Active control of circular cylinder flow by affiliated rotating cylinders




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The opticalencoder allows testing to be started in any position for all test modes, and with no preferred homeposition in oscillation, tests are seamlessly combined with smooth transition and timely response.T HRUST A IR B EARINGR ADIAL A IR B EARINGB RUSHLESS DC M OTORO PTICAL E NCODERN ON -C ONTACTT EMPERATURE S ENSORE LECTRONICSL OWER G EOMETRY MOUNTD UCTILE I RON FA CTIVE T EMPERATURE C ONTROLThe ARES-G2 incorporates our newly-patented, non-contact temperature sensor technology for active measurement and control of both the upper and lower plate temperature. Platinum Resistance Thermometers (PRT) can be installed into the shaft ofboth the motor and transducer. When installed, the PRTconnector engages a micro printed circuit board (PCB) on the rotating shaft. The tip of the PRT is placed in intimate contact with the center of an upper cone or plate and/or lower plate geometry. The PRT senses the temperature and transmits the signal to a secondary coil housed in the stationary part of the transducer and/or motor assemblies. The ability to measure and control temperature at the surface of both plates is unique patented technology. This frictionless technology enables temperature sensing on the transducer side with no impact on sensitivity, and on the motor assembly, allows for greater accuracy in small amplitude oscillation testing. Temperature control and measurements are made at the testing surface, which is in intimate contact with thesample, without impacting the measurement.TRIOS S OFTWARE AND E XTREME T ESTING F LEXIBILITYAn important new feature of the ARES-G2 is a new level of testing freedom and flexibility. All key components of the rheometer (motor, transducer, data acquisition, environmental controls, axial slide etc.) are independent units with their own intelligence, all of which are orchestrated by test instructions programmed with new TRIOS software interface. While this versatile and intuitive software interface provides fast and simple programming of well known general procedures for traditional testing, (eg. strain/frequency sweeps, stepwell-known strain, etc.), rigid limitations of pre-programmed test modes at the instrument level no longer exist. Instead, test or test sequencespecific instrument instructions are easily programmed in countless combinations and d ownloaded prior to the start of the experiment.F ULLY I NTEGRATED F AST D ATA A CQUISITIONThe ARES-G2 provides fully integrated fast data acquisition for transient and oscillatory testing using 5 fast data channels. This allows simultaneous collection of angular displacement, torque and normal force in all test modes. The high data sampling rate of 8kHz in oscillation mode provides better resolution of both the magnitude and phase of the measured signals and allows better harmonic resolutionwith accurate evaluation up to the 10th harmonic.T OUCH S CREEN AND K EY P ADThe ARES-G2 features a color touch screen userinterface mounted on the front of the test station.This graphical interface adds a new dimensionin ease-of-use. Interactive activities such as gapzeroing, sample loading and setting temperature canbe conveniently performed at the test station. It alsodisplays instrument status and test information (torque,normal force, sample temperature) and provides easyaccess to system information such as settings anddiagnostic reporting.P ELTIER P LATEThe Peltier Plate is a smart swap temperature control option providinga temperature range of –40 to 180 °C, with a maximum heating rate of30 °C/min, and temperature accuracy of +/- 0.1 °C. A platinum resistance thermometer (PRT) sensor is positioned in the middle of the lower sample plate and ensures accurate measurement and control of sample temperature. It is the most common system for standard parallel plate and cone and plate testing of structured fluids. The open design facilitates easy sample loading and cleaning of geometries. A new optional Solvent Trap and Purge Cover accessory is available for use with the Peltier plate. When used as a solvent trap, (to keep samples from volatilizing (drying) during experiments), the sample is fully isolated from the surrounding atmosphere by a fluid seal at the top (transducer side) and permanent seal at the bottom (motor side). A circular well containing solvent can also be attached and placed in contact with the Peltier plate surface. This allows the solvent to evaporate and create a saturated atmosphere inside the enclosure. Gases can be introduced through the purge ports. For example a dry air or nitrogen purge keeps moisture from condensing around the sample while testing below room temperature.R ECIRCULATING F LUID B ATHThe Recirculating Fluid Bath option can be used with parallel plate, cone and plate, and concentric cylinder geometries. Concentric cylinders are especially useful for very low viscosity fluids, dispersions of limited stability and for applications where fluid/solventevaporation may be a concern. The option requires a computer-controlled fluid circulator for automated temperature control operation. The temperature range is –10 to 150 °C with appropriate circulator and circulating fluid.ARES-G2 A CCESSORIESMinimum Torque Oscillation CR 0.003 μN.mMinimum Torque Oscillation CS 0.003 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CR 0.01 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CS 0.01 μN.mMaximum Torque 200 mN.mTorque Resolution 0.1 nN.m [1]Motor Inertia 18 μN.m.sAngular Velocity Range CS 0 to 300 rad/sAngular Velocity Range CR 1.4E -9to 300 rad/sFrequency Range 7.5E -7to 628 rad/sDisplacement Resolution 25 nradStep Change in Velocity 7 msStep Change in Strain 30 msDirect Strain Control Standard [2]Thrust Bearing MagneticNormal/Axial Force Range 0.005 to 50 NSmart Swap™StandardSmart Swap Geometry StandardPeltier Plate -40 to 200 °C [3]Environmental Test Chamber (ETC)-160 to 600 °CETC Camera Viewer OptionalConcentric Cylinder -20 to 150 °C [3]Peltier ControlUpper Heated Plate -30 to 150 °C [3]Electrically Heated Plate (EHP)-70 to 400 °C Camera Option with StreamingVideo and Image Capture OptionalT ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSCR - Controlled Rate Mode CS - Controlled Stress Mode [1] Internal Resolution for D to A converter at torque of 0.1 µN.m [2] Direct Strain Control provides single cycle oscillation and continuous oscillations during experiments.[3] Lower temperature limits require use of a suitable fluid in an external circulator.Minimum Torque Oscillation CR 0.03 μN.mMinimum Torque Oscillation CS 0.1 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CR 0.05 μN.mMinimum Torque Steady CS 0.1 μN.mMaximum Torque 200 mN.mTorque Resolution 1 nN.m [1]Motor Inertia 15 μN.m.sAngular Velocity Range CS 0 to 300 rad/sAngular Velocity Range CR 1E -8to 300 rad/sFrequency Range 7.5E -7to 628 rad/sDisplacement Resolution 40 nradStep Change in Velocity 25 msStep Change in Strain 60 msDirect Strain Control Standard [2]Thrust Bearing Porous Carbon AirNormal/Axial Force Range 0.005 to 50 NSmart Swap™StandardPeltier Plate -40 to 200 °C [3]Environmental Test Chamber (ETC)-160 to 600 °CConcentric Cylinder -20 to 150 °C [3]Peltier ControlUpper Heated Plate -30 to 150 °C [3]Electrically Heated Plate (EHP)-70 to 400 °CT ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSCR - Controlled Rate Mode CS - Controlled Stress Mode [1] Internal Resolution for D to A converter at torque of 0.1 µN.m [2] Direct Strain Control provides single cycle oscillation and continuous oscillations during experiments.[3] Lower temperature limits require use of a suitable fluid in an external circulator.Minimum Torque 0.1 μN.m Maximum Torque 150 mN.m Torque Resolution 1 nN.m [1]Motor Inertia 15 μN.m.s Angular Velocity Range CS 0 to 300 rad/s Angular Velocity Range CR 1.00E -7to 300 rad/s Frequency Range 7.50E -7to 628 rad/s Displacement Resolution 40 nrad Step Change in Velocity 25ms Step Change in Strain 6 0ms Thrust Air Bearing Porous Carbon Smart Swap TM Standard Peltier Plate -40 to 200 °C [2]Peltier Plate Camera Optional Peltier Concentric Cylinder -20 to 150 °C [2]Upper Heated Plate -30 to 150 °C [2]Electrical Heated Plates -70 to 400 °C[1] Internal Resolution for D to A converter at torque of 1 µN.m [2] Lower temperature limits require use of a suitable fluid in an external circulator.T ECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSAR T ECHNOLOGY The AR series represents a family of rheometers uniquely designed to deliver optimum system performance.6 R IGID O NE-P IECE A LUMINUM C ASTING& L INEAR B ALL S LIDEAR-G2 T ECHNOLOGYM AGNETIC T HRUST B EARINGWhy a magnetic bearing? Larger gaps in the absence of a continuous flow of pressurized air translates to unprecedented low levels of friction in the bearing. More importantly, the ability to control and measure torques in the nN.m range. No other rheometer can boast such low-end torque sensitivity. The larger gap in the thrust bearing is robust and not susceptible to contamination. The additional benefits of the magnetic bearing over traditional air bearing designs are the following:• Ultra low torques applied to the sample• Smaller sample volumes can be used• Ability to probe delicate material structures• Study of low viscosity materials over abroad range of conditionsP ATENTED D RAG C UP M OTOROur new patented advanced drag cup motor is designedto further reduce system friction by increasing the motor gap by 100%. Dramatic improvements in low end torque performance are realized without compromising high-end performance. The motor delivers enhanced transient response and an extended angular velocity control range. The motor incorporates a patented drag cup temperature sensor. For the first time in any rheometer design, the temperature of the drag cup is measured, ensuring the mostaccurate torque output.ACTIVE T EMPERATURE C ONTROL(ATC)The AR-G2 Electrically Heated Plate (EHP), Upper Heated Plate (UHP),and Dry Asphalt System all incorporate our new patented(1)non-con-tact temperature sensor for active measurement and control of theupper plate temperature, using a special draw rod. The draw rodhouses a micro PCB and Platinum Resistance Thermometer. AR-G2 T ECHNOLOGYICRO PCBP RIMARY CS ECONDARY C OIL HS SaS MART S WAP TM A CCESSORIESC ONCENTRIC C YLINDERConcentric Cylinders are commonly used for very low viscosity fluids,dispersions of limited stability, and applications where fluid/solventevaporation may be a problem. The Smart Swap Concentric Cylindersystem features Peltier temperature control and provides a temperaturerange of -20 to 150 °C with heating rates up to 15 °C/min.PPER H EATED P LATE(UHP)S MART S WAP TM A CCESSORIESE LECTRICALLY H EATED P LATES(EHP)The EHP is a Smart Swap TM temperature option that provides active heating and cooling of parallel plate and cone and plate geometries. The EHP is perfect for rheological characterization of polymer melts up to a maximum temperature of 400 °C. Otherfeatures include an environmental cover and heated purge gasand an optional Gas Cooling Accessory for temperature controlto -70˚C. An optional clear purge cover is available for sampleviewing and integration with camera viewer. Additionally, for theAR-G2, the EHP offers patented Smart Swap G eometries andnewly patented Active Temperature Control, ATC. ATC makes theAR-G2 EHP the only electrically heated plate system capable ofdirect temperature control of both the upper and lower plates.S MART S WAP TM A CCESSORIESD YNAMIC I NTERFACIAL S HEARR HEOLOGY U SING THE AR-G2The dynamic interfacial shear moduli G’ and G” are used tomonitor the network structure build-up, resulting from the adsorption of proteins at the interface. Proteins unfold at the interface and, therefore, are crucial to the stability of emulsions and foams. The measurement is done with a Du Noüy Ring, positioned at the interface of two liquids, or a liquid and air in a circular glass dish. The ultra-sensitive,nano-torque range of the AR-G2 rheometer is required to make these measurements. Figure 1 shows the dynamic storage modulus of this material continuously increases as the protein migrates to the surface and forms a network structure.0.030.025 0.02 0.0150.01 0.005 050100 150time (minutes)G ‘, G ’’ (N /m )34F LOW C URVE FOR D ISPERSIONS F LOW C URVE FOR P OLYMERSV ISCOELASTIC P ROPERTIES S TRAIN S WEEPD YNAMIC M ECHANICAL P ROPERTIES OF S OLIDS IN T ORSION T RANSIENT T ESTS(C REEP AND S TRESS R ELAXATION)D YNAMIC O SCILLATION ON L OW V ISCOSITY F LUIDS U SING ARES AR-G2 N ANO-T ORQUEM EASUREMENTS IN S TRESS& S TRAIN C ONTROL O SCILLATIONS TRESS AND S HEAR R ATE R AMPSE XTENSIONAL V ISCOSITYM EASUREMENTS ON ARESC REEP AND R ECOVERY OF A V ISCOELASTIC F LUIDS TRESS G ROWTH IN A T RANSIENT S TEP R ATE E XPERIMENT41© 2009 TA Instruments. All rights reserved.。



机械设计专业术语的英语翻译阿基米德蜗杆Archimedes worm安全系数safety factor; factor of safety安全载荷safe load凹面、凹度concavity扳手wrench板簧flat leaf spring半圆键woodruff key变形deformation摆杆oscillating bar摆动从动件oscillating follower摆动从动件凸轮机构cam with oscillating follower摆动导杆机构oscillating guide-bar mechanism摆线齿轮cycloidal gear摆线齿形cycloidal tooth profile摆线运动规律cycloidal motion摆线针轮cycloidal-pin wheel包角angle of contact保持架cage背对背安装back-to-back arrangement背锥back cone ;normal cone背锥角back angle背锥距back cone distance比例尺scale比热容specific heat capacity闭式链closed kinematic chain闭链机构closed chain mechanism臂部arm变频器frequency converters变频调速frequency control of motor speed变速speed change变速齿轮change gear ; change wheel变位齿轮modified gear变位系数modification coefficient标准齿轮standard gear标准直齿轮standard spur gear表面质量系数superficial mass factor表面传热系数surface coefficient of heat transfer表面粗糙度surface roughness并联式组合combination in parallel并联机构parallel mechanism并联组合机构parallel combined mechanism并行工程concurrent engineering并行设计concurred design, CD912不平衡相位phase angle of unbalance不平衡imbalance (or unbalance)不平衡量amount of unbalance不完全齿轮机构intermittent gearing波发生器wave generator波数number of waves补偿compensation参数化设计parameterization design, PD残余应力residual stress操纵及控制装置operation control device槽轮Geneva wheel槽轮机构Geneva mechanism ;Maltese cross槽数Geneva numerate槽凸轮groove cam侧隙backlash差动轮系differential gear train差动螺旋机构differential screw mechanism差速器differential常用机构conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use车床lathe承载量系数bearing capacity factor承载能力bearing capacity成对安装paired mounting尺寸系列dimension series齿槽tooth space齿槽宽spacewidth齿侧间隙backlash齿顶高addendum齿顶圆addendum circle齿根高dedendum齿根圆dedendum circle齿厚tooth thickness齿距circular pitch齿宽face width齿廓tooth profile齿廓曲线tooth curve齿轮gear齿轮变速箱speed-changing gear boxes齿轮齿条机构pinion and rack齿轮插刀pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter齿轮滚刀hob ,hobbing cutter齿轮机构gear齿轮轮坯blank齿轮传动系pinion unit913齿轮联轴器gear coupling齿条传动rack gear齿数tooth number齿数比gear ratio齿条rack齿条插刀rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter齿形链、无声链silent chain齿形系数form factor齿式棘轮机构tooth ratchet mechanism插齿机gear shaper重合点coincident points重合度contact ratio冲床punch传动比transmission ratio, speed ratio传动装置gearing; transmission gear传动系统driven system传动角transmission angle传动轴transmission shaft串联式组合combination in series串联式组合机构series combined mechanism串级调速cascade speed control创新innovation ; creation创新设计creation design垂直载荷、法向载荷normal load唇形橡胶密封lip rubber seal磁流体轴承magnetic fluid bearing从动带轮driven pulley从动件driven link, follower从动件平底宽度width of flat-face从动件停歇follower dwell从动件运动规律follower motion从动轮driven gear粗线bold line粗牙螺纹coarse thread大齿轮gear wheel打包机packer打滑slipping带传动belt driving带轮belt pulley带式制动器band brake单列轴承single row bearing单向推力轴承single-direction thrust bearing单万向联轴节single universal joint单位矢量unit vector914当量齿轮equivalent spur gear; virtual gear当量齿数equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth当量摩擦系数equivalent coefficient of friction当量载荷equivalent load刀具cutter导数derivative倒角chamfer导热性conduction of heat导程lead导程角lead angle等加等减速运动规律parabolic motion; constant acceleration and deceleration motion等速运动规律uniform motion; constant velocity motion等径凸轮conjugate yoke radial cam等宽凸轮constant-breadth cam等效构件equivalent link等效力equivalent force等效力矩equivalent moment of force等效量equivalent等效质量equivalent mass等效转动惯量equivalent moment of inertia等效动力学模型dynamically equivalent model底座chassis低副lower pair点划线chain dotted line(疲劳)点蚀pitting垫圈gasket垫片密封gasket seal碟形弹簧belleville spring顶隙bottom clearance定轴轮系ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes动力学dynamics动密封kinematical seal动能dynamic energy动力粘度dynamic viscosity动力润滑dynamic lubrication动平衡dynamic balance动平衡机dynamic balancing machine动态特性dynamic characteristics动态分析设计dynamic analysis design动压力dynamic reaction动载荷dynamic load端面transverse plane端面参数transverse parameters端面齿距transverse circular pitch915端面齿廓transverse tooth profile端面重合度transverse contact ratio端面模数transverse module端面压力角transverse pressure angle锻造forge对称循环应力symmetry circulating stress对心滚子从动件radial (or in-line ) roller follower对心直动从动件radial (or in-line ) translating follower对心移动从动件radial reciprocating follower对心曲柄滑块机构in-line slider-crank (or crank-slider) mechanism多列轴承multi-row bearing多楔带poly V-belt多项式运动规律polynomial motion多质量转子rotor with several masses惰轮idle gear额定寿命rating life额定载荷load ratingII 级杆组dyad发生线generating line发生面generating plane法面normal plane法面参数normal parameters法面齿距normal circular pitch法面模数normal module法面压力角normal pressure angle法向齿距normal pitch法向齿廓normal tooth profile法向直廓蜗杆straight sided normal worm法向力normal force反馈式组合feedback combining反向运动学inverse ( or backward) kinematics反转法kinematic inversion反正切Arctan范成法generating cutting仿形法form cutting方案设计、概念设计concept design, CD防振装置shockproof device飞轮flywheel飞轮矩moment of flywheel非标准齿轮nonstandard gear非接触式密封non-contact seal非周期性速度波动aperiodic speed fluctuation非圆齿轮non-circular gear粉末合金powder metallurgy916分度线reference line; standard pitch line分度圆reference circle; standard (cutting) pitch circle分度圆柱导程角lead angle at reference cylinder分度圆柱螺旋角helix angle at reference cylinder分母denominator分子numerator分度圆锥reference cone; standard pitch cone分析法analytical method封闭差动轮系planetary differential复合铰链compound hinge复合式组合compound combining复合轮系compound (or combined) gear train复合平带compound flat belt复合应力combined stress复式螺旋机构Compound screw mechanism复杂机构complex mechanism杆组Assur group干涉interference刚度系数stiffness coefficient刚轮rigid circular spline钢丝软轴wire soft shaft刚体导引机构body guidance mechanism刚性冲击rigid impulse (shock)刚性转子rigid rotor刚性轴承rigid bearing刚性联轴器rigid coupling高度系列height series高速带high speed belt高副higher pair格拉晓夫定理Grashoff`s law根切undercutting公称直径nominal diameter高度系列height series功work工况系数application factor工艺设计technological design工作循环图working cycle diagram工作机构operation mechanism工作载荷external loads工作空间working space工作应力working stress工作阻力effective resistance工作阻力矩effective resistance moment公法线common normal line917公共约束general constraint公制齿轮metric gears功率power功能分析设计function analyses design918。



