
项目 时间 人数 道具
活动内容 15分钟 不限 沙包
概述: 练习使用"What's your name?" "I'm..."以及一些学过的问候语。 目的: 此方法可扩展到其他需要两个人进行对话练习的语言点 步骤: 1、学生坐在座位上,或者站成一队,老师站在学生前面,背向学生抛球,球离 手后转身面对学生。 2、谁接到球就和老师进行对话练习。对话结束后,由他取代老师的位置,上前 抛球继续游戏。 3、直至最后一名同学对话完毕。
4、教师公布最后结果。 变通: 教师也可以给大家分组做这个游戏,哪组传的快并且完全正确,哪个组就 是获胜组。
项目 时间 人数 道具
活动内容 15分钟 不限 无
概述: 这是训练学生听单词并快速作出反应的游戏。 目地: 使学生更扎实的掌握单词,并更有趣味的巩固。 步骤: 1、在学了单词nose,ear,eye,leg,hand,arm,finger等单词后,教师可快速说出这些单 词,学生听到指令便用手触摸这个部位,最快最准的获胜。 2、当学生做得非常熟悉后,还可以增加难度,可要求学生听到哪个单词不许摸 哪个部位,如教师说“nose”,学生不可以摸鼻子,但可以摸眼睛,耳朵, 嘴等其它部位。
变化: 可编排其内容,如At the Zoo 或In the Park. 建议: 1、教师要变化话题场景,或是逐渐增加深度。 2、要有趣味性。
项目 时间 人数 道具
活动内容 15分钟 2人以上 不限
概述: 这个游戏主要让大家会用方位介词。 目的: 1、在学会用方位介词。 2、提高口语水平,学会如何询问。 步骤: 1、将学生分为2人一组。 2、学生A表达想去做某事,学生B去指引去什么地方。
英语游戏game 图文课件

1 、基本步骤 ● 选几个学生到台上来。
● 其他学生头埋在课桌上,闭上双眼,两手握拳放到 桌上,伸出大拇指。
" What's
your name?"
Mike必须回到起跑线的位置。 ● 教师再转回身,面对墙壁,重复上述过程。当学生在教
师没有注意时跑到了"家",游戏就结束了,然后这名 学
2 、游戏扩展 ● 多喊几个数字或者变换数字。例如,第一次喊
"One, two, three", 第 二 次 喊 "four,five,six" 等。 ● 教师变换问题,例如: " How are you? What color
● 如果学生出了错,教师可以淘汰他也可以不淘汰他。 ● 利用这个游戏可以练习下述问答, 比如, "Where
I buy flowers?" "At the flower shop."等等。 24
9、“摸大拇指”游戏(Thumbs up)
本游戏对于区分容易混淆 的 is和has got 很有帮助,它 还能练习身体各部位的名称、 颜色和衣物的单词,帮助学生 用英语描述事物,并且有利于 学生区分 he 和she。
该游戏有利于学习表示颜色的单词、 一些形容词和 其他词汇系列。
1 、基本步骤
● 教师大声说出所贴图画中的某个事物,例如, 一座 房子,学生们就跑到图画的下面站好。(如果教师 想课堂安静一些,可以要学生坐在座位上,指出教 师提到的事物。)
2 、游戏扩展 ● 如果在教表示颜色的单词,教师不仅仅在墙上贴颜

What’s missing?
适用类型:单词教学 适用年龄:4-12岁 游戏目的:培养幼儿的记忆力。通过知识点在空间变化,达到幼儿在高度兴趣 中将已学单词巩固。 游戏准备:实物或单词卡、黑板、神秘袋。 游戏玩法:首先,将准备游戏的单词图卡贴上黑板上或实物摆放在地上,通过 阅读或指读的方式与幼儿一起过目。之后,请幼儿闭上眼睛,将贴在黑板上的 任一个词卡或实物抽走一个,藏在黑色神秘袋中。再次,请幼儿睁开眼睛,看 一看,猜出哪个不见了。如回答正确将卡片或实物暂时送给幼儿并给予及时的 表扬。 游戏参考用语:
对话 --- 惟妙惟肖最重要
1.结对交谈 2.相互问答 3.角色表演 4.替换仿编
How old are you?
How old are you ? One .two. three. How old are you? Four .five. six. How old are you? Seven. eight. nine. I’m nine today. Birthday, birthday. Birthday, happy birthday.
在知识上对学生公平:有的游戏难度不一,且学生 水平参差不齐,要求教师具体情况具体分析,同时教师 要注意到学生的个体差异,实施不同的游戏。
有的游戏在进行时,由于其本身的对抗性较 强,学生好胜心切,群情激昂时会导致课堂纪律 混乱。老师做游戏应该心中有数,能有效控制课 堂纪律。

Байду номын сангаас
Scenario dialogue card game
Listening games
Cultivate students' concentration and listening comprehension abilities
The teacher prepares an English listening material, plays it, and asks the students to retell and spell it out. Finally, they combine all the students' answers to form a complete sentence or paragraph.
