


电厂营业中断保险费率 保险条款开发


一、扩展类K01.包括全部营业额条款K02.未保险的维持费用条款K03.通道堵塞条款K04.谋杀等条款K05.公众事业设备扩展条款K06.遗失欠款账册条款K07.恢复保险金额条款K08.每月预付赔款扩展条款K09.调整保险费条款K10.保单取消条款K11.不得进入条款K12.承包商/供应商条款 K13.顾客/供应商/承包商条款K14.物质损失放弃免赔条款K15.关闭营业处所/设施条款K16.审计师条款 K17.通道受阻条款 K18.炸弹恐吓条款 (只适用于财产利润损失险)K19.政府法令条款 (不超过连续10星期)K20.营业费用增加条款K21.相关性条款K22.累积存货条款二、规范类G01.部门条款G02.账目分类条款G03.会计师条款G04.违反保险条件条款G05.错误及遗漏描述条款G06.保费调整条款G07.保险人90天通知取消保险或拒绝续保条款G08.新业务条款G09.产量条款G10.经营部门条款G11.新营业条款G12.预付赔款条款G13.不具名供应商及顾客扩展条款G14.放弃代位权条款一、扩展类K01.包括全部营业额条款在赔偿期限内如果为获得营业收入,被保险人或他人代其在营业处所以外的地点,销售货物或提供服务,则有关这项销售或服务所给付或应给付的金额,在计算赔偿期限的营业额时应包括在内。


本保险合同所称维持费用是指被保险人为维持正常的营业活动而发生的、不随被保险人营业收入的减少而成正比例减少的成本或费用。约 定的维持费用由投保人自行确定,经保险人确认后在保险合同中载明。
第十八条 除另有约定外,投保人应在保险合同成立时一次性支付全部保险费。保险费交付前发生的保险事故,保险人不承担赔偿责 任。
第十九条 被保险人应当遵守国家有关消防、安全、生产操作、劳动保护等方面规定,加强管理,采取合理的预防措施,尽力避免或减少 责任事故的发生,维护保险标的的安全。
保险人可以对被保险人遵守前款约定的情况进行检查,向投保人、被保险人提出消除不安全因素和隐患的书面建议,投保人、被保险人应 该认真付诸实施。
第四条 发生第三条约定的保险事故后,被保险人申请赔偿时,按照保险人的要求提供有关账表、账表审计结果或其他证据所付给被保险 人聘请的注册会计师的合理的、必要的费用(以下简称“审计费用”),保险人在本保险合同约定的赔偿限额内也负责赔偿。
第一条 本保险合同由保险条款、投保单、保险单或其他保险凭证以及批单组成。凡涉及本保险合同的约定,均应采用书面形式。

中国大地财产保险股份有限公司营业中断保险条款总则第一条 本保险合同由保险条款、投保单、保险单或其他保险凭证以及批单组成。
第一条第二条 投保人应将被保险人在本保险合同载明的营业处所从事载明的经营业务(以下简称“营业”)所使用的物质财产向保险人投保相第二条关的物质财产损失保险。
保险责任第三条 在保险期间内,被保险人因物质损失保险合同主险条款所承保的风险造成营业所使用的物质财产遭受损失(以下简称“物质保险第三条损失”),导致被保险人营业受到干扰或中断,由此产生的赔偿期间内的毛利润损失,保险人按照本保险合同的约定负责赔偿。
第四条第四条 发生第三条约定的保险事故后,被保险人申请赔偿时,按照保险人的要求提供有关账表、账表审计结果或其他证据所付给被保险人聘请的注册会计师的合理的、必要的费用(以下简称“审计费用”),保险人在本保险合同约定的赔偿限额内也负责赔偿。
责任免除第五条 保险人不负责赔偿下列损失:(一)投保人、被保险人的故意或重大过失行为产生或扩大的任何损失;;(二)由于物质损失保险合同主险条款责任范围以外的原因产生或扩大的损失;(二)由于物质损失保险合同主险条款责任范围以外的原因产生或扩大的损失(三)地震、海啸及其次生灾害产生或扩大的损失;(四)由于政府对受损财产的修建或修复的限制而产生或扩大的损失;(五)恐怖主义活动产生或扩大的损失;产生或扩大的损失;(五)恐怖主义活动(六)本保险合同载明的免赔额或本保险合同约定的免赔期内的损失。

中国平安财产保险股份有限公司 保险产品目录

条款名称平安个人抵押商品住房综合保险平安个人购置住房抵押贷款保证保险平安国内贸易信用保险平安国内特定合同贸易信用保险平安国内贸易贷款信用保险外派劳务人员履约保证保险雇员忠诚保证保险雇员忠诚保证保险附加险平安产品质量保证保险平安产品质量保证保险境外产品扩展平安机动车辆道路救援保险机动车辆保险机动车单程提车保险摩托车,拖拉机保险电话营销专用机动车辆保险财产基本险财产综合险财产一切险财产险附加险财产一切险,财产综合险附加机器设备损坏保险营业中断保险营业中断保险附加险现金保险(1994版) 平安现金保险平安计算机综合保险平安锅炉压力容器综合保险平安电梯安全综合保险平安电梯安全综合保险附加电梯乘员精神损害赔偿责任保险平安银行业综合保险活动意外取消保险艺术品保险平安电子设备保险平安高尔夫球场(俱乐部)综合保险平安恒利达企业综合保险平安汽车生产商成品车损失保险平安汽车生产商成品车损失保险附加险平安珠宝一切险平安码头综合保险平安码头综合保险附加险平安展览会财产保险平安展览会财产保险附加险平安工程机械设备保险平安工程机械设备保险附加险平安企业贷款综合保险备案险种保证保险保证保险信用保险信用保险信用保险保证保险保证保险保证保险保证保险保证保险其他车险车险车险车险企业财产保险。
一、扩展类K01.包括全部营业额条款K02.未保险的维持费用条款K03.通道堵塞条款K04.谋杀等条款K05.公众事业设备扩展条款K06.遗失欠款账册条款K07.恢复保险金额条款K08.每月预付赔款扩展条款K09.调整保险费条款K10.保单取消条款K11.不得进入条款K12.承包商/供应商条款K13.顾客/供应商/承包商条款K14.物质损失放弃免赔条款K15.关闭营业处所/设施条款K16.审计师条款K17.通道受阻条款K18.炸弹恐吓条款 (只适用于财产利润损失险)K19.政府法令条款 (不超过连续10星期)K20.营业费用增加条款K21.相关性条款K22.累积存货条款二、规范类G01.部门条款G02.账目分类条款G03.会计师条款G04.违反保险条件条款G05.错误及遗漏描述条款G06.保费调整条款G07.保险人90天通知取消保险或拒绝续保条款G08.新业务条款G09.产量条款G10.经营部门条款G11.新营业条款G12.预付赔款条款G13.不具名供应商及顾客扩展条款G14.放弃代位权条款一、扩展类K01.包括全部营业额条款在赔偿期限内如果为获得营业收入,被保险人或他人代其在营业处所以外的地点,销售货物或提供服务,则有关这项销售或服务所给付或应给付的金额,在计算赔偿期限的营业额时应包括在内。
PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited Additional Clauses for Business Interruption InsuranceThe following clauses are the Additional Clauses for Business Interruption Insurance Policy (2009 Version), which is hereinafter called Policy. The terms , conditions and exclusions of the Policy shall apply except to the extent that they are expressly varied by the Additional Clauses. Any one of the Additional Clause(s) could be chosen by the Applicant to be attached to and forming part of the Policy.1.Extension ClausesK01. Scope of Cover (A)K06. Denial of Access (A)K07. Denial of Access (B)K08. Murder, Infectious Disease, and Food Contamination Extension (A)K09. Murder, Infectious Disease, and Food Contamination Extension (B)K10. Murder, Infectious Disease, and Food Contamination Extension (C)K11. Infectious Disease ExtensionK12. Closure of Operation FacilityK13. Public Utilities Extension (A)K14. Public Utilities Extension (B)K15. Loss of Book DebtsK16. Suppliers Extension ( A)K20. Customers/Suppliers /ContractorsK21. Unnamed Suppliers/CustomersK22. Bomb Scare (only applied to PDBI)K23. Government action (Not exceeding __ consecutive weeks)K24. Public Authority ExtensionK33. Departmental extensionK34. Au ditor’s FeesK35. Accountant’s/Auditor’s FeesK36. Errors & Omissions (A)K37. Errors & Omissions (B)2.Restriction