以下是我在工作中常用的ALL WELDS CONTINUOUS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. 未注焊缝均为连续焊 ALL WELDS 3mm FILLET UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED 未注焊角高3mm. ALL UNSPECIFIED RADI - R3 未注圆角R3 REMOVE ALL BURRS AND SHARP EDGES 棱角倒钝 CHANNEL 槽钢 RSA 708 角钢 70X70X8 M30X1.5 pitch M30X1.5的锥螺纹 Tackweld 点焊OD 1/4" outside dimension 1/4"的缩写 外径直1/4" 75 CRS 尺寸为75 材质为冷轧钢板 410 OPENING REF 410 开口参考尺寸 40 REF 尺寸为40,参考值 2.5" BSP 2.5” 圆锥管螺纹2.5" BSPT HEXAGON 2.5” 六角圆锥管螺纹(即对丝) 30x2.5 FLAT BAR 30X2.5 扁钢 TYP 2 POSNS 2处11 TOTAL COILS APROX.9 WORKING COILS APROX.RIGHT HAND WOUND ONLY,END COILS SQUARE TO TOUCH.总圈数约11圈;工作圈数约9圈;右旋;弹簧的端部磨平以便于接触.(此为弹簧技术说明) FEMALE: 内扣(母扣) MALE: 外扣(公扣) 偏心轴 eccentric shaft 销轴 PIN开口销 COTTER PIN 螺杆 screw 紧定螺钉 SET SCREW 圆螺母 ROUND NUT内六角螺钉 SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW 六角螺钉 HEX HD SETSCREW 六角螺栓 HEX HD BOLT 挡圈 closing ring 弹性挡圈 circlip轴承隔套 distance sleeve of axletree 轴承 axletree深沟球轴承 DEEP GROOVE BALL BEARING 无扣长 non-buckle longth 弹簧 SPRING吊环螺钉 LIFTING EYE BOLT开槽盘头螺钉 SLOTTED PAN HEAD SCREWyc h e n g u a i .i c a x .c n圆锥滚子轴承 TAPERED ROLLER BEARING 推力球轴承THRUST BALL BEARING 平键 FLAT KEY弹簧垫圈 SINGLE COIL SPRING WASHER 平垫圈 FLAT WASHER 螺母 FULL NYLOCK NUT 圆螺母 ROUND NUTREMOVE ALL BURRS AND SHARP EDGES 所有尖角/棱角倒角并去毛刺 40 REF 为测量的参考尺寸OD 1/4’ outside dimension 1/4"的缩写 外径直1/4’------->应该为:外径值1/4" 75 CRS 尺75 材质为冷轧钢板 ------->应该为:尺寸75 材质为冷轧钢板我见过18GA(.048")CRS、16GA(.060)CRS、14GA(.075)CRS,其中GA 是表示厚度的,但与英寸的关系还没研究明白;照此推算75是相当薄的 缩写 全称 翻译 ACCESS Accessory 附件 ADJ Adjustable,Adjust 调整 ADPT Adapter 使适应 ADV Advance 提前 AL Aluminum 铝 ALLOW Allowance 允许 ALT Alternate 改变 ALY Alloy 合金 AMT Amout 数量 ANL Anneal 锻炼ANSL Amer Natl Stds Institute APPROX Approximate 大约ASME Amer Society of Mech Engrs ASSEM Assemble 装配 ASSY Assembly 装配 AUTH Authorized 授权的 AUTO Automatic 自动的 AUX Auxiliary 辅助的 AVG Average 平均 AWG American Wire Gauge BC Bolt Circle 螺栓圆周 BET Between 之间 BEV Bevel 斜角BHN Brinell Hardness Number 布氏硬度值 BLK Blank ,Block 空白 B/NM Bill of Material 材料费y c h e n g u a i .i c a x .c nBOT Bottom 底部BP or B/P Blueprint 蓝图 BRG Bearing 轴承 BRK Break 破裂 BRKT Bracket 支架 BRO Broach 钻孔 BRS Brass 黄铜 BRZ Bronze 青铜B&S Brown&Shape 棕色&形状 BSC Basic 基本的 BUSH Bushing 套管BWG Birmingham Wire Gauge C TO C Center-to-Center 中心到中心 CAD Computer-Aided Drafting 电脑辅助设计 CAM Computer-Aided Mfg CAP Capacity 容量 CAP SCR Cap Screw 螺帽 CARB Carburize 使渗碳 CBORE Counterbore 扩孔 CCW Counter Clockwise 逆时针 CDRILL Counerdrill CDS Cold-Drawn Steel缩写 全称 翻译 EFF Effective 有效的 ENCL Enclose,Enclosure 附上 ENG Engine 引擎 ENGR Engineer 工程师 ENGRG Engineering 工程学 EQLSP Equally Spaced 等距 EQUIV Equivalent 相等 EST Estimate 估计 EX Extra 额外 EXH Exhaust 消耗EXP Experimental 实验性的 EXT Exension,External 范围,外部 FAB Fabricate 伪造 FAO Finish All Over FDRY Foundry 铸造 FIG Figure 数据FIL Fillet,fillister 带子 FIM Full Indicator Movement FIN Finish FLX Fixture 结构y c h e n g u a i .i c a x .c nFLX Floor.Fluid,Flush 基地,液体,冲洗 FLEX Flexible 易弯曲的 FLG Flange 边缘 FORG Forging 锻炼 FR Frame,Front 边框 FIG Fitting 装置 FURN Furnish 提供 FWD Forward 向前 GA Gage,Gauge 测量 GALV Galvanized 电镀 GR Grade 等级 GRD Grind 磨碎 GRV Groove 凹槽 GSKT Gasket 垫圈H&G Harden and Grind 加硬和磨碎 HD Head 主要的 HDL Handle 处理 HDLS Headless 无领导的 HDN Harden 使硬化 HDW Hardware 硬件 HEX Hexagon 六边形 HGR Hanger 衣架 HGT Height 高度 HOR Horizontal 水平的 HRS Hot-Rolled Steel HSG Housing 外罩 HT TR Heat Treal 缩写 全称 翻译 NTS Not to Scale OA Over All 所有 OBS Obsotetc OC On CenterOD Outside Diameter 外直径 OPP Opposite 对立 OPTL Optional 可选择的 OR Outside Radius 外半径 ORIG Original 初始的 PAT. Patent 专利 PATT Pattern 形式PC Piece,Pitch Circle 件,节距圆 PCH Punch 打孔 PD Pitch Diameter PERF Perforate 打孔 PERM Permanent 永久的y c h e n g u a i .i c a x .c nPERP Perpendicular 垂直的 PFD Preferred 首选的 PKG Package,Packing 包装 PL Parting Line,Places,Plate PNEU Pncumatic PNL Panel 面板 POL Polish 磨光POS Position,Postive 位置 PR Pair 对立 PRI Primary 基本的 PROC Process 程序PROD Product,Production 产品,产量 PSI Pounds per Square Inch PT Part,Point 零件,点 QTR Quarter 四份之一 QTY Quantity 数量 QUAL Quality 质量 R Radius 半径RA Rockwell Harden,A-Scale RB Rockwell Harden,B-Scale RC Rockwell Harden,C-Scale RECD Received 巳收到的 RECT Rectangle 长方形 REF Reference 相关的 REINF Reinforce 增强REL Release,Relief 释放,缓解 REM Remove 移除 REQD Requird 有需要 REE Retainer,ReturnREV Reverse,Revision,Revolution RFS Regardless of Feature Size RGH Rough 粗糙的 RH Right Hand 右手 RIV Rivet 起皱 RM Ream 扩展 RND Round 周围RPM Revolutions per Minute RPW Resistance Projection Weld SAE Society of Automotive Engrs SCH Schedule 进度表 CFS Cold-Finished Steel CH Case Harden CHAM Chamfer 斜面 CHAN Channel 渠道y c h e n g u a i .i c a x .c nCHG Change 改变 CHK Check 核查 CI Cast Iron 铸铁CIR Circle, Circular 圆周 CIRC Circumference 圆周 CL Centerline 中心线 CLP Clamp 夹子CNC Computer Numerical Control 电脑数值控制 COMB Combination 联合 COML Commercial 商业的 CONC Concentric 同中心的 CONN Connect,Connector 连接器 COV Cover 盖子 CPLG Coupling 联结CQ Commercial Quality 商业等级钢 CRS Cold Stds Association CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴级射线管 CS Cast Steel 铸铁CSA Canadian Stds Association CSK Countersink 埋头孔 CSTG Casting 铸件 CTR Center 中心 CU Cubic 立方米 CW Clockwise 顺时针CYL Cylinder,Cylindrical 柱面 DBL Double 双倍 DEC Decimal 小数 DEG Degree 摄氏度 DET Detail 详情 DEV Develop 发展 DFT Draft 草稿 DIA Diameter 直径 DIM Dimension 尺寸 DIST Distance 距离 DN Down 向下DP Deep,Diametral Pitch 深度,径节 DR Drill,Drill Rod 钻孔 DSGN Design 设计 DVTL Dovetail 吻合 DWG Drawing 图纸 DWL Dowel 木钉 DWN Drawn 拔出 EA Each 每个 ECC Eccentric 古怪y c h e n g u a i .i c a x .c n缩写 全称 翻译 HVY Heavy 重量 HYD Hydraulic 水压ID Inside Diameter 内部直径 IDENT Identification 鉴定 ILLUS Illustration 说明 IN Inch 英寸INCL Include,Including 包括 INCR Increase 增加 INFO Information 信息 INSP Inspect 检查 INSTL Install 安装INST Instruct,Instrument 指示,工具INT Interior,Internal,Intersect 内部的,内在的,交叉 IR Inside Radius 内部半径ISO Internal Stds Organization 国际标准化组织 JCT Junction 连结 JNT Journal 杂志 JT Joint 连接 K Key 关键 KNRL Knurl 硬节 KST Keyseat KWY Keyway 键沟 LB Pound 英镑 LBL Label 标签 LG Length,Long 长度 LH Left Hand 左手LMC Least Material Condition LOC Locate 位于 LT Light 光 LTR Letter 信 LUB Lubricate 润滑 MACH Machine 机器 MAINT Maintenance 维护 MATL Material 材料 MAX Maximum 最大MECH Mechanical,Mechanism 机械 MED Medium 媒介MFG Manufacturing 制造业 MI Malleable Iron 可锻造的铁 MIN Minimum, Minute 最小,秒 MISC Miscellaneous 混杂的 MM Millimeter 毫米y c h e n g u a i .i c a x .c nMMC Max Material Condition MS Machine Steel MTG Mouting 装备 MULT Multiple 倍数 MWG Music Wire Gagug NA Not Applicable 不可应用的 NATL National 国内的NC Numerical Control 数字电脑控制 NEG Negative 忽略的 NO. Number 号码 NOM Nominal 名义上的 NPSM Natl Pipe Straight Mech NPT Natl Pipe Tapered缩写 全称 翻译 SCR Screw 螺丝 SEC Second 秒 SECT Section 部分 SEP Separate 独立 SEQ Sequence 顺序 SER Serial,Series 系列 SERR Serrate 锯齿状 SF Spotface SFT Shaft 轴 SGL Single 单个 SH Sheet 纸SI Intl System of Units SL Slide 使滑动 SLV Sleeve 袖子 SOC Socket 插座SP Space,Spaced,Spare 空间 SPL Special 特别 SPEC Specification 规格 SPG Spring 跳 SPHER Spherical 球体 SPRKT Sprocket 链轮齿 SQ Square 平方SST Stainless Steel 纯铁 STD Standard 标准 STK Stock 存货 STL Steel 铁STR Straight,Strip 直的 SUB Substitute 替代物 SUP Supply,Support 供应y c h e n g u a i .i c a x .c nSURF Surface 表面SYM Symmetrical 对称的SYS System 系统T Teeth,Tooth 牙齿TECH Technical 技术TEMP Template,Temporary 模板,暂时的 THD Thread 线THK Thick 厚的TOL Tolerance 公差TOT Total 总计TPF Taper per FootTPI Taper per In,Threads per Inch TPR Taper 锥形TS Tool SteelTYP Typical 典型UNC Unified Natl CoarseUNEF Unified Natl Extra FineUNF Unified Natl FineUNIV Universal 普遍VAR Variable 变量VERT Vertical 垂直的VOL Volume 音量VS Versus 与..相对W Wide,Width 宽度WASH Washer 洗衣机WDF Woodruff 车叶草WI Wrought Iron 熟铁WT Weight 重量齿轮及齿轮加工中英文对照-A部分A.1. abrasive tooth wear 齿面研磨磨损2. absolute tangential velocity 绝对切向速度3. accelerometer 加速表4. addendum 齿顶高5. addendum angle 齿顶角6. addendum circle 齿顶圆7. addendum surface 上齿面8. adhesive wear 粘着磨损9. adjustability 可调性 ychenguai.icax.cn10. adjustability coefficients 可调系数11. adjusting wedge 圆盘端铣刀的可调型楔块12. allowable stress 允许应力13. alternate blade cutter 双面刀盘14. angular backlash 角侧隙15. angular bevel gears 斜交锥齿轮16. angular displacement 角移位17. angular pitch 齿端距18. angular testing machine 可调角度试验机19. approach action 啮入20. arbor 心轴21. arbor distance 心轴距22. arc of approach 啮入弧23. arc of recess 啮出弧24. attraction 收紧25. average cutter diameter 平均刀尖直径26. axial displacement 轴向位移27. axial factor 轴向系数28. axial locating surface 轴向定位面29. axial pitch 轴向齿距30. axial plane 轴向平面31. axial rakeangle 轴向前角32. axial thrust 轴向推力33. axle testing machine 传动桥试验机Piping work: 铺管工程Steam trace: 加热蒸汽管道Cutting: 切割socket weld 承插焊接fillet weld 角焊,填角焊branch connection 分支接续fabrication tolerance .制造容差local heat treatment 局部热处理threaded pipe 螺纹管seal welding 密封焊接flange joint 凸缘接头undercut 底切feeder 馈电线conduit outlet 电线引出口seal fitting 密封接头, 密封配件Screw thread lubricant 螺纹润滑剂Seal 绝缘层weld reinforcement 焊缝补强lock washer 锁紧[止动, 防松]垫圈 ychenguai.icax.cnelectrical panel 配电板,配电盘 nipple 螺纹接头 zinc plated 镀锌的 ring joint 环接, 围缘接合 bolt 螺栓 control 控制器National Electrical Code 全国电气规程master schedule 主要图表, 综合图表, 设计任务书, 主要作业表 torque wrench 转矩扳手 job site 施工现场flange connection 凸缘联接 Hard hat 安全帽 Goggles 护目镜 Stockpile 贮存 packing list 装箱单 crate 柳条箱purchased material list 原材料进货单 back-feed 反馈 wire coil 线盘 线卷 NPT thread 美国标准锥管螺纹 cable gland 电缆衬垫terminal block 线弧, 接头排 接线盒, 接线板, 线夹 power drill 机械钻 connector 接线器insulated sleeve 绝缘套管 wire connector 接线器 wire terminal 电线接头 control wiring 控制线路 motor lead 电动机引出线 power wiring 电力布线 tender document 提供证件 orifice plate 挡板 nut 螺母flange gasket 法兰垫片dimensional inspection 尺寸检验 burn through 烧蚀 piping system 管道系统reinforcement of weld 加强焊缝"机械(常用)""abrasion, abrasive wear","磨料磨损" "active force, applied force","作用力" "actual size","实际尺寸" "addendum angle","齿顶角"y c h e n g u a i .i c a x .c n"addendum","齿顶高""addendum modification","径向变位""addendum modification (for external gears)","径向变位量" "addendum modification coefficient","径向变位系数" "additive ","添加剂" "adhesion wear","黏着磨损""adjusted rating life","修正额定寿命" "aerodynamic bearing","气体静压滑动轴承" "air spring","空气弹簧" "angle drive","角度传动" "angle of contact","包角" "angle of transmission","作用角" "angular bevel gear ","斜交锥齿轮" "angular contact bearing","角接触推力轴承" "angular contact bearing","角接触轴承""anti-friction bearing material","减磨轴承材料" "approach, engaging-in","啮入" "archimedes spiral","阿基米德螺线" "attitude angle","偏位角""auto-controlled clutch","自控离合器" "axial load factor","轴向载荷系数" "axial modification","齿向修形" "axial module","轴向模数" "axial pitch","轴向齿距" "axial plane","轴平面""axial plane of wormwheel","蜗轮轴平面" "axial profile","轴向齿廓" "back cone","背锥面" "back cone angle","背锥角" "back cone distance","中点锥距" "back cone tooth profile","背锥齿廓""back to back arrangement (rolling bearing)","背对背配置(滚动轴承)" "balancing mass","平衡质量" "ball oscillating teeth","滚珠活齿" "ball screw","滚珠丝杠" "ball screw","滚珠丝杠" "ball bearing","球轴承" "band brake","带式制动器" "base circle","基圆" "base helix","基圆螺旋线""base tangent length","公法线长度" "basic profile","基本牙型" "basic rack","基本齿条""basic rack tooth profile","基本齿廓"y c h e n g u a i .i c a x .c n"basic rating life","基本额定寿命" "basic size","基本尺寸" "bath lubrication","油浴润滑" "bathtub curve","浴盆曲线" "bearing","轴承""bearing axial load","轴承轴向载荷" "bearing bore diameter","轴承内径" "bearing bush","轴套""Bearing characteristic number","轴承特性系数" "bearing liner","轴承衬""bearing load carrying capacity","轴承承载能力" "bearing mean specific load","轴承压强" "bearing outside diameter","轴承外径" "bearing radial load","轴承径向载荷" "bearing ring","轴承套圈""bearing series (rolling bearing)","轴承系列(滚动轴承)" "bearing width","轴承宽度""bearing with solid lubricant","固体润滑滑动轴承" "belleville spring","碟形弹簧" "belt drive","带传动" "belt length","带长""bending vibration","弯曲振动" "bevel gear","锥齿轮""bevel gear with axes at right angles","正交锥齿轮""bevel gear with circular arc tooth profile","双重锥度齿锥齿轮" "bevel gear with circular arc tooth profile","圆弧齿廓锥齿轮" "bevel gear with standard taoered tooth profile","正常锥度齿锥齿轮" "bevel gear with straight tooth profile","直线齿廓锥齿轮" "bevel gear wuth 90° face angle","平顶齿轮" "block brake","块式制动器" "block chain","块链""bobed bearing","多油叶滑动轴承" "bolt","螺栓""bottom clearance","顶隙" "bottom land","齿槽底面""boundary dimension (rolling bearing)","外形尺寸(滚动轴承)" "boundary lubrication ","边界摩擦" "brake","制动器" "brake drum","制动鼓" "brake lining","制动衬片" "brake piece","制动块" "brake shoe","制动蹄""brake-band clutch","闸带离合器" "bush chain","套筒链"y c h e n g u a i .i c a x .c n"cage","保持架" "cam","凸轮""cam contour, cam profile","凸轮工作轮廓" "cam follower","凸轮从动件" "cam pitch curve","凸轮理论轮廓" "Cavitation wear","气蚀磨损" "center distance","中心距""center distance modification coefficient","中心距变动系数" "center gear","中心轮""centric slider-crank mechanism","对心曲柄滑块机构" "centrifugal clutch","离心离合器" "centrifugal tension","离心拉力" "centrifugal force","离心力" "centrode mechanism","瞬心线机构" "Ceramic friction material ","金属陶瓷" "chain","链条""chain coupling","链条联轴器" "chain transmission","链传动" "chainwheel, sprocket","链轮" "chordal height","弦齿高""circular arc profile","圆弧齿廓" "circular helix","圆柱螺旋线" "circular-arc gear","圆弧圆柱齿轮" "Circulating lubrication","循环润滑" "circumferential backlash","圆周侧隙" "classical V-belt","普通V 带" "clearance fit","间隙配合" "clevis pin with head","销轴" "clutch ","离合器""coefficient of travel speed variation, advance- to-return time ratio","行程速度变化系数""combined spring","组合弹簧" "common apex ","公共锥顶""compensator (hydrostatic bearing)","补偿器(静压轴承〕" "compost bearing material","复合轴承材料" "compound planetary gear train","组合行星齿轮系" "compound hinges, multiple hinges","复合铰链" "concave side","凹面" "cone pulley","锥轮""conical pin , taper pin ","圆锥销" "conical spiral","圆锥螺旋线" "conical spring","截锥螺旋弹簧" "conjugate flank","共轭齿面" "conjugate profile","共轭齿廓"y c h e n g u a i .i c a x .c n"connecting link","联接链节" "Consistency","稠度""constant loading","恒幅载荷""constant rate (stiffness) spring","等刚度弹簧" "constant velocity motion curve","等速运动轨迹" "contact fatigue ","接触疲劳" "Contact fatigue","接触疲劳" "contact ratio","重合度""Continuous lubrication ","连续润滑" "continuous system","连续系统" "contrate gear","端面齿轮" "controlled clutch","操纵离合器" "conventional belt","普通平带" "convex side","凸面" "conveyor chain","输送链""corresponding flanks","同侧齿面""cosine acceleration motion curve","余弦加速度运动轨迹" "cotter pin ,split pin ","开口销" "cotton belt","编织平带" "counterpart rack ","产形齿条" "couple","力偶""coupled modes","耦合振型" "coupler, floating link","连杆" "coupling ","联轴器""coupling with corrugated pipe","波纹管联轴器" "coupling with elastic spider","梅花形弹性联轴器""coupling with non-metallic elastic element","非金属弹性元件联轴器" "coupling with rubber plates","橡胶板联轴器" "coupling with rubber type element","轮胎式联轴器" "crank","曲柄""cranked link chain","弯板链""crank-rocker mechanism","曲柄摇杆机构" "crest","齿顶""crew mechanism","螺旋机构""cross recessed countersunk head screw","十字槽沉头螺钉" "cross recessed pan head screw","十字槽盘头螺钉" "cross-belt drive","交叉传动""crossed helical gear pair","交错轴斜齿轮副" "crossed roller bearing","交叉滚子轴承" "crossing point of axes","轴线交点" "crown gear","冠轮" "crowned teeth","鼓形齿""cumulative error in pitch ","螺距累积误差" "cumulative fatigue damage","疲劳积累损伤"y c h e n g u a i .i c a x .c n"curtate cycloid","短幅摆线" "curtate epicycloid","短幅外摆线" "curtate involute","缩短渐开线""curvature correction factor (spring)","曲度系数(弹簧)" "curved tooth bevel gear","曲线齿锥齿轮" "cycl, , ic loading","循环载荷" "cycloid","摆线""cycloidal drive with small teeth difference","摆线少齿差传动" "cycloidal profile","摆线齿廓""cycloidal-pin gear speed reducer","摆线针轮减速器" "cylindrical gear","圆柱齿轮""cylindrical helical compression spring","圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧" "cylindrical helical tension spring","圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧" "cylindrical helical torsion spring","圆柱螺旋扭转弹簧" "cylindrical pin , straight pin ","圆柱销" "cylindrical roller bearing","圆柱滚子轴承" "cylindrical worm","单导程圆柱蜗杆" "cylindrical worm","圆柱蜗杆" "damping","阻尼""datum circumference","基准圆周长" "datum diameter","基准直径""datum line differential","基准线差" "datum plane","基准平面" "datum width","基准宽度" "dedendum","齿根高" "dedendum anle","齿根角""deep groove ball bearing","深沟球轴承" "degree of freedom","自由度" "deviation ","尺寸偏差""deviation in pitch ","螺距偏差""diameter series (rolling bearing)","直径系列(滚动轴承)" "diametral pitch","径节""diaphragm coupling","膜片联轴器" "differential mechanism","差动机构""differential screw mechanism","差动螺旋机构""dimension series (rolling bearing)","尺寸系列(滚动轴承)" "discrete system","离散系统""disengaging time (clutch)","分离时间(离合器)" "distortion","畸变""double direction thrust bearing","双向推力轴承" "double row bearing","双列轴承" "double V-belt","双面V 带""double-circular-arc gear","双圆弧齿轮" "driven","从动件"y c h e n g u a i .i c a x .c n"driven gear","从动齿轮" "driven pulley","从动带轮" "driving gear","主动齿轮" "driving pulley","主动带轮" "driving force","驱动力" "driving link ","主动件" "dry friction ","干摩擦" "dual clutch","双作用离合器""dual lead cylindrical worm","双导程圆柱蜗杆" "duplex roller chain","双排滚子链" "dynamic load","动载荷""dynamic balance of rotor","转子的动平衡" "dynamic load","动载荷""dynamics of machinery","机械动力学" "eccentric element","偏心元件" "eccentric mechanism","偏心轮机构" "effective circumference","有效圆周长" "effective coil number","有效圈数" "effective diameter","有效直径""effective line differential","有效线差""effective stress concentration factor","有效应力集中系数" "effective tension","有效拉力" "effective width","有效宽度" "effective resistance","工作阻力" "efficiency","效率""elastic pin coupling ","弹性柱销齿式联轴器""elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication ","弹性流体动力润滑" "electromagnetic clutch","电磁离合器""electromagnetic whirlpool brake","电磁涡流制动器" "electrostatic bearing","静电轴承" "elliptic bearing","椭圆滑动轴承" "embeddability","嵌入性" "end relief","齿端修薄" "engagement","啮合""engaging time(clutch)","接合时间(离合器)" "engaging(clutch)","接合过程(离合器)" "epicycloid","外摆线""epicycloid gear","摆线齿锥齿轮""equidistant curve of curtate hypocycloid","短幅外摆线的等距曲线""equidistant curve of epicycloid","内摆线的等距曲线" "equidistant curve of epicycloid","外摆线的等距曲线" "equidistant curve of prolate epicycloid","长幅外摆线的等距曲线""equilibrium","力平衡""Equivalent coefficient of friction","当量摩擦系数"y c h e n g u a i .i c a x .c n"equivalent load","当量载荷" "equivalent force","等效力" "equivalent link","等效构件" "equivalent mass","等效质量" "equivalent moment","等效力矩" "escapement","擒纵机构" "external thread","外螺纹" "external gear","外齿轮""external pin wheel","外齿针齿轮" "external tab washer","外舌止动垫圈" "external teeth lock washer ","外齿锁紧垫圈" "Extreme-pressure lubrication","极压润滑""face to face arrangement (rolling bearing)","面对面配置(滚动轴承)" "facewidth","齿宽" "failure","失效""farthest dwell angle","远休止角" "Fastener","紧固件" "fatigue limit","疲劳极限" "fatigue strength","疲劳强度" "fault","故障" "feather key","滑键""feather key ,dive key","导向平键" "fillet","齿根过渡曲面" "fillet radius","齿根圆角半径""filling slot balll bearing","装填槽球轴承" "finite life design","有限寿命设计" "flange coupling","凸缘联轴器" "flanged bearing","凸缘轴承" "flat belt drive","平带传动" "flat key","平键" "flat spring","片弹簧""flat spring coupling","簧片联轴器" "flexibility of spring ","弹簧柔度" "flexible gear, flexpline","柔性齿轮" "floating bearing","浮环滑动轴承" "fluctuating load","变载荷" "fluid friction ","流体摩擦" "fluid lubrication ","液体润滑" "flywheel","飞轮""forced vibration","受迫振动" "foundation bolt","地脚螺栓" "four-bar mechanism","四杆机构""four-point contact ball bearing","四点接触轴承" "fracture mechanics ","断裂力学"y c h e n g u a i .i c a x .c n"free height (spring)","自由高度(弹簧)" "Fretting wear","微动磨损" "Friction","摩擦""friction brake","摩擦制动器" "friction clutch","摩擦式离合器" "Friction material ","摩擦材料" "friction wheel drive","摩擦轮传动" "Friction coefficient","摩擦系数" "frictional conformability","摩擦顺应性" "frictional conpatibility","摩擦相容性" "front cone","前锥面""full complement bearing","装满滚动体的轴承" "gas whirl ","气膜振荡" "gas lubrication ","气体润滑" "gear","齿轮""gear coupling","齿式联轴器" "gear drive","齿轮传动""gear drive with intersecting axes","相交轴齿轮传动""gear drive with non-parallel non-intersecting axes","交错轴齿轮传动" "gear drive with parallel axes","平行轴齿轮传动" "gear pair with modified center distance","角变位齿轮副""gear pair with negative modified center distance","负角变位齿轮副" "gear pair with positive modified center distance","正角变位齿轮副" "gear pair with reference center distance","高变位齿轮副" "gear ratio","齿数比" "gear teeth","轮齿""gear with addendum modification ","变位齿轮" "general flat key","普通平键" "generating cylinder","发生圆柱面" "generating diameter","发生圆直径" "generating flank","产形齿面" "geneva mechanism","槽轮机构" "gib-head taper key","钩头楔键" "gorge","咽喉面" "gorge circle","喉圆""governor, speed regulator","调速器" "grooved pin ","槽销" "guide rail","导轨""guide bar, guide link","导杆" "half of thread angle ","牙型半角" "hands of worm","蜗杆旋向""harmonic gear drive","谐波齿轮传动""harmonic gear drive with radial gear meshng","径向谐波齿轮传动""harmonic gear drive with transverse gear meshng","端面谐波齿轮传动"y c h e n g u a i .i c a x .c n。



一.齿轮gear行星齿轮planetary gear/planet gear/epicyclic gear小齿轮pinion大齿轮wheel/gear主动齿轮driving gear从动齿轮driven gear太阳轮sun gear直齿轮spur gear斜齿轮helical gear锥齿轮bevel gear外齿轮external gear内齿轮internal gear外直齿轮external spur gear内直齿轮internal spur gear圆柱齿轮cylindrical gear螺旋锥齿轮sprial bevel gear直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear斜齿锥齿轮helical bevel gear弧齿锥齿轮spiral bevel gear圆柱齿弧锥齿轮sprial bevel gear with circle arc tooth profile 8字啮合锥齿轮octoid gear锥齿轮当量圆柱齿轮virtual cylindrical gear of bevel gear曲面齿锥齿轮curved tooth bevel gear摆线齿锥齿轮enicycloid bevel gear零度锥齿齿轮zerot bevel gear冠轮crown gear链轮sprocket人字齿轮double helical gear配对齿轮/啮合齿轮mating gear端面齿轮contrate gear准双曲面齿轮hypoid gear椭圆齿轮elliptical gear非圆齿轮non-circular gear变位齿轮X-gears/gears with addendum modification 非变位齿轮X-gero gear标准齿轮standard gear产形齿轮generating gear渐开线齿轮involute cylindrical gear针轮cylindsical tan tein gear/pin-wheel柔性齿轮flexspine刚性齿轮circular spline摆线齿轮cycloidal gear圆弧齿轮circular-arc gear/W-N gear双圆弧齿轮double-circular-arc gear皮带轮belt wheel减速器齿轮speed reducer gear减速箱positive speed gearbox前末端齿轮front terminal end gear双齿轮double gear人字齿轮、双螺旋齿轮herring bone gear输出轴(取力器)power take off shaft角磨机angle grinder蜗轮worm wheel蜗杆worm锥蜗轮spiroid gear锥蜗杆spiroid锥蜗轮蜗杆spiroid gear pair锥蜗杆spiroid平面蜗杆planar worm wheel; IP-worm wheel 圆柱蜗杆cylindrical worm环面蜗杆enveloping worm圆弧圆柱蜗杆ZC-worm锥面包络圆柱蜗杆ZK-worm法向直廓蜗杆ZN-worm平面包络环面蜗轮planar double锥面包络环面蜗杆TK-worm wheel渐开线包络环面蜗杆TI-worm平面二次包络蜗杆TP-worm变速箱transmission轴和套shaft and sleeve二.渐开线involute 花键spline渐开线外花键external involute spline渐开线内花键internal involute spline渐开线公差involute tolerance花键齿节距spline pitch(花键)外径/大径major diameter(花键)内径/小径minor diameter成形直径form diameter花键类型:a. flat root,side fit 平根,齿侧配合b. fillet root,side fit 齿根圆角,齿侧配合Product series:Spur gear, bevel gear, spiral bevel gear, internal gear, sprocket, transmission, reducer, shaft and sleeve etc.(直齿轮,斜齿轮,伞齿轮,螺旋伞齿轮,内齿轮,链轮,变速箱,减速箱,轴类,套类) 30/40 型刮板运输机:type 30/40 scraper conveyor取力器前后壳:power take before and after the shell花键轴:spline shaft变速箱取力器总成及配件:transmission power take off assembly and accessories秸秆粉碎机齿轮:straw grinder gear (straw crusher)旋耕机:rotary拖拉机:tractor前驱动桥:front drive axle拖拉机前驱动桥总成及配件:tractor front drive axle assembly and parts玉米联合收割机: corn combine harvester割台箱:box header玉米联合收获机割台箱总成及配件:corn combine harvester header box assembly and parts.斯太尔汽车:Steyr automobile中桥:vehicle bridge驱动桥:driving axle后桥:rear axle齿轮加工,滚齿,磨齿,剃齿,插齿:gear machining, hobbing, grinding teeth, shaving, slotting农机厂:agricultural machinery plant矿山机械厂:mining machinery factory弧齿锥齿轮铣齿机,滚齿机,磨齿机,剃齿机,数控车床,精密磨床,花键磨床,平面磨床,卧式拉床等:sprial bevel gear milling machine, hobbing machine, grinding machine, gear shaving machine, CNC lathes, precision grinding, spline grinding machine, surface grinder, horizontal broaching machine and so on.Numerical control lathes 数控车床Black oxide 黑氧化Sprial bevel gear axle螺旋伞齿轮轴三.常见其他词汇齿数number of teeth/teeth guantity 当量齿数virtual number of teeth头数number of starts/threads齿顶crest/top land比率ratio齿圈ring gear螺纹thread螺纹孔tapped holes毛边,毛刺burr心轴arbor齿条rack基本齿条basic rack产形齿条counterpart rack直齿条spur rack斜齿条helical rack基本齿条类型basic rack type (heel end 末端) 轴承bearing半轴half-axle离合器clutch刀片blade毛坯blank卡盘chuck圈lap刀盘cutter切齿干涉cutter reference刀具半径cutter radius刀刃圆角半径cutter edge radius传感器sensor大端接触heel pattern与成对轮齿大端接触heel pattern with the pair gear tooth 齿锥度tooth taper打字joined tooth gear lettering中凸齿barrel-shaped teeth四.关联词汇基圆base circle基圆直径base diameter基节base pitch基圆半径base radius节圆pitch circle节圆直径pitch diameter 径节diametral pitch 节线pitch line节线跳动pitchline runout分度圆reference circle分度圆直径reference diameter根圆root circle根圆直径root diameter顶圆tip circle顶圆直径tip diameter顶隙圆clearance circle周节circular pitch外径outside diameter齿根圆dedendum circle齿根直径root diameter齿根圆角半径(过滤圆角半径) fillet radius背锥back cone面锥face cone节锥pitch cone根锥root cone分锥reference cone分锥顶点reference cone apex齿顶高addendum齿根高dedendum全齿高whole depth齿高tooth depth/height弦齿高chordal height固定弦齿高constant chord height齿宽face width有效齿宽effective width齿厚tooth thickness端面齿厚transerse tooth thickness法向齿厚normal tooth thickness端面基圆齿厚transverse base thickness法向基圆齿厚normal base thickness弦齿厚chordal thickness/arc tooth thickness 端面弦齿厚transverse chordal tooth thickenss 固定弦齿厚constant chord弧齿厚circular thickness前锥面front cone中锥面middle cone背锥面back cone背锥母线backcone element总误差total accumulated spacing error五.角angle背锥角back (cone) angle面锥角face angle节锥角pitch angle根锥角root angle分锥角reference cone angle顶锥角tip angle齿锥角tooth cone angle压力角pressure angle主压力角main pressure angle轴交角shaft angle齿顶角addendum angle齿根角dedendum angle传动轴角transmission axes angle螺旋角spiral angle任意点螺旋角spiral angle at a point重点螺旋角mean spiral angle大端螺旋角outer spiral angle小端螺旋角inner spiral angle齿形角nominal pressure angle倒角chamfer啮合角working pressure angle齿宽角width angle工作压力角pressure angle (operating)齿厚半角tooth thickness half angle槽宽半角space width half angle任意点压力角pressure angle at a point任意点法向压力角normal pressure angle at a point任意点端面压力角transverse pressure angle at a point总作用角total angle of transmission导程角lead angle端面作用角transverse angle of transmission纵向作用角overlap angle轮廓有效位置渐开线绞孔角度the evolvent reaming angle of the profile active site 有效面积渐开线展开轮廓角度the angle developed profile of involute of the active area六.距distance齿距pitch齿距公差pitch tolerance锥距cone distance外锥距outer cone distance内锥距inner cone distance内锥距inner cone distance重(中)点锥距mean cone distance背锥距back cone distance背角距back angle distance花键齿节距spline pitch中心距centre distance标准中心距reference centre distance实际中心距center distance (operating)位置距offset冠顶距apex to crown轮冠距tip distance/crown to back安装距mounting distance/locating distance 齿端距angular pitch工具头部刀顶距point width of the tool head七.齿面flank齿面tooth flank右侧齿面right flank左侧齿面lefe flank同侧齿面corresponding flank异侧齿面opposite flank上齿面addendum flank下齿面dedendum flank工作齿面working flank非工作齿面non-working flank啮合齿面mating flank共轭齿面conjugate flank可用齿面usable flank有效齿面active flank产形齿面generating flank八.面齿顶面face齿根面flank阿基米德螺旋面screw helicoid球面渐开螺旋面spherical involute 定位面locating face凸面convex side凹面concace face圆环面tosoid齿根圆环面root tosoid分度圆环面reference tosoid圆环面的母圈generant of the tosoid圆环面的中性圈middle circle of the tosoid 圆环面的中间平面middle plane of the tosoid 圆环面的内圈inner circle of the tosoid基准平面datum plane轴平面axial plane节平面pitch plane端平面transverse plane法平面normal plane啮合平面plane of action中平面middle plane喉平面gorge plane咽喉面gorge咽喉半径gorge radius喉圆gorge circle齿根过渡曲面fillet啮合曲面surface of action分度曲面reference surface 节曲面pitch surface齿顶曲面tip surface齿根曲面root surface假想曲面imaginary surface 分度圆柱面reference cylinder 节圆柱面pitch cylinder基圆柱面basic cylinder齿顶圆柱面tip cylinder齿根圆柱面root cylinder九.线齿线tooth trace渐开线involute延伸渐开线prolate involute 缩短渐开线curtate involute 球面渐开线spherical involute渐开螺旋线involute helicoid螺旋线helix分度圆涡旋线reference helix圆锥螺旋线conical spiral阿基米德螺旋线archimedes spiral基准线datum line连心线line of centres摆线cycloid长幅摆线prolate cycloid短幅摆线curtate cycloid内摆线hypo cycloid外摆线epoi cycloid长幅外摆线prolate epoicycloid长幅内摆线prolate hypocycloid短幅外摆线curtate epoicycloid短幅内摆线curtate hypocycloid瞬时接触线line of contact端面啮合线transverse path of contact十.啮合啮合齿轮mating gear啮合平面plane of action啮合曲面surface of action相啮齿面mating flank啮合干涉meshing interefence 啮合区域zone of action啮合角working pressure angle十一. PitchPitch 齿距Pitch tolerance 齿距公差Pitch circle 节圆Pitch diameter 节圆直径Pitch line 节线Pitch point 节点Pitch plane 节平面Pitch surface 节曲面Pitch cylinder 节圆柱面Pitch cone 节锥Pitch cone angle 节锥角十二. Tooth/teethTooth type 齿形Tooth trace direction 齿向:a) right-hand teeth 左旋齿b) left –hand teeth 右旋齿tooth crown 齿冠tooth trace 齿线tooth tip 齿棱tooth depth 齿高tooth flank 齿面tooth profile 齿廓tooth space 齿槽tooth guantity 齿数pitch 齿距齿根bottom land十三. 顶公共锥顶common apex十四. 模数模数module端面模数transverse module外端面模数exterior transverse module 法向模数normal module轴向模数axial module平均正常模数average normal modle 十五. 比(率)/重合度齿数比gear ratio传动比transmission ratio总重合度total contact ratio端面重合度transverse ratio纵向重合度overlap ratio精确度accuracy degree修正度degree of correction十六齿廓( profile)齿廓tooth profile齿廓型修profile modification端面齿廓transverse profile法向齿廓normal profile法基本齿廓normal basic rack profile轴向齿廓axial profile背锥齿廓back cone tooth profile基本齿廓basic tooth profile十七. 系数(coefficient)变位系数modification coefficient/shifting coefficient切向变为系数tangential MC齿顶系数、顶隙系数addendum coefficient /bottom clearance coefficient 径向变位系数addendum modification coefficient中心距变位系数centre distance modification coefficient径向间隙系数radial clearance factor头部厚度系数coefficient of head thickness过滤曲线弯曲半径系数factor of radius of curvature of transition curve齿厚变化系数coefficient of tooth thickness change十八. 量(公差/偏差)齿线偏移量offset of tooth trace容许加铅量lead tolerance变位量addendum modification渐开线公差involute tolerance内轴距测量极限偏差limit deviations of measuring interaxle distance报废限度bore condemning limit全程中成对轴角测量偏差余量allowance for variation of measuring pair axes angle of one tooth轴向运动测量偏差varation tolerance of the measurement axial movement十九. 隙顶隙(bottom) clearance齿侧背隙backlash周圆侧隙circumferential blacklash法向侧隙normal backlash径向侧隙radial backlash最小侧间隙min side clearance二十. 厚齿厚tooth thickness端面齿厚transverse tooth thickness法向齿厚normal tooth thickness端面齿顶厚crest width法向齿顶厚normal crest width弦齿厚chordal thickness固定弦齿厚constant chord端面弦齿厚transverse chordal tooth thickness弦上齿厚tooth thickness on the chord弧齿厚circular thickness外圆弧齿厚external circular tooth thickness分度圆圆弧上弧齿厚circular tooth thickness on the arc of a reference circle 端面基圆齿厚transverse base thickness法向基圆齿厚normal base thickness二十一. 宽(width)齿宽face width有效齿宽effective facewidth端面齿槽宽transverse space width法向齿槽宽normal space width涡轮齿宽worm wheel facewidth蜗杆齿宽worm facewidth二十二. (交) 点瞬时接触点point of contact轴线交点crossing point of axes二十三. 弧总作用弧total arc of transmission端面作用弧transverse arc of transmission 纵向作用弧overlap arc二十四. 轴瞬时轴instantaneous axis二十五. 半径(radius) & diameter(原始轮廓)过渡曲线弯曲半径radius of curvature of transition curve (original profile) 刀具半径cutter radius刀刃圆角半径cutter edge radius齿轮刀具名义直径gear cutter nominal diameter有效分度圆直径effective reference diameter二十六.长度(length)公法线长度base tangent length二十七.高度(深度)工作高度working depth齿顶高addendum齿根高dedendum弦齿高chordal height固定弦齿高constant chord height全齿高whole depth齿高tooth height到弦的测量高度measuring height up to the chard二十八. 其他修缘tip relief修根root relief齿向修正axial modification齿端修补end relief鼓形修正crowning鼓形齿crowned teeth挖根undercut导程lead最小齿顶高修正min addendum modification凸台boss紧固件fastener加强肋rib垫儿pad凹槽recess 切洞cutout 夹具JIG。



