca seemed showed no interest in Alberto and it made Alberto lose his patient gradually. I thought that Rebecca just treated Alberto as his best friend, however Alberto regared her as his loved one.Q40. What similarities and differences does Bill share with his parents?A40. Bill was Rebecca‟s classmates who had great interest in the rock music. He held the viewpoint that rock is where the money is these days. He had got the plan that somewhen he would pitch his songs to the moles. Bill‟s parents thought that he would never make money by playing in a band. He had to go to college and do something respectable. However Bill had his own opinion, saying that he played music just for himself and what he wanted to do was playing his own music rather than going to school. He made a deal with Rebecca that he helped her with music course. Rebecca must come with him to the audition, as his backup singer.Episodes 41-44 (Unexpected offers, The audition, Dreamcatcher, Gifts)Q41. Do you agree with Vincent's father about foreigners? Why or why not?A41. I don‟t agree with Vincent‟s father about foreigners. He thought that Vincent's friends were not always his friends in America and they hurt Vincent by calling his names. Moreover, those words also hurt him and his wife. Truly, it seems that discrimination still existed in some countries. However, most of the people in the world have tried their best to eliminate this phenomenon. In the story, Rebecca and other teachers took the right measures to educate the children so that they could face。

新世纪走遍美国 cd4 pdf

新世纪走遍美国 cd4 pdf

N010 NegotiationsDay five: Morning comes to the desert. The rain has stopped. 第5天:清晨降临在沙漠上。


Joe's Auto Repair. This is Joe speaking. What can I do for you? 乔汽车修理店。


我能为你做什么?This is Rehecca Casey. Listen, I left you a message last night about my car... 我是丽贝卡·凯西。

听着,关于我的车,我昨晚给你留言了...It's sitting right here. 车已经在这儿了。

Great! Do you know what the problem is? 太好了!你知道是什么问题吗?Not yet. It'll take a couple hours. 还不知道。


A couple of hours! I have a long trip ahead of me. 几小时!我有很长的旅程要走。

I just got it in. Call me hack in a couple of hours. 我刚把车拖回来。


I'll call back in two hours, is that OK?我两小时后打电话,行吗?All right. 好吧。

Who is it? 是谁?It's Alherto. 是奥博托。

Oh, come in! 噢,进来。

Hey, you're still here! I went to bring you a pillow last night. I thought you'd left. 嗨,你还在这!我昨晚去给你送枕头。




