Appreciation of Moby-Dick⏹American epic: one of the world’s greatest masterpieces: an encyclopedia of everything,history, philosophy and religion etc.⏹Shakespearean tragedy: man fighting against naturePlotCall Me Ishmael Ishmael, A thoughtful but gloomy young man, Ishmael begins his odyssey in New Bedford, Massachusetts, a prosperous whaling town and crossing point to the island of Nantucket(楠塔基特岛). Queequeg, a fierce-looking harpooner(叉鱼者)covered with tattoos(纹身)and carrying a tomahawk(美洲印第安人用的战斧)and a shrunken head. They sign the ship’s papers, but on their way back to the inn to get their belongings, they meet Elijah(以利亚), a shabbily dressed old man who haunts the docks.Elijah hints at the dangers to come and warns the two not to get involved with the vengeful captain. The Quest The Pequod leaves Nantucket on Christmas day headed for the whaling grounds in the Pacific. Captain Ahab remains in his cabin for several days, while the crew accustoms itself to life at sea. When Ahab does emerge, his appearance startles Ishmael.A long, white scar runs down Ahab's face, and he walks on an artificial leg made of whalebone. Soon he calls the entire crew together and informs them that their voyage will be no ordinary whaling cruise. Ahab has returned to sea with the sole purpose of finding and killing the whale that took his leg on the previous voyage. He offers a sixteen-dollar gold piece to the first man who spots the white whale, Moby-Dick, and drink to the death of the whale.The ChaseCaptain Ahab●“a grand, ungodly, godlike man,”●two things about Ahab, captain of the Pequod in Moby-Dick:●Ahab was orphaned when he was twelve months old,●one of his legs was lost as a result of his most recent whaling voyage.●The wound is so fresh that the stump(残肢)is still bleeding. Ahab does not make aproper appearance in the book until Chapter 28. The long delay in Ahab's involvement in the action of the novel helps to build him up as a grand figure, the major tragic character Melville wants his readers to see.Ishmael(以实玛利)⏹narrator. A rootless individual, brought up as a good Christian⏹Wanderer disinherited and dismissed from his home in favor of his half brother Isaac(以撒). outcast, drifter, no family, no last name. ran away from society to nature. His running away symbolizes human being's departure from Eden.⏹Then after the experience on the sea, he wished to return to the land.⏹He believed God not to be conquered, survived⏹Whiteman who considers Indians as equal and should share brotherly love. (Queequeg’scoffin)Queequeg⏹ a highborn native of an uncharted south-seas island. His father was a High Chief, and hisuncle a High Priest. Queequeg is covered in tattoos(文身)and worships pagan gods, including a small black idol, Yojo.⏹But the real point about Queequeg is his friendliness. He and Ishmael strike up an instantcomradeship.Themes1.Individual Vs. Nature2.(Ahab) versus Nature (symbolized by Moby-Dick)3.Tragic hero\noble4.Tragedy of man: revenge on nature5.Anyone who wants to revenge will be defeatedGod and Religion⏹religion and God's role in the natural world. westward.⏹God and man, who is the controller⏹Nature and man (Newton: man can study\examine nature)Symbols⏹Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas "search and discovery, the search for the ultimate truth of experience."the Pequod -the ship of the American soulMoby Dick---a symbol of good and evilits whiteness--- paradoxical colorThe Pequod⏹Named after a Native American tribe in Massachusetts⏹did not long survive the arrival of white men and thus turned to be an extinction⏹the Pequod is a symbol of doom.⏹It is painted a gloomy black and covered in whale teeth and bones, --violent death. It is,in fact, marked for death. Adorned (decorate) like a primitive coffin, the Pequod becomes one.⏹American dream :Ishmael thought he found dream and freedom in it.⏹Others sacrifices for the whiteMoby Dick⏹To the Pequod's crew⏹An unknown God whose whiteness represents goodness and tranquility, evil and violence.⏹Ahab : Moby Dick is a manifestation of all that is wrong with the world, and he feels thatit is his destiny to erase this symbolic evil.⏹it represents the destruction of the environment by expansion and exploitation in the 19th⏹For the author and the readers, Ishmael, it is a mystery of the universeQueequeg's Coffin⏹Queequeg‘s coffin alternately symbolizes life and death.⏹Queequeg has it built when he is seriously ill, but when he recovers, it becomes a chestto hold his belongings and an mark of his will to live. He make the knowledge tattooed on his body last forever, by carving it onto the coffin’s lid.