2024考研英语长难句解析含译文语法分析 形式主语

2024考研英语长难句解析含译文语法分析形式主语Perhaps we know more about the world than we used to, and insofar as knowledge is prerequisite to understanding, that's all to the good. But knowledge is not as much a prerequisite to understanding as is commonly supposed.【翻译】也许比起过去,我们现在对世界知道得更多了,并且只要知道是理解的前提,那就没啥问题。
其次,在小的层面上,第一个分句是一个主从复合句,Perhaps we know more about the world 是主句,than we used to是一个比较状语从句。
在这里used to表示“过去曾经”,后面省略了know.所以,这是一个并列复合句。
第二个分句也是主从复合句,that's all to the good是主句,意思是“那就是好的,没问题的”。
主句前面的句子是条件状语从句,insofar as就是in so far as, insofar 是一个介词短语,加上as后,意思是to the extent that,“到......的程度”,“在......的范围内”,我们可以把insofar as看成是一个连词,引导一个条件状语从句。
as is commonly supposed是一个比较状语从句,用as ... as表示比较,前面是主句。

•The most obvious example[主]is[系]late-stage cancer care[表].
•Physicians[宾]插入语:frustrated by their inability to cure the disease and
fearing loss of hope in the patienttoo often offer[谓]aggressive treatment far beyond[宾]
•宾语从句:what住]is scientifically justified[谓]单词:
Cancer n.癌症Scientifically ad.科学地
Late-stage a.晚期的解析:
直译:最明显的例子就是晚期癌症的治疗。医生——由于对治疗疾病无 能为力而沮丧,以及害怕病人失去希望——经常提供大胆的,和远远超 过科学合理的治疗方法译文:最明显的例子便是晚期癌症的护理。医生——由于不能治愈这种 疾病而感到沮丧,同时又担心病人失去希望——经常采用大胆的医疗方 法,这些方法远不符合科学标准
•that引导定语从句,修饰everythingEven if引导让步状语从句
2.The most obvious example is late-stage cancer care . Physicians-frustrated by their inability to cure the disease and fearing loss of hope in the patienttoo often offer aggressive treatment far beyond what is scientifically justified .

考研英语长难句分析详解含翻译1、Nothing worth having comes easy.It will test if you really deserve what you want.You have to show them that you are more than worthy for it.If something comes easy, then maybe it’s not for you.Easy come, easy go.有价值的事物不会轻易得到,它会考验你是否值得拥有它。
2、The quieter you become, the more you can hear.You have to settle down and listen to the voices around you.Make use of them to improve and learn.And most importantly, don't forget to listen to your heart.你的心越安静,越能听到更多,安住身心,倾听身边所有的声音,通过倾听学习和提升自己,最重要的,记得谛听自己的心声。
3、Life is not a race, it is a battle.We have different battle to take on in our lives.Struggles and problems to solve.We just have to figure out that it is the foundation of our strength.That we will be ourselves after winning the battle.生活不是一次比赛,而是一场战役。

考研英语真题典型长难句解析结构分析附译文He asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics.词汇突破:assert [əˈsɜːt]vt. 维护,坚持;断言;主张;声称purely [ˈpjʊəli]adv. 纯粹地;仅仅,只不过;完全地;贞淑地;清洁地pure [pjʊə(r)]adj. 纯净的;纯粹的;纯的;干净的;完全的;纯真的;清晰的abstract [ˈæbstrækt , æbˈstrækt]adj. 纯理论的;抽象的;抽象派的n. 摘要;抽象;抽象的概念;抽象派艺术作品v. 摘要;提取;抽象化;退出;转移;使心不在焉结构分析:句子的主干结构是:He asserted that 引导的宾语从句。
that 引导的宾语从句的结构是:his power (主语) + was (系动词) + limited (表语),其中不定式to follow ... of thought 做定语修饰从句主语power。
for which reason 引导的非限制性定语从句修饰前面整个句子。
其中,又包含一个由that 引导的宾语从句。
He believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations.词汇突破:compensate [ˈkɒmpenseɪt]vi. 补偿,赔偿;抵消vt. 补偿,赔偿;付报酬intently [ɪnˈtentli]adv. 专心地;一心一意地;心无旁骛地intent [ɪnˈtent]adj. 专心的;坚决的n. 目的,意图结构分析:句子的主干结构是:He (主语) + believes (谓语)。

