海图左下角的“小改正( 海图左下角的“小改正(Small corrections) corrections)
对海图作正式改正后,应在海图左下角的 小改正( 对海图作正式改正后,应在海图左下角的“小改正(Small 改正后 海图左下角 corrections) 后登记年份 通告号。 临时性通告和预告的 年份与 corrections)”后登记年份与通告号。 对临时性通告和预告的 改正后,一般另起一行登记年份 通告号。 另起一行登记年份与 内容改正后,一般另起一行登记年份与通告号。
本部分有三个内容: 本部分有三个内容: 三个内容 英版出版物消息( Publications): 英版出版物消息(Admiralty Publications): 发布英版海图(包括澳大利亚AUS新西兰NZ的海图)的出版、新版图 、 发布英版海图(包括澳大利亚AUS新西兰NZ的海图)的出版、 AUS新西兰NZ的海图 作废图( Withdrawn) 作废图(Charts Permanently Withdrawn)以及预告未来几个月内将要 出版的新图等消息,以及新出或新版书表的消息。 出版的新图等消息,以及新出或新版书表的消息。由此可了解海图的出 版情况,也是对《总目录》进行改正的主要资料。 版情况,也是对《总目录》进行改正的主要资料。 改正海图用的正式通告: 改正海图用的正式通告: 在英版出版物消息后刊载正式通告的内容。 在英版出版物消息后刊载正式通告的内容。这类通告在时间上具有相对 正式通告的内容 永久性,可用红墨水对有关海图进行改正。 红墨水对有关海图进行改正 永久性,可用红墨水对有关海图进行改正。 临时性通告( 临时性通告(T)和预告(P): 和预告( 在正式通告后用单面印刷刊出临时性通告和预告的内容, 在正式通告后用单面印刷刊出临时性通告和预告的内容,以便使用者在 单面印刷刊出临时性通告和预告的内容 收到《周版》 可将它们剪下装订成册 在对海图进行改正时, 剪下装订成册。 收到《周版》后,可将它们剪下装订成册。在对海图进行改正时,只要 铅笔改正或在有关处作一记号 或在有关处作一记号。 用铅笔改正或在有关处作一记号。
Unit 1 Nautical Publications Lesson 3 Admiralty Notices to Mariners 英版航海通告
Admiralty Notices to Mariners While every effort is made to ensure that the data provided through the Notices to Mariners service is accurate, the user needs to be aware of the risks of corruption to data. It is important that the user should only use the data on suitable equipment and that other applications should not be running on the user’s machine at the same time. Users should exercise their professional judgment in the use of data and also consult the Mariners’Handbook (NP100) for further details.
Temporary and Preliminary Notices These are indicated by (T) or (P) after the notice number and are placed at the end of Section II. They are printed on one side of the paper in order that they may be cut up and filed. To assist in filing, the year is indicated after the notice number and an in-force list is published monthly. Information from these notices is not included on charts before issue; charts should be updated in pencil on receipt. Original Information A star (*)adjacent to the number of a notice indicates that the notice is based on original information.
