
2、《Want My Hat Back》(找回我的帽子)关键词:令人发笑,引人深思故事简介:这本绘本讲述了森林里的一只大熊寻找自己帽子的故事,它耐心询问路上他遇到的每一只动物:狐狸,青蛙,兔子,乌龟,蛇,鼠……每只动物都说没有。
3、《Miss Rumphius》(花婆婆)关键词:美好、自然、旅行故事简介:当花婆婆还是一个名叫艾丽丝的小女孩时,从小就立志要让世界变得更美好而付出自己的绵薄之力,那就是种花。
4、《Brave Irene》(勇敢的艾琳)关键词:勇气、冒险、承诺故事简介:故事梗概非常简单,勇敢的艾琳是女裁缝线轴儿太太的女儿。

一年级英语绘本小故事1. A Day at the FarmOnce upon a time, there was a bright and sunny day, and a group of enthusiastic first graders went on a field trip to a farm. They were excited to learn about animals and experience life on the farm.The children got to see cows, chickens, pigs, and sheep. They learned about the different sounds that each animal makes and how they are taken care of. They even got a chance to feed them and pet them. It was a fascinating experience for the children.As they explored the farm, they also learned about the importance of farming in providing food for everyone. They saw fields of corn, carrots, and lettuce. The farmers explained the process of planting seeds and caring for the plants.At the end of the day, the children were tired but happy. They realized that a lot of hard work goes into running a farm and how important it is to appreciate and respect the animals and the people who work on the farm. The field trip to the farmwas not only educational, but it also created memories that the children would cherish forever.2. The Lost Puppy AdventureOnce upon a time, there was a little puppy named Charlie. He was the newest member of the Smith's family. Charlie was curious and had a tendency to wander off.One sunny day, while the Smith family was playing in the backyard, Charlie saw a squirrel and couldn't resist chasing it. He ran and ran until he realized that he was lost. Charlie started to panic and didn't know what to do.Luckily, a kind-hearted little girl named Lily saw Charlie and realized that he needed help. She approached him slowly and gently. Charlie was scared but could sense that Lily wanted to help him. Lily decided to take Charlie home with her until they could find his owners.Lily and Charlie went on an adventure throughout the neighborhood, knocking on doors and asking if anyone had lost a puppy. They met many friendly neighbors who offered to help in any way they could. They made flyers and postedthem around the area, hoping someone would recognize Charlie.After a few days, the Smith family saw one of the flyers and immediately recognized their beloved puppy. They called Lily and her parents to thank them for taking care of Charlie and promised to meet them the next day.When they finally met, Lily was happy to see Charlie reunited with his family. The Smith family was incredibly grateful to Lily and her parents for their kindness and care.3. The Magical TreehouseOne day, while Sara was playing in her backyard, she discovered a small and peculiar treehouse. She had never seen it before. It was covered in vines and had a mysterious aura.Sara climbed up into the treehouse and found herself in a magical world. The walls were covered in colorful drawings, and there were shelves filled with books and toys. She couldn't believe her eyes!As she explored further, Sara noticed a tiny doorway that led to another room. Inside, she found a group of talking animals. There was a wise owl, a mischievous monkey, a friendly squirrel, and a curious rabbit.They welcomed Sara and invited her to join their adventures. They went on exciting quests and discovered new places together. Sara felt like she had finally found her own special place, full of magic and wonder.Each day, Sara would return to the treehouse to meet her new friends. They would tell stories, solve puzzles, and have picnics in the treetops. It was a place where imagination soared and dreams came true.As time went by, Sara realized that the treehouse was not just a magical place, but it also taught her valuable lessons about friendship, teamwork, and the power of imagination. Even though the treehouse was hidden in her backyard, it was a treasure that she would carry with her forever.In conclusion, these three stories capture the imagination and adventures of first graders in their early experiences. Whether it's learning about animals on a farm, helping a lost puppy find its way home, or discovering a magical treehouse, thesestories engage young readers and teach important life lessons. From education to empathy, these stories open up a whole new world for young children to explore.。

最适合孩子的十大英语绘本故事【1韵律感绘本】廖彩杏书单之《I went walking》上榜理由:简单明了,韵律感强,节奏感强,涉及颜色,动物,动作,利于精学。
主要句型:I wentwalking,what did you seeI saw a __________ looking at me!说明:适合初学者做精学。
小男孩每看见一种动物,就像是发现了新事物一样,新鲜又好奇的盯着他们,调皮的动物们竟然也不甘示弱的回以好奇的眼光!更有趣的是这个只只可爱的动物,没有得到小男孩的允许,就悄悄的排成一列,跟在小男孩背后,跟着他一起去探险啦!【2运动智能绘本】名家经典Eric Carl经典之作上榜理由:动词词组风趣幽默,涉及到动作孩子都很喜欢,句型简单常用。
主要句型:I am a_____ and I _____。
Can you do itI can doit!说明:适合初学者做精学。
主要内容:我是一只企鹅,我会转动头,你会吗我是一只猴子,我会挥动双臂,你会吗我是一只大象,我会用力跺脚,你会吗所有的生物各以其特有的方式让身体活动,看着大象走动或看着猴子挥动双臂似乎很有趣,一起跟着动物们从头到脚扭动、摇摆吧!你将发现原来我们的身体是如此灵活,能够做这么多动作呢!【3绘本剧】名家经典廖彩杏书单推荐作品《We're going on a bearhunt》上榜理由:风趣幽默,引人入胜,情节紧张,适合朗诵。
主要句型:We aregoing on a bear hunt,we are going to catch a big one! What abeautiful day!We are not scared!说明:适合有基础的孩子学习,因为里面有一些词汇比较难,篇幅也比较长。
主要内容:这本绘本的作者是Michael Rosen,巧妙的使用拟声词,让孩子在阅读故事的同时仿佛也听到勇敢的一家人在经过草原,河流等地时发出的各种声音,时而紧张时而舒缓的节奏也令此绘本盎意横生,单一重复的句型也非常适合做集体和个体表演。


20本学习英语的启蒙绘本1.《Chicka Chicka Boom Boom》:BillM artin Jr、JohnArcham bault、LoisEhlert著,BeachLaneBooks出版这是最最经典的字母故事书,通过一首字母表的韵律歌,描述所有的字母想爬到一棵椰子树上的情景,故事非常有趣,单词也相当押韵,读起来朗朗上口,是初学语言的小朋友的最爱,也是英语启蒙首选。
2.《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》:“Eric Carle著,PenguinUS出版这本书是Eric Carle最受孩子欢迎的童书之一,名气非常大。
3.《Brown Bear,BrownBear,What do You See?》Eric Carle 著,HenryHolt&CompanyInc出版这是一本最好的儿童启蒙绘本,虽然全书只有两个句型,但它通过一种动物引导出另一种动物从而形成一个情节的链条,这种结构特别适合儿童记忆,只要有了这本书,各种动物的英语单词学起来就驾轻就熟啦!4.《Rosie's Walk》母鸡萝丝去散步:佩特·哈群斯(PatHutchins)著,Aladdin出版这本绘本适合一岁左右的小宝宝看,画面很可爱,不认识字也会看的很起劲。

1、《The Very Hungry Caterpillar》(好饿的毛毛虫)推荐理由:本书曾入选纽约公共图书馆“每个人都应该知道的100种图画书”,被翻译成了30多种文字。
2、《Guess How Much I Love You》(猜猜我有多爱你)推荐理由:美国最经典的儿童绘本之一,获奖无数,强烈安利的一本哦。
3、《Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?》(棕熊,棕熊,你看到了什么?)推荐理由:非常值得推荐,低幼宝宝也会爱上的一本书哦。
4、《I Am A Bunny》(我是一只小兔子)推荐理由:这是一本撕不烂的纸板书,色彩特别漂亮,字句很少图很大,特别适合幼龄孩子作为英语启蒙读物来翻看。

Anneena's Feast
Spike Says
9 外研社丽声拼读故事会第 The Wrong Kind of 不称职的骑士
10 四级
Moan!Moan!Moan! 唠叨!唠叨!唠叨!