1.This success, coupled with later research showing that memory itself is not genetically determined, led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise thanan intuitive one.词汇突破:cognitive 认知的〔后天习得的〕Intuitive 先天的与以上这组单词概念一样的表达还有:Nature先天;nurture后天;born ;先天的;made 后天的;innate天生的;Acquired后天习得;Determine 决定Coupled with 相当于and,想类似的表达还有along with ; combined with等。
主干识别:句子的主语是This success与later research ;谓语是led; 宾语是Ericsson; 不定式短语to conclude 做状语;主干构造是:this success and later research led Ericsson to conclude that …其他成分:在research后面接一个现在分词短语做后置定语,在这个现在分词短语中that引导的从句做showing 的宾语;在不定式短语中that引导的从句做conclude的宾语;more…than构造翻译为与其说,不如说。
微观解析:由于主语中的第二个并列成分比拟长,且是用两个逗号隔开的,在阅读的时候可以跳读;把This success与动词led先连起来然后再来解析其他成分。
2.It is not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.词汇突破:visualize 想象Figure out 发现与找出Suits 使…适合主干识别:句子主语是由how引导的一个主语从句,it是句子的形式主语;句子主干为: How …is not obvious.在主语从句中主语是capacity,谓语是suits 宾语是one ;其他成分:状语为to answer…主语后加上两个动词不定式做后置定语;动词不定式中的宾语questions后面接一个that引导的定语从句。

1. This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.结构分析:句子的主干是This will be particularly true…。
此从句中又套嵌一个由关系代词that引导的定语从句,修饰the high-energy American fashion。
在定语从句中,that做主语,makes做谓语,it做形式宾语,不定式短语to combine few farmers with high yields则是真正的宾语(不定式短语内部to combine是主干,few farmers是宾语,with high yields是状语),possible做宾语补足语。
energy pinch 译为“能源的匮乏”;in…fashion译为“用…方法、方式”。
2. Now since the assessment of intelligence is a comparative matter,we must be sure that the scale with which we are comparing our subjects provides a“valid”or“fair”comparison.结构分析:句子的主干是we must be sure…。

考研英语长难句分析详解含翻译1、Don't blame people for disappointing you. Blame yourself for expecting too much.不要埋怨别人让你失望,怪你自己期望太多。
2、No matter how much you think you hated school, you’ll always miss it when you leave.无论你觉得你曾有多讨厌上学,离开后你还是会一直怀念在那里的时光。
3、When I'm with you, hours feel like seconds.When we're apart, days feel like years.和你在一起的时候,时间飞逝。
4、Learning English is just like swimming.In order to be a swimmer,you’ve got to conquer your fear, you’ve got to survive and suck in water, yell for help, you’ve got to lose face many times before you can make it.学英语就像游泳一样,为了成为一名游泳运动员。
5、The two most important days in your life are:the day you were born, and the day when you find out why.两个生命中最重要的日子:你出生的那一天,你懂得你生存的意义的那一天。
6、If you left me without a reason,don’t come back to me with an excuse!如果你没有任何原因地离开了我,请别企图带着一个借口回来找我。
2024考研英语长难句解析含译文语法分析nothing but

2024考研英语长难句解析含译文语法分析nothing butThus we can roughly define what we mean by the art of reading as follows: the process whereby a mind with nothing to operate on but the symbols of the readable matter, and with no help from outside, elevates itself by the power of its own operations. The mind passes from understanding less to understanding more. The skilled operations that cause this to happen are the various acts that constitute the art of reading.【翻译】因此我们可以把阅读的艺术大致定义如下: 阅读的艺术是一个过程,通过这个过程,人的大脑只依靠自己对可以阅读的材料上的文字符号进行操作,也不需要来自外部的帮助,通过自己的操作能力就能够提升自己。
主句是We can roughly define,从句是what we mean by the art of reading,作define的宾语。
as follows作状语。
冒号后面的the process是同位语,作follows的同位语,具体解释follows的内容。
在the process的后面跟的是一个定语从句,修饰process. 定语从句的主干是whereby a mind elevates itself(大脑通过这个过程提升了自己)。