Letter relay
To help students memorize letters and words
Divide students into two groups, each group holding a stack of letter cards, and use the combination of letter cards to spell words. The group that first spells the specified number of words wins.
Teachers should ensure that the provided word list is suitable for the age and English level of students, and ensure that the game difficulty is moderate.

Grammar relay
Improving Students' Grammar Response Speed
Detailed description
Divide students into several small groups, and each group of students relay a grammar sentence. Each student needs to quickly complete the grammar tasks in the sentence, such as tense conversion and part of speech conversion, before the relay baton is passed.
Learning English songs helps students improve their promotion and listening skills, as well as their ability to understand and use English in different contexts It also helps develop their confidence in speaking English in public
English story relay
The English story relay is a group activity that helps improve English speaking skills In this game, students take turns relaying a story or pass in English to the rest of the group

meet 对方 1’ 得1’
Look and read
Mine sweeping(扫雷游戏,单词下埋着6颗雷,学生选择单词读出, 如果单词下没雷则可得分,如果所读单词下有雷,不能得分。)
hambdurrginerk juiccaeke mCoilkke coffee
Game time 营救小青蛙
学生要为青蛙妈妈选择要走的路线, 这些路线会经过很多荷叶, 每个荷叶下都有一个单词或蛇, 老师点击荷叶上的小脚丫, 出现单词学生读,继续前行。出现蛇时, 该路线不通请返回改走其他路线。
bat glove pens hat rulers desk
lions chair zebras lions chair zebras
tiger dog cat
tiger dog cat
one two three one two three
paddle coloringsoccer paddlecoloring socc3e9r
Is this a dog?
Yes, it is.
Is that a house? No, it isn’t.
Is this the art room? Yes, it is.
Is that the canteen? No, it isn’t.
Fast reaction

本PPT介绍了如何在英语课堂中引入小游戏,以增加学生的参与度与学习效 果。通过多样的小游戏设计,培养学生的词汇记忆和句型运用能力。
探讨小游戏在英语教学中的重要性,如促进学 生积极参与、提高学习兴趣等。
介绍为何在英语课堂中引入小游戏,以及引入 小游戏的好处和意义。
详细解释游戏的设计和规则,包 括参与人数、游戏道具等。
展示游戏示例,让观众更好地理 解游戏的玩法和流程。
分享学生在玩游戏过程中的反馈 和收获,以及游戏对他们英语学 习的帮助。
通过介绍游戏的设计和规则, 引导学生在游戏中学习并熟练 运用不同的句型。
分享学生在淘汰赛游戏中的表现和成绩, 以及对游戏体验的反馈和反思。
总结游戏在英语教学中的作用和价值,如提高 学生学习动力和创造积极的教学氛围。
分享学生在角色扮演游戏中 的表现和收获,以及他们对 游戏体验的反馈和评价。
介绍卡片搭配游戏的设计和规 则,包括卡片内容和搭配方式。
通过演示游戏示例,展示学生 如何通过卡片搭配游戏巩固词 汇和句型的运用。
幼儿园英语教学游戏 Teaching games(英文版)

幼儿园英语教学游戏Teaching games(英文版)Teaching gamesThe games for step 1A The touching gameType of game: Whole class or single kidResources needed: Flash cards, blow-up hammersRules of the game:1.For level 1, the teacher could show one card to one kid and ask the kid read the wordor the sentence three times, then the kid could touch the card gently.2.For level 2, at first the teacher will put down all the cards in different places of theclassroom. Then invite two kids to come to the front and start to look for the word they are told by the teacher. After that the kids should hit the card and go back to the teacher and say the word or the sentence three times.3.For level 3, the teacher will prepare two tables first, putting two blow up hammers onone table and some cards on the other table. Then the teacher will invite two kids to come to the front, after they are told the order:” please touch the …., one, two, three, go” they will repeat three times and then take the hammer and see who can hit the correct card first with it. When they finish, the kids must put the hammer on the table and then go back to their seats.B Loudly and softType of game:Small group gameResources needed: flash cardsRules of the game1.For level 1, the teacher will show the cards to the kids and let all the kids read afterteacher three times. Then the teacher will tell them, when the teacher raises the card high, the kids will read it three times loudly. And when the teacher puts down the card, the kids should read it softly.2.For level 2, first the kids will divide into two groups. One is for boys and one is forgirls. Then the teacher will ask them the sentence they are learning, let the two groups have a match. Which group is louder and faster, which one will get a point. At last which team get more points , they will be the winner.3.For level 3, the teacher could change the actions. For example, the teacher will tellthe kids tapping the face means say the sentence loudly and touching the face means say it softly.C The fruit gameType of game: Small group gameResources needed: cardsRules of the game:Divide your class into groups of two or three. Give each team one name. Such as: Apple Team, Orange Team, Banana Team, Pear Team and so on. Then teacher takes one card and begin the game. Eg: Teacher says: “Apple” Little kids crouch and say: “apples down, apples down, apples down then bananas down.”Then this team points another team to do like this. Thing to consider:1.This game is suitable for large or middle kids in the kindergarten.2.Crouching can be changed to different actions, such as swinging, jumping, etc.D Traffic lightsType of game: Small group gameResources needed: Flash cards, two pieces of paper (one has a picture of a red light; the other has a picture of a green light drawn on it), blindfold,Rules of the game:1.First the teacher will tell all the kids to stand up and make a circle, inviting a kidto come to the centre of the circle with a blindfold on.2.When the kid in the centre says, “green light”, all the other kids will walk aroundthe circle, at the same time repeating the target language sentence, such as, “I like ice cream” or “I like bread”. The content of the target language will be based on the flash card that the teacher holds up for the students to see.3.But when the kid says, “red light”, all the kids must stop and squat down quietly. Thekid in the centre will try to tag somebody. When he/she touches somebody, all the other kids should ask, “What do you like?” The one who was tagged will answer according to the card. All the kids repeat the same sentence three times.4.Change the kid in the circle. Continue the game.Things to consider:This game is only suitable for the kids of level 2 and level 3. Monitor the game well to make sure the student who tags others