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Unit One

1. I don’t put much stock in the idea of luck. I think that usually things go well or not so well for people based on their actions. I believe that for the most part you create your own luck by working hard, practicing self-discipline, remaining persistent, and making personal growth a daily priority.

我不相信幸运这一类事情. 我认为大多数时候事情发展地顺利或不顺利主要因为人们自己的行为. 我相信大多数的情况下你可以通过努力工作, 自我约束, 坚持不懈, 把个人的发展作为每天必考虑的事情等方面创造自己的幸运.

2. Most careers involve other people. You can have great academic intelligence and still lack social intelligence---the ability to be a good listener, to be sensitive toward others, to give and take criticism well. 许多的职业都包含其他人(的参与). 你可能具有超强的学术能力, 然而缺少社交能力, 即有能力倾听别人, 对其他人(的反应) 敏感, 甚至游刃有余地给出或吸纳批评.

3. If your circumstances constantly get you down, then maybe it’s time for a change---not in your situation, but in your attitude. If you can learn to make the best of any situation, you can remove a formidable obstacle that stands between you and your dreams.

如果你周边的环境经常让你意志消沉, 也许你的确该改变一下了, 可能不是改变你的位置, 但至少是你的态度. 如果你能学会很好地利用任何情况, 你就能消除掉挡在你和你梦想之间的可怕的障碍.

4. Anybody can make an honest mistake when things are hectic. But people lacking focus have trouble not because they’re too busy, but because their priorities are not of whack. And that wastes their time and resources.

任何人在忙忙碌碌的时候都会犯错误. 但是注意力不集中的人经常遇到麻烦不是因为他们太忙了, 而是因为他们缺乏优先考虑的事情. 这样, 不仅浪费了他们的时间, 也浪费了资源.

5. If you resist change, you’re really resisting success. Learn fexibility, or learn to like living with your failures.

如果你拒绝变化, 你就是拒绝成功. 学会机动灵活, 否则就得学会习惯忍受失败.

6. The greater your talent, the more likely you are to lean heavily on it and skip the hard day-to-day work of improving it. If you possess this negative tendency, put yourself on a growth plan so that you can make the most of your God-given talent.

你的天分越大, 你就有可能越倚赖于天分, 甚至跳过日复一日完善它的艰苦工作. 如果你有了这样消极的倾向, 给自己定一个进步计划, 这样你就能充分利用好上帝给你的天赋.

Unit Two

1.Teachers and professors too often are portrayed as idealists living in an ivory tower who are out of touch with real world. They are accused of emphasizing academic skills or studies that do not relate directly to helping a person move closer to a prospective job or career.


2.The justification for a university is that it preserves the connection between knowledge and the zest of life, by uniting the young and the old in the imaginative consideration of learning.


3.We must make each student begin to see his or her place as a small, but vital, link in a continuous chain of humanity that began thousands of years ago and stretches on well into the future.

我们必须使每个学生开始明白:他/ 她在人类连绵不断的链条上只是其中的一环,这一环虽小,却至关重要。这链条的前面有数千年的历史,并要继续向无限的未来延伸下去。4.Life does not consist of taking courses in small segments. A productive life consists of finding huge tasks and mastering them with whatever tools of intelligence and energy we have. We are going to turn you loose on some huge tasks. Let’s see what you can do with them.


5.Let us create environments where our students can grow and emerge as creative and thinking persons---individuals who know history, philosophy, religion, literature, etc. After all, these are the “liberalizing arts”, the studies that liberate the mind and send it questing on strange and alluring adventures.


6.If we accept what Upham says, and we are committed to preparing our students for the real world beyond graduation, then there can be a promising future for theliberal arts in this growing age of technology.


Unit Three

1. Indeed, globalization became the “grand strategy” of the Clinton administration, which envisioned the U.S. elite being the primus inter pares -- first among equals --- of a global coalition leading the way to the new, benign world order.


2. “Trade liberalization has stalled, aid is less coherent than it should be, and the next financial conflagration will be managed by an injured fireman.”


3. There has been too much dissonance between the promise of globalization and free trade and the actual results of neoliberal policies, which have been more poverty, inequality, and stagnation.


4. These agreements are in many ways more dangerous than the multilateral negotiations at the WTO since they often require greater concessions in terms of market access and tighter enforcement of intellectual property rights.