考研英语历年真题阅读长难句句精析————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:ﻩ考研英语历年真题阅读长难句100句精析1.While warningsare often appropriate and necessary —the dan gers of drug interactions,for example—and many are requiredby state or federal regulations,it isn't clear that they actuallyprotectthe manufacturersand sellers fromliabilityif a customer isinjured.【译文】尽管警告常常是适当而且必须的——比如对于药物相互作用的危险提出警告——许多警告还是按州或联邦政府规定要求给出的,然而(我们)并不清楚,如果顾客受到伤害时,这些警告是不是确实可以使得生产者和销售者豁免责任。
【分析】在这个主从复合句中,it isn'tclear that theyactuallyprotect the manufacturersand sellers from liability if a customer is injured是主句。
主句用了一个形式主语it,真正的主语是that引导的从句,而that从句之后是一个if 引导的条件从句。
注意:manyarerequiredby state orfederal regulations中的many是指many warnings。
2.Additional social stresses may also occur becauseofthe population explosion orproblems arisingfrom massmigration movement s—themselves made relativelyeasy nowadays bymodern means of tr ansport.【译文】由于人口猛增或大量人口流动(现代交通工具使大量人口流动变得相对容易) 所引起的各种问题也会对社会造成新的压力。

将复习目标分解为具体的每日、每周任务,合理安排时间,确保计划的可 行性。
针对自己薄弱的长难句类型,进行有针对性 的练习,提高解题技巧。
从权威出版社、历年真题等渠道获取高质量 的模拟题,确保练习的有效性。
在练习过程中,及时总结错误和不足,调整 复习策略和方法。
将练习中出现的错题和难以理 解的长难句记录下来,便于后 续复习。
对错题和难点进行深入分析, 找出根本原因,并总结长难句 的规律和特点。
根据总结的经验教训,调整复 习计划和方法,不断优化长难 句分析的技巧和能力。
确定句子中的补足语成分,如不定式、分词等,完善 句子的意义。
并列结构识别与处 理
分析句子中的并列连词,如 “和”、“或”等,确定并列关 系的成分。
从句类型识别与处 理
识别句子中的从句类型,如定语 从句、状语从句等,并对其进行 相应的处理。
明确主句与从句之间的逻辑关系, 如因果、转折等,以便更好地理 解句子意义。
通过具体的翻译实践,让考生掌握长难句的翻 译方法和技巧,提高翻译能力和水平。
设定清晰、可量化的复习目标,如每天分析一定数量的长难句,提高阅读 速度和理解能力等。
2024考研英语长难句解析含译文语法分析as well as

2024考研英语长难句解析含译文语法分析as well asIt's true, of course, that you should be able to remember what the author said as well as know what he meant. Being informed is prerequisite to being enlightened. The point, however, is not to stop at being informed.【翻译】当然下面的话肯定是对的,那就是你除了应该知道作者的意思,还要能记住他的话。
It's true是主句。
that从句中be able 后面跟了两个不定式短语,一个是to remember,一个是to know.remember后面跟了一个宾语从句what the author said,而know 后面也跟了自己的宾语从句what he meant.这两个不定式之间用连词as well as连接起来。
前面讲过as well as的意思。
as well as意思是“除了......,......也”后面的意思是基础的意思,而as well as之前的那一层意思则是更深层次的,是作者想强调的意思。
But whether it is a fact about the book or about the world that you have learned, you have gained nothing but information if you have exercised only your memory. You have not been enlightened. Enlightenment is achieved only when in addition to knowing what an author says, you know what he means, and why he says it.【翻译】但无论你所学到的是关于一本书的事实,还是关于世界的事实,如果你只动用了记忆力,那么你除了获得信息,其他什么都没有得到。