CONTENTSEpisode 1 46 Linden Street .......................................................................................................................................... - 2 - Episode 2 The Blind Date ................................................................................................................................................ - 4 - Episode 3 Grandpa's Trunk ............................................................................................................................................. - 7 - Episode 4 A Piece of Cake .............................................................................................................................................. - 9 - Episode 5 The Right Magic ........................................................................................................................................... - 12 - Episode 6 Thanksgiving ................................................................................................................................................. - 16 - Episode 7 Me's Bast Friend ........................................................................................................................................... - 19 - Episode 8 You're Goingto Be Fine .............................................................................................................................. - 22 - Episode 9 It's Up to You ................................................................................................................................................ - 24 - Episode 10 Smell the Flowers ...................................................................................................................................... - 27 - Episode 11 A Place of Our Own .................................................................................................................................. - 30 - Episode 12 You're Tops ................................................................................................................................................. - 33 - Episode 13 A Real Stewart ............................................................................................................................................ - 36 - Episode 14 Playing Games ............................................................................................................................................ - 38 - Episode 15 Second Honeymoon ................................................................................................................................ - 41 - Episode 16 Full of Surprise ........................................................................................................................................... - 43 - Episode 17 Photo Finish ................................................................................................................................................ - 45 - Episode 18 Making Difference ..................................................................................................................................... - 48 - Episode 19 I Do................................................................................................................................................................. - 51 - Episode 20 Quality Time ................................................................................................................................................ - 53 - Episode 21 A Big Fish in a Little Pond ....................................................................................................................... - 56 - Episode 22 Career Choices ........................................................................................................................................... - 59 - Episode 23 The Community Center ........................................................................................................................... - 62 - Episode 24 Parting Friends ........................................................................................................................................... - 65 - Episode 25 Country Music ............................................................................................................................................ - 68 - Episode 26 Opening Night ........................................................................................................................................... - 71 -Episode 1 46 Linden StreetAct1.Richard:Excuse me. My name is Richard Stewart. I'm a photographer. May take a picture and your little boy?Mrs.Vann:What's it for?Richard:It's for a book.Mrs.Vann:You're writing a book?Richard:It's a book of pictures. I call it Family Album, U.S.A.Mrs.Vann:Oh, that's a nice idea. Well, it's fine if you take our picture. I'm Martha Vann.Richard:Thank you. I appreciate your help. I'm Richard. What's your name?Gerald:Gerald.Richard:How old are you, Gerald?Gerald:Five.Richard:And where do you live?Mrs.Vann:We live in California.Richard:Well, welcome to New York. OK, just a second. I'm almost ready here.Alexadra:Can I help you?Richard:Oh, please. Hold Gerald's hand, please. Great! Now point to the buildings. Terrific! Give Mommy a kiss, Gerald. Nice! Thank you, Gerald. And thank you, Mrs Vann.Mrs.Vann:Oh, my pleasure. We'll be looking for your book.Richard:Thank you. Good-bye. Bye, Gerald. Thanks again.Alexandra:Oh, you're welcome.Richard:Hey, let me take your picture! Alexandra:Wonderful. Please.Richard:Are you from New York?Alexandra:No, I'm from Greece. I'm an exchange student.Richard:When did you come here? Alexandra:Three months ago.Richard:Your English is very good. Alexandra:Thanks. I studied English in school. Richard:Would you like some coffee? Alexandra:No, thank you. Tell me about your book. Richard:Oh, it's not finished yet, but I have some of the pictures. Would you like to see them? Alexandra:Yes, I'd like that.Richard:Here they are. Family Album, U.S.A. It's an album of pictures of the United States:the cities, the special places, and the people. And these are pictures of people working:steelworkers, bankers, police, street vendors, ambulance drivers, doctors...Oh, this is my father. He's a doctor. This is my mother.Alexandra:What's her name?Richard:Ellen. My younger brother, Robbie. He goes to high school. This is my sister Susan. She works for a toy company. Here's my grandfather. He lives in Florida. And this is my wife Marilyn. Alexandra:Oh, she's very pretty.Richard:Thanks. And what about your family? Alexandra:They're in Thessaloniki. That's a large city in northem Greece. But now I'm living in the Bronx.Richard:With a Greek-American family? Alexandra:No. Hispanic(西班牙).Richard:Oh no! It's five thirty. Will you excuse me? I have to meet my wife.Alexandra:It was nice meeting you.Richard:It was a pleasure meeting you, too. Thanks for your help. And good luck! I've got to go. By the way. I'm Richard. What's your name? Alexandra:Alexandra.Richard:Bye-bye, Alexandra. Thanks. Alexandra:Bye-bye. Richard! Richard! You left your bag.Act2.Alexandra:Excuse me, officer. Can you help me? Policeman:Sure.Alexandra:Can you tell me how to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale?Policeman:"Richard Stewart, 46 Linden Street, Riverdale, New York." You should take the number 1 subway.Alexandra:Is there a station near here?Policeman:Yes. The station's that way. You should take the number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park. Alexandra:Number 1 train to Van Cortlandt park. Thank you.Policeman:Anytime. Good luck. Remember, the number 1 train. The uptown platform. Alexandra:Thank you.Policeman:You're welcome.Customer:Is this pink too bright for me? Marilyn:Mmm-hmm. It is a very bright pink. Try this. It's size eight.Customer:But I wear size ten.Marilyn:How about green? It's size ten. Customer:Let me try it on.Customer:I'm taking too much of your time. Marilyn:It's six 0'clock. Where's my husband? I was expecting him here at five forty-five.Customer:Don't worry. The traffic is very heavy at this hour.Marilyn:I know. But we're going to be late for dinner.Customer:I'll take this green sweater. I like the color on me, don't you?Marilyn:I think it looks terrific on you. Richard:I'm sorry I'm so late. I had a really bad day.Marilyn:It's ten after six. We're late. Robbie's cooking tonight, and dinner's at six thirty. Richard:I know. I know. I'm really sorry. I left my bag of film on the ferry. I went back for it , but the ferry was gone. I lost a whole day's work. Marilyn:I'll call the Staten Island Ferrylost-and-found office.Richard:I didn't think of that. Thanks.Marilyn:Hello, Yes. The number, please, of the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office. Five five five...zero eight zero eight. Thank you.Richard:I really appreciate it, Marilyn.Marilyn:Hello. Did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon, a small canvas bag, on the J. F. Kennedy Ferry? ...No? Maybe someone will find it. The name is Stewart, Richard Stewart. And the telephone number is five five five...three oh nine oh. Thank you.Sorry, Richard. They don't have it. Richard:Thanks, anyway. There