⏹The coffin further comes to symbolize life, in a morbid way, when it replaces thePequod…s life buoy(救生衣). When the Pequod sinks, the coffin becomes Ishmael's buoy, saving not only his life but the life of the narrative that he will pass on.The novel can be understood from three levels⏹ 1. It is a novel of journey and whale catching.⏹ 2. It is a conflict between Captain Ahab and Moby Dick.⏹ 3.It is a story of Ishmael, his thought about human body’s ego realization, therelationship between man and nature, man and God, man and man, etc.Melville’s views of lifea. negative attitude towards life.b. One of the major themes of his is alienation (far away from each other.c. Other themes: loneliness, suicidal individualism (individualism causing disaster and death), rejection and quest, confrontation of innocence and evil, doubts over the comforting 19th-century idea of progressMelville’s contr ibution to American literature and featuresAutobiographical elements, Moby-Dick for instance SymbolismAhab Moby dick AND Sea whiteness Pequod VoyageThe style of Melville⏹There is a threefold quality in his writing; the style of fact, the style of oratory celebratingthe fact, and the style of meditation.⏹His style is highly symbolic and metaphorical. The novel has many non-narrative chapters,and this is how Melville changed an adventure story into a philosophical novel.⏹He used the technique of multiple views to achieve the effect of ambiguity.⏹Melville manages to achieve the effect of ambiguity through employing thetechnique of multiple view of his narratives.O Captain My CaptainO Captain my Captain! our fearful trip is done,The ship has weathered every rack(刑架), the prize we sought is won,The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;But O heart! heart! heart!O the bleeding drops of red,Where on the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;Rise up--for you the flag is flung for you the bugle trills,For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths for you the shores a-crowding,For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;Here Captain! dear father!This arm beneath your head!It is some dream that on the deck,You've fallen cold and dead.My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;The ship is anchored safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;Exult O shores, and ring O bells!But I, with mournful tread,Walk the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.。
ContentsAbstract in EnglishAbstract in ChineseI. IntroductionII.Religious meanings of the roles2.1 Ahab2.2 Moby dickIII. Other things with religious meanings in the novel IV. Background and transcendentalism4.1. Background4.2. TranscendentalismV. Conclusion: Destruction, Rebirth, and questions Reference“Moby Dick”'s religious significanceAbstractMelville's masterpiece, "Moby Dick" is the world's cultural heritage. Religious significance of it is still relatively less researched. Melville‟s religious belief isvery complex, difficult to determine. First, God is in his mind, the God in "theBible • Old Testament ", people have to fight against their own mind to followGod‟s wishes. He‟s God is also the God of the universe, which means that the white whale has represented the divine nature. He questioned God's mercy in "the Bible". In the early19th century, Transcendentalism is raised in a number of writers. Melville, lost faith in the industrial revolution, too. So he was trying to searchof a destruction and rebirth in the whaling adventure.[Key Words]:Melville"Moby Dick"religious meanings transcendentalism摘要麦尔维尔的著作《白鲸》是世界文化遗产。
米考伯(Moby-Dick)是美国作家赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)创作的一部经典小说,被誉为美国文学史上的巅峰之作。
moby dick
•Man and the Natural World
•Alienation & Isolation
Alienation exists between man and man, man and society, and man and nature. Ahab cuts himself off from his family, stays away from his crew, hates Moby Dick and becomes a devil rushing to his doom.He was within “the masoned, walled town of a captian’s exclusiveness”,which leads him to his doom.
Queequeg’s Coffin:life and death
a.built when Queequeg is seriously ill
b.but when he recovers, it becomes a chest to hold his belongings and an emblem of his will to live. He perpetuates the knowledge tattooed on his body by carving it onto the coffin’s lid. c. When the Pequod sinks, the coffin becomes Ishmael’s buoy, saving not only his life but the life of the narrative that he will pass on.