考研英语阅读理解长难句真题分析详解含译文1. Everybody loves a fat pay rise . Yet pleasure at you own can vanish if you learn that a colleague have been given a bigger one . Indeed , if he has a reputation for slacking , you might even be outraged .结构:•Everybody [主] loves [谓] a fat pay rise [宾] .•Yet pleasure at you own [主] can vanish [谓]•条件状语从句:if you [主] learn [谓]•宾语从句:that a colleague [主] have been given [谓(被)] a bigger one [宾] .•Indeed ,•条件状语从句:if he [主] has [谓] a reputation for slacking [宾] ,•主句:you [主] might even be [系] outraged [表]单词:rise vi.上升升起起身增加上涨Vanish vi.消失消亡Reputation n.名誉名声Slack a.松散的vi.懒散偷懒Outrage vt.使震怒n.震怒解析:•if引导条件状语从句•第一个条件状语从句中包含了一个宾语从句•that引导宾语从句,做learn的宾语直译:每个人都喜欢涨丰厚的工资。
尤其是,这个同事有一个懒散的名声,那么你可能会更加愤怒译文:人人都喜欢丰厚的加薪,然而,如果你了解到某个同事的薪水增加得更多的话,那么加薪给你带来的喜悦感就消失了,事实上,如果这位同事还有懒散的名声的话,你甚至可能会怒不可遏重点:•if引导条件状语从句,可翻译为如果...那么•第一个条件状语从句中包含了一个宾语从句•that引导宾语从句,做learn的宾语2. Such behaviour is regarded as “ all too human ”, with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance .结构:•Such behaviour [主] is regarded as [谓(被)] “ all too human ”[宾],•with the underlying assumption [状]•同位语从句:that other animals [主] would not be capable of [谓] this finely developed sense of grievance [宾]单词:Underlying a.潜在的在下面的assumption n.假设Finely ad.非常地细微地美好地grievance n.委屈不满词组:Regard as 看成看作Be capable of 能够解析:•that引导同位语从句,补充说明assumption直译:这些行为被认为是“全都是人类的”,原因是有这样一个潜在的假设,其他的动物没有这种非常发达的不满情绪译文:这种的行为被看成是“人之常情”,其中隐含的假设是:其他动物不可能有这种高度发达的不满意识重点:•Regard as 看成看作•Be capable of 能够•that引导同位语从句,补充说明assumption3. But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta , Georgia , which has just been published in Nature , suggests that it is all too monkey , as well .结构:•But a study [主] by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta•插入语:, Georgia ,•定语从句:which [主] has just been published [表] in Nature , suggests [谓]•宾语从句:that it [主] is [系] all too monkey , as well [表]As well 也同样解析:•两个逗号之间是插入语•which引导定语从句,修饰study,并截断了主语和谓语•that引导宾语从句,做suggests的宾语直译:但是,G亚特兰大E大学的SB和FW刚刚在《自然》杂志上出版的研究认为,这种不满的意识同样属于猴子译文:但是,由乔治亚州亚特兰大市埃默里大学的莎拉布罗斯南和弗兰斯德瓦尔进行的一项研究显示:这种行为也极具猴性,这项研究刚刚发布在《自然》杂志上重点:•两个逗号之间是插入语•which引导定语从句,修饰study,并截断了主语和谓语•that引导宾语从句,做suggests的宾语4. The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys . They look cute . They are good-natured , co-operative creatures , and they share their food readily .•The researchers [主] studied [谓] the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys [宾] .•They look cute .•They are good-natured , co-operative creatures ,•and they share their food readily单词:Brown a.棕色的Capuchin n.卷尾猴僧帽猴readily ad.容易地乐意地无困难地直译:研究人员研究的是雌性棕色卷尾猴的行为。

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1.Tight-lipped elders used to say, “It‟s not what you want in this world, but what you get.”结构分析:本句的主干是elders used to say…。
直接引语中是主系表结构, 注意not…but 结构。
”2.You can make a mental blueprint of a desire as you would make a blueprint of a house, and each of us is continually making these blueprints in the general routine of everyday living.结构分析:这句话是and连接的两个并列句。
在第一个分句中,as是连词,引导比较状语从句,把a mental blueprint of a desire和a blueprint of a house相比较。
第二个分句中的主干结构是:each of us is…making blueprints…。
3.While talking to you, your could-be employer is deciding whether your education, your experience, and other qualifications will pay him to employ you and your “wares” and abilities must be displayed in an orderly and reasonably connected manner.结构分析:and 连接两个并列句。

长难句分析1.Totally without light and subjected to intense pressures hundreds of times greater than at the Earth’s surface,the deep—ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans,in some ways as forbidding and remote as the void of outer space.(定语后置in some w ays…)由于完全没有光,而且承受着比在地球表面大数百倍的极大压力,深海底部对人类而言是一个充满敌意的环境,在某些方面就像外层空间一样险恶和遥远。
分句1:Totally without light and subjected to intense pressures分句2:hundreds of times greater than at the Earth’s surface分句3:the deep—ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans分句4:in some ways as forbidding and remote as the void of outer space分句2修饰分句1结尾的短语intense pressures,分句1是分句3的原因状语分句3是整个长句子的主句分句4是分句3的后置定语,修饰分句3的a hostile environment to humans整个句子结构是:原因状语+主句+后置定语这是主句前后分别有状语和定语的修饰成分,但是本句其实不是复合句。
2.Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War is the country's impressive population growth.(倒装结构Basic to any understanding…is…)要理解二战之后20年中的加拿大,就必须了解该国惊人的人口增长。
2024考研英语长难句解析含译文语法分析just as引导方式状从

