
Script compiled bywww.big-bang-forum.deTHE address for geeks and …The Big Bang Theory“ fans!THE BIG BANG THEORYbyChuck Lorre & Bill PradySeason 1, Episode 13 (s01e13)Title: The Bat Jar Conjecture---> Dialog only <---HOWARDOoh, more details about the newStar Trek film. There's going to bea scene depicting Spock's birth.RAJESHI'd be more interested in a scenedepicting Spock's conception.SHELDONOh, please. For Vulcans, mating,or, if you will, Pon farr... it'san extremely private matter.LEONARDStill, I'd like to know thedetails. His mother was human. Hisfather was Vulcan. They couldn'tjust conceive.HOWARDMaybe they had to go to a clinic.Can you imagine Spock's Dad in alittle room with a copy of PointyEars and Shapely Rears?RAJESHHow come on Star Trek everybody'sprivate parts are the same? Noalien lady ever told Captain Kirk,…Hey, get your thing out of mynose.“PENNYHi. Can you help me? I was writingan e-mail and the A key got stuck.Now it's just going, …Aaaah.“LEONARDWhat'd you spill on it?PENNYNothing. Diet Coke. And yogurt. And a little nail polish.LEONARDI'll take a look at it.HOWARDGentlemen, switching to local nerd news, Fishman, Chen, Chaudury and McNair aren't fielding a team inthe university Physics Bowl this year.LEONARDYou're kidding. Why not?HOWARDThey formed a barbershop quartet and got a gig playing Knott's Berry Farm.PENNYWow. So, in your world, you're like the cool guys.HOWARDRecognize.LEONARDUh-ha-ha. This is our year. With those guys out, the entire Physics Bowl will kneel before Zod.PENNYZod?HOWARDKryptonian villain. Long story.RAJESHGood story.SHELDONCount me out.LEONARDWhat? Why?SHELDONYou want me to use my intelligence in a tawdry competition? Would you ask Picasso to play Pictionary? Would you ask Noah Webster to play Boggle? Would you ask Jacques Cousteau to play Go Fish?LEONARDCome on, you need a four-person team. We're four people.SHELDONBy that reasoning we should also play Bridge, hold up a huppah and enter the Olympic bobsled competition.PENNYHa-ha, Tickets to that, please.LEONARDSheldon, what? Do I need to quote Spock's dying words to you?SHELDONNo, don't.LEONARD…The needs of the many...“HOWARD…Outweigh the needs of the few...“SHELDON…Or the one.“ Damn it, I'll do it.============================================ THEME SONG ===========================================RAJESHOkay, first order of Physics Bowl business. We need a truly kick-ass team name. Suggestions?HOWARDHow about the Perpetual Motion Squad? It's beyond the laws of physics, plus a little heads-up for the ladies.LEONARDThe ladies?HOWARDPerpetual Motion Squad... we can go all night.RAJESHI like it.SHELDONI don't. Teams are traditionally named after fierce creatures, thus intimidating one's opponent.RAJESHThen we could be the Bengal tigers.SHELDONPoor choice. Gram for gram, no animal exceeds the relativefighting strength of the army ant.RAJESHMaybe so, but you can't incinerate a Bengal tiger with a magnifying glass.LEONARDLet's put it to a vote. All thosein favor...SHELDONPoint of order. I move that anyvote on team names must be unanimous. No man should be forced to emblazon his chest with a Bengal tiger when common sense dictates it should be an army ant.LEONARDWill the gentleman from the great State of denial yield for a question?SHELDONI will yield.LEONARDAfter we go through the exercise of an annoying series of votes, all of which the gentleman will lose, does he then intend to threaten to quit if he does not get his way?SHELDONHe does.LEONARDI move we are the Army Ants. All those in favor?PENNYGood afternoon and welcome totoday's Physics Bowl practice round. I'm Penny, and I'll be your host because apparently I didn't have anything else to do on a Saturday afternoon, and isn't that just a little sad? Gentlemen, are you ready?LEONARDYes.SHELDONOf course.HOWARDFire away.PENNYYou know, it's none of my business, but isn't a guy who can't speak in front of women gonna hold you backa little?LEONARDOh, he'll be okay once the women are mixed into the crowd. He only has a problem when they're one-on-one and smell nice.PENNYOh, thanks, Raj. It's vanilla oil.LEONARDI was actually the one who noticed. Okay, let's just start.PENNYOkay, the first question is on the topic of optics.SHELDON…What is the shortest light pulse ever produced?“PENNYDr. Cooper.SHELDONAnd, of course, the answer is 130 attoseconds.PENNYThat is correct.LEONARDI knew that too.PENNYGood for you, sweetie. Okay, next question. …What is the quantum-mechanical effect used to encode data on hard-disk drives?“PENNYHoward.SHELDONAnd, of course, the answer is giant magnetoresistance.PENNYRight.HOWARDHey, I buzzed in.SHELDONAnd I answered. It's called teamwork.HOWARDDon't you think I should answer the engineering questions? I am an engineer.SHELDONBy that logic I should answer all the anthropology questions because I'm a mammal.LEONARDJust ask another one.PENNYOkay.“What artificial satellite has seen glimpses of Einstein's predicted frame dragging?“SHELDONAnd, of course, it's Gravity Probe B.LEONARDSheldon, you have to let somebody else answer.SHELDONWhy?PENNYBecause it's polite.SHELDONWhat do manners have to do with it? This is war. Were the Romans polite when they salted the ground of Carthage to make sure nothing would ever grow again?PENNYLeonard, you said I only had to ask questions.SHELDONThe objective of the competion isto give correct answers. If I know them, why shouldn't I give them?HOWARDSome of us might have the correct answers too.SHELDONOh, please. You don't even have a Ph.D.HOWARDAll right, that's it.LEONARDHoward, sit down.HOWARDOkay.LEONARDMaybe we should take a little break.SHELDONGood idea. I need my wrist brace. All this button pushing is aggravating my old Nintendo injury.HOWARDI agree.PENNYWhat did he say?HOWARDHe compared Sheldon to a disposable feminine cleansing product one might use on a summer's eve.PENNYYeah, and the bag it came in.SHELDONLeonard, excellent. I wanna show you something.LEONARDCan it wait? I need to talk to you.SHELDONJust look. I've designed theperfect uniforms for our team. The colors are based on …Star Trek: The Original Series“. The three of you will wear support red, and I will wear command gold.LEONARDWhy do they say …AA“?SHELDONArmy Ants.LEONARDIsn't that confusing? AA might mean something else to certain people.SHELDONWhy would a Physics Bowl team be called Anodized Aluminum?LEONARDNo, I meant... Never mind. Hey, check it out, I got you a Batman cookie jar.SHELDONOh, neat. What's the occasion?LEONARDWell, you're a friend and you like Batman and cookies and you're off the team.SHELDONWhat?LEONARDHoward, Raj and I just had a team meeting.SHELDONNo, you didn't.LEONARDYes, we did. I just came from there.SHELDONOkay, I don't know where you just came from, but it could'nt have been a team meeting because Iwasn't there. Ergo, the team didnot meet.LEONARDOkay, let me try it this way. I was at a coffee klatch with a couple of friends, and one thing led to another, and it turns out you'reoff the team.SHELDONWhy?LEONARDBecause you're taking all the fun out of it.SHELDONI'm sorry, is the winner of the Physics Bowl the team that has the most fun?LEONARDOkay, let me try it this way.You're annoying and no one wants to play with you anymore.SHELDONI see. Well, at this point I should inform you that I intend to form my own team and destroy the molecular bonds that bind your very matter together and reduce the resulting particulate chaos to tears.LEONARDThanks for the heads up.SHELDONYou're welcome. One more thing.LEONARDYes?SHELDONIt's on, bitch.HOWARDSo who did he get to be on histeam?LEONARDHe won't say. He just smiles and eats macaroons out of his Bat-Jar.RAJESHHe's using psychological warfare. We must reply in kind. I say wewait until he looks at us, then laugh like, …Yes, you are a smart and strong competitor, but we are also smart and strong, and we have a reasonable chance of defeating you.“LEONARDHow exactly would that laugh go?RAJESHHee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!HOWARDThat sounds more like: …We are a tall, thin woman who wants to make a coat out of your Dalmatians.“LEONARDGuys, let's remember that Sheldonis still our friend and my roommate.HOWARDSo?LEONARDSo nothing. Let's destroy him.SHELDONGentlemen.RAJESHHee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!HOWARDOkay, we're gonna need a strong fourth for our team.RAJESHYou know who is apparently very smart is the girl who played TV's Blossom. She got a Ph.D. in neuroscience or something.LEONARDRaj, we're not getting TV's Blossom to join our Physics Bowl team.RAJESHHow about the girl from …The Wonder Years“?HOWARDGentlemen, I believe I've found thesolution to all our problems.LEONARDWe can't ask Leslie Winkle.RAJESHWhy? Because you slept together, and when she was done with you she discarded you like last night's chutney?LEONARDYes.HOWARDSometimes you gotta take one forthe team.RAJESHYeah. Sack up, dude.LEONARDFine. Here I go, taking one for the team... in the sack. Hey, Leslie.LESLIEHi, guys.LEONARDSo, ahem. Leslie, I have a question for you, and it might be a little awkward, you know, given that I...HOWARDHit that thing.LESLIELeonard, there's no reason to feel uncomfortable just because we've seen each other's faces and naked bodies contorted in the sweet agony of coitus.LEONARDThere's not? Gee, 'cause it sure sounds like there should be.LESLIERest assured that any aspects of our sexual relationship regarding your preferences, your idiosyncrasies, your performance are still protected by the inherent confidentiality of the bedroom.LEONARDThat's all very comforting, but if it's okay, I'd like to get on to my question now.LESLIEProceed.LEONARDWe are entering the Physics Bowl, and we need a fourth for our team.LESLIENo, thanks. I'm really busy with my like-sign dilepton supersymmetry search.RAJESHDilepton, shmylepton. We need you.LESLIESorry.HOWARDWell, we tried. We'll just have to face Sheldon mano y mano y mano a mano.LESLIEWait, you're going up against Sheldon Cooper?HOWARDYes.LESLIEThat arrogant, misogynistic, East Texas doorknob that told me I should abandon my work with high-energy particles for laundry and childbearing?LEONARDShe's in.PENNYSo, how do you feel? Nice and loose? Come to play? Got your game face on? Are you ready?LEONARDYeah. You know, you don't have to stay for the whole thing.PENNYOh, no, no. I want to. Soundsreally interesting.LEONARDOkay.SHELDONGentlemen.LEONARDSheldon.HOWARDSheldon.RAJESHHee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!PENNYSheldon. I'm just gonna sit down.LEONARDSo is that your team?SHELDONActually, I don't need a team. I could easily defeat you single-handedly, but the rules require four. So may I introduce the third-floor janitor, the lady from the lunch room, and my Spanish is not good, either her son or her butcher. And what about your team? What rat have you recruited to the S.S. Sinking Ship?LESLIEHello, Sheldon.SHELDONLeslie Winkle.LESLIEYeah, Leslie Winkle. The answer to the question: …Who made Sheldon Cooper cry like a little girl?“SHELDONYes. Well, I'm polymerized tree sap, and you're an inorganic adhesive. So whatever verbal projectile you launch in mydirection is reflected off of me, returns on its original trajectory and adheres to you.LESLIEOh, ouch!DR. GABLEHAUSEROkay, if everyone could please take your seats.LEONARDHere's your T-shirt.LESLIEPMS? It's a couple days early.LEONARDNo. It stands for Perpetual Motion Squad.LESLIEOh, right, of course. What was I thinking?DR. GABLEHAUSERGood afternoon, everyone, and welcome to this year's Physics Bowl. Today's preliminary match features two great teams: AAversus... PMS.HOWARDAll night long, y'all.DR. GABLEHAUSEROkay, well, let's jump right in. First question. For 10 points. …What is the isospin singletpartner of the pi-zero meson?“DR. GABLEHAUSERPMS?LEONARDThe eta meson.DR. GABLEHAUSERCorrect.SHELDONFormal protest.DR. GABLEHAUSEROn what grounds?SHELDONThe Velcro on my wrist brace caught on my shirt.DR. GABLEHAUSERDenied. All right, for 10 points. …What is the lightest element on Earth with no stable isotope?“ AA?SHELDONAnd, of course, the answer is technetium.DR. GABLEHAUSERTerrific. Next question. …What is the force between two uncharged plates due to quantum vacuum fluctuations?“ PMS?RAJESHAnd Sheldon can suck on... the Casimir effect.DR. GABLEHAUSERCorrect. How does a quantum computer factor large numbers? PMS?LESLIEShor's algorithm.DR. GABLEHAUSERCorrect.SHELDONFoiur-point-one-eight-five-five times 10 to the seventh ergs per calorie.LEONARDPrévost's theory of exchanges.SHELDONLambda equals one over pi-R-squared N.HOWARDSeven hundred and sixty degrees Celsius. The approximatetemperature of the young lady inthe front row.DR. GABLEHAUSERMr. Wolowitz, this is your second warning.SHELDONA sigma particle.LESLIEYes, assuming the hypothetical planet has a mass greater than the Earth.DR. GABLEHAUSERCorrect. Ladies and gentlemen, I hold in my hand the final question. The score now stands. AA, 1150, PMS, 1175. So for 100 points andthe match, please turn yourattention to the formula on the screens. Solve the equation.RAJESHHoly crap.LEONARDWhat the hell is that?HOWARDLooks like something they found on the ship at Roswell.LEONARDCome on, think. Leslie?LESLIELeonard, it's not gonna work if you rush me. You have to let me get there.LEONARDYou're never gonna let that go, are you?DR. GABLEHAUSERTen seconds. PMS?LEONARDSorry, I panicked.HOWARDThen guess.LEONARDUm... Eight. Point four.DR. GABLEHAUSERI'm sorry, that's incorrect. AA, if you can answer correctly, the match is yours.HOWARDHe doesn't have it. He's got squat.DR. GABLEHAUSERAA, I need your answer.DMITRIThe answer is minus eight pi alpha.SHELDONHang on, hang on a second. That's not our answer. What are you doing?DMITRIAnswering question. Winning Physics Bowl.SHELDONHow do you know anything about physics?DMITRIHere I am janitor. In former Soviet Union, I am physicist. Leningrad Politechnika. Go, Polar Bears.SHELDONWell, that's a delightful little story, but our arrangement was that you sit here and not say anything.I answer the questions.DMITRIYou didn't answer question.SHELDONHey, look. Now, maybe you have democracy now in your beloved Russia, but on this Physics Bowl team, I rule with an iron fist. Ow!DR. GABLEHAUSERAA, I need your official answer.SHELDONWell, it's not what he said.DR. GABLEHAUSERThen what is it?SHELDONI want a different question.DR. GABLEHAUSERYou can't have a differentquestion.SHELDONFormal protest.DR. GABLEHAUSER Denied.SHELDONInformal protest.DR. GABLEHAUSER Denied. I need your official answer.SHELDONNo. I decline to provide one.DR. GABLEHAUSERWell, that's too bad because the answer your teammate gave was correct.SHELDONThat's your opinion.DR. GABLEHAUSERAll right, the winner of the match is...LEONARDHang on. Sheldon, is proving that you are single-handedly smarter than everyone else so important that you would rather lose by yourself than win as part of a team?SHELDONI don't understand the question.LEONARDGo ahead.DR. GABLEHAUSERThe winner is PMS.LEONARDSorry, somebody's sitting there.SHELDONWho?LEONARDMy Physics Bowl trophy.SHELDONThat trophy is meaningless. I forfeited, therefore you did not win.LEONARDI know someone who would disagree.SHELDONWho?LEONARDMy Physics Bowl trophy. …Leonard is so smart. Sheldon who?“SHELDONAll right, that is very immature.LEONARDYou're right. I'm sorry. …I'm not!“PENNYOkay, new contest.LEONARDWhat are you doing?PENNYI am settling once and for all who is the smartest around here. Okay? Are you ready?SHELDONAbsolutely.LEONARDBring it on.PENNYOkay. …Marsha, Jan and Cindy were the three daughters in what TV family?“ The Brady Bunch. Okay. …Sammy Hagar replaced David Lee Roth as the lead singer in what group?“SHELDONThe Brady Bunch?PENNYVan Halen. All right. …Madonna was married to this Ridgemont High alum.“ Oh, my God. Sean Penn.LEONARDHow do you know these things? I go outside and I talk to people. Okay, here. …What actor holds the record for being named People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive?“SHELDONWilliam Shatner.LEONARDWait. I don't think it's Shatner.SHELDONThen it's got to be Patrick Stewart.PENNYNo.SHELDONFormal protest.PENNYAll right. …Singer who sang,'Oops!...I Did It Again'?“ Okay. …Tweety Bird tawt he taw a what?“SHELDONRomulan.PENNYYes. He tawt he taw a Romulan.THE ENDThe …Tweety Bird“ question:Tweety Bird (a Warner Bros. cartoon character) used to say, ...I thought I saw a pussycat“, but in his broken English it sounded like, (I)tawt I taw a putty tat.“ So Penny's question actually is, …Tweety Bird thought he saw a what?“ And the correct answer would be, …pussycat“ (or …putty tat“). But because Leonard and Sheldon apparently doesn't know Tweety Bird and his speech impediment, for them it sounds like the Romulan language (a language from the Star Trek Universe, that's what I call …thinking in geek“, LOL!) and they assume the question is which language is Penny speaking. Therefore Sheldon very confidently answers with …Romulan.“ And regarding to Penny's answer, …Yes. He tawt he taw a Romulan.“, Sheldon and Leonard actually believe their answer was correct.。

