
-Leonard: No kidding?
kidding: 玩笑
Fu Manchu, a handlebar,pencil?
handlebar: 八字胡 pencil: 笔状
傅满洲那样的? 八字胡又尖又长?
-Howard: It's extracted from the plant., - I'm not sure yet.
data: 数据 statistically: 统计上 significant: 重大的
Very impressive.
impressive: 印象深刻的
-Howard: What a jerk.
jerk: 蠢人
-Rajesh: Don't feel bad,Leonard. Negative, results are still results.
-Howard: You'd think a guy like that would, have some kind of booze lackey.
guy: 家伙 booze: 酒 lackey: 仆人
Tapioca: 西米【这里H还没来得及说完呢】
好吧 Sheldon 为啥西...
-Sheldon: Tapioca is extracted from the root, of the plant manihot esculenta!
Tapioca: 西米 extract: 榨取 root: 根 plant: 植物 manihot: 木薯

-Penny:Oh, son of a bitch!
-Sheldon:I believe the condensation on your frozen foods weakened the structural integrity of the bag.
settle:定居 Scandinavian:斯堪的纳维亚(北欧)的 Germanic:日耳曼的 characteristic:特有的 facial:面部的 bone:骨骼 structure:结构
-Penny:I know what it means, Sheldon!
Make yourself comfortable. Not there.
Sheldor is back online.
-Sheldon:The conqueror.
看 Big Bang Theory 学英语第二季3集: The Barbarian Sublimation
-Sheldon:Fellow warriors, This is Sheldor the conqueror.
Fellow:同伴 warrior:武士 conqueror:征服者 【Sheldor:Sheldon在游戏中的人物名】
condensation:冷凝物 frozen:冷冻的 weaken:使削弱 structural integrity:结构的整体性

appropriate: 适当的 mark: 作记号【纪念】 historic: 有历史意义的 event: 事件
三年级时我又咋得罪Jimmy Mullins了?
He still punched me in, the face with my own fists.
punch: 用拳猛击 fist: 拳头
Sorry, you little nerd, you were just in the wrong boys' room at the wrong time.
I know the other fellas would be really excited to see a girl there.
fella: 小伙子
-Penny: How is it supposed to be a dance if I'm the only girl?
-Wolowitz: Oh, yeah, this door got the full Monte.
-Penny: Leonard?
What the hell?
-Leonard: Killer robot. We built it.

