with的复合结构的用法 ppt课件

6.He had her __s_ta_n_d_i_n_g_
(stand) in the rain for two
to help
7. He got his brother _______
(help) him.
8. He got his hair _____(cut).
9.I was made _t_o__la_u__g_h_(laugh)
by him. 10. Please speak louder to make yourself _h_e_a_r_d_(hear). 11. Don't leave her w__a_it_in_g_(wait) outside in the rain. 12. We can't leave such an important matter _u_n_f_in_i_s_h_ed (finish).
WITH + 宾语+形容词/副词/介词短语
1.The teacher came in with a book in his hand.
2.She lay in bed with her face pale.
3.Her mother sat in an armchair with her head down. .4. With a native our guide, we needn't be afraid to get lost.
1. Jack stood on the platform with his legs _________(tremble) and his mind blank.
2. Actually, with his confidence ___(build) up, Jack now turns out to be a great speaker .

7. Everyone should go to sleep light turned off. A. as B. with C. for
the D. on
8. _______ so many homework to do, Mary won’t have time to play with her friends this morning.
一、 with结构的构成
它是由介词with或without+复合结构构 成,复合结构作介词with或without的复合宾 语,复合宾语中第一部分宾语由名词或代词 充当,第二部分补足语由,名词,形容词、副 词、介词短语、动词不定式或分词充当,分 词可以是现在分词,也可以是过去分词 。
down. 她母亲坐在椅子上,头低着。 4. with+宾语+不定式 I can’t go out with these clothes to wash. 因为这些衣服要洗,我不能出去。
I had to go to bed with nothing to do. 我没有事可做,只好睡觉。
5. with+宾语+介词短语 He sat near the fire with his back to the door. 他坐在炉子旁,背朝着房门。
11. _______ all things considered, her
proposal is of grБайду номын сангаасater than his
B. With
B.C. On
D. Without
12. _______ time permitting, we will visit the Summer Palace.

With 的复合结构四
With + n./pron. + adj. TheWditohg+is名w词a/iti代ng词fo+r 形its容o词w.ner quietly, _w__it_h__i_t_s__b_i_g__m__o__u_t_h_
With 的复合结构五
With + n./pron. + adv. With + 名词/代词 + 副词
The young man is shooting at a
dog, with a gun
in his hands
With 的T复he合t结ea构cher
entered the
With + n./prcolna.s+sr-ovionmg., with
With + 名词a+st动ud词e的nt现在分
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第一步 依葫芦画瓢
Task 1: 模仿例子, 总结
With 复合Th结e 构cat一is
sleeping , with
With With
+ +
名n +词ahpe+drrueac介rpkmd.词.ul短l in
4. He lied on the chair , with a newspaper c__o_v_e__r_in_ g(cover) his face. (NMET2003) 5. The sick old man was left alone under the tree, with his body __c_o_v_e__r_ed( cover ) by a bag. (NMET1998)

2. 表示原因
With his key lost, he couldn”t get into the ” office. 由于钥匙丢了,他进不了办公室。 由于钥匙丢了,他进不了办公室。 With the weather changed, we decided to put off the sports meet. 由于天气变化, 由于天气变化,我们决定推迟举行运动会
二. with复合结构作定语 复合结构作定语
She saw a brook with red flowers and green grass on both sides. 她看到一条两岸长着红花、绿草的小溪。 她看到一条两岸长着红花、绿草的小溪。 The woman with a baby in her arms is Tom”s aunt. ” 抱着小孩的那位妇女是汤姆的姑姑。 抱着小孩的那位妇女是汤姆的姑姑。 The city lies in a valley with high mountains around it. 这位城市位于一个由高山环抱的山谷中。 这位城市位于一个由高山环抱的山谷中。 ” Any man with eyes in his head can see that he”s exactly like a rope. 任何头上长了眼睛的 过去分词 宾语+过去分词 宾语 With everything done, she went home. 做完一切事情以后,她回家了。 做完一切事情以后,她回家了。 He lay on his back, with his teeth set and his eyes closed. 他仰卧着,咬着牙、闭着眼。 他仰卧着,咬着牙、闭着眼。
With复合结构 With复合结构