ClausesX01. War and Terrorism ExclusionX02. IT ClarificationX03. Total Asbestos ExclusionX04. Mold & Fungi ExclusionX05. Y2K EXCLUSION CLAUSE3.Clarification ClausesG01. DesignationG02. Premium AdjustmentG03. Premium AdjustmentG04. Increase in Cost of WorkingG05. OutputG06.New BusinessG07. Monthly Payment on AccountG08. Payment on AccountG09. Gross Profit Difference BasisG13. Inclusion of All TurnoverG14. Uninsured Standing ChargesG15. Accumulated StocksG16. Breach of Condition and WarrantyG21. Automatic Reinstatement of Sum InsuredG22. __Days’ CancellationG23. __Days’ Notify Cancella tion or Refuse to RenewalG24. Nomination of Loss AdjusterG28. Co-InsuranceG32. Waiver of Subrogation (A)1.Extension ClausesK01. Scope of Cover(A)It is agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additional premium, the Insurer shall indemnify the Insured in respect of loss of Gross Profit resulting from interruption of or interference with the business at the premises in consequence of physical damage to the property used in business operation caused by perils or hazards covered under the Physical Damage Insurance during the period of insurance.Provided that the Insurer shall not be liable for any loss due to causes as following:1.willful act and/or gross negligence of the Applicant and/or the Insured; and/or2.earthquake or tsunami and/or secondary disasters so caused; and/or3.strike, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage an/or act of terrorism; and/or4.confiscation, temporary or permanent requisition by order of the government de jure orde facto or by any public authority; and/or5.nuclear radiation, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, nuclear pollution or contamination andother radioactive pollution or contamination; and/or6.pollution of atmosphere, soil, water and other non-radioactive pollution; and/or7.other exclusions which agreed by the Insurer and the Insured.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, Conditions and Exclusions of this Policy.K06. Denial of Access (A)It is agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additional premium, loss as insured by this Policy resulting from interruption of or interference with the business in consequence of the damage (as within define) to property in the vicinity of the Premises which shall prevent or hinder the use thereof of access thereto, whether the Premises or property of the Insured therein shall be damaged or not, shall be deemed to be loss resulting from damage to property used by the Insured at the Premises.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.K07. Denial of Access (B)It is agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additional premium, loss as insured by this Policy resulting from interruption of or interference with the business in consequence of the damage (as within define) to property in the vicinity of the Premises which shall prevent or hinder the use thereof of access thereto, whether the Premises or property of the Insured therein shall be damaged or not, shall be deemed to be loss resulting from damage to property used by the Insured at the Premises.Provided, however, that the Insurer shall not be liable for any loss if the aforesaid prevention of the use of the premise or the hinder of the access thereto is contributed to the failure of gas and/or water supply in the vicinity of Insured premises resulting from the property damage thereof.The indemnity limit under this clause shall not exceed the relevant sub limits stated in the Policy.