Script compiled bywww.big-bang-forum.deTHE address for geeks and …The Big Bang Theory“ fans!THE BIG BANG THEORYbyChuck Lorre & Bill PradySeason 1, Episode 2 (s01e02)Title: The Big Bran Hypothesis---> Dialog only <---LEONARDHere you go. Pad thai, no peanuts.HOW ARDDoes it have peanut oil?LEONARDI'm not sure. Everyone keep an eye on Howard in case he starts to swell up.SHELDONSince it's not bee season, you can have my epinephrine.RAJESHAre there any chopsticks?SHELDONYou don't need chopsticks. This is Thai food.LEONARDHere we go.SHELDONThailand has had the fork since the latter half of the 19th century. Interestingly they don't put the fork in their mouth they use it to put the food on a spoon which then goes into their mouth.LEONARDAsk him for a napkin, I dare you. I'll get it.HOW ARDDo I look puffy? I feel puffy.PENNYHey, Leonard.LEONARDOh, hi, Penny.PENNYAm I interrupting?LEONARDNo.SHELDONYou're not swelling, Howard.HOW ARDNo, no, look at my fingers. They're like Vienna sausages.PENNYSounds like you have company.LEONARDThey're not going anywhere. So, you're coming home from work. That's great. How was work?PENNYWell, you know, it's a Cheesecake Factory. People order cheesecake and I bring it to 'em.LEONARDSo you kind of act as like a carbohydrate delivery system?PENNYMm... Yeah, call it whatever you want, I get minimum wage. Yeah. Um, anyways I was wondering if you could help me out with something, I'm kinda...LEONARDYes.PENNYOh. Okay, great, I'm having some furniture delivered tomorrow and I may not be here, so, oh... Hello.HOW ARD[speaks in Russian]PENNYI'm sorry?HOW ARDHaven't you ever been told how beautiful you are in flawless Russian? PENNYNo, I haven't.HOW ARDGet used to it.PENNYYeah, I probably won't. Hey, Sheldon.SHELDONHi.PENNYHey, Raj. Still not talking to me, huh?SHELDONDon't take it personally, it's his pathology. He can't talk to women.HOW ARDHe can't talk to atractive women, or in your case, a cheesecake- scented goddess.LEONARDSo there's gonna be some furniture delivered?PENNYYeah, yeah. If it gets here and I'm not here tomorrow, could you just sign for it and have them put it in my apartment?LEONARDYeah, no problem.PENNYGreat, here's my spare key. Thank you.LEONARDPenny, wait.PENNYYeah?LEONARDUm... If you don't have any other plans, do you want to join us for Thai food and a Superman movie marathon?PENNYA marathon? Wow, how many Superman movies are there?SHELDONYou're kidding, right?PENNYYeah, I do like the one where Lois Lane falls from the helicopter and Superman swooshes down and catches her. Which one was that? LEONARD, SHELDON,HOW ARD, RAJESHOne.SHELDONYou realize that scene was rife with scientific inaccuracy.PENNYYes, I know, men can't fly.SHELDONNo, no. Let's assume that they can. Ahem. Lois Lane is falling. Accelerating at an initial rate of 32 feet per second per second. Superman swoops down to save her by reaching out two arms of steel. Miss Lane, who is now traveling at approximately 120 miles an hour, hits them and is immediately sliced into three equal pieces.LEONARDUnless Superman matches her speed and decelerates.SHELDONIn what space, sir? In what space? She's 2 feet above the ground. Yeah, frankly, if he really loved her, he'd let her hit the pavement. It'd be a more merciful death.LEONARDExcuse me, your entire argument is predicated on the assumption thatSuperman's flight is a feat of strength.SHELDONAre you listening to yourself? It is well established that Superman's flight is a feat of strength. It is an extension of his ability to leap tall buildings, an ability he derives from exposure to Earth's yellow sun.HOW ARDYeah and you don't have a problem with that? How does he fly at night? SHELDONOh. A combination of the moon's solar reflection and the energy-storage capacity of Kryptonian skin cells.PENNYI'm just gonna go wash up.LEONARDI have 2600 comic books in there. I challenge you to find a single reference to Kryptonian skin cells.SHELDONChallenge accepted. We're locked out.RAJESHAlso, the pretty girl left.============================================ THEME SONG ===========================================LEONARDOkay. Her apartment's on the fourth floor, but the elevator's broken, so you're gonna have to... Oh, your're just gonna be done? Okay, cool, thanks. I guess we'll just bring it up ourselves.SHELDONI hardly think so.LEONARDWhy not?SHELDONWell, we don't have a dolly or lifting belts or any measurable upper-body strength.LEONARDWe don't need strength. We're physicists. We are the intellectual descendants of Archimedes. Give me a fulcrum and a lever and I can move the Earth. It's just a matter... I don't have this. I don't have this! I don't have this.SHELDONArchimedes would be so proud.LEONARDDo you have any ideas?SHELDONYes, but they all involve a Green Lantern and a power ring.LEONARDEasy.SHELDONEasy.LEONARDOkay. Now we've got an inclined plane. The force required to lift is reduced by the sine of the angle of the stairs, call it 30 degrees, so, about half.SHELDONExactly half.LEONARDExactly half. Let's push. Okay. See, it's moving. This is easy. It's all in the math.SHELDONWhat's your formula for the corner?LEONARDWhat? Oh, okay. Ah. Okay, yeah, no problem. Just come up here, help me pull and turn.SHELDONAh, gravity, thou art a heartless bitch. You do understand that our efforts here will in no way increase the odds of you having sexual congress with this woman.LEONARDMen do things for women without expecting sex.SHELDONYeah, those would be men who just had sex.LEONARDI'm doing this to be a good neighbor. In any case, there's no way it could lower the odds. Almost there. Almost there. Almost there.SHELDONNo, we're not.LEONARDI'm sorry.SHELDONNo, we're not! No, we're not! Watch your fingers. Watch your fingers. LEONARDYeah.SHELDONOh God, my fingers!LEONARDYou okay?SHELDONNo, it hurt... Great Caesar's ghost, look at this place.LEONARDSo Penny is a little messy.SHELDONA little messy? The Mandelbrot set of complex numbers is a little messy. This is chaos. Excuse me. Explain to me an organizational system where a tray of flatware on a couch is valid. I'm just inferring this is a couch because the evidence suggests the coffee table is having a tiny garage sale.LEONARDDid it ever occur to you that not everyone has the compulsive need to sort, organize and label the entire world around them?SHELDONNo.LEONARDWell, they don't. Hard as it may be for you to believe, most people don't sort their breakfast cereal numerically by fiber content.SHELDONExcuse me, but I think we've both found that helpful at times. LEONARDCome on, we should go.SHELDONHang on.LEONARDWhat are you doing?SHELDONI'm straightening up.LEONARDSheldon, this is not your home.SHELDONThis is not anyone's home. This is a swirling vortex of entropy. LEONARDWhen the transvestite lived here, you didn't care how he kept the place. SHELDONBecause it was immaculate. I mean, you opened that man's closet, it was left to right, evening gowns, cocktail dresses, then his police uniforms. LEONARDWhat were you doing in his closet?SHELDONI helped him run some cable for a webcam.PENNYHey, guys.LEONARDOh, hey, Penny. This just arrived. We just brought this up. Just now. PENNYGreat. Oh, was it hard getting it up the stairs?LEONARDNo.SHELDONNo?LEONARDNo.SHELDONNo.LEONARDWell, we'll get out of your hair.PENNYOkay, great. Thank you again.SHELDONPenny. Ahem. I just want you to know that you don't have to live like this. I'm here for you.PENNYWhat's he talking about?LEONARDIt's a joke.PENNYI don't get it.LEONARDYeah, he didn't tell it right. Sheldon? Sheldon?? Hello? Sheldon! SHELDONShh! Penny's sleeping.LEONARDAre you insane? You can't just break into a woman's apartment in the middle of the night and clean.SHELDONI had no choice. I couldn't sleep knowing that just outside my bedroom was our living room, and just outside our living room was that hallway,and immediately adjacent to the hallway was... this. LEONARDDo you realize that if Penny wakes up, there is no reasonable explanation as to why we're here.SHELDONI just gave you a reasonable explanation.LEONARDNo, no. You gave me an explanation. Its reasonableness will be determined by a jury of your peers.SHELDONDon't be ridiculous. I have no peers.LEONARDSheldon, we have to get out of here.SHELDONYou might want to speak in a lower register.LEONARDWhat?SHELDONEvolution has made women sensitive to high-pitched noises while they sleep so that they'll be roused by a crying baby. If you want to avoid waking her, speak in a lower register.LEONARDThat's ridiculous!SHELDONNo, that's ridiculous.LEONARDFine. I accept your premise. Now, please, let's go.SHELDONI'm not leaving until I'm done.LEONARDOh, no.SHELDONIf you have time to lean, you have time to clean.LEONARDOh, what the hell.SHELDONGood morning.LEONARDMorning.SHELDONI have to say I slept splendidly. Granted not long, but just deeply and well.LEONARDI'm not surprised. A well-known folk cure for insomnia is to break in your neighbor's apartment and clean.SHELDONSarcasm?LEONARDYou think?SHELDONGranted, my methods may have been somewhat unorthodox, but I think the end result will be a measurable enhancement to Penny's quality oflife.LEONARDYou know what, you convinced me. Maybe tonight we should sneak in and shampoo her carpet.SHELDONYou don't think that crosses a line?LEONARDYes. For God's sake, Sheldon, do I have to hold up a sarcasm sign every time I open my mouth?SHELDONYou have a sarcasm sign?LEONARDNo, I do not have a sarcasm sign.SHELDONYou want some cereal? I feel so good today, I'm gonna choose from the low-fiber end of the shelf. Hello, …Honey Puffs“.PENNYSon of a bitch!LEONARDPenny's up.PENNYYou sick, geeky bastards!LEONARDHow did she know it was us?SHELDONI may have left a suggested organizational schematic for her bedroom closet.PENNYLeonard?LEONARDGod, this is gonna be bad.SHELDONGoodbye, …Honey Puffs“. Hello, …Big Bran“.PENNYYou came into my apartment last night while I was sleeping? LEONARDYes, but only to clean.SHELDONReally more to organize. You're not actually dirty, per se.PENNYGive me back my key.LEONARDI'm very, very sorry.PENNYDo you understand how creepy this is?LEONARDOh. Yes, we discussed it at length last night.PENNYIn my apartment? While I was sleeping?SHELDONAnd snoring. And that's probably just a sinus infection. But it could be sleep apnea. You might want to see an otolaryngologist. The throat doctor.PENNYAnd what kind of doctor removes shoes from asses?SHELDONDepending on the depth, that's either a proctologist or a general surgeon. Oh.PENNYGod!LEONARDOkay, look, Penny. I think what you're feeling is perfectly valid and maybe a little bit later today when you're feeling a little less, for lack of a better word, violated, maybe we can talk about this some more.PENNYStay away from me.LEONARDSure, that's another way to go.SHELDONPenny, Penny, hold on. Just to clarify, because there will be a discussion when you leave. Is your objection solely to our presence in the apartment while you were sleeping or do you also object to the imposition of a new organizational paradigm. Well, that was a little non-responsive. LEONARDYou are going to march yourself over there right now and apologize. LEONARDWhat's funny?SHELDONThat wasn't sarcasm?LEONARDNo!SHELDONWhoo. Boy, you are all over the place this morning. I have a master's and two Ph.Ds, I should not have to do this.PENNYWhat?SHELDONI am truly sorry for what happened last night. I take full responsibility. And I hope that it won't color your opinion of Leonard, who is not only a wonderful guy, but also, I hear, a gentle and thorough lover. I did what I could.PENNYHey, Raj. Hey, listen, I don't know if you heard about what happened last night with Leonard and Sheldon, but I'm really upset about it. I mean, they just, they let themselves into my place and then they cleaned it. Can you even believe that? How weird is that? ...RAJESHOh, she's standing very close to me. Oh, my. She does smell good. What is that? Vanilla?PENNY... You know. Where I come from, someone comes into your house at night, you shoot. Okay? And you don't shoot to wound. I mean, all right, my sister shot her husband, but it was an accident, they were drunk. Wait, what was I saying? ...RAJESHShe's so chatty. Maybe my parents are right. Maybe I'd be better off with an Indian girl. We'd have the same cultural background and my wife could sing to my children the same lullabies my mother sang to me. PENNY... It's obvious that they meant well, but I'm just, I'm having a really rough time. Like I said, I broke up with my boyfriend and it's all freaking me out ...RAJESH[starts to sing an Indian lullaby]PENNY... I mean, just because most of the men I've known in my life happen to be jerks, doesn't mean I should just assume Leonard and Sheldon are. Right?RAJESHShe asked me a question. I should probably nod.PENNYThat's exactly what I thought. Thank you for listening. You're a doll. RAJESHUh-oh. Turn your pelvis.HOW ARDGrab a napkin, homie. You just got served.LEONARDIt's fine. You win.HOW ARDWhat's his problem?SHELDONHis imaginary girlfriend broke up with him.HOW ARDBeen there.RAJESHHello. Sorry I'm late, but I was in the hallway, chatting up Penny.HOW ARDReally? You? Rajesh Koothrappali, spoke to Penny?RAJESHActually, I was less the chatter than the chattee.LEONARDWhat did she say? Is she still mad at me?RAJESHWell, she was upset at first, but probably because her sister shot somebody. But then there was something about you and then she hugged me.HOW ARDShe hugged you? How'd she hug you? Is that her perfume I smell? RAJESHIntoxicating, isn't it?PENNYHi.LEONARDOh.PENNYWhat's going on?LEONARDUh. Here's the thing: …Penny, just as Oppenheimer came to regret his contributions to the first atomic bomb, so too I regret my participation in what was, at the very least, an error in judgment.The hallmark of the great human experiment is the willingness to recognize one's mistakes. Some mistakes, such as Madam Curie's discovery of radium, turned out to have great scientific potential, even though she would later die a slow, painful death from radiation poisoning. Another example, from the field of Ebola research...“PENNYLeonard.LEONARDYeah?PENNYWe're okay.LEONARDSix two-inch dowels?SHELDONCheck.LEONARDOne package Philips head screws?SHELDONCheck.PENNYYou guys, seriously, I grew up on a farm, okay? I rebuilt a tractor engine when I was, like, 12. I think I can put together a cheap, swedish media center.LEONARDNo. Please, we insist. It's the least we can do, considering...SHELDONConsidering what? How great this place looks?HOW ARDOh, boy, I was afraid of this.LEONARDWhat?HOW ARDThese instructions are a pictographic representation of the least imaginative way to assemble these components. This, right here is why Sweden has no space program.PENNYWell, it looked pretty good in the store.LEONARDIt is an inefficient design. For example, Penny has a flat screen TV, which means all the space behind it is wasted.SHELDONWe could put her stereo back there.LEONARDAnd control it how?SHELDONRun an infrared repeater, photocell here, emitter here, easy-peasy.HOW ARDGood point. How are you gonna cool it?Hey guys, I got this. SHELDONHang on, Penny. How about fans? Here and here.LEONARDAlso inefficient, and might be loud.HOW ARDHow about liquid coolant? Maybe a little aquarium pump here, run some quarter-inch PVC...PENNYGuys, this is actually really simple.HOW ARDHold on, honey, men at work. PVC comes down here. Maybe a little corrugated sheet metal as a radiator here.LEONARDOh, really? Show me where we put a drip tray, a sluice and an overflow reservoir?SHELDONAnd if water's involved, we're gonna have to ground the crap out of the thing.PENNYGuys, it's hot in here. I think I'll just take off all my clothes. LEONARDOh, I've got it. What about if we replace panels A, B and F and crossbar H with aircraft-grade aluminum?SHELDONRight, then the entire thing will be one heat sink.HOW ARDPerfect. Leonard, why don't you and Sheldon go to the junkyard and pick up 6 square meters of scrap aluminum? Raj and I'll run down to my lab and get the oxyacetylene torch.LEONARDMeet back here in an hour?HOW ARDDone.LEONARDGot it.PENNYOkay, this place does look pretty good.THE ENDScript compiled bywww.big-bang-forum.deTHE address for geeks and …The Big Bang Theory“ fans!THE BIG BANG THEORYbyChuck Lorre & Bill PradySeason 1, Episode 1 (s01e01)Title: Pilot---> Dialog only <---SHELDONSo if a photon is directed through a plane with two slits in it and either slitis observed, it will not go through both slits. If it's unobserved, it will. However, if it's observed after it's left the plane but before it hits its target, it won't have gone through both slits.LEONARDAgreed. What's your point?SHELDONThere's no point, I just think it's a good idea for a T-shirt.LEONARDExcuse me.ALTHEAHang on.LEONARDOne across is …Aegean“. Eight down is …Nabokov“. 26 across is …MCM“.14 down is... Move your finger... …Phylum“ which makes 14 across …Port-au-Prince“. See, …Papa Doc's capitol idea“, that's …Port-au-Prince“. Haiti.ALTHEACan I help you?LEONARDYes. Um, is this the high-IQ sperm bank?ALTHEAIf you have to ask, maybe you shouldn't be here.SHELDONI think this is the place.ALTHEAFill these out.LEONARDThank you. We'll be right back.ALTHEAOh, take your time. I'll just finish my crossword puzzle. Oh, wait. SHELDONLeonard, I don't think I can do this.LEONARDWhat, are you kidding? You're a semi-pro.SHELDONNo. We are committing genetic fraud. There's no guarantee that our sperm is going to generate high-IQ offspring. Think about that. I have a sister with the same basic DNA mix who hostesses at Fuddruckers. LEONARDSheldon, this was your idea. A little extra money to get fractional T1 bandwidth in the apartment.SHELDONI know, and I do yearn for faster downloads. But there's some poorwoman who's gonna pin her hopes on my sperm. What if she winds up with a toddler who doesn't know if he should use an integral or a differential to solve the area under a curve?LEONARDI'm sure she'll still love him.SHELDONI wouldn't.LEONARDWell, what do you want to do?SHELDONI want to leave.LEONARDOkay.SHELDONWhat's the protocol for leaving?LEONARDI don't know. I've never reneged on a proffer of sperm before. SHELDONLet's try just walking out.LEONARDOkay.ALTHEABye.SHELDON, LEONARDBye.LEONARDNice meeting you.SHELDONAre you still mad about the sperm bank?LEONARDNo.SHELDONYou wanna hear an interesting thing about stairs?LEONARDNot really.SHELDONIf the height of a single step is off by as little as two millimeters, most people will trip.LEONARDI don't care. Two millime...? That doesn't seem right.SHELDONNo, it's true, I did a series of experiments when I was 12. My father broke his clavicle.LEONARDIs that why they sent you to boarding school?SHELDONNo. That was a result of my work with lasers.LEONARDNew neighbor?SHELDONEvidently.LEONARDSignificant improvement over the old neighbor.SHELDONTwo-hundred pound transvestite with a skin condition? Yes, she is. PENNYOh, hi.LEONARDHi.SHELDONHi.LEONARDHi.SHELDONHi.PENNYHi?LEONARDWe don't mean to interrupt. We live across the hall.PENNYOh, that's nice.LEONARDOh, no. We don't live together. I mean...LEONARDWe live together, but in separate, heterosexual bedrooms. PENNYOh. Okay, well, guess I'm your new neighbor. Penny. LEONARDLeonard. Sheldon.PENNYHi.LEONARDHi.SHELDONHi.PENNYHi.LEONARDHi. Well... ah... Oh, welcome to the building.PENNYOh, Thank you. Maybe we can have coffee sometime.LEONARDOh, great.PENNYGreat.SHELDONGreat.LEONARDGreat.LEONARDWell, ah, bye.PENNYBye.SHELDONBye.LEONARDBye. Should we have invited her for lunch?SHELDONNo, we're gonna start season two of …Battlestar Galactica“.LEONARDWe already watched the season two DVDs.SHELDONNot with commentary.LEONARDI think we should be good neighbors, invite her over, make her feel welcome.SHELDONWe never invited Louie-slash-Louise over.LEONARDWell, and that was wrong of us. We need to widen our circle. SHELDONI have a very wide circle. I have 212 friends on …MySpace“.LEONARDYes, and you've never met one of them.SHELDONThat's the beauty of it.LEONARDI'm gonna invite her over. We'll have a nice meal and... chat. SHELDONChat? We don't chat. At least not off-line.LEONARDWell, it's not difficult. You just listen to what she says and then you say something appropriate in response.SHELDONTo what end?LEONARDHi. Again.PENNYHi.SHELDONHi.LEONARDHi.PENNYHi.LEONARDAnyway... um... We brought home Indian food. And... um... I know that moving can be stressful and I find that when I'm undergoing stress, that good food and company can have a comforting effect. Also, curry is a natural laxative and I don't have to tell you that, you know, a clean colon is just... one less thing to worry about.SHELDONLeonard, I'm no expert here, but I believe in the context of a luncheon invitation, you might want to skip the reference to bowel movements. PENNYOh, you're inviting me over to eat?LEONARDUh, yes.PENNYOh, that's so nice. I'd love to.LEONARDGreat.PENNYSo, what do you guys do for fun around here?SHELDONWell, today we tried masturbating for money.============================================ THEME SONG ===========================================LEONARDOkay, well, make yourself at home.PENNYOkay. Thank you.LEONARDYou're very welcome.SHELDON[mouths: You're very welcome.]PENNYThis looks like some serious stuff. Leonard, did you do this? SHELDONActually, that's my work.PENNYWow.SHELDONYeah, well, it's just some quantum mechanics with a little string theory doodling around the edges. That part there, that's just a joke. It's a spoof of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.PENNYSo you're like one of those …Beautiful Mind“ genius guys.SHELDONYeah.PENNYThis is really impressive.LEONARDI have a board. If you like boards, this is my board.PENNYHoly smokes.SHELDONIf by …holy smokes“, you mean a derivative restatement of the kind of stuff you can find scribbled on the wall of any men's room at MIT, sure. LEONARDWhat?SHELDONOh, come on. Who hasn't seen this differential below …here I sit broken-hearted“?LEONARDAt least I didn't have to invent 26 dimensions just to make the math come out.SHELDONI didn't invent them. They're there.LEONARDIn what universe?SHELDONIn all of them, that is the point.PENNYAh, do you guys mind if I start?SHELDONUm, Penny.PENNYYeah?SHELDONThat's where I sit.PENNYSo sit next to me.SHELDONNo, I sit there.PENNYWhat's the difference?SHELDONWhat's the difference?LEONARDHere we go.SHELDONIn the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration. In the summer, it's directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there and there. It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation, nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion. I could go on, but... I think I've made my point.PENNYDo you want me to move?SHELDONWell...LEONARDJust sit somewhere else.SHELDONFine.LEONARDSheldon, sit!SHELDONAh.LEONARDWell, this is nice. We don't have a lot of company over.SHELDONThat's not true. Koothrappali and Wolowitz come over all the time. LEONARDYes, I know, but...SHELDONTuesday night, we played …Klingon Boggle“ until one in the morning. LEONARDYeah, I remember.SHELDONI resent you saying we don't have company.LEONARDI'm sorry.SHELDONThat is a negative social implications.LEONARDI said I'm sorry!PENNYSo... …Klingon Boggle“?LEONARDYeah. It's like regular …Boggle“, but in …Klingon“. That's probably enough about us. So, tell us about you.PENNYUm, me? Okay. I'm a Sagittarius, which probably tells you way more than you need to know.SHELDONYes, it tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion that the sun's apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birth somehow affects your personality.PENNYParticipate in the what?LEONARDI think what Sheldon's trying to say is that Sagittarius wouldn't have been our first guess.PENNYOh, yeah, a lot of people think I'm a water sign. Okay, let's see, what else. Oh, I'm a vegetarian. No, except for fish and the occasional steak. I love steak!SHELDONWell, that's interesting. Leonard can't process corn.LEONARDAh, so, do you have some sort of a job?PENNYOh, yeah. I'm a waitress at …The Cheesecake Factory“.LEONARDOh, I love cheesecake.SHELDONYou're lactose-intolerant.LEONARD。

