关于博物馆英语翻译论⽂ 博物馆,是⼈类历史⽂化的宝库,承担着传承⽂化、记忆历史的重任,博物馆英语翻译具有⼀定的难度。
下⽂是店铺为⼤家整理的博物馆英语翻译论⽂的范⽂,欢迎⼤家阅读参考! 博物馆英语翻译论⽂篇1 浅谈五⾢华侨博物馆标语翻译 摘要:江门五⾢华侨博物馆馆内所有陈列、摆设均设有相关标语,为访客作⽂字讲解。
关键词:动态对等翻译;⽂化差异;⼈名翻译;⾝份翻译;长句处理 1 . 引⾔ 江门市博物馆⼜名五⾢华侨华⼈博物馆,坐落于中国第⼀侨乡——江门,是⼀所国有地级综合性博物馆,主要展⽰与五⾢华侨华⼈相关的⽂物与资料。
2 . 概述翻译标准和原则 翻译标准和原则是翻译理论研究中极为重要的内容,与翻译理论研究、翻译实践和翻译事业的进步发展有着密切联系。
2 . 1“信、达、雅” “信、达、雅”⼀说,是中国近代著名翻译家、翻译理论家严复在其《天演论·译例⾔》中提出的。
论文摘要的英文翻译With the rapid development of china's economic and improvement of people's material living standards,ethics problem is getting attention.Construction of Accountants ' professionalethics is an important part of economic management and accounting, it isfundamental to guarantee the quality of accounting information.As importantparticipants in economic and accounting information provided by accountants,their level of professional ethics, not only affects the quality of theaccounting information, but also the implementation of China's financial lawsystem, economic order maintenance and the development of our economy,therefore, strengthen the construction of Accountants ' professional ethics, itis imperative to improve the quality of accounting information.Based on theanalysis of false accounting information and accounting professional ethics inour country on the basis of the reasons for the decline, proposes to strengthenaccounting professional ethics construction, measures to improve thequality ofaccounting informatioModern and contemporary literature is an important part of the development history of Chinese literature. What it pursuesis to express objective facts in real language. It is thisauthenticity of modern and contemporary literature that makes it have an impact that can not be ignored on the structure of works in the whole literary circle.Feminist translation theory, as a major school oftranslation theory, pays attention to gender differences in translation and changes the traditional male dominated gender subject consciousness in literary translation. Feminist translation theory takes women as the metaphor of translation, advocates re examining social culture from a female perspective in translation, and pays attention to highlighting female subject identity and female consciousness in translation works.Moreover, feminist translation theory also gives us a lot of enlightenment. For example, in the process of translation, we should grasp the real value of women, link the text with the corresponding social, historical and cultural and related texts, and pay attention to the internal relationship between the translator and the author, works and readers in literary translation, so as to make their works more image Accurate and vivid, more highly reflect its literary level and value.。
未经允许,请勿外传!浙江大学本科毕业论文外文文献翻译The influence of political connections on the firm value of small and medium-sized enterprises in China政治关联在中国对中小型企业价值的影响1摘要中小型企业的价值受很多因素的影响,比如股东、现金流以及政治关联等.这篇文章调查的正是在中国政治关联对中小型企业价值的影响。
从90年代起, 政治因素对中国的任何规模的企业来说都变得越来越重要,尤其是中小型企业的价值。
【关键词】英语翻译探析英译汉技巧1. 前言随着中国在经济、文化、科技等领域同国外交往的增多,特别是WTO实质化阶段的到来以及北京2008年奥运会的举办和上海2010年世界博览会的筹办,中国翻译产业正迎来一个黄金发展期。
2. 英译汉技巧(1)主语分句汉译技巧。
A man spending twelve days on the moon would find ,on returning to the earth ,that a year had passed by already.一个人如果在月亮上度过了十二天,回到地球以后就会发现一年已经过去了。
It goes without saying that oxygen is the most active element in the atmosphere.不言而喻,氧气是大气中最活泼的元素。
(3)定语分句汉译技巧He managed to raise a crop of 200 miracle tomatoes that wEighed up to two pounds each.他居然种出了二百个奇迹般的西红柿,每个重达两磅。
下文是店铺为大家整理的关于发表英文翻译论文的范文,欢迎大家阅读参考!发表英文翻译论文篇1公示语的英文翻译摘要:公示语是一种较为独特的应用文体, 旨在于公共场所向公众公示须知的内容。
然而, 目前国内公示语的英译问题十分严重。
通过奈达的"功能对等"理论, 以中西文化差异在公示语中的体现为视角, 强调公示语的特点决定了其英译应重视功能上的对等而不是字词句上简单生硬的静态对等, 遵循正确的翻译原则,以实现公示语的预期功能。
关键词:公示语功能对等文化差异翻译原则1、引言公示语指的是在公共场所向公众公示须知内容的语言, 包括标识、指示牌、路牌、标语、公告、警示等等[1]。
罗选民、黎土旺对公示语进行界定, “公示语是指在公共场合所展示的文字, 具有特殊的交际功能, 以及提供信息和完成指令的作用”[2]。
随着中国与世界的接轨, 越来越多的国家希望了解中国, 很多外国朋友来到中国。
在这种跨文化交际的过程中, 汉语公示语的英译也日显重要。
然而, 目前国内公示语的英译问题十分严重, 误用、滥用现象到处存在,其中最大的问题是译者在翻译过程中忽视中西方文化的差异, 盲目追求字词句上简单生硬的静态对等, 以至于译文文本生硬, 达不到源语文本的预期功能和效果。
公示语英译的预期对象是在华外国友人和外国游客, 为的是达到向其警示、告知、宣传的预期功能。
其英译不是一种点缀, 而是一种有目的的行为, 即如何使译文达到与原文本同等的预期功能[3]。
本文通过奈达的“功能对等”理论, 以中西文化差异在公示语中的体现为视角, 强调公示语的功能特点决定了其英译应重视功能上的对等而不是字词句上简单生硬的静态对等, 应遵循正确的翻译原则,以实现其预期功能。
2、“功能对等”翻译理论与公示语翻译公示语作为一个信息时代和经济全球化时代的标志之一, 公开面对公众, 给予公众行为需求的文字信息传递。