does it gently and avoids hitting others in the face. Demonstrate how you want the students to tag others.To make the activity more fun you can ask the students to hop around the circle, fly around, swim around… Keep in mind safety and classroom furniture or other hazards when letting the students be more active.E The train gameType of game:Small group gameResources needed: cardsRules of the game:First, the teacher drive the train to be the locomotive, drive the train to the front of a child. The teacher asks: “What’s your name?” Children say three times:”My name is~~.”After the children draws the teacher's clothes on the small train. The teacher and children drive the train to the front of second child .Then the second child say three times :”My name is~~.” The second child who answers right and loudly can pull the first child clothes on the train. Go on to ask, until make a long train.Notice:1. A small child asked to answer the question can only number can be less 4-8 people.2. In the army of the children can ask their children to read the sentence. The t rain can be a little more, the number of 6-10 people.3. In the army of the children can play several groups of people at the same time. At the same time, each group chooses a child to be the locomotive. The teacher in charge of children answers and asks.F Raising the cardsType of game: Group work or pair workResources needed: Flash cardsRules of the game:1. For level 1, the teacher should divide all the kids into three groups, and put down different cards in front of the three groups. When the teacher says the word loudly according to the card of group 1, all the kids of group 1 have to repeat it three times and stand up with their own arms rising. Then continue this game by using the card fromgroup 2 and then group 3.2. For level 2, the teacher can invite 6---8 kids to the front and stand behind them. Each kid should hold one card. After the teacher walks to one kid’s back, all the other kids will say the word or sentence showing on his/her hand three times. Then the kid who is holding the card should raise the card and say it loud as soon as possible. If the kid doesn’t do this he/she needs to go back to his/her seat. The one who is the last one to go back is the winner.3. For level 3, the teacher should invite 6---8 kids come to the front and face back to the other kids. Each kid need hold one card. At first, all the other kids will ask a question, and the teacher should point at one kid. Then he/she should turn around and show the card to them, at this moment all the other kids should say the sentence three times together. When the 6---8 kids finished, they can act as a little teacher, showing the card to each kid sitting on the chairs and ask a question, and the kids sitting on the chairs have to answer the question according to the different cards. At last, the teacher should collect the cards and the new game goes on.G Colorful footprintsType of game: small group gameResources needed: Flash cards, different colour footprintsGame rules for level 11.The teacher will put down different colored footprints on the floor. The number offootprints will be determined by the colors the students are learning.2.The teacher invites 4---6 kids to come to the front. The teacher then shows the kids atthe front of the class a flashcard, and asks them with the help of all the other kids, “What color is it?” First, the 4---6 kids answers the teacher three times, then look for the same color footprints on the floor and quickly put their own foot on it. This game could be dangerous if children run into each other or stomp on each other’s feet. Encourage the children to be careful, to look out for others and not to run or stomp on others. Also, you can make giant colored feet, so students can stand on it together, you can make many little feet of the same color so that they all have their own colored foot to stand on, or you can put a small colored foot in the middle of a hula-hoop and the students can place one foot into the hoop not directly into the colored foot.Game rules for level 2 and 3 (This can be done as a relay)1.The teacher puts all the footprints on the floor in one line.2.Divided the kids into two groups and line them up in two lines at in front of the lineof colored feet, with one line of students on one side of the footprints and the other line of students on the other side. When the teacher says, “One two three, go!” The first kid at the front of each line starts jumping along the footprints. The two kids will be jumping side by side with the colored feet in between them.3.The teacher and the other kids will ask, “What color is it?” continuously. The kidswho are jumping will answer according to the color of the footprints. They keep jumping to the next one and then the next one calling out the color each time. After they finish all the footprints, they run back and must clap hands with the second kid in their own group.4.The game continues until all the members of the same team finish. The team, who is faster,is the winner.Make sure the kids don’t just jump from foot to foot without saying the correct target language. Space the feet out so that the students don’t have to jump too far each time. Demonstrate to the students how to jump down their lane and then return on the same side to their waiting team mate. If the students in line are not behaving well, sit them down and only let the jumping students stand.H Throwing the diceType of game:Group work or whole class gameResources needed: Flash cards, a big diceRules of the game:1. For level 1, teacher should prepare a big dice before the class, sticking six cards on different sides. At the beginning of the class, the teacher should lead all the kids to learn the six words and sentences. The teacher throws the big dice, and then asks: what do you see? (or some other questions). All the kids need to answer it three times according to the picture on the top side of the dice. Next round, the teacher should invite