was a girl on the ferry. Now maybe...Marilyn:Tell me about it on the way home.Act3.Philip:And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal. Don't worry. She'll be fine. You're welcome. Good-bye.Ellen:How are you?Philip:I'm tired and hungry.Ellen:Well, Marilyn and Richard called. They'll be here soon, and then we'll eat.Philip:All right. Is...is Susan coming?Ellen:Well, she'll be here later. She has to work late tonight.Philip:And what's Robbie cooking for dinner? Ellen:It's a surprise.Philip:I hope its pasta.Philip:Robbie, the dinner was terrific.Susan:Yes, it was delicious.Marilyn:What's for dessert?Robbie:Oh, I forgot dessert.Philip:Robbie!Ellen:Don't worry. We've got lots of ice cream. Richard:Oh, I'd love some ice cream.Ellen:Well, there's chocolate and coffee and a little vanilla.Robbie:I'll have vanilla. Is that all right with everyone?Philip:I'll have chocolate.Marllyn:Me, too.Richard:Uh, one scoop of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me.Ellen:Robbie, will you help me serve?Richard:I keep thinking about that bag of film. Eight rolls. a whole day's work. And good stuff,too. Ellen:I'll get it. Hello.Alexandra:Hello. Does Richard Stewart live here? Robbie:Yes, he's my brother. I'm Robbie...Robbie Stewart.Alexandra:I'm Alexandra Pappas. How do you do? Your brother left his bag of film on the ferryboat. I found it.Robbie:I'm really glad to see you. I mean...mybrother'll be really glad to see you!Ellen:Robbie! Who is it?Robbie:It's Richard's film! I mean, Alexandra Pappas. Come in, please.Richard:Alexandra!Alexandra:Hello, Richard. I found your bag! Richard:Oh, thank you! Thank you! Um...Alexandra, let me introduce you. This is my wife Marilyn. Alexandra:Richard showed me your photo. How do you do ?Marilyn:Oh yes. Richard told us all about you. It's nice to meet you.Richard:And this is my mother, Ellen Stewart. Alexandra:How do you do?Richard:And my father, Dr.Philip Stewart. Philip:Nice to meet you, Alexandra.Richard:And…ah…you met RobbieAlexanra:Yes. And you must be Susan. Hi. Susan:Hi. Welcome.Richard:I'm so glad you found the bag and took the time and trouble to return it.Alexandra:Oh, it was no trouble. I just took the wrong train.Ellen:Would you like something to eat? Alexandra:Thank you, no. I'm late for dinner at my house. I really have to go.Richard:Would you like to call home? Alexandra:I'd appreciate that.Ellen:Please, use the phone.Alexandra:Thanks. Excuse me.Richard:Alexandra's a high-school exchange student from Greece.Robbie:Where does she live?Richard:With a family in the Bronx.Robbie:Oh, that's not too far from here! Richard:Take it easy, Robbie.Alexandra:Thank you. I can only stay a few minutes.Ellen:Have some iced tea. Alexandra:Thanks, Mrs. Stewart.Robbie:Please sit down, Alexandra.Philip:So, you're an exchange student. Where do you go to school?Alexandra:At the Bronx High School of Science. Philip:Oh, that's a very good school. What are your favorite subjects?Alexandra:Biology and mathematics. Richard tells me you're a doctor.Philip:Yes, a pediatrician. And what does your father do?Alexandra:He's a lawyer, in Thessaloniki. Robbie:Would you like some pasta? I made it myself. It might be a little cold.Alexandra:Thanks, no. I do have to go. It was nice meeting you all.Marilyn:Well, maybe you'll come for lunch some Sunday, so we can really thank you for bringing Richard's bag back.Alexandra:Maybe.Ellen:You're welcome anytime.Philip:Good-bye.Richard:Can I drive you home?Alexandra:No, thanks. The train is just up the street. It won't take me long at all.Richard:Well, you really saved the day for me, Alexandra.Alexandra:Bye.Richard:Bye-bye.Ellen:Good night.Philip:She's a smart young lady, and very nice. Robbie:Very! Hey, she forgot her bag!Ellen:I guess we'll be seeing Alexandra again, Right, Robbie?Episode 2 The Blind DateAct 1.Harry:Excue me. Can you help me? Vendor:Sure, what do you want? Harry:Where is 83 Wooster Street?Vendor:That's easy. Walk to the comer. Then make a left turn. Then walk two blocks to the trafficlight.Make another left to Wooster.Harry:Thank you. To the comer and then a left? Vendor:Yeah. A left. Hot dog? Only seventy-five cents.Harry:No. Thank you. I have a dinner date. Harry:555-9470...and it's busy....Try again.555-9470...and it's still busy. Excuse me ,ma'am.I'm looking for 83 Wooster Street.Woman:Yes. Wooster Street is two blocks, and 83 is to the right about two houses.Harry:Thank you, thank you!Woman:You're welcome.Susan:Who is it?Harry:Harry Bennett. Is this Susan?Susan:Yes, it is. Come up. I'm on the top floor. Harry:Nice to meet you, Susan. Sorry I'm late. The traffic. The parking. I was lost.Susan:What pretty flowers! Thank you. Oh, please come in. Don't worry about being late. It's fine. Excuse the mess. I just moved here. Oh, I'd like you to meet my sister-in- law Marilyn. Marilyn Stewart, this is Harry Bennett.Harry:Pleased to meet you.Marilyn:Nice to meet you, Harry.Harry:Are we too late for our dinner reservation? Susan:No,the restaurant will hold our table. I know the owner very well. I eat there a lot.Harry:Do you know the phone number of the restaurant? I'd like to call home and leave the number with thebaby-sitter.Susan:Sure. The number is... five five five... seventeen twenty.Harry:May I use the Phone? Five five five...one seven two oh, Hello? Hi, Michelle. It's Daddy. Can I speakto Betty? I want to leave the phone number of the restaurant.... Hi, Betty. I'll be at five fivefive...seventeen twenty. OK. Thanks. See you later. Well, that's done. Shall we go ?Susan:I'm ready. See you later, Marilyn. Marilyn:Have a nice evening.Harry:Bye, Marilyn. Hope to see you again. Marilyn:Me, too. Have fun! Susan:Thanks.Harry:After you.Act 2.Somsak:Ah! Miss Stewart! Welcome! How are you?Susan:Five, Somsak.And you?Somsak:Fine, thank you.Sumsak:This is my friend Harry Bennett.Harry:Pleased to meet you.Somsak:Very nice to meet you. Any friend of Miss Stewart's is welcome at Somsak's. Follow me, please.Harry:I like it here.Susan:I do, too. I come here often.Somsak:A special place for special people. Susan:Thank you, Somsak.Harry:Well! Nice restaurant.Somsak:Would you like something to drink? Susan:Yes, I'd like a glass of ginger ale with ice. Harry, what would you like?Harry:Do you have a dry white wine? Somsak:How about a Califomia chabis?Harry:Chablis is fine.Somsak:What would you like to eat?Susan:I'd like the mee krob. Harry, would you like to see a menu?Harry:No, it's OK. I"ll have the mee krob also. What is it?Susan:Crispy fried noodles. I love them. Somsak:May I bring you a salad?Susan:Oh yes. What do you recommend today? Somsak:I recommend rose-petal salad. Special for new friends.Susan:Rose-petal salad?Harry:Why not?Somsak:I'll take care of everything.Susan:I hope you're hungry.Harry:What? Oh, yes. Starving.Well, I...Susan:Well, I...Harry:What do you do at Universe Toy Company? Susan:I'm the vice-president of new toy development.Harry:Terrific!Susan:I know you're a CPA.Harry:That's true. Harry Bennett, Certfied public accountant. I love numbers. I do some work for Smith and Dale, your company's accounting firm. Susan:And so...Harry:Here we are.Susan:Yes.Harry:I have a daughter.Susan:I know. How old is she?Harry:She's nine years old.Susan:That's a nice age. What's her name? Harry:Michelle.Susan:Do you have a picture of her?Susan:She's very pretty.Harry:Thank you.Somsak:Rose-petal salad. And there's a phone call for you, Mr.Bennett.Harry:I'll get the rest of the dinner. Excuse me. Harry:Please forgive me ,Susan, but...I have to leave. I feel terrible, but...Susan:What's the matter?Harry:My daughter isn't feeling well.Susan:Oh no! Is it serious?Harry:I don't know.The baby-sitter says she has a stomachache, and she's crying. I'll have to go home. Will you forgive me?Susan:Of course. I'm so sorry for Michelle. And you didn't have a chance to eat.Harry:Oh, it's OK. Let me take you home first. Susan:No,no. Please, go ahead.Harry:It's our first date.Susan:We'll make another. Please don't worry. Harry:I'll phone you.Susan:I hope your daughter is all right. Good-bye. Harry:Good-bye.Act 3.Marilyn:What happened?Susan:The baby-sitter called. His daughter is sick. Marilyn:What's wrong?Susan:I think she has a stomachache. He's a good father.Marilyn:So...what do you think of him?Susan:He's very nice. But I think he was nervous tonight. It was his first date in two years.Marilyn:Will you see him again? Susan:I hope so.Marilyn:This food is delicious.Susan:He didn't get a thing to eat.Marilyn:You ordered enough for three or four people, but I'm not complaining. The food delicious.Susan:Who is that?Marilyn:Do you think it's...Susan:No. You won't believe it, Marilyn! Marilyn:I believe it. Even without looking. Harry:Hi!Susan:How...?Harry:Your downstairs neighbor let me in. Susan:Did you go home?Harry:I did, but everything is OK, so I decided to come back. To apologize for leaving so early, I broughtyou a little gift. It's a bonsai tree for your new apartment. Hi, Marilyn. I hope it's not too late. Marilyn:Oh, not at all. We're still eating. Susan:Please, come in. Join us. It's our meal form the restaurant.And how is your daughter?Harry:Oh, she's fine. It was only a tummy