生活大爆炸第二季英文剧本台词11.txt 你的论点完全缺乏科学论证。
argument: 论点 lack: 缺乏 scientific: 科学的 merit: 价值It is well established Superman cleans his, uniform by flying into Earth's yellowsun,establish: 确定 Superman: 虚构的超级英雄,美国漫画中的经典人物,诞生于1938年6月,出现在DC漫画公司的多种书籍中,还被改编成动画、电影、电视剧、舞台剧,影响深远uniform: 制服十分肯定的是,超人飞到地球的黄色恒星,可以清洁他的超人服。
which incinerates any contaminate matterincinerate: 烧成灰 contaminate: 受到污染的 matter: 物质任何污染物都可以烧掉。
and leaves t invulnerable Kryptonian, fabric unharmed and daisy fresh.invulnerable: 不会受伤害的 Kryptonia: 克里普顿星,超人出生地 fabric: 纤维织物unharmed: 没有受伤的 daisy: 极好的【非常的】 fresh: 新鲜的【干净的】只留下不可摧毁的氪星球纤维布,完全无害,超级干净。
-Wolowitz: What if he gets something, Kryptonian on it?要是又染上啥氪星球的东西怎么办?-Sheldon:Like what?比如什么呢?-Wolowitz: I don't know. Kryptonian mustard.mustard: 芥末不知道,也许氪芥末吧。
-Sheldon: I think we can safely assume that all, Kryptonian condiments were destroyedassume: 假定 condiment: 调味品 destroy: 毁坏我觉得我们完全可以设想,所有氪星球调味品都被毁灭掉了。

第五集1.Pottery barn 陶瓷大库房patible 兼容3.It can not be compatible with a goodnighet’s sleep 我不能安心睡觉4.Darth vader 黑武士5.Stagnant 停滞6.Retina 视网膜tch myself to the seat 用绳子把自己系在座椅子上8.Bungee cord 橡皮绳子9.De-bus10.Bereby 在这11.Invoke 引用,调用12.Integral 完整13.Convenant 契约14.An ounce of alcohol 一盎司酒精15.Speed bumps 减速带16.Reckless nonchalance 不计后果的忽略bustion engine内燃机引擎18.Diagostic 诊断19.Give it a shot 试一下20.Kick in 赶下车21.Perturbative 扰乱性的22.Amplitude 振幅23.Supersmmetric超级对称24.Ultraviolet 紫外的25.Dmv车管局26.Slippery 光滑的27. A film of liquid 一层液体28.Coefficient 系数29.Ace 高手,卓越的30.Boot 启动31.State-of –the –art 最先进的32.Hassle 激烈的争论33.Fuzz 老头儿34.Pale blue 淡蓝色35.Lightsaber 激光剑36.Remaster重新修复37.Turn of the Ignition 点火(开关)38.Shift in the drive ,换成前进档39.Slow into traffic进入车道40.Galleria 商场41.Overpass 天桥42.Transcend the situation 扭转情况teral 侧部44.Incisors 门牙45.Distinct 明显的46.Plebeian task of driving 开车的小技巧47.Unravel the mysteries of the universe ,解开宇宙之谜。