生活大爆炸第二季英文剧本台词11.txt 你的论点完全缺乏科学论证。
argument: 论点 lack: 缺乏 scientific: 科学的 merit: 价值It is well established Superman cleans his, uniform by flying into Earth's yellowsun,establish: 确定 Superman: 虚构的超级英雄,美国漫画中的经典人物,诞生于1938年6月,出现在DC漫画公司的多种书籍中,还被改编成动画、电影、电视剧、舞台剧,影响深远uniform: 制服十分肯定的是,超人飞到地球的黄色恒星,可以清洁他的超人服。
which incinerates any contaminate matterincinerate: 烧成灰 contaminate: 受到污染的 matter: 物质任何污染物都可以烧掉。
and leaves t invulnerable Kryptonian, fabric unharmed and daisy fresh.invulnerable: 不会受伤害的 Kryptonia: 克里普顿星,超人出生地 fabric: 纤维织物unharmed: 没有受伤的 daisy: 极好的【非常的】 fresh: 新鲜的【干净的】只留下不可摧毁的氪星球纤维布,完全无害,超级干净。
-Wolowitz: What if he gets something, Kryptonian on it?要是又染上啥氪星球的东西怎么办?-Sheldon:Like what?比如什么呢?-Wolowitz: I don't know. Kryptonian mustard.mustard: 芥末不知道,也许氪芥末吧。
-Sheldon: I think we can safely assume that all, Kryptonian condiments were destroyedassume: 假定 condiment: 调味品 destroy: 毁坏我觉得我们完全可以设想,所有氪星球调味品都被毁灭掉了。

Penny 我好像不太喜欢私藏北Los Robles公寓楼2311号逃犯
-Penny: It's no big deal.I'm just, a little behind on my bills
social situation: 社会情境 situation: 情况
Could you give me some, guidance as to how to proceed?
guidance: 指导 proceed: 继续进行
-Penny: The building manager's showing an apartment, downstairs, and I haven't paid my rent.
We smuggle Srpies, which are, essentially Icees, in under our coats,
smuggle: 走私 essentially: 本质上
after having a pleasant meal, either here, here or here.
building: 建筑 manager: 管理员 apartment : 公寓 rent: 租金
-Sheldon: Oh, I see.

L:No, no, no. Orcs are magic.Superman is vulnerable to magic.Not to mention you already lost Godzilla to the Illinois Cavalry and Hulk.
半兽人是魔法部队 超人最怕魔法,更别提,哥斯拉早已被伊利诺伊骑兵和绿巨人消灭
L:What happened to Elliot Wong?
Elliot Wong怎么啦?
Leslie:He switched over to high-energy radiation research had a little mishap,and now the other guys are uncomfortable sitting next to him.So are you in?
P:Because you're not at Big Boy!
S:Fine,I'll have the Barbecue Burger.
好吧 那我要烧烤汉堡
L:Make it two.
S:Waitresses don't yell at you at Big Boy.
稍等 宝贝.湿婆和格涅沙,印度教之神? 对抗整个北部联军?
L:And orcs.
P:I'll be back.
R:Excuse me.Ganesh is the Remover of Obstacles and Shiva is the Destroyer.When the smoke clears,Abraham Lincoln will be speaking Hindi and drinking mint juleps.
看美剧,学英语(大爆炸season2 e1)

看美剧,学英语——生活大爆炸第二季第一集关键句(配图)Episode 201: The Bad Fish Paradigm1.Leonard and Penny say goodnight.what you're eating is not technically yogurtIt's also not pink and has no berries.I didn't feel a draft.and then rate of speed equals distance over time.2.Leonard and friends talk about relationship with PennyHe's coming. Screensaver!They exploited my complete lack of interest in what you were doing."I'm going to slow down and savor it.""so I'm gonna slow down and spit it out."let's assume your hypothesis.I didn't even have to refer to my impromptu conversation starters.No change in respiration, pupils un-dilated, no flushing of the hest.3.Penny told Sheldon a secretFYI, the hot water is inadequate on machine two, so colors only, and four is still releasing the fabric softener too early in the cycle, so avoid using it for your delicates.A few years ago, he did go out with a woman who had a PhD in French literature.Do you have a working knowledge of quantum physics?Secret keeping is a complicated endeavor.I will absolutely die of embarrassment.- Physiologically impossible.- Sheldon, please.4.Sheldon try maintain confidencesI'm not sure; the manager hasn't posted the schedule yet.- You must release me from my oath.I'm constitutionally incapableI haven't forgotten a single thing since my mother stopped reastfeeding me.- It was a drizzly Tuesday.5.Sheldon moving out.Did you change the contrast or brightness settings on the TV?Did you take a Band-Aid off in front of him?It's recommended by the Department of Homeland Security.Until I find a permanent place, I will stay with friends.。
整理版 生活大爆炸 the big bang theory s1e2 剧本

第一季2集: The Big Bran Hypothesis-Howard: But does it have peanut oil? 但有花生油吧? peanut:花生-Leonard: I'm not sure.我不清楚。
Everyone keep an eye on Howard in case he starts to swell up. 你们每个人都盯着Howard,以防他突然肿胀。
keep an eye on sth.: 留心,注意in case:免得,以防swell up:肿胀-Sheldon: Since it's not bee season, you can have my epinephrine. 既然现在不是看<拼字大赛> ,你可以吃我的肾上腺素。
since: 因为,既然bee season: 美国的拼字大赛,有点像中国的超女比赛,成千上万个小朋友参加比赛,电视直播。
拼字比赛,Spell Bee,就是评委读出一个单词,选手要把它的字母拼出来,错误即遭淘汰。
【Bee Season:一部美国电影,中文片名<拼字大赛>】epinephrine:肾上腺素-Howard: Are there any chopsticks?有筷子吗?chopsticks:筷子-Sheldon: Y ou don't need chopsticks. This is Thai food. 你不需要筷子,这是泰国菜。
Thai:泰国人,泰国语Thai food: 泰国菜-Leonard: Here we go.又来啦。
-Sheldon: Thailand has had the fork since the latter half of the 19th Century. 泰国自19世纪后半期起使用餐叉。

-Sheldon:Euclid avenue is shorter as the crow flies, But it has speed bumps, which appreciably increase point-to-point drive time, making It the less efficient choice.
-Sheldon:Studies have shown that performing tasks such as eating, talking on a cell phone or drinking coffee while driving reduces one's reaction time by the same factor as an ounce of alcohol.
as the crow flies:(习语)直线的,笔直的 speed bump:减速装置 appreciably:略微 increase:增加 point-to-point:点对点的 efficient:有效率的
performing:履行的 reduce:降低 reaction time:反应时间 factor:因素 ounce:盎司 alcohol:酒,酒精
-Penny:Do you have any alcohol?