one kid to throw the dice, then the teacher and all the other kids should answer it.2. For level 2, the teacher can mark the number 1---6 on the six sides of the dice. Prepare 6 flash cards and number them from 1 to 6. At the beginning of the class, the teacher should lead all the kids to learn six words and sentences together. Then the teacher throws the dice first, after it falls down, the kid needs to choose the picture from the teacheraccording to the number on the top side of the dice. And teacher asks:”what do you see?”The kid answers the question. At the same time all the other kids must repeat after him/her three times.3. For level 3, the teacher should mark the number 1---6 on the six sides. At the beginning of the class, the teacher should lead all the kids to learn the six words and sentences. Then the teacher needs to write down six old sentences on the black board. Then the teacher throws the dice, after it falls down, the kid should choose the sentence according to the number on the top side of the dice. And asks all the other kids, all of the kids should answer it three times or after the dice falls down, the number on the top side is 5, all the kids should repeat the sentence five times.I Clapping my handsType of game: Pair work or the whole classResources needed: Flash cardsRules of the game:1.For level 1, first the teacher does a demo, clap hands twice, and then clap legs twice.Then the teacher organizes all the kids to do the same actions. When they are familiar with the actions, the teacher will ask them to say ‘ It’s a book. ’ at the same time of clapping hands. When they clap the legs, say nothing.2.For level 2, first the teacher does a demo, clap hands twice, and then clap legs twice.Then the teacher organizes all the kids to do the same actions. When they are familiar with the actions, the teacher asks the kids ‘What’s this’ at the same time of clapping hands. When all the kids clap the legs, they should answer ‘It’s a book. ’ And then the game goes on.3.For level 3, firstly the teacher orders the kids to count 1, 2, 1, 2… then asks all theNo. 1 kids to stand up, shake their hands and sit down. After this, the teacher asks all the No. 2 kids to stand up, jump and sit down. Then all No.1 kids have to make pairs with the person who is on the right. In each pair, both of them have to clap their own hands when they ask questions. During answering, both of them have to clap their partner’s hands.The games for step 2A The guessing gameType of game:Whole class or group workResources needed: flash cardsRules of the game1.For level 1, the teacher will show the card to all the kids first and ask them repeatthree times. Then teacher will put down all the cards on the floor, and put the last card facing down. The teacher will request all the kids to read the words or sentence which they are learning three times, when they see the last card the teacher asks all the kids to guess what it is. After this, put the card on the first place and put the last card facing down. Go on the game.2.For level 2, firstly the teacher will review all the flashcard, then show part of theflash card which is covered with a white paper and ask all the kids to guess what it is.Also the teacher could divide all the class into 3 groups, inviting one by one group to attend the game.3.For level 3, the teacher marks all the cards with number of 1---6, then put the cardsfacing down. Let all the kids or one group of kids guess what the No 1 card is and then No 2,…B Turn and shoutType of game:Group game or pair workResources needed: Flash cardsRules of the game:1.For level 1, first, the teacher should invite two kids to come to the front and give eachof them a flash card to hold in front of their bodies.Then ask them to stand back to back.When teacher says ‘1, 2, 3, go’, the two kids need to start slowly walking forward.After the teacher and all the other kids finish saying the question three times, the two kids should turn all around and shout out the sentence according to their partner’s card.2.For level 2, the teacher should invite two groups of kids to the front. And give a cardto one of the kids in each group. Then follow the same rules as No 1 above.3.For level 3, the kids should put the cards on their own back as the teacher and the otherkids say the question sentence three time, the kids with cards on their backs should turn around and around. When the teacher and other students stop talking, the two kids should shout out the sentence according to their partner’s card.C Whispering gameType of game:group gameResources needed: Flash cardsRules of the game:The teacher should first let all the kids sit in a semicircle, and then divide them into two groups.The teacher should then invite the first kid of each group to come to the front and tell them a sentence, phrase or a word. (This should depend on the range of ages and levels) When the teacher says, one two three go! The two kids will go back and tell the next kid in their group.Finally, the last kids from each group will come to the front and speak out what they’ve heard.D What’s the next one?Type of game:Group game or whole class gameResources needed: Flash cardsRules of the game:1.The teacher will show all the flash cards one by one to the kids, and review them withall the kids.2.The teacher put all the cards on the floor or the blackboard that all the cards are facingdown.3.The teacher divides all the kids into three groups, first the teacher will ask the kidsof group 1, what’s this? The kids of the group 1 answer together by guessing the first card This is a … At this time, the teacher will pick up the first card. And then the group 1 will ask the kids of group 2, and the kids of group 2 answer it by guessing the second card. Then the kids of group I and 2 ask group 3, the group 3 answers. At last, all the kids ask the teacher, and the teacher answers.E Changing chairsType of game: Whole class gameResources needed: flash cardsRules of the game:Have all the students