井场常用语Vocablarios Usuales de Perforación安全监督supervisor de seguridad, EHS / safety supervisor,HSE保安guardia/guard叉车司机montacarguero,operador de montacarga材料员bodeguero/ storekeeper场地工patio/ roustabout厨师cocinero/ chef打捞工程师ingeniero de pescar/ fishing engineer打水工aguadero大班代班队长tool pusher地质工程师ingeniero geólogo/ geo-engineer电气工程师ingeniero eléctrico/ electric engineer电工electricista/electrician吊车司机gruísta定向工程师ingeniero direccional/ directional engineer翻译traductor,intérprete/translator,interpreter服务员salonero / waiter高级工程师ingeniero de alto rango/haster engineer焊工soldador/ welder护士paramédico, enfermero/ nurse机械工程师ingeniero mecánico/ mechanical engineer技术员técnico/technician井架工encuellador/ derrickman面包师panadero/ baker泥浆工程师ingeniero de lodo/ mud engineer平台经理gerente de la plataforma , gerente del taladro/ rig manager 清洁工camarero / cleaner勤杂工varios servicios,campamentero司钻maquinista,perforador/ driller司机长aceitero/motorman司机chófer/driver士兵soldado/soldier挖掘机司机operador de escarbadora, operador de retro洗碗工posillero洗衣工lavadero, lavadera / laundryman,laundress项目经理gerente del proyecto/ project manager项目副经理subgerente del proyecto/ project vice-manager小班代班队长supervisor协调员coordinador/coordinator医生doctor,médico/ doctor营地管理员administrador de campamento自卸车司机operador de volquete, operador de winche,volquetero 总监superintendente /superintendent钻井监督company man钻工cuñero/ floorman,roughneck钻井工程师ingeniero de perforación/ drilling engineer钻头工程师ingeniero de broca/ bit engineerS C R 房caseta de SCR电工房bodega eléctrica工具房bodega herramienta/tool house固控区control de sólidos/solids control会议室sala de reunión,sala reuniones接头房bodega de ingeniero de perforación井架torre,mástil/derrick,Mast库房bodega/warehouse门房garita de guardia配料区químicos钳工房taller soldadura/work shop燃油区zona de combustible食堂comedor/dining room停车场paqueadero,estacionamiento,aparcamiento/parking吸烟区área de fumar/smoking area洗衣房lavandería/laundry液气分离器desgasificador/poor boy营房cámper/minicamp远控房cúmmig /koomy震动筛saranda/shaker钻杆架burro /pipe rack大门坡道rampa/ ramp大钩gancho/ hook大绳cable de perforación/drilling line大支架caballete底座base de torre / substructure顶驱轨道carril,riel/track顶驱top ray/ top drive电缆槽bandeja de cable /cable rack二层台encuelladero / monkey board防碰天车protector de corona/ crown o-matic护栏pasamano,baranda/handrail滑轮polea/ pulley,sheaves滑轮组aparejo/ block绞车malacate/ drawworks井口cabezal/ wellhead井架大腿pata de torre/ derrick leg井架灯lámparas de torre立管standpipe猫道planchada/ catwalk牛头la ¨A¨偏房casa de perro/ dog house气动小绞车winche /winch钳尾绳桩子poste para fijar cable del lagarto人字梁tijeras司控房caseta de perforador, cabina de perforador/driller’s console,driller’s house 鼠洞ratonera/ mousehole水龙头swivel水龙带manguera de lodo / mud hose逃生滑梯reshalda de emergencia套管扶正台encuelladero de casing /stabbing board梯子escalera/ stair天车corona/ crown液压猫头gato hidráurico/hydraulic cat液压站estación hidráurica/hydraulic station游车polea viajera/ travelling block圆井cóntrapozo/cellar转盘rotaria/ rotary table钻台mesa/drill floor, rig floorA部分seccióB部分sección B/ section B,TFH2S演习simulacro de sirena /siren drillO型密封圈o-ring半封ariete de tubeía,ariete sencillo/ pipe rams单闸板preventor single/single preventer法兰brida,flanche /flange防喷演习simulacro de control de surgencia/ BOP drill防喷措施procedimiento de control de reventones /blowout prevention proceduer 防喷器BOP(preventores de reventones/blowout preventer)防喷盒barracho/mud guard放喷管线quemador de gas封井器conjunto de BOP分流器diverter节流管汇choke manifold节流管汇控制台control remeto de choke manifold/choke manifold remote control 环形anular / annular,hydrill剪切闸板ariete cortador / shear rams井喷reventón/ blowout井控设备aparatos de control de pozos/well control equipment井控,防喷control de pozos / well control井控证certificado de control de pozos/well control certification空气管缆manguera de aire/air cable喇叭口camisa de campana/mud cross,dress sleeve立管standpipe连接法兰adaptador de brida/ flange adapter平行闸板阀gate valve气缸,气瓶cilindro/ cylinder全封ariete ciego / blind rams失控descontrol/out of control司控台control remoto de BOP/driller’s console,BOP remote control四通carretel / spool手轮volante/handle wheel双闸板preventor doble/double preventer,twin preventer套管头cabeza de revestimiento/casing head蓄能器acumulador/accumulator液气分离器desgasificador/ poor boy远控房cúmmig/ koomy闸板总成juego de ariete /ram assembly保护接头conexión de protección/saver sub单根junta,sencillo/joint,single导管tubo de conductor/conductor pipe短钻杆pup joint方钻杆cuadrante /kelly扶正器estabilizador/stabilizer(stb)贯眼扣FH,full hole护丝protector de rosca/threads protector加重钻杆heavy weight /heavy weight drill pipe,HWDP金刚石钻头PDC立柱parada/stand螺旋钻铤tricola espiral /spiral drill collar内平扣IF,internal flush刃aleda/blade三牙轮钻头broca tricónica/tricone bit双根doble/double套管revestimiento,casing /CSG,casing提升短节portamecha,levantador/lift sub尾管drilling liner无磁钻铤monel正规扣REG,regular转换接头reducción/crossover钻头接头portabroca/ bit sub钻铤tricola, botella /drill collar,DC钻杆tubería/drill pipe,DP钻柱sarta de perforación/drill string搬家transportar(transportación)/ movilize(movilization)安装armar, instalar/ rig up,install整改modificar,modificación/modify,modification开钻iniciar la perforación /spud in下导管bajar conductor固导管cementación de conductor一开primera sección表层钻井perforación superficial下表套bajar casing superficial/running surface casing固表套cementación /cementing装防喷器instalar BOP/rig up BOP试压probar la presión/test the pressure二开segunda sección完钻terminar la perforación/ finish drilling电测registro /log下油套bajar casings de producción/running production casing 固井cementación/cementing装井口armar cabezal试压probar la presión/test the pressure拆卸desarmar/ rig down靶心objetivo/target变向器rebel tool侧钻desvio/sidetrack测斜survey测斜仪equipo de survey/survey instrument定向orientación/orientation定向器,造斜器whipstock方位角azimuth工具面tool face降斜caer inclinación,caer ángulo /drop off井斜inclinación, ángulo /inclination, angle井眼轨道,井身剖面trayectora del pozo/well trajectory井下螺杆,螺旋钻具motor del fondo/motor of bottom,PDM(positive displacementmud motor)扭方位hacer corrección/make up correction水平位移desplazamiento horizonal/horizonal displacement水平井pozo horizontal/horizontal well稳斜mantener inclinación, mantener ángulo /inclination holding无线随钻测斜仪MWD(measurement while drilling)无磁钻铤monel造斜deslizar/ slide造斜点KOP(kick off point)增斜construir inclinación,contruir ángulo / build up憋钻bit touching刺漏hueco en tuberías/washout井涌influjo/kick井漏lost circulation井喷reventón/blowout井塌cave in,slough落鱼pesca/fish气侵influjo de gas/gas flux卡钻pega/stuck,sticking水侵influjo del agua/water flux跳钻bit jumping溢流overfloor遇阻apretado, problema de arrastre /touch down,touching resistance钻头泥包broca embolada /bit balling绷钻具,甩钻具quebrar tuberías/LD,lay down倒划眼backream倒翼alerta倒大绳cortar cable de perforación/cut off drilling line顶替desplazar/displace短起下hacer viaje corto/short trip短循环circuito corto反转reversa/reverse关井shut in划眼repasar /ream建立循环normalizar circuración接钻具conectar tuberías扩眼ensanchar起下钻hacer viajes/trips起钻sacar tuberías/POOH(pull out of the hole) 上扣conectar,conección/make up上提arriba/up上紧扭矩dar torque,torquear/make-up torque送钻feed off通井viaje de limpieza/wiper trip下钻bajar tuberías/RIH(run in the hole)下放abajo/down卸扣desconectar,desconección卸钻具desconectar tuberías压井matar pozo/ kill well正转adelante/forward钻进perforar/drill采油树árbol de navidad/christmas tree迟到时间fondo arriba顶替desplazamiento/displacement方井cóntrapozo/cellar工况condiciones del pozo/hole condition狗腿肚patas de perro/dog leg灌浆bombear lodo/pumping mud井口cabeza del pozo/wellhead井深profundidad del hueco/hole depth井眼hueco/hole井底fondo del pozo/ bottom井眼扩大率est washout del hoyo井眼容积volumen de hueco井下螺杆motor del fondo/motor of bottom井内不规则caberna裸眼井hueco abierto/openhole喷嘴boquilla/jet, nozzle碰水泥塞面tope de cemento/TOC,top of cement卡泵sujetador屈服点punto cedende日报reporte diario/daily report上提阻力sobrearraste/overpull上提钻具重量drag up设计井深profundidad programada del pozo水眼冲击力fuerza de impacto chorros套管鞋zapato /casing shoe下放钻具重量drag down悬重hook load/ peso en la zarda循环circular(circulación)/circulate(circulation)压力降presión perdida/pressure drop油层zona de interés直井pozo vertical/straight well转速RPM(revolunciones por minuto /rotary speed) 钻具记录tally钻压peso en la broca/weight on bit,WOB钻速ROP备用泵Stand-by pump泵bomba/pump沉砂罐,锥形罐trampa, tanque de sedimento/settling tank 除气器separador de gas /degasser除泥器limpiador de lodo/desilter除沙器desarenador/desander单流阀válvula choke/choke valve低泵冲测试rata baja/slow pump rate护裙mandil缓冲罐tanque de viaje /trip tank缓冲槽volcillo开泵prender bombas关泵apagar bombas泵冲stroque,embolada/stroke罐tanque/tank灌浆管线línea de llenado / fill line灌注泵bomba alimentadora/charge pump灌浆接头pin conecta con mariposa剪切罐tanque de corte/shear tank搅拌机agitador/agitator冷却水罐tanque de refrigeración/cooling water tank 离心机centrífuga/centrifuge立式罐tanque de cemento/cementing tank漏斗embudo,tolvas/funnel泥浆枪pistola de lodo/mud gun泥浆泵bomba de lodo/mud pump,MP泥浆料materiales de lodo/mud materials泥浆罐tanque de lodo/ pits泥浆槽canalete泥浆池piscina de lodo/mud pool泥浆输出管线línea de flujo / flow line排水管línea de descarga/discharge line配浆罐tanque de mezcla/ mixing tank喷淋泵bomba hidráulica/hydraulic pump上水管línea de succión / suction line上水泵bomba de succón /suction pump上水罐tanque de succión/suction tank筛布malla潜水泵bomba sumergible循环罐tanque de circulación/circulation tank 振动筛saranda/ shaker重浆罐tanque de píldora/pill tank比重peso de lodo/specific gravity残渣residuo次氯酸钙hipoclorito calcio稠浆píldora viscosa/viscous pill触变性tixotropia/thixotropy电解液agua electrónica动切力YP,yield point废浆/井液efluente干净返出retornos limpios钙calcio/calcium固相sólidos /solids固含contenido de sólidos /solid content固控control de sólidos/solids control固色剂fijador含砂量contenido de arena/ sand content剪切力esfuerzo cortante/shear stress苛性钠soda caústica颗粒partícula/particle可溶性,溶解性solubilidad/solubility冷却水agua de refrigeración/cooling water离子ion/ion离子的iónico/ionic硫酸铝sulfato de aluminio流变性reología/rheology漏斗粘度viscosidad embudo/FV,funnel viscosity 滤失性filtración/filtration滤失量perdida de fluido/fluid loss润滑性lubricidad/lubricity氯离子cloro/chlorine密度densidad/density钠sodio/sodium泥饼torta/cake泥浆lodo/mud,drilling fluid粘度viscosidad/viscosity浓度concentración/concentration膨润土bentonita /bentonite粘土arcilla/clay排量galonaje,caudal /flow rate前置液enjuagar/preflush清扫液píldora limpiadora/sweep生石灰cal viva湿度humedad失水率API fluid loss苏打soda,bicarbonato de sadio/ soda熟石灰cal apagada塑性粘度PV,viscosidad plástica/PV,plastic viscosity酸化acidificación碳酸钙carbonato de calcio添加剂aditivos稀释剂dulición岩屑corte,ripio/cutting原料químicos/chemicals蒸馏水agua destilada重晶石barito/barite重浆píldora pesada/pillsChalcanaOrteguazaTiyuyacuTenaNapoHollin表层压力presión superficial/surface pressure长石feldespato/feldspar沉积层sedimento/sediment层estrato,estratificación层断intervalo/interval地下水层nivel freático地层试漏, 地层完整性试验probar integridad, prueba de integridad de formación 断层falla /faultage粉砂岩limolita/siltstone缝隙水agua intersticial钙质的calcáreo海绿石glauconita水合hidratar/hydrate含水层acuífero黄铁矿pirita灰岩caliza/limestone夹层interestratificación/interbed金刚石diamante/diamond矿石mineral/mineral砾石conglomerato/conglomerate煤carbón/coal煤屑clástico de carbón泥岩arcillolita/claystone粘土arcilla/clay凝灰岩toba/tuff膨润土bentonite破裂梯度gradiente de fractura/fracture gradient破裂burst砂arena/ sand砂岩arenisca/sandstone石膏anidrita/anhydrite石质的lítico石英cuarzo/quartz燧石,黑硅石chert坍塌collapse脱水deshidratación岩性litología/lithology页岩ludita/shale油层zona de interés/zone of interest安全卡瓦cuña de seguridad/safety clamps袋saco /sack吊卡elevator短套管pup joint分级箍división de cementación/D.V. tool浮箍collar de flotación/float collar浮鞋zapato de flotación/float shoe扶正器centralizador/centralizer,bow centralizer (双弧行)灌浆管线línea de cementación/cement line候凝esperar en frague de cemento,fraguar/WOC,wait on cement 卡盘plato base/plate base领浆lechada de relleno/lead slurry气动卡瓦cuña neumática/spider气动扳手llave neumática水泥cemento/cement水泥浆lechada de cemento/cement slurry水泥头cabeza de cementación /cement head水泥塞tapón de cementación /cement plug套管分割器dam packer套管钳llave hidráulica/hydraulic tong套管鞋zapato de casing/casing shoe尾浆lechada de cola/tail slurry循环接头fill up tool,Donkie Dick小卡瓦pikú液压站unidad hidraúlica/hydraulic unit止推环anillo de retención/stop ring, stop collar柴油diesel/diesel柴油滤行器filtro de diesel防冻油aceite anticongelante黄油grasa/grease黄油枪grasero,jeringa de grasa,inyector de grasa 机油aceite加油站gasolinera/gas station加油枪pistola de gasolina汽油gasolina/gasoline润滑油lubricante/ lubricant丝扣油grasa de rosca液压油aceite hidráulico/hydraulic oil油罐tanque de diesel/diesel tank油表medidor de aceite/diesel meditorS C R 房(电传动系统) casita de control/VFD house 安培amperio,A变压器transformador/transformer保险丝,保险管,快熔fusible/fuse插头enchufe/plug插座toma插板regla eléctrica ,estención导电性contuctividad灯泡foco电钻taladradora électrica电工房bodega eléctrica电动机motor电流corriente eléctrica电流表amperímetro电压voltaje/voltage电压表voltimetro电阻R,resistencia/resistence电容C,capacitancia,capacidad eléctrica 电钮botón/button电瓶bateria eléctrica电缆cable eléctrico /cable电缆架bandeja de cables/cable rack电钻taladradora électrica电工胶带taipe断路器interruptor二极管D,diodo发电机generador/generator防水胶布rollo impermeable防爆灯lámpara antiexplosiva伏voltio,V/volt功率potencia /power合页bisagra交流电CA ,corriente alterna/AC接线板panel de conexiones接线图esquema de conexiones井架灯lámparas de torre开关interruptor,llave/switch可调阻流器choke adjustable配电箱caja termicas配电盘cuadro de distribución/switchboard启辉器activador,arranque para lámpara试电笔probador eléctrico水箱rediador探照灯reflector/searchlight同轴电缆cable coaxial信号灯luz intermitente/blinker万用表multímetro线鼻子(接线端子) terminal镇流器balastos,bobina de inductancia直流电CC ,corriente continua/DC叉车montacarga/folk lift车牌placa低平板拖车tráiler de cama baja/low boy吊车grúa/crane高平板拖车tráiler de cama alta灰罐车camión de cal刮雨器pluma/wiper后视镜retrovisor卡车camión/truck驾照licencia喇叭pito离合器embrague/drum clucth轮子rueda/wheel轮胎llanta/tire面包车buseta/ minibus皮卡camioneta平板拖车tráiler手推车carretilla水泥车camión de cemento水罐车tanquero de agua挖掘机escarbadora, retro/grab行驶证martícula压路机rodillo,compactadora油罐车tanquero de aceite油门acelerador/accelerator自卸车winche( mancho),volquete/oilfield winch truckB型钳lagarto /power tong安全卡瓦cuña de seguridad,collarín de seguridad/safety clamps 补心bushing吊卡elevator吊环brazos/bail方补心bushing cuadrado, bushing anguloso/ kelly bushing 气动卡瓦cuña neumática卡瓦cuña/ slip钳牙muela/dies钳头mordaza, quijada / jaw提丝ayatola提升短节portamecha,levantador/lift sub液气大钳llave hidráulica/ hydraulic tong扳手llave/ wrench, spanner半园锉lima semiredonda扁铲espátula/flat shovel铲子pala/shovel锉刀lima/file大铁锤combo多用死扳手(开口-梅花) llave mixta(boca-golpe)钢丝转钳alicates para alambre钢锯sierra /saw刮刀rascador/scraper管钳llave de tubo/pipe wrench活动扳手llave de pico,llave inglesa,剪刀tijeras/scissors开口扳手,死扳手llave de boca/open-ended spanner 榔头martillo/hammer老虎钳playo链钳llave de cadena/chain tong麻花钻twist drill梅花起子desarmador de estrella梅花扳手,锤击扳手llave de estrella, llave de golpe内六方扳手llave exagonal/ hexagonal wrench扭矩扳手llave de torque/torque wrench平口起子desarmador plano卡簧手钳alicates para anillos/circlip pliers撬杠barra/bar丝锥(螺丝攻) macuelo,macho de aterrajar十字镐pico/pick手钳alicates/ pliers手斧hacha/ax(e),hatchet台钳prensa/entenalla台钻taladro/bench drill套筒扳手llave de copa/box spanner凿子cincel /chisel尺子regla/rule钢板尺regla de acero /steel rule卡钳calibrador/caliper米尺flexómetro内卡尺calibrador interno /internal caliper皮尺cintamétrica筛尺calibrador de laminos水平尺nivel/level外卡尺calibrador externo/external caliper油管尺cinta para tubería游标卡尺calibrador micrométrico/vernier caliper gauge扁钢acero chapado槽钢acero en “U”打火石chispero电镀的galvanisado短节niple堵头tapón方管tubo cuadrado钢锯sierra /saw钢锯条hoja de sierra钢锯架marco de sierra钢筋varilla de acero钢板plancha割枪torch割枪头子boquillas工字钢acero en doble ”T”管线切割器cortador de tubo焊接soldadura/welding焊工面罩escudo facial焊枪soplete焊工护袖manga cuero焊条electrodos/welding rod角钢ángulo/angle接箍,油壬unión/union螺纹松动剂anti -oxidante抛光机pulidora气焊soldadura con gas卡子abrasadera砂轮rueda abrasivo砂轮机esmeril砂纸lija三通T,tes深色玻璃vidrios oscuros(焊工面具上使用) 铜焊条varilla bronce透明玻璃vidrios claros(焊工面具上使用) 弯头codo/elbow围裙mandil氧气瓶botella de oxígeno银棒varilla de plataU形卡¨U¨/ shackle板擦borrador de pizarra报警器alarma/alarm别针pincha变速箱cambio de marcha,vestido-caja/gear-box 玻璃胶siliconas波纹管bellows as插销cerrojo操纵杆palanca de operación/operational rod磁石Íman./magnetic齿轮engranaje/gearing冲管tubo de lavador/wash pipe传感器sensor传动箱caja de transmisión/transmission box打捞篮cesta de pesca/fishing basket单流阀válvula choke /choke valve导链tecle, señorita/running slings垫圈rodela, arandela/gasket,washer吊带faja蝶阀válvula mariposa/butterfly valve钉子clavo/nail顶棚techo/roof堵丝tapón/plug短节niple阀门válvula/valve法兰brida,flanche/flange方管tubos cuadrados防渗布geomembrana辅助刹车freno auxiliar缸套camisa/liner钢圈o-ring钢丝绳cable de acero/wire割枪头子boquillas公扣pin,macho/pin刮泥器goma/scraper挂锁candado/padlock虹吸管sifón/syphon,siphon缓冲器pulidor/buffer换气扇ventilador/ventilator回转弯头codo de retorno活绳头grampa /clamp活塞pistón/piston架子estantería/shelf减震器tope/shock absorber紧急制动刹freno de emergencia/emergency brake 胶带cinta adhesiva胶水pecamento,peca胶塞tapón plástico胶合剂agente adherente空压机compresora/ compressor快速接头acople rápido/fast crossover离合器embraque/drum clutch立管压力表manómetro de standpipe/standpipe pressure gauge 连杆biela链条cadena/chain铆钉remache/rivet螺丝钉tornillo/screw螺杆perno/bolt螺帽tuerca/nut螺栓espárrago螺纹松动剂anti -oxidante滤子filtro/filter扭矩表torquímetro/torque indicator母扣caja,hembra/box木板tablón,tabla /board,planket尼龙绳cuerda de nylón排气管tubo de escape旁通bypass皮带correa起架大绳cable para subir torre/raising line起座大绳cable para subir base气泵bomba de aire汽缸cilindro/cyilinder千斤顶gata强磁打捞筒pescador magnético/magneto球阀válvula esférica/ball valve柔性短节flex joints软管manguera/hose刹车freno/brake刹把arranque del freno/brake bar三合板triples生料带,密封带teflón绳malina,cuerda/rope绳卡grillete/ guy clamp绳结anudadura de cuerda绳套guaya丝扣rosca/thread石棉绳cuerda de asbesto石棉板embaque死绳头angla试压堵赛器tapón de presión/ test plug手动阀válvula maual/manual valve手轮volante/ wing valve刷子brocha /brush锁cerratura/lock踏板ramfla弹簧muelle,resorte/spring提环anillo,argolla提篮canasta铁丝alambre/wire铁网malla metálica通孔保护套protector de hueco/bore protector通径规conejo/drift弯头codo/elbow万向轴eje universal吸油纸absorbente销子pin旋塞válvula de kelly / valvecock压力表manómetro de presión/pressure gauge 液动阀HCR硬管tubo/tube油壬unión /union扎带tairas震击器martillo/jar指重表indicador de peso/weight indicator重量传感器garrapata轴eje轴承cojinete,rodamiento转盘锁seguro, perro转速表tacómetro/tachometer钻头盒子canasta de broca/ bit breakersafety factor安全绳línea de seguridad安全帽casco/helmet安全镜gafas de seguridad安全标语letreo安全警示带cinta peligro安全带arnés de seguridad,citurón de seguridad 安全绳línea de vida爆炸explosión/explosion氮气nitrógeno/nitrogen倒车报警器pita reversa耳塞protectores auditivos, protectores de oídos,tapón/ear plugs 防坠落绳yoyo防毒器材equipo antigas防毒面具mascara de filtro防尘面具mascara para polvo防滑地毯alfombra antideslizante ,alfombra roja防滑钢板plancha antideslizante,plancha corrugada风向标manga de viento/vane干粉灭火器extintor seco y de polvo护腿polaina护腰带faja de seguridad/safety girdle口罩mascarilla/ respirator绝缘手套guantes dieléctricos劳保皮鞋zapatos连体服overol硫化氢H2S(sirena/siren)轮式灭火器extintor con llantas墨镜monolentes气体探测仪detector de gas伤害,损害dañando,daño/damaging,damage手套guantes/gloves弹簧钩(安全绳挂钩)mosquetón铁网围墙cerramiento de malla逃生绳cable de salva vida无色镜lentes洗眼台lavado de ojos,estación lava ojos/eyes wash station应急灯luz emergencia雨鞋bota/boot消防泵boma para incendios烟雾探测器detector de humo氧气oxígeno/oxygen乙炔acetileno/acetylene雨衣impermeable/raincoat助力器cuerda ayudante阿司匹林ácido acetilsalicílico伤疤cicatriz/scar绷带ventaje/bandage肠intestino/intestine打喷嚏estornudar担架camilla (de socorro)/stretcher发烧fiebre/fever发炎inflamación/inflammation 发炎inflamar防疫证certificado de vacunas粪便deposiciones/shit腹泻diarrea/diarrhea钙片calcio感冒gripe/flu,influenza喉咙,嗓子garganta/throat呼吸道vías respiratorias黄热病fiebre amarillo霍乱cólera/cholera剪刀tijeras/sicssors痉挛,抽筋espasmo/spasm酒精alcohol咳嗽toser/croup阑尾apéndice氯离子cloro脉搏pulso/pulse慢性咽炎faringe crónica镊子pinza/tweezers尿orina/urine喷嚏estornudo/sneeze皮肤过敏alergias cutáneas破伤风tétamos前列腺prostata/prostate青霉素penicilina/penicillin撒尿orinar/pee晒伤quemadura de sol/sunburn 伤寒tifoidea/typhoid伤疤cicatriz/scar水处理工具planta痰esputo/sputum体温计termómetro/thermometer 体检exámenes médicos头晕vértigo,mareo头昏的mareado/dizzy吐esputar/spit维他命,维生素vitamina/vitamin 卫生棉球algodón hidrófilo胃,肚子estómago/stomach胃溃疡gastrica de estómago心脏仪monitor cardiaco血sangre/blood血压计tensiómetro育苗vacuna/vaccine樟脑alcanfor/camphor止痛剂analgésico/painkiller肿chichón,absceso/abscess中暑insolación/heatstroke,sunstrokeH2S sirena/sirenMBT Methylene blue test绷钻具LD (quebrar tuberías/lay down)泵冲GPM(galones por minuto/gallons per minute)泵冲速SPM (stroques por minuto/strokes per minute)垂深PVV,profundidad vertical verdadera / TVD,true vertical depth打捞工具DT动切力YP(yield point)防喷器BOP(preventores de reventones/ blowout preventer)分级箍 D.V tool扶正器stb (estabilizador /stabilizer)狗腿肚DLS (patas de perro/dog leg)国际钻井承包商协IADC(La asociación internacional de contratistas de perforación/International Association Drilling Contractor)候凝WOC(esperar en frague de cemento/ wait on cement)加重钻杆HWDP(heavy weight /heavy weight drill pipe)金刚石钻头PDC井下螺杆,螺旋钻具PDM (motor del fondo/motor of bottom,positivedisplacement mud motor)流道截面积,喷嘴截面TFA漏斗粘度FV (viscosidad embudo/ funnel viscosity)内径ID,internal diameter/DI ,diámetro interior泥浆重量MW(peso de lodo /Mud Weight)泥浆比重LPG(Libras Por Gálon)碰水泥塞面TOC( tope de cemento/top of cement)起钻POOH (sacar tubería/pull out of the hole)API失水率API fluid loss塑性粘度PV(viscosidad plástica/ plastic viscosity)套管CSG(casing)外径DE,diámetro exterior / OD,outdide diameter完钻井深TD(profundidad total/ total depth)无线随钻测斜仪MWD(measurement while drilling)下钻RIH (bajar tuberías/run in the hole)斜深PM,profundidad medida / MD,measured depth液动阀HCR一楼PB(planta baja)造斜点KOP(kick off point)最大,最多max.(máximo/ maximum)最小,最少min.(mínimo/ minimum)转速RPM(Revolunciones Por Minuto, revolunción/rotary speed )钻头水马力bit HSI钻速ROP钻杆DP(tubería/drill pipe)钻铤DC(tricola, botella/ collar)钻杆环空钻速A VDP(ft/min)钻铤环空钻速A VDC(ft/min)钻具组合BHA(ensamblaje/bottom hole assembly)钻压WOB(peso en la broca/ weight on bit)安装instalar,armar/install,rig up绑amarrar,atar/tie up包括incluir/include保护proteger/protect保养dar mantenimiento保管guardar爆炸explotar/explode泵入bombear/pumping标号numebrar差,少faltar/lack插入meter/insert擦掉borrar/erase查看chequear/check踩,踏pisar/stomp缠,包,裹envolver,enrollar/wrap超过sobrepasar,exceso/excess吵架,打斗pelear/quarrel测量medir,tomar medida/measure承认confesar/confess充电cargar la batería/electrify抽空,清空vaciar/clear out出汗sudar/sweat穿过cruzar/cross打,粘贴pegar/beat,hit打扫,清扫barrer/sweep打印imprimir/print打捞pescar/fish打赌apostar/bet动员movilizar/mobilize堵住obturar,obstruir,tapar/ block发誓jurar/swear防止,避免evitar,prevenir/avoid,prevent 放开,松开soltar/loosen分配distribuir/distribute否认negar/deny复印copiar/copy盖上tapar/cover干燥secar/dry感染,传染infectar/infect敢atreverse估计,评估evaluar/estimate,evaluate挂起,吊起suspender/suspend关cerrar,apagar/close,turn off 灌llenar/fill归零cero/zero后悔arrependirse/repent,rue后退atrás/back呼吸respirar/breathe滑倒deslizar/slide画dibujar/draw怀疑sospechar,dudar/suspect,doubt 换cambiar/change恢复recuperar/recover贿赂sobornar/bribe混合mezclar/mix获得,得到obtener/get集中...注意力concentrarse/concentrate计划planificar/plan继续continuar/continue加añadir/add加强intensificarse/intensify加压presurizar/pressurize监控monitor减少,降低reducir/reduce减肥adelgazar叫喊gritar/shout校准calibrar/calibrate解雇despedir/fire解脱,解开soltar/set free解决resolver/resolve,solve紧apretar/tighten决定determinar,decidir/decide开abrir,prender/open,turn on考虑considerar/consider拉,托,抽jalar/pull累积acumular/accumulate利用aprovechar力fuerza/strength淋湿mojar轮流alternar/alternate磨hermonar抹黄油grasar,cargar grasa粘贴pegar/stick抛弃abandonar/abandon培训capacitar欺骗engañar/cheat前进 adelante/forwards敲,击 golpear/knock切,割 cortar/cut确保asegurar/ensure,assure确定,证实confirmar/confirm,check out取出sacar/pull out取消,辜负cancelar/cancel扔botar, lanzar,tirar /throw away伤害,损害dañar/damage上班on shift上漆pintar/paint设计diseñar/design申请solicitar/solicit剩余quedar/left失败fallar/fail释放desencadenar/unchain松aflojar算calcular,contar/calculate,count损坏romper/break说慌mentir/lie缩写abreviar/abbreviate缩短acortar/shorten逃脱escapar/escape讨论discutir/discuss替代reemplazar /replace停止parar/stop偷robar/steal推empujar/push推迟,延迟aplazar,tardar,demorar/postphone,delay 挖escarbar弯曲torser,curvar,doblar/bend。