The Snake and the
Sisters and Brothers, 兄弟和姐妹
Snow White
88 89
轻松英语名作欣赏小学版 Pinocchio
Puss in Boots
The Ugly Duck
匹诺曹 穿靴子的猫 丑小鸭
Muck It Up
Get Fit
94 大猫自然拼读二级1
Cat and Dog in a Mess 猫儿狗儿脏兮兮
Ant and the Baby
Run Cat,Run!
54 X计划•领先阅读学生包2 Big and Small
My Cat Moggy
大和小 我的小猫
Pickles'New Home Pickles的新家
57 58 59 60
My Pet
父与子全集(少儿英语彩 Father and Son 1
73 大猫英语分级阅读二级2 At the Dump

1:Where the Wild Things Areby Maurice Sendak(1963)野兽出没的地方《野兽国》)。2:Goodnight Moonby Margaret Wise Brown(1947)《晚安,月亮》
3:The Very Hungry Caterpillarby Eric Carle(1979)《好饿好饿的毛毛虫》
25:The Little Houseby Virginia Lee Burton(1942)《小房子》
26:Corduroyby Donald Freeman(1976)《小熊可可》
27:The Tale of Peter Rabbitby Beatrix Potter(1902)《亚历山大和可怕的、恐怖的、不好的、非常糟糟糕的一天》
#34:Oliviaby Ian Falconer(2000)

书 名My Dad (我爸爸My Mum(我妈妈)Something From Nothing(爷爷一定有办法)David Gets in Trouble(大卫惹麻烦)David Gets in Trouble(大卫上学去)Duck on a Bike(鸭子骑车记)Swimmy(小黑鱼)Little Blue and Little Yellow(小蓝和小黄)Rosie's Walk(母鸡萝丝去散步)When the Wind Stops(风到哪里去了)Puss in Boots(穿靴子的猫)Pumpkin Soup(南瓜汤)Play with Me(和我一起玩)Sylvester and the Magic Pebble(驴小弟变石头)The Very Hungry Caterpillar(好饿的毛毛虫)The Runaway Bunny(逃家小兔)Miss Rumphius(花婆婆)Good Night, Gorilla(晚安,大猩猩)Make Way for Ducklings(让路给小鸭子)John Patrick Norman McHennessy(迟到大王)Mr Gumpy’s Outing(和甘伯伯去游河)Mr Gumpy's Motor Car(和甘伯伯去兜风)Where Willy Went…(小威向前冲)Badger's Parting Gifts(獾的礼物)Owl Moon(月下看猫头鹰)A Color of His Own(自己的颜色)One Fine Day(晴朗的一天Giraffes Can't Dance (长颈鹿不会跳舞Guess how much I love you (猜猜我有多爱你The i love you book (我爱你图书)The Gruffalo(咕噜牛).Eric Carle: Mister Seahorse(海马先生)The Gruffalo's Child(咕噜牛小妞妞)Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs(阴天有时下肉丸)We're Going on a Bear Hunt(我们要去捉狗熊)Harris Finds His Feet(哈里的大脚)Froggy Gets Dressed(小青蛙穿衣服)Grandfather's Journey(外公的旅程Voices In The Park(公园里的声音).Now One Foot,Now the Other(先左脚,再右脚)The Tiny Seed 小种子Mirette on the high wire (天空在脚下Starry Messenger(星际使者)You're All My Favourites(你们都是我的最爱)The story about ping(小鸭子历险记)A Tree is nice (树真好)I'll always love you(我会一直爱你)Stone soup (石头汤)The giving tree (爱心树)Good night OWL (晚安猫头鹰)The feel good book (感觉好极了)The alphabet tree (字母树)Inch by inch (一寸虫)It's mine(这是我的)Would You Rather? 你喜欢Matthew's dream (马修的梦)I like me (我喜欢自己)Marcia Brown 灰姑娘good boy fergus!好样的费格斯nicolas where have you been 尼古拉斯你去哪儿white snow bright snow白雪晶晶mooncake frank asch月亮熊的月饼moongame frank asch 月亮熊的游戏What Do You Do With a Tail Like This 这样的尾巴可以做什么?the mammy book 妈妈courage 勇气Me and you 我和你Strega Nona 巫婆奶奶diary of a worm (蚯蚓的日记)Prayer for A Child 宝宝的祈祷When I Was Young in the Mountains 山中旧事Snowflake Bentley 雪花人Moon Rabbit 月亮兔Marcia Brown 灰姑娘Owl Moon 月下看猫头鹰One Cool Friend 一个很酷的朋友here Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly (Caldecott Honor Book)《吞苍蝇的老太婆》雾之岛Fog Island不睡觉世界冠军 The World Champion of Staying AwakeTHESE'S AN OUCH IN MY POUCH!(哎哟我的育儿袋)Meteor! 流星T he Enormous Potato 巨大的土豆老鼠形状Mouse Shapesginger 姜黄色The Emperor of Absurdia 小国王的梦Strega Nona's Magic Lessons 巫婆奶奶的魔法课Chanticleer and the Fox 公鸡和狐狸ROSIE and TORTOISE (罗西和乌龟)What's the Time Mr Wolf? 老狼几点了Gingerbread Friends姜饼人故事What Do You Do With a Tail Like This 这样的尾巴可以做什么?olivia 奥莉薇Go Away Mr Wolf 快走开,野狼先生一片小云儿你想和我做朋友吗给我画星星大公鸡看世界薄饼,薄饼寄居蟹的家From Head to Toe 从头到脚Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me爸爸,请为我摘月亮Curious George and the Puppies好奇猴乔治和小狗Oh No,George 不要吧小乖So Cosy 如此惬意The Amazing Bone 《会说话的骨头》I Love My Mum 我爱妈妈Willy the Dreamer梦想家威利Click,Clack,Moo Cows That Type会打字的奶牛Here Comes the Easter Cat 复活的节猫A Sick Day for Amos McGee 阿莫的生病日A Bad Case of Stripes [糟糕,身上长条纹了!Too Many Toys [好多玩具]Alice The Fairy小仙女艾丽斯The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night 寒夜出行的狐狸The Lion & the Mouse 狮子与老鼠Kitten's First Full Moon小喵咪追月亮Into the Forest走近森林Chocolate Mousse for Greedy Goose大家来晚餐Hippo Has A Hat 河马有顶帽子The Gruffalo(咕噜牛Monkey Puzzle小猴子找妈妈the troll巨怪Tyrannosaurus Drip 丑小龙One Ted Falls Out of Bed 一只掉下床的泰迪熊One Mole Digging A Hole 鼴鼠挖了一个洞Rosie's Hat罗茜的帽子小房子变大房子 A Squash and a Squeeze聪明的巨人The Smartest Giant in TownCharlie Cook's Favourite Book 查理.库克最喜欢的书Duck on a Bike(鸭子骑车记)Guess how much I love you (猜猜我有多爱你One Fine Day(晴朗的一天HARRY The Dirty Dog 好脏的哈利No Roses for Harry! 哈利的花毛衣Harry by the Sea 哈利海边历险Don't Forget the Bacon! 别忘了买培根介绍图书馆 Check It Out!: The Book about LibrariesAngelina and the Princess 芭蕾小精灵安吉莉娜:安吉莉娜和公主Clocks and More Clocks 金老爷买钟Wemberly Worried 爱担心的小老鼠perfect princesses 公主换装手工书fluttering fairies 公主换装手工书苏博士20本礼盒装the wonderful world of Dr.SeussThere Was a Crooked Man(一个扭曲的人)Alice in Wonderland(爱丽丝漫游仙境)The Wind in the Willows(柳林风声The Owl and the Pussy-cat(猫头鹰与小猫咪)The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse(城市老鼠和乡下老鼠)The story of Pinocchio(小木偶匹诺曹)The Emperor's New Clothes(皇帝的新装The Wizard of Oz(绿野仙踪)The Three Little Pigs(三只小猪)Little Miss Muffet(玛菲特小姐The Ant and the Grasshopper(蚂蚁和蚱蜢)The Twelve Dancing Princesses(十二个跳舞的公主The Rabbit's Tale(兔子传说)The Reluctant Dragon(懒龙)The Magic Porridge Pot(神奇锅)Little Red Riding Hood(小红帽)灰姑娘去旅行新宝贝一只新的小狗暴风雪老蒸汽火车看牙医意外的旅客Phonics 12本姜饼人白雪公主和七个小矮人睡美人巨大的萝卜杰克与魔豆皇帝的新装美女与野兽小鸡里肯鞋匠与精灵三只比利羊侏儒怪汉赛尔和格莱特all about usI go to the deneistI go to a widdingBig like me!let is go to shulshabbos,shabbos,I lovyoueI go visitingFive Alive我们去农场去商店皇帝企鹅的新衣服It's Called Kibud Av Va'Eimlet's meet community helpersRina’s raing daybubblegum princess1001 things to spot 贴纸认知仙境农场海盗船城堡度假Usborne系列涂色书6本Usborne系列手工5本Usborne系列连线5本Usborne系列童话贴纸书5本Are You Ready for Kindergarten?