2.With Yunnan known as one of the loveliest
places in China, it is now visited by many tourists.
Known as one of the loveliest places in China, Yunnan is
The room with lights on is our class-room . Compare:The room where lights are on is our classroom 开着灯的那个教室是我们的。
除此以外,“with复合结构”还有其否定 形式,即“without + 宾语 + 补足语” The house caught a big fire last night, without anything left in it. = The house caught a big fire last night, with nothing left in it. They finished the work without anyone helping them. = They finished the work with no one helping them.
5.with + 宾语 + 现在分词 (主谓关系) With summer coming, the weather is becoming hotter and hotter.
Compare:As summer is coming, the weather is becoming hotter and hotter.
高中英语复习北师大版《with 复合结构》 课件 (共18张PPT)

风吹着杨柳,身穿 She was hurrying home with 大红袄,头戴一枝 the wind blowing the willows, with a bright red coat on her, 花,胭脂和香粉她 with a flower in her hair, 的脸上擦。左手一 with make-ups on her cheeks, 只鸡,右手一只鸭, with a chicken in her left 身上还背着一个胖 hand and with a duck in her 娃娃,她正着急回 right hand, with a chubby 娘家。 baby on her back.
MissZhang is more beautiful________ with a butterflyknot in _______________( her hair 头 上 戴 个 蝴 蝶 结 ) ( 蝴 蝶 结 : butterflyknotWang Dan appeared v e r y h a p p y _ _with _ _a _ lot __ _____ of beautiful clothes _______________. (买了好多漂亮衣服)
I. 看下列句子,总结with的复合结构
1, Deng Li Jun was hurrying home with a red coat on her.
2. The old man likes sleeping with the windows open. 3. She left the room with all the lights on. 4. With all the things bought, she went home happily. 5. With spring coming on, trees turn green. 6. With a lot of work to do, I can’t go to see the doctor.
风吹着杨柳,身穿 She was hurrying home with 大红袄,头戴一枝 the wind blowing the willows, with a bright red coat on her, 花,胭脂和香粉她 with a flower in her hair, 的脸上擦。左手一 with make-ups on her cheeks, 只鸡,右手一只鸭, with a chicken in her left 身上还背着一个胖 hand and with a duck in her 娃娃,她正着急回 right hand, with a chubby 娘家。 baby on her back.
MissZhang is more beautiful________ with a butterflyknot in _______________( her hair 头 上 戴 个 蝴 蝶 结 ) ( 蝴 蝶 结 : butterflyknotWang Dan appeared v e r y h a p p y _ _with _ _a _ lot __ _____ of beautiful clothes _______________. (买了好多漂亮衣服)
I. 看下列句子,总结with的复合结构
1, Deng Li Jun was hurrying home with a red coat on her.
2. The old man likes sleeping with the windows open. 3. She left the room with all the lights on. 4. With all the things bought, she went home happily. 5. With spring coming on, trees turn green. 6. With a lot of work to do, I can’t go to see the doctor.
高中英语 微课程 with复合结构 PPT课件 图文

2.使用with 的复合结构.
On Christmas Eve,it was snowing
fast. 小女孩光着脚在街上行走,她又 饿又冷,哆哆嗦嗦地向前走着.
雪花(snow-flakes)落在她那金黄色 的头发上,她蹲在墙角里,把一双小脚 卷缩到身下坐了下来 .
The city lies in a valley with high mountains around it. 这个城市位于一个由高山环抱的山谷中。
抱着小孩的那位妇女是汤姆的姑姑。 The woman with a baby in her arms is Tom’s aunt. = The woman who has a baby in her arms is Tom’s aunt.
with结构不是句子,它在句中作定语或状语, 故with结构中不会有谓语动词形式。
with复合结构中宾语补足语用-ing还是-ed要根 据动作与宾语的关系来确定,如果宾语发出 动作则用-ing,如果宾语承受动作则用-ed
1.With the boy __le_a_d_i_n_g___(lead) the way, we found he house easily.
4.He usually sleeps with the windows open in the summer.
5. He slept with the lights on.
构成的一种复合结构。宾语由名词或代词 充当,宾语补足语由形容词、副词、介词 短语、动词不定式,现在分词,或过去分 词充当。
2.使用with 的复合结构.
On Christmas Eve,it was snowing
fast. 小女孩光着脚在街上行走,她又 饿又冷,哆哆嗦嗦地向前走着.
雪花(snow-flakes)落在她那金黄色 的头发上,她蹲在墙角里,把一双小脚 卷缩到身下坐了下来 .
The city lies in a valley with high mountains around it. 这个城市位于一个由高山环抱的山谷中。
抱着小孩的那位妇女是汤姆的姑姑。 The woman with a baby in her arms is Tom’s aunt. = The woman who has a baby in her arms is Tom’s aunt.
with结构不是句子,它在句中作定语或状语, 故with结构中不会有谓语动词形式。
with复合结构中宾语补足语用-ing还是-ed要根 据动作与宾语的关系来确定,如果宾语发出 动作则用-ing,如果宾语承受动作则用-ed
1.With the boy __le_a_d_i_n_g___(lead) the way, we found he house easily.
4.He usually sleeps with the windows open in the summer.
5. He slept with the lights on.
构成的一种复合结构。宾语由名词或代词 充当,宾语补足语由形容词、副词、介词 短语、动词不定式,现在分词,或过去分 词充当。