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.K08. Murder, Infectious Disease, and Food Contamination Extension Clause (A)It is agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additional premium, this Policy is extended to cover loss as insured hereunder resulting from interruption of or interference with the Business carried on by the Insured at the Premises in consequences of:1. Murder or suicide occurring at the Premises stated in the Policy;2. Closure &/or quarantine of the Premises stated in the Policy by order of a competent public authority due to Notifiable Infectious Disease manifested by any person at the Premises;3. Closing of the whole or part of the premises by order of a competent pulblic authority consequent upon defects in the drains and other sanitary facilities at the Premises stated in the Policy.4. Injury or illness sustained by any guest arising from spoilage of or infectious matter in food or drinks provided at the Premises stated in the Policy.In respect of each and every occurrence of the damage giving rise to a claim under this Clause, the Insurer shall not be liable for the first seventy-two (72) hours of such loss.It is a condition precedent to any liability of the Insurer that the Insured shall observe and fulfill relevant laws, regulations and requirements on security, sanitation and health, and shall exercise due diligence to avoid the occurrence of the contingencies aforementioned.The indemnity limit under this clause shall not exceed the relevant sub limits stated in the Policy.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.K09. Murder, Infectious Disease, and Food Contamination Extension (B)It is agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additional premium, this Policy is extended to cover loss as insured hereunder resulting from interruption of or interference with the Business carried on by the Insured at the Premises in consequences of:1. The cancellation of or inability to accept bookings for accommodation at the premises as a result of an outbreak of an infectious or contagious disease occurring at the Premises;2. Murder or suicide occurring at the Premises;3. Injury or illness sustained by any guest arising from spoilage of or infectious matter in food or drinks provided at the Premises;4. Closing of the whole or part of the Premises by order of a competent public authority consequent upon defects in the drains and other sanitary facilities at the Premises.It is a condition precedent to liability on the part of the Insurer that the Insured shall make sure every article is appropriately used and shall exercise due diligence to avoid the occurrence of the contingencies aforementioned.The indemnity limit under this clause shall not exceed __.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.K10. Murder, Infectious Disease, and Food Contamination Extension (C)It is agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additional premium, this Policy is extended to cover loss as insured hereunder resulting from interruption of or interference with the Business carried on by the Insured at the Premises in consequences of:1. The cancellation of or inability to accept bookings for accommodation at the premises as a result of an outbreak of an infectious or contagious disease occurring at the Premises;2. Murder or suicide occurring at the Premises;3. Injury or illness sustained by any guest arising from spoilage of or infectious matter in food or drinks provided at the Premises;4. Closing of the whole or part of the premises by order of a competent public authorityconsequent upon defects in the drains and other sanitary facilities at the Premises.In respect of each and every occurrence of the damage giving rise to a claim under this Clause, the Insurer shall not be liable for the first three (3) days of such loss.It is a condition precedent to liability on the part of the Insurer that the Insured shall make sure every article is appropriately used and shall exercise due diligence to avoid the occurrence of the contingencies aforementioned.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.K11. Infectious Disease ExtensionIt is agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additional premium, this policy is extended to cover loss resulting from interruption of or interference with the business as the direct and sole result of Notifiable Infectious Disease manifested by any person at the Insured Premises which results in the total closure &/or quarantine of the Insured Premises by order of a competent government authority.For the purpose of this insurance, Notifiable Infectious Disease means illness sustained by any person resulting from any human infectious or human contagious disease (excluding Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)), the outbreak of which should be notified to the competent public authorities.For the purpose of this insurance ,(1)Indemnity Period means the period during which the results of the business shall be affected in consequence of the Notifiable Infectious Disease, beginning with effective date of the order issued by the competent government authority and ending not later than the Maximum Indemnity Period thereafter.