



美剧《罗马假日》中英文经典台词语句篇一:美剧经典台词You guys really have to learn to turn off your comms. 你俩卿卿我我的时候要学会关掉通讯器。

——《尼基塔》I'll do whatever it is you need me to do, Elena. 你让我做什么我都会去做,Elena。

——《吸血鬼日记》You can't upset the balance of nature without a price. 打破自然规律必须付出代价。

——《吸血鬼日记》None of our gods have abs like that. 我们印度的神可没有这么强壮的腹肌。

——《生活大爆炸》Nice. Kick a man when he's down. 不错。


——《生活大爆炸》It's like they say - a cat can have kittens in the oven, but that don't make them biscuits. 就像常言道,你可以把米放到锅里,但是不代表米就会成炊。

——《生活大爆炸》Well, you can't force things. 有些事情是强求不来的。

——《生活大爆炸》There's a lot of harm in trying something new. 尝试新鲜事物的坏处太多了。

——《生活大爆炸》You are in for a treat. 你有口福了。

——《生活大爆炸》The real way to get a man is with melted cheese, and cream of mushroom soup. 拴住一个男人的真正秘诀就是给他做融化了的奶酪和蘑菇汤。

nikita 第一季第09集中英字幕

nikita 第一季第09集中英字幕
is coming out of hiding for a meeting.
coming out: 出来 hiding: 躲藏处
Kasim Tariq.
他叫Kasim Tariq。
Mean something to you?
touchy: 难以取悦的 subject: 部门 The State Department: 美国国务院
Michael 国务院对乌兹别克斯坦管得很紧。
I would have to go to oversight to get sign off on an op.
oversight: 监督 sign off: 解决
-Nikita: Hello, Michael.
-Michael: What the hell are you doing here?
hell: 究竟(做加强语气词)
-Nikita: Thanks, my flight was lovely. How about yours?
named Timur Ahmedov.
他叫Timur Ahmedov。
He has a meeting next week with al Qaeda's main bagman,
main: 主要的 bagman: 管钱的人
relax: 放松
I'm not here to stop you.

Nikita第一季第一集 台词整理

Nikita第一季第一集 台词整理


I was taken out of prison and forced by a covert unite of the government, to be an assassin.虽然中文是主动语态。



I’m going to make certain I’m not the last.中文绝对是副词,对照英文表示绝对有absolutely, certainly, definitely,I’ll definitely not be the last one。



make certain.所以要学会词性的转换。

3.人际关系personal tiestie很简单,很形象。

4.【美】记录在案证据;活动记录paper trail5.extract取出,提取,摘录,设法得到extraction抽出拔出I need extraction at the service entrance.需要有人在便门出接应我。


You always had trouble listening, didn’t you?7.薄弱环节weak link8.我们只有一次机会。

一般表达We have only one chance地道的We have one shot at this.9.虚拟语气如果我是你,我会把它放下I’d put that down if I were you.10.没什么稀奇的It’s nothing we haven’t heard before.11.如果想成功就要团结。

平时说成功会想到succeed但是口语里make it through会比较好We need to stick together if we’re going to make it through training.12.比较级练习我们到她的位置比Michael近。