sit in a circle or semicircle with the teacher standing in the middleholding a pile of flash cards. The teacher reveals one of the cards that they are holding and asks the students, “What do you like?” The students answer according to the picture on the card. The teacher then says, “One two three, change!” The students stand up and then exchange seats. At this point the teacher enters the game and sits down in a seat, causing one student to miss out on a getting a new seat. This student then takes a different card from the teacher, shows it to the class and asks three times, “What do you like?”The class answer three times according to the flash card. Once again the teacher calls out, “One two three, change!” The game continues for as long as the teacher decides. The teacher can give other instructions or change the sentence pattern according to the lesson objectives. Such as only students wearing red can change seats…Things to consider:This game can be played without the teacher stealing a chair. The teacher can create a game atmosphere and let the students compete for the chairs. If the teacher is not involved in stealing the chairs then they will need to choose someone each round to start, or they need to reduce the students’ chairs by one to begin with.If the language content is too difficult for the junior class, then make it easier for them and only have the students repeat the sentence, don’t require them to practice the question sentence at the same time.The senior level students should practice both the sentence and the questions for each round.F Pick up peasType of game: small group gameResources needed: Flash cards, colourful peasRules of the game1.The teacher will put down many colorful peas on the table and floor, and then put somebaskets on the table.2.The teacher will invite 6---8 kids to come to the front and will show them a flash card.After the teacher asks, “What color is it?” the kids must answer three times, for example, “It’s red, it’s red, it’s red.” The teacher will then say, “One, two, three, go”, the students take a basket and start to pick up the same color peas as shown on the flash card. When the teacher and other students finish saying the sentence It’s red five times, all the kids should stop picking up peas and put down their basket. The teacher will showa new card to the kids and repeat the activity.3.After several times, the game is over, all the kids should count how many peas they haveand tell the other kids.4.Change to another 6---8 kids, and continue the game. Make sure the students pay attentionto any furniture in the room and other students. If playing with peas on the floor, there is a risk that students might bump their heads together if they rush or bend down to pick up the same pea or basket. To avoid this you can start the students in different places or have them start from a squatting position, so they can’t move too quickly and they won’t blindly bend down. Place the baskets around the room and use lots of peas so they all have enough to collect close to their position. If playing at a table, space the students around the table and make them aware of each others’ fingers. Anyone who is grabbing too roughly or too quickly can be told to sit out the game. Demonstrate how you want them to collect peas in a safe manner before starting the game.G The bomb gameType of game: Group work or the whole classResources needed: Flash cardsRules of the game:1.For level 1, the teacher shows all the cardsand marks one card (as a bomb). The teacherpoints to the cards by order. Have all the kids read. Explain to the kids whenever they see this marked card they should keep quiet.Note: teacher should show a demo before the whole class are ready to do it.2.For level 2, the teacher shows all the cards and then marks one or two cards. Explainto the kids whenever they see this marked card they should keep quiet. Before doing the game, the teacher should divide all the kids into two groups. For the first time, the kids of group 1 act as teachers, they should ask group 2. Group 2 answer the question according to the card which is pointed by the teacher. Then exchange. Group 2 act as the teacher.3.For level 3, the teacher shows all the cards and marks one or two cards. Explain to thekids whenever they see this marked card they should say:”Mom, mom I love you” three times. Before doing the game, the teacher should divide all the kids into three groups.Firstly, each of the first kid from the three groups can be invited to attend the game.When they heard the other kids’ question, they must answer it as soon as possible, and the quickest one can get one point for his own group. And then continue the game. Finally,the group gets the highest score will be the winners.The games for step 3A Name fourType of game:group gameResources needed: Flash cardsRules of the game:First the teacher and all the kids will ask something they have learned.For example: “What animals do you like?”Then the teacher will ask one kid to stand up and answerKid 1: “I like cats.”All the other kids should repeat three times.Secondly, the teacher and all the kids should ask the same question. Invite kid 2.Kid 2: I like cats and dogs.All the other kids should repeat three times.Then the teacher and all the kids ask the same question and invite kid 3 to answer.Kid 3: “I like cats, dogs and rabbits.”All the other kids will repeat three times.Finally, the teacher and all the kids ask the same question. Invite kid 4 to answer. Kid 4: “I like cats, dogs, rabbits, and tigers.All the other kids should repeat three times.The teacher can change the question. And according to the children’s levels, let the kids ‘Name three’ or ‘Name five’.B .What’s this?Type of the game: whole class; group work; pair workResources needed: flash cards, teacher’s pointerRules of the game:1.For level 1,the teacher should face all the kids and then show themone card and ask them, “What’s this?” Ask all the kids to answer together.2.For level 2, first the kids