关键词:女性;家庭;压迫;米切尔“妇女的领地”AbstractThe Joy Luck Club is written by famous Chinese American writer Amy Tan in the end of 1980s.It is about the experience of four mothers immigrating from China and their four American born daughters living in the United States.This paper mainly discusses the application of Mitchell’s Women’s Estate in The Joy Luck Club.Based on the position of women in society and family, writer thoroughly analyzes the oppressions on women.The pape r includes three chapters, theory of “Women’s Estate”,the position of women in The Joy Luck Club and consciousness-raising reflected in the Joy Luck Club.Accordingly, it is reveals that the oppressions given by men on women in families are inevitable, only can women have the ability to liberate themselves.Key Words: women; families; oppressions; Mitchell’s “Women’s Estate”题名常见句型篇二一般用名词性短语(词组式),不能用不定式或完整句式。
毕业论文摘要英文翻译Abstract:This paper examines the effects of exercise on mental health and well-being. As individuals continue to face increasing levels of stress and anxiety, it is important to explore alternative methods of managing and improving mental well-being. Exercise has been widely recognized as a potential solution, and numerous studies have investigated the relationship between physical activity and mental health. This research aims to synthesize and evaluate existing literature to determine the impact of exercise on mental health outcomes. The study also investigates the mechanisms through which exercise influences mental well-being.The literature review confirms the positive relationship between exercise and mental health. Regular physical activity has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress. Furthermore, exercise is associated with improved cognitive function and increased self-esteem. Various mechanisms have been proposed to explain the beneficial effects of exercise, including the release of endorphins, increased blood flow to the brain, and social interaction.Despite the evidence supporting the positive effects of exercise on mental health, barriers exist that prevent individuals from engaging in regular physical activity. These barriers include lack of time, motivation, and access to exercise facilities. Strategies to overcome these barriers are discussed, such as incorporating exercise intodaily routines, setting realistic goals, and utilizing community resources.In conclusion, exercise has a significant positive impact on mental health and well-being. This research highlights the importance of integrating physical activity into daily life, especially in the face of increasing levels of stress and anxiety. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for individuals, healthcare providers, and policymakers. By promoting the benefits of exercise and addressing the barriers to physical activity, society can strive towards improved mental well-being for all.。
The pseudobulbs and subterranean organs (roots and rhizomes) of Eulophia epidendraea, and Malaxis acuminata in subfamily Epidendroideae (Orchidaceae) were investigated to determine morphology, anatomy and mycorrhizal occurrence.(研究兰科树兰亚科的Eulophia epidendraea(黄花美冠兰)和Malaxis acuminata(沼兰属浅裂沼兰)的假鳞茎和地下器官(根和根茎)以确定其形态,结构和真菌菌根的发生)The examined sections showed the following common anatomi-cal characteristics.(被研究的切片显示以下几个相同的结构特点)The pseudobulbs had a uniseriate epidermis. The assimilatory cells were scattered in the form of mucilage/water storage cells in the ground tissue.(假鳞茎有单层表皮,同化细胞以粘液或蓄水细胞的形式分散在基本组织中)The vascular bundles were collateral and embedded in the ground tissue. Raphides occurred as idioblasts.维管束并行嵌入到基本组织中。
Rhizomes had an uniseriate epidermis, parenchymatous ground tissue differentiated into outer and inner zones with polygonal intercellular spaces. Vascular bundles scattered, collateral and discontinuous form in both the taxa. Aeration cells were present in roots and rhizomes of M. Acuminata.根状茎有单层表皮,薄壁基本组织分为含多边形细胞间隙的内区和外区。
l e ms . Th i s p a p e r b a s e d O i l t h e i s s u e,t r i e d t o i mp r o v e t h e e d u c a t i o n f u n c t i o n a n d p o s i t i o n i n d e v e l o p me n t a n d s e c u r e o f c o u n t y r a n d ma k e p e o p l e r e li a z e t h e mo r e i mp o r t a n t v a l u e f o e d u c a t i o n .