幼儿园你准备好了吗6本贝贝熊“I Can Read!”双语阅读系列(全12册贝贝熊系列丛书共86册双语版我的感觉系列全七册中英双语Book of Drawing and Colouring大开本涂鸦书4种coloring drawing cutting pasting儿童手工涂色剪纸书2种doodle/activity pad涂鸦迷宫手工绘本4种usborne英文多功能早教练习册连线谜题涂鸦绘画折纸书 6款usborne英文正版 8本带原装CD经典故事书USBORNE 1001 things to spot 观察力大挑战5种软精装适合送人早教书--《好奇的乔治猴》盒装,全12册画了一匹蓝马的画家阿文的小毯子Peppa Pig粉红小猪儿童贴纸互动书Usborne寻找答案儿童趣味Lots of Rabbits to Spot 兔子的发现小火车手掌书认知触摸书早教英文绘本原版英语儿童书批发字母数字粉红小猪绘本16册价格1212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1212 12 1212 12 12 12 1217.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5艾瑞·卡尔数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5艾瑞·卡尔数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5艾瑞·卡尔数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5艾瑞·卡尔数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5艾瑞·卡尔多,按原价走,不批发17.5艾瑞·卡尔数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5艾瑞·卡尔数量不多,按原价走,不批发17.5艾瑞·卡尔17.5艾瑞·卡尔17.517.517.517.517.517.517.517.517.517.517.517.517.517.517.517.517.5Julia Donaldson17.5JuliaDonaldson红JuliaDonaldson色JuliaDonaldson为17.5JuliaDonaldson新17.5JuliaDonaldson款17.5Julia Donaldson17.5Julia Donaldson17.5Julia Donaldson17.5Julia Donaldson17.5Julia Donaldson17.5Julia Donaldson17.517.517.517.5哈利系列17.5哈利系列17.5哈利系列17.517.517.517.517.510公主换装故事书10150书比较小121212121212121212121212121212129.精装8精装8精装8精装8精装8精装8精装8精装8精装8精装8精装8精装20精装20精装20精装20精装20精装20精装20精装20精装20精装20精装20精装20精装20精装20精装20精装贴纸的绘本12贴纸的绘本12贴纸的绘本12贴纸的绘本12贴纸的绘本12贴纸的绘本68手工的58手工的58手工的55手工的96手工的30手工的285手工的28手工的170手工的42手工的85手工的112手工的99绘本140手工3512本盒装24精装32精装140贴纸的绘本38纸板书80纸板书145绘本。

1岁1.1、《晚安,月亮》Goodnight Moon 作者:玛格丽特·怀斯·布朗(MargaretWise Brown)2、《棕色的熊、棕色的熊,你在看什么?》Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 作者:小比尔·马丁(Bill Martin Jr.)3、《叽喀叽喀ABC》(ChickaChicka ABC)作者:小比尔·马丁(BillMartin Jr.)4、《哔哔巴士》The Wheels on the Bus 作者:保罗·欧·林斯基(Paul O. Zelinsky)5、《好饿的毛毛虫》The Very Hungry Caterpillar作者:艾瑞·卡尔(Eric Carle)2岁21、《勇敢的小火车头》The Little Engine That Could 作者:华提·派普尔(Watty Piper)2、《拍拍小兔子》Pat the Bunny 作者:桃乐茜·昆哈特(DorothyKunhardt)3、《小小红色车厢》The Little Red Caboose 作者:玛丽安·波特(Marian Potter)孩子们对《小小红色车厢》的喜爱超过了六十多年了。
他们4、《积木ABC:乐高积木字母书》BrickABC: An Alphabet Book Illustrated with LEGO Bricks 作者:布里克·帕尔斯(Brick Pals)5、《彼得兔的故事》The Tale of Peter Rabbit 作者:碧雅翠丝·波特(Beatrix Potter)3岁31、《野兽出没的地方》Where the Wild Things Are 作者:莫里斯·桑达克(MauriceSendak)2、《你是我妈妈吗?》Are You My Mother? 作者:菲利普·戴3、《戴帽子的猫》The Cat in the Hat 作者:苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)4、《小熊可可》Corduroy 作者:唐·弗里曼(Don Freeman)5、《让路给小鸭子》Make Way for Ducklings 作者:罗伯特·麦克洛斯基(Robert McCloskey)4岁41、《猜猜我有多爱你》Guess How Much I Love You作者:山姆·麦克布雷尼(Sam McBratney)2、《永远爱你》Love You Forever 作者:罗伯特·马修(RobertMunsch)3、《玛德琳》Madeline 作者:路德威·白蒙(Ludwig Bemelmans)4、《当我长大》When I Grow Up 作者:菲利普·辛普金斯(Philip Simpkins)5、《奥莉薇拯救马戏团》Olivia Saves the Circus 作者:伊恩·福克纳(IanFalconer)5岁51、《爱心树》The Giving Tree 作者:谢尔·希尔弗斯坦(ShelSilverstein)2、《我今天就不起床!》I am Not Going to Get Up Today!作者:苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)3、《化学:原子和元素》Chemistry:The Atom and Elements 作者:四月•克洛伊•特拉萨斯(April Chloe Terrazas)4、《神奇树屋1:恐龙谷大冒险》MagicTree House, #1作者:玛丽•波•奥斯本(MaryPope Osborne)5、《最初的一千个英文单词》First Thousand Words in English作者:希瑟•艾默莉(Heather Amery)6岁61、《亚历山大和糟糕透顶的一天》Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good,Very Bad Day 作者:朱迪思•维奥斯特(Judith Viorst)2、《爱花的牛》The Story of Ferdinand作者:曼罗•里夫(Munro Leaf)3、《拇指姑娘》Thumbelina 作者:艾美·厄莉克(AmyEhrlich)4、《西尔威斯特和魔法石》Sylvester and the Magic Pebble 作者:威廉•史塔克(William Steig)5、《别让鸽子开巴士!》Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!作者:莫•威廉斯(Mo Willems)7岁71、《纳尼亚传奇:狮子,女巫和魔法柜》The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe(Chronicles of Narnia, #1)作者:C.S.刘易斯(C.S.Lewis)2、《皮皮历险记》The Adventures of Pippi Longstocking 作者:阿斯特丽德•林格伦(Astrid Lindgren)3、《大篷车里的孩子们》The Boxcar Children 作者:钱德勒•华娜(GertrudeChandler Warner)4、《史尼奇及其他故事》The Sneetches and Other Stories 作者:苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)5、《女巫》The Witches作者:罗尔德•达尔(RoaldDah 8岁81、《查理和巧克力工厂》Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (CharlieBucket, #1) 作者:罗尔德•达尔(Roald Dahl)2、《秘密花园》The Secret Garden 作者:弗朗西丝•霍奇森•伯内特(Frances Hodgson Burnett)3、《绿野仙踪》The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 作者:弗兰克•鲍姆(L.Frank Baum)4、《哈利波特与魔法石》Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 作者:J.K.罗琳(J.K.Rowling)5、《彼得•潘》Peter Pan作者:J. M.巴里(J.M. Barrie9岁91、《夏洛的网》Charlotte's Web 作者:E.B.怀特(E.B. White)2、《魔法小村芬克莱顿》The Magic of Finkleton(Finkleton, #1)作者:K.C.希尔顿(K.C.Hilton)3、《小屁孩日记之鬼屋创意》Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, #1) 作者:杰夫•金尼(Jeff Kinney)4、《玛蒂尔达》Matilda 作者:罗尔德•达尔(RoaldDahl)5、《世界保护组织系列之岩石上的新孩》New Kids on the Rock (Small World Global Protection Agency, #1)作者:马克•米勒(Mark Miller)6、《时间的皱纹》A Wrinkle in Time 作者:马德琳•英格(MadeleineL’Engle)10岁101、《不老泉》Tuck Everlasting作者:纳塔利•巴比特(NatalieBabbitt)2、《小妇人》Little Women 作者:路易莎•梅•奥尔柯特(Louisa May Alcott)3、《贝特西和塔西》Betsy-Tacy (Betsy-Tacy, #1)作者:莫德•克罗莱斯(Maud Hart Lovelace)4、《爱丽丝仙境历险记》Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass作者:路易斯•卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll)5、《格林家族与魔法镇》The Fairy-Tale Detectives (The Sisters Grimm,#1)作者:迈克尔•巴克利(Michael Buckley)11岁111、《别有洞天》Holes 作者:路易斯•萨奇尔(Louis Sachar)2、《赐予者》the Giver 作者:洛瑞斯•劳瑞(Lois Lowry)3、《维京海盗学徒之旅》The Viking's Apprentice (The Viking's Apprentice, #1) 作者:凯文•麦克劳德(Kevin McLeod)4、《双鼠记》The Tale of Despereaux 作者:凯特•迪卡米罗(Kate Di Camillo)5、《不朽之花》Amaranth 作者:约翰•凯利特(John Kellett)12岁121、《霍比特人》The Hobbit作者:J.R.R.