齿轮术语中英文对照表 阿基米德蜗杆 Archimedes worm 安全系数 safety factor; factor of safety 安全载荷 safe load 变形 deformation 摆线齿轮 cycloidal gear 摆线齿形 cycloidal tooth profile 背锥角 back angle 背锥距 back cone distance 比例尺 scale 变速 speed change 变速齿轮 change gear ; change wheel 变位齿轮 modified gear 变位系数 modification coefficient 标准齿轮 standard gear 标准直齿轮 standard spur gear 表面粗糙度 surface roughness 不完全齿轮机构 intermittent gearing 补偿 compensation 参数化设计 parameterization design, PD 残余应力 residual stress 操纵及控制装置 operation control device 槽数 Geneva numerate 侧隙 backlash 差动轮系 differential gear train 差动螺旋机构 differential screw mechanism 差速器 differential常用机构 conventional mechanism; mechanism in common use 齿根圆 dedendum circle 齿厚 tooth thickness 齿距 circular pitch 齿宽 face width 齿廓 tooth profile 齿廓曲线 tooth curve 齿轮 gear 齿轮变速箱 speed-changing gear boxes 齿轮齿条机构 pinion and rack 齿轮插刀 pinion cutter; pinion-shaped shaper cutter 齿轮滚刀 hob ,hobbing cutter 齿轮机构 gear 齿轮轮坯 blank 齿轮传动系 pinion unit 齿轮联轴器 gear coupling 齿条传动 rack gear 齿数 tooth number齿数比 gear ratio齿条 rack承载量系数 bearing capacity factor 承载能力 bearing capacity 成对安装 paired mounting 尺寸系列 dimension series 齿槽 tooth space 齿槽宽 spacewidth 齿侧间隙 backlash 齿顶高 addendum 齿顶圆 addendum circle 齿根高 dedendum 齿根圆 dedendum circle 齿厚 tooth thickness 齿距 circular pitch 齿宽 face width 齿廓 tooth profile 齿廓曲线 tooth curve 齿轮 gear 承载量系数 bearing capacity factor 承载能力 bearing capacity 成对安装 paired mounting 尺寸系列 dimension series 齿槽 tooth space 齿槽宽 spacewidth 齿侧间隙 backlash 齿顶高 addendum 齿顶圆 addendum circle 齿根高 dedendum 根圆 dedendum circle 齿厚 tooth thickness 齿距 circular pitch 齿宽 face width 齿廓 tooth profile 齿廓曲线 tooth curve 齿轮 gear 齿轮变速箱 speed-changing gear boxes 齿轮齿条机构 pinion and rack 齿轮插刀 pinioncutter; pinion-shaped shape 齿轮滚刀 hob ,hobbing cutter 齿轮机构 gear 齿轮轮坯 blank 齿轮传动系 pinion unit 齿轮联轴器 gear coupling 齿条传动 rack gear 齿数 tooth number齿条插刀 rack cutter; rack-shaped shaper cutter 齿形链、无声链 silent chain 齿形系数 form factor 齿式棘轮机构 tooth ratchet mechanism 插齿机 gear shaper 重合点 coincident points 重合度 contact ratio 传动比 transmission ratio, speed ratio 传动装置 gearing; transmission gear 传动系统 driven system 传动角 transmission angle 传动轴 transmission shaft 创新设计 creation design 垂直载荷、法向载荷 normal load 从动带轮 driven pulley 从动件 driven link, follower 从动件平底宽度 width of flat-face 从动件停歇 follower dwell 从动件运动规律 follower motion 从动轮 driven gear 粗线 bold line 粗牙螺纹 coarse thread 大齿轮 gear wheel 打滑 slipping 带传动 belt driving 单列轴承 single row bearing 单位矢量 unit vector 当量齿轮 equivalent spur gear; virtual gear 当量齿数 equivalent teeth number; virtual number of teeth 非接触式密封 non-contact seal 非周期性速度波动 aperiodic speed fluctuation 非圆齿轮 non-circular gear 粉末合金 powder metallurgy 分度线 reference line; standard pitch line 分度圆 reference circle; standard (cutting) pitch circle 分度圆柱导程角 lead angle at reference cylinder 分度圆柱螺旋角 helix angle at reference cylinder 分母 denominator 分子 numerator 分度圆锥 reference cone; standard pitch cone 封闭差动轮系 planetary differential 刚度系数 stiffness coefficient 钢丝软轴 wire soft shaft 根切 undercutting 公称直径 nominal diameter 高度系列 height series 功 work 工况系数 application factor 当量摩擦系数 equivalent coefficient of friction 当量载荷 equivalent load 刀具 cutter 导数 derivative 倒角 chamfer 导程 lead 导程角 lead angle 等效质量 equivalent mass (疲劳)点蚀 pitting 垫圈 gasket 垫片密封 gasket seal 顶隙 bottom clearance 定轴轮系 ordinary gear train; gear train with fixed axes 动力学 dynamics 动密封 kinematical seal 动能 dynamic energy 动力粘度 dynamic viscosity 动力润滑 dynamic lubrication 动载荷 dynamic load 端面 transverse plane 端面参数 transverse parameters 端面齿距 transverse circular pitch 端面齿廓 transverse tooth profile 端面重合度 transverse contact ratio 端面模数 transverse module 端面压力角 transverse pressure angle 锻造 forge 惰轮 idle gear 额定寿命 rating life 额定载荷 load rating 发生线 generating line 发生面 generating plane 法面 normal plane 法面参数 normal parameters 法面齿距 normal circular pitch 法面模数 normal module 法面压力角 normal pressure angle 法向齿距 normal pitch 法向齿廓 normal tooth profile 法向直廓蜗杆 straight sided normal worm 法向力 normal force 反正切 Arctan 干涉 interference 范成法 generating cutting 仿形法 form cutting 非标准齿轮 nonstandard gear 复合应力 combined stress复式螺旋机构 Compound screw mechanism工艺设计 technological design工作循环图working cycle diagram滚刀 hob过度切割 undercutting耗油量 oil consumption耗油量系数oil consumption factor横坐标 abscissa互换性齿轮 interchangeable gears花键 spline滑键、导键 feather key滑动率 sliding ratio环面蜗杆toroid helicoids worm缓冲装置 shocks; shock-absorber机械 machinery机械平衡balance of machinery机械设计machine design; mechanical design机械特性 mechanical behavior计算弯矩calculated bending moment间隙 backlash减速比 reduction ratio减速齿轮、减速装置 reduction gear减速器 speed reducer渐开螺旋面 involute helicoid渐开线 involute渐开线齿廓 involute profile渐开线齿轮 involute gear渐开线发生线generating line of involute渐开线方程 involute equation渐开线函数 involute function渐开线蜗杆 involute worm渐开线压力角pressure angle of involute渐开线花键 involute spline键 key键槽 keyway交变应力 repeated stress交变载荷repeated fluctuating load交叉带传动 cross-belt drive节距circular pitch; pitch of teeth节线 pitch line节圆 pitch circle节圆齿厚thickness on pitch circle节圆直径 pitch diameter节圆锥 pitch cone节圆锥角pitch cone angle解析设计 analytical desig径节 diametral pitch径向 radial direction径向当量动载荷dynamic equivalent radial load 工作机构 operation mechanism工作载荷 external loads工作空间 working space工作应力 working stress工作阻力 effective resistance工作阻力矩effective resistance moment公法线common normal line公制齿轮 metric gears功率 power功能分析设计 function analyses design共轭齿廓 conjugate profiles共轭凸轮 conjugate cam惯性力矩moment of inertia ,shaking moment惯性力平衡balance of shaking force冠轮 crown gear轨迹生成 path generation轨迹发生器 path generator机械调速mechanical speed governors机械效率 mechanical efficiency机械原理theory of machines and mechanisms机械无级变速mechanical stepless speed changes基础机构 fundamental mechanism基本额定寿命basic rating life基于实例设计 case-based design,CBD基圆 base circle基圆半径radius of base circle基圆齿距 base pitch基圆压力角pressure angle of base circle基圆柱 base cylinder基圆锥 base cone极限位置extreme (or limiting) position极位夹角crank angle between extreme (or limiting) positions计算机辅助设计computer aided design, CAD计算机辅助制造computer aided manufacturing, CAM 计算机集成制造系统computer integrated manufacturing system, CIMS计算力矩factored moment; calculation moment交错轴斜齿轮 crossed helical gears胶合 scoring角速度 angular velocity角速比angular velocity ratio结构 structure结构设计 structural design截面 section节点 pitch point紧边 tight-side紧固件 fastener径向当量静载荷 static equivalent radial load 径向基本额定动载荷 basic dynamic radial load rating 径向基本额定静载荷 basic static radial load tating 偏距圆 offset circle 偏心盘 eccentric 切齿深度 depth of cut 曲齿锥齿轮 spiral bevel gear 曲率 curvature 曲率半径 radius of curvature 曲面从动件 curved-shoe follower 曲线运动 curvilinear motion 全齿高 whole depth 权重集 weight sets 球面副 spheric pair 球面渐开线 spherical involute 球面运动 spherical motion 人字齿轮 herringbone gear 润滑装置 lubrication device 润滑 lubrication 三角形花键 serration spline 三角形螺纹 V thread screw 少齿差行星传动 planetary drive with small teeth difference 升程 rise 升距 lift 实际廓线 cam profile 输出轴 output shaft 实际啮合线 actual line of action 双曲面齿轮 hyperboloid gear 顺时针 clockwise 瞬心 instantaneous center 死点 dead point 太阳轮 sun gear 特性 characteristics 图册、图谱 atlas 图解法 graphical method 退火 anneal 陀螺仪 gyroscope 外力 external force 外形尺寸 boundary dimension 网上设计 on-net design, OND 微动螺旋机构 differential screw mechanism 位移 displacement 蜗杆 worm 蜗杆传动机构 worm gearing 蜗杆头数 number of threads 蜗杆直径系数 diametral quotient 蜗杆蜗轮机构 worm and worm gear 蜗杆形凸轮步进机构 worm cam interval mechanism 蜗杆旋向 hands of worm 蜗轮 worm gear 径向接触轴承 radial contact bearing径向平面 radial plane 径向游隙 radial internal clearance 径向载荷 radial load 径向载荷系数 radial load factor 径向间隙 clearance 静力 static force 静平衡 static balance 静载荷 static load 绝对运动 absolute motion 绝对速度 absolute velocity 可靠性 reliability 可靠性设计 reliability design, RD 理论廓线 pitch curve 理论啮合线 theoretical line of action 力矩 moment 力平衡 equilibrium 力偶 couple 力偶矩 moment of couple 轮坯 blank 螺旋副 helical pair 螺旋机构 screw mechanism 螺旋角 helix angle 螺旋线 helix ,helical line 模块化设计 modular design, MD 模数 module 磨损 abrasion ;wear; scratching 耐磨性 wear resistance 内齿轮 internal gear 内齿圈 ring gear 内力 internal force 内圈 inner ring 啮合 engagement, mesh, gearing 啮合点 contact points 啮合角 working pressure angle 啮合线 line of action 啮合线长度 length of line of action 盘形转子 disk-like rotor 抛物线运动 parabolic motion 疲劳极限 fatigue limit 疲劳强度 fatigue strength 偏置式 offset 偏 ( 心 ) 距 offset distance 偏心率 eccentricity ratio 偏心质量 eccentric mass无级变速装置stepless speed changes devices斜齿轮的当量直齿轮equivalent spur gear of the helical gear 心轴 spindle行程速度变化系数coefficient of travel speed variation行程速比系数advance-to return-time ratio行星齿轮装置 planetary transmission行星轮 planet gear行星轮变速装置planetary speed changing devices行星轮系planetary gear train轴 shaft轴承盖 bearing cup轴承合金 bearing alloy轴承座 bearing block轴承外径bearing outside diameter轴颈 journal轴瓦、轴承衬 bearing bush轴端挡圈shaft end ring轴环 shaft collar轴肩 shaft shoulder轴角 shaft angle轴向 axial direction轴向齿廓 axial tooth profile转动副 revolute (turning) pair转速swiveling speed ; rotating speed转轴 revolving shaft转子 rotor装配条件 assembly condition锥齿轮 bevel gear锥顶common apex of cone锥距 cone distance锥轮bevel pulley; bevel wheel锥齿轮的当量直齿轮equivalent spur gear of the bevel gear 锥面包络圆柱蜗杆 milled helicoids worm准双曲面齿轮 hypoid gear自由度degree of freedom, mobility总重合度 total contact ratio总反力 resultant force总效率combined efficiency; overall efficiency组成原理theory of constitution组合齿形composite tooth form组合安装 stack mounting最少齿数minimum teeth number最小向径 minimum radius作用力 applied force坐标系 coordinate frame圆锥滚子轴承tapered roller bearing圆锥齿轮机构 bevel gears圆锥角 cone angle 相对速度 relative velocity 相对运动 relative motion 相对间隙 relative gap象限 quadrant橡皮泥 plasticine小齿轮 pinion小径 minor diameter谐波齿轮 harmonic gear谐波传动 harmonic driving旋转运动 rotary motion压力角 pressure angle应力图 stress diagram应力—应变图 stress-strain diagram 优化设计 optimal design油杯 oil bottle有效圆周力effective circle force圆带传动round belt drive圆弧齿厚 circular thickness圆弧圆柱蜗杆hollow flank worm圆角半径 fillet radius圆盘摩擦离合器disc friction clutch圆盘制动器 disc brake原动机 prime mover原始机构 original mechanism圆形齿轮 circular gear圆柱滚子 cylindrical roller圆柱滚子轴承cylindrical roller bearing 圆柱副 cylindric pair圆柱蜗杆 cylindrical worm圆锥滚子 tapered roller运动副 kinematic pair运动粘度 kenematic viscosity载荷 load展成法 generating直齿圆柱齿轮 spur gear直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear直径系数 diametral quotient直径系列 diameter series直廓环面蜗杆 hindley worm质量 mass中心距 center distance中心距变动center distance change中径 mean diameter终止啮合点final contact, end of contact 周节 pitch。


Base lead angle involute helicoid worm Base pitch Base pitch of involute helicoid worm Base tangent length Basic parameters for cylindrical gear units Basic parameters of cylindrical worm gears Basic rack Basic rack tooth profile of fine-pitch bevel gears Basic rack tooth profile of fine-pitch cylindrical worm Basic rack tooth profile of invoiute cylindrical gears Basic terminology of cycloidal drives Basic terminology of gears Basic terminology of planetary drives Basic tooth profile of cylindrical worm Basic tooth profile of straight and skew bevel gears Basic worm Bevel and hypoid gears and gear pairs Bevel gear Bevel gear pair Bevel gear pair with small teeth difference Bevel gears-information of the dimensional data to be given on the drawing Blank deficiencies Bottom clearance Bottom clearance coefficient Bottom land ,Bottom of tooth space Bottom of tooth space Breakage Calculation of scuffing load capacity for involute cylindrical gears Case crushing

压缩 机 中英词汇

压缩 机 中英词汇
CNG fill system CNG加气系统
Coatings 涂层
Fluorocarbon 碳氟化合物
Nickel 镍
Compressibility 压缩性(系数)
Areas and circumferences of circles
Asphalt production 沥青生产
Atmospheric pressure and barometric readings at altitudes
Elliptical 椭圆形
Film thickness 膜厚
Flow 流量
Fluid film 流体膜
Gas 气体
Double flow compressor 双吸压缩机
Effective head 有效能头
Efficiency 效率
Compression (adiabatic) 压缩(绝热)
Slope 倾斜
Splitter vane 分流叶片
Thrust bearing 止推轴承
Choking 阻塞(工况) 圆形
Compliant su**ce 顺性表面
Cryogenic 深冷
Damper 阻尼
Elastohydrodynamic 弹性流体动压
Multipad 多瓦块
Rolling element 滚动
Tapered land 斜平面
Temperature 温度
Three—lobe 三叶
Thrust 止推
Tilt pad 可倾瓦
Benedict-webb-rubin-starling 模型(model)



data date datum damage DC deceleration decimal piont decrease deep define deg degree DEL delete delay delete/deletion des cription detect/detection device DGN/DGNOS diagnose DI DIAG diagnosis diameter
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 solute ABSENT AC accelerate acceleration active adapter add address adjust adjustment advance advanced air pressure ALM alarm align alter ampere amplifier amount angle analysis Absolute Pulse Coder appendix arc argument arm at park arm in arm out arithmetic arrow
diamond digital dimension directory direction disconnect/disconnection diskette dispense display dispose/disposal distance divide
DMR DNC DO dog switch DOS DRAM drawing dress/dresser drift drill drive/driver drop droop dry dry run DTE drum drum to park drum to spindle duplicat/duplication dwell edbug edit electrical electronic emergency empty enable encoder end enter entry end of block equal equipment erase error escape emergency stop exact


Angular 有角的
Angular bearing 径向止推轴承
Angular bevel gears 斜交伞齿轮
Angular gear人字齿轮
Angular section斜剖面
Anneal 退火
Approval 批准、许可
Arc 弧、圆弧
Arc thickness 弧长厚度(齿厚)
Capital 大写字母
Carburizing 渗碳
Card 卡片
Cartographer 制图员
Cartography 制图学、制图法
Case 箱、盒、容器、表面
Case hardened 表面淬火、硬化
Nitrogen case hardening 渗氮硬化
Axial pitch 轴向节距
Axial plane 轴向平面
Axial thickness 轴向厚度
Axis 轴线、中心线
Axis of revolution 回转轴线
Axis of rotation 旋转轴线
Axis of symmetry 对称轴线
Horizontal axis 水平轴
Babbitt 巴氏合金
Back cone 背锥
Back cone radius 背锥半径
Back elevation 后视图
Backstop 托架、棘爪
Ball bearing 球轴承
Bar 杆
Angle bar 角钢
Channel bar 槽钢
Flat bar 扁钢
Round bar 圆棒、圆钢
Dimensions chart 外廓尺寸图

工程流体力学 (6)

工程流体力学 (6)

Chapter4 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis
3. Viscosity has the dimensions
(a) FL-2T (b) FL-1T-1 (c) FLT-2 (d) FL2T (e) FLT2
4. Select the incorrect completion. Shear forces
(a) zero (b) one-fourth its value when cylinder was full (c) indeterminable; insufficient data (d) greater than a similar case with water as liquid (e) none of these answers
Ⅱ、Single choice questions
Chapter4 Similitude and Dimensional Analysis
1. A fluid is a substance that (a) always expands until it fills any container (b) is practically incompressible (c) cannot be subjected to shear forces (d) cannot remain at rest under action of any shear force (e) has the same shear stress at a point regardless of its motion
(a) can never occur when the fluid is at rest (b) may occur owing to cohesion when the liquid is at rest (c) depend upon molecular interchange of momentum (d) depend upon cohesive forces (e) can never occur in a frictionless fluid, regardless of its