S01E01我叫尼基塔My name is Nikita.六年前一个政府秘密小组6 years ago, I was taken out of prison and forced,将我从狱中释放并胁迫我成为一名杀手By a covert unit of the government, to be an assassin.三年前我逃出魔掌3 years ago, I escaped,从此过上了逃亡生涯And have been hunted ever since.我是第一个跳出魔窟的成员I was the first recruit to get out.我也绝不会成为最后一个I'm going to make certain I'm not the last.快Come on!快快快Come on, come on, come on!待在那别动Stay right there!别动Don't move!艾丽克丝来自密歇根州底特律Alex-Detroit, Michigan她还只是个孩子She's just a kid.把她单独监禁起来Taking(Take?)this one down to solitary.悠着点她会咬人Watch out--a biter.他们会爱死你的They're going to love you down here.不是我干的不是我干的I didn't do it! I didn't do it!晚上好艾丽克丝Evening, Alex.你叫艾丽克丝没错吧It is Alex, right?绝不会是亚历山德拉Never Alexandra.你是什么人Who are you?我在哪Where am I?你不用再蹲监狱了Well, you're not in prison anymore.甚至你也不在密歇根州了You're not even in Michigan,尽管只有我们知道这一点Although we're the only ones that know that.监狱验尸官已于月日正式判定了Your death was officially ruled a suicide你的死因为自杀身亡By the prison coroner on November first.你的骨灰被存放在这Your ashes are stored right here.我叫迈克尔My name's Michael.我为政府办事I work for the government.我们已决定给予你第二次机会We've decided to give you a second chance.为什么Why?为什么是我Why me?因为你是一个魅力四射的白种妙龄女郎Because you're a young, attractive white female事实上你无牵无挂无档案可查With virtually no personal ties or paper trail.即便存在一些档案Now, those do exist,但也难以获得But they're hard to come by.但真正夺人眼球的是What really grabbed our attention, though,你竟能成功杀死一名我们计划干掉的罪犯Is how you managed to kill a criminal we were about to take out.顺便告诉你那罪犯叫凯尔His name was Kyle, by the way.他是走私集团的成员He was part of a smuggling ring.你要起身的话你的手腕就断了Stand and your wrist breaks.我没杀过任何人I didn't kill no one (anyone?)!是罗尼干的It was Ronnie!在你男友公寓隔壁发现了他的尸体Your boyfriend's body was found next to his apartment死于毒品吸食过量Dead from an overdose.也没任何人出席他的葬礼No one showed up to his funeral, either.你的生活都结束了艾丽克丝Your life is over, Alex.我是来赐予你新生的I'm here to offer you a new one.但你必须心甘情愿接受它But you have to be willing to earn it.我该做些什么What do I gotta do?学习Learn.首先学会如何摆脱吸毒少女的腔调How not to sound like a teen meth whore, for starters.学会正确的站姿Learn to stand up straight.学会正确的步态Learn how to walk right.学会正确的谈吐Learn how to talk right.学会如何效忠国家Learn how to serve your country--成就大我而非小我Instead of just yourself.小妞Chica.说你呢You请教芳名[西班牙语]Como te llamas?尼基塔Nikita.尼基塔Nikita.以前没见过你尼基塔Never seen you before, Nikita.谁带你来这的Who brought you here?叫艾琳娜还是叶琳娜来着Elena. Yelena?她说这里有个很爽的派对She said there was a cool party,我就来了So, uh, here I am.过来Venga.过来Come.来喝一杯Have a drink.我不太想搞得湿漉漉的I was kinda hoping to stay dry.我们去酒吧如何Why don't we go to the bar?你也知道这个是凉爽的派对As you say, this is a cool party.如果你想待在这If you want to stay,就得下水You're going to have to get...wet.感觉还不错对吧That wasn't so bad, was it?我还是想去酒吧I would have preferred the bar.只不过It's just that在这里搞定你的保镖This is going to make taking your bodyguard out比较困难So much harder.目标击中找人去服务通道接应我Target is down! I need extraction at the service entrance.驳回Negative.你不能出去Extraction impossible.什么What?你总是听不懂不是吗You always had trouble listening, didn't you?迈克尔拜托我得离开这里Michael! please, I need to get out of here.还是听不懂我已经说过了Still don't hear me. I told you.休想离开There is no out.尼基塔尼基塔罗塞勒停车场尼基塔新泽西罗塞勒停车场你好加里Hi, Gary.你好加里"hi, Gary"?真会套近乎甜心That's a nice touch, honey,我可不吃你这套But I ain't buying anything.那好Ah, all right.我再来试试这个Let's try this again.你好老爸Hi, daddy.尼基塔Nikita...卡罗琳死后你果真把这里搞的一团糟You really let this place go after Caroline died.我猜也没有其他养子女像我一样I guess no more foster kids like me给你清理房间了to clean up your crap, either.你拧断了我的手You--you broke my frigging wrist! ah!坐起来加里Sit up, Gary.集中点精力好吗Try to pay attention, ok?我得告诉你我离家出走之后的事I need to tell you what happened to me after I ran away.刚开始和你料想的一样It starts off like you'd expect,随后变得有点诡异And then it gets a little weird.尼基塔Nikita...离开家后After I ran away,我碰上一群坏人I got with a pretty bad crowd.吸了毒Did a lot of drugs.就想把你忘了Anything that made me forget about you.尼基塔宝贝那都是年前的事了Nikita, baby, that was years ago.是年前我现在了It was . I'm now.再叫宝贝小心我把你别的地方拧断If you call me baby again, I'll break something else.他们说我杀了个警察They told me I killed a cop.我努力去想但想不起来I don't remember. I've tried to.当时我正好18岁I'd just turned 18,于是他们指控我谋杀So they were able to charge me with murder one.我被处以注射死刑I was sentenced to die by lethal injection.真他妈扯No friggin' way.相信我Trust me.听到后面的事你更想说"真他妈扯"You'll want to save your "no friggin' way" for the next part,一个秘密单位将我的死刑作假Where my execution was faked by a secret unit那是政府机构叫做"组织"of the government called "division".他们说要给我第二次机会They told me they were giving me a second chance.他们说我将为美国效力They told me I'd be serving my country.可他们却没说What they didn't tell me我会被训练成一个杀手Was they were training me to be an assassin.他们如今大概还在对其他小姑娘They're probably telling some other girl重复同样的说辞the same thing right now.接到第一个任务前It was a year of training我在一个类似军事礼仪学校里训练了一整年Before my first mission, sort of like a military charm school.教会我顶尖杀手所需的一切技能Everything to make me the best killer I could be直到我打破了一条规定till I broke one of their rules.什么规定What rule?我恋爱了I fell in love和一个普通人with a civilian.他叫丹尼尔His name was Daniel.热恋三个月后After 3 months together,我只想和他在一起all I wanted to do was be with him.过普通人的生活Live a normal life.但组织不允许But Division couldn't have that,于是杀了他伪装成一场事故so they killed him and made it look like an accident.为什么跟我说这些Why are you telling me all of this?你很清楚加里You know why, Gary.他们还在追杀我They're still after me.我知道他们一直监视着你And I know they've been keeping tabs on you以防我来找你in case I showed up.没关系It's ok.我就要让他们知道我在这I want them to know I'm here.我要你把我的话都告诉他们I want you to tell them everything I just told you.给他们捎个话I want to send them a message.马上做个了断It ends now.这是萨夫瓦尼将军进入威克兰酒店的录像This is surveillance of general Safwani entering the Wyckland hotel.套房里有三名保镖3 bodyguards in his suite,大厅有一人守门one advance guard in the lobby.大厅是薄弱环节Lobby guard is our weak link.可作为突破口That's our way in.我们仅此一次机会We have one shot at this.如果他到联合国大厦我们就没机会了If he makes it to the U.N., we fail.小组的阵容如何What's the team look like?四人小队It's a 4-man op.其中有个新手叫托姆已经训练好了One of my recruits, Thom, is ready for the field.另外我还打算启用And I was planning on using我是珀西Percy.是吗Really?什么时候When?不我马上就到No, I'll be right there.我要把你调离"黑箭"行动I'm taking you off operation Black Arrow.你有个新任务Giving you a new assignment.什么任务What?尼基塔Nikita.尼基塔吗Nikita?她回到了我们的监测范围She's back on the radar.触发了诱捕陷阱Sprung one of our mouse traps.我要你去抓她I want you to hunt her down,确确实实干掉她and I want you to confirm the kill.这次你可以办到吗Do you think you can do that this time?你说呢What do you think?看什么What?婊子看什么呢What are you looking at, bitch?你在这里死路一条明白吗You're going to die here, you know that?你他妈干什么呢What the hell are you doing?!如果你以为他们没看到你就错了If you don't think they watch us in here, you're wrong!换作我就不会举着那玩意I'd put that down if I were you.真喜欢你这样抱着我的感觉I love it when you hold me like this.天啊冷静God. Chill.我只想和新人打个招呼Just saying hi to the new girl.她是杰登This is Jaden.虽然她自己不觉得其实她也是新人She doesn't think she's still new here, but she is.你叫什么名字What's your name?先说你的What's yours?他是托姆This is Thom.老手He's a pro,因为他马上就要执行第一个任务了'cause he's about to go on his first mission.闭嘴Shut up.