英版航海通告年度摘要 NP247
ANNUAL SUMMARY OF ADMIRALTY NOTICES TO MARINERSCORRECT TO25DECEMBER2010CONTENTSSECTION1ANNUAL NOTICES TO MARINERS1-26SECTION2TEMPORARY AND PRELIMINARY NOTICESINDEX OF2011ANNUAL NOTICES(Annual Summary dated26th December2009is hereby cancelled and should be destroyed)Notice number and title Page..................................................1.Admiralty Tide Tables2011—Addenda and Corrigenda1-5..........................................................2.Suppliers of Admiralty Charts and Publications1-7.................................3.Safety of British merchant ships in periods of peace,tension,crisis or conflict1-94.Distress and Rescue At Sea—Vessels and Aircraft.The information previously contained in this Annual Notice toMariners has been fully included in Admiralty List of Radio Signals NP285....................................................................5.Firing Practice and Exercise Areas1-146.Mined Danger Areas,Cleared Routes and Instructions regarding conventional and chemical munitions picked up at sea.The information previously contained in this Annual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition of theMariners Handbook(2009)at Paragraphs9.34—9.35,13.115—13.123.7.Number not used.rmation Concerning Submarines.The information previously contained in this Annual Notice to Mariners has beentransferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)at Paragraphs12.7,12.10—12.28.9.Hydrographic Information:Policy for the Promulgation and Selection of Navigationally Significant Information forCharts.The information previously contained in this Annual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition ofthe Mariners Handbook(2009)at Paragraphs4.1—4.5,4.29—4.30,4.43,4.45.10.Mine-Laying and Mine Countermeasures Exercises—Waters around the British Isles1-16..........................11.United Kingdom-Offshore Renewable Energy Installations(OREIs).The information previously contained in thisAnnual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)at Paragraphs9.36—9.62...............................................................12.National Claims to Maritime Jurisdiction1-2113.World-Wide Navigational Warning Service and World Meteorological Organization.The information previouslycontained in this Annual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)atParagraphs4.6—4.24.14.IALA Emergency Wreck Marking Buoy.The information previously contained in this Annual Notice to Mariners hasbeen transferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)at Annex C Paragraphs C.51—C.57.15.Under-Keel Allowance(Reliance on Charts and Predicted Tides).Negative Surge Warning Service,Vertical ClearanceHeights.The information previously contained in this Annual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition ofthe Mariners Handbook(2009)at Paragraph5.21................................................16.Protection of Historic,Dangerous and Military Wreck Sites1-26...........17.Traffic Separation Schemes and Information Concerning Routeing Systems Shown on Admiralty Charts1-32 17a.United Kingdom—Automatic Ship Identification System(AIS)Network.The information previously contained in this Annual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)at Paragraph11.71.18.Carriage of Nautical Charts and Nautical Publications—Regulations.The information previously contained in thisAnnual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)at Annex A.19.Global Navigation Satellite System Positions,Chart Accuracy and Horizontal Datums.The information previouslycontained in this Annual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)atParagraphs2.18—2.25,11.23—11.60..............................................20.Mandatory Expanded Inspections-EU Directive2009/16/EC1-45..................................................21.Canadian Charts and Nautical Publications Regulations1-46............................ Navigation Safety Regulations Relating to Navigation,Charts and Publications1-48.................................................................................23.High Speed Craft1-5024.Submarine Cables and Pipelines—Avoidance of and Associated Dangers.The information previously contained in thisAnnual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)at Paragraphs9.64—9.70.Notice number and title Page 25.Electronic Navigational Charts—Guidance on the use and Limitations of ENC and ECDIS Systems.The informationpreviously contained in this Annual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)at Paragraphs2.77—2.105................................................................26.Marine Environmental High Risk Areas1-51。
航海英语50篇(含翻译)阅读题Passage 01Merchant ships are designed to carry cargo. Some are also designed to carry passengers. They can operate as liners. These are employed on regular routes on a fixed timetable. A list of their arrival and departure dates is published in advance and they sail whether full or not. Liners can be classed as either deep-sea liners or short-sea liners. The former carry mainly containerized cargo across the oceans of the world; the later carry containerized or conventional cargo on shorter routes. Ferries are also classed as liners. These offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehicles across channels and narrow seas. A few ships are still employed as passenger liners. They not only carry passengers but also some cargo on routes from Europe to North America and to the Far East. Nowadays the passenger trade is very small and passenger liners usually operate as cruise ships for part of the year.001.The deep-sea liners ________.A. carry mainly containerized cargoB. carry mainly conventional cargoC. offer a daily or weekly service for passengers and vehiclesD. sail across channels and narrow seas.002.The Liners ________.A. always sail fullB. sail regularly even not fullC. always sail in ballastD. will not sail if not full003.A list of the arrival and departure dates of liners ________.A. will be published weeklyB. will be published when they sail,whether full or not,from Europe to North America and to the Far EastC. will not be published even they sail fully loadedD. is published prior to their departure004.It is implied in the passage that ________.A. the number of passenger ships is smallB. all passenger ships will carry some cargo in near futureC. it is not necessary for liners to sail in regular timeD. container carriers should carry some passengers通道01商船被设计用来携带货物。
2021航海英语船长光盘版词汇以及所有阅读理解解析第一章航海图书资料第一节航路指南第一节航海气象要素与常用术语☆☆☆☆考点1:航路指南 Aadjacent adj.①(to)邻近的②毗连的③交界的④前后紧接着的,对面的eg.A person may operate an air compressor in which of the following areas on board a tankbarge? A space adjacent to a cargo tank.译:人员可以在液货驳船上那些地方操作空气压缩机?发电机室。
alleviatev.①减轻②缓和(痛苦) amplify v.①放大,扩大②加强③详述eg.Admiralty Sailing Directions amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation.译:英版航路指南详细描述海图的细节和安全航行所包含的信息。
asymmetrical a.不对称的eg.An ideal mooring system would be asymmetrical and in equilibrium.译:理想的下锚系统需要对称和平衡。
atlas n.①地图册,地图集②图册,图集③大张绘图纸eg.For full information regarding the current circulation of the Indian Ocean,see Sailing Direction,Current Atlas,etc.译:对于有关印度洋环流的全部信息,查看航路指南,洋流图集等。
appreciable adj.①明显的②看得出的,可估计的③可观的,值得重视的eg.In determining if risk of collision exists,such risk may sometimesexist even when an appreciable bearing chage is evident,particularly when approaching very large vessel,a long tow,a vessel at close range.译:在确定是否存在碰撞危险,即使当方位有明显变化,特别是当接近一很大的船,一组被拖船,近距离时。
《航海英语船长版带注解》一、基本航海术语1. 航海(Navigation)在广阔的海洋中,驾驶船只从一个地方驶向另一个地方的活动。
2. 船长(Captain)船舶的指挥官,负责船舶的航行安全、船员管理以及与港口、海事机构的沟通协调。
3. 航线(Route)船舶从起点到终点所经过的预定路径。
4. 罗经(Compass)导航仪器,用于确定船舶航向。
5. 航海通告(Notice to Mariners)关于海上航行安全、航线变更、助航设施更新等信息的公告。