(2) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary within any other additional clauses or endorsements thereto , it is agreed that this insurance shall only be liable for interruption of or interference with the Insured’s business as a result of an insured event occurred within the locations as specified in the schedule , wherein the insured carries on his business .Provided that the Insurers’ liability under this extension shall not exceed ___ per occurrence for all insured parties in respect of all premises stated in the policy and ___ in aggregate under this extension during any one period of insurance and subject to the time excess of this policy.Occurrence means a loss or series of loss arising out of the event of Notifiable Infectious Disease occurring during the period of insurance.This Clause is subject otherwise to other terms and conditions of this Policy.K12. Closure of Operation FacilityIt is agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additionalpremium, any loss resulting from interruption of or interference with the Insured’s business due to shut-down of operation facility by order of the Health Authorities as a result of food spoilage or contamination, shall be considered as the loss resulting from the physical damage to the insured property, regardless whether the insured property are damaged or not.For the purpose of this extension, Indemnity Period means the period during which the results of the business shall be affected, beginning with 72 hours after the occurrence of the loss and ending not later than 12 months thereafter.It is a condition precedent to liability on the part of the Insurer that the Insured shall make sure every article is appropriately used and shall exercise due diligence to avoid the occurrence of the contingencies aforementioned.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.K13. Public Utilities ExtensionIt is agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additional premium, loss as insured by this Policy resulting from interruption of or interference with the Business carried on by the Insured at the Premises in consequence of failure of electricity, gas or water supply at the terminal ends of the electricity service feeders/Gas Works/Water Works from which the Insured obtained electric supply/Gas/water at the Premises directly due to the damage (as within defined) to property at an Electricity Station or Sub-station of Public Electricity Supply Undertaking from which the Insured obtained electric supply/Gas/water shall be deemed to be loss resulting from the damage to property used by the Insured at the Premises.Provided, however, that the Insurer shall not be liable for any loss occasioned by the deliberate act of the Government, Municipal or Local Authority or Supply Authority not performed for the sole purpose of safeguarding life or protecting any part of the supply undertaking's system or by the exercise by any such authority of its power to withhold or restrict or ration supply not necessitated solely by the damage to the supply undertaking's generating or supply equipment by an insured perils.For the purpose of the this insurance , the Indemnity Period in respect of each damage or of series of damages consequent on or attributable to one source or original cause shall be as follows:The period beginning with the occurrence of the damage and ending not later than sixty (60) days thereafter during which the result of the business shall be affected in consequence of the damage.Provided that the Insurer shall not be liable for any loss unless the duration of each such failure exceeds twenty-four (24) hours and the Insurer shall not be liable for any loss for the first twenty-four (24) hours of each such failure.In any action, suit or other proceedings where the Insurer alleges that by reason of the provisionsof this condition any loss or damage is not covered by this insurance, the burden proving that this loss or damage is covered shall be upon the Insured.