英语学习资料:《生活大爆炸》经典台词(中英双语对照版)Sheldon: In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm,冬天的时候,这个地方离电暖器最近,很暖和,and yet not so close as to cause perspiration;也不会很热到直流汗。
in the summer, it's directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there, and there.夏天的时候,这里又刚好可以吹过堂风,是来自这扇窗户和那扇的。
It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation,而且坐这里看电视的角度,可以直接看,又不会影响谈话,nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion.不会太远,不至于造成脖子过分扭曲。
I could go on, but I think I've made my point.我可以继续,我想我已经说明白了。
别老记着? 这能忘得掉吗?Fet? You want me to fet?我这脑子啥东西忘得掉啊!This mind does not fet.从我妈给我断奶后我就没忘掉过一件事I haven't fotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me.- 那天是周二下着毛毛雨 - 好了...- It was a drizzly Tuesday. - Okay...你哭什么Why are you crying?我哭我自己蠢啊Because I'm stupid!那也没理由哭啊That's no reason to cry.人只有悲伤的时候才该哭One cries because one is sad.比如说其他人都太蠢我感到悲伤For example, I cry because others are stupid所以我才哭我和许多女生交往过Well,I've dated plenty of women.Joyce Kim还有Leslie Winkle...There was Joyce Kim... Leslie Winkle...通知牛津英语词典的编辑们Notify the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary. "许多"现在被重新定义为"两个"The word "plenty" has been redefined to mean "two."Sheldon 你是个聪明人Sheldon,you are a *** art guy.- 你得知道 - 我是"聪明人"?- You must know... - I'm " *** art"?要被归为"聪明人" 我得去掉60点智商才行I'd have to lose 60 IQ points to be classified as " *** art."- Dr. Gablehauser. - Dr. Koothrappali.- Dr. Gablehauser. - Dr. Hofstader.- Dr. Gablehauser. - Dr. Cooper.- Dr. Gablehauser. - Mr.Wolowitz.我是硕士I have a Master's degree.谁不是?Who doesn't?多年来我们一直潜心试图探究他将如何繁衍后代Over the years,we've formulated many theories about how he might reproduce.我主张的是有丝分裂I'm an advocate of mitosis.什么?I'm sorry?我相信总有一天当Sheldon吃到一定量的泰国菜I believe one day Sheldon will eat an enormous amount of Thai food他就会分裂成两个Sheldonand split into two Sheldons.另一方面我在想Sheldon可能是他这个物种的幼虫状态On the other hand,I think Sheldon might be the larval form of his species,有一天他会做茧不出俩月就破茧成蝶and someday he'll spin a cocoon and emerge two months later with moth wings and an exoskeleton.Howard 电话在响!Howard,the phone is ringing!我有个疯狂的主意老妈接电话如何!Here's a crazy idea,Ma: Answer it!你好?Hello?好的稍等All right,hold on.是你朋友 Leonard!It's your friend,Leonard!他想知道你为什么今天没去上学!He wants to know why you're not at school today!我不是去上学老妈我在大学就职I don't go to school,Ma. I work at a university.那就是学校! 快接电话!That's a school! Now pick up the phone!我谁都不想理I don't want to talk to anybody.要我叫Leonard把你的家庭作业带来吗?Should I ask Leonard to bring over your homework? ! 我没什么家庭作业的I don't have homework.我是个拥有工程学硕士的大爷们I'm a grown man with a master's degree in engineering! 抱歉了不起先生Excuse me,Mr. Fancy-Pants.想吃冰棒吗?Want me to get you a Popsicle?樱桃味的好吧!Cherry,please!樱桃味的我吃了只剩蔬菜味的了I ate the cherry. All that's left is green.你让我真想自杀呀You make me want to kill myself.她是位女生,她也是位朋友,但她不是我的,请原谅我做这个动作,"女朋友"She's a girl. She's a friend.She is not my-please five me for doing this--"Girlfriend."哼我不喜欢虫子怎么啦Yeah,well,I don't like bugs,okay?它们让我害怕They freak me out.有趣Interesting你既怕虫子又怕女人You're afraid of insects and women.瓢虫[英文: 女士+虫]还不得把你吓昏了Ladybugs must render you catatonic.不然你怎么考试How else are you gonna study for the tests?最好还要考试吗There's gonna be a test?可不止一次考试Test-sss.Sheldon 我看到你在为SmithsonianSo,Sheldon,I see you're anizing your papers傻冒儿博物馆赶论文呢for the Smithsonian Museum of Dumbassery.在撤下Leslie Winkle的永久展览前那里没有多余的展厅There won't be any room until they get rid of the permanent Leslie Winkle exhibit.我和Sheldon谈过了他也不好受Um,I talked to Sheldon and he feels terrible and he agrees 他也觉得自己无理取闹有些过分了that he was unreasonable and out of line.真的?很好呀Really? Well,that's great.就给他道个小歉嘛?Yeah,so just apologize to him,okay?那么你和她...So,you and her...- 没啦普通邻居而已 - 真的?- No,just neighbors. - Really.隔壁住着这样的妞儿怎么都不行动啊I don't know how you live next door to that without doing something about it.其实... 科学才是我的女神Actually... science is my lady.那年是1995年The year was 1995.地点是密西西比州首府杰克逊The place: Jackson,Mississippi.我坐了整整十个小时的汽车Having spent ten hours on a bus,途中甚至两次违反了我自己定下的规定During which I had to twice violate my personal rule在行驶的车辆上上了厕所Against relieving myself on board a moving vehicle...等我终于到达I finally arrived第四届美国南部星舰迷年度大会现场At the fourth annual Dixie-Trek convention却发现我的偶像威尔•惠顿上别处玩去了Only to find that my idol Wil Wheaton decided he had决定不过来帮我的超级英雄玩具签名了Better things to do than to show up and sign my Action Figure.什么What?你背弃了我威尔•惠顿You betrayed me,Wil Wheaton.现在我的复仇来了Now I have my revenge.No,no,I understand.要是我奶奶有个三长两短Anything happened to my mee-maw,我肯定成了伤心欲绝的小甜派I'd be one inconsolable moon pie.我得澄清一下I should clarify that statement By explaining that she calls me "moon pie."我这么说是因为她叫我"小甜派"By explaining that she calls me "moon pie."这跟我爸说的完全一样That's exactly what my father said."来看球赛吧去看球赛吧""Come to the games. Watch the games."周复一周的Week in and week out from the time从五岁直到我上大学I was five until I went off to college.人生当中最漫长的七年Longest seven years of my life.这里乱得简直毫无编制体系而言I see no anizational system in here whatsoever. 你周一穿什么 ***Which panties do you wear on Mondays?我不要 ***I don't need panties.只要短裤和衬衫I just need shorts and a shirt.妈妈经常跟我说My mother always told me一个人要穿干净 ***one should wear clean underpants以防发生意外in case one is in an accident.星星好漂漂啊Stars are pretty,aren't they?在那高高的地方Up above the world so high.像天上的小钻石Like little diamonds in the sky.太优美了兄弟That's beautiful,dude.你应该把这句话写下来You should... you should write that down免得被人山寨了before someone steals it.How did you see it?你说了不看的You said you wouldn't look.不好意思Sorry.正如我所说是英雄就偷窥As I told you,the hero always peeks你好克瑞普克Hello, Kripke.你此刻遭遇的经典恶作剧This classic prank es to you来自恶意复仇的谢尔顿•库珀from the malevolent mind of Sheldon Cooper.如果你想看看自己那张蠢蛋脸If you'd like to see the look on your stupid face,这段视频即刻就会上传到YouTubethis video is being instantly uploaded to YouTube.并感谢莱纳德•霍夫斯塔德和拉杰•库萨帕里Oh, and a hat tip to Leonard Hofstadter and Raj Koothrappali 感谢他们在复仇大业中对我的支持与鼓励for their support and encouragement in this enterprise.我计划逃回印度去你呢实验日志第一篇Research journal, entry one.我准备开展I'm about to embark on one of科学生涯中的巨大挑战之一the great challenges of my scientific career:教佩妮物理学teaching Penny physics.我称之为大猩猩工程Please,please,I don't have a lot of time.听着 Ramona总算打瞌睡了你得帮我甩了她Look,Ramona finally dozed off,and I need you to help me get rid of her.甩了她? 怎么个甩法?Get rid of her how?我不知道但显然我正处于某种关系中I don't know,but apparently I'm in some kind of relationship,而你似乎是终结这类关系的老手and you seem to be an expert at ending them.你说什么?Excuse me?我看见男人们一个接一个从这儿离开倒是没见过再回来的I see man after man leaving this apartment never to return.Sheldon 你真的很宽宏大量谢谢你我很感激Sheldon,this was big of you. Thank you. I really appreciate it.谢谢Thank you.- 晚安 Sheldon - Penny...- Good night,Sheldon. - Penny...- 啥? - 你有一手- Yes? - Well played.谢谢Thank you.但请记住能力越大责任越大 (出自)Just rember: with great power es great responsibility.明白Understood.不是厉害是错误我没有改我的状态呀It's not bold,it's a mistake. I didn't change my status.那是谁改的?Well,then who did?我没的选择他在她面前哭了I had no choice. He cried in front of her.我明白你这么做觉得自己很大方但赠送礼物的基础原则是礼尚往来I know you think you're being generous,but the foundation of gift-giving is reciprocity.你不是给我一份礼物You haven't given me a gift.你给了我一份责任You've given me an obligation.别太郁闷 Penny 一般新手都会犯这个错误Don't feel bad,Penny,it's a classic rookie mistake.我和Sheldon过的第一个光明节他吼了我八夜My first Hanukah with Sheldon,he yelled at me for eight nights.没事的你用不着回赠礼物的Now,hey,it's okay. You don't have to get me anything in return.我当然得回赠了Of course I do.风俗的精髓就在于我得去给你买份价值相当的礼物The essence of the custom is that I now have to go out and purchase for you a gift of mensurate value才能够代表你的礼物所表达的相同的情意and representing the same perceived level of friendship as that represented by the gift you've given me.怪不得每年这个时候自杀率狂飙呀It's no wonder suicide rates skyrocket this time of year.忘了这事吧我不会送你礼物了Okay,you know what? Fet it. I'm not giving you a present.不太迟了我看见了No,it's too late. I see it.那个精灵贴纸上写着"赠Sheldon"That elf sticker says,"To Sheldon."就是啊看别人热闹最乐呵I know. It's funny when it's not happening to us.Sheldon 我真的非常抱歉Sheldon,I am very,very sorry.不我自找的谁叫我出现在你生命里又那么可爱那么举足轻重呢No. No,I brought this on myself by being such an endearing and important part of your life.我需要有人载我去卖场I'm going to need a ride to the mall.风水轮流转我们该倒霉了It's happening to us.这在Penny压力很大的前提下才有用That presupposes Penny is tense.她了解你她会压力很大的咱不都是嘛快买礼品篮吧!She knows you. She's tense. We all are. Buy a basket!喔太好了 Penny 你终于来交换礼物了Ah,good,Penny,you're here to exchange gifts.你一定很高兴因为我的回礼准备很周到哦You'll be pleased to know I'm prepared for whatever you have to offer.行~ 给你Okay,here.先说一句我的肠胃不太舒服I should note I'm having some digestive distress,所以要是我突然离开一阵你可别慌so,if I excuse myself abruptly,don't be alarmed.你知道这对我意味着什么吗?!Do you realize what this means?!只需要一个健康的卵细胞就可以培育属于我的Leonard Nimoy 了!All I need is a healthy ovum and I can grow my own Leonard Nimoy!Sheldon 你这是干嘛?!Sheldon! What did you do?!我知道啊!I know!这点东西咋够呢It's not enough,is it?这样好了Here.Leonard 看啊 Sheldon拥抱我了诶Leonard,look! Sheldon's hugging me.真是农神节的奇迹呀It's a Saturnalia miracle.什么?What?他说也许我们该拿你参加机器人杀手大赛He said maybe we should enter you in the killer robot petition.Sheldon 你干嘛呢?Sheldon,what are you doing?我和这小女孩交朋友呢你叫什么名字?I'm making friends with this little girl. What's your name?RebeccaRebecca.嗨 Rebecca 我是你的新朋友SheldonHi,Rebecca. I'm your new friend,Sheldon.不别搞了走吧No,you're not. Let's go.- 我俩聊得正投机呢 - 别抬头上面有摄像头维持五个朋友的友情太困难了所以...Maintaing five friendships promises to be a Herculean task,so...我要开除你们其中一个I'm going to have to let one of you go.我我选我吧Me,me,let it be me.我有罪啊我淘汰了Guilty as charged. I'm out.不你也安全No. You too are safe.哦不是吧我该怎么做呀?Oh,e on. What do I have to do?来拿点吧有钱了再还Here. Take some. Pay me back when you can.哇里面钱还不少啊Wow,you got a lot of money in there.所以才派蛇来看守嘛That's why it's guarded by snakes.- 拿点吧 - 别犯傻了- Take some. - Don't be silly.我才不傻I'm never silly.我的花销占我税后工资的46.9%My expenses account for 46. 9% of my after-tax ine.其他钱就分摊给小的储蓄帐户The rest is divvied up between a *** all savings account,也就是这个糊弄人的花生脆罐子this deceptive container of peanut brittle还有一个超级英雄手办被掏空的 ***and the hollowed-out buttocks of a superhero action figure为了他的安全起见将继续隐姓埋名who shall remain nameless for his own protection.或者说为了她的安全起见Or her own protection.我考虑了一下那个问题You know,I've given the matter some thought,我想我愿意做高智商外星人的宠物and I think I'd be willing to be a house pet to a race of super-intelligent aliens.有意思Interesting.问问我为什么Ask me why.必须问啊?Do I have to?当然了这样才能继续对话啊Of course. That's how you move a conversation forward.为什么呢?Why?将会有很多学习的机会The learning opportunities would be abundant.还有呢我喜欢人家挠我肚肚Additionally,I like having my belly scratched.干得好啊 LeonardWell done,Leonard.真正的英雄不求恭维The true hero doesn't seek adulation.出于本性为正义和公平而战He fights for right and justice simply because it's his nature. 我错了I was wrong.歌手会写歌来歌颂你啊Minstrels will write songs about you.* 曾有一位勇敢的青年他的名字叫做Leonard ** There once was a brave lad named Leonard ** 满嘴跑火车逞英雄 ** With a -fi fiddle dee-dee ** 他与可怕巨人对峙 ** He faced a fearsome giant ** 而Raj却只想嘘嘘 ** While Raj just wanted to pee.*见到你真好妈妈Good to see you,Mother.这是你要的茶妈妈Here's your tea,Mother.- 乌龙茶? - 嗯- Oolong? - Yes.- 散装的不是袋泡的? - 嗯- Loose,not bagged? - Yes.- 泡了三分钟? - 嗯- Steeped three minutes? - Yes.- 加了2%的牛奶 - 嗯- Two-percent milk? - Yes.- 分开加热的? - 嗯- Warmed separately? - Yes.- 一茶勺糖? - 嗯- One teaspoon sugar? - Yes.- 原糖? - 嗯- Raw sugar? - Yes.凉了It's cold.我再来一回I'll start again.我们说到哪了?So,where were we?Howard和他妈妈一起住 Raj只有喝醉了才和女人讲话Howard lives with his mother and Raj can't speak to women unless he's drunk.开讲吧Go.说啥?Say what?不就是我刚说的嘛That's basically what I just said.你带老公来上班你知道规矩的You brought your hu *** and to work. You know the rules.那是我的座That is my spot.在这个不断变化的世界中那是唯一一个连续点In an ever-changing world,it is a single point of consistency.如果将我的人生比作四维笛卡尔坐标系里的一个函数If my life were expressed as a function on a four-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system,在我第一次坐上那儿的时候那个座的坐标就是(0,0,0,0)that spot at the moment I first sat on it would be zero-zero-zero-zero.好吧All right.好了舒适惬意安逸 0 0 0There,nice and fy cozy. Zero,zero,zero.少了个0There's one more zero.你把时间参数忘了You fot the time parameter.坐你的沙发吧Sit on the damn couch.宝贝你好...Hey,baby...他的右手给他打电话了?His right hand is calling him?不是啦是Leslie Winkle 说来话长No,it's Leslie Winkle. It's a long story.但...一切都变了But... Oh,this changes everything.什么是真的? 什么不是? 我怎么知道?What's real? What isn't? How can I know?那么你们干嘛还坐火车?Well,then why are you doing it?我们投票来着 3票坐飞机Well,we had a vote. Three of us voted for airplane.Sheldon投坐火车所以我们坐火车Sheldon voted for train. So we're taking the trn.我是找到盒子了但没有钥匙Okay,I got a box,but there's no key in here.都是信Just letters.拿错盒子了放回去That's the wrg box. Put it back.哦 Sheldon 都是你外婆寄的信?Oh,Sheldon,are these letters from your grandmother?表读那些信哦!Don't read those letters!呀瞧瞧她叫你"月亮派" 多可爱啊Oh,look,she calls you "Moon Pie." That is so cute.快把信放下!Put down the letters!- 我来了 - 咋样月亮派?- I'm back. - What up,Moon Pie?除了外婆谁都不许叫我月亮派Nobody calls me Moon Pie but Meemaw!她叫我月亮派是因为我太口耐她想把我吃掉She calls me Moon Pie because I'm nummy-nummy and she could just eat me up.我是物理学家I'm a physicist.我对整个宇宙及其包含的事物都有所了解I have a working knowledge of the entire universe and everything it contains.Radiohead是干嘛的?Who's Radiohead?我对整个宇宙及其包含的重要事物都有所了解祝你好运了I have a working knowledge of the important things in the universe. Good luck.Penny 这是你的生意你有最终决定权Penny,this is your enterprise,so it's ultimately your decision, 但鉴于Leonard的工作质量我强烈建议把他打发掉but based on the quality of his work,I'd strongly remend that we let Leonard go.你想开了我?You want to fire me?我想怎样没关系是Penny的决定What I want is irrelevant. This is Penny's decision.早知道我要在周六晚上做这个我还不如待在印度You know,if I wanted to spend my Saturday nights doing this,I could have stayed in India.Penny 打工仔团体是需要好好教育的Penny,the labor force is a living ani *** that must be carefully nurtured.任何会产生不良后果的抱怨必须及时喝止看着Any counterproductive grumbling must be skillfully headed off by management. Observe.少说话多干活Less talk,more work!- 做的好 - 谢谢- Nicely done. - Thank you.你要看到什么交头接耳告诉我You hear any union talk,you let me know.要不要来点咖啡?Honey,do you want some coffee?我不喝咖啡I don't drink coffee.行了你要是睡过去了我们肯定完成不了Come on,but if you don't stay awake we'll never finish in time.对不起但是我绝不喝咖啡I'm sorry,coffee's out of the question.当我搬来加利福尼亚我答应妈妈不磕药的When I moved to California,I promised my mother that I wouldn't start doing drugs.Sheldon 我们还有380个要做呢Sheldon,we still have 380 of these things to make.晚安你们行的我对你们绝对有信心I have plete faith that you will make them. Good night.Leonard?Leonard?但是 Shelon 没了你英明的领导我们的事业绝对是做不起来的But,Sheldon,without your insight and leadership this entire enterprise will surely fail.当然你说的对You're right,of course.来这个会有帮助Here,this will help.好吧但要这让我上瘾或产生幻觉Very well,but if this leads to opiates or hallucinogenics,你得去和我妈交待了you're going to have to answer to my mother.好吧我了解了你生气了Okay,I get it,you're angry.你不愿见到你的小鸟飞离巢穴You don't want to see your little bird leave the nest."小鸟"? 你都快30了!"Little bird"? You're almost 30!飞吧我的神呐!Fly,for God's sake!好我不搬! 开心了吧疯婆子?Fine,I'll stay! Ya happy,crazy lady?这么说吧我要怎么解释好呢?Oh,let's see. How can I explain this?他们不知道如何使用他们的盾Um,they don't know how to use their shields.盾?Shields?是的就像里的当你要战斗时你要举起你的盾Yeah,you know,like inStar Trek,when you're in battle and you raise the shields?这想法从哪儿冒出来的?Where the hell'd that e from?Penny 我发现你今晚也是一个人所以如果在某个时候Penny. I realize you're also on your own tonight,so if,at some point,你感觉到无聊了请千万不要来打扰我you find yourself with nothing to do,please do not disturb me.我几个礼拜前去你们那儿你们正巧不在我就忘在那儿了Well,I went in there a few weeks ago and you guys weren't home and I fot it there.你去了我的... 为什么... 你在说什么?You went in my... Why would... What are you saying?又没啥大不了的我不过是泡咖啡时没牛奶了It's not a big deal. I was making coffee and I ran out of milk.你是那个偷奶贼!You're the milk thief!Leonard说我多心了可我就是觉得盒子变轻了Leonard said I was crazy,but I knew that carton felt lighter Penny?干嘛What?我睡不着I can't sleep.也许是因为你的大窟窿还张着Maybe that's because your hole is still open.我想家I'm homesick.你家离这不过20尺Your home is 20 feet from here.20尺还是20光年这都不重要20 feet,20 light-years,it doesn't matter.在我这如同一个星系那么遥远It's in a galaxy far,far away.可恶Damn it.你想让我怎么办What do you want me to do?给我唱"软软凯蒂猫"Sing "Soft Kitty."那是只有你生病时才唱的歌That's only for when you're sick.思家也是一种病Homesick is a type of being sick.拜托真的要唱吗Come on,do I really have to?那设想下我们通宵达旦闲话家常I suppose we can stay up and talk.- Penny? - Yeah?谢谢你留我在这过夜Thank you for letting me stay here.不客气甜心You're wele,sweetie.好我已经困了你出去Okay,I'm sleepy now. Get out.不知道我为啥要担心I don't see why I have to worry.又不是我的事业悬而未决My career's not hanging in the balance. 开玩笑呢That was a joke.很好笑It's funny,因为这是事实because it's true.休斯顿这里是国际空间站Houston,International Space Station.我们这有点小状况We have a little situation up here.我们要临时安排一次太空行走We'd like to make an unscheduled space walk.国际空间站这里是休斯顿I.S.S.,Houston.将有哪些成员出舱?Which crew members would be involved in this E.V.A.?我们都想出舱走走Houston,we'd all like to step outside for a few minutes.这将不予批准I.S.S.,I'm afraid we can't authorize that.其实我们只是通知一下Houston,this is more of an FYI call.我们已经被迫出舱了We are basically out the door.好家伙的我的宗教说如果我们这一世受苦下一世会得到回报的My religion teaches that if we suffer in this life we are rewarded in the next.和Sheldon在北极呆三个月Three months at the North Pole with Sheldon,我就能转世投胎成一个长翅膀的大 *** 亿万富翁了!and I'm reborn as a well-hung billionaire with wings!。