A齿面Tooth flank1 abrasive tooth wear 齿面研磨磨损长幅内摆线Prolate hypocycloid2 absolute tangential velocity 绝对切向速度齿轮副Gear pair3 accelerometer 加速表平行齿轮副Gear pair with paral4 addendum 齿顶高相交齿轮副Gear pair with inter5 addendum angle 齿顶角齿轮系Train of gears6 addendum circle 齿顶圆行星齿轮系Planetary gear train7 addendum surface 上齿面齿轮传动Gear drive; Gear trans8 adhesive wear 粘着磨损配对齿轮Mating gears9 adjustability 可调性小齿轮Pinion10 adjustability coefficients 可调系数大齿轮Wheel; Gear11 adjusting wedge 圆盘端铣刀的可调型楔块主动齿轮Driving gear12 allowable stress 允许应力从动齿轮Driven gear13 alternate blade cutter 双面刀盘行星齿轮Planet gear14 angular backlash 角侧隙行星架 Planet carrier15 angular bevel gears 斜交锥齿轮右侧齿面Right flank16 angular displacement 角移位左侧齿面Left flank17 angular pitch 齿端距同侧齿面Corresponding flank18 angular testing machine 可调角度试验机异侧齿面Opposite flank19 approach action 啮入工作齿面Working flank20 arbor 心轴非工作齿面Non-working flank21 arbor distance 心轴距相啮齿面Mating flank22 arc of approach 啮入弧共轭齿面Conjugate flank23 arc of recess 啮出弧可用齿面Usable flank24 attraction 收紧有效齿面Active flank25 average cutter diameter 平均刀尖直径上齿面Addendum flank26 axial displacement 轴向位移下齿面Dedendum flank27 axial factor 轴向系数短副内摆线Curtate hypocycloid28 axial locating surface 轴向定位面渐开线Involute; Involute to a29 axial pitch 轴向齿距延伸展开线Prolate involute30 axial plane 轴向平面缩短渐开线Curtate involute31 axial rakeangle 轴向前角球面渐开线Spherical involute32 axial thrust 轴向推力渐开螺旋线Involute helicoid33 axle testing machine 传动桥试验机阿基米德螺旋面Screw helicoid球面渐开螺旋面Spherical involu B圆环面Toroid1 back angle 背锥角圆环面的母圈Generant of the to2 Back angle distance 背角距(在背锥母线方向)圆环面的中性圈Middle circle of3 Back cone 背锥圆环面的中间平面Middle-plane o4 Back cone distance 背锥距圆环面的内圈Inner circle of th5 Back cone element 背锥母线太阳轮Sun gear6 Backlash 侧隙齿顶Crest; Top land7 Backlash tolerance 侧隙公差内齿圈Ring gear; Annulus gear8 Backlash variation 侧隙变量齿根过渡曲面Fillet9 Backlash variation tolerance 侧隙变量公差10 Bandwidth 频带宽啮合干涉Meshing interference11 Base circle 基圆槽底Bottom land12 Base diameter 基圆直径切齿干涉Cutter interference13 Base pitch 基节齿廓型修Profile modification;14 Base radius 基圆半径外齿轮External gear15 Base spiral angle 基圆螺旋角齿廓Tooth profile16 Basic rack 基本齿条内齿轮Internal gear17 Bearing 轴承中心距Centre distance18 Bearing preload 轴承预负荷端面齿廓Transverse profile19 Bearing spacing/spread 轴承间距修缘Tip relief20 Bending fatigue 弯曲疲劳法向齿廓Normal profile21 Bending stress 弯曲应力修根Root relief22 Bevel gears 锥齿轮齿向修行Axial modification; Lo23 Bias 对角接触轴交角Shaft angle24 Bias in 内对角接触轴向齿廓Axial profile25 Bias out 外对角接触背锥齿廓Back cone tooth profil26 Blade angle 刀齿齿廓角连心线Line of centres27 Blade edge radius 刀尖圆角半径减速齿轮副Speed reducing gear28 Blade letter 刀尖凸角代号齿端修薄End relief29 Blade life 刀尖寿命增速齿轮副Speed increasing gea30 Blade point width 刀顶宽齿线Tooth trace31 Blank offset 毛坯偏置距齿棱Tip; Tooth tip32 Bland position 毛坯位置鼓形修整Crowning33 Bottom land 齿槽底面鼓形齿Crowned teeth34 Boundary lubrication 界面润滑齿数比Gear ratio35 Breakage 破裂模数Module36 Bridged contact pattern 桥型接触斑点挖根Undercut37 Broach 拉刀传动比Transmission ratio38 Burnishing 挤齿端面模数Transverse module瞬时轴Instantaneous axisC轴平面Axial plane1 Case crushing 齿面塌陷基准平面Datum plane2 CBN 立方氮化硼法向模数Normal module3 chamfer 倒角轴向模数Axial module4 chordal addendum 弦齿高瞬时接触点Point of contact5 chordal thickness 弦齿厚瞬时接触线Line of contact6 chuck 卡盘节平面Pitch plane7 circular broach 圆拉刀径节Diametral pitch8 circular face-mill 圆盘端面铣刀端面啮合线Transverse p9 circular peripheral-mill 圆盘铣刀端平面Transverse plane10 circular pitch 周节齿数Number of teech11 circular thickness 弧齿厚当量齿数Virtual number of teet12 circular thickness factor 弧齿厚系数啮合曲面Surface of action13 clearance 顶隙法平面Normal plane14 clearance angle 后角啮合平面Plane of action15 coarse pitch 大节距分度曲面Reference surface16 coast side 不工作齿侧头数Number of starts; Number o17 combination 组合螺旋线Helix; Circular; helix18 combined preload 综合预负荷啮合区域Zone of action19 complementary crown gears 互补冠状齿轮总作用弧Total arc of transmiss20 completing cycle 全工序循环节曲面Pitch surface21 composite action 双面啮合综合检验误差齿顶曲面Tip surface22 compressive stress 压应力齿根曲面Root surface23 concave side 凹面圆锥螺旋线Conical spiral24 concentricity 同心度螺旋角Helix angle; Spiral angl25 concentricity tester 同心度检查仪端面作用弧Transverse arc of tr26 cone distance 锥距纵向作用弧Overlap arc27 cone element 锥面母线总作用角Total angle of transmi28 conformal surfaces 共型表面基本齿廓Basic tooth profile29 coniskoid 斜锥齿轮导程Lead30 conjugate gears 共轭齿轮基本齿条Basic rack31 conjugate racks 共轭齿条产形齿条Counterpart rack32 contact fatigue 接触疲劳产形齿轮Generating gear of a g33 contact norma 接触点法线产形齿面Generating flank34 contact pattern (tooth contact pattern) 轮齿接触斑点基准线Datum line35 contact ratio 重合度导程角Lead angle36 contact stress 接触应力阿基米德螺旋线Archimedes spira37 continuous index 连续分度外摆线Epicycloid38 control gear 标准齿轮,检验用齿轮长幅外摆线Prolate epoicycloid39 convex side 凸面短副外摆线Curtate epoicycloid40 coolant 冷却液端面作用角Transverse angle of41 corrosive wear 腐蚀性磨损纵向作用角Overlap angle42 corrugated tool 阶梯刨刀总重合度Total contact ratio43 counter forma surfaces 反法向表面端面重合度Transverse ratio44 cradle 摇台纵向重合度Overlap ratio45 cradle test roll 摇台角齿轮Gear teeth; Tooth46 cross 大小端接触摆线Cycloid47 crossing point 交错点标准齿轮Standard gears48 crown 齿冠齿槽Tooth space49 crown circle 锥齿轮冠圆Right-ha50 crowned teeth 鼓形齿nd teeth51 crown gear 冠轮长幅摆线Prolate cycloid52 crown to back (轮冠距)轮冠至安装定位面距离短腐摆线Curtate cycloid53 crown to crossing point 轮冠至相错点距离非变位齿轮X-gero gear54 cutter 刀盘标准中心距Reference centre dis55 cutter axial 刀盘的轴向位置左旋齿Left-hand teeth56 cutter axial plane 刀盘轴向平面内摆线Hypocycloid57 cutter axis 刀盘轴线Nominal centre58 cutter diameter 刀盘直径变位齿轮Gears with addendum mo59 cutter edge radius 刀刃圆角半径高度变位圆柱齿轮副X-gear pair60 cutter head 刀盘体角度变位圆柱齿轮副X-gear pair61 cutter number 刀号直齿轮Spur gear62 cutter parallel 刀盘平垫片斜齿轮Helical gear; Single-hel63 cutter point diameter 刀尖直径直齿轮Spur rack64 cutter point radius 刀尖半径分度圆柱面Reference cylinder65 cutter point width 刀顶距节圆柱面Pitch cylinder66 cutter spindle 刀盘主轴基圆柱面Basic cylinder67 cutter spindle rotation angle 刀盘主轴转角高度变为锥齿轮副X-gear pair wi68 cutting distance 切齿安装距斜齿轮Helical rack69 CV testing mashing 常速试验机齿顶圆柱面Tip cylinder70 cyclex 格里森粗铣精拉法圆盘端铣刀角度变位圆柱齿轮副X-gear pair71 cylindrical gears 圆柱齿轮人字齿轮Double-helical gear齿根圆柱面Root cylinderD变位系数Modification coefficie1 Datum tooth 基准齿渐开线齿轮Involute cylindrical2 Debur 去毛刺节点Pitch point3 Decibel (CB) (噪音)分贝变位量Addendum modification4 Decimal ratio 挂轮比值摆线齿轮Cycloidal gear5 Dedendum 齿根高节线Pitch line6 Dendendum angle 齿根角径向变位系数Addendum modificat7 Dedendum surface 下齿面中心距变位系数Centre distance8 Deflection 挠曲圆弧齿轮Circular-arc gear ; W-9 Deflection test 挠曲试验双圆弧齿轮Double-circular-arc10 Deflection testing machine 挠曲试验机分度圆Reference circle11 Depthwise taper 齿高收缩节圆Pitch circle12 Design data sheet 设计数据表圆柱齿轮Cylindrical gear13 Destructive pitting 破坏性点蚀顶圆Tip circle14 Destructive wear 破坏性磨损假想曲面Imaginary surfance15 Developed setting 试切调整基圆Basic circle16 Dial indicator 度盘式指示表任意点法向压力角Normal pressur17 Diametral pitch 径节定位面Locating face18 Diamond 菱形接触任意点断面压力角Transverse pre19 Dinging ball check 钢球敲击检查根圆Root circle20 Disc-mill cuter 盘铣刀外锥距Outer cone distance21 Dish angle 凹角齿距Pitch22 Displacement 位移啮合角Working pressure angle23 Displacement error 位移误差内锥角Inner cone distance24 Double index 双分度齿距角Angular pitch25 Double roll 双向滚动顶隙Bottom clearance26 Down roll 向下滚动中点锥距Mean cone distance27 Drive side 工作齿侧公法线长度Base tangent length28 Duplete 双刃刀分度圆直径Reference diameter29 Duplex 双重双面法圆周侧隙Circumferential blackl30 Duplex helical 双重螺旋法(加工方法之一)法向侧隙Normal blacklash31 Duplex spread blade 双重双面刀齿(加工/磨齿方法)背锥距Back cone distance32 Duplex taper 双重收缩齿安装距Locating distance33 Durability factor 耐久系数轮冠距Tip distance; crown to b34 Dynamic factor 动载荷系数节圆直径Pitch diameter径向侧隙Radial blacklashE基圆直径Base diameter1 Ease-off 修正、失配顶圆直径Tip diameter2 Eccentric 偏心根圆直径Root diameter3 Eccentric angle 偏心角齿根圆角半径Fillet radius4 Eccentricity 偏心度锥齿轮Bevel gear5 Edge radius 刀尖圆角半径锥齿轮副Bevel gear pair6 Effective bearing spacing 轴承有效间距准双曲面齿轮副Hypoid gear pair7 Effective face width 有效宽度(有效齿宽)准双曲面齿轮Hypoid gear8 Elastic coefficient 弹性系数冠顶距Apex to crown9 Elastic deformation 弹性变形位置距Offset10 Elastic limit 弹性极限齿线偏移量Offset of tooth trac11 Elastohydrodynamic lubrication 弹性液压润滑分锥角Reference cone angle12 Element 母线、要素齿高Tooth depth13 End movement 轴向移动冠轮Crown gear14 Endrem 修内端凸轮、导程凸轮截锥角Pitch cone angle15 Endurance life 耐久寿命工作高度Working depth16 Endurance limit 耐久极限齿顶高Addendum17 Engine torque 发动机扭矩齿根高Dedendum18 Enveloping 包络弦齿高Chordal height19 EP lubricant, EP 极压润滑剂固定弦齿高Constant chord heigh20 EPG check, “EPG” 检查齿宽Face width21 Equal addendum teeth 等齿顶高齿有效齿宽Effective facewidth22 Equicurv 等高齿大轮成形法端面齿厚Transverse tooth thick23 Equidep 等高齿法向齿厚Normal tooth thickness24 Equiside 等边端面齿轮Contrate gear25 Equivalent fear ratio 当量传动比直齿锥齿轮Straight bevel gear26 Equivalent number of teeth 当量齿数斜齿锥齿轮Skew bevel gear; Hel27 Equivalent pitch radius 当量节圆半径曲面齿锥齿轮Curved tooth bevel28 Equivalent rack 当量齿条弧齿锥齿轮Spiral bevel gear29 Expander 涨胎摆线齿锥齿轮Enicycloid bevel g30 Expanding arbor 可张心轴零度锥齿齿轮Zerot bevel gear31 Extreme pressure lubricant 极压润滑剂圆柱齿轮端面齿轮副Contrate gea锥齿轮当量圆柱齿轮Virtual cyli F顶锥角Tip angle1 Face acvance 斜齿轮扭曲量根锥角Root angle2 Face angle 顶锥角(面锥角)背锥角Back cone angle3 Face angle distance 顶锥角距齿顶角Addendum angel4 Face apex 顶锥顶齿根角Dedendum angle5 Face apex beyond crossing point 顶锥顶至相错点距离任意点压力角Pressure angle at6 Face cone 顶锥任意点螺旋角Spiral angle at a7 Face cone element 齿顶圆锥母线,面锥母线重点螺旋角Mean spiral angle8 Face contact ratio 齿长重合度,轴向重合度(圆柱齿轮)大端螺旋角Outer spiral angle9 Face line 齿面与轴面交线断面基圆齿厚Transverse base th10 Face width 齿宽法向基圆齿厚Normal base thickn11 Factor of safety 安全系数8字啮合锥齿轮Octoid gear12 Fatigue breakage 疲劳破裂圆柱齿弧锥齿轮Spiral bevel gea13 Fatigue failure 疲劳失效小端螺旋角Inner spiral angle14 Fatigue test 疲劳测试蜗杆Worm15 Feed cam 进给凸轮端面弦齿厚Transverse chordal t16 Feed gears 进给齿轮分度圆锥面Reference cone17 Fillet 齿根圆角涡轮Worm wheel18 Fillet curve 齿根过渡曲线固定弦齿厚Constant chord19 Fillet radius 齿根圆角半径端面齿顶20 Film strength 液膜强度法向齿顶厚Normal crest width21 Filter (electronic) (电子的)滤波器端面齿槽宽Transverse space wid22 Filter (mechanical) (机械的)滤波器法向齿槽宽Normal space width23 Fine pitch (小模数)细径节齿厚半角Tooth thickness half a24 Finisher 精切机床槽宽半角Space width half angle25 Fishtail 鱼尾形压力角Pressure angle26 Fixed setting 固定安装法齿形角Nominal pressure angle27 Flank 下齿面节圆锥面Pitch cone28 Flanking 下齿面加工齿顶面锥角Face cone; tip cone29 Formarc 加工齿轮用的曲线齿廓刀具齿根圆锥面Root cone30 Formate 成形法背锥面Back cone31 Former 齿廓样板,靠模前锥面Front cone32 Forming 成型,在磨具内挤压成型中锥面Middle cone33 Form tool 成形刀分锥顶点Reference cone apex34 Fourier analysis 傅里叶分析轴线交点Crossing point of axes35 Frequency 频率公共锥顶Common apex36 Friction load 摩擦负荷涡杆副Worm gear pair37 Front angle 前角圆柱蜗杆Cylindrical worm38 Front cone 前锥圆柱蜗杆副Cylindrical worm pai39 Front crown 前锥齿冠环面蜗杆Enveloping worm40 Front crown to crossing point 前锥齿冠至交错点环面蜗杆副Enveloping worm pair41 Full-depth teeth 全齿高齿阿基米德螺杆Straight sided axi42 Fundametal 基频渐开线螺杆Involute helicoid wo法向直廓蜗杆Straight sided nor G锥面包络圆柱蜗杆Milled helicoi1 Gable 山形齿沟底面圆弧圆柱蜗杆Arc-contact worm;2 Gear 齿轮Enveloping worm with straight3 Gear axial displacement 齿轮轴向位移平面蜗杆Planar worm wheel; lP-4 Gear axial plane 齿轮轴向平面平面包络还涡轮Planar double5 Gear axis 齿轮轴线齿根圆环面Root tosoid6 Gear center 齿轮中心咽喉面Gorge7 Gear combination 齿轮组合喉平面Gorge plane8 Gear cone 大轮锥距椭圆齿轮Elliptical gear9 Geared index 齿轮系分度非圆齿轮Non-circular gear pair10 Gear finisher 成形法齿轮精切机床圆柱针轮副Cylindsical tanan te11 Gear manufacturing summary 齿轮加工调整卡针轮Cylindsical tan tein gear;12 Gear marking compound 检查齿轮啮合涂色剂锥面包络环面蜗杆Toroid envelop13 Gear member 大轮渐开线包络环面蜗杆Toroid envel14 Gear planer 成型刨齿机平面二次包络蜗杆Planar double-15 Gear ratio 齿数比喉圆Gorge circle16 Gear rougher 齿轮粗切机床分度圆涡旋线Reference helix17 Gears 齿轮组谐波齿轮副Harmoric gear drive18 Gear tipping 齿轮倾斜涡轮齿宽worm wheel facewidth19 Generated gear 展成法齿轮螺纹Thread20 Generating cam 展成凸轮波发生器Wave generator21 Generating gear 展成齿轮蜗杆齿宽Worm facewidth22 Generating pressure angle 产形轮压力角柔性齿轮Flexspine23 Generating train 展成传动键锥蜗杆Spiroid24 Generation 展成刚性齿轮Circular spline25 Generator 展成齿轮加工机床锥蜗轮Spiroid gear26 Geneva index 星形轮分度,槽轮分度直径系数Diametral quotient27 Geometry factor-durability 齿面接触强度几何系数非圆齿轮Non-circular gear28 Geometry factor0-strength 强度几何系数涡轮副Spiroid gear pair29 G-flow 格里森制金属件的商标,采用冷挤压成形法中平面Mid-plane30 G-form 采用热锻成形法制造咽喉半径Gorge radius31 GLE-sine 砂轮内外压力角正弦波进行修整用机构齿宽角Width angle32 G-plete 全工序法分度圆环面Reference tosoid33 Gradeability 托曳力34 Grinding cracks 磨削裂纹35 G-spin 精密主轴的机床36 G-trac 圆柱齿轮的无端链式机床的商标H1 Hand of cutter 刀盘方向2 Hand of spiral 螺旋方向3 Hand-rolling tester 手动滚动试验机4 Hardac 镶篇淬硬刀体精切刀盘5 Hard finishing 硬齿面精加工6 Hardness ratio factor 硬度比系数7 Harmonic 谐振8 Harmonic search 谐振追踪9 Harmonic sweep 谐振扫描10 Heel 轮齿大端11 Heel pattern 大端接触12 Helical duplex 双重螺旋法13 Helical motion 螺旋运动14 Helixact 螺旋运动法15 Helixform 螺旋成形法16 Hertz (Hz) 赫兹17 Hook angle 断面前角18 Horizontal displacement 水平位移19 Horizontal offset 水平偏置20 HRH 高减速比准双曲面齿轮(大于10:1的减速比)21 Hunting tooth combination 大小齿轮齿数无公因数的齿轮副22 Hudrodynamic lubrication 液压润滑23 Hupermesh 超配合24 Hypoid gears 准双曲面齿轮25 Hypoid offset 准双曲面齿轮偏置距I1 Imaginary generating gear 假想成形法2 Incremental index 逐齿分度3 Index gears 分度齿轮4 Index interval 分度跳跃齿齿数5 Index plate 分度盘6 Index tolerance 分度公差7 Index variation 分度变化量8 Indicator anchorage 指示表支撑座9 Inertia factor 惯量系数10 Initial pitting 初期点蚀11 Inner addendum 小端齿顶高12 Inner cone distance 小端锥距13 Inner dedendum 小端齿根高14 Inner slot width 小端槽宽15 Inner spiral angle 小端螺旋角16 Inserted blade cutter 镶片刀盘17 Inside blade 内切刀齿18 Inside point diameter 内切刀尖直径19 Instantaneous contact pattern 瞬时接触斑点20 Interference 干涉21 Interference point 干涉点22 Interlocking disc-mill cutters 交错齿盘形铣刀23 Intermittent index 间断分度24 Internal bevel gear 内锥齿轮25 Inverse gear ratio 反齿数比26 Involute 渐开线27 Involute gear 渐开线齿轮28 Involute interference point 渐开线干涉点29 Involute spiral angle 渐开线螺旋角30 Involute teeth 渐开线齿J1 Jet lubrication 喷射润滑L1 Lame 顶根接触2 Lapping 研磨3 Lead cam 导程凸轮4 Length of action 啮合长度5 Lengthwise bridge 纵向桥型接触6 Lengthwise mismatch 纵向失配7 Lengthwise sliding velocity 纵向滑动速度8 Life factor 寿命系数9 Lift 垂直位移10 Limit point width 极限刀顶距11 Limit pressure angle 极限压力角12 Linear displacement transducer 线性位移传感器13 Line of action 啮合线14 Line of centers 中心线15 Line of contact 接触线16 Load sharing ratio 负荷分配比17 Localized tooth contact 齿局部接触18 Locating surface 定位表面19 Long-and-short-addendum teeth 高变位齿轮20 Long-toe-short-heel 小端长,大端短接触21 Lubricant 润滑剂22 Lubrication 润滑23 Lubricity 润滑性M1 Machine center 基床中心点2 Machine center to back 机床中心至工件安装基准面3 Machine plane 机床切削平面4 Machine root angle 毛坯安装角5 Marking compound 检查齿轮啮合型情况使用的涂色剂6 Master blade 标准刀齿7 Master gear 标准齿轮8 Mean addendum 中点齿顶高9 Mean cone distance 中点锥距10 Mean dedendum 中点齿根高11 Mean diametral pitch 中点径节12 Mean measuring addendum 中点测量齿顶高13 Mean measuring depth 中点测量齿高14 Mean measuring thickness 中点测量厚度15 Mean normal base pitch 中点法向基节16 Mean normal diameter pitch 中点法向径节17 Mean normal module 中点法向模数18 Mean point 中点,平均点19 Mean radius 中点半径20 Mean section 中点截面21 Mean slot width 中点齿槽宽22 Mean spiral angle 中点螺旋角23 Measuring addendum 测量齿顶高24 Measuring tooth thickness 测量齿厚25 Member 齿轮,元件26 Mesh point 啮合点27 Minimum slot width 最小槽宽28 Mismatch 失配29 Miter gears 等齿数整角锥齿轮副30 Mixed lubrication 混合润滑31 Modified contact ratio 修正总重合度32 Modified roll 滚修正比33 Module 模数34 Motion curves 运动曲线35 Motor torque 电机扭矩36 Mounting distance 安装距37 Mounting surface 安装面N1 Narrow-tow-wide-heel 小端窄大端宽接触2 No load 空载3 Nominal 名义4 Non-generated gear 非展成大轮5 Normal 法向,法线,法面6 Normal backlash 法向侧隙7 Normal backlash tolerance 法向侧隙公差8 Normal base pitch 法向基节9 Normal chordal addendum 法向弦齿高10 Normal chordal thickness 法向弦齿厚11 Normal circular pitch 法向周节12 Normal circular thickness 法向弧齿厚13 Normal contact ratio 法向重合度14 Normal diametral pitch 法向径节15 Normal direction 法线方向16 Normal (perpendicular) load 法向(垂直)负载17 Normal module 法向模数18 Normal plane 法向平面19 Normal pressure angle 法向压力角20 Normal section 法向截面21 Normal space-width taper 正常齿槽宽收缩22 Normal thickness taper 正常齿厚收缩23 Normal tilt 法向刀倾24 Normal wear 正常磨损25 No-roll roughing 无滚动粗切26 Number of teeth 齿数O1 Octoid teeth 锥齿轮的“8”字啮合2 Offset 偏置距3 Operating load 工作负荷4 Operating pressure angle 工作压力角5 Operating torque 工作扭矩6 Outer addendum 大端齿顶高7 Outer cone distance 外锥距8 Outer dedendum 大端齿根高9 Outer slot width 大端槽宽10 Outer spiral angle 大端螺旋角11 Outside blade 外切刃点12 Outside diameter 外径,大端直径13 Outside point diameter 外切刀尖直径14 Outside radius 齿顶圆半径15 Outside surface 外表面16 Overhung mounting 双支承安装17 Overload breakage 超负荷破裂18 Overload factor 超负荷系数P1 Path of action 啮合点轨迹2 Path of contact 接触迹3 Peak load 峰值负荷4 Peak torque 峰值扭矩5 Pedestal bearings 安装差速器壳的架座轴承6 Performance torque 性能扭矩7 Perim-mate 研磨锥齿轮和准双面齿轮用的全齿面研磨法8 Pinion 小轮9 Pinion axial displacement 小轮轴向位移10 Pinion cone 小轮锥距11 Pinion front bearing 小轮前端轴承12 Pinion head bearing 小轮后端前轴承13 Pinion rear bearing 小轮后端后轴承14 Pinion rougher 小轮粗切机15 Pinion offset 小轮偏置距16 Pitch 节距,齿距17 Pitch angle 节锥角18 Pitch apex 节锥顶19 Pitch apex beyond crossing point 节锥顶超出至相错点20 Pitch apex to back 节锥顶至安装端面21 Pitch apex to crown 节锥顶至轮冠22 Pitch circle 节圆23 Pitch cone 节锥24 Pitch curve 节面曲线25 Pitch diameter 节径26 Pitch element 节面母线27 Pitch line 节线28 Pitch-line chuck 节圆夹具29 Pitch-line runout 节线跳动30 Pitch plane 节面31 Pitch point 节点32 Pitch radius 节圆半径33 Pitch surfaces 节曲面34 Pitch tolerance 齿距公差35 Pitch trace 节线36 Pitch variation 齿距变化量37 Pitting 点蚀38 Plane of action 啮合平面39 Plane of rotation 旋转平面40 Planning generator 展成法刨齿机41 Plastic deformation 塑性变形42 Plastic flow 塑性流动43 Plate index 分度盘44 Point diameter 刀尖直径45 Point of contact 接触点46 Point radius 刀尖半径47 Point width 刀顶距48 Point width taper 刀顶距收缩49 Pressure lubrication 压力润滑50 Prime mover torque 原动机扭矩51 Profile angle 齿廓角52 Profile bridge 齿廓桥形接触53 Profile contact ratio 齿廓重合度54 Profile mismatch 齿廓啮合失配55 Profile radius of curvature 齿廓曲率半径56 Proof surface 检测基准面Q1 Quality measurement system 质量检测系统2 Quenching cracks 淬火裂纹3 Quenching die 淬火压模4 Quenching press 淬火压床R1 Rack 齿条2 Radial 径向刀位3 Radial load 径向负荷4 Radial locating surface 径向定位表面5 Radial rake angle 径向前角6 Ratio control roughing 变滚比粗切7 Ratio gears 滚比挂轮8 Ratio of roll 滚比9 Ratio of roll gears 滚比挂轮10 Recess action 啮出11 Relative displacement 相对位移12 Relative movement 相对运动13 Relative radius of curvature 相对曲率半径14 Residual stress 残余应力15 Revacycle 直齿锥齿轮圆拉法用机床及刀具16 Revex 直齿锥齿轮粗拉法17 Ridg-AC 镶片圆盘端面粗铣刀18 Ridging 沟条变形19 Ring gear 大轮,环形齿轮20 Rippling 振纹21 Roll centering 滚动定心22 Roll queching 滚动式淬火压床23 Roll gears 摆角挂轮24 Rolling 滚轧25 Rolling velocity 滚动速度26 Root angle 根锥角27 Root angle tilt 齿根角倾斜28 Root apex 根锥顶29 Root apex beyond crossing point 根锥顶至相错点的距离30 Root apex to back 根锥顶至安装基准面距离31 Root circle 齿根圆32 Root cone 根锥33 Root diameter 根圆直径34 Root line 齿根线35 Root radius 根圆半径36 Root surface 齿根曲面37 Roughac 弧齿锥齿轮粗切刀38 Rougher 粗切机39 RSR 弧齿锥齿轮条形刀齿铣刀盘40 Runout 径向跳动41 Runout tolerance 径向跳动公差S1 Scoring 胶合2 Scoring index 胶合指数3 Scuffing 胶合4 Sector 扇形齿/齿弧5 Segment 扇形齿/体6 Segmental-blade cutter 大轮精切刀7 Separation 分离间隙8 Separating factor 分离系数9 Separating force 分离力10 Set-in 补充切入,进刀11 Set-over 补充转角,调整转换12 Shaft angle 轴转角13 Shot peening 喷丸强化14 Sidebank 边频15 Side movement 侧向位移16 Side rake angle 侧前角17 Single cycle 单循环法18 Single roll 单滚动19 Single setting 单面调整法20 Single side 单面精切法21 Single-side taper 齿槽收缩22 Size factor 尺寸系数23 Skew bevel gears 斜直齿锥齿轮24 Skip index 跳齿分度25 Slide-roll ratio 单位滑滚比,比滑26 Sliding base 床鞍,滑座27 Sliding base setting 床鞍调整,滑座调整28 Sliding velocity 滑动速度29 Slip-chip 直齿锥齿轮一次成形刀30 Slip torque 滑移扭矩31 Slotting tool 切槽刀32 Slot width 槽宽33 Slot-width taper 槽宽收缩34 Small cutter development 小刀盘试切,能产生接近渐开线的刀具35 Solid cutter 整体刀盘36 Sound test 噪声试验37 Space-width taper 齿距收缩38 Spacing tolerance 齿距公差39 Spacing variation 齿距变动量40 Spalling 剥落41 Specific sliding 单位滑动比42 Speed gears 速度挂轮43 Spherical involute teeth 球面渐开线齿44 Spherica limacon teeth 球面钳线齿45 Spindle rotation angle 主轴旋转角46 Spiral angle 螺旋角47 Spiral bevel gears 弧齿锥齿轮48 Splash lubrication 飞溅润滑49 Split profile 齿型中断50 Spread blade 双面刀51 Spread blade 双面刀渐缩52 Standard depthwise taper 标准深锥度53 Standard taper 正常收缩54 Standard thickness 正常齿厚收缩55 Stock allowance 毛坯加工流量56 Straddle cutter 双列刀齿刀盘57 Straddle mounting 跨装58 Straight bevel gears 直齿锥齿轮59 Strength factor 强度系数60 Stress concentration factor 应力集中系数61 Stub teeth 短齿62 Subsurface initiated fatigue breakage 金属表面斜层初始疲劳破裂63 Summary of machine settings 机床调整卡64 Sump lubrication 油槽润滑65 Sum velocity 总速度66 Surface asperities 表面粗糙度67 Surface condition factor 表面条件系数68 Surface deformation 表面变形69 Surface durability 表面耐久度70 Surface fatigue 表面疲劳71 Surface initiated fatigue breakage 表面初始疲劳破裂72 Surface of action 啮合面73 Surface of revolution 回转面74 Surface treatment 表面处理75 Swinging base 回转底座76 Swing pinion cone 摆动小轮节锥法77 Swivel 刀转78 Swivel angle 刀转角79 Symmetrical rack 对称齿条80 Symmetrical rack proportions 对称齿条比例T1 Tangential load 切向负荷2 Tangent plane 切平面3 Tanline 小轮夹具4 Tanruf 双联粗切刀,85模数一下5 Tan-tru 用在加工1016-2540mm的锥齿刀具6 Taper roughing 具有刀顶距收缩的大小轮粗切过程7 Temperature factor 温度系数8 Testing machine 试验机9 Thickness taper 齿厚收缩10 Tilt 刀倾11 Tilt angle 刀倾角12 Tilted rootline taper 倾斜齿根收缩13 Tip radius 齿顶圆角半径14 Toe 轮齿小端15 Toe pattern 小端接触16 Tool 刀具17 Tool advance 刀具进刀18 Tool edge radius 刀刃圆角半径19 Tool point width 刀顶距20 Tooth angle 齿角21 Tooth bearing 齿支撑面,轮齿接触面22 Tooth contact analysis 轮齿接触分析23 Tooth contact pattern 轮齿接触斑点24 Tooth horizontal 齿水平面25 Tooth layout 轮齿剖面图26 Tooth-mesh frequency 齿啮合频率27 Tooth number 齿数28 Tooth profile 齿形,齿廓29 Tooth spacing testing 齿距检查仪30 Tooth spiral 齿螺旋线31 Tooth surface 轮齿表面32 Tooth taper 轮齿收缩33 Tooth-to-tooth composite tolerance 一齿度量中心距公差34 Tooth-to- Tooth composite variation 一齿度量中心距变量35 Tooth trace 齿线36 Tooth vertical 齿垂直面37 Top 齿顶38 Topland 齿顶面39 Topland width 齿顶面宽度40 Topping 修顶41 Top relief angle 顶刃后角42 Toprem 修根刀片43 Toprem angle 刀齿突角角度44 Top slope angle 刀齿顶刃倾角45 Total composite tolerance 总综合公差46 Total composite variation 总度量中心距变动量47 Total contact ratio 总重合度48 Total index tolerance 总分度公差49 Total index variation 总分度变动量50 Tractive effort torque 牵引力扭矩51 Transverse circular pitch 端面周节52 Transverse circular thickness 端面弧齿厚53 Transverse contact ratio 端面重合度54 Transverse diametral pitch 端面径节55 Transverse module 端面模数56 Transverse plane 端平面57 Transverse pressure angle 端面压力角58 Transverse space-width taper 端面槽宽收缩59 Transverse thickness taper 端面齿厚收缩60 Tredgold’s approximation 背锥近似法61 Tribology 润滑与磨损学62 Triplex 三面刃圆盘端铣刀63 Two-tool generator 双刀展成加工机床U1 Undercut 根切2 Undeveloped settings 试切前调整3 Uniform roll 匀速滚动4 Uniform velocity tester 匀速试验机5 Uni-spand 大轮心轴6 Unit load 单位负荷7 Unitool 曲面镶片刀8 Up-roll 向上滚动V1 V and H check 锥齿轮啮合的VH检查2 Variable roll 变滚动3 Velocity factor 速度系数4 Versacut 弧齿锥齿轮加工多用刀盘5 Vers-grip 卡紧小齿轮用的卡盘(商标名称)6 Vertical direction 垂直方向7 Vertical displacement 垂直位移8 Vertical factor 垂直系数9 Vertical force 垂直力10 Vertical offset 垂直偏置距11 Vertical plane 垂直面12 Virtual number of teeth 当量齿数13 Virtual pitch radius 当量节圆半径14 Viscosity 粘度15 V-tool V型刀具W1 Waveform 波形2 Wear 磨损3 Webless-type gear 无幅板式齿轮4 Web-type gear 幅板式齿轮5 Wheel slip torque 车轮打滑扭矩6 Whole depth 齿全高7 Workhead 工件头座8 Workhead offset 垂直轮位9 Workholding equipment 工件夹具10 Working depth 工作齿高11 Working stress 工作允许应力12 Work tests roll 检验工件主轴转角X1X-pandisk 大轮蝶形,涨胎心轴Z1 Zero depthwise taper 等齿高2 Zerol 零度锥齿轮hypocycloid副Gear pair with parallel axes副Gear pair with intersecting axes in of gears系Planetary gear trainear drive; Gear transmission ating gearsriving gearanet carrierorresponding flankpposite flankorking flank面Non-working flankating flankonjugate flanksable flankctive flankendum flankendum flank线Curtate hypocycloidolute; Involute to a circle线Prolate involute线Curtate involute线Spherical involute线Involute helicoid螺旋面Screw helicoid螺旋面Spherical involute; helicoid母圈Generant of the toroit中性圈Middle circle of the toroid 中间平面Middle-plane of the toroid 内圈Inner circle of the toroidg gear; Annulus gearnterferenceutter interferencerofile modification; Profile correctiontre distanceransverse profileormal profilexial modification; Longitudinal correctionxial profileack cone tooth profilee of centres副Speed reducing gear pair副Speed increasing gear pairnsmission ratioransverse moduletantaneous axisormal modulexial module点Point of contact线Line of contact线Transverse path of Contactnsverse planeirtual number of teethurface of actionlane of actioneference surfacer of starts; Number of threads ix; Circular; helixone of actionotal arc of transmissionoot surface线Conical spiralix angle; Spiral angle弧Transverse arc of transmission 弧Overlap arcotal angle of transmissionasic tooth profileounterpart rackenerating gear of a gear enerating flank螺旋线Archimedes spiral线Prolate epoicycloid线Curtate epoicycloid角Transverse angle of transmission 角Overlap angleotal contact ratio度Transverse ratio度Overlap ratioteeth; Toothtandard gearsrolate cycloidurtate cycloid轮X-gero gear距Reference centre distancet-hand teethears with addendum modification; X-gears圆柱齿轮副X-gear pair with reference centre distance 圆柱齿轮副X-gear pair with modified centre distanceical gear; Single-helical gear面Reference cylinderitch cylinderasic cylinder锥齿轮副X-gear pair without shaft angle modification面Tip cylinder圆柱齿轮副X-gear pair with shaft angle modification ouble-helical gear面Root cylinderodification coefficient轮Involute cylindrical gearendum modificationycloidal gear系数Addendum modification coefficient位系数Centre distance modification coefficient ircular-arc gear ; W-N gear轮Double-circular-arc gearerence circleylindrical gearmaginary surfance向压力角Normal pressure angle at a point面压力角Transverse pressure angle at a pointer cone distanceking pressure angleer cone distance。