我们和你一样都是新人Look, we're recruits, just like you.我来这儿快一年了I've been in almost a year,杰登是他们两个月前带进来的They brought Jaden in about months ago.没人自愿进来None of us are volunteers.就是说不管他们有你什么把柄Meaning whatever they got on you,不管你过去有多么穷凶恶极whatever your big bad past is,这都没什么稀奇的it's nothing we haven't heard before.就是说如果想撑过训练Meaning we need to stick together我们必须得团结起来if we're going to make it through training.相信我Trust me.你可以从告诉我们你的名字做起Now, you can start by telling us your name.艾丽克丝Alex.阿曼达要见你Amanda's ready to see you.是的你要知道Yeah, well, understand this...联邦调查局得赔偿这些损失FBI is paying for all this damage我没义务做这些'cause this is going a bit beyond the call of duty.她没有进过卫生间She didn't go into the bathroom!她还说过什么Did she say anything else?老兄你问过不下五十遍了Man, we've been over this freaking 50 times already.她那句"马上做个了断"是什么意思What do you think she meant by "it ends now"?不知道I don't know.当她说到自己变成什么'cause I kinda lost focus詹姆斯·邦德时我就听糊涂了once she went into the whole James Bond thing.我问她说话的腔调她累了吗I'm talking about her tone. Was she tired?她想投降吗想放弃吗Did she want to surrender? Did she want to give up?老兄我没有注意她的腔调Man, I wasn't concentrating on her tone,因为我的手腕'cause my wrist...我都准备好了I'm all set.别担心我会清理掉的Don't worry, I'll clean it.罗恩Roan.我正问他话呢I was talking to him.尼基塔知道我们会怎么做Nikita knew what we would have to do.估计她不喜欢这家伙I don't think she liked this guy.你的工作压力太大了辞职吧Your job's too stressful. Let it go.你知道我做不到丹尼尔You know I can't, Daniel.航空公司会再招一位咨询师的The airline will find another consultant.牵涉到的事情太多了Too much would have to change.有多少How much?比得过这个吗Like this much?别太激动只是个盒子Now don't get too excited, it's just the box.丹尼尔Daniel!真美It's beautiful!我觉得有根肋骨被你打断了I think you broke a rib.是吗I did?哪一根Which one?这根吗This one?继续我不确定Keep going, I'm not sure.有件事要你向我保证Promise me something.现在我愿意许给你一切Right now, anything.向我保证这不是黄粱一梦Promise me it's not a dream...明早就会破灭I'm going to wake up from tomorrow.是尼基塔It's Nikita.绝对是她我在It's definitely her. I got绿茵墓地的压力传感器上捕捉到一个信号a hit on the pressure sensor at Greenlawn.调出卫星图像赫然就是她Pulled up Athena SAT, boom.三年过去了她终于还是来拜祭了Took her 3 years, but she's finally paying her respects.或者说她终于要落网了That, or she's finally snapped.去组一队人马Go ahead and assemble a team.我们到她的位置比迈克尔近We're in closer proximity to her here than Michael is.她身手不错She had a good run.无人能出其右Won't be another one like her.别那么肯定Don't be so sure.有人吗Hello?别傻站着艾丽克丝穿上试试Well, don't just stand there, Alex, try it on.一定很合身You'll find it fits perfectly.我不穿这种东西I don't wear stuff like this.不喜欢还是不习惯As a style choice, or because you're not used to it?裙子太难看Because it's ugly.可你长得很漂亮And you're beautiful.迈克尔说得一点没错Michael was right about that much.怎么着So what?你要教我怎么走路和说话吗You're the one that's supposed to teach me how to walk and talk,食不语寝不言chew with my mouth closed?我叫阿曼达My name is Amanda,我将教会你如何展现你的美貌and I'm the one who's going to show you how to embrace your beauty并加以利用and use it to your advantage.你的学习生涯从这张椅子开始Your journey begins right here in this chair.我才不抹那玩意儿I'm not smearing that crap on my face.你又不是第一次重塑自己了艾丽克丝It's not like this will be the first time you've reinvented yourself, Alex.你改口音改得不错啊I'm very impressed with your accent, or lack thereof.你脖子上的蝴蝶不正是蜕变的意思吗你怎么How?根据你现在的年龄Well, based on your age now,改口音需要五年(减去你改正口音所需要的五年左右时间)And taking into account the 5 years or so you'd have to work to lose your accent,不禁让人好奇It wasn't hard to answer the question一个岁的乌克兰女孩what kind of year old Ukrainian girl买假身份证做什么purchases a forged identity?一个女孩被强行带到美国来Someone who was brought here against her will, on a boat,同行的还有很多女孩with many other girls和她一样just like her.我不一样Not like me.我逃脱了I escaped.逃脱了人贩子却没逃脱买家Your captors, yes, but not the junk they hooked you on.你活下来了艾丽克丝You're a survivor, Alex.历经炼狱的你来到了这里You made it through hell, you'll make it through this.我会让你明白生存不必这么艰辛All I'm here to show you is you don't have to be hard to survive.有时脆弱反倒是我们最强的武器Sometimes vulnerability can be our greatest weapon.目标未移动小心她有枪Position is unchanged. Use caution. She will be armed.再见了尼基Bye, Niki.射击Execute.目标移动Target on the move!目标移动Target on the move.北门北门North gate, north gate!发现目标后回话Radio back when you have visual.做得好伯克霍夫Good boy, Birkhoff.你想怎样What are you gonna do?很快就知道You'll see.恭喜你伯克霍夫Congratulations, Birkhoff.你找到我了You found me.那是什么吐真剂What is that? Truth serum?止痛剂It's pain desensitizer.免得你昏死过去I don't want you passing out on me.怎么你打算折磨我吗So, what, you gonna torture me? Is that it?你若老实交代就能省了Not if you tell me what I need to know.我一直都说你很性感Well, I always told you you were hot. You know that.我要进入组织的网络I want access to division's network.账号和密码Log-ins, passwords.婊子你不如直接杀了我Bitch, just skip to the part where you kill me.不No.快动手Seriously, do it!我要是给你账号Because if I give you those codes,-珀西也会杀了我-闭嘴- Percy will kill me. - Shut up!可你要那网络有什么用What do you want with the network, anyway?它连你的藏身之地都找不到It's not like it was any help to us finding where you've been hiding out.我不再躲了I'm not hiding anymore.那你要干什么Then what are you doing?你不会想来找我们吧You're not trying to come at us, are you?天呐尼基Man. Niki...尼基你疯了Niki, you're insane.不要叫我尼基Don't call me niki.那你也不要叫我怪才Then don't call me nerd.记得吗你过去老叫我怪才Remember you used to call me that?给我接迈克尔怪才"patch me through to michael, nerd.这个电脑系统崩溃了This computer's busted,修好它怪才fix it, nerd."宝贝那地方没有你就变样了Place ain't the same without you, babe.那就让我们一起把它夷为平地Then let's burn it down.你真的认为能靠一己之力毁了它吗You seriously think you can burn down division all on your own?谁说靠我一己之力Who says I'm on my own?那你现在为其他组织效力啦So you playing for the other side now?如果你有这么强大的后盾Well, if you got such big guns on your side backing you up,还要我做什么What do you need me for?因为他们也许能搞到我需要的情报Well, because they may be able to get me the intel I need.可我知道你一定能搞到But I know you can get it.兜了个圈子又回到老话题了Well, then we're right back where we started.你要清楚Just understand,一旦开始If you do this,你就得踩着许多旧相识的尸体You're going to have to kill your way through一路向前A whole lot of people you know.首当其冲的就是我尼基Starting with me. Niki.我们找到伯克霍夫了We've got Birkhoff.信号干扰消失了The signal interference is gone.植入他体内的追踪器又连上了His tracking implant's back online.希望还在他体内吧Let's hope it's still inside him.她早就走了同志们She's long gone, guys.你们干得挺漂亮Good hustle, though.非常好Very nice.有人能把我从这东西上放下来吗Someone want to get me off this?迈克尔能帮把手吗Michael, a little help here?看呐Ah, look.拾掇过了All cleaned up.他们说阿曼达能把猪头打扮成美女You know, they say Amanda can pretty up a pig.有机会你也应该去找找她You should go see her sometime.他很紧张He's intense.人生中第一个任务就要来了He's about to go on his first op.只是有压力而已He's just stressed.尽管他嘴很硬Heh. Even though he won't admit it.你们俩You guys...组织内不允许恋爱Division doesn't allow relationships.谁说你们恋爱了Who said anything about a relationship?新人脾气很爆托姆New girl's a spitfire, Thom.也许你能让他放松一下Maybe you can get him to give it up.我们想了解下黑箭行动We want to know about Operation Black Arrow.听着我说了那是Look, I told you, that's--机密嘛That's classified? God.说得好像你已经开始行动了You sound like one of them now.拜托我知道这行动要在威克兰酒店执行Come on. I know it's going down at the Wyckland Hotel.谁告诉你的Who told you that?这是个间谍学校托姆This is a spy school, Thom.我侦查到你在计算机室搜的信息了I spied on you googling stuff at the computer lab.