Script compiled bywww.big-bang-forum.deTHE address for geeks and …The Big Bang Theory“ fans!THE BIG BANG THEORYbyChuck Lorre & Bill PradySeason 1, Episode 2 (s01e02)Title: The Big Bran Hypothesis---> Dialog only <---LEONARDHere you go. Pad thai, no peanuts.HOW ARDDoes it have peanut oil?LEONARDI'm not sure. Everyone keep an eye on Howard in case he starts to swell up.SHELDONSince it's not bee season, you can have my epinephrine.RAJESHAre there any chopsticks?SHELDONYou don't need chopsticks. This is Thai food.LEONARDHere we go.SHELDONThailand has had the fork since the latter half of the 19th century. Interestingly they don't put the fork in their mouth they use it to put the food on a spoon which then goes into their mouth.LEONARDAsk him for a napkin, I dare you. I'll get it.HOW ARDDo I look puffy? I feel puffy.PENNYHey, Leonard.LEONARDOh, hi, Penny.PENNYAm I interrupting?LEONARDNo.SHELDONYou're not swelling, Howard.HOW ARDNo, no, look at my fingers. They're like Vienna sausages.PENNYSounds like you have company.LEONARDThey're not going anywhere. So, you're coming home from work. That's great. How was work?PENNYWell, you know, it's a Cheesecake Factory. People order cheesecake and I bring it to 'em.LEONARDSo you kind of act as like a carbohydrate delivery system?PENNYMm... Yeah, call it whatever you want, I get minimum wage. Yeah. Um, anyways I was wondering if you could help me out with something, I'm kinda...LEONARDYes.PENNYOh. Okay, great, I'm having some furniture delivered tomorrow and I may not be here, so, oh... Hello.HOW ARD[speaks in Russian]PENNYI'm sorry?HOW ARDHaven't you ever been told how beautiful you are in flawless Russian? PENNYNo, I haven't.HOW ARDGet used to it.PENNYYeah, I probably won't. Hey, Sheldon.SHELDONHi.PENNYHey, Raj. Still not talking to me, huh?SHELDONDon't take it personally, it's his pathology. He can't talk to women.HOW ARDHe can't talk to atractive women, or in your case, a cheesecake- scented goddess.LEONARDSo there's gonna be some furniture delivered?PENNYYeah, yeah. If it gets here and I'm not here tomorrow, could you just sign for it and have them put it in my apartment?LEONARDYeah, no problem.PENNYGreat, here's my spare key. Thank you.LEONARDPenny, wait.PENNYYeah?LEONARDUm... If you don't have any other plans, do you want to join us for Thai food and a Superman movie marathon?PENNYA marathon? Wow, how many Superman movies are there?SHELDONYou're kidding, right?PENNYYeah, I do like the one where Lois Lane falls from the helicopter and Superman swooshes down and catches her. Which one was that? LEONARD, SHELDON,HOW ARD, RAJESHOne.SHELDONYou realize that scene was rife with scientific inaccuracy.PENNYYes, I know, men can't fly.SHELDONNo, no. Let's assume that they can. Ahem. Lois Lane is falling. Accelerating at an initial rate of 32 feet per second per second. Superman swoops down to save her by reaching out two arms of steel. Miss Lane, who is now traveling at approximately 120 miles an hour, hits them and is immediately sliced into three equal pieces.LEONARDUnless Superman matches her speed and decelerates.SHELDONIn what space, sir? In what space? She's 2 feet above the ground. Yeah, frankly, if he really loved her, he'd let her hit the pavement. It'd be a more merciful death.LEONARDExcuse me, your entire argument is predicated on the assumption thatSuperman's flight is a feat of strength.SHELDONAre you listening to yourself? It is well established that Superman's flight is a feat of strength. It is an extension of his ability to leap tall buildings, an ability he derives from exposure to Earth's yellow sun.HOW ARDYeah and you don't have a problem with that? How does he fly at night? SHELDONOh. A combination of the moon's solar reflection and the energy-storage capacity of Kryptonian skin cells.PENNYI'm just gonna go wash up.LEONARDI have 2600 comic books in there. I challenge you to find a single reference to Kryptonian skin cells.SHELDONChallenge accepted. We're locked out.RAJESHAlso, the pretty girl left.============================================ THEME SONG ===========================================LEONARDOkay. Her apartment's on the fourth floor, but the elevator's broken, so you're gonna have to... Oh, your're just gonna be done? Okay, cool, thanks. I guess we'll just bring it up ourselves.SHELDONI hardly think so.LEONARDWhy not?SHELDONWell, we don't have a dolly or lifting belts or any measurable upper-body strength.LEONARDWe don't need strength. We're physicists. We are the intellectual descendants of Archimedes. Give me a fulcrum and a lever and I can move the Earth. It's just a matter... I don't have this. I don't have this! I don't have this.SHELDONArchimedes would be so proud.LEONARDDo you have any ideas?SHELDONYes, but they all involve a Green Lantern and a power ring.LEONARDEasy.SHELDONEasy.LEONARDOkay. Now we've got an inclined plane. The force required to lift is reduced by the sine of the angle of the stairs, call it 30 degrees, so, about half.SHELDONExactly half.LEONARDExactly half. Let's push. Okay. See, it's moving. This is easy. It's all in the math.SHELDONWhat's your formula for the corner?LEONARDWhat? Oh, okay. Ah. Okay, yeah, no problem. Just come up here, help me pull and turn.SHELDONAh, gravity, thou art a heartless bitch. You do understand that our efforts here will in no way increase the odds of you having sexual congress with this woman.LEONARDMen do things for women without expecting sex.SHELDONYeah, those would be men who just had sex.LEONARDI'm doing this to be a good neighbor. In any case, there's no way it could lower the odds. Almost there. Almost there. Almost there.SHELDONNo, we're not.LEONARDI'm sorry.SHELDONNo, we're not! No, we're not! Watch your fingers. Watch your fingers. LEONARDYeah.SHELDONOh God, my fingers!LEONARDYou okay?SHELDONNo, it hurt... Great Caesar's ghost, look at this place.LEONARDSo Penny is a little messy.SHELDONA little messy? The Mandelbrot set of complex numbers is a little messy. This is chaos. Excuse me. Explain to me an organizational system where a tray of flatware on a couch is valid. I'm just inferring this is a couch because the evidence suggests the coffee table is having a tiny garage sale.LEONARDDid it ever occur to you that not everyone has the compulsive need to sort, organize and label the entire world around them?SHELDONNo.LEONARDWell, they don't. Hard as it may be for you to believe, most people don't sort their breakfast cereal numerically by fiber content.SHELDONExcuse me, but I think we've both found that helpful at times. LEONARDCome on, we should go.SHELDONHang on.LEONARDWhat are you doing?SHELDONI'm straightening up.LEONARDSheldon, this is not your home.SHELDONThis is not anyone's home. This is a swirling vortex of entropy. LEONARDWhen the transvestite lived here, you didn't care how he kept the place. SHELDONBecause it was immaculate. I mean, you opened that man's closet, it was left to right, evening gowns, cocktail dresses, then his police uniforms. LEONARDWhat were you doing in his closet?SHELDONI helped him run some cable for a webcam.PENNYHey, guys.LEONARDOh, hey, Penny. This just arrived. We just brought this up. Just now. PENNYGreat. Oh, was it hard getting it up the stairs?LEONARDNo.SHELDONNo?LEONARDNo.SHELDONNo.LEONARDWell, we'll get out of your hair.PENNYOkay, great. Thank you again.SHELDONPenny. Ahem. I just want you to know that you don't have to live like this. I'm here for you.PENNYWhat's he talking about?LEONARDIt's a joke.PENNYI don't get it.LEONARDYeah, he didn't tell it right. Sheldon? Sheldon?? Hello? Sheldon! SHELDONShh! Penny's sleeping.LEONARDAre you insane? You can't just break into a woman's apartment in the middle of the night and clean.SHELDONI had no choice. I couldn't sleep knowing that just outside my bedroom was our living room, and just outside our living room was that hallway,and immediately adjacent to the hallway was... this. LEONARDDo you realize that if Penny wakes up, there is no reasonable explanation as to why we're here.SHELDONI just gave you a reasonable explanation.LEONARDNo, no. You gave me an explanation. Its reasonableness will be determined by a jury of your peers.SHELDONDon't be ridiculous. I have no peers.LEONARDSheldon, we have to get out of here.SHELDONYou might want to speak in a lower register.LEONARDWhat?SHELDONEvolution has made women sensitive to high-pitched noises while they sleep so that they'll be roused by a crying baby. If you want to avoid waking her, speak in a lower register.LEONARDThat's ridiculous!SHELDONNo, that's ridiculous.LEONARDFine. I accept your premise. Now, please, let's go.SHELDONI'm not leaving until I'm done.LEONARDOh, no.SHELDONIf you have time to lean, you have time to clean.LEONARDOh, what the hell.SHELDONGood morning.LEONARDMorning.SHELDONI have to say I slept splendidly. Granted not long, but just deeply and well.LEONARDI'm not surprised. A well-known folk cure for insomnia is to break in your neighbor's apartment and clean.SHELDONSarcasm?LEONARDYou think?SHELDONGranted, my methods may have been somewhat unorthodox, but I think the end result will be a measurable enhancement to Penny's quality oflife.LEONARDYou know what, you convinced me. Maybe tonight we should sneak in and shampoo her carpet.SHELDONYou don't think that crosses a line?LEONARDYes. For God's sake, Sheldon, do I have to hold up a sarcasm sign every time I open my mouth?SHELDONYou have a sarcasm sign?LEONARDNo, I do not have a sarcasm sign.SHELDONYou want some cereal? I feel so good today, I'm gonna choose from the low-fiber end of the shelf. Hello, …Honey Puffs“.PENNYSon of a bitch!LEONARDPenny's up.PENNYYou sick, geeky bastards!LEONARDHow did she know it was us?SHELDONI may have left a suggested organizational schematic for her bedroom closet.PENNYLeonard?LEONARDGod, this is gonna be bad.SHELDONGoodbye, …Honey Puffs“. Hello, …Big Bran“.PENNYYou came into my apartment last night while I was sleeping? LEONARDYes, but only to clean.SHELDONReally more to organize. You're not actually dirty, per se.PENNYGive me back my key.LEONARDI'm very, very sorry.PENNYDo you understand how creepy this is?LEONARDOh. Yes, we discussed it at length last night.PENNYIn my apartment? While I was sleeping?SHELDONAnd snoring. And that's probably just a sinus infection. But it could be sleep apnea. You might want to see an otolaryngologist. The throat doctor.PENNYAnd what kind of doctor removes shoes from asses?SHELDONDepending on the depth, that's either a proctologist or a general surgeon. Oh.PENNYGod!LEONARDOkay, look, Penny. I think what you're feeling is perfectly valid and maybe a little bit later today when you're feeling a little less, for lack of a better word, violated, maybe we can talk about this some more.PENNYStay away from me.LEONARDSure, that's another way to go.SHELDONPenny, Penny, hold on. Just to clarify, because there will be a discussion when you leave. Is your objection solely to our presence in the apartment while you were sleeping or do you also object to the imposition of a new organizational paradigm. Well, that was a little non-responsive. LEONARDYou are going to march yourself over there right now and apologize. LEONARDWhat's funny?SHELDONThat wasn't sarcasm?LEONARDNo!SHELDONWhoo. Boy, you are all over the place this morning. I have a master's and two Ph.Ds, I should not have to do this.PENNYWhat?SHELDONI am truly sorry for what happened last night. I take full responsibility. And I hope that it won't color your opinion of Leonard, who is not only a wonderful guy, but also, I hear, a gentle and thorough lover. I did what I could.PENNYHey, Raj. Hey, listen, I don't know if you heard about what happened last night with Leonard and Sheldon, but I'm really upset about it. I mean, they just, they let themselves into my place and then they cleaned it. Can you even believe that? How weird is that? ...RAJESHOh, she's standing very close to me. Oh, my. She does smell good. What is that? Vanilla?PENNY... You know. Where I come from, someone comes into your house at night, you shoot. Okay? And you don't shoot to wound. I mean, all right, my sister shot her husband, but it was an accident, they were drunk. Wait, what was I saying? ...RAJESHShe's so chatty. Maybe my parents are right. Maybe I'd be better off with an Indian girl. We'd have the same cultural background and my wife could sing to my children the same lullabies my mother sang to me. PENNY... It's obvious that they meant well, but I'm just, I'm having a really rough time. Like I said, I broke up with my boyfriend and it's all freaking me out ...RAJESH[starts to sing an Indian lullaby]PENNY... I mean, just because most of the men I've known in my life happen to be jerks, doesn't mean I should just assume Leonard and Sheldon are. Right?RAJESHShe asked me a question. I should probably nod.PENNYThat's exactly what I thought. Thank you for listening. You're a doll. RAJESHUh-oh. Turn your pelvis.HOW ARDGrab a napkin, homie. You just got served.LEONARDIt's fine. You win.HOW ARDWhat's his problem?SHELDONHis imaginary girlfriend broke up with him.HOW ARDBeen there.RAJESHHello. Sorry I'm late, but I was in the hallway, chatting up Penny.HOW ARDReally? You? Rajesh Koothrappali, spoke to Penny?RAJESHActually, I was less the chatter than the chattee.LEONARDWhat did she say? Is she still mad at me?RAJESHWell, she was upset at first, but probably because her sister shot somebody. But then there was something about you and then she hugged me.HOW ARDShe hugged you? How'd she hug you? Is that her perfume I smell? RAJESHIntoxicating, isn't it?PENNYHi.LEONARDOh.PENNYWhat's going on?LEONARDUh. Here's the thing: …Penny, just as Oppenheimer came to regret his contributions to the first atomic bomb, so too I regret my participation in what was, at the very least, an error in judgment.The hallmark of the great human experiment is the willingness to recognize one's mistakes. Some mistakes, such as Madam Curie's discovery of radium, turned out to have great scientific potential, even though she would later die a slow, painful death from radiation poisoning. Another example, from the field of Ebola research...“PENNYLeonard.LEONARDYeah?PENNYWe're okay.LEONARDSix two-inch dowels?SHELDONCheck.LEONARDOne package Philips head screws?SHELDONCheck.PENNYYou guys, seriously, I grew up on a farm, okay? I rebuilt a tractor engine when I was, like, 12. I think I can put together a cheap, swedish media center.LEONARDNo. Please, we insist. It's the least we can do, considering...SHELDONConsidering what? How great this place looks?HOW ARDOh, boy, I was afraid of this.LEONARDWhat?HOW ARDThese instructions are a pictographic representation of the least imaginative way to assemble these components. This, right here is why Sweden has no space program.PENNYWell, it looked pretty good in the store.LEONARDIt is an inefficient design. For example, Penny has a flat screen TV, which means all the space behind it is wasted.SHELDONWe could put her stereo back there.LEONARDAnd control it how?SHELDONRun an infrared repeater, photocell here, emitter here, easy-peasy.HOW ARDGood point. How are you gonna cool it?Hey guys, I got this. SHELDONHang on, Penny. How about fans? Here and here.LEONARDAlso inefficient, and might be loud.HOW ARDHow about liquid coolant? Maybe a little aquarium pump here, run some quarter-inch PVC...PENNYGuys, this is actually really simple.HOW ARDHold on, honey, men at work. PVC comes down here. Maybe a little corrugated sheet metal as a radiator here.LEONARDOh, really? Show me where we put a drip tray, a sluice and an overflow reservoir?SHELDONAnd if water's involved, we're gonna have to ground the crap out of the thing.PENNYGuys, it's hot in here. I think I'll just take off all my clothes. LEONARDOh, I've got it. What about if we replace panels A, B and F and crossbar H with aircraft-grade aluminum?SHELDONRight, then the entire thing will be one heat sink.HOW ARDPerfect. Leonard, why don't you and Sheldon go to the junkyard and pick up 6 square meters of scrap aluminum? Raj and I'll run down to my lab and get the oxyacetylene torch.LEONARDMeet back here in an hour?HOW ARDDone.LEONARDGot it.PENNYOkay, this place does look pretty good.THE ENDScript compiled bywww.big-bang-forum.deTHE address for geeks and …The Big Bang Theory“ fans!THE BIG BANG THEORYbyChuck Lorre & Bill PradySeason 1, Episode 1 (s01e01)Title: Pilot---> Dialog only <---SHELDONSo if a photon is directed through a plane with two slits in it and either slitis observed, it will not go through both slits. If it's unobserved, it will. However, if it's observed after it's left the plane but before it hits its target, it won't have gone through both slits.LEONARDAgreed. What's your point?SHELDONThere's no point, I just think it's a good idea for a T-shirt.LEONARDExcuse me.ALTHEAHang on.LEONARDOne across is …Aegean“. Eight down is …Nabokov“. 26 across is …MCM“.14 down is... Move your finger... …Phylum“ which makes 14 across …Port-au-Prince“. See, …Papa Doc's capitol idea“, that's …Port-au-Prince“. Haiti.ALTHEACan I help you?LEONARDYes. Um, is this the high-IQ sperm bank?ALTHEAIf you have to ask, maybe you shouldn't be here.SHELDONI think this is the place.ALTHEAFill these out.LEONARDThank you. We'll be right back.ALTHEAOh, take your time. I'll just finish my crossword puzzle. Oh, wait. SHELDONLeonard, I don't think I can do this.LEONARDWhat, are you kidding? You're a semi-pro.SHELDONNo. We are committing genetic fraud. There's no guarantee that our sperm is going to generate high-IQ offspring. Think about that. I have a sister with the same basic DNA mix who hostesses at Fuddruckers. LEONARDSheldon, this was your idea. A little extra money to get fractional T1 bandwidth in the apartment.SHELDONI know, and I do yearn for faster downloads. But there's some poorwoman who's gonna pin her hopes on my sperm. What if she winds up with a toddler who doesn't know if he should use an integral or a differential to solve the area under a curve?LEONARDI'm sure she'll still love him.SHELDONI wouldn't.LEONARDWell, what do you want to do?SHELDONI want to leave.LEONARDOkay.SHELDONWhat's the protocol for leaving?LEONARDI don't know. I've never reneged on a proffer of sperm before. SHELDONLet's try just walking out.LEONARDOkay.ALTHEABye.SHELDON, LEONARDBye.LEONARDNice meeting you.SHELDONAre you still mad about the sperm bank?LEONARDNo.SHELDONYou wanna hear an interesting thing about stairs?LEONARDNot really.SHELDONIf the height of a single step is off by as little as two millimeters, most people will trip.LEONARDI don't care. Two millime...? That doesn't seem right.SHELDONNo, it's true, I did a series of experiments when I was 12. My father broke his clavicle.LEONARDIs that why they sent you to boarding school?SHELDONNo. That was a result of my work with lasers.LEONARDNew neighbor?SHELDONEvidently.LEONARDSignificant improvement over the old neighbor.SHELDONTwo-hundred pound transvestite with a skin condition? Yes, she is. PENNYOh, hi.LEONARDHi.SHELDONHi.LEONARDHi.SHELDONHi.PENNYHi?LEONARDWe don't mean to interrupt. We live across the hall.PENNYOh, that's nice.LEONARDOh, no. We don't live together. I mean...LEONARDWe live together, but in separate, heterosexual bedrooms. PENNYOh. Okay, well, guess I'm your new neighbor. Penny. LEONARDLeonard. Sheldon.PENNYHi.LEONARDHi.SHELDONHi.PENNYHi.LEONARDHi. Well... ah... Oh, welcome to the building.PENNYOh, Thank you. Maybe we can have coffee sometime.LEONARDOh, great.PENNYGreat.SHELDONGreat.LEONARDGreat.LEONARDWell, ah, bye.PENNYBye.SHELDONBye.LEONARDBye. Should we have invited her for lunch?SHELDONNo, we're gonna start season two of …Battlestar Galactica“.LEONARDWe already watched the season two DVDs.SHELDONNot with commentary.LEONARDI think we should be good neighbors, invite her over, make her feel welcome.SHELDONWe never invited Louie-slash-Louise over.LEONARDWell, and that was wrong of us. We need to widen our circle. SHELDONI have a very wide circle. I have 212 friends on …MySpace“.LEONARDYes, and you've never met one of them.SHELDONThat's the beauty of it.LEONARDI'm gonna invite her over. We'll have a nice meal and... chat. SHELDONChat? We don't chat. At least not off-line.LEONARDWell, it's not difficult. You just listen to what she says and then you say something appropriate in response.SHELDONTo what end?LEONARDHi. Again.PENNYHi.SHELDONHi.LEONARDHi.PENNYHi.LEONARDAnyway... um... We brought home Indian food. And... um... I know that moving can be stressful and I find that when I'm undergoing stress, that good food and company can have a comforting effect. Also, curry is a natural laxative and I don't have to tell you that, you know, a clean colon is just... one less thing to worry about.SHELDONLeonard, I'm no expert here, but I believe in the context of a luncheon invitation, you might want to skip the reference to bowel movements. PENNYOh, you're inviting me over to eat?LEONARDUh, yes.PENNYOh, that's so nice. I'd love to.LEONARDGreat.PENNYSo, what do you guys do for fun around here?SHELDONWell, today we tried masturbating for money.============================================ THEME SONG ===========================================LEONARDOkay, well, make yourself at home.PENNYOkay. Thank you.LEONARDYou're very welcome.SHELDON[mouths: You're very welcome.]PENNYThis looks like some serious stuff. Leonard, did you do this? SHELDONActually, that's my work.PENNYWow.SHELDONYeah, well, it's just some quantum mechanics with a little string theory doodling around the edges. That part there, that's just a joke. It's a spoof of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.PENNYSo you're like one of those …Beautiful Mind“ genius guys.SHELDONYeah.PENNYThis is really impressive.LEONARDI have a board. If you like boards, this is my board.PENNYHoly smokes.SHELDONIf by …holy smokes“, you mean a derivative restatement of the kind of stuff you can find scribbled on the wall of any men's room at MIT, sure. LEONARDWhat?SHELDONOh, come on. Who hasn't seen this differential below …here I sit broken-hearted“?LEONARDAt least I didn't have to invent 26 dimensions just to make the math come out.SHELDONI didn't invent them. They're there.LEONARDIn what universe?SHELDONIn all of them, that is the point.PENNYAh, do you guys mind if I start?SHELDONUm, Penny.PENNYYeah?SHELDONThat's where I sit.PENNYSo sit next to me.SHELDONNo, I sit there.PENNYWhat's the difference?SHELDONWhat's the difference?LEONARDHere we go.SHELDONIn the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration. In the summer, it's directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there and there. It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion. I could go on, but... I think I've made my point.PENNYDo you want me to move?SHELDONWell...LEONARDJust sit somewhere else.SHELDONFine.LEONARDSheldon, sit!SHELDONAh.LEONARDWell, this is nice. We don't have a lot of company over.SHELDONThat's not true. Koothrappali and Wolowitz come over all the time. LEONARDYes, I know, but...SHELDONTuesday night, we played …Klingon Boggle“ until one in the morning. LEONARDYeah, I remember.SHELDONI resent you saying we don't have company.LEONARDI'm sorry.SHELDONThat is a negative social implications.LEONARDI said I'm sorry!PENNYSo... …Klingon Boggle“?LEONARDYeah. It's like regular …Boggle“, but in …Klingon“. That's probably enough about us. So, tell us about you.PENNYUm, me? Okay. I'm a Sagittarius, which probably tells you way more than you need to know.SHELDONYes, it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion that the sun's apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birth somehow affects your personality.PENNYParticipate in the what?LEONARDI think what Sheldon's trying to say is that Sagittarius wouldn't have been our first guess.PENNYOh, yeah, a lot of people think I'm a water sign. Okay, let's see, what else. Oh, I'm a vegetarian. No, except for fish and the occasional steak. I love steak!SHELDONWell, that's interesting. Leonard can't process corn.LEONARDAh, so, do you have some sort of a job?PENNYOh, yeah. I'm a waitress at …The Cheesecake Factory“.LEONARDOh, I love cheesecake.SHELDONYou're lactose-intolerant.LEONARD。
《生活大爆炸》第二季_英语单词及短语总结 -回复