机械工程图中常用的英语词汇AAbbreviation 缩写Accuracy 精度、准确性Acme thread 梯形螺纹(29°)Addendum 齿顶高Addendum angle 齿顶角Addendum circle 齿顶圆Addendum of mating gear 啮合齿轮的齿顶高Adjacent-part lines 相邻零件线Aligned sections 旋转剖视Aligned view旋转视图Allowance 容差、加工余量Alloy 合金Alloy steel 合金钢Alphabet 字母Alteration 变更、更改Alternate-position views 位置改变的视图Alternator 交流发电机Induction alternator 感应(交流)发电机Motor alternator 电动(交流)发电机Single-phase alternator 单向(交流)发电机Synchronous alternator 同步(交流)发电机Three-phase alternator 三相(交流)发电机Amount 总量、总计Analyzable assembly 分析装配图Anchor bolt 地脚螺栓Angles 角Acute angle 锐角Blunt angle 钝角Right angle 直角Sliding angle 摩擦角Spiral angle 螺旋角Taper angle 锥角Angular 有角的Angular bearing 径向止推轴承Angular bevel gears 斜交伞齿轮Angular gear人字齿轮Angular section斜剖面Anneal 退火Approval 批准、许可Arc 弧、圆弧Arc thickness 弧长厚度(齿厚)Arc welding 弧焊Arrangement 布置、装置Arrangement of views 视图的布置Clamping arrangement 夹紧装置Cramping arrangement 紧固装置General arrangement 总体布置Arrow 箭头Arrowheads 箭头Assembly 装配图、组装图Assembly drawing 装配图Assembly drawing number 装配图图号Assembly for installation 安装图Assembly parts 组装配合零件Assembly sections 装配图剖视Assembly sketches 装配草图Auxiliary elevation 辅助立面图Auxiliary line辅助线Auxiliary section 辅助剖视Auxiliary surface 辅助面Auxiliary view 辅助视图Average 平均数Axial 轴的、轴向的Axial pitch 轴向节距Axial plane 轴向平面Axial thickness 轴向厚度Axis 轴线、中心线Axis of revolution 回转轴线Axis of rotation 旋转轴线Axis of symmetry 对称轴线Horizontal axis 水平轴Major axis 长轴Minor axis 短轴Vertical axis 垂直轴X axis X轴Y axis Y轴Axle 轴Axle bearing 轴向(止推)轴承Axle sleeve 轴向(止推)套筒Axonometric drawing 轴测图B Babbitt 巴氏合金Back cone 背锥Back cone radius 背锥半径Back elevation 后视图Backstop 托架、棘爪Ball bearing 球轴承Bar 杆Angle bar 角钢Channel bar 槽钢Flat bar 扁钢Round bar 圆棒、圆钢Base 基础、底座、基线、基面、基准Base circle 基圆Base circular thickness 基圆弧线齿厚Base cylinder 基圆柱Base helix angle 基圆上的螺旋角Base plane 基平面Base point 基点Key base 键座Basic circle 基准圆Basic hole system 基孔制Base shaft system 基轴制Basic size 基本尺寸、公称尺寸、标称直径Basis 基础、基准、基线Battery 电池、蓄电池Bearing 轴承、支撑、方位Bearing accuracy 定位精度Bearing box 轴承箱Bearing brass 铜轴衬Bearing bridge 轴承支架Bearing oil seal 轴承油封圈Bearing support 轴承架Bearing unit 轴承组合件Anti-friction bearing 减摩轴承Ball and socket bearing 球窝轴承Conical bearing 锥形轴承Journal bearing 径向轴承Needle bearing 滚针轴承Plain bearing 滑动轴承Roller bearing 滚柱轴承Self-aligning bearing 自位轴承Thrust bearing 止推轴承Belt 带、皮带Bench 工作台Work bench 工作台Bend 弯头、接头Elbow bend 肘形弯管Normal bend 正弯管(90°)Bender 弯曲机Bending 挠曲Bending strength 抗弯强度Bent axle 曲轴Bevel 倾斜的、斜角的、斜面Bevel gear 圆锥齿轮、伞齿轮Bevel pinion 小圆锥齿轮Bevel washer 斜垫圈Bevel wheel 伞齿轮、斜摩擦齿轮Bilateral tolerance 双向公差Bill of materials 送料单Block in、block out 画草图Blue paper 蓝晒纸Blueprint 蓝图、设计图Board 板、(管理)局、厅Bottom board 底板Moulding board 模板Body 机体、机身Boiler 锅炉Bolt 螺栓、插销Adjusting bolt 调整螺栓Assembling bolt 装配螺栓Binding bolt 连接螺栓Bright blot 光制螺栓Captive bolt 固定螺栓Double-screw bolt 双头螺栓Fitter bolt 装配螺栓Foundation bolt 地脚螺栓Hexagonal head bolt 六角头螺栓Hook bolt 钩形螺栓Screw bolt 全螺纹螺栓Snap bolt 圆头螺栓Tension bolt 拉紧螺栓Bolted joints 螺栓连接Book 书、册Hand book 手册Instruction book 说明书Bore face machine 镗孔端面加工机床Borer 镗床Jig borer 坐标镗床Table borer 台式镗床Boring 镗孔Boring machine 镗床Boring mill 镗床Bottom case 底座Bottom clearance 径向间隙Bottom view 底视图Bracket 托架、支柱Brake 制动器、闸Brass 黄铜、铜轴衬Braze 铜焊Brazing 铜焊Breadth 宽度、厚度Break line 断裂线Brinell figure (number) 布氏硬度Brinell hardness 布氏硬度Broacher 拉床、绞孔机Broaching 扩孔机、拉床、拉削Broken circle 虚线圆Broken out section 断裂剖面Broken view 局部视图Bronze 青铜Burnishing 抛光、磨光Burr 三角矬、毛刺、去毛刺Bush 衬套、轴瓦Bushing 轴衬、衬套、套管Butt joint 对接焊Butterfly nut 蝶形螺母Butterfly valve 蝶形阀Button 按钮Push button 控制按钮C Cable 电缆Cage 盒、罩、箱Caliper 卡尺、卡钳Gauge caliper 卡规、量规Internal caliper 内卡钳Sliding (vernier) caliper 游标卡尺Cam 凸轮Cam design 凸轮设计Cam shaft 凸轮轴Actuating cam 主动凸轮Adjustable cam 可调凸轮Control cam 控制凸轮Cap 盖、帽、罩Cap screw 带帽螺钉Capital 大写字母Carburizing 渗碳Card 卡片Cartographer 制图员Cartography 制图学、制图法Case 箱、盒、容器、表面Case hardened 表面淬火、硬化Nitrogen case hardening 渗氮硬化Casing箱、盒、壳Oil pump casing 油泵(壳)Casting 铸造、铸件Defect casting 铸件缺陷Die casting 压铸Sand casting 砂型铸造Spun casting 离心铸造Steel casting 铸钢Cast-iron 铸铁Castle circular nut 六角圆螺母Castle nut 蝶形螺母Catalogue data 表列数据Cave 凹槽、内腔Centre 中心、圆心Centre distance 中心距Centre hole 中心孔Centre line 中心线Centre-section 中心剖面Centre to centre 中心距Centesimal 百分的、百分之一的Centimeter 厘米、公分Central hole 中心孔Central plane 中心平面Central projection 中心投影Chafe 摩擦、磨损Chain 链Drive chain 主动链Transmission chain 传动链Chamfer 倒角、倒棱、斜面Dimensioning of chamfer 倒角的尺寸注法Changes on drawing 图的更改Channel 沟槽Chapter 章Chart 图表、计算图Chart of symbols 符号图表Auxiliary chart 辅助图Dimensions chart 外廓尺寸图Graphical chart 图表Process chart 工艺程序图Progress chart 工艺程序表、工作进度表Charting 制图(表)、填图Check 校验、校核、制动装置Check drawings 校图Check nut 防松螺母Check ring 挡圈Check test校核试验Chief draftsman 主任制图员Chromium 铬Chromizing 镀铬处理Circle 圆、圆周Circle of reference 参考圆Addendum circle 齿顶圆Base circle 基圆Graduated circle 分度圆Imaginary circle 虚圆Outside circle 齿顶圆、外圆Pitch circle 节圆Rack circle 平面齿轮、扇形齿轮Root circle 根圆Top circle齿顶圆Circular cylinder 圆柱Circular pitch 弧线节距Circular thickness 弧线(齿)厚度Circumference 圆周长Clamp 夹紧、夹板Class 种类Class of fit 配合级别Classification 分类Claw 爪、钩、卡爪Clearance fit 间隙配合Clevice /clevis U形钩、U形夹Clevis bolt 套环(插销)螺栓Clevis pin U形夹销Clockwise 顺时针方向Clutch 离合器、联轴器Coat 外层、涂镀层Coat of metal 金属镀层First coat 底漆Coating 镀、覆盖Electrodeposited coating 电镀层Coaxial circle 共轴圆Cock 旋塞Coil 蛇形管、螺管、线圈Coil spring 盘簧Coincident line 重叠线Cold-rolled steel 冷轧钢Collet 夹头Collet chuck 弹簧夹头Color-harden 着色硬化、发蓝、煮黑Common difference 公差Company 公司Joint company 股份公司Limited company 有限公司Compass 圆规Compass of proportion 比例规Component 零件、构件Compression spring 压力弹簧Compressor 压缩机Computer 计算机Concave face 凹面Concentricity 同心度Cone 圆锥Cones development 锥面展开Cone pulley 锥形轮、塔轮Conical spring 锥形弹簧Connection 联接Bolt-on connection 螺栓联接Flange connection 法兰联接Rivet connection 铆钉联接Screw connection 螺钉联接Contact 接触、接合、啮合Contact angle 啮合角Angular contact ball bearing 向心止推球轴承Contour 外形、轮廓线Contracted drawing 缩图Contrast 对比、对照、比较Convention 惯例、常规、习惯Convention for materials 材料的习惯表示法Conventional break 习惯断裂画法Conventional diagram 习惯画法Conventional intersection 习惯交线(画法) Conventional practice 习惯画法Conventional sign 图例、习惯符号Convex 凸面Conveyer 输送机、传送机Cooler 冷冻机Coordinate axis 坐标轴Coordinate paper 方格纸、坐标纸Copper 铜Copy 抄本、样板Correction 校正、修正Cotter pin 开口销Split cotter 开口销Counterbore 埋头孔、锥口孔Counterclockwise 逆时针方向Countersink 埋头孔、沉孔Countersink drill 中心钻、钻Countersunk 钻埋头孔、钻锥口孔Countersunk bolt 埋头螺钉Countersunk head 埋头Countersunk hole 锥坑Coupling 联轴节Cover 盖、罩Cylinder cover 汽缸盖Dust cover 防尘罩Cowl 壳、套、盖Crane 起重机Crank 曲柄、曲轴Crankshaft 曲轴Crest 峰、尖、牙尖Cross head 十字头Cross section 横剖面、横断面Crown gear 冕状齿轮Cube 立方形体、正六面体Current 电流Curvature 曲率Curvature radius 曲率半径Curve 弯曲、曲线、曲线板Curve plotter 绘图仪Curve ruler 曲线板French curve 曲线板Moment curve 力矩曲线、力矩图Cutter 刀、刀具Cutting plane 截平面Cutting plane symbols 剖切(迹线)平面符号Cycloid 摆线Cycloidal gear 摆线齿轮Cylinder 圆柱体Cylinder base 汽缸座Pump cylinder 泵缸Cylindrical cam 圆柱凸轮Cylindrical fit 圆柱配合Cylindrical roller bearing 圆柱滚子轴承D Dash 短划线、虚线、破折号Dash and dot line 点划线Broken dash 断裂线Data 数据、资料Engineering data工程数据Master data 主要数据Date 日期、年代Datum 基准(点、线、面)、资料Datum line 基准线Datum point 基准点Datum plane 基准面Decade 十进制、十进位Decelerator 减速器、制动器、缓动装置Decimal 小数的、十进位小数的Decimal fraction 十进制分数Decimal fraction system 十进小数制Decimal scale 十进位比例尺Decimeter 分米、公分Dedendum angle 齿根角Dedendum circle 齿根圆Definition 定义Deformation 变形、扭曲Degree 度、程度Degree of accuracy 精度Degree of freedom 自由度Degree of hardness 硬度Degree scale 刻度Circular degree 圆度Delineation 轮廓、草图Delineator 制图者Department 科、处、系、车间Draft department 设计科Engineering department 技术科Fitting department 装配车间Heat treatment department 热处理车间Mechanical department 机加工车间Processing department 工艺科Depth 深度、高度Depth dial gauge 深度千分表Depth of engagement 啮合深度Depth of thread 螺纹深度Depth of tooth 齿高Contact depth of tooth 啮合高度Working depth of tooth 齿工作高度Derivation 偏差Standard derivation 标准偏差Description 描述、作图、绘制Design 设计、计划Design activity 设计机关(组织) Design assembly 设计装配图Design drawing 设计图Design layout 设计草图、初步设计图Preliminary design 初步设计Standard design 标准设计Technical design 技术设计Designation 符号、标志Designation strip 铭牌Designer 设计员、制图者、设计师Desk 桌、控制台Drawing desk 绘图桌Detail 细目、细节、详图、零件Detail drawing 详图、零件工作图Detail paper底图纸、描图纸Detail specification 详细规格Detent 棘爪、扳手、制动器Developable surface 可展曲面Developed view 展开图Development inner port 内表面展开图Development of surface 表面展开图Deviation 偏差、偏移Angular deviation 角偏差Average deviation 平均偏差Standard deviation 标准偏差Tolerance deviation 允许偏差Device 装置、设备Diagram 示意图、图解Diagram drawing 图解图、结构图Arrangement diagram 布置图Assembly diagram 装配示意图Block diagram 方框图Schematic diagram 原理图、简图Diagrammatic drawing 草图、示意图Dial gauge 千分表Dial inside micrometer 内径千分表Diameter 直径Diameter of aperture 孔径Diameter of pitch circle 节圆直径Diameter pitch (齿轮)径节Diameter run-out径向跳动Major diameter 大直径、螺纹外径Minor diameter 小直径、螺纹内径Nominal diameter 公称直径Pitch diameter of screw thread 螺纹中径Thread diameter 螺纹外径(直径) Diametral pitch 齿轮径节Die 模具、扳牙Diesel 柴油机、内燃机Dimension 尺寸Dimension line 尺寸线Limiting dimension 极限尺寸Nominal dimension 公称尺寸Outer dimension 外形尺寸、轮廓尺寸Direction 方位、方向Clockwise direction 顺时针方向Disc = disk 圆盘、原板Disk cam 圆盘凸轮Dismount 拆卸Dismountable 可拆卸的Displacement 移位、变位Distance 距离、路程Distortion 变形、歪扭Distribution 分配、分布、配置Ditto machine 复印机Diversion 变更、转换Dividing head 分规Dot line 虚线Dotted line 虚线Double dots line 双点划线Double helical pinion 人字小齿轮Double helical spur gear 人字齿轮Double thread 双头螺柱Dowel thread 定位销、圆柱销Dozer 推土机Draft = draught (拔模)斜度、草图、制图Drafting 制图Drafting board 制图板Drafting machine 制图机Drafting tape 制图带、胶带Draftsman 绘图员Drawer 制图员Drawing 绘图、图样Drawing board 绘图纸Drawing control 图样管理Drawing free-head 草图Drawing instrument 绘图仪器Drawing number 图号Drawing pencil 绘图铅笔Drawing pin 图钉Drawing size 图纸尺寸Drawing table 制图桌Drawing with compass 用圆规画图Blue print drawing 蓝图Free hand drawing 徒手图Full size drawing 原大图Skeleton drawing 草图、结构图Working drawing 施工图、制造图、工作图Drill 钻孔、穿孔、穿孔器Drive 传动、驱动Drive fit 打入配合Air drive 气动Belt drive 带传动Chain drive 链传动Friction drive 摩擦传动Gear drive 齿轮传动Hydromatic drive 液压传动Speed-reducer drive 减速器传动Variable-speed drive 变速传动Worm-wheel drive 蜗轮传动Driven gear 从动齿轮Driven shaft 从动轴Driving gear 主动齿轮Driving shaft 主动轴Drum cam 凸轮轴Ductile iron 球墨铸铁Duplicating tracing 复制描图Durometer (钢轨)硬度计Dusting cloth 抹灰布、撒粉布EEccentricity 偏心距Edge iron 角铁Edge round 外圆角Edge view 边视图Effective diameter 有效直径Effective face width 有效齿宽Efficiency 效率、性能Mechanical efficiency 机械效率Elastic deformation 弹性变形Elasticity 弹性Elbow 肘形弯管、弯头Electric current 电流Electric element 电池Elephant 绘图纸(28X23英寸) Elevation 正面图、立视图End 末端、头Ball end 秋端Butt end 平端、端面Tail end 尾端Top end 顶端Engagement 啮合Engineer 工程技术人员、工程师Engineer-in-chief 总工程师Equipment 设备Eraser 橡皮Erasing shield 擦图片Erection diagram 安装图、装配图Error 误差Accumulated error 累积误差Allowance error 容许误差Average error 平均误差Permissible error 容许误差Relative error 相对误差Exterior 外表面External 外部External diameter 外径External dimension 外形尺寸External fillet 外圆角External thread 外螺纹Extra fine(screw)特细牙螺纹Eyelet = eyelet-hole 小孔F Fabrication 建造、制造Face 面、正面、表面、端面Face cam 平面凸轮Face gear 平面齿轮Face hardening 表面硬化Inner face 里面Outer face 外面Face off 倒角Factor of safety 安全系数Factory 工厂、制造厂Factory made 工厂制造的Fastener 接合件、紧固件Fastening 连接件、紧固件Fatigue 疲劳Faucet 旋塞、龙头、开关Feather 滑键、冒口Feather key 滑键Feature 特征、特性、性能Basic mechanical design feature 主要机械设计性能Mechanical feature 机械性能(特性)Feed-pump 供油泵、供水泵Feet 英尺Ferrous metal 黑色金属Field 工场、现场Figure 形状、图样、插图、数字File 锉刀、锉平Filler 填料、垫片Fillet (内)圆角、填角、嵌条Fillet radius 内圆角半径Filter 过滤器Fine thread series 细螺纹级(系列)Finish 完工、加工、磨光Finish all over 全部加工Finish marks 加工符号Machine finish 机器光制Fit 配合Clearance fit 间隙配合Free fit 自由配合Interference fit 静配合Light press fit 轻压配合Light running fit 轻传动配合Loose fit 松配合Normal-running fit 传动配合Running fit 动配合Shrink fit 冷缩配合Slide fit 滑动配合Transition fit 过渡配合Fix 安装、装配、调整、修理、固定Flange 法兰盘、凸缘Flank 边、侧面、齿侧、后面Flat 扁头、平面Flat key 平键Flat spring 板弹簧Flat surface 平面Flexible disk coupling 挠性盘形联轴节Flexible gear-type coupling 挠性齿轮联轴节Flywheel 飞轮Foot 英尺Foot screw 地脚螺钉Force 力Fore word 序、前言Forge 锻Forge steel 锻钢Former 样板、模型、量规Wooden former 木模Formula 公式Foundation 基础、基座Foundation bolt 地脚螺栓Foundry 铸件、铸工车间Fraction 分数、小数Front view 前视图、主视图Full diameter 大直径、主直径Full line 实线Full size 原大Full scale 原大Full section 全剖视Full section view 全剖视图Furbish 研磨、擦光Fuse 保险丝、熔断器G Gage = gauge 量规Gallon 加仑Galvanize 镀锌、电镀Gasket 垫圈、密封垫Gasket material 填料Gasoline engine 汽油(内燃)机Gate 门、阀门Gear 齿轮Gear addendum angle 齿顶角Gear box(case) 齿轮箱Gear centre 齿轮中心Gear dedendum angle 齿根角(圆锥齿轮) Epicyclic gear 行星齿轮Herringbone gear 人字齿轮Ratchet gear 棘轮General drawing 总图Geometry 几何学Gland 压盖、填料盖、密封装置Glass 玻璃Glasscloth 砂布、玻璃布Glossary 词汇(表)Grade 等级、斜度Steel grade 钢号Graduated hardening 分级淬火Graduated scale 比例尺、分度尺Gram 克Graph 图(表、解、形)、曲线图Graph paper 方格纸Graphic图示、制图学Grease 滑脂Grind 磨削、抛光Grinding machine 磨床Grinding wheel 砂轮Groove cam 槽凸轮Groove pulley 槽轮、三角带轮Guide 手册、指南Guide bar 导杆Guide pin 定位销、导向销Guide screw 丝杠Guidebook 参考手册、指南、入门H Half 二分之一、一部分Half bearing 轴瓦Half section 半剖视Half section view 半剖视图Hammer 锤子Handbook 手册、指南Hand-made 手工制造的Hand-operated 手控的Handle 手柄Hand wheel 手轮Hard casting 白口铁Hard drawn 冷拔Hard rolled 冷轧的Hard surfacing 表面硬化Harden 淬火、硬化Hardened and tempered 调质的Hardened-steel 淬火钢Hardening 硬化Hardness 硬度Hardometer 硬度计Hatch 剖面线H-beam 工字梁、H形梁Heat–treatment 热处理Heavy force fit 重压配合Height 高度Helical bevel gear 螺旋伞齿轮Helical gear 螺旋齿轮、圆柱斜齿轮Helical rack 斜齿齿条Helical spring 螺旋弹簧Hex nut 六角螺母Hexagon jam nut 六角锁紧螺母Hexagon socket head 内六角头Hidden line 虚线Hidden outline 看不见的轮廓线High-carbon steel 高碳钢High-duty 重型的、大型的、优产的High-speed steel 高速钢Hosting jack 千斤顶Hole 孔Horizontal datum plane 水平基准面Horizontal line 水平线Horizontal projection 水平投影Horizontal projection plane 水平投影面Horse-power 马力、功率Hose 软管Hose coupling 软管接头Hot-rolled steel 热轧钢Hot-work 热加工Hour 小时Housing 机座Housing of pump 泵体Bearing housing 轴承箱Gear housing 齿轮箱Hub 轮、中心、衬套Hydraulic(al) 液压的、液压传动装置Hydro-motor 液压马达Hypoid gear 准双曲面齿轮I I-beam 工字钢Illustration 插图、实例Inaccuracy 不精确、不准确Incenter 内(切圆)心Inch 英寸Incline 斜度、斜面Index plate 分度盘Indicator 指示计、百分表Industrial 工业公司Industrial drawing 工业制图Industry 工业Inertia 惯性Ink 墨水、油墨Ink holder 钢笔杆China ink 墨汁Inscription 标题Inside diameter 内径Inspection 检修、检查Inspection machine 检修机器Inspector 检查员Installation 装置、设备、安装Installation diagram 安装图Institute 研究所、协会、学院、学会Instruction 说明、指示Instrument 仪器、仪表、工具Instrument drawing 仪器图Intensity 强度Interchangeability 互换性1 Interconnection 互相连接Interference fit 静配合Interior view 内部(的)视图Internal combustion engine 内燃机Internal fillet 内圆角Internal gear 内齿轮Introduction 引言、介绍、序言Invisible line 虚线Involute 渐(伸)开线Involute gear 渐开线齿轮Involute rack 渐开线齿条Involute spline 渐开线花键Involute teeth 渐开线齿形Iron 铁Ingot iron 低碳铁、工业纯铁Knobbled iron 熟铁Magnetic iron 磁铁Malleable iron 可锻铁、韧性铁Plate iron 铁板、钢板Quadrant iron 方钢Rod iron 圆铁、棒钢Round iron 圆铁、圆钢Rustless iron 不锈铁Section iron 型钢Structural iron 结构钢White iron 白口铁Wrought iron 熟铁、锻铁Isometric diagram 等轴测图Isometric drawing 等轴测图J Jack-screw 螺旋千斤顶Job sheet 零件图纸Joint 结合、连接、焊接Bolt joint 螺栓连接Riveted joint 铆钉连接Welded joint 焊接Journal 轴径Journal bearing 径向轴承K Keeper 保持器(片)、架、定位件卡箍Keep-ring 保持环Key diagram 键、按钮Key way(seat、seating、slot)键槽Key wrench 套筒扳手Gib-head taper key 钩头斜键Square key 方形键Tightening key 斜扁键Woodruff key 半圆键Key-bolt 键螺栓Kilogram(me)公斤、千克Kilogram-meter 公斤米、千克米Kilometer 公里、千米Kilovolt 千瓦Kilowatt 千伏Kit 一套工具Knee 弯头、升降台Knee bend 弯管Knob 捏手、按钮Knuckle thread 圆形螺纹Knurl 滚花、压花Knurled nut滚花螺母L L-bar = L-beam 角钢Laboratory 实验室、研究室Lamp 灯Alarm lamp 信号灯Daylight lamp 日光灯Incandescent lamp 白炽灯Indicating lamp 信号灯、指示灯Lantern 游环、套环Large compasses 大圆规Lathe 车床Lathe-hand 车工Lattin = Latten 金属薄板、黄铜片Law 规律、定律Lay 布置、安排、放置Layer 层Carburized layer 渗碳层Layout 计划、方案、草图Layout design 草图设计、方案设计Layout drawing 方案草图Lead angle 螺旋升角Lead line 指引线Leaf spring 板弹簧Left hand 左方向Left hand thread 左旋螺纹Legend 图例、图表符号、代号、说明书Length 长度、距离Length gauge 长度规Length of normal 法线长Length of side 边长Effective length 有效长度Lens 透镜、镜片Letter 字、字母Capital letter 大写字母Level surface 水平面Lift 升降机、电梯Light alloy 轻合金Light beam 光束Light series 轻系列Light-duty 轻型Lighting installation 照明装置Lightning switch 照明开关Liquid 液体Limit 极限尺寸Limit switch 限位开关Line 线Line of action (齿轮)压力线Line of contact (齿轮)接触线Line of shaft轴线Line of thickness 线型的粗度Line weight线的粗细程度Actual line实线Addendum line齿顶线Broken line断裂线Center line = central line中心线Continuous line实线Dash(ed) line虚线Diagonal line 对角线Imaginary line 假想线Generation line 母线Pitch line 节线Real line 实线Reference line 基准线、参考线Right line 直线Skeleton line 轮廓线Solid line 实线Straight line 直线Vertical line 垂直线Liner 衬套Bearing line 轴瓦Link 连接环、链节Line assembly 连杆装配图Chain link 链节L-iron 角铁List 注册、记录、名册、目录Load 符合Actual load 有效载荷、实际载荷Allowable load 容许载荷Full load 满载(荷)、全负载(荷)Local view 局部视图Localization 定位\固定Locating pin 定位销Location by angle 角度定位Location by dimension 定位尺寸Location pin 定位销Location tolerance 定位公差Lock 锁\阀Lock nut 防松螺母Lock screw 锁紧螺钉Lock washer 弹簧垫圈Valve lock 阀簧抵座销、气门制销Loco 机车、火车头Logarithm 对数Long break 长断裂线Long radius 长半径Longitudinal key 长方键Lower limit 下限Lubricant pump 润滑油泵Lubricating ring 润滑油环Lubrication 润滑Bath lubrication 油浴润滑Bearing lubrication 轴承润滑Ring lubrication 油环润滑Shot lubrication 油枪润滑Splash lubrication 飞溅润滑Lubricator 润滑器Lubro-pump 油泵Luminaire 光源M Machine 机器、切割Machine building (manufacturing) 机械制造Machine drawing 机械制图Machine finish 机械加工Machine maker 机械工厂(制造者) Machine part 机械零件Machine shop 机工车间Drawing machine 绘图机Tracing machine 描图机Machining allowance 加工余量Machinist 机械工人\机械师Magazine 杂志Magnetic-particle clutch 电磁离合器Magnitude 数量、长度、大小Major type of slotted nut 大型锁母Make 制造、构造Malleable cast iron 可锻铸铁Malleable casting 韧铸件Malleable steel 软钢、展性钢Manual 手册、说明书Manual control 手控Manufacture 加工、制造业Manucturing engineering 制造工艺(技术) Manucturing machine 生产机械Manucturing tolerance 制造公差Master check 校正、校对Master drawing 样图Master gauge 标准规、校准规Master gear 主齿轮、标准齿轮Master making 手工Master screw 标准螺纹Match 匹配、配合Mate 啮合部分Material 物质、材料Fibre material 纤维材料Insulating material 绝缘材料Plastic material 塑料Maximal valve 极大值Maximum 极点、极限、最大量Maximum admitted diameter of work 工件最大许可直径Mean axis 中间轴Measure 量度、大小、尺寸Measure of precision 精确度Measurement 测定、尺寸、大小Measuring device 量具Measuring tools 量具Mechanical bolt 螺钉Mechanical drawing 机械制图Mechanical engineering’s scale 机械工程比例尺Mechanical properties 机械性能Mechanical reduction gear 齿轮减速装置Mechanism 机械结构、机械装置Medium series 中系列Mating member 配合件Meshing gear 啮合齿轮Metal 金属Admiralty metal 含锡黄铜Bell metal 青铜合金、种铜、铜锡合金Brazing metal 铜锌合金Hard metal 硬质合金Heavy metal 重金属Light metal 轻金属Monel metal 铜镍合金Power(ed) metal 粉末合金Wear-resistant metal 耐磨金属White metal 白合金(铅锑锡合金)Yellow metal 黄金、黄色金属Metallized 镀金属的、喷涂金属的Meter 米、公尺Meter per second 米/秒Meter screw 公制螺纹Meter series 公制系列Meter taper 公制锥度Meter-kilogram米-公斤Meter-kilogram-second米公斤秒Method 方法、规律Method of approximation 近似法Method of orthogonal projection 正投影法Conventional method 惯例、习用方法Processing method 加工方法Metric 公制的Metric measure 公制计量Metric scale 公制尺、米尺Metric system 米制、公制Metric thread 公制螺纹Metric unit 公制单位Microfilm 显微胶片Microinch 微英寸Micrometer 微米、千分卡尺Middle gear 中间齿轮Midpoint 中点Mild steel 软钢、冷轧钢Mile 英里Mill 磨、铣Millimeter = millimeter 厘米、公厘Milling 铣削、研磨Million 百万、兆Miniature bearing 微型轴承Minimum 最小量Minus 负的Miter(mitre)gear 45°圆锥齿轮、等径圆锥齿轮Miter wheel 伞齿轮、圆锥齿轮Mixer 搅拌机ML = material list 材料单Model 模型、样板、仿造Model machine 样机Model number 型号、序数Module 模数、系数Modulo 模数、模量Molten iron 铁水Molten steel 钢水Moment 力矩、弯矩Moment of couple (力)偶矩Moment of force 力矩Bending moment 弯曲矩Rotative moment 转矩、转动力矩Motion 移动、运动Motor 电动机、马达Mould 模型、样板、曲线板Mo(u)lding 造型法Moulding box 砂箱Mounting 安装、装配、座、支架Mounting bolt 装配螺栓Mounting hole 安装孔Mounting plate 安装板Movement 运动、位移Axial movement 轴向运动Spiral movement 螺旋运动Muff 套筒、轴套Multi-roll bearing 滚针轴承Multi disk clutch 多片式摩擦离合器Multiple threads 多头螺纹N Nail 钉Name of part 零件名称Name plate 铭牌Needle 针、指针Needle bearing 滚针轴承Neck 颈Nib 笔尖Nibbed bolt 尖头螺栓Nichrome 镍铬合金Nickel 镍Nickel-plate 镀镍Nitride 氮化、渗氮Nomenclature 名称、术语Nominal 标称的、额定的、公称的Nominal inside diameter 名义内径Nominal roll diameter 公称滚子直径Nominal size 名义尺寸Nomogram 诺模图、图算、图释Non-ferrous metal 有色金属Non-metal 非金属Non-rusting 不锈的Normal 正规的、标准的、法线的Normal chordal addendum 法向弦齿顶高Normal circular thickness 法向节距Normal cross section 法向弧线齿厚Normal direction 正剖面、横断面Normal module 法线方向Normality 正常状态、标准Nozzle 喷嘴、喷口Number 数、号(码)、缩写No. Number of stars (螺纹)头数Number of turns (螺纹)圈数Dash number 零件编号Decimal number 十进位数Hardness number 硬度数Pitch number 节数Numbering 编号Numeral 数字Nut 螺母Nut bolt 螺钉、带帽螺栓Nut wrench 螺帽扳手Milled nut 滚花螺母Nylon 尼龙O Object 物体Obligue view 斜视图Office 办公室、办事处Drawing office 绘图室Engineering office 技术科Offset section 阶梯视图Oil basin 油箱(池)Oil level indicator 油面指示器Oil pipe 油管Oiler 油杯、加油壶Oiling system 加油系统Oilstone 油石O-ring gasket O型密封圈Orthography 正投影图、正视图Orthographic projection 正投影Ounce 英两、盎司Outline 外形、轮廓、略图、剖面Outline assembly drawing 外形装配图Outline drawing 草图、外形图Outline section 轮廓剖视Outside diameter 外径Overall 全面的、全部的Overall dimension 全尺寸Overall length 全长P Packing 包装、填料、密封Packing felt 毡垫、毡封Packing gland 密封压盖Packing piece 垫片Packing ring 填料环Asbestos packing 石棉填料Cup packing 皮碗密封Pad 衬垫、衬套、垫圈Padding 衬垫、填料Paper 纸Blue printing paper 蓝晒纸Drafting paper 绘图纸Emery paper 砂纸Tracing paper 描图纸Part 零件、部件Part end view 部分端视图Part section 部分剖视图Basal part 底板Pattern 式样、模型Pawl 棘爪Pen 笔Drawing pen 绘图笔Ruling pen 直线笔、鸭嘴笔Pencil-work 铅笔图Percent = per cent 百分率Perimeter 周长、周边Phantom line 假想线Phantom section 假想剖面Philips screw 带十字凹槽头螺钉Piece 部件Pin 销Pinion 小齿轮Pinion shaft小齿轮轴Pipe 管Pipe threads 管螺纹Flexible pipe 软管Seamless pipe 无缝钢管Water pipe 水管Pipeline drawing 管系图Piston 活塞、柱塞Piston ring 活塞环Piston rod 活塞杆Pitch螺距、节距Pitch angle 节锥半角Pitch cone 节圆锥Pitch of teeth (轮)齿矩Pitch point 节点Nominal pitch 公称螺距Normal pitch 法向节矩Screw pitch 螺距Plane of projection 投影面Plane of reference 参考面、基准面Plane section 剖面Planet 行星齿轮Plant 工厂、车间Power plant 动力站Pumping plant 泵站Transforming plant 变电站Plastics 塑料Plate 片、板、钢板Cover plate 盖板Face plate 面板Steel plate 钢板Plated 电镀的Copper plated 镀铜Nickel plated 镀镍Platform 平台Operation platform 工作台Plating 电镀、镀Chrome plating 镀铬Nickel plating 镀镍Tin plating 镀锡Plot 设计、绘图Plough (plow) bolt 防松螺栓Plug 塞、栓Oil plug 油塞Spark plug 火花塞Plunger 活塞、柱塞、滑阀Plunger chip 冲头Plunger pump 柱塞泵Plus minus screw 调整螺丝Pocketbook 手册、袖珍本Point 点Reference point 基准点Yield point 屈服点Polish 光泽、研磨、磨光、抛光Polishing 磨光、擦亮Politure 抛光、光泽Position 位置、方位Positional tolerance 位置偏差Pound 磅Power 动力、功率Input power 输入功率Output power 输出功率Rated power 额定功率Precision measure 精确度量Preface 序、前言、导语Press 精压、冲压、挤压Hydraulic press 水压机Pressure 压力、压缩Pressure angle 压力角Principal axis 主轴Principle layout 总布置图Principle of operation 工作原理Print 印刷Blue print 蓝图Printer 复印机、晒图机Production 生产、制造Production dimension 制造尺寸Profile 剖面、侧面、侧面图Involute profile 渐开线齿形Project 计划、设计、投影Projection 投影3rd (third) angle projection 第三角投影Property 特性、特征、性能Proportion 比例、比率Pulley 滑轮、皮带轮Pump 泵Punch 冲床、穿孔Punching 冲压、穿孔Push fit 推入配合Pusher-dozer 推土机Q Quadrangle 四边形、方形Quadrant designation 象限名称Quantity 量Quarter 四分之一Quenching 淬火Quill 活动套筒、衬套R Rack 机架、台、齿条Rack-and-pinion 齿条齿轮传动Radial ball bearing 径向球轴承Radian 弧度Radius 半径Radius of corner 原角半径Pitch radius 节圆半径Rotation radius 旋转半径Range 范围、排列Ratchet 棘轮Rating 功率、参数、规格Ratio 比例、比率Ratio of gear 变速比、齿数比、传动比Reader 读者、校对人、审稿人Reading views 读图Ream 绞孔、扩孔Rear axle 后轴Rear view 后视图Recess 凹槽Record 记录Rectangle 矩形、长方形Reducer 减速器Reference 参考、基准Relative position 相对位置Relay 继电器Removed section 移出剖面Rendered drawing 提供图样Repair 修理、检修Resistance 阻力、电阻Resistor 电阻器Retainer 护圈、挡圈Retaining ring 弹性挡圈Reversal 反向Revision 校订、修改Revolution 旋转、循环、周期Revolution per minute 每分钟转数Revolved section 旋转剖面Rib 肋Rigging 装配、安装、调整Right end view 右侧视图Right section 正截面Right-hand 右旋Rigidity 刚度、刚性Rim 边、缘、环Collar rim 轮缘Ring 环、圈Rubber ring 橡皮环Sealing ring 密封环Spring ring 弹簧圈Rivet 铆钉Robot 机器人、自动机Rod 杆、棒料Pull rod 拉杆Screw rod 螺杆Roll roller-type overrunning clutch 滚子型超越离合器Rolling circle 滚圆、(齿轮的)基圆Room 房间Building room 装配间Tool room 工具室Work room 车间Root 齿根、牙底Root diameter 齿根直径Root of thread 螺纹牙底Cubic root 立方根Rope 绳、索Rough 粗糙面、毛坯、粗(未)加工(状态) Roughness 粗糙度Round nut 圆螺母Round section 圆形剖面Roundness 圆度、圆形Rubber 橡皮、磨光机Loaded rubber 填料橡胶。