Herman Melville (1819 - 1891)Herman Melville (1819-1891) was born in New York City in 1819. His parents were of middle-class family background. Because of unwise investment, his father went bankrupt, and then went mad and died in 1832 when Melville was 13, leaving the family with large debts. Melville dropped out of school shortly after his father's death and went to work at the age of 15 in a variety of trades, a bank clerk, a salesman, a farmhand, a school teacher and in 1839 he decided to become a seaman, first signed on to a merchant ship that was going from Boston to Liverpool, England, and then in 1841 signed on for a long whaling journey to the South Seas. Melville did not find the sea life pleasant, for he saw much of injustice that occurred aboard the ship. After a year and a half at sea, Melville and a friend deserted their ship in a Pacific island. But they were captured by Typees, a Polynesian cannibal tribe. They stayed with cannibals for some time and then escaped separately. Melville returned home in 1844. His life at sea proved to be very important for Melville. He once said that a whaling ship and the extensive reading he did while he was at sea was his Yale and Harvard.Melville’s early works are basically a reflection of his varied life experiences. Therefore, it will be difficult to understand his works without knowing his life story. The world in Melville’s fiction mirrors the world he saw—defined by the rough seas and widespread evil. Anyone who boards his ships should have lost innocence already and should expect the unexpected. What he can count on are love of brotherhood, which is in keeping with Melville’s social vision. In many of Melville’s works, we can see another characteristic of Melville’s works, that is, his universe is the single-sex universe, all males and no females.Appreciation of Moby-DickMelville is best known as the author of one book, Moby-Dick, which is one of the world's greatest masterpieces. It is an encyclopedia of everything, history, philosophy, religion, etc. in addition to a detailed account of the operations of the whaling industry. But it is first a Shakespearean tragedy of man fighting against an overwhelming force in a hostile environment. It is a symbolic voyage of the mind in quest of the truth and knowledge of the universe, a spiritual exploration into man's deep reality and psychology. Whaling is a perfect metaphor for the pursuit of knowledge.Stylea. The use of allegory and symbolismInstead of putting the battle between Ahab and the whale into a simple statement of facts, Melville uses a lot of symbols and expresses rich allegorical meanings.For example, the crew members on the Pequod are made up of the white, red, black, yellow, and brown races. It is a microcosmic微观世界的, 微观的presentation of multicultural society of the United States, or even of the whole human society. The voyage to discover Moby Dick becomes a search for truth or the ultimate force governing the cosmos. The whaler, which represents human society, is defeated by Moby Dick, which represents nature. This tragic defeat suggests that by no means can human society be compared to nature.b. The production of the first American prose epic. An epic is generally a long poem on an important theme. Although the book is presented in the form of a novel, at times it seems like a prose poem. (这部表面看似杂乱无章、结构松散的皇皇巨著被冠以各种形式的名字:游记、航海故事、寓言、捕鲸传说、有关鲸鱼与捕鲸业的百科全书、美国史诗、莎士比亚式的悲剧、抒情散文长诗、塞万提斯式的浪漫体小说)c. LanguageDifferent levels of language use and styles may confuse the readers at first, but they turn the whole book into a symphony with all musical instruments going on to form a melody.Moby-Dick is Melville’s most famous novel. Just like Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, Moby-Dick is highly ambiguous.Critics understand it in strikingly different ways.First, it can be understand as a tragedy of man fighting against an overwhelming force in an indifferent and even hostile environment. Thus, Captain Ahab亚哈is a hero who dares to fight though he failed at last.Secondly, it can be understood as a bitter satire on Transcendentalism’s emphasis on self-reliance. Captain Ahab believes in his own power too much and thus he is doomed to fail, because human’s power is limited and there is a mysterious thing exists in the universe which controls man’s life and cannot be understood by human being.Thirdly, it also can be understood as a tragedy of Ahab because of his blasphemy亵渎神明的行为, which causes the death of him and all his crew except Ishmael. Therefore, Ahab is the symbol of evil, while Moby Dick is the symbol of God or some supernatural power.Lastly, nowadays some people think that the story means man should protect the nature otherwise man will be punished as those whalers in the story were punished by the whale.In my personal opinion, I believe the third understanding is more reasonable. Hereafter, I will give you an explanation in the light of the third understanding.The Biblical and historical references of the names in Moby-DickIn Moby-Dick, All the names, including those of the members of the Pequod's crew and the names of all the ships, are carefully chosen. They are either biblical in origin or have some other historical references. Therefore, an analysis of some major names will help us greatly to understand the themes of the novel.Ishmael以实玛利:亚伯拉罕之子,在以撒出生后被弃。