2024考研英语长难句解析含译文语法分析just as引导方式状从In fact, any book that can be read for understanding or information can probably be read for entertainment as well, just as a book that is capable of increasing our understanding can also be read purely for the information it contains. (This proposition cannot be reversed: it is not true that every book that can be read for entertainment can also be read for understanding.)【翻译】实际上任何一本为了理解或者是为了信息而阅读的书也都可以为了娱乐而阅读。
它的主干是any book can be read for entertainment.that can be read for understanding or information是定语从句,修饰先行词book.as well的意思是“也”,表示追加,作状语。
just as 引导的句子是方式状语从句,just as是连词,意思是“正如......”方式状语从句表示的是主句里的谓语动词表示的动作发出时的状态或方式。
再如: He treated her as if she were his sister(他对待她的样子,似乎她是他的妹妹。

1. 并列句并列句是由两个或多个具有相同地位的分句并列连接而成的句子。
考例:John couldn't find his passport, so he missed his flight.解析:该句是一个简单的因果并列句,由两个独立的句子构成。
第一个分句是John couldn't find his passport,第二个分句是so he missed his flight。
所以,正确答案为John misses his flight because he can't find his passport.2. 定语从句定语从句是用来修饰名词或代词的从句。
考例:The book which I borrowed from the library is very interesting.解析:该句是一个限制性定语从句,修饰名词the book。
定语从句中的which引导的从句修饰先行词the book,在从句中充当主语。
所以,正确答案为I borrowed the book from the library.3. 状语从句状语从句是用来修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子的从句。

考研英语长难句分析详解含翻译1、Courage is the discovery that you may not win, and trying when you know you can lose.勇气,就是明知自己可能会输,却还是一往无前。
2、We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。
3、An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting. A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.一段不被接受的爱情,需要的不是伤心,而是时间,一段可以用来遗忘的时间。
4、Life is often playing jokes on us. What you’re expect will far away from you and the one you held tightly will finally hurt you most.生活时常和我们开着玩笑,你期待什么,什么就会离你越远;你执着谁,就会被谁伤害得最深。
5、Some questions are better left unanswered.有些问题的答案,还是不听为好。
6、I thought I don't deserve you but actually..you don't deserve me.曾以为我配不上你…事实上,是你不值得拥有我。