《生活大爆炸》第二季_英语单词及短语总结-回复1. The Big Bang Theory - the title of the TV show.2. Season 2 - the second season of The Big Bang Theory.3. Sheldon Cooper - one of the main characters in the show.4. Leonard Hofstadter - another main character and Sheldon's roommate.5. Penny - Sheldon and Leonard's attractive neighbor and love interest.6. Howard Wolowitz - one of Sheldon and Leonard's friends and colleagues.7. Rajesh Koothrappali - another friend of Sheldon and Leonard, known for his selective mutism.8. Bernadette Rostenkowski - Howard's girlfriend and later wife.9. Amy Farrah Fowler - a neuroscientist and Sheldon's girlfriend.10. Relationship drama - the various romantic relationships and complications in the show.11. Physics - the science field that Sheldon, Leonard, and Howard work in.12. Geek culture - the show often references aspects of geek and nerd culture.13. Apartment - the main setting for the show, where Sheldon and Leonard live.14. Comic book store - a frequent setting where the characters often hang out.15. Science fiction - a genre of literature and film which is often referenced in the show.16. Nerd - a term used to describe someone who is highly intellectual or obsessed with particular topics.17. Sitcom - an abbreviation for "situation comedy," which is the genre of the show.18. Laugh track - canned laughter that is added to the show to enhance comedic effect.19. Social awkwardness - a recurring theme in the show, particularly with Sheldon's character.20. Catchphrases - there are several memorable catchphrases from the show, such as Sheldon's "Bazinga!"。