• When he died in 1891, he was almost completely forgotten. It was not until the "Melville
Revival" in the early 20th
century that his work won
recognition, especially MobyDick, which was hailed as one
• Melville is obscure (默默无闻的)during his lifetime, being down and out(穷困潦倒)
to the end. Melville won great fame after
Moby Dick was published 70 years later. It was with Moby Dick that Melville had reached his peak as writer and observer of human nature in all its strengths and
of the literary masterpieces of
both American and world
also include short stories like Bartleby 《书记员巴特子比》 and novellas (中篇小说) like Billy Budd《比利· 巴德》and so on. Many of
his works are steeped in(充满着)metaphor and
• In August 1843, he became a sailor on a
白鲸简介 Moby-Dick
Hello everyoneToday the story I am going to share is about a man----Capitan Ahab and a mammal---- white whale Moby-Dick. Maybe some of you are not familiar with this novel yet, so before entering the topic we can recall another novel first----The old man and the sea. Both as the well-known American novels Moby-Dick and The old man and the sea share a lot of similarities and difference. They both tell the story of man and nature, as well as sea hunting. But unlike the fortitude character Santiago, Ahab is cold lonely stubborn selfish and he is shaped into the embodiment of evil.With these first impressions of Moby-Dick, let’s start to read this novel.My presentation is divided into three parts: the synopsis; the author and the theme.First is the synopsis. I just choose a very very brief version today to help you to get familiar with this novel. You can find a more detailed version in our textbook, page 188.Captain Ahab, who, having lost a leg in an earlier battle with White Whale, is determined to catch the beast and destroy it. He and his sailors live a dramatic life at sea. They kill lots of whales but Ahab refuses to turn back until he has killed his enemy. Eventually, the white whale appears, and they begins doomed fight against is. On the first day, the whale overturns a boat, on the second it swamps another. when the third day comes, Ahab and his sailors manage to plunge a harpoon into it, but the whale carries the Pequod(the boat)alone with it to its doom. All on the board the whaler get drown, except one, Ishmael, who survives to tell the truth.Then is something about the author Herman Melville.LifeBorn in New York City in 1819, Melville’s childhood was very happy until he was 11 years old when suddenly his father died in debt. He dropped early and tried all kinds of jobs----banking, farming, clerking, and teaching. When all this failed to offer him a decent livelihood, he went to sea.There are three things which deserve to mention in his life and going out of sea isone of them. (The other two is his marriage and his friendship with Hawthorne).Restless and venturesome by temperament, Melville shipped as a cabin boy on a merchant vessel to England in 1839, when he was only twenty years old. At twenty-two he signed for a voyage on the whaler Acushnet. This voyage did not prosper and he with another youth named Tobias deserted the ship in a remote pacific island. His adventures led to his literary career. His experience on the sea furnished him with abundant material for fiction. Here are some of his famous works.Typee(1846)was a romanticized account of his stay among the Polynesians.Omoo(1847)the sequel of Typee was about his adventures on Tahiti and other islands.Redburn(1849)was based on his first voyage to EnglandWhite-Jacket(1850)and Billy Budd(1891)were based on his brief career in the navy.People always say it is these works lay a strong foundation for Moby-Dick.StyleHerman Melville was influenced by several writers and I will focus on two who we have learned before: James Fenimore Copper and Ralph waldo Emerson.Copper is the author of the last of the mohicans. An distinguished feature of his works is Grand scene narrative which was also well reflected in Moby-Dick. As Melville himself said in Moby-Dick “to write a mighty book you must have a mighty theme.”Here he had it----the rebellious struggle of Captain Ahab against the overwhelming, mysterious vastness of the universe and its awesome, sometimes merciless force.Melville was deeply influenced by transcendentalism. He advocates natural and natural