飞行器雷电效应多物理场仿真研究段雁超1, 熊秀1, 范晓宇11西安爱邦雷电与电磁环境实验室Abstract飞行器遭受雷击时会产生多物理效应,包括电磁感应效应、热效应和电磁力效应等。



本文以COMSOL Multiphysics多物理场耦合软件为仿真分析工具,建立多种典型问题模型进行计算并对结果分析,说明雷电及其相关问题可以通过仿真分析进行评估和解决。

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[新版]机械工程图中常用英语词汇机械工程图中常用英语词汇Abbreviation缩写Accuracy精度、准确性Acme thread梯形螺纹(29?)Addendum齿顶高Addendum angle齿顶角Addendum circle齿顶圆Addendum of mating gear啮合齿轮的齿顶高Adjacent-part lines相邻零件线Aligned sections旋转剖视Aligned view旋转视图Allowance容差、加工余量Alloy合金Alloy steel合金钢Alphabet字母Alteration变更、更改Alternate-position views位置改变的视图Alternator交流发电机Induction alternator感应(交流)发电机Motor alternator电动(交流)发电机Single-phase alternator单向(交流)发电机Synchronous alternator同步(交流)发电机Three-phase alternator三相(交流)发电机Amount总量、总计Analyzable assembly分析装配图Anchor bolt地脚螺栓Angles角Acute angle锐角Blunt angle钝角Right angle直角Sliding angle摩擦角Spiral angle螺旋角Taper angle锥角Angular有角的Angular bearing径向止推轴承Angular bevel gears斜交伞齿轮Angular gear人字齿轮Angular section斜剖面Anneal退火Approval批准、xxArc弧、圆弧Arc thickness弧长厚度(齿厚)Arc welding弧焊Arrangement布置、装置Arrangement of views视图的布置Clamping arrangement夹紧装置Cramping arrangement紧固装置General arrangement总体布置Arrow箭头Arrowheads箭头Assembly装配图、组装图Assembly drawing装配图Assembly drawing number装配图图号Assembly for installation安装图Assembly parts组装配合零件Assembly sections装配图剖视Assembly sketches装配草图Auxiliary elevation辅助立面图Auxiliary line辅助线Auxiliary section辅助剖视Auxiliary surface辅助面Auxiliary view辅助视图Average平均数Axial轴的、轴向的Axial pitch轴向节距Axial plane轴向平面Axial thickness轴向厚度Axis轴线、中心线Axis of revolution回转轴线Axis of rotation旋转轴线Axis of symmetry对称轴线Horizontal axis水平轴Major axis长轴Minor axis短轴Vertical axis垂直轴X axis X轴Y axis Y轴Axle轴Axle bearing轴向(止推)轴承Axle sleeve轴向(止推)套筒Axonometric drawing轴测图BabbittxxBack cone背锥Back cone radius背锥半径Back elevation后视图Backstop托架、棘爪Ball bearing球轴承Bar杆Angle bar角钢Channel bar槽钢Flat bar扁钢Round bar圆棒、圆钢Base基础、底座、基线、基面、基准Base circle基圆Base circular thickness基圆弧线齿厚Base cylinder基圆柱Base helix angle基圆上的螺旋角Base plane基平面Base point基点Key base键座Basic circle基准圆Basic hole system基孔制Base shaft system基轴制Basic size基本尺寸、公称尺寸、标称直径Basis基础、基准、基线Battery电池、蓄电池Bearing轴承、支撑、方位Bearing accuracy定位精度Bearing box轴承箱Bearing brass铜轴衬Bearing bridge轴承支架Bearing oil seal轴承油封圈Bearing support轴承架Bearing unit轴承组合件Anti-friction bearing减摩轴承Ball and socket bearing球窝轴承Conical bearing锥形轴承Journal bearing径向轴承Needle bearing滚针轴承Plain bearing滑动轴承Roller bearing滚柱轴承Self-aligning bearing自位轴承Thrust bearing止推轴承Belt带、皮带Bench工作台Work bench工作台Bend弯头、接头Elbow bend肘形弯管Normal bend正弯管(90?) Bender弯曲机Bending挠曲Bending strength抗弯强度Bent axle曲轴Bevel倾斜的、斜角的、斜面Bevel gear圆锥齿轮、伞齿轮Bevel pinionxx锥齿轮Bevel washer斜垫圈Bevel wheel伞齿轮、斜摩擦齿轮Bilateral tolerance双向公差Bill of materials送料单Block in、block out画草图Blue paper蓝晒纸Blueprintxx、设计图Board板、(管理)局、厅Bottom board底板Moulding board模板Body机体、机身Boiler锅炉Bolt螺栓、插销Adjusting bolt调整螺栓Assembling bolt装配螺栓Binding bolt连接螺栓Bright blot光制螺栓Captive bolt固定螺栓Double-screw bolt双头螺栓Fitter bolt装配螺栓Foundation bolt地脚螺栓Hexagonal head bolt六角头螺栓Hook bolt钩形螺栓Screw bolt全螺纹螺栓Snap bolt圆头螺栓Tension bolt拉紧螺栓Bolted joints螺栓连接Book书、册Hand book手册Instruction book说明书Bore face machine镗孔端面加工机床Borer镗床Jig borer坐标镗床Table borer台式镗床Boring镗孔Boring machine镗床Boring mill镗床Bottom case底座Bottom clearance径向间隙Bottom view底视图Bracket托架、支柱Brake制动器、闸Brassxx、铜轴衬Braze铜焊Brazing铜焊Breadth宽度、厚度Break line断裂线Brinell figure (number)布氏硬度Brinell hardness布氏硬度Broacher拉床、绞孔机Broaching扩孔机、拉床、拉削Broken circle虚线圆Broken out section断裂剖面Broken view局部视图Bronze青铜Burnishing抛光、磨光Burr三角矬、毛刺、去毛刺Bush衬套、轴瓦Bushing轴衬、衬套、套管Butt joint对接焊Butterfly nut蝶形螺母Butterfly valve蝶形阀Button按钮Push button控制按钮Cable电缆Cage盒、罩、箱Caliperxx、xxGauge caliperxx、量规Internal caliperxxSliding (vernier) caliper游标卡尺Cam凸轮Cam design凸轮设计Cam shaft凸轮轴Actuating cam主动凸轮Adjustable cam可调凸轮Control cam控制凸轮Capxx、帽、罩Cap screw带帽螺钉Capital大写字母Carburizing渗碳Card卡片Cartographer制图员Cartography制图学、制图法Case箱、盒、容器、表面Case hardened表面淬火、硬化Nitrogen case hardening渗氮硬化Casing箱、盒、壳Oil pump casing油泵(壳) Casting铸造、铸件Defect casting铸件缺陷Die casting压铸Sand casting砂型铸造Spun casting离心铸造Steel casting铸钢Cast-iron铸铁Castle circular nut六角圆螺母Castle nut蝶形螺母Catalogue data表列数据Cave凹槽、内腔Centre中心、圆心Centre distance中心距Centre hole中心xxCentre line中心线Centre-section中心剖面Centre to centre中心距Centesimal百分的、百分之一的Centimeter厘米、公分Central hole中心xxCentral plane中心平面Central projection中心投影Chafe摩擦、磨损Chain链Drive chain主动链Transmission chain传动链Chamfer倒角、倒棱、斜面Dimensioning of chamfer倒角的尺寸注法Changes on drawing图的更改Channel沟槽ChapterxxChart图表、计算图Chart of symbols符号图表Auxiliary chart辅助图Dimensions chart外廓尺寸图Graphical chart图表Process chart工艺程序图Progress chart工艺程序表、工作进度表Charting制图(表)、填图Check校验、校核、制动装置Check drawings校图Check nut防松螺母Check ring挡圈Check test校核试验Chief draftsman主任制图员Chromium铬Chromizing镀铬处理Circle圆、圆周Circle of reference参考圆Addendum circle齿顶圆Base circle基圆Graduated circle分度圆Imaginary circle虚圆Outside circle齿顶圆、外圆Pitch circle节圆Rack circle平面齿轮、扇形齿轮Root circle根圆Top circle齿顶圆Circular cylinder圆柱Circular pitch弧线节距Circular thickness弧线(齿)厚度Circumference圆周长Clamp夹紧、夹板Class种类Class of fit配合级别Classification分类Clawxx、钩、xxxxClearance fit间隙配合Clevice /clevis U形钩、U形夹Clevis bolt套环(插销)螺栓Clevis pin U形夹销Clockwise顺时针方向Clutch离合器、联轴器Coat外层、涂镀层Coat of metal金属镀层First coat底漆Coating镀、覆盖Electrodeposited coating电镀层Coaxial circle共轴圆Cock旋塞Coil蛇形管、螺管、线圈Coil spring盘簧Coincident line重叠线Cold-rolled steel冷轧钢Collet夹头Collet chuck弹簧夹头Color-harden着色硬化、发蓝、煮黑Common difference公差Company公司Joint company股份公司Limited company有限公司Compass圆规Compass of proportion比例规Component零件、构件Compression spring压力弹簧Compressor压缩机Computer计算机Concave face凹面Concentricity同心度Cone圆锥Cones development锥面展开Cone pulley锥形轮、塔轮Conical spring锥形弹簧Connection联接Bolt-on connection螺栓联接Flange connection法兰联接Rivet connection铆钉联接Screw connection螺钉联接Contact接触、接合、啮合Contact angle啮合角Angular contact ball bearing向心止推球轴承Contour外形、xxContracted drawing缩图Contrast对比、对照、比较Convention惯例、常规、习惯Convention for materials材料的习惯表示法Conventional break习惯断裂画法Conventional diagram习惯画法Conventional intersection习惯交线(画法) Conventional practice习惯画法Conventional sign图例、习惯符号Convex凸面Conveyer输送机、传送机Cooler冷冻机Coordinate axis坐标轴Coordinate paper方格纸、坐标纸Copper铜Copy抄本、样板Correction校正、xxCotter pin开口销Split cotter开口销Counterbore埋头xx、锥口xxCounterclockwise逆时针方向Countersink埋头xx、沉xx Countersink drill中心钻、钻Countersunk钻埋头孔、钻锥口孔Countersunk bolt埋头螺钉Countersunk head埋头Countersunk hole锥坑Coupling联轴节Coverxx、罩Cylinder cover汽缸盖Dust cover防尘罩Cowl壳、套、盖Crane起重机Crank曲柄、曲轴Crankshaft曲轴Crestxx、尖、牙尖Cross head十字头Cross section横剖面、横断面Crown gear冕状齿轮Cube立方形体、正六面体Current电流Curvature曲率Curvature radius曲率半径Curve弯曲、曲线、曲线板Curve plotter绘图仪Curve ruler曲线板French curve曲线板Moment curve力矩曲线、力矩图Cutter刀、刀具Cutting plane截平面Cutting plane symbols剖切(迹线)平面符号Cycloid摆线Cycloidal gear摆线齿轮Cylinder圆柱体Cylinder base汽缸座Pump cylinder泵缸Cylindrical cam圆柱凸轮Cylindrical fit圆柱配合Cylindrical roller bearing圆柱滚子轴承Dash短划线、虚线、破折号Dash and dot line点划线Broken dash断裂线Data数据、资料Engineering data工程数据Master data主要数据Date日期、年代Datum基准(点、线、面)、资料Datum line基准线Datum point基准点Datum plane基准面Decade十进制、十进位Decelerator减速器、制动器、缓动装置Decimal小数的、十进位小数的Decimal fraction十进制分数Decimal fraction system十进小数制Decimal scale十进位比例尺Decimeter分米、公分Dedendum angle齿根角Dedendum circle齿根圆Definition定义Deformation变形、扭曲Degree度、程度Degree of accuracy精度Degree of freedom自由度Degree of hardness硬度Degree scale刻度Circular degree圆度Delineation轮廓、草图Delineator制图者Department科、处、系、车间Draft department设计科Engineering department技术科Fitting department装配车间Heat treatment department热处理车间Mechanical department机加工车间Processing department工艺科Depthxx、高度Depth dial gauge深度千分表Depth of engagement啮合深度Depth of thread螺纹xxDepth of tooth齿高Contact depth of tooth啮合高度Working depth of tooth齿工作高度Derivation偏差Standard derivation标准偏差Description描述、作图、绘制Design设计、计划Design activity设计机关(组织) Design assembly设计装配图Design drawing设计图Design layout设计草图、初步设计图Preliminary design初步设计Standard design标准设计Technical design技术设计Designation符号、标志Designation strip铭牌Designer设计员、制图者、设计师Desk桌、控制台Drawing desk绘图桌Detail细目、细节、详图、零件Detail drawing详图、零件工作图Detail paper底图纸、描图纸Detail specification详细规格Detent棘爪、扳手、制动器Developable surface可展曲面Developed view展开图Development inner port内表面展开图Development of surface表面展开图Deviation偏差、偏移Angular deviation角偏差Average deviation平均偏差Standard deviation标准偏差Tolerance deviation允许偏差Device装置、设备Diagram示意图、图解Diagram drawing图解图、结构图Arrangement diagram布置图Assembly diagram装配示意图Block diagram方框图Schematic diagram原理图、简图Diagrammatic drawing草图、示意图Dial gauge千分表Dial inside micrometer内径千分表Diameter直径Diameter of aperture孔径Diameter of pitch circle节圆直径Diameter pitch (齿轮)径节Diameter run-out径向跳动Major diameter大直径、螺纹外径Minor diameter小直径、螺纹内径Nominal diameter公称直径Pitch diameter of screw thread螺纹中径Thread diameter螺纹外径(直径) Diametral pitch齿轮径节Die模具、扳牙Diesel柴油机、内燃机Dimension尺寸Dimension line尺寸线Limiting dimension极限尺寸Nominal dimension公称尺寸Outer dimension外形尺寸、轮廓尺寸Direction方位、方向Clockwise direction顺时针方向Disc = disk圆盘、原板Disk cam圆盘凸轮Dismount拆卸Dismountable可拆卸的Displacement移位、变位Distance距离、路程Distortion变形、歪扭Distribution分配、分布、配置Ditto machine复印机Diversion变更、转换Dividing head分规Dot line虚线Dotted line虚线Double dots line双点划线Double helical pinion人字小齿轮Double helical spur gear人字齿轮Double thread双头螺柱Dowel thread定位销、圆柱销Dozer推土机Draft = draught (拔模)斜度、草图、制图Drafting制图Drafting board制图板Drafting machine制图机Drafting tape制图带、胶带Draftsman绘图员Drawer制图员Drawing绘图、图样Drawing board绘图纸Drawing control图样管理Drawing free-head草图Drawing instrument绘图仪器Drawing number图号Drawing pencil绘图铅笔Drawing pin图钉Drawing size图纸尺寸Drawing table制图桌Drawing with compass用圆规画图Blue print drawing蓝图Free hand drawing徒手图Full size drawing原大图Skeleton drawing草图、结构图Working drawing施工图、制造图、工作图Drill钻孔、穿孔、穿孔器Drive传动、驱动Drive fit打入配合Air drive气动Belt drive带传动Chain drive链传动Friction drive摩擦传动Gear drive齿轮传动Hydromatic drive液压传动Speed-reducer drive减速器传动Variable-speed drive变速传动Worm-wheel drive蜗轮传动Driven gear从动齿轮Driven shaft从动轴Driving gear主动齿轮Driving shaft主动轴Drum cam凸轮轴Ductile iron球墨铸铁Duplicating tracing复制描图Durometer (钢轨)硬度计Dusting cloth抹灰布、撒粉布EEccentricity偏心距Edge iron角铁Edge round外圆角Edge view边视图Effective diameter有效直径Effective face width有效齿宽Efficiency效率、性能Mechanical efficiency机械效率Elastic deformation弹性变形Elasticity弹性Elbow肘形弯管、弯头Electric current电流Electric element电池Elephant绘图纸(28X23英寸) Elevation正面图、立视图End末端、头Ball endxxButt end平端、端面Tail end尾端Top end顶端Engagement啮合Engineer工程技术人员、工程师Engineer-in-chief总工程师Equipment设备Eraser橡皮Erasing shield擦图片Erection diagram安装图、装配图Error误差Accumulated error累积误差Allowance error容许误差Average error平均误差Permissible error容许误差Relative error相对误差Exterior外表面External外部External diameter外径External dimension外形尺寸External fillet外圆角External thread外螺纹Extra fine(screw)特细牙螺纹Eyelet = eyelet-hole小孔Fabrication建造、制造Face面、正面、表面、端面Face cam平面凸轮Face gear平面齿轮Face hardening表面硬化Inner face里面Outer face外面Face off倒角Factor of safety安全系数Factory工厂、制造厂Factory made工厂制造的Fastener接合件、紧固件Fastening连接件、紧固件Fatigue疲劳Faucet旋塞、龙头、开关Feather滑键、冒口Feather key滑键Feature特征、特性、性能Basic mechanical design feature主要机械设计性能Mechanical feature机械性能(特性)Feed-pump供油泵、供水泵Feet英尺Ferrous metal黑色金属Field工场、现场Figure形状、图样、插图、数字File锉刀、锉平Filler填料、垫片Fillet (内)圆角、填角、嵌条Fillet radius内圆角半径Filter过滤器Fine thread series细螺纹级(系列) Finish完工、加工、磨光Finish all over全部加工Finish marks加工符号Machine finish机器光制Fit配合Clearance fit间隙配合Free fit自由配合Interference fitxxLight press fit轻压配合Light running fit轻传动配合Loose fitxx配合Normal-running fit传动配合Running fit动配合Shrink fit冷缩配合Slide fit滑动配合Transition fit过渡配合Fix安装、装配、调整、修理、固定Flange法兰盘、凸缘Flank边、侧面、齿侧、后面Flat扁头、平面Flat key平键Flat spring板弹簧Flat surface平面Flexible disk coupling挠性盘形联轴节Flexible gear-type coupling挠性齿轮联轴节Flywheel飞轮Foot英尺Foot screw地脚螺钉Force力Fore word序、前言Forge锻Forge steel锻钢Former样板、模型、量规Wooden former木模Formula公式Foundation基础、基座Foundation bolt地脚螺栓Foundry铸件、铸工车间Fraction分数、小数Front view前视图、主视图Full diameter大直径、主直径Full line实线Full size原大Full scale原大Full section全剖视Full section view全剖视图Furbish研磨、擦光Fuse保险丝、熔断器Gage = gauge量规GallonxxGalvanize镀锌、电镀Gasket垫圈、密封垫Gasket material填料Gasoline engine汽油(内燃)机Gate门、阀门Gear齿轮Gear addendum angle齿顶角Gear box(case)齿轮箱Gear centre齿轮中心Gear dedendum angle齿根角(圆锥齿轮) Epicyclic gear行星齿轮Herringbone gear人字齿轮Ratchet gear棘轮General drawing总图Geometry几何学Gland压盖、填料盖、xx装置Glass玻璃Glasscloth砂xx、玻璃xxGlossary词汇(表)Grade等级、斜度Steel grade钢号Graduated hardening分级淬火Graduated scale比例尺、分度尺GramxxGraph图(表、解、形)、曲线图Graph paper方格纸Graphic图示、制图学Grease滑脂Grind磨削、抛光Grinding machine磨床Grinding wheel砂轮Groove cam槽凸轮Groove pulley槽轮、三角带轮Guide手册、指南Guide bar导杆Guide pin定位销、导向销Guide screw丝杠Guidebook参考手册、指南、xx Half二分之一、一部分Half bearing轴瓦Half section半剖视Half section view半剖视图Hammer锤子Handbook手册、指南Hand-made手工制造的Hand-operated手控的Handle手柄Hand wheel手轮Hard casting白口铁Hard drawn冷拔Hard rolled冷轧的Hard surfacing表面硬化Harden淬火、硬化Hardened and tempered调质的Hardened-steel淬火钢Hardening硬化Hardness硬度Hardometer硬度计Hatch剖面线H-beam工字xx、H形xxHeat–treatment热处理Heavy force fit重压配合Height高度Helical bevel gear螺旋伞齿轮Helical gear螺旋齿轮、圆柱斜齿轮Helical rack斜齿齿条Helical spring螺旋弹簧Hex nut六角螺母Hexagon jam nut六角锁紧螺母Hexagon socket head内六角头Hidden line虚线Hidden outline看不见的轮廓线High-carbon steel高碳钢High-duty重型的、大型的、优产的High-speed steel高速钢Hosting jack千斤顶HolexxHorizontal datum plane水平基准面Horizontal line水平线Horizontal projection水平投影Horizontal projection plane水平投影面Horse-power马力、功率Hose软管Hose coupling软管接头Hot-rolled steel热轧钢Hot-work热加工Hour小时Housing机座Housing of pump泵体Bearing housing轴承箱Gear housing齿轮箱Hub轮、中心、衬套I-beam工字钢Illustration插图、实例Inaccuracy不精确、不准确Incenter内(切圆)心Inch英寸Incline斜度、斜面Index plate分度盘Indicator指示计、百分表Industrial工业公司Industrial drawing工业制图Industry工业Inertia惯性Inkxx、油墨Ink holder钢笔杆China inkxxInscription标题Inside diameter内径Inspection检修、检查Inspection machine检修机器Inspector检查员Installation装置、设备、安装Installation diagram安装图Institute研究所、协会、学院、学会Instruction说明、指示Instrument仪器、仪表、工具Instrument drawing仪器图Intensity强度Interchangeability互换性1 Interconnection互相连接Interference fitxxInterior view内部(的)视图Internal combustion engine内燃机Internal fillet内圆角Internal gear内齿轮Introduction引言、介绍、序言Invisible line虚线Involute渐(伸)开线Involute gear渐开线齿轮Involute rack渐开线齿条Involute spline渐开线花键Involute teeth渐开线齿形Iron铁Ingot iron低碳铁、工业纯铁Knobbled iron熟铁Magnetic iron磁铁Malleable iron可锻铁、韧性铁Plate iron铁板、钢板Quadrant iron方钢Rod iron圆铁、棒钢Round iron圆铁、圆钢Rustless iron不锈铁Section iron型钢Structural iron结构钢White iron白口铁Wrought iron熟铁、锻铁Isometric diagram等轴测图Isometric drawing等轴测图Jack-screw螺旋千斤顶Job sheet零件图纸Joint结合、连接、焊接Bolt joint螺栓连接Riveted joint铆钉连接Welded joint焊接Journal轴径Journal bearing径向轴承Keeper保持器(片)、架、定位件卡箍Keep-ring保持环Key diagram键、按钮Key way(seat、seating、slot)键槽Key wrench套筒扳手Gib-head taper key钩头斜键Square key方形键Tightening key斜扁键Woodruff key半圆键Key-bolt键螺栓Kilogram(me)公斤、千克Kilogram-meter公斤米、千克米Kilometer公里、千米Kilovolt千瓦Kilowatt千伏Kit一套工具Knee弯头、升降台Knee bend弯管Knob捏手、按钮Knuckle thread圆形螺纹Knurl滚花、压花Knurled nut滚花螺母L-bar = L-beam角钢Laboratory实验室、研究室Lamp灯Alarm lamp信号灯Daylight lamp日光灯Incandescent lamp白炽灯Indicating lamp信号灯、指示灯Lantern游环、套环Large compasses大圆规Lathe车床Lathe-hand车工Lattin = Latten金属薄板、黄铜片Law规律、定律Lay布置、安排、放置Layer层Carburized layer渗碳层Layout计划、方案、草图Layout design草图设计、方案设计Layout drawing方案草图Lead angle螺旋升角Lead line指引线Leaf spring板弹簧Left hand左方向Left hand thread左旋螺纹Legend图例、图表符号、代号、说明书Lengthxx、距离Length gaugexx规Length of normal法线长Length of side边长Effective length有效长度Lens透镜、镜片Letter字、字母Capital letter大写字母Level surface水平面Lift升降机、电梯Light alloy轻合金Light beam光束Light series轻系列Light-duty轻型Lighting installation照明装置Lightning switch照明开关Liquid液体Limit极限尺寸Limit switch限位开关Line线Line of action (齿轮)压力线Line of contact (齿轮)接触线Line of shaft轴线Line of thickness线型的粗度Line weight线的粗细程度Actual line实线Addendum line齿顶线Broken line断裂线Center line = central line中心线Continuous line实线Dash(ed) line虚线Diagonal line对角线Imaginary line假想线Generation line母线Pitch line节线Real line实线Reference line基准线、参考线Right line直线Skeleton linexxSolid line实线Straight line直线Vertical line垂直线Liner衬套Bearing line轴瓦Link连接环、链节Line assembly连杆装配图Chain link链节L-iron角铁List注册、记录、名册、目录Load符合Actual load有效载荷、实际载荷Allowable load容许载荷Full load满载(荷)、全负载(荷) Local view局部视图Localization定位\固定Locating pin定位销Location by angle角度定位Location by dimension定位尺寸Location pin定位销Location tolerance定位公差Lock锁\阀Lock nut防松螺母Lock screw锁紧螺钉Lock washer弹簧垫圈Valve lock阀簧抵座销、气门制销Loco机车、火车头Logarithm对数Long breakxx断裂线Long radiusxx半径Longitudinal key长方键Lower limit下限Lubricant pump润滑油泵Lubricating ring润滑油环Lubrication润滑Bath lubrication油浴润滑Bearing lubrication轴承润滑Ring lubrication油环润滑Shot lubrication油枪润滑Splash lubrication飞溅润滑Lubricator润滑器Lubro-pump油泵Luminaire光源Machine机器、切割Machine building (manufacturing)机械制造Machine drawing机械制图Machine finish机械加工Machine maker机械工厂(制造者) Machine part机械零件Machine shop机工车间Drawing machine绘图机Tracing machine描图机Machining allowance加工余量Machinist机械工人\机械师Magazine杂志Magnetic-particle clutch电磁离合器Magnitude数量、xx、大小Major type of slotted nut大型锁母Make制造、构造Malleable cast iron可锻铸铁Malleable casting韧铸件Malleable steel软钢、展性钢Manual手册、说明书Manual control手控Manufacture加工、制造业Manucturing engineering制造工艺(技术) Manucturing machine生产机械Manucturing tolerance制造公差Master check校正、校对Master drawing样图Master gauge标准规、校准规Master gear主齿轮、标准齿轮Master making手工Master screw标准螺纹Match匹配、配合Mate啮合部分Material物质、材料Fibre material纤维材料Insulating material绝缘材料Plastic material塑料Maximal valve极大值Maximum极点、极限、最大量Maximum admitted diameter of work工件最大许可直径Mean axis中间轴Measure量度、大小、尺寸Measure of precision精确度Measurement测定、尺寸、大小Measuring device量具Measuring tools量具Mechanical bolt螺钉Mechanical drawing机械制图Mechanical engineering’s scale 机械工程比例尺Mechanical properties机械性能Mechanical reduction gear齿轮减速装置Mechanism机械结构、机械装置Medium seriesxx系列Mating member配合件Meshing gear啮合齿轮Metal金属Admiralty metalxxxxBell metal青铜合金、种铜、铜锡合金Brazing metal铜锌合金Hard metal硬质合金Heavy metal重金属Light metal轻金属Monel metal铜镍合金Power(ed) metal粉末合金Wear-resistant metal耐磨金属White metal白合金(铅锑锡合金) Yellow metal黄金、黄色金属Metallized镀金属的、喷涂金属的Meter米、公尺。