看生活大爆炸学英语The Big Bang Theory 第二季 15集:The Maternal Capacitance-Rajesh: “I don't ever want to feelever: 永远 feel: 感受“我再也不想有Like I did that day如那天般的感受Take me to the place I loveplace: 地方带我去我爱的地方Take me all the wayall the way: 一路带我一路走I don't ever want to feel我再也不想有Like I did that day如那天般的感受Take me to the place I lo...”带我去我爱的地……”-Penny: Fellas, please.fella: 伙伴,伙计伙计们,消停点儿吧。
-Howard: Penny, come on. We were, just finding our sound.come on: 别这样 just: 刚 find: 找到 sound: 声音算了吧,Penny,我们刚开始唱呢。
-Penny: You found it. It's the sound of a, cat being run over by a lawn mower. run over: 碾过 lawn mower: 割草机你自己听听吧,不知道的还以为,哪只猫被卷进割草机里了呢。
-Leonard: I'm really very busy.busy: 忙我真的很忙。
Is there any way that we can put this off until I have more time to prepare? put..off: 推迟 until: 直到 prepare: 准备我们能否推迟一下?我好有点时间来准备。
Of course. But, uh, you, understand my trepidation.understand: 理解 trepidation: 忧虑当然了,可你知道我有些啥顾虑。

THE BIG BANG THEORY 中英剧本+词汇解析(TBBT-S01-EP07-08)第一季7集: The Dumpling Paradox-Howard:Watch this, it's really cool.看这个,真的很酷。
Call Leonard Hofstadter.呼叫Leonard Hofstadter。
-Machine:Did you say: "Call Helen Boxleitner"? 您说的是"呼叫Helen Boxleitner"吗?-Howard:No. Call Leonard Hofstadter.不,呼叫Leonard Hofstadter。
-Machine:Did you say: "Call Temple Beth Seder"? 您说的是"呼叫Temple Beth Seder"吗?-Howard:No.不。
-Leonard:Here, let me try it.来让我试试。
Call McFlono McFlooniloo.呼叫McFlono McFlooniloo。
-Machine:Calling Rajesh Koothrappali.正在呼叫Rajesh Koothrappali。
-Raj:Oh, it's very impressive.impressive:给人印象深刻的真的很强悍。
And a little racist.racist:种族主义者还带点儿种族主义。
-Sheldon:If we're all through playing "mock the flawed technology,"all through:一直mock:愚弄,嘲弄flawed:有缺陷的technology:科技如果你们玩够了"嘲笑残次科技",can we get on with Halo night?get on with:继续(干某事)Halo:(图画中圣人头上的)光环,灵光我们能开始"光晕"之夜了吗(XBOX经典第一人称射击游戏)?We were supposed to start at 8:00.be supposed to:应该,被期望我们本该8点开始。

-Rajesh: We hide behind the Dumpsters in the parking, lot and ambush people when they come to pee.
hide: 躲藏 dumpster: 垃圾车 lot: 一堆 in the parking: 在停车场 parking: 停车场 ambush: 埋伏,伏击 come to: 想起 pee: 小便
-Howard: That was close.
close: 接近
-Rajesh: God, I love the smell of, paintballs in the morning.
smell: 味道 paintball: 彩弹球
-Howard: Yeah, still funny, Raj.
How about Operation Hammer of the Gods?
how about: 怎么样 operation: 【计划】,操作 hammer: 锤子
-Leonard: I forget. Which one, is Hammer of the Gods?
-Sheldon: The Pharmacology Department controls that, and, they're all hopped up on experimental steroids.
pharmacology: 药理学 hop up: 吃药 hop: 跳跃 experimental: 实验的 steroids: 类固醇

Series 4 Episode 01 – The Robotic ManipulationScene: The apartment. A robotic arm is extracting some Chinese takeaway from a bag controlled by Howard.Howard: And now the kung pao chicken.Leonard: Alright.Raj: Smooth.Howard: And finally, my moo shu pork.Raj: Whoo-hoo!Howard: Ah, there you have it, gentlemen. Our entire dinner unpacked by robot.Raj: And it only took 28 minutes.Sheldon: Impressive, but we must be cautious.Howard: Why?Sheldon: Today, it‟s a Chinese food retrieval robot. Tomorrow, it travels back in time and tries to kill Sarah Connor.Leonard: I don‟t think that‟s going to happen, Sheldon.Sheldon: No one ever does. That‟s why it happens.Penny (arriving): Hey. Is the food here? Ooh. What‟s that?Howard: That, dear lady, is the Wolowitz Programmable Hand, designed for extravehicular repairs on the International Space Station.Penny: Ah, cool.Howard: Ask me to pass the soy sauce.Penny: Oh, does that come up much on the space station?Howard: Mostly with Asian and Jewish astronauts.Penny: All right. Pass the soy sauce.Howard: Coming up. (Starts typing rapidly)Leonard: So how‟s work?Penny: Oh, it‟s not bad. Kind of hungry.Leonard: Yeah, we all are.Howard: Just wait.Sheldon: You realize, Penny, that the technology that went into this arm will one day make unskilled food servers such as yourself obsolete.Penny: Really? They‟re going to make a robot that spits on your hamburger?Sheldon: I thought you broke up with her. Why is she here?Howard: Okay, here we go. Passing the soy sauce. Put out your hand.Penny: Oh ha-ha, oh. That‟s amazing.Sheldon: I wouldn‟t say amazing. At best, it‟s a modest leap forward from the basic technology that gave us Country Bear Jamboree.Howard: Hey, Sheldon?Sheldon: Yes? (Howard types. The hand puts up two fingers to Sheldon.) Peace?Howard: No, not peace. Hang on.Credits sequence.Scene: A few moments later.Penny: Does NASA know you‟re using that thing as a napkin holder?Howard: You kidding? They still think it‟s in a secure locker at JPL.Penny: You stole it?Howard: Borrowed. The trick is to carry it out to your car like you own it.Sheldon (phone gives text alert): Excuse me. Oh. Amy‟s at the dry cleaners, and she‟s made a very amusing pun. “I don‟t care for perchloroethylene, and I don‟t like glycol ether.” Get it? She doesn‟t like glycol ether. Sounds like either. (Taps in reply) L-O-L.Penny: Who‟s Amy?Leonard: His girlfriend.Penny: Sheldon has a girlfriend?Sheldon: She‟s not my girlfriend.Penny: How long has this been going on?Leonard: Four months.Sheldon: She‟s not my girlfriend.Penny: Are you telling me, for the past four months I have been asking you what‟s new and you never thought to go with Sheldon has a girlfriend?Sheldon: She‟s not my girlfriend.Penny: Ah, du-du-du-du-du. How did they meet?Howard: Raj and I entered Sheldon‟s information on a dating site, and it spit out Amy Farrah Fowler.Penny: Oh, my God! Sheldon and Amy.Howard: Or, as we call them, Shamy.Penny (squeals): Shamy. I am so digging the Shamy.Sheldon: All right, everyone pay attention. Yes, I have a friend named Amy Farrah Fowler. Yes, she is female. Yes, we communicate on a daily basis, but no, she is not my girlfriend.Penny: Okay, well, what do you communicate about?Sheldon: Well, my work in physics, her work in neurobiology, and most recently, the possibility of our having a child together.Penny (spits out drink explosively. Howard types. Robot arm hands Penny a napkin): Thank you.Leonard: Wait a minute– a child? You never see this girl. You just e-mail and text and Twitter. Now you‟re considering having a baby?Sheldon: Amy pointed out that between the two of us, our genetic material has the potential of producing the first in a line of intellectually superior, benign overlords to guide humanity to a brighter tomorrow.Howard: I‟m guessing that future historians will condemn us for not taking this opportunity to kill Sheldon.Penny: Okay, I have a question.Sheldon: Yes, Penny.Penny: You don‟t even like people touching you. How are you going to have sex?Sheldon: Why on Earth would we have sex?Penny: Oh, honey, did your mom not have the talk with you? You know, when your private parts started growing?Sheldon: I‟m quite aware of the way humans usually reproduce, which is messy, unsanitary, and based on livi ng next to you for three years, involves loud and unnecessary appeals to a deity.Penny: Oh, God.Sheldon: Yes, exactly. Consequently, if Amy and I choose to bring new life into this world, it will be accomplished clinically, with fertility experts in a lab with petri dishes. Which reminds me, you have broad hips and a certain corn-fed vigour. Is your womb available for rental?Leonard: Still digging the Shamy?Penny: Look, Sheldon, before you race off to the fertility clinic, you might want to think about, uh gee, I don‟t know, maybe actually spending some time with her.Sheldon: You mean dating?Penny: Yeah.Sheldon: I can‟t date Amy.Penny: Why not?Sheldon: She‟s not my girlfriend.Penny: Okay, look, don‟t think of it as dating a girlfriend. Think of it as, uh, getting to know the future mother of your child.Sheldon: Oh. I hadn‟t considered that. I suppose she will have to have access to our progeny. And you don‟t think I can achieve the required intimacy via text messaging?Penny: Probably not.Sheldon: Huh. It would appear as if the phone companies have been lying to me.Scene: The hallway.Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock) Penny. (Knock, knock, knock) Penny. (Knock, knock, knock) Penny.Penny: You do realize I stand on the other side of the door waiting for you to finish knocking three times.Sheldon: I know. I can see the shadow of your feet under the door.Penny: Yeah, my point is it‟s a waste of time.Sheldon: If you‟re looking for an example of a waste of time, I would refer you to the conversation we‟re having right now.Penny: What do you want?Sheldon: I‟ve decided to take your advice and have arranged to go on a date with Amy Farrah Fowler.Penny: Oh, that‟s great. Have fun.Sheldon: Wait. You have to drive me.Penny: What?Sheldon: You know I don‟t drive.Penny: Well, go ask Leonard.Sheldon: I did. He said, and I quote, ask Penny, it was her cockamamie idea.Penny: Leonard said cockamamie?Sheldon: Actually, I‟m paraphrasing. Having been raised in a Christian household, I‟m uncomfortable with the l anguage he used. And to be honest, I‟m not entirely comfortable with cockamamie.Penny: Okay, fine. When‟s the date?Sheldon: Now.Penny: Now?Sheldon: Hurry. We‟re going to be late.Penny: Sheldon, did it ever occur to you that I might have other plans?S heldon: I‟m sorry. Do you have other plans?Penny: Well, no, not per se, but…Sheldon: So this conversation is as pointless as your door-knocking soliloquy?Penny: Let me get my cockamamie keys.Scene: Howard’s bedroom. Howard is being massaged by the robo t hand.Howard: Oh, God, that feels so good. Yeah, that‟s the spot. Oh, baby.Mrs Wolowitz (off): Howard, dinner‟s ready!Howard: I‟ll eat later. I‟m busy! Oh, yeah. Just like a real hand. Hmm.Scene: Penny’s car.Sheldon: Thank you for driving me.Penny: You‟re welcome.Sheldon: I wish you weren‟t wearing flip-flops. It‟s dangerous to drive in flip-flops.Penny: Sheldon.Sheldon: Sorry. I just don‟t want to be yet another flip-flop fatality.Penny: Can I ask you a question?Sheldon: Given your community college education, I encourage you to ask me as many as possible.Penny: Yeah. Well, my question is, and I‟m pretty sure I know the answer, is this your first date?Sheldon: That depends. Does square-dancing with my sister at a Teens for Jesus Fourth of July Hoedown count as a date?Penny: No.Sheldon: Then, this is my first date.Penny: Okay. Well, then, there‟s a couple of things you should probably know.Sheldon: I have a master‟s degree and two doctorates. The things I should know, I do know.Penny: My point is, I know more about dating than you, and if you were as smart as you think you are, you would listen to me.Sheldon: If you know so much, how come I have a date tonight and you have nothing better to do than drive me to it?Penny: Fair point.Scene: The apartment.Raj: You know, there‟s something I‟ve always wondered about Aquaman.Leonard: Yeah?Raj: Where does he poop?Leonard: What?Raj: What would a toilet look like in Atlantis? How would you flush it? And when you did flush it, where would the poop go?Leonard (phone rings): Hold that thought. Hey, Howard, what‟s going on? What? Hold on, Howard, Howard, slow down. The robot hand is stuck on your what? (To Raj) You‟re not going to believe this.Scene: Penny’s car. Amy is now in the back seat.Penny: So, um, Amy, Sheldon tells me you‟re a neuro something-or-other.Amy: Neurobiologist. Your check engine light is on.Penny: Yeah, it‟s okay.Amy: But the light indicates…Sheldon: Don‟t bother. I‟ve wasted many an hour tilting at that particular windmill.Penny: Um, what is that scent you‟re wearing? It smells great.Amy: Dandruff shampoo. I have dry scalp.Penny: Ah. Well, your hair looks very nice.Amy: Are you a homosexual?Penny: No, no, I was just giving you a compliment.Amy: Hmm. Would have been more flattered if you were a homosexual.Penny: Guys, how ‟bout some music?Sheldon: Oh, no, I wouldn‟t care for that. Amy?Amy: No, thank you.Penny: Okay. Uncomfortable silence it is. Hey, Sheldon, have you told Amy what it was like for you growing up in Texas?Sheldon: No.Penny: Well, why don‟t you tell her?Sheldon: All right. It was hell.Penny: Any follow up, Amy?Amy: No.Penny: I myself grew up in Nebraska. Small town outside of Omaha. You know, nice place, mostly family farms, a few meth labs.Sheld on: I‟m sorry, how is this better than uncomfortable silence?Penny: I don‟t know. I was just trying something.Sheldon: Muggles.Scene: Howard’s bedroom.Raj: You slipped and fell into a robot hand?Howard: Yes.Raj: Penis first?Howard: Yes. Now, help me!Leonard: I‟d suggest a lubricant, but I have a feeling you fell on some of that as well.Howard: Not funny, Leonard.Raj: Really? A robot hand‟s got a death grip on your junk, dude. That‟s funny, ask anyone.Howard: Please, before my mother walks in, just get this off me!Leonard: Okay, let‟s see.Howard: No, no! Don‟t touch, the program is paused.Leonard: Well, then let‟s un-pause it.Howard: No, no! I loaded the wrong program. The hand thinks it‟s holding a screwdriver in outer space. If you continue t he program, it‟s gonna start twisting.Raj: A-All right, um, how about this. When, when Winnie the Pooh got his head stuck in the honey tree, his friends all grabbed onto him and pulled and pulled.Leonard: You do what you want, I‟m not touching another man‟s honey tree.Raj: All right, uh, forget pulling. How about we get an electric saw and cut it off?Howard: What? No saws! One circumcision was enough.Leonard: How about an acetylene torch?Howard: Okay, I can‟t believe this needs to be said out loud. No pulling, no saws, no torches.Leonard: Well, then what do you want us to do?Howard: I…Mrs Wolowitz (off): Howard, I made cookies for you and your little friends!Howard: That‟s great, Mom, thanks!Mrs Wolowitz (off): I‟ll bring them up with some Hawaiia n Punch!Howard: Don‟t come up here!Mrs Wolowitz (off): Why not?! Are you ashamed of your mother?!Howard: Yes, but that‟s not the point! Get me out of here.Leonard: You have any ideas, Raj?Raj: Right now, all I can think about is cookies and Hawaiian Punch.Scene: A restaurant.Penny: Hey, here‟s another possible topic of conversation. This is a big night for Sheldon. Right, Sheldon?Sheldon: Big night? The winter solstice is a big night. It‟s over 14 hours in Southern California.Amy: That‟s an amusing factoid.Sheldon: Thank you.Penny: No, no. My point is, uh, tonight is Sheldon‟s first official date. Discuss.Amy: Is this true?Sheldon: Apparently, a semi-incestuous Teens for Jesus Fourth of July Hoedown didn‟t count.Penny: So, um, Amy, what about you? Do you date much?Amy: Once a year. It‟s a deal I made with my mother in exchange for her silence on the matter, as well as the occasional use of her George Foreman Grill that seals in the flavour without the fat. How about you, Penny? Do you go on many dates?Penny: Uh, yeah, I wouldn‟t say many. A few. (Sheldon laugh’s strangely). What‟s (imitates Sheldon’s laugh)Sheldon: Your characterization of approximately 171 different men as a few.Penny: What? Where did you get 171 men?Sheldon: Simple extrapo lation. In the three years that I‟ve known you, you were single for two. During that time, I saw 17 different suitors. If we work backwards, correcting for observation bias and postulate an initial dating age of 15…Penny: Whoa, wait, wait, wait. I did not start dating at 15.Sheldon: I‟m sorry. 16?Penny: 14.Sheldon: My mistake. Now, assuming the left side of a bell curve peaking around the present, that would bring the total up to 193 men. Plus or minus eight men.Amy: Remarkable. Did you have sexual intercourse with all of these men?Penny: No.Sheldon: Although that number would be fairly easy to calculate.Penny: Oh.Sheldon: Based on the number of awkward encounters I‟ve had with strange men leaving her apartment in the morning, plus the number of tim es she‟s returned home wearing the same clothes she wore the night before…Penny: Okay, Sheldon, I think you‟ve made your point.Sheldon: So we multiply 193, minus 21 men before the loss of virginity, so 172 times 0.18 gives us 30.96 sexual partners. Let‟s round that up to 31.Penny: Okay, Sheldon, you are so wrong. That is not even close to the real number. I‟m gonna need a drink over here.Amy: This is very interesting. Cultural perceptions are subjective. Penny, to your mind, are you a slut?Penny: No! N o! No. Let‟s just all finish our dinners, okay?Sheldon: This is an interesting topic. How many sexual encounters have you had?Amy: Does volunteering for a scientific experiment in which orgasm was achieved by electronically stimulating the pleasure centres of the brain count?Sheldon: I should think so.Amy: Then 128.Scene: A hospital,=.Leonard: Okay, come on. Almost there.Howard: Don‟t tug. No tugging.Raj: Next time, take your own advice.Leonard: Excuse me, could you help us out?Nurse: My, my, my. What do we have here?Howard: I slipped and fell.Nurse: Yeah, we get that a lot. What is this?Howard: It‟s a robot arm.Nurse: Where‟s the rest of the robot?Howard: I only built the arm.Nurse: …Cause that‟s all you needed, right?Howard: Can you please just help me?Nurse: All right, all right. Hang on, stay calm. (Over PA system) I need an orderly with a wheelchair. I got a robot hand grasping a man‟s penis out here.Howard: You think you could be a little more discreet?Nurse: I‟m sorry, we don‟t have a code for robot hand grasping a man‟s penis. Why is it hooked up to a computer?Leonard: Uh, it‟s what controls the arm.Howard: But it‟s frozen.Nurse: Did you try turning it off and back on again?Howard: No, you see, it‟s more complicated than that. (Nurse switches off computer) No, wait! (The hand lets go) Winnie the Pooh is out of the honey tree.Raj: Now can we have cookies and Hawaiian Punch?Scene: The stairwell.Sheldon: You were right. This was a very productive evening. I saw a whole new side of Amy Farrah Fowler tonight.Penny: I did not have sex with 31 guys.Sheldon: I‟ll be happy to check the math, but numbers don‟t lie, Penny. In any event, now that Amy and I have spent quality time together, I feel much more confident proceeding to the next stage of our relationship.Penny: And that is?Sheldon: Using in vitro fertilization and a surrogate uterus to gift humanity with our progeny.Penny: You‟re still on that?Sheldon: In these uncertain times, doesn‟t humanity deserve a gift?Penny: Okay, you know what? I‟m gonna come at this in a whole new way. Sheldon, if you try to make a baby with Amy in a petri dish, I‟m gonna tell your mother on you.Sheldon: That‟s no threat. My mother‟s always wanted a grandchild.Penny: Really? Your deeply religious born-again Christian mother wants a test-tube grandbaby born out of wedlock?Sheldon: Curses.Penny: If I‟d thought of that in the first place, I could‟ve saved myself this whole night.Sheldon: Well, it‟s not that late. You could still go out and look f or number 32. Good night.Leonard (on phone): Hey, Howard, what‟s up?Sheldon: I‟ve decided not to procreate.Leonard: Yeah, yeah, great. Howard, uh, slow down. What do you mean it happened again?。