religion. According to transcendentalism, nature is god; god is unbeaten; nature needs human’s fear. In his novel the sea and Moby-Dick are the symbols of a mysterious supernatural power and can be considered as the physical manifestation of God's presence. In this novel a priest repeatedly chanting “But the Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah” which shows the transcendentalism thoughts of author.The white whale is like a white angel fighters sending by god to punish human and the anti-hero Ahab is made to warn human that nature cannot be conquered. Ahab’s whaler and artificial limb are made by whale bones which symbolizes the destruction and conquest of nature by human. But at the end of the story, nature punishes human----both Ahab and his whaler are destroyed.ThemeMoby-Dick is considered one of the world’s greatest masterpieces. It is not only a detailed account of whaling, but also a book of history, philosophy and religion. It is therefore, an encyclopedia of the 19th century American mind and America itself.As I mentioned, Moby-Dick is an encyclopedia. Therefore, it involves several themes: revenge, the relationship between man and nature, love and friendship, religion, abandon and pursuit.I have analyzed the relationship between man and nature in the previous part. And at this part I will focus on the revenge as well as abandon and pursuit.This novel shows us two kinds of revenge.The revenge between human and the white whale.The revenge among humans.We have already known the revenge story between white whale and Ahab.But in the capital 54 The Town-Ho Story, the author also describe a revenge story among humans. Because of a trivial thing the mate and a sailor started to hate each other. The mate used his power to harm the sailor and the sailor refused to cooperate with the mate even when they found the boat was leaking. In the critical moment of white whale hunting, become of their noncooperation, the white whale ran and the mate was killed by the white whale. It seems that by telling this story the author wants to show that revenge is inherent in human nature of evil, and if we do not control it, it would lead us to folio even death.Finally, let’s talk about the pursuit and abandon, which not only serves as the theme of the novel but also reflects the spirits of that age. The middle of the 19th century witnesses the development and expansion of capitalism. In that time human continuously gather wealth by conquering and destroying the nature. In order toobtain the very valuable oil and wax, whaling was developed. In this background, everyone wants to escape form their existing state of life and live a new life. For example, at the beginning of synopsis, you can find these sentences: Ishmael was a schoolmaster who often felt that he must leave his quiet existence and go to sea. Much of his life had been spent as a sailor, and his voyages were a means for ridding himself of the restlessness which frequently seized him.Moby-Dick is one of the most well-known romances in American literature history, but it was not until the 20 century, people realized its value. What baffled its early readers was the book’s wild extravagances of mood and language, its effect of what the modern critic Van Wycy Brooks calls “a shredded Shakespearean play”Melville confided to Hawthorne that it (the novel) had been “boiled in hell fire”, referring to the turbulence of his own spirit from which the book sprang. Moby-Dick was too powerful for readers of its time.。
白鲸Moby Dick作品分析1.白鲸Moby Dick是19世纪美国作家赫尔曼·梅尔维尔的代表作之一,被誉为一部文学经典。
2. 内容概述白鲸Moby Dick讲述了船长阿哈伊博带领船员追逐那只曾经伤害过他的大白鲸的故事。
3. 主题分析3.1 复仇复仇是整个小说的核心主题。
3.2 人性的黑暗面白鲸Moby Dick通过描写人物的行为和内心独白,展示了人性的黑暗面。
4. 文学风格4.1 叙事方式白鲸Moby Dick采用了多种叙事方式,既有第一人称叙事,也有第三人称叙事。
4.2 形象描写梅尔维尔善于运用形象描写,他通过详细的描绘和丰富的细节,让读者能够感受到故事中的场景和人物。
5.白鲸Moby Dick是一部充满哲理和思考的文学作品。
moby dick 人物分析教学课件(一)
moby dick 人物分析教学课件(一)Moby Dick 人物分析教学课件是一种面向学生的教学资源。
Moby Dick 人物分析教学课件的目标在于使学生深入理解小说人物,并且掌握对人物进行分析的方法和技巧。
教学内容Moby Dick 人物分析教学课件涵盖了小说中的主要人物,包括船长爱哈布、伊修玛、斯塔布、海明威和白鲸。
Moby Dick 人物分析教学课件采用了多种教学方法,包括课件演示、课堂讨论、作业布置等。
通过使用 Moby Dick 人物分析教学课件,学生在课堂上表现出了极大的参与度和学习热情。
综上所述,Moby Dick 人物分析教学课件是一种优秀的教学资源,它使学生更加深入地了解小说中的人物形象和背景,并且掌握对小说人物进行分析的方法和技巧。
First publication:1851
Type of work:symbolic novel
Herman Melville
In 1819,Melville was born in New York City .Both his parents came from well-to-do families, but later their family business failed. Melville’s childhood was happy to the age of 11, when his father died in debt.Since then, he had to left shool.He educated himself while working a variety of jobs throughout teens. He had been a bank clerk, clerk, farm worker and teacher to make a life. Since 1839, he had been a sailor in a variety of ship. His sailing experience has accumulated a bit thick material for his literature . In the early 40s, he started to write novels.
