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Jour nal of C apitalM ed icalU niversity

F eb.2007

V o.l28N o.1





=摘要> 目的研究桥脑梗死患者责任病灶及病变血管的解剖模式与预后的相关性。方法收集首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院神经内科2003年全年收治入院的111例桥脑梗死患者的病历。全部患者入院时进行N I HSS(美国国立卫生院神经功能缺损评分)、M R S(改良的R ank i n残障量表)评估,病后30d、3个月进行M R S评估,分析3个月预后情况,系统评价责任病灶及病变血管的解剖模式,并与3个月预后不良进行相关性分析。结果桥脑与近、远段同时受累(OR=6.02,P<0.05),颅内病变区域个数>1个(OR=6.60,P<0.01),基底动脉急性闭塞(OR=6.10,P<0.001)的患者预后不良。结论不同责任病变部位及病变血管的桥脑梗死患者的预后不同。

=关键词> 椎基底动脉系统;脑梗死;预后

=中图分类号> R743.3

The Study of the Correlation bet ween Topographic Patterns and

Prognosis i n Patients w ith Pons Infarction

Ju Y,i W ang Yong j u n,Zhao X ingquan,Li Ji n g ji n g

(D epart m ent of N euro logy,Beijing T ian t anH osp it a l,Cap it al M e d ical Uni versity)

=AB STRACT>O bjective T o i nvesti ga te t he corre lati on bet w een topographic patterns of different l ocation and vascular lesions and prognosis i n pati ents w it h pons infarcti on.M ethod s111patients w it h pons i nfarction who w ere ad m itted in2003w ere enro lled i n t h is study.A ll t he pati ents w ere evalua ted usi ng N I HSS,M RS on adm iss i on,and w ere evalua ted M R S ag ain on day30and day90a fter t he onset o f t he ill ness.T he l ocation and responsible vesse l of lesi ons w ere eva l uated sy stem ati ca lly and the mu lti var i a te log isti c reg ressi on analysis o f the prognosis a t the ti m e of6m onths and the correlati v e facto rs w ere ana l ysed.Resu lts P ati ents w ith pons,prox i m a,l and d i sta l terr it o ry invo l vem ent(OR=6.02,P<0.05),mu lti ple i ntracran i a l te rr itory i nvo lve m ent(OR=6.60,P<0.01),i n basilar artery acute occ l usi on(OR=6.10,P<0.001),were m ore li kely to have the poorest outco m e.Conc l usion Its f ound t hat pons i nfarcti on consists of a va riety of d ifferen t stroke topog raph i c patte rns and vascular l esions,w ith var i ous prognos i s.

=KEY W ORDS>vertebrobasil a r syste m;cerebra l i nfarcti on;prognosis











1)临床资料:对患者的年龄、性别、吸烟、饮酒、既往卒中史、原发性高血压、糖尿病、高同型半胱氨酸血症、冠心病、周围血管疾病、偏头痛等方面进行评价,并将这些设定为基本危险因素。所有入选的患者均行头部CT或磁共振(MR I)检查证实有桥脑梗死,并进行血液、心脏、椎动脉及锁骨下动脉血管超声、颅内