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.K14. Public Utilities Extension (B)It is hereby agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additional premium, the Insurer shall indemnify the Insured for the loss resulting from interruption of or interference with the Business carried on by the Insured at the premises stated in the Policy in consequence of failure of gas or water supply at the terminal ends of the Gas Works/Water Works from where the Insured obtained gas/water supply, if such failure is directly due to the physical damage (as within defined) to property therein.For the purpose of this insurance, maximum indemnity period in respect of each occurrence shall be sixty (60) days since the date of such failure.The limit of indemnity under this clause shall be determined by the Applicant and specified in the Policy. The limit of indemnity shall not exceed:___In no case shall the insurer be liable for any loss occurred in the first twenty-four(24) hours of each such failure covered hereinThis Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.K15. Loss of Book DebtsIt is agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additional premium, within the respective limits of sums insured under this Policy, in the event of the records of accounts receivable kept on the premises being lost, destroyed or damaged by any of the perils insured against under this Policy the Insurer shall indemnify the Insured in respect of: 1) all sums due to the Insured from customers, provided the Insured is unable to effect collection thereof as a direct result of such loss,2) any collection expense in excess of normal collection cost and made necessary because of such loss,3) auditor’s charges necessarily and reasonably incurred in substantiating any claim under this extensionProvided that the Insured can substantiate the loss by documentary evidence by an Auditor and the Insurer's maximum liability under this extension shall not exceed_______.This extension applies only with respect to loss of or damage to records of accounts receivable and occurring during the period of insurance.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.K16. Suppliers Extension (A)It is agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additional premium, loss as insured by this Policy resulting from interruption of or interference with the business in consequence of the property damage at the premises of the suppliers of the Insured, which leads to the suppliers’ failure to provide the raw materials, commodities or goods in process necessarily for the Insured’s business, shall be deemed to be loss resulting from damage to property used by the Insured at the premises, and the Insurer shall be liable for such loss subject to the conditions of this Policy.For the purpose of this insurance ,Supplier means any individual ,firm ,company, corporation , joint venture or entity from which the Insured directly obtains supplies of commodities, materials, components, goods or services, other than suppliers of public energy and other public facilities.T he Insurer’s liability under this extension shall not exceed ___ for any one supplier and ___ in aggregate during the period of insurance.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, Conditions and Exclusions of this Policy.K20. Customers/Suppliers /ContractorsIt is agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additional premium, loss as insured resulting from interruption of and interference with the business in consequence of property damage at the customers/suppliers/toll manufacturers’ premises or in the course of construction executed by the contractors shall be deemed to be loss resulting from damage to property used by the insured at the premises.The Insurer’s liability under this extension shall not exceed ___ during the period of insurance.