The novel is the realistic account of a whaling Voyage within which sets a symbolic account of the conflict between man and his fate.
Meanings of Moby Dick to the Characters
First, as to Captain Ahab, Moby Dick is evil, is the one he wants to take revenge on, and it is his sworn enemy. Ahab vowed to avenge and kill Moby Dick for ripping his leg, so he considered Moby Dick as his aim of conquest. He heat Moby Dick, think of it nothing but the embodiment of evil, it makes him furious, painful, and messed up all his life. In order to chase and hunt down Moby Dick, Ahab abandoned his family, even sacrificed all sailors’ life. To Ahab, Moby Dick is the evil he must defeat and destroy.
Moby Dick
Type of work:symbolic work
First publication:1851
Setting:Most of the book takes place on various oceans,such as the Atlantic,the Indian,and the Pacific,in the early to mid 1800’s.However,a good deal of the first part of the novel takes place in New England inside and around Nantucket.
moby dick的评价追求真理和知识
moby dick的评价追求真理和知识
《moby dick》翻译成中文叫做《白鲸》,是美国著名作家梅尔维尔的长篇小说,其创作于1851年。
而且作品中的叙述者伊史玛利,逃离他的生活环境, 登上了裴考德号, 希望找到一种令他感到快乐和充实的真正的生活。
这次航海本身象征着一种追寻和发现, 是对人类生活最终真理的追求。
在航海的过程中, 他逐步认识到了爱和友谊的价值,他学会了接受, 学会了更多的关于奋斗和勇敢的知识,而作者认为正是人类生存的保证。
所以这次航海象征着伊史玛利对知识和生活价值的一种追求, 也是那
2.《人性污点》(The Scarlet Letter)是南塔克特的一部小说,讲述了一位因通奸而受到社会谴责的妇女的故事。
3.《名利场》(Vanity Fair)是威廉·梅克比斯·塔克勒的一
4.《飘》(Gone with the Wind)是玛格丽特·米切尔的一部
Moby Dick大白鲸英文简介
Ishmael: from the Bible,the name has come to symbolize orphans, exiles, and social outcasts.
Ahab– from the Old Testament,who was a wicked king, the evil idolworshiping ruler.
Are called “ Three animal epic of the American literature history”
Sperm whale 抹香鲸
Leviathan melvillei 麦尔维尔鲸
国内麦尔维尔研究30年成就、问题与展望 A Review of Melville Studies in China in the Last Three Decades /Periodical/bfjtdxxb-shkx201502019
Herman the mast as a reward for anyone Melville who sights the white whale first.
Eventually the white whale appears, and the Pequod begins its doomed fight against it. On the first day the whale smashes
determined to pursue Moby Dick and kill it. He hangs a doubloon ( 古 西 班 牙 金 币 ) on
a whaleboat. The second day, Ahab, is a tall, broad man another boat is swamped, the seemingly of is bronze captain’s made ivory leg snapped (青铜) off. . He has a white leg, When third comes, made from thethe jaw of aday sperm Ahab and his team,because manage to whale (抹香鲸的下巴) harpoon(鱼叉) the whale, but his own leg is torn away by it carries the the Pequod with it Moby Dick— a huge white to its doom. All on board get whale. drowned expect Ishmael, who isAfter rescued by his another loosing leg hewhaler is and survives to tell the story.