作为学术论文重要 的一部分 ,摘要是信息传播 ,学术交 流及 合作不 可或缺 的桥梁 和纽带 。同时,它也是 国际主流数据库搜索机 构的重要信 息来 源。所 以,如何将 中文论文 的摘要 翻译成地道 的英语对 于推进 中国 和世 界 的 交 流有 着 至关 重 要 的意 义 。 2 . 论 文摘 要 的 文本 特 征 2 . 1学 术论 文摘 要 的类 别 。 首先从 论文的整体 内容来 分类 ,论 文摘 要大 致可 分为 以下 几种类 型 :指示性摘要 、报道性 摘要 以及报道 指示性摘要 。报道 性摘要 的宗 旨 是表述文献的主题范 围和简 明 内容 ,也相 当于 整篇文 章 的一个 简要 介 绍。这种摘要多用于学术性较 强的期 刊中;指示性摘要 的主要左右 是表 明文献的主要论题以及所取得的成果性 质和水 平的摘 要 ;而报道指 示性 摘要是上面两种情况的结合 ,以报道性 摘要 的形式 表述出文献 中信 息价 值含量最高的内容 ,其他的部分则以指示性摘 要的形 式来表 述。 2 .2学术论文摘要 的语篇 特征 。学术 论文 摘要 中,作 者所 用 的专 业 词 语 是 其 与 编 者 和 读 者 沟 通 的 重 要 桥 梁 ,对 这 些词 语 的 兴 趣 和 敏 感 度 使他们出现在一个语场中 。思维缜密的专业语 言更 能清楚明 了的表达作 者的研究成果 。 除此之外 ,论文经常 出现体 现摘 要体裁 特点 的词语 。比如 “ 本文 、 作者 、文章” 等 ,这体现了学术论文的摘要总是和论 文同一语场 出现 以 及摘要是论文高度概括 的特点 。 3 . 论 文 摘 要 的 翻 译 要 求 3 .1词汇 。一是学术论 文都 是非 常书面 化 的,是 对特定 领域 的某 些 问题 、现象 的观察探讨或对科学实验 的描述 。因此会大量使用 专业用 语 。二是较多 的使用代词及连词 。三是词性间 的相互转化也值得注意。 3 .2句法 。一是大 量使用 简单 句,以便摘 要结 构清 晰明 了。二是 把几个结构单一 的汉语句子合并成一个较为复杂的英语复合 句。翻译时 常使用动词非谓语形式 、介词短语 、形容词短语 、从句等 ,既能简化繁 复 的语 句 ,又能 减 少 时 态 的误 用 。 3 .3语 法。从时态 上看 ,一般 现在 时多用 于资料 性和 陈述性 文摘 中。一般过 去时主要用 于阐明某一具体项 目的进展情况 ,介 绍技术研究 或科 学项 目的具体信息 。对 于某些论题 的发展前景说 明或业 已结束 的研 究项 目的介 绍则 常用现在 完成 时。人称上 ,论 文的英 文摘要中 ,句子 的 主语 通常为第 三人 称单 数 ,即论 文本 身。
卡特福德给翻译下的定义是:the replacement of textual material in one language (SL)by equivalent textual material in another language (TL)。
Abstract—The environmental prevalence of engineered nanomaterials, particularly nanoparticulate silver (AgNP), is expected to increase substantially. The ubiquitous use of commercial products containing AgNP may result in their release to the environment, and the potential for ecological effects is unknown. Detecting engineered nanomaterials is one of the greatest challenges in quantifying their risks. Thus, it is imperative to develop techniques capable of measuring and characterizing exposures, while dealing with the innate difficulties of nanomaterial detection in environmental samples, such as low-engineered nanomaterial concentrations, aggregation, and complex matrices. Here the authors demonstrate the use of inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry, operated in a single-particle counting mode (SP-ICP-MS), to detect and quantify AgNP. In the present study, two AgNP products were measured by SP-ICP-MS, including one of precisely manufactured size and shape, as well as a commercial AgNP-containing health food product. Serialdilutions, filtration, and acidification were applied to confirm that the method detected particles. Differentiation of dissolved and particulate silver (Ag) is a feature of the technique. Analysis of two wastewater samples demonstrated the applicability of SP-ICP-MS at nanograms per liter Ag concentrations. In this pilot study, AgNP was found at 100 to 200 ng/L in the presence of 50 to 500 ng/L dissolved Ag. The method provides the analytical capability to monitor Ag and other metal and metal oxide nanoparticles in fate, transport, stability, and toxicity studies using a commonly available laboratory instrument. Rapid throughput and element specificity are additional benefits of SP-ICP-MS as a measurement tool for metal and metal oxide engineered nanoparticles. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2012;31:115–121.翻译环境中工程纳米材料的含量,尤其是纳米银,看起来正在增长。
毕业论文摘要翻译The abstract is a concise summary of the main points and findings of a research paper or thesis. It should provide a clear and informative overview of the study and its contribution to the field. The following is a translation of a theoretical dissertation abstract into approximately 700 words:Title: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment: A Comparative AnalysisAbstract:As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, concerns arise regarding its potential impact on employment. This dissertation aims to systematically examine and compare the effects of AI on employment in different industries and countries, providing insights into potential job displacement and transformation. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and analysis of statistical data, the study explores the relationship between AI adoption and employment dynamics. Additionally, it investigates the factors influencing the extent to which AI alters the labor market.The research employs a mixed-methods approach, integrating both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The qualitative component involves an extensive literature review, encompassing academic papers, reports, and policy documents related to AI and employment. Key themes regarding the impact of AI on various industries are identified and synthesized. Subsequently, a quantitative analysis is conducted to examine employment trends before and after the introduction of AI technologies. This analysisutilizes data from national labor force surveys and industry-specific databases, ensuring sufficient coverage across different sectors and countries.The study finds that the impact of AI on employment varies significantly across industries, with some experiencing significant job displacement while others undergo transformation and creation. The manufacturing and transportation sectors are particularly susceptible to job loss due to automation, as repetitive tasks are easily replaced by AI-enabled machines. Conversely, certain industries, such as healthcare and professional services, experience enhanced productivity and job creation through AI adoption.While the impact of AI on employment is largely sector-specific, the study also reveals differences across countries. Developed economies, characterized by advanced technologies and higher AI adoption rates, face higher employment volatility when compared to developing economies. This discrepancy is attributed to variations in labor market structure, regulations, and investment in AI education and training. Furthermore, the study finds that AI adoption is influenced by organizational factors, including firm size, industry competition, and management attitudes towards technological innovation.The dissertation also examines the implications of AI on the workforce, discussing potential policy responses to mitigate negative consequences and harness opportunities presented by AI technology. It emphasizes the importance of promoting lifelong learning and reskilling programs to ensure workers can adapt to changing job requirements and remain employable. Policiesfacilitating the transition to AI-enabled work environments, such as supporting entrepreneurship and fostering collaboration between academia and industry, are also recommended.The findings of this research contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the impact of AI on employment. By comparing and contrasting different countries and industries, the study provides a comprehensive analysis of the multifaceted nature of AI-induced labor market changes. Furthermore, it offers practical insights for policymakers, industry leaders, and workers to navigate the evolving employment landscape in the age of AI.In conclusion, this dissertation examines the impact of AI on employment through a comparative analysis across industries and countries. The study reveals that while some industries face job displacement, others experience transformation and creation due to AI adoption. The research underscores the importance of policies and strategies to mitigate negative consequences and promote the development of AI-enabled work environments. Overall, this dissertation provides valuable insights into the complex relationship between AI and employment dynamics, shedding light on a highly debated topic in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape.。
三、关键翻译策略与方法1. 关键信息识别:在翻译过程中,首先要识别摘要中的关键信息,包括研究目的、方法、结果和结论等,确保这些信息在译文中得到准确传达。