Scene: The university cafeteriaRaj: Mmm, gentlemen, I put it to you, the worst tapioca pudding is better than the best pudding of any other flavour.Sheldon: First off, that is axiomatically wrong, because the best pudding is chocolate. Secondly, the organic structure of tapioca makes it a jiggling bowl of potential death. It is extracted from the plant…Howard: Hey, I’m thinking of growing a mustache.Leonard: Ah, no kidding! A Fu Man Chu? A handlebar pencil?Sheldon: It is extracted from the plant…Howar d: I’m not sure yet. You know, George Clooney has one now!Raj: Really? I once saw him shopping at Ralph’s. He was buying tequila.Howard: Oh, you’d think a guy like that would have some kind of booze lackey. Leonard: Alright this is cruel, we better let him finish before his head explodes. Howard: Alright Sheldon, why is tapioca…Sheldon: Tapioca is extracted from the root of the plant Manihot Esculenta. Due to a high concentration of cyanide it is poisonous in its raw form and lethal if prepared improperly. Raj: Feel better now?Sheldon: It is also indigenous to Brazil, as is the Cocoa Bean, from which we get chocolate, the best pudding. And you promised you wouldn’t do that anymore!Kripke (arriving): Hey Hofstadter!Leonard: Hey Kripke.Kripke: Heard about your watest pwoton decay expewiment, twenty thousand data wuns and no statistically significant wesults. Vewy impwessive!Howard: What a jerk.Raj: Don’t feel bad Leonard, negative results are still results.Howard: Even twenty thousand of ‘em.Leonard: Alright, please don’t cheer me up anymore.Howard: C’mon, don’t let him get to you. It’s Kripke.Raj: Yeah, he’s a ginormous knob.Howard: That’s why he eats by himself, instead of sitting here at the cool table.Raj: Fo’ shizzle.Sheldon: Hey it’s true, Kripke lacks the basic social skills that we take for granted, but he also controls the new open science grid computer that I need to use to run some simulations of structure formation in the early universe.Leonard: Good luck getting time on it. The only people he lets use it are his friends. Sheldon: Well then, the solution is simple. I shall befriend him. Kripke!Kripke: Yeah?Sheldon: What’d you say of the idea of you and I becoming friends?Kripke: I would say, I have no intewest in becoming your fwiend.Sheldon: Really? That seems rather short sighted, coming from someone who is generally considered altogether unlikable. Why don’t you take some time to reconsider? Kripke: Yeah, I’ll do that.Sheldon: Well I think we’re off to a terrific start.Credits sequence.Scene: The apartment.Leonard: There you go. Now any e-mail from Wolowitz will go right into your spam folder.Penny: Thanks! I mean the e-mail doesn’t bother me as much as the vacation pictures of him in a bathing suit.Leonard: Yeah, I got the same one. And that’s not a bathing suit, it’s a tan line.Sheldon (on phone): Hello. This is Sheldon Cooper. I’m leaving a message for Barry Kripke. Barry, It was pleasant seeing you today in the cafeteria. I saw that you purchased the chef’s salad. pparently, you did not know that the chef’s salad is kitchen trickery, to utilize scrap meat. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed it. I’m following up on our pending friendship, and I look forward to hearing from you regarding its status. Sheldon Cooper. Penny: Wh at’s up with Ichabod?Leonard: Oh he’s trying to make a new friend.Penny: Oh really? Well, good for him.Leonard: Well, unless he’s makes one out of wood like Gepetto, I don’t think it’s gonna happen.Penny: Well, how did you guys become friends?Leonard: There was a flier on the bulletin board at the university. Roommate wanted. Whistlers need not apply.Penny: And you moved in anyway?Leonard: I assumed he was joking. You’d be surprised how many particle physicists have a whimsical side.Penny: Well, what about Howard and Raj, I mean how did you become friends with them?Leonard: I don’t know, how do carbon atoms form a benzene ring? Proximity and valence electrons.Penny: Well yeah, sure. When you put it that way. But it all worked out, right? Leonard: I suppose. I do miss whistling though.Penny: Oh come on, really? (Leonard whistles)Sheldon: First warning.Scene: Outside Penny’s door.Sheldon (Knock, knock, knock): Penny (knock, knock, knock) Penny (knock, knock, knock) Penny. This is for you.Penny: Hello Sheldon.Sheldon: Hi.Penny: What is this?Sheldon: It’s a questionnaire I devised. I’m having some difficulty bonding with a colleague at work, so I’m doing a little research to better understand why my current friends like me.Penny: Yes. Well, that is a good question. But is this really the best way to figure it out? Sheldon: Yeah, I agree, the social sciences are largely hokum. But, short of putting electrodes in your brain and monitoring your response to my companionship, this is thebest I can do.Penny: Okay, question 1. Rank the following aspects of Sheldon Cooper in order of appeal. Intelligence. Ruthless attention to hygiene. Playfulness. Java applet writing? Sheldon: I know, I may have started off with a fairly obvious one. You did an aspect of my most appealing trait, playfulness. Why don’t you just go ahead and write that number 1. I’m afraid you’re on your own for the rest. It should take you no more than 3 hours. Penny: Wait! How many questions are on this thing?Sheldon: Only 211. Don’t worry, in deference to you, I’ve kept them on a high school graduate reading level.Penny: Thanks pal.Sheldon: You got it, buddy.Penny: Sheldon honey, did you ever consider making friends by being, I don’t know, pleasant?Sheldon: Well that’s certainly a thought-provoking hypothesis. May I suggest it as the topic for your essay.Scene: The apartment. Sheldon is reading one of the questionnaires. He tuts.Sheldon: Your questionnaire, very disappointing.Leonard: I answered every question Sheldon.Sheldon: You answered the multiple choice questions in a pattern. A B B A C. A B B A C. Leonard: Aw, you picked up on that huh?Sheldon: How could I not?Leonard: Come on! There’s over 200 questions. And look at some of these things. Sheldon is to camaraderie, as the space shuttle is to blank?Sheldon: There are a number of acceptable answers, for example, C: near earth transport, but certainly not B: avocado rancher. And your essay, suggesting that I’d have better luck making friends if I wait ’til the Cylons take over? Please.Leonard: Hold on. I put some real work into that!Sheldon: Yes, well it’s better than what Wolowitz did. He drew a raccoon with what appears to be, a distended scrotum.Leonard: It’s kinda cute, until you get to the scrotum.Sheldon: What hope do I have for establishing new relationships given that my current friends apparently cannot take a few hours out of their lives to help me?Leonard: Sheldon, I’m not going to defend a big bald raccoon.Sheldon: I don’t see how you could.Leonard: What I’m trying to say is that, maybe you can’t approach this as a purely intellectual exercise.Sheldon: What do you mean!?Leonard: Well, remember when you tried to learn how to swim using the internet? Sheldon: I did learn how to swim.Leonard: On the floor.Sheldon: The skills are transferrable. I just have no interest in going in the water. Leonard: Then why learn how to swim?Sheldon: The ice caps are melting Leonard. In the future, swimming isn’t going to be optional. But you do bring up an interesting po int. I don’t have to break new ground here,I’m sure much of the research already exists.Leonard: No! no, my point is, if you want to learn how to make friends, then just go out to a coffee shop or a museum. Meet people. Talk to them. Take an interest in their lives. Sheldon: That’s insane on the face of it. Come on.Leonard: Where are we going?Sheldon: You’re driving me to the mall. I’m going to acquire a book that summarizes the current theories in the field of friendmaking.Leonard: Why don’t you just lie down on the floor and swim there?Scene: A bookshop.Sheldon: Coping with the death of a loved one. My condolences.Woman in queue: Thank you.Sheldon: Family or friend?Woman: Family.Sheldon: Too bad. If it’d been a friend, I’m available to fill the void. (Woman moves away)It’s just as well, she smelled like moth balls.Leonard: Okay, if you’re gonna start sniffing people, I’m gonna go get a hot pretzel. Sheldon: Excuse me. Do you have any books about making friends?Bookstore employee: Um, yeah but they’re all for little kids.Sheldon: I assume the skills can be extrapolated and transferred.Employee: Uh, I guess. They’re right over there by the wooden train set.Sheldon: Oh! I love trains!Employee: I bet you do.Sheldon (picks up train): Oh my! Tha t’s awfully sticky. Alright, let’s see. Bernie Bunny has Two Daddies Now. It’s probably about homosexual rabbits. Jerry the Gerbil and the Bullies on the Bus. Read it, not helpful. Oh! Here we go. Stu the Cockatoo is New at the Zoo. Author Sarah Carpenter lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana, with her husband and best friend Mark, and their cockatoos too. Hardly makes her an expert in making friends, wouldn’t you agree?Little girl: I don’t like birds, they scare me.Sheldon: Me too! Most people don’t see it. What are you reading?Girl: Curious George.Sheldon: Oh I do like monkeys!Girl: Curious George is a monkey.Sheldon: Somewhat anthropomorphized but yes. Say, maybe sometime you and I can go see monkeys together. Would you like that?Girl: Okay.Leonard: Sheldon, what are you doing?Sheldon: I’m making friends with this little girl. What’s your name?Girl: Rebecca.Sheldon: Hi Rebecca, I’m your new friend, Sheldon.Leonard: No you’re not, let’s go.Sheldon: We were really hitting it off.Leonard: Don’t look up, there’s cameras.Scene: The stairwell.Raj: I’m curious. In the “How Well Do You Know Sheldon” section, what do you put for his favourite amino acid?Leonard and Howard: Lysine.Raj: Damn it. I had Lysine and changed it.Sheldon: Oh good! You’re just in time. I believe I’ve isolated the algorithm for making friends.Leonard: Sheldon, there is no algorithm for making friends!Howard: Hear him out. If he’s really on to something, we can open a booth at Comic-Con, make a fortune.Sheldon: See, my initial approach to Kripke, had the same deficiencies as those that plagued Stu the Cockatoo, when he was new at the zoo.Raj: Stu the cockatoo?Leonard: Yes, he’s new at the zoo.Sheldon: It’s a terrific book. I’ve distilled its essence into a simple flowchart that wo uld guide me through the process.Howard: Have you thought about putting him in a crate while you’re out of the apartment?Sheldon (on phone): Hello, Kripke. Yes, Sheldon Cooper here. It occurred to me you hadn’t returned any of my calls because I hadn’t o ffered any concrete suggestions for pursuing our friendship. Perhaps the two of us might share a meal together… I see. Well then perhaps you’d have time for a hot beverage. Popular choices include tea, coffee, cocoa… I see. No, no, no, wait. Don’t hang up yet. What about a recreational activity? I bet we share some common interests. Tell me an interest of yours. Really? On actual horses? Tell me another interest of yours. Oh no, I’m sorry, I have no desire to get in the water until I absolutely have to. Tell me another interest of yours.Leonard: Uh-oh, he’s stuck in an infinite loop.Howard: I can fix it.Sheldon: Mmhmm. Mmhmm. It’s interesting. But isn’t ventriloquism, by definition, a solo activity? Yeah? Tell me another interest of yours. Hmmm. Is there any chance you like monkeys? What is wrong with you? Everybody likes monkeys. Hang on, Kripke. (Checking changes Howard has made to his flowchart)A loop counter? And an escape to the least objectionable activity! Howard, that’s brilliant! I’m surprised you saw that. Howard: Gee. Why can’t Sheldon make friends?Sheldon: Alright Kripke, that last interest strikes me as the least objectionable and I would like to propose that we do that together. Tomorrow. Yes, I’ll pay. Alright, goodbye. Alright! Time to learn rock climbing.Scene: Rock climbing centre. Sheldon and Kripke are watching someone descend the practice wall.Sheldon: You know, I am a fan of ventriloquism. Maybe you, me and your dummy could go get a hot beverage. He could talk while you drink.Kripke: Nope, I wanna climb some wocks.Sheldon: This appears significantly more monolithic than it did on my laptop. No, one expects to see Hominids learning to use bones as weapeons.Kripke: You afwaid of heights, Cooper?Sheldon: Hardly. Fear of heights is illogical. Fear of falling, on the other hand, is prudent and evolutionary. What would you say is the minimum altitude I need to achieve to cement our new-found friendship?Kripke: Come on, they have birthday parties here. Wittle kids climb this.Sheldon: Little kid Hominids, perhaps. (To man who attaches him to ropes)Is this your entire job? Your parents must be so proud.Kripke: Let’s go, Cooper.Sheldon: Coming, Kripke. Okay. Harness seems to be secure. Small amount of incontinence just now, but the websit e said that’s to be expected. Hey, this isn’t so bad.A bit like vertical swimming.Kripke: Hey, look at you, Cooper. You’re almost halfway to the top.Sheldon: I am? I was wrong. It IS a fear of heights.Kripke:You alwight there, Cooper?Sheldon: Not real ly. I feel somewhat like an inverse tangent function that’s approaching an asymptote.Kripke: Are you saying you’re stuck?Sheldon: What part of an inverse tangent function approaching an asymptote did you not understand?Kripke: Understood all that. I’m n ot a mowon. Just keep going.Sheldon: Yeah, I don’t think I can.Kripke: Well, then. Cwimb back down.Sheldon: No, that doesn’t seem any more likely.Kripke: So what’s the pwan, Cooper?Sheldon: Well, it’s not exactly a plan but I think I’m going to pass o ut.Scene: The apartment.Leonard: I’m sorry. Can we please just do it one more time?Howard: Okay. 1, 2, 1, 2, 3 and… (Leonard, Howard and Raj whistle “Sweet Georgia Brown” together)Leonard: It’s a little thing but you really do miss it.Sheldon: Hello, everyone. I brought my new friend, Barry Kripke, home for dinner. Together: Oh…Kripke: Hewo to you, too.Leonard: How was rock climbing?Kripke: He passed out. Just hung there like a big sawami.Sheldon: D-d-d! That’s where I sit.Kripke: Ooh, you have a special spot. What kind of wacko are you?Howard: How much time you got?Leonard: Want some Chinese food?Kripke: Tewific. Got any dental fwoss?Leonard: In the bathroom.Kripke: Be right back. I gotta fwoss the Indian food out of my teeth if I’m gonna eat Chinese.Penny: Sheldon, are you okay?Sheldon: Oh yes, I pass out all the time. But, it was worth it. I’ve made substantial progress in bonding with Kripke, which brings me to an awkward moment.Leonard: What’s that?Sheldon: Maintaining five friendships promises to be a Herculean task. So, I’m going to have to let one of you go.Howard: Me, me. Let it be me.Sheldon: Leonard, you are my roommate, my source of transportation and you help me fold my sheets when they come out of the dryer. You are safe.Leonard: Can I whistle?Sheldon: Don’t be silly. Howard, you do not have a PhD, your cologne is an assault on the senses and you’re not available for video games during the Jewish high holidays. Howard: Guilty as charged. I’m out.Sheldon: No. You, too, are safe.Howard: Oh come on. What do I have to do?Penny: Okay. You know what? I see where this is going. I’m not one of you guys. I’m not a scientist. So just…Sheldon: Penny, Penny, Penny. Everything you’re saying is true, but please allow me to continue. Ra j, you’re out. The good question, while you do provide a certain cultural diversity to an otherwise homogenous group, your responses to the questionnaire were truly disturbing. How could you, for a moment, think that my favourite amino acid is Glutamine?Leonard: He had Lysine but changed it.Sheldon: Yeah. Shoulda, woulda coulda, Raj.Kripke: I like to fwoss before I eat, so my gum pockets are open for new food.Penny: Eww.Kripke: Hewo. How did I walk past you? I’m Bawy.Penny: Penny.Kripke: Yeah, it’s not a vewy hot name. I’m gonna call your Woxanne. Ooh, pot stickers. Howard: Suddenly I’m looking pretty good, huh?Sheldon: So uh, Kripke, I was wondering if there’s any chance you could get me some time on the open science grid computer.Kripke: No.Sheld on: No? But we’re friends!Kripke: I’m sowy. No, my fwiend?Sheldon: I’m confused. I was given an understanding that you allow your friends time on the machine?Kripke: No, that’s wong. There’s an official schedule. I have no contwol over it. Sheldon: Oh. This entire endeavour seems to have been an exercise in futility. Raj, you’re back in. He likes monkeys.Scene: The climbing centre.Howard: You gotta give him credit for sticking with it.Leonard: I didn’t think he had it in him.Raj: He almost made it to the top this time.Sheldon is seen dangling from the ropes。