站住Hold.干嘛What?解释你为什么打喷嚏Explain your sneeze.什么I'm sorry?-你有过敏症吗-没有- Do you have allergies? - No.你在沙拉上放太多胡椒粉了吗Is there too much pepper on your salad?我没在沙拉上加胡椒粉I don't put pepper on salads.够了坐那边去I've heard enough. Sit over there.别这样我不想一个人坐Oh,come on.I don't want to sit by myself.[美国伤寒带菌者]当年伤寒玛丽也这么说That's what Typhoid Mary said,显然她朋友让步了所以都病了And clearly,her friends buckled.伙计们帮帮我Guys,help me.谢尔顿别这样Sheldon,come on.不就是一个喷嚏嘛Yeah,it's just one sneeze.-自个坐去吧-再见兄弟- You're on your own. - See you,buddy.莱纳德我有东西给你看Oh,Leonard,I have something for you.根据室友协议Per our roommate agreement,this is这是提前24小时通知Your 24-hour notice that I will be having我有一位无血缘关系的女性要在咱家住两晚A non-related female spending two nights in our apartment. 你说的无血缘关系的女性When you say "non-related female,"应该指人类吧You still mean human,right?当然Of course.室友协议规定不许有宠物Pets are banned under the roommate agreement,除了服务性动物比如导盲犬With the exception of service animals,such as seeing eye dogs 及将来出现的机械装备强化的猴子帮工And,one day,cybernetically-enhanced helper monkeys.你打算绑架一个女人吗Are you planning on kidnapping a woman?讽刺吗Sarcasm?对但也包含真诚的关心Yes,but mixed with genuine concern.告诉你们我将接待For your information,I'll be playing host伊丽莎白·普林顿博士To Dr. Elizabeth Plimpton.普林斯顿大学的宇宙物理学家The cosmological physicist from Princeton?没错Yes.另外你没戴口罩前And until you acquire a surgical mask,请先用餐巾捂嘴再发表言论Please address your comments to me through a napkin.我们通信交流了好几年We've been corresponding for years about共同感兴趣的Our mutual interest in早期宇宙中膨胀子的引力波特性Gravitational wave signatures of inflatons in the early universe. 她现在考虑And now she's under consideration来我们大学工作For a position at our university.你怎么没说过你认识伊丽莎白·普林顿Why didn't you tell me you knew Elizabeth Plimpton?我可是她的铁粉I am a huge fan of hers!我不知道我有义务分享I didn't realize I was obligated to share my connection我跟你喜欢的事物的联系好吧With things you're a fan of,but very well.你喜欢吃加拿大熏肉You enjoy Canadian bacon.我去过多伦多I've been to Toronto.行Okay,fine.那她睡哪里Where is she going to sleep?当然睡我房间My room,of course.我靠Holy crap!我靠Holy crap!我有个两部分的问题Yeah,um,I have a two-part question.请说Go ahead.第一你在开玩笑吗A: Are you kidding me?第二你丫的开玩笑吧And B: Seriously,are you freaking kidding me? 第一我很少开玩笑A: I rarely kid.第二我开玩笑时你会听到And B: When I do kid,you will know it我用"逗你玩"这个词By my use of the word "bazinga."这么说你们俩So you're saying the two of you要睡在同一张床上Are going to be sleeping in the same bed?对Yes.逗你玩Bazinga.莱纳德Leonard?谢了Thank you.为什么一位世界知名的科学家Why is a world-renowned scientist选择住我们家而不住酒店Staying in our apartment instead of a hotel?她不喜欢住酒店Well,she doesn't care for hotels.这也不能怪她And who can blame her?打不开的窗户Windows that don't open,N个人用过的床单Multi-user linens,卡式的钥匙好像谁的钱包Keys shaped like credit cards-- as if one walks around 都有空的卡槽似的With unassigned slots in one's wallet.好了所剩时间All right,I believe I have time只够回答一个问题For one more question.说吧拉杰Yes,Raj?我什么时候能坐回你们旁边When can I sit with you again?等我看到连续两次相隔12小时When I've seen Two consecutive negative throat cultures 咽拭子检测呈阴性你知道怎么做Spaced 12 hours apart. You know the drill.好了All right,诸位失陪了我要去进行If you'll excuse me,I am off to start预防性抗生素治疗A prophylactic course of antibiotics.不敢相信他居然是伊丽莎白·普林顿的朋友I can't believe he's friends with elizabeth plimpton.不敢相信他们居然让他进加拿大I can't believe they let him into canada.喂你刚刚没听到吗Whoa,whoa,whoa. You heard the man.你的咽拭子检测结果呢Where's your throat cultures?开玩笑坐吧Kidding. Sit down.谢尔顿Hey,Sheldon.佩妮正好Oh,Penny,excellent.我对加长型卫生棉有个疑问I have a question about these maxi pads.这个护翼真的有用吗Are the wings truly functional还是我沦为广告宣传的受害者了Or have I fallen victim to marketing hype?什么What?你干嘛买...什么Why are you doing with-- what?沃格林的男售货员The stock boy at Walgreens根本没给我提供什么信息Was frustratingly uninformed on the subject.谢尔顿你买卫生棉干嘛Sheldon,what are you doing with maxi pads?我有个女性朋友I have a lady friend要在我这里住几天Who will be staying with me for a few days.什么What?我想让她宾至如归I want her to feel at home.我还买了香皂裤袜痛经药I also bought scented soaps,pantyhose,midol,咀嚼钙还有这种酸奶Calcium chews and what is apparently a yogurt专门调节女性肠道的Specifically designed to regulate the female bowel. 等等前面一句Wait,wait,hold on,back up.有个女人要跟你住在一起You're having a woman stay with you?对Yes.怎么每个人听到都大吃一惊Why does that seem to flabbergast everybody?不不是Oh... no,no,no,no.我不是吃惊I'm not flabbergasted.我是...疑惑I'm... puzzled.就是疑惑Yeah,let's go with puzzled.友情提示A word of warning.这位客人是著名物理学家My guest is a noted physicist量子宇宙论的权威专家And the leading expert on quantum cosmology,请不要跟她聊女性无聊话题So please try to avoid wasting her time浪费她的时间With female jibber jabber.什么叫女性无聊话题Female jibber jabber?鞋子特价发型泥面膜Shoe sales,hair styles,还有你朋友布莱德和安吉丽娜的八卦Mud masks,gossip about your friends Brad and Angelina.他们不是我的朋友Oh,they're not my friends.我知道鉴于你在背后I'm not surprised,considering the way说了他们那么多坏话You talk about them behind their backs.她来了她来了She's here,she's here.我看上去怎么样聪明吗How do I look? Do I look smart?老天爷Oh,good grief.这又不是你的事This isn't about you.来了Coming!听好Now,listen.21世纪最杰出的头脑之一One of the great minds of the 21st century将以东道的身份迎接另一位杰出头脑is about to play host to one of the other great minds of the 21st century. 你要仔细看着So pay attention.没准儿多年以后Years from now,我的传记作者问起你这个伟大时刻my biographer might ask you about this event.我有太多话想跟你的传记作者说Oh,I have so many things to tell your biographer.库珀博士谢天谢地Dr. Cooper,thank goodness.我完全不记得你的地址I completely forgot your address.还好我还记得写在了手上But then I remembered that I'd written it on my hand.幸好Lucky for me,我没记成另外一只手I didn't confuse it with what I'd written on my other hand,那只写的是一颗最新发现的中子星的坐标which are the coordinates for a newly discovered neutron star. 因为想去那儿的话我会被超重力压碎的'cause if I tried to go there,I'd be crushed by hypergravity.-不说这些了你好啊-你好- Anyway,hello. - Hello.很高兴能见到你的本尊哦Nice to finally meet you in person.我猜也是I would imagine it is.这位是我朋友兼室友莱纳德·霍夫斯塔德博士This is my friend and roommate,Dr. Leonard Hofstadter.你嗨Hi-lo.我我本来想说"你好"I-I started to say "hi,"中途又想说"嗨"and then I switched to "hello" in the middle.结果就成了"你嗨"It came out "hi-lo."咄[表示轻蔑]Duh.很高兴见到你Uh,it's nice to meet you.我拜读过你的书和许多论文I-I've read both your books and most of your papers.我叫莱纳德就住这儿你太有才了I-I'm Leonard,I live here,you're brilliant.真不好意思I apologize.他只是个搞实验物理的He's only an experimental physicist.没关系No need to apologize.我有几个好朋友也是搞实验的Some of my best friends are experimental physicists. 其实也不算好朋友就是认识而已Well,not my best friends,but I know them.我最要好的朋友My best friend is是一位名叫温迪的分子化学家a molecular chemist named Wendy.真不好意思我话太多了I'm sorry,I'm rambling.你嗨Hi-lo.你饿吗渴吗Are you hungry,thirsty?我来招待你吧Can I offer you anything?不用了她是我的客人No,she's my guest.要招待她的话也该由我来吧If anyone should offer her anything,it should be me. 伊丽莎白我能为你效劳吗Elizabeth,can I get you something?你想要女性卫生用品Perhaps a feminine hygiene product还是调节肠道的酸奶or a bowel-regulating yogurt?这俩选项都很有意思嘛Interesting choices.考虑到我现在的需求还是酸奶吧Based on my current needs,I guess I'd pick the yogurt. 好极了Excellent.要是这酸奶起作用的话If the yogurt works,我还买了些香薰蜡烛I bought some delightful scented candles.这是你耶Look,it's you.非常感谢你们让我住在这里Thank you so much for opening up your home to me. 谁愿意住宾馆啊Well,who wants to stay in a hotel?窗户又打不开诡异的卡片式钥匙Windows that don't open,those crazy card-shaped keys. 知音啊我太高兴了I'm so glad you understand.不对他不是你的知音No,he doesn't understand.我才是I understand.我也是啊Well,I understand,too.你剽窃了我的想法You're just misappropriating my understanding.我觉得任何一所大学都想要你I think any university would want you.当然除了那些Except,of course,已经接纳你的大学any university that had already had you.因为他们已经在接纳你之前Because they would've already wanted you已经想要你了before they,you know,got you.这就是跟你说"你嗨"的那位From the mind that brought you "hi-lo."我带你去房间看看吧Let me show you to your room.好啊All right.我也觉得我困了晚安莱纳德I guess I am tired. Good night,Leonard.好安Uh,sleep night.我想说晚安I mean,obviously,good night.我本来想说"好梦"I started to say "sleep tight,"然后我又中途改了主意then I changed my mind in the middle.我对天发誓我很聪明的I swear to god,I'm smart.话说清楚点伙计Get it together,man.好的给你展示一下All right,let me show you这个房间里的一些功能吧some of the features of the room.首先窗户First,windows.很常见Conventional.打开关上Open,closed.打开关上Open,closed.开一半Halfway open.或者说关一半这取决于你的哲学取向Or halfway closed,depending on your philosophical bent. 这里是我的漫画收藏Over here is my comic book collection.可以随意浏览Feel free to browse.这里有一盒阅读专用的一次性手套There's a box of disposable reading gloves就在床头柜上on the night stand.很好Good to know.在这里In here,you'll find你可以找到应急储备emergency provisions.足够八天的食物和水一把弩An eight-day supply of food and water,a crossbow,一个高密度优盘里面有Season 2 of Star Trek the original series原版的《星际迷航》第二季on a high-density flash drive.那要是所有的USB接口都在What if there's a disaster灾难中坏掉了呢that destroys all the USB ports?那就真的没法儿活了不是吗Then there's really no reason to live,is there?我能问个关于你室友的问题吗Can I ask a question about your roommate?他是个蠢货对吧He's an odd duck,isn't he?他的情感生活是个什么状态What's his relationship status?他跟住在走廊对面的那个女服务员Well,there was a misbegotten adventure有过一段奸情With a waitress who lives across the hall.莫名其妙开始又莫名其妙结束It ended as inexplicably as it began.他俩没有什么共同点They had very little in common,除了床笫之欢except for carnal activity.这就是为什么That's why I acquired我准备了这副隔音耳麦these noise-canceling headphones.如果你打算用它的话If you decide to use them,请记得戴完之后用湿巾把耳罩擦干净please clean the ear pieces afterwards湿巾就在卫生间里with the wet wipes you'll find in the bathroom.有个贴着"湿巾"标签的抽屉They're in the drawer labeled "wet wipes."行Okay.很好那就不打扰你晚上梳洗时间了Good. I'll leave you to your nighttime ablutions.早上卫生间的使用时间表已经发你邮箱I've e-mailed you the morning bathroom schedule.欢迎礼包里还有一份塑封过的版本You'll also find a laminated copy in your welcome packet. 就印在紧急逃生线路图的背面It's on the back of the emergency escape route diagram. 真体贴How thoughtful.-睡个好觉朋友-你也是- Sleep well,my friend. - You,too.让我再拿一样东西Oh,let me just get one thing.这是我的备用应急储备包It's my backup emergency supply kit.客厅的紧急逃生路线不经过这边The living room escape route doesn't pass through here. 晚安Now,good night.如果世界末日降临的话祝你好运And if there's an apocalypse,good luck.请进Yes?我看见你的灯还亮着I saw your light on.你没事吧Is everything all right?没事我就是睡不着Yeah,I just couldn't sleep.我也睡不着Me neither.你看我在读什么Oh,look what I'm reading.你的书哦It's you.你不是读过了吗I thought you already read it.是读过不过有一阵子了I did,but it's been a while,我想在早餐时表现得聪明点And I wanted to sound smart over breakfast.你很聪明了Aw,you're smart.是吗太好了Oh,good.我还担心你没看出来Wasn't sure it was coming across.在读第几章What chapter are you on?第六章Uh,six.银河系外距离等级Oh,the extragalactic distance ladder.想知道一个小秘密吗Want to know a little secret?当然Sure.威尔逊-巴普效应那一节I wrote the section on the Wilson-Bappu effect我是全裸着写的completely naked.真的吗Really?读起来可不像Uh,sure doesn't read that way.我来给你演示Here,let me show you.考虑到脉动变星的亮度变化When we consider the brightness of pulsating variable stars, 这可能就是we start to see a possible explanation哈勃常数出现数值分歧的原因之一for some of the discrepancies found in Hubble's constant.你的科学真是活色生香You really make science come alive.语音测试清晨语音测试V ocal test. Morning vocal test.第二次语音测试Second vocal test.第二次清晨语音测试Second morning vocal test.谢尔顿早Morning,Sheldon.早Morning.谢尔顿早Morning,Sheldon.早Morning.昨晚过得愉快吗I trust you had a pleasant night.不是一般愉快More than pleasant.失陪一下我要去方便Excuse me,I'm going to relieve myself.喝什么咖啡How do you take your coffee?-清咖啡-好滴- Black. - Okeydoke.为休斯顿而尿为奥斯丁而尿Pee for Houston,pee for Austin,为我深爱的州而尿pee for the state my heart got lost in.再为德州抖两抖And shake twice for Texas.他妈妈教他的Something his mother taught him.好了伊丽莎白All right,Elizabeth,轮到你用卫生间了the bathroom is yours.坐垫我放下了为保护你健康还消了毒The seat is down,and has been sanitized for your protection. 你真细心不过我想先喝完咖啡That's very thoughtful,but I think I'll finish my coffee first. 看来酸奶是没起作用Ah,so the yogurt didn't work.我要火速去给生产商写邮件指责他们I'll fire off a critical e-mail to the manufacturer.太好了你们都起了Oh,good,you're up.我的车发动不了Look,my car won't start.需要有人送我上班I need a ride to work.又对检查引擎灯置之不理了Did you once again ignore your "check engine" light?不是大明白先生No,Mr. Smarty-pants.我这次没理加油提示灯I ignored the "fill gas tank" light.莱纳德佩妮来查探下Leonard,Penny wants to exploit any你是否对她余情未了residual feelings you have for her以达到搭车上班的目的in order to get a ride to work.好当然等我把咖啡倒旅行杯里Oh,yeah,sure,let me just put this in a travel mug.你好Hello.嗨Hi.佩妮这位是普林顿博士Oh,Penny,this is Dr. Plimpton...量子宇宙论权威专家A leading expert on quantum cosmology.普林顿博士这是佩妮Dr. Plimpton,Penny is a waitress一名不理解内燃机需要who doesn't understand the role gasoline plays汽油做燃料的服务生in the internal combustion engine.很高兴见到你Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你Nice to meet you,too.在这住得好吗Are you enjoying your stay?是的非常好Yes,very much.那就好Good.太棒了无意义的客套话交流完毕Wonderful. Meaningless pleasantries accomplished. 伊丽莎白莱纳德如厕时间就要到了Elizabeth,Leonard's bathroom time is coming up, 相信我在他后面去可不是好事and believe me,you do not want to follow him.失陪了Excuse me.好吧我看我得去换衣服了Okay,well,I guess I should get dressed好送大家去上班so I can take everyone to work.你谢尔顿You and Sheldon还有谢尔顿的朋友and Sheldon's friend,普林顿博士你刚见过的Dr. Plimpton,who you just met.肯定会有趣Gonna be fun.就像玩具车Like a clown car.等等Hang on. Hmm?哦什么事Yeah? What? Huh?我们刚刚分手We just broke up.什么... 你我吗是哈Wha... uh,you and me? Yeah,we did.不久之前Not too long ago.你适应得如何How are you doing with it?明显没你适应得好Not as good as you apparently.我什么没明白I,um,I don't follow.知道吗这不不关我的事You know what? It's,it's none of my business.我们刚刚分手If you want to sleep with Sheldon's doctor buddy你就想和谢尔顿的博士朋友上床那就去吧right after we stopped seeing each other,go for it.打扰一下Excuse me.我对你提议莱纳德I'm uncomfortable with you recommending争取与普林顿博士性交感到不安that Leonard pursue having intercourse with Dr. Plimpton, 她可还有更重要的事要忙who I assure you has better things to do.我不是提议I'm not recommending it.他已经那样做了I'm saying it already happened.这太荒谬了That's preposterous.是吧莱纳德Tell her,Leonard.那个...Well...不是吧No.拜托不是我的错Come on. It wasn't my fault.莫非你是想说你不小心绊倒The implication being that you somehow tripped正好摔她身上了and fell into her lady parts?算了You know what?我还是坐公车上班吧I'm just gonna take the bus to work.佩妮让我开车送你吧Penny,I can still drive you.算了不必了Oh,no,no,it's okay.我怕你踩到香蕉皮You might slip on a banana peel然后把我搞怀孕了and get me pregnant.我必须要说你的背叛真令我震惊I must say,i'm shocked by this betrayal.我没有背叛佩妮I didn't betray Penny.不是佩妮是我Not Penny,me!我怎么背叛到你了How am I betraying you?伊丽莎白是我的朋友你却跟她玩Elizabeth's my friend,and you're playing with her!好吧确实玩了Yeah,I guess I did.你这是干什么呢What the hell are you doing?[奈奎尔: 一种夜间使用的感冒药]别紧张这是奈奎尔Relax,it's NyQuil.你感冒还没好You still have a cold?或许吧可我不在乎Maybe,but I don't care.这就是奈奎尔的妙处里面有10%的酒That's the great thing about NyQuil,it's like ten-percent booze. 我叫它一夜鼻涕喷嚏咳嗽不断I call it the nighttime sniffling,sneezing,coughing但能让你跟女孩讲话的神药so you can talk to girls medicine.你晚上睡不着吗Are you having trouble sleeping?要知道我可是一夜没睡啊'cause,boy,I was up all night.你也感冒了吗Did you get a cold,too?不但我整夜都没睡哟No,but I was awake all night.想吃药的话If you want,我可以给你些我妈的安眠药I can give you some of my mom's sleeping pills.要是少了她不会发现吗She won't notice they're missing?她都没发现自己在吃安眠药She doesn't know she takes them.没事No,that's okay.是其它事让我整夜不睡It was something else keeping me up last night.今早也是哦And again this morning.我也不介意哟And... I didn't mind.我昨晚没睡I was up last night.今早也没睡I was up this morning.我也不介意I didn't mind.都提示你们这么多了Those are your clues.你窗台上的鸽子又孵了一窝小鸟吗Did the pigeon on your windowsill have more babies? 不是No.你又不睡整什么乐高动画电影了吧Were you up making another stop-motion lego movie? 不是No.告诉你吧'cause let me tell you,光是让乐高玩具动起来可不够It's not enough to make the legos move,还要让他们有爱懂吗They also have to capture your heart.再提示一下Okay,I'll give you one more clue.还涉及到另一个人It involved another person.你搞了个日本性爱抱枕吗Did you get a Japanese love pillow?日本性爱抱枕能算人吗How is a japanese love pillow another person?要是你爱她又给她起名字当然算It is if you love her and give her a name.普林顿博士我来给你介绍我的同事Dr. Plimpton,I'd like you to meet my colleagues-- 这位是拉杰·库萨帕里博士Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali和不是博士的霍华德·沃罗威茨And not-a-doctor Howard Wolowitz.-我是的忠实粉丝-多谢- I'm a big fan of your work. - Thank you.不用我说你和霍夫斯塔德博士And of course,you've already introduced yourself 已经互相认识过了to Dr. Hofstadter.你好呀Hey,you.你也好呀Hey,you.天我可真是精疲力竭Boy,I'm kind of tuckered out.你感觉如何伊丽莎白How are you feeling,Elizabeth?要我说吗You know what?我是有点累I am a little tired.能行行好帮我拿杯咖啡吗Would you be a dear and get me a cup of coffee? 当然Sure.要清咖啡吧Black,right?其实我现在更想喝火辣甜蜜的印度咖啡Actually,now I think I want it hot,brown and sweet. 马上就来Coming right up.你来干嘛What?你什么意思今晚是光晕之夜What do you mean "what?" it's halo night.我不能玩病得厉害I can't. I'm too sick.快走Go away.所以我们才转战到你家That's why we moved halo night here.看我还带了我妈做的鸡汤Look,I brought my mom's chicken soup.我不饿I'm not hungry.别赶他走嘛Don't send him away.-让他进来-那是谁- Let him in. - Who's that?我买了只鹦鹉I bought a parrot.得了吧Yeah,right.普林顿博士Dr. Plimpton?嗨你是霍华德吧Hi. Howard,right?我是Uh,yeah.能问你个问题吗霍华德Can I ask you a question,howard?你喜欢角色扮演游戏吗Do you like role-playing games?当然Yeah,sure.其实我是个地下城主In fact,I'm a dungeon master.今晚可以换种口味Not tonight.今晚你就当个送外卖的Tonight you are a delivery man.送来了鸡汤You brought soup,但不幸的是拉杰和我却没钱付给你But uh-oh,Raj and I don't have enough money to pay you. 所以我们只能搞一些特殊交易So we'll have to come to some other kind of arrangement. 你说什么Beg your pardon?你们自己商量下细节You two figure out the details,我去换下装I'm going to go change into something等着你们一把撕掉I don't mind getting ripped off my milky flesh.我靠真的假的What the frak?你快走Go away.她喜欢印度风的不是什么犹太风She wants new delhi,not kosher deli.再说你都有女友了Besides,you have a girlfriend.都分手几星期了We broke up weeks ago.怎么都不见你提过Why didn't you say anything?我在等待最佳时机I was waiting for the right time.现在时机就正好This is the right time.准备好光晕大战了吗Hey,who's ready for halo?我靠又来个人添乱Oh,this is like a nightmare.快滚Get lost!没错人数已经够多了He's right. The numbers are shaky enough as it is.我没听懂I don't understand.哇哦赞莱纳德来了Oh,good.Leonard's here.赞Good?!伊丽莎白Elizabeth?怎么回事What's going on?现在你和霍华德是我的搬运工What's going on is you and Howard are my moving men 而拉杰是我的新房东And Raj is my new landlord可我却没钱付给你们And I don't have enough money to pay any of you.她的意思和我想的一样淫荡吗Is she suggesting what I think she's suggesting?对Yep.欢迎来到淫荡世界[原义为一本色情杂志]Welcome to the penthouse forum.举手表决有谁同意Okay,show of hands. Who's up for this?我们仨都得赤裸裸坦诚相对的We'll all be naked in front of each other.那我不干I'm out.大家准备好了吗Everybody ready?按我说的做Follow my lead.就快了Almost.我们准备到走廊上去We're,we're going to go out into the hallway and,来个戏剧性登场make a dramatic entrance.太好了这种效果更好Oh,good. It's so much better when everyone commits.快走快走别回头看Run. Run,run,run. Don't look back.我还以为能有些特别的呢I thought we had something special.这么说你付不出房租咯So,you say you can't pay your rent...莱纳德Oh,Leonard?我在脱水机里发现的I found these in the dryer.应该是谢尔顿的吧I'm assuming they belong to Sheldon.多谢Thanks.童装要买到这样的尺码真不容易It's really hard to find these in his size.听着So,listen.关于那天早上的事我一直想找你谈谈I've been meaning to talk to you about the other morning.你是指你和淫荡骚女博士的事吗You mean you and Dr. Slutbunny?我想向你解释Yeah,I wanted to explain.你不必向我解释Well,you don't owe me an explanation.-是吗-对啊- I don't? - No,you don't.这么说你不会有想法咯So,you are not judging me.我当然有想法I'm judging you nine ways to Sunday.但你不必向我解释But you don't own me an explanation.不管怎样我还是要解释一下Nevertheless,I'd like to get one on the record, 让你明白我为什么要这么做so you can understand why I did what I did. 我听着呢I'm listening.她自己送上门的She let me.。