2. 语义准确性:在保证语言流畅的同时,要确保译文的语义准确性,避免因文化差异或语言习惯造成的误解。
3. 文体与语言风格适配:自然科学论文摘要通常具有客观、严谨的语言风格,翻译时要保持这种风格的一致性。
4. 专业术语的精准翻译:对于自然科学领域中的专业术语,要采用公认的译法,确保译文的准确性。
Study of two l evels in income distribution【Abstract】Classical Marxist writers believe that distribution is a link in production, and its relations are decided by the production relations. The economic system, decided by dominant production relations in a certain social form, includes two aspects, namely, the basic economic system and economic structure. Furthermore, the income distribution has two levels, which is the mode of distribution decided by the basic economic system and concrete realizations and specific operations distribution in various economic systems. There are many erroneous remarks on the income distribution in academia because of the confusion of these two levels.。
Electronic load due to its many advantages, it has been replacing traditional load test is widely used in power supply products. From the overall design scheme of program-controlled dc electronic load, using STM32F103VCT6 as central controller, using multi-channel AD technology of multichannel parallel voltage of MOSFET and each branch circuit for real-time monitoring, control on the linear state of the MOSFET current work, in order to realize the electronic load constant current, constant voltage, constant power and constant resistance four functions. Detailed study of the self-excited oscillation caused by MOSFET parasitic capacitance and eliminating method and the design of PI regulator, filter, this paper proposes a improved multiplex MOSFET parallel method of the stability of the electronic load. In view of the proposed design of the electronic load produced a prototype, and carries on the test, analysis and optimize.二作者主要针对中学物理实验教学的改革和创新提1/ 1。
三、翻译策略与技巧针对上述挑战,本文提出以下几种有效的翻译策略:1. 语言适应策略:根据目标语的语言习惯和表达方式,对原文进行适当的调整和重构,以使译文更加符合目标语的表达习惯。
2. 文化敏感度策略:了解并尊重两种语言所承载的不同文化背景,避免因文化差异造成的误解或歧义。
3. 科学术语的精准翻译策略:对于专业术语的翻译,应采用权威的术语表或专业词典,确保译文的准确性。
关键词:词性;翻译;词性转换;英汉互译ivAbstractTranslation can be defined that the merit of the original work is so completely and accurately transfused into another language. In the process of translation, in order to achieve equivalence of high level, the transform of parts of speech must be used by translator. This paper emphasizes the importance of the transformation of parts of speech in English to Chinese or Chinese to English translation based on different characteristics of English and Chinese. And it is demonstrated with examples that in translation between English and Chinese the parts of speech of words is often conversed to make the version move coherent and idiomatic. Furthermore, taking Chinese learners’ errors in transform of parts of speech the paper suggests some countermeasures.Key words: parts of speech; translation; transform; translation between English and Chinese。
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The pseudobulbs and subterranean organs (roots and rhizomes) of Eulophia epidendraea, and Malaxis acuminata in subfamily Epidendroideae (Orchidaceae) were investigated to determine morphology, anatomy and mycorrhizal occurrence.(研究兰科树兰亚科的Eulophia epidendraea(黄花美冠兰)和Malaxis acuminata(沼兰属浅裂沼兰)的假鳞茎和地下器官(根和根茎)以确定其形态,结构和真菌菌根的发生)The examined sections showed the following common anatomi-cal characteristics.(被研究的切片显示以下几个相同的结构特点)The pseudobulbs had a uniseriate epidermis. The assimilatory cells were scattered in the form of mucilage/water storage cells in the ground tissue.(假鳞茎有单层表皮,同化细胞以粘液或蓄水细胞的形式分散在基本组织中)The vascular bundles were collateral and embedded in the ground tissue. Raphides occurred as idioblasts.维管束并行嵌入到基本组织中。
Rhizomes had an uniseriate epidermis, parenchymatous ground tissue differentiated into outer and inner zones with polygonal intercellular spaces. Vascular bundles scattered, collateral and discontinuous form in both the taxa. Aeration cells were present in roots and rhizomes of M. Acuminata.根状茎有单层表皮,薄壁基本组织分为含多边形细胞间隙的内区和外区。