二、日常航海英语用语1. Stand the helm!(准备操舵!)船长在下达转向指令前,提醒舵手做好操舵准备。
2. Check the engine!(检查发动机!)船长要求轮机员检查发动机运行状况。
3. Maintain full speed ahead!(全速前进!)船长要求船舶以最大速度前进。
4. Reduce speed to slow ahead!(减速至慢速前进!)船长要求船舶降低速度。
5. Secure all hatches and doors!(关闭所有舱口和门!)船长要求船员关闭船舶上的舱口和门,以防海水侵入。
航海通告累计表【篇一:航海通告及其改正】航海通告改正section i :每周印制新出版物list包含:本周出版的新图与新书;本周出版新版图与新版书;即将出版的海图;本周作废(withdrawn)的海图和图书。
这些信息的变更须要更改到np131(每年12月5日首周出版)上,具体涉及: a. 海图边界的插入、删除、修正;在对页需要相对应插入、删除海图图号、标题。
(np131末页海图编号索引numerical index也须改正) ;b. 图书版本信息更改也同上述步骤类似(仅和asd相关,其余图书每年出版)。
c. np131每年1月修订再版,该书的改正应根据周版《航海通告》中section i section ii the miscellanneous correction notice 开头部分进行改正?d. 每年新版np131只更新到8月30日末周。
所以8月30~12月5日期间的改正要根据新版的附录(addendum)section ia:每月印制1.列出上个月被取消的的t p(相对应的在np247《annual summary of notice to marines part i》删除)2.按26个地区列出之前印制(各年度)的t p ,现今仍有效的list.section ib 每年3,6,9,12月季度末印制。
1.asd及其补篇2.灯光雾号表3.admiral list of radio signal4.潮汐表5.数字出版物二 section ii -update to standard nautical charts1.包含永久性海图改正信息。
为了便于归档,notice number后注有年份,生效的tp list 每月出版在section ia.1.3 用铅笔将tp更改于海图上。
1.Can you list at least three mooring lines?Yes .They are head line, breast line, spring line, and stern line.你能列举集中缆绳吗?头缆,横缆,倒缆和尾缆2.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board?The pilot ladder, a heaving line and a life buoy.在引航员上船前要准备些什么?引航梯,吊绳和救生圈。
3.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?Through VHF.在到港前船舶如何与港口取得联系?通过甚高频。
4.What kind of things should be reported to the pilot station?The ship’s present position, ETA at pilot station or anchorage.什么信息需要报告给引航站?船舶的当前位置,预计到达引航站或者锚地的时间。
5.What should be confirmed from the pilot station?Pilot’s boarding time and place, the ship’s side where the pilot ladder will be put.什么信息需要引航站确认?引航员的登船时间,地点和安放引航梯的船舷。
6.When the vessel enters the VTS area, what I srequested to report?Ship’s name and call sign, present course and speed, ETA at the pilot station, the reporting point that the vessel is passing.在船舶进入交管区时,需要报告些什么?船名,呼号,当前的航向和速度,预计到达引航站的时间,船舶正通过的报告点。
Nautical Chart and Chart Work (海图和海图作业)Navigation includes finding your ship’s position on the earth and then conducting your ship safely to its destination. Navigation also includes finding your whereabouts on land or the process of finding your way from one point to another.航海包含在地球上找到你船的位置并引导你船安全到达目的地。
A navigation chart is one of the most important publications on board the ship. The charts are graphic representations of water and land areas of the earth’s surface. It is from this information that the navigator decides the areas available for navigation. The chart covers areas including sea areas, rivers, lakes, canals and the land immediately adjacent to it. Different scale charts are needed for deep-sea, coastal, port and river navigation.导航图是船上最重要的出版物之一。
最新航海英语 中英版
第三节航海出版物(灯标表、天文表、海员手册、大洋航路图等)neap英音:[ni:p]美音:[nip]名词n. 小潮形容词 a. 小潮的不及物动词vi. 渐趋向小潮及物动词vt. 由于小潮使搁浅topography英音:[tə'pɔgrəfi]美音:[tə'pɑgrəfɪ]名词n. 1. 地志;地形图2. 地形;地形学;地形测demolish英音:[di'mɔliʃ]美音:[dɪ'mɑlɪʃ] 及物动词vt. 毁坏,破坏;拆除destroy英音:[dis'trɔi]美音:[dɪ'strɔɪ] 及物动词vt. 毁a坏,破坏ruin英音:['ruin]美音:['ruɪn]及物动词vt. 使毁灭;毁坏spoil英音:[spɔil]美音:[spɔɪl] 及物动词vt. 损坏;糟蹋;搞糟0001. __D____ are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts.[7]下列哪项出版物用来改正英版海图A.Admiralty Sailing Directions 英版航路指南B.Admiralty List of Signals 英版信号表C.Mariner's Handbook航海员手册D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners英版航海通告0002. ___C___ gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system including textual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types of marks;lateral;cardinal,isolated danger;safe water and special marks.下列哪项出版物用文字及图式详细地介绍了方位标及侧面标系统(包括5种标志:侧面标、方位标、孤立危险物标、安全水域标及特殊标)。
引 言
航海气象报告是船舶 安全航行必 不可少 的部 分。它为 航 海者提供了天气信息 , 能够使航海者针对 具体情况及时地采 取 有效的防范措施以减少或者避免对船舶 和船上人 员造成损失 。 无论是在海上航行 的船舶还是在港 口锚泊 的船舶 , 每天都会 按
时收到来 自各 国有 关气象 部 门为商 船发 布的 海上 天气 报告 。 事关船舶及船上人员 的生命安全 , 所 以能够及时准确 的接收并 正确的理解航海气象报告 的内容就显得非常 的重要 。 因为报文众 多各有 差异 , 但是 在结 构格 式 上却 是 大 同小 异, 由于篇幅有限在此笔者以一典型的航海气象报文为例对其 基本结 构 , 内容和语 言特点进行分 析并 指出如何 正确地理解 。 报文实例如下 :