托尔金(J. R. R. Tolkien)2、《安妮日记》The Diary of a Young Girl 作者:安妮•弗兰克(Anne Frank)3、《饥饿游戏1》The HungerGames (The Hunger Games, #1)作者:苏珊•柯林斯(SuzanneCollins)4、《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 作者:马克•吐温(Mark Twain)5、《纳尼亚传奇》The Chronicles of Narnia 作者:C.S.刘易斯(C.S.Lewis)6、《手斧男孩》Hatchet作者:盖瑞•伯森(GaryPaulsen 13岁131、《简•爱》Jane Eyre 作者:夏洛蒂•勃朗特(CharlotteBront)2、《遗产三部曲之伊拉龙》Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle, #1)作者:克里斯托弗•鲍里尼(Christopher Paolini)3、《心灵鸡汤》Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul 作者:杰克•坎菲尔,马克•汉森(Jack Canfield,Mark VictorHarsen)4、《杀死一只知更鸟》To Kill a Mockingbird 作者:哈珀•李(Harper Lee)5、《造梦的雨果》The Invention of Hugo Cabret作者:布莱恩•塞兹尼克(Brian Selznick)14岁141、《了不起的盖茨比》The Great Gatsby 作者:弗朗西斯•斯科特•基•菲茨杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)2、《暮光之城•暮色》Twilight (Twilight, #1) 作者:斯蒂芬妮•摩根•梅尔(Stephenie Meyer)3、《偷书贼》The Book Thief 作者:马克斯•苏萨克(MarkusZusak)4、《弗兰肯斯坦》Frankenstein 作者:玛丽•雪莱(MaryWollstonecraft Shelley)14岁以上141、《宠儿》Beloved作者:托尼•莫里森(ToniMorrison)2、《独自和解》A Separate Peace 作者:约翰•诺尔斯(JohnKnowles)3、《安娜•卡列尼娜》Anna Karenina 作者:列夫•托尔斯泰(LeoTolstoy)4、《我知道笼中鸟儿为何唱歌》I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings 作者:玛雅•安吉洛(Maya Angelou)5、《麦田里的守望者》The Catcher In The Rye 作者:杰罗姆•大卫•塞林格(J.D.Salinger)6、《蝇王》Lord of Flies 作者:威廉•戈尔丁(WilliamGolding)7、《十三个理由》Thirteen Reasons Why 作者:杰•艾雪(JayAsher)8、《深夜小狗的神秘习题》The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time 作者:马克•海登(Mark Haddon)。

1岁1.1、《晚安,月亮》Goodnight Moon 作者:玛格丽特·怀斯·布朗(MargaretWise Brown)2、《棕色的熊、棕色的熊,你在看什么?》Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 作者:小比尔·马丁(Bill Martin Jr.)3、《叽喀叽喀ABC》(ChickaChicka ABC)作者:小比尔·马丁(BillMartin Jr.)4、《哔哔巴士》The Wheels on the Bus 作者:保罗·欧·林斯基(Paul O. Zelinsky)5、《好饿的毛毛虫》The Very Hungry Caterpillar作者:艾瑞·卡尔(Eric Carle)2岁21、《勇敢的小火车头》The Little Engine That Could 作者:华提·派普尔(Watty Piper)2、《拍拍小兔子》Pat the Bunny 作者:桃乐茜·昆哈特(DorothyKunhardt)3、《小小红色车厢》The Little Red Caboose 作者:玛丽安·波特(Marian Potter)孩子们对《小小红色车厢》的喜爱超过了六十多年了。
他们4、《积木ABC:乐高积木字母书》BrickABC: An Alphabet Book Illustrated with LEGO Bricks 作者:布里克·帕尔斯(Brick Pals)5、《彼得兔的故事》The Tale of Peter Rabbit 作者:碧雅翠丝·波特(Beatrix Potter)3岁31、《野兽出没的地方》Where the Wild Things Are 作者:莫里斯·桑达克(MauriceSendak)2、《你是我妈妈吗?》Are You My Mother? 作者:菲利普·戴3、《戴帽子的猫》The Cat in the Hat 作者:苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)4、《小熊可可》Corduroy 作者:唐·弗里曼(Don Freeman)5、《让路给小鸭子》Make Way for Ducklings 作者:罗伯特·麦克洛斯基(Robert McCloskey)4岁41、《猜猜我有多爱你》Guess How Much I Love You作者:山姆·麦克布雷尼(Sam McBratney)2、《永远爱你》Love You Forever 作者:罗伯特·马修(RobertMunsch)3、《玛德琳》Madeline 作者:路德威·白蒙(Ludwig Bemelmans)4、《当我长大》When I Grow Up 作者:菲利普·辛普金斯(Philip Simpkins)5、《奥莉薇拯救马戏团》Olivia Saves the Circus 作者:伊恩·福克纳(IanFalconer)5岁51、《爱心树》The Giving Tree 作者:谢尔·希尔弗斯坦(ShelSilverstein)2、《我今天就不起床!》I am Not Going to Get Up Today!作者:苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)3、《化学:原子和元素》Chemistry:The Atom and Elements 作者:四月•克洛伊•特拉萨斯(April Chloe Terrazas)4、《神奇树屋1:恐龙谷大冒险》MagicTree House, #1作者:玛丽•波•奥斯本(MaryPope Osborne)5、《最初的一千个英文单词》First Thousand Words in English作者:希瑟•艾默莉(Heather Amery)6岁61、《亚历山大和糟糕透顶的一天》Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good,Very Bad Day 作者:朱迪思•维奥斯特(Judith Viorst)2、《爱花的牛》The Story of Ferdinand作者:曼罗•里夫(Munro Leaf)3、《拇指姑娘》Thumbelina 作者:艾美·厄莉克(AmyEhrlich)4、《西尔威斯特和魔法石》Sylvester and the Magic Pebble 作者:威廉•史塔克(William Steig)5、《别让鸽子开巴士!》Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!作者:莫•威廉斯(Mo Willems)7岁71、《纳尼亚传奇:狮子,女巫和魔法柜》The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe(Chronicles of Narnia, #1)作者:C.S.刘易斯(C.S.Lewis)2、《皮皮历险记》The Adventures of Pippi Longstocking 作者:阿斯特丽德•林格伦(Astrid Lindgren)3、《大篷车里的孩子们》The Boxcar Children 作者:钱德勒•华娜(GertrudeChandler Warner)4、《史尼奇及其他故事》The Sneetches and Other Stories 作者:苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)5、《女巫》The Witches作者:罗尔德•达尔(RoaldDah 8岁81、《查理和巧克力工厂》Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (CharlieBucket, #1) 作者:罗尔德•达尔(Roald Dahl)2、《秘密花园》The Secret Garden 作者:弗朗西丝•霍奇森•伯内特(Frances Hodgson Burnett)3、《绿野仙踪》The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 作者:弗兰克•鲍姆(L.Frank Baum)4、《哈利波特与魔法石》Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 作者:J.K.罗琳(J.K.Rowling)5、《彼得•潘》Peter Pan作者:J. M.巴里(J.M. Barrie9岁91、《夏洛的网》Charlotte's Web 作者:E.B.怀特(E.B. White)2、《魔法小村芬克莱顿》The Magic of Finkleton(Finkleton, #1)作者:K.C.