1. You musn’t talk with a person with your finger pointing at her.
2.He lay on his back, with his hands crossed under his head.
3.He entered the room, with his nose red. 4.A man broke in , with a knife in his
With 的复合结构五
With + n./pron. + adv. With + 名词/代词 + 副词
With our head teacher away, we can talk freely.
With a lot of work to do, she has to get up early evern the chair , with a newspaper _c_o_v_e_r_in_g_ (cover) his face. (NMET2003) 5. The sick old man was left alone under the tree, with his body _c_o_v_e_r_e_d_ ( cover ) by a bag. (NMET1998) 6.With nothing __to__e_a_t_ (eat), the three children had to go hungry.
With 的复Th合e t结ea构ch二er
entered the
1. You musn’t talk with a person with your finger pointing at her.
2.He lay on his back, with his hands crossed under his head.
3.He entered the room, with his nose red. 4.A man broke in , with a knife in his
With 的复合结构五
With + n./pron. + adv. With + 名词/代词 + 副词
With our head teacher away, we can talk freely.
With a lot of work to do, she has to get up early evern the chair , with a newspaper _c_o_v_e_r_in_g_ (cover) his face. (NMET2003) 5. The sick old man was left alone under the tree, with his body _c_o_v_e_r_e_d_ ( cover ) by a bag. (NMET1998) 6.With nothing __to__e_a_t_ (eat), the three children had to go hungry.
With 的复Th合e t结ea构ch二er
entered the

2. The girl sat there silently and still with her
He was covered with a national flag with his face exposed.
With the door and windows open wide, the room was very cold. 因为门窗大开,所以屋内很冷。 With his key lost, he couldn”t get into the office. 由于钥匙丢了,他进不了办公室。 With the plan changed, we decided to put off the sports meet. 由于计划有变化,我们决定推迟举行运动会。
改错:With the teacher stands beside, she felt a bit uneasy. 老师站在旁边,她觉得有点不自在。
With the work done, he felt greatly relieved. 工作完成了,他大大的松了一口气。 With everything done, she went home. 做完一切事情以后,她回家了。 He lay on his back, with his teeth set and his eyes closed. 他仰卧着,咬着牙、闭着眼。
I can’t go out with these clothes to wash. 因为这些衣服要洗,我不能出去。
I had to go to bed with nothing to do. 我没有事可做,只好睡觉。