亚哈船长在故事中曾经向皮阔 德夫人表白,但她拒绝了他。
皮阔德夫人对亚哈船长的复仇 计划持有反对意见,认为这是 不道德和疯狂的。
尽管皮阔德夫人拒绝了亚哈船 长的爱情,但她仍然关心他的 命运,并试图劝阻他放弃复仇 计划。
皮阔德夫人虽然身处男性主导的世界,但她的善良和坚韧精神使她成为一股不可忽视的力量。她不仅关心船员们 的身体健康,还在精神上给予他们支持。在面对困境时,她始终保持乐观的心态,用自己的力量鼓舞着周围的人。
Moby Dick作为自然界的力量 ,与人类形成了一种对立关系 。故事中的人物对待白鲸的态 度和行为,反映了人类对自然 界的认知和态度,引发了对人 与自然关系的深刻思考。
尽管皮阔德夫人拒绝了魁魁格的爱情,但她仍然关心他的命运,并试图帮助他摆脱 困境。
船员与其他人物的 关系
Ishmael与Ahab的关系是叙述 者和主角的关系。Ishmael通 过观察和叙述Ahab的故事,展 现了人类对自然界的复杂情感 。
船员与其他人物的关系展现了 团队协作与个人英雄主义之间 的冲突。在追捕白鲸的过程中 ,船员们既有合作也有分歧, 展现了人性的复杂性和多样性 。
MOBY DICK 孙国瑞 英语123
White Whale白鲸
Sperm Whale 抹香鲸(Moby Dick)
A white Sperm Whale
Land : a symbol of safety Sea : adventure and danger The Pequod: doom
a.It named after a Native American tribe in Massachusetts. b.It did not long survive. c.It was painted gloomy black and covered in whale teeth and bones. d.It likes a primitive coffin.
Name is from the first son of Abraham (from The Bible). He is a school teacher and part-time sailor; a Presbyterian, like Melville, he objects Calvinistic thinking tempered by his background in literature and philosophy. He discusses such issues as free will, predestination, necessity, and damnation. He is the sole survivor of the Pequod.
•Man and the Natural World •Alienation & Isolation •Rejection & Quest •The Sense of Futility & Meaninglessness
主要内容简介:Moby Dick,由于它是一头白鲸的名字,所以中
moby dick译文
moby dick译文
《白鲸》(Moby Dick)是19世纪美国小说家赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville 1819—1891)于1851年发表的一篇海洋题材的长篇小说,小说描写了亚哈船长为了追逐并杀死白鲸(实为白色抹香鲸)莫比·迪克,最终与白鲸同归于尽的故事。
MobyDick作者 ppt课件
• In August 1843, he became a sailor on
a warship(军舰), retired in October
1844 in Boston. Then he began to write and became a novelist. Taking the experiences at sea for the factual basis, the novel Moby Dick had come into being and been considered as one of the greatest novels in America. Melville is known as the American
• His works also include short stories like Bartleby《书记员巴特子比》 and novellas (中篇小说) like Billy Budd《比利·巴德》 and so on. Many of his works are steeped in(充满着)metaphor and allegory(寓言), at times cynical(愤世嫉俗的,冷嘲的),
Civil War poems,1866) • 《克拉瑞尔》(Clarel,1876) ——长诗 • 《约翰·玛尔和其他水手》(John Marr and Other
Sailors,1888) ——诗集 • 《梯摩里昂》(Timoleon,1Fra bibliotek91) ——诗集
• When he died in 1891, he was almost completely forgotten. It was not until the "Melville Revival" in the early 20th century that his work won recognition, especially MobyDick, which was hailed as one of the literary masterpieces of both American and world
鲸莫比· 迪克是资产阶级生产方 式、大自然和宇宙的象征。莫 比· 迪克是一种自然力量的象征, 是同样强大的自然的一种具体 体现。它时恶时善,神秘而又 强大。它的白色象征了它的纯 洁无辜和神秘。
The harpoon was darted【被飞投出去】; the stricken whale flew forward; with igniting【点燃,引发】 velocity 【高速,快速】 the line ran through the groove【沟 槽】;—ran foul【纠缠】. Ahab stooped to clear it; he did clear it; but the flying turn caught him round the neck, and voicelessly as Turkish mutes【蛮子,不出声】 bowstring【勒死】 their victim, he was shot out of the boat, ere the crew knew he was gone. Next instant, the heavy eye-splice in the rope's final end flew out of the stark-empty tub, knocked down an oarsman, and smiting 【猛击】 the sea, disappeared in its depths. ——page 42 鱼叉飞投出去了;被叉中的鲸鱼向前猛冲;以着了火的高 速那尾随的鱼线在绳槽里蹿;----缠住了。亚哈弯腰去解 ;解是解开了;但飞翔的绳索打了个圈儿正好缠上了他脖 子,就像土耳其蛮子沉默地勒死他们的犯人,亚哈一下子 就飞出了小艇,这下水手们知道他完了。接下来绳头末端 的眼环也飞出已经空了的绳箱,打倒了一个划桨手,猛击 了海面,消失在大海的深邃里。
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Queequeg’s Coffin
Queequeg’s coffin alternately (更迭 地)symbolizes life and death. Queequeg has it built when he is seriously ill, but when he recovers, it becomes a chest to hold his belongings and an emblem (象征,标 志)of his will to live. He perpetuates(使永存 ) the knowledge tattooed(纹身) on his body by carving it onto the coffin’s lid(盖子). The coffin further comes to symbolize life when it replaces the Pequod’s life buoy. When the Pequod sinks, the coffin becomes Ishmael’s buoy(浮标), saving not only his life but the life of the narrative that he will pass on.