希尔顿(K.C.Hilton)3、《小屁孩日记之鬼屋创意》Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, #1) 作者:杰夫•金尼(Jeff Kinney)4、《玛蒂尔达》Matilda 作者:罗尔德•达尔(RoaldDahl)5、《世界保护组织系列之岩石上的新孩》New Kids on the Rock (Small World Global Protection Agency, #1)作者:马克•米勒(Mark Miller)6、《时间的皱纹》A Wrinkle in Time 作者:马德琳•英格(MadeleineL’Engle)10岁101、《不老泉》Tuck Everlasting作者:纳塔利•巴比特(NatalieBabbitt)2、《小妇人》Little Women 作者:路易莎•梅•奥尔柯特(Louisa May Alcott)3、《贝特西和塔西》Betsy-Tacy (Betsy-Tacy, #1)作者:莫德•克罗莱斯(Maud Hart Lovelace)4、《爱丽丝仙境历险记》Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass作者:路易斯•卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll)5、《格林家族与魔法镇》The Fairy-Tale Detectives (The Sisters Grimm,#1)作者:迈克尔•巴克利(Michael Buckley)11岁111、《别有洞天》Holes 作者:路易斯•萨奇尔(Louis Sachar)2、《赐予者》the Giver 作者:洛瑞斯•劳瑞(Lois Lowry)3、《维京海盗学徒之旅》The Viking's Apprentice (The Viking's Apprentice, #1) 作者:凯文•麦克劳德(Kevin McLeod)4、《双鼠记》The Tale of Despereaux 作者:凯特•迪卡米罗(Kate Di Camillo)5、《不朽之花》Amaranth 作者:约翰•凯利特(John Kellett)12岁121、《霍比特人》The Hobbit作者:J.R.R.托尔金(J. R. R. Tolkien)2、《安妮日记》The Diary of a Young Girl 作者:安妮•弗兰克(Anne Frank)3、《饥饿游戏1》The HungerGames (The Hunger Games, #1)作者:苏珊•柯林斯(SuzanneCollins)4、《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 作者:马克•吐温(Mark Twain)5、《纳尼亚传奇》The Chronicles of Narnia 作者:C.S.刘易斯(C.S.Lewis)6、《手斧男孩》Hatchet作者:盖瑞•伯森(GaryPaulsen 13岁131、《简•爱》Jane Eyre 作者:夏洛蒂•勃朗特(CharlotteBront)2、《遗产三部曲之伊拉龙》Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle, #1)作者:克里斯托弗•鲍里尼(Christopher Paolini)3、《心灵鸡汤》Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul 作者:杰克•坎菲尔,马克•汉森(Jack Canfield,Mark VictorHarsen)4、《杀死一只知更鸟》To Kill a Mockingbird 作者:哈珀•李(Harper Lee)5、《造梦的雨果》The Invention of Hugo Cabret作者:布莱恩•塞兹尼克(Brian Selznick)14岁141、《了不起的盖茨比》The Great Gatsby 作者:弗朗西斯•斯科特•基•菲茨杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)2、《暮光之城•暮色》Twilight (Twilight, #1) 作者:斯蒂芬妮•摩根•梅尔(Stephenie Meyer)3、《偷书贼》The Book Thief 作者:马克斯•苏萨克(MarkusZusak)4、《弗兰肯斯坦》Frankenstein 作者:玛丽•雪莱(MaryWollstonecraft Shelley)14岁以上141、《宠儿》Beloved作者:托尼•莫里森(ToniMorrison)2、《独自和解》A Separate Peace 作者:约翰•诺尔斯(JohnKnowles)3、《安娜•卡列尼娜》Anna Karenina 作者:列夫•托尔斯泰(LeoTolstoy)4、《我知道笼中鸟儿为何唱歌》I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings 作者:玛雅•安吉洛(Maya Angelou)5、《麦田里的守望者》The Catcher In The Rye 作者:杰罗姆•大卫•塞林格(J.D.Salinger)6、《蝇王》Lord of Flies 作者:威廉•戈尔丁(WilliamGolding)7、《十三个理由》Thirteen Reasons Why 作者:杰•艾雪(JayAsher)8、《深夜小狗的神秘习题》The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time 作者:马克•海登(Mark Haddon)。

Title: 114 Years Old English Picture Books (Simple Version) 20210930074748 Embarking on the journey of literacy is one of the most exciting milestones in a child's life. From the moment they grasp their first picture book to the time they dive into chapter novels, the world of English picture books is a treasure trove of adventure, learning, and growth. Designed for children aged 1 to 14, this simple guide offers a curated selection of English picture books that promise to ignite curiosity, foster a love for reading, and develop language skills.For the Tiniest Explorers (13 Years Old):The early years are all about sensorial experiences, and picture books are the perfect tool to engage little ones. "Goodnight Moon" Margaret Wise Brown, with its soothing rhythm and simple illustrations, is a bedtime staple that lulls children into a world of dreams. "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" Eric Carle, on the other hand, introduces numbers, days of the week, and the concept of transformation through its colorful and engaging storytelling.The Young Dreamers (46 Years Old):As children grow, their imaginations soar, and books like "Where the Wild Things Are" Maurice Sendak take them on wild adventures to faroff lands. The simple yet powerful text paired with the vivid illustrations makes this a timeless classic. "The Gruffalo" Julia Donaldson, with its clever rhymes and delightful story, is another favorite that teaches children about bravery and the power of imagination.The Budding Readers (79 Years Old):At this stage, children begin to read on their own and seek out stories that reflect their expanding world. "Frog and Toad Are Friends" Arnold Lobel is a series of heartwarming stories about friendship that are easy to read and full of humor. "Madeline" Ludwig Bemelmans introduces children to a brave and spunky little girl in a series of adventures set in Paris, France.The Emerging Storytellers (1012 Years Old):The Young Adult Explorers (1314 Years Old):Transitioning to young adulthood, readers seek stories that reflect their growing understanding of the world. "The One and Only Ivan" Katherine Applegate tackles themes of friendship and empathy through the eyes of a gorilla living in a shopping mall. "Wonder" R.J. Palacio is a poignant story about a boy with a facial difference enteringmainstream school for the first time, teaching readers about kindness and acceptance.This simple guide to English picture books is just the beginning of a literary journey that can last a lifetime. Each book is a stepping stone, helping children to grow, learn, and dream in a world filled with endless possibilities.Title: 114 Years Old English Picture Books (Simple Version) 20210930074748 (Continued)The Curious Minds (46 Years Old):Children in this age group are naturally curious and love to learn about the world around them. "From Head to Toe"Eric Carle is an interactive book that encourages movement and learning about body parts. "Dear Zoo" Rod Campbell is a delightful lifttheflap book that introduces animals andsimple language for early readers.The Aspiring Artists (79 Years Old):The Empathetic Souls (1012 Years Old):As children grow older, they begin to understand and empathize with