should be divided into two groups. The teacher will inviteone group to come to the front and act as the teachers, and then ask the other group to come to the front to answer.3.For level 3, the kids should be put into pairs. The No 1 kid acts as a teacher, askingthe No. 2 kid. The No. 2 kid should answer as quickly as they can.C What’s missing?Type of the game: group work; pair workResources needed: flash cardsRules of the game:1.For level 1, the teacher will show all the cards to the kids and put them downon the floor. Then the teacher should ask all the kids to cover their eyes. Once all the kids have their eyes closed, the teacher should take one card away. After this the teacher should let all the kids open their eyes and read the remaining cards with the teacher three times. Finally, the teacher will ask all the kids, “What’s missing?”2.For the level 2 and 3, the kids could be separated into 3 or 5 groups. Theteacher can invite the kids to do the game one group at a time. The teacher may take away one or two cards.D Yes or noType of the game: small group or pair gameResources required: flash cardsRules of the game:Divide the class into two groups. Place two chairs in the front of the class, one chair represents “yes” and the other represents “no”. Ask two students to stand up to compete against each other. The teacher then makes a statement about the flash card, for example they hold up a picture of a yellow balloon and say, “The balloon is yellow”. If the balloon is yellow, then the students race to the “yes” chair. If the balloon is not yellow, they race to the “no” chair. The child who is correct and the first to sit down gains one point for their team. Alternatively, the teacher holds up a flash card and asks a “yes” or “no”question. For example, they hold up a picture of a yellow balloon and ask, “Is this a yellow balloon?” Again the students race to the correct chair. The teacher then asks the next pair of students to play and the game continues.Things to consider:For level 3, the students could be put into 4 teams and set up two pair of chairs for thefour teams to race again each other. But make sure the students are clear which pair of chair they are competing for. For example teams one and two compete for the first pair of chairs, while teams 3 and 4 compete for second pair of chairs.E Wolf is comingType of game:Small group gameResources needed: cardsRules of the game:The teacher takes a flash card in their hand and shows it a group of students and then asks the group of students to stand up. After the teacher shows the students the flash card they should ask the students a question. The students then need to answer the teacher’s question according to the flash card. The students who answer correctly and promptly can take one step forward. The students who are incorrect or too slow to answer cannot take a step forward. The teacher should continue to change the cards as the game continues. When the teacher reveals a blank flash card, the teacher should call out in a loud voice, “Wolf is coming”. The students must then rush back to their seats. The students who are slow t return to their seats must sit out the next round of the game.Things to consider:1.For level 1 kindergarten class, make the groups smaller, between 4 to 6 students pergroup. If the content is too difficult you can have the students merely repeat the answers the teacher gives according to the flash cards2.For level 2, the groups can be larger, between 6 to 8 students per group. Have thestudents ask the teacher questions and then answer according to the flash card.3.If the students are already familiar with this game, you can ask one student to cometo the front to act as the wolf.F Hug gameType of game: Group work or whole classResources needed: flash cardsRules of the game:1.For the level 1, firstly all the kids make a circle and walk around. When the teachershows the flash card to the kids, all the kids should ask the question three times ‘How many … do you see?’ The teacher answers ‘I see 2 birds’. At the same time, 1 kid mustsnuggle up to another kid. The kid with no partner exits and next round, he/she should be with teacher and answer the question ‘I see…’2. For the level 2 and 3, firstly all the kids make a circle and walk around. When the teachershows the flash card to the kids, all the kids should ask the question three times ‘How many … do you see?’ and then all the kids should answer three times ‘I see 2 birds’.After they finish saying the sentence, 1 kid must snuggle up to another kid. The kid with no partner exits.Some of other games:Teacher Says or Simon SaysTeacher gives simple commands. If teacher says ‘Simon says’. you need to do the action. If teacher doesn’t say ‘Simon says’, you don’t need to perform it. If you do it, you will lose and quit the activity. The children who leave the activity at last will be the winners.Passing GamePassing the cards or some papers, when the kid holds the card, he must speak it loudly pass it to the next one.Who is the quickest one?Divide the whole class into three groups. And then invite one kid of each group to the front, after the teacher says a word or a sentence, the kids will touch the card quickly. The quickest one will get one point for the group. And then go on the competition.Duck, duck, gooseBeach Ball GameYou stand in one large circle or several small circles. Teacher names the topic. One child says something about the topic and throws the ball to another child. The one who catches the ball continues this action. Teacher may change the topic every few minutes Example:Teacher: What fruit do you like? Child A: I like apple.Child A: What fruit do you like? Child B: I like banana.Child B: What food do you like? Child C: I like bread.If there is a large class, the teacher could prepare 2 or 3 balls for the kids and play the game at the same time.。

The teacher shows a picture and asks students to describe the object or scene in English, while other students guess the answer.