Themes of Moby Dick.(一) 1.The adventure of killing Moby Dick is meaningless. 2.Ahab tries to control it, which leads to his doom.
modern life the loss of faith, the sense of futility(徒劳) well expressed in
Themes of Moby Dick(三)
the bas Themes of Moby Dick ic pattern of nineteenth-century A 3) loneliness and suicidal individualism (individualism causing disaster and death)
Moby Dick
1.symbols in Moby Dick 2.themes of Moby Dick 3.the style of the work
Symbols in Moby Dick
The Pequod Moby Dick Ahab Queequeg’s Coffin Ishmael
The Pequod---The whale catching ship like a
named after a Native American tribe in Massachusetts did not long survive (extincted) is painted gloomy black and covered in whale teeth and bones
A common sailor on Pequod ,the only surviour who lived to tell the story of Moby Dick
Themes of Moby Dick
1.the sense of futility and meaninglessness 2.alienation 3.loneliness and suicidal individualism 4.rejection and quest
a metaphor for the human relationship with the Christain God: God is unkown and cannot be pinned down
Moby Dick
various symbolic meanings
to the pequod’s crew a concept onto which they can diplay their anxiety about dangerous and frightening jobs to Ahab a manifestation of all that is wrong with the world It is his destiny to get rid of this symbolic evil
Captain Ahab
1.The captain of Pequod,who is also an experienced sailor for more than 40 years ,lost one of his legs in a catching of Moby Dick. 2.He wanted to take revenge on Moby Dick ,and in his eyes ,Moby Dick is more a evil of cosmos than his biggest enemy.
The price of self-reliance is death.
Themes of Moby Dick(四)
4)rejection and quest Voyaging for Ishmael has become a journey in quest of knowledge and values.
learns to accept,an attitude which ensures his survival
Themes in Moby Dick
1. Melville's bleak view (negative attitude): the senቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱe of futility and meaninglessness of the world. His attitude to life is “Everlasting Nay” 2. Man in this universe lives a meaningless and futile life, meaningless because futile Man cannot overcome nature. Once he attempts to seek power over it he is doomed.
Moby Dick
Themes of Moby Dick(二)
1. alienation (far away from each other) exists between man and man, man and society, and man and nature. 2.Ahab cuts himself off from his family, stays away from his crew, hates Moby Dick and becomes a devil rushing to his doom. 3.He was within “the masoned, walled town of a captian’s exclusiveness”,which leads him to his doom.
is hidden all the time mirrors its enviorment unknown and unknowable truths only the surface of the ocean is available for human observation and interpretation Inscrutable (神秘的), mysterious the depths conceal unknown truths
Moby Dick is a negative reflection upon
a victim of extreme Ahab: too much of a self-reliant individualism individual to be a good human being
(1) His works are symbolic and metaphorical. voyage- "search and discovery, the search for the ultimate truth of experience." the Pequod -the ship of the American soul evil Moby Dick---a symbol of
starts out feeling bad hopes to find an ideal life comes to see the folly of Ahab seeking to conquer nature feels the significance of love and companionship
primitive coffin
a symbol of doom
the mementos of violent death
Moby Dick
The white whale ,seen as a evil in the ocean by many sailors.
Moby Dick---The monstrous white whale
goodness both
its whiteness--- paradoxical color death and corruption purity, innocence, and youth
Writing style
(2)He manages to achieve the effect of ambiguity(模棱两可,不确定) through employing the technique of multiple view of his narratives. Moby Dick is portrayed for the reader from different angles. The author is unwillingness to commit himself, and the reader is thrown upon himself for judgment.