others' feelings. "Each Kindness" Jacqueline Woodson is a powerful story about the effects of kindness and the missed opportunities for connection. "The Invisible Boy" Trudy Ludwig addresses the feelings of isolation and the importance of inclusion.The Reflective Thinkers (1314 Years Old):The Multicultural Explorers (All Ages):Exposing children to diverse cultures and experiences is crucial for their development. "Last Stop on Market Street" Matt de la Peña, illustrated Christian Robinson, is a richly illustrated story that celebrates the beauty found in everyday life. "Mama Africa!" Margarite Engle, illustrated Diane Dillon, is a biography in verse about the South African singer and civil rights activist Miriam Makeba.The EcoConscious Kids (All Ages):Instilling a sense of environmental responsibility is more important than ever. "The Lorax" Dr. Seuss is a classic tale with a timeless message about the importance of protecting the Earth. "Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth" Oliver Jeffers is a heartfelt introduction to our world and how we can take care of it.This curated selection of English picture books is designed to not only entertain but also to educate and inspire. Each book is a bridge to new ideas, a mirror to reflect on personal experiences, and a window to the diverse and fascinating world we inhabit. By reading and sharing these stories, we plant the seeds of curiosity, empathy, and understanding that will grow and flourish throughout their lives.Title: 114 Years Old English Picture Books (Simple Version) 20210930074748 (Conclusion)As children traverse the pages of their picture books, they embark on a journey that transcends the physical world, stretching the boundaries of their imagination and deepening their emotional intelligence. The following continuation of our guide offers a final glimpse into the world of English picture books, tailored to the developmental stages of young readers.The Moral Architects (46 Years Old):Building a strong moral foundation is essential during the formative years. "The Giving Tree" Shel Silverstein is a touching story that teaches the value of selflessness and the rewards of giving. "Where the Sidewalk Ends" the same author is a collection of poems that stimulates creativity and introduces children to the magic of language.The Historical Adventurers (79 Years Old):The Scientific Explorers (1012 Years Old):Fostering a love for science and discovery is vital for curious minds. "The Magic School Bus Inside the Earth" Joanna Cole, illustrated Bruce Degen, is an educational and entertaining journey into the Earth's layers. "Rosie Revere, Engineer" Andrea Beaty, illustrated David Roberts,celebrates the spirit of innovation and perseverance in a delightful story about a young inventor.The Philosophical Pioneers (1314 Years Old):As teenagers begin to ponder life's bigger questions, books that delve into philosophy can be particularly illuminating. "The Alchemist" Paulo Coelho, while not a picture book, is an accessible novel that explores the journey of selfdiscovery and following one's dreams. "The Dot" Peter H. Reynolds, mentioned earlier, also resonates with this age group as it encourages individual expression and the courage to embrace the unknown.As we conclude this guide, it is important to remember that the power of a picture book lies not just in its illustrations or text, but in the shared experience it creates between a child and the adults who read with them. The simple act of reading together can forge bonds, spark conversations, and plant the seeds for a lifelong love of reading and learning.。

《猜猜我有多爱你》("Guess How Much I Love You")和《好饿的毛毛虫》("The Very Hungry Caterpillar")是两本经典之作。
46岁学龄前儿童英语绘本推荐对于这个年龄段的孩子,《棕色熊棕色熊,你在看什么?》("Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?")和《好夜晚》("Good Night, Gorilla")等绘本,不仅故事有趣,而且语言节奏感强,有助于孩子们记忆单词和句型。
《青蛙和蟾蜍》("Frog and Toad")系列和《夏洛的网》("Charlotte's Web")不仅能够提升孩子们的英语阅读能力,还能通过故事传递友谊和勇气的价值观。
《神奇树屋》("Magic Tree House")系列和《小屁孩日记》("Diary of a Wimpy Kid")等书籍,不仅能够提高孩子们的英语水平,还能激发他们对阅读的兴趣。
《哈利·波特》系列("Harry Potter")和《小妇人》("Little Women")等经典作品,不仅能够提升他们的英语阅读能力,还能帮助他们探索更深的情感和人生主题。

Dr. Seuss 的很多书也适合孩子在进入阅读的时候作为初级读物来让孩子自己读。
1.Goodnight Moonby Margaret Wise Brown,illustrated by Clement Hurd2.Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin, Jr.,illustrated by Eric Carle3.The Very Hungry Caterpillarby Eric Carle4.The Very Quiet Cricketby Eric Carle5.Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?by Bill Martin Jr,illustrated by Eric Carle6.The Very Lonely Fireflyby Eric Carle7.PandaBear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?by Bill Martin Jr,illustrated by Eric Carle8.Today Is Mondayby Eric Carle9.Does A Kangaroo Have A Mother, Too?by Eric Carle10.The Snowy Dayby Ezra Jack Keats11.Pat The Bunnyby Dorothy Kunhardt12.Dr. Seuss' ABCby Dr. Seuss13.Green Eggs and HamBy Dr. Seuss14.Ten Apples Up On Top!By Dr. Seuss15.One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue FishBy Dr. Seuss 16.The Foot BookBy Dr. Seuss17.Great Day for Up!By Dr. Seuss18.Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?By Dr. Seuss19.Fox in SocksBy Dr. Seuss20.The Tooth BookBy Dr. Seuss21.The Eye BookBy Dr. Seuss22.Hop On Popby Dr. Seuss23.Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Everby Richard Scarry24.Richard Scarry's Cars & Trucks & Things That Goby Richard Scarry25.Sheep In A Jeepby Nancy Shaw,illustrated by Margot Apple 26.Max's Breakfastby Rosemary Wells27.Clifford, The Big Red Dogby Norman Bridwell28.The Runaway Bunnyby Margaret Wise Brown,illustrated by Clement Hurd29.Go, Dog, Go!by P.D. Eastman30.Time For Bedby Mem Fox,illustrated by Jane Dyer31.Guess How Much I Love You?by Sam McBratney32.Chicka Chicka Boom BoomBy Martin, Bill, Jr. and JohnArchambault; illustrated by Lois Ehlert33.Chicka Chicka Abcby John Archambault and Bill Martin, Jr.,illustrated by Lois Ehlert34.Click, Clack, Moo : Cows That TypeBy Cronin, Doreen35.CorduroyBy Don Freeman,36.Don’t Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus!By Mo Willems37.Harold And The Purple CrayonBy Crockett Johnson38.How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?By Jane Yolen39.Kitten’s First Full MoonBy Kevin Henkes40.No,David!By Shannon, DAVID41.The Runaway BunnyBy Margaret Wise Brown42.Llama Llama Red PajamaBy Anna Dewdney43.Bark GeorgeBy Jules Feiffer44.Go Away, Big Green Monster!By Ed Emberley45.If You Give A Mouse A CookieBy Laura J Numeroff.中级绘本适合父母读给有一点英语基础的孩子听。

一、《大熊小椅子》(Big Bear Little Chair)Written and illustrated by Lizi Boyd故事、绘图:利兹·博伊德(Lizi Boyd)This ingenious take on the “opposites” book shows the youngest children that big, little and tiny are all in how you look at things. Using just black, white and a velvety gray, with a bit of red, Boyd’s delightful cut paper compositions juxtapose the large and the small in u nexpected ways: a “big meadow” is big because it’s full of small flowers; a “big seal” towers over a “tiny castle” that’s made of sand.该书巧妙地通过“对立”,向低龄儿童展示了“大、小和微小”的区别在于看待事物的方式。
(绘本,适合3至5岁)二、《精致甜品:四个世纪,四个家庭,一种美味》(A Fine Dessert: Four Centuries, Four Families, One Delicious Treat) By Emily Jenkins. Illustrated by Sophie Blackall.故事:艾米莉·詹金斯(Emily Jenkins)。

【关键字】出版80本最棒的幼儿英语绘本书单幼儿英语培训,特别是对于3-6岁孩子来讲,通过大量的英语绘本阅读来提升英语水平和能力,实属最佳途径,瑞思学科英语通过十余年的少儿英语培训经验,特此为广大粑粑麻麻推荐以下80本最佳书单,为孩子收藏吧~>>>>3岁以下1、《好饿的毛毛虫》这是全世界最有名的毛毛虫〔美〕卡尔编绘,郑明进译/明天出版社2、《小熊宝宝绘本》系列画面有萌又干净,适合1岁左右全套(日)佐佐木洋子3、《爱心树》--从一颗大树读懂什么是爱(美)希尔弗斯坦编绘,傅惟慈译/南海出版社4、《我永远爱你》--最打动人的,往往是最简单的(英)刘易斯文,(英)艾夫斯图,金波5、《猜猜我有多爱你》--告诉孩子爱是可以测量的信谊世界精选图画书2-3-6岁-7岁儿童畅销绘本故事图书6、《斯凯瑞金色童书》系列--看到斯凯瑞三个字赶紧买(美)斯凯瑞著,李晓评译/贵州人民出版社7、《小熊和最好的爸爸》--爸爸在宝宝的心中地位飙升(荷)丹姆著,漆仰平,爱桐译/贵州人民出版社8、《我爸爸》--同系列的《我妈妈》也非常不错〔英〕安东尼·布朗著/河北教育出版社9、《我的爸爸叫焦尼》(平)(瑞典)波·R·汉伯格文;(瑞典)爱娃·艾瑞克松图;彭懿译/湖北美术出版社10、《我喜欢书》——启发系列绘本(英)布朗文图,佘治莹译/河北教育出版社11、《我的感觉系列》(全七册) 五星级畅销书!儿童情绪管理第一书!给孩子最健康的情绪引(美)斯贝蔓著,黄雪妍译/电子工业出版社12、《愿望树》——国际优秀绘本集结号,畅销七年销量逾百万册的品牌图画书!(奥地利)兰达文,(英)门德斯图,金波审译/外语教学与研究出版社13、《100层的房子》系列(2本套装=绘本+故事+百科+启蒙,日本畅销,韩国畅销,台湾畅销,已售50万册)(日)岩井俊雄著,刘洋译14、《月亮, 生日快乐》(美)艾许编绘,高明美译/明天出版社15、《动物绝对不应该穿衣服》(美)茱蒂·巴瑞特文,(美)罗恩·巴瑞特图,沙永玲译/上海人民美术出版社16、《抱抱》--如果孩子超过2岁就不要看了,(英)阿波罗编绘,上谊编辑部译/明天出版社17、《和甘伯伯去游河》〔英〕伯宁罕著,林良译/河北教育出版社18、《鳄鱼怕怕牙医怕怕》对付不爱刷牙小孩的绝招[日] 五味太郎著 /明天出版社19、《大卫,不可以》资深捣蛋鬼大卫无所不能[日] 五味太郎著/明天出版社20、《打瞌睡的房子》可以提升孩子的语言能力(美)伍德编绘,柯倩华译/明天出版社21、《雪人》没有想象力的大人要小心(英)布力格编绘/明天出版社22、全景式图画书《开车出发系列》(有趣的交通工具绘本,日本总销售量达105万册)(日)间濑直方文/图,彭懿,周龙梅译 /21世纪出版社23、《母鸡萝丝去散步》-适合1岁左右[美]佩特·哈群斯/明天出版社24、《摇头童子》系列- 0-3岁教生活技能也建立概念绣花鞋(韩国)著/延边人民出版社25、《秋秋找妈妈》真正的爱是愿意陪伴(美)庆子·凯莎兹著/绘出版社贵州人民出版社26、《噼里啪啦趣味转转书》系列(0-5岁最棒的婴幼儿情景式启蒙立体图画书!)佐佐木洋子著/二十一世纪出版社27、《各种各样系列立体书》教孩子叠伦敦双层巴士作者英国探戈公司28、《可爱的身体》(爱心树童书出品)(日)七尾纯,小林雅子文,(日)今井弓子等图,(日)猿渡静子译29、《梦幻有声图画书》(全15册3-6岁培养宽容和想像力) (英)利森等编著,(英)查普曼等绘,思铭译30、《小兔汤姆》系列(法)玛莉-阿丽娜·巴文图,(法)克斯多夫·勒·马斯尼文,梅莉译31、《贝贝熊》系列丛书(3-10岁20多本直接教家长怎么做)(美)斯坦·博丹(美)简·博丹绘著,张德启等32、《快乐比尔熊》双语认知启蒙书(全9册)欧洲幼儿启蒙第一书,英语启蒙和事物,文/(英)斯特拉布拉克斯通图/(英)黛比哈特译/乐凡/湖南少儿出版社33、《欢乐时光立体认知书》系列可以玩的书第一辑(共4册)(澳)戈登·沃尔克著,(澳)罗伯特·托恩绘34、《鸡蛋哥哥》--心灵成长绘本全十册,送给每个不愿长大的孩子和每个陪伴孩子成长,(日)秋山匡著,(日)猿渡静子小然译/新星出版社35、《斑马小奔的故事,存起来的吻》--孩子快上幼儿园可以讲(法)米歇尔•盖伊文/图/21世纪出版社>>>>3---6岁36、《奥莉薇》系列--启发系列绘本世界上最骄傲最古灵精怪的小猪(美)福尔克纳文图,郝广才译 /河北教育出版社37、《青蛙弗洛格的成长故事》全12册,给3-6岁性格形成关键期孩子的心灵成长绘,最好的情商教育绘本(荷)马克思维尔修斯 /湖南少年儿童出版社38、《不一样的卡梅拉》(法)约里波瓦著,(法)艾利施图,郑迪蔚译39、《我喜欢做的事》系列中国第一套儿童情绪管理引导宝宝学习乐观宽容(新西兰)特蕾西·莫洛尼40、《小房子》(凯迪克金奖杰作,让孩子领略生命与自然之美,潘石屹诚挚推荐)(美)维吉尼亚•李•伯顿著,阿甲译41、《花婆婆》——启发系列绘本比面朝大海春暖花开更美好的事(美)库尼文图,方素珍译42、《环游世界做苹果派》这该叫做舌尖上的时间吧(法)玛乔普赖斯曼著,李永怡译43、《牙齿大街的新鲜事》小心!牙刷警察来啦!德国精选科学图画书〔德〕鲁斯曼安娜著/2011-06-01 /北京科学技术出版社44、《肚子里有个火车站》消化系统就是个火车轨道〔德〕鲁斯曼安娜著/北京科学技术出版社45、《穿靴子的猫》世界儿童文学名著绘本(名家名画名译三位一体,艺术的熏陶)46、《不睡觉世界冠军》哄孩子睡觉也需要想象力2011年幾米最新绘本作品,全球同步出版幾米图(英)西恩·泰勒文著 /新星出版社47、《小北极熊》系列(全8册)——全球1000万家庭的宠儿!交给孩子面对困难和勇气(荷)比尔著/绘48、《外公》--用空沙发就能表现死亡(英)伯宁罕著绘;林良译河北教育出版社49、《长大做个好爷爷》——国际优秀绘本集结号(澳大利亚)奈杰尔·格雷文,(英)瓦奈萨·卡班图,金波审译/外语教学与研50、《乔比的生活故事》系列---超级接地气(法)顾旦绘;荣信文化编译/未来出版社51、《积木小屋》(第81届奥斯卡最佳动画短片绘本版,关于回忆和爱,关注自我人生)(日)加藤久仁生绘,(日)平田研也文,清泉译 /青岛出版社52、《彩色世界童话》全集(全60册,12位意大利顶级插画大师,60篇东西方典范童话)[丹]安徒生、[德]格林等著[意]乌纳、塞尔吉奥、米歇尔、费里等绘方素珍、崔旭编译53、《小威向前冲》(蒲公英童书馆出品)回答宝宝我是从哪来的(英)艾伦著;李小强译/贵州人民出版社54、《学会爱自己》系列,教孩子免受性侵犯!教孩子学会抵御心理伤害!孩子必备(美)克雷文著,(美)柏斯玛绘,刘敏译/青岛出版社55、《狼大叔的红焖鸡》--大灰狼不好意思吃母鸡了(美)庆子·凯莎兹著56、《我想吃一个小孩》(一本让15个国家的小朋友乖乖吃饭的幽默图画书)[法]西尔维娜·多尼奥/著,文小山译/北京科学技术出版社57、《糟糕,身上长条纹了!》--请勇敢的和别人不一样(美)香农著,黄筱茵译/河北教育出版社58、《阴天有时下肉丸》(典范电影《美食从天而降》原作,吃货宝宝一定会爱死这个故事)(美)朱迪·巴瑞特著(美)罗恩·巴瑞特/绘著,李耘译新星出版社59、《乌鸦面包店》--超级热闹有幸福感的书(日)加古里子著,(日)猿渡静子译//新星出版社60、《田鼠阿佛》--哪来是田鼠,明明是诗人嘛。