Listening games
Cultivate students' teamwork spirit and innovative thinking ability.
The Importance of Game Teaching
Enhance students' interest in learning
Stimulate student participation enthusiasm
for learning English.
Enhancing learning motivation
Game based teaching can stimulate students' curiosity and thirst for knowledge, enabling them to actively participate in English learning and
Detailed description
Word relay game is a common English game aimed at stimulating students' interest in learning English and helping them expand their vocabulary through the form of games. In the game, the teacher gives a word, and the students need to use the last letter of this word as the first letter of the next word, and so on, to form a continuous word chain.

The design of buttons and other interactive elements should be
invasive and self-explanatory to minimize the learning curve for
Color scheme
Sound volume control
Adjust the volume of sound effects according to the game context and player needs, providing a better gaming experience.
01 Game Introduction
Game background
This game is designed to help players improve their English vocabulary and enhance their language skills
The game integrates the elements of mini games and PPT courseware to create a lively and interesting learning environment
It is suitable for players of different ages and levels, specifically those who need to learn English words
Game objectives
Players need to complete various mini games to obtain scores and unlock the next level

(2)在平时,还可以进行频繁的课堂听 写与家庭听写相结合。有老师会提出疑 问,如此频繁的听写,老师面对这么多 个班,这么多听写本可能会措手不及, 我们可以采取小组过关的形式,每节课 前听写5——8个单词,发挥四人小组团 结互助的作用互相纠错,马上订正,组 长负责登分,可以让老师们从繁忙的批 改作业中释放出来。
Show me your pencil. Show me your ruler. Show me your bag. Show me your rubber. Open your book. Pack your bag……
指令速度由慢到快, 要求学生做出快速反应。 这样,通过一小段时间 的练习,不少学生就已 经会模仿教师发指令了, 我们可以请学生代替老 师发出指令。学生通过 观察和自身的演示来学 习语言,避免了死记硬 背,不但记住了单词的 读音,而且对单词的意 思也有了深刻的印象。
Pencil yellow, pencil red. Pencil, pencil, where is it? On the table, on the bed. Ruler yellow, ruler red, Ruler, ruler, where is it? in the box, under the bag 有节奏地朗读还可以举起相关的文具,小诗 与颜色联系,为下一单元学习颜色埋下伏笔.
四.教会学生背单词的方法 背单词是三年级的重点和难点。刚开始
学生找不准规律,觉得很难背,下面我将讲 讲我在三年级中如何让学生学会背单词。
(1)教师要从课堂入手,向课堂 要质量,让单词高密度地闪现,并且 注重各类形式有效让学生学会在拼读 单词中记忆单词。对于要求背诵的课 文和单词,我经常采用“限时背诵” 的方法,凡是在限定时间内顺利完成 任务的都可以获得一张贴纸。
英语课堂小游戏82849 ppt课件

Number 3
Tasks: write down the names
of 12 Countries on the blackboard one by one and answer as many questions as possible while doing this.
Every student should design 3 questions. For each question answered correctly, you will get 5 points.
英语课堂小游如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你 是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?
8. Translate the sentence “ 我 们能在独处中找到灵感”into English.
We can find inspiration in living alone.
9. Introduce your English teacher Amy to the class.
Oceans apart day after day And I slowly go insane I hear your voice on the line But it doesn't stop the pain
Names of some countries
America(美国) Australia(澳大利亚) Brazil(巴西) Canada(加拿大) China(中 国) Egypt(埃及) England(英国) France (法国) French(法语) Germany(德国 Greece(希腊) India(印度) Ireland(爱尔 兰) Irish(爱尔兰语 Italy(意大利) Japan (日本) Holland/the Netherlands(荷兰) Portugal(葡萄牙) Russia(俄国 Scotland( 苏格兰) Spain(西班牙 Sweden(瑞典 ) Switzerland(瑞士) Wales(威尔士)

1 学习英语基础
2 培养语字、 颜色和形状。
3 理解简单句子
4 提高听力和口语能力
通过听故事、唱歌和进行对话练习,提高幼 儿的听力和口语能力。
这是一首简单的儿歌,适合幼儿 跟着拍手和跳舞。
通过舞蹈和动作游戏,将英语学习融入幼儿的日常运动活动中,让他们更全 面地掌握语言技能。
通过参与故事情节,幼儿可以提高理解 能力和想象力。
利用科技设备和应用程序,例如平板电脑和教育游戏,可以让幼儿在学习英 语时更加积极和专注。
通过唱这首受欢迎的英文儿歌, 幼儿可以学习颜色和计数。
这首动感十足的儿歌可以让幼儿 跟着动起来,并学习身体部位的 英文名称。
2019年幼儿英语游戏课件, 适合幼儿园英语老师使用
欢迎使用2019年幼儿英语游戏课件!我们为幼儿园英语老师设计了一套富有 趣味性和互动性的教学材料,帮助幼儿提升英语能力。
在幼儿期学习英语有许多好处,例如帮助培养语言天赋、提高记忆力和思维 能力,以及为以后的学习打下坚实基础。
通过讲故事、角色扮演等方式 引发幼儿的兴趣。
设计趣味游戏和活动,激发幼 儿的学习热情。
通过唱歌和跳舞来巩固幼儿的 英语学习。
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Follow me
适用类型:单词、句子、歌曲教学 适用年龄:小中大班 游戏目的:通过趣味重复单词、句子和歌曲,加强对所学知识的记忆。 游戏准备:单词卡、实物等 游戏玩法: 1.小班:类似“鹦鹉学舌”,幼儿完全模仿教师。当老师大声读,幼儿也大声读 ;老师装出男声或变声,幼儿也模仿做。 2.中班:更据教师读出的次数,并配有手势表示次数,幼儿跟读相应的次数 3.大班:更据教师读出的次数,无需手势,幼儿跟读相应的次数。
What’s missing?