划分给 我 国 的海 岸 电 台 的 呼 号 范 围 是 X S A —X S Z 。例 如 , x s 一 上 海 台, X S Q —广 州 台, xs Z 一大 连 台, X S v _青 岛 台 , x s c 3 一 天津 台, x S F 2 一汉 口台。有的国家 以数字开 头如 : 斯里 兰卡科隆坡海 岸电台 4 P B, 新加坡海 岸电台9 V G。
文 的翻 译 。
【 关键词] 航海气象报告; 语言特点; 翻译 [ 中图分类号】c 6 4 2 [ 文献标识码] A d 0 i : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 1 6 7 1 — 5 9 1 8 . 2 0 1 3 . 1 2 - 0 6 7
[ 文章编号]1 6 7 1 - 5 9 1 8 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 2 - 0 1 2 4 — 0 2 [ 本刊网址】 h t t p : / / w w w . h b x b . n e t
O Captain! My Captain!
My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still, My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse or will; The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done; From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won; Exult, O Shores! and ring, O bell! But I, with mournful tread, Walk the deck my Captain lies,
metaphor and repetition , to eulogize and commemorate Lincoln in the pome.
Make Presentation much more fun
Fallen cold and dead.
Analysis of the poem
———Study on the rhetorical devices of the poem
Make Presentation much more fun
Rhetorical devices修辞手法
Metaphor 暗喻
O Captain! My Captain!
O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
海事版航海通告【篇一:海事翻译练习参考答案】练习参考答案第一章一、将下列词语译成英语:远洋运输业务oceangoing shipping船舶柴油机 shipboard diesel engines轮机维护 maintenance for engine货港与船坞 ports and docks轴系和推动器shafting and propeller助航设备 aids to navigation海上通讯 communications at sea航海仪器 shipboard instruments轮机自动化 engine automatic system船舶货运 freight shipping二、将下列词语译成汉语:stowage plan 配载图dunnaging and separation垫舱与隔票vessel trim and stability船舶吃水差与稳性nautical charts 海图working cycles of a marine diesel 船用柴油机工作循环alternating current generators 交流发电机steering gear 舵机cargo handling equipment装卸货设备perils of the sea 海难救助contracts of carriage 运输合同三、简答题1、“象寄之才”的含义是什么?指的是翻译人员。
3、一般认为,翻译的过程分为两个阶段,那两个阶段?理解和表达两个阶段第二章一、将下列词语译成英语杂货船general cargo vessel散货船bulk cargo carrier油船oil tanker液化气船 liquefied gas tanker集装箱船 container ship左舷port右舷starboard驾驶台bridge主机main engine辅机auxiliary machinery二、将下列词语译成汉语rudder 舵screw propeller螺旋桨aft peak tank 艉尖舱engine room 机舱fuel oil tank 燃油舱accommodation ladder 舷梯cargo hold 货舱ballast tank 压载舱forecastle deck 艏楼甲板superstructure 上层建筑三、将下列句子译成英语1、船用锅炉生产蒸汽可以用于驱动主机。
英版航海通告年度摘要 NP247
ANNUAL SUMMARY OF ADMIRALTY NOTICES TO MARINERSCORRECT TO25DECEMBER2010CONTENTSSECTION1ANNUAL NOTICES TO MARINERS1-26SECTION2TEMPORARY AND PRELIMINARY NOTICESINDEX OF2011ANNUAL NOTICES(Annual Summary dated26th December2009is hereby cancelled and should be destroyed)Notice number and title Page..................................................1.Admiralty Tide Tables2011—Addenda and Corrigenda1-5..........................................................2.Suppliers of Admiralty Charts and Publications1-7.................................3.Safety of British merchant ships in periods of peace,tension,crisis or conflict1-94.Distress and Rescue At Sea—Vessels and Aircraft.The information previously contained in this Annual Notice toMariners has been fully included in Admiralty List of Radio Signals NP285....................................................................5.Firing Practice and Exercise Areas1-146.Mined Danger Areas,Cleared Routes and Instructions regarding conventional and chemical munitions picked up at sea.The information previously contained in this Annual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition of theMariners Handbook(2009)at Paragraphs9.34—9.35,13.115—13.123.7.Number not used.rmation Concerning Submarines.The information previously contained in this Annual Notice to Mariners has beentransferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)at Paragraphs12.7,12.10—12.28.9.Hydrographic Information:Policy for the Promulgation and Selection of Navigationally Significant Information forCharts.The