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1岁1.1、《晚安,月亮》Goodnight Moon 作者:玛格丽特·怀斯·布朗(MargaretWise Brown)2、《棕色的熊、棕色的熊,你在看什么?》Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 作者:小比尔·马丁(Bill Martin Jr.)3、《叽喀叽喀ABC》(ChickaChicka ABC)作者:小比尔·马丁(BillMartin Jr.)4、《哔哔巴士》The Wheels on the Bus 作者:保罗·欧·林斯基(Paul O. Zelinsky)5、《好饿的毛毛虫》The Very Hungry Caterpillar作者:艾瑞·卡尔(Eric Carle)2岁21、《勇敢的小火车头》The Little Engine That Could 作者:华提·派普尔(Watty Piper)2、《拍拍小兔子》Pat the Bunny 作者:桃乐茜·昆哈特(DorothyKunhardt)3、《小小红色车厢》The Little Red Caboose 作者:玛丽安·波特(Marian Potter)孩子们对《小小红色车厢》的喜爱超过了六十多年了。
他们4、《积木ABC:乐高积木字母书》BrickABC: An Alphabet Book Illustrated with LEGO Bricks 作者:布里克·帕尔斯(Brick Pals)5、《彼得兔的故事》The Tale of Peter Rabbit 作者:碧雅翠丝·波特(Beatrix Potter)3岁31、《野兽出没的地方》Where the Wild Things Are 作者:莫里斯·桑达克(MauriceSendak)2、《你是我妈妈吗?》Are You My Mother? 作者:菲利普·戴3、《戴帽子的猫》The Cat in the Hat 作者:苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)4、《小熊可可》Corduroy 作者:唐·弗里曼(Don Freeman)5、《让路给小鸭子》Make Way for Ducklings 作者:罗伯特·麦克洛斯基(Robert McCloskey)4岁41、《猜猜我有多爱你》Guess How Much I Love You作者:山姆·麦克布雷尼(Sam McBratney)2、《永远爱你》Love You Forever 作者:罗伯特·马修(RobertMunsch)3、《玛德琳》Madeline 作者:路德威·白蒙(Ludwig Bemelmans)4、《当我长大》When I Grow Up 作者:菲利普·辛普金斯(Philip Simpkins)5、《奥莉薇拯救马戏团》Olivia Saves the Circus 作者:伊恩·福克纳(IanFalconer)5岁51、《爱心树》The Giving Tree 作者:谢尔·希尔弗斯坦(ShelSilverstein)2、《我今天就不起床!》I am Not Going to Get Up Today!作者:苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)3、《化学:原子和元素》Chemistry:The Atom and Elements作者:四月•克洛伊•特拉萨斯(April ChloeTerrazas)4、《神奇树屋1:恐龙谷大冒险》MagicTree House, #1作者:玛丽•波•奥斯本(MaryPope Osborne)5、《最初的一千个英文单词》First Thousand Words in English作者:希瑟•艾默莉(Heather Amery)6岁61、《亚历山大和糟糕透顶的一天》Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good,Very Bad Day 作者:朱迪思•维奥斯特(Judith Viorst)2、《爱花的牛》The Story of Ferdinand作者:曼罗•里夫(Munro Leaf)3、《拇指姑娘》Thumbelina 作者:艾美·厄莉克(AmyEhrlich)4、《西尔威斯特和魔法石》Sylvester and the Magic Pebble 作者:威廉•史塔克(William Steig)5、《别让鸽子开巴士!》Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!作者:莫•威廉斯(Mo Willems)7岁71、《纳尼亚传奇:狮子,女巫和魔法柜》The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe(Chronicles of Narnia, #1)作者:C.S.刘易斯(C.S.Lewis)2、《皮皮历险记》The Adventures of Pippi Longstocking作者:阿斯特丽德•林格伦(Astrid Lindgren)3、《大篷车里的孩子们》The Boxcar Children 作者:钱德勒•华娜(GertrudeChandler Warner)4、《史尼奇及其他故事》The Sneetches and Other Stories 作者:苏斯博士(Dr. Seuss)5、《女巫》The Witches作者:罗尔德•达尔(RoaldDah 8岁81、《查理和巧克力工厂》Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (CharlieBucket, #1) 作者:罗尔德•达尔(Roald Dahl)2、《秘密花园》The Secret Garden 作者:弗朗西丝•霍奇森•伯内特(Frances Hodgson Burnett)3、《绿野仙踪》The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 作者:弗兰克•鲍姆(L.Frank Baum)4、《哈利波特与魔法石》Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 作者:J.K.罗琳(J.K.Rowling)5、《彼得•潘》Peter Pan作者:J. M.巴里(J.M. Barrie 9岁91、《夏洛的网》Charlotte's Web 作者:E.B.怀特(E.B. White)2、《魔法小村芬克莱顿》The Magic ofFinkleton(Finkleton, #1)作者:K.C.希尔顿(K.C.Hilton)3、《小屁孩日记之鬼屋创意》Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, #1) 作者:杰夫•金尼(Jeff Kinney)4、《玛蒂尔达》Matilda 作者:罗尔德•达尔(RoaldDahl)5、《世界保护组织系列之岩石上的新孩》New Kids on the Rock (Small World Global Protection Agency, #1)作者:马克•米勒(Mark Miller)6、《时间的皱纹》A Wrinkle in Time 作者:马德琳•英格(MadeleineL’Engle)10岁101、《不老泉》Tuck Everlasting作者:纳塔利•巴比特(NatalieBabbitt)2、《小妇人》Little Women 作者:路易莎•梅•奥尔柯特(Louisa May Alcott)3、《贝特西和塔西》Betsy-Tacy (Betsy-Tacy, #1)作者:莫德•克罗莱斯(Maud Hart Lovelace)4、《爱丽丝仙境历险记》Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking-Glass作者:路易斯•卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll)5、《格林家族与魔法镇》The Fairy-Tale Detectives (The Sisters Grimm,#1)作者:迈克尔•巴克利(Michael Buckley)11岁111、《别有洞天》Holes 作者:路易斯•萨奇尔(Louis Sachar)2、《赐予者》the Giver 作者:洛瑞斯•劳瑞(Lois Lowry)3、《维京海盗学徒之旅》The Viking's Apprentice (The Viking's Apprentice, #1) 作者:凯文•麦克劳德(Kevin McLeod)4、《双鼠记》The Tale of Despereaux 作者:凯特•迪卡米罗(Kate Di Camillo)5、《不朽之花》Amaranth 作者:约翰•凯利特(John Kellett)12岁121、《霍比特人》The Hobbit作者:J.R.R.托尔金(J. R. R. Tolkien)2、《安妮日记》The Diary of a Young Girl 作者:安妮•弗兰克(Anne Frank)3、《饥饿游戏1》The HungerGames (The Hunger Games, #1)作者:苏珊•柯林斯(SuzanneCollins)4、《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 作者:马克•吐温(Mark Twain)5、《纳尼亚传奇》The Chronicles of Narnia 作者:C.S.刘易斯(C.S.Lewis)6、《手斧男孩》Hatchet作者:盖瑞•伯森(GaryPaulsen13岁131、《简•爱》Jane Eyre 作者:夏洛蒂•勃朗特(CharlotteBront)2、《遗产三部曲之伊拉龙》Eragon (The Inheritance Cycle, #1)作者:克里斯托弗•鲍里尼(Christopher Paolini)3、《心灵鸡汤》Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul 作者:杰克•坎菲尔,马克•汉森(Jack Canfield,Mark VictorHarsen)4、《杀死一只知更鸟》To Kill a Mockingbird 作者:哈珀•李(Harper Lee)5、《造梦的雨果》The Invention of Hugo Cabret作者:布莱恩•塞兹尼克(Brian Selznick)14岁141、《了不起的盖茨比》The Great Gatsby 作者:弗朗西斯•斯科特•基•菲茨杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)2、《暮光之城•暮色》Twilight (Twilight, #1) 作者:斯蒂芬妮•摩根•梅尔(Stephenie Meyer)3、《偷书贼》The Book Thief 作者:马克斯•苏萨克(MarkusZusak)4、《弗兰肯斯坦》Frankenstein 作者:玛丽•雪莱(MaryWollstonecraft Shelley)14岁以上14岁以上1、《宠儿》Beloved作者:托尼•莫里森(ToniMorrison)2、《独自和解》A Separate Peace 作者:约翰•诺尔斯(JohnKnowles)3、《安娜•卡列尼娜》Anna Karenina 作者:列夫•托尔斯泰(LeoTolstoy)4、《我知道笼中鸟儿为何唱歌》I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings 作者:玛雅•安吉洛(Maya Angelou)5、《麦田里的守望者》The Catcher In The Rye 作者:杰罗姆•大卫•塞林格(J.D.Salinger)6、《蝇王》Lord of Flies 作者:威廉•戈尔丁(WilliamGolding)7、《十三个理由》Thirteen Reasons Why 作者:杰•艾雪(JayAsher)8、《深夜小狗的神秘习题》The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time 作者:马克•海登(Mark\\ Haddon)。