适用类型:单词教学 适用年龄:小中大班 游戏目的:培养幼儿的记忆力。通过知识点在空间变化,达到幼儿在高度兴趣中将已学单 词巩固。 游戏准备:实物或单词卡、黑板、神秘袋。 游戏玩法:首先,将准备游戏的单词图卡贴上黑板上或实物摆放在地上,通过阅读或指读 的方式与幼儿一起过目。之后,请幼儿闭上眼睛,将贴在黑板上的任一个词卡或实物抽走 一个,藏在黑色神秘袋中。再次,请幼儿睁开眼睛,看一看,猜出哪个不见了。如回答正 确将卡片或实物暂时送给幼儿并给予及时的表扬。 游戏参考用语: T∞ OK, let’s play a game. Look, what’s on the blackboard? … T∞ OK, Close your eyes! (幼儿做动作,老师抽卡并放到黑盒子中。) T∞ Open your eyes! Oh, my dear, what’s missing? I don't know. Who can help me? (表示惊讶着急,请幼儿回答。) Ks: Daddy! T∞ Daddy? (慢慢地取出,查看袋中卡片,引起幼儿注意。)Yes! You’re great! Here you are! 游戏建议:此游戏也可以使用更加灵活而又有吸引力的教具,例如将卡片藏在各种形状的 图形下面或各种各样的水果图形下面,让幼儿更有好奇心的去了解。
Run, run, run.
适用类型:单词教学 适用年龄:小中大班 游戏目的:通过扮演角色,达到幼儿对已学单词的巩固。 游戏准备:单词卡、三个Coco的头饰。 游戏玩法:将单词卡贴在教室的不同墙面。请三名幼儿出来,带上Coco的头饰。 当老师发号命令时,三位幼儿一起跑向命令中的单词所在位置,其余的幼儿拍手 ,齐声读出单词的名称表示为三位小朋友加油。 游戏参考用语: T∞ Now, you are Coco. When I say ”Daddy”, you will run to the card of Daddy. OK? T∞ Daddy! Go! Ks: Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! (老师带领其余幼儿一起拍手,一起说,使得全体幼 儿都能参与。) T∞(跑的最快的幼儿给以鼓励)Yeah! A sticker for you! Who wants to play? 游戏建议:此游戏可以在中、大班采用竞技式,让第一位跑到目标的幼儿为胜。
游戏玩法2:根据卡片的高低来读。如果老师高高举起卡片,幼儿就大声音读 ;老师将卡片变低位置,幼儿声音就随之变小。 游戏参考用语2:When I raise the card, you speak loudly. When I put down the card, you speak in a low voice. 游戏建议:可以轮流请幼儿做小老师来进行游戏,增加幼儿参与游戏的积极性 。
Drive the train
适用类型:单词、句型教学 适用年龄:小中大班 游戏目的:通过集体游戏,达到幼儿在无意识中对已学单词的巩固。 游戏准备:可以代替方向盘的圆形道具、歌曲《The wheel on the bus》) 游戏玩法:教师手持圆型方向盘,当火车头,玩开火车的游戏(可以伴有歌 曲《The wheel on the bus》)。当火车开到任意幼儿面前停下时,表演所 学单词的模拟动作,让幼儿来猜。或提问,请幼儿回答。幼儿回答正确可以 上火车,火车再开往下一位小朋友面前,继续游戏。 游戏参考用语: T∞ Hello!I’m the driver of the train. OK! Let’s go. (火车开动) T∞ (当停下时) Who am I? Ks: Mommy!
High-low voice
适用类型:单词、句子教学 适用年龄:小中大班 游戏目的:提升听单词、句子的能力;训练动作敏捷度。 游戏准备:单词卡、实物等 游戏玩法1:老师大声读,幼儿小声读。反之,老师小声读,幼儿大声读。 游戏参考用语1:When I read loudly,you must read lowly. And when I read lowly, you must read loudly.
游戏参考用语:Follow me, when I say apple, you will say one time with me. When I say two times, you must say two times about it. 游戏建议:可以轮流请幼儿做小老师来进行游戏,增加幼儿参与游戏的积极性 。