Script compiled bywww.big-bang-forum.deTHE address for geeks and …The Big Bang Theory“ fans!THE BIG BANG THEORYbyChuck Lorre & Bill PradySeason 2, Episode 20 (s02e20)Title: The Hofstadter Isotope---> Dialog only <---SHELDONHahhh. Hahhh.LEONARDProblem?SHELDONThis is Thai food.HOWARDHere we go.SHELDONWe don't have Thai food onThursday. We have pizza onThursday.LEONARDYes, but we all agreed that thethird Thursday of every month wouldbe Anything Can Happen Thursday.SHELDONWell, apparently the news didn'treach my digestive system, which,when startled, has it's own versionof Anything Can Happen Thursday.HOWARDCome on, the whole idea behindAnything Can Happen Thursday is toget out of this rut we've been inlately.SHELDONRut? I think you mean consistency.And if we're going to abandon that,then why even call it Thursday?Let's call it …Quonko Day“ anddivide it into 29 hours of 17 minutes apiece, and celebrate it by sacrificing a goat to the mighty god Ra.RAJESHI could go for some goat.LEONARDSheldon, we agreed we'd do something different tonight.SHELDONAll right. Let's go to the comic book store.RAJESHWe went to the comic book storelast night.SHELDONLast night was Wednesday. Wednesday is comic-book night. Tonight, we'll be going on Thursday, because it's Anything Can Happen Thursday.LEONARDWay to think outside but pressed right up against the box, Sheldon.RAJESHSo what are we going to do tonight?HOWARDIf I may proffer a suggestion, in bars all across this great nationof ours, Thursday night is Ladies' Night. Which means, as the evening progresses, we will get better looking courtesy of 99-cent margaritas and two-for-one Jell-O shots.LEONARDCome on, Howard, the odds of us picking up girls in a bar are practically zero.HOWARDOh, uh, really? Are you familiar with the Drake equation?SHELDONThe one that estimates the odds of making contact withextraterrestrials by calculatingthe product of an increasingly restrictive series of fractional values such as those stars with planets, and those planets likelyto develop life? N equals R times FP times NE times FL times FI times FC times L?HOWARDYeah, that one. You can modify itto calculate our chances of having sex by changing the formula to use the number of single women in Los Angeles, the number of those who might find us attractive, and what I call the Wolowitz Coefficient.RAJESHThe Wolowitz Coefficient?HOWARDNeediness times dress-size squared. Crunching the numbers, I come up with a conservative 5812 potential sex partners within a 40-mile radius.LEONARDYou're joking.HOWARDI'm a horny engineer, Leonard. I never joke about math or sex.RAJESHWell, what are we waiting for?Let's bounce, bitches.LEONARDOh, you're right. It's Anything Can Happen Thursday. Let's hit theclubs and meet hot women.RAJESHHere we go. Lock up your daughters. We're gonna hit it and quit it.LEONARDOr we could finish eating and go to the comic book store.RAJESHAlso a good plan.HOWARDAll right. But next Anything Can Happen Thursday, we're definitely going to a bar.LEONARDOh absolutely.RAJESHYou heard that, Ladies' Night ladies? We're eventually coming for you.SHELDONFascinating.============================================ THEME SONG ===========================================PENNYOh, hey, guys. Where're you headed?SHELDONTo the comic book store. You're probably thinking, …The comic book store? On a Thursday? Why, I've fallen down the rabbit hole andinto a land of madness.“ What you have failed to take into account, Penny, is that this is Anything Can Happen Thursday.PENNYYou got me. Oh, hey, while you're there, could pick me up a few comics for my nephew's birthday?SHELDONNo, I think you mean comic books. Comics are feeble attempts at humor featuring talking babies and anthropomorphized pets found traditionally in the optimistically named …funny pages.“PENNYLeonard, could you pick me up a few comics for my nephew's birthday?LEONARDSure. What does he like?PENNYUh, I don't know, he's 13. Justpick out anything.SHELDONJust pick out anything? Or maybe at the same time we can pick out a new suit for him without knowing his size. Or pick out his career for him without knowing his aptitude. Or pick out a new breakfast cereal without knowing his fiber requirements. Or his feelings about little marshmallows.PENNYSpider-Man. Get him Spider-Man.SHELDONAmazing Spider-Man, UltimateSpider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man, The Marvelous Adventures of Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2099?PENNYLeonard?LEONARDYou know this can go on all night. Why don't you just come with us?PENNYUgh. That's what I was trying to avoid.SHELDONOh, I forgot Sensational Spider-ManPENNYOh, what a cute, little store. Everybody's staring at me.LEONARDDon't worry, they're more scared of you than you are of them.PENNYUnlikely. Here, what about this one for my nephew?SHELDONA superb choice.PENNYOh, great.SHELDONProvided he has already readInfinite Crisis and 52, and is familiar with the reestablishmentof the DC multiverse.PENNYUh what's a Multiverse?SHELDONGet her out of here.LEONARDCome on, I'll help you pick something.RAJESHThat's right. She's with us. Guys like that are so pathetic.HOWARDTell me about it. Oh look, a new Batman belt buckle.STUARTOh, hey, Leonard. Can I help you find something?LEONARDOh, hey, Stuart. This is Penny.She's just looking for some comic books.STUARTOh, really? Wow. Blink twice ifyou're here against your will.PENNYHa.LEONARDI think we're fine, Stuart.STUARTOkay. Well, let me know if you need anything.PENNYThanks. Oh, he seems like a nice guy.LEONARDYou mean for someone who's into comic books?PENNYNo, no, no. I just meant for... Yeah.LEONARDPenny, just because people appreciate comic books doesn't make them weirdos. Stuart's a terrific artist. He went to the Rhode Island School of Design.PENNYOkay, what about the guy over there in the superhero T-shirt tuckedinto his sweatpants?LEONARDOh, yeah, that's Captain Sweatpants. He doesn't really help the point I'm trying to make.HOWARDGot it. [26 times]SHELDONGot it. [26 times]SHELDON, HOWARDNeed it.HOWARDLet it go, Sheldon.SHELDONWhy should I let it go? I saw it first.HOWARDYes, but I saw it from the front.SHELDONA far less impressive feat.HOWARDOh, come on, I need this for my Batman collection.SHELDONWell, I need it for my Robin collection.HOWARDRock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock?SHELDONWhy would I gamble? It's mine. Let go.HOWARDYou let go.SHELDONNo, you.LEONARDProblem?SHELDONYes he won't let go of my comic book.HOWARDIt's my comic book.SHELDONLeonard, we need a ruling.LEONARDUh, cut it in half?PENNYExcuse me.STUARTOh, hello again.PENNYHi. Uh, what would you recommend as a present for a 13-year-old boy?STUARTA 13-year-old girl. But if you're dead set on a comic book, try this.PENNYOh. …Hellblazer.“ What's this about?STUARTA morally ambiguous confidence man who smokes, has lung cancer and is tormented by the spirits of the undead.PENNYWell, if it doesn't make me thefavorite aunt, I don't know what will. Is this me?STUARTDepends. Do you like it?PENNYWow, it's really good.STUARTYes, that's you.PENNYThat's so sweet, but what if Ididn't like it?STUARTIt'd still be you, but I'd feellike an idiot.LEONARDI don't believe it. Stuart'sputting the moves on Penny.HOWARDI have got to learn how to draw. Hey.SHELDONOnce again, defeated by your own prurient interests.RAJESHGuys, have you seen Stuart all upin Penny's business over there?LEONARDNobody's up in anybody's business. Let's just buy our stuff and go.PENNYOkay, you've got my number. Now, give me the picture.STUARTAll right. You drive a hard bargain, but here.PENNYAll right. So, um, just give me a call.STUARTMm-hm.SHELDONSo Leonard, how are you enjoying Anything Can Happen Thursday? Look at that. That's a dent. Thank you, Howard …Ham-Fisted“ Wolowitz. Did you just shut the TV off in the middle of the classic …Deep Space Nine/Star Trek: The Original Series Trouble With Tribbles crossoverepisode“?LEONARDApparently so.SHELDONAre you ill?LEONARDNo.SHELDONAll right. Then is it fair to say that you're experiencing some sort of emotional turmoil over the events involving Penny earlier this evening?LEONARDWhen did you pick up on that?SHELDONA moment ago, when you turned off the TV in the middle of the classic …Deep Space Nine/Star Trek: The Original Series Trouble With Tribbles crossover episode.“ Would you like some advice?LEONARDSure, why not?SHELDONThen, this is the perfect time to launch a blog with an interactive comments section.LEONARDGee, thanks a lot.SHELDONWould you rather I offer mypersonal insight?LEONARDNo, I don't need any insights. I just wanna know why Penny's more interested in Stuart than me. We're practically the same guy.SHELDONOh, I disagree. You know, Stuart is taller, artistic, self-employed and, most significantly, he gets 45 percent off comic books.LEONARDYou're right. I really should be asking strangers on the Internet.SHELDONMy original point. Chinese food, vintage video games. After the nightmare of Anything Can HappenThursday, this is Friday night the way it was meant to be.HOWARDWho's up for Sheldon-Free Saturday?PENNYOh, hey, guy's.LEONARDHey, Penny and Stuart. Hey, Stuart.STUARTHey, guys.HOWARDSo what are you kids up to?PENNYStuart has a piece in an art show that's opening tonight.LEONARDAnd you guys are going together. Great.STUARTIt is great. Really great. Freaking awesome. What are you guys doing?PENNYIt's Friday night, that means Chinese food and vintage video games, right?SHELDONVintage doesn't even begin to describe what we have planned. Tonight, we are playing the classic 1980 interactive text adventure, …Zork.“ It's the buggy beta version.PENNYWow, …Zork.“ Well, you guys have fun.LEONARDYeah.STUARTSee you guys.HOWARDSee you, Stuart.LEONARDHey, Howard?HOWARDYes.LEONARDTake me to a bar with women.HOWARDReally?LEONARDYeah.HOWARDOkay. Let me just go inside and slip off my underwear.LEONARDWhy?HOWARDWell, if I get lucky, I don't want to be caught in my Aquaman briefs.LEONARDDo you...? Let's go.RAJESHMay I have a grasshopper with a little umbrella, please?HOWARDNo, he may not.RAJESHWhy?HOWARDI'm not sitting here with a guy drinking a grasshopper with alittle umbrella.RAJESHFine. I'll have a chocolate martini.HOWARDWrong again.RAJESHCome on. You know I can't talk to women unless I'm lit up like the Hindu festival of Diwali.HOWARDLook. There are plenty of bars in Los Angeles where you can order grasshoppers and chocolate martinis, but you wouldn't have to because there are no women in them.RAJESHGotcha. I'll have a Brandy Alexander.HOWARDAll right, the Three Musketeers just became the Dynamic Duo.LEONARDShould we talk to some of these women?HOWARDNo, it's way too early in the night for that. See first we let the lawyers and the jocks thin the herd, and then we go after the weak and the old and the lame.LEONARDThat's your system?HOWARDThat's my system. And if you spot a chick with a Seeing Eye dog, she's mine.PENNYOh, come on. I think it's nice that Captain Sweatpants showed up to your art opening.STUARTYeah, it would've been nicer if he hadn't touched all the cheese.PENNYUm, you know, it's kinda early. Do you wanna maybe come in for some coffee?STUARTOh, gee, it's a little late for coffee, isn't it?PENNYOh, you think …coffee“ means coffee. That is so sweet. Come on, I think I have decaf.SHELDONOh, good, Stuart. I thought I heard your voice. Do you have a moment?STUARTUh, yeah, I guess.PENNYSheldon, we're a little busy here, so...SHELDONWhat are you doing?STUARTWe're having coffee.SHELDONIsn't it a little late for coffee?STUARTIt's okay. She thinks she has decaf.I'll just go look for it.SHELDONWhat's up? I've spent the lastthree hours in an online debate in the DC Comics Batman chatroom, and I need your help.STUARToh, yeah. Those guys can be very stubborn. What's the topic?SHELDONI am asserting, in the event that Batman's death proves permanent,the original Robin, Dick Grayson,is the logical successor to the Bat Cowl.STUARTOoh, Sheldon, I'm afraid youcouldn't be more wrong.SHELDONMore wrong? Wrong is an absolute state and not subject to gradation.STUARTOf course it is. It's a little wrong to say a tomato is a vegetable. It's very wrong to sayit's a suspension bridge. But returning to the original issue, Dick Grayson became Nightwing, a superhero in his own right. …Batman Two“ has to be the second Robin, Jason Todd.SHELDON…Has to be“? …Has to be“? I hope you're being deliberately provocative.PENNYI found the decaf.STUARTOh, great.SHELDONHerbal tea for me, please.RAJESHBarkeep, Alexander me.LEONARDHow about those two?HOWARDNo, they're eating peanuts. And my allergies, one kiss would put me in Cedars-Sinai for a week.What about the ones in the corner?HOWARDPossible. Very possible. You want the one in the whiplash collar or the one who keeps blinking?LEONARDI think Blinky's cute.HOWARDDone, sir.LEONARDWait. So we just go over there?HOWARDNo. We have a little prep work to do. Put this in your mouth. We walk past them, you stumble a bit. I say, sorry, my friend's had alittle too much and then I start to pull it out of your mouth and say, …A little too much fun.“ Get it? They're laughing, we're laughing. Then we get them up to about apoint-one-five blood alcohol level, and tell them we're millionaires.LEONARDWhat else you got?HOWARDDepends. Are you willing to sit on my lap and pretend to be a ventriloquist dummy?LEONARDNo.HOWARDI can't sit on your lap. You don't know the routine.STUARTI'm sorry, but you're obviously stuck in a pre-…Zero Hour“ DC universe.SHELDONNow of course I am. Removing Joe Chill as the killer of Batman's parents effectively deprived him of his raison d'être.STUARTOkay you can throw all the French around you want, it doesn't make you right.SHELDONAu contraire.Plus, you're forgetting that the …Infinite Crisis“ storylinerestored Joe Chill to the Batman mythology.SHELDONI am forgetting nothing and Iresent your tone.STUARTOkay. Look, Sheldon, it's late.I've got to get some sleep.SHELDONSo, I win.STUARTNo, I'm tired.SHELDONSo, I win.STUARTFine. You win.SHELDONDarn tootin', I win.STUARTPenny, I really had a terrific time. Penny?SHELDONNo, no, no, no, don't wake her.She'll maul you like a rabid wolverine.STUARTYou know, I don't think that was decaf.HOWARDWait. Is this your card or isn't it? Trust me. This was their card.LEONARDI thought you were good at this. You're always talking about how you go to bars and meet women.HOWARDI do, all the time.LEONARDWell, what happened? We've been sitting here all night and the longest conversation you've hadwith a woman was when your mom called.HOWARDWow, you're just gonna make me comeout and say it, aren't you?LEONARDSay what?HOWARDYou're weighing me down. I'm a falcon who hunts better solo.LEONARDFine. I'll sit here. You takeflight and hunt.HOWARDDon't be ridiculous. You can't tell a falcon when to hunt.LEONARDActually, you can. There's a whole sport built around it. Falconry.HOWARDShut up. Let's just getKoothrappali and go. Lucky bastard. It's gotta be that stupid accent of his. Hello. [in Indian accent: I am Sanjay Wolowitz from Bombay.] Okay, I'm stumped.THE END。

