最新大学英语4有用的短语(book 4) (1)讲课教案

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Unit 1 Useful Expressions

1. 骄兵必败pride comes before a fall

2. 战无不胜nothing could stand in their way

3. 奋勇抵抗fierce resistance

4. 阴冷凄苦的俄罗斯寒冬 a raw, bitter, bleak Russian winter

5. 堪称无敌be unequaled

6. 向…发动进攻launch an attack against…

7. 痛苦的教训 a painful lesson

8. 速决速胜 a quick, decisive victory

9. 让某人吃惊的是to sb.'s surprise

10. 面临着一个重要抉择be faced with a crucial decision

11. 孤注一掷take the gamble

12. 激战fierce battle

13. 向…提出停战offer a truce to

14. 等待时机bide one’s time

15. 成为一场噩梦turn into a nightmare

16. 拖着脚步行进drag on

17. 溃不成军的幸存者the tattered survivors

18. 不宣而战without a declaration of war

19. 闪电式战略lightning war

20. “焦土”政策“scorch the earth”

21. 处境变得危急the situation becomes desperate

22. 食品匮乏food runs out

23. 死于饥饿与疾病die from hunger and disease

24. 食品和补给的匮乏 a lack of food and supplies

Unit 2 Useful Expressions

计算机革命the computer revolution

制造业manufacturing industry

长途司机long-distance driver

被严重低估be grossly underestimated

威胁生命的重大隐患life-threatening hazard

解决问题cure the problem

积极的影响 a positive impact

与无线电信号调谐be tuned to radio signals

在任何一个特定时间at any given time

量子理论法则the laws of the quantum theory 精确的频率precise frequency

发出无线电信号send out a radio signal

换算出be converted into

导航能力navigational capability

几乎无限virtually limitless

手杖walking sticks

遥控remote control

潜在的应用potential use / application

要求call for

完全控制take complete control of

被编成组be bunched into groups

一齐行驶travel in unison

对环保有利environmental boon

Unit3 Useful Expressions

1. 模拟面试mock interview

2. 采取进一步行动follow up

3. 在某人手中,为某人所拥有in sb’s hands

4. 亲手送交的hand-delivered

5. 可能的客户prospective customers

6. 在我看来as I see it

7. 俗话说(as) the saying goes

8. 极有可能the odds are good that

9. 一生中仅有一次的经历 a once-in-a-lifetime experience

10. 事先做好准备do one’s homework

11. 努力争取,追求go after

12. 交换场地switch sides

13. 发扬长处develop one’s strengths

14. 尝试take/have a crack (at)

15. 奇迹中的奇迹miracle of miracles

16. 实现你的目标accomplish your goals

17. 改变现状或观点;产生影响make a difference

18. 大约in the neighborhood of

19. 做梦也想不到的beyond one’s/anyone’s wildest dreams

20. 从……的观点来看from one’s/the standpoint (of)

Unit 4 Useful Expressions

1. 扫除sweep aside

2. 寻找in search of

3. 国家认同national identity

4. 狂热信徒 a fervent believer

5. 认为identify… as

6. 毫不迟疑without any hesitation

7. 国际商业精英international business élite