威克兰酒店还有一些非洲大人物The Wyckland Hotel, some west African V.I.P.萨瓦尼将军什么的General Sawani or Sa-weenie or something.你这样会惹上麻烦的You can get in trouble for that.不是吧我跟谁说去Please. Who am I going to tell?我只是很羡慕你能出去杀人I'm just jealous you get to smoke someone.我是说我们来这儿就是干那个的对吧I mean, what are we here for, right?怎么有异议吗What? You disagree?我们来这里做什么What are we here for?真的吗Really?老兄Ah, man.她拿我消遣吗Is she playing with me?我们至少一半的任务是情报工作At least half of our missions are counter intel.干的都是潜伏渗透工作Deep cover infiltrations--另一半呢And the other half?小妞儿你是来奉命杀人的You're here to kill for the man, honey.他们会教你如何用枪杀人They're going to teach you to kill with a gun.他们会教你如何用指甲杀人They're going to teach you to kill with your nails. 他们会告诉你刺杀的对象They're going to tell you who to kill刺杀的时间And when to kill them.如果你没有完成任务And if you don't deliver,他们就会杀了你They're going to kill you.杰登该你了Jaden, you're up.她没辙了She's running out of options.如果她不能从我嘴里套出话来Ah. I mean, if she can't crack me,她就无法进入这个地方There's no way she's going to crack this place.她说在为谁卖命了吗She say who she was working for?没说No.老实讲我觉得她是虚张声势Honestly, I think it's a bluff.她可能是孤军奋战I think she's on her own.你真该看看她那样子快崩溃了I mean, you should have seen her, she was a wreck.使我能轻易扭转局势I was able to turn the tables on her easy.所谓的扭转局势是在她用管带Yeah, was that before or after把你绑在摇摆木马之前还是之后啊she duct-taped you to that springy rocking horse?你能活下来的唯一原因The only reason why you're alive是因为她愿意留你一条小命is because she wanted you that way.摆平这件事之前We need to suspend all operations我们必须暂缓所有行动until we can contain this.只要她还活着就是一个威胁As long as she's out there, she's a threat.放着资源不用才是威胁Threats are what we put down using our resources.尼基塔比较麻烦而已Nikita is a complication.你居然相信伯克霍夫You believe Birkhoff.迈克尔我说的是实话I'm telling the truth, Michael.她没有杀我因为她喜欢我And she didn't kill me because she likes me.她没问起你心里很酸吧Think you're just jealous she didn't ask about you.你去哪里Where are you going?今晚我要去参加联合情报筹款会Joint intelligence fundraiser tonight.我得露个脸话说在前头I've gotta put in an appearance. For the record,我不会让一个小角色妨碍我们的行动I'm not going to let a piece of street trash slow down this operation.绝不一切行动照常进行Not for one minute. All operations are go,包括黑箭行动including Black Arrow.黑箭行动目标萨夫瓦尼Black Arrow Target: Safwani.威克兰酒店晚上五点Wyckland Hotel. 17 hr.纽约威克兰酒店他要去吃饭一个小时He's going to eat. One hour.备车Get the car ready.车已备好The car is ready.大堂安全不急Lobby's clear. Take your time.这是我的水This is my water.抱歉Oh, I'm sorry.我以为是其他客人留下的I thought this was left here by another guest.我重新给你倒一杯好吗Would you like a new one?不用了No.先生毛巾Towel, sir?第四个已清除Four is down.加迪亚Gardiah.加迪亚什么情况Gardiah, what's wrong?加迪亚怎么回事Gardiah, what's wrong?去看看Go check it out.应该搞定了That should do it.希望如此I hope so.本可以更好嘛That could have gone better.加迪亚被放倒了Gardiah is down.加迪亚遭到黑手加迪亚遭到黑手Gardiah's down, Gardiah's down.你举起手来You, show your arms.将军醒醒你到联合国总部了General, wake up. You're at the United Nations.你在干什么What are you doing?你不能这么对我You can't do this to me.不能什么救你一命吗Do what, save your life?希望你注意到了I hope you noticed.那队人想要抢在你明天The kill squad just tried to take you out出席和平峰会前将你除掉before you could make it to your peace summit tomorrow.你是美国人You're an American.我是美国的盟友I'm an ally of the United States.美国政府没有袭击你The United States didn't attack you.而是属于于政府的"杀人武器"干的One of their weapons did;这件武器已经不受政府所控制A weapon they've lost control of.名为"组织"A unit called division.我不明白I don't understand.很简单贵国有富足的石油It's simple. Your country's rich with oil,但是那并不属于你们but you don't own any of it.而属于开采的公司The companies that drill it do.他们知道一旦你稳定了贵国局势They know the minute that you stabilize your country,并结束了内战The second you end civil war,你将会把他们踢出局you'll kick them out.是那些公司雇佣"组织"来杀你的Those companies contracted division to kill you.你是怎么知道的How do you know this?你是什么人Who are you?我只是一个要搞垮"组织"的人而已I'm someone who wants to see division fail.为和平而战Peace.你好啊艾丽克丝Well, hello, Alex.很高兴又见面了It's good to see you again.我... 我在想你是否能帮到我I was, um... I was wondering if you could help me.当然我来这就是为了帮你Well, of course. It's what I'm here for.你需要什么帮助呢Tell me how I can help.你能帮我离开这里You can help me get out of here.-艾丽克丝-闭嘴- Alex... - Shut up!我们一起走去电梯那儿We're going to walk to the elevator,你打开电梯我要进去You're going to open it, and I'm going to get in it.然后要去哪里呢And go where?我没有杀过任何人I didn't kill anyone.我也不想杀任何人I don't want to kill anyone.但我发誓如果你不马上站起来的话But I swear to god, if you don't get up right now,我会杀了你I will kill you.进了电梯也不等于获得自由The elevator doesn't lead to freedom.电梯会带你进入另一个房间而已Just another room.什么What?你越是想出去The more you try to get out,你越会意识到总会有另一间房间等着你The more you realize there will always be another room.我不知道这是谁告诉你的艾丽克丝I don't know who told you these things, Alex.我们并不是杀人犯We're not murderers我们是卫士守卫我们的家园We're protectors. We protect our home.什么家园What home?可以让你不再流浪Home is wherever you stop running.你已经很久没回家了You haven't been home for so long,大概已经遗忘了家的感觉you probably forget what it even feels like.一切从...Well, it begins...从一个承诺开始It begins with a promise.你答应我放下剪刀You promise to put down the shears.我答应你将刚才的一切抛诸脑后I promise to forget this ever happened,我们又重新开始了And we begin again.欢迎回家Welcome home.华盛顿特区百年基石大厦很高兴你能来珀西Glad you're able to be here tonight, Percy.成为我们中的一员Makes one of us.约翰有什么话不能直接在电话里讲吗John, what did you want to tell me that I couldn't hear on the phone? 中情局让我们的委员会见识到了The CIA has made my committee aware某些一流的间谍活动of some very high level espionage activities.诸如绑架暗杀Kidnappings, assassinations.很明显是个训练有素的情报组织所为It's clearly the work of a skilled intelligence network.而这个组织既不属于我们的敌国But we can't attribute it to any one of our enemies.也不属于盟国Or allies.想起什么了吗You come across anything like that?一无所知Not that I'm aware of.别忘了你是在给我们打工Hey, you work for us, remember that.我给坐在你这个位置上的人打工I work for whoever happens to be sitting in your chair.这个位置换过许多人了That person tends to come and go.黑箭行动失败Black arrow was blown.尼基塔破坏了行动Nikita sabotaged the OP.那你还来这干什么找到她Then what the hell are you doing here? Find her!我们需要抽调更多的人手We need to pull in assets from the field.我们训练尼基塔如何隐藏自己We trained Nikita to be a ghost.如果她不想暴露几乎不可能找到她Finding her when she doesn't want to be found is next to impossible.嗨伙计们Hey, guys.我好像听到有人叫我的名字I thought I heard my name.-你是怎么进来的-从正门- How did you get in here? - Front door.和你们一样Like you.你又在打扰谁呢Who are you bothering now?干嘛我不能跟人说话吗What, I can't mingle?她没有打搅我们议员先生She's been behaving herself, senator.抱歉我还不知道你的名字I'm sorry, I didn't get your name.尼基塔Oh. Nikita.好美的名字Beautiful.是您的女儿吗Your daughter?家人的朋友Family friend.是啊我们...Yes. Shall--对不起I'm sorry.我们去找些苏打水We better get some seltzer on that.对对这边走议员先生That's right, that's right. This way, senator.如果你以为If you think可以将马库斯议员作为筹码的话senator Marcus is going to be leverage,那就错了He's not.他只是我今晚的入场劵He was just my ticket tonight.我知道哪种陪侍服务合他口味I found out what escort service he use做了些准备所以能作为他的女伴入场and I worked it so I was his date.看来你是蓄谋已久了是吧Well, you've been planning this for a while, huh?我要让你知道我能接近你I want you to know I can get to you,还能痛击你的软肋and hit you where it hurts the most.-伤害我的感情吗-你的钱- My feelings? - Your funding.今晚只是小试牛刀Tonight was just a taste.我会把一次接一次破坏你的任务。



