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题目The preparation of TiO2 aerogel by

ambient pressure drying and its performance of

photocatalytic degradation of oily wastewater








完成日期2013 年12 月 1 日


以钛酸四丁酯(TBT)为原料, 利用溶胶–凝胶法、小孔干燥和老化液浸泡工艺在常压下制备出了完整、无开裂的TiO2 气凝胶块体. 研究了小孔干燥和老化液浸泡技术对常压制备TiO2 气凝胶的影响, 研究结果表明: 小孔干燥能够降低TiO2 醇凝胶干燥过程中所受的不均匀收缩应力, 而TBT 醇溶液和TEOS 醇溶液浸泡处理, 能够增强凝胶的骨架强度, 有助于减轻凝胶在干燥过程中的收缩和开裂, 制备出完整的高性能TiO2 气凝胶块体. 基于小孔干燥和TEOS 乙醇溶液浸泡老化处理, 制备得到的高性能完整TiO2 气凝胶块体, 其密度为0.184 g/cm3, 比表面积达389.5 m2/g. 用高温煅烧后的锐钛矿相TiO2 气凝胶催化降解渤海原油污水模拟溶液, 在TiO2 气凝胶加入量为 400 mg/L 的情况下, 90 min 内对渤海原油污水的去除率最高可达91%.

关键词:TiO2 气凝胶; 常压; 小孔干燥; 老化液; 光催化; 原油降解


The monolithic TiO2 aerogel was sucessfully synthesized at ambient pressure through

technique with TBT as the raw material and its photocatalyst property for

was investigated .

During the ambient drying process, aging liquor and pinhole drying technology were found to be critical to the properties of TiO2 aerogels.

in the drying process and the TEOS-Ethanol or TBT-Ethanol solution as the liquor for TiO2 wet-gel could enhance the strength of TiO2 gel skeleton .these effects, and the high-performance TiO2 aerogel monolith was eventually achieved. The most integrated TiO2 aerogel block exhibited low density (0.184 g/cm3) and high specific surface area (389.5 m2/g). By calcinations at high temperature, the TiO2

changed from amorphous to anatase structure. The photocatalytic properties of heat-treated TiO2 aerogels were investigated via aqueous emulsion of crude oil in the Bohai Sea. The results of experiments showed that the catalytic degradation rate was up to 91% with

addition of TiO2 aerogel of 400 mg/L.

Key words: crude oil degradation


摘要 (2)

Abstract (3)

1. Introduction (5)

2. Literature review (6)

3.Methodology (6)

4. Result and Discussion (8)

5. Conclusion (15)

Reference (16)


the development of modern industry, society and economy,’the demand for energy is growing, the oil exploration, transportation and refining process generated a lot of oily wastewater, causing serious a serious impact on the environment .To make a effective treatment of oily wastewater has become an urgent need to solve the environmental problems.The traditional youngest segment ( ramp degreasing, plus flotation select and walnut shell filter oil ) and other physical treatment , although ,can remove a lot of oil in oily water , but the treated sewage is still a high oil content. What is more, the traditional processing techniques , stay a long time , large equipment volume , large dependence on the demulsifier ,is not suitable for the development of marginal oil fields as needed. Since 1972,

Fujishima and Honda et al [1] found that TiO 2 surface water by radiation can continued oxidation-reduction reaction, The photocatalytic reaction based bandgap semiconductor materials has been more widely appreciated by people. Because of the high photocatalytic efficiency , non-toxic , non-polluting ,low price and other features,in recent years, the useing of nano-TiO2 to make a photocatalytic degradation of various organic and inorganic pollutants for environmental pollution, aroused great interest of researchers [4-5] . Since 2002 Ziolli et al [6 ] reported a nano TiO2 photocatalytic degradation of the performance of the Brazilian oil sewage , subsequently many scholars [7-8]studied experimentally,they found that nano-TiO2 has a very excellent photocatalytic degradation performance to the oily wastewater : speed degradation , high degradation rate , low energy consumption , mild reaction conditions , simple operation , wide application, no secondary pollution .But the nano- TiO2 is difficult to be recycled , difficult to promote practical application in industry.

For this reason, in recent years many people carried out a load TiO 2 and a

photocatalytic TiO 2 films research [ 8-9 ] , These methods can solve the problem of recovery of the TiO 2, but reduces the effective surface area of TiO2, thereby reducing the photocatalytic efficiency.