ache. Susan:It's good that you went back.Harry:Yes, I think it's important for me to be there since her mother died.Susan:I agree. Aren't you hungry?Harry:As a matter of fact...I am hungry. Marilyn:There's lots of food left.Harry:Mmm,this is delicious!Susan:Enjoy!Marilyn:I'm going to excuse myself. I have a lot of work to do to get ready for tomorrow. Good night, Harry. It was nice meeting you.Harry:Bye, Marilyn.Marilyn:Good night, Susan.Susan:Good night, Marilyn.Susan:She's going to a fashion show here in the city tomorrow.She is sleeping here so she won't have totravel from Riverdale in the morning.Harry:You two must be close.Susan:We are. The whole Stewart family is close. Harry:I like that.Harry:And then, tww years ago, my wife died. Susan:You miss her.Harry:I do...yes, but I have Michelle...and with time...Susan:Is there anyone else in your life?Harry:No, not yet. What about you?Susan:Oh, I date occasionally, but my work keeps me busy.Harry:Ooh, speaking of keeping busy-I have an early start tomorrow, and the baby-sitter has to get home.Where did the time go? It's midnight. Thank you, Susan.I had a nice evening.Susan:Me, too, Harry. Harry?Harry:Yes?Susan:I'd like to meet your daughter someday. Harry:Does that mean that I can see you again? Susan:Of course.Harry:Wonderful. I'll call you, and we'll go out to dinner.Susan:Please do.Harry:I promise I won't leave early.Susan:It was for a good reason.Harry:You know something?Susan:What?Harry:I think we're going to be good friends. Good night, Susan.Susan:Good night, Harry. Have a safe trip home. Are you all right?Harry:Sorry.Susan:I never liked that umbrella stand. Good night, Harry.Episode 3 Grandpa's TrunkAct 1.Ellen:Marilyn, you want coffee or tea?Marilyn:Coffee, please.Ellen:I am so excited! At this time tomorrow morning, Grandpa will be sitting in the kitchen with us.Marilyn:When does he arrive?Ellen:At six 0'clock this evening.Marilyn:By plane?Ellen:No, by train.Marilyn:Are we picking him up at the station? Ellen:Not Grandpa. He doesn't want anybody picking him up. He likes to be independent. Marilyn:Huh.Ellen:Oh, let's go upstairs and prepare Grandpa's room.Marilyn:Great! Let's do it!Richard:Good morning, Mom.Robbie:Morning.Ellen:Well, hi,fellas.Richard:Hello.Marilyn:Hi,honey.Richard:Hi, honey.Robbie:Morning, Marilyn.Marilyn:We're going upstairs to set up Grandpa's room. There's coffee ready. Robbie:I'm really excited about seeing Granpa. Richard:Me, too. Milk, please.Robbie:He's so funny. He always makes me laugh.I hope Grandpa's going to like living with us. Richard:I think he will. It just takes time to fell comfortable in a new place.Robbie:Won't he miss being in Florida? Richard:Will, he will. But I think he'll like being here with the family.Robbie:Are you sure about that? It's crazy here most of the time.Richard:But it's fun.Robbie:That's for sure.Richard:You know, maybe I'll put together some photos of Grandpa as a "welcome" present. Robbie:That's a neat idea. What can I do ? I've got it! I have a picture of Grandpa and Dad and me in mywallet. It's from the Fathers and Son's Breakfast at my junior high school graduation.Richard:Oh, I remember this picture.Robbie:I'd really lik to pick up Grandpa at the railroad station.Richard:Railroad stations or airports-Grandpa always tells us he'll get here by himself.Robbie:He's something!Marilyn:Is this all Grandpa's stuff?Ellen:That's it. But I'm sure he has a few bags with him on the train.Marilyn:What's inside?Ellen:I don't know. It's locked.Philip:Hi.Ellen:Oh, hi, darling.Marilyn:Morning, Philip.Philip:I want to put some of my good hangers in Grandpa's closet. You know I'm very exceted about hisarrival.Ellen:We are, too.Susan called early this morning. She's unhappy and can't leave till tonight. She wantsto be here for Grandpa.Philip:Well, Grandpa will be disappointed, too. He loves Susan.She always reminds him of Grandma. Well,how's everything here?Marilyn:Fine.We were just wondering about this trunk.Ellen:It's locked.Philip:Oh. I have the key. Grandpa sent it to me. Elsa:Excuse me .Is this seat taken?Grandpa:No, it's not taken.Elsa:Oh, thank you.Grandpa:Oh, let me help you with this.Elsa:Oh, thank you.Grandpa:Do you want to sit by the window? Elsa:No, no,no. I like the aisle seat better. Please, you sit by the window.Grandpa:My name is Stewart...Malcolm Stewart.Pleased to meet you.Elsa:I'm Elsa Tobin. How do you do? Grandpa:Do you live in New York?Elsa:No,no.I'm from Florida.Grandpa:I am, too. But didn't you just get on? Elsa:No,no.I just chaged my seat. A man next to me was smoking, and smoke really brothersme .Where areyuo from in Florida?Grandpa:Titusville.It's near Orlando.Elsa:Small world. I'm form Titusville,too. Grandpa:Really? What part? Elsa:My husband and I live near Spaceport. Grandpa:I know that area. My house is only a few miles from Spaceport. Do you still live there? Elsa:Oh yes, yes.My husband's there now. He couldn't take time off to come to New York with me. Do youstill live there?Grandpa:No.I sold the house and the furniture, put a few personal things in an old trunk, and shipped itto my children in NewYork. That's my desination. Elsa:Are you married?Grandpa:My wife died four years ago.She was a wonderful woman. A real friend.Elsa:I'm sorry.Really, I'm sorry.Grandpa:Lots of wonderful memories. We were married almost fifty years.Well, forty-seven, to be exact.Elsa:John and I celebrate our fortieth anniversary next month.Grandpa:Oh, congratulation! That's nice. What does John do?Elsa:He's an aerospace engineer and works for Orlando Aircraft Corporation.He started with them almostforty years ago. What do you do?Grandpa:I just retired. Had my own company. A construction company. Roads, bridges, big stuff. But I justsold it and retired.Conductor:Excuse me, ma'am. Ticket,please. Elsa:Would you kindly hold these keys, please? I have a ticket, I know. I was in the smoking section. Conductor:It's OK, lady. Take your time. Grandpa:I'm sure it's in your purse, Mrs.Tobin. Elsa:Oh,here it is.Grandpa:And here are your keys.Elsa:Thank you.Grandpa:Do you have family in New York? Elsa:No, no.But do have very close friends in New York City. We like to go to the theater togther. You said you have family in New York.Grandpa:Yes,indeed. A son and his wife and their three children-my grandchildren.Elsa:You must be excited.Grandpa:I can't wait, to see them!Elsa:Are you going to live with them? Grandpa:Yes.Elsa:Permanently?Grandpa:Well...they want me to, but it's too early to know for sure.I'm pretty independent. I tried to teach my kids the importance of independence, but I'm not sure I want to be alone. Some people don't mindbeing alone.I do.Elsa:I understand. But tell me. Why did you stop working?Grandpa:I retired because... I wanted to be with my family. I didn't want to be alone anymore!Act 3.Voice:Ladies and gentiemen, Amtrak is happy to announce our arrival in New York City. The train will bestopping in five Minutes. Please check to be sure you have your belonings. And have a good stay in the BigApple. Thankyou.Elsa:Well, here we are .It was so nice meeting you, Mr.Stewart.Grandpa:And nice meeting you,too.Mrs.Tobin. Please look us up. We're in the phone book.Dr.Philip Stewart,in Riverdale.Elsa:Your son?Grandpa:That's right. And have a good time in New York.Elsa:And don't be so independent. You're very lucky to have a caring family.Robbie:When can we go fishing?Grandpa:Robbie, we'll go fishing soon, and we'll take your dad with us.Philip:I'm ready, Grandpa.You name the day. Ellen:That's a great idea, Grandpa! Philip needs a day off.Robbie Good idea.Grandpa:Presents-for me? Richard:Form me and Marilyn.Robbie:And this one's form me .I looked all over the house to find it.Grandpa:Richard, these are terrific pictures. This one really brings back memories. You remember that day, Robbie?Robbie:I sure do. It was fun.Grandpa:Oh, I'm sorry Susan isn't here. I miss her very much.Ellen:She feels bad, too, Grandpa. She called to say the plane was delayed. You know airports. Grandpa:I can't wait to see her. She looks just like Grandma at that age. I'd better unpack.I started traveling twenty-four hours ago. I'm not so young anymore.Ellen:Don't you want something to eat? Grandpa:No, thanks.After a good night's sleep, I'll enjoy breakfast even more.Philip:Well, come on, Dad. Ellen and I'll take you to your room.Robbie:I'm sure glad you're here, Grandpa. Richard:Good night, Grandpa.Marilyn:Pleasant dreams.Grandpa:Philip, do you have the key to the trunk? Philip:I have the key, but it doesn't work. Grandpa:I sent the wrong key. I have something for you. I made it my self. I think you'll enjy it .I researched it for over a year.It's our family tree. Ellen:Oh, Grandpa! How exciting!Philip:Fabulous! Why, I didn't know that your grandfather was born in Germany.Grandpa:Lots of interesting information about ur family.A gift from me.Ellen:Thank you so much.Susan:Grandpa! Grandpa! Oh, Grandpa, I'm so happy to see you!Grandpa:Oh, you look so beautiful, Susan. My granddaughter. Like I always said, you look just like Grandma.Philip:I think you're going to be very happy here with us.Ellen:I know you will.Grandpa:I don't feel alone anymore.Episode 4 A Piece of Cake。