NikitaPart 2My name is Nikita. 6 years ago, I was taken out of prison and forced by a covert unit of the government, to be an assassin. 3 years ago, I escaped, and have been hunted ever since. I was the first recruit to get out. I’m going to make certain I’m not the last. 。

I hope you don’t mind me dripping in unannounced. Oh, not at all. You were always one of my favourite customers. Oh, thank you. I gotta hand it to you, Trevor. These are gorgeous. If something jumps out, I have any number of accessories to match. That’s nice. That’s mine. Oh, love. It’s very you. I’m going to need a mag of lokken 2-12, a thermographic scope, and no questions asked. I assume the price is still the same. Afraid it’s gone up. Trevor…supply and demand, Nikita. Ever since you went rogue, your friends are in short supply, and there’s great demand for your corpse. I know. New deal, Trev…. I keep the gun, you keep breathing, and never tell anyone I was here. You… you’re not going to kill me? Don’t flatter yourself. I’ve got a much bigger target in mind.Murderer! The people gathered behind me are protesting Mirko Dadich’s overturned conviction due to prosecutorial misconduct. The government is currently deciding whether to initiate deportation proceedings against him. But as of today, he walks free. 2 years, and all my belongings are still here. America. Ready when you are, Mr Dadich. Hold on, that’s not Dadich. Someone’s playing a diversion. He’s hired protection! Percy! Not bad. I feel safer already. Protection is just the beginning. In 6 months, you won’t be hiding from your enemies. Trust me. They’ll be hiding from you.Ok, kiddies, 30 seconds left, come on. Penetrate the system! Penetrate! 10 seconds left before they dump you. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 … fail. Alex…. You never launched your exploit. Why? I don’t know. This hacker stuff is really… complicated. Actually, it’s not, it’s simple. Because, you see, I do all the hacker stuff. I write the exploit. I even make it look like a video game. So your tween minds can understand it! You think that’s funny? Must be the drugs, sir. You know how it is with junkies. I thought our files were secret. Failure was on me, sir. Alex was having trouble finding the shell code. And I gave her the wrong one. You shouldn’t have been giving it in the first place. You know what, this is pathetic. All of you, get out of here. The bunch of you, get out! Up and out of your seats now. not you. You stay. You too, get out of here. Left foot in front of the right one. You can handle that, right? All right. You stay here, and you work this until you get it right. I’m going to check back with you in half an hour. And it better be right. Because scrubs who can’t pass the basics don’t survive very long in here.Wonderful. He is no fun. Come on, let’s drink. Oh, whatever you’re having. You’re not making our guest feel very welcome. Well, we should have used the Astoria safe house. This place isn’t secure. What are you worried about? Communist rebels, hit men from the old country, Nikita. She is a wild card. She knows our security procedures. And she said herself that she’s coming after us. She can’t counter us without intel. Your mission was to find out who’s controlling her. Nikita wouldn’t allow anyone to control her. And if she was getting any help, it would be a quid pro quo deal. And what, prey tell, are you basing your intel on? It’s just a feeling.Are you alone? Nestravi! Let me make sure I understand what you are toasting to. Your plan is to assassinate my successor, creat a coup in the labor party, and return me to my seat of power in 6 months. It’s something we’ve accomplished before. Small nations don’t present much of a problem. You know my accounts are frozen. I can’t afford a down payment on your services. Yourdivision will do this on contingency? No. we don’t have to. We know that you stashed something more valuable than money when you fled your country. What are you talking about? Hmm, about 25 kilos of enriched uranium. Enough raw material for a low yield nuclear bomb. What we don’t know is where you stashed it. What do you use that for, well always comes in handy. Relax, Mirko. You’re talking to me right now, not the united states government. You should think of this as a business transaction. I’m going to need some more time to think it over. Of course you are. And I’m going to need some other things, as well. Anything you can think of, we can provide. What does he want? The man just got out of prison. What do you think he wants? 5 years ago, you’d probably be taking this guy out. What, are we pimping for him now? don’t think of Mirko as an assignment. Think of him as a client. If I don’t address division budget cuts, I’m gonna have to make cuts of my own. Starting with the permanent elimination of the young recruits. I’ll call an escort service. No. as you would say, it’s not secure. Get one of the new girls. Number 13. Alex. She’ ll remind Mirko of his homeland.Birkoff thinks I’m an idiot. They all do. Don’t underestimate him, and don’t screw up too much. Or they cancel me. I get it. You get me a name yet? No. how are you sure it’s a protection mission? You said they activated Peters, Heilbrun and Chang. Michael used to call them Hughey, Dewey and Louie. Only used them for VIP security. I need to know who the VIP is, and their location. Not gonna be easy. Still have bottom level access here. Copy that, lay low, I’ll find another way. No, I can do it. I repeat, lay low, do not blow your cover. You don’t have to protect me anymore. I have everything under control. Ronnie?One year agoRonnie. Do you have it? Alex, always strung out, always late. Here you go. Where is it? Where is the rest of my money? I gave you a fifty. Calling me a liar? Stop playing, Ronnie, I just need a hit. You make us feel good, we’ll make you feel good. No! oh, yeah. Let the girl go. What? Who the hell are you? Fairy… God… Mother! Oh, it’s ok, it’s ok. Hi, I’m Nikita, nice to meet you.Again. Just because you used the gun to kill or steal or whatever you did to land yourself here. Does not mean you know weapons. But you will learn, dismantle and assembly will be second nature, like breathing. You don’t need to see to breathe. Done. Alex. Excellent. You’ve handled sub machine guns before? Not really. Must be the drugs. Alex. Come with me. What’s wrong? You’ve been activated for an op. she’s been activated? I’ve been here 2 months, and she’s been activated? Stow it, Jaden. Bet you Michael’s tapping that. Shut up and field strip these weapons now. you have 5 minutes. I’m gonna get that bitch. Ok, you keep moving around like that, you’re going to look like a panda. Thom said he was in training for like a year before they used him. In the short time you’ve been with us, I’ve seen your attitude improve greatly, Alex. Especially considering you tried to escape your second day here. Michael must have seen the same improvement. He wouldn’t be using you if he didn’t think you were ready. And you are. Ready for what? Why won’t anyone tell me what the mission is. We’re only told what we need to know. It’s safer that way. So you don’t even know? You shouldn’t be nervous, Alex. Yeah? What should I be? Grateful. To be activated this early is a gift. And it’s very rude to question a gift.Help! Help! Just relax, Alex. Breathe in and out. Let me out of here! I will, I promise. For now, just breathe. Who are you? Where am i? you’re at my place. I’m a friend. Well, if you’re a friend, then you’ll let me out of this closet, it’s not a closet. It’s a portable sauna, I built it myself. It’s going to help you. Why are you doing this? Let’s call it a gift. I know how to get clean, ok? I know how to get clean. I just… I need to come down easy, ok? There is no easy way down. I don’t need a sauna!I need a hit! It’s very rude to question a gift, you know. Please, please. I’m gonna die here. Look, I know it hurts, ok? Your nose won’t stop running. Your stomach’s cramping. You feel like your head’s going to fall off. Believe me, I know. I can only promise you one thing. It’s going to get worse before it gets better. As long as you’re here, we’re safe. No. so, where’s the party? In here. That would be great. Is there some place I could freshen up. Of course. Through there. No, no, no. I’m not paying for gossip, I’m paying for intelligence. I’ve got money, you’ve got dirt on division. And stop trying to trace the call. It’s amateur hour. Hold on. Hello. VIP is Mirko Dadich. The war criminal? South shore tower, penthouse. Alex, where are you? Alex. I’m with him. Get out of there. I can’t. alex! Champagne is ready. Be right there. That is one of the most amazing storys that I ever heard. I mean, to come from nothing. Milking cows. One cow. One cow. Let’s not talk about me anymore. More champagne? I think we had enough, don’t you? Nice view. It’s great. Stop. Who the hell are these guys? You gotta be kidding me. Hold this. Get out for me. Stop. Mirko Dadich. Get out. Get out of the way, Michael. Leave him. Are you ok? Hell no! damn! Think, try to remember. It just… happened so fast. You’re trained to think faster. You said one of their masks came off. You don’t remember seeing the face? I ….. she had two bottles of champagne and Dadich was slapping the hell out of her. She was not ready. I want answers, not excuses. Who attacked us? How did they find us, and where is Mirko Dadich? Probably dead by now. let’s hope not. For your sake. If you remember any more, please let me know. Status? How’s our friend from the safe house doing? Just keeps repeating the same word…..Osveta. did he say anything about Nikita? We’re not going to get any more out of him. Oh, yes, we are. Get inquisitor down here. You’re gonna love talking to the inquisitor. Osveta. It’s vengeance. They were freedom fighters. A group trying to bring Mirko to justice for his war crimes. That explains Nikita’s involvement. She always had a bleeding heart for the oppressed. Guess the question is whether she approached them or they hired her. Or if she was working with them at al. why else provide sniper support for the grab team? Well, it wasn’t very good support, she did kill one of them. She missed. She was targeting you. Look find Nikita. Then you’ll find Mirko. You might start by tracking the bullet we dug out of his friend. You called?Come on, Alex. Hey. How are you feeling? Did you eat yet? Tha t’s cool. I like it cold. Cold and spicy. So, as promised, I got you a few things. I know it’s not prada, but … cute, right? Come on. First step to feeling good is looking good. And I want my clothes back. What are you going to do to me? You don’t know me. You don’t know anything about me. So what do you want? I know you like smack. For me it was ketamine. “k” all the way. What am I going to do to you? I’m going to do what I wish somebody had done for me. You got me here. Trapped. So why are you lying? When I was high, I did something. Something I went to prison for. Something I’m going to be paying for the rest of my life. When I saw you, I saw a chance to stop it from happening again. Where? Where what? Where did you see me? I saw you walk into that crack house. Why were you there? Somebody like you doesn’t just walk by a place like that. Alex…. Were you following me? No. how do you know my name? I heard your dealer say it. What’s your name? it’s not a trap. When you are back to full health, you’re free to go. Forget you ever met me.Core is tungsten carbide. Hyper velocity, self sharpening. It’s a lokken 2-12 slap round. Could trace the tungsten back to the production batch. No, forget about it, Nikita wouldn’t buy ammo from a manufacturer, she’ got it from a black market, face to face with the local dealer. Those buys have their own signature. That’s how they modify the rounds. I’ll id the specs, run them through shadownet. Fine. Can you please stop saying “shadownet?? Dude, when you create yourown software you owns access to every government and law enforcement agency in the world. You can call it whatever the hell you want. Shadownet, taste the rainbow. How’d you do? I got him talking. We had an interesting conversation. Great. Not exactly. Why? What do they want with Dadich? Same thing we did. They know about the nuclear material.Let’s try this again. What did Nikita tell you? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Well, I guess it was the other arms dealer who modifies lokken 2-12 rounds with an rd-x compound. You think I’m stupid enough to lie to you? Let’s find out. Answer it. Hel—hello. Hi, it’s Nikita. Is Michael there yet? It’s for you. How’d you know I’d be here? Wow. Good timing. You tracked that round pretty fast. I thought it’d take you all night. Feeling pretty smart, aren’t we? Always. I should have put you down in that alley. Oh, come on, is there anything for me? So you’re not with them? Michael, I don’t even know who they are. Though I do like their style. Well, then allow me to enlighten you. They are a group of freelance mercenaries. And they’re after the loose nuclear material Mirko Dadich stashed away before he fled his country. What? Apparently he has a GPS device that shows its exact location in eastern Europe. I think we’re 24 hours away from weapon’s grade uranium hitting the open market, so… how do you like their style. You should have taken out Mirko when you had the shot. And let you die? Don’t blame me, Michael. You work for division and division got in bed with this guy. You think Percy will admit that now? he assumes you’re in a league with the mercenaries. It this comes back to bite us then you are going to be terrorist number one on every official list. Oh, uh-oh. Does that mean Percy will have to officially admit he’s running a mercenary unit on the pentagon’s dime? You didn’t hear me before. They already know what Percy is up to. But as long as he has his little black boxes everywhere, they can’t touch him. Is that what he really calls them? Little black boxes? Nikita, they are real. Every dirty job, every cover-up, every little secret of the last 5 administrations. Now you can quit or you can die… but you can’t stop division. No one can. You know what, Michael? You’re right, I should have taken out Mirko when I had the shot.Nie. Nyet. Papa (one year ago) you’re safe now. you’re safe.The people gathered behind me are protecting Mirko Dadich’s overturned conviction.Sorry I’m late. It got crazy. I know. Are you ok? I will be. Been playing dumb over here. So you saw something. One of the kiddnappers is a woman. Long blond hair, green eyes. Good. That helps. What are you doing? What do you think I’m doing? I’m kicking your ass, you little teacher’s pet! Not bad, Michael. Gotta her, blondie. Her name is Hanna Cushko. Ukrainian, 25 years old. Grew up under Mirko Dadich’s regime. Her father was a scientist in his nuclear program. So that’s how she knows about the uranium. I can tap airport surveillance, run facial recognition software. We could grab her on the way out of the country. Maybe it’s too late, second she gets her hand on Mirko’s GPS, she’ll call a teammate in Europe and give them the coordinates. She wants what we want. We need get ahead of her. We need to find that GPS.911. emergency? Yeah. I need to report a stolen vehicle. You have the plate number? Uh-yeah. I have it right here. It’s A6876-44 is it your vehicle, ma’am. Yes, that’s right. It’s a blue paint van. My husband’s. I’ll get that information to an officer. Ok.Please. I swear I don’t know. What’s this GPS you’re talking about? Wait. You really don’t remember me, do you? My name is Hanna Cushko. My father was Ivan Cushko. He ran your secret nuclear program. But he kept no secrets from me. Cushko. Your father was a brilliant man. He was a close friend of mine. A dear friend. I know. That’s why he was executed after the takeover while you fled the country. I’m going back, Hanna. I’m going to take our country back.And I promise you--- you will have your revenge. We both will. I want my family taken care of. The uranium my father enriched for you is his only legacy. And I’m going to sell it to support us. I can get you money. I assume you hid the GPS in a safe place before they took you to prison. You will take us there.Broken window in an alleyway by a liquor store. Dispatch, Delta 17 reporting location of stolen vehicle A6876-44. Van is in 34th street across from the subway terminal. Vehicle appears abandoned. Try matching prints we got at the safe house to these applications on file. Cancel that. Move, I got this. Got what? Move. Ok. We assume that Mirko stashed the GPS before his arrest 2 years ago. I dug up some surveillance of the arrest. The FBI caught him coming out of 34 street station. They assumed he was switching transpo on his way to the airport or out of state. Check it out. He knew they were coming for him. He must have stashed the GPS beforehand. Ok, we need to make a timeline of his last day. Every place he went every person he met he called, even looked at sideways. Yeah, we could do that. Or I could just rewind this to, uh, 15 minutes beforehand. He wasn’t coming out of the station at al. no, he was dropping something off. Say it. No. shadownet. Mmmm!Very clever. I thought so. Whoever you are, we don’t want to shoot you. Clearly, you robbed the wrong people. No. honey. You did. You want to get out of here alive, you’ll drop your weapons and hop on the first train. I figure you’ve got about 5 minutes. You have less than that! No. you do. Weapons down! Don’t hit me. Michael, thank god! Where is it? What are you talking about? Where? Nikita! Is that the GPS? You know, we gotta stop meeting like this. What are you going to do with it? Well, that depends. What is the going rate for loose nuclear material? I’m kidding, you can have it. Michael. Give me a gun. So I can finish this whore. This better be good news. Good news. We got Dadich back in one piece. Also, no one’s getting their hands on the uranium. That stays buried. Nikita destroyed the GPS. And the bad news is, she escaped? No. the bad news is, she started a gun fight. The police and FBI will be here any second. How do you suggest we explain this mess? You’re the heroic agent who foiled the terrorist plot to deliver nuclear material into the hands of our enemies, and what about Mirko? The police are going to be all over him in a minute, and we have no way of controlling what he says. He was the one behind it. Now we can get back to business, yes? Listen, I forgive you for getting in between that silly girl and me. Perhaps I can get back to her as well. I’ll tell her you said hi.Former dictator alleged war criminal Mirko Dadich was killed today in an attempt to commit an act of terrorism on a New York subway platform. Authorities believe Dadich’s attack was in retaliation for his being in prison 2 years ago on charges of conspiracy to assassinate his successor on US Soil. Good save, Percy.Alex. Hi, I’m glad you’re here. We didn’t get a chance to talk after the whole safe house thing, and, I don’t know, I just wanted…. I think you should hear what I have to say first. Ok. Percy is disappointed in your behavior. Your lack of discipline, your destruction of property. He’s giving you 2 weeks to show visible improvement … or it’s over. What? Jaden started it, she can’t … jaden is in the same boat. I just wanted to give you a head’s up. I’m sorry, what did you want to say? I just wanted to say thank you. For saving my life.Alex. Just breathe. Stop it. No. let me go. Go where? Just let me die. I can’t. I have nothing to live for , nothing. They’re all dead. Everyone I love is dead. I know. I was following you. Alex. I’ve been searching for you for over 2 years. I know how you got here. Where you came from. I know who killed your parents. Trust me. You have something to live for.。