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.K21. Unnamed Suppliers/CustomersIt is agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additional premium, loss as insured resulting from interruption of and interference with the business in consequence of damage to the property of the I nsured’s customers or suppliers at their premises in PRC, shall be deemed to be loss resulting from damage to property used by the insured at the premises.The limit of indemnity under this extension clause shall not exceed______.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, Conditions and Exclusions of this Policy.K22. Bomb Scare (only applied to PDBI)It is agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additional premium, loss as insured by this Policy resulting from interruption of or interference with Business in consequence of bomb scare shall be deemed to be loss resulting from damage toproperty used by the Insured at the Premises.This clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.K23. Government action (Not exceeding __ consecutive weeks)It is agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additional premium, this Policy is extended to cover the loss as insured hereunder resulting directly from the interruption of or interference with the business, due to that the access to any insured premises is prohibited by order of civil authority as a direct result of damage to or destruction of property adjacent to the premises herein described by the peril(s) insured under physical damage insurance (Policy No.: ). T he Insurer’s liability under this extension shall not exceed ___ consecutive weeks, during the period of insurance .This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.K24. Public Authority ExtensionIt is agreed and understood that, subject to the Applicant having paid the agreed additional premium, in the event of loss or damage to Property insured under the physical damage insurance, this Policy shall be extended to cover the loss of Gross Profit as may be incurred or expanded solely by reason of the necessity to comply with building or other regulations under or framed in pursuance of any ordinance law, statute, rules or with bye-laws of any relative public authority in the course of repair, reconstruction, or reinstatement.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, Conditions and Exclusions of this Policy.K33. Departmental ClauseIt is agreed and understood that if the business be conducted in departments the independent trading results of which are ascertainable, the provisions of the item on gross profit shall apply separately to each department affected by the damage except that if the Sum Insured by the said item be less than the aggregate of the sums produced by applying the rate of gross profit for each department of the business (Whether affected by the damage or not) to its relative annual turnover (or to a proportionately increased multiple thereof where the maximum indemnity period exceed twelve (12) months the amount payable shall be proportionately reduced.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exceptions of this Policy.K34. Auditor’s FeesIt is agreed and understood that the auditor of the Insured is authorized to provide the necessary accounting records or any extract or detail of the accounting records for the purpose of the insurer to investigate or verify the claim under this policy. If the auditor happens to be performing seasonal works related with foresaid documents, the accounting/audit report shall be the preliminary supporting documents.This clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.K35. Accountant’s/Auditor’s FeesIt is agreed and understood that any particulars or details contained in the Insured's books of account or other business books or documents which may be required by the Insurers for the purpose of investigating or verifying any claim hereunder may be produced by professional accountants if at the time they are regularly acting as such for the insured and their report shall be prima facie evidence of the particulars and details