看 Big Bang Theory 学英语第二季9集: The White Asparagus Triangulation-Sheldon:Penny, hello.Penny 你好。
-Penny:Hey, Sheldon.好呀 Sheldon。
-Sheldon:What is shaking?shake:摇动有啥新鲜事不?-Penny:I'm sorry?你说什么呢?-Sheldon:It's colloquial, a conversation opener.colloquial:口语的 opener:开场白一个口语化的开场白。
So, do you find the weather satisfying?satisfying:令人满意的天气很怡人,对吧?Are you currently sharing in the triumph some local sports team?triumph:胜利 local:本地的为最近本地球队的胜绩兴奋吧?-Penny:What's wrong with you? You're freaking me out.freak:反常你到底咋了? 这样怪吓人的。
-Sheldon:I'm striking up a casual conversation with you.strike up:开始(交谈)casual:随便的我在跟你闲聊哇。
S'up?S'up:(黑人土语)最近怎么样咋样?-Penny:Please don't do that.你行行好,别这样。
-Sheldon:All right, but I'm given to understand that when you have something awkward to discuss with someone, it's more palatable to preface it with banal chit chat. awkward:尴尬的 discuss:谈论 palatable:合意的 preface with:以…为讲话的开端 banal:乏味的 chit chat:闲聊好吧,但我以为当你准备与某人交谈尴尬之事前,先用闲聊做些铺垫会自在一些。