information previously contained in this Annual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition ofthe Mariners Handbook(2009)at Paragraphs4.1—4.5,4.29—4.30,4.43,4.45.10.Mine-Laying and Mine Countermeasures Exercises—Waters around the British Isles1-16..........................11.United Kingdom-Offshore Renewable Energy Installations(OREIs).The information previously contained in thisAnnual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)at Paragraphs9.36—9.62...............................................................12.National Claims to Maritime Jurisdiction1-2113.World-Wide Navigational Warning Service and World Meteorological Organization.The information previouslycontained in this Annual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)atParagraphs4.6—4.24.14.IALA Emergency Wreck Marking Buoy.The information previously contained in this Annual Notice to Mariners hasbeen transferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)at Annex C Paragraphs C.51—C.57.15.Under-Keel Allowance(Reliance on Charts and Predicted Tides).Negative Surge Warning Service,Vertical ClearanceHeights.The information previously contained in this Annual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition ofthe Mariners Handbook(2009)at Paragraph5.21................................................16.Protection of Historic,Dangerous and Military Wreck Sites1-26...........17.Traffic Separation Schemes and Information Concerning Routeing Systems Shown on Admiralty Charts1-32 17a.United Kingdom—Automatic Ship Identification System(AIS)Network.The information previously contained in this Annual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)at Paragraph11.71.18.Carriage of Nautical Charts and Nautical Publications—Regulations.The information previously contained in thisAnnual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)at Annex A.19.Global Navigation Satellite System Positions,Chart Accuracy and Horizontal Datums.The information previouslycontained in this Annual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)atParagraphs2.18—2.25,11.23—11.60..............................................20.Mandatory Expanded Inspections-EU Directive2009/16/EC1-45..................................................21.Canadian Charts and Nautical Publications Regulations1-46............................ Navigation Safety Regulations Relating to Navigation,Charts and Publications1-48.................................................................................23.High Speed Craft1-5024.Submarine Cables and Pipelines—Avoidance of and Associated Dangers.The information previously contained in thisAnnual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)at Paragraphs9.64—9.70.Notice number and title Page 25.Electronic Navigational Charts—Guidance on the use and Limitations of ENC and ECDIS Systems.The informationpreviously contained in this Annual Notice to Mariners has been transferred to the9th Edition of the Mariners Handbook(2009)at Paragraphs2.77—2.105................................................................26.Marine Environmental High Risk Areas1-51。
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Admiralty Notices To Mariners(英版航海通告)I Guidance Notes 须知(指南)Admiralty Notices to Mariners, Weekly Editions, contain information which enables the mariner to keep his charts and books published by the UKHO up-to-date for the latest reports received. In addition to all Admiralty Notices, they include all New Zealand chart updating Notices, and selected Temporary and Preliminary ones. Copies of all New Zealand Notices can also be obtained from New Zealand chart agents.英版航海通告周刊,包括了能使海员根据最新收到的报告保持英国水道测量局出版的海图和书刊是最新的。
The Notices are published in Weekly Editions, and are issued by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office on a daily basis to certain Admiralty Chart Agents. Weekly Editions can be obtained, or dispatched regularly by surface or air mail, from Admiralty Chart Agents.通告以周刊的形式出版,由英国水道测量局每天向某些英版海图代理商发行。