to which such report relates.The Insurer shall indemnify the Insured for the reasonable fees aforesaid payable to professional accounts or auditors provided that the sum of the amount payable under this extension shall in no case exceed_____.This clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exceptions of this Policy.K36. Errors &Omissions (A)It is agreed and understood that the interest of the Insured under this Policy shall not be prejudiced in the event of any unintentional delay or error or omission in reporting new locations acquired or occupied or in reporting any alteration of values of property or in reporting increase of hazard of the property insured or other material facts, provided that such delay, error or omission shall be immediately reported to the Insurer upon such alteration coming to the Insured’s knowledge.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exceptions of this Policy.K37. Errors & Omissions (B)It is agreed and understood that the interest of the Insured under this Policy shall not be prejudiced in the event of any unintentional delay or error or omission in reporting new locations acquired or occupied or in reporting any alteration of values of property or in reporting increase of hazard of the property insured or other material facts, provided that such delay, error or omission shall be immediately reported to the Insurer upon such alteration coming to the Insured’s knowledge and additional premium, if any, shall be charged from the date of such increase of hazard to the expiration of this Policy.Incorrect, defect or wrong valuation shall not be deemed as unintentional errors and omissions.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exceptions of this Policy.2.Restriction ClausesX01. War and Terrorism ExclusionNotwithstanding any provision to the contrary within this insurance or any Endorsement thereto it is agreed that this insurance excludes damage, cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any of the following regardless ofany other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss:(1) War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or usurped power; or(2) Any act of terrorism.For the purpose of this insurance an act of terrorism means an act, including but not limited to the unlawful use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting along or on behalf of or in connection with any organization(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious, ideological, or similar purposes including the intention to influence any government, and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear for such purpose ..This Endorsement also excludes damage, cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, resulting from or in connection with any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to (1) and /or (2) above.In the event any portion of this Endorsement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder shall remain in full force and effect.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, Conditions and Exclusions of this Policy.X02. IT Clarification ClauseProperty damage covered under this Policy means physical damage to the substance of property. Physical damage to the substance of property shall not include damage to data or software, in particular any detrimental change in data, software or computer programs that is caused by a deletion corruption or a deformation of the original structure.Consequently the following are excluded from this Policy:Loss of or damage to data or software, in particular any detrimental change in data, software or computer programs that is caused by a deletion, a corruption or a deformation of the original structure, and any business interruption losses resulting from such loss or damage. Notwithstanding this exclusion, loss of or damage to data or software which is the direct consequence of insured physical damage to the substance of property shall be covered.Loss or damage resulting from an impairment in the function, availability, range of use or accessibility of data, software or computer programs, and any business interruption losses resulting from such loss or damage.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, Conditions and Exclusions of this Policy.X03. Total Asbestos ExclusionIt is hereby understood and agreed that this Policy shall not apply to and does not cover any actual or alleged liability whatsoever for any claim or claims in respect of loss or losses directly。