"Love is in the air?WRONG!Nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide are in the air.爱在空气中?错!只有氮气、氧气和二氧化碳在空气中。
"Very often when women think theyre angry, theyre really just hungry.女人常以为自己在生气,其实只是肚子饿了而已啦。
"It occurs to me you could solve all your problems by obtaining more money.依我看,你全部问题都可以通过多挣点钱来解决。
"-Ive dated plenty of women. There was Joyce Kim, Leslie Winkle.-Notify the editors of the Oxford Englishg Dictionary, the word plenty has been redefined to mean two.基友莱纳德:我有很多约会经受啊,有 Joyce 和 Leslie......贫嘴谢耳朵:哦,快告知牛津字典的编辑,很多= 2 个。
"You sure your mothlike personality wont be drawn to this blazing fire that is myself?你确定以你飞蛾扑火的性格,不会被我这熊熊的烈火吸引吗?直到谢耳朵遇到了同样宠爱科学的艾米,他们一起探讨学术,也一起度过生活中很多琐碎的时光,在不知不觉间,谢耳朵也渐渐成为一个土味情话张口就来的技术宅!"You look like a pile of swans.哇!你真美,美得像一群天鹅。
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-Howard: Let's go to the tape. Look at her reaction to the good night kiss.
lame: 跛足的,僵痛的,不完全的
-Leonard: Okay, all right, let's assume your hypothesis. We went to dinner, we talked, we laughed, we kissed.
assume: 假定,设想 hypothesis: 假设
Where could I have possibly gone wrong?
possibly: 可能地,也许
-Howard: Think back, Leonard. The littlest things can set women off. Like, "Hey, the
jaw: 咽喉 clench: 牢牢抓住,钉紧 tongue: 舌头 access: 进入 mating: 交配
-Leonard: That's not a bad sign.
看生活大爆炸学英语第二季 1集 The Bad Fish Paradigm
-Leonard: So you see, what you are eating is not technically yogurt, because it doesn't have enough live acidophilus cultures.
-Leonard: Bite me. Sheldon, how could you just sit there Sheldon and let them spy on me?
bite me : 去死了你(过来打我吧) spy: 暗中监视,暗中观察
-Sheldon: They were clever, Leonard. They exploited my complete lack of interest in what you were doing.
-Penny: Or we could just wing it.
wing: [美国俚语]临时准备;临时凑成
-Leonard: That might work, too.
-Penny: Good night, Leonard.
-Leonard: What was your question again?
-Penny: Do you want some?
-Leonard: Oh... Right. No. I'm lactose intolerant. Right. So, gas.
technically: 技术上的,学术上的 yogurt: 酸奶 acidophilus: 嗜酸的
It's really just ice milk with carrageenan added for thickness.
carrageenan: 卡拉胶 thickness: 厚度
-Howard: Good, 'cause they don't work.
-Raj: They also don't care for it. If you stare at them and hyperventilate. Sadly, that's my
-Raj: Nice close-up, by the way.
close-up: 特写镜头
-Sheldon: Interesting. Her jaws are clenched, no tongue access. Clearly a bad sign amongst mating humans.
lactose: 乳糖 intolerant: 不能容忍的(偏执的)
-Penny: Yeah, got it.
-Leonard: Well... good night.
-Penny: What are you doing?
home run swing.
stare at: 凝视 hyperventilate: 换气过度;强力呼吸
-Leonard: Look, everything went fine. I didn't even have to refer to my impromptu conversation starters. That woman across the hall is into me.
generation: 后代 determine: 决定,确定 crash and burn: 彻底失败;累垮
-Leonard: What are you talking about? The date went fine.
slow down: 减速
-Leonard: No, no, I didn't mean to go into your apartment to go fast.
apartment: 公寓
-Penny: No, I know. I know what you meant, it's just... this is only our first date.
-Leonard: Good night.
-Raj: He's coming-- screensaver!
screensaver: 屏幕保护动画
-Howard: Oh, hey, Leonard. How was your date?
gonna=going to spit out: 吐出
-Raj: You being the fish.
-Leonard: I'm not the fish.
-Howard: Oh, really? Did you make a second date?
figure out: 算出,想出,理解
And then rate of speed equals distance over time. Solve for R.
distance: 距离
-Penny: Oh, that's very interesting.
-Leonard: It's also not pink and has no berries.
berry: 浆果类
-Penny: Yeah, but it doesn't really answer my question.
lack of: 缺乏
-Howard: You should thank us. When future generations try to determine why your relationship with Penny crashed and burned this right here is the black b Oh, there's a draft.
-Penny: I didn't feel a draft.
-Leonard: Why don't we just go into, uh, your...
-Penny: Oh. Yeah, you know what; maybe we should slow things down a little.
Or, "How much does your mom weigh? I want to know what I'm getting into."