了,他不得不步行上学. With her taken care of , we could go on with our work . 有人 照顾她,我们可以继续工作了.
高考英语语一轮复习——with的复合 结构课 件(共16 张PPT)
高考英语语一轮复习——with的复合 结构课 件(共16 张PPT)
高考英语语一轮复习——with的复合 结构课 件(共16 张PPT)
(3).with +名词/代词+介词短语 With some beautiful flowers
in her hands , she ran to the hero .她手捧鲜花向英跑去. They sat under the tree with their back to the wall .他们背对
(2).with +名词/代词+副词 I’m used to working with the radio on .我习惯开着收音机
工作. I stood there with my dog behind . 我站在那儿,我的狗在
高考英语语一轮复习——with的复合 结构课 件(共16 张PPT)
The teacher came in with some of his students following him . 老师走了
近来,后面跟着几个他的学生. With the boy leading him the way , the old man had no trouble finding his old friend’s house .由于有小男 孩给他引路,这位老人毫不费力地找到
高考英语语一轮复习——with的复合 结构课 件(共16 张PPT)
高考英语语一轮复习——with的复合 结构课 件(共16 张PPT)
高考英语语一轮复习——with的复合 结构课 件(共16 张PPT)
高考英语语一轮复习——with的复合 结构课 件(共16 张PPT)
(3).with +名词/代词+介词短语 With some beautiful flowers
in her hands , she ran to the hero .她手捧鲜花向英跑去. They sat under the tree with their back to the wall .他们背对
(2).with +名词/代词+副词 I’m used to working with the radio on .我习惯开着收音机
工作. I stood there with my dog behind . 我站在那儿,我的狗在
高考英语语一轮复习——with的复合 结构课 件(共16 张PPT)
The teacher came in with some of his students following him . 老师走了
近来,后面跟着几个他的学生. With the boy leading him the way , the old man had no trouble finding his old friend’s house .由于有小男 孩给他引路,这位老人毫不费力地找到
高考英语语一轮复习——with的复合 结构课 件(共16 张PPT)
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Summary (3)
adj. + 宾语
to do
1. With the boy ____B____us the way, we got there easily. A. showed B. showing C. to show D. show
1.With so much homework _t_o__fi_n_is_h_(finish),
○he can’t go out to play.
2.With so much homework _f_in_i_s_h_e_d_( finish ), he went out to play .
Summary (2)
with + 宾语 +
doing to do done
主动,进行 将要发生 被动,完成
1.With a lot of work _t_o_d_o__ (do), he looks upset. 2.With a lot of work _d_o_n_e__ (do), he looks relaxed. 3.She fell asleep with the light __b_u_r_n_in_g_(burn).
with + 宾语 + adj.
1.The girl fell asleep with the light on.
○ 2.The old man sat on the sofa with his head down . ○ ○ 3.With the lights off , people could not go on their work .
○ with 的复合结构是由with 和宾语 ○ ○ 以及宾语补足语构成。在句中一般
1.He used to sleep with the windows open.
○ ○ 2.The girl rushed in the room with her face red . ○ 3.The children lay on the grass with their eyes closed.
with + 宾语 + adv.
○ 1.The teacher came in with a book in his hand.
2.My uncle sat silently with his back to the tree .
○○ 3.She went to school with an umbrella under her arm .
With his key lost, he couldn”t get into the office.
由于钥匙丢了,他进不了办公室。 With the weather changed, we decided to
put off the sports meet. 由于天气变化,我们决定推迟举行运动会。
with + 宾语 + 介词短语
Summary (1)
with + 宾语 +
形容词 副词 介词短语
1. She came into the room, with her nose __re_d__because of cold. 由于天气寒冷,她出去回来的时候鼻子被冻的红红的.
2. The master was walking up and down with the ruler_u__n_d_e_r_h_is__a_r_m____. 主人走来走去,胳膊下面夹着尺子
1. 表示伴随状况 She left the office with tears in her eyes. 她眼里含着泪,离开了办公室。 He was coh
his face exposed. 一面国旗盖在他身上,脸露在外面。
2. 表示原因
2. With everything___A_____, she made her way home. A. done B. being done C. to do D. doing
3. With Mr. Frank ___C_____us, I'm sure we will succeed. A. help B. helped C. to help D. helps
4. I can hardly get asleep ___C_____the noise outside so loud. A. as B. for C. with D. because of
5. With his leg___D_____, he couldn't come to school as usual. A. break B. breaks C. broke D. broken
• With everything done, she went home. • 做完一切事情以后,她回家了
• With the machine helping us, we could finish the work on time.
• 由于有机器的帮助,我们能按时完成任务。 •。
二. with复合结构的句法作用
3. With the meal o_v_e_r___,we all went home. 吃完饭后,我们都回家了.
1.With so many people _h_e_lp__in_g_(help) him, Mr. Smith
○was able to pull through at last .
3. 表示时间
The children began to watch TV with the homework done.
孩子们完成作业以后开始看电视。 The meeting was over with the problem