Ports and authorities who maintain copies of Admiralty Notices to Mariners for consultation are listed on the UKHO website.持有查阅用的英版航海通告周刊的港口或当局列表在英国水道测量局的网站上。
*Internet Services网络服务Admiralty Notices to Mariners are also available on the Internet, using the Admiralty Notices to Mariners On-Line (ANMO) service. The ANMO service provides the digital versions of the Weekly Notices to Mariners Bulletin, Full-Colour Blocks, Cumulative List of Admiralty Notices to Mariners (NP 234) and Annual Summary of Notices to Mariners (NP 247).英版航海通告也可以从互联网上获得,使用英版航海通告在线服务。
在线服务提供了电子版的航海通告周刊,彩色贴图,英版航海通告累积表(NP 234)和航海通告年度摘要(NP 247)。
*Electronic Courier Services电子速递服务Further to ANMO service on the UKHO website, the UKHO has licensed several commercial companies to electronically distribute Admiralty Notices to Mariners via …L‟ Band broadcast, or email communication, di rect to vessels at sea. These … electronic courier‟ or … value added service providers‟ supply customized NM Text and Tracing update datasets related to a vessel' s portfolio of charts and publications. The NM datasets are derived directly from the Admiralty digital NM files.关于英国水道测量局网站的在线服务,英国水道测量局已授权多家商务公司以电子方式通过L波段广播分发航海通告,或采用电子邮件通信直接送到海上船舶。
* Numbering System 编码系统Notices are numbered consecutively starting at the beginning of each year, with Admiralty and New Zealand Notices in separate series. Weekly Editions are also consecutively numbered in the same way.航海通告在每年开始以连续的数字开始编号,英版通告和新西兰通告各成独立系列(版本)。
To maintain an effective set of NM data, Weekly Editions should be retained until the next Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners is received. If, however, a long-standing edition of one of the volumes of Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals is obtained and required to be amended up to date, extracts from Section V of Weekly Editions dating back before the Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners was issued, may be need.要维持一套有效的航海通告资料,应当保留航海通告周刊直到收到下一期英版航海通告年度摘要为止。
II NM Weekly Editions航海通告周刊* Section I. Explanatory Notes. Publications List. 第一部分,解释说明,航海出版物目录This section contains notes and advice on the use and update and amendment of charts and publications, followed by lists of New Charts, New Editions and Navigational Publications published, and any charts withdrawn, during the week.本节包含了海图和出版物使用、更新和修正的注释和建议,接着是本周内的新海图清单,新版海图和已出版的航海出版物清单,和海图撤消(作废)清单。
The publication of New Charts or New Editions, or withdrawals, scheduled to take place in the near future, are also announced in this Section.本节还包括计划将要出版的新海图或新版海图,或撤消的海图清单。
* Section IA. Temporary and Preliminary Notices 第一部分第一条,临时通告和预告通告This section is published monthly and contains a list of T&P Notices cancelled during the previous month and a list of T&P Notices previously published and still in force.本节每月出版,包含了上一月取消的T&P目录和以前出版并有效的临时通告和预告目录。
* Section IB. Current Hydrographic Publications. 第一部分第二条,现行水文出版物This section is published only at the end of March, June, September and December each year. It lists the current editions of: Admiralty Sailing Directions and their latest Supplements; Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals; Admiralty List of Radio Signals; Admiralty Tidal Publications.本节仅在每年的三月、六月、九月和十二月的月末出版。
* Section II. Admiralty Notices to Mariners-Updates to Standard Navigational ChartsAt the beginning of the Section, is a Geographical Index followed by an Index of Notices and Chart Folios and an Index of Charts Affected. These indexes are followed by the permanent Admiralty chart updating Notices, the first of which is the Miscellaneous Updates to Charts. Blocks, Cautionary notes, depth tables and diagrams to accompany any of these Notices will be found at the end of this section.第二部分,英版航海通告-对标准海图的改正。