考研英语历年真题阅读长难句100句精析1. While warnings are often appropriate and necessary — the dangers of drug interactions,for example—and many are required by state or federal regulations,itisn't clear that they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers from liabilityif a customer is injured.【译文】尽管警告常常是适当而且必须的——比如对于药物相互作用的危险提出警告——许多警告还是按州或联邦政府规定要求给出的,然而(我们) 并不清楚,如果顾客受到伤害时,这些警告是不是确实可以使得生产者和销售者豁免责任。
【分析】在这个主从复合句中,it isn't clear that they actually protect themanufacturers and sellers from liability if a customer is injured是主句。
破折号之间的部分是举例说明warnings 的内容。
注意:many are required by state or federal regulations中的many是指many warnings。
2. Additional social stresses may a lso occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements—themselves made r elatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport .【译文】由于人口猛增或大量人口流动(现代交通工具使大量人口流动变得相对容易) 所引起的各种问题也会对社会造成新的压力。
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The increase in population of cities has less to do with population explosion of China than it does with rapid economic development in urban areas and with backwardness in most of rural areas. The phenomenon that an increasing number of grown adults refuse to take the responsibility of caring for their aging parents has less to with the fierce social competition which indeed drives grown adults to focus time and energy on their jobs than it does with moral decline in society, by which I mean most of citizens are obsessed with fame, fortune and social status while totally turning a blind eye to the fine tradition of China—loving and respecting the old.
写作模仿: Steve Jobs could not have created such amazing digital products as Iphone, Ipad had he not been confident and optimistic, especially when he was diagnosed with cancer. 2) 句子结构: For example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell <how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances.> <虚拟条件复合句做tell 的宾语> ,该句子可还原成: …. do not tell < if he had grown up under more favorable circumstance, how able an underprivileged youngster might have been> 翻译: 比如,这类测试没有综合考虑社会严重的不平等问题,因此它们也不能测出一个贫困 家庭的孩子,要是在更有利的环境中成长,会有多大才能。
The increase in the numbers of married women employed outside the home in the twentieth century had less to do with the mechanization of housework and an increase in leisure time for these women than it did with their own economic necessity and with high marriage rates that shrank the available pool of single women workers, previously, in many cases, the only women employers would hire. 术: 高频? Necessity, shrank, pool 术: 读不懂也没关系,可以通过这个那个方法解题,真的吗? 问:之前女性的就业形势是如何的? 术: 写作原因的常见表达: A can be ascribed to B On the one hand, … . On the other hand, …
一个简单句中有且只能有一个主谓结构 :一句话说一件事。一件事=谁 + 做了什么 一个简单句中有多个谓语动作的处理方法: 动作之间增加关联词(and, but,so 等,并列句) 保留一个谓语动作,把其他动作放到从句中 保留一个谓语动作,把其他动作变成非谓语动词 He smiles, walks into the classroom. He smiles and walks into the classroom. He who smiles walks into the classroom. He, smiling , walks into the classroom. 并列复合句: He likes this book but his sister doesn’t. He likes this book. However, his sister doesn’t. I got up late, so I missed the bus. I got up late. Therefore, I missed the bus. 从句:什么是从句? 1) 有哪些句子成分? I like the red T shirt because it is more beautiful. 注意点:表语是用来修饰主语或表明主语的状态或身份的 2) 3) 实词有几种词性? 从句的分类: 名词性从句(主,宾,表 同位) 形容词性从句(定) 副词性从句 (状) 4) 从句的基本原则 1)一定要有引导词,引导词一定放在句首 2)从句(结合引导词后)本身也是完整的句子,有从句的主谓(系)宾(表)成分 What he told me is wrong. 3)从句是陈述句,即语序是 先“主”后“谓” 。而不是疑问句的语序。 Tell me what I can do now.
非谓语动词 1) 2) 为什么要有非谓语动词? 非谓语动词的构成原理
3) 非谓语动词的用途 不定式:主语、宾语、表语 主语:To learn English well is important. It is important to learn English well. I want a book. I want to swim. 动名词:名词 I like this book. I like swimming. (和不定式有什么区别?) 分词:定语、状语 spoken English / speaking machine developing country, developed country He, smiling, walks into the classroom. A flower, protected by a greenhouse, grows vigorously. 不能作谓语
所以,有人带你这样做,那是“道”的追求: 上文阅读: Properly used, they provide a rapid means of getting comparable information about many people. Sometimes they identify students whose high potential has not been previously recognized, but there are many things they do not do. 每日一句: For example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances. 任务: 1) 分析: how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he grown up under more favorable circumstances. 这句话的语法结构 2)全句翻译 单词分析: 1)compensate, 赔偿、补偿、弥补、抵消,名词:compensation 搭配:compensate sb. for sth. , compensate for sth. 词根:pend, pens= to weigh、to hang 如:indispensable=不分开悬挂的in(=not)+dis(=apart) +pens ( = hang, weigh) —不可 缺少的;pending, 悬而未决的 2) gross, 全部的、总计的——GDP, gross domestic product; 另外还可以表示:令 人不快的、严重的 3) underprivileged, 弱势的、 贫困的, underprivileged loser, 纽约时报对“屌丝”的翻译。 privilege, 特权,动词:给...特权,例(写作模仿):our government cannot privilege a tiny number of people to the disadvantage of the rest.( 我们政府不能优待少数人而 牺牲大多数人的利益) 4) under .. circumstances, 处于...的情形下 写作模仿:Under no circumstances can our government privilege a tiny number of people to the disadvantage of the rest. 语法分析: 1)虚拟语气省略式倒装 If he had worked harder, he could have passed the exam. 省略if, had(were, should 都可以)提前: Had he worked harder, he could have passed the exam. 并且还可以把条件句放在主句之后: He could have passed the exam had he worked harder.