NIKITA尼基塔 第二季第一集 台词

NIKITA尼基塔 第二季第一集 台词

NIKITA 第二季第一集台词1.Let’s just say he wasn’t into taking the same risks than I am.2.There ‘s no way you’re getting out of here alive.3.Those men out there, they’re just gonna put a bullet straight through me.4.Just enough to cover our next mission.5.And this is what we have left over.6.There’s a third choice.7.There’s nowhere we can go there division won’t find us.8.Taking them down is the only way to get free.9.They’re afraid of what we’re gonna do with their secrets.10.They’re afraid we’ll go to the public.11.Where are you going with this?12.This is our chance to set things right.13.But what if we made it worse?14.You cause more damage15.With any hope she is a million miles from this.16.You still feel responsible for her.17.I put her in the line of fire.18.I trained her infiltrate Division.19.I kept things from her, so she would stay on mission.20.And if that seems selfish to you.21.I never said I was perfect.22.This is private property.23.I’ve picked up her trail.24.Love what you’re done with the place.25.All I’ve really done is trying and bring us back to basics.26.If you help me get the man who ordered my father’s death.27.Whose net-worth eclipses most small countries.28.He is not just one man. 他不简单29.He holds the bulk of oil, media, aviation and sports.30.He’s one of the hardest targets on this planet.31.You said I was free to come and go.32.Where I’m from that’s called an understatement.33.You made your power play against oversight, and you failed.34.I scratch your back, you whip mine?35.Independent contractor36.You are not in control anymore.你不再是老大了37.Couldn’t tell me what this was about over the phone?38.I want to talk to you in provate.39.What do you care what I want?你干嘛在乎我的想法?40.Because I like to plan for tomorrow.41.Give me a chance to do this my way.42.He told me they will not hesitate.\43.Would have worked if you hadn’t blown it to hell?44.What would have worked is if you’d told the truth.45.Turns out you had a way of contacting her this entire time?46.But it requires you talking to someone you like even less than Tom.47.Wish I could say the same.48.I have to be here for the time being.49.Straight to business.50.Bad etiquette!51.Why you keep seeking out mother figures?52.I see her strength in you.53.Which is why I’m going to help you?54.In exchange for a small token.55.With a live news feed.56.As a show of good faith.57.He’s graciously agreed to let us use one of his cars.58.Especially when that’s all you can think about.59.It’s like she’s so lost she follows the first trail she finds.60.Even if it’s the one that leads her straight to he ll.61.Setting a smoke screen.62.No sign of target on lower dance floor.63.This is a nice coincidence.64.You were always very thoughtful.65.That’s why I decided to reach out.66.Shouldn’t I be speaking to the person in charge?67.The past couple of days have been pretty crappy for me.68.Aren’t all family stories twisted?69.I know exactly how you like to clean things up.70.You’re trying to catch him, and I’m you bait.71.He raised me to believe in honor, justice, and the beats an unarmed man to death?72.We can make a fresh start.73.I’m a fraid this negotiation is over.74.Everyone at this table will be as well75.We’re all in this together.76.That’s how we will attack the problem.77.That means we’re one step closer to home.78.It’s gonna be hard enough living with me.。



1.It’s going to get worse before it gets better.不经历黎明前的黑暗,便难以见到灿烂的朝阳。

2.You deserve at least that much.这是你起码应得的。

3.——Spare my friends, kill my enemies. pretty clear on that ,——nikita:if you know who your friends and your enemies are , yes,——what do you mean ? you think I’m gonna make friends inside division ?_nikita:going through the program changes you ,it changed me,the other recruits you’ll meet they‘re not there by choice ,they’re been abandoned and abused like you … and me ,it’s hard not to sympathize——so ,I make friends, I’ll make getting intelligence even easier ,what ?——nikita:making friends isn’t hard ,losing them will be, trust me! when you’re in a group, I want you to take a look at the recruit on either side of you ,odds are before you graduate ,one of them will die .饶恕我的朋友,歼灭我的敌人?我心里有数,——如果你分的请敌友的话,没问题——什么意思,你以为我会在组织内结交朋友吗?——里面的训练会改变你,我已经被改造了,你将遇到的其他新人,他们也是身不由已,他们也像你一样,被人遗弃,遭人蹂躏,我也是,很难抑制住同病相怜的情感,——那我会结交朋友,这样获得情报就更易如反掌了,什么?——交友很容易,失去朋友却很痛苦。