《传热学》课程专业英语词汇1. heat transfer 传热学2. heat conduction 导热3. convection heat transfer 对流换热4. thermal radiation 热辐射5. condensation heat transfer 凝结换热6. boiling heat transfer 沸腾换热7. number of heat transfer unit 传热单元数8. heat exchanger 换热器9. temperature field 温度场10. Fourier’s law 傅里叶定律11. Isothermal surface 等温面12. temperature gradient 温度梯度13. unsteady heat conduction 非稳态导热14. Isotherms 等温线15. lumped method 集总参数法16. thermal conductivity 导热系数17. heat flux 热流密度18. thermal resistance 热阻19. Newton’s law of cooling 牛顿冷却公式20. boundary layer 边界层21. thermal boundary layer 热边界层22. continuity equation 连续性方程23. laminar flow in tube 管内层流24. turbulent flow in tube 管内湍流25. in-tube boiling 管内沸腾26. dimensional analysis 量纲分析27. flow boundary layer 流动边界层28. fin 肋片29. fin efficiency 热效率30. Reynolds number 雷诺数31. Nusselt number 努谢尔数32. Prandtl number 普朗克数33. Planck’slaw 普朗克定律34. boundary layer integral equation 边界层积分方程35.boundary layer differential equation 边界层微分方程36.boundary condition 边界条件37.finite difference 差分38.initial condition 初始条件39.transmissivity 穿透比40.mass transfer process 传质过程41.natural convection in infinite space 大空间自然对流42.poor boiling 大容器沸腾43.partial differential equation of heat conduction 导热微分方程44.numerical solution of heat conduction 导热问题数值解45.directional radiation intensity 定向辐射强度46.log-mean temperature difference 对数平均温差47.multidimensional steady state heat conduction 多维稳态导热48.emissivity 发射率49.analytical solution of transient heat conduction 非稳态导热问题分析解50.Fourier number 傅里叶数work method of radiation heat exchange 辐射换热的网络法52.emissive power 辐射力53.Grashof number 格拉晓夫数54.insulating material 隔热材料(保温材料,绝热材料)55.spectral emissive power 光谱辐射力56.excess temperature 过余温度57.nucleate boiling 核态沸腾 body 黑体(绝对黑体)59.flow across single tube 横掠单管60.flow across non-circular cylinder 横掠非圆形截面柱体61.flow across tube bundles 横掠管束62.gray body 灰体63.effectiveness of heat exchanger 换热器的效能64.mixed convection 混合对流65.Kirchhoff’s law 基尔霍夫定律66.cross strings method 交叉线法67.view factor ,angle factor 角系数68.heat conduction with internal heat source 具有内热源的导热erning equation 控制方程place equation 拉普拉斯方程mbert’s law 兰贝特定律72.discretized equation 离散方程73.critical insulation radius 临界绝缘直径74 diffuse surface 漫射表面 condensation 膜状凝结76.internal flow 内部流动77.counter-flow 逆流78.gaseous radiation 气体辐射79.enhancement of heat transfer 强化传热80.forced convection 强制对流81.heat pipe 热管82.heat transfer rate 热流量83.time constant 时间常数84.numerical solution 数值解85.Stefan-Boltzmann’s law 斯特潘-波耳兹曼定律86.velocity boundary layer 速度边界层 radiation 太阳辐射88.characteristic length 特征长度89.characteristic number 特征数(准则数)90.irradiation 投入辐射91.turbulent flow 湍流92.external flow 外部流动93.flow along a flat plate 外掠平板94.Wien’s displacement law 维恩位移定律 house effect 温室效应96.steady –state heat conduction 稳态导热97.thermal resistance of fouling 污垢热阻98.absorptivity 吸收比99.back difference 向后差分100.forward difference 向前差分101.similarity principle 相似原理102.shape factor 形状因子103.1-dimensional steady state heat conduction 一维稳态导热。



数控加工英文词汇1)计算机数值操纵(Computerized Numerical Control, CNC)用计算机操纵加工功能,实现数值操纵。


3)机床坐标系(Machine Coordinate Systern )固定于机床上,以机床零点为基准的笛卡尔坐标系。

4)机床坐标原点(Machine Coordinate Origin )机床坐标系的原点。

5)工件坐标系(Workpiece Coordinate System )固定于工件上的笛卡尔坐标系6)工件坐标原点(Wrok-piexe Coordinate Origin)工件坐标系原点。

7)机床零点(Machine zero )由机床制造商规定的机床原点。

8)参考位置(Reference Position )机床启动用的沿着坐标轴上的一个固定点,它能够用机床坐标原点为参考基准9)绝对尺寸(Absolute Dimension)/绝对坐标值(Absolute Coordinates)距一坐标系原点的直线距离或者角度。

10)增量尺寸( Incremental Dimension ) /增量坐标值(Incremental Coordinates)在一序列点的增量中,各点距前一点的距离或者角度值。

11)最小输人增量(Least Input Increment)在加工程序中能够输人的最小增量单位。

12)命令增量(Least command Increment)从数值操纵装置发出的命令坐标轴移动的最小增量单位。


14)直线插补(Llne Interpolation)这是一种插补方式,在此方式中,两点间的插补沿着直线的点群来逼近,沿此直线操纵刀具的运动。



高等数学术语英语翻译V、X、Z:Value of function:函数值Vector:函数值Volume:体积X-axis:x轴x-coordinate:x坐标x-intercept:x截距Zero vector:函数的零点T:Tangent function:正切函数Tangent line:切线Total differential:全微分Trigonometric function:三角函数Tripe integrals:三重积分S:Second derivative:二阶导数Second partial derivative:二阶偏导数Sequence:数列Set:集合Slope:斜率Smooth curve:平滑曲线Smooth surface:平滑曲面Solid of revolution:旋转体Space:空间Speed:速率Spherical coordinates:球面坐标Sum:和Surface:曲面Surface integral:面积分Surface of revolution:旋转曲面Symmetry:对称Sine function:正弦函数Slant asymptote:斜渐近线R:Range of a function:函数的值域Rate of change:变化率Rational function:有理函数Rational number:有理数Real number:实数Rectangular coordinates:直角坐标Revolution,solid of:旋转体Revolution,surface of:旋转曲面Root:根P、Q:Parabola:拋物线Parabolic cylinder:抛物柱面Paraboloid:抛物面Parallelepiped:平行六面体Parallel lines:并行线Parameter:参数Partial derivative:偏导数Partial differential equation:偏微分方程Partial fractions:部分分式Partial integration:部分积分Partiton:分割Period:周期Periodic function:周期函数Perpendicular lines:垂直线Plane:平面Polar coordinate:极坐标Pole:极点Polynomial:多项式Positive angle:正角Power function:幂函数Product:积M、N、O:Maximum and minimum values:极大与极小值Multiple integrals:重积分Natural num ber:自然数Normal line:法线Number:数Odd function:奇函数One-sided li mit:单边极限Open interval:开区间Ordinary differential equation:常微分方程Orthogonal:正交的Origin:原点L:Law of Cosines:余弦定理Left-hand derivative:左导数Left-hand limit:左极限Length:长度Limit:极限Linear approximation:线性近似Linear equation:线性方程式Linear function:线性函数Linearity:线性Logarithm:对数Logarithmic function:对数函数I:Implicit function:隐函数Increment:增量Indefinite integral:不定积分Independent variable:自变数Indeterminate from:不定型Inequality:不等式Infinite point:无穷极限Infinite series:无穷级数Integer:整数Integral:积分Integrand:被积分式Integration:积分Intercepts:截距Interval:区间Inverse function:反函数Inverse trigonometric function:反三角函数Iterated integral:逐次积分Intermediate value of Theorem:中间值定理H:Higher mathematics高等数学/高数E、F、G、H:Ellipse:椭圆Ellipsoid:椭圆体Equation:方程式Even function:偶函数Expected Valued:期望值Exponential Function:指数函数Extreme value:极值Focus:焦点Fractions:分式Function:函数Gradient:梯度Graph:图形Higher Derivative:高阶导数Horizontal asymptote:水平渐近线Horizontal line:水平线Hyperbola:双曲线Hyper boloid:双曲面D:Decreasing function:递减函数Decreasing sequence:递减数列Definite integral:定积分Density:密度Derivative:导数higher:高阶导数partial:偏导数Determinant:行列式Differentiable function:可导函数Differential:微分Differential equation:微分方程partial:偏微分方程Differentiation:求导法implicit:隐求导法partial:偏微分法Discontinuity:不连续性Distance:距离Divergence:发散Domain:定义域Double integral:二重积分C:Calculus:微积分differential:微分学integral:积分学Circle:圆Circular cylinder:圆柱Closed interval:封闭区间Coefficient:系数Cone:圆锥Constant function:常数函数Constant of integration:积分常数Continuity:连续性Continuous function:连续函数Convergence:收敛Convergent sequence:收敛数列Coordinate:s:坐标polar:极坐标rectangular:直角坐标spherical:球面坐标Coordinate axes:坐标轴Cosine function:余弦函数Critical point:临界点Cubic function:三次函数Curve:曲线Cylinder:圆柱A、B:Absolute convergence:绝对收敛Absolute extreme values:绝对极值Absolute maximum and minimum:绝对极大与极小Absolute value:绝对值Absolute value function:绝对值函数Acceleration:加速度Antiderivative:反导Arbitrary constant:任意常数Arc length:弧长Area:面积Asymptote:渐近线horizontal:水平渐近线slant:斜渐近线vertical:垂直渐近线Average speed:平均速率Average velocity:平均速度微积分词汇第一章函数与极限Chapter1Function and Limit集合set元素element子集subset空集empty set并集union交集intersection 差集difference of set基本集basic set补集complement set直积direct product开区间open interval闭区间closed interval映射mapping一一映射one-to-one mapping变化transformation函数function自变量independent variable因变量dependent variable函数关系function relation值域range函数图形graph of a function绝对值函数absolute value符号函数sigh function整数部分integral part分段函数piecewise function函数的单调性monotonicity of a function单调增加的increasing单调减少的decreasing单调函数monotone function对称symmetry偶函数even function奇函数odd function周期period反函数inverse function直接函数direct function复合函数composite function中间变量intermediate variable函数的运算operation of function基本初等函数basic elementary function初等函数elementary function幂函数power function指数函数exponential function对数函数logarithmic function三角函数trigonometric function反三角函数inversetrigonometric function常数函数constant function极限limit数列sequence of number 收敛convergence发散divergent子列subsequence函数的极限limits of functions左极限left limit右极限right limit单侧极限one-sided limits无穷小infinitesimal无穷大infinity单调数列monotonic sequence高阶无穷小infinitesimal of higher order 低阶无穷小infinitesimal of lower order同阶无穷小infinitesimal of the same order2高等数学-翻译等阶无穷小equivalent infinitesimal函数的连续性continuity of a function增量increment不连续点discontinuity point第一类间断点discontinuity point of the first kind第二类间断点discontinuity point of the second kind定义区间defined interval最大值global maximum value(absolute maximum)最小值global minimum value (absolute minimum)零点定理the zero point theorem介值定理intermediate value theorem 第二章导数与微分Chapter2Derivative and Differential匀速运动uniform motion平均速度average velocity瞬时速度instantaneous velocity圆的切线tangent line of a circle切线tangent line切线的斜率slope of the tangent line 位置函数position function导数derivative可导derivable导函数derived function切线方程tangent equation隐函数implicit function显函数explicit function高阶导数nth derivative相关变化率correlative change rata微分differential可微的differentiable函数的微分differential of function自变量的微分differential of independent variable绝对误差absolute error相对误差relative error第三章微分中值定理与导数的应用Chapter3MeanValue Theorem of Differentials and the Application of Derivatives临界点critical point辅助函数auxiliary function不定式indeterminate form泰勒公式Taylor formula余项remainder term拐点inflection point函数的极值extremum of function极大值local(relative)maximum极小值local(relative)minimum曲率curvature平均曲率average curvature曲率中心center of curvature第四章不定积分Chapter4Indefinite Integrals原函数primitive function(antiderivative)积分号sign of integration被积函数integrand积分变量integral variable积分曲线integral curve积分表table of integrals换元积分法integration by substitution分部积分法integration by parts分部积分公式formula of integration by parts有理函数rational function第五章定积分Chapter5Definite Integrals曲边梯形trapezoid with曲边curve edge积分下限lower limit of integral积分上限upper limit of integral积分区间integral interval分割partition积分和integral sum可积integrable反常积分improper integral第六章定积分的应用面积元素element of area极坐标polar coordinates抛物线parabola椭圆ellipse旋转体的面积volume of a solid of rotation曲线的弧长arc length of acurve光滑smooth功work水压力water pressure引力gravitation变力variable force第七章空间解析几何与向量代数Chapter7Space Analytic Geometry and Vector Algebra相等equal平行parallel三角法则triangle rule平行四边形法则parallelogram rule交换律commutative law结合律associative law差difference分配律distributive law球面sphere轴axis顶点vertex抛物柱面parabolic cylinder二次曲面quadric surface椭圆锥面dlliptic cone椭球面ellipsoid椭圆柱面elliptic cylinder双曲柱面hyperbolic cylinder抛物柱面parabolic cylinder空间曲线space curve投影projection垂直perpendicular第八章多元函数微分法及其应用Chapter8Differentiation of Functions of Several Variables and Its Application一元函数function of one variable多元函数function of several variables边界点frontier point,boundary point开集openset闭集closed set有界集bounded set 无界集unbounded set二重极限double limit连续函数continuous function不连续点discontinuity point偏导数partial derivative高阶偏导数partial derivative of higher order二阶偏导数second order partial derivative全微分total differential偏增量oartial increment偏微分partial differential全增量total increment可微分differentiable必要条件necessary condition充分条件sufficient condition全导数total derivative法线normal line梯度gradient 无条件极值unconditional extreme values条件极值conditional extreme values最小二乘法method of least squares第九章重积分Chapter9Multiple Integrals二重积分double integral可加性additivity三重积分triple integral反常二重积分improper double integral曲面的面积area of a surface质心centre of mass密度density第十二章微分方程Chapter12Differential Equation常微分方程ordinary differential equation偏微分方程partial differential equation,PDE初始条件initial condition衰变decay齐次方程homogeneous equation一阶线性方程linear differential equation of first order非齐次non-homogeneous齐次线性方程homogeneous linear equation非齐次线性方程non-homogeneous linear equation全微分方程total differential equation高阶微分方程differential equation of higher order二阶线性微分方程second order linera differential equation线性相关linearly dependence 线性无关linearly independce variable coefficient微分方程组system of differential equations。



常用英语path of ray 光路peak 最高点;最大值radiatio 辐射parameter (1)参数(2)参量parallel mirror 平行镜,平行反射镜photetch 光蚀,光刻技术material 材料cells 电池Cutting 切割photoconductive infrared detector 光电导红外线探测器Fixture 夹具servo 伺服Laser cutting 激光切割ine 精密的word n.字ABS(absolute)绝对的absolute 绝对的AC 交流accelerate 加速acceleration 加速度active 有效的adapter n.适配器,插头address 地址adjust 调整advance 前进advanced 高级的,增强的alarm 报警ALM(alarm) 报警alter 修改amplifier 放大器angle 角度APC 绝对式脉冲编码器arc圆弧arrow 箭头AUTO n.自动automatic 自动的axis n.轴background 背景,后台backlash 间隙backspace 退格backup.备份bar 栏,条bearing 轴承blank 空格block 块,段blown 熔断buffer缓冲bus 总线button 按钮calbe 电缆calculate 计算call调用CAN(cancel) 清除cancel 清除canned cycl 固定循环capacity n容量card 板卡carriage 床鞍,工作台cell 电池CH(chanel) 通道change 变更,更换channel 通道check检查circle 圆circuit 电路,回路circular 圆弧的clamp 夹紧clear 清除clip 剪切clip board剪贴板clock时钟clutch 卡盘,离合器CMR 命令增益coder编码器command 命令communication 通讯compensation 补偿computer 计算机condition 条件configuration 配置connect 连接connection 连接connector n.连接器console n.操作台contour n.轮廓control v.控制cool v.冷却coolant n.冷却coordinate n.坐标copy v.拷贝corner n.转角correct v.改正,adj.正确的correction n.修改count v.计数counter n.计数器CPU n.中央处理单元CR n.回车cradle n.摇架create v.生成CRT n.真空射线管CSB n.中央服务板current n.电流,当前的,缺省的current loop n.电流环cursor n.光标custom n.用户cut v.切削cutter n.(元盘形)刀具cycle n.循环cylinder n.圆柱体cylindrical adj.圆柱的data n.数据(复数)date n.日期datum n.数据(单数)DC n.直流deceleration n.减速deep adj.深的define v.定义deg. n.度degree n.度DEL(delete) v.删除delay v,n.延时delete v.删除deletion n.删除description n.描述detect v.检查detection n.检查device n.装置DGN(diagnose) v.诊断DI n.数字输入DIAG(diagnosis) n.诊断diagnosis n.诊断diameter n.直径digit n.数字dimension n.尺寸,(坐标系的)维DIR n.目录direction n.方向directory n.目录disconnect v.断开disconnection n.断开disk n.磁盘diskette n.磁盘display v,n.显示distance n.距离divide n,v除,v.划分DMR n.检测增益DNC 直接数据控制DO n.数字输出dog switch n.回参考点减速开关DRAM n.动态随机存储器drawing n.画图dress v.修整dresser n.修整器drill v.钻孔drive v.驱动driver n.驱动器dry run 空运行duplicate v.复制duplication n.复制dwell n,v.延时edit v.编辑EDT(edit) v.编辑electronic adj.电子的emergency n.紧急情况enable v.使能encoder n.编码器end v,n.结束enter n.回车,v.输入,进入entry n.输入equal v.等于equipment n.设备erase v.擦除error n.误差,错误,故障esc=escape v.退出exact adj.精确的exchange v.更换execute v.执行execution n.执行exit v.退出external adj.外部的failure n.故障Fixture 夹具fault n.故障feed v.进给feedback v.反馈figure n.数字file n.文件filter n.过滤器fin(finish) n.完成(应答信号)fine adj.精密的fixture n.夹具FL (回参考点的)低速flash memory n.闪存flexible adj.柔性的floppy adj.软的foreground n.前景,前台format n.格式,v.格式化function n.功能gain n.增益gear n.齿轮general adj.总的,通用的generator n.发生器geometry n.几何gradient n.倾斜度,梯度graph n.图形graphic adj.图形的grind v.磨削group n.组guidance n.指南,指导guide v.指导halt n,v.暂停,间断handle n.手动,手摇轮handy adj.便携的handy file 便携式编程器hardware n.硬件helical adj.螺旋上升的help n,v.帮助history n.历史HNDL(handle) n.手摇,手动hold v.保持hole n.孔horizontal a.水平的host n.主机hour n.小时hydraulic adj.液压的I/O n.输入/输出illegal adj.非法的inactive adj.无效的inch n.英寸increment n.增量incremental adj.增量的index 分度,索引initial adj.原始的initialization n.初始化initialize v.初始化input n.v.输入INS(insert) v.插入insert v.插入instruction n.说明interface n.接口internal adj.内部的interpolate v.插补interpolation n.插补interrupt v.中断interruption n.中断intervent n.间隔,间歇involute n.渐开线ISO n.国际标准化组织jog n.点动jump v.跳转key n.键keyboard n.键盘laserp-n 激光器label n.标记,标号ladder diagram 梯形图language n.语言lathe n.车床LCD n.液晶显示least adj.最小的length n.长度LIB(library) n.库library n.库life n.寿命light n.灯limit n.极限limit switch n.限位开关line n.直线linear adj.线性的linear scale n.直线式传感器link n,v.连接list n,v.列表load n.负荷,v.装载local adj.本地的locate v.定位,插销location n.定位,插销lock v.锁定logic n.逻辑loop n.回路,环路LS n.限位开关LSI n.大规模集成电路machine n.机床,v.加工magazine n.刀库magnet n.磁体,磁magnetic a.磁的main program n.主程序maintain v.维护MAN(manual) n.手动management n.管理manual n.手动master adj.主要的max adj.最大的,n.最大值maximum adj.最大的,n.最大值MDI n.手动数据输入meaning n.意义measurement n.测量memory n.存储器menu n.菜单message n.信息meter n.米metric adj.米制的mill n.铣床,v.铣削min adj.最小的,n.最小值minimum adj.最小的,n.最小值minus v.减,adj.负的minute n.分钟mirror image n.镜像miscellaneous function n.辅助功能MMC n.人机通讯单元modal adj.模态的modal G code n.模态G代码mode n.方式model n.型号modify v.修改module n.模块MON(monitor) v.监控monitor v.监控month n.月份motion n.运动motor n.电机mouse n.鼠标MOV(移动)v.移动move v.移动movement n.移动multiply v.乘N number n.程序段号N.M n.牛顿.米name n.名字NC n.数字控制NCK n.数字控制核心negative adj.负的nest v,n.嵌入,嵌套nop n.空操作NULL n.空number n.号码numeric adj.数字的O number n.程序号octal adj.八进制的OEM n.原始设备制造商OFF adv.断offset n.补偿,偏移量ON adv.通one shot G code 一次性G代码open v.打开operate v.操作operation n.操作OPRT(operation) n.操作origin n.起源,由来original adj.原始的output n,v.输出over travel 超程over voltage 过电压overcurrent 过电流overflow v,n.溢出overheat n.过热overload n.过负荷override n.(速度等的)倍率page n.页page down 下翻页page up 上翻页panel n.面板PARA(parameter) n.参数parabola n.抛物线parallel adj.平行的,并行的,并联的parameter n.参数parity n.奇偶性part n.工件,部分password n.口令,密码paste v.粘贴path n.路径pattern n.句型,式样pause n.暂停polaroid glass 偏光镜,偏振目镜PC n.个人电脑PCB n.印刷电路板per prep.每个percent n.百分数pitch n.节距,螺距plane n.平面PLC n.可编程序逻辑控制器plus n.增益,prep.加,adj.正的PMC n.可编程序逻辑控制器pneumatic adj.空气的polar adj.两极的,n.极线portable adj.便携的POS(position) v,n.位置,定位position v,n.位置,定位position loop n.位置环positive adj.正的polaroid glass 偏光镜,偏振目镜power n.电源,能量,功率power source n.电源preload v.预负荷preset v.予置pressure n.压力preview v.予览PRGRM(program) v.编程,n.程序print v.打印printer n.打印机prior adj.优先的,基本的procedure n.步骤profile n.轮廓,剖面program v.编程,n.程序programmable adj.可编程的programmer n.编程器protect v.保护protocol n.协议PSW(password) n.密码,口令pulse n.脉冲pump n.泵punch v.穿孔puncher n.穿孔机push button n.按钮PWM n.脉宽调制query n.问题,疑问quit v.退出radius n.半径RAM n.随机存储器ramp n.斜坡ramp up v.(计算机系统)自举range n.范围rapid adj.快速的rate n.比率,速度ratio n.比值read v.读ready adj.有准备的ream v.铰加工reamer n.铰刀record v,n.记录REF(reference) n.参考reference n.参考reference point n.参考点register n.寄存器registration n.注册,登记relative adj.相对的relay v,n.中继remedy n.解决方法remote adj.远程的replace v.更换,代替reset v.复位restart v.重启动RET(return) v.返回return v.返回revolution n.转rewind v.卷绕rigid adj.刚性的RISC n.精简指令集计算机roll v.滚动roller n.滚轮ROM n.只读存储器rotate v.旋转rotation n.旋转rotor n.转子rough adj.粗糙的RPM n.转/分RSTR(restart) v.重启动run v.运行sample n.样本,示例save v.存储save as 另存为scale n.尺度,标度scaling n.缩放比例schedule n.时间表,清单screen n.屏幕screw n.丝杠,螺杆search v.搜索second n.秒segment n.字段select v.选择selection n.选择self-diagnostic 自诊断sensor n.传感器sequence n.顺序sequence number 顺序号series n.系列,adj.串行的series spindle n.数字主轴servo n.伺服set v.设置setting n.设置shaft n.轴shape n.形状shift v.移位SIEMENSE (德国)西门子公司sign n.符号,标记signal n.信号skip v,n.跳步slave adj.从属的SLC n.小型逻辑控制器slide n.滑台,v.滑动slot n.槽slow adj.慢soft key n.软键盘software n.软件space n.空格,空间SPC n.增量式脉冲编码器speed n.速度spindle n.主轴start v.启动status n.状态step n.步stop v.停止,n.挡铁store v.储存strobe n.选通stroke n.行程subprogram n.子程序sum n.总和surface n.表面SV(servo) n.伺服switch n.开关switch off v.关断switch on v.接通symbol n.符号,标记synchronous adj.同步的SYS(system) n.系统system n.系统tab n.制表键table n.表格tank n.箱体tap n,v.攻丝tape n.磁带,纸带tape reader n.纸带阅读机tapping n.攻丝teach in 示教technique n.技术,工艺temperature n.温度test v,n.测试thread n.螺纹time n.时间,次数tolerance n.公差tool n.刀具,工具tool pot n.刀杯torque n.扭矩tower n.刀架,转塔trace n.轨迹,踪迹track n.轨迹,踪迹tranducer n.传感器transfer v.传输,传送transformer n.变压器traverse v.移动trigger v.触发turn v转动,n转,回合turn off v.关断turn on v.接通turning n.转动,车削unclamp v.松开unit n.单位,装置unload n.卸载unlock v.解锁UPS n.不间断电源user n.用户value n.值variable n.变量,adj.可变的velocity n.速度velocity loop n.速度环verify v.效验version n.版本vertical a.垂直的voltage n.电压warning n.警告waveform n.波形wear n,v.磨损weight n.重量,权重wheel n.轮子,砂轮window n.窗口,视窗workpiece n.工件write v.写入wrong n.错误,adj.错的year n.年zero n.零,零位zone n.区域汇田激光设备有限公司。

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WANG JianSheng, XU YuanXin* & TIAN YongSheng
Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Low and Medium Grade Energy, MOE, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China Received December 13, 2012; accepted March 20, 2013; published online April 7, 2013
*Corresponding author (email: kuaru@)
shedding which leads to considerable fluctuating fluid forces. The wake and the separation region can be suppressed by flow control which reduces unsteadiness and fluctuating forces on the bluff body. Therefore, understanding and controlling wake is of great theoretical and practical importance. An effective control method can save energy, increase the propulsion efficiency, and reduce the induced vibrations of the body. In general, the flow control techniques are classified into two categories. 1) Active flow control strategies in which the flow is controlled by supplying additional power and can be applied without any modifications to the geometrical configuration. For the purpose of wake stabilization, blowing and suction were used as a method of active
Wang J S, et al.
Sci China Tech Sci
May (2013) Vol.56 No.5
control on the cylinder surface in refs. [1–4]. In an up-todate study by Ma and Feng [5], flow control around a circular cylinder by synthetic jets was experimentally investigated. 2) In passive control strategies, flow is controlled by modifying the shape of the bluff body or by appending additive devices such as splitter plate, axial slat, control rod and roughness elements on the body surface [6–10]. In recent years, flow around rotationally oscillating cylinder has been studied extensively by numerical methods [11–15]. These studies cover a wide range of flow conditions such as forcing frequency, oscillation amplitude, Reynolds number, etc. The numerical results predict the qualitative nature of the flow around rotationally oscillating cylinder, including the phenomenon of synchronization at low forcing frequency and drag reduction at high forcing frequency [4]. A large number of systematic experiments have been carried out by Modi and Mokhtarian [16, 17], who have employed rotating cylinders as an integral part of bluff bodies such as buildings and moving vehicles. This control concept has been shown to be remarkably effective and successful in delaying separation. Since momentum is injected into the shear layers by the moving surface, in the literature it is also known as moving surface boundary layer control (MSBC), which functions in the following ways [16]. 1) It retards the growth of the boundary layer by minimizing relative motion between the body surface and the free stream. 2) It injects momentum into the boundary layer. 3) It engenders a region of high suction and thereby accelerates flow in its neighborhood and outside of the boundary layer. 4) It postpones separation and interferes with the evolution of the wake. In the past decades, many attempts of control algorithms have emerged in the non-linear dynamics and control community such as chaos control, synchronization based control, pinning control, sporadic feedback control, etc. [18–21]. It is of great importance to study the physical mechanism of these control methods from a theoretical standpoint so that they can further be applied to practical problems of engineering interest. In the case of flow past a circular cylinder, vortex shedding is the first global instability mode, which needs to be predicted and controlled before attempting other modes that involve turbulence [22]. In addition, Strykowski et al. [23] have found that the vortex shedding behind circular cylinder could be altered and suppressed altogether over a limited range of Reynolds numbers by a proper placement of a second, smaller cylinder in the near wake of the main cylinder. Therefore, in the present study, an active flow control strategy is proposed to control vortex shedding behind a circular cylinder by means of two small rotary attached cylinders. The Reynolds number based on the diameter of the main cylinder is chosen as Re=200. This Reynolds number is chosen because it is in a laminar flow regime, ensuring the boundary layer separation at the cylinder surface is laminar [24]. The laminar flow over a circular cylinder with Re=200 has been considered by many authors as a
1 Introduction
The unsteady viscous flow past a circular cylinder has been extensively studied by employing theoretical, numerical and experimental methods due to its simple geometry and representative behavior of bluff body flow. Flow around chimneys, parallel suspension bridges, heat exchanger pipes and high structures are examples of the bluff body flow in industrial application. A very important characteristic of this flow is the shear layer separation and alternative vortex