附件一营业中断保险条款附加条款扩展类及规范类条款一、扩展类 (3)1.附加新企业条款 (3)2.附加通道堵塞条款 (3)3.附加公共事业设备条款 (3)4.附加供应商条款 (4)5.附加购买商条款 (4)6.附加谋杀、传染病和污染条款A (5)7.附加谋杀、传染病和污染条款B (5)8.包括全部营业额条款 (5)9.未保险的维持费用条款 (6)10.共保条款(90%) (6)11.遗失欠款帐册条款 (6)12.当局禁止条款 (6)13.机损险2000年问题除外责任条款 (7)14.营业费用增加条款 (7)15.保险金额自动恢复条款 (7)16.编辑记录及索赔准备费用条款 (7)17.持续损失条款 (7)18.关闭营业处所/设施条款 (8)19.损失确定的费用条款 (8)20.公共设备供应中断条款 (8)21.审计专业费用条款 (8)22.累积存货条款 (9)23.免赔额豁免条款 (9)24.MR811Hull Risk for Mobile Equipment on Premises only (9)25.MR812 Hull Risk for Mobile Equipment Including Inland Transit (9)26.MR813 Internal Fire, Internal Chemical Explosion and Direct Lightning (10)27.MR817 Underground Machinery and Equipment (10)28.MR829 Machinery Breakdown during Guarantee Period (10)29.MR855 Radioactive Isotopes in Instruments (11)30.MR856 Deterioration of Raw Materials, Intermediate or Finished Products, orOperating Media (11)31.MR857 Prolongation of the Interruption Period due to Deterioration (12)32.MR861 Increased Cost of Electricity, Water, Gas or Steam Supply (12)33.MR862 Maximum Demand Charges (12)34.MR863 Additional Expenditure other than Increase in Cost of Working (13)35.MR866 Failure of Public Power, Water, Gas or Steam Supply (13)36.Denial of Access Clause (14)37.Extra Charges Clause (15)38.Failure of Public Utilities Clause (15)d and Unnamed Customers/Suppliers Extension Clause (16)40.Molten Material Clause (16)二、规范类 (17)1.错误和遗漏条款 (17)2.产量条款 (17)3.自动恢复保险金额条款 (17)4.分部门条款 (18)5.每月预付赔款 (18)6.调整保险费条款 (18)7.物质损失放弃免赔条款 (18)8.六十天取消保单条款 (18)9.指定公估人条款 (19)10.独立被保险人条款 (19)11.财务利益关系方条款 (19)12.损失的赔款支付条款 (20)13.损失受益人条款 (20)14.专业会计师条款 (20)15.延迟支付条款 (20)16.预付赔款条款 (20)17.MR842 Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of Presses, Shears and Similar items withFrames or other Components exposed to High Stresses (21)18.MR843 Overhaul of Electric Motors and Generators (21)19.MR844 Overhaul of Steam, Water and Gas Turbines and Turbo-Generator Sets (22)20.MR845 Inspection and Overhaul of Boilers (23)21.MR891 Delay in Repair (24)22.MR892 Indemnity Period Limits Exceeding 12 Months (24)23.MR893 Proportional Time Excess (24)24.MR894 Sum insured on Unit Price Basis (24)25.Inclusion of All Turnover Clause (25)26.Interdependency Clause (25)27.Premium Adjustment Clause (25)28.Automatic Reinstatement of Sum Insured Clause (26)29.Average Relief Clause (26)30.Loss Notification Clause (26)31.Non-Invalidation Clause (26)32.Payment on Account Clause (27)33.Premium Payment Warranty (60 days) (27)34.30 Days Notice of Cancellation by Insurer Clause (27)一、 扩展类1.附加新企业条款经保险合同双方特别约定,若被保险人在保险期间内发生保险事故时其营业时间尚未超过一年的,保险人按照对毛利润率、标准营业收入和年度营业收入的如下约定计算毛利润损失:一、毛利润率按照被保险人从其营业开始至发生物质保险损失之日止的期间内的毛利润与营业收入的比例计算;二、标准营业收入按照被保险人从其营业开始至发生物质保险损失之日止的期间内的营业收入,乘以赔偿期间与前述期间的比例计算;三、年度营业收入按照被保险人从其营业开始至发生物质保险损失之日止的期间内的营业收入,乘以十二个月与前述期间的比例计算。



致损失往往被列入营业中断保险的责任免 除事项。为助力企业复工复产,多地政府联 合保险公司推出一些疫情防控保险,这类保 险由政府主导推出,保险费由政府和企业分 担,采取定额补贴方式对企业利润损失进行 补偿,如海南推出的“复工复产企业疫情防 控综合保险”,保障企业因封闭或隔离等疫 情防控行为导致的营业中断损失、员工工资 及隔离费用支出;宁波推出的“小微企业政
营业中断保险的索赔方式类似于责任 保险的“期内发生式”,事故必须发生在保险 期限内。赔偿期间可以超出保险期限,从岀 险之日起计算,至恢复正常营业之日止,考 虑了受到影响的财务指标。损失核定必须 以被保险人会计核算资料为基础。
(二)营业中断保险也作为机器损坏保 险的附加险
机器损坏保险是从传统财产保险中分 离并扩展出来的险种,主要承保机械或人为 因素造成的机器损坏,属于物质损失保险。 机损利损险(即机器损坏保险项下的营业中 断保险)主要保障机器设备在遭受意外事故 损失时,由于修复或重置受损机器设备造成 营业中断而产生的利润损失,跟随机器损坏 保险投保,以机器损坏保险责任成立为理赔 基础,属于附加险。
我国营业中断保险往往存在于一揽子 保险协议中,不同于一般的附加险形式,它 有单独的承保明细表、保险责任、责任免除、 特别约定和附加条款,承保理赔基础也不同 于财产保险,但承保实务中又不允许单独投 保。这主要是因为利润损失具有不确定性, 难以预估,容易产生道德风险。保险人通常 要求投保人在投保企业财产保险或机器损 坏保险基础上附加投保营业中断保险,附加 投保有助于保险人控制理赔风险。
根据《中国人民财产保险股份有限公司 营业中断保险条款(2009版)》第三条和第四 条,保险责任是指被保险人因财产保险(即 物质损失保险)条款所承保的风险造成营业 所使用的物质财产遭受损失,导致被保险人 营业受到干扰或中断,由此产生的赔偿期间 内的毛利润损失和审计费用,保险人按照保 险合同的约定负责赔偿;赔偿期间是指自物 质保险损失发生之日起,被保险人的营业结 果因该损失而受到影响的期间,但该期间最 长不得超过保险合同约定的最大赔偿期。 第二十三条规定,被保险人在物质损失保险 合同主险条款项下取得赔款或其保险责任 已获保险人认定,是保险人承担保险合同项 下赔偿责任的前提条件。可见,我国营业中
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