新世纪走遍美国 cd5 pdf

新世纪走遍美国 cd5 pdf

U013 Job HuntingPlease watch out, this dish is very spicy. We use special hot peppers in Ethiopian cooking. Now, Rebecca, please take a piece of bread and eat what you like. 请小心,这菜很辣。



Well, let's drink to Rebecca and welcome her to San Francisco. Here's to the beginning of a new life! 来,为丽贝卡干杯,欢迎她到旧金山来。

为新生活的开始干杯!As a Californian! 为成为加州人干杯!Rebecca, would you like some more water? 丽贝卡,你还要来点水吗?Ah, yes please. 是的,谢谢。

Ah, you see, Melaku, not everyone believes that spice is the variety of life.你看,麦拉库,并不是每一个人都相信调味品使生活多样化。

Angela, I believe the phrase you're looking for is: 'Variety is the spice oflife.' It means.. . What does it mean, huh? 安吉拉,我想你想说的是“多样化是生活的调味品”。

意思是...是什么意思来着?Watch out, Rebecca, Edward loves to correct our speech. 小心,丽贝卡,爱德华喜欢更正我们的谈话。

Only when it's wrong. 只有在你错的时候。


Steve, you shouldn't, we've worked so hard
You know how I feel...It's always the same old story: no money, noappreciation. Sorry, Rebecca, but this is it for me. You'll findanother piano player. Bye. Take care of yourself
Look, Matt, success takes time. I'm going to make it. That's why I'mgoing to music school
Music school...What am I going to do while you're in music school
We had a relationship, you know
We still do
What's happening to us? You have two jobs; I have two jobs. Youhave to take care of your father. There's no time
So, are you going to this school
Yeah...if I get accepted. I'm applying to other colleges, but this ismy first choice
Hey, they are pretty good.
Yeah, this school is one of the best...