通气细胞存在于M. Acuminata (沼兰属浅裂沼兰).的根和根状茎。
The transverse section of E. epidendraea roots had multi-layered velamen with spiral thickening followed by uniseriate exodermis with that had webbed tilosomes. The parenchymatous cortex contained raphides and water storage cells. Vascular bundles were 11–15 arched. Roots of M. acuminata had an uniseriate velamen, exodermis, parenchyma-tous cortex, endodermis and pericycle. The vascular bundles were radially arranged, and 11–12 arched. The xylem and phloem were embedded in sclerenchymatous tissue.E.epidendraea(黄花美冠兰)根的横切面有多层螺旋加厚的根被,其次是有webbed tilosomes.单层的外皮。
M. Acuminata(沼兰属浅裂沼兰)的根有单层膜,外皮层、薄壁皮层、内皮层和中柱鞘。
The entry of the mycorrhizal fungi was chiefly through root hairs in roots and epidermis in rhizomes of M. acuminata, and in E. epidendraea. Fungi formed pelotons in both the taxa and microsclerotia and monilioid cells in the root cortex of E. epidendraea. Additionally, Glomus- type vesicles were occasionally present in the roots of M. Acuminata. Description of characteristics arising from this investigation may provide additional morphological and anatomical means of identification.菌根真菌的进入主要是通过M. acuminata,和E. epidendraea根的根毛.根状茎的表皮。
两个类群中都有真菌形成的菌丝团,E. Epidendraea.的根皮质中有微菌核和骨髓细胞。
此外,M. acuminata的根中偶尔出现球型囊泡。
1.IntroductionOrchidaceae, is one of the ecologically and morphologically most diverse families among flowering plants. It is the second largest plant family comprising of about 800 genera and more than 24,000 species world-wide (Fay and Chase,2009). The production of non-endospermous seeds, one of the distinctive features of the family (Werker, 1997) requires association with mycorrhizal fungi for ger-mination and development during the early stages of the life cycle (Smith and Read, 2008). Orchids are divided into five subfamilies: Apostasioideae, Vanilloideae, Cypripedioideae, Orchidoideae and Epidendroideae (Chase et al., 2003, 2015), and have diverse life-forms each with variously modified vegetative and floral structures.1引言兰花是开花植物中生态和形态最多样的家族之一,它是第二大植物家族,在世界各地上约有800属24000余种(Fay and Chase, 2009)非胚乳种子生产家族鲜明的特点之一(Werker, 1997) 是需要在生命周期中的早期阶段联合真菌菌根的萌发和发育(Smith and Read, 2008)兰科分为五个亚科:拟兰亚科,Vanilloideae, Cypripedioideae,兰亚科,树兰亚科(Chase et al., 2003, 2015), 有各种改良植物和花结构的不同生命形式。
Species are fully or partially mycoheterotrophic (largely dependent on mycorrhiza for carbon supply), terrestrial, epiphytic or epilithic, are sensitive to habitat disturbance, degradation and fragmenta-tion, and in India represented by 1331 species belonging to 186 genera (Misra, 2007). Terrestrial orchids have creeping, fibrous or fleshy rhizomes, and roots with varied functions (Sevgi et al.,2012). The function of roots in terrestrial orchids includes: nutri-ent absorption and substrate fixation, storage as in tuber-like roots, and roots specialized in storage, absorption, and fixation (Dressler,1981).物种是完全或部分mycoheterotrophic(绝大部分取决于菌根碳供应)陆生,附生或石生对生境破坏,退化,破碎是敏感的,在印度有1331个种隶属于186个属,(Misra, 2007)陆地兰花有匍匐状,纤维状或肉质根茎,并且根具有多种功能。
(Sevgi et al.,2012).在陆地兰花中根的功能包括:营养吸收和底物固定,块茎状根的存储,根专门存储,吸收和固定(Dressler,1981).Anatomical description assists in understanding physiological processes as well as phylogenetic relationships (Yeung, 1998; Liu and Zhu, 2011), and aids in plant identification when floral or veg-etative traits are not available (Chase and Palmer, 1989; Dengler,2002). Stern and Carlsward (2006) suggested anatomy as a mean in examining relationships to evolve a stable systematic classifica-tion and to solve taxonomic problems among taxa. For example,解剖学上的描述有助于理解生理过程以及系统发育关系,(Yeung, 1998; Liu and Zhu, 2011), 在植物识别中,当花或植物的性状是不可用时(Chase and Palmer, 1989; Dengler,2002). Stern and Carlsward (2006) 建议解剖作为一种研究关系的方法以发展稳定的系统分类并解决类群的分类问题。