00:03:02,355 --> 00:03:04,573
I just thought it would be easier for us
我还以为到了外面 我们联系会
00:03:04,674 --> 00:03:06,375
on the outside.
00:00:11,952 --> 00:00:14,053
and they destroyed the man I loved.
00:00:15,21 --> 00:00:17,456
I escaped, and now the man that trained me,
00:03:38,524 --> 00:03:39,524
Yeah, I figured.
是啊 我早想到了
00:03:39,575 --> 00:03:41,559
Which is why we have to do
00:00:04,331 --> 00:00:06,060
for a secret unit of the government,
00:00:06,061 --> 00:00:08,089
a black-ops program called Division
00:00:00,460 --> 00:00:02,879

《尼基塔》Maggie Q亮相2014Met Gala(英语学习)

《尼基塔》Maggie Q亮相2014Met Gala(英语学习)

《尼基塔》Maggie Q亮相2014Met Gala(英语学习)《尼基塔》Maggie Q亮相2014Met Gala
Maggie Q is glamorous as can be in a black dress while walking the red carpet at the 2014 Met Gala held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Monday (May 5) in New York City.
Maggie Q身着一条黑色长裙出现在了在纽约大都会艺术博物馆举行的2014Met Gala红地毯上,十分魅力动人的。

“Met Gala tonight NYC….. Doing nails without a dog just isn’t right,” the 34-year-old actress tweeted earlier in the day.
“在为今晚纽约Met Gala做指甲...没带狗狗在身边感觉有点怪,”34岁的女演员当天早些时候发twitter说。

Last week, Maggie was red hot while attending the 2014 React To Film Awards, where she posed with Entourage‘s Adrian Grenier.
上周末,Maggie还出席了2014 react to Film Awards,在红地毯上她还和《明星伙伴》的Adrian Grenier合影。

FYI: Maggie is wearing a Zac Posen dress.
温馨提示:Maggie穿的裙子是Zac Posen的。


-Percy: How did she get wind of our op? Who talked to her?
how: 如何 wind: 风 get wind of: 得知,探出 op: (=option)行动 talk: 告诉
attract: 招致,引来 just: 不少于,同样 as many: 一样多的 libel: 诽谤 suit: 控告 most: 大多数的 paper: 报社 touch: 接触
-Percy: It only takes one, right? Agent Donegan, use grab team B.
If we're going to sabotage division, that's one of the veins I'm going to need you to tap.
if: 如果 sabotage: 阴谋破坏 division: 组织 one of: ...中的一个 vein: 静脉 need: 需要 tap: 割开
[Three Years Ago]
-Nikita: This is the operations room. The window looks out into the training area,
operation: 指挥 room: 房间 window: 窗户 look out: 向外看 training: 训练 area: 区域,场地



尼基塔》Nikita 经典台词中英对照【1】(第一集中艾丽克丝与阿曼达的对话)有时脆弱反倒是我们最强的武器Sometimes vulnerability can be our greatest weapon. 【2】(第八集中奥利弗和尼基塔的对话)奥利弗她唯一付出真心的就是你们的感情Oliver, you were the only thing that was real to her. 我们每个人每天都戴着面具生活Look, we all wear masks, every one, every day, 有时候我们因为戴得时间太长And sometimes we wear them so much, 已经忘记自己是谁了we forget who we really are. 而有时候如果你幸运的话And sometimes, if we're lucky, 有人会出现在我们的生活中Someone comes along and 告诉我们需要变成什么样的人shows us who we really wanna be, 我们应该变成什么样的人Who we should be. 对她来说你就是这个人You were that for her.【3】(第七集中迈克尔和在模拟演习和学院说的话)在这场模拟演习中在你们努力存活的同时During this sim, while you are trying to survive 你们只能当机立断You'll only have a second to decide孰友Who is your friend,孰敌And who is your enemy.务必慎重选择So choose carefully." 赋予我们勇气与理智"Give us courage and the quiet mind." 饶恕我们的朋友"Spare to us our friends," 歼灭我们的敌人""Soften to us our enemies."【4】(第七集中尼基塔和艾利克丝的对话)交友很容易Making friends isn't hard. 失去朋友却很痛苦Losing them will be.【5】(第七集中迈克尔和伯克霍夫的对话)逃避现实是悲伤的第一层级兄弟Denial is the first stage of grief, my brother. 最后层级呢The last? 接受Acceptance. 我想我已经接受了I guess I've accepted it. 也许你也该接受Maybe you should, too. 【6】(第九集中尼基塔劝迈克尔不要去杀卡西姆)迈克尔不要这样Michael, don't do this. 登机口全是荷枪实弹的士兵The way those soldiers are stacked at the gate, 你在靠近卡西姆之前You will not get within 就会被干掉的10 yards of kasim before they cut you down. 没想到现在要轮到你来教训我Who would have thought you would have been the voice of reason? 复仇不能解决问题Revenge is not the answer. 我没听错吧这是尼基塔说的话吗Excuse me. Is this Nikita talking? 这不是一回事我没拿生命当儿戏That's different. I'm not throwing my life away. 那是你的做法这是我的This is mine. 我希望你能找到你要的东西I hope you find what you're looking for.闭嘴你还没到要道别的时候Shut up. You don't get to say your good-byes. 再见尼基塔Good-bye, Nikita. 迈克尔听我说迈克尔Michael, Michael. Listen. Listen to me, Michael. 你觉得世上没什么要你留恋的了吗You think you don't have anything to live for? 你有的You do. 就是我You have me.迈克尔Michael...【7】(第九集珀西与迈克尔第一次见面,想要把迈克尔收为己用的对话)人们无时不刻不在面临选择Every man has a choice. 他的生活和扮演的角色是由His life and his character are determined他的选择来决定的N{ n 方正综艺简体by the choices he makes. 你可以做出选择You have options.。



Six years ago ,I was taken from a prison,and forced to be an assassin for a covert unit of the government.名为组织的秘密行动组,现在已经不听将令了The black ops program called division that now has gone rogue.他们抹杀了我的存在,而且抹杀我爱的人They destroyed my identity.and destroyed the man I love我逃走了,如今我曾经信赖的教官,正zhui杀我I escaped,and now the man that trained me,someone I trusted, is hunting me但组织并不知道,我有个内应在里面What division doesn’t know is that I have a parenter on the inside有着黑暗过去的的组织新成员,我曾秘密教授她如何抵御他们的操控A new recruit with a dark past,who I’ve trained in secret to resist their control我们打算联手,一步一步击垮组织Together we’re going to take division apart ,one mission at a time他们临死前说的最后一个词And the last word they’ll breathe before the end will be my name希望你不介意我不请自来I hope you don’t mind me dropping in unannounced.你永远是我最欢迎的客户之一You were always one of my favorite customers我不得不佩服得五体投地I gotta hand it to you这些很称我心意There are gorgeous如果掉了任何零件,都可来找我配If something jumps out I have any number of accessories to match别问原因On questions asked我想价格没变吧I assume the price is still the same恐怕价格上涨了Afraid it’s gone up供求关系决定价格Supply and demand自从你抗命不尊,我行我素,你的朋友就供应不足Ever since you went rogue,your friends are in short supply而要你尸体的需求却一路高涨And there’s great demand for your corpes我拿枪,你保住小命,并永远不能告诉任何人我来过New deal,I keep the gun, you keep your breathing,and never tell anyone I was here别自作多情了Don’t flatter yourself我还有大鱼要钓I’v got a much bigger target in mind我身后集结的示威群众,正在搞议检察官审查不利,米尔科达迪奇推翻了原审定罪The people gathered behind me are protesting Mirko Dadich’s overturned conviction.due to prosecutorial misconduct.。



第一集I was the first recruit to get out. I’m going to make certain I’m not the last.我是第一个跳出魔窟的成员,也绝不会成为最后一个。

Because you’re a young, attractive white woman.因为你是一个魅力四射的白种妙龄女郎。

It ends now.马上做个了断。

I want you to hurt her down and I want you to confirm the kill.我要你去抓她,确确实实干掉她。

None of us are volunteers.我们中没有人是自愿进来的。

Sometimes vulnerability can be our greatest weapon.有时,脆弱反倒是我们最强的武器。

Then let’s burn it down.让我们把它夷为平地吧。

You seriously think you can burn down division all on your own?你真的认为能靠一己之力毁了它吗?Division does not allow relationships.组织不允许谈恋爱。

That’s classified.那是机密。

I’m just jealous you get to smoke someone.我只是很羡慕你能出去杀人。

第二集1. A black ops program called Division, that has now gone rogue, they destroyed my identity, and they destroyed the man I loved.名为组织的秘密行动组,如今已变得不听将令,他们抹杀了我的存在,还杀害了我爱的人。

2. It's very you.很配你。

3. I keep the gun, you keep breathing.我拿枪,你保住小命。


11.mole: A mole is a member of a government or other organization who gives secret information to the press or to a rival organization.
16.pun: A pun is a clever and amusing use of a word or phrase with two meanings, or of words with the same sound but different meanings.
17.You just may have to pay for that.
21.bystander:A bystander is a person who is present when something happens and who sees it but does not take part in it.
22.What you did was reckless. You put me in a bad position. You do something like that again, and I'll be forced to turn you in.
23.entrust:If you entrust something important to someone or entrust them with it, you make them responsible for looking after it or dealing with it.