EPISODE 1 “46 Linden Street”“林登大街46号”Useful Language●introduce yourself:自我介绍My name is…I'm…●ask for permission:征求同意May I take a picture of you and your little boy?●introduce a conversation:引出话题By the way…●thank someone:向人道谢I appreciate your help.Thank you.Thanks again.●respond to someone thanking you:回答别人的道谢My pleasure.You're welcome.●start talking to a stranger:与陌生人攀谈Excuse me.●say good-bye after meeting someone for the firsttime:首次见面后道别It was nice meeting you.It was a pleasure meeting you.●describe something:描述事、物A small canvas bag.●compliment someone:赞美别人I think it looks terrific on you.●make suggestions:提出建议Try this (sweater).How about green?●apologize:道歉I'm sorry I'm so late.I'm really sorry.●ask for help:请求协助Can you help me?●reassure someone:为人打气Don't worry.●ask if someone found something:询问别人是否捡到东西Did anyone find a small canvas bag?●introduce someone:介绍别人Let me introduce you.This is…●respond to an introduction:介绍后回答How do you do?It's nice to meet you.●correct yourself:改正言辞错误It's Richard's film! I mean, Alexandra Pappas.●offer:善意帮忙Would you like something to eat?Would you like to call home?Can I drive you home?●thank someone:向人道谢I'm so glad you took the time and trouble to return (the bag).●respond to thanks:回答别人的道谢It was no trouble.●accept an offer:接受别人好意I'd appreciate that.●refuse an offer:婉拒别人好意No, thanksRichard:Excuse me. 1 My name is 2 Richard Stewart I'm a photographer3. May I 4 take a picture of you and your little boy?Mrs. Vann:What's it for? 5Richard:It's for a book.Mrs. Vann:You're writing a book?Richard:It's a book of pictures 6. I call it Family Album, U.S.A.Mrs. Vann:Oh, that's a nice idea Well, it's fine if you take our picture. I'm Martha vann. [She offers her hand.]7 Richard:Thank you. I appreciate your help. 8 [to the little boy]I'm 9 Richard. What's your name?Gerald:Gerald.Richard:How old are you, Gerald?Gerald:Five.Richard:And where do you live?Mrs. Vann:We live in California10.Richard:Well, welcome to New York.11 OK, just a second. 12 [He takes out a reflector 13 to have more light for his photographs.] I'm almost ready here.[Alexandra, a sixteen-year-old girl, is watching.]Alexandra:Can I help you?Richard:Oh, please. [He gives her the reflector to hold. Then he speaks to Mrs. Vann and her son.] Hold Gerald's hand, please. Great! Now point14 to the buildings. Terrific! 15 Give Mommy a kiss, 16 Gerald. Nice! Thank you, Gerald. And thank you, Mrs. Vann.Mrs. Vann:Oh, my pleasure 17 We'll be looking for your book.18Richard:Thank you. Good-bye.Bye,19 Gerald.[to Alexandra]Thanks 20 again.Alexandra:Oh, you're welcome 21.Richard:Hey, 22 let me take your picture!Alexandra:Wonderful. Please.Richard:Are you from New York?Alexandra:No, I'm from Greece23. I'm an exchange student24.Richard:When did you come here?Alexandra:Three months ago.Richard:Your English is very good.Alexandra:Thanks. 25 I studied English in school. [They sit on a bench.]Richard:Would you like some coffee?Alexandra:No, thank you. Tell me about your book.Richard:Oh, it's not finished yet, but I have some of the pictures. Would you like to see them?Alexandra:Yes. I'd like that.Richard:Here they are. 26[He opens his bag and takes out a photo album27.]Family Album, U.S.A. It's an album of pictures of the United States:the cities, the special places, and the people. [He shows her the photos.] And these are pictures of people working:steelworkers, 28 bankers,29 police, street vendors, 30 ambulance drivers,31 doctors…Oh, this is my father. He's a doctor. This is my mother.“It's an album of pictures of the United States.”Alexandra:What's her name?Richard:Ellen. My younger brother, Robbie. He goes to high school. This is my sister Susan. She works for a toy32company. Here's my grandfather. He lives in Florida. And this is my wife Marilyn.Alexandra:Oh, she's very pretty.Richard:Thanks. 33 And what about34 your family?Alexandra:They are in Thessaloniki. That's a large city in northern Greece. But now I'm living in the Bronx35. Richard:With a Greek-American family?Alexandra:No. Hispanic. 36Richard:[He hears a foghorn.] Oh no! It's five thirty37. Will you excuse me? I have to meet my wife. Alexandra:It was nice meeting you.38Richard:It was a pleasure meeting you,39 too. Thanks for your help. And good luck! I've got to go. 40 By the way, 41 I'm Richard. What's your name?Alexandra:Alexandra.Richard:Bye-bye, Alexandra. Thanks.Alexandra:Bye-bye. [Richard hurries off the boat. Alexandra sees that he forgot one of his bags. She takes it and begins to follow him.] Richard! Richard! You left your bag!ACT ⅡOutside the ferry building. Alexandra sees Richard leave in a taxicab. She asks a policeman for directions. Alexandra:Excuse me, officer Can you help me?Policeman:Sure.Alexandra:Can you tell me how to get to Linden Street, in Riverdale?Policeman:[He reads the name tag on Richard's bag.] “Richard Stewart,46 Linden Street, Riverdale, New York.”1 You should take the number 1 subway.2Alexandra:Is there a station near here?Policeman:Yes. The station's that way. You should take the number 1 train to Van Cortlandt Park. 3 Alexandra:Number 1 train to V an Cortlandt Park. Thank you.Policeman:Anytime. 4 Good luck. 5 Remember, the number 1 train. The uptown platform 6.Alexandra:Thank you.Policeman:You're welcome.[Alexandra walks toward the subway entrance. She passes the “uptown”sign.]In a boutique7 . Marilyn Stewart, Richard's wife, is helping a customer.Customer:Is this pink too bright for me?Marilyn:Mmm-hmm. It is a very bright pink. Try this.[She takes a red sweater from a table.] It's size eight. 8Customer:But wear size ten.Marilyn:How about green? It's size ten.Customer:Let me9 try it on 10.[Marilyn looks at her watch.]Customer:I'm taking too much of your time.Marilyn:It's six o'clock 11, Where's my husband? I was expecting him here at five forty-five12.Customer:Don't worry. The traffic is very heavy13 at this hour14.Marilyn:I know. But we're going to be late for dinner.Customer:I'll take this green sweater, I like the color on me, don't you?15Marilyn:think it looks terrific on you.A little later. Richard rushes into the boutique.Richard:I'm sorry I'm so late. I had a really bad day.16Marilyn:It's ten after six17. We're late. Robbie's cooking tonight, and dinner's at six thirty18.Richard:I know. I know. I'm really sorry. I left my bag of film on19 the ferry20. I went back for it,21 but the ferry was gone. I lost a whole day's work.22Marilyn:I'll call the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office23.Richard:I didn't think of 24 that. Thanks.Marilyn:[She picks up the telephone and dials25 the number for information.]Hello. Yes. The number, please, of the 26 Staten Island Ferry lostand-found office. Five five five…zero eight zero eight. Thank you.[She hangs up and dials the number.]Richard:I really appreciate it, Marilyn.27Marilyn:Hello. Did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon, a small canvas bag28, on the J. F. Kennedy Ferry? No? Maybe someone will find it. The name is Stewart, Richard Stewart. And the telephone number is five five five…three oh nine oh. Thank you.[She hangs up.]29 Sorry, Richard. They don't have it.Richard:Thanks, anyway.30[thinking]There was a girl on the ferry. Now maybe…Marilyn:Tell me about it on the way home. 31END OF ACT Ⅱ第二幕1.“Richard Stewart,46 Linden Street, Riverdale, New York.”这是一般地址的说法。





You're wrong.你是错的。

I'm right-and you know it.我是对的,你应该知道。

I have to go.我要走了。

Rebecca, we have to talk.丽贝卡,我们要谈一谈。

Not now, Matt.不是现在,麦特。

I'll wait right here till you're done.我在这等你。

Matt, you don't have to wait for me.麦特,你不必等我。

Yes, I do. I'll be right here.要的,我会在这等你。

All right. Bye.要几个小时。


Where are you going? The front door is over there.你去哪?前门在那边。

I have to use the employees entrance.我要从员工入口进去。

Excuse me, the Gold Room? This way? Thanks.不好意思,金色大厅在哪?这边吗?谢谢。

Hi, Steve.你好,史蒂夫。

Hello, Rebecca. We're almost ready.你好,丽贝卡。


Listen, I need to change.我需要换衣服。

There's a ladies' room over there.女洗手间在那边。

I'll be right back.我很快回来。

Hi, Jessica.嗨,杰西卡。

How are you?你好吗?Good.还好。

Hello, Hello.你们好,你们好。

Welcome to the Gold Room. I'm Rebecca Casey and this is Steve Davis.欢迎来到金色大厅。



走遍美国(FamilyAlbumU.S.A.)-77走遍美国(Family Album U.S.A.)是一套采用情景英语教学法的多媒体英语教材。








学英语口语,好好利用这套经典教材,剩下的就是坚持、坚持、再坚持,千万不要三天打鱼两天晒网哟走遍美国-7700:0003:56点击上方绿标即可收听音频◆◆◆ACT 2-1 “你准备好了吗?”【故事梗概】Marilyn 和Richard 在家里穿戴打扮,准备去参加Richard的展览。


Marilyn: Do you like the dress?Richard: I love it.Marilyn: I designed it myself.Richard: It's beautiful.Marilyn: Are you ready? We're supposed to be there before the guests arrive.Richard: I know. I know. Help me with this tie, will you? Honey,I'm scared to death.Marilyn: But this is what you've been working for all these years.Richard: No, no. I worked to put together a book of photographs. This is show business.Marilyn: Well, it's all part of the same job. Just relax and enjoy it.Richard: You're right. I earned this, and I'm going to enjoy it. As soon as I recover from my nervous breakdown.Marilyn: What are you afraid of?Richard: Everything. A critic was there this morning. He probably hates my work. I have to sign copies of my book for a lot of people I never met before. My new shoes hurt my feet…[Marilyn hugs Richard, and they both laugh.]【语言点精讲】1. Do you like the dress?你喜欢这件晚礼服吗?dress: 礼服。



10-12集_走遍美国全套文本免费下载(共78集)A Piece of CakeACT II am exhausted. My new exercise class is so hard. 我太累了。


Your new exercise class? 你的新健身班Yeah. My new advanced exercise class. 对。


Why advanced? 为什麽是高级My instructor thought that 老师认为是这样the beginner's class was too easy for me. 初级课程对我来说太容易了。

Too easy for you? 对你太容易了Don't laugh. In the beginner's class, 别笑。

那可是初级班they give you a chance to rest between exercises. 你有机会休息So? 那又怎麽样The advanced class is nonstop. 高级课程是没有休息的。

I lift weights every morning for sixty minutes 每天早晨我举重六十分钟without stopping. 中间还不是没有休息。

No problem. 小事一桩。

Listen, Richard, 听著Richarddoing aerobics for an hour is a lot different than lifting weights.一小时的有氧运动可与举重大不相同。

Yeah. Quite a bit different. 是啊大不一样。

I think aerobics is easy. 我觉得有氧运动很容易。

I could work out in your class with no problem. 如果我去,一定不会觉得有问题。



新世纪走遍美国 cd3 pdf

新世纪走遍美国 cd3 pdf

U007 Leaving HomeRebecca, Dad wants to see you. 丽贝卡,爸爸要见你。

I'm on the phone. 我在打电话。

I'll write to you from California...I'll see you when I come home. Goodbye, Aunt Molly. Take care. 我会从加州给你写信...我回家的时候会去看你。


Dad?...Kevin, where are you? 爸爸?...凯文,你们在哪?Rebecca! 丽贝卡。

What? 什么事?I'm in the kitchen. 我在厨房。

What's going on? 怎么回事?Dad's downstairs. He wants to show you something. 爸爸在楼下,他要给你看样东西。

Show me? Show me what? 给我?看什么?You'll see. Come on.你会知道的,来吧。

Kevin, I'm busy packing. What's this all about? 凯文,我在忙着收拾行李。

到底怎么回事?Ask Dad. 问爸爸。

What's this? 这是什么?It's your new car. 是你的新车。

Dad! You're joking! 爸爸!你开玩笑!I...I can't believe it! This is for me?我...我真不敢相信。

这是给我的?You need a car, don't you?...And you deserve it. It's a little present from Kevin and me. 你需要一辆车,不是吗?...你应该拥有它。

新世纪走遍美国 cd6 pdf

新世纪走遍美国 cd6 pdf

U16 First Day of ClassI'd like to ask you to take a look at the board right now. I've written down one complete chorus in the blues. You can all play these by now, but you're probably asking yourself, 'What is it that we're playing?' Well, let's go through that. Instead of closed voicings, what we're using here is a principle called 'drop two,' which means basically, take the second voice and drop it down one octave. Now if you look here at the first chord for example, I have the tonic and the melody. Now in a closed voicing after the tonic going down would be the seventh. But because the seventh is the second voice, we've dropped it down one 12 octave. Then after the seventh, comes the fifth. . . And here we've substituted the thirteen for the five. . . and finally, in the alto, we have the third. Now, all of the chords in this progression follow this scheme. Andso, that's it for today. Please have your assignments ready for the next class.我要求你们现在看黑板。

新世纪走遍美国 cd2 pdf

新世纪走遍美国 cd2 pdf

U004 CelebrationsWhere's Kevin? I don't see him. 凯文在哪?我没看到他。

He's in the second row, Aunt Molly. 他在第二排,茉莉姨妈。

Will the Graduating Class of Boston Latin High School, please come forward and receive your diplomas? 波士顿拉丁高中毕业班请走到前面来接受你们的证书。

...music school? Are you going to be a music teacher? ...音乐学院?你想成为音乐教师?Maybe...or a performer or a songwriter, or all three. 也许...或者是演员或作曲家,或三者都是。