Sheldon: It's not suspicious that I'm fixating. It's consistent with my personality. 我专注一件事没什么奇怪的。
Raj: Mummies and zombies are the exact same thing.木乃伊与僵尸是一模一样的东西。
Leonard:Oh, yeah? Mummies are wrapped in bandages. 是吗?木乃伊全身裹着绷带呢Raj: That’s called a fashion choice.那是人家的时尚风格Sheldon:If a zombies bites you, you turn into a zombie. However, if a mummy bites you, all you turn into is someschmo with a mimmy bite. So, like a zombie, that’sbeen eaten from the waist down, you, sir, have no leg to stand on.如果你被僵尸咬了,你也会变为僵尸。
Howard: Guess who picked up his new car this morning?你们猜猜谁今早弄了台新车Raj: Does it have that new car smell?里面有新车味吗?Howard: Yep! For as long as I can keep my mother out of it.有的!只要不让我妈上车就有。
Leonard: Maybe they reassigned it because you never use it.可能是看你从不停车就从新分配给别人了吧。

生活大爆炸台词英文Title: "Bazinga! Embracing the Chaos of Life"Life is like a rollercoaster ride, full of unexpected twists and turns that can leave us feeling exhilarated one moment and overwhelmed the next. In the midst of this chaos, it's easy to feel like we're constantly being bombarded with challenges and obstacles that test our patience and resilience. But perhaps, it's time to take a page out of the playbook of the iconic TV show "The Big Bang Theory" and embrace the chaos with a resounding "Bazinga!"The catchphrase "Bazinga!" from the show has become synonymous with unexpected pranks and surprises, but it also embodies the spirit of resilience and humor in the face of adversity. Instead of letting the chaos of life bring us down, why not adopt a "Bazinga!" mindset and approach every challenge with a sense of humor and determination?In the words of Sheldon Cooper, one of the show's beloved characters, "Bazinga!" is a reminder that life is full of surprises, and it's up to us to navigate through them with grace and a good sense of humor. Whether it's dealing with a difficult boss, navigating through a tough relationship, or facing unexpected setbacks, embracing the chaos with a "Bazinga!" attitude can help us tackle life's challenges with a newfound sense of confidence and resilience.So, the next time life throws a curveball our way, let's channel our inner Sheldon Cooper and respond with a resounding "Bazinga!" Instead of letting the chaos overwhelm us, let's embrace it with a sense of humor and determination. After all, as the characters from "The Big Bang Theory" have shown us, life's challenges are just opportunities for growth and self-discovery.In conclusion, let's take a cue from "The Big Bang Theory" and adopt a "Bazinga!" mindset in our daily lives. Instead of letting the chaos of life bring us down, let's face it head-on with a sense of humor and resilience. As Sheldon Cooper would say, "Bazinga!"is the perfect response to life's unexpected surprises, and it's a reminder that we have the power to overcome any challenge that comes our way.。

美剧《生活大爆炸》经典台词中英对照Bazinga!逗你玩儿!They say at the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didn't do more than the stuff that you did.别人都说,人到了暮年,比起自己干过的事,会更后悔没有干过一些事情。
Well, you can't force things.有些事情是强求不来的。
Little warning before you jump into this marriage business: you are not just marrying him, you are marrying his family.在你跳进婚姻这个大坑前,姐先嘱咐你两句:你嫁的不光是他这个人,还有他的家庭。
Smart is the new sexy.聪明即是性感。
One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.大家都是因为伤心才哭嘛。
If I could, I would, but I can't, I shan't纠结不是我想停,想停就能停You sure your mothlike personality won't be drawn to this blazing fire that is myself? 你确定以你飞蛾扑火的性格不会被我这熊熊烈火所吸引吗?Whatever you do ,just don't make any rash decision.无论你想做什么,千万不要贸然行事。
Not to mention imaginary.想象力更是不言而喻。

生活大爆炸,每集一句话内容第一季1. 帮Penny拿电视事件。
2. Leonard和Sheldon帮penny搬家具,后帮Penny整理房间事件。
3. Leonard想和leslie发展感情失败,抑郁,后和Penny约会事件。
4. Sheldon被炒事件。
(luminous fish)5. Leonard和leslie ONS,Sheldon不知所措事件。
6. 万圣节舞会事件。
(多普勒效应)7. Penny朋友和Howard**。
(Penny借宿L&S的公寓)8. 鸡尾酒事件。
(Raj相亲)9. 物理发表会事件。
(意念爆头、远程灯控及四川男生)10. Penny唱歌引起的Sheldon撒谎事件。
(Sheldon的“堂弟”)11. Sheldon感冒事件。
12. Sheldon嫉妒15岁棒子事件。
13. 物理碗比赛事件。
14. 时光机事件。
(Sheldon的莫洛克人梦)15. Sheldon的twin sister (姐姐)来了事件。
16. Leonard的生日派对事件。
17. Sheldon学中文事件。
(薛定谔的猫)第二季1. Sheldon保守秘密四处搬家事件。
(叠衣板)2. Leonard和leslie在家约会,Sheldon玩超级玛丽事件。
3. Penny的网游瘾事件。
(sheldor & afk)4. Raj发现行星事件。
(Sheldon的诡异笑容)5. Sheldon学车事件。
6. Sheldon的女粉丝事件。
(有丝分裂)7. Sheldon和penny杠上了事件。
(klingon拼字& ANTM、mua-ha-ha)8. Leonard和医生Stephanie的date,Howard的火星车事件。
(剪刀-石头-布-蜥蜴-斯波克)9. Sheldon想促进Leonard和医生的关系事件。
10. 关于Leonard和医生的同居事件。

1. What do you say?你觉得呢?2. I'm not insane. My mother had me tested!我没疯。
3. Well, do you really think I have a shot?你觉得我真的有机会吗?4. Jibber-jabber? I don't jibber-jabber胡说八道?我从来不胡说八道。
5. I don't like bugs, okay? They freak me out 我不喜欢虫子行了吧?吓得我半死。
6. You'll never guess what just happened你一定猜不到,刚刚发生了什么。
7. Come back.You're losing me打住,你把我绕晕了。
8. Please let it go, Sheldon. You’re nitpicking 别再说了,Sheldon。
9. Take your mind off those things/Get your m ind off this不要再想这些问题。
10. I'm the third wheel我是电灯泡。
11. Well, you can't force things有些事情是强求不来的。
12. Whatever you do , just don't make any rash decision无论你想做什么,千万不要贸然行事。
13. What are you gonna get?你想要什么呢。
14. All right. Look, I didn't know, I'm sorry不知者无罪,对不起。
15. I'm on fire我状态超好。