2.You need to make a choice before someone makes it for you.你最好在他人为你决定前做出自己的选择。

3.You have no idea how much pain i can take你永远不知道我能承受多大的痛苦。

4.I flew too close to the sun on this one.这次我玩火自焚了。

5.True genius cannot be contained.天才是不会被埋没的。

6.It’s going to get worse before it gets better.不经历黎明前的黑暗,便难以见到灿烂的朝阳。

7.I intend to drown him in a pool of his own acid.我想让他尝尝作茧自缚的滋味。

8.we slept together.我们是炮友!9.As you say, we should all keep our heads down.如你所言,我们都该低调点。

10.In the grand scheme of everything , you and me , it doesnot really mater.在世间万物之中,你我的恩怨,都不算什么。

11.wildflowers ,they grow in the desert.the most horrible place on the planet.because they save their strength and they wait for the rain to come.and they reach for the sun and they bloom.那些野花,她们拜沙漠所赐。


































29、我今晨坐在窗前,世界如同一个路人,停下,对我点点头,————来源网络整理,仅供供参考 2又走了。



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尼基塔中英文对照尼基塔第一季第01集 Nikita Season 1 Episode 01-Nikita: My name is Nikita. 我叫Nikita。

6 years ago, I was taken out of prison and forcedprison: 监狱 forced: 被迫的六年前,我被政府的一个秘密组织从监狱里弄了出去,by a covert unit of the government, to be an assassin.covert: 隐密的 unit: 单位 government: 政府 assassin: 暗杀者并被迫成为一名杀手。

3 years ago, I escaped,escape: 逃脱三年前,我得以逃脱,and have been hunted ever since. hunt: 追捕 ever since: 从那时到现在并一直被他们追捕。

I was the first recruit to get out. recruit: 雇用 get out: 离开我是第一个逃走的组织成员。

I'm going to make certain I'm not the last.certain: 确信但我肯定不是最后一个。

-Nikita: Come on!快点!Come on, come on, come on! 快点~快点~快点!-Alex: Aahh!啊!-Police: Stay right there! 不许动!Don't move!move: 移动别动!She's just a kid.kid: 孩子她还是个孩子。

Taking this one down to solitary. solitary: 独居的把她带去单间。

Watch out... She's a biter. watch out: 小心 biter: 咬人的动物小心... 她会咬人的。

They're going to love you down here.在这儿他们会喜欢你的。

-Alex: I didn't do it! I didn't do it!不是我干的! 不是我干的!Please!求你了!-Michael: Evening, Alex.晚上好,Alex。

It is Alex, right?是叫Alex 对吗?Never Alexandra.不再用Alexandra这个名字了吧。

-Alex: Who are you?你是谁?Where am I?我在哪儿?-Michael: Well, you're not in prison anymore.anymore: 不再嗯,你已经不在监狱里了。

You're not even in Michigan, 你也不在密歇根州,although we're the only ones that know that.although: 尽管但这些情况只有我们知道。

Your death was officially ruled a suicide by the prison coroner on November First.death: 死亡 officially: 正式的 rule: 裁决 suicide: 自杀 coroner: 验尸官监狱验尸官已于11月1日宣布你自杀身亡。

Your ashes are stored right here. ashes: 骨灰 store: 储存你的骨灰就存在这儿。

My name's Michael.我叫Michael,I work for the government. government: 政府我是为政府做事的,We've decided to give you a second chance.decide: 决定 chance: 机会我们决定给你一个重生的机会。

-Alex: Why?为什么?Why me?为什么选择我?-Michael: Because you're a young, attractive white femaleattractive: 有魅力的 female: 女人因为你是一个年轻,性感的白人姑娘。

with virtually no personal ties or paper trail.virtually: 几乎 ties: 结,绑 paper trail: 书面记录 trail: 痕迹没什么个人牵绊,也没什么档案好查。

Now, those do exist,exist: 存在现在,你虽然有这些条件,but they're hard to come by. come by: 得到但这些还差得远。

What really grabbed our attention, though,grab:攫取 attention: 注意力而真正吸引我们注意的是is how you managed to kill a criminal we were about to take out.manage: 设法 criminal: 罪犯你设法杀死了一个,我们正打算弄出去的犯人。

-Alex: Aah! Ow!啊! 哇!-Michael: His name was Kyle, by the way.顺便告诉你,他叫Kyle。

He was part of a smuggling ring. part: 成员 smuggling: 走私他是一个走私集团的成员。

Stand and your wrist breaks. wrist: 手腕 break: 折断(骨头等)你要起身的话,你的手腕就断了。

-Alex: I didn't kill no one! 我没杀任何人。

It was Ronnie!是Ronnie干的!-Michael: Your boyfriend's body was found next to his apartment, apartment: 公寓你男朋友的尸体已经在他公寓旁被发现了,dead from an overdose.overdose: 服药过量死于嗑药过量。

No one showed up to his funeral, either.show up: 露面 funeral: 葬礼而且没人去参加他的葬礼。

Your life is over, Alex.你的生命已经结束,Alex。

I'm here to offer you a new one. offer: 提供我现在是给你一个重生的机会,But you have to be willing to earn it.earn: 获得但你必须愿意去获得这个机会。

-Alex: What do I gotta do? gotta: 必须(等于have got to)我要去做什么?-Michael: Learn.学习。

How not to sound like a teen meth whore, for starters.sound: 听起来 teen: 青少年 whore: 娼妓先学会不要说话像个爱嗑药的小婊子,Learn to stand up straight. straight: 笔直的学习站直了,Learn how to walk right. 学习如何正确的走路,Learn how to talk right. 学习如何得体的说话,Learn how to serve your country...serve: 服务 country: 国家学习如果为你的国家效力...instead of just yourself. instead: 不是而是而不是只为自己。

-Man: Chica.chica: 【小妞】[A name for a girl, preferably an extremely hot girl, that you find pride in justknowing her-from urban dictionary]小妞,You.你过来。

Como te llamas?你叫什么名字?-Nikita: Nikita.我叫Nikita。

-Man: Nikita.Nikita啊,Never seen you before, Nikita. 以前没见过你嘛 Nikita。

Who brought you here? 是什么风把你吹来的?-Nikita: Elena. Yelena? Elena,还是叫Yelena?She said there was a cool party, 她说这儿有个很棒的派对,So, uh, here I am.所以,呃,我就来了。

-Man: Venga.venga: 派对来吧,Come.过来。

Have a drink.喝一杯。

-Nikita: I was kinda hoping to stay dry.kinda: 有一点我不太想下水,Why don't we go to the bar? bar: 酒吧我们去酒吧好吗?-Man: As you say, this is a cool party.如你所说,这是个很棒的派对。

If you want to stay,如果你想呆在这儿,you're going to have to get...wet.你就得... "湿"身。

That wasn't so bad, was it? 没那么糟糕是吧?-Nikita: I would have preferred the bar.prefer: 偏爱我宁可去酒吧,It's just that只是因为,this is going to make taking your bodyguard out so much harder. bodyguard: 保镖要在这里干掉你的保镖麻烦多了。

-Man: Como?为什么?-Nikita: Target is down! I need extraction at the service entrance. 目标解决掉了! 我需要从服务通道撤退。

-Michael: Negative.negative: 拒绝不行。

Extraction impossible. extraction: 抽出 impossible: 不可能的你逃不出去。

-Nikita: What?什么?-Michael: You always had trouble listening, didn't you? trouble: 困难你的听力一向不好,是么?-Nikita: Michael! Please, I need to get out of here. Michael! 拜托,我要离开这里。