Your mother always wanted to be a singer. 你妈妈一直想成为歌唱家。

Kevin Patrick Casey. 凯文·帕特里克·凯西Kevin! Over here. 凯文!过来。

Oh, that's my dad. I gotta go...I'll see you later. 哦,那是我父亲,我得走了...回头见。

Congratulations! 祝贺你。

All right, stand over there. I want to get a picture. You too, Aunt Molly.All right, look this way. Say cheese!好的,站那边。



Cheese ! C HEESEKevin, I'm proud to see that diploma in your hand. 凯文,看你手拿证书我很骄傲。









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U28 BrothersRebecca? 丽贝卡?Uncle Brendan. It's so good to meet you finally. 布莱登叔叔。


Yeah, I wish it were under happier circumstances. How are you holdin' up?是啊,我希望是在愉快的情况下。

你怎么样?We're OK. It's Dad I'm worried about.我们还好。


Does he know you called me? 他知道你打电话给我吗?Yes. He wants to see you. 是的。


Can I go in and see him? 我能进去看他吗?Excuse me, this is my Uncle Brendan. He'd like to see my father... 请原谅,这是我叔叔布莱登。

他想看我父亲... Yes, come in. He's resting. 好,进来。


Uh, I'd like to see him alone for a few minutes, if that's OK? 嗯,我想单独见他几分钟,如果可以的话?Yes. Of course. 好,当然。

I hope we did the right thing. 我希望我们做了件正确的事。

Kevin, are you all right? I'm worried about you. 凯文,你还好吗?我很担心你。

I'll survive. 我能挺住。

Do you wanna go get something to drink? 你想喝点东西吗?Naw. 不。

I'm gonna go and say goodnight to Sandy. I'll be back.我去和桑蒂说再见。


Patrick? Patrick...it's Brendan, your long-lost brother. 帕特里克?帕特里克... 我是布莱登,你久违了的兄弟。

Oh...Sandy...I can't believe it! 噢... 桑蒂... 我真不敢相信!Rebecca called me. She told me you asked for me to come. 丽贝卡打电话给我。


I'm glad...glad you came... 我高兴... 高兴你来...It's been a long time...too long, I guess.很长时间了... 太久了,我想。

You know what we are? We're two pigheaded Irishmen, so stubborn that we didn't talk to each other for almost thirty years. That's not the way brothers are supposed to be. 你知道我们是什么?我们是两个固执的爱尔兰人,固执使我们彼此将近30年不说话。


You know what they say about us Irish short tempers and long memories. 你知道他们怎么说我们,爱尔兰人坏脾气,好记性。

I'm ready to forgive and forget. How about you? 我可以原谅和忘记以往的争执。

你呢?Where did Sandy go? 桑蒂在哪?I don't know. I can't believe she took off. 我不知道。


What's wrong? 怎么了?Looks like Jack's been beating Sandy up. 好象杰克打了桑蒂。

You've got to be kidding. Actuallyhitting her? 你开玩笑吧。

真的打了她?Yeah. You should see her face. She has a huge black-and-blue mark right here.是的。



That pig. He should have his face kicked in. 猪。


Kevin, don't talk like that. 凯文,别这么说。

This thing won't take my money. Do you have any change? 这机器不收我的钱。

你有零钱吗?How much do you need? 你需要多少?Seventy-five cents. 75美分。

Kevin, I'm sorry I yelled at you. 凯文,我为向你喊叫而抱歉。

That's all right. That's all right...It's all right. 没什么。

没什么... 那没什么。

Nurse! Hurry! Help! 护士!快!救命!What's wrong, Uncle Brendan? What's going on? 怎么了,布莱登叔叔?到底发生了什么事?He's not breathing, and he has no pulse. We're going to shock him...Everybody, stand clear. Clear! Shock!...Shock!...Shock! Begin CPR...Can we get Lidocaine? One milligram of Lidocaine. 他不呼吸,也没有脉搏。

我们将对他电击... 每个人,站开。

站开!电击!... 电击!...电击!开始实施心脏动脉复苏法...用利都卡因?一毫克利都卡因。

And one and two and three and fourand five. . . and one and two and threeand four and five... 一,二,三,四,五...一,二,三,四,五...Hello? 你好?Oh, hi, Hon. I have bad news-Patrick passed away a few hours ago. 你好,亲爱的。


Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry. Were you ableto talk to him...? 噢,亲爱的,我很抱歉。

你赶上和他说话了吗?We made our peace. 我们和解了。

Oh, that's good. How are Kevin andRebecca taking it? 噢,那就好。

凯文和丽贝卡如何对待这事?Rebecca's, uh...pretty upset. Kevin's a little quiet. 丽贝卡,嗯... 很沮丧。


Yeah, I understand. 是的,我能理解。

I'd like you to come out to the funeral.我想让你来参加葬礼。

Of course. 当然。

Aunt Molly?...It's Rebecca. I have some sad news. Dad passed away this morning...a heart attack...Yes, it was a terrible shock...The wake is gonna be tomorrow, from six to nine...It's OK, Dad's friend, Frank Wells, will pick you up... 茉莉姨?... 我是丽贝卡。


我父亲今晨去世了... 心脏病发作... 是的,真是很震惊... 明天守夜,6-9点... 行,爸爸的朋友,法兰克·沃斯,去接您...Thank you. 谢谢。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Who's this guy? 这人是谁?How thoughtful...He's a friend fromSan Francisco. 想的真周到... 旧金山的一个朋友。

Uncle Brendan...And you must be Anne. Thank you for making the trip.布莱登叔叔... 你一定是安妮婶婶。


I'm very sorry about your father. 我为你父亲的事难过。

It all happened so fast...We can't believe it...Thank you for the flowers. They're...just beautiful. 全都发生得太快了... 我们无法相信... 谢谢你们的花。

它们... 真漂亮。

I don't know anyone here. Where's Kevin? 我不认识这里的任何人。

凯文在哪?Over there. 在那儿。

Excuse me... 请原谅,我失陪。

It was good you called Brendan. You did the right thing. 你打电话给布莱登很好。


It's wrong for a family to be like that.一个家庭这样是不对的。

I know. Brendan can be verystubborn...But I guess your father was, too. 我知道。

布莱登很固执... 我猜想你父亲也是。

How're you holding up, kid? 孩子,你坚持得怎么样?Pretty good. 不错。

I don't know a soul here. Do you know who any of these people are? 我这儿谁也不认识。