生活大爆炸英文剧本The Big Bang Theory: A Celebration of Nerdy Awesomeness。
The Big Bang Theory, a popular American sitcom, has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide with its witty humor, endearing characters, and celebration of all things nerdy. The show revolves around a group of socially awkward but brilliant scientists and their equally quirky friends as they navigate the ups and downs of life, love, and friendship.One of the show's greatest strengths is its ability to make science and geek culture accessible and entertaining for a wide audience. The characters, including the lovable but socially inept physicist Sheldon Cooper, the charmingly awkward astrophysicist Rajesh Koothrappali, and the lovable but dim-witted aerospace engineer Howard Wolowitz, have become beloved icons of nerd culture.The show's success lies in its ability to blend humor with heart, as the characters face relatable challenges such as career setbacks, romantic entanglements, and the struggles of adulting. The friendships and relationships that develop throughout the series are both heartwarming and hilarious, as the characters support each other through their various misadventures.The Big Bang Theory has also been praised for its positive representation of women in STEM fields, with characters like the brilliant neuroscientist Amy Farrah Fowler and the sassy microbiologist Bernadette Rostenkowski breaking stereotypes and inspiring young girls to pursue careers in science and technology.In addition to its engaging characters and storylines, the show has also been lauded for its clever references to science, comic books, video games, and other aspects of geek culture. The writers and creators of The Big Bang Theory have a deep understanding and appreciation for these subjects, and it shows in the show's clever and often hilarious references.As The Big Bang Theory comes to an end after 12 successful seasons, it leaves behind a legacy of laughter, friendship, and a celebration of all things nerdy. The show has not only entertained audiences around the world but has also helped to break down stereotypes and foster a greater appreciation for geek culture. It will be remembered as a beloved and iconic sitcom that brought joy and laughter to millions of fans.。

生活大爆炸经典台词英文版生活大爆炸(英文)Sheldon在Howard婚礼上致辞的那一段:The need to find another human being hasalways puzzled me.Maybe because I'm so interesting all bymyself.With that being said, wish u find as muchhappiness with each other as I find on my ownSheldon:“If I could, I would,but I can’t, so I shan’t”(Sheldon的语态和连词)(S05E01)Leonard: I see nothing in this box but awasted childhood. (Howard变魔术 S05E12)Raj: Ordinary, yet I sense it is drippingwith magical potential.Sheldon: “Hummingbirds are thevampires of the flower world.”(S05E09)(比喻蜂鸟是花世界里的吸血鬼,Sheldon的恐鸟症,蜂鸟是传粉者)Sheldon: In the winter that seat is closeenough to the radiator to remain warm and yet not so close as to causeperspiration. In the summer it's directly in the path of a cross breeze createdby opening windows there, and there. It faces the television at an angle thatis neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, nor so far wide to create aparallax distortion. I could go on, but ... I think I've made my point.(Sheldon座位理论)(S01E01)Sheldon:The need to findanother human being to share one's life with,has always puzzled me.Maybebecause i'm so interesting all by myself with that being said.May you find asmuch happiness with each other as i find on my own. (Bernadette和Howard婚礼致辞)(S05E24)Sheldon: Scissors cuts paper, paper coversrock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors,scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spockvaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.(S02E08)(Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock)Amy:“It's like SesameStreet says, One of these things is not like the other; one of these thingsshould die alone.” (S05E08)(Amy修改了Sesame Street 插曲One of These Things的歌词,原版One of these things is not like the others, one of these thingsdoesn’t belong)Sheldon:“You told me it’smind-blowing, so my mind is going into it pre-blown. Once a mind is pre-blown,it cannot be re-blown.”(S02E22)(Sheldon不喜欢剧透)Penny: "Look, you are a great guy, andit is the things you love that make you who you are." (S01E14)(Penny saidto Leonard) Howard: "Love is not asprint, it's a marathon, a relentless pursuit that only ends when she fallsinto your arms - or hits you with the pepper spray." (S01E03)(Howard告诉Leonard是一场马拉松)Sheldon:The anthropicprinciple states that if we wish to explain why our universe exists the way itdoes, the answer is that it must have qualities that allow intelligentcreatures to arise who are capable of asking the question. As I am doing so eloquentlyright now. (S06E01 人择原理)Bernadette: Sheldon doesn't know when he'sbeing mean because the part of his brain that should know is getting a wedgiefrom the rest of his brain. (S05E21) (Sheldon的大脑) Sheldon: "The best number is 73. Why?73 is the 21st prime number. It's mirror, 37, is the 12th and it's mirror, 21,is the product of multiplying 7 and 3... and in binary 73 is a palindrome,1001001,which backwards is 1001001." (73最好的数字)Bernadette: Everyone of you has thecapacity to be anything you want to be. (S06E18) (远程视频帮助女生对感兴趣)Sheldon: All our lives we have dreamed offinding ourselves inside one of the fantasy worlds we love. And look at us. Atthis moment, we are, in fact, a Star Trek landing party stranded in an alienand unforgiving environment, relying only on our wits, our fortitude and ourmoxie. As long as we have those things, nothing can stop…(S06E13)(智慧、坚毅、勇气)Sheldon:German philosopherFriedrich Nietzsche believed that morality is just a fiction used by the herdof inferior human beings to hold back the few superior men. (Sheldon引用) Raj:“I’m a wreck.There are many things seriously wrong with me. And not quirks, either. Like,diagnosable, psychological problems. Maybe brain damage.” (S06E17) (Raj said tohis girlfriend Lucy)Howard: Well, in romance, as in showbusiness, always leave them wanting more.(S03E09)Sheldon: There’s only onelogical explanation. Somewhere in the desert we crossed into an alternatedimension where the women in our lives can finally appreciate great literature.(S06E13)(穿越平行宇宙)Sheldon: That's no reason to cry. One criesbecause one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and thatmakes me sad. (S03E10)(哭的原因)Leonard: You are beautiful, you know that?You pop, sparkle and buzz electric. I'm going to pick you up at eight, show youa night you will never forget. (S04E07) (Leonard speak to FBIgirl) Better to have loved and lost than never tohave loved at all. (S04E24)——Alfred Lord Tennyson (Raj change it,不仅不是Shakespeare说的,后面也被他改了)Sheldon: If outside is so good, why hasmankind spent thousands of years trying to perfect inside. (S03E12)Penny:Not knowing is partof the fun! (S06E20)(Howard变魔术给Sheldon)Sheldon: Interesting. You're afraid ofinsects and women. Ladybugs must render you catatonic.(Ladybugs瓢虫有lady和bug,是Raj的杀手)(S03E02)When I look in your eyes and you're lookingback in mine, everything feels not quite normal. I feel stronger and weaker atthe same time. I feel excited and, at the same time, terrified. The truth is, Idon't know what I feel, except I know what kind of man I want to be.——Sheldon said to Amy( quote from Spider-Man)(S06E01) Penny: “Do or do not dothere is only try.”(Penny 引用 Star Wars的Yoda 原句Do or do not do there is no try.) ( Leonard: Mygirlfriend quoted Star Wars)(S03E19)Sheldon: Biologically speaking, Howard isperfectly justified in seeking out the optimum mate for the propagation of hisgenetic line. And whether that propagation is in the interest of humanity is,of course, an entirely different question. (S03E09)(个体的追求和群体的优质是两回事)Sheldon: A fear of heights is illogical. Afear of falling, on the other hand, is prudent and evolutionary. (S02E13) (并非恐高,而是恐惧跌落,这是明智的进化)Sheldon:Excuse me, but wasthis not your goal? Financial independence through entrepreneurial brillianceand innovation -- my brilliance and innovation, of course, but still. (S02E18)( Sheldon 帮Penny改进生产流程)Sheldon:"It's a warmsummer evening in ancient Greece ..." (S03E10)(教Penny物理)( It’s a warm summerevening, circa 600 BC, you’ve finished your shopping at the local market, or agora, and youlook up at the night sky. There you notice some of the stars seem to move, soyou name them planetes, or wanderer. ) (仰望天空的好奇诞生物理学)Sheldon:No, it's not goingto be fine. Change is never fine. They say it is, but it's not. (S02E19)(改变总是不好的)Sheldon:Penny, please don't hurt my friend.。

生活大爆炸名言中英文1. 《生活大爆炸》中有哪些经典的英文台词1、My brain is better than everybody's!朕是全世界最聪明的人!——《生活大爆炸》2、You distract me. I've been distracted since the moment I met you. Because all I can think about is how much I want to kiss you.你害我分心。
——《生活大爆炸》3、I think you might find the support you're looking for, if you realize that realtionship are a give and take.你要知道,你在一段恋爱中能得到多少其实全部取决于你付出了多少。
——《生活大爆炸》4、The best way to achieve a goal is to devote 100% of your time and energy to it.达到目标的最好办法就是投入自己百分之百的时间和精力去完成它。
——《生活大爆炸》5、Your words fall like acid rain on the wounded petals of my heart.你的一字一句都像是冷冷的酸雨在我破碎的心上胡乱地拍。
——《生活大爆炸》6、When you got to go space, it was hard for me. Because it made me realize they'll just send anyone up there.你上太空的时候,我挺难受的。
——《生活大爆炸》7、If you weren't my friend, there'd be a hole in my life!如果没有你这个朋友,我的人生会若有所失。

生活大爆炸搞笑台词下面是店铺整理的一些生活大爆炸的搞笑台词,欢迎大家阅读!1.I'm the third wheel:我是电灯泡2.make a pact:约法三章3.pull strings:套近乎4.maternity leave:产假5.buckle down:认真做事或者扣紧6.homunculus:雏形人(Sheldon讽刺Leonard)7.future appears to be bleak:前途惨淡8.What stakes do you propose:你和我赌神马?9.you have a wager:你有赌注了10.back off:让开11.be itching to do sth:渴望做某事12.have the guts to do:有勇气做某事(eg.Raj will never have the guts to talk to hot girls.)13.pick up on all her little hints:领会她的某些暗示14.be a little peeved:耍脾气15.build an empire with sb from the ground:与某人一起白手起家16.It's a sign:这是注定的17.drift out:开小差(字面意思:汽车移滑 =half-listening/half-minded)18.blend in:融入圈子19.put yourself down:摆平自己(=swallow your pride)20.I‘m a little on edge:我刚有点激动,不耐烦(貌似是sheldon 说的)21.It baffles me:。
让我不解(sheldon常说)22.miss speaking for the couple now:妻管严(Haward说Penny 和 Leonard)23.obnoxious and insufferable:又讨厌又难以忍受(好像是Leonard说Sheldon)24.expel sb from the country:把某人从国家驱逐出去(Raj)25.Be deported:被驱逐26.on trial:在实验中或者受审27.lose my cool:哥不淡定了(这么觉得这能Sheldon 能说出来)28.run into a dead end:死路一条29.be adept at reading facial cues:擅长察言观色(from Sheldon )30.conjugal visit:夫妻之间的访问31.reach an impasse: 遭遇窘境32.childhood issues:童年的问题33.be a natural at sth.:擅长做某事34.roll the dice:滚筛子35.be pedantic:迂腐的36.look on the bright side:从积极的一面看问题37.choke on sth:吃。
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appropriate: 适当的 mark: 作记号【纪念】 historic: 有历史意义的 event: 事件
三年级时我又咋得罪Jimmy Mullins了?
He still punched me in, the face with my own fists.
punch: 用拳猛击 fist: 拳头
Sorry, you little nerd, you were just in the wrong boys' room at the wrong time.
I know the other fellas would be really excited to see a girl there.
fella: 小伙子
-Penny: How is it supposed to be a dance if I'm the only girl?
-Wolowitz: Oh, yeah, this door got the full Monte.
-Penny: Leonard?
What the hell?
-Leonard: Killer robot. We built it.
-Wolowitz: Please, Leonard, not now.
Once again, Penny and I have begun our little tango.
tango: 探戈舞
-Penny: You know, since I moved last year, not all my mail has been forwarded.
forward: 转寄
-Wolowitz: It's a big deal.
taste: 尝 wrath: 愤怒
-Leonard: Maybe we should start small.
-Raj: Ok, oh, perhaps today is the day we finally find out what’s inside the magic ball.
There's an awards banquet and a dance afterward.
awards: 授予奖励 banquent: 宴会 afterward: 后来【接着宴会后的活动】
Perhaps you'd like to come with me.
-Penny: You're a pig, Howard.
-Wolowitz: How is "doable" anything, but a compliment?
compliment: 赞美辞
-Leonard: Howard, why don't we just work on the robot?
behold: 瞧,看 mobile: 活动的 omnidirectional: 全方向的 neutralization: 平衡termination: 终端 eradicator: 根除者
-Wolowitz: Featuring one articulated razor-sharp, killing saw, one polycarbonate grinding, and flipping wheel,
-Raj: Man, call "spoiler alert", before you say things like that.
spoiler alert: 剧情透露 spoiler: 破坏者 alert: 警告
-Leonard: How about the toaster oven?
But as delicious as the appetizer might be,
appetizer: 开胃品
at some point we will have to succumb and eat the entry while it's still...
[Penny is talking on the phone while MONTE breaks out]
-Penny: No, I think I'm just going to stay in tonight and do laundry. Ah!!!!!!!!
laundry: 洗衣
-Sheldon: Did it when I was four.
It's an icosahedral dye, floating in tinted blue water.
icosahedral: 二十面体的 dye: 燃料 float: 漂浮 tinted: 着色的
exactly: 确切地
-Sheldon: I'm sorry, are you unaware of the upcoming Southern California Robot Fighting
League Round Robin Invitational?
unware: 不知道的 upcoming: 即将来临的 California: 加利福尼亚(美国西部的州)fighting: 搏斗 league: 联盟 round robin: 循环赛 invitational: 只限于被邀请的
-Penny: Yeah, well, it almost killed me.
-Sheldon: If it wanted to kill you, you'd be dead.
-Penny: So, who exactly does it want to kill?
-Wolowitz: All right, enough chitchat. Let's destroy something.
chitchat: 废话
-All: 1, 2, 3.
-Raj: Okay. What shall be first, to taste the wrath of Monte?
nerd: 呆子
-Wolowitz: Gentlemen, goggles.
goggle: 护目镜
-Sheldon: This is an auspicious moment.
auspicious: 吉兆的【见证历史的】
-Wolowitz: All right, that's the last servo.
servo: 伺服(电动机)系统
Behold the Mobile Omnidirectional Neutralization and Termination Eradicator.
看The Big Bang Theory学英语 第二季 12集:The Killer Robot Instability
killer: 杀手 robot: 机器人 instability: 不稳定性
[Scene: Leonard and Sheldon’s apartment, Leonard, Sheldon, Raj and Wolowitz are there.]
feature: 是…的特征 articulate: 结成有机整体的 razor-sharp: 锋利的 saw: 锯状工具 polycarbonate: 聚碳酸酯 grinding: 磨的 flipping: 转动 wheel: 轮子
steel-armor plate exoskeleton, top and bottom, and enough horsepower to drive, a 110 pounds